Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Increasing Happiness - Defeating Depression" |
"Depression sabotages everything: confidence, marriage, parenting, friendships, romance, school, sports, occupation, health literally everything! It takes the good out of life. What is the meaning of life? Happiness! If you are not happy, what is the point?There are principles and laws that govern mood. Learn what these principles and laws are to make the most of your mood, productivity, relationships and life. Dr. Hyde has taken from the worlds greatest researchers and combined this with his own 30 plus years of experience to provide you with the answers in a simple, fun, yet powerful and easy to implement program.Often, all you need is good information and then to apply and practice what youve learned to be highly successful.Learn the 3 Foundational Principles to life and happiness.You will be able to understand and explore the meaning and purpose of life.Why depression may be the worst suffering one can experience.How to Love and Accept Yourself.You will learn some ofthe world's greatest Research on happiness and depression.You will know the secret ofhow to Apply and Deeply Internalize what you learn.You will understand the Power of Thoughts and Words and how they shape your world.Why it takes Courage to overcome depression.We will explore in depth the 4 Principles of Happiness and how to internalize them.You will know how Thoughts Produce Emotions.You will understand how to Debate Your Thoughts andBeliefs so that they align with Reality and what is best for you.We will explore how Failure and Defeat can produce depression and how to overcome it.Learn to Live Life Fully and Completely in the Moment.We will explore how Irritability and Anger can be primary symptoms of depression especially in men and kids.How to make our Relationships healthy and add to our happiness and overcome our depression.How Social Issues are most often at the base of depression especially in kids and adolescents and even contributes heavily in adults.Optimism is a golden nugget.We will explore what Healthy Mentality is and how to develop it.Marriage and Family can be a source of inexpressible joy and pain how to get the most of our most intimate relationships.Friends are invaluable why and how to nurture healthy friendships.The 2 Instincts that are at the heart of our need for nurturing relationships and interactions.We will explore in depth what Mature Love is and what it looks like.How Dr. Glasser's Choice Theory can help you achieve what is most valuable in life.We will explore vital Social Principles.Why Good Character is vital to being happy. What it is and how to increase yours.We will explore Dr. Seligman's research on Virtues and Strengths of Character.You will understand what determines a Person's True Value.Why Meaning and Purpose in vital to being happy and overcoming depression.How to increase Self-Respect and Self-Esteem.How to make a Personal Creed that will guide your life in what you believe and determine is important.Your Calling in Life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teaching Kids Values & Moral Judgement" |
"Learning how to instill a moral foundation may be the most important teaching a parent or any adult can do. It helps to ensure the best chance that a child will become safe, happy and successful in all areas of their lives. To help a child learn how to make independent moral decisions is what parenting is all about.This program will show you exactly how to impart values and moral judgement most successfully. Teaching and training a child morally can be one of the most fun and practical things a parent or influential adult can do for a child.Often, all you need is good information and then to apply and practice what youve learned to be highly successful.Understand why values training and moral development is the foundation for success.How to best teach values.Understand child development and how to maximizeparent influence.Know what is of most value in life.Understand the research in moral development and how to apply it in a fun way.Know our instinctual moral laws.Understand mature love and why that is the foundation to morality and happiness.Know what our fundamental human needs are.We will explore how to build strong family relationships.Know what it takes to be strong mentally.Recognize the power in our thoughts and words.Know what the fundamental childhood needs are and how to supply those.Learn how to make a personal and family creed and how this transforms lives.The principles of progression.How to turn around a child who is indulged, rescued, spoiled and self-centered.Parenting based on the moral maturity of the child.Advantages of living a moral life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Proven Teen Discipline For Parents" |
"It is difficult to try and raise a child who is disrespectful, entitled, irresponsible and unwilling to cooperate. This course is powerful and effective and is based on extensive research that we did on how to instill independent moral judgement and responsible behavior in teens. There are 3 stages of moral development. This course examines and shares the powerful ingredients to helping a teen who is being morally immature or in other words just going down the wrong road. You will learn how and when to use consequences effectively and when you can talk things out productively. The purpose of Stage 1 Discipline is to motivate your child to higher stages of moral reasoning.This program is the first training of the Teen Miracle courses. This series was developed from a treatment program that was developed called Youth Reclamation Incorporated or YRI for short. YRI achieved some of the highest outcome rates in the nation based on extensive research from a major university and from a researcher who is renowned in outcome research. The results of this research is presented in the video Teen Miracle Research: YRI Outcome Study. The second training video is entitled, Teen Miracle Series 2: Principles & Skills For Family Unity. The third training video is entitled, Teen Miracle Series 3: Recovery Program For Rebellious Teens. Each of the training videos builds on the last and finally gives you a complete program for turning around an out-of-control, defiant and/or disrespectful teen. However, each course can stand on its own and delivers powerful principles and skills for that particular stage.Often, all you need is good information and then to apply and practice what youve learned to be highly successful.Learn the principles and skills for effectively turning around a teen who is going down the wrong road and who is being disrespectful, uncooperative and distant.You will understand the principles and skills behind dynamic discipline and why it is essential in motivating a difficult teen.The importance of both family and values.Understand why an environment consisting of parents and family is most often the best environment for helping a difficult teen. Our emphasis on in-family treatment is one of the major reasons why we routinely were more effective than residential treatment.Know how to take control of your family, in the best possible way, by utilizing principles and skills that will lead to effective family leadership.Know the reasons why some kids choose bad over good and understand what could have gone wrong. Learn solutions for improving your teens future behavior and life.Know the best parenting practices and how to put them to use skillfully and intelligently in order to have the greatest effect on your teen.Know the 3 Stages of Moral Development and why this knowledge is crucial to being an effective parent.Understand Moral Stage 1 specifically and learn how to motivate a child to higher stages of moral discipline and judgement.Learn how to effectively confront and turn around inappropriate behavior and attitudes.Learn how to avoid the parent trap.Know what family rules to set and how to set them to maximize effectiveness.Know how to discipline effectively based on the moral stage of your teen.Learn how to effectively overcome a power struggle.Understand the two major types of consequences for misbehavior and how and when to use each effectively.Understand how to motivate your teen to increase positive behavior and decrease negative behavior.Learn how to help your teen overcome the negative influences of bad friends.Learn how to specifically handle bad behavior and decisions, such as: running away, drugs, power struggles, defiance, suicidal threats, destructive behavior, aggression etc.When you have to go to battle, learn how to do it effectively.Gain confidence as a parent in knowing what to do and how to do it.Much, much more. For a more in-depth explanation examine the curriculum."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Proven Principles For Family Unity" |
"This course is designed to help you develop strong, powerful, loving bonds within your family. It will help you unite your family with respect, cooperation and being able to effectively problem solve and resolve conflicts. It will teach you communication skills that will help you achieve deeper levels of commitment and emotional intimacy. It will give you specific skills and assignments that will help you achieve the love, peace and connection that youve always wanted and desired. The family is the heart of life. No one said it would ever be easy, or that you would always be successful, but it is a work that can be so fulfilling.I will teach you the fundamentals principles and skills for effective communication, problem solving and conflict resolution. I will show you how to increase empathy, appropriate affection, emotional support, love and appreciation within all members of your family. I will show you what hurts relationships, how to heal them and how to make the relationships within your family committed and strong. I will show you why the mother and fathers relationship is the foundation of the family and how to build that relationship. I will show you what Moral Stages 2 & 3 are and how to increase the moral development within your child and family.This program is the second training of a series. This series was developed from a treatment program I developed called Youth Reclamation Incorporated or YRI for short. YRI achieved some of the highest outcome rates in the nation based on extensive research from a major university and from a researcher who is renowned in outcome research. However, this course can stand on its own and delivers powerful principles and skills for this particular stage.Often, all you need is good information and then to apply and practice what youve learned to be highly successful.Review the 3 Stages of Moral Development with a focus on the higher Stages 2 & 3.You will understand the Verbal Discipline Process and how to use it effectively.Understand the process and outlined rules of communication, its principles and skills with specific assignments to use in your family.Learn why empathy is so important and how to develop and enhance it.Become an expert in understanding and applying the principles and skills behind effective problem solving and conflict resolution.Know and apply the principles and skills to increase love and loyalty amongst your family members.Know how to build and develop self-esteem and self-respect. Develop this loving and accepting relationship with yourself and then extend that to everyone in your family and then to others in your life.Understand the science and practice of what leads to successful relationships and what undermines and destroys any relationship.Know how to build and develop a successful marital / intimate relationship with specific principles, skills and assignments backed by the best science.Specific skills and assignments are given to unify, strengthen and develop love, loyalty and happiness in your family members.Understand why chores, work, academics, sports and hobbies are critical to a childs success and development.Learn how to set personal and family goals and creeds that will propel you to the success youve always desired.Learn how to help your child most effectively in school.Learn what causes anger, how to manage it and what to do if a family member has an anger issue.Learn the powerful principles of the highest level of moral maturity that will inspire you and your family Stage III Moral Development. Understand how to influence a child at that level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Recovery Program For Rebellious Teens" |
"It is difficult to try and parent a child who is disrespectful, entitled, irresponsible and unwilling to cooperate. These Teen Miracle courses are powerful and effective and are based on extensive research that we did on how to instill independent moral judgement and responsible behavior in teens. The outcomes we achieved in research were much higher than outcomes from the control group of teens that were removed from their homes and placed in residential or other out-of-home placements. We achieved these phenomenal results after only three months of treatment in our YRI program. Recidivism, or returning to their previous destructive ways was much reduced in our YRI group due to the treatment being in the home and utilizing their parents and family. This is the last course in the Teen Miracle series in which we share findings from our research that are essential to raising a happy, healthy and successful teen. This course will take you through the exact process of recovering an out-of-control teen. It will take you through having the initial talk to the exact phases and structured steps that a teen will have to achieve to earn back certain privileges and possessions. It will show you how to deal with drug abuse and negative peer influence. It will give you a summary of all of the therapeutic activities that were given in all of the other Teen Miracle Courses. It will show you how to improve the relationship between you and your teen and between your teen and their school and peers.Often, all you need is good information and then to apply and practice what youve learned to be highly successful.You will understand dynamic discipline based on the moral stage of your child and why this knowledge is absolutely essential in successful parenting, especially an out-of-control teen.You will learn how to help your child progress through the 3 moral stages as their parent or guardian.I will show you the exact and specific way to address The Talk with your teen to set the foundation for their recovery.Understand exactly how and when to implement The Steps (specific therapeutic activities & philosophies) you are to take to recover your teen.Understand the several Phases (specific levels your teen will go through that will outline what privileges and possessions they can have and what they will have to do to earn more at the next level).Learn what to do and how to do it when your child decides to go to war and rebel against you and your familys most simple and reasonable rules and expectations.Learn the best principles and skills for uniting your family and encouraging your teen to have a loving, respectful and cooperative relationship with you. Establish a lifelong foundation of independent moral judgement, responsible behavior and respectful relationships for your teen and encourage them to have lifelong loving relationships with you and the rest of your family.You will understand that the family is a small government and how to lead your family most successfully.Not every teen can be recovered. They have their freedom to choose, but this is the most effective and powerful set of philosophies, principles, skills and activities that will increase those odds."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strengthening Marriages and Intimate Relationships" |
"Nothing is worse than a bad marriage / relationship; however, nothing is better than a great marriage / relationship. With the powerful and abundant research now available we know exactly what it takes to have a great marriage / relationship and exactly what it takes to destroy a relationship. Dr. Hyde has taken from the worlds greatest researchers and combined this with his own 30 plus years of experience to provide you with the answers in a simple, fun, yet powerful and easy to implement program.Often, all you need is good information and then to apply and practice what youve learned to be highly successful.Becoming best friends.What mature love looks like.Setting a foundation and future course for your children through your marriage.Being honest, open and transparent.What you can control and what you cant and finding peace through acceptance.Anger what causes it, how to deal with it, and how to overcome it.What if you are in an abusive relationship? What to do.How to effectively change anything in your life to be more satisfying.What to do when you are feeling lonely / smothered.Falling in love again.What is love really and how do I increase it in my life and relationship.Communication, problem solving and conflict resolution specifics, formulas and skills; getting comfortable.Maturity, character and integrity in the relationship.The specific ingredients that cause divorce and how to build the opposite.How to fill your life with love and acceptance.Why having a positive mental attitude is so essential.Specific activities and assignments for building your relationship, commitments and love.The power of affection.The foundation of any relationship and how to effectively build and strengthen it.How to deal with different intimacy needs.Getting the love you want.Sexuality issues, conflicts and ecstasy.Much, much more. For a more in-depth summary examine the curriculum."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meditate for Self-Improvement" |
"Vivid Belief therapy presents a course on General Self- improvement and Motivation. If you are seeking to improve yourself or get motivated this class is right for you.My goal in our session isto teach you Meditation, Hypnotherapy and Neuro linguistics programming techniques. In this course, you will be able to identify goals and participate in relaxation techniques.Learn aboutthe innerworkings of the mind and how to change your outcome toincludemore desirable behaviors. These lectures include powerful knowledge for self-improvement success.In this session, you have to be willing to work for yourresults and try new thingsina positivemanner. Access this course to further your achievements and gain motivation through hypnosis."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"11 Essential Coding Interview Questions + Coding Exercises!" |
"As you prepare for your next coding interview, have you ever thought:""I wish someone could just walk me through these problems and explain whats going on.""""I wish there was a preselected set of the most important coding interview problems so I can practice them easily.""If so, this course is for you!In this course:First, Im going to give you a few problem solving techniques youll be able to use right away in your next coding interview.Then, Im going to walk you through the 11 essential coding interview questions and their answers.Ive picked these particular questions because they are the types of questions that are asked most often in programming interviews.Im going to cover problems that use concepts such as arrays, strings, two-dimensional arrays, linked lists and trees.Youll get a coding exercise in Python and Java for each problem, so you can get feedback on your solution right away.If you want to use any other language to follow this course, thats fine too!Just remember to run your solution on your computer to make sure it works.This course is intended for intermediate to advanced learners who are preparing for their software engineer programming interviews.So, Im going to assume that youre already familiar with concepts such as:Two dimensional arrays (which aresimply arrays of arrays)Breadth first search and depth first searchLinked lists and treesIf you think youre ready for this course, watch the preview videos and see if you can solve those problems!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Chemistry Acids and Bases" |
"This sectioncovers everything you will need to know about Acids and Bases.A wide range of students will find this course useful.The contents of this courseis universal so by taking that course you will able to improve your understanding andgrade in any chemistry test or exam related to chemical equilibrium and reaction rates.I have used a wide range of movinganimationsand graphics to explain complex concepts. The essential core theory for each topic is covered clearly and in detail. Illustrations and worked examples are used extensively to help your learning and understanding. Throughout the course, questions and exercises are integrated with theory to help you clarify and consolidate your understanding of new concepts.The course includes summary questions and a test. All questions and the test have detailed answers to provide you with immediate feedback and a means of enhancing your progress and understanding."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Algebra in 1 hour" |
"In this course, I will teach you the basics of algebra in 1 hour in a fun and engaging manner.By the end of this course you will be able to confidently:Understand the concepts of variablesCreate and understand the concepts of algebraic expressionsEvaluate algebraic expressionsExtend and apply the laws and properties mathematics to algebraic expression.Why you should learn Algebra:Algebra is a language used by mathematicians to communicate mathematical ideas and information clearly. Algebra provides a way to describe everyday activities using mathematics alone. By allowing letters like x or y to stand for unknown numbers, different concepts and relationships can be described easily."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn guitar With The One Chord Method" |
"This course goes through a unique system for playing the guitar. The one-chord method. Using only one chord, you can learn to play almost any song. As a teacher of guitar I have spent much time gradually figuring out this simple system, which will allow you to learn songs quicker, and easier than ever before.Learn The Only Chord You'll Ever NeedUnderstand the one-chord methodApply it to find any major or minor chordFind the chords from the songs that you lovePlay hundreds of famous songs - all with only one chordNever worry about memorizing chord charts again.Using this method, the world of music can open up to you. There are easily thousands of songs that can be leanedusing this simple system. Once you have mastered the one chord system you can go out and confidently tackle whatever songs that you may wish to play. People that can quickly and easily play any chord have a great advantage playing in bands, or as solo performers.We start from the basics of getting the fingers moving easily and independently. From there we start to work on developing the only chord that you need to know. We do this by working up to it in several steps - gradually building up the strength and ability to play the entire chord cleanly. You will apply the one-chord as you go, working through a few examples of songs and using the chord to figure them out.Once you have the system mastered, we examine the one-chord with a critical eye and uncover some of the weaknesses of the system. From understanding the weaknesses, we will add two small modifications to the system, which will unlock huge possibilities in your choice of how to play a song. Having these choices allows you to take a song and play it in the way that you want.You will walk away from this course with only one chord. But, more importantly,the knowledge to use this one chord to playthousands of songs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Songwriting" |
"This course covers some of the basic ideas in song-writing. Ever listened to a song you love and thought, how did they do it? This course offers some interesting ways to understand how lyrics and music are put together to write songs.Learn The Simple Things That Make A Great SongLearn how to analyse and break down lyricsUnderstand how verses and choruses are constructedUse easy ideas to create your own songsExamine case studies of famous songs by various artistsUnderstand what makes a great chord progressionLearn about the different parts of a songSince the dawn of civilization, people have been using songs to communicate with each other, express ideas, and allow them to express their thoughts and feelings. The song is the simplest way in which ideas can be spread with music. There are no methods of creating art that are more wide-spread and accessible than the song.In this course, we look at how songs are put together. You will understand the important things to look for when listening to a song, and you will also know how to create your own songs based on these same ideas.You will begin by looking at lyrics. How are they put together, do they rhyme, and do the words have any implicit musical qualities? You will analyse two songs from different genres and times and see how various tricks are used to understand the song. From here, we can write a new song based on the same ideas.Next up you will come to understand harmonic progressions. Which chords should be used underneath your words? There are a few music theory tricks to help you here, and by analyzing a couple of different songs, you will start to see how these progressions work - many of them are made up of the same chords! From this understanding, you can create a chord progression for your lyrics.Finally, we look at how to transform your chords and lyrics into a complete song. You will understand and be able to identify the parts of a song. You will also know about different instruments and some of the basic principles of arranging and producing music. We finish up at a point where you can go ahead and start looking at putting together your song."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pronuncia italiana per stranieri 3- perfetto per cantanti" |
"I requisiti per questo corso sono: Un livello intermedio/avanzato di conoscenza della lingua italianaUna conoscenza delle basi della fonetica italianaScaricare e stampare i fogli di lavoro PDF delle lezioni col simbolo + STAMPA prima di iniziarle Ecco come sar strutturato il corso:Ci sono 9 lezioni. Ogni lezione si concentra su un argomento specificoI fogli di lavoro in formato PDF (esercizi) includono i compiti ed alcuni esercizi da fare guardando i video Gli esercizi da fare mentre si guarda il video sono accompagnati dal simbolo + STAMPA dopo il titolo della lezione e dalla scritta VIDEO nel foglio di lavoro. Per favore scarica questi fogli di lavoro prima di iniziare queste lezioni. Gli altri fogli di lavoro sono da fare dopo avere seguito le lezioniI fogli di lavoro contengono anche le soluzioni degli esercizi ed alla fine di alcune lezioni delle regole di pronunciaAlla fine del corso gli studenti potranno Approfondire la loro conoscenza dell'intonazione e della pronuncia italianaCapire ed usare alcune regole avanzate della pronuncia italiana Capire alcune regole avanzate dei simboli IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)della lingua italianaLeggere frasi usando le regole dell'intonazione e i simboli IPA Usare i simboli IPA per approfondire la comprensione della foneticaMigliorare la lettura espressivaHo creato questo corso per...Cantanti, direttori di coro ed orchestra, maestri accompagnatori ed ogni musicista che desideri migliorare la propria pronuncia italiana per diventare un artista migliore Musicisti e discenti d'Italiano che vogliono approfondire la loro conoscenza della fonetica e dell'intonazioneitaliana e migliorare la loro pronuncia Discenti d'Italiano che vogliono parlare Italiano pi chiaramente Le lezioni saranno in Italiano ma non vi preoccupate: le istruzioni sono semplici e ripetitive e vi guideranno passo dopo passo nel processo di apprendimento. Vi abituerete molto presto!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Kompaktkurs 2019 - In Krze zur eigenen Website!" |
"Der Dreh- und Angelpunkt eines erfolgreichen Online Businesses ist die Website. Heutzutage ist es im Vergleich zu noch vor 10 Jahren unfassbar einfach geworden, eine professionelle Website ohne Programmierkenntnisse zu erstellen. Zu verdanken haben wir das der groartigenEntwicklung von den gngigen CMS Systemen.Wordpress hat sich dabei im Laufe der Jahre besonders hervor getan. Das Forbes Magazine, Walt Disney, das Time Magazine, UPS, Microsoft und unzhlige weitere Giganten setzen bei ihren Webauftritten auf Wordpress. In diesem Kurs lernt ihr die wichtigsten Funktionen von Wordpress kennen und werdet im Anschluss unmittelbar in der Lage sein, eure eigene Website zu realisieren."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Matlab Grundlagen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie nicht nur die Grundlagen von Matlab, sondern auch eine solide Basis um ihr erlerntes Wissen in verschiedensten Bereichen von Matlab anzuwenden. Hierbei wird besonders groen Wert darauf gelegt, dass das vermittelte Wissen verstanden wird und nicht nur angewendet. So knnen Sie die hier erlernten Methoden fr Ihre Problemstellungen gezielt adaptieren.Ich freue mich Sie der Welt von Matlab einen Schritt nher zu bringen."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Matlab" |
"This course will take you from an absolute Matlab novice to an advancedlevel, where you can leverage the power of Matlab to create your own algorithms and functions. Besides the basic syntax of Matlab, I will teach you the ins and outs of plotting functions, improving code performance and thebest practices of Matlab. For every algorithm in this course I created a visual representation to make sure you know what you are doing and can adapt the lessons to your own area of interest.This is the introductory course I wish I had, when I began using Matlab several years ago."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This course is to share knowledge,experience about the exam and certification This course is designed following the basic guidelines to successfully pass NEBOSH IGC exam, we searched andcombined experiences to provide you with the effective planand we intended to collect these experience from persons had the experiences with the exam.OUR MISSIONThe basic structure of the nebosh course:how many parts ,how Many chapters per part ,General advises & tricks to avoid before studying.Resources that you must have to study very wellwe devoted quick brief about time managementHow to Study & Practice for exam?!.Exam Skills:activitiesat the end, it guides you on how to answer inexam-style question also.TRAINING AND PRACTICEat the end of this course you can download questions and answers to practice your self get to know this experiences &recommendations we introduced are by people had the exam,but you are able to add or modify any information you find it fit to your situation, for example we recommended not to listen to any music or songs.. this is our best recommendations, but if you find it good and you are able .. it is up to you.. we give you the best practice.if you need any help or more information, please don't hesitate to contact me instantlythanks in advance"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Workplace,Transport Hazards&Risks Control" |
"WORKPLACEHAZARDS&CONTROLMEASURESchapter 1 : Work Place Hazards & Risk Control. ( including Working at height, basic Hazards of working at height, Control Measures of Working At Height, Work Platforms for Working At Height, Excavation's works )- health, welfare and work environment requirements in the workplace. - the risk factors and appropriate controls for violence at work.- the effects of substance misuse on health and safety at work and control measuresto reducesuch risks. - the hazards and control measures for the safe movement of people in the workplace. - the hazards and control measures for safe working at height. - identify the hazards and control measures for temporary works.- Training Questions & Answers Don't forget to check attached files and links of Some lectures chapter 2 : Transport Hazards & Risk Control.- the hazards and control measures for the safe movement of vehicles in the workplace. - outline the factors associated with driving at work that increase the risk of an incident, - the control measures to reduce work-related driving risks.- Training Questions & Answers Don't forget to check attached files and links of Some lectures"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Crer un E-commerce qui CARTONNE en Dropshipping (formation)" |
"Avis de quelques tudiants :""Excellent! Riche et complet en terme d'infos. Une base solide. Merci!""-- Gilles""Un norme merci pour ta formation grce laquelle j'ai pu gnrer 91 de CA pour mes 2 premiers jours dans le dropshipping."" --Zak""J'ai trouv ce cours passionnant et trs bien expliqu. Le cheminement est bien fait sinon trs bien. Je n'ai rien redire sur le formateur . C'est super."" -- Christelle""Droit au but, pragmatique et l'explication en arborescence est un plus, bon coach pour une personne qui dsire dbuter."" -- Anne""Excellente formation, bien dtaille tape par tape"" -- Christophe""Formation trs complte, bien explique tape par tape. Je recommande sans hsiter !""-- OlivierCe cours vous apporte les bases ncessaires pour crer unE-commerce rentableavec Shopify mme si vous navez jamais vendu quoi que ce soit sur Internet.Je vous propose dutiliser le principe dudropshippingparce que cest un modle simple et peu onreux pour dbuter sans risque. Dans la premire partie vous allez comprendre tous les avantages de ce modle. Crer uneboutique en ligne sans stock est trs rentable.Ensuite nous allons nous focaliser sur la recherche de quelques produits phares pour votre boutique. A la fin de cette partie, vous pourrez trouver les tendances actuelles du march qui vous intresse et dnicher des produits qui se vendent dj par milliers pour votre e-commerce. (pas besoin de chercher unelistefournisseurdropshipping ...)Aprs avoir trouv les produits, nous chercherons ensemble les personnes qui sont les plus susceptibles dacheter les produits que vous avez choisi. Vous saurez utiliser un outil simple mais trs puissant pour analyser votre march en quelques minutes. A partir l, vous saurez qui est votre client idal.Puis, nous passerons lacration de votre propre boutique Shopify. Toutes les tapes de la cration vous sont expliques en dtail, de louverture du compte jusqu la mise en ligne de vos produits en passant par toute loptimisation possible pour amliorer lexprience client et votre rentabilit. A la fin de cette partie, vous aurez cr votre boutique et vos premiers produits seront judicieusement mis en avant pour vos futurs visiteurs.Pour obtenir vos premiers visiteurs et vos premires ventes vous utiliserez lapublicit Facebook. Nous verrons les points indispensables pour crer votre publicit et loptimiser pour augmenter votre rentabilit. Vous aurez en main toutes les tapes cls pour raliser des campagnes qui focalisent lattention et qui convertissent un maximum de personnes.Afin dexploiter au maximum votre boutique, vous saurez comment rcuprer lgalement les donnes de vos clients dans le but de leur proposer des offres promotionnelles. Ou encore vous saurez comment donner un sentiment de confiance instantan en votre boutique tous vos visiteurs. Aussi, vous saurez comment procder pour quune grande partie des personnes qui abandonnent leur panier (70% en moyenne) reviennent sur votre boutique et achtent! Enfin vous saurez comment utiliser lereciblage publicitaire pour multiplier par 10 vos rsultats.Pour expliciter mes propos tout au long de la formation,je ralise une boutique E-commerce de A Z devant vous.Delouverture du compte Shopify, en passant par le choix des produits, des fournisseurs, de la publicit Facebook, des applications indispensables pour optimiser votre boutique etjusquaux premires ventes.Je vous filme toutes les tapes dans leur intgralit.Le but premier de ce cours est de permettre toute personne de pouvoir raliser une boutique rentable avec le modle du dropshipping et dobtenir au minimum un complment de revenu."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gagner sa vie en vendant des T-Shirts sur Teespring" |
"Cette formation est le rsultat de plusieurs milliers de tests pour arriver trouver ce qui fonctionne vraiment. Lobjectif numro 1 de ce cours est de vous permettre de vendre des milliers de T-shirts en employant les bonnes techniques afin de raliser de GROS bnfices tous les mois!Je vous explique toutes les tapes de la cration des T-shirts, de comment trouver les bons designs loptimisation de la publicit FB en passant par les explications plus techniques de conception des T-shirts. Cette formation est faite dans le seul but de permettre nimporte qui, de pouvoir raliser des milliers de ventes pour lui permettre den tirer un revenu complmentaire voire principal. La vente des T-shirts est en plein BOOM dans le monde entier et plus particulirement en France. Il est temps pour vous de prendre votre part du TRES GROS GATEAU qui est juste devant vous! Vous navez pas besoin davoir de connaissances particulires pour suivre et appliquer les concepts dece cours. Tout simplement, parce que je passe en revu tout ce que vous devez faire et cela de A Z. Pour concrtiser et mettre en pratique mes explications, je cr 2 T-shirts de A Z au cours de cette formation et je les mets en vente. Vous allez suivre toutes les tapes, tout est entirement film. Vous allez voir que de faire des ventes de T-shirts devient amusant! Pour commencer tout de suite, je vous invite cliquer sur le bouton Acheter Maintenant tout en haut de la page. Je vous retrouve dans la premire vido!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Exploitez la Puissance de la Pub Facebook pour E-commerce" |
"La matrise de lapublicit Facebook est devenue indispensable pour russir avec sa boutique E-commerce.Les possibilits d'analyses,d'optimisations et d'utilisationssont quasi illimites.Il n'y a pas de restriction l'entre, tout le monde peut utiliser cette puissance de ciblage pour seulement quelques dizaines d'euros.La premirevraie difficult de la publicit Facebook est au niveau de la comprhension de l'ensemble des outils que propose la plateforme.Si vous dbutez dans la publicit Facebook et que vous vous y lancez sans comprendre et matriserson fonctionnement, il y a de trs grandes chances pour que votre investissement soit infructueux.C'est pour cela que j'ai ralis cette formation.Sonbut principal est de rendre comprhensible et accessible au plus grand nombre les outils de publicits les plus avancs au monde.Et cela afin que vous puissiez profiter pleinement de toute la puissancede la publicit Facebook pour votre E-commerce.La cration depublicit en elle mme n'est qu'une tape dans le plan d'action (Stratgie 5PC)que je propose.En effet, pour qu'une publicit soit efficace, elle doit s'adresser aux bonnes personnes.Le ciblage de l'audience de base est capital.C'est l'audiencequi est la cl du processus.La deuxime vraiedifficult est de trouver son audience de base. Dans cette formation, jevous explique en dtail, en mettant tout en pratique devant vous, toutes les tapes de la recherche d'une audience (ensemble de personnes correspondant vos clients potentiels). Je ralise des recherches d'audiences que j'utilise dans la suite de la formation pour faire des publicits, en direct, devant vous !Je vous fournis2stratgies redoutables qui vous permettront d'avoir de trs bonnes bases de travail.Mme si vous tes compltement novice, vous y arriverez.Vous saurez tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour crer tous les types d'audiences (sauvegardes,personnaliseset similaires) que propose Facebook.Ces audiences constituent un vritable""trsor"" si vous savez bien les utiliser.Pour tre plus clair, Facebook est capable de rassembler les caractristiques communes de vos meilleurs clients afin de les utiliser pour trouver des milliers d'autres personnes qui prsentent des caractristiques similaires.L'utilisation de ce type d'outil vous permettra d'exploser littralement vos rsultats.La troisime difficult lorsqu'on dbute est de se constituer cette base de clients pour que Facebook puisse vous en trouver d'autres. La stratgie 5PCque je vous propose dans cette formation vous permettra de vous crer cette base de clients et cela de faon mcanique. Encore une fois, je ne fais pas que vous expliquez comment faire, mais je le fais devant vous sur une vrai boutique en direct.Mon but est de vous partager le raisonnement qui accompagne l'application de la stratgie 5PC surdes publicits et des clients bien rels.Que vous soyez un dbutant complet ou que vous ayez dj mis en place quelques publicits mais sans grand succs, cette formation est faite pour vous.Vous aurez une vision d'ensemble trs claire,la comprhensiondesmeilleurs outils publicitaires actuels et surtout un plan d'action prcis et concret appliquer ds aujourd'hui.Pour commencer tout de suite, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton ""Acheter maintenant"" et je vous retrouve dans la premire vido.Je vous attends !Lionel"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"30 jrs pour avoir votre Business (dropshipping) cl en main" |
"But de la formationApprendre utiliser tous les outils indispensables pour construire votre business sur Internet. Et cela avec une seule plateforme, systemeio Description :La liste mail est llment principal dun business sur Internet.Cest le seul moyen aujourdhui dtre sr de conserver sa base de contacts/clients.Le problme que rencontre la plupart des personnes qui veulent se constituer une liste, et peut tre que cest le votre aussi, cest que vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre.Entrela page de capture, lautorpondeur, les mailings, les tunnels de vente, Il est ncessaire davoir beaucoup doutils diffrents, cela devient trs vite compliqu et surtout trs cher si vous tes intress par vous constituer une liste de contact petit prix, jai ralis cette formation sur comment apprendre utiliser systemeioDans cette formation jexplique tout en dtail sur son utilisation.Par exemple :Crer une page de captureCrer un tunnel de vente pour le e-commerceGrer ses contactsEnvoyer un mailingMettre en ligne sa propre formationCrer un espace membreMettre en place un systme daffiliationEt bien plus Pour accder la formation, cliquez sur ACHETER MAINTENANT.On se retrouve de lautre ct !Lionel"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Stunning Phone Photography: hacks to get DSLR like results" |
"This is a fast-paced course that covers all the aspects of photography and image manipulation with as little as a phone camera. If you have an interest and a resolution to improving your photography and image manipulation skills, as an amateur, a hobby or looking forward to it professionally, you should take this course. This course should give you the confidence of a professional and a 360 degrees of skills. Once you have mastered the photo taking and image manipulation skills through this course, take our more advanced courses. Best of luck!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ace your SAT and SAT Subject Test" |
"A holistic overview of the SAT and the SAT Subject tests, together with comparison betweenthe two and a comparison with theACT. Tips for self assessment andto help you decide which test is meant for you, as well as a guide to create your study plan,all in one place."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Criao de Jogos para Android com Java e LibGDX" |
"ATENO: Este um curso de 2016 e portanto algumas coisas esto desatualizadas. Mesmo assim, caso queira aprender sobre LibGDX este curso ainda possui muito contedo que pode te ajudar!Seja bem-vindo(a) ao cursode Criao de Jogos para Android!Gostaria de aprender Javasem ter que ficar lendo um monte de teoria chata?J teve alguma ideia que renderia um timo jogo, mas no sabia como coloc-la em prtica?Sonha em trabalhar desenvolvendo jogos ou softwaresem Java?Ento voc est no lugar certo!Neste curso voc aprende tudo que necessrio para criar seus games em Java! No sabe nada sobre programao? No tem problema, te ensinaremos!Neste curso criaremos trs Games semelhantes aos famosos: Flappy Bird, Snake e Piano Tiles! E no final, ainda veremos como implementar um sistema de Ranking Online, Conquistas e a publicar seu Game na loja da Google, a Play Store!O que est esperando para comear a criar seus Games incrveis? No perca tempo! Inscreva-se j!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Jogos 2D para Android e iOS: Aprenda Criando 7 Jogos" |
"=====Algumas avaliaes deste curso=====""Muito bom, estou aprendendo coisas que com certeza vo me ajudar muito no futuro! Vale a pena fazer o curso..."" - Flavio de Souza Batista""Curso muito prtico e rpido, sem deixar de ter bastante contedo."" - Thiago Sousa Santos""O instrutor tranquilo e objetivo, o que torna fcil e produtivo o aprendizado."" - Sergio BiazettoE muitas outras mais abaixo nesta pgina, confira!=====Descrio =====Seja bem-vindo(a) aoCurso Completode Criao de Jogospara Android e iOS!J teve alguma ideia que renderia umtimo jogo, mas no sabia como coloc-la em prtica?Sonha em trabalhar desenvolvendo jogos?Ento voc est nolugar certo!Neste curso voc aprendetudoque necessrio para criar seus Games do zero!Aqui, voc aprender a utilizar a melhor ferramenta Open Sourcede desenvolvimento de Games, a Godot, que alm de intuitiva super potenteetotalmente gratuita!Muitos estdios de Desenvolvimento de Games j esto utilizando a Godot, ento este curso te dar uma vantagemno momento de uma possvelcontratao!Acha que vai ficar s na teoria? Nada disso! Criaremos 7Gamessemelhantes aos famosos:Super MarioCandy CrushPac-ManFlappy BirdTimbermanFruit NinjaHand SpinnerNo sabe nada sobre programao? No tem problema, te ensinaremos!Teve alguma dvida durante a aula? Voc ter um frumtotalmente exclusivopara fazer qualquer pergunta relacionada ao curso, que responderemos com o maior prazer!O que est esperando para comear a criar seus Games incrveis? No perca tempo!Inscreva-se j!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Android Game Development with Godot Engine - Create 5 Games!" |
"ATTENTION (Read carefully!):This course was originally created and launched in Portuguese, however due to it's success we decided to bring it to other countries! Therefore, note that all the classes have Portuguese audio with English subtitles! Remember to activate the subtitles in the video player!=====Some reviews of the course:""Instructor is fantastic! Don't be put off by the fact that the instructions are in Portuguese, if you turn captions on, you can follow along perfectly. I've advanced more in a few lessons than I did after spending weeks searching for current tutorials on the net."" - Juan Aristy""Very good, I'm learning things which will certainly help me a lot in the future! It's worth it to do the course ..."" -FlaviodeSouzaBatista""The course is very practical and fast, withoutceasing to have a lot of content"" -ThiagoSouzaSantos""Theinstructoris tranquil and objective, which makes the learning easy and productive."" - SergioBiazettoAnd many more...=====Welcome to the Complete Course of Game Creation for Android!Have you ever had an idea which would make a great game, but didn't know how to put it in practice?Do you dream of working in Game Development?Then you are in the right place! In this course you will learn everything necessary to create your Games from the beginning!Here you will learn to use the newest and completesttoolfor Game Development, the Godot Engine, which is not only intuitive, but also completely free and limitless.Do you think you will only get the theory? None of that! We will create 5 Games similar to the famous:Super MarioFlappy BirdTimbermanFruit NinjaHand SpinnerDon't know anything about programming? No problem, we'll teach you!Have any doubts during the class? You will have a totally exclusive forum to ask any questions related to the course, which we'll answer with pleasure!What are you waiting for to begin to create your AwesomeGames? Don't lose any time! Sign up now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Criao de Apps Android e iOS com Flutter - Crie 16 Apps" |
"NOVIDADES 2020: Aprenda MobX na Prtica! - Novas Aulas PublicadasO App OLX Clone j est sendo atualizado para MobX e logo ser publicado!A Google acaba de anunciar a verso Web e Desktop do Flutter! Ou seja, alm de te ensinar a criar apps para Android e iOS, este curso ainda ser de grande ajuda caso queira criar apps para Web e Desktop tambm!=====Que tal se tornar um desenvolvedor completo de Apps (Android e iOS) com apenas 1 curso? Aqui isto possvel!Seja bem-vindo(a) ao Curso Completo de Criao de Apps com Flutter, o curso de Flutter mais completo e avanado da Udemy! Caso voc ainda no conhea, o Flutter o novo Framework para desenvolvimento de apps Android e iOS criado pela Google!* Por que Flutter to incrvel? *Com Flutter, voc no precisa aprender Java/Kotlin para desenvolver apps para Android e Swift/Objective-C para iOS. Com apenas 1 cdigo, voc capaz de construir Apps Nativos para ambas as plataformas! Exatamente, com Flutter voc gastar muito menos tempo para desenvolver um app para Android e iOS (e voc sabe: tempo dinheiro!).Alm disso, Flutter focado na performance e na beleza dos apps, permitindo que voc crie apps profissionais sem grandes dores de cabea.Flutter uma grande revoluo! Normalmente um desenvolvedor precisaria de anos para dominar o Android e o iOS, mas com Flutter isso chegou ao fim!* Por que este curso? * Este curso foi projetado para que voc aprenda tudo que necessrio para o desenvolvimento de apps Android e iOS com Flutter! Comearemos aprendendo programao em Dart (a linguagem utilizada pelo Flutter). Logo em seguida, aprenderemos na prtica a utilizar cada um dos Widgets que Flutter nos disponibiliza, criando apps incrveis como:OLX CloneLoja Virtual (App do Cliente e App do Gerente)Chat OnlineAgenda de ContatosFavoritos do YouTubeLista de TarefasConversor de MoedasBuscador de GIFsCalculadora de IMC e muito mais! E no se preocupe caso nunca tenha programado, aqui voc aprender tudo desde o mais bsico!Neste curso voc ter:Mais de 45 horas de aulas com didtica garantida e sem enrolao. S aqui voc ter o equivalente a 100 horas de contedo gastando menos de 50 horas assistindo aulas.Um suporte exclusivo a todas as suas dvidas (um dos melhores suportes da Udemy).Projetos completos para utilizar em seu portflio/currculo.Desafios com soluo durante as aulas.Algumas avaliaes deste curso:""Excelente didtica, oferece diversos exemplos prticos, alm de um suporte exemplar. Recomendo o curso e a ferramenta, que apresenta uma metodologia interessante e at divertida, pelo dinamismo que a mesma oferece."" - Pedro Santos""Excelente curso! Estou inciando na criao de apps com Flutter e o curso tem exatamente o nvel de profundidade que eu buscava, sem sacrificar a clareza das explicaes. Recomendo a todos!"" - Francisco Maciel""To achando excelente, o professor explica muito bem, de forma clara, eu consigo fazer no meu note tudo o que ele faz no video"" - Marcio CezarAs estatsticas da Udemy indicam que os alunos deste curso assistem em mdia 2 x mais este curso nos 3 primeiros meses do que outros cursos de desenvolvimento de apps! Isso comprova que este um curso que te estimula a ir adiante, sempre aprendendo coisas novas e interessantes, de forma animada e eficiente!Aqui garantimos que voc aprender tudo de maneira contnua, organizada e didtica, algo que voc no encontrar em outros canais como o YouTube. E se no atender sua expectativa, voc ainda ter 30 dias para pedir reembolso!* O que serei capaz de fazer aps este curso? *Entender os principais conceitos de programao em Dart, inclusive de Orientao ObjetosUtilizar os mais de 100 Widgets que Flutter nos disponibilizaCriar apps que recebem dados da internet atravs de APIsDesenvolver apps que necessitam de bancos de dados locais ou no Firebase/Parse ServerPrestar servios de desenvolvedor Android e iOS para empresasEnto no perca tempo com tutoriais ruins pela internet! Inscreva-se j e torne-se um desenvolvedor de sucesso!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"The Hodgepodge Formula to Enjoyable Employment!" |
"Thiscourse has been nearly 20 years in the making. It introduces arevolutionary learning modelto make you aware of your own development and the hodgepodge of unique and motivated skills, abilities, interests, experience, and passions that only you possess. More importantly, myformulawill show youhow to use your uniqueness to find enjoyable employment,at the right level and pay through-out your career.To gain a better understanding of this course and the problems that it solves, please consider the following:Every individual of working age is good at doing something and so are you! Most likely you would better perform a job where your skills, abilities, experience, and interests are fully utilized.On the other hand, employers desperately need: motivated, committed,happy employees, but still struggle with improving employee productivity and morale.This learning modelwill change most of what you have traditionallylearned about yourself, skills,abilities, networking, resumes,cover letters, and jobs!You will learn a new way via: assignments,examples, downloads, videotestimonials, and articles;toassess yourself, introduce or present yourself, andunderstand the new purpose of the resume and cover letter. Additionally,you will alsobea more productive and happy worker! Enjoy!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Enjoyable Employment - A New Approach To Resume Writing" |
"This is a workshop that introduces a revolutionary learning model to make you aware of your own development and the hodgepodge of unique and motivated skills, abilities, interests, experience, and passions that only you possess. The goal is to match your uniqueness to compatible and enjoyable jobs without using traditional approaches. The result is a significant increase of morale and productivity for you and your employer. To gain a better understanding of this course and the problems that it solves, please consider the following: Every individual of working age is good at doing something and so are you! Most likely you would better perform a job where your skills, abilities, experience, and interests are fully being utilized. On the other hand, employers desperately need: motivated, committed, and happy employees, but still struggle with improving employee productivity and morale. Most people have never considered the resumes objective. They just copy a sample resume from a booklet or use a template from a job search site. Others create their resume often guessing what information to include, but never questioning why! In reality, a resume is just an electronic document or a printed piece of paper. But, it has a purpose!With the right information, your resume and cover letter can alter your life and provide an enjoyable, financially rewarding career."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Six Sigma Yellow Belt Toolkit-(ASQ BoK Aligned)" |
"*New section on building a professional Six Sigma network added 11/2018 The only Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course that also focuses on applying yourlearning to boost your resume!Compare our free previews to other Six Sigma Yellow Belt courses on the same topics to experience our difference and value!Feedback from our students that prove we are making a real difference for them in their jobs and professional skill development journey:""It was really great. The tool template and the resume booster is real helpful. Earlier I had to prepare Pareto Chart using all calculation for my company and now, I could easily make it with the template. Same way, new tools can also be used in same way (ex. Run chart I used recently).""""This was a great overview of Six Sigma Tools for Yellow Belt. I am using this course to help me prepare for the Black Belt certification. I've already been trained for Green Belt with my company, but found being able to rewind or replay components of the lecture to be helpful. I also liked the quizzes and the summary of knowledge learned. Great job!""Learn to useSix Sigma tools and improve your leadership skills!This course is an excellent starter toencourage you to pursue further education or certificationin Six Sigma. However, just learning andapplyingthe tools is enough to make a difference in your skillset immediately.If you have already started to pursue theSix Sigma certification process, this course will help your learningby giving real life examples and experience in using Six Sigma tools and helping to boost your resume before and afteryour certification.In this course you will learn to apply28tools used in Six Sigma process improvement efforts.Understanding and/orapplication of these28tools isrequired to attain the Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification through the American Society for Quality (ASQ). These basictools are easy to understand and apply, while at thesame time, they will help you to developin-demand workplaceskills, including;decision- making, problem solving,leadership and much more. This course starts with a basic and brief overview of Six Sigma to give you a context of how and why these tools are used in Six Sigma projects.The course then provides instructionson how to use each of the 28tools, supporting you in building your skillset.The second section of thecourse focuses on helping you tobroaden your experiences by providingguidance and examples of how to utilize some of the commontools to lead a team.The final section of the course focuses on boosting your resume by providing you withguidance on howbest to showcase your experiences with Six Sigma tools on your resume."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |