Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"OOP, SOLID design & Profiling with Unity" |
"This courseis the second chapterof a series of training on Unity,focusing on team work between designers,artists and programmers.Every chapterin this series touches on a specific subject of the game industry.This coursefollows onthe previous chapter, touching on themodel-view-controllerdesignpatternand covers everything you need to know about software architecture with Unity.In this chapter, we're going to start of the end of the previous chapterin which we started to build the data structure and base architecture of aGuitarHero, orTap Tap Revengelikegame.As suggested in Agile practices, we're going to start with a simple requirement, which willallowus to think the architecture of the project. We're going to add a Debug Helper component, so that designers, artists and QA can easily test features. We're going to split Inputs from the Controller tomake it easier later to support multiple platforms.And we're also going to add depth to our TrackView so that it can be easily enhanced in the future.We're going to review,and put in practicethe Object Oriented Programming fundamentals (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism), and take advantage of AbstractGeneric Classes and C#Events.We're also going to apply the SOLIDdesignprinciples :Single Responsibility PrincipleOpen Closed PrincipleLiskov Substitution PrincipleInterface Segregation PrincipleDependency Inversion PrincipleWe'll touch on evaluation and compare Eager evaluation and Lazy Evaluation, outlining their benefits in the context of video game development.Last but not least, we'll add custom profiling code to our classes and use the Profiler to compare the footprint of different designs.At the end of the course,programmerswill have all the necessary knowledge and skills to design a game architecture to empower other programmers as well as artists and designers in the team."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Adding Rewards to your GamePlay with Unity" |
"This courseis the thirdchapterof a series of training on Unity,focusing on team work between designers,artists and programmers.Every chapterin this series touches on a specific subject of the game industry. This coursefollows onthe previous chapter, touching on theSOLIDdesign principlesand touches on game play visual and audiorewards.In this chapter, we're going to start of the end of the previous chapterin which we completed the architecture of aGuitarHero, orTap Tap Revengelikegame.We're going to touch on GameDesign, programming, Unity Events,video playback, audio and UI to engage the player with compelling rewards through the game.At the end of the course,programmerswill have all the necessary knowledge and skillsto empower other programmers as well as artists and designers in the team."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"MonoDevelop/Visual Studio Mac & Unity ; Pro Tips and Tricks" |
"""Don't think !"" says the old master.In most things, what really matters is the ""why"". More than the ""what"" or ""how"".This course touches on all the small and bigger features of MonoDevelop and Unity you need to stop thinkingabout the howand the what, and start focusing on the why.It's not organised as a follow along course, so thatyou can watch any of the lectures as you need it.We'll touch on MonoDevelop features, like Templates, Tasks, Refactoring, documenting the code with Markups, and otherfeatures withMonoDevelop and Unity, like Debugging with Break Points, Stack Trace, pre-compiling libraries to share aframework with other developers, as well as thegood codingpractices.This courseis meant to be a reference that you can always come back to and easily find a quick, short video on the topic you need at any given time."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Unity for Design Vizualisation" |
"Modelling for real-time rendering isnt about using less polys. Its about understanding how things work under the hood, and adopt the best strategy to avoid artefacts and performance hits, while delivering the most accurate and good looking result, taking into account the target platform and level of interactivity we want.This course will deliver short theory lectures on technical knowledge you need to take any model into Unity and make it look awesome.Beyond theory, it'll put everything in practice, using ""real"" models from places such as Google Sketchup 3DWarehouse.No programming skills required. All scripts are included. For programmers, there will be lectures going through the core principles."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Master Certification Simulator" |
"One of the most powerful learning techniques is to keep veryfing your knowledge by solving tests and learning on your own mistakes. That's why we have created this simulator - to help you learn about the Scrum framework and prepare for the official assesment.This simulator contains 4 practice tests and 320 questions + multiple answers in total. All of them were created and designed by us, based on the latest version of the Scrum Guide. Each practice test is built on the same rules like the real certification exam:Passing score: 85%Time limit: 60 minutesNumber of questions: 80The order of the questions is random so you can use the same tests multiple times. Every question is supported by an explanation, usually taken directly from the Scrum Guide, so that you can reinforce your understanding of the Scrum framework before you take the real exam.IMPORTANT NOTICE:This Simulator is not an official prepariation for Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) certification by Scrum(.)org and it is not connected with this organization. We also highly recommend the official Scrum trainings offered by this them."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Symulator Testu Certyfikacyjnego na Scrum Mastera" |
"Jednym z najskuteczniejszych sposobw przyswajania wiedzy jest jej weryfikowanie, poprzez testy i nauk na wasnych bdach. Wanie dlatego stworzylimy symulator testu certyfikacyjnego dla Scrum Masterw, ktrzy chc zweryfikowa swoj wiedz ze Scruma - agile'owego frameworka. Ten kurs zawiera 4 prbne testy oraz cznie 320 pyta jedno i wielokrotnego wyboru oraz o charakterze Prawda/Fasz. Zostay one opracowane wycznie przez nas, na podstawie najnowszej wersji Scrum Guide'a z listopada 2017 roku. Wszystkie pytania s opracowane w jzyku angielskim, tak jak oryginalny test , ktry rwnie dostpny jest wycznie po angielsku. Znajomo tego jzyka na poziomie komunikatywnym jest niezbdna. Natomiast wyjanienia odpowiedzi do pyta zostay opracowane dla uatwienia w jzyku polskim. Kady z testw zbudowany jest na wzr oryginalnego testu certyfikacyjnego organizacji Scrum(.)org, to znaczy:posiada prg zaliczenia w wysokoci 85% poprawnych odpowiedzi,musi zosta rozwizany w cigu 60 minut,skada si z 80 pyta.Kolejno pyta w testach dobierana jest losowo. Dziki temu moesz do nich podchodzi wielokrotnie.WANE:Symulator ten NIE jest oficjalnym przygotowaniem pod certyfikacj Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) organizacji Scrum(.)org ani nie jest w aden sposb z ni powizany. Zachcamy rwnie do wzicia udziau w oficjalnych, certyfikowanych szkoleniach oferowanych przez t organizacj."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Agile Project Management - Zwinne Podejcie Do Projektw" |
"Czy coraz czciej spotykasz si z terminem Agile albo zwinne podejcie do projektw? Czy chcesz zrozumie rnic pomidzy podejciem zwinnym, a tradycyjnym - kaskadowym (Waterfall)? A moe wiesz ju czym jest Agile, ale chciaby usystematyzowa swoj wiedz?Jeeli Twoja odpowied na ktre z powyszych pyta jest twierdzca, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!:)Nasz kurs to kompendium wiedzy na temat podstaw Agile'a, skadajce si z powizanych tematycznie sekcji imoduw. Na kocu kadego z nich znajduje sitest wiedzy weryfikujcy zrozumienie danego tematu.Kurs porusza nastpujce tematy:szczegowe omwienie postulatw i zasad Manifestu programowania zwinnego,porwnanie Agile'a i Waterfalla,analiza wad i zalet podejcia zwinnego,analiza najpopularniejszych mitw wok Agile'a,szczegowe omwienie zwinnego podejcia do zarzdzania zakresem i planowania prac.Wszystkie moduy, wraz z pytaniami sprawdzajcymi wiedz, dodatkowymi materiaami,praktycznymi wskazwkami i wsparciem ze strony autorw stanowi spjny produkt, ktry pozwoli zrozumie Ci, czym jest Agile oraz jak wykorzysta to podejcie wpraktyce. Kurs ten moe suy zarwno osobom pocztkujcym, ktre nie syszay wczeniej o zwinnym podejciu do projektw, jak i tym,ktrzypragn uporzdkowa swoj wiedz w tym obszarze.Autorami kursu s dwaj entuzjaci agile'owego podejcia do projektw i rozwoju produktw, certyfikowani Scrum Masterzy z praktykbudowanna co dzie przy pracy z rnymi zespoami scrumowymi i organizacjami. Nasze wczeniejsze dowiadczenie w projektach prowadzonych przy uyciu tradycyjnych modeli pozwolio nam zbudowa peny iobiektywny obraz tego, czym rni si te dwa wiaty oraz jakie maj wady i zalety."
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
crowdtesting |
"Udemy "" ""?1. 2 . .. ! !2. - , . :1. 400 - 2000 , ( );2. ;3. ( ) , ;4. , , , . - ! , , , ! . . , 3.5 , (). , (, , ) . , , . , . , . , . ( ), . , , . , . !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn more on Lightning Protection Design BS EN 62305!" |
"Hi! Are you interested in knowing more on what gets into the design of lightning protection systems? This system saves thousands of lives eachyearand hundreds of million dollars.The course will address the lightning protection design on structures by following the British Standard BSEN 62305.The course is divided into four parts each addressing a single part of the BSEN62305.We'll start with part three of the standard BS EN 62305-3 where we will address the following:External Lightning Protection SystemRolling Sphere MethodProtective Angle MethodAir Termination SystemDown ConductorsEarthing Termination SystemThen we will discuss the fundamentals of the standard BS EN 62305-1 where we will address the following:Sources of DamageTypes of DamageTypes of LossTypes of RiskThen we will discuss the Internal Lightning Protection Design BS EN 62305-4 where we will address the following:Lightning Current CharacteristicsSurge Protective DevicesThen we will discuss the Risk Management BSEN 62305-2 where we will address the following:Risk Factors R1, R2, R3, R4Understanding the concept of DesignThe generic formula of the risk calculationExample of using Risk Assessment Study Calculator"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Fast Math - Vedic Methods and Smart Math Tricks" |
"VedicMathematicsis one of ancient India's brilliant gifts to the world. A simpler and more enjoyable system of calculation,VedicMathematicsis known to greatly help students in improving their memory, mental agility, and creativity. Edvinci'sVedic Mathematicsis a set of videos explaining the fundamental ofvedicmathsand its application in performing basic Maths functions such as addition, multiplication and division. Delivered in a simple and engaging style by Prof Basheer, a prominent IIT-JEE coaching faculty, the coursealso comes with several practice questions, and is a great tool for someone looking to master the subject."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Citrix Application and Desktop Virtualization - 7.6" |
"**************** Update ****************To learn more on Troubleshooting Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp Environment Please Enroll our new course - Citrix - Troubleshooting App & Desktop Virtualization - 7.6****************************************Stop wasting time on other CCA 7.6 preparation material that claim to be updated. Citrix is making the exam more and more tricky, and your only way to work around that and pass on the first attempt, is to study and understand Citrix Virtualization in depth, which is the core design philosophy of this course/content.Read the Course reviews, and find for yourself. Students are confident for taking there CCA exam after completing this course.The best VALIDATED, VERIFIED Content to help you pass the new Exam Format on the first attempt, and ""more importantly"" get you on a solid XenDesktop/XenApp and understanding Ground (Think about XenDesktop/Xenapp technical interview, and on the job duties).So does this mean that, this is the All-In-One guide, and The Only One out there on the internet today, the answer is humbly, YES IT IS!What do you need to do?Two things:1) Enroll to the course and stop wasting time2) You will need to invest 5 hours on this course to get the best results. If you are not ready for the hard work, please find another course, this course IS NOT a shortcut or a corner cutting course.Voted to be the Best and Only COMPLETE All-in-One Guide for the Citrix Certified Adminsitrator-Virtualization exam, that have produced 1000s of Successful CCA Adminsitrators with average scores of 85%+.Why Enroll to this course?Excellent question, here is whyThis course will enable you to: 1. ACE the new FMA Architecture. 2. Be 75-80% ready for CCA.3. Confidently attend any Ctrix XenApp and XenDesktop related job technical interview, and4. Excel in your Citrix Admin Job, 5. Be part of the vibrant and dynamic QnA forum of this course. A great place to post questions, get swift answers from 10s of active forum contributors, quick access to the instructor. Many students have had their learning experiences enhanced because they posted and received answers to questions. Due to its dynamic nature, the pool of forum questions may be also used as an additional way to test one's knowledge.This is SimplyEdukator's promise, you will NOT find another course that can give you all this bundled in one course at a fraction of the exam fee cost. The best companion to preparing and getting certified.Enroll now and Learn why most of this, Citrix Certified Administrator, exam preparation course's students are scoring high comfortably (average is 85%) in the new exam.If you are serious about becoming Citrix - Citrix Certified Administrator. And you are looking for a one-stop-shop, and a complete, all-in-one Exam Preparation Guide, Then this course is for you.You'll learn in details how to be an Citrix - Citrix Certified Administrator and Master the XenApp/XenDesktop, and as a bonus ACE the exam with high score, look no further, and Join now!In addition, you will become ready for the technical Job Interview, and the upcoming CCA JOB role duties. Please read the course reviews to find out how did this course change lives, by changing and supporting its candidates' careers.Student Feedback example (1):Amit Katiyar, Very detailed explanation about all the components and course touches all aspect of the citrix technology. I am 14 years experienced in citrix and i have gone through many courses but such detailed explanation i never found. . Student Feedback Example (2)Alexey Lyubavin,Very good explanation of Citrix Virtualization technology going through concepts first and digging into actual GUI examples. Detailed focus on majority of citrix policies with some use cases was quite helpful. Having some labs for people to try it out would be quite handy. Overall this is very good course for people starting to manage Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp infrastructure.Student Feedback Example (3)Bhati Vardharam Bammar,I am working on Citrix but i don't know its background. Now I am aware of it.Student Feedback Example (4) Graham Thomas,Solid overview of Citrix environment. I was thrown in at 'deep-end' for a XenApp setup and barely understood administrative interface. Now I feel I understand all the main components and could start to administer this environment.The course has flat presentation especially when working through the policies, at times it feels like listening to a shopping list and found it difficult to concentrate. Interweaving the presentation part with demonstrations may help coupled with typical real world scenarios.For the following reasons, this course is a MUST have for anyone serious about the XenApp/XenDesktop, AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.The course is:The only available, All-in-One, Complete online preparation guide to prepare you fully to the Citrix Certified Administrator Exam.Voted by the students to be ""THE BEST AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam "" online training in the market globally.... read below to find out why....The right success companion, it is very common for my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate students taking this course to score above 85% with most of them scoring above 80%, basically, no more struggling while thinking what is the exam passing score. Having more than 228+ top ratings of 5-star reviews in the first few months of its launch, to read more on the above and many more Citrix Certified Administrator stories taking this course.This course is ""Second to None"" when it comes to CCA exam required knowledge preparation, readiness assessment, review before the exam, and confidence & readiness boosting.What are you waiting for?Stop searching, Enroll and let's start your very own CCA Success Journey! Enroll NOW!I will meet you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Citrix - Troubleshooting App & Desktop Virtualization - 7.6" |
"The ability to troubleshoot your Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp solution is a key skill to master. In this course we identify various issues and challenges that you may encounter while supporting your Citrix virtual desktop and application infrastructure. This course addresses troubleshooting and restoring communication and connectivity with the virtual desktops. It also covers how to view information that may help resolve or avoid configuration problems, as well as dealing with failures that have already occurred."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Search For Self - Being Authentic" |
"In today's modern society many people have lost sight of (or don't even know) who they are.They follow a crowd, a trend, a movement in order to belong and feel part of something. They post to Instagram, Snapchat or a host of others sites seeking validation and recognition. Defining themselves by the number of likes and followers they get. But then they feel unfulfilled. The hole in their being is not satisfied.Sooner or later, this leads them to ask:Who am I? What am Idoing with my life?Many believe that in order to find the answer to this question they must travel to the far reaches of India, South America or some other country. To take exotic herbs. Go through strange healing rituals. Spend endless hours in therapy.While this can be helpful, the truth that people seek is actually inside them. Waiting for them to uncover it. To find your true self you just need to look inside yourself.This level 1 course begins the process to 'unwrap' yourself and move to thru the first step to becoming an authentic person. The first important step is that of self awareness. This involves getting to know yourself and who you are.Within the course you will find clear and helpful lessons that are easy to understand. Your professor, Richard, believes in cutting away the fluff and technical/philosophical aspects so that the course is accessible to everyone.You will find resources at the end of each module which will help you further in The Search For Self.Enrol now and let's take a journey to self discovery.-------Richard Butler is a Udemy Professor, life and business coach and business consultant who is changing the way people see life with his highly acclaimed courses.Previous students have praised is matter of fact, down to earth, no fluff approach to topics within self development."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Teams by Outsourcing Task to Virtual Assistants" |
"For small and large businesses alike, there is always a point in time when you are going to consider to outsource part of your business. This is a critical point and that is why we have put together this course. In this course, we explore your different options in outsourcing, both for offshore as well as onshore. We also look at the benefits and challenges of each of the two types. We then also look deeper into how to onboard remote workers or virtual assistants. No matter what kind of team you are building, knowing how to manage them effectively is directly related to their performance. Thus, we learn about strategies to build cohesiveness in a virtual team. A tactful skill you will have to develop. This course will give you the tools to start building your own virtual team, ready to take on business tasks for your business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Microsoft Azure: Virtual Machines (IaaS)" |
"Cloud computing is a reality for business big and small alike. Microsoft Azure is at the forefront of cloud computing and that is why it is pivotal for Systems Engineers and Administrators to understand how to create and manage Virtual Machines on Azure. With the power of the cloud, comes great capabilities. That being said they are still technical in nature. That is why we put together this step-by-step course to teach you from the ground up, everything you need to know about Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines. By the time you have completed this course, there will be little you do not know about Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines, at least you will have a head start."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Cinema 4D: Low Poly Planet" |
"Do you want to learn 3D modellingquickly &easilyby creating trendy low poly artwork? You can do it in this course and learn the basics ofCinema 4Dby creating a Low Poly Planet!This class is perfect for web designers, graphicdesigners, illustrators and anyone else who would like to learn a bit of 3D modelling to add to their designs.Get started with 3Dmodelling &take this course now to learn Cinema 4Din just a few hours!Learn the basics and use Cinema 4Dfrom scratch.Learn a basic modelling in Cinema 4DLearn how to render your scene in Cinema 4D.Create basic materials and colours for your model.Low Poly Art for Illustrations & Graphic DesignersIn this course you will learn the basics of how to emulate this trendy art style which has been used in many differentwebsites and banners. Enhance your projects, presentations and illustrations using this versatile background!Content &OverviewThis is a great way for beginners to introduce themselves to 3Dprograms like Cinema 4D. Starting with a basic overview of the program, the course will help familiarise you with the tools you will need first.With the basics complete, the course will take you through how tocreate a Low Poly Planetstep by step. Each step will be broken downto make understanding the process even easier, starting with creating a simple 3Dshape to manipulating random landscapes.Students completing this course will have the knowledge to create low poly planetsin Cinema 4D.I have includedthe Cinema 4D and PSD fileto download at the end of the courseto use as reference. So you'll be able to work alongside the videos to learn andcreate your own Low Poly Planet.Please feel free to share your creations as well!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Illustrator CC: Create a Vector Knight" |
"Do you want to learn how to create vector illustrationsquickly &easily and create assets for video games or animation? You can do it in this course and learn the basics ofAdobe Illustrator CCby creating a Trendy Vector Knight!This class is perfect for illustrators, graphic designers, game artists, mobile game developers and anyone else who would like to learn how to create vector graphics. Through this assignment you will learn:How to create a base characterHow to createbase armorHow to create details for the armorContent &OverviewThis is a great way for beginners to introduce themselves to Adobe Illustrator. Starting with a basic overview of the program, the course will help familiarise you with the tools you will need. Each step will be broken downto make understanding the process even easier, starting with creating a simple vectorshape to creating the full knight character.Follow along as we take simple vector shapes and step by step create a vector knight character which can be used in your own animation or video game projects.I have included the.AI file here for you to use as reference.So you'll be able to work alongside the videos to learn andcreate your own Vector Knight Character.Please feel free to share your creations as well!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Interview: The last leap before your dream job" |
"Do you find interviews to be intimidating? Find it difficult to create a great first impression? Do you know how to follow up after theinterview process?Manytalentedpeople find the interview process to be confusing and highly subjective. Majority of them feel it is not in their hands to ace an interview. The toughest part of job hunting process is landing an interview and you do not want to waste this precious opportunity by being under prepared.This course isa step-by-step approach on how to excel during an interview.Why Interviewingis crucial:Only 5% of submitted resumes are selected for interviews-hence its a precious opportunityMost hiring decisions are made in the first 2 minutes of the interview processGetting good at informational interviews is the key to strengthen your networkBy theend of the course you should be able to:Explain what an interview is and hey it mattersUnderstand the five steps for interview successImprove interview preparation, practice and performanceThiscourseistaughtusingthesameactivelearningmethodusedin5stepCareers'flagshipbootcampsthathavereceived an average rating of 4.6 out of 5.0. The entire course is broken down into 5 easy-to-followsteps, each of them 10 minutes or less, suited tothe average adult attention span. There will be quizzesto reinforce your learning by forcing you to recall the information you just learned andapplication exercises so thatyou can put your learning into practice.Carefully selected resources are also providedto further augment your learning.The 5 stepsin this course are:Perfect the two minute drillPreparationPracticePerformPositive feedback loop"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: Cloud Security Fundamentals" |
"Cloud Security is one of the most-discussed topics among IT professionals today. And not too long into any conversation about the most highly touted cloud models--software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS) or platform as a service (PaaS)--the talk often turns to cloud security. Lets build in this course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching" |
"The focus of the course will cover topics such as switching basics, intermediate routing, introduction to VLSM (variable length subnet masking), scaling IP addresses, route flapping, RIP version 2, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol implementation, switching concepts in regards to LAN design, VLAN configuration, and VLAN trunking techniques. The class also explores the leading industry standards associated with WAN communication technologies and design such as ISDN, PPP, and Frame Relay operations.Introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and computer networks. The principles of IP addressing and fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: Web Application Defense" |
"The IT Security Gumbo: Web Application Defense is heavily focused on vulnerability management from a web security standpoint. The course provides thorough explanation on detection and remediation methods of web vulnerabilities, we then walk through a case study to apply the knowledge of detecting and defending against web based vulnerabilities. Then we provide the skills needed to perform by turning over the keys to a popular penetration testing tool used to identify vulnerabilities on the network. By the end of this course you will learn the fundamentals of how to use OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP). This tool greatly aids security professionals and penetration testers to discover vulnerabilities within web applications. You will learn how to perform a basic web app vulnerability scan, analyze the results, and generate a report of those results. This course includes steps on how to configure the browser proxy to passively scan web requests and responses by simply exploring websites. This course will also include how to use dictionary lists to find files and folders on a web server, and how to spider crawl websites to find all the links and URLs. Finally, the end of the course gives a brief overview of how to intercept, view, modify, and forward web requests that occur between the browser and web application."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: Comp TIA CYSA+ Practical Labs" |
"The IT Security Gumbo: Comp TIACYSA+ Practical Labs focuses on the practical aspects of the exam objectives. It is therefore advised to refer to your own course materials to gain a deeper understanding of any theoretical aspects of the exam objectives. Threat Management Domain:Section 1: Introduction-Overview of courseSection 2: Topology Discovery-Basic Scanning-Discovering Network Topologies- Topology Discovery-OS Fingerprinting-Output Logs-Zenmap the NMAP GUISection 3: DNSHarvesting-DNS Harvesting with Application Hardware-DNS Harvesting Online-ICANN WebsiteSection 4: Social Engineering Reconnaissance-Social Engineering ReconnaissanceSection 5: Windows Command Line Tools-IPconfig-Netstat-Ping-Tracert and Route-ARP and Whoami"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Electronic Circuits - Part1: Semiconductors" |
"This course covers all the fundamentals ofphysical characteristics of semiconductor materials with a focus on PN junction diode. Semiconductors are the building blocks of every complex integrated circuitand understanding properties of these materials is essential before an engineer can start a circuit design. This course is based on animation, to strengthen viewers understanding of the physical concepts. Problem solving using MATLAB is also described throughout the course. At the end of this course you will be able to understand different types of semiconductors, such as intrinsic and extrinsic (P-Type and N-Type), electrical conduction mechanism (drift and diffusion), and also current-voltage characteristic of semiconductor materials."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
Primavera |
"Primavera . . . "" Primavera """
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint Camtasia" |
". :1) 2) 3) 4) :1) 2) Video and infographics are a successful and effective communication tools nowadays, with video you can present the ideas in very short time, and leave impact to the audience.Videos also can be used on youtube or shared on social media, which makes it widely used and liked by people.You will learn in the course how to create an infographic animated video used very easy tools (PowerPoint and Camtasia Pro).You might not expect that the promo video of this course created by these easy tools, most of the people dont know how easy it is to create infographics Animations with PowerPoint and Camtasia.Throw this course youll learn how to animate and produce videos on PowerPoint."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
webdesign-wordpress-in-hour-arabic |
". (web page font-end) WordPress one of the most successful content management, used for creating and developing web content, WordPress is supported and used by millions around the world, which makes is fast, easy and professional way to create web apps.WordPress widely supported by a millions of plugins ,themes and tools can be added Easily to it which provides a successful experience to it.On of the most problems faces the beginners on create websites is how to use WordPress, how to customize the pages, create your own dream website.In this course youll learn how to create a professional and cool web pages with WordPress with free tools in short time.One of the best things in this course that youll learn how to create pages directly on the browser and the on the pages directly, which means that will have no need to download or upload or buy any tools.The good thing also in this course, youll be able to develop your website from any device ( Mac , Table , Mobile , PC).The course available for any person wish to create his website without any previous knowledge needed or coding background.For designers, after the course youll be able to create websites in very short time, fast and professional, youll save a lot of effort creating websites and editing it."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create Image Slider Carousel using Adobe Animate" |
"Image Slider Carousel is very common part on websites and mobile applications. you can find many of them online to use on your website, blog or mobile application, but it's very hard to do the changes that fits your needs and expectations, and it needs high programming skills to change in this course you don't need to be a professional designer or animator or developer, you need only to have basic knowledge in Javascript and html, this is because it will help you for better understanding of the codes used to program the's not a programming course but we used some javascript code to load images and data dynamically using JSON File. this also will be an advantage because you'll be able to load any other type of learning this course you'll learn how to animate the images or data using Adobe Animate (one of the best tools for rich animation on the web). also you'll learn how to export your files as HTML5 can be used on the web or mobile apps.after this course you will be able to create your ownslider carousel, create the animation you are dreaming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Network Marketing Recruiting Success System" |
"Are you in network marketing or direct sales, but just not seeing any growth? Maybe youre brand new and just not sure what steps to take. Maybe you're taking action but keep getting stuck and don't know what to do next.If any ofthat sounds like you, then this network marketing recruiting system course is for you!Learning how to recruit people is the #1 skill you can learn innetwork marketing. Thats where growth, leverage and duplication kick in.How would you like to always have complete confidence when talking to people about your business? Would you like to know exactly what invitation and follow-up scripts work and don't work? Would you like to be totally prepared for ANY type of response people give you?In the course, I'll share my most effective network marketing recruiting scripts that I use at every step throughout this system. I've personally used this recruiting system to reach the top 1% of a billion-dollar company I've been partnered with for more than five years.STUDENT REVIEWS:""Very good introductory info. For the experienced and the novice.""-Geoffery Scheid""Great content... Very motivational... Easy to understand... Interesting graphics... Very good tips to transfer to ANY home-based business.""-CJ LeeIn this course, youll learn the network marketing recruiting techniques used by multi-million-dollar companies and multi-millionaire earners. Not only will you learn how to find people for your network marketing business, but also how to succeed in network marketing fast! YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO:Confidently and effectively invite people to look at your network marketing business without feeling weird or being salesy. Use different forms of presentations so that youre not doing the talking. Determine what types of presentations to use for different types of people. Follow up with people without chasing them or being pushy. Stay in control of the follow-up and conversations. Lead people down a positive response path so that you always get a positive result. Set specific appointments so that you stop waiting for someone to get back in touch with you. Use a validation call as your secret weapon to get peoples questions answered the right way. Ask for a decision quickly while not being pushy and remaining professional. Handle common objections and help people overcome them. Turn a NO into a positive result.You'll be able to implement everything you learn in this course into your own business right away. You'll not only learn how to find people for your network marketing business, but how to start adding more qualified people in a way that creates duplication.Of course, taking consistent action on what you learn is what matters.You'll also be able to send me any questions you have or results from your assignments at the end of each section. (Don't worry! They're NOT hard and you don't HAVE to do them.)Remember, you always have lifetime access to the course, so you can retake any lesson or section at any time. Your enrollment is backed by Udemy's 30-day satisfaction guarantee.Ready!? See ya in the course!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Complete Email Marketing Strategy Made Easy with MailerLite" |
"***Top 20 Best Online Email Marketing Courses of 2018 (Online Courses Review)***Do you want to learn how to do email marketing for your business, website or blog but just not sure where to begin? Dont think you can afford it? Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to grow your following and build your brand as a trusted authority. And you can do it all for FREE with MailerLite.Would it be worth it if you added just one or two more sales or picked up just one new client because of email marketing? Or how about sending HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of visits back to your website?In this course, youll learn the complete email marketing strategies Ive used successful with several websites to generate passive income streams every month. Capture emails, grow your following, build your brand and ultimately create more customers and sales!STUDENT REVIEWS:""I definitely got a lot of value from this course. I was unsure about changing from my current e-mail provider to MailerLite, but the course was so enlightening that I felt it would be a wrong decision not to change over to MailerLite. I will be looking for other courses presented by this Instructer.""-WebScripto Pty Ltd""Training is simple. Easy to follow. Systematic. Professional.""-Desmond LangtonThis course focuses not only on the WHAT, but also the HOW and WHY of email marketing best practices. Want to learn how to:Create subscriber groups.Use and create fields. Write effective email campaigns both text and HTML.Write personal email subject lines people WANT to open.Set confirmation and welcome emails.Use a simple drag-and-drop feature to create your emails.Create custom opt-in and pop-up forms.Customize a professional landing/lead capture page that converts.Use free email automation tools.Learn how to pre-write your email automation emails.Each lesson has a key Pro Tip, and each section has review of key takeaways and a section assignment. This way you can actually start using what you learn right away.Why Enroll in This Course?Enroll in the course and youll receive lifetime access. Need to go back to a certain lesson or section and take it again? You can do so any time.Ask me questions. If you have any questions or want to send me a sample of what you create, feel free to do so any time. Use what you learn right away. Everything you learn in this course, youll be able to use immediately. DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID. Not using email marketing in my online business cost me THOUSANDS of dollars and countless traffic back to my websites. Enroll in the course and start putting email marketing to work for you!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"From iMovie to Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) in Less Than 1 Hour" |
"Have you been thinking about making the move to Final Cut Pro X (FCPX), but were afraid to do so?Do you find yourself limited by iMovie or any other consumer movie editing software, and you want more power to express your creativity?You're not sure if FCPX is right for you or worth your investment?Take this short less-than-1-hour course and all your questions will be answered!FCPX is in fact a full-blown professional video editing software package, but as it's made by Apple, it is still powerfulAND user friendly at the same time! All you need is this short course to get you started, and once you know the basics, you'll be able to create movies without fear.Once you have this knowledge mastered, it'll be much easier to learn more. There's always more to learn in FCPX. Heck, even I'm learning something new about this amazing program every now and then. At least now you'll knowwhat information to look for.If you're already using iMovie and you're bothered by its limitations then this course is especially suitedfor you. Both programs share some common concepts so the switch between those 2 apps will be theeasiest. But the apps are clearly different and I will show the main differences in this course.If you haven't been using iMovie before, but you've answered YES to any of the questions above then this course is also for you as I will show you and explainhow FCPX works.I'll clearly also explain the mainadvantages of Final Cut Pro X and what makes it a PRO app that's way much better than iMovie or any other consumer video editor.So there's no reason to be scared to try out FCPX since:you have this less-than-1-hour course that shows you through all the basicsthis course hasUdemy's 30-day guaranteeFCPX is user-friendly so it's easy to catch the basics and create complete movies quicklyApple provides a 30-day trial of FCPX(which I'll show you where to get it from)So even if you're not sure the app is worth yourinvestment, with the 30-day free trial and this short course, you can get up-to-speed quickly and use the full 30 days to evaluate the app and make a smart purchase decision.And as allmy students already know, once enrolled in my class,you'll get my fullsupport with your questions either in the public Q&A section or in private messages.This course was created using FCPX 10.3 which was released on Oct. 27, 2016 with a new modernuser interface.I'm sure you will enjoy this class and I can't wait to see the amazing movies you will make!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Buyer Personas: Aprenda o que so e como cri-las" |
"Quando voc miranum grande grupo de pessoas, a mensagem diluda porque est tentando resolver muitas necessidades diferentes. Ou perde a fora completamente porque est desfocada. Buyer Personas so arepresentao de seu cliente ideal com base em pesquisas de mercado e dados reais sobre seus clientes existentes. Esta a pessoa para a qual voc est criando seu contedo, produtos ou servios.Nesse curso eu ensino como criar Buyer Personas segundo a metodologia da maior especialista no assunto, Adele Revella - fundadora do Buyer Persona Institute.Em vez de focar em um segmento amplo ou algo abstrato, voc humaniza seu marketing e o torna real. A criao deBuyer Personasresulta em um Marketing mais forte, mais eficaz e eficiente, alm de mais econmico.Permite que voc transmita uma mensagem mais personalizada, minimize gastos empublicidade e descubra as objees dos clientes.Quem so seus clientes e qual o problema que voc est resolvendo para eles?Como seu produto ou servio ter sucesso no mercado onde outros podem ter falhado?Com a definio deBuyer Personasvoc ter uma ideia muito melhor de quem, como e onde voc deve investir seus esforos de Marketing."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |