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"Gua completa de modelado en 3D Vol.2 - Accesorio del Joker" |
"Durante esta serie de clases modelaremos un prop (accesorio o utilera) del Guasn o ms conocido en las historias de Batman, como el Joker.En este curso, iniciaremos con el montaje de blueprints (planos de referencia), luego generaremos un blocking (Modelado base) y luegop procederemos a generar pieza por pieza entendiendo diferentes herramientas que nos ayudarn a cumplir nuestros objetivos. Aplicaremos los conocimientos que adquirimos durante el curso Vol 1 de la serie Gua completa de modelado en 3D Vol. 1 - Accesorios Harley Q.Este curso es de nivel bsico y te llevar a un nivel intermadio en modelado inorgnico para prepararte para el Vol. 3 en el que aprenders a crear el carro Tumbler de Batman.Acompaame en la creacin de un primer objeto que aunque parece de alta complejidad, te llevar paso a paso para el camino sea sencillo y adquieras conocimientos que te darn las bases para convertirte en un profesional del mundo CG.Que esperas para comenzar? Inscrbete ahora mismo!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master 3D, de Cero a Hroe Vol.7: Crea a ""Batman""" |
"Eres Estudiante, profesional o aficionado y aspiras a convertirte en artista digital? y quieres fortalecer habilidades para la creacin de personajes 3d en la industria del Cine, Animacin digital y Videojuegos?. Si tu respuesta es si, este curso es para t!Si quieres crear personajes de todo tipo como los profesionales, personajes delgados, musculosos, gigantes, brutos o cartoon, solo debes inscribirte al curso y desarrollar cada una de las activiades planteadas.A travs de mas de 50 clases podrs aprender el proceso industrial de creacin de personajes 3D, poner en prctica tus conocimientos en anatoma y recordar los conceptos base. Aprenders a trabajar con un supervisor tcnico, un coordinador de produccin y ganar tiempo con la implementacin de un desarrollo incremental.Al finalizar el curso podrs aplicar sus tcnicas a cualquier tipo de personaje, realista, cartoon, manga o cualquiera que sea el estilo que necesites o que mas te guste. Ya es hora de convertirte en un profesional del modelado 3D de personajes."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Harley Quinn: Creacin arma en Zbrush modelado Hard Surface" |
"Harley Quinn: Creacin de un arma en Zbrush modelado Hard Surface Curso de Zbrush bsico Vol 3Hola amigos, bienvenidos a un nuevo curso de escultura en Zbrush donde veremos la creacin del Arma de Harley Quinn, sistemticos tutoriales de modelado hard Surface en Zbrush, nivel bsico, de mano de nuestros artistas / instructores con experiencia en la industria de la animacin y los coleccionables (estatuillas/impresin 3D).Nuestras Series de cursos de ZbrushEste curso de Zbrush Harley Quinn: Creacin de un arma en Zbrush modelado Hard Surface - Zbrush bsico Vol 3 hace parte de la serie de cursos de Cmo aprender Zbrush bsico para principiantes en escultura digital.Si eres de los que apenas inician en el mundo del 3D, y buscas una gua solida o tutoriales de Zbrush, este curso te dar un conocimiento muy valioso y til para crear objetos rgidos con tcnicas hard Surface, que, a diferencia del modelado orgnico, se enfoca en la creacin de superficies rgidas, como armas, autos, y elementos de utilera / props, as como algunos elementos de los escenarios. Por esto y ms, este curso de Hard Surface en Zbrush, es importante para aprender Zbrush de manera sistematizada y en orden, es por ello, que hemos elaborado una serie de cursos de Zbrush que te lleva desde cero hasta piezas terminadas, no nos enfocamos en ensear tcnicas sueltas, sino que, aprendas el proceso de creacin de productos para animacin digital, videojuegos, impresin 3D y otros.Por qu el Arma de Harley Quinn Curso de modelado en ZbrushPor qu, el Arma de Harley Quinn. Porque, es un elemento que posee las cualidades idneas para el aprendizaje de esta etapa. Porque, con la herramienta Zbrush podremos llegar a un buen resultado en modelado Hard Surface, detallando solo hasta donde sea necesario y abarcando las temticas necesarias. Para que aprendas cmo modelar armas en Zbrush y objetos 3d con una complejidad similar.Si deseas o apuntas a un da trabajar en alguna de estas industrias ya mencionadas o deseas ser un profesional independiente Freelance, es necesario que tengas estos conocimientos de los procesos, que conozcas la terminologa y las herramientas ms utilizadas, como lo es en este caso, el software de Pixologic Zbrush, un programa muy potente y ampliamente utilizado por los estudios de las diferentes industrias creativas a nivel mundial.Si ests aqu, es porque seguro te has cansado de dar vueltas por Youtube* y otras plataformas buscando tutoriales sobre cmo hacer esto y aquello, por esto, te felicito, porque, al buscar cursos, ya ests dando un paso delante de muchos, el aprendizaje que te llevar a la industria que sueas debe ser algo serio -el tiempo es oro, literalmente-, por eso aqu te llevaremos con el mejor acompaamiento en el aprendizaje de cmo hacer un modelo en Zbrush, con nuestros curso iras rpido y con conocimientos slidos, estars en capacidad al finalizar este curso, de crear piezas rgidas en 3D de nivel bsico intermedio y todos por un sper precio que procuraremos siempre sostener, para que aprender Zbrush deje de ser algo costoso y poco asequible; queremos que aprendas y que aprendas lo que es y con los que son.*No decimos que en Youtube no puedas encontrar buen material, es decir, contenidos de calidad, sino que, para poder encontrarlos detendrs que pasar por muchsimo contenido que no lo es. Con nuestros cursos irs directo al grano, aqu te daremos las soluciones desde ya, a los problemas que tendrs que afrontar ms adelante y, si te preguntas cmo saben eso? Pues sencillo, nosotros ya recorrimos el camino y ahora queremos que t vayas ms rpido con nuestra gua.Te espero adentro del curso de escultura en Zbrush creacin del Arma de Harley Quinn, tutoriales de modelado Hard Surface en Zbrush, nivel bsico.Harley Quinn: Creacin de un arma en Zbrush modelado Hard Surface - Zbrush bsico Vol 3"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master 3D para videojuegos, de cero a hroe Vol. 2- Props" |
"Eres Estudiante, profesional o aficionado y aspiras a convertirte en artista digital para video juegos mviles? y quieres fortalecer tus habilidades en Videojuegos? Si tu respuesta es s, este curso es para ti!Aprenders a crear modelos 3d de objetos elementos muy usados en video juegos en este caso un martillo low poly con ayuda de los programas de Autodesk Maya y Adobe Photoshop. Podrs conocer las herramientas fundamentales para crear y configurar tus primeros props 3d y aprender el proceso de su desarrollo: modelado, abrir uv sy texturizado.A travs de 56 clases podrs aprender todo lo necesario para iniciarte dentro de estos programas muy utilizado en la industria de los videojuegos. El curso aborda los siguientes temas: Inicio de un proyecto 3dModelado low polyManejo de NormalesManejo de Tris y QuadsMapa de UVTexturizado a mano alzadaEntrega final de un modelo 3d Qu esperas para iniciar?, inscrbete ahora"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3D Master, from zero to hero Vol.5: Head Anatomy" |
"Are you a student, professional or amateur and wish to become a digital artist? want to develop skills for the creation of 3d characters in the movies industry, Digital Animation and Videogames ?. If your answer is yes, this course is for you!You'll apply advaced techniques for optimizing your time and workflow. In each block of muscles I will explain how to generate the shape of each one of them, and how they are connected through tendons to the bones respectively.Through the 18classes you will be able to learn everything you need for modeling the head of a character, anatomically correct, you will know muscle by muscle with its name in english and recomendations for implementing this knowledge on your future projects. The course contains the following topics:NormsZremesherZremesher guidesEar modelingNose modelingMouth modelingHead creationIntegration of all components of the face and the head for a professional result.This knowledge will be part of your tools as a professional, will represent a differentiator against those who ignore the contribution that anatomy makes to a job, creating quality characters, no matter if it is realistic, cartoon, manga or whatever style you choose.What are you waiting for?, sign up now!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"3D Master, from zero to hero Vol.6: Hands and Feet" |
"Are you a student, professional or amateur and wish to become a digital artist? want to develop skills for the creation of 3d characters in the movies industry, Digital Animation and Videogames ?. If your answer is yes, this course is for you!Youll learn how to customize the interface in order to facilitate the your work flow with characters, youll use a bunch of tools that will let you have under control the shapes.Youll apply advanced techniques for optimizing your time and your work flow.On each block of muscles Ill explain to you how to generate the shape of each one of them, and how they join through tendons to the bones respectively.Through 39 classes youll learn everything you need for modeling a character anatomically correct, youll meet muscle by muscle with its name and suggestions for applying this knowledge on your future projects.The course covers the following topics:Guides and proportionsHand bones and foot bones.Hand base and foot baseFingers detailsNail modelingMuscles and tendonsCompositing all the componentsTensor tendonsThis knowledge will be part of your tools as a professional, will represent a differentiator against those who ignore the contribution that anatomy makes to a job, creating quality characters, no matter if it is realistic, cartoon, manga or whatever style you choose.What are you waiting for?, sign up now!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Zbrush basic Vol 2: Creating a 3D cartoon pet in Zbrush" |
"Zbrush basic Vol 2: Creating a 3D cartoon pet in ZbrushYou don't need to have drawing skills to be a character artist, I've trained many people with incredible skills and, 99% don't know how to draw, you just need to start now!If what you are looking for is a Zbrush tutorial or Zbrush course where you learn to create characters and sculpt characters and creatures, this course is the essential foundation for you to start your learning Zbrush from experts who know what it takes to enter the industry.Through a systematic series of Zbrush courses, we want you to learn everything you need from zero to 100, in the art of character creation in Zbrush.3D sculpture, or character modeling, is an art that can be reached with a good guide, as is this basic Zbrush course, and with a lot of practice, although you can learn everything you need with our courses, we always recommend that you practice as much as you can on your own to create a good portfolio at digital modeling and you can enter to compete for a position in the industry of your dreams.This basic Zbrush course ""Creating a 3D Pet cartoon in Zbrush"" is part of an even more complete series, which comes from Vol 1: Basic Zbrush"" where we teach you in a first approach to the software, all the most important and useful tools and options of this great program. After this, we continue with this course of the creation of our first organic modeling in Zbrush, where you will create a quadruped comic style, although it is not a complex digital sculpture, you will learn and practice the tools and options of Zbrush most used, you will learn an organized workflow and very powerful that will lead you to acquire results in a solid and powerful way.This zbrush beginner course is elaborated so that you begin with the right foot in the training of Zbrush and although it is basic, it is also a complete course of Zbrush, because it takes you from zero to a completely finished 3D character.If you are looking for a full Zbrush course that teaches you all the basics and a Zbrush workflow in a professional way, this is the course for you. Take advantage of this great opportunity and take the step that will begin in this exciting career of the art of character creation in Zbrush. I'll wait for you inside."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master 3D, Crea a ""Sylvanas"" Vol.1 - Cuerpo y Cabeza" |
"Eres Estudiante, profesional o aficionado y aspiras a convertirte en artista digital? y quieres fortalecer habilidades para la creacin de personajes 3d en la industria del Cine, Animacin digital y Videojuegos?. Si tu respuesta es si, este curso es para t!Utilizars un set de herramientas que te permitirn un trabajo controlado de las formas.Aplicars tcnicas avanzadas para optimizar tu tiempo y tu flujo de trabajo.Te explicar como generar la forma por niveles de detalle.A travs de 32 clases podrs aprender todo lo necesario para modelar un personaje anatmicamente correcto y recomendaciones para aplicar este conocimiento a tus proyectos futuros.El curso aborda los siguientes temas:MscarasPolygroupsPectoralesDeltoidesTrapecioTeres e infraespinatusDorsalSerratosAbdominalesTorsoBrazosPiernasEste conocimiento har parte de tus herramientas como profesional, representar un diferenciador frente a quienes ignoran el aporte que la anatoma hace a un trabajo de creacin de personajes de calidad, no importa si es realista, cartoon, manga o cualquier estilo que elijas.Qu esperas para iniciar?, inscrbete ahora!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Creating characters for video games on Zbrush- Kratos Vol 1" |
"Course Creating characters for video games on Zbrush- Kratos Vol 1Are you a student, professional or amateur and wish to become a digital artist? want to develop skills for the creation of 3d characters in the movies industry, Digital Animation and Videogames ?. If your answer is yes, this course is for you!Youll use a set of tools that will allow you manage shapes under control.You'll apply advaced techniques for optimizing your time and workflow.Ill show you how to generate the shapes through several detail levels.Through 32 classes you will be able to learn everything you need for modeling a character, anatomically correct, and recommendations for implementing this knowledge on your future projects.The course contains the following topics:MasksPlygroupsPectoralsDeltoidTrapeziusTeres and InfraspinatusLatissimus dorsiSerratusAbsTorsoArmsLegsThis knowledge will be part of your tools as a professional, will represent a differentiation against those who ignore the contribution that anatomy makes to a job, creating quality characters, no matter if it is realistic, cartoon, manga or whatever style you choose.What are you waiting for?, sign up now!Course Creating characters for video games on Zbrush- Kratos Vol 1"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu propio Hulk Vol.3 - Texturizado" |
"""Solo ver es de aburridos"" una vez me dijeron eso y fue por eso que comenc a aprender a ser un artista digital.Si tambin esa frase te suena y quieres aprender a crear personajes de toda clase para televisin, cine o videojuegos, entonces este curso estoy seguro te va a gustar.Estos cursos diseados para que paso a paso aprendas como darle forma a tus propios personajes. Lo nico que falta es que des el ltimo paso y comiences tu capacitacin. Y si ya lo has decidido entonces estar ms que feliz de acompaarte en tu trayecto a ser un profesional"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de Sylvanas con Zbrush Vol.4 - Pose y Render" |
"Eres Estudiante, profesional o aficionado y aspiras a convertirte en artista digital? y quieres fortalecer habilidades para la creacin de personajes 3d en la industria del Cine, Animacin digital y Videojuegos?. Si tu respuesta es si, este curso es para t!Utilizars un set de herramientas que te permitirn un trabajo controlado de las formas.Aplicars tcnicas avanzadas para optimizar tu tiempo y tu flujo de trabajo.Te explicar como generar la forma por niveles de detalle.A travs de 22 clases podrs aprender todo lo necesario para posar y renderizar de manera correcta a Sylvanas y las recomendaciones para aplicar este conocimiento a tus proyectos futuros.El curso aborda los siguientes temas:Decimacin del cuerpo, la armadura y props.Postura del cuerpo, la armadura y props.Render.Turntable.Este conocimiento har parte de tus herramientas como profesional, representar un diferenciador frente a quienes ignoran el aporte que la anatoma hace a un trabajo de creacin de personajes de calidad, no importa si es realista, cartoon, manga o cualquier estilo que elijas.Qu esperas para iniciar?, inscrbete ahora!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Thanos vs Deadpool Eng - GOLD PACK - Sculpting in Zbrush" |
"Course Thanos Vs Deadpool Fight for Lady Death Course Zbrush 3D ModelingCourse creation of a 3D model digital sculpture in Zbrush of the fight between Thanos and Deadpool!Are you interested in making complex sculptures, which show epic battles between your favorite characters? If the answer is yes, this course is for you!COURSE OBJECTIVETake the first structural steps for the creation of a digital sculpture - 3D DioramaPURPOSE OF THE COURSEAt the end of the course the student will understand what is the production process (Pipeline) for digital sculptures, will understand how to land an idea of sculpture and will develop the model in its phasesCOURSE DESCRIPTIONThrough a battle between ""Thanos and Deadpool for the love of Lady Death"", through 8 volumes we will show you the step-by-step development of this work, from its conceptualization to the inclusion of a high quality digital sculpture in your professional portfolio.In this first volume you will learn how to take an idea to a first 3D model, which will allow you to really understand the complexity of the project and separate it into controllable components to reach the final result. You will also learn how to create a volumetric sketch as evidence of the process and create a 360 video (turntable).With these inputs, each of your clients (supervisor, corporate client or yourself) will have a very close idea of the result that will be obtained in the project, what better than having clarity from the beginning?I welcome you to the 3D digital sculpture diorama course in Zbrush ""Thanos Vs Deadpool fight for Lady Death""."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Thanos vs Deadpool Espaol - GOLD PACK - Escultura en Zbrush" |
"THANOS Vs DEADPOOL Diorama 3D Curso Creacin personajes en ZbrushA travs de una batalla entre ""Thanos y Deadpool por el amor de Lady Death"", a travs de 8 volmenes le mostraremos el desarrollo paso a paso de esta obra, desde su conceptualizacin hasta la inclusin de una escultura digital de alta calidad en su portafolio profesional.En este primer volumen aprender a llevar una idea a un primer modelo 3D, lo que le permitir comprender realmente la complejidad del proyecto y separarlo en componentes controlables para alcanzar el resultado final. Tambin aprender a crear un boceto volumtrico como evidencia del proceso y a crear un vdeo de 360 (base giratoria).Con estos insumos, cada uno de sus clientes (supervisor, cliente corporativo o usted mismo) tendr una idea muy cercana del resultado que se obtendr en el proyecto, qu mejor que tener claridad desde el principio?Les doy la bienvenida al curso de diorama de escultura digital 3D en Zbrush ""Thanos Vs Deadpool lucha por Lady Death""."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator T-Shirt Design for Merch by Amazon" |
"If you are here you already know what a great opportunity Merch by Amazon is!If you are looking to save money on hiring designers & create your own t-shirt designs this course is for you.In this course I show you real time design on Adobe Illustrator, in asimple step by step format that teaches youhow to create your own t-shirt designs.If you are ready to take your shirt designs to the next level and have full control over your business this course is for you!Take a look at my bio to check out all of my courses!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to recover deleted photos and videos: Revealed!" |
"November / 2017: Join over 5000 students in this top ratedcourse! The response has been absolutely overwhelming!Thank you!Have you just discovered youve accidentally deleted precious memories from your camera video card? Abandon all hope, or in under an hour - master the most powerful techniques to recover lost photos and videos from memory cards.In the hands on project, youll use a spare memory card to:Take a photoDelete the photoRecover the photo on with ease in five steps on:Macintosh (Sierra)Windows (10)or Linux (Ubuntu)Those with lost data can jump directly to step #3!.We also explain exactly:Hhow files are undeleted (and how that works).Early signs to watch out for that your memory card may be suffering problems. What to do the very moment that you realize a photo or video has been lost. In this course you'll need:A Windows, Macintosh or Linux computer.Instructions are provided for MacOS (Sierra), Windows 10, and Ubuntu linuxA digital camera and a spare memory card, if your following the project (rather than tying to recover files right away).A means of accessing the memory card on your computer.To use the freely available PhotoRec tool.The website webresizerWe invite you to join our growing studentcommunity of recovery experts, rescuing precious digital memories for yourself, your friends and family, by using this course.Sign up right now, and we'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"A gentle introduction to Google Go (Golang) for Beginners" |
"Welcome A Gentle Introduction to Google Go (Golang) for Beginners!Our goal for you in this course is: For you to become a beginner Ninja in one of the hottest new languages called ""Google Go"" and also known as Golang. This course is everything you need to be successful with GoogleGo.The course is based on Google Go, Visual Studio Code and GIT. All tools are freely available so there's no additional costs to you!The course includes lectures on installation of all tools on Windows, Macintosh and Linux systems.So no matter what kind of computer you have - there's instructions for you to follow.If you'd rather follow a manual on how to install, there are 6 PDFmanuals giving step by step instructions on how to install the tools, totalling 123 pages of content!The course includes two PDFguidebooks to help you on your golang journey as well! Google go is taking the development world by storm, because of it's system level access and it's design which gives programmers the ability to create multi-core programs. This is the first development language really developed for the type of mutli-core cpucomputers that have been in the market for the last ten years. Created by three genius developers are google - to solve deficiencies google was experiencing with conventional computer languages.In our 40+ Lectures,You Will Learn: An Introduction to Golang: What is Google Go (Golang). Why does it exist? What makes Google Go (Golang)an amazing language to learn. Whom this course is for, and how to get the most out of it. What is Visual Studio code, and why would you want to use it? How to create your first google go program in 30 seconds (or less!) [Yes, really!] How to get started with Golang: An overview of Installation.How to install GIT and Go Google Go on Windows, Linux and Macintosh Systems(with guide books!) How to install Visual Studio Code on Windows, Linux and Macintosh Systems(with guide books!) How to create andcompile your first GoogleGo program. Fundamental Golang: A resource kit (Emergency Go Parachute)of 5 resources, that will aid you on your journey so you can get unstuck if you experience trouble - and more importantly, how tonever get stuck on learning Google Go in the first place.[Downloadable resource included!]Learn the basics of programming and what really happens - unlocking the mystery behind the scenes in an accessible way that even existing programmers should watch. Thefour partlecture series on programming will turn you from a ""zero"" to a ""hero"" when it comes to actually understanding how programming works, what high level languages bring to the table and what you can accomplish using Google Go (Golang) Learn how Google Go (Golang)uses variables, it's fundamental datatypes, and how to compile and write Google Go (Golang) expressions. Simple debugging with Visual Studio Code.Intermediate Beginners Golang: How to create multiple projects using Visual Studio Code.How to write Loops in Google Go (Golang), from begging format all the way to advanced loops that include ranges or simple statements. (And yes, simple statements are an advanced topic). How to write control structures, includingbasic if statements, advanced if statements and switches. Our switch example especially will show a real world example ofhow to use the fall through keyword which can be a tricky concept for beginners and experienced programmers alike. Switch in Golang is not the same as in other languages! How to write basic functions, and use them in real world examples. Learn how Google Go (Golang)passes data into and out of functions. Here, the lectures from Fundamental Golang really pay of in explaining the trickyconcept of ""by value"" vs. ""by reference""that often boggle experienced programmers. Understand Scope. Learn all the rules of whatvariables are accessiblewhere, and how Scope works in Google Go(Golang). Advanced Beginners Golang: Advanced debugging with Visual Studio code (including step into, step over, and step out)Arrays and Slices in a four part lecture series!You'll learn basic arrays and use them in a simple example. Then we'll show why Slices are ""awesome"" above arrays, and how to effectively use slices. Once you know and use slices, you'll almost never use arrays in Google Go(Golang) ever again. But... because slices are based on arrays - it's super important to understand how they work! How to use simple statements, and how they are often used in writing robust code for error handling. How to write for range loops in Google go (Golang) to write very fast and efficient code that deals with slices. How to write and use Variadic functions, which sound complicated - but with our amazing Ninja foundation, we make short work of the concept and fully implement a Variadic function in under seven minutes. And finally, we complete our tour of Google Go (Golang) with next steps to move from being a Ninja Beginner to becoming a full Ninja master in Google Go. [Downloadable resource included!] There's simply no better course for those that want to begin to learn GoogleGo and break into programming for the first time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Python |
"PythonPycharmmp3 mp4HTMLCSSbootstrappythonmongoDB30->Kevin He->Kevin He !~*********************************************Would you like to develop your own website?But you dont have any experience of developing from scratchThis course, can make you to quickly get started, and get your hands dirty!!We will using Python with Pycharm development environmentCompletely from scratch to make a real music download platform, you can search for music on this platform, and download to mp3 or mp4!After you sign in, You are be able to add music to your favorites, so you can easily find that music next time.For front-end programming language, we will using HTML, CSS with Bootstrap And we will use Python for back-end programming language, and the database will be mongoDBYou will be able to learn the whole concept of front-end and back-end!If you find this course is not for you, within 30 days you will be able to fully refund, you will loss nothing!"
Price: 5600.00 ![]() |
"Python - 6APP" |
"PythonPython 6 Terminal APP Python APPBMI APP APP APP APP APP APP APP todo Python Udemy 30"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
Wordpress |
"wordpresswordpressGoogle, Yahoowordpress"
Price: 6400.00 ![]() |
"Python Google Cloud" |
"Python Python Flask Google Cloud API MongoDB Codeanywhere PartyGo Python Flask framework mLab MongoDB Google Cloud Storage Google Place APIPython Flask PartyGo 34-34Flask Q&A - - Codeanywhere Python Flask PartyGo Flask Blueprints mLab MongoDB PartyGo -1 jinja template -2 Navbar -3 WTForms -4 MongoDB Login_required decoratorNavBar Google cloud storage - 1 Google cloud storage - 2PartyGoParty BasicPartyForm Party Google Place API Party MongoDB Party Party Party User Party Party Flask Explore ! Party PartyGo User Party PartyGo"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"2300LINE1900LINE LINESALON LINE Messaging API PythonPycharm LINE 20 - line Python Line Messaging API - API Q&A - -"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Python - 4" |
"2 201582Python - 4 Python - Python Youtube mp3 - Python - Gmail - APIif you_like_this_course == True: print(Buy It)"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Google App Engine & Heroku" |
"GAE & Heroku Google App Engine Heroku Postgres Python Pycharm Luckymember Web SQLite PostgreSQL Heroku Heroku PostgreSQL Heroku heroku heroku Google App Engine Github Google Cloud Platform PostgreSQL Google App Engine"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"The perfect WEB DEVELOPER COURSE for digital marketers" |
"This course is about Web Development. You'll learn how to save time and money by creating and managing your own website instead of outsourcing (spending a lot of money and always depending on somebody else).Hi, my name is Ayl Dhybass, I'm a online Business Trainer and founder of SmartYourBiz, created about 4 years ago.This course isprimarily intended for:Digital Marketers who want to save time and money by building and managing their own websiteby themselves;Workers who want to keep their job and improve their career by acquiring a new set of skills;Students who want to improve their skills and increase the chance to get a great job as a junior web developer;People who want to be independent, start their own online business and bid for projects on freelance websites.In this course you'll learn the basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript, which are the essentialtools to become a good Front-End Developer. If you are looking for real life projects, in this course you'll be replicating theSkype's website front page.After taking this course, you'll be able to:Save time and money by building your website;Build websites for friends and family;Get a job as a junior web developer;Bid for projects on freelance websites.WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?JOIN THE COURSE NOW AND LET'S GET STARTED."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Partitura Musical Bsico" |
"Esse curso destinado a voc que sempre quis aprender a ler partituras musicais mas no teve oportunidade ou mesmo tempo para isso.Essa a oportunidade que voc precisava. Nos cursos da Udemy voc tem acesso vitalcio e poder acessar as aulas quando quiser e puder. Faa o curso no seu ritmo e reveja as aulas quantas vezes quiser. Uma timaoportunidade para aprender o que sempre desejou.Esse curso um curso de leitura de partitura musicalbsico. Ao final do cursoo alunoser capaz de entender os conceitos fundamentais e ler partituras.Desejo a voc um excelente curso e aproveite.Bons estudos"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Mixagem" |
"Na hora de mixar voc se pergunta: Que horas eu devo equalizar?Eu devo comprimir? Compressor antes ou depois do equalizador? Coloco mais ou menos Reverb?Quando inserir Delay?Voc fica com essas e diversas dvidas, demora horas ou at dias para mixar e mesmo assim no final de tudo, no alcana o resultado que voc esperava? Fica decepcionado!Esse curso foi criado justamente para ajudar voc e outras pessoas que se encontram nessa situao, ou at mesmo aquelas pessoas que desejam evoluir nesse processo muito importante na produo Musical!Entenda De uma vez por todas todos os conceitos envolvidos no processo de mixagem.Esse Curso possui aulas tericas e muitas demonstraes prticas com diversas situaes do nosso cotidiano de mixagem!Aprenda Com um profissional altamente capacitado com mais de 10 anos de experincia no mercado!Tudo revelado Sem Segredos!Faa esse curso e comece a criar mixagens profissionais para que seus projetos soem melhor e voc se destaque no cenrio.Alm das aulas de Mixagem prticas, aprenda a base de tudo. Esse Curso possui aulas tericas sobre Equalizador, equalizao, compressor, Gate, De-esser, Limiter e muito mais...Tenha acesso a tcnicas de mixagem que vo fazer seu som soar muito mais Profissional.Este Curso de Mixagem, o Mdulo VII do Curso de Engenharia de udio e Produo Musical.Conhea tambm os outros mdulos :I - Curso de udioII - Pro ToolsIII - Workshop Produo MusicalIV - Guia de GravaoV - EdioVI - Melodyne EditorVII - MixagemVIII - Masterizao"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Busy Moms (People!)" |
"This course is designed and instructed by Livia Taylor, who has been a student of yoga herself since 2002. Livia certified in YogaFit in 2009, and received her 200 hour yoga teacher training certificate in 2017.These practices are intended to give busy people a chance to slow down and focus on a mind-body connection they may otherwise neglect due to daily demands. Each 30-minute yoga practice is designed with a different emphasis, ranging from relaxation to complementing your other workouts. If youre a runner, theres a class to help open the hips; if youre a weightlifter, theres a class to help maintain range of motion and open the shoulders; if youre looking for a pick-me-up, theres a class to help you find energy to get through the rest of the day. All classes are suitable for beginners."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Stock Options: Learn to Trade" |
"In this course you will learn how you can use stock options to increase income and manage risk. We will cover all the things needed prior to someone starting in options. With simple examples and ideas to implement things right away into your own trading.We will cover the buying and selling of calls and puts. What this means and how to do this. I will even share real ideas that I have been personally using."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Production Video Marketing: Leverage the human element" |
"Video Production Video Marketing and Video Editing all rely on increasing the overall effectiveness of your videos Have you ever wondered why some videos just seem more professional but you cant seem to put your finger on why? Or how about you find it hard in your video editing process to match the latest cool video templates to the script for your video--so much so, that you end up changing your script to match the template? Wouldnt it be great if these things were never really a problem in your video production and video editing process, because your videography skills allow you to make pro quality video that goes perfectly with your script -- quickly and easily? Do you wish your videos had that nice professional and natural feel to them whether you use adobe premier, final cut pro or video production and video editing software?******************************When I was in college pursuing a Radio, Television, and Film degree I was taught video production and video editing principles still being taught in film schools today, but now you dont need to through months of college courses to learn these important video marketing techniques. Not only will I show you how to easily use some of the top techniques that professional video creators use in their video production and video editing, Ill give you 500 FREE hi-quality, hi-resolution keyword searchable images to put the techniques into action in your videos right away. ****************************************With Video Like A Pro: Leveraging The Human Element you dont just get a course on how to make videos like professionals, you get high quality photos that have been thoughtfully keyworded so you can find the images quickly and easily and quickly perform your video editing. Each image has been optimized to work great with 1280 x 720 videos and you can use them with any video program that imports JPEG files to enhance your video marketing. Youll not only learn how easy it is to use techniques that trained video professionals use, This course will help and guide you to : Quickly and easily make decisions based on effective, tried and true video editing and design principles used by top notch creative directors for decades. Tap into the sub-conscious of your viewers to react optimally to your video marketing The two factors to use eye-contact to more fully engage your viewers Leverage the tactile effect to tap into another sub-conscious human reaction so the viewers experience a desired sense of touch and feel Connect with your viewers using expressive imagery and tapping further into their emotions Find more FREE assets simple and fast to use in your video projects ****************************** The best part is with these effective techniques in hand, youll be able to create high quality videos very quickly. Look over my shoulder as I show you how I created a video using these only a few hours. Enroll Now in Video Like A Pro: Leveraging the Human Element and get the training and assets to create professional quality, engaging videos today. Iron Clad Guarantee If for any reason at all you dont feel you have gotten value from our course, we offer a 30- Day, 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked So enroll Now and get started leveraging the human element to make your videos more effective and engaging."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Comment gagner 100/mois en enseignant sur internet" |
"Vous avez une exprience dans un domaine et vous aimeriez la partager sur internet pour en dgager un revenu mensuel sympathique, ou mme en faire un mtier temps plein?Dans mon ide de toujours faire des formations webmarketing simples et puissantes, jai dcid de vous rvler un systme tout en un pour trouver les sujets vendeurs, crer vos formations en ligne en moins dune semaine, et vendre vos cours en auto-pilote sans processus ou techniques de ventes complexes.Vous trouverez dans cette nouvelle formation :Les bonnes bases pourdmarrer un business denseignement en ligne.Gnrezune source de revenu mensuellergulire, mme sans tre un grand expert dans un domaine.Dcouvrez commentforcer les gens vous aimer, vous faire confiance et acheter vos formations.Apprenez choisir une niche profitable et toucherles personnes vraiment susceptibles de sintresser ce que vous enseignez.La faon de trouver vos 10 premiers tudiants rentablessans faire de la publicit.Le modle pourtrouver des dizaines de sujets uniquesque pourrez ensuite enseigner en ligne (vous aurez des sujets pour 1 an).Le secret pourcrer des formations simples, belles graphiquement, anims, et puissantessans beaucoup de matriel.Presque convaincu?Pour vous faire une meilleure ide de ma faon d'enseigner, vous pouvez suivre le premier module de chacune demesformations gratuitement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Manychat le chatbot facebook qui boost votre marketing" |
"Vous voulez dmultiplier votre capacit promouvoir votre blog, vos vidos, ou un projet? Mais vous vous rendez compte que ces petites tches marketing simples sur internet qui vous apportent des rsultats prennent du temps que vous n'avez pas.La solution pour booster votre marketing facebook? Engagez le robot facebook manychat...Il va vous aider :Faire grandir votre audienceConstruire votre marque personnelleEngager vos clients potentielsGnrer un taux d'ouverture et de clics levBooster le trafic vers une chane youtube ou un blog,Faire plus de ventes de manire automatique.Relancer les internautes en vue d'un vnement futurou d'une promotion.Donnez une nouvelle dimension votre marketing facebook maintenant, pendant que la comptition n'est pas encore trs lev.Le robot facebook est une nouvelle mthode de conversion et d'engagement des prospects. Contrairement l'email, trs peu de personne l'utilise encore en France, c'est encore un petit truc secret connu que de quelques initis. C'est donc le moment de l'utiliser pour vous, pour prendre l'avantage sur la comptition dans votre domaine.Dans cette formation, je vous montre tout depuis mon cran, vous n'avez qu' recopier ce que je vous montre et l'adapter en fonction de votre projet, site, et de la faon dont vous voulez communiquer.Vous avez peur de ne pas y arriver?Ce n'est pas important si vous commencez tout juste et n'tes suivi que par aucune audience encore, ce n'est pas non plus important ce que vous vendez, ou combien de temps vous tes dans votre domaine, vous n'avez mme pas besoin de site, juste d'une page facebook.On va tout commencer de zro, et qu'ensuite a sera vous de jouer pour construire votre audience (mais vous verrez c'est encore plus facile qu'avec un email car il n'y a pas besoin de confirmer une inscription pour la personne).Qu'est-ce qui se passerait si vous pouviez tre en ligne 24h/24, 7j/7 sur Facebook? Et que vous pouviez avoir votre propre robot Facebook sans rien connatre au codage?La rponse est au bout de cette formation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |