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"The ULTIMATE Time Management & Productivity Course" |
"WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THE COURSE:""WOW!!! This is probably, no doubt, one of THE BEST courses Jellis Vaes has ever done! He made a lot of sense about how to be productive and how to get started on the goals you want to accomplish! This really helped me in a lot of ways and I can't wait to get productive and start my goals in life! Thank you Jellis Vaes for such a energizing and wonderful course! This was an awesome one and hope you make more like it!"" - Jane Courtois""The course is interesting. I was aware of only some of the techniques, software and guidelines, so I am now that more closer to being more productive :) "" - Yuriy Protsiuk ""I highly recommend this course. The material is presented in a concise fashion, and the instructor is a great & fun teacher. I love the practical nature of all the tips. You can implement them right away, and with some small changes in habits, you can completely change the way you work. I have implemented the tips and have really improved my productivity and feel so much more on top of my work now."" - Filip VH""This is a very engaging course, especially if you like to take notes. One of the highest quality courses I've taken thus far. It touches on very real things that I was not aware of, while offering solutions to each problem."" - Daniel Hensley_________________________________________________________Are you looking to become EXTREMELY PRODUCTIVE?Great. Then let me welcome you to the course: The ULTIMATE Time Management & Productivity CourseThis is the course where you will not only learn about the killers of productivity and what to do to avoid or get rid of them, you will also learn the most fundamental productivity tools and techniques, as well as a system to put it all to use namely, The Action Plan. The system of The Action Plan is designed to keep you disciplined, motivated, and to give you a clear map towards achieving your vision and your goals. This system that you are about to learn mainly directed at entrepreneurs, freelancers, those who are self-employed, or anyone else working on big projects and goals is one that I have designed and formed out of various systems from other highly successful businesspeople. What makes this course different from so many other courses on productivity is the fact that it is less focused on the theoretical and more on the practical side. Yes, indeed, this is a course that you can actually do something with. Meaning that, by the end of this course, you will know the tools, techniques, and the system that you can start using immediately to become extremely productive and to be able to start achieving your goals, projects, dreams, and the life you are trying to build. With that, let me not waste any more words here. Let us begin. The course itself will speak loudly and clearly enough of its own value.Note: The Action Plan is a highly efficient system to help you along the process of achieving your goals and dreams. Obviously, though, you still have to sit down and do the work yourself. It cant do that for you. Nothing can. Only you. Throughout the course, be sure to take notes so you can more easily review everything you have learned.Have fun becoming a productivity master,Jellis V"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Travel Photography for Beginners: Take EPIC Travel Photos" |
"WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THE COURSE:""As always Jellis presents an engaging and educational array of information that appeals to a wide range of people. I feel better prepared for my next trip and feel confident that using Jellis' knowledge will greatly improve the photos I will take. I highly recommend this course."" - Adrian Gillespie""I'm glad I found this course. Jellis is a seasoned pro and is a very passionate instructor, which makes all the difference! Thank you for this great course, Jellis!"" - Alberto Rouiller""Great class Jellis Vaes!!! I learned a lot about Travel and Adventure Photography. This will help in the near future when I want to travel to take pictures. Thank you Jellis for a wonderful course on Travel and Adventure Photography. Now I know how to take great pictures when I am traveling or going on a roadtrip to Vashon Island again. Best Instructor Ever! And again, thank you!!! :)!"" - Jane Courtois_________________________________________________________Welcome to this specialization course!I am Jellis Vaes, a professional travel and adventure photographer. At the age of 18, I left school to travel the world. What was intended to be a two-month trip ended up becoming a three-year journey around the world.During those three years, I fell in love with the world and the many beauties and adventures it held.What was at first no more than a simple tool for me to express myself and show others what I was experiencing the beauty and thrill of living in this world slowly turned into a passion and love that I have turned into my profession.As a travel and adventure photographer, I have visited more than 40 countries, worked with companies on various projects, and become a best-selling teacher. To date, I have taught a total of more than 10,000 students, and I am incredibly humbled to have shared my knowledge with them all.In this course, I want to take you on a wild adventure and show you the art of travel and adventure photography. The wonders and thrills of working in the field, various tricks and tips, how to take EPIC photographs that truly capture a feeling, handy accesories, the best camera equipment to travel with, photography backpacks, how to keep yourself, your photos, and your equipment safe, how to earn money through travel and adventure photography, and much, much more.I cannot wait to embark on this most exciting photography journey with you. I hope you are ready!JellisAn honest review and rating is always appreciated and will help me to make any necessary improvements for the course, as well helping to get more people involved so they too can benefit from the beauty of photography. Many thanks!_______Note: This is a specialization course, not a beginners course on photography.If you have no prior knowledge about the basics of photography, I suggest you check out The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners and The Ultimate Post Processing and Editing Course.The Ultimate Photography Course for Beginners teaches the fundamentals about photography, such as the exposure triangle, exposure modes, lighting, focus, composition, etc.The Ultimate Post Processing and Editing Course is an in-depth course about the other half of photography: the post-processing and editing side.You will learn how to work with Lightroom and Photoshop and how to turn your okay-looking photos into stunning photographs.This is only a suggestion to help you become a better photographer. The reviews and ratings for these two courses speak for themselves and illustrate how much value they have provided to other students."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photography Fundamentals - A Complete Walkthrough Guide" |
"Cameras can be intimidating, especially if you venture off of the AUTO mode.They don't have to be.I want to lay it all out so you can understand each of the parameters that go into making your photograph. This information is platform-neutral. It doesn't matter if you pick up a Nikon, Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Fuji, or any other camera. As long as you have manual controls you'll be able to accomplish what you set out to do.This course will take you from zero to fully understanding how to use your camera and what each control does.No prior experience is necessary. You may also have been shooting for a little while but are looking to increase your knowledge so you can take your photography to the next level. This class is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation Complte Dveloppeur de jeux vido - UNITY3D" |
"Bienvenuedans cette formation complte surUnity3Det ledveloppementde jeu vido. Ce Guide completde prt de 44h de cours va vous permettre dematriserle dveloppement de jeu vido tapes par tapes. Les premires sections vont vous permettre dapprendre par la pratique: Les bases dUNITY3D Les bases du langage C# Manipuler les objets dans UNITY3D grce des exemples concrets. Ensuite vous apprendrez grce aux sections suivante dvelopper Un Jeux 3D de type FPS Shooter et un Jeu 2D destin au plateforme Mobile ANDROID. Vous apprendrez ensuite a montis votre jeu avec la publicit mais aussi le distribuer sur le Store GOOGLE PLAY. Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre matriser deux outils : le langage de programmationC# le moteur de jeuUnity3DVous apprendrez utiliser ces deux technologies conjointement ou sparmentpas pas. Vous disposerez desressources(Projet complet,modles 3D, sons, etc...) afin de suivre ce cours le plus facilement possible et pourquoipas,les rutiliser dansvotre propre JEU ? Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHD 1080ppour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder lespreviews gratuites). Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider matriser le C# et Unity3D. N'attendez plus etcliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crer son site Internet E-Commerce sans tre dveloppeur web" |
"Vous voulez crer un site internet et vendre vos produits en ligne vous tes au bon endroit! Vous vous dites certainement quil faut connaitre des langages comme le HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Mysql etc et qu'avoir sa boutique demande un investissement considrable ?Et bien NON! Il ne faut pas tre dveloppeur, et ane cotepresque rien !!!Dans cette formation nous utiliserons WordPress(Gratuit)et le pluginWooCommerce(Gratuit)!Aucune notion en dveloppement WEB nest ncessaire pour crer votre site de E-commerce et en plus il aura un aspect professionnel. Pour commencer: quest-ce que WordPress? WordPress est un CMS: Content management system, en franais: System de gestion de contenu Une fois WordPress installe et paramtrer vous naurez plus qu grer le contenu du site et son paramtrage. Vous savez vous servir dun traitement de texte alors ce nest pas plus compliqu. WordPress propulse prt de 60 millions de site dans le monde! Il est convivial et possde une norme communaut sur internet. De nombreux plugin et widgets sont disponible et vous permette en quelque clic de modifier lapparence du site ou dinclure des fonctionnalits comme celle du E-commerce et bien dautre option possible. Nous allons dailleurs utiliser un plugin gratuit WooCommerce pour faire de la vente en ligne sur notre site. Pourquoi utiliser WordPress: Il est open source ,donc gratuit ,ce qui va vous permettre de minimiser le cout de votre site de vente en ligne. Vous allez pouvoir grer vous-mme votre site sans passer par un prestataire externe. WordPress est flexible il existe des milliers dextension ou de plugin pour ajouter des fonctionalits. Trouver de laide avec WordPress est facile tant sa communaut est populaire que ce soit en milieu professionnel ou Amateur Avoir un site cest une chose, le faire connaitre en est une autre avec WordPress le rfrencement naturel de votre site est facilit et de nombreux plugin sont disponibles pour loptimiser Mais le principal atout de WordPress est que vous gardez la main sur votre site.Nous allons dailleurs aborder ce sujet au dbut de ce cours, afin que vous compreniez bien comment fonctionne lhbergement, les noms de domaines, tous ces termes qui ne vous parlent peut tre pas et que vous allez automatiquement rencontrer si vous dcider de prendre les choses en main. Cette formation abordera les choses de manire simple en vous donnant des explications prcise sans oubli que pour vous cest peut-tre votre premier site web. Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHDpour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder lespreviews gratuites).Vous tes prt devenir un Webmaster et crer votre site de E-Commerce , Alors nattendez plus et rejoignez moi dans la premire partie de ce cours"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dbutez et raliser un Quizz Game pour Android avec UNITY3D" |
"Bienvenuedans cette formation complte surl' User Interface d'Unitypour dbutants! Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre matriser :le langage de programmation C#le moteur de jeu Unityl' Interface Graphique (User Interface).Vous apprendrez utiliser ces technologies conjointement ou sparmentpas pas.Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHD pour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder lespreviews gratuits).Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider matriser nity3D.N'attendez plus etcliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crer un jeu multiplayer avec UNITY et Photon Cloud" |
"Unity est un moteur de jeu multiplateforme (smartphone, Mac, PC, consoles de jeux vido et web) dvelopp par Unity Technologies. Il est l'un des plus rpandus dans l'industrie du jeu vido.Il a la particularit de proposer une licence gratuite dite ""Personal"" sans limitation au niveau du moteur.Photon Cloud (Pun Classic) est une asset utilisable dans Unity afin de dvelopper des jeux vido multi-joueurs hberg sur le cloud de photon. (Gratuit a concurrencede 20 joueurssimultans)Dans cette formation nous allons dcouvrir :La connexion au serveur de photon cloudLa gestion du Lobby (Hall), des Rooms (chambre)La gestion de la liste des room ou des joueurs.Linstanciation dobjet sur le rseauLes RPC Remote Procdure CallLa Synchronisation des dplacements, des animations, etc..Les diffrentes mthodes de photon et ses CallbacksLes PhotonViewsetc....Tous ces concepts seront mise en pratique dans un jeu multiplayer que vous pourrez tlcharger en fin de cours.Une foisque vous aurez assimil le fonctionnement de photon et ses concepts. Vous pourrez alors dvelopper ou adapter votre jeu dans une version multijoueur gratuitement.Photon fonctionne sur toutes les plateformes Android, Windows, Linux, IOS, etc"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre et Matriser Excel de A Z" |
"Excel est un tableur puissant trs courant , il fait partie de la suite Microsoft Office et permet de grer des tableaux complexes, ou tous simplement des tableaux de base comme pour lagestion de vos comptes personnels.Tout le monde connat Excel, mais tes-vous sur de l'exploiter pleinement. Connaissez-vous :Letableaucrois dynamiqueLes segmentsLes fonctions et les formulesLes macrosLes lignes de tendancesLes cellules de rfrencesLa mise en forme conditionnelleetc....Comme beaucoup d'utilisateur, vous n'exploitez probablement pas excel plus de 10% de ses possibilits.Dans ce cours, vous allez dcouvrir l'utilisation de base d'excel, puis progressivement vous dcouvrirez comment exploiterpleinement les donnes de vos tableaux en utilisant des graphiques, la mise en forme conditionnelle, les listes droulantes, les macroset l'utilisation de formules avec des exemples concrets.Alors convaincu ?Rejoignez-moi dans la premire partie de ce cours et profitez pleinement des fonctionnalits de Microsoft Excel."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dvelopper un jeu en Ralit virtuelle avec Unity" |
"Tout le monde a dsormais accs la ralit virtuelle grce aux smartphones. En effet, vous navez pas besoin de disposer dun ordinateur ou dun casque consacr la ralit virtuelle pour pouvoir profiter pleinement de cette nouvelle technologie. Votre smartphone vous donne dj le meilleur de la ralit virtuelle.La ralit virtuelle devient un type de jeu incontournable sur le march des jeux vido, et l'volution technologique et les ambitions des grands constructeurs laissent penser que la ralit virtuelledevrait envahir notre quotidien.Alors que pour utiliser cette technologie sur console ou sur unordinateur il vous faudrainvestir une somme consquente, les utilisateurs de smartphone peuvent aujourd'hui excuter des jeuxen ralit virtuelen faisant l'acquisition d'une simplevisionneuse qui cotera moins de 10.Vous comprendrez donc aisment que si vous dveloppez un jeu vido, une version VR vous permettra de toucher un maximum de personnes susceptiblesde jouer ou dcouvrir votre jeu.Pour suivre ce cours, il vous faudra connaitre les bases d' Unity et du C# ou avoir suivi l'un de mes cours.Dans ce cours nous utiliseront la GVR deGoogle une Sdk totalement gratuite permettant de dvelopper facilement des jeux pour smartphone Android avec UNITY.Dans la premire partie de ce cours, nous allons installerles prrequis pour compiler votre jeu vers la plateforme android avec UNITY, puis nous allons intgrer la GVR dans UnityDans la secondesection nous tudierons les composants de cette GVR, nous les mettrons en pratique de manire simple et prcise avec des exemples concrets.Dans la dernire section, nous crerons un jeu en ralit virtuellede type FPS pour smartphone android (cardboard) afin d'exploiter la GVR de google.Toutes les ressources du cours seront mise a votre disposition :GVR, Modles, animations, scripts, etc... afin de vous faciliter l'apprentissage et l'exploitation de la GVR.Je me tiendrais a votre disposition pour toutes questions en rapport avec le cours, et je me rendrais aussi disponible que possible.Alors si vous voulez apprendre dvelopper un jeu en ralit virtuelle avec UNITY, rejoignez moi dans la premire partie de cours."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Matriser le montage Vido avec Adobe Premire CC" |
"Vous cherchez un logiciel de montage, ou vous voulez tout simplement apprendre utiliser ce formidable outil ddition vido quest premire pro CC2017 alors cette formation est pour vous! Premire pro est un logiciel trs puissant qui peut paratre complexe, mais il nen est rien. Dans cette formation sur les fondamentaux dadobe Premire, nous tudierons les fonctionnalits de montage qui servent la plupart des projets, allant de l'importation des mdias l'export de squence, en passant par la cration de titre, de gnrique, de sous titres, la retouche audio, la cration d'animations ou l'ajout d'effets et la correction colorimtrique. Le but de ce cours n'est pas ici de prsenter la totalit des fonctionnalits, car elles sont trs nombreuses et vous risqueriez de vous lasser, mais de vousdonner les outils pour raliser un montage de qualit professionnelleet les connaissances pour aller ensuite plus loin par vous-mme.Enfin, cette formation sera galement l'occasion d'utiliser certaines des nouveauts de PremirePro CCoffrant uneergonomieet des performances amliores : les nouveaux raccourcis clavier,la refonte du panneau Montage, ou bien encore les outils de trackingetc...Pour en savoir plus sur le contenu de la formation je vous propose de consulter le plan de cours et les vidos de preview en libre accs. Alors si vous voulez monter des films de qualitet vous amuser avec vos images, je vous donne rendez-vous dans la premire partie de ce cours."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Matriser Unity et le C# Guide Complet Dveloppeur" |
"Bienvenuedans ce guide complet surUnity3Det ledveloppementde jeu vido.Ce Guide completadapt aux dbutants comme aux utilisateurs expriments va vous permettre dematriserle dveloppement de jeu vido en 2D et en 3Dtapes par tapes.Les sections de ce cours vous permettronsde tout savoir sur :L'installation d'UnityLa comprhensionde son InterfaceLes composants fondamentaux de physique et de collision en 2D et en 3DLe langage de programmation C# (C Sharp)L'exploitation avance de l'animation dans un projet 3D et 2D (Animations, Animator, etc..)Dvelopper uneintelligence artificielle grce au code et aux agents de navigationCompiler votre jeu pour diffrente plateforme PC, Android, MacOS, IOS, Navigateur Internet.Dcouvrir et mettre en pratique les lments de l'interface Utilisateuret bien d'autres aspects d' Unity (Voir le programme de ce cours et les ""previews"" accessibles gratuitement)Vous dvelopperez tout au long de ce cours des jeux et le code source vous sera fourni en fin de section.Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre matriser deux outils : Le langage de programmationC# Le moteur de jeuUnity3DVous apprendrez utiliser ces deux technologies conjointement ou sparmentpas pas.Vous disposerez desressources(Projet complet,modles 3D, sons, etc...) afin de suivre ce cours le plus facilement possible et pourquoipas,les rutiliser dansvotre propre projet ?Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHD pour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder les""previews"" gratuites).Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider matriser le C# et Unity3D.N'attendez plus etcliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crer des jeux vido sans aucune ligne de code avec Ready" |
"Ready Maker est un programme trs riche et disponible la fois sur tablettes et PC (Mac et Windows) qui permet de concevoir des jeux ou des activits interactives trs simplement. Le principe est trs simple ce qui nempche pas de pouvoir faire des choses assez complexe avec un peu dhabitude. Dans cecours en vido, nous tudierons les possibilits deReadyet nous raliserons un jeu de typeSpace shooter.Voici les notions qui seront abordes dans les diffrents chapitres de cetteformation:Les fondamentaux de ReadyComposants de Comportement (Behaviour)Composants d'effetsInterface et texteLes EvnementsEdition du projet Ready MakerExport vers UnityCette base thorique sera galement complte par unprojet pratique : la cration d'un jeu vido complet et concret: la cration d'un jeu de tir. Nous apprendrons galement exporter ce projet de jeu dansUnity(qui est gratuit) afin de raliser une compilation pourWindowsainsi quepour plateforme mobile Android.Les fichiers de travail ncessaires au suivi de ce cours sont fournis.Bonne cration de jeu vido !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dbuter avec Unity et le 3D Game Kit sans rdiger de code" |
"Unity Technologies a lanc son 3D Game Kit. Ce pack se destine aux non-programmeurs et comprend une collection d'lments de gameplay et outils que vous pourrez utiliser sans taper la moindre ligne de code. Un jeu 3D avec deux niveaux est inclus en exemple.Le tout est gratuit, Unity et ce Kit !Dans ce cours vous apprenez a exploiter :Utiliser les prfabsInitiation a Unity et son environnement de travail.Paramtrer le personnage principal : EllenCrer et designer un Level personnalis.Utiliser les composants du KitGrer l'audio Compiler votre jeu pour Windows"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre les Macros et le langage VBA avec Excel" |
"Excel est un tableur puissant trs courant , il fait partie de la suite Microsoft Office et permet de grer des tableaux complexes, ou tout simplement des tableaux de base comme pour lagestion de vos comptes personnels.Tout le monde connat Excel, mais tes-vous sur de l'exploiter pleinement. Connaissez-vous :-Les macros-Les applications Excel grce dvelopps grce au langage VBASi vous pensez que crer des macros est trop compliqu et que ce n'est pas votre porte, soyez rassur(e), ce cours est adapt aux personnes dbutantes en programmation et dmarre de zro.Les leons sont riches en exemples et simplifies autant que possible afin de faciliter l'apprentissage du VBA.Dans ce cours, vous allez dcouvrir le langage Visual Basic pour Application et les Macros, puis progressivement vous dcouvrirez comment l'exploiterpleinement dans vos tableaux grce a des Travaux pratique avec un corrig vido puis avec un Workflow complet pour la cration d'application dans Excel.Alors convaincu ?Rejoignez-moi dans la premire partie de ce cours et profitez pleinement de votre tableur Excel."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SAP HANA Certification Preparation with Interview Questions" |
"Here I added more than 200 + Questions for SAPHANAC_HANAIMP* Certification and Iam adding 250 + Interview Questions which are asked in Generally in all the Interviews . Iadded some advanced topics which covered SDIand SDQ. Still I am working on this to add more Questions on Advanced topics as well as General Questions if Imiss some points . I will keep on adding more content here . If you feel I miss some topics/points please let e know through in Q& Aforum . So I will try to add if those are in scope of this Course ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sistema de Sade do Canad" |
"Esse curso fornece informaes importantes para quem deseja conhecer o sistema de sade do Canada,imigrar para o Canad, fazer intercmbio ou outras modalidades de estudos no Canad. Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de compreender como formado o sistema de sade do Canad, as diferenenas existentes entreos sistema de sade entre as provincias, como acessar o sistema de sade e como administrado o sistema de sade Canadense. Voc ir conhecer tambm os pilares dosistema de sade e como funciona cada um destes pilares que regem o sistema de sade no Canad.O Curso compostode video aulas e artigospara leituras"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Time Management Skills for Law Students and Professionals" |
"***WE ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO. EXCELLENCE, THEN IS NOT AN ACT BUT A HABIT. ARISTOTLE***This is what this course seeks to achieve - to help you change your daily habits and convert yourself into a productive being by offering you the tips and techniques that actually work. The course teaches you lessons that you learn too late in your life. These are realities of the professional life and the earlier you act upon them, the better for your career and prosperous life.This course that does not just give out valuable tips and techniques, it also aims to prepare you mentally and that is the theme running through the whole course.YOU ALSO GET:Downloadable (Excel) 14 Days Time Tracking Planner Cum Time TableTable of the Principle of Urgency and Importance (Adapted for Law Students)Sample List of Law SubjectsThe course has been primarily designed for law students, however due to its rigorous techniques the students of business, management and other competitive disciplines may also find this course extremely helpful. Make sure that you apply and implement the techniques recommended in this course. This course is not a dream world course, where you work for a couple of days and enjoy the rest of the week. This course encourages you to face the realities and prepare yourself for the rigours of the academic and professional life and thrive in the competitive world of law and business.This course does not take you to the imaginary world, where you can achieve everything within '3 days'. The course exposes you to the realities of academic and professional legal career. The course urges you to prepare yourself for the competitive and rewarding life ahead, waiting for those who learn to get what it takes to be a successful legal professional.Legal education and the profession is not for the faint hearted, it is for the competitive, committed and resilient ones who are ready to take on the challenges of the legal career. Dive into this course, immerse yourself into the tips and techniques by practising them everyday and change yourself into a successful person.The Course answers the following questions:What are the different challenges and time management requirements for law students? How the law students should track and plan their time?Procrastination and how to deal with this monster effectively?Habits to avoid and habits to develop.Distractions and Interruptions How to deal with these permanent parasites?Different time management techniques, recommended and adapted for law students.Allocation of time to different law subjects.How to allocate time during examinations time period?Time management techniques for students undertaking intensive courses.How to develop a mind-set for a successful academic and professional life?This is what the students have said about my other courses:*** The course is excellent explains everything in a plain language. Thank you.*** ""The beauty is that these are very good and short lectures ,I will say a must-have course for anyone interested in improving his legal research skills. This course conveys in few sittings what books will tell in hundreds....""Photos Courtesy: Pixabay (Creative Commonc (cc))Standard Legal Disclaimer - Please note that nothing in my courses amount to a legal or professional advice to any of your individual issues in relation to any matter. There are no guarantees and warranties of any kind given in these courses. There is no offer to provide legal or non-legal services of any kind."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Doodle: Basics and Lettering" |
"Doodles! A lot of doodles! What can be more coolly than doodles? Only the doodle letters!In this 30 min, very simple and fun class we will begin with the basicforms. Then well create the first characters. Screaming, chattering, fallen in love, admiring, crazy and really really different!If only all of them could be located on your artboard!And at the end of a lesson, they will unite, and will show what are capable of, having turned into letters (and with your help maybe in words!).Who knows what it will lead to!And, of course, I will tell you everything that I only know about them, that the Doodle family grew and prospered!All template files are included as a free download, and you are welcome to use the files however you want, or simply to follow along with the projects as we move through the lessons."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Triangulated Bird: Origami Styled Bird in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Birds of triangles, squares, and polygons! Anyone else have the same? They live here in this class and in your imagination. Help them to see the light in all its glory! Let them spread their wings and see the world, and the world will see them!In this simpleclass, we will start creating sketches from photo. Then turn them into vector illustration. And color, light and shadows breathe the life in your birds!This class does not require you to serious drawing skills, and suitable both for beginners and experienced designers/illustrators who want to learn new techniques for working with Adobe Illustrator.All the supporting materials necessary for the implementation of the course you will findin attachments to the lectures.Also at the end of the course you will find the files of Adobe Illustrator with the bird drawn in the process of creating the course. You can use it as you want!Rather, take the pen, and most importantly... hush! Don't spook your birds!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adobe Illustrator: Semi-Automatic Mandalas Drawing" |
"Do you see these beautiful, highly detailed mandalas? Perhaps you think it took me a very long time to draw and color them? And if I say that I spent about 5 minutes on each of them, you will not believe me?Well, maybe today I can convince you.In this course we will create a template for drawing mandalas and try it in the case! Yes, creating the template itself can take a little longer than 5 minutes. But after that, you will be able to draw any patterns with a huge amount of detail, for your own pleasure and absolutely not tire of monotonous work!Oh yes! The template itself, ready for work - is already included in the course. You can just download it and start creating!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
": (RUS)" |
"ATTENTION! This class is in Russian, you can find the English version of the course on my profile.! , ! - , . , . , .. , ! : Pen Tool, Pencil Tool Paintbrush Tool Pathfinder , , , , Adobe Illustrator. , , , . ! Illustrator CC (Free Trial)Graphic tablet or mouse , Facebook, Instagram !"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator :" |
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Price: 149.99 ![]() |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Linux Mastery: Master the Linux Command Line in 11.5 Hours" |
"========================= TESTIMONIALS ===============================""Best course on Linux on Udemy so far, I definitely do recommend"" -- Patrik B - 5 Star Review""This course is incredible! Ziyad is enthusiastic as a teacher and really gets the material across in a way that anyone could understand it. I was intimidated about learning the Linux Terminal, but this course made it easy. Thanks Ziyad!"" - Thomas K - 5 Star Review""Thanks Ziyad you become my favorite instructor ever.... I love his teaching style, motivation and energy throughout the course. He breaks thick concepts in smaller pieces and with the examples make it so easy to understand."" - Shahid Z - 5 Star Review""Very Thorough! Step by Step is necessary for this beginner. Excellent so far!!!"" - Micheal W - 5 Star Review======================================================================Hello and welcome to the Linux Mastery Course where you are going to master the Linux command line in a project-based and unforgettable way.This course has been expertly crafted to make sure that you rapidly improve your Linux skills, Turbocharge your productivity and Boost your career with no time wasting and no useless fluff.Course StructureTopic 1) Mastering the Linux TerminalUnderstand the How AND Why of the Linux Command LineIf you want true mastery, it's not enough to learn how to do something. You need to understand why.In this section, you will learn what Linux commands are, and how they are structured so that you can get valuable insight into how working with the Linux command line works, rather than just memorising command after command after command like other Linux courses will make you do. You will learn important concepts such as:The difference between the Linux terminal and the shellCommand Input and OutputData Redirection.Connecting Linux Commands together to Build Sophisticated Data Pipelines.And so many other useful concepts that will give you the fundamental skills to confidently use the command line to accomplish anything you want.This course also focuses on empowering you to be an independent learner of the Linux operating system so you will also learn how to use the Linux Manual.Knowing how to use the Linux manual will give you the independence to do what you want to do, rather than just what other people have shown you.Topic 2) Mastering the Linux File System Increase Productivity by Working with Files from the Linux Command LineOnce youve become a master of the Linux terminal and understood the critical concepts behind what youre doing, you will then move on to gain mastery over the Linux File System. Working with Files is what we do 99% of the time when we work with computers and in this section you will learn how to navigate the file system from the command line and perform a whole bunch of tasks with files and folders such as:How to Create files and folders in Linux How to Delete files and folders in LinuxHow to Copy and paste files and folders in Linux.How to Move and Rename files and folders in Linux.How to Find files and Sort data in Linux.How to Backup and Compress files and folders in Linux.But you'll do it all from the Linux command line!You will also learn some productivity tips to squeeze every bit of juice out of your command line work as well as getting a tour of the Linux file system so that you feel right at home :)Topic 3) Mastering Task Automation and Scheduling Save time by automating the boring stuff!Once youve mastered the Linux file system, we will turn our attention to task automation and scheduling. Now, if youre the kind of person who loves to automate tasks and free up your spare time, you will LOVE this section! We will cover how to write bash scripts and automate them using a special scheduling program called cron so that you can automate the boring stuff and increase your productivity.Topic 4) Mastering Package Managers and Software Repositories Discover new tools and possibilities by exploring Open Source Software. Then in the Final section of the course, we will turn our attention to Linux software management.One great thing about Linux is that it is an open source operating system that is being contributed to by millions and millions of people around the world. In this section of the course you will gain the independence to search through this enormous body of software for cool new tools that do what you want, and learn how to install and manage that software all from the Linux command line. You will also learn how to access source code and customise programs, as well as understand the subtle differences between free and open source software. Projects + QuizzesAt the end of each section there are capstone projects that serve as badges of honor that confirm you have fully understood concepts and are ready to progress to the next level of Linux mastery.There are also quizzes scattered throughout the course to further check your understanding.BONUS: Lecture Summaries + Cheat sheets.The course also comes with free professionally-designed cheat sheets and section summaries so you don't even need to take notes! just focus on your learning and getting results and rest assured that all the important concepts are jotted down for you to refer to whenever you want.24/7 Lifetime Access + Certificate of CompletionWhen you enroll you will get lifetime access to all of the course contents and any updates and when you complete the course 100% you will also get a certificate of completion that you can add to your resum/CV to show off to the world your new-found Linux Mastery.So What are you Waiting For?Click that shiny Enroll button and Ill See you inside ;)"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness at Work" |
"Why take this course?This course is intended for you if you are looking to strengthenyour work relationships and environmentby mindfulness,self-confidence,communication, and appreciation.When you practice mindfulness in the workplace, you have the ability to feel more atpeace with yourself and your coworkers. You can create an environment where everyone feels acknowledged and appreciated because the productivity of your team is dependent on each person feeling valued.And you have thispower--mindfully elevatingthe quality of attention you give to others.Mindfulness at work can take your business to the next level andenhance the relationship you have with yourself.In this course you will learn how to:Be present and more confident in yourselfBuildharmoniousrelationships at workUtilize the importance of appreciation and acknowledgementTake input and communicate effectivelyHow is it structured?The course is structured into 12sections so that you can watch it in convenient increments of 6-minutes or less making it easy for you to integrate into your life.I suggest that you watch 1 section per week so that you have time to practice. The mind learns through repetition. Practice is essential. The great thing is that you can do these practices as you live your life.What materials do I get?Videos to guide you deeply into restorative practicesWriting prompts to inspire journaling and reflectionI have carefully designed these materials to support you in deepening into embodied mindfulness so that you can live a healthy and deeply fulfilled life.Are you ready to begin?The time is now."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Forms: Build Android Apps for Absolute Beginners !" |
"Join Over 6,000+ StudentsWho Have Enrolled In My Courses! Over 90% Five and FourStars ReviewsShows Students Who Enrolling AreSatisfied! (Overall4/5) This course is COMPLETE!You receive25+ lectures and 1.5+ hours of content and 9 Quizzes! ____________________________________________________________________________ Student Testimonials! ""The contains of this course is very interesting for everybody who like to be a web developer. The directions are clear and concise, and the instructor is knowledgeable. I would definitely recommend this course."" Mr. Catalin ""Well organized! Clear direction and step by step lectures, just want I needed.Thank you very much for taking time explaining everything in details. Highly recommend!! :)"" Elmira ____________________________________________________________________________ Xamarinis a Microsoft-owned San Francisco, California-based software company founded in May 2011 by the engineers that created Mono for Android, which are cross-platform implementations of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) and Common Language Specifications (often called Microsoft .NET). With a C#-shared codebase, developers can useXamarintools to write nativeAndroid,iOS, andWindows appswith native user interfaces and share code across multiple platforms, including Windows and macOS. According to Xamarin, over 1.4 million developers were using Xamarin's products in 120 countries around the world as of April 2017. Xamarin has several advantages over other methods or languages: Native applications The preferred solution for any application is native design. This is where Xamarin and its unique approach come in. Xamarin Studio (IDE) enables code completion in C#. It provides the advantages of native UI, access to specific-device features, and most importantly, native performance. Code sharing across platforms is a breeze with Xamarin, helping you shorten that development cycle. Shared app logic Apart from native UI, the way app logic is shared across multiple platforms makes Xamarin a must-use cross-platform development tool. Application logic underlying the UI layer, like input validation, web service calls, database interactions, and back-end enterprise integrations are coded once in C#. API integration Xamarin binds the same APIs and UI controls that are used to build iOS, Android and Mac apps in their respective platform specific languages. With Xamarin, support is always around the corner. Their unique binding technology enables them to provide support for new features soon after they are introduced in the devices operating system. Xamarin Component Store Developers can choose from a host of free or paid components, which include UI controls, cross-platform libraries, and third party web services to apps with just a few lines of code Advantages of C# C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, type-safe, pure object-oriented programming language. Being object oriented from the get-go, it is more than just a modernized version of C++, allowing even simple data types to be treated as objects. Type-safety of C# helps prevent type errors that could result in flawed program behavior, without the need of boilerplate or verbose type annotations. Source: www .softwebsolutions .com /resources /5-reasons-why-xamarin-is-cross-platform-development-king.html ____________________________________________________________________________ During this course you learnXamarin Formsfor Android Apps Development. You also learn how to use Xamarin to writeSimple android App for Circle Area and perimeter Calculation.The objective of this course is to take someone with basicC# skill and teach themXamarin Basic Forms Elements.In this course I assume that you haveBasicknowledge aboutC#soeverything that you must know to star your journey are presented.You will also learn following items:Required Developments SoftwareMake Hello World!!! AppHow to Define and Style ButtonsHow to add Texts and Text-BoxesHow to Define and Style Decision Making Elements like RadioButtonsHow to add List view items with List AdapterAdd Differnet Layouts to your AppAdd and Style your items w/o write codesAt the end of this course you are able to make simple androidforms.Finally after learning themyou can make simple Android Appto test your knowledge. In this app you receive radius of circle from users and show them Area and Perimeter of circle.___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you Enrol:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence #5: MLP Networks with Scikit & Keras" |
"Artificial neural networks (ANNs) or connectionist systems are computing systems vaguely inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brains.Such systems ""learn"" to perform tasks by considering examples, generally without being programmed with any task-specific rules.For example, in image recognition, they might learn to identify images that contain cats by analyzing example images that have been manually labeled as ""cat"" or ""no cat"" and using the results to identify cats in other images. They do this without any prior knowledge about cats, e.g., that they have fur, tails, whiskers and cat-like faces. Instead, they automatically generate identifying characteristics from the learning material that they process.An ANN is based on a collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons which loosely model the neurons in a biological brain. Each connection, like the synapses in a biological brain, can transmit a signal from one artificial neuron to another. An artificial neuron that receives a signal can process it and then signal additional artificial neurons connected to it.In common ANN implementations, the signal at a connection between artificial neurons is a real number, and the output of each artificial neuron is computed by some non-linear function of the sum of its inputs. The connections between artificial neurons are called 'edges'. Artificial neurons and edges typically have a weight that adjusts as learning proceeds. The weight increases or decreases the strength of the signal at a connection. Artificial neurons may have a threshold such that the signal is only sent if the aggregate signal crosses that threshold. Typically, artificial neurons are aggregated into layers. Different layers may perform different kinds of transformations on their inputs. Signals travel from the first layer (the input layer), to the last layer (the output layer), possibly after traversing the layers multiple times.The original goal of the ANN approach was to solve problems in the same way that a human brain would. However, over time, attention moved to performing specific tasks, leading to deviations from biology. ANNs have been used on a variety of tasks, including computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation,playing board and video games and medical diagnosis.In this Course you learn multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network by using Scikit learn & Keras libraries and Python.You learn how to classify datasets by MLP Classifier to find the correct classes for them. Next you go further. You will learn how to forecast time series model by using neural network in Keras environment.In the first section you learn how to use python and sklearn MLPclassifier to forecast output of different datasets.Logic GatesVehicles DatasetsGenerated DatasetsIn second section you can forecast output of different datasets using Keras libraryRandom datasetsForecast International Airline passengersLos Angeles temperature forecasting___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence #6 : LSTM Neural Networks with Keras" |
"Do you like to learn how to forecast economic time series like stock price or indexes with high accuracy?Do you like to know how to predict weather data like temperature and wind speed with a few lines of codes?If you say Yes so read more ...Artificial neural networks(ANNs) or connectionist systems are computing systems vaguely inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brains.Such systems ""learn"" to perform tasks by considering examples, generally without being programmed with any task-specific rules. A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neural network where connections between nodes form a directed graph along a sequence. This allows it to exhibit temporal dynamic behavior for a time sequence. Unlike feedforward neural networks, RNNs can use their internal state (memory) to process sequences of inputs.In this course you learn how to build RNN and LSTM network in python and keras environment. I start with basic examples and move forward to more difficult examples.In the 1st section you'll learn how to use python andKerasto forecast google stock price . In the 2nd section you'll know how to use python andKerasto predict NASDAQ Index precisely.In the 3rd section you'll learn how to use python andKerasto forecast New York temperature with low error. In the 4th section you'll know how to use python andKerasto predict New York Wind speed accurately.___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence #7 : Genetic Algorithm Optimization" |
"Do you like to know the basic theory behind Genetic Algorithm Optimization Method?Do you like to learn how to solve optimization problems like Min/Max finding with Genetic Algorithm Optimization Method?Do you like to know how to solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) with a few lines of codes an Genetic Algorithm?If you say Yes so read more ...In computer science and operations research, a genetic algorithm (GA) is a meta heuristic inspired by the process of natural selection that belongs to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA). Genetic algorithms are commonly used to generate high-quality solutions to optimization and search problems by relying on bio-inspired operators such as mutation, crossover and selection.In this course I want to learn you theory behind Genetic Algorithm Optimization Method. You'll learn basic genetic operators like mutation crossover and selection and how they are work.Then we go further you will learn how to use python and deap library to solve optimization problem and find Min/Max points for your desired functions.In the 1st section you'll learn theory of Genetic Algorithm Optimization MethodIn the 2nd section you'll know how to use python anddeap to optimize simple function precisely.In the 3rd section you'll learn how to use python anddeap to find optimum point of complicated Trigonometric function. In the 4th section you'll know how to use python anddeap to solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) accurately.___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |