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"Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified - 4 Certifications!" |
"PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A VERY HANDS ON COURSE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR COURSE THAT TALKS TO SLIDES, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.This course is fully updated for the latest AWS exams and is regularly updated at least every month; always has and always will be.The most comprehensive AWS certification prep course on Udemy.real life labs with professionally produced detailed lab notes (1,000s of pages!)Python, NodeJS and Javascript code for developer labs (Lambda, Cognito, X-Ray, SQS, SNS and much more)practice tests / quizzes for each main section (600+ questions in pdf format!)4 full length certification practice exams (240 questions!)If want want to master advanced skills in architecture design, administration and software development this the course for you. This includes proficient use of both the AWS command line and the AWS Software Development Kit.Real review:""Completed CSAA yesterday (94.4%). I want to thank Paul for the effort in putting together the content and creating the excitement around the diverse services of AWS and going deep on the core services""Why pay for 8 courses, and still not be prepared for the exam? The BackSpace Academy approach provides individual learning paths for all 4 AWS Associate and Foundation certifications. This approach provides the fastest route to certification preparation.This course FULLY prepares you for ALL 4 AWS certifications - the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, AWS Certified Developer Associate, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate and AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exams in the SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME. It also includes full length practice exams for each certification.This is without a doubt THE MOST HANDS ON COURSE AVAILABLE for AWS with all theory followed up with real life hands on labs.Our experienced instructor not only holds all the associate qualifications, he is also an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional and AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional. Since 2014 BackSpace Academy has been providing the best value AWS courses on the market.At the end of the course theory you will be led through practical lab sessions that detail the application of a specific use case.The course culminates in 4 practice exams to give you exposure to the type of questions you can expect on the exam:AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, AWS Certified Developer Associate, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate, and AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Become A Polyglot: Speak Any Language Fluently" |
"Do you feel embarrassed, nervous or shy when you try to speak your target language?Now you can feel strong and relaxed every time you speak!Is yourpronunciation bad? Do other people seem confused when you speak your target language? Do you make a lot ofgrammar mistakeswhen you speak?Do you feelfrustratedbecause you still cannot understand yourtarget language? Are youboredwith the old methods of grammar study, word memorization, and tests? Are youangrythat you have studied your target languagefor years, but still cannot speak excellent?What is wrong? Have you wasted your time?Will you everspeak your target language fluentlyand clearly?It is NOT Your Fault! Most language classes and teachers are using old methods, old lessons, and old textbooks that are boring andineffective.Imagine the best new ideasand research from experts all over the world!Learn your target languageinthese powerful waysLearn Naturally and Playfully Like a ChildNever Study Grammar RulesLearn With Your Ears, Not Your EyesLearn Spoken Grammar With Fun StoriesHow youlearn fasterand avoidembarrassingmistakeswhen you takethe course today:Theway you learn Grammar Without Rules: Usegrammar correctly by learning grammar in a natural way.Youll explore: memorization tools, linguistic concepts, and free software that will ensure fluency in the shortest amount of time possible.How the best Polyglotslearn, how they study,- and how you can use the methods they use. To be successful, copy the most successful people.Lessons that help you learn your target language without boredom- no more textbooks, no more tests, no more exercises.Looking to boost yourincome as a language teacher, that gives you more free time and flexibility?Become A Polyglot Course is THE most comprehensive, cost-effective and career-enhancing course you'll find on the web - or your money back.Don't believe me? I offer a full money back guarantee, so long as you request it within 30 days of your purchase of the course.Are you ready to transform your world and become a confident, cash earning polyglot?Here's what you get with the Become A Polyglot: Speak Any Language Fluently Course:You'll get access to six chapters that will give you a deep understanding of each topic.All at your finger tips. Instantly.The Course starts with the basics I'llteach you important learning and psychological techniques for learning faster, for getting faster success.You learn with your ears not with your eyes. Great listening eventually becomes great speaking.Then I will show you how to learn the grammar using Point-Of-View Stories. These stories teach you grammar without grammar rules. No studying grammar rules, no grammar textbooks. You learn grammar naturally, just like a child.Then, Ill teach you the tips & tricks to work effortlessly with language learning tools (like Forvo and Anki) to learn foreign languages, fast and effectively.Ill show you how to practice your mouth to speak your target language clearly and naturally, using more advanced methods, such as shadowing and movie technique.As Benny Lewis says, ""The best way of learning a new language is by speaking.""You will even learn how to remember huge amount of vocabularies using methods, such as, Spaced Repetition.What else will you get? -6000 vocabularies in 32 languages and 5000 phrases in 29 languagesby Fun Easy Learn. -Personal contact with me, the course tutor -Hands-on learning to lock that knowledge in -Lifetime access to course materials -Ebook that will show you how to earn money through italkiYou'll never have towaste your time and moneylearning from Textbooks, expensive Language Courses, or applications. With the Become A Polyglot Course you get everything you need, all under one convenient.I will never leave you hanging!It doesn't matter how old you are. I guarantee that ANYONE can benefit from this course, whether it's earning a bit of extra cash on the side or changing career altogether.So what are you waiting for? Sign up now andget a free copy of my ebook ""How to make $10.000 while teaching on italki!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Develop A Superbrain: Optimize Your Brain & Boost Memory" |
"Explore Your Brain's Most Important FunctionsDevelop A Superbrain centers on the idea that your brain is a continual work in progress, one whose development depends on the best possible use of your brain's most important everyday functions. You explore many functions in these lectures, with a strong focus on three.Attention: Optimal attention skills open the door to top-notch performance in math, reading, and auditory and visual memory. They provide you with the basis for learning what to focus on and what to ignore, and they also coordinate the brain networks that involve sensation, movement, emotions, and thought.General memory: General memory facilitates the formation, activation, and retention of neurological circuits that contribute to your brain's optimal functioning. Memory is the veritable bedrock of superior brain health and serves as the basis of your personal identity.Working memory: Working memory is linked with your IQ and is the first brain function to decline as you age. It is central to your ability to manipulate stored information and can easily be improved by practicing a series of simple exercises.Engage in a Wealth of Delightful ExercisesThis course has a wealth of exercises, methods, strategies, tips and tricks that will enhance and improve your brain's essential functions. Here is just a small sample of the enjoyable ways that you can improve your brain.Close your eyes and envision the room around you, and then open them and check for accuracy. Repeat this memory-recall exercise and pay closer attention to smaller details, such as the number of magazines on a table.Take a number of spices at random and set them on a table; then close your eyes and try to identify each of them by smell alone. Take this same approach by identifying spices in a meal that you're eating. Both exercises are great ways to sharpen your senses of smell and taste.Insightful, instructive, and undeniably fun, Develop A Superbrain is an invaluable part of your personal tool kit for lasting health and wellness."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Going Live on Facebook for Beginners" |
"If you haveneverbroadcast live before then this course is for you.Facebook Live have made it so easy to go live. they are giving eryone the ability to go live on camera.This course leads you through every step of going live and gives advice on how you can produce good quality live shows.This course is designed to help you to go live on Facebook from your desktop , produce a high quality show and re purpose the high quality recording to YouTube afterwards,Are you using Facebook video to promote your business or class ?Your audience visit Facebook every day and there is nothing which attracts attention like LIVE video.Viewers see your name and video in their feed , they are drawn to watch and like it and that in turn attracts their friendsYou are building an audience !!PS Evenifyoudobroadcastalready, thereisinformationinthecoursewhichwillhelpyouimprove"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Belive TV Facebook Live Course 2019" |
"Belive tv is the most fully featured stable way to go live on Facebook with up to 4 people on screen.We will show you how to go LIVE with features that are not available using the Native Facebook system.This course is for everyone who wants to know how to create the BEST livestream shows on Facebook.Whether you are a beginner or experienced you will find tips. tricks and advice on creating powerful live shows.Are you thinking of creating your own regular show on Facebook ?Do you want to improve an existing show ?If you are, this course is for you.We cover creating your own regular show, engaging and building your audience.We will help you to go live with confidence. We cover planning and promoting your shows and repurposing them afterwards.The course has been updated for all the advances Belive tv has made in the past 15 months . These include the release of 4 people on screen in Talk Show.Belive TV gives you extra resources when you go live. I will show you how the maximise the potential of your live broadcasting.Broadcasting with Belive is fun and a great experience for show host, guest and audience.Belive tv is designed to engage your live audience, creating a great experience . You can promote your viewers during the show.There are three versions of Belive tvSolo - one person on screen broadcasting to Facebook. You can interact with your live audienceInterview - Two people on screen and interacting with the audience .They can be host and guest or two co-hosts.Talk Show - four people on the live feed , 10 people in the green room and the ability to screen share and more.The course takes you step by step through each version.I created this course as a thank you to Belive tvI have used Belive tv since the day it launched. In the last two years I have become good friends with Daniel Mayer and Tzafrir Rehan who are the founders.In June 2017 Tina Shang and I created the Be Live in Five project sponsored by Belive tv. We mentor Belive users going live for the first time and have helped hundreds of people.I am a Belive tv moderator and an admin of the Belivers group on Facebook which has 5500+ membersAfter 330+ shows on Belive tv I am sharing the knowledge gained since Belive tv launched."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Repurpose your Facebook Videos on Youtube and SoundCloud" |
"You have created awesome content on Facebook using video. I havetoo :)Does the story stop there or can you take the video and show it to a wider audience.Why should you do that ? What can you achieve ?I create live video on Facebook almost every day and have now over 300 shows since I started.I have downloaded them and then uploaded them to Youtube and it is a laborious, time consuming task.What if there was an application that could do this and more ?Since I have started using 'Repurpose' I have been blown away by how powerful the system is.'Repurpose' gives our live videos a second life as we can use them to reach an even wider audience. Since the moment I started using it i have saved hours each and every week.An overview of the' Repurpose' systemFully Automated (Set it and Forget it)Audio Podcast to YouTubeAudio Podcast to SoundCloudFacebook Live to YouTubeFacebook Live to AudioPublish Your Content to Google Drive and DropboxThere are many possible ways to do this , in the course you will receive step by step instructionIFTTT is 'If This Then That'Essentially if something happens on one Social Media system you can use an Applet to create a new action on a second Social Media system.When you create a new Youtube video you can automaticallyTweet out a linkPost to your Facebook Personal ProfilePost to you Facebook Business PageCreate a Wordpress post.Repurpose + IFTTT is a formidable combination.Many of you already have a Youtube account,If you do not then this overview will show you how to create one.We look at the features and benefits of having a Youtube account to promote the videos you create on Facebook and elsewhere.Many of you may not have a Soundcloud account so we will show you how to create one.Before now creating a podcast (mp3 sound only file) from your video was a time consuming task.With Repurpose it is so easy - you simple link Facebook to Soundcloud and the mp3 file is created and transferred .You can now be a podcaster . millions of people listen to podcasts every single day.When you create great content you can now use SoundCloud to share it.Repurpose gives our live videos a second life as we can use them to reach an even wider audience. Since the moment I started using it i have saved hours each and every week.Enjoy the course - save time and money, reaching a wider audience for your video."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Lightstream to Youtube Live Course" |
"This is an insiders guide to using LightStream to broadcast to Youtube live with 4 people on screen in HD quality.You will be taken step by step from going live solo to creating awesome live broadcasting experiences which you , your guests and your viewers will enjoy.After 400 live shows I discovered Lightstream and the high quality of video broadcasting live to Youtube. We can now use Youtube to create brilliant videos which we can repurpose across our blogs , Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and Google + .Now is the time to become involved in live video , we are pioneers and through LightStream we can create high quality recordings on Youtube,LightStream is free to broadcastersYou will discover how to operate LightStream* Onscreen Text* Image Sharing* Application Sharing* Desktop Sharing* Play pre-recorded video in your live broadcast* Invite up to 7guests to join you on screenYou will learn how to create a live show people want to watch* Organise your show* Find Guests* Promote you showYou will learn exactly how to create live broadcast experience , create powerful interviews , create high quality recorded video to re purpose and insider tips to applications which will help you grow your audience.My mission is to help you go live on Youtube and have a fantastic time using LightStream.Join meSteven"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Building Passive Income : How to Productize your Knowledge" |
"You have spent time and energy on gaining your current skill sets , you have in depth knowledge.Now is the time to share that expertise with the world.This course has several aims :1 To help you share your skills on video effectively.2 To help you find your voice and reach out to a wide audience.3 To provide you with the structure and support to turn your business knowledge into an onlinecourseformat which you can market.Within this course you will find everything you need to create andmarket your skills..We assume only one thing - that you know what you are talking about.We use real examples from our live courses and take you behind the scenes.Thinkingaboutsharingyourknowledgeandexpertise - joinusnow"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Five Step Live Video Challenge by Be Live in Five" |
"This challenge is for everyone who enjoys live video , interacting with the audience and pioneering .The course gives YOUthe advantage as you learn from pioneer broadcasters who have been using Belive tv since the day it launchedWe will exchange stories and expertise centered around live broadcasting.No matter how long you have been going live , there are always new adventures to be enjoyed.We are looking at three of the main ways in which we can broadcast1 Solo BroadcastsJust you on screen , or you and a slide set or using screen share.2 Two person broadcasts.Two people interacting on screen either as host and guest or as cO-hosts.3 Multi person broadcastsA panel show with 3 or more people involved live on camera.EachtypeofshowisadifferentexperiencerequiringstructuredapproachinordertocreateashowwhichEducates, EmpowersandEntertains,Wewillguideyouasyoutakethe3showchallengeandareveryinterestedtohearyourfeedbackandexperiences.Thelinktojointhechallengeisinthebonuslecture."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Test Reporting - Know-How & Templates for Test Managers" |
"Test is one of the key phases during the development of a new software. Project managers and stakeholders have a great interest in a current teststatus .Take this course in order to learn how to create a fact-based test reporting - for test preparation, test execution and defect reporting. You will learn how to quicklyidentify typical issues in software testing using test reports and how to mitigate them.Use the acquired knowledge and templates in order to achieve an on-time go-live of your software and to increase software quality!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Project Leadership - Fhrungskompetenz im Projekt" |
"Ich liebe es, in Projekten zu arbeiten. Sie verkrpern die Zukunft, die Innovation, die Vernderung. Und sie liefern einen massiven Mehrwert fr das Unternehmen. Mir ist die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung wichtig, die Arbeit im Team und auch der Spa bei der Arbeit.Aber der traditionelle Projektmanagement-Ansatz funktioniert hufig nicht. Plne werden nicht eingehalten. Risiken werden ignoriert. Arbeitsprozesse sind nicht definiert. Projekte geraten in Schieflage, Mitarbeiter machen ""business as usual"", der Spa bleibt auf der Strecke.Das muss nicht sein: Motivierte Mitarbeiter und eine perfekte Zusammenarbeit fhren zu erfolgreichen Projekten!Um Mitarbeiter zu motivieren und die Zusammenarbeit zu verbessern, mssen Sie einige Dinge anders machen. Dies fhrt hufig zu Unverstndnis und Ablehnung. Umso wichtiger ist, dass Sie kommunizieren und berzeugen knnen!Mchten Sie ebenfalls auf die Reise zu erfolgreichen Projekten gehen? Mchten Sie Mitarbeiter motivieren?Mchten Sie im Team zusammen arbeiten?Mchten Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter und Ihr Umfeld berzeugen?Mchten Sie......selber denken?...selber machen?...Spa haben?...von meiner Erfahrung profitieren?Dann lassen Sie uns gemeinsam gehen... mit Gedankenansten, Geschichten, Methoden und bungen! Ich freue mich!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Project Leadership - create engaged project teams" |
"I love working in projects. They resemble the future, innovation, and change. And they deliver massive value for companies. Continuous personal growth, working in a team and having fun at work are important to me. But traditional project management approaches dont work. Milestones are missed. Risks are ignored. Processes are not defined. Projects get into precarious situations, team members are doing business as usual, and the fun is disappearing. But things do not need to be like this: Motivated team members and excellent collaboration lead to successful projects! In order to motivate your team members and improve collaboration, youll need to change the status quo. Quite often, this leads to a lack of understanding and refusal. So its even more important that you have excellent communication skills, that you are capable of convincing people and drive change through your project and organization. Do you want to begin your journey towards successful projects? Do you want to motivate your team members? Do you want to work together in a team? Do you want to convince your team and your organization? Do you want tothink for yourself? take action for yourself? have fun? benefit from my experience? Then lets go together. With food for thought, stories, methods and exercises. Im looking forward to it!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Habits: 10 Habits of Highly Successful People" |
"Do you know why some people are successful while some are not? Do you know the habits that all entrepreneurs have that differentiate them from most people? Like most people, I had to learn these habits and then implement them in my life in order to take my life to the next level. Now, you can learn the top 10 habits that successful people do on a regular basis to help themachieve greatness in life. This course will teach you solid steps to:Build good habits that every entrepreneur must haveDevelop a powerful mindsetBecome DisciplinedBegin to take action nowStart to use Imagination to help you turn your dreams into realityLearn the power of positive expectationsAnd so much more...ContentsImade this course for anyone who wants to build good and positive entrepreneurial habits that if followed, will guarantee that you will succeed not only as an entrepreneur, but also as a person. By the end of the course, you will know the habits that successful entrepreneurs and people have. The question is are you willing to take your life to the next level and are you willing to integrate these habits into your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Anger Management: How to Manage Your Anger On A Daily Basis" |
"Are you ready to learn how to manage and reduce anger in your life? Do you want to put an end to destructive anger?Believe it or not, anger is a problem that plagues many people and yet, the majority don't take any action to manage and reduce anger in their life. If you keep accumulating anger day after day, then your body will get affected and if you ignore it, the other areas of your life will get affected as well. More than 75% of illnesses that we get is due to psychosomaticdiseases including anger, so it is very crucial that you take the necessary steps to learn solid steps to overcome anger. This course will teach you solid steps to:Manage your anger correctlyUnderstand the psychology of angerKnow if anger is wanted or notManage different types of angerWays to express angerRecognize your angerIdentify various signs of angerManage and reduce anger and stress correctlyAnd so much more...ContentsImade this course for you so you can learn how to manage your anger skillfully on a daily basis. When you go through the course and learn the correct ways to managing your anger, you will no longer let small and trivial matters affect you. The question is are you willing to learn the necessary steps to help you understand and manage your anger every day?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Morning Ritual: 35 Rituals to Transform Your Life" |
"Do you want to have a morning ritual that will guarantee your success? Are you tired of waking up with low energy every single day? Let me tell you that if you don't have a morning ritual on a daily basis then you are missing on the most powerful routine that empowers you to feel good and take charge of your mentality and body. Highly effective and successful people all have a powerful morning ritual such as Tony Robbins, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates all have a specific morning routine that they do on a daily basis to put them in the right mind set every morning when they get up. When I started having a morning routine on a daily basis, my life started to change. My energy started to increase and Ibegan to feel like Ican conquer the whole world with my high energy. I started to feel more fulfilled, started to focus on my goals and started to remind myself that Ican achiever everything that Iset my mind to.This course will teach you solid steps to:Build an empowering morning routineBegin to take time to appreciate the blessings you have in your lifeTake charge of your thoughts and emotionsStart your day effectively so your mind and body are ready to help you achieve your daily goalsContentsImade this course to inspire and help you to build an empowering morning ritual to help you increase your energy, productivity, feel better, and to start experiencing miracles in your life. Remember, what you do every single day is what you become."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Own Blog Business In Easy Steps" |
"I will take you by the hand and show you how to make passive income fromwith your WordPress blog as soon, that can be yours for FREE. Do you want to quit your job? Do you need/want more money? Do you need money to catch up on your bills? Do you have a family that relies on you? Do you want to own a business that you can be proud of?If you answered yes to these questions, then consider this course to be your blueprint to success. The greatest investment you can make is to invest in yourself!This is opportunity knocking on your door. Many have succeeded before, and I have too. With the solidinformation contained in this blogging onlinecourse, you could quit your job in a couple months, if you so desire.In this course I'm going to cover some amazing super turbo strategies that you can start using as soon as you finish. All of the strategies in this course are 100% free.You can get started right after you have taken my course - That means TODAY!I'll take you step by step through each strategy. I keep you, the student in mind and equip you with everything you need to generate make money from your WordPress blog website, as soon as today!Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to building a solid online income. Every minute that goes by without action is one less paycheck.This course is the shortest and simplest training on making passive income fromyour WordPress blog. Clear, concise and to the point."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Read Music Notes Fast: One Minute a Day! {Treble and Bass}" |
"For beginners: Learn the fundamentals of music reading for the Treble Clef and Bass Clef(Instruments that use theTreble clef are: Piano, Violin, Flute, Trumpet, Clarinet, Saxophone)(Instruments that use the Bass clef are: Cello, Bass Guitar, Double Bass, Trombone, Tuba, Bassoon)Memorize the notes and symbols effectively to the point offluencyPick up and start playing thatinstrument with greater easeFor long lost musicians: This course serves as a refresher on the basics of note names, count, beat, and measure!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Portrait Typography in Photoshop CC" |
"Learn all the 3 Types of typography in just less than 3 hours.This is a special and rare course on Photoshop which you might not find it anywhere. Yes I,m absolutely sure about that.The course is not just about learning. You are going to learn, face challenges, Games and lot of fun.I have made sure that this course would keep you engaged throughout the session.All you need is just Photoshop Installed in your computer.This course is designed in such a way that you would learn first and then experiment it by yourself with the project files that I have provided.I am going to walk you through step by step procedure on the whole process. I am going to teach you everything that you need to know for this course.This is the structure of this course:Learn the technique firstAccept the small challenges that I give youContinue and verify with me in the session and go on repeating.Finally finish up the course relaxTime for some fun then - Typo GamesYou are going to learn 3 different methods each in each section. Every Section has multiple sessions of lecture and challenges.The complete course has been broken down into simple smaller sessions to make it easy and clearly understandable.You should be able to understand the course clearly since I have used simple English so that any could understand.This course is simple and straight to the point and you would keep you alive during the course.Why you should enroll:Whether or not if you are a Beginner or expert in Graphic designing you are going to learn the advanced Techniques of Typography.You could be someone no way related to Photoshopor Designing but if you just want to impress someone by creating a Typography of their portrait then go ahead and surprise them by learning how to do it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Geld als Instagram Influencer verdienen" |
"Instagram ist eine der machtvollsten Sozial Media Plattformen. Warum also nicht die Vorteile davon nutzen und Geld damit verdienen? In diesem Kurs werden wir Dir die effektivsten Methoden erklren, mit denen Du Dein Instagram Business auf die Beine stellen und Deinen Instagram Account als Instagram Influencer monetarisieren kannst. Wir leiten Dich von Anfang an, mit Tipps, wie Du Deinen Instagram Account wachsen lsst und wie Du Dein Instagram Profil professionell optimierst. Auerdem werden wir Dir alle Wege zeigen, die wir genutzt haben, um tausende von Euros mit Instagram zu verdienen und wir erzhlen Dir, was Du wissen musst, damit Du in krzester Zeit anfangen kannst, dafr bezahlt zu werden. Wir haben alles, was wir ber Instagram auf unserem Weg gelernt haben, in diesem Kurs fr Dich zusammengestellt. Darin inbegriffen ist unter anderem eine bewhrte Strategie, mit der Du auf Instagram Sponsoren und Firmen zugehen und nach Kooperationen fragen kannst sowie bezahlte Jobs bekommst, inklusive unseres automatisierten Kunden-E-Mail-Systems, mit dem Du tausende von Marken an einem Tag anschreiben kannst. Dieser Kurs basiert auf unseren persnlichen Erfahrungen und auf dem, was wir in den letzten Jahren als Instagram Influencer gelernt haben. INSTAGRAM INFLUENCER BONUS Wir haben Dir eine exklusive Liste mit ber 1500 Marken, die regelmig mit Influencern zusammenarbeiten, zusammengestellt. Diese erspart Dir hunderte Stunden an Recherche-Arbeit. Auerdem werden wir Dir ein grundstzliches Verstndnis fr die effektivsten Social Media Praktiken mit auf den Weg geben, die auf jeder Plattform anwendbar sind und erklren, wie Du diese zu Deinem Vorteil nutzt. Klicke jetzt Diesen Kurs starten oben rechts auf dieser Seite, um Dir die Power zu sichern, als Instagram Influencer Deinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen.An wen richtet sich dieser Kurs? An jeden, der seinen Lebensunterhalt mit seiner Leidenschaft verdienen mchte: mit Instagram. An Entrepreneure, Freelancer, Kreative und Businesseigentmer, die ihr Publikum auf Instagram nutzen wollen, um Geld zu verdienen. Leute, die ihre persnliche Marke auf Instagram aufbauen und Influencer werden wollen."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Preparing Powerful Consulting Presentations" |
"The majority of business communication happens with the use of presentations. Decks of PowerPoint andKeynoteslides are used during most businessmeetings, they are employed tosummarise key ideas in written communication and even replace Word documents as the form of choice for longer text pieces that include charts andgraphics. In short, presentations are ubiquitous. Whether you still study,work in business orthe public sector, or doresearch chances are you work with slide decks almost every day.If you are involved in creating any kind of slides used to convey information you will profit from takingthis course.Consultants of the top consulting firms are widely considered the masters of powerful presentations. The reason for itis theiruse ofspecific toolsand rules whenpreparingpresentations.In this course you will learn about these methods (and see examples of their use) which include:adjustingyourpresentations to itspurpose and audienceusingthe SPQA (Situation, Problem, Question, Answers) framework to define your presentationstructuringyour slides vertically and horizontally and filling them with meaningful chartsabiding by several slide constructionrules and argumentstructuring guidelinesusing checklists to make sure your slides are flawless.I will also walk you throughbest practices of slides preparation and equip you with pre-definedrule setsfor preparing powerful presentations that you will be able to download.Enroll nowand take your presentation skills to the next level!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Live Power Course 2019 With Bonuses" |
"Ive recorded andwritten a brand new course called Facebook Live Authority.In this course well go over how to use Facebook Live to engage with your audience, build your brand and sell more of your products.The ability to do Live video on Facebook will be achangefor you and your business but gives you the privilege to communicate you and your followers in a different and efficient way!It's truly powerful, and something that anyone remotely interested inconveying a message to othersauthentically, rapidly and widely should jump on and start to use as soon as possible.Youll find out and learn:The history of live streamingWhat makes live streaming so uniqueWhat your options are when it comes to creating live contentWhy Facebook is getting involved and why this is big news for marketersHow to get set up with your own Facebook Live accountHow to build a Facebook page and grow your audienceHow to create live content for FacebookTips to make your live videos as engaging and exciting as possibleStrategies for monetizing and utilizing live streamingInstructions on how to use advanced features of the platformThe future of live streaming and Facebook Live and much moreCourse also includes: 63-page Ebook on Facebook Live, Top 10ResourcesTools,Checklist, Mindmap, and Resource Cheat Sheet."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"2019 Authority Blogging: Step By Step For Beginners" |
"There are millions and millions of blogs out there. The reality is that many of the blogs out there failed to ever become an authority in their niche, and we don't want that to happen to you.Creating a blog surrounding a topic that is in high demand and becoming an authority can have great benefits. Not only are you able to share with the world solutions to their problems, but you are also able to monetize it. However, with that said, many people make the mistake of focusing on the monetization of the blog first rather than building it up in creating authority first. But how do you go about creating authority? Obviously, authority has nothing to do with wielding a hammer; it's the ability to gain trust by providing immense value. Would you like to learn how to do that?Would you like to learn to create a profitable blog that provides a continuous profit stream? And more importantly, would you like to learn how to ensure that you have unlimited amounts of in-demand topics to talk about?If so, then this is the course for you! Check out the previews of the videos and descriptions as to what you will be learning in each lecture. Cheers to your future in Blogging!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Survival Mandarin" |
"- Chinese pronunciation- Basic Chinese conversation- Basic Chinesegrammar Many people from western culture might say that learning Chinese (Mandarin) is very difficult. It is probably because of Chinese character which is called Hanzi in Chinese. Chinese characters are not like any other languages in the world, as most of them are pictographs, which mean they are from pictures. They seem really interesting and beautiful, but you have no idea how to pronounce a single word. But dont worry! There are two wonderful lecturesfor you to make learning Mandarin much easier and more interesting: They are Pinyin and Tone. In this Session, We will learn Pinyin and Tone and how they work in Mandarin pronunciation & conversationof Chinese language, so that you will be ready to read and learn any words, phrases and sentences in Chinese with your knowledge of Pinyin and Tone."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Angel Realm" |
"Angel Realm is a beginners course that is designed to help you UNLOCK the Angelic realm. You will learn everything you need to know, to start working and interacting with Angels. In the course we work through healing with the Angels and removing any blocks that prevent you from seeing Angels. We cover everything from Celestial tiers to Archangel and different ways of working with and communicating with the Angels. But most importantly I teach your how to release social conditioning and fears that have prevented you from fully connecting with your Angels using EFT, Hypnosis and meditations."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Certified Practitioner - Crystal Casting & Divination" |
"Crystal Casting is a wonderful and unique way of divining a future outcome. Very few people use this method of divination because it has been a largely secret and hidden art form. In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about crystal casting so that you can start your own business. From the individual crystal interpretation, to casting and how to answer client questionsto building and advertising your business. We use 29 crystals that are cast in order to determine a future outcome. You will need to acquire each of these crystals to complete the course. There are a few crystal oracle cards available but in this way of reading you are touching and interacting with the energy of the crystals. Which is far more powerful than looking at a card. When you gaze into a crystal it kicks your rational mind out of the way and allows you to connect with the universal consciousness. If you are already a Tarot or Oracle Card reader this course will add a new layer of depth and precision to your readings. This is my favourite method of divination and once you try it you will never look back. Join me on a magical ride as you learn the hidden secret the crystals will reveal. This course is Accredited by the International Metaphysical Practitioners Association."
Price: 1850.00 ![]() |
"Busy Mind's Meditations" |
"This course has been specifically designed for people who want to meditate but believe they can't because their mind is to hectic and never gives them a break. In the case of active minds the best way to still them is through activity and movement. Most of the meditations in this course involve movement or activity of some sort which allows the mind to relax and a level of stillness is achieved. Regular use of these techniques will improve memory retention and focus. This course is accredited by the International Metaphysical Practitioners Association. You will receive an accredited certificate on completion of this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading - Learn Two Effective Forex Trading Strategy" |
"In this course, you will learn two simple yeteffective Forex trading strategy that will significantly improve your trading results.I will show you my step-by-step trading method that I have been using to generateprofits from Forex trading. I have also designed the Forexcourse in a way that it is concise and straight to the point. I assure you that there will be no filler contentsthat you caneasily found online. All the contents in this Forex course are important components building up to become a fully working trading strategy.Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs.All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always free.There's an unconditional, never any questions askedfull 30-day money-back-in-full guarantee.My help is always available to youif you have questions ."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"BEC Vantage Exam Preparation Online Course - Reading" |
"Exams are stressful !!!One of the best ways to reduce this stress is to be well-prepared, knowing that you've put in all the necessary effort.Your BEC Vantage exam comprises four equal parts, namelyreadingwritinglisteningspeakingThe exam is not cheap. You owe it to yourself to give yourself every chance to succeed and pass this important exam.This online course will focus on each individual part of the BEC Vantage reading test and provide tips and methods for how to approach the parts and how to successfully complete the reading test. The examples used are actual exam questions."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"WordPress For Beginners No Coding Required" |
"Use code NEWYEAR19 special discount offer for the new year.Who is this course for?This Wordpresscourse is forbeginnerswho are not familiar with the Wordpress content management system. Ittakes you step by step with easy and simple to understandlectures from not having a clue about Wordpress to creating your first functional websitewithin minutes.What's different about this course?It doesn't contain complex information that is difficult to understand by the average Joe, unlike other courses that do that. All of the lectures in this course are based on Wordpressprinciples simplified enough to understand them.To take this course you don't need to be a genius or a computer expert. You only need to know how to use a computer and have passion about learning.Can I try this course risk free?Yes, this course comes with a30-DayMoney Back Guaranteefrom Udemy. If you decide that this course is not the right for you, you can get your money back within 30 days. No questions asked.About the course.This courseexplains how to install Wordpress locally.It alsoprovides free Wordpress web hosting.Explainsalmostevery aspect of the Wordpress CMS.You will be able to create your first website within minutes.Wordpress is the most used CMS on the internet and powers 30% of allwebsites.You will only need to set up Wordpress,which we explain howin the first section of this course.#Warning!If you search for a course with a lot ofunnecessary details thatdoesn't help you to learn then,thisis not the right for you.This course doesn't contain fancy code that is difficult to understand and write. It is an easy course for those who want to see immediate results without wasting their time and money.#"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Algorithms and Data Structures in Java" |
"Use code NEWYEAR19 special discount offer for the new year!!!Who is this course for?This course is for those who want to learn how to program correctly by using the proper data structures but also acquire knowledge on how to create applications with graphical user interface. This course is for all levels of students, but lessfor those who have no ""relationship"" with at least one programming language and is targeted mainly at new programmers and students who want to learn programmingcorrectly!What is the difference with the other corresponding courses?The difference with other courses isthat with this course you will learn data structures and algorithms that are taught in universities today with more great examples and without unnecessary words. And the most important difference is that in this course you will learn further how is to createapplications with graphical user interface and essentially you will learn to make integrated applications.Can I try this course risk free?Yes, this course comes with a30-DayMoney Back Guaranteefrom Udemy. If you decide that this course is not the right for you, you can get your money back within 30 days. No questions asked.About the course.In the first section we will seewhat we need to start.In the second section you will learn about search algorithms.In the third section we will see the data structures, how they are made and how we use them.In the fourth section you will see sorting algorithms and you'll learn how they work, how quick theyareand how to use them.For every piece of material exists acorresponding application.Most applications are with GUI.The material shown is the academic material thatmost universities have in thedata structures course.The knowledge of data structures and algorithms lay the foundations to become better programmer."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of the C Programming Language" |
"Who is this course for?ThisC programmingcourse is forbeginnerswho are not familiar with the Csyntax. Ittakes you step by step with easy and simple to understandlectures from not having a clue about programmingto creating your first command line applicationwithin minutes.What's different about this course?It doesn't contain complex code that is difficult to understand by the average Joe, unlike other courses that do that. All of the lectures in this course are based on Cprinciples simplified enough to understand them.Plus,this course providesextra 31 exercises with solutionsfor furtherpractice.To take this course you don't need to be a genius or a computer expert. You only need to know how to use a computer and have passion about learning.Can I try this course risk free?Yes, this course comes with a30-DayMoney Back Guaranteefrom Udemy. If you decide that this course is not the right for you, you can get your money back within 30 days. No questions asked.About the course.This courseexplains how to createa basic C program.Explainsalmostevery aspect of the C programming language.You will be able to create your first command line applicationwithin minutes.C is the first programming language to learn and the mother of all programming languages.You will only need to set up an IDE,which we explain howin the first section of this course.The source code of all C programsused in this courseare included in a downloadable .pdf form.This course provides complementary exercises to practice on the material of each section.There isa total of 31 exercises with solutions for extra practice.#Warning!If you search for a course with a lot ofunnecessary details thatdoesn't help you to learn then,thisis not the right for you.This course doesn't contain fancy code that is difficult to understand and write. It is an easy course for those who want to see immediate results without wasting their time and money.#"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |