Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Tracking and the Art of Observation - Fundamentals" |
"Tracking is the art of being able to track a human being or animal by the many signs and marks (sign) left on the ground and surroundings after their passage through an area. It is one of the most ancient of skills, mastered by our human ancestors as they relied on it to hunt and procure food. Many traditional cultures still practice this art but regrettably it is slowly dying out.The course is ideal for anyone involved in search and rescue teams as employing tracking skills allows search areas to be reduced and efforts to be refined when searching for lost persons. Tracking teams can supplement ground and aerial searches and are used extensively as a vital component of search and rescue efforts.People with an interest in observing nature, monitoring or photographing wildlife will benefit from the skills taught on the course as animal behaviour is discussed among other topics. Anyone seeking a more intimate understanding of the natural environment in any respect will gain much from the observation and perceptual training presented during the course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Urban Survival - Volume 2" |
"May you live in interesting times! ~ Without question humanity is certainly doing that and we as a species are potentially facing major challenges just around the corner. Such challenges may affect cities, regions,countries,or even the entire global community and may take the form of man made or natural disasterevents or both. Things are happening so be as prepared as you possibly can be, as an individual, a family and as a community.This course takes you step by step through what you need to do to ensure your as prepared as you can be for any disruption to the normal supply chain that every urban space depends completely upon everyday.It teaches you how to think to survive, how to manage your intrinsic acute stress (fight/flight) response. What to prepare and why.The course focuses on ensuring that you understand what life support measures you need to address in a collapsed urban space. It shows you what you need to do to keep your family safe!No matter your level of experience in preparedness and urban survival, this course will assist you to begin preparing or enhance your current level of readiness. Employing a simple, practical and common senseapproach to the complexity of disasters of all natures in the urban situation, this course will bolster your chances of getting out alive. Real world experience of conflict zones, disaster events and survival have informed what is included in the curriculum of this course. This isnot justa collection of useful tips, tricks and hacks for urban survival - Itis a no nonsense, straight forward and complete urbansurvival system.Prepare for the worst hope for the best."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Psychological Interview Question and Answers" |
"Hi There...!!I am here to help you excel in your Job or Business Career but first I want to ask you few questions would you like to answer..?If You are ready then Let's Start.Are you struggling to get a good job or best business opportunity ?Are you not getting job or business opportunity even after giving a good interview?Are you willing to go for a job or business interview and want to practice psychology interview question and answers ?Are you seriously looking for best psychological interview question and answers so that you can get your Job or Business Opportunity Instantly.?If your Answer is Yes to all the above questions...!!Then here I am going to help you to solve your all problems psychologicallyBy going through my course you will come to know the hidden psychological secrets of Job or Business interview question and answers.You will come to know specifically what to do and how to do it in an easy way.What are the patterns of interview question and answers that are being asked frequently ?What is the hidden agenda behind every interview question and answer that you get ?How you have to answer these Interview question and answers in very specific and psychological way .?After completing this course you can make your success guaranteed and you can excel in your career in coming future with great profits.I will Meet You In the Course..!!Rizwan AyaanEntrepreneur and Human Psychology Marketing ExpertKeep always learning about the psychology of How to start a business interview ,starting a business interview with clients,business tips,business,sucess,business ideas,business with job,business,starting a business,business ideas in hindi,how to start business,how to start your own business,how to start a small business,how to start a company,start up business,how to do business"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
taiwan-museums |
"() 2012(International Council of Museums)(International Committee for Personnel and Training) - ()921"
Price: 800.00 ![]() |
"Learning Traditional Kung Fu" |
"This traditional kung fu course aims to teach you the basics of kung fu as it was thousands of years ago, this learning is necessary if we want to progress in traditional kung fu.In this course you will learn :- The first TAO of Chang Quan- The basics position- The five blocksThe course is :SimpleFastComprehensive.If you are passionate about martial arts, this course is for you!This course is suitable for everyone !The knowledge of traditional kung fu must be transmitted. Do the same, share this course with your loved ones, your friends!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Les Bases du Combat Kung Fu" |
"Ce cours est un cours de combat sanshou. Le sanshou est un type decombat dans le kung fu traditionnel en Chine. Dans le sanshou, les poings la tte ne sont pas autoriss, ce qui signifie qu'il y a un travail de garde corporel developper.Durant ce cours plusieurs points seront travaills:Les coups de poingsLes coups de piedsLes enchainementspoings / piedsLes gardesPuis un extrait de combatLe combat passe aussi par un chauffement statique puis dynamique des mouvements basiques. Le travail rgulier et rigoureux fera de vous un vrai combattant sanshou.Dans ce coursnous vous donnerons toutes les comptences ncessaires pour vous fournir un panel d'enchainements possibles mains nues ainsi qu'avec les coups de pieds.Inscrivez-vous ce cours ds maintenant !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Minimalism - the Detox for your Life and Business" |
"Hi there,thank you for taking the time to check out this course. Do you feel overwhelmed by too much stuff?Do you lost sight of what is truly important to you?You feel like you get distracted all the time?Minimalism might be an option for you! My name is Stephanie and I got in touch with the minimalism way of life after Imoved abroad and started my own business.What are we going to do in this course? Well, this course is about the minimalistic way of life. Although theaesthetics of minimalism are part of this course it's more about the benefits that minimalism can provide on the journey of decluttering. Benefits like connecting with yourself and finding what is truly important to you.This course will firstgive a brief introduction about the concept of minimalism. Second we will talk about the benefits of minimalism. Then we will talk about some Tipps and Hacks on how to declutter - including the Marie Kondo Method and finally I provided a 30 Day Minimalism Challenge for you to get you started.I'm looking forward to seeing you in the course.Thanks a mil, take care,Stephanie************************************************************************************************************************What others sayabout this course:*****Style: I like the pace and the style of this course. Stephanie conveys her material in a very likable and personable manner. Content: I love the idea of minimalism to not being about strictly getting rid of everything and living a spartan life. It's more of a tool and a way of thinking. It's about de-cluttering, both physically and mentally, to make space for the things, people, ideas, and thoughts you really value. Stephanie has some great tips and ideas to bring a little bit of this into your life as well. I can highly recommend this course!*****This course shows various aspects of how to implement the art of minimalism in your life. Stephanie Bosch dives even deeper into some topics than Marie Kondo in her classic Magic Cleaning. The whole material is presented in a very authentic and natural way. The first three chapters are dedicated to the effects and benefits, that minimalism can bring to your everyday life. But my favorite part is the 30 Day Challenge in chapter 4, which helps you to get started practically right away. This one gets my full recommendation.*****Excellent coach.*****Very Impressive Lectures on Minimalism. How to live a peaceful and calm life? A Great Course. I would like to suggest that every person should take this course. Thank You Very Much MS Stephanie Bosch for teaching a complex stuff in a very simple, easy and lucid way. Thank You Very Much Indeed.****Fr mich ist der Kurs einfach besser geeignet, als ein Buch zu diesem Thema. Bin gespannt auf die 30 Tage Challenge.****great course one thing missing is a good written presentation but other than that its great thanks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"B2B Sales Skills Essentials from a Sales Professional" |
"Hi there &welcome to Introduction to B2B Sales, thank you for taking the time to check out this B2B sales course. Do you want to switch from B2C to B2B sales and sell to business customers?Do you want to be taken seriously as a successful B2B sales person?Do you want to manage the whole B2B sales process professionally and build lasting relationships? Do you want to acquire the relevant B2B sales skills?ThisB2BSalescourse mightbe an option for you!My name is Stephanie and I am a sales person since more than 11 years. I've done B2B sales, B2C as well as Business Development as anEntrepreneur. I'm also a certified trainer and the founder of SalesTrainerIn Ltd.In this B2B Sales course I share with you the essential sales skills you need.What are we going to do in this course? Well, this course is about B2Bsales and the relevant sales skills. This course is meant to help honest, ethical sales people learn about B2B sales and harness their B2B sales skills. This might be right for you, when you are new to selling. When you are an entrepreneur or want to make the switch from B2C to B2B sales.This course is NOTabout hard selling though. The goal of this B2B sales course is to help you build long lasting, sustainable and profitable relationships with your clients and not to become a pushy sales person.Within this B2B sales course we will talk about the mindset and habits of successful sales people and get you set up with the essential sales skills to start right from the beginning!This course will firstgive a brief introduction about the concept of B2B and the differences to B2C and Business Development.Second we will talk about the B2B sales process. TTo get you started and take immediate action there will be practical exercises to help you customise the course content to your needs - tomake it perfect for your offer and your current sales skills.Finally, there will be a 30 Day B2B Sales Challenge that shall help you succeed and get out of your comfort zone :-)I'm looking forward to seeing you in this B2B sales course.Thanks a mil, take care,Stephanie******************************************************************************************What others sayabout this course:*****Stephanie Bosch offers a great introduction to B2B Sales with this course. I especially liked the overall very motivational teaching style. You will also find lots of helpful tips and exercises inside. A highly recommendable course!****Very straight forward, approachable and informative. Very good for someone with limited experience. Just learning the steps of the sales process has helped my confidence level for making first contact. I do wish there were more specific examples of different ways to say things, especially in the first contact and closing phases.****valuable information, well-structured and explained; less focus on the instructor could be advantageous"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Minimalismus - Detox fr Dein Leben & Business" |
"Hallo und herzlich Willkommen!Schn, dass Du da bist und danke, dass Du Dir die Zeit nimmst, diesen Kurs anzuschauen.Fhlst Du Dich manchmal berfordert?Hast Du das Gefhl, dass Dich deine Sachen zurckhalten und Dich Deine Umgebung in Deiner Flexiblitat einschrnkt?Hast Du aus den Augen verloren, was Dir wirklich wichtig ist?Hast Du das Gefhl permanent abgelenkt zu sein undfokussiert zu bleiben?Dann knnte ein minimalistischer Lebensstil gegebenenfalls interessant fr Dich sein.Ein bisschen Hintergrund...Mein Name ist Stephanie Bosch und ich bin vor ca 4Jahren zum ersten mal mit dem ThemaMinimalismus in Berhrung gekommen.Ich bin in meinem Leben schon sehr oft umgezogen und daher war mit Freiheit schon immer wichtig. Ich wollte flexibel sein. Als ich dann nach England gezogen bin, habe ich meinen Hausstand, Klamotten &Co. nochmal drastisch reduziert. Als ich dann jedoch meine Firma gegrndet habe, habe ich mich trotzdem oft berfordert gefuehlt und das Gefhl gehabvon Chaos umgeben zu sein.Daher habe ich fr mich entdeckt, dass Minimalismus weit mehr ist, als nur eine schne sthetik und wenig Kram.Nmlich auch eine Einstellung zum Leben.Herauszufinden was mir wirklich wichtig ist. Diese Erfahrungen teile ich mit Dir in diesem Kurs, sodass auch Du entscheiden kannst, ob dieser Lebensstil oder Aspekte davon interessant fr Dich sind. Es geht dabei nicht darumnur eine bestimmte Menge an Dingen zu besitzen, sondern sein Leben so zu gestalten, dass es glcklich macht.Was erwartet Dich also in diesem Kurs?Ich stelle Dir das Konzept von Minimalismus und einem vereinfachten Lebensstil vorWir sprechen ber einige der Vorteile dieses Lebensstils und warum ""entrmpeln"" sooo befreiend sein kannIch gebe Dir meine Tipps und Tricks zum Aufraeumen, sich trennen knnen und zur Vorbeugung von emotionalen Frust Shopping AttackenMarie Kondound ihr Konzept finden natrlich auch einen Platz sowieeine 30 Tage Minimalismus Challenge, die Dir hilft sofort ins Tun zu kommen und die Dinge anzupacken.Ich freue mich, Dich im Kurs wiederzusehen.Vielen Dank fr deine Zeit und bis bald,Stephanie***************************************************************************************************************Was andere ber diesen Kurs sagen(Teilnehmer Feedback):Der Kurs ist super und direkt anwendbar. Ich glaube, es lohnt sich, ihn in einem Jahr zu wiederholen. Die 30-Tage-Herausforderung ist wie ein Checklist fr regelmige Inspektion :) Nur zu empfehlen.Also am Anfang war ich dem Kurs ein wenig kritisch eingestellt, aber dann hat mich das Konzept voll berzeugt. Die Anregungen fr jeden Tag kann man superleicht umsetzen, bzw. sind jetzt nichts auergewhnliches, aber genau das macht die Strke von diesem Programm aus. Danke fr den tollen Kurs.sehr angenehme und motivierende Stimme, inhaltlich super!Viele interessante Aspekte, das ganze Leben betreffend, werden angesprochen. Dazu gibt es hilfreiche Tipps zur Verbesserung."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Einfach besser Netzwerken! Begeistere auf Networking Events!" |
"Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu einfach besser Netzwerken!Schn, dass Du da bist und danke, dass Du Dir die Zeit nimmst, diesen Networking-Kurs anzuschauen.Du magst Netzwerkveranstaltungen nicht? Du fhlst dich beim Netzwerken unwohl und beobachtet? Du networkst nur, weil du denkst du musst? Du hast bisher wenig Erfolg beim Networking gehabt? Hast du Angst, dass niemand mit dir spricht oder du die Menschen langweilst? Du willst viiiiel lieber auf dem Sofa sitzen und deine Katze kuscheln als rauszugehen und wildfremde Menschen bei nem Drink kennenlernen? Du musst es aber trotzdem tun? Vielleicht, weil du dein eigenes Business fuehrst oder du Vertriebler bist und du Kunden gewinnen musst oder, vielleicht auch, weil du Gleichgesinnte finden und kennenlernen moechtest..Dann knnte dieser Kurs ""einfach besser Netzwerken"" gegebenenfalls interessant fr Dich sein.Ein bisschen Hintergrund... Mein Name ist Stephanie Bosch und ich bin Vertriebler seit 12 Jahren und Unternehmerin seit 4 Jahren. Du koenntest also sagen ""Sales kann se"". Nichtsdestotrotz fand ich Netwerkveranstaltungen immer ein wenig unangenehm. Diese geknstelte Atmosphre von in einem Raum zusammengepferchten Menschen, die sich nicht kennen aber unbedingt kennenlernen wollen oder mssen. Bissl wie Speeddating bei Torschlusspanik.Ich hatte also die Wahl: Entweder, ich finde es weiterhin bld und mache es gar nicht oder qule mich da durch oder ich nutze die Chancen, die es bietet und habe ne geile Zeit. Ich habe mich fuer das zweite entschieden.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie auch du das Beste aus diesen Veranstaltungen rausholen kannst. Auch, wenn du eher introvertiert bist :) Ich freue mich, Dich im Kurs wiederzusehen.Vielen Dank fr deine Zeit und bis bald,Stephanie*********************************************************************Was Teilnehmer ber diesen Kurs sagen:Ein interessanter Kurs mit vielen Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis. Man sprt die Erfahrung der Lehrerin. Fr jeden, der seine Kontaktfhigkeit bei Networkveranstaltungen weiter entwickeln mchte. Vielen DankSehr praktisch, sofort umsetzbar, freundliche Dozentin. Erfahrene Netzwerker werden natrlich vieles schon wissen ;-)Vertriebs- und Kommunikationstrainings habe ich schon einige durchlaufen. Dieser erffnet einen neuen Blickwinkel auf neue Methoden.Der Kurs hat viele interessante Anregungen gegeben."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Balance Your Masculine & Feminine: Awaken Your Inner Warrior" |
"This course is for conscious and awakened men and women who are striving to bring balance and harmony to their masculine and feminine within... My journey has been healthy one of bringing wholeness to my own life and noticing my need to nurture my masculine and feminine within. It was something I struggled with as I was very much connected with my inner feminine, I suppressed the masculine within me. As I grew, I allowed my masculine to come out in a way so that I could truly express who I was... and it was beautiful. The Awaken Your Inner Warrior course is all about shifting from your conditioning and Ego to living from your Soul essence. It's about shifting from Self to Soul as you become conscious and awakened to who you are. Our program does not give you answers, it helps you to find answers within your self in order for you to be more at peace with who you are! Throughout our mentoring, we look at your conditioning and what has shaped you into the person you are today. We evaluate the archetypes of the masculine and feminine as we help you to shift your consciousness and awareness so you can live from a place of higher self. Then finally we assist you in bringing the masculine and feminine into alignment so that you can become whole within yourself. Are you ready to become a conscious and awakened warrior? Join Our Course Today and Awaken Your Inner Warrior!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Video Game Development" |
"If you have a technical or creative project that you want to finish (or start!), this course will help you to identify why you are getting blocked, how to stay on track and ultimately help you FINISH IT (your project that is).We often use the word ""motivation"" to summarise the process of staying focused and getting our work done. But finishing challenging projects requires far more than just motivation - it requires systems, strategies, tools and planning. In this course we start at the high level and explore how this project fits into your overall career or life goals. We look at what, exactly, your final product will look like and why on earth you are even working on your project. Often its not for very powerful reasons which can lead to some funky unproductive behaviour on our part.We continue to drill down through your project to look at what are your very next actions, where you are blocked, what you plan to accomplish this week, this month and the next 90 days. You will learn techniques such as:The Very Next Thing tecnhiqueThe Clear Your Cache techniqueYour own personal approach to Finding FlowThe Work-Or-Dont-Work philosophyThe Work Breakdown Structure techniqueThe Accountability Buddy approachAnd many more techniques for successThe goal of this course is very simple: Get you to Finish your project.Some examples of projects that our students are working to finish are:Video game projectApp development projectPortfolio building projectOnline course / study projectLooking for specific technical content? Check out our comprehensive range of game development courses.The course follows a step-by-step Workbook which will guide you through your specific set of circumstances and help you finish your project.The instructors of this course have spent years studying and teaching personal development. They have completed many projects as well as not completed many projects and have an acute understanding of what it takes to achieve success when you are in charge of your own milestones and deadlines.You might be working solo on your project, but you don't have to do it alone. Come and get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).We hope you allow us to contribute to the completion of your project! Come join us now, you won't be disappointed!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads Display, Search, Video, Shopping, Exam Test 2020" |
"Do You Want to become a Google Certified Professional?Do You Want to Pass Google Ads Certification in just 1 attempt? If yes, then it's an Amazing 100% proven Practice test just for you.This practice test will help you to pass all Google ads certification in just 1 attempt and within 24 hours. 100% Genuine and Updated questions and answers. You will find All questions and answers. no worry about 80% marks you will get up to 99%. Including this practical test:- 1. 147 Q&A For Google Ads DIsplay Certification Exam.2. 145 Q&A For Google Ads Search Certification Exam.3. 106 Q&A For Google Shopping Exam.4. .125 Q&A For Adwords Video Certification Exam.Benefits of taking this practice test:- When you take the real exam you can find Similar Questions, options, and answers so you can easily identify the right answers. All the latest updated questions and answers. All Question bank in one course.30-day money-back guarantee!Lifetime access to all updatesSave your time.What is Google Certified Professional?The Google AdWords certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of AdWords. An AdWords certification allows individuals to demonstrate that Google recognizes them as an expert in online advertising. Benefits of Google Certification:Attract more customersReach the right people at the right timeAdvertise globally and locallyGet a High Salary Job and more.What After Passing the Exam?You have taken the exam and passed it. But what after this? Flaunt it!As discussed above, certifications from Google do help in instilling confidence in potential clients as well as employers so it is important to have some strategy to put it in front of people.The first thing you need to do is access and print the certification, sign in to your Google Partners account and select My profile, Under the profile picture, you will see the AdWords Certified link, you can click that option to access and get the print of your certification.For instance, heres what you can say about your certification statusGoogle has recognized me as an AdWords certified professional, meaning that Ive passed multiple exams that assess my product expertise. Im qualified to help you grow your business on the web using Google AdWords.Well, thats not enough. You should promote it to let people know you are professional now!LinkedIn: Under the Certifications section, you can add the title there.Twitter: Promotion of social platforms for business purposes is important. For instance, if you are active on Twitter, you can add it to your bio below the Twitter profile picture.Others: You can add the certification status to your website, resume, business cards, and more."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Adwords & Analytics Certification Practice Test 2019" |
"Do You Want to become a Google Certified Professional?Do You Want to Pass Google Adwords and analytics Certification in just 1 attempt? If yes, then it's Amazing 100% proven Practice test just for you.This practice test will help you to pass all Google adwords and analytics certification in just 1 attempt and within 24 hours. 100% Genuine and Updated questions and answers. You will find All questions and answers. no worry about 80% marks you will get upto 99%. Including this practical test:- 1.165 Q&A For Google Analytics Individual Qualification Certification Exam.2. 56 Q&A For Digital Sales Certification Exam.3. 68 Q&A For Mobile Sites Certification Exam.4. 155 Q&A For Adwords Fundamental Exam.5. 123 Q&A For Adwords Display Certification Exam.6.129 Q&A For Adwords Search Certification Exam.Note:- This is a second course of adwords and analytics certification. you can find my first course for other certification.Benefits of taking this practice test:- When you take real exam you can find Similar Question, options and answers so you can easily identify right answers. All latest updated questions and answers. All Question bank in one course.30-day money back guarantee!Lifetime access to allupdatesSave your time.What is Google Certified Professional?The Google AdWords certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of AdWords. An AdWords certification allows individuals to demonstrate that Google recognizes them as an expert in online advertising. Benefits of Google Certification:Attract more customersReach right people at the right timeAdvertise globally and locallyGet High Salary Job and more..What After Passing the Exam?You have taken the exam and passed it. But what after this? Flaunt it!As discussed above, certifications from Google does help in instilling confidence in potential clients as well as employers so it is important to have some strategy to put it in front of people.The first thing you need to do is access and print the certification, sign into your Google Partners account and select My profile, Under the profile picture, you will see the AdWords Certified link, you can click that option to access and get the print of your certification.For instance, heres what you can say about your certification statusGoogle has recognized me as an AdWords certified professional, meaning that Ive passed multiple exams that assess my product expertise. Im qualified to help you grow your business on the web using Google AdWords.Well, thats not enough. You should promote it to let people know you are professional now!LinkedIn: Under the Certifications section, you can add the title there.Twitter: Promotion of social platforms for business purposes is important. For instance, if you are active on Twitter, you can add it to your bio below the Twitter profile picture.Others: You can add the certification status to your website, resume, business cards, and more."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Product Packaging & Labels Design in Illustrator & Photoshop" |
"[Updated Chapter] Product Packaging & Labels Design in Adobe IllustratorIn this new chapter I created the Product Packaging & Labels from a Contest Based website.I have taken a case study from 99design.If you want to maximize your income being a graphic designer, then this course will add more in your income.This course will guide you and teach you professional level skills about Product Packaging and Product Labels.So this is your opportunity not only to learn exactly how to make a variety of photoshop mockup templates but also find out how to make money by selling them.What is covered?In this course, you're going to learn exactly how to create five different types of mockup templates:Chips Bag LabelShopping Bag LabelCosmetic Tube LabelPlastic Pouch LabelPaper Cup LabelThroughout each project, you will follow along from choosing the right photograph, to making the finishing touches on the template."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA Programming - The Complete Guide" |
"Welcome toExcelVBAProgramming - The CompleteGuide, Udemy'smost comprehensive VBAcourse!VisualBasic for Applications (VBA) is a powerful language built on top of popular Microsoft Office applications like Excel, Access, and Outlook. It allows developers to write procedures calledmacros thatperform automated actions.Anything that you can do inExcel, you can automate withVBA!Over the course of more than 18 hours of content, we'll cover VBAfrom the ground up, beginning with the fundamentals and proceeding to advanced topics including:The ExcelObject ModelThe VisualBasic EditorObjects and MethodsVariables and Data TypesWriting Your Own ProceduresThe Workbooks and WorkbookObjectsThe Worksheets and Worksheet ObjectsRange ReferencesRange ActionsConditionalLogicIterationAlertsConfiguring ExcelFunctionalityCustom FunctionsArraysDebuggingEven ProceduresUser FormsIn addition to the video content, thecourse is packed with dozens of quizzes, challenges, and assignments to test your knowledge of your material as you progress.No programming experience is required -- complete beginners are more than welcome! VBAis a great language to start with because you can master the fundamentals of programming in a familiar work environment.No extra software is necessary -VBAis bundled with all modern versions of Excel.Excel isthe world's most popular spreadsheet software and is available on over 750 million computers worldwide. Whether you use it for professional or personal reasons,VBAcan help you remove the redundancy in your workflow and accelerate your productivity drastically!Thanks for checking out the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Testing Ruby with RSpec: The Complete Guide" |
"Welcome to Testing Ruby withRSpec:The Complete Guide!This course offers a comprehensive overview of theRSpec testing library for theRuby programming library. RSpec is the most popular Ruby Gem of all time, with over 300 million downloads to date.If you're new to the topic, testing is the practice of ""writing code that confirms that other code works as expected"". Tests control for regressions, which are changes to the code that break the program. The benefits of testing extend outside of the codebase. Adopting a test-driven approach will also make you a better developer. Tests force you to think critically about the program and its features: the classes, the objects, the methods and more.Testing Ruby withRSpec begins with the essentials and proceeds to more complex topics including:InstallationProject InitializationTest-Driven Development (TDD)let variablesbefore and after HooksSubjectsShared ExamplesShared ContextBuilt-in MatchersMocks and DoublesInstance DoublesClass DoublesAs a software engineer and consultant who's worked withRuby for several years, I'm excited to introduce you to the awesome RSpec library, its elegant syntax, and all of its fun quirks.Thanks for checking out the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Jornada para o Propsito" |
"Sabe aquela sensao de estar tododiavivendo a mesma coisa?Descobrir o propsito tem uma importncia fundamental na nossa motivao diria: acordar sabendo que a vida tem um sentido, faz com que consigamos realizar mais coisas com foco e satisfao. Aumenta nossa fora interna consideravelmente para construir a nossa realidade, passo a passo.Muitas pessoas por falta de propsito acabam deixando a vida as levar e acabam sendo direcionadas para caminhos onde no existe felicidade e satisfao pessoal.Quando estamos atentos s nossas qualidades e a utilizamos para o bem maior, naturalmente vem a sensao de contribuio significativa.Neste curso fazemos umaviagem interiorpara observar-se, e entender o meio em que fomos criados e as crenas que temos em decorrncia dessas convivncias durante a nossa vida e entoutiliz-las para criar aquela realidade 100% satisfatria. possvel!Bem-vindo (a)!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Produtividade para Estudantes com Evernote" |
"Se voc estuda online e tem muito material e s vezes fica perdido, esse curso para voc.Aprenda a organizar seu material de estudos dentro do Evernote e encontrar suas matrias com uma pesquisa simples.Nesse curso voc encontrar dicas de produtividade para se sair melhor em testes, ter mais clareza de todo o seu material e organiz-lo na forma que voc precisa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Interactive Anthropology: Exploring Research" |
"Are you interested in learning more about research from an anthropological perspective?Anthropology is a diverse field with thefocus on understanding humans.Studyinganthropology is a great way to improve your critical thinking skills and understand people in a diverse, holistic way.This introductorycourse explores research using the four-subfieldapproach toanthropology.This course explores:the four subfields of anthropologyresearch articlesrelated to each subfielda basicapproach reading and understanding research articlesBy the end of the course, students will:be familiar withthe four subfields of anthropology and a basic concept of research in the fieldbe empowered to start exploring research and applying anthropology to their worldviewThe course is suitable for all levels and open to anyone who wants to improve their understanding of people.Any studentinterested in learning more about anthropology and understanding examples of research in the fieldis encouraged to take this course!Thanks for reading- I look forward to having you in the course and exploring anthropology together!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Coffee Expert: How to Make the Perfect Cup" |
"From the Coffee House in the heart of London's Coffee Culture, this is the complete coffee course from bean to cup and beyondtaught by two coffee experts and former Judges of the UK Barista Championship! Would you like to learn more about coffee? Understand its origins, understand roasting & grinding? Would you like to find out how to make a better cup of coffee? Do you want to stop drinking bad coffee?If so, this is the course for you. In this 30 lecture course Richard Hardwick, founder of Bespoke Beverages and HALO Coffee - With the help of one of London's top Barista trainers, Henry Ayers of the already legendary Gentlemen Baristas, will give you all you need to be a coffee expert in a series of in depth, up close videos filmed in the historic Coffee House.We will cover origins, beans, how beans are ground and why different grinds taste different. We then move on to brewing and the different techniques employed. Richard covers the Syphon method, Aeropress method, Chemex method & V60 method, and then demonstrates the equipment needed to employ them. He then moves to the world of Espresso, showing how to spot good and bad espresso, how to make Americanos, a good Flat White, Lattes and Cappuccinos. And he even shows how to put a modern twist on the Cappuccino. Richard also gives you tips and tricks and helps you avoid common mistakes. So what are you waiting for?Come join Richard and Henry become a coffee expert in one of the most comprehensive online courses ever created."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Baby & Child Sleep Masterclass from The Sleep Nanny" |
"The Sleep Nanny is a mother of two, a best selling author, regular contributor to The Huffington Post and other publications, a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach with specialist training in the delicate 4-5 month age bracket and a Certified Maternity and Parenting Sleep Professional.This is the completeUltimate Child Sleep Solutions course which covers babies all children from birth to 5 years old.Complete sleep course for new babiesThis is the first and most comprehensive training of its kind. Ultimate Sleep Solutions will take you through, step by step, how to resolve the sleep challenges you are having with your little one.With modules for every age from birth to five years we have covered every possible scenario and have solutions to suit different types of temperament and personality - after all, no two children are the same, right?You can hire me, The Sleep Nanny or another experienced and certified sleep consultant who will help you to resolve your challenges and leave you feeling firmly in the driving seat however, what if you hit a bump in the road and you are faced with a new an unexpected problem? With Ultimate Sleep Solutions, just login and go to the appropriate module to find the answers you need at the right time.Ultimate Sleep Solutions has you covered from birth to five years. If you have a particularly alert little one, it is likely that you will go through various challenging phases over the early years. Just when you think you have it cracked, Bam! they hit you with something else. Don't get caught short, get all the answers at your fingertips, to keep!Some reviews from the course""My 19 month old daughter was often waking 2/3 times a night. Being pregnant with my second and working full time meant I felt like a broken woman! Following Lucy's advice, my little girl now sleeps through, is much more alert in the morning as she is more rested as a result has much happier parents! I couldn't imagine we would get to this point, but the transformation is amazing. I'm stocking up on sleep now til the next one arrives in a couple of weeks""""I am so happy I could cry!! This time 2 weeks ago I was struggling to get my 20 month old to bed, waking 2-3 times a night for an hour and a half a time I was exhausted and was having a massive strain on our family. 9 nights in and I have just put my son to bed and he has settled himself without me in the room in 10 minutes! I never ever thought I would get to this stage!!! Am so proud of my little Louie and can't thank Lucy enough for your support, you have literally changed our lives!!""Sleep is so incredibly important, get the sleep you need to take care of and enjoy your family and give your little one the best start all round!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Entrepreneur & StartUp MBA: Start A Business In 90 Days" |
"Have you ever wanted to start a business? Bored of your day job and think you could achieve more? Do you have a great idea for a business, but don't know how to go about getting it off the ground? If so, this course is for you.Learn how to launch a business in 90 daysIn this course, award winning entrepreneur Junior Ogunyemi explains everything you need to know to get a business off the ground in 90 days. By taking this course he will explain how to:- How to find your million dollar idea and why you need to focus on solving problems- How to best use the assets you already have to get a business off the ground- The value of mentors and how to find one- How to validate your ideas without risking everything- How to raise funds to launch your business- How to market your business, and what to focus on- How to sell, and the 4 P process- How to scale your business, and why you don't want to be critical to the business in the long termAfter taking this course, you will have the entire business toolkit you need to get your idea off the ground.Who is Junior?He is the inspirational speaker that turns young people into entrepreneurs. Junior is a multi-award winning serial entrepreneur and author of the best-selling book how to be a student entrepreneur.Junior launched his first business at just 17, and used it to pay his student fees. By graduation, he also owned a football coaching academy operating in schools and communities across London. He had also launched a magazine publishing company and was recognised as one of the top 10 most outstanding black students in the UK.At age 21, he wrote his first book and secured a publishing deal. Since then he has launched numerous other businesses and now focuses on social entrepreneurship because he believes that is the best way to understand and improve todays society.He has appeared on TEDx and national TV across Africa. Now, he continues to travel around the world sharing his principals of success, and for the first time has brought them to a digital platform with the Expert Academy"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como Investir em CDB, LCI e LCA: Renda Fixa para Iniciantes" |
"O cursoComo Investir em Renda Fixa para Iniciantes: CDB, LCI e LCAensinar o passo-a-passo para investir em ttulos de renda fixa privados ofertados pelos bancos. Estes investimentos so to seguros quanto a poupana, porm com maior rentabilidade.Devido facilidade de investir, os ttulos de renda fixa so ideais para objetivos de curto prazo e para quem est comeando a investir. As aplicaes no exigem grandes quantias de dinheiro( possvelinvestir com apenasR$ 30,00). possvel realizar aplicaes mensais ou peridicas, e escolher o prazo e a taxa mais adequadas aos seus objetivos.O objetivo principal que o investidor iniciante consiga, ao final do curso, entender tudo o que preciso para alcanar seus objetivos financeiros com os investimentos em renda fixa, atravs de explicaes claras e simplificadas, alm de exemplos reais de investimentos.Neste curso, voc aprender tudo sobre os principais ttulos de renda fixa:CDBsLCI e LCATesouro DiretoPoupanaDebnturesLetras de CmbioComo funcionam? Quanto o dinheiro ir render? Quais so os riscos envolvidos? Aprenda tudo isso no cursoComo Investir em Renda Fixa para Iniciantes: CDB, LCI e LCA.A grande vantagem de realizar um curso online pela Udemy a garantia da qualidade do contedo. Os instrutores passam por um rigoroso processo de aprovao antes do curso ser publicado. Ao realizar este curso, voc ter acesso a umcontedo de qualidade, didtico e focado,com tudo o que voc precisa saber para investir em ttulos de Renda Fixa concentrado em um nico local!O curso contm uma srie de videoaulas, artigos e links para facilitar a sua jornada no mundo dos investimentos. Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de escolher por conta prpria os melhores ttulos para investir, e realizar as operaes de compra e venda de maneira segura e inteligente. Ao longo do tempo, a alta rentabilidade dos ttulos de Renda Fixa far seu dinheiro se multiplicar, e voc ser capaz de planejar seu futuro e realizar seus sonhos mais rapidamente graas ao poder dos juros compostos."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Physique Mastery Boot Camp" |
"Thiscourse is designed as a crash course that touches on all the fundamentalknowledge necessary to achieve physique mastery.Whatis physique mastery?It'stheability tomaster the aesthetics of the body through strategy andexecution in both training and diet. It's mastery over fat burning, musclebuilding, and athletic performance. Examples of physique masters are fitnessathletes, bodybuilders, models and the like. Having a great physique is theirprofession, so its critical for them to know the ins and outs of the body inorder to strategize and build competition, award-winning physiques.Nowyou might be thinking but Im no competitive fitness athlete, I just want tolose weight and look good naked! I dont need to learn this stuff!True,you may not be a competitive figure competitor, but why wouldnt you want tolearn applicable knowledge and skills from the top physique masters in theworld to achieve the body you want? Wouldnt you want to learn how to makemoney from Warren Buffet? Or how to write catchy radio music from Maroon 5?Theknowledge contained in this course series will teach you the strategies on how to achieve the body of your dreamsand the why behind the methodologies.Every strategy taught in this course series originates from the inner workingsof our physiology, so youll know everything is based on actual science, notconventional wisdom, pseudoscience, or hearsay.Now,you probably already know that to change your physique, you need both trainingwith intent and nutrition with purpose.Thefirst half of this series will focus on the more crucial of the two: purposefulnutrition. That is the keythat has the BIGGEST impact onachievingphysique mastery and MUST be mastered to achieve the body ofyour dreams. This is why we will focus on learning this aspect first.Purposefulnutrition is essentially eating certain foods in certain amounts to get thenutrients your body needs to achieve a particular purpose or goal. It is thefoundationof both weight loss andmuscle building. So, the first step to physique mastery and getting that dreambody starts with whatyoueatand how much you eat everyday.The second half of this series will focus on the other half of the coin: purposeful training. Training programs must be designed to achieve a particular goal while also beingtailored to your personal physiology and genetics.By learning the anatomy of muscle and the nervous system, the fundamental principles of training, and the different physiological adaptations from different training programs, we can develop our own physique masterytraining programs intelligently and strategically.By the end of this course series, you will have a basic understanding of all the ins and outs of how to build muscle, burn fat, or both via purposefultraining and nutrition.Let's go."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2020s:Depression - understand...overcome. (+ Oxford Diploma)" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.The role of theatre/cinema in breaking the cycle of anxiety, depression and despair - a key to treating depression and anxiety.""GPs prescribing arts activities to some patients could lead to a dramatic fall in hospital admissions and save the NHS money, according to a report into the subject of arts, health and wellbeing published after two years of evidence gathering.The report, published on Wednesday, includes hundreds of interviews and dozens of case studies showing how powerfully the arts can promote health and wellbeing.""- The Guardian newspaper 17 July 2017This course about how theatre/cinema can be used to reduce depression and anxiety, was originally divided into ten lectures but we expanded it a little as a crowd funding campaign caught our eye and so we have an extra lecture about the campaign, an interview with the producer and some useful websites. PLUS NUMEROUS EXTENSION ACTIVITIES (see below!)The total lecture time is about two hours - think how much can be learnt in that time! BUT this is not a course just about watching and listening. It is about learning and putting into action. Maybe you know someone who is depressed. Maybe YOU are suffering from depression and anxiety! This course is about helping, helping you and enabling you to help others as well as yourself!. Comments and questions are always welcome - and they are usually responded to within 24 hours.Lecture 1 distinguishes between stress, depression and anxiety. The lecture concludes with the symptoms of depression. Lecture 2 deals with the influence of the arts in particular theatre and shows how theatre involvement can reduce depression. Lecture 3 outlines current government policy (and the policy of the Official Opposition) on the Arts. Lectures 4 and 5 return to theatre and how involvement in theatre can reduce depression. Lecture 5 in particular shows how acting may be therapy. Lectures 6 and 7 show how improvisation in particular may be therapeutic for those suffering from depression. Lecture 8 is a spoof video on drama therapy. It is made up of outtakes from a film about a family playing monopoly. All the links in the film are genuine and it has a serious message to put across. Lecture 9 deals with the differences between theatre and cinema. Lecture 10 explains how cinema portrays - and can be used to reduce - depression. Various films are suggested. Lectures 11 and 12 describe the crowd funding campaign for a film produced by a 17 year old male who himself has suffered from depression. Lecture 12 is an interview with the young producer. Lecture 13 shows the results received when the question Which is the best movie to watch when you are depressed? was asked. The closing lecture, lecture 14, talks the viewer through two websites that provide further resources to investigate when dealing with depression. EXTENSION TOPICS INCLUDE:Augmented happinessBreaking the cycle of depression and anxietyBuilding emotional resilience - create an armoury!Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT)Coping with anxietyDepression and gender differencesEmotional well-beingFood to welcomeFoods to avoidImprovisation and therapyInvestment in the ArtsMental health policySolution focused brief therapySupplements to takeTen calming mantrasThe right exercises for depression - the right ones for you!Theatre and emotional healthTreating yourself for phobias, anxiety disorders, depressionWorld Mental Health DayThe Instructor runs Almost Random Theatre, a theatre in Oxford UK but has also acted in numerous films for other organisations. He brings to the course practical examples from plays and films as well as discussion of resources. The overall purpose of this course is to provide ways in which depression and anxiety may be reduced but also to raise awareness. ""Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 300 million people affected. Depression is different from usual mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday life. Especially when long-lasting and with moderate or severe intensity, depression may become a serious health condition. It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly at work, at school and in the family. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide. Close to 800 000 people die due to suicide every year. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds ""- The World Health OrganisationThis course should be seen as just a few steps to try and reduce the problem, the sadness and the despair.#anxiety #depression #depressionandanxiety #anxietyanddepressionNew workbook added July 2019 on DeclutteringChapter 1: Decluttering and mental healthChapter 2: 5 Scientific Reasons Decluttering Your Home Will Make You HappierChapter 3: Tips to declutter when depression has made you neglect your apartmentChapter 4: Remove Clutter to Reduce Stress (+ 5-Step Decluttering System)Chapter 5: The psychology behind organizing and decluttering.(Marie Kondo)Chapter 6: 6 Reasons Why Decluttering Is Good for Your HealthChapter 7: 9 Ways Your Life Will Improve When You DeclutterChapter 8: Heres Why Decluttering is Good For You and How to Get StartedChapter 9: 12 Ways a Deep Declutter Can Improve Your Life"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Pre-University Business Course (Includes Oxford Diploma)" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.Seven reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You cannot lose - 30 day refund if you really really don't like the course BUT if you DO like it:a. updated lecturesb. case studies based on very very current news itemsc. detailed responses to messagesd. I constantly attempt to have a 'class atmosphere' e.g. throwing questions open to alle. regular Announcements that are not disguised sales ploysf. regular FREE access to numerous other courses offered by meI am a lecturer/teacher in Economics and Business by trade i.e. I teach full-time for a living. I have been Principal, Director of Studies and Head of Economics. (Oxford, UK) I have lectured in University, adult evening classes and also run over 50 seminars in the UKI am/have been an Examiner for FIVE different examination boardsI have 100+ books on Amazon - many of them about business/economicsThe success of my students has been featured on the BBC, (just go to the BBC site and search my name) Daily Telegraph, The Times and I have been featured on TV in 2 countries.Schools take TWO years - I have had students pass after just 4 hours of lessons!I run training courses for Business Studies teachers (OSL Training - google it)About this courseThis is a detailed course that if followed - which includes the reading and homework - will enable students to pass pre-University Business Courses. The lectures are very up to date and the links are constantly being updated so this course is also applicable for someone who has an interest but has never formally studied a course.This course is the INTERNATIONAL version and so the contents are useful for students all over the world - especially if they are studying at school or college.Topics covered include:Marketing pricing, place, product, promotion, people....Finance - balance sheet etcProduction - stock control, quality control...HRM - training, motivation, recruitment..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strokes disable. Heart attacks/strokes also kill - thousands" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.In 2016 I suffered a mini-stroke. Since then I have been researching possible ways to reduce the risk of me getting a stroke - either mini or full-blown. Apparently up to 90% of strokes can be prevented with lifestyle changes.This course is the result of my own research.I am NOT a doctor. I am NOT medically qualified. I am NOT speaking on behalf of any organisation.These lectures are simply my thoughts as I try and spread the word about risk factors. I am also trying to raise awareness - which is why sometimes the lectures may seem to contradict. This is to encourage discussion.I triple stress: these lectures are just my own research. I am NOT giving out medical advice.But I am trying to encourage people to think about their own risk and to seek medical advice where needed.What makes this course a success? If it encourages you to reduce your own risk!What this course covers:Fitness/exerciseStatinsDietWeightlossSleepIntermittent fastingStressFurther actionThe course includes a workbook:Chapter 1 What causes TIAs?What is a TIA?Why it is importantWhat are the causes of a TIA?How is a TIA diagnosed?Treatment for a TIASymptoms of a ministrokeReducing the riskMedication and side effectsChapter 2 StudiesStudiesResidual symptoms of a TIARole of brain imaging in TIATIA and common mimicsChapter 3 Return to TIAsTIA factsSymptoms of a strokeHow a TIA is diagnosedTherapyChapter 4 Stroke quiz(A link to a site that has a) stroke quizChapter 5 CommentsComments about TIAsChapter 6 Return to risk factorsRisk factorsChapter 7 Chameleons, panic attacks and TIAsCould the TIA be a panic attack?Anxiety or mini strokePanic attack v heart attackChapter 8 FoodFoods increasing stroke riskChapter 9 Dr Malcolm KendrickVery interesting extracts from his blog, about strokesChapter 10 Risk calculatorLinks and explanations about various stroke risk calculatorsIn conclusionPSA workbook is included"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Hygge for the 2020s: positive psychology" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.This course complements the far longer course The Holman Protocol. Hygge is a Danish word and is the art of creating comfort and happiness. What this course gives most of all is comfort and ease. Comfort through ideas, poems, areas to explore and the feedback from others. Confidence because the end is so worthwhile - but so is the journey. Ease because just by starting the (self) exploration and adapting you will begin to learn, to gain and to be happy(ier)The SIX AND HALF HOURS includes:The Holman Protocol (as this is the international version)How to 'do' HyggeHygge and happiness10 ways to do HyggeDimensions of HyggeWalking meditationStress and heart diseaseHygge and sleepHygge and exerciseHygge and Random Acts of KindnessHygge and learning to lingerHygge and declutteringTalking with strangersThe blogger Anna Lea West, refers to hygge as 'cosiness of the soul'. Morley College, in central London (UK) teaches students how to achieve hygge. There are students from 149 countries enrolled on my courses - and yet I am not trying to 'teach' them about hygge - I want everyone to FEEL it. As the translator ToveMaren Stakkestad has written ""Hygge is meant to be felt!.""Hygge comes from a Norwegian word meaning ""wellbeing"" This course exists for one simple reason: to encourage comfort, to spread happiness and thus improve wellbeing.As part of the course there isHomework to encourage you to put ideas into practiceResources to enable you to apply ideasI also encourage you to ask (and answer) questions, to make comments, to give feedback. Participation really is the key.The Hygge Workbook (added February 2019) includes:Tips on making your bedroom HyggeHygge course statisticsWebsites and homework for Hygge (from the course)30 days of HyggeA 12 month HyggeHygge hater or loverHygge exercisesHygge in the news February 2019Hygge sleep ritualHygge walking meditationNew workbook on DECLUTTERING - JULY 2019Contents:Chapter 1 Hygge and declutteringChapter 2 Minimalism and Hygge: How to Get Cozy Without the ClutterChapter 3 Tips to get you started with declutteringChapter 4 Speed is everythingChapter 5 What NOT to doChapter 6 Set a timetable: 30 days?Chapter 7 30 days an alternative timetableChapter 8 You want a list of tips?Chapter 9 The best decluttering adviceChapter 10 Some 5 minute decluttering tipsChapter 11 The exhaustive guideChapter 12 Five baskets!Chapter 13 96 clutter hacksChapter 14 Get rid of these!All applying the work of Marie KondoNew workbook added January 2020: Hygge in the Summer"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn Economics Principles through Football!" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.Five reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You cannot lose - 30 day refund if you really really don't like the course BUT if you DO like it:a. updated lecturesb. case studies based on very very current news itemsc. detailed responses to messagesd. I constantly attempt to have a 'class atmosphere' e.g. throwing questions open to alle. regular Announcements that are not disguised sales ploysf. regular FREE access to numerous other courses offered by meI am a lecturer/teacher in Economics by trade i.e. I teach full-time for a living. I have been Principal, Director of Studies and Head of Economics. (Oxford, UK) I have lectured in University, adult evening classes and also run over 50 seminars in the UKI am/have been an Examiner for FIVE different examination boardsI have 100+ books on Amazon - many of them about business/economicsThe success of my students has been featured on the BBC, Daily Telegraph, The Times and I have been featured on TV in 2 countries.MOTIVATIONI make courses on Udemy primarily because I enjoy the process of causing learning. Many of my courses are to improve lives. One of the Economics courses is to raise money for charity. (100% of revenue goes to the charity) Fundamentally this course is about helping you.About this courseThis is an economics course about the economic impact of the 2018 World Cup. (Macro economics and micro economics) By basing the course around the World Cup we make the subject , relevant, approachable and Economics actually becomes.... easy!We look at the impact of the World Cup on various countries but also consider the economic theory behind this impact. Macro economics concepts include:The multiplierInflationEconomic growth UnemploymentInternational tradeAggregate demandInjections/leakagesGovernment economic policyBalance of paymentsEconomies:RussiaFranceUKUSACroatiaWe also apply game theory to penalty shoot-outs. (Football) The course starts off with the 2014 World Cup but quickly moves on to the impact of hosting the football tournament, of qualifying (or not) and actually winning he final. We also consider controversies and...Pussy Riot!Although the course is looking at the World Cup, make no mistake, this is all economics, economics, economics!July 2019: Workbook added on Economics and declutteringChaptersChapter 1 : The economics of declutteringChapter 2: Decluttering the companyChapter 3: How to declutter like an EconomistChapter 4: Buy lessChapter 5: The economics of tidying upChapter 6: Declutter your businessChapter 7: Mistakes people make when declutteringChapter 8: The Kondo Effect: the economy-changing magic of tidying upTopics:DeclutteringSunk costsCosts of clutter5S lean manufacturingLean managementDeclutter your mail inboxDeclutter your home officeWasting time and opportunitiesThinking like an economistA rich life with less stuffMinimalismHow much is enoughThe art of letting goRecyclingStatus quo biasDiminishing returnsDecluttering mistakesMarie KondoMinimalismConsumerismMinimalism and economics: the endowment effect30 December 2019Workbook added on Economics 2020"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unusual (Dog)onomics - topics include Buddhist Economics!" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.Just to answer your immediate question....YES! ALL the fees due to me go to CHARITY!Five reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You cannot lose - 30 day refund if you really really don't like the course BUT if you DO like it:a. updated lecturesb. case studies based on very very current news itemsc. detailed responses to messagesd. I constantly attempt to have a 'class atmosphere' e.g. throwing questions open to alle. regular Announcements that are not disguised sales ploysf. regular FREE access to numerous other courses offered by meI am a lecturer/teacher in Economics by trade i.e. I teach full-time for a living. I have been Principal, Director of Studies and Head of Economics. (Oxford, UK) I have lectured in University, adult evening classes and also run over 50 seminars in the UKI am/have been an Examiner for FIVE different examination boardsI have 100+ books on Amazon - many of them about business/economicsThe success of my students has been featured on the BBC, Daily Telegraph, The Times and I have been featured on TV in 2 countries.MOTIVATIONI make courses on Udemy primarily because I enjoy the process of causing learning. Many of my courses are to improve lives. One of the Economics courses is to raise money for charity. (100% of revenue goes to the charity) IT'S THIS ONE!Fundamentally this course is about helping you.About this course - it's about DOGonomics....Dogonomics!What???Dogonomics is the use of the economy for the betterment of dogs.Just by enrolling on this course you will be helping dogs as ALL FEES from the Instructor and Videographer are waived and given to Dogs4Rescue, a UK charity for dogs. Just by looking at the PREVIEW helps raise awareness!So, unique among ALL Udemy courses, your enrolment is an example of market forces (supply,demand) being used to help dogs...This course covers many many topics in Economics:DemandSupplyElasticityCompetitionGame theorySmall firmsMicro-economic policyMacro-economic policyBrexitInterest ratesHealth EconomicsBuddhist EconomicsDespite appearances, this is a very serious course - with some humour thrown in! By enrolling on this course and working through the many lectures you will learn and learn, think - and perhaps smile a bit. Plus you will be providing direct help to saving dogs and improving their lives.You will learn economics from dogs - and by doing so, you will be helping them.This is a course that you will certainly remember!New workbook added: Decluttering (July 2019)ChaptersChapter 1 : The economics of declutteringChapter 2: Decluttering the companyChapter 3: How to declutter like an EconomistChapter 4: Buy lessChapter 5: The economics of tidying upChapter 6: Declutter your businessChapter 7: Mistakes people make when declutteringChapter 8: The Kondo Effect: the economy-changing magic of tidying upTopics:DeclutteringSunk costsCosts of clutter5S lean manufacturingLean managementDeclutter your mail inboxDeclutter your home officeWasting time and opportunitiesThinking like an economistA rich life with less stuffMinimalismHow much is enoughMarie KondoThe art of letting goRecyclingStatus quo biasDiminishing returnsDecluttering mistakesMinimalismConsumerismMinimalism and economics: the endowment effectTwo new workbooks:Christmas EconomicsEconomics New Year 2020"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |