Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"WordPress Theme Development With Unyson & Bootstrap 4" |
"In this course, you will learn how to build quality WordPress themes using unyson framework. In this course, you will be teach step by step on how to develop high quality WordPress themes which you can sale to your clients or on Theme stores like ThemeForest. You will be teach step by step by developing a live website which you can modify or extend according to your clients requirements.Convert any static HTML & CSS website into a Custom WordPress ThemeEasily create a beautiful HTML & CSS website with BootstrapAllow your clients to update their websites by themselves using custom made shortcodesHave a thorough understanding of utilizing PHP to create WordPress websites & themesFully understand how to use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPressFully understand how to use Unyson Framework and build Custom shortcodes in UnysonLearn Good Practices in WordPress Theme DevelopmentUnderstand WordPress Theme DevelopmentLearn how to transform any PSD file into a WordPress ThemeI don't mess around. I do this for a living, and I'm sharing you my exact process for making a comfortable living as a work-from-home web developer. There is absolutely no filler in this course, no fluff, just 100% quality content, nothing less. If you take this course, follow my lead, and take action I guarantee you will not only love the course, but you'll see real results; you will have the skills & confidence to take on WordPress projects for clients, charge more money, and make the value of the course back in a single project. If you hate the course(which you won't) you have 30-days to get a 100% refund no risk, no problem."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows Passwords and Account Hacking" |
"This course will take a look at how you can gain access to windows systems by hacking your systems to test and improve your system security and also data.This course will focus on the following topics:Windows 7 Hacking and account PenetrationWindows 8.1 Hacking and account PenetrationWindows 10 Hacking and account penetrationReverting signs and changes made when hackedExtracting DataThis course is for anyone in or pursuing a career in it. This course will give the tools to complete your IT tasks faster and easier.PLEASE NOTE: This course is a ethical course and is meant to educate students on using this tools to successfully complete everyday tasks relating to Passwords and data forensics.Updated"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 220-902 Best Prep Tests 2018/2019" |
"***This Course is updated Monthly and ensures reliable content***CompTIA A+ 900Series 220-901 is the first exam that you will need ace before attempting to earn the certification. This CompTIA Course is a 2 Part exam course that will need to passed in order for the student receive the CompTIA A+ Certificate.This course will assist in just that by giving the student the upper hand with questions that will have assist the student to better understand what is expected to pass this international exams and earn that certificate. What you need to pass to receive that CompTIA A+ Certificate:Pass 220-901 A Must before you continuePass 220-902 A Must To Receive your CompTIA A+ CertificationRequirements from CompTIA is to have at-least 12 months of experience withing the IT field or computers, I would like to add that you attempt any kind of formal or informal work experience within the A+ Objectives or training.This will assist the student to be able to analyze questions .Also Check out my other courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete CompTIA N+ N10-007 Practice Tests" |
"***This Course is updated as soon as objectives change or if necessary***CompTIA N+ Exam N10-007The course is a comprehensive course used to assist you in your final preparations for the certification exam. this course consists entirely of quizzes to assist you on gaining that confidence and to test your knowledge on the subjects listed below:1.0 Network architecture2.0 Network operations3.0 Network security4.0 Troubleshooting5.0 Industry standards, practices,and network theoryCompTIA Network Plus - N10-006 has been retired and replaced with N10-007This course is not to be used to replace any formal or informal training, this course is to be used in the final preparations for the certification exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete CompTIA IT Fundamentals FC0-U61 Prep Test" |
"***This Course is updated Monthly and ensures reliable content***CompTIA IT Fundamentals CompTIA IT Fundamentals is Considered Good For Life. FC0-U61,This CompTIA exam is the only one needed to earn the CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certificate. This course will assist in just that by giving the student the upper hand with questions that will have assist the student to better understand what is expected to pass this international exams and earn that certificate. The exam details:*Maximum Number of Questions 75*Multiple Choice*60 Minutes*Passing Score (650/900)Modules:1.0 IT Concepts and Terminology 17%2.0 Infrastructure 22%3.0 Applications and Software 18%4.0 Software Development 12%5.0 Database Fundamentals 11%6.0 Security 20%Requirements from comptia is that you don't need to have any experience, I would like to add that you attempt any kind of formal or informal work experience within a few basic computer classes or software classes. This will assist the student to be able to analyze questions ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 Certification Prep Test" |
"***This Course is updated Monthly and ensures reliable content***CompTIA Cloud+CV0-002 is the first exam that you will need ace before attempting to earn the certification.This course will assist in just that by giving the student the upper hand with questions that will assist the student to better understand what is expected to pass this international exams and earn that certificate. What you need to pass to receive that CompTIA Cloud+ Certification.CV0-002 Is the exam that you will need to PASS in order to receive the certificate.Requirements from CompTIA is to have at-least 24-36 months of experience Within Cloud Infrastructure , I would like to add that you attempt any kind of formal or informal work experience within Cloud infrastructure environments or training.This will assist the student to be able to analyze questions. Important:These questions are here to help the student to practice their theoretical and practical knowledge on this subject, These questions cannot be used as the only means to pass the International exam. I work hard to try to help and assist students where possible to successfully prepare for the certification exams. Please study hard and i wish you all the best.Also Check out my other courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator Prep Tests" |
"****The content will be updated monthly when necessary****""Linux is the #1 operating system for web servers, cloud computing, smart phones and consumer electronics. Because Linux is growing so quickly, there is a shortage of experienced Linux professionals. According to the2015 Linux Jobs Report, 97% of hiring managers are looking to add Linuxtalent this year. There are 50,000+ open job listings requiring Linux on dice(dot)com. And individuals with Linux skills are being recruited at an unprecedented rate. Demonstrate to employers that you have both the skills and the knowledge to be a top sysadmin with the Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator.Why Choose Linux Foundation CertificationsThere are many reasons to choose Linux Foundation Certifications. Here are just a few:The Linux Foundation is the non-profit organization that hosts the Linux project, employs Linux creator Linus Torvalds and hosts kernel(dot)org (where all Linux kernel updates are released). So when you get our certifications, youre getting certified from the source.Because were so close to the Linux community, we are able to update our certifications regularly using feedback from the community to make sure our exams are using the most up-to-date information.The Linux Foundation has the only performance-based certifications on the market today that are available in all the major Linux distributions: CentOS, Ubuntu and SUSE.We don't sell any software or support services so were completely distribution-neutral. Our only goal is to help you advance your Linux career.""Notice: Practice tests are used to prepare and test your knowledge on the subject in order to prepare successfully for the certification exam, practice tests are !!NOT!! meant to be used to replace any training or experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98-368 Mobility and Devices Fundamentals Exam Prep Test" |
"****This is only a Preparation Test course, aimed to help you in your final preparation for the certification exam. This course is not a video or lecturing course, and Formal or Informal training is strongly recommended.**** These practice test are here to help you successfully prepare for the certification exam, Gain confidence to successfully pass the certification exam.Fully prepare for the MTA: Mobility and Devices Fundamentals Certification exam.****This course is updated as soon as exam objectives change or when new technology knowledge needs to be tested****Updated Monthly"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"50 Verkaufsstrategien fr Unternehmer: Der Komplette Kurs" |
"WILLKOMMEN ZUMKOMPLETTEN8 STUNDENKURSFRUNTERNEHMER, VERKUFER&JEDENMITAMBITIONENMchtest du Produkte online und offline verkaufen? Und mglichst wenig Geld fr Werbekosten ausgeben?Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurse fr dich. In diesemKurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie du Produkte verkaufst ingeraumer Zahl.Diesbezglich habe ich 5 Schwerpunkte gesetzt:1. Mindset - Wie denken erfolgreiche Verkufer? Worauf sind sie fokussiert und vor allenDingen, wie erreichen sie dann tatschlich auch ihre selbstgesteckten Ziele? In diesem Teil desKurses werde ich dir das Mindset und Zielsetzungsverhalten von erfolgreichen Verkufern offen legen.2. Kundenpsychologie - Wie be ich Einfluss auf Kunden aus und schaffe es dadurch Vertrauen zu ihnen aufzubauen?Was genau wollen die Kunden eigentlich von mir und was mchten sie nicht? All dies wirdThema in diesemKurs sein.3. Verkaufsort - Wo verkaufe ich meine Produkte?Ich will mir immer sicher sein, dass ich den richtigen Ort gewhlt habe um meine Produkte zu verkaufen. Doch wie finde ich das ganze raus?Das wird das Thema in diesem Teil des Kurses sein.4. Verkaufsstrategie & Marketing -Wie vermarkte ich meine Produkte bzw. bringe durch eine geeignete Verkaufsstrategie meineProdukte an den Mann? IndiesemTeil des Kurses werde ich dir ganz genau erklren welchen Ansatz bzw. welcheAnstze ich benutze um Produkte zu verkaufen.5. Kundenmanagement - Wie kannst du Kunden halten sodass du nicht mehr so viel Geld fr Kundenakquisitionen ausgeben musst?Wie muss man mit Kunden umgehen, sodass sie immer wieder von einem kaufen? Welche Art von Mehrwert ist notwendig?Dieser Kurs wird... monatlich aktualisiert mit Leidenschaft unterrichten untersttzt von einem engagierten Support Team erfolgreichen Verkufer unterrichtetDie 50 Strategien, die wir uns in diesem Kursanschauen wollen, sind:Auf den Kunden hren; Ihm aber nicht gehorchenDie Umwelt des Kunden ndern & Vorzge von Kauf klar machenAlles was du ber deinen Kunden wissen musstWas macht der Kunde falsch? Wei er das?Das Schlssel Schloss PrinzipDen richtigen Strkenfokus findenKufe beenden und Kunden aus der defensiven Ecke holenFunktion & GeschwindigkeitDein Vertrag mit dem Kunden (mndlich und schriftlich)Personal Branding TippsMehr DU, weniger SIEDie Planung deines Sales PitchesWas ist wichtig? Was ist nicht wichtig?Verkaufsplne und to do ListsWas du beim Verkaufen dir vornehmen solltest (Teil 1)Was du beim Verkaufen dir vornehmen solltest (Teil 2)VerkaufszahlenvergleicheEine Sache die wir von The Art of the Deal lernen knnenDich selbst zum Erfolg zwingenWie du schnell deine Firma um 300% wachsen lassen kannstDie Zukunft & Warum es immer weniger 'Bauern' gibtWarum sollten Kunden von dir kaufen?Wo kommt der Kunde her? Wohin geht er?Wie du richtig fokussierstDie richtige Struktur macht den UnterschiedWo kann ich meine Bcher online verkaufen?Wo kann ich meine Bcher online verkaufen?Die besten Online Blogging PlatformenWo kann ich online meine Videokurse verkaufen?Wo kann ich online meine selbsthergestellten Produkte verkaufen?Wo und wie kannst du deine Musik online promoten?Wo solltest du online deine Videos vermarkten und verkaufen?Wo kannst du online deine Produkte verkaufen?Wo kannst du deinen Podcast online vermarkten?Welche sind die grten Social Media Plattformen der Welt?Das Referral System und wie du es verwendestDas Reseller System und wie es funktioniertWer knnte alles ein Reseller sein?Realitt von zwei Perspektiven kennen lernen und sie verstehenGrnde warum Kunden nicht mehr von dir kaufenKundenakquisition kostengnstig haltenWie das Freemium Model funktioniertWie du dein Team aus der Motivationskrise bekommstDie Motivation zu arbeitenZielvorstellungen beachtenWarum ist Vertrauen so wichtig?Wettkampf ist nicht immer gutWorin besteht nun eigentlich dein Job?Wie berzeugst du deinen Kunden von deinem Produkt?Was haben alle Kunden gemeinsam?NICHTVERGESSEN:Wenn dir dieser Kurs nicht gefllt, kannst du jederzeit dein Geld zurck bekommen.Du hast nichts zu riskieren, aberalles zu gewinnen!Beste Gre,Leon Chaudhari- Lehrer -"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Chartanalyse fr FOREX & Kryptowhrungen fr Beginner" |
"Wrdest du gerne wissen wie man mgliche Investmentchancen technisch analysiert, Chartverkufe interpretiert und hervorsagt?Und wrdest du gerne bei mehr Trades richtig liegen und die dir zustehende Gewinne einfahren?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich!In diesemKurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie man Indikatoren und Overlays einsetzt, Charts analysiert und Breakout Whrungspaare findet.Folgende Dinge wirst du im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen:Chartanalysen -Was zeigt einChart?Wie kann man einenChart richtig interpretieren? Du wirst lernen unterschiedlichste Mittel einzusetzen umeinem Chart seine Informationen zu entlocken. Wir werden uns diesbezglich vor allen Dingen mit dem Whrungspaar Bitcoin/US Dollar beschftigen.Indikatoren - Du wirst lernen hoch effektive Indikatoren wie den Double Bottom, Momentum Indikator und viele mehr einzusetzen, zu verstehen und so zu verwenden, dass du eine spezifische Antwort bekommst: Kaufen, verkaufen oder nach der nchsten Investmentchance suchen.Overlays - Du wirst lernen dutzende Overlays zu verwenden, den Dead CatBounce einzuordnen, Breakout Verlufe und Parabolische Trends zu erkennen und den Parabolischen SAReinzusetzenCharts & Tradingstrategien- Ich habeauerdem noch mal ein komplettes Tutorial zum Thema Charttypen und diesbezglichen Tradingstrategien hinzugefgt, sodass du direkt nach dem du diesen Kurs zuEnde geschaut hast, anfangen kannst erfolgreich zu traden!Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast:Verstehe Konzepte wie Untersttzung, Widerstand und BreakoutEntwickle eine effektive Anlagestrategie anhand von technischen Indikatoren, Overlays und ChartsVerstehe wofr eine Vielzahl von technischen Indikatoren, Overlays und Charts verwendet werdenAnalysiere Charts und verstehe welche Folgen sich aus unterschiedlichen Chart Verlufen ergebenSei fhig Short und Long Term mit effektiven Tradingstrategien zu handelnWenn du das mchtest, dann schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kursein.Dich erwartenStunden von komprimiertenWissen, Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen und persnlicher Kontakt zu mir.Deswegen nimm diese Chance jetzt wahr. Schreib dich ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript : le Guide Ultime (ES6 et ES7 inclus)" |
"*** Laformation JavaScript Ultime en Franais! ***...Est-ce que tucherchesle meilleur moyen de construire des applications ou des sites web modernes ?Tu as dj essayplein de cours sur JavaScriptmais ils ne sont ni trs clairs ni jour ?Tu as envie de donner un bon coup dacclrateur dans ton apprentissage du dveloppement web?Cette formation est exactement ce qu'il te faut !...Quels sont les avantages de cette formation ?Avantage 1 : 100% jourJe suis un passionn. Je me tiens inform de chaquepetitenouveaut. Je partage tout dans cette formation, que ce soit les normes ES6, ES7 et les futurs au fur et mesure de leur sortie.Avantage 2 : Des exercices rguliersJe dteste les formations uniquement thorique. Je t'inviterai rgulirement mettre la vido sur pause pour raliser un exercice par toi mme et ainsi valuer ta progression. Je t'apporte ensuite une correction mais il y a souvent plusieurs faons de faire donc ne t'inquite pas si tu n'as pas exactement la mme chose que moi !Tu finiras cette formation avec une bonne dizaine de mini-projets en main !Avantage 3 : JavaScript t'ouvre beaucoup de portesTu as dj entendu parler des frameworks comme React.js (Facebook), Angular.js (Google) etc ... ? Ils sont tous fait en JavaScript. Si tu matrise JavaScript tu n'auras aucun mal passer ensuite ce type de technologies avances.Avantage 4 : J'ai tout fait pour rendre JavaScriptfunJ'ai tourn plus de 250 tuto gratuits sur Youtube et j'ai appris rendre un cours vivant. Non seulement on va coder cte ctemais on va le faire en se faisant plaisir.Toute la formation est structure pour que tu progresses tapepar tapemme si tu es dbutant (les plus avancs iront simplement plus vite).***Voici tout ce que tu vas recevoir en t'inscrivant la formation :Un accs vie aux vidos HD. Tu apprends au rythme qui te convient et d'o tu veux.Toutes mes vidos sont tlchargeables et lgres. Tu peux te former mme sans connexion internet, dans les transports par exemple.Tu as accs tous les fichiers sources. Tu peux te baser sur ce code comme point de dpart pour tes futurs projets.***Commence apprendre JavaScript en t'inscrivant tout de suite la formation et code tes premires lignes.On se retrouve dans la premire vido !"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"React 16+ Le Guide Complet (+Redux, React Router & Firebase)" |
"*** La meilleure formation React en Franais ! ***Dernire mise jour pour Redux le 27 Juillet 2020.Dernire mise jour pour React v16.6.0 et React Router v4.3.1 !...Est-ce que tu cherches le meilleur moyen de construire des applications ou des sites web modernes ?Tu as dj essay plein de cours sur React mais ils ne sont ni trs clairs ni en franais ?Tu as envie de donner un bon coup dacclrateur dans ton apprentissage de JavaScript ?Cette formation est exactement ce qu'il te faut !...Quels sont les avantages de cette formation ?Avantage 1 : Le cours est entirement orient autour de projets relsTu ne vas pas apprendre React comme dans une salle de classe. Je mets un point d'honneur proposer des formations qui s'articulent autour de projets concrets.Tu vas crer 3 applications de A Z. Dans un ordre de difficult crescendo. Comme a, mme si tu es un peu effray par React tu auras le temps de l'apprivoiser ton rythme.Tu pourras ensuite crer tous les projets de sites ou d'applications qui te passent par la tte.Avantage 2 : Tu vas apprendre bien plus que simplement coder en React.jscrire des lignes de code c'est trs bien, c'est la base. Mais a ne suffit pas pour tre compltement autonome sur tes projets. C'est pourquoi on va aller beaucoup plus loin que simplement coder. a inclut de crer des animations, mettre en place une base de donnes, crer un systme d'authentification, grer des routages d'URL, utiliser des lignes de commande, envoyer ton site sur un serveur web, coder avec les dernires fonctionnalits de JavaScript (ES6 et ES7)...Avantage 3 : Ds que tu auras fini la formation tu auras en main 3 vraies applicationsA la fin du cours tu auras 3 sites complets en ligne qui fonctionnent sur ordinateurs, tablettes et smartphones. Bien sur je te fournis tous les fichiers sources que j'ai divis tape par tape pour que tu puisses suivre encore plus facilement.Tu peux regarder la vido de prsentation pour voir la dmo des 3 projets que tu va crer.Avantage 4 : J'ai tout fait pour rendre React.js funJ'ai tourn plus de 300 tutoriels gratuits sur Youtube et j'ai appris rendre un cours vivant. Non seulement on va coder cte cte mais on va le faire en se faisant plaisir.Toute la formation est structure pour que tu progresses tape par tape mme si tu es dbutant (les plus avancs iront simplement plus vite).Avantage 5 : Plusieurs sections thoriquesDes bases jusqu'au concepts avancs... On fait le point sur tout pour que tu puisses travailler 100% en autonomie la suite du cours. Tu auras une vision globale de ce qu'il est possible de faire avec React.Avantage 6 : Toutes les nouveautsReact 16+ReduxReact Router 4create-react-app 2context APIref APIFragmentHOCES6+{...}...Voici tout ce que tu vas recevoir en t'inscrivant la formation :Un accs vie aux vidos HD. Tu apprends au rythme qui te convient et d'o tu veux.Toutes mes vidos sont tlchargeables et lgres. Tu peux te former mme sans connexion internet, dans les transports par exemple.Tu as accs tous les fichiers sources. Tu peux te baser sur ce code comme point de dpart pour tes futurs projets....Commence apprendre React en t'inscrivant tout de suite la formation et cre ton premier projet.On se retrouve dans la premire vido !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Run Your 5km Marathon for Beginner" |
""" Learn EVERYTHING About Completing Your 5km MarathonIn 60 minutes""Couch to 5km Marathon Crash Course is for everyone with a desire to run. If youre a reforming couch potato, it helps ease you into a healthier lifestyle. If you have Olympic aspirations, take a look at different ways to improve your training. This easy-to-understand guide is also for those who want to:Complete their first 5km,half marathon or full marathonLose weightDecrease blood pressureLive longerRelieve stressBoost creativityFind a fun way to exerciseHitting your strideSpeed trainingReaching your peakThe day of the raceMarathon trainingIdentifying and treating injuriesCross-training and treadmill trainingRunningANDSOMUCHMORE!Run around the block around town,or the treadmill?. Tired of pavement? Run through the woods. Keep track of your personal progress in handy running logs in this course. Improve your health, feel good about yourself, and have fun! With several million runners on the road today, youll find a lot of company, encouragement, and friends benefiting from this healthy and fun activity."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Psychology Of Parenting" |
""" If you are having a hard time in teaching and developing your children and are desperately looking for ways to better develop and educate your children to be a happier and more successful , then this course is made FORyou ! """" We allknow that being a parent can be both rewarding and challenging. This course are here to support you and to help you develop an unique and successful children , by understanding the psychology behind parenting ."" In this course, you will master The System That Develop An Excellence Child .WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN AND WHY YOU NEED TO LEARN IT?I'm giving you 5 solid reasons to consider:1. Bronfenbrenners bio-ecological system:Through the Bronfenbrenner Ecological Theory, Bronfenbrenner stressed the importance of studying a child in the context of multiple environments . According to him ,it is possible for siblings who find themselves within the same ecological system to still experience very different environments.2. How To Prepare Your Children To Face Fear And Uncertainty: Life will not be smooth sailing . How do we know how strong is a child ,is how good are they in managing themself when facing obstacles. It is crucial for parents and other agents of socialisation to equip children to face a future of both constancy and uncertainty .3. Erik Erikson, The Eight Stages Of Psychosocial Development In Self Concepts :During each stage, a person willexperiencedifferent psychosocialsituation inwhich could have a positive or negative outcome for personality development . You are going to learn how to maximize the positive outcome and minimize the negative impact from this course.4.Top 5 parenting method: Poor parenting method , create poor children.Choosing the wrong parenting method , will lead to a confuse low confidence children !5. Cognitive Methods of Parenting :You are going to learn lot more the science behind parenting psychology .Things that you are going to learn are such asreasoning , setting standards ,transductive reasoning and many more , that are able to helpyou in effective parenting .WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?This course is for new parent , parent with children , future parent or anyone whorealize what it means to spend fatiguing dayson educating their childrenand then make no progress .Was it all waste of time? It doesn't feel good to lose one of your most important resources -your time!I am going to share with you how to develop your children by using the parenting psychology's theory and example .IS THERE ANY RISK INVOLVED?Yes, there is! The risk is that if you don't use these principles your CHILDREN and YOU will suffer! Those psychological principles were kept secret for a long time and they arewickedly effective(just no body talked about it ). Become a student of the course and if you don't see the real value, you can have your money back!YOU HAVE 30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.Thirty days is a good period for you to apply the concepts in the course and see some real, astonishing results on your children !***IS THIS COURSE FOR YOU ?***in order to maximize your leanining experience , i will recommend you to do the following things before purchasing any of my courses.1) Read the course description and curriculum carefully , so that you will have an idea on what is this coursesreally about .2) Watch the preview lecture . Preview lectures aregood checking point for elements such asaccents and also presentation style .3)Read the review . Im not a perfect instructors , so there will be some positive and negative reviews as a reference for youabout the course.4) Talk to me . Feel free to sent me a message ,and ask me any questions regarding my course, and i will get back to you asap i promise .SO , in the case of if you did purchase one of my courses , and you do not really like it , do not worry!Udemy is offering a100% money back guarantee within 30 days .So u do not have anything to loss.And , if you like my course please give it a 5 stars rating and spread around among your firends and family .See ya , and take care"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Football Analysis and Predictions for Dummies" |
""" Football prediction is all about analysis and making rational decision according to the result given by the analysis .""It is really all about it .However , there are ALOTof areas that we need to take into account in order to make the prediction as accurate as possible .And thisFootball Analysis and Predictions for Dummies is all about that . In this course , i will be showing you all the areas that you need to take into account when developing your own football prediction system.What's included?1) How does soccer betting works ?2) How to Earn Money from Soccer Betting ?3)What is Value Betting ?4) Basic Principle of Bookmaking5) The Role of Odds Compilers6) Secrets in Picking The Winning Team7) Designing Your Own Prediction Model8) How to usepoisson distribution modelto predict footbal result.and SOMUCHMORE !It is FREE for Limited TIME! Normal price Isonly $145 !MONEYBACKGUARANTEE !And here's my no questions asked money back guarantee.There's a 30 Day Money Back GuaranteeIs this course for you?Honestly, I have know idea. And that's why we are offering a 30 day money back guarantee.Scroll up and click the""Take This Course""button now.WARNING: THIS IS NOT A GET RICH FASTCOURSE. This course is aim to help people ,that would like to have a better understanding on HOWto make football prediction more accurate , and would like to learn more about the system behind football betting .***IS THIS COURSE FOR YOU ?***in order to maximize your leanining experience , i will recommend you to do the following things before purchasing any of my courses.1) Read the course description and curriculum carefully , so that you will have an idea on what is this coursesreally about .2) Watch the preview lecture . Preview lectures aregood checking point for elements such asaccents and also presentation style .3)Read the review . Im not a perfect instructors , so there will be some positive and negative reviews as a reference for youabout the course.4) Talk to me . Feel free to sent me a message ,and ask me any questions regarding my course, and i will get back to you asap i promise .SO , in the case of if you did purchase one of my courses , and you do not really like it , do not worry!Udemy is offering a100% money back guarantee within 30 days .So u do not have anything to loss.And , if you like my course please give it a 5 stars rating and spread around among your firends and family .See ya , and take care"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Testosterone Optimization System" |
"This course covers ONLY natural ways to increase your testosterone level. This course include a simple, quick, and inexpensive method that you can use TODAYto boost your testosterone level .The Problem With Today""s Men :1 IN 4 MEN OVER 30S HAS LOW TESTOSTERONE LEVEL , which also mean that 1 in 4 men over 30s are lack of sex drive and have erectile dysfunction as a result of low levels of testosterone . Lets look at what are the symptoms of low testosterone :Sexual dysfunctionReduced sex drive (low libido)Sleeping disorderInfertilityLoss of hairsDecreased strengthWeight gainBeer bellyAlways feel tireThis course intends to answer below questions with PROVENresearch :1) How can we increase testosterone levels the 100% natural way ?2) What is the best training programme to boost your testosterone level ?2) Which foods increase/decrease testosterone the most? 3) Do testosterone booster such as tongkat ali , ZMA, DAA really works on boosting testosterone ?4) Which foods kill testosterone? 5) What is the best vitamin to increase testosterone? and so much much more !Beside learning how to boost up your testosterone level , you will also gain a basic understanding of the endocrine system and how testosterone production works. But the key in this testosterone optimization course is that youll learn the actionable, easy-to-apply practices that will transform your health , and your life.Why This Course?Although it's low price but this course is pack with quality research and practical information , our course offers many great features and benefits , helping you:1) Save thousands of hours on Google and get straight to the proven method that you need to know to improve your health , live longer , increase your testosterone level , build lean muscle mass , loss fat fast and effective .2) Look more confidence , increase self esteem , feel healthier, happier, move effectively , better sex performance .3) Develop a customize blue print that cater to you needs for improving your health from diet, exercise, sexuality, and daily habits .Join a community of like-minded ""T Booster Academy"" ,where you can share your experience to encourage one another to achieve the best result or ask any questions that you have ,and myself or others member will help you up with it ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CBT : Dummies 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety & Depression" |
"Want to learn about CBTthe easiest and simplest way? CBT : Dummies 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety & Depression is for you .What are you going to learn in this Dummies 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety & Depression is for you .Includes tips on establishing ten healthy attitudes for living as well as ten ways to lighten upHelps you blue print a path by defining problems and setting goalsStraight forward guide to freedom from anxiety and depression .Hello, I've been where you are . I was a shy , anti social and when put into a public event , i will feel very anxious , sweating and dizziness will kicks in during my younger life . After graduating , i feel that i have missed alot of things ,if i cannot overcome this psychology barrier , therefore i started to lift weight , build up my confidence level , and went for male modelling competition .So instead of avoidance , i choose to face my fear , which is also a technique that you are going learn in this course. Hope you enjoy it .100% Money Back Guaranteed! Udemy giving out 30days money back guarantee . You can do this! Instructor available to help you along right here on Udemy!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Psychology - Getting to Know Psychology" |
"Understanding Psychology - Getting to Know Psychology is an introduction course for students that want to learn about the essentials of understanding psychology . This psychology course is very easy and simple to understand ,even if you do not have any psychology background .This course is build purposely for general folks that want to know psychology better. Psychology play a very important role in human live. This course explained the essentials area of psychology so that you can have a better understanding about the science of psychology.In This Course You Will Learn About:- The essentials of psychology- The research method of psychology- The history of psychology- The modern aspect of psychology- The science of psychologyand so much MORE.This course come with 100% refund by udemy if you do not satisfied in any way with this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python : les interfaces graphiques avec PySide" |
"Dans cette formation Python nous allons apprendre crer des interfaces graphiques (communment appel GUI en anglais pour Graphical User Interface) l'aidedu module PySide, un binding sur la populaire librairie Qt (similaire au binding PyQt).Le cours est divis en diffrentes parties expliquant toutes les notions thoriques que vous devez connatre afin de mettre en place une interface. Chaque partie thorique est accompagn d'un exemple en code et un TP vous accompagnera tout au long du cours pour vous permettre de mettre en pratique les notions enseignes avec un cas concret.Pour finir, nous crerons ensemble dans un projet final un gestionnaire de notes qui vous permettra de suivre le processus complet de A Z d'un programme Python avec PySide. l'issue de ce tutoriel, vous serez donc en mesure d'adapter vos scripts existants afin de leur ajouter une interface graphique ou mme commencer crer des programmes Python que vous pourrez distribuer plus facilement qu'un programme en ligne de commande."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Python par la pratique : 101 Exercices Corrigs" |
"Dans cette formation, vous allez devoir rsoudre 101 exercices Python.Chaque exercice dispose d'une solution sous forme de code, avec une explication dtaille du processus derrire le code et des points importants retenir.ORGANISATIONDUCOURSLes exercices sont classs en trois catgories par ordre de difficult : dbutant, intermdiaire et avanc.Chaque exercice contient un nonc qui vous permettra de vous lancer dans la rsolution du problme.Cette formation tire avantage de la plateforme Udemy en vous permettant de tester votre code directement sur le site afin de vrifier s'il fonctionne o non. la manire des sites tels que CodeCademy, CodeWars ou CodeCombat, cette formation vous permettra donc de tester vos connaissances et vos acquis en Python travers une multitude d'exercices directement dans la formation.LESEXERCICESLes exercices proposs couvrent un large ventail des fonctionnalits de Python et se trouvent sous diffrentes formes.Des exercices de base pour s'assurer que vous matrisez le langage (dclarer des variables, crer des structures conditionnelles, utiliser des boucles).Des exercices pour dcouvrir des fonctionnalits avancs.Du code qui contient des bugs que vous devrez trouver et corriger.Des exercices dans lesquels vous devrez mettre en place des algorithmes.LESPRREQUISIl est prfrable pour vous d'avoir dj un minimum de connaissances de base en Python pour pouvoir rsoudre les exercices.Cependant, vous n'tes pas oblig d'avoir un niveau avanc pour suivre la formation.En effet, en regardant la solution et les explications vous pourrez aussi bien apprendre de nouvelles techniques que si vous suiviez un cours thorique.Aprs tout, on n'apprends jamais mieux qu'avec un exemple, qui sont en nombre dans cette formation.POURQUOIUNCOURSUNIQUEMENTCOMPOSD'EXERCICES ?Pour expliquer l'intrt d'un cours uniquement pratique, je vais utiliser une analogie avec le passage du permis de conduire :Dans les premiers cours de conduite, vous tes guids par l'instructeur et vous vous concentrez sur le maniement de la voiture et les diffrentes commandes votre disposition. C'est l'quivalent d'un cours thorique sur les bases de Python.Puis vient un moment o l'instructeur vous 'lche dans la nature' et vous devenez alors responsable de prendre toutes les dcisions. C'est souvent un choc car jusqu' prsent vous tiez habitu vous faire guider et vous n'aviez pas rflchir par vous-mme.C'est ce que ce cours cherche vous faire apprendre. Vous avez les commandes du vhicules et c'est vous de passer l'action afin d'avancer vers la prochaine tape.Si vous avez l'impression de bien connatre Python mais ne vous sentez pas encore prt en faire votre mtier ce cours vous aidera mettre la main la pte et vous pourrez ainsi mieux mesurer votre niveau d'autonomie par rapport au langage."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas y Prcticas para Administrar ptimamente tu tiempo" |
"Preparate a realizar un anlisis prctico de tu vida cotidiana para identificar cmo aprovechas el tiempo que tienes a disposicin, como lo malgastas y cmo puedes hacer para lograr ser ms eficiente, efectivo y eficaz mejorando tu productividad personal.El curso est estructurado de tal forma que por medio de la presentacin, ejercicios prcticos y muchas ganas de mejorar, puedas rpidamente sobresalir en tu administracin temporal personal, obteniendo la medalla de oro en Administracin del Tiempo!!!Atrevete a cambiar... atrevete a ser mejor... no podrs arrepentirte de haber tomado el mejor camino para ser excelente.Te espero!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administra tu Tiempo! Los 7 Hbitos de Personas Efectivas" |
"Stephen Coveyda una clase magistral sobre la diferencia entre la gente que logra grandes xitos en distintos aspectos de su vida y entre aquella gente que tiene vidas estancadas y sin progreso. Son los buenos hbitos los que conducen a una vida de xito, y son los malos hbitos los que conducen a una vida de fracaso. Hay un patrn comn en el camino hacia la superacin personal y profesional, y Covey describe de un modo breve pero magnfico cules son aquellos hbitos que debe adquirir una persona que aspire a vivir una vida excelente en cualquier mbito.El curso de los7 hbitos de las personas altamente efectivas, basado en el best-seller deStephen R. Covey, con ms de 20 millones de copias vendidas, propone un nuevo enfoque para lagestin y liderazgo de los equipos y personas. Este enfoque acta sobre las bases de laefectividad personal e interpersonal.Mejora la capacidad de gobernarte a s mismo asumiendo las decisiones y centrndose en lo que es realmente importante. Te proporciona adems los medios para establecer relaciones de confianza mutua y aumentar la implicacin para trabajar de forma eficaz en equipo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Operador de Montacargas y Elevadores Mecnicos de Carga" |
"El curso de Certificacin de Operador de Montacargas Profesional, permite obtener de manera rpida y dinmica, una capacitacin al personal, en manejo, mantenimiento y seguridad en la operacin de montacargas con el objeto de mantener un ptimo nivel de eficiencia y duracin de cada uno de los sistemas de carga imprescindibles para realizar su trabajo.Tiene como componentes principales los siguientes puntos:Este curso te dar todo el aprendizaje para que sepas operar de forma segura cualquier equipo montacargas o elevador mecnico. Te brindar por medio de ejercicios prcticos, la habilidad de conocer los lmites seguros de trabajo de equipos pesados como montacargas y elevadoresTe permitir identificar situaciones potencialmente riesgosas y as evitar accidentes e incidentesTransfrmate en un Operador de Montacargas Profesional Calificado"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende PowerPoint 2016. Curso completo para principiantes" |
"PowerPointes la herramienta que nos ofreceMicrosoft Officepara crear presentaciones. Laspresentacionesson imprescindibles hoy en da ya quepermiten comunicar informacin e ideas de forma visual y atractiva.Algunos ejemplos de su aplicacin prctica podran ser:En la enseanza, como apoyo al profesor para desarrollar un determinado tema.La exposicin de los resultados de una investigacin.Como apoyo visual en una reunin empresarial o conferencia.Presentar un nuevo producto.Y muchos ms...En definitiva siempre que se quiera exponer informacin de forma visual y agradable para captar la atencin del interlocutor.ConPowerPointpodemos crear presentaciones de formafcil y rpidaperocon gran calidadya que incorpora gran cantidad de herramientas que nos permiten personalizar hasta el ltimo detalle. Podemos controlar el estilo de los textos y de los prrafos, insertar grficos, dibujos, imgenes... Tambin es posible insertar efectos animados, pelculas y sonidos. Podremos revisar la ortografa de los textos e incluso insertar notas para que el locutor pueda tener unas pequeas aclaraciones para su exposicin y muchas ms cosas que veremos a lo largo del cursoEste curso paso a paso te dar todas las herramientas que necesitas tener para poder alcanzar la perfeccin a la hora de tener que crear presentaciones en PowerPoint 2013 o 2016.Est dividido en captulos con una secuencia lgica para que puedas aprender paso a paso todo lo que necesitas para realizar las mejores presentaciones en PowerPoint, que sean claras, directas y con mensajes entendibles.Realizaremos un ejercicio por cada capitulo, que al final darn vida a una gran presentacin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Total. Aprende ms de 3000 vocablos en una semana!" |
"El nico curso de ingls en UDEMY que incluye un TEST GRAMATICAL enteramente en ingls con 9246 preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas distribuidas en 430 pginas TOTALMENTE GRATIS!!!!Ms de 200 archivos de audio!!!!!!con los que podrs practicar la pronunciacin del idioma ingls!!Asimismo, este curso de ingls permite al alumno ir aprendiendo, de una manera gradual, un rico y variado vocabulario, conms de 3.000 vocablos!!!!!Ms de 50 clases interactivas!!!!!Ms de 50 examenes y pruebas de aprendizaje!!!!!!!!!Ms de 250 preguntas de verificacin de aprendizaje!!!!!!En este curso de introduccin al idioma ingls, desarrollamos la teora, los ejercicios y los sonidos del idioma ingls para uso cotidiano, comercial, turstico y profesional.El Curso de Ingls est dirigido a toda aquella persona interesada en aprender ingls pero que disponga de un tiempo muy limitado para su aprendizaje.Este Curso permite al alumno aprender ingls de una manera fcil y divertida, dedicndole tan slo unos minutos cada da, suficiente para ir progresando paulatinamente y llegar a alcanzar un slido conocimiento de esta lengua. Este primer curso consta de ms de100lecciones de ingls con ejercicios, audios, pronunciacin y vocabulario.As que, nimo y ""come on""..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formacin Profesional para Asesor y Consultor ISO 9000-9001" |
"El cursoAuditor Interno de Calidad ISO 9000ha sido desarrollado en base a la ltima edicin de esta Norma Internacional. Tras una de las revisiones ms profundas a las que este estndar ha sido sometido desde su creacin, la nueva edicin trata de adaptarse a los nuevos tiemposfacilitando su integracin con los dems sistemas de gestin y que estos sean ms accesibles para todo tipo de organizaciones, especialmente el sector servicios, donde esta nueva norma se enfoca de una forma ms clara.ISO 9000va un paso ms all que sus predecesoras yobliga a las empresas a concebir la calidad en trminos de estrategia consiguiendo un mayor valor aadido. Para ello incorpora nuevos conceptos como la gestin del riesgo, el contexto, etc., y asienta otros que ya se vienen manejando desde la versin del ao 2000 como es la satisfaccin del cliente o la gestin por procesos.Laauditora de calidades unaherramienta de gestinempleada por las organizaciones paraevaluar la eficacia de su sistema de gestin de calidadconforme a los requisitos establecidos por la Norma ISO 9000, con el objetivo deestablecer y mejorarsus polticas, objetivos, estndares y otros requerimientos de calidad y lograr as la mejora continua.As pues,las auditoras de calidad ofrecena las organizacionesconfianza sobre la eficaciade su sistema de gestiny su capacidad para cumplir los requisitos del cliente. Igualmente, las organizaciones pueden acceder a la obtencin de certificados de gestin de la calidad a travs de un proceso de auditora de calidad que debe de llevar a cabo una entidad de certificacin acreditada.El curso Auditor Interno de Calidad ha sido actualizado en base a la nueva ISO 9000. Los nuevos contenidos permitirn a los profesionales del mbito de la calidad ponerse al da en los cambios de la norma respecto a la versin anterior"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AdWords de Google. Crea las mejores campaas publicitarias" |
"AdWords es el programa publicitario de Google. Permite crear anuncios sencillos y eficacespara mostrarlos a usuarios que buscan en Internet informacin relacionada con su empresa.Cmo es posible mostrar sus anuncios nicamente al pblico ms relevante? La respuesta esla publicidad basada en palabras clave.Cuando un usuario visita Google y formula una consulta como, por ejemplo, 'buenas guitarraspara principiantes', Google muestra distintos resultados relevantes, como vnculos a artculosque contengan consejos para comprar una guitarra o sitios web para personas que se inicianen la msica. Asimismo, muestra anuncios de AdWords que enlacen con empresas en lneaque vendan guitarras, u ofrezcan clases de msica u otros productos y servicios relacionadoscon la consulta.Por ejemplo, supongamos que es el dueo de una tienda de msica que ofrece una ampliaseleccin de guitarras. Podra abrir una cuenta en AdWords y crear anuncios para las guitarrasde gama bsica de su inventario. Para cada uno de ellos, podra seleccionar palabras clave(una sola palabra o frases relacionadas con el mensaje de su anuncio) como 'guitarras paraprincipiantes' o 'guitarras de gama bsica'. Al activar su cuenta, sus anuncios seran susceptibles de aparecer en las bsquedas de los usuarios. Es decir, el sistema de AdWords buscara constantemente las consultas de bsqueda relacionadas con las palabras clave seleccionadas y mostrara sus anuncios a un pblico altamente orientado.En resumen, anunciara sus productos directamente a un pblico interesado en ellos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Facebook Marketing Course 2019 - Step by Step A-Z" |
"Ultimate Facebook Marketing Course 2018 - Step by Step A-ZLearn and master Facebook marketing (powerful social media channel) using proven step-by-step strategies to attract followers, build your brand and convert your followers to paying customers.In this Facebook Marketing course You will learn how to:How to build a professional & convincing Facebook page & groupKnow your potential followers to have a successful Facebook marketingTools that help you to increase your content quality of your Facebook postsFacebook AdsFacebook RetargetingFacebook Audience Blaster (A tool that increase sale)Pro Posting & captionPowerful and proven Facebook marketing strategiesLive marketing Event streamingCreate network effect & cross promotionDuring this Facebook marketing course we will learn and practice lots of powerful tools which makes marketing on Facebook easier. It creates a powerful source as social media marketing and help you to create a successful page and business on Facebook. More than 6 months research and experiment is used in this Facebook marketing course and there is no course more complete than this one anywhere. Hopefully by the end of the course you will have a successful Facebook page.Facebook marketing as a popular social media is one of the essential channels in promoting your product these days, so if you want to learn Facebook marketing to improve your business, this is the exact course you are looking for to do social media marketing .Ads and Promotions on Facebook is very important and essential in every business and together we are going to learn everything about it.In addition to all of these we will have monthly updates on new features of Facebook , and provide great tips about social media marketing so this course will always be useful for you in your personal and business use.The time is now to act and find your place in social media and build your business with Facebook marketing. Too many people miss on these powerful social media channels. If you are aiming for success, learning social media marketing, specially Facebook is essential.If you really want to achieve everything said above join this course NOW! , become a social media marketer and take your business to the next level with Instagram marketing.Facebook Marketing by Pouya Eti "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create WordPress Website For Marketing & Sales (No Coding)" |
"Create a WordPress Website For Marketing & Sales (No Coding needed)Over 41,000 happystudentsfrom179 countriesenrolled in mycoursesOverall, 2000+ TOPReviewson all my coursesPractical proven steps that bring result for students.We will use a powerful WordPress Theme to build a successful website for Marketing, Sales, Blogging, Online store, Convincing landing pages. LET YOUR BUSINESS GROW..In this WordPress Website courseYou will learn how to:Setup your host, domain and install WordPress on itAnalyze WordPress themes to find the best choice ( I also will suggest best WordPress theme for marketing & sale)Install the WordPress theme and build your own websiteCreate slider and call to actionUse powerful digital marketing strategies on your siteUse tricks that attract and convince peopleBuild your own blog that can rank in search enginesWork with WooCommerce and build your own storeCreate powerful landing pages for your products and businessWork with MailchimpCreate subscriber forms for different goals.During this Instagram WordPress website coursewe will learn and practicelots of powerful tools which makes marketing easier. Itcreatesa powerful source as social media marketingandhelp you to create a successful landing pages for your business. You can build a powerful website that completely works from and make sales within a week.Hopefully by the end of the course you will have a successful website that have the ability to bring traffic, make money and convince people by digital marketing strategy. (depending on applying the strategies).WordPress as a powerful platform for building a website without any coding is extremely helpful in building a successful website specially for marketing. For sure there are many other platforms out there like Wix which help you build your site very fast, but ask yourself Will they work good for marketing?Can you control everything?Can you add/remove any element on your site?Can you have your own store with no third party to take a cut from you?and much more ...------------Important!Along the way I will point out to many powerful marketing tips that can grow your business and website much faster. Pay attention to the bonus marketing strategies inside the course.------------Important!If you really want to achieve everything said abovejoin this course NOW! , build your own WordPress website and take your business to the next level with ""Create WordPress Website For Marketing & Sales"" course.WordPress Website For Marketing & Salesby Pouya Eti"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z: 12 Courses in 1 + Updates" |
"Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z: Market The Product To The WorldBy the end you will be able to use multiple platform to introduce your product, to market with the right way, and to convince that it is the best product for people..In this WordPress Website course You will learn how to:Create a powerful WordPress website for marketing (using a theme)Create slider, call to actions, landing pages, garbing email forms for email marketing, Store, products and much more21 digital marketing strategies (marketing cognitive biases) 4 type of business energy and how to react against them to be more convincingWebsite persuasion, what elements to use on your website according to your nicheUse Mailchimp for email marketing, how to create lists, signup forms, campaigns ...Copywriting to write a powerful blog/email to convince more people6 hooked headline formulasHow to become a story tellerSEODo Keyword research on different areas according to your businessUse headline analyzerYoast for SEO on WordPressWrite a copy that follows SEO & readability instructionsWork with search enginsDrive traffic to your webpageComplete Instagram MarketingImprove your content qualityUse automation toolsInstagram adsComplete Facebook marketingFacebook adsDo retargetingDo live streaming on different platformsComplete Google Analyticsand much more ....As I mentioned in the promo video, this Digital Marketing course is so complete and it is not something you can finish in couple of days or weeks. This program will take 3 to 4 months till you can complete the course, learn and practice everything so you can become a master at digital marketing. The first step we are going to take is to setup our WordPress website. We are going to use a wordpress theme and little by little we are going to build our website and along the way we will follow some specific digital marketing instructions. In addition we are going to build powerful landing pages to increase sale, online shop, product pages, complete WooCommerce, and much more.After we completed our website for marketing, we will start to learn more about digital marke4ting strategies. You must learn the concepts, the way you should think in marketing, the tips and tricks. Marketing cognitive biases are extremely powerful and using 2 or 3 of them can bring a huge sale for you.------------Important!Not everyone knows about digital marketing cognitive biases, and please please use them in ethical way. With cognitive biases you will have the ability to convince people toward your goals and it is extremely important to use it for ethical purposes !!! if you are not sure you can do it please do not join the course.------------Important!Next we will learn about 4 type of business energies which is very useful in marketing, to analyze your product and your customer and to know what strategies will work best on them. This system is developed by my mentor years ago and since I learned myself, I used it a lot and brought so much benefit into my businesses.Email marketing is one of the brutal ways to do digital marketing and in this course we are going to use Mailchimp to do it. We are going to learn how to use Mailchimp, create lists, signup forms, successful marketing campaigns and so on.After that we will learn more about copywriting, which most people are very weak in this topic. We will learn and practice how to write a powerful and hooked headline, how to write convincing copy to increase our sale.The next topic we are going to focus on is SEO (search engine optimization), how to bring our webpages to rank in the first page of Google and other search engines. We will start this section by learning more about keywords and how we can select the best possible choice.One of the most complete sections which we have in this course is Instagram marketing which you will learn everything that exist in Instagram marketing. How to improve your page, how to improve your content quality, more than 20 marketing strategies to grow your page. Instagram automation tools which help you along the way. How to create viral posts on Instagram and so on.The next step is about Facebook marketing, we will learn how to build a page and grow it using specific digital marketing strategies. we will learn how to build a group and market it as a source for our business. we will learn Facebook advertisement which is important in digital marketing. There is an other thing which is important to learn which is retargeting, we will learn and practice it also along the course.The other important tool we need to learn is Google analytics. Along the way on our business we will face lots and lots problems and Google analytics will help us to fix those problems and suggest the best possible solution. Also by the end of the course you will receive your ""Digital Marketing"" certificate so you can use it on your resume to increase your salary.If you really want to achieve everything said above join this course NOW! , master digital marketing and take your business to the next level with ""Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z: 12 Couses in 1"" course.Mega Digital Marketing Course A-Z: 12 Couses in 1 by Pouya Eti "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Steemit Beginners Guide - 2020" |
"This course is designed for all! You do not need to be interested in Cryptocurrencies at all to be successful in this course to make money online! This course is for those seeking to make money online without having the need of overhead on a monthly or annual basis. My goal with this course is to help guide you in order to understand the in's and out's of Steem so you can earn income being a blogger online with ease! Join me today as we cover the following topics to help you succeed as a Steemian! You will learn:What is SteemCreating an accountHow to succeedTypes of postSteemit ServicesInvesting in SteemCashing out from steem to USDThis course is for you to make your transition to making money online easy as possible with Steemit!Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to see you in this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |