Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to split off in a good way from a previous love" |
"A love relationship ended but you still feel tied. Memories and yearning or also jealousy and rage are torturing you. You would rather be free as an inner part of you knows that this relationship is over. Still, another part is holding you back.This course shows you the steps that will help you to let go in a good way. Do not be tense or hard to yourself. Make peace with yourself and the past. The lessons will guide you through the five necessary steps to come to a good closure. These five steps were validated in my seminars over the last two decades.Be aware: some time of grief and sadness after the end of a relationship is normal and important! But if you eat your heart out it is just the right time to dare a new beginning"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Be free drop your bad conscience and your guilt" |
"So many are tortured by their bad conscience! About things they did, they should do or things they did not or they should not do. Sounds familiar to you? Then this course is for you: It will help you to overcome your feelings of guilt!But guilt does not have only one reason, it is not an unity. Sometimes you feel guilty because you act against your inner standards, sometimes you feel guilty because you hurt someone. Sometimes guilt serves as a protection against feeling pain and helplessness, sometimes it shows you the deep connection you have with the misery of other human beings. The solutions for these diverse types are totally different! In this course you will discover and differentiate the most important types of guilt in your life and in the life of others. And with this understanding you can transform your guilt or sometimes - forgive yourself. In order to have a happier and peaceful live! Feedback on udemyIts an eyeopenerGosh Bertold, he has this gentle lovely voice that is so deeply soothing. For that alone, even if the content wasnt rich, I would say get the course if your are suffering. The content though is rich and full of wise observations, ie about our inner rebel who contradicts what we set out to do and then sabotages our efforts which then of course produces guilt. The only flaw is not his, I dont know if I am missing a feature but I have to keep pressing the screen to move to the next part which is v annoying because I cant ever multi task etc. Anyway though, thank you B, for a lovely voice, a thoughtful course and soothing my guilty insides.Its really very helpful. simple practices but very powerful."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mit NLP innere Konflikte lsen" |
"Innere Konflikte sind ein stndiger Unruheherd. Z. B. will ein Teil von dir Karriere und Erfolg, ein anderer Teil Familienleben und Entspannung. Oder ein Teil will aktiv Sport machen und fit sein, ein anderer Teil will vor dem Fernseher abhngen und die neueste Serie sehen. Der Kurs zeigt dir in sieben Schritten einer bewhrten NLP-Technik, wie du deine innere Zerrissenheit hinter dir lassen kannst. Wie zu den Lsungen findest, die dir gut tun. Damit du in Zukunft deine Krfte bndelst statt dich von ihnen wild hin und her zerrren zu lassen! Du lernst dabei, allen deinen Bedrfnissen mehr Rechnung tragen als bisher. Dafr entwickelst du intelligente und kreative Lsungen. So hren die stndigen Schuldgefhlen auf wegen nicht eingehaltener Vorstze und dem Gefhl versagt zu haben. Stattdessen bist du zufriedener mit dir, entspannst dich und erreichst das, was du wirklich willst. Feedback auf udemy: Ich gebe dem Kurs 5 Sterne. Ich als Teilnehmer habe aktiv mitgearbeitet. Habe bereits NLP Erfahrung und eine Ausbildung, so dass ich hier einige Brcken schlagen konnte. Das Auslsen der inneren Konflikte bedarf unter Umstnden dem mehrmaligen Widerholens des Vorganges. Danke! D. F."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Solve your inner conflicts with NLP!" |
"Inner conflicts are a constant source of unrest.So mayone part of you wantimprovement and success in your carrier while another partprefers family life and relaxation. Or one part would like to be fit and do sports while another would rather stay in front of the TV to watch the newest show. This seven step course teaches you an important NLP-technique to deal with your inner conflicts. So you find the solutions that are tailored to your wellbeing. With this, you will be able to focus your energy instead of having it work in opposing directions! Then you manageto better account for all of your needs. You will develop intelligent and creative solutions. Thus, the reoccurring feelings of guilt because you did not meet your own resolutions or goals and because of the feeling of failure will end. Instead, you will be more content with yourself and more relaxed and you reach what you truly desire."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Family Constellation: Master Course" |
"""Family constellation"" is the method which - faster than any other psychological method before - has spread from Germany throughout the world in the last two decades. This approach is powerful in its healing effects and gives insights in solutions for many conflicts in families and couples - and for conflicts within yourself! In this course you win a deep understanding about the influence of your family on your problems and on your wellbeing. In 25 exercises you will discover the new insights not only theoretically, but also practically. These guided imaginations allow you to heal personal issues. So that the love for yourself, for your family and for life as a whole will flow even more!At the same time you start to see others and their difficulties with new eyes. You understand more how and why we humans act.If you want to become a facilitator of family constellation, this course is a great help!I practice and teach family constellations since more than 25 years in many parts of the world. In eight books I have described the various aspects of this effective method - this course contains the essence."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Orientierung in der Wildnis - Nie wieder verlaufen!" |
"Verlaufen? Nicht noch einmal!Der Kurs richtet sich an Menschen, die mehr Sicherheit und Unabhngigkeit im Gelnde und in der Wildnis erlangen mchten. Dass das ntig ist, zeigen regelmig die Schlagzeilen in der Zeitung:""Auf dem Appalachian Trail verlaufen Wanderin nach zwei Jahren tot aufgefunden""Focus, 27.05.2016Deutsches Ehepaar bei Wanderung durch Naturpark ums Leben gekommenTagesspiegel, 14.02.2017Bergtoter am Hohen Gll Nach ersten Einschtzungen der Ermittler drfte er sich in dem unwegsamen Gelnde verirrt habenOVB Online, 16.06.2017Kannst du im Ernstfall zu deiner Familie und deinen Freunden zurckkehren?Was tust du, wenn du dich in der Wildnis verlaufen hast?Kennst du den Grund, warum ein Kompass niemals nach Norden zeigt (auch nicht zum magnetischen Norden)?Weit du, wie du ohne GPS und Smartphone deinen Standort bestimmst?Weit du, warum alle Karten der Erde falsch sind?Kannst du mit einem Kompass sicher umgehen?Kannst du die Himmelrichtungen ohne Kompass bestimmen?Weit du, welches Equipment fr die Orientierung ntig ist?Wenn du zu 2 oder mehr Punkten kein gutes Gefhl hast, bist du bei diesem Video-Selbstlernkurs goldrichtig.Das wirst du lernen:Die Frage Wie komme ich an mein Ziel? knnen Menschen erst seit wenigen Jahren mhelos beantworten dank Satellitennavigation und Smartphone.Davor war es etwas komplizierter: Der Umgang mit Peilkompass, topografischer Karte und Himmelszelt will gelernt sein, ebenso das Wissen um Auffanglinien, Kartenprojektionen oder magnetische Deviation und wer wei heute eigentlich noch, dass die Kompassnadel gar nicht nach Norden zeigt?Ob du alleine oder in einer Gruppe unterwegs bist, ob das eine kleine Wandertour ist, oder ein Trekking, oder sogar eine Notsituation. Du erfhrst, wie du immer und berall deinen Standort, deinen Weg und dein Ziel findest.Ziele der OrientierungOrientierung anhand von Natur, Sonne und HimmelRichtige Benutzung eines KompassesUmgang mit verschiedenen Kompass-ArtenKarten lesen und deutenOrientierung mit dem PeilkompassKreuzpeilung zur StandortbestimmungKompass und Karte zusammen benutzenUmgehung von Hindernissen auf der KurslinieWandern nach MarschkompasszahlEquipment zur OrientierungOrientierung in NotlagenArten von Orientierungslinien"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced JavaScript Topics" |
"Advanced Topics picks up where the Getting Started course ended. You should now have some experience with JavaScript and understand the JavaScript language much better. Therefore, you are ready to learn more of the nuances and important patterns that advanced JavaScript developers know and use.In Learn Modern JavaScript:Advanced Topics, we explore the more advanced techniques in JavaScript. You learn advanced concepts for objects and functions,the value of 'this', the power of functions usingclosure and IIFEs.You learn about the namespace and module patterns.You learn JSONand how to load a JSONfile. You will follow along as we apply OOP concepts to aproject. You get very familiar with the prototype, and these are just the maintopics covered in this advanced course. A new bonus section helps you get familiar with functional programming concepts in JavaScript.This course contains 15sections and one bonus section, over 90 different lectures, over 17hours of video, 4quizzes, 9assignments, 1 large project andseveral Think Like a Programmer sections with invaluable information for those intent on making JavaScript a career choice or a major part of their lives.If you want to improve your JavaScript skills,this course is for you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Regular Expressions in JavaScript" |
"Regular expressions can help you more easily solve programming problems. They are an important tool in your coding toolbox.If you have dabbled with regular expressions or not even used them before, this course is for you. You will learn the syntax and participate in numerous examples and exercise to help you integrate regular expressions into your JavaScript coding.In Mastering Regular Expressions in JavaScript we focus on two main goals:Helping you learn regular expressions and how to construct them, and teaching you the powerful ways regular expressions can be used in JavaScript. If you work in the JavaScript language, this course will be most useful, but even if you work in another language you can use this course to learn about regular expressions as the syntax applies to many programming languages.This course contains 9sections, 55different lectures, over 5 hours of video tutorials, 5 exercises, 5 quizzes and 10 application lectures that will make sure you have what you need to use regular expressions in your JavaScript coding work.If you are ready to master regular expressions,this course is for you!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Clear and Simple VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DBT)" |
"Are you looking for VMware Certified Associate training? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need toprepare for the VCA-DBT exam?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of key VMware products and concepts.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand virtualization and cloud concepts.This course features a few different sections. I have included 28 lessons teaching you the basics of vSphere, because that is the most important VMware product, and is core to understanding NSX, vSAN, and other products. However, understand that much of this vSphere knowledge is not directly applicable to the VCA-DBT exam. Learning it is important to have a strong foundation. Key vSphere topics covered include vCenter, ESXi, Host Clusters, Availability, DRS, Storage, Networking, and Fault Tolerance.After that we take a deep dive into the topics of the VCA-DBT exam. vSAN, NSX, Horizon, and vRealize are key knowledge areas that are covered. You will understand the use cases for all these products, and will learn everything you need to know to pass the VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) exam."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Clear and Simple VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations VCP - Part 1" |
"Are you looking for VMware vSphereTraining? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need toprepare for the VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of vSpherefoundation concepts.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand vSphere. This course builds off my ""Clear and Simple vSphere Certified Associate"" videos, and gives you a deeper understanding of vSphere.You willlearn about vSphere concepts like VMFS and NFS storage, templates, cloning,vCenter andESXi installation,Update Manager, and VSAN.I will also provide live demos of many common tasks that you may need to perform as a vSphere Administrator using the vSphere Web Client."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Clear and Simple VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations VCP - Part 2" |
"Are you looking for VMware vSphereTraining? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of vSpherefoundation concepts.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand vSphere. This course builds off my ""Clear and Simple vSphere Certified Associate"" videos, and gives you a deeper understanding of vSphere.You willlearn about vSphere concepts like host clustering, High Availability (HA), vMotion, and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).I will also provide live demos of many common tasks that you may need to perform as a vSphere Administrator using the vSphere Web Client.This course will also help you prepare for the VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam. I can also provide Lab Rentals with manuals that you can use as a companion to this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Clear and Simple VMware vSphere 6.5 VCP-DCV (VCP 2019)" |
"Are you looking for VMware vSphereTraining? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need toprepare for the VMware vSphere 6.5 Datacenter Virtualization (DCV) exam?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you a strongunderstanding of vSphereadministration.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand vSphere. This course builds off my ""Clear and Simple vSphere 6.5 Foundations"" videos, and gives you a deeper understanding of vSphere.You willlearn about vSphere concepts like vSphere Networking (including a deep look at Distributed Switches), Storage (including VSAN and vVOLs and much more), and vSphere Security.I will also provide many live demos of common tasks that you may need to perform as a vSphere Administrator using the vSphere Web Client.Topics covered in this course include (but are not limited to):NetworkingConfigure vSphere Standard and Distributed SwitchesNIC Teaming and failoverPort MirroringNetwork IO ControlTraffic ShapingPrivate VLANsTCP/IP StacksNetFlowStorageVMFS and NFSiSCSIFC and FCoEvSANVVOLsStorage Multipathing and failoverSecuritySingle Sign-OnHardening VMs and HostsEncrypted vMotionRoles and PermissionsUpdates and UpgradesUpdate ManagerUpgrade VMware Tool and VM HardwareUpgrade ESXiUpgrade vCenterMigrate vCenter Server for Windows to the vCenter Server ApplianceDeploying Virtual Machines and HostsTemplates and CloningAuto Deploy and Host ProfilesContent LibrariesvCenter ConverterWorking with VMX FilesResource ManagementConfiguring DRS ClustersDRS Affinity Rules, Overrides, and advanced settingsShares, Limits, and ReservationsResource PoolsTroubleshootingRestart ESXi Management AgentsCollect Diagnostic DataGenerate Log BundlesBackup and RecoveryvSphere Data ProtectionvSphere ReplicationHigh Availability (HA)Virtual Machine Component Protection (VMCP)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to VMware Cloud on AWS" |
"Are you looking for clear, concise VMware Cloud on AWSTraining? Do you want to learn from an official VMware Certified Instructorwho makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need a course that explains key elements ofAWS and VMware?I have taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of VMware Cloud on AWS concepts.The cloud is coming, and if you are a VMware Administrator now is the time to prepare. This course assumes that you know littleabout AWS.You willlearn the basics, such as pricing, basic architecture, and the how to build your own VMware Cloud SDDC. I have also provided many videos that explain the underlying technologies of the VMware Cloud on AWS, including vSphere, Virtual SAN (VSAN), and VMware NSX."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clear and Simple VMware vSAN 6.7 (Virtual SAN)" |
"Are you looking for VMware vSANTraining? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? If so, you have found the right course!I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you a strongunderstanding of vSAN.You willlearn about vSAN concepts like Hyrbird and All-Flash architectures, Storage Policies, how to create a vSAN cluster, how vSAN handles failures, and much much more."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Deliciously Gluten Free Artisan Breads" |
"The course is built around seven key recipes that illustrate different basic techniques in gluten free baking. We start by discussing the principles of GF baking, and examining the key ingredients - in particular, a surprisingly wide range of naturally gluten free flours with which to add appeal to your hand-baked breads. As we go along, we show you how to blend your own flours, and how to store them in portion-sized bags for ultimate convenience in your weekly bake. From classic white sandwich bread, to more artisanal hand-shaped loaves, baguettes, pizzas and rolls, we cover enough ground to keep even the most demanding satisfied, whether you've just arrived on planet GF, or you've been diagnosed for 20 years. Welcome to a more gorgeously gluten free world!Please note: all recipes are vegan or have vegan subsitutions. If you are allergic to baker's yeast please look out for our course, Naturally Gluten Free Sourdough Breads. Here are a few of our favourite 5 star testimonials from our other courses:I gave five stars because the genuine enthusiasm of Penny and Dragan is so infectious, and all the various aspects are explained and demonstrated in such an easy to follow manner. I felt drawn in and couldn't wait to get a starter going. I'm looking forward to the time when I have rocked & rolled & chafed and, hopefully, ended up with a lovely smooth ball of dough - like the one that Dragan cradled in his hands so affectionately. Looks a little like play dough for grown-ups. George.E. MorleyPenny and Dragan removed the mystique surrounding sourdough and made it very ""do-able."" Really love the FAB recipe! Bobby OllarThe bonus too is they show the stages of dough development clearly and this was something I struggled to understand before this course. They keep it simple as bread baking should be. I'm really looking forward to more courses. Julia BileckiDragan and Penny! Thank you for putting together such an awesome course. Incredible support, you know what you are talking about. Very insightful course. I really learned a lot, all of the additional advice/tips very helpful and useful. All the best for you. Marcelo AriattiThe videos are priceless! AdenWhy not check out the promo video and the free lectures for yourself?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master the Craft of Artisan Pizza" |
"Running a highly successful wood fired micro-pizzeria inspired the founders of The Artisan Bakery School, Penny and Dragan, to add two day-courses in pizza-making to their curriculum; one wood fired and one not. In this comprehensive online course, you get the benefit of BOTH those courses: how to use your wood fired oven to best effect, and how to make your ordinary oven produce extraordinary pizza. Building up to this, you will learn how to:read your dough, and master all its stagesmake and shape a extensive range of different doughs concoct delectable saucesdesign a balanced flavour profile for topping ingredientscreate finishing touches that will really elevate your pizzaContents and OverviewOur welcome lecture introduces you to our document, How to Use this Course. In it, you will find suggestions for how to proceed, according to whether you're a complete beginner, an improver, a passionately adventurous cook, an aspiring professional or an entrepreneur considering a micropizzeria business. You can follow the suggestions, or just work your way through every recipe as it comes up.Following a run-down of the essential pizza-making equipment, we move on to Dough-ology, Saucery and Top-ology, introducing a discussion about the basic ingredients, and the importance of sourcing local, organic produce wherever possible. This is because authentic pizza, like all really good food, has a story to it. It's just wonderful to be able to tell your guests what's special about the tomatoes in the sauce, or the particular olives, or the artisan cheese that's on the pizza. It adds depth to everyone's appreciation of the food.Moving into our tried and tested Seven Steps Method, you'll have a range of different dough formulas to choose from, each with its own unique flavour and texture. From pure Napoletana dough, through sourdough and heritage dough, right through to gluten free, you'll get to understand all the different characters and of course, how each dough has its affinities with different kinds of topping. Simply pick yourself a formula and start at Step 1. Learning to read your dough is as important as being able to read the recipe for making it! That means understanding the dough in all its moods and modes, as well as how to shape it into balls, then into pizza. You'll get plenty of practice at reading your dough, and lots of exercises in shaping it too.In Step 3, you'll move on to making sauces, covering everything from the classic tomato sauces, through white bases to home-made pesto and even onion marmalade. You'll also learn how to make infused garlic and chilli oils and other little finishing touches to add in Step 7, once your pizza is baked. You'll see how we run our Start and Finish Lines, to keep our toppings organised and our garnishes in order, and how important this is if you're making multiple pizzas!Throughout the course, you'll find videos packed with tips and insights gleaned from years of professional pizza-making experience. The course finishes with 15 inspiring pizza recipes from The Artisan Bakery School, each designed to showcase a balanced profile of salty, sweet, sour, bitter, smokey or umami flavours, and in a way that makes your dough a star of the show.So - if you're hungry to learn, you're in the right place!Here are a few of our favourite 5 star testimonials from our other courses:I gave five stars because the genuine enthusiasm of Penny and Dragan is so infectious, and all the various aspects are explained and demonstrated in such an easy to follow manner. I felt drawn in and couldn't wait to get a starter going. I'm looking forward to the time when I have rocked & rolled & chafed and, hopefully, ended up with a lovely smooth ball of dough - like the one that Dragan cradled in his hands so affectionately. Looks a little like play dough for grown-ups. George.E. MorleyPenny and Dragan removed the mystique surrounding sourdough and made it very ""do-able."" Really love the FAB recipe! Bobby OllarThe bonus too is they show the stages of dough development clearly and this was something I struggled to understand before this course. They keep it simple as bread baking should be. I'm really looking forward to more courses. Julia BileckiDragan and Penny! Thank you for putting together such an awesome course. Incredible support, you know what you are talking about. Very insightful course. I really learned a lot, all of the additional advice/tips very helpful and useful. All the best for you. Marcelo AriattiThe videos are priceless! AdenWhy not check out the promo video and the free lectures for yourself?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel ""Create Grade Book&Attendance Sheets""" |
"Create Your own GradeBook and Attendance Sheet Using Ms. ExcelThis course is intended for educators , mentors , trainers ,and coaches who need to assess their students and take their daily attendance,learners need to know basic Excel before they take this course and it meant for intermediate studentsAt the end of the course learners will be able to create your grade book and attendance sheet and use it as a template for future use, but at firstyou need to review the following Ms Excel topics : How to use FormulasThe order of operator precedence in Excel FormulasHow to use the Average Function aHow to use VLOOOKUP FunctionAbsolute and Relative ReferencesCOUNT,COUNTA,and COUNTIFConditional FormattingIn the first sections students will learn how to create their grade book in ten steps as follows :Creatinga blank Sheet Entering Names Sorting Names Entering The Grades Calculating The Final Mark Inserting The LOOK UP Table Inserting VLOOKUP Function Adjusting The V LOOKUPFunction Inserting The AverageFormattingIn the second sections students will learn how to create their grade book in eleven steps as follows :Copying The Names From GradeBook Inserting Days & Dates(Timeline) Shading Off Days Inserting Drop Down List to Take Attendance Inserting New Calculation Columns Formatting More Formatting Counting Number Of Absent Days Calculating the % of Absence Freezing Panes Taking Attendance of The First Week Conditional Formatting25% of All Course Revenue will be donated to Syrian Refugees , and Famine Victims in Somalia"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"""Google ""Let Me Google That For You" |
"You will learn how to use Google to get instant results while having fun , you will learn :How to search usingNCR(No Country redirection)How to useGoogleTabsHow to search for WeatherforecastsHow to search fortimein any city in the World , how to use Google'sTimer, andStop WatchHow to findWord Definitionsusing GoogleHow to search for Movie Theaters , and Restaurantsin Google MapsHow to search using Google'sStreet ViewHow to use Google'sCalculator ,andTip CalculatorHow to useCurrency Conversion, andUnit Conversionusing GoogleHow to findStock QuotesHow to find a file in a specific file formatHow to use GoogleTranslationHow to find Google'sNewspaper CollectionHow to do aBack Image SearchHow to find theSunrise TimeHow to FindSports Matches ResultsHow toDo a Barrel RollHow to use ""Let Me Google That For You"" to search on behalf of somebody elseHow to useGoogle Camera TranslationSoftwareFun tricks while searchingWhat Does Google Know about you ?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Linux e Distribuio CentOS para Iniciantes" |
"Este treinamento ir introduzir voc nouniverso do Linux e doSoftware Livre(Open Source).Iremos utilizardistribuio CentOSdo Linux: umadas principais distribuies doKernel Linux.Trata-se da distribuio mais popular para servidores eambientescorporativos. conhecida pela sua robustez eestabilidade. Alm disso, gratuita para uso corporativo e estudo!Alm de aprender a trabalhar com a distro CentOS, o aluno ir aprender os fundamentos e principais comandos do sistema, em muitos casos, podendo replic-los nas diferentes distribuies do sistema. No perca tempo, comece seus estudos!"
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"English Basics for beginners" |
"Learn English easily! In 23 short videos, learn all the basics you need to know.This course is for anyone who wants to learn basic English for day to day things and travelling.You will learn: basic greetings, how to order in a restaurant,how to goshopping,how to go to an airport and a hotel and how to find places and ask forinformationYou will also learn the alphabet, numbers, colours, parts of the body, daily activities, food and drink, clothes, times and dates.The videos are very clear and have many questions to practice with. You do not need to know any English to do this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de impresin 3D" |
"Dentro del universo Maker y DIY (hztelo tu mismo) nos encontramos con las impresoras 3D, capaces de imprimir objetos en tres dimensiones, por lo que son muy utilizadas para prototipado junto con las placas Arduino y Raspberry Pi, muy utilizadas estas en IOT (internet de las cosas).Con este curso comprenders como funciona una impresora 3D y conocers la tcnicas de impresin 3D ms utilizadas del mercado centrndonos en la tcnica FFF (fabricacin aditiva por fusin de filamento) y dentro de esta modalidad la tcnica FDM (modelado por deposicin fundida) ya que consideramos que es la mejor que existe actualmente en el mercado en relacin calidad-precio.Dentro de esta tcnica veremos los diversos materiales que existen en el mercado, centrndonos especialmente en PLA y ABS, as como las temperaturas idneas tanto para el filamento como para la adherencia de la cama.Tambin aprenders las partes que componen una impresora 3D, el chasis, el cabezal de impresin, los motores paso a paso, los sensores de final de carrera, las correas y varillas y la placa base. Consideramos que la base de un buen mantenimiento para la impresora es el conocimiento de todos sus componentes.Veremos aspectos importantes como los mens bsicos de este tipo de impresoras (FFF), la calibracin de la cama, indispensable para una correcta impresin, y la carga de filamento en la impresora cosa no menos importante ya que sera como el cartucho de tinta de una impresora comn.Por ltimo, te mostraremos como realizar una impresin 3D aplicando todos los conceptos anteriormente explicados y te indicaremos como trabajar con los programas ms comunes para la obtencin de archivos tanto x3g para Makerbot como gcode para Ultimaker y otras impresoras tipo Prusa para su posterior impresin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Investing" |
"Welcome. Thank You for your time.Is Good Investing an ART...or a SCIENCE? Or, is it SHEER, DUMB LUCK?Sound valuation is the foundation of good investing.PRICE IS WHAT ONE PAYS: VALUE IS WHAT ONE RECEIVES!If I do not understand what a company is worth, how can I decide whether to buy or sell?Business Valuation - Part I is the first of a two-part course.This course explains the basics which are essential to become a successful investor. The focus is on what you can use in real life, theory + implementation.Several short tests & a final assignment ensure that you enjoy the course & are actively involved.Extra resources include my articles, links to videos, as well as spreadsheets with formulae & step-by step calculations.Additional matter will be uploaded over time, as I publish new (relevant) articles, videos etc.Enjoy, & may your investments be profitable!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"GDPR Privacy Data Protection CASE STUDIES (CIPT,CIPM, CIPP)" |
"Lessons from ex IBM-er, MICROSOFT-er about how to make privacy operational and how to get 3 privacy certifications in less than 30 days: CIPTv2020, CIPM, CIPP/E by IAPP******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 2020 Updated**** 6+ hours of content! Learn GDPR by examples!***************************************************************************************************************************************************No prior GDPR knowledge is needed.CIPT, CIPM and CIPP/E certification preparation in a complete learning planThis is the 3rd course in a 6 course series that will drive you to Data Privacy expert and will allow you to go for all IAPP certifications: CIPT, CIPM and CIPP/E.MY FIRST PROMISE TO YOU is the following: You will be prepared to pass 3 IAPP certifications in less than 30 days if you follow the below learning plan:Course 1: Build EU GDPR data protection compliance from scratch (CIPT)Course 2: How to succeed in a Data Privacy Officer Role (GDPR DPO, CIPM)Course 3: GDPR Privacy Data Protection Case Studies Explained (CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT) - we are here!!!Course 4: Ultimate Privacy by Design Guide - step by step strategies with examples (CIPM, CIPT)Course 5: Build Security Incident Response for GDPR Data Protection (incl. parts from CIPT and CIPM also)Course 6: (part of CIPP/US): California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) - Complete course***************************************************************************************************************************************************My name is Roland Costea and after spending my last 8 years working for Microsoft, IBM, Genpact and Cognizant as a Privacy & Security Director being able to create hundreds of integrated security & privacy programmes for top organizations in the world, I have decided to put all my experience together in a comprehensive privacy LEARNING PLAN, to show how to actually make Data Privacy operational and most importantly how to think out of the box.I have been involved in engineering privacy for a lot of industries including Automotive (Mercedes-Benz, Geely, Volvo) and also provided DPO as a service for several other top companies in Europe and US. I have worked and developed the privacy strategy for Microsoft & IBM for the whole Central & Eastern Europe and also drived Cognizant Security & Privacy business in DACH.Certifications I hold: CIPT, CIPM, CISSP, CDPSE, CRISC, CISM, CCSK, CCSP, LPT, CEH, ECSA, TOGAF***************************************************************************************************************************************************This course will save you thousands of dollars in consultancy by teaching you how to THINK! this is your most important asset and you will stand out from the crowd who just knows theory.***************************************************************************************************************************************************Course Curricula:Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Step by Step Customer Personal Data AnalysisSection 3: From Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) to Multinational examplesSection 4: International Transfers and DPOSection 5: Subject Access Requests (SARs/DSARs) - how to deal withSection 6: IAPP exam questions analysed: CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPTSection 7: Bonus"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to succeed in a Data Protection Officer Role (GDPR DPO)" |
"Lessons from ex IBM-er, MICROSOFT-er about how to make privacy operational, how to perform the DPO role and how to get 3 privacy certifications in less than 30 days: CIPTv2020, CIPM, CIPP/E by IAPP******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 2020 Updated**** 4.5+ hours of video content***************************************************************************************************************************************************No prior GDPR knowledge is needed.CIPT, CIPM and CIPP/E certification preparation in a complete learning planThis is the 2nd course in a 6 course series that will drive you to Data Privacy expert and will allow you to go for all IAPP certifications: CIPT, CIPM and CIPP/E.MY FIRST PROMISE TO YOU is the following: You will be prepared to pass 3 IAPP certifications in less than 30 days if you follow the below learning plan:Course 1: Build EU GDPR data protection compliance from scratch (CIPT)Course 2: How to succeed in a Data Privacy Officer Role (GDPR DPO, CIPM). --- we are here!!!Course 3: GDPR Privacy Data Protection Case Studies Explained (CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT)Course 4: Ultimate Privacy by Design Guide - step by step strategies with examples (CIPM, CIPT)Course 5: Build Security Incident Response for GDPR Data Protection (incl. parts from CIPT and CIPM also)Course 6: (part of CIPP/US): California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) - Complete course***************************************************************************************************************************************************My name is Roland Costea and after spending my last 8 years working for Microsoft, IBM, Genpact and Cognizant as a Privacy & Security Director being able to create hundreds of integrated security & privacy programmes for top organizations in the world, I have decided to put all my experience together in a comprehensive privacy LEARNING PLAN, to show how to actually make Data Privacy operational and most importantly how to think out of the box.I have been involved in engineering privacy for a lot of industries including Automotive (Mercedes-Benz, Geely, Volvo) and also provided DPO as a service for several other top companies in Europe and US. I have worked and developed the privacy strategy for Microsoft & IBM for the whole Central & Eastern Europe and also drived Cognizant Security & Privacy business in DACH.Certifications I hold: CIPT, CIPM, CISSP, CDPSE, CRISC, CISM, CCSK, CCSP, LPT, CEH, ECSA, TOGAF***************************************************************************************************************************************************Are you interested in becoming a Data Protection Officer (DPO) under GDPR? or just a Privacy Consultant/Professional?Are you interested in hiring a Data Protection Officer (DPO) or Privacy Professional under GDPR?Do you want to take CIPT, CIPM and CIPP/E certification?Do you want to understand what to look for and what skills are required for this type of position?Do you want to understand the hiring errors other companies did?Do you want to know exactly how to fulfil this role, how to start in your first day and what will be your required tasks on a legal basis?Do you want to understand what is your responsibility and where does it end?Do you want to understand technical assessments a DPO or Privacy Professional should do?Then this course is for you.We will not present only what you need to do, but in the end, we will also create some examples from real world, and let you know how these were treated by those companies.You will have a total clear view about Data Privacy Officer or any other Privacy Professional role after passing this course and you will be able to engage in Interviews by yourself.Privacy or Data Protection is the hottest topic today, so why not make a significant change in your career and EARN MORE MONEY?***************************************************************************************************************************************************Course Curricula:Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Brief overview of the DPO roleSection 3: Choosing a DPO. First days as a DPO.Section 4: What will a DPO do from GDPR compliance perspectiveSection 5: Evaluating Risk and performing Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)Section 6: Is DPO a technical role? Assessments!Section 7: Outside European Union Perspectives. Can a DPO be located outside EU?Section 8: Bonus"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Viral Content Buzz - Blog Marketing Certification" |
"Virality is not a single attribute. It's a rule of architecture. It's not a fortunate outcome. It's sophisticated. It's art too. People are the key component of all practices in social media. That means the sort of real social buzz that can bring your content in front of a massive amount of real people is not an automated process. Although attempts to automate social buzz are nothing more than ineffective spam, there is now a real solution to the good news. First, hear me out.When was the last time you created anything viral online?Whether you're new to content marketing or are a viral content maven, you probably know that it can be nearly impossible to predict which tweet or video or meme might go viral. It often seems like virality is entirely natural.But, Are You Now Ready to Watch Your Blog Posts or Videos Go Viral on Social Media? What do you mean by viral content?Viral content is material, such as a post, image, or video that easily spreads online through links to websites and social networking. A classic example of viral content, the internet meme typically takes the form of a video or image of one or two lines of text. However, it is possible to spread virally any type of online content that appeals to users enough to make them want to share it. Videos go viral because they connect with their audience and engage or wow them to the maximum potential.The notion of viral content has two interdependent sides. When a piece of content excites the viewers on the human side, it induces an emotional response to the point that they can't help but share it. It's ""remarkable"" stuff, in other words.We all have opinions about what content styles go viral: a soundless social video, a data-backed explainer, a timed newsjack. But it ultimately comes down to feel, no matter the format. Does the story make you feel furious, inspired, comprehended? You have to ask with everything you create: would I care if this scrolled through on my newsfeed?For various reasons, content goes viral. Keep that in mind. Entertainment value is a common feature; other features include usefulness, information, artistic merit, the promotion of points of view and the value of shock. Another viral content driver is the audience and reputation of the sharer. Social influencers have built online presences on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Quora across multiple channels and large follow-ups are present in those streams.Going viral is a hard thing to do when it comes to advertising content. What will spark a post to make it go viral is not always obvious. Evidence suggests that content is not plain, but amplification. Sharing with just five influencers can be enough in our research to ignite the material. Paid amplification, if you have a potential viral post, can also help kick things off.After having understood how ViralContentBuzz works and having done much research on the tool, I present to you an incredible course that can help you understand how ViralContentBuzz works when it comes to increasing and boosting traffic to your website/blog. This is going to solve all your problems of going viral using content on social media, forever.As per different case studies put together by different people, these tips taught in this mind-blowing course are killer tactics that will get your articles shared by social media influencers. About Viral Content Buzz/BeeViralContentBee (formerly ViralContentBuzz) is a web-based social media marketing portal or platform that leverages a crowd-sourcing model to facilitate the generation of REAL social buzz on high-quality content. The portal allows you to get Facebook Shares, Pinterest Pins, StumbleUpon likes, YouTube views and Tweets from established social media accounts that are primarily outside of your normal social media marketing channels. This keeps the social media sharing organic and gives your content REAL social media signals! Not only does Google love these types of signals, but it also means more eyeballs on your content (hence more traffic and better branding!With Viral Content Bee, one can generate high-quality traffic with free social media promotion! Social media enthusiasts can now increase their blog or video traffic by 200% by putting their content in front of eager social media influencers, worldwide.If you are looking to skyrocket your blog traffic in this competitive world and want to learn the trick behind all of this in a very short period of time and start experimenting and applying the simple yet effective techniques taught here, then this course is for you..So, why are you waiting to go viral? Join now and let's begin the virality. Getting your content marketing to go viral is not an exact science by any means, whatsoever. Learn what they think sets viral content apart from the rest of the crowd. You have the answer here with you. Embrace it. Get ready for this incredible course on virality in 2020. Enroll now and let's start rolling.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence in Video Creation Certification" |
"This incredible artificial intelligence video creation course 2020 will cover the tools called Biteable and Lumen5 which are the world's simplest video makers offering hundreds of free animated, live-action or photo scenes in lots of different styles made by top designers.I will teach you to easily add your own text, photos, colors and sound to customize your video and edit it all on a simple drag-and-drop timeline.Once, you've done that we will go through the process of choosing a soundtrack from Biteable's huge, high-quality music library to match the look and feel of your video. Artificial Intelligence and Its Advancement in Video Creation in 2020.Let's delve down further into the use of AI technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now involved in the creation of smart video and has also been able to influence businesses. Users can now film and edit videos through Artificial Intelligence. It also brings many job opportunities in the field. Due to its ability to sense, reason, act and adapt, AI has suddenly become one of the most important technologies and the most in-demand tool for the video creation market; and also due to the popularity of automation in different business practices. Several companies have invested in keeping video production as their main target in Artificial Intelligence. Examples include AI implementation and deployment through multiple video distribution channels such as Netflix and YouTube. These companies have invested in AI just to make it more exciting and innovative to watch videos. Many aspects of the production and editing process of videos have been handled by artificial intelligence. Its innovation is also a blessing for production teams and video editors. It helps practitioners to concentrate more on creative aspects instead of editing which is perceived by many to be a very dull and repetitive job.Did you also know this fact?Most aspects of the production and distribution system are managed by artificial intelligence. It can now record, edit, pick and distribute online videos. Artificial intelligence has allowed automated video editing in 2020. A camera can now operate on its own without human instructions. Ok, so what does this Artificial Intelligence in Video Creation course cover? Let's look into this further. Here is the ultimate question. Why learn this mind-blowing course and how this can be a differentiator when it comes to AI video creation?With Biteable, you can convert any plain infographic in fun slides that will not only explain and pass the information but also make the content more understandable. This course can change your life as a video creator.Biteable is the god of video creation to aid you to create videos in minutes. Lumen5 whereas is an Artificial Intelligence Video Creation Tool that allows you to turn your blog posts, articles into engaging videos to post on social media platforms. This course will save you tons of time when it comes to creating videos without using any expensive video creation software. The output videos generated will be so powerful that it would create a huge impact on your business. This is highly beneficial to any business and you will realize this inside the course. If you learn how to work on a powerpoint presentation, you can work on Biteable and Lumen5. An 8th grader can do it. The question is ""Are you ready to get into the video-making action, right now?"" 2020 seems to be a great year to take your video creation efforts to great heights of success."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Online Branded TV Channel Creation Certification" |
"This course ""Online Branded TV Channel Creation Certification"" created by Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" can redefine inbound marketing altogether. Do you know about the growth of internet television in 2020? It's unexplained and the answer is 'tremendous'.Historically, television has been a broadcast medium where everyone picks from a very small number of channels - until Now !! The move to digital approach and internet television is quite revolutionary. This course will introduce you to some powerful platforms for creating live television, scheduling and broadcasting. These kinds of platforms provide easy-to-use tools for any individual or organization to create linear TV channels with scheduled shows that can be broadcast on their own website in real-time for users to watch TV free of charge online! The platforms also provide viewers with a 24/7 broadcast, created by (people from around the world like you), of thousands of live TV channels that is streaming TV in over 160 countries globally!Do you want to learn how to easily create a fully branded TV channel from multiple sources in an embedded online player from these platforms?This ultimate course in TV channel creation gives you a unique chance to create as many channels as you need. Have your own network of television! The built-in GUIDE in these amazing tools that are taught here will display all of them together with their daily schedules in a single screen, just like a cable TV guide. By leaving the site, the viewers can easily switch between networks and this is the next level of technology, you would ever have even thought of.Learn to create a fully branded TV channel of your own in quick time with this powerful course in 2020. In this video course consisting of mind-blowing tutorials, I will teach you how you can achieve this with amazing online channel creation platforms, detailed inside.With using Viloud, Strimm TV and tools like Re-embed you can curate videos from YouTube, Vimeo and other video portals very quick and create your own custom branded player to embed the same on your website and get more views and create awareness about your brand.Experience The Next-Generation Revolutionary Technology in Video Curation and Internet Television Today.Are you ready for another roller-coaster ride to drive traffic through the power of videos and videos alone?Enroll now and let's start rolling."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Influencer Content Marketing Certification" |
"Your website acts as the forefront of your business. It enables your visitors to see you in the virtual space so they can make specific assumptions and create a given brand perception.Nevertheless, one of the most common woes for anyone running a business is getting lack of traffic to any website or blog. We all know that a business should have a good online presence. Website traffic is significant and has a three-way impact: the higher the website's number of visitors! ... If you are able to increase your traffic along with the quality of the visitors, the better you will be able to increase the conversion of your website and make that traffic paying! But believe it or not - it is easier said than done. Unfortunately, the importance of search engine visibility is not understood by many website owners. They put greater emphasis on building a ""beautiful"" website. Not that this is bad, but search engine placement is really secondary. Hopefully, the list of common errors made by many website owners will help you to generate more targeted web traffic to your site - striking a loophole into the system... after all, that's not what you or we want.All we need is a focused and strategic approach of the right customers or target audience by leveraging content curation - which is content written by influencers to drive ultimate traffic to website, video or any landing page.There are secretive tools that you could add to your content marketing arsenal that can send the much needed targeted traffic back to your website. This course will discuss one such tool: Backly - the definitive magic bullet. Backly will help you to add a call-to-action to every link you share on social media. This is the power of influencer content marketing and you will realize this if you implement the tricks taught in the course.The bonus lectures and growth hacking tips and tools covered in Section 2 will aid to take your marketing efforts to the next level.Get ready and enroll now in influencer marketing in 2020."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Anyone can Design: Graphic Design Certification" |
"Design helps us understand the world better, and it's patterns allow us to keep up with the times. You should always be conscious of the latest trends in graphic design, whether you are a designer, developer or a newbie. This course is a testament of the latest trends in the field of graphic design, this year.Understanding the AI-powered graphic design tools that aid in the essence of changing styles helps us create better designs, maintain a high level of your work and receive positive feedback.This new course titled ""Anyone can Design: Graphic Design Certification"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" teaches you to create any type of graphics for social media posts at great speeds, this new year. Create & publish images for social media, blogs, ads, and more at incredible speeds. You will be learning about an automated social media design and promotion platform with easy tools to create and come up with 100,000+ post ideas. After this, you can schedule your stunning posts across social networks. The tools that are taught have an integrated photo stock library that contain 100,000+ images - illustrations and photo backgrounds you can use. They contain a cloud-based online graphic editor, optimal timing tool to figure out audience engagement and also user collaboration features to accelerate your business with social networks by collaborating with your graphic or content team for designs.Are you ready to create posts that go viral on social media today? Get a head-start by learning about great tools that offer pre-made templates and high-res stock photos in-built within. Click on the enroll button and lets start rolling. There is no time to wait as this course may have the potential to go viral in the graphic design industry, globally."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence Presentation Creation Certification" |
"A must-to-take course for each one of us to enroll in 2020 for students, educators, marketers and of course - graphic designers.Ready to create instant powerful presentation decks in just minutes - this year?This mind-blowing course ""Artificial Intelligence Presentation Creation Certification"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" will teach you to create presentations using artificial intelligence in minutes. We will look at tools like Slidebot that can prove to be a game-changer when it comes to creating presentations in the cloud and by converting text to presentations in minutes.This course will also help you to speed up your time and effort in making beautiful presentations apart from using PowerPoint solely for making presentations which makes it difficult for you to find images, work on good designs that stand apart, use great fonts etc. Artificial Intelligence technology is booming right now and you can leverage it to create powerful presentations instantly.Slidebot tool will help you to automatically design presentations by tailoring the content to match the image. You can edit it and export it back to PowerPoint in seconds. Believe it or not - AI software nowadays is more creative when it comes to designing. So give it your best shot and get ready to create amazing and breathtaking ppts' in minutes. It's like magic for presentations with robots doing all your slides.Enroll now. Let's roll.It's time you realized and went wow about Artificial Intelligence technology in presentation creation."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"3D Animation Film-Making with Plotagon Certification" |
"With this mind-blowing ultra-speed course on creating 3D animation movies in 2020, you can go ahead and bring your ideas to life with an award-winning 3D animation software taught called as Plotagon. Plotagon is the only software in the market that allows you to create amazing 3D animation videos in the fastest time possible using highly-futuristic technology. With Plotagon 3D animation software, you can promote your business, engage your target audience segments or educate your employees as it is a simple, yet powerful tool to leverage. With Plotagon you can thus create professional animated videos in merely minutes and anyone can work on this. No prior animation experience is necessary, at all. There is no need to study 3D animation or any animation principles for the same. No need of stretch and squash and no need to know any kind of stuff in animation like perspective or character modelling, texturing, rigging, lighting etc.This amazing course will cover Plotagon in-depth like how you can set-up the software with creating characters, voices, scenes and then we will also look at creating a great creative short film. We will look at camera angles from a directors perspective in the film and we will see our text or what we call film script come to life with a click of a button. We will also look at a great method of using character monologues like stand-alone characters acting out something out a script with a green screen background.In the end, we will look at new screen-casting tools for chroma keying, an online video editing tool and a never-before-heard facial mocap tool with futuristic technology. This facial mocap tool will make characters especially 3D characters imitate whatever action you are doing using your webcam. So, enrol now, there is a lot more to discover here in this course.What are you waiting for? There is no time to waste. You would have already created a 3D animation movie by now and made your movie-making dreams come true. Dont worry youll thank me later, Mr. Director. Oh, I meant ""3D Animation Film-Maker""."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |