Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SEO: Optimizacin en motores de busqueda" |
"Aprende a posicionar tu sitio web en los principales motores de bsqueda para mejorar el desempeo orgnico de tu iniciativa.ElSEO es uno de los canales con mayor intencin de compra y a largo plazo brinda trafico orgnico y de calidad a tu sitio web. En este curso vas a lograr entender cuales son los conceptos ms importantes ycmo aplicarlos para optimizar tu sitio web para estos buscadores. Recuerda que tu enfoque debe ser siempre crear contenido para las personas y no los buscadores. Te ayudaremos con esto y mucho ms para que tu pgina este en la delantera gracias al conocimiento demejores prcticas, estrategias y herramientas"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SEM: Marketing en motores de bsqueda" |
"El SEM o Search Engine Marketing por sus cifras en ingls, es una forma de marketing digital enfocada en dirigir trfico a una pgina web a travs de anuncios pagados en buscadores en lnea como Google y Bing.En este mdulo vas a:Conocer las oportunidades y beneficios del SEMDiferenciar entre red de bsqueda y red de displayPaso a paso para crear y utilizar tu cuenta de Google AdwordsMostrar anuncios relevantes a usuarios en el momento y lugar oportunoConoce los principales conceptos, herramientas y estrategias para promocionar tu producto o servicio digital exitosamente en buscadores como Google y Bing"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Manejo de comunidades digitales a travs de Redes Sociales" |
"Utiliza tu comunidad para el beneficio de tuempresa, marca o idea.Aprende a manejar tus comunidadesen-lneay a aprovechar las redes sociales para hacerlas crecer. Conoce las distintas plataformas, mtricas para medir, estrategias y ms.Mucha gente empieza a crear cuentas de sus negocios o ideas en todas las redes sociales sin ninguna estrategia definida. Este curso de Ascenso te ayudara primero a identificar donde se encuentra tu comunidad antes de queescojaslas redes sociales donde establecers presencia.SI ya tienes redes sociales te mostramoscomo expandir tu comunidad y las mejores practicas para que mejores tuinteracciny crees un vinculo indestructible con tus seguidores para convertirlos en clientes o cualquiera que sea tu objetivo final"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Promocin en Redes Sociales" |
"Crece rpido tucomunidad para el beneficio de tuempresa, marca o idea.Aprovechalas redes sociales para hacercrecer tu comunidad y llevarle tu mensaje promocionado a esos potenciales clientes. Conoce las distintas plataformas, mtricas para medir, estrategias y ms.Mucha gente empieza a crear cuentas de sus negocios o ideas en todas las redes sociales sin ninguna estrategia definida. Este curso de Ascenso te ayudara primero a identificar donde se encuentra tu comunidad antes de queescojaslas redes sociales donde establecers presencia. Luego te mostrar la estrategia idea para promocionar tu producto o idea utilizando publicaciones pagas utilizando los distintos productos que ofrecen las redes socialesSI ya tienes redes sociales te mostramoscomo expandir tu comunidad y las mejores practicas para que mejores tuinteracciny crees un vinculo indestructible con tus seguidores para convertirlos en clientes o cualquiera que sea tu objetivo final"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como Instalar seu Prprio Sistema SAP para Estudos em 30 min" |
"Aprenda a instalar sua prpria verso Trial do SAP, passo-a-passo, com Gabriel Santos.Muito conhecido como ""Mini SAP"", o sistema de estudos da SAP nunca foi fcil de instalar. No entanto, com o crescimento dos sistemas comerciais da SAPem escala de complexidade, isto se tornou ainda mais difcil.Este curso um guia passo-a-passo mostrando como instalar o SAPNetweaver Application Server ABAP7.50, verso Trial, utilizando uma plataforma Linux (pois a SAP no libera mais o SAPTrial para Windows).Voc ir aprender:Criar uma mquina virtual (VM) utilizando o Oracle VirtualBox.Como fazer o download do sistema operacional (Linux) para instalar seu sistema SAP.Qual verso do SAPbaixar, e onde.Como iniciar a instalao do SAP.Como instalar o SAPGui."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Seja uma Me F*#DA!" |
"Pense com calma nas seguintes colocaes: Algumas mes tentam sempre mostrar fora, mesmo que por dentro estejam destrudas. No fundo, acham que se tornam pssimas mes por demonstrarem fraqueza. Existem mes que sentem dificuldade extrema em delegar atividades para seus maridos. Com isso, sofrem uma sobrecarga desnecessria de trabalho. Algumas mes sentem-se culpadas caso tenham que tomar decises em favor do marido, e em detrimento dos filhos. Certas mulheres viraram seu foco total para os filhos ao nascerem, e nunca mais conseguiram volt-lo para os seus maridos. Muitas mes encontram na internet um combustvel para uma insatisfao negativa progressiva permanente. Existem mes que, por terem sofrido muito durante a gestao ou primeiros anos da criana, tendem a ser hostis com outras mes. Esse comportamento atinge voc? Algumas pessoas no tem positividade, nem otimismo. S veem problemas onde muitas vezes existem grandes oportunidades de aprendizado. Vrios ""problemas"" na maternidade so situaes nas quais nenhuma soluo satisfatria. So encruzilhadas que desafiam todos que tentam criar regras para decidir o que certo e o que errado. Voc j se pegou numa dessas encruzilhadas? Vrias mulheres se cobram por no aproveitarem cada momento com seus filhos. A presso para no sentir-se insatisfeita com relao a maternidade pesa muito para voc. Se voc se identificou com algumas (ou vrias) delas provvel que voc sinta necessidade de mudar algo em sua vida. E se isso for verdade, que timo, porque voc veio ao lugar certo.Com base na experincia que adquiri falando sobre paternidade (e maternidade) tanto nas redes sociais, quanto em palestras, desenvolvi 5 pilares que vo te ajudar a resolver os problemas detalhados acima."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course: Creating your first SAP ABAP Program in 30 min" |
"Life goes fast. So is your free time. That's why Icreated these series of 30-minute lifechanging courses. All you need to know, all that matters, in just 30 minutes.SAP ABAPis the popular enterprise programming language developed by SAP and used by the biggest organisations in the world to run their business systems.In this SAP ABAP video training course, Iwill introduce you to the fundamental skills needed to understand SAP ABAP programming and start creating your own ABAP programs.Together, we're gonna walk through:SAPSystem OverivewABAPEditorData DictionaryData DeclarationsParametersData SelectionsConditional StatementsLoop StatementsWrite StatementsBy the end of the course, you will have developed your very first ABAPProgram."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course: SAP ABAP Debugging in 30 min" |
"Debuggingis the process of finding and resolving defects or problems within a computer program that prevent correct operation of computer software or a system.Through debugging, we can analyze a program, understand the flow logic and most importantly, find out the root cause to any issue. Although Debugging is the obvious task of an ABAP consultant, the debugging knowledge would be of great help to functional consultants. It will save their time for analysis and issue resolution, reduce over-dependence of ABAP team, help in effort estimation, among several others.In this course, Iwill guide you through: 1. What exactly are programs in SAP ABAP.2. How to initiate the Debugging tool.3. How to setup Breakpoints, Watchpoints, etc.4. How to use the system's variables, such as SY-SUBRC, SY-TABIX, etc.4. General tips.If you're a SAPFunctional Consultant, or even and ABAPconsultant looking for expanding your Debugging knowledge, join me in this quick and valuable course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP Debugging p/ no-programadores" |
"Debugging o processo de encontrar e resolver defeitos ou problemas dentro de um programa de computador que impedem a operao correta do software ou de um sistema. Atravs do Debug, podemos analisar um programa, entender o fluxo de lgica e, mais importante, descobrir a causa raiz de qualquer problema. Embora a depurao seja a tarefa bvia de um consultor ABAP, o conhecimento de depurao de grande ajuda para os consultores funcionais. Isso economizar tempo para anlise e resoluo de problemas, reduzir a dependncia excessiva da equipe ABAP, ajudar na estimativa de esforo, entre vrios outros. Neste curso, vou gui-lo em: 1. O que exatamente so programas no SAP ABAP. 2. Como iniciar a ferramenta de depurao. 3. Como configurar Breakpoints, Watchpoints, etc. 4. Como usar as variveis do sistema, como SY-SUBRC, SY-TABIX, etc. 4. Dicas gerais. Se voc um Consultor Funcional ou at mesmo um consultor da ABAP procurando expandir seus conhecimentos de Depurao, junte-se a mim neste curso rpido e valioso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Formao ERP SAP Expert (com ABAP)" |
"Junte-se a centenas de profissionais que esto mudando de vida investindo numa carreira slida trabalhando com SAP.SAP o sistema de gesto empresarial mais popular e utilizado no mundo. Atualmente, as maiores organizaes utilizam-no para administrar suas empresas.Esse curso introdutrio foi criado para Iniciantes no mundo SAP, e ir ensinar as tarefas e processos bsicos no sistema SAP, bem como assuntos avanados como introduo a desenvolvimento ABAPe DEBUG. Depois de completar este treinamento, voc poder trabalhar confortavelmente com a maioria das funes utilizadas no SAP, e estar muito melhor preparado para encarar desafios neste mundo ERP.Eu vou te apresentar aos skills fundamentais e necessrios para entender como o Sistema SAP funciona. Neste curso, voc ir:Aprenda as tarefas e processos bsicos do SAP com claras demonstraes em video.Aprenda a navegar, procurar por informaes e solicitar ajuda.Entenda como executar relatrios, e export-los para planilhas em Excel.Voc ter uma viso geral sobre todos os principais mdulos do SAP.Aprenda como customizar sua Interface de usurio de acordo com as suas necessidades.Trabalhe com Dados Mestre e Transaes Standard.Aplique dicas incrveis, como pr-popular campos no SAP para economizar tempo nas atividades.Trabalhe com diferentes layouts de relatrios.Entenda para que servem cones comuns no SAP.Trabalhe com multiplas sesses.Customize o seu layout local, e crie atalhos para seu desktop.Identifique estruturas e processos referentes a contabilidade do SAP.Identifique a estrutura organizacional das reas da empresa, como custos, contabilidade, controladoria, etc.Como instalar seu prprio sistema SAP para estudos.Como desenvolver seu primeiro programa em ABAPdo zero.Data Dictionary, Tela de seleo, Parmetros, Selees em Tabelas, Laos de RepetioComo iniciar a ferramenta de DEBUG.Como configurar Break-points, Watchpoints.Como utilizar variveis de sistemas como SY-SUBRC, SY-TABIX, etc.Como entrar no Mercado SAP sem investir R$1 real.Como criar um excelente Currculo para o mundo SAP.Como ter um perfil de LinkedIn atraente.Voc aprender me assistindo, enquanto realmente fao as operaes que vou ensinando, e explico passo--passo como usar, navegar e operar o sistema.O treinamento explica o SAP de baixo at em cima, comeando com o bsico do bsico, garantindo que voc tenha uma viso clara de como utilizar o SAP dentro de uma companhia.Voc lentamente aprende os aspectos chaves do sistema, e introduzido Interface Grfica do SAP, cobrindo tpicos como: ""configurando transaes favoritas, executando transaes diretamente da barra de comandos e salvando seu prprio layout de tela para utilizao futura""Este curso no somente te d um overview sobre como o SAP trabalha, mas entregue de tal maneira que qualquer pessoa que engajar-senele no ter nenhum tipo de problema para entender todos os tpicos apresentados.Este curso torna fcil o aprendizado do SAP, voc estar executando transaes e analisando dados mais rapidamente do que imagina.Para no cansar voc com um monte de teoria, esse curso foca no ensinamento a partir de exemplos prticos, colocando a mo na massa. Ele est cheio de atividades passo--passo, garantindo que voc j consiga utilizar o SAP desde o primeiro dia.Voc pode ser um Novo Usurio de SAP, um Analista de Negcios, um Gerente de Projetos, ou Executivo de Vendas, ou simplesmente interessado em migrar sua carreira para o incrvel mundo SAP, este treinamento foi criado para ser o seu ponta p inicial."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda SAP ABAP em 30 min" |
"A vida passa rpido, assim como seu tempo livre. Por isso eu criei este curso de aproximadamente 30 min. Tudo o que voc precisa saber, tudo o que importa, em 30 minutos.SAPABAP a linguagem de programao desenvolvida pela SAP e utilizando dentro do SAP, pelas maiores empresas no mundo dos negcios atualmente.Neste curso, irei guiar voc pelos skills fundamentais necessrios para entender a programao SAPABAPe criar o seu primeiro programa em ABAP.Juntos, iremos estudar:Introduo ao Sistema SAPABAPEditorDicionrio de DadosDeclarao de DadosParametros de TelaSeleo de DadosLgicas condicionaisLaos de Repetio (loops)Comandos de impresso na telaAo final do curso, voc ter criado seu primeiro programa em SAPABAP."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Gephi |
"Gephi 86 216"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Structured Story Telling via PowerPoint" |
"Understand the importance of written communications vis--vis other essential consulting skillLearn core slide writing techniques to answer key questions and structure argumentsDevelop a structured storyline to craft effective slides and present in a compelling fashionApply Minto Pyramid principleLearn basic components of a good presentationUtilize the CAR presentation structurePractise structured decompositionDevelop key presentation skills utilized by successful consultants!Understand why effective written communications is a core skills for any consultant seeking to build long term client relationsApply fundamental slide writing skills through real life case examplesLearn from the successes and mistakes of seasoned consultants with the helpful summary of best practices and common pitfallsOverviewIn particular, this course will be interesting to those who will like to better understand how consultants hone their critical presentation skills.The course is created based on academic theories, tried and tested techniques as well as proprietary content sourced from actual consulting projects.Course participants are strongly encouraged to utilized what they have leant from this course towards their daily work or school projects as this is the best way to learn!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Problem solving & Introduction to strategy" |
"Learn how to develop business strategies and solve problems in a structured manner like strategy consultants wouldBuild a strong understanding of key strategy and problem solving concepts, techniques and frameworksCorporate vs. Business-unit level strategic plansCommon strategy frameworks and their applications e.g. Porters, game theory, 2x2 matrixInductive vs. deductive approaches to problem solvingProblem solving tools and frameworks e.g. issues tree analysis, fishbone diagram analysis, pareto analysisStrategy and problem solving in the modern business worldThe course provides an overview of the business strategy formulation process and structured problem solving.Content and OverviewFor each of business strategy and problem solving topics, the course first introduces the process, followed by key frameworks and examples of each.The course is designed using practical examples to illustrate the frameworks and concepts, giving the participants an appreciation of how this can be applied in real life.At the end of the course, participants would have gained an understanding of the right way to approach strategy and business problems in a structured manner."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hadoop Administration: Online Hadoop Admin Training" |
"The course Hadoop Administrationfrom Inflametech provides with all the skills in order to successful work as a Hadoop Administrator and also providesexpertise in all the steps necessary tomanage aHadoop cluster.This course on Hadoop Administration will make you expert in working with Hadoop clusters and deploy that knowledge on real world projects. In this course youll learn:How to Plan and Deploy a Hadoop Cluster How to load Data and Run Applications Configuration of a Hadoop Cluster Performance Tuning of Hadoop Cluster How to Manage Hadoop Cluster Maintaining a Hadoop Cluster Monitoring a Hadoop Cluster Troubleshooting a Hadoop Cluster Understanding Hadoop Administration is a highly valuable skill for anyone working at companies with Hadoop Clusters to store and process data.Almost every large company you might want to work at uses Hadoop in some way, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Ebay, LinkedIn, IBM, Spotify, Twitter, and Yahoo! And it's not just technology companies that need Hadoop; even the New York Times uses Hadoop for processing images. And Now you can understand if the companies are using Hadoop for storing, analyzing and processing data then there will be a requirement for Hadoop Administrator.Our Course Hadoop Administration: Online Hadoop Admin Training have 5 Hours of VIDEO. It's filled with hands-on activities, so you get some real experience in CREATING AND MANAGING Hadoop CLUSTER- it's not just theory.You'll walk away from this course with a real, deep understanding of Hadoop Administration, and you can apply this to manage, monitor and troubleshoot Hadoop cluster. Plus a valuable completion certificate is waiting for you at the end! Please note the focus on this course is on Hadoop administration not on Application development. Although you will pick up some basic hadoop skills along the way.Knowing how to wrangle with ""managing Hadoop Cluster"" is an incredibly valuable skill for today's top tech employers. Don't be left behind - enroll now!Excellent course by Inflame Tech. Really appreciate their work in defining the course content and also knowledgeable session on the course content.--SurbhiI am glad to have such a great course on Udemy. Full marks to the instructor!!--Catherine Marin"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Course on Java and Object Oriented Programming" |
"Comprehensive Course on Java and Object Oriented Programming is designed for students and professionals who want to be a Java Developer. Handy approach of learning has been followed keeping in mind the end goal to give a real time experience. This course will cover not only the basic concepts but also the advanced concepts like Method Overloading & Overriding, Constructor, Inheritance, Interface, Database connectivity, etc.This course starts from fundamental concepts assuming that you don't have any prior knowledge about Java and is designed to cover advanced topics like Collections, Threading, Databases and more. Prior exposure to object-oriented programming concepts is not required, but definitely beneficial."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn MariaDB : A Beginner to Advanced Guide" |
"This course provides basic and advanced concepts of MariaDB. This course is designed for beginners and professionals both.MariaDB is a community based project of the MySQL relational database management system. It is open source and relational database technology. It is a great replacement of MySQL.This course includes all topics of MariaDB such as what is mariadb, features, installation, heidisql, syntax, datatypes, connection, Datatabase, create database, select database, tables, crud operation, insert, limit, update, delete, statement, clauses, operators, aggregate function, sum, avg, MariaDB conditions, MariaDB join etc.This course targets novice developers and those new to MariaDB. It guides them in understanding basic through more advanced concepts in MariaDB. After completing this course, your firm foundation in MariaDB and level of expertise will allow you to begin developing and easily build on your knowledge. The course assumes your familiarity with relational database management systems, querying languages, MySQL, and general programming. It also assumes familiarity with typical database operations in an application."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Double your business - Marketing blueprint/pricing strategy" |
"I m challenging you to double your sales, no matter what business you own.Are you up for it? If so, you wont go at it alone.I have a marketing strategy that candouble leads, double sales and double profit.I will show you the biggest marketing secret that a marketing plan cannot be without.You can create your own in an afternoon with this step-by-step market researchguide.You will exactly know who are your ideal customers, and how to create the perfect marketing message.You will position your business to articulate your main benefits to your targeted customers, and set you apart from your competitor.You just have to answer 4 simple question and you will got the formula.I will show you an easy sales funnelthat can double your sales, if you integrate in your business.Copy and paste and use it with your products.I will teach you one simple trick what you can use in your ads to get more visible and double your leads.This is a working formula that you can use over and over.And we will talk about how to make the customer spend more that they originally wanted to.You just have to integrate this one simple step in thepath to purchase.Everybody who sells something, needs marketing. But not everybody knows how to do it. This course will teach you a basic marketing plan and every important elements of it. It's a step-by-step marketing strategy that can be implemented in any business - simple as a child can do it.*Note that it's not a presentation of how to use marketing software or how to build a website. I am talking about the marketing fundamentals, pricing strategy and advertisement content writing. You can use your own website builder and autoresponder and build thisknowledge in your business.People who took this course say:""Great information to get started in marketing your business and understanding your audience and how to reach them. The visual presentation is good and engaging, with lots of helpful information presented in easy-to-understand terms. - Earl Peters""""I liked this course because the instructor goes straight to the point when explaining the strategies to help me grow my business. I particularly found interesting the section on ads with its tips on what works and what doesn't, and I'll use these tips for promoting my business. - Nadia G""Hi Krisztina, thank you for taking the time to put together this excellent course on marketing. It is definitely a 10 star course. Easily the best marketing course around. I would and will recommend it to anyone to obtain strategies on marketing. If you are interested would you like to be one of my marketing consultants as I am looking to start a company. Many thanks Adam -Adam Green""""Excellent tutorial to understand and leverage the best practices in marketing. The course is very practical and the instructor goes straight to the point. - Shaif Khan""""Very detailed yet easy to follow & understand. Great information that will help me as a person that is new in this field. - Mina"""" I have learned a lot of marketing strategies for my products thanks to the teacher -Daniel Arturo Salinas Verduzco""""Krisztina has done such a remarkable job with this course, it's amazing what people can give for free. This course is a 'must' for beginners in the small business industry. It cut's off a lot of busy work to a more result-oriented approach. You'd have no idea the things you do that are just a waste of time. Kristina does a great job at helping you to avoid wasting your very precious time and energy as a small business owner to the real core of marketing. Thank you Krisztina! -Victor C. Onochie"""
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Set Up Your Autoresponder Email Marketing Campaign UPDATED" |
"Autoresponder? Email campaigns? Sales Funnel? Sounds scary? I will help you master them all. And it will be super easy and super fun.Committing to your business goals doesn't just mean addig more ever-growing to do list. It means working on the right parts of your business, the one that you like, the one that really needs you.Imagine that you just have to do your favorite marketing tasks, creating exciting campaigns, do creatives, create content - everything you like - and you can forget about lead generation, conversion, measuring, sending emails, writing responses.The key to creating time for these jobs is one thing: AutoresponderCreate your automated email marketingcampaign - copy and paste these pre-written emailsSend the right offer to the right people - use the exact same system as marketing gurus useDelegate tasks that your autoresponder handles and you don't have to be thereSet up your autoresponder injust a fewminutesCan you imagine selling your product even while you are eating, sleeping or taking a vacation in an exotic place?Create Auto Email Marketing Campaigns From ScratchAutomation is important, because it lets you handle repetitive tasks without wasting any time.Autoresponders can:Respond to incoming leads and requestsGenerate recurring revenue and follow upTriggerpersonalized conversations with thousands of contactsLearn with this highestrated course!You only have to have a website, and a product (or service) you sell, I help you turn them to a Selling Machine. The techniques shown in this course made in AWeber, but can be applied to any other autoresponder email service provider.Follow up people who didn't take your offer. Send different campaigns for those who already bought your product. With a simple 2 steps strategy. Just follow these pre-made emailcampaigns and create your own step-by-step.This course is all about automated emails and campaigns. I will show you how to set up your listand automated messages, and show you emails how to put it together thatworked for several marketing agency and campaigns. You just have to copy and paste them,and start selling!However the course shows different email marketingcampaigns and what to send your list EXACTLY, I show the examples in Aweber. If you have different autoresponder program, just fill out the blanks and integrate it into your system. They work pretty similar.This is not a ""Get rich fast"" formula. It requires work, and some time to perfect your AutoresponderSelling Machine. But if you have at least one single product, or service and a website, you can do it.People who took the course said:Viv Van Der Holst:Good course, concise and to the point with good slides to give a visual of the concepts being taught.Isah Usman: Fantastic! Thank You So much for creating this course. I must admit you really know what its called internet marketing. Very well organized!!Earl Peters: Very helpful and informative. It provided a good combination of the ""Why"" with the ""How"" that made it easy to understand and follow. Very nicely done!Salma Tahir:Excellent course. Don't miss the chance of getting something valuable from her. By far the best guide on sales funnelJames Hurst: There is some good content here."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Marketing Funnel - From Planning To Execution" |
"This course will walk you through the steps you need to do before you launch any business or new product without breaking the bank and spend thousands of dollars on it. From market research to retargeting.BONUS: 3 FREE mini-courses in the resources1 downloadable pdf17 articles and resourcesEverything You Need For A Successful Marketing FunnelMarket ResearchPositioningSales FunnelsLanding PagesAutorespondersEmail marketingNEW: Build a home pageNEW: Lead GenerationNEW: Campaign templateEverything you need for your online businessThis is a blueprint of a high conversion marketing funnel for marketers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Who don't have a large marketing budget, and a marketing team with experts.Entrepreneurs and sole business owners who do everything in their company, and they want to do more effective marketing, and increase profit.Get your strategies together and dominate the market. This course will show you the exact techniques and strategies successful marketers use and you need to build an effective marketing funnel that will attract your target customers and convert them into buyers.We will do a quick market research and find out the demand, Then find your ideal customer, who will be the role of your buyer persona. After this, you will create your marketing message, and position yourself above your competitors.You will then create your products and make a sales funnel, so you can generate more profit from a single lead. Then I will show you how to write your website's home page, how to write your landing pages for these products, and put it all together with an automated email campaign funnel, to sell your list immediately.I am a marketing strategist and full-time blogger. I helped several business owners start their company or grow their business. From small businesses to hundreds of employees companies. And I found a way to implement the big companies marketing strategy to the small businesses to gain the same success but for a minimal investment. This is what I will show you in this ""Marketing Funnel"" course.After completing this course:You will have an efficient way of generating sales and getting new customers.You will grow your business Build a sales funnel that double your profitYou will understand how to create a successful marketing plan You will know how to reach your business goals in a smart way. You will understand your consumers and serve them betterWhat others say about the course:Dmitry Volov:This course is, pretty much, all you need to get started creating a sales funnel of your own. Detailed explanation, no fluff, very practical!Earl Peters:The course is very informative and provides a great overview without getting lost in the weeds. The instructor does a nice job of presenting the information in a way that is memorable and easy to follow.Jonathan Weinberger:Krisztina really knows her stuff! This is an excellent course. Very thorough on the explanations and everything is straight and to the point. Looking forward to the rest of the course!Roshan Seebaluck:The course is granular and delves in details on marketing funnel.. a must for deserves a 5 star rating"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Create Truly Effortless Email Marketing Campaigns" |
"Smart marketers know that when executed properly, there is no faster, easier or more cost-effective way to generate sales than email marketing.But how do you do it the right way?Fortunately that's exactly what you are about to learn:Make sure that your email is delivered to your prospect's inboxHow do you get your emails opened?Which goals and metrics should you track to measure email marketing success?10 tricks to write a good subject lineThe perfect welcome email and campaignAutomate the entire processMaster every important elements of a successful email marketing and do it yourself!After watching this course, you will know what to do to getyour email is not only getdelivered, but also generate real opens and clicks, engagement,and most importantly: sales with your subscribers.Note: This course is mostly slide based, with some screen-cast lecture.This course is not technical (how to set up your autoresponder, or email marketing software). This is all about email marketing and campaign creation. You have to build it in your own business and use the software of your choice."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook ChatBot Marketing: The Smart Way To Use ManyChat" |
"Updated in 1/2019.Messenger bots aren't the future. They are RIGHT NOW. Don't wait till it's too late to figure out how can YOU benefit from them.Are younew with creating a Chatbot? Looking to increase your confidence and knowledge around creatinga well working Manychat bot?Or just want to learn a new marketing tool? Generate more leads, engagecustomers, and build your relationship with them?This coursewill get you on the fast track withlearning some amazing chatbot tactics and strategies that will give you an easy ROI!Messenger bot setupwith step by step instructionsFind out how to structure your chatbot to reachyour goalsThe way I have created my Manychat sales funnel (and it works)Campaign strategies and blueprints for different business modelsExamples of re-engagingchatbotsubscribersThe best way to increase social proofCollect email address or other personal information inside the botWhat is a Facebook messenger Chatbot?What if you would have a super loyal employee who works 24/7 12 AM to 12 PM (also on holidays), never complain, and do exactly what you tell them to do? Who hardly ever makes mistakes, never forgets important things, and works 100% effective all the time? Can handle hundreds of customers at the same time? The best thing is he doesnt ask for salary.Sounds good?A chatbot can help you make automated conversations with your customers who are on Facebook (about 2 billion people).You probably ask: Does it work in my market? Of course! I will show you real chatbotblueprints that work for different industries.Start your ManyChat Messenger Marketing now, while the competition is not too big. Because it's a new method, very small percentage of businesses use it. A year from now every brand will take advantage on chatbot marketing, so you can be a step ahead your competitor if you start using it and using it right.By the end of this course, you'll have a finished Manychat chatbot campaign that will develop and build a relationship with your potential customers and ultimately convert leads into fans and customers.It doesn't matter if you have followers, or just start to build them. It doesn't matter what you sell, or how long you are in the business. If you want more open rates, fast ROI and more engagement, a chatbotis the answer!Learn how to:Install ManychatCreate a Facebook messenger botSend automated sequencesSend out a broadcastUse different growth toolsBuildflows and messagesBlueprintsSequence examplesChatbot sales funnelManychat Tips and tricksWhat can you do with a chatbot?Deliver your contentHelp your followers find the most relevant contentEngage participants during eventGenerate high-quality sales leadsRe-engage potential customersReach your target audience one-to-oneProvide speedy customer supportNOTE:I update this course on a regular basis as there are morefeatures come out with ManyChat, as I have new blueprints to show, or learned a cool chatbottrick - I will share them with you.What others say about this course?Ricardo Figueroa:This course really helped me understand how Manychat works and create an entire funnel for my customers. I really recommend this course if you want to learn the basics on how to use messenger chatbots and run campaignsKyle Robins:Even after using chatbots for 6 months this is a good strong overview that covers things I even missed when originally setting my bots up.AJ:Straight to the point, so far it's great and giving me exactly what I needBlaine Hadlock: Krisztina did a nice job of working through most of the main functions of ManyChat. She's knowledgeable, has real world experience, and excellent presentation skills. I had several important takeaways form her lessons. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone wanting a workable understanding of ManyChat.----------------------------------Edit history:----------------------------------January 2019: More strategiesJuly 29. 2018: I added a lecture how to collect email address or other personal information inside the bot with custom fieldsJune 14. 2018: I added a chatbot blueprint for restaurant businessesJune 3.2018: Added 3new lectures: split testing (demonstratingon my example), Retargeting subscribers, and 2blueprints, onefor personal trainers, and one for online coaches.May 27. 2018: I added 1new lecture tothe basic chatbot building (Tagging) and 3 blueprints how canyouuse your chatbot in any business modelMay 14. 2018: Added 1new lectureto basic chatbot building (User Input)April 23. 2018: Changed a lecture (My Manychat sales funnel) I had this few months old welcome message case study where I demonstrated how to structure the perfect sales funnel with your chatbot. As I learnt more in my own business, and experienced more with ManyChat, I changed my entire chatbot sales funnel, and when the data showed it works, I recorded it to show you the strategy.March 19. 2018: I added 2 lectures to the introduction (How can a chatbot help in your business and 4 other ways you can use a chatbot in any type of business model).February 14. 2018:Added a new lecture (flow builder) as a new Manychat feature"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Full body workout for women - shrink problem areas" |
"This workout is dedicated to shrink problem areas, and lose inches.No matter if you are struggling from low butt, hanging arms, lower ab fat, or big thighs. This workout will bring you in shape!Can be done at home, even in a small room. No equipment needed, but you can make it harder by wearing ankle and/or wrist weights.The special push-pull moves ensure shrinking the area, make the musclesstrong and tight.Get rid of the lower ab fat, the hanging arms and muffin tops!Do it every day, or 2-3 times a week to get the most results."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Subscribers To Raving Fans: The customer journey blueprint" |
"You have probably heard about the Marketing Mix and that you have to be on different marketing channels to grow your business.But have ever somebody told you how these marketing channels work together?How to choose your Marketing Mix and how to put together the pieces for a perfect sales funnel?In this on-demand training, youll go throughthe EXACT same 5-step marketing processwe use at Marketing6pack.And youre NOTgoing to do it alone.This is a complete strategy that will walk your prospect from:capturing them as leads, building trust, entertain them, engage, and sellThis course doesn't cover basic marketing tools like market research, positioning, pricing, or advertising hacks.We start from selecting your marketing channels, and make them work together to grow your business and profit.I will cover:Your blog as a marketing tool and how can you use itFacebook marketing and how to dramatically grow your fan-baseMessenger marketing and how to get more engagementEmail marketing hacks and a sequence"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Hacks: How To Be Different Than Your Competitors" |
"Make your marketing shinier and bolder make it stand out from the crowd!Are you doing your own marketing, and feel that youre not getting anywhere? That you have average results, boring campaigns, and you don't know where to begin with even daily tasks?And it will get worse: soon you will run out of ideas, and your campaigns will be the same, make you look like you are a pest. Instead of being a pest, be a welcome guest!This is the right course for you with marketing secrets to make it easier and more successful.In this course I will talk about marketing hacks - one individual tip at a time. You can build them into your current system.The strategies are especially for entrepreneurs or sole-operator businesses. They are different than the ones that big companies use, and they work differently. You will get ideas that will boost your small business!What will we cover?Write your marketing plan in an eveningMake your offer more irresistibleFind out how well your marketing effort worksLearn where you can grow your companyWrite a sales letter that sellsUnique campaign ideas that make you differentand more36 real-world examples help you understand the strategies, with tips how can you make them work in your own industry.If you want to look at marketing a little differently, if you want some inside tips that only my private clients get, enroll now and start polishing your marketing skills!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Essential Security For Your WordPress Website 2019" |
"In this course, you will learn a few simple security measures you can take to protect your WordPress site from attackers.WordPress is awesome at keeping malicious threats at bay, but you want to take a few extra precautions to make sure your site will stand up to any attack.An attack can also come from mistake.A number of things could cause your entire Wordpress site to go down. You could have installed a plugin that conflicted with some other code on your site, or a custom css line could have caused your site to be unattainable.I'll show you how to backup your site so you'll always have a copy that you can restore from.You put a lot of hard work into your site. Keep your WordPress sitesafe by using the methods taught in this course to safeguard it against attacks and code errors."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete AWS Solutions Architect - Associate Course" |
"This a truly an age of Cloud Computing, and needless to say, AWS is the leader in this industry. It is way ahead of its competitors like Microsoft and Google in terms of innovation. More and more companies, whether small-to-medium enterprises, or big corporations like GE and Netflix are harnessing the power of this truly great platform. This means that there is and will be a huge demand of AWS professionals, including Solutions Architects, who can very well guide clients and organizations through all phases of deployment of the entire infrastructure on AWS platform. As an experienced AWS Solutions Architects, I have found that there is a huge gap between the skills required and employers expectations. There are a lot of courses in the marketplace that will guarantee you passing of the certificate examinations, but never let you know what youre going to do afterwards. Apart from looking for certified professionals, employers are keenly looking for a right skill set and practical exposure, which these courses will notrender you. Hence, I have come up with this course that will cover all aspects, including giving you enough practical exposure and hands-on knowledge. Why you should go for this course? No empty promises: This course is intended to give you as much practical knowledge as I can. It all depends how much you can grasp from it. Updated content: AWS developersarevery fast in updating theirservices and features. I always make sure to update lectures and demos whenever some changes are announced. Complete questionnaire: At the end of this course, you will get access to three sets of quizzes, with 60 questions in each. These 180 questions are real time questions that will help you clear your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate examination with an excellent score. You dont need to buy a separate course to get access to these kind of practice tests, and the best part is that there is a proper explanation for each of these questions.Detailed documentation: Each section consists of some detailed documents and assignments for you to access and hone your skills. Help & guidance: Im available for you to guide you through any of your queries and problems. After you raise your question, you will be guaranteed a response within 24 hours. Livesessions: I will be hosting live sessions on monthly basis. This will give you an opportunity to interact with me and get your questions answered. Lets see in a nutshell what topics youll learn in this course: Introduction to AWS AWS Global Infrastructure Elastic Compute (EC2) Lambda Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Interface (CLI) Security Groups Classic Load Balancer Application Load Balancer Auto Scaling Identity and Access Management (IAM) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Route 53 Elastic Block Store (EBS) VolumesEBSSnapshots Simple Storage Service (S3) DatabaseCloudWatch CloudTrail OpsWorks CloudFormation Trusted Advisor Simple Queue Service (SQS) Simple Workflow Service (SWF) Simple Notification Service (SNS) Elastic Transcoder Disaster Recovery Troubleshooting You can refer to some of the recent feedbacks given by students: Juan Gongora: I'm almost halfway done through this course, and I can definitely say in good confidence, that the content supplied here is great. I took Rohan's previous course ""Learn AWS the Hard Way"" and learned a ton about cloud computing in general. So I was eager to enroll to this one when I found out he had released a Solutions Architect course. I will update this review once I have taken the exam to let you guys know how it went. But so far I can say that I am definitely enhancing my current understanding of AWS, as well as learning some new usages. Dennis John: A wonderful course. Having gone halfway through the course (and also having gone through another course by the same author), I can say, I like the way he presents the course, first explaining the theory in detail, then getting hands on and doing a demo of the feature that he explained. The author seems to have very good experience on the topic, especially when he mentions the ""gotcha"" scenarios. Looking forward to the remainder of the course. At the end, you may be thinking whether Ishould go for this course? The answer is 'Definitely Yes'. It is worth giving ita try by clicking on Buy Now option. After enrolling yourself, you can start learning by going through sections and lectures. Just in case if you dont find this course meeting your expectations, you can always ask Udemy to refund your money within 30 days of your enrollment. So what are you waiting for?Sign up today and make yourself proficient in one of the hottest and most in-demand skills in todays IT world."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate 2019" |
"In this course, you will create automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on the AWS platform. We will explore the AWS features and tools related to configuration and deployment and common techniques for configuring and deploying systems.Course ObjectivesIn this course, you will learn how to:Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS Auto Scaling from the command lineUse AWS CloudFormation to produce stacks of AWS resources that can be deployed in an automated, repeatable fashionDeploy Amazon EC2 instances using command line calls and troubleshoot common problems with instancesMonitor the health of Amazon EC2 instances and other AWS servicesManage user identity, AWS permissions, and security in the cloudManage resource consumption in an AWS account using Amazon CloudWatch, tagging, and AWS Trusted AdvisorSelect and implement the best strategy for creating reusable Amazon EC2 instancesConfigure a set of Amazon EC2 instances that launch behind a load balancer, with the system scaling up and down in response to demandThe AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam validates technical expertise in deployment, management, and operations on the AWS platform. Exam concepts you should understand for this exam include:Deploying, managing, and operating scalable, highly available, and fault-tolerant systems on AWSMigrating an existing on-premises application to AWSImplementing and controlling the flow of data to and from AWSSelecting the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirementsIdentifying appropriate use of AWS operational best practicesEstimating AWS usage costs and identifying operational cost-control mechanisms"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Architecting on AWS" |
"This course is the ultimate guide for you to learn 'Advanced Architecting on AWS' and eventually prepare you for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam, which is considered one of the toughest among all AWS certifications till date. Why become AWSCertified Solutions Architect Professional?Despite the wealth of knowledge you attain by passing the AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certification, it does not really challenge your ability to build scalable, highly available, fault tolerant, secure, automatable and repeatable solutions. However, the AWSCertified Solutions Architect Professional, on the other hand, tests these skills in depth. For anyone who has started a career in AWS, this is a must have certificate at some point in time, for the following reasons:It will deepen your understanding of various AWSservices, how they work together in resilient architectures.It will sharpen your architecting skills by leading you think from different perspectives, and consider many things in your architecture.It will also lead you to the next level in your AWSarchitect career.It will give your profile an extra edge in today's job market where there are a lot of associate level certified individuals, but there are very few people with professional level knowledge and certification both.In this course, you will build on concepts introduced inArchitecting on AWS. You will learn how to build complex solutions that incorporate data services, governance, and security on the AWS platform. You will also learn about specialized AWS services, including AWS Direct Connect and AWS Storage Gateway, that support hybrid architecture, and you will learn about best practices for building scalable, elastic, secure, and highly available applications on AWS.In this course, you will learn how to:Apply the AWS Well-Architected FrameworkManage multiple AWS accounts for your organizationConnect an on-premises datacenter to the AWS CloudDiscuss billing implications of connecting multi-region VPCsMove large data from an on-premises datacenter to AWSDesign large data stores for the AWS CloudUnderstand different architectural designs for scaling a large websiteProtect your infrastructure from distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacksSecure your data on AWS with encryptionDesign protection of data at rest and data in transitEnhance the performance of your solutionsSelect the most appropriate AWS deployment mechanism""Strongly recommended. More effective than many courses ten times the price.""Here's what some existing students had to say about my course:Binit Datta: ""This is a superb effort by Rohan! Attempting this at the heart of the AWS Cloud computing deserves kudos to the Instructor. If you want to really learn AWS deeply, this is your one stop shop.""Gustavo Tavares: "" Very Good course with with kind of details that explain some problems that experienced professional had in the past but do not became sure why. The instructor provide detailed explanations and a lot of good tips for the certification exam.""Jose Floresca Jr.: ""This course is short but very comprehensive at the same time. This is what most busy professionals can only ask for.""Anthony Wieczorek: ""I was very happy with the material. I just missed my first AWS Associate test and this class is filing in all the blanks that I was unsure of. Super happy I found it.""This is simply the best, most comprehensive and comprehensible course that will help you build on concepts you gained from CSA Associate, and eventually prepare you to pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam -- on your first try!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS Solutions Architect Professional Practice Tests 2019" |
"There is no doubt that AWS certifications are high in demand in todays job market, and especially AWS Solutions Architect certifications (both Associate and Professional level) are the most sought after credentials by Cloud Computing professionals. Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share. An AWS certified professional can easily earn over $150,000 an year.The exam blueprint, General IT and AWS knowledge are key components that you have to learn and master, in order for you to pass your exam. The 4 sets of AWS Solutions Architect Professional practice tests included in this course contains 77 questions per set, which simulates the actual exam. At the end of each set, you will also find comprehensive explanations and reference links that will further strengthen your knowledge of the AWS concepts needed to pass the exam.Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps as it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. The key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice tests are meant to do.Following are key highlights of this course:It simulates the actual, and the latest AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Exam.It consists of 4 practice tests, with 77 questions in each of them. The time duration to complete each practice test is 170 minutes.It has full and comprehensive explanations on each question.It contains a Test Report to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Are you need improvement.These practice tests focus upon following 8 exam domains:High Availability & Business ContinuityCostingDeployment ManagementNetwork DesignData StorageSecurityScalability and ElasticityCloud Migration & Hybrid Architecture Important: These AWS practice exams have a passing score of 70% but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Note that the AWS Certification exam passing score is not published by Amazon as it is set by using statistical analysis which may change without notice.Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Photography Course in Post-Processing & Editing" |
"Very clear teaching style. Comprehensive coverage of LR's controls. I feel that I can trust what this teacher is telling me. - Michael MackayEngaging instructor, well planned useful content given in a way that keeps you watching and learning. - Pamela DrummondExcellent material, great teaching style and pace. Highly recommend! - James EckerJellis is very responsive both in the course and on his social media platforms. This is my second course of his that I have purchased and I am never disappointed. Well done! - Dereck Smith_______________________________________*NOTE: This course teaches you how to work with Lightroom Classic, not Lightroom CC.Some of the bad reviews and ratings are from people who thought this course was about Lightroom CC. They got confused because it looked different than in the course, and thus they gave a bad rating.The difference between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC: Lightroom CC is the new cloud-based photo service of Adobe that works across desktop, mobile, and web. Lightroom Classic is the desktop-focused digital photography product.In many ways, Lightroom CC is more user-friendly, but it also has fewer tools at its disposal. While this course teaches you how to work with Lightroom Classic and Photoshop, you will have no problem using Lightroom CC if you know how to use all the tools in Lightroom Classic. Both versions have the same tools. Lightroom Classic simply offers more in-depth editing possibilities and tools.Therefore, Lightroom Classic is also a recommended program for a photographer to know how to use.*_______________________________________Photography is the story I fail to put into words. - Destin SparksYou are about to learn how to tell your story even better.Just like The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners, this course is focused on digging right into the true essentials of post-processing and editing. This means the techniques and skills that you will learn here, are the ones that will truly take your photos way beyond simply okay, giving them drama, impact and that wow factor. All that without countless hours of meaningless and unnecessary rambling on subjects that dont really matter. Everything that you will learn in this course are techniques and skills Ive learned from numerous other professional photographers throughout my years in the profession. Ive combined all of that information into a well-presented package that not only looks good, but is good - guaranteed.My mission here with this course is to guide you step by step, slowly but surely through the myriad of possibilities that post processing and editing offers you and your photography. And dont worry, for those who are new to Lightroom or Photoshop, there are lectures to help you understand all the necessary tools, and if you have any further questions at all at any stage, you just have to ask, I am here with you on this journey. Now, brace yourself and get ready to be blown away by just how much better your photos will start to look when using the numerous easy to advanced techniques and skills you are about to learn. Its going to be a lot of fun, so please enjoy the course!An honest review and rating is always appreciated and will help me to make any necessary improvements for the course, as well helping to get more people involved so they too can benefit from the beauty of photography. Many thanks!_________________________________The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners Not yet mastered the technical and theoretical aspects of your camera or photography? The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners, my first course, digs into the true essentials in understanding those aspects. Its a quick, yet in-depth and fun course that is highly recommended, not just by me, but by more than a hundred 5-star reviewers. Travel Photography for Beginners: Take EPIC Travel PhotosTake the knowledge you have learned in our beginners course and continue your journey with this specialization course in travel & adventure photography.In this exciting, visually stunning and engaging course, I will take you on a true adventure and teach you the many ins and outs of this most thrilling field in photography.Learn the ins and outs of how to take dramatic and epic photos that capture a feeling, what a good travel and adventure photography kit contains, how to keep yourself and your equipment safe while on the road, what to look for in a quality photography bag, essential accessories to take along, how to earn money with travel and adventure photography, the best way to back up your photos when traveling or out on an adventure, various pro tricks and tips, and so much more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |