Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso de Google Analytics para Iniciantes" |
"Se voc no sabe usaro Google Analytics, aindano instalou noseu site, ou talvez jtenha instalado, mas nunca conseguiu entender muitos bem seus dados, ento este curso para voc.Curso Introdutriopara IniciantesEmbora seja difcil para muitos acreditar, ainda existem sites que no esto usando o Google Analytics para medir e entender a audincia.Neste cursovamos analisar o Google Analytics do ponto de vista do iniciante.Voc tem um blog? Um site? Se a resposta for sim, seja para uso pessoal ou comercial, ento voc precisa do Google Analytics. Aqui esto algumas das muitas perguntas sobre o seu site que voc pode responder usando o Google Analytics.Quantas pessoas visitam meu site?Que sites enviam trfego para o meu site?Quais as tticas de marketing que geram mais trfego para o meu site?Quais pginas no meu site so as mais populares?Quantos visitantes eu converti em leads ou clientes?Qual o contedo do blog que os meus visitantes gostam mais?H muitas, muitas perguntas mesmo que o Google Analytics pode responder.Esta poderosa plataforma fornece as ferramentas que voc precisa para medir o trfego do site, as converses e o desempenho de anncios e entender como as pessoas usam seu site."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Imagens para as Redes Sociais" |
"Poucas empresas e profissionais autnomos contam com um designer dedicado para criar imagens para suas redes sociais. Muitas vezes, recorrem a um freelancer, porm com prazos apertados e oramento reduzido tudo isso fica bem difcil de ser administrado.Como voc pode melhorar a qualidade das imagens que posta nas redes sociais, enquanto ainda est gerenciando sua tarefas habituais?Eu tenho boas notcias para voc. No to difcil como parece.Nesse curso eu ensino:Princpios fundamentais e elementos bsicos do design grficoQuais ferramentas gratuitas usarOnde baixar imagens lindas e em alta resoluo Dicas especiais para InstagramComo criar feed organizado e mosaicoComo criar um infogrficoDicas de aplicativos gratuitosTeoria das CoresTer sucesso hoje em dia nas redes sociais hoje em dia exige uma coisa: que voc crie imagens cativantes! De nada adianta voc encher sua conta do Facebook ou do Instagram de publicaes se elas no chamam a ateno do seu pblico. Muitos empreendedores esto preocupados em publicar muito mas no se preocupam com a qualidade do seu contedo.Aprenda de um jeito simples a criar suas prprias imagens em poucos minutos.Inscreva-se agora e comece hoje mesmo a criar suas prprias imagens. "
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate" |
"ALLCOURSECONTENTSUPDATEDFORNEWVERSIONOFEXAMSome of the great reviews for this course which really means you just have to take this course1. Really good courses overall will really help you achieved your goal in AWS !!!!2. Of the 4 courses I have on AWS on udemy, this is the best of them all. This course is packed with details. Great explanation of both concepts and theory followed by walk-through. Good use of visual diagrams, which are white-board drawn in a good visible size. Also mention of tips I found very useful, and good coverage of all the things required. I also found it engaging throughout.3. Good job done Alan Rodrigues... It is very nice for the people who would like to appear for the exam.The AWS Solution Architect is one of the most sought after certifications in the ITindustry today. The average salary of an employee also increases after they have obtained the AWS Solution Architect Exam. Hence this certificationis looked upon as the crown jewels of certifications.This Course is designed to help students pass their AWS Solution Architect Exam. This course has an in-depth look into all of the essential AWS services and how they work together.In order to design this course , the instructor has taken the re-certification on the AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam MULTIPLETIMESto ensure the right topics are discussed in the course.The Lecture videos in the course is designed to provide a better one to one interaction with the student. The idea is that the student leaves with a better understanding of the concept before going into the demo chapters of the same concept.The Course is split into Logical sections and has the desired flow that helps the student understand the interaction and connection between the different services offered by AWS.This Course has Lectures and Demo's on key AWS Services such as EC2 , Elastic Load balancer , Simple Notification Service, the Simple Queue Service , Cloudformation etc.This Course is ideal for any Student who wants to take the latest AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certifications Practice Tests" |
"AWSCertifications are the most sought after certifications. This course contains2 AWSCloud practitioner Tests Practice tests(65 questions each)4 AWSSolution Architect Associate - Feb 2018 Release Practice tests(65 questions each)Some of the feedback on this coure""I would like to thank Alan for preparing these Practice tests. I purchased this course a day before my certification and most of the questions in my Exam were on same concept or similar to the one given in the Practice test (different language was given in exam from the ones given in Practice Test. I highly recommend this course to people who want to appear for their Solution Architect Certification. Many Many thanks to Alan. """"This course is a masterpiece for students willing to take Solutions Architect (Feb'18) version. I scored a whopping 93% in the exam as most of the questions are asked exactly the same as the questions here. Although there are few questions of which language is different but surely, you will mark right answers if you understand the questions in this course! A MUST HAVE course! (I have seen struggling with buying six practice tests on other Udemy courses but this course is just enough!) ""Each Practice Test is based on the difficulty level on the actual certification exams.Each Practice Test hasDetailed Explanations for the right answer for each questionBased on recent certification exams.Each question is split domain wise as per the actual exam objectivesGet a detailed level breakdown Domain wise to see your strength and weak areasTake your professional career to a whole new level by taking the AWS Certifications"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate - Preparation" |
"Pass the AWS Certification ExamDOWNLOADOPTIONAVAILABLEFORLECTURESWITHWHITEBOARDPRESENTATIONS.The AWS Solution Architect is one of the most sought after certifications in the ITindustry today. The average salary of an employee also increases after they have obtained the AWS Solution Architect Exam. Hence this certificationis looked upon as the crown jewels of certifications.This Course is designed to help students pass their AWS Solution Architect Exam. This course has an in-depth look into all of the essential AWS services and how they work together.Just citing some of the feedback on this course""Thank you for this course sir.Today i cleared my AWS certified solutions Architect Associate exam.This course helped me a lot for my final preparation""""Extremely good explanation...this help a lot to me"""
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Web Services - Understanding the VPC" |
"This course is a short course to help students understand the followingBasic Concepts on Networking - IPaddresses , CIDRblocks , RoutingHow to work with the default VPCCreating EC2 Instances in the default VPCCreating a Custom VPCWorking with Security Groups and Network Access Control ListsDefining Private and Public SubnetsWhat is Network Address TranslationDefining a NATinstance and NATgatewayWhat are Bastion HostsVPCFlow LogsVPCPeeringVPCEndpoints"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS SysOps Administrator Associate - 2019" |
"This course is designed to help students pass the AWSSysOps Administrator Associate SysOps ExamThis course is based on the new SyllabusThis course has detailed discussions and Labs based on the following objectives for the examDomain 1: Monitoring and ReportingDomain 2: High AvailabilityDomain 3: Deployment and ProvisioningDomain 4: Storage and Data ManagementDomain 5: Security and ComplianceDomain 6: NetworkingDomain 7: Automation and Optimization So what are you waiting for. Go ahead , enroll in this course and begin your journey to get certified as an AWSSysOps Administrator Associate"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como juntar dinheiro para comprar a casa prpria" |
"Voc tem o sonho de ter a casa prpria, mas no sabe por onde comear? Acha que isto coisa s para quem rico e acha que est condenada a viver de aluguel? Ento este curso para vocEste curso ideal para quem est sonhando em comprar a casa prpria, mas est cheia de dvidas. Sem jarges e de um jeito simples e acessvel, voc poder aprender a: Organizar o oramento para conseguir poupar todo ms Entender todos os custos envolvidos na compra de um imvel Compreender como funciona o financiamento e conhecer todos os programas existentes no Brasil para te ajudar Com este curso, voc vai poder dar este passo e comprar o imvel dos seus sonhos sem sofrimento e sem correr o risco de se desorganizar financeiramente. Estarei disponvel no decorrer do curso para qualquer eventual dvida na sesso de alunos e voc teracesso vitalcioa este curso. Te espero nas aulas!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Como juntar dinheiro para comprar um carro" |
"Voc quer comprar um carro, mas no sabe por onde comear? Voc tem dvidas de como funciona o financiamento de um automvel? Voc precisa de um carro, mas no consegue juntar dinheiro?Este curso ideal para quem est sonhando com a compra de um carro, mas est cheia de dvidas. Sem jarges e de um jeito simples e acessvel, voc poder aprender a:Organizar o oramento para conseguir poupar todo msEntender todos os custos envolvidos na compra de um carroCompreender o financiamento e avaliar se esta uma opo para vocPegar todas as dicas para realizar este sonho sem precisar gastar tanto!Com este curso, voc vai poder comprar o seu carro dos sonhos sem tanto sofrimento e ainda economizar bastante!Estarei disponvel no decorrer do curso para qualquer eventual dvida na sesso de alunos e voc teracesso vitalcioa este curso.Te espero nas aulas!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Intro To Business Branding For Small Businesses Course." |
"It's a very good beginner course. Found it very helpful. I'm glad I took this course. I understand that the requirements of every industry and its categories are different and it's hard to generalize it. But going through his course sparked my interest in knowing and learning what will and won't work for my purpose, so I think it's a great success.- Pinakin Ghate The instructor was very thorough in explaining each section. Also, I truly enjoyed completing the assignments.- Kimberly BraboyNote: This course is an introductory course for how to start and construct a successful small business brand, if you are looking for more advanced tactics on marketing please check my intro to marketing for small businesses course.DO PEOPLE THINK OF YOUR PRODUCTS?In order for your small business to succeed, stay in the market for an extended period, and gain customers' loyalty, it must be built and function as a brand, not as a product.People trust brands, excellent quality brands will become people's default purchasing option, therefore people will get used to going back and keeping buying repeatedly.You must shift your business strategy from a product- or service-oriented business to a brand-oriented, find your unique audience, match their personality, fulfill their desires, and deliver value. FOCUS ALL YOUR EFFORTS ON THESE 7 GOALS!For a small business to succeed it must connect with its audience on a personal level, Successful Brands understand the value of connecting through emotions, fulfilling People's desires. They adopt a unique personality and differentiate their products and services. Another factor in building a successful brand is to focus on establishing trust with your customers by providing high-value products, customer service, and combining it with a delightful experience. IT ALL BEGINS WITH AN IDEA!All brands begin with a unique and valuable idea, the idea must have a meaning and a purpose which is called a vision and mission, this approach should be targeted to a specific segment of the audience, if you try to serve everyone you may end up helping no one.Then you give your idea a life and character through brand personality to differentiate yourself from the rest of the competition; you also have to dress up your brand and become visually desirable, and once your idea is attractive, you send it on its way to the market to attract and sell.STAY AWAY FROM THE PRICE COMPETITIONThat's right, stay away from price competition, as Paypal Co-founder Peter Thiel said ""competition is for losers"" it will damage your business and might get you out of business too soon.Instead, significant brands focus on serving a small niche for a targeted audience then slowly grow and expand for a broader market, focus on long-term strategy, increase your brand value, provide excellent product quality, customer service and serve your loyal customers. UNDERSTAND YOUR CUSTOMERS' EXPERIENCE PROCESSMany businesses lack knowledge about developing and promoting their services to their customers because: First and the most important is a lack of understanding of how customers interact with a new brand or products, they rush to sell and advertise their products and end up with an enormous disappointment where no one is buying. The second reason is lack of patience; they try to push customers to buy their products instead of introducing slowly to the market, if you are already a big brand or a superstar then there is no reason for you to keep reading this description, you got all the people in the world behind your back.But if you are a new business owner, then you got to understand the process that your audience go through with your brand and learn what to do at every step of this process, it's not a good idea to talk when you are supposed to listen! WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE?Have you ever asked yourself who your target audience is? Who are those you trying to help? Solve a problem for or provide a service, what is their culture? Lifestyle? Desires and needs.For a brand to succeed, it should be designed to fit and satisfy a specific target audience, yet most of the small businesses tend to ignore this fact or lack the knowledge and understanding of how to define their target audience. Always remember that different people have different needs, you just can't treat all people in the same way, once you select your target audience do all your best to satisfy them with a robust and unique selling proposition. TELL YOUR STORYStories are the magic of connecting your brand message and goals with your audience, If you wish to grab your customer's attention, then you got to tell a meaningful story about you, your product, and your brand.It's much more interesting to engage with your audience if you can tell them a story about your business adventure and purpose. In the end, who does not like to listen to exciting stories? BE UNIQUEIf you are like everyone else no one will notice you, brands with personality and a loud voice will always stand out from the rest of the competition, do you know that all successful brands around you adapt their personality to connect with and reflect their audience' self-image on a profoundly personal level, what is your brand character? LEARN FROM THE MASTERSIt's always a good idea to study from other successful brands, brands such as Apple, Nike, Lego, and Ikea they all spend tons of money on building and designing marketing campaigns to connect with and attract their audience, you don't have to pay that much of money, just observe and learn! COURSE OUTLINE: HOW - TO BUILD A BRAND WITH A VISION AND A MISSION:In this course I will explain to you what is branding and what isn't, make it ultra-clear for you so you know what you have to focus on and what you should not, I will also walk you step by step through creating your brand vision and mission and how to communicate it effectively with your customers, employee, and shareholders. HOW - TO PROMOTE AND UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE EXPERIENCE:I will walk you through a case-study of consumers brand experience, you will learn and be aware of how do your customers interact with your brand, how do they perceive and describe your business I will also explain to you how to deal with your customers in different stages of your brand promotion. HOW - TO DEFINE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE:I will walk you step by step through the process on how to segment your target audience, we will talk about customers culture, needs, and customers-brands loyalty. HOW - TO DESIGN YOUR BRAND STRATEGY:We will define the core questions and methods of designing your brand strategy, study your business with a competitive advantage, weakness, and strength. HOW - TO DESIGN A STRONG UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION (USP):We will shift our mindset from business owners to consumers and dig into consumers psychology and behavior, walk you step by step on how to design a strong USP that differentiates your offering from the competition, we will look at other big brands strategy and how they align their USP to fit their target audience. HOW - TO TELL YOUR BRAND STORY:You will learn the three common types of story-telling for business and how you can apply them to communicate your business goals with your audience's emotions. HOW - TO DEFINE YOUR BRAND UNIQUE PERSONALITY:We will take an in-depth look and case studies on how successful brands such as Nike, Apple, Lego, Ikea, adapts a specific personality that matches, reflects their audience's self-image, and fulfills their desires, you will be introduced to the power of brand archetypes and learn how to apply it to your business. HOW - TO DESIGN YOUR LOGO AND COLORS:Visuals are one of the most important elements that reflect your brand image and interact with your audience, in this course I will explain to you all the different logo design, what makes a strong logo, and what should you avoid, we will talk about colors meaning and how to choose the right color schemes that reflect, match your brand personality and your voice. HOW - TO DESIGN YOUR BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY:Learn The rules for creating strong brand photography, how should you communicate your brand message through products/story-telling photography, and what you should avoid."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Sketch, Draw, Design Cars Like a Pro in 3D" |
"Hi there!Make sure to check out the 2D course first!Car design, probably one of the most important areas of industrial design, arguably the most important aspect of an automobile. The looks are what count. Aston Martin, Jaguar, Porsche,BMW. What would their cars be without their iconicdesign?My name is Kaiwen and I am an aspiring car designer and automotive engineer in the making.You always wantedto learn howto sketch,draw, designcars professionally like all the great designers like Ian Callum and Henrik Fisker? If so then thisis the right course to start with. You will be able to draw cars without erasing and without special tools.This course was designed with the ""Learn by Doing"" pricinple in mind so just follow me along the design process.If you want to learn further perspectives, please let me know!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Play 1000s of Songs On The Guitar Cheater Chords" |
"Hi there!This course is designed to teach you how to play the chords which cover99% of all pop songson theguitaras quickly and efficiently as possible.The lessons are straight to the point and there to guide you through discovering the most usefuland the recurring patterns of chord based songs, and learning to replicate and adjust them to according toyour preference.Based on the ""learn by doing"" concept, I will show you all the chords to start out with.After finishing the chord tutorials, I will show some common progressions too for you to start jamming!After some practise you should be able to play any song stuck in your head almost immediately without thinking about it!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"The Piano Chord Ladder Learn to Play Thousands of Songs" |
"Hi there!This course is designed to teach anyone thechord ladder/scaleon the piano, which allows you to play songs, improvise and accompanyefficiently and basically cheat your way into piano playing, by only learning the most common chords required.The lessons are there to guide you through discovering the concept of the ladder with some practise activities showcasing thesimplicityand the recurring patterns of songs, and teaching to replicate and adjust them according toyour preference.Based on the ""learn by doing"" concept, I will use an example songs and progressions for you to follow along!After finishing the course, you will be good to go on your own!After some practise you should be able to play any song immediately by using this system. After all you know the chords already."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Piano Songwriting & Song Accompaniment 4 Chord Starter Kit" |
"Hi there!My name is Kaiwen, and I've been a piano teacher for 3 years. I also happen to be a massive karaoke freak, so singing is another passion of mine.In this course you will learn:How to write a really good sounding song on the pianoAll the chords you needand their variationsHow to choose a song styleHow to add lyrics on the flyA variety of fun chord progressionsThe chord number systemYou will not learn:How to write lyrics, as itis something personal and entirely up to you!:)Have fun!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Sketch, Draw, Design Cars Like a Pro Marker Renders" |
"Make sure to check out my 2D and3D sketchingcourse if you don't know how to draw cars yet!Hi there! Car design, probably one of the most important areas of industrial design, arguably the most important aspect of an automobile. The looks are what count. Aston Martin, Jaguar, Porsche,BMW. What would their cars be without their iconicdesign?My name is Kaiwen and I am an aspiring car designer and automotive engineer in the making.You always wantedto learn howto sketch,draw, designcars professionally like all the great designers like Ian Callum and Henrik Fisker? If so then thisis the right course to up your game. You will be able to draw cars without erasing and make them pop using professional markers.This course was designed with the ""Learn by Doing"" pricinple in mind so just follow me along the design process."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Auditor Course" |
"My course explains in ""plain English"" all the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 discussing the intent of each sub-clause of the standard, offering solutions that can be used for the implementation of a quality management system along with examples and, of course, offering guidance on how to audit a quality management system - be it internal or external audit.After going through all the lessons in my course you will have a perfect understanding of ALL the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, will be able to implement a Quality Management System or to make an audit for a quality management system.My course has a structure that includes 3 parts:- the first part is an introduction - it speaks about the ISO 9000 family, a short history of the quality management and two concepts from ISO 9001 that I find to be the most relevant - process approach and risk based thinking;- the second part of the course is a detailed explanation of all requirements of ISO 9001:2015 - it follows the structure of the standard so we will be discussing about the: context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation and improvement- the third and last part of my course is about management system auditing in general - it speaks about the principles and types of management system audits, concepts like audit scope and criteria, audit teams, audit objectives, non-conformity, audit plans and reports.All the key requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are being explained like: context of the organization; risks and opportunities; QMS scope; quality policy and objectives; infrastructure; competence; awareness; measuring and monitoring resources; documented information; design and development; customer communication; reviewing customer requirements; property belonging to customers or external providers; preservation; control of externally provided processes, products and services; identification and traceability; post-delivery; release of products and services; nonconforming outputs; customer satisfaction; internal audit; nonconformity and corrective action or management review.The course DOES NOT ONLY READ THE REQUIREMENTS OF ISO 9001:2015 but it speaks about the intent of each requirement, gives examples and solutions for the implementation. It is a great tool for auditing or implementing a Quality Management System.If you are working with ISO 9001 in your day-to-day business or you want to know about quality management and take advantage of the opportunities in this sector - this course is the full package that you need.You will get from here condensed information (in almost 4 hours you get all the key information that you would obtain from classical training in 5 days), you learn in your own time and you can get back to the information whenever you need it."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management system" |
"This course explains all the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 to help you implement, audit an environmental management system or plan the upgrade to this new edition of the world's no.1 standard for environmental management.After going through the lessons in the course the student will have a good understanding of all the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, and will be able to take part in the implementation, improvement, administration or audit of an environmental management system.My course includes:a short introduction part speaking about the ISO 14000 family of standards and the concept of environmental management system;a detailed explanation of all the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 following the structure of the standard - context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation and improvement.The course discusses key elements of ISO 14001:2015 like evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts, compliance obligations, operational planning and control or emergency preparedness and response.Specific requirements for environmental management system - environmental policy, environmental objectives and planning to achieve them, context of the organization, internal audits, management review, evaluation of compliance, documented information, actions to address risks and opportunities - all those are discussed in the lessons of this course.All elements of ISO 14001:2015 are discussed in detail, using examples so you will understand how an environmental management system can be implemented to achieve conformity with the standard and obtain ISO 14001:2015 certification.From my course you get condensed valuable information that you can study in your own time and review at any moment during the implementation of an environmental management system or during an audit as per ISO 14001.This is the full package for environmental consultants, auditors and environmental practitioners (environmental managers, EHS officers, environmental technicians, environmental engineers etc).The course provides clear explanations, examples and solutions for the implementation of ISO 14001:2015 requirements."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"ISO/IEC 27001. Information Security Management System." |
"ISO/IEC 27001 is one of the world's most popular standards and this ISO certification is very sought after, as it demonstrates a company can be trusted with information because it has sufficient controls in place to protect it.Google, Apple, Adobe, Oracle and many other tech giants, financial institutions, health services providers, insurance companies, education institutions, manufacturing and service companies, large and small business around the world have decided to implement this standard and to get this certification as a proof of their capability to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information they process.My course explains the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 along with the controls in Annex A of this standard to help you understand how an information security management system can be implemented, what are the requirements of this standard and what are the solutions to ensure conformity.My course is structured into 2 parts:- the first one is about the management system requirements of ISO/IEC 27001. Context of the organization, leadership, information security policy and objectives, information security risk assessment and treatment, competence and awareness, documented information, operational planning and control, internal audit, management review, nonconformity and corrective action along with all the other requirements of the standard are discussed.- the second part of the course is all about the controls from Annex A of ISO/IEC 27001 - there are 114 information security controls and all are addressed in the lessons. The topics cover aspects like: Information security policies, organization of information security, mobile devices and teleworking, security of human resources, asset management, classification of information, media handling, access control, user responsibilities, system and application access control, cryptography, physical and environmental security, equipment security, operations security, protection from malware, backup, logging and monitoring, control of operational software, technical vulnerability management, communications security, network security management, information transfer, system acquisition, development and maintenance, security in development and support, supplier relationships, incident management, information security as part of business continuity management, redundancies and compliance.After going through all the lessons of this course you will have a solid knowledge of what is required for an information security management system, how can an organization implement such a system and get certified to ISO/IEC 27001.With the information here you can:- work as a consultant for the implementation of this system in different companies;- participate in audits (internal or external) on ISO/IEC 27001;- work in a company that implemented an information security management system or- if you are manager or owner of a business you will know what is the international standard for information security and start implementing it in your company.If none of the options above suits your profile you can use the information in my course for awareness on information security and get to know what are the security requirements that so many organizations around the world have decided to adopt.From my course you will get condensed information that you can re-visit anytime you need and after going through this course Udemy offers the possibility to download a certificate for successful completion so you can demonstrate your competence in the information security field."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Business Continuity Management System. ISO 22301." |
"The course discusses the concept of business continuity and the requirements of ISO 22301:2019 - the international standard that defines the requirements for a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS).The course follows the structure of the standard covering the following requirements:- Context of the organization - internal and external issues that affect the organization, the needs and expectations of interested parties and the scope of the business continuity management system- Leadership - top management commitment for business continuity, business continuity policy, roles, responsibilities and authorities- Planning - Actions to address risks and opportunities, business continuity objectives and the planning of changes- Support - Resources, competence and awareness, communication and documented information- Operation - Business impact analysis, risk assessment, business continuity strategies and solutions, business continuity plans and procedures, warning and communication, the incident response structure, the exercise programme and the evaluation of business continuity documentation and capabilities- Performance evaluation - Monitoring and measurement, analysis and evaluation, the internal audit of the BCMS, management review- Improvement - Nonconformity and corrective action; continual improvement.The information is valuable to any professional involved in business continuity and disaster recovery related activities.After going through the lessons here you will have a clear image of how a business continuity management system (BCMS) should be shaped, what are it's main elements, what documents should exist and how they should be implemented.The information in the course is valuable for professionals who want to participate in business continuity auditing - of suppliers, partners or for certification purposes.If you are looking to become a certified business continuity professional then the information in this course will be of great help.If your organization intends to become certified to ISO 22301:2019 and you have responsibilities for the BCMS then I am sure you will find a lot of support in this course."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"ISO 27001 Cybersecurity manager. Guidelines." |
"The purpose of this course is to provide cybersecurity guidelines for the application of ISO 27001 (the popular standard for information security management systems).After going through the lessons you will have a good understanding of the concepts, principles and requirements for an organization to design a cybersecurity system.You will understand what are the typical security threats for different activities and processes and the recommended controls that an organization can implement in order to respond and protect itself.The structure of the course includes:- introductory aspects including definitions for the Cyberspace and Cybersecurity.- the concepts of Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication and Non-Repudiation as critical elements for any security system;- information classification - schemes, levels and labeling aspects- Threats, vulnerability, risk assessment (quantiative and qualitative methods) and the options for an organization to treat security risks.- Internal organization requirements including support from top management and segregation of duties;- aspect on mobile devices - like BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and COPE(Company Owned Personally Enabled)- human resources security - from screening to employment, the contractual requirements and disciplinary process plus the termination and change of employment- requirements for the use of removable media- access controls and authentication aspects plus how to manage privileges so they won't generate security breaches- cryptography - including basic elements and definitions, digital signature and the public key infrastructure- a short description of most popular cryptograhpic attacks (brute force, rainbow tables or birthday attacks) and recommended controls- controls that refer to physical security and equipment- malware aspects (viruses, logic bombs, worms, trojans, spyware, adware and a detailed presentation of ransomware)- denial of service attacks - social engineering and phishing- password management aspects including common password attacks and controls - backup aspects- requirements for the change management process in an organization so that security is not affected- network security aspects - principles and controls +wireless attacks and how to prevent them- requirements for email security- security in development processes- supplier relationships and risks associated to suppliers' access to information assets of the organization- capacity management- managing cybersecurity incidents - from detection to closure and root cause analysis- business continuity aspects and how an organization should prepare for and respond to crisis situations- compliance requirements that any organization must repsect.The course uses easy to follow explanations and examples with a few case studies along the way (about the Barings bank collapse, the Target security breach or Edward Snowden) to illustrate the concepts described.At the end of the course there is a quiz - with questions from the subject matter.Get the information you need to design, coordinate and improve a cybersecurity system or audit organizations as per ISO 27001."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Balancing The Mind, Body & Soul Mini-Series" |
"In this mini-series you will discover the meaning of the mind, the body and the soul and how balancing these three aspects will provide you with the ultimate health, wellness, happiness and abundance. You will learn the difference between the brain and the mind and learn how to care for and focus the mind to gain the life you desire.You will learn what makes up the body and how to care for the body and gain your best health.You will learn the what the soul is and how to take care of it.You will learn how to balance all three aspects of the self to achieve ultimate health, happiness, wellness and abundance.You will learn about the chakras and experience a meditation to balance the chakras."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Swift 4 and Xcode 10 MasterClass" |
"Master all the skills and fundamentals necessary to develop professional applications for iPhone and iPad.By the end of this course you would have mastered Swift 4and Xcode 10. The Swift 4andXcode 10MasterClass will prepare you to become a Professional Developer in half the time of other courses. The concise and to the point approach eliminates needless hours of video and prepares you to develop apps in no the end of this course you will:be able to create strings, arrays, dictionaries, integers, loops, if statements, and functionsbe able to writealgorithms and use them in codebe able to create custom classesbe able to integrate the camera to record/shoot photos and videosbe able to create seguesbe able to create custom tableviewsbe able to download and useXcode 10understand the differences between Swift 3 and Swift 4Master the Swift Programming languageMasterXcode 10***Disclaimer*** The instructor makes no guarantee of employment or any possible compensation from taking this course. The course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of app development. Any employment or compensation as an iOS Developer would be completely the students responsibility. Swift and AppStore Icons made byFreepik"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programao Shell Script - Automatizando Rotinas no Linux" |
"Esse curso Shell Script totalmente voltado para a prtica, para a criao do zero de scripts bash shell que sero teis no dia a dia de qualquer administrador de sistemas ou analista de suporte Linux ou Unix.A habilidade de automatizar tarefas atravs do shell scripting valoriza muito o profissional Linux pois aumenta sua produtividade, sua proatividade e d a ele a capacidade de criar solues e no apenas resolver problemas.Um Shell Script uma forma de estruturar e criar uma rotina e uma lgica na execuo de comandos GNU/Linux e Unix. Para isso, o shell implementa um conjunto de instrues para uso de variveis, interao com o usurio, instrues condicionais, de loop, tratamentos de erros e muito mais.O curso est estruturado em sees, abordando os seguinte itens:Reviso de Comandos Bsicos: Revemos aqui os comandos essenciais do Linux/Unix e os que mais so usados na programao shell script. Aqui revemos as variveis do shell, as diferentes formas de executar comandos, o uso das aspas, redirecionamentos de entradas e sadas, o editor de textos VI e o bsico de expresses regulares para uso nos scripts.Primeiros Passos na Criao de um Shell Script: Aqui vemos como criar e executar um bash script, como devem ser as permisses, quais as melhores prticas para os comentrios, como trabalhar com as variveis dentro do script, como receber entradas dos usurios e mais.As Instrues Condicionais: Entendendo a sintaxe e o uso prtico das instrues if e case.As Instrues de Loop: Entendendo a sintaxe e o uso das instrues for, while, until, alm dos comandos break e continue.Uso de Funes: Como usar as functions para otimizar o programa, evitando a repetio desnecessria de cdigo e facilitando sua manutenoCriando Logs e Enviando E-mails: Como fazer com que os scripts gerem logs e registros de execuo para consulta futura. Como enviar e-mails de alerta para os administradores do sistema.Debug: Aqui estudamos algumas tcnicas para encontrar erros de sintaxe ou lgica no cdigo.Esses conhecimentos do ao profissional Linux toda a base necessria para que ele possa automatizar qualquer tarefa repetitiva, como por exemplo:Gerar relatrios de usuriosGerar relatrios de funcionamento do AmbienteMonitorar a execuo de processos, podendo inclusive mandar e-mails de alarmeMonitorar recursos do sistema como Uso de CPU, Memria, Espao em Disco e etcGerar backups programadosEnfim, criar vrios tipos de ferramentas que facilitem o trabalho dirioToda seo do curso conta com vrios exerccios prticos e com videoaulas mostrando como eles podem ser resolvidos. Esses exerccios so em sua maioria voltados para cenrios reais, que realmente podem ser aplicados em um ambiente de produo.As aulas so focadas no tipo de Shell ""Bash"", mas as mesmas instrues podem ser usadas em qualquer outro shell como sh e ksh, com variaes mnimas.Voc tambm poder aplicar esses conhecimentos em qualquer distribuio Linux e Unix, e at mesmo em um sistema Mac OS X.Alm da grade curricular detalhada abaixo, voc pode conferir mais detalhes atravs de algumas aulas com visualizao gratuita e dos comentrios dos demais alunos."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Primeiros Passos no Linux - Conceitos e Principais Comandos" |
"Esse Curso de Introduo ao Linux foi criado para profissionais e estudantes que desejam dar seus Primeiros Passos no Linux, doZero.Dessa forma ele constri uma base de conceitos muito importantes que facilitaro e daro muito suporte ao aluno no seu processo de aprendizado e de conhecimento dos ambientes GNU/Linux, em conjunto com uma forte aplicao prtica do uso de comandos de texto.Dessa forma, voc conhecer o Linux desde sua origem, entender suas principais vantagens e qual o significado de termos como kernel, GNU, Software Livre, Open Source e etc.Conhecer tambm o que so as Distribuies Linux, quais as diferenas entre elas e quais as mais utilizadas, tanto em servidores quanto em mquinas desktop. Alm disso, estudar as principais interfaces grficas de usurios, as aplicaes de usurio e servios para servidores mais utilizados.Se voc nunca instalou um sistema Linux, nesse curso voc aprender o passo a passo de uma instalao de qualquer distribuio, em modo Dual Boot (juntamente com uma instalao prvia do Windows) ou via Mquina Virtual.Por fim, mas essencial para o uso profissional do Linux em servidores, abordamos os principais comandos texto, utilizados via Terminal Shell, de maneira 100% prtica e mo na massa. Voc aprender os comandos para:Manipular Arquivos e Diretrios: criar, apagar, mover, copiar, renomear, compactar, localizar e etcTrabalhar com Arquivos Texto: Criar, Editar, Ler, Filtrar contedos, ordenar e etcGerenciar Processos e Servios: Executar processos, visualizar, matar, iniciar e parar servios e etcMonitorar Recursos do Sistema: Monitorar CPU, Memria e Disco, visualizar status de processos e etcComandos Bsicos de Administrao do Sistema: Instalar Pacotes e Aplicaes, Criar e Remover Usurios, os Principais Logs do Linux e etcDurante todo o curso, voc ter o meu suporte para suas dvidas sobre os assuntos estudados.Fique a vontade para explorar a grade curricular completa disponvel abaixo. Veja tambm o vdeo de apresentao do curso e algumas aulas gratuitas que foram disponibilizadas.Seja muito bem vindo ao Linux, e nos vemos no curso."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Ecommerce - Build a Free eCommerce website with WordPress" |
"Welcome to thiscourse,in this course we're going to take you through the whole processof building a great-looking,WordPress online eCommerce store, complete with simple and variable products using thewoocommerce plugin .Unlike manyother courses, we are not going to justtell you how to use awoocommerce WordPress plug-in,orhow to build your online eCommerce store,we are actually going to take you through the whole process step by step,until we have a complete store ready to sell yourproducts online.We will cover installing WordPress,downloading and activating the woocommerce plugin,adding bothsimple and variable products,includingup sells and cross sells.We will adda returns policy page, an about us page, and a contact page complete with working contact form.Once we have our pages built we will add menus,and then demonstrate how tocustomizethe highlight colors of your site to match your logo.By the end of this courseyou will have a fully functional WordPressonlinee-commerce storeready to sell your product."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master 3D, de Cero a Hroe Vol.6: Anatoma de Manos y Pies" |
"Eres Estudiante, profesional o aficionado y aspiras a convertirte en artista digital? y quieres fortalecer habilidades para la creacin de personajes 3d en la industria del Cine, Animacin digital y Videojuegos?. Si tu respuesta es si, este curso es para t!Aprenders a personalizar la interfaz para facilitar la fluidez de tu trabajo con personajes, utilizars un set de herramientas que te permitirn un trabajo controlado de las formas.Aplicars tcnicas avanzadas para optimizar tu tiempo y tu flujo de trabajo.En cada bloque de msculos te explicar como generar la forma de cada uno de ellos, y como se unen por medio de los tendones a los huesos respectivamente.A travs de 39 clases podrs aprender todo lo necesario para modelar un personaje anatmicamente correcto, conocers msculo a msculo con su nombre en espaol y recomendaciones para aplicar este conocimiento a tus proyectos futuros.El curso aborda los siguientes temas:Guas y proporcionesHuesos de la mano y del pieBase de la mano y del pieDetalles de los dedosDefinicin de la uaMsculos y tendonesIntegracin de todos los componentesTendones tensoresEste conocimiento har parte de tus herramientas como profesional, representar un diferenciador frente a quienes ignoran el aporte que la anatoma hace a un trabajo de creacin de personajes de calidad, no importa si es realista, cartoon, manga o cualquier estilo que elijas.Qu esperas para iniciar?, inscrbete ahora!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de personajes con Zbrush- Silver Pack (Vol1 y Vol2)" |
"TEMTICAS GENERALESDesarrollo de personajes 3D / Diseo de personajes 3D / Anatoma Humana Masculina/ Musculacin / ModeladoCuerpo Humano / modelado Cabeza HumanaPROMESA DEL CURSOEsta serie le permitircomprender la anatoma humana con tcnicas que facilitan su entendimiento, adems de apropiarse del uso de las herramientas y recursos adecuados que nos provee el software para generar la forma muscular del cuerpo humano.METODOLOGAPersonalizaremos la interfaz para facilitar la fluidez de trabajo con el personaje.Utilizaremos un set de herramientas que permitirn un trabajo controlado de las formas.Aplicaremos tcnicas avanzadas para optimizar tiempo y flujo de trabajo.En cada bloque de msculos se realizar una explicacin de como generar la forma de cada uno de ellos, y como se unen por medio de los tendones a los huesos respectivamente.REQUISITOSPara hacer este tipo de personajes necesitamos mnimo tener un conocimiento bsico del software de escultura y su ambiente de trabajo: paneles, mens, paletas, herramientas, brochas, etc.Tener buena navegacin sobre el espacio de trabajo.Tanto el temario como las referencias visuales son relativos al cuerpo humano (Masculino y Femenino) por lo cual es importante entender que se revisan dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje.Tener actitud, disposicin y ganas de aprender!Requerimientos tcnicos de software y hardware para poder tomar el curso.Para versiones igual o superior a Zbrush 3.5Recomendados:SO: Windows XP SP2 o Windows Vista.CPU: Pentium D o superior (o equivalente a AMD Athlon 64 X2 o superior) con capacidades multithreading o hyperthreading opcionales.RAM: 2048MB (4096MB recomendado para trabajar con mayas de mltiples millones de polgonos).Monitor: 1280x1024 resolucin o superior (32 bits).Requisitos mnimos:SO: Windows 2000/XP SP2.CPU: P4 o AMD Opteron o Athlon64 Processor (Debe tener SSE2 : Streaming SIMD Extensions 2).RAM: 1024MB (2048 MB recomendado).Monitor: 1024x768 resolucin o superior (32 bits).Para versiones menores a Zbrush 3.1Recomendados:SO: Windows XP/Vista.CPU: P4 o superior (o AMD equivalente) con capacidades multithreading o hyperthreading opcionales.RAM: 1024MB (2048MB recomendado para trabajar con mayas de mltiples millones de polgonos).Monitor: 1280x1024 resolucin o superior (32 bits).Requisitos mnimos:SO: Windows 2000.CPU: PIII RAM: 512MB (1024 MB recomendados).Monitor: 1024x768 resolucin (32 bits).CATEGORAS#animacin #modelado #esculturadigital #zbrush #personajes3d #anatoma #curso3d #cursosonline"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3D Master, from zero to hero Vol.4: Body Anatomy" |
"Are you a student, professional or amateur and wish to become a digital artist? want to develop skills for the creation of 3d characters in the movies industry, Digital Animation and Videogames ?. If your answer is yes, this course is for you!You will learn how to customize the interface to facilitate your workflow with characters, you will use a set of tools that will allow you controled work on the shapes.You will apply advanced techniques to optimize your time and your workflow.In each block of muscles I will explain how to generate the shape of each one of them, and how they are connected through tendons to the bones respectively.Through 39 classes you will learn everything you need to model an anatomically correct character, you will learn muscle by muscle with its name in english and recommendations to apply this knowledge to your future projects.The course contains the following topics:NormsMasksPolygroupsPectoralsDeltoidTrapeziusTeres and infraspinatusDorsalSerratusAbsTorsoArmsLegsThis knowledge will be part of your tools as a professional, will represent a differentiator against those who ignore the contribution that anatomy makes to a job, creating quality characters, no matter if it is realistic, cartoon, manga or whatever style you choose.What are you waiting for?, sign up now!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Zbrush bsico Vol 2: Creacin de una mascota cartoon 3D en Z" |
"Zbrush bsico Vol 2: Creacin de una mascota cartoon 3D en ZbrushNo necesitas tener habilidades de dibujo para ser un artista de personajes, yo he entrenado a mucha gente con habilidades increbles y, el 99% no sabe cmo dibujar, slo necesita empezar ahora!Si lo que ests buscando es un tutorial o curso de Zbrush donde aprender a crear personajes 3d, esculpir personajes y criaturas, este curso es la base esencial para que empieces tu aprendizaje de mano de expertos en Zbrush que saben lo que se requiere para ingresar a la industria.Mediante una sistemtica serie de cursos de Zbrush, queremos que aprendas todo lo necesario de cero a 100, en el arte de creacin de personajes en Zbrush.La escultura 3D o modelado de personajes, es una arte al que se puede llegar con una buena gua, como lo es este curso bsico de Zbrush, y con mucha prctica, si bien puedes aprender todo lo necesario con nuestros cursos, siempre recomendamos que por tu propia cuenta practiques lo ms que puedas para poder crear un buen portafolio en Modelado digital y puedas entrar a competir por un puesto en la industria de tus sueos.Este curso bsico de Zbrush Creacin de una mascota cartoon 3D en Zbrush hace parte de una serie an ms completa, que viene desde el Vol 1: Zbrush bsico donde te enseamos en un primer acercamiento al software, todas las herramientas y opciones ms importantes y tiles de este gran programa. Posterior a esto, seguimos con este curso de la creacin de nuestro primer modelado orgnico en Zbrush, donde crears un cuadrpedo estilo comic, si bien no es una escultura digital compleja, vas aprender y practicar las herramientas y opciones de Zbrush ms utilizadas, aprenders un flujo de trabajo organizado y muy potente que te llevar a adquirir resultados de manera slida y potente.Este curso para principiantes en Zbrush est elaborado para que comiences con el pie derecho en el entrenamiento de Zbrush y si bien es bsico, tambin es un curso completo de Zbrush, pues te lleva desde cero hasta un personaje completamente acabado.Si lo que buscas es un curso completo de Zbrush que te ensee todas las bases y un flujo de trabajo en Zbrush de manera profesional, este es el curso para ti. Aprovecha esta gran oportunidad y da el paso que te iniciar en esta emocionante carrera del arte de creacin de personajes en Zbrush. Te espero adentro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de personajes con Zbrush- Gold pack (Vol. 1, 2 y 3)" |
"Eres Estudiante, profesional o aficionado y aspiras a convertirte en artista digital? y quieres fortalecer habilidades para la creacin de personajes 3d en la industria del Cine, Animacin digital y Videojuegos?. Si tu respuesta es si, este curso es para t!Si quieres crear personajes a nivel profesional, la anatoma es el conocimiento que no pueds pasar por alto, hace parte de las herramientas mnimas que deben hacer parte de tu arsenal. Este curso es un consolidado de 3 cursos de la serie Creacin de personajes, es decir encuentras 3 cursos en 1, estos son: Vol.1 El cuerpo, Vol.2 La cabeza y Vol. 3 Manos y Pies. En fin aprenders los conceptos de anatoma artstica de todo el cuerpo humano. A travs de 86 clases podrs aprender el proceso, solo debes inscribirte al curso y desarrollar cada una de las activiades planteadas.Al finalizar el curso podrs aplicar sus tcnicas a cualquier tipo de personaje, realista, cartoon, manga o cualquiera que sea el estilo que necesites o que mas te guste."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Gua completa de modelado en 3D Vol.3 - El Carro de Batman" |
"Durante esta serie de cursos modelaremos un fanart del Batman Tumbler. Los 3 cursos abarcan Modelado, Texturizado e Iluminacin y puesta en escena.En este Vehculo del Hroe Vol. 1, iniciaremos con el modelado del vehculo. aplicaremos los conocimientos que adquirimos durante los cursos de los props del villano parte 1 y 2, y los complementaremos con conocimientos nuevos para completar el modelado total del vehculo. Para hacerlo modelaremos por mdulos e iremos aadiendo las piezas finales a nuestro compendio para dar la forma final a nuestro vehculo. Este curso es de nivel intermedio y requiere que le pongas el empeo y mucha practica de tu parte, ahora es cuando empiezas a enfrentar los verdaderos retos del aprendizaje. yo te dar las bases pero sers t quien dar vida al vehculo, para ello te proporcionamos un completo material de apoyo que te servir como gua para que completes tu fanart de la forma en que lo prefieras. No te limites, es momento de no slo seguir el paso sino de empezar a forjar tu propio camino.Durante el curso veremos:- Modelado por planos- Modelado a partir de SPlines- Modelado con Soft Selection- Grupos de Suavizado NonSubD- Introduccin bsica a Luces y Materiales.Estas listo para afrontar el reto? Inscrbete!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |