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"Fotografia Movil: Cmo hacer fotos increbles" |
"Ms de 500 personas ya han aprendidoMira lo que algunos alumnos dicen sobre este curso:""La calidad de la enseanza y las maravillosas fotografas que se pueden hacer con un Smartphone me han dejado sorprendido. Recomiendo al 100% a UnNaranjo"" Puntuacin de 5 estrellas.""Est genial. Cualquier persona que guste de la fotografa debera hacer este curso. Te da las pautas clave para hacer buenas fotos y adems con el mvil... puedes hacerlo en cualquier lugar sin necesidad de llevar la cmara. Muy recomendable, prctico y claro!.""Puntuacin de 5 estrellas.""Clases muy claras y concretas, sin filosofar sobre la teora de la fotografa ni meternos en mecnica cameral, que tanto ayudan en otros cursos a sentirte incapacitado para sacar fotos. Creo que anima y mucho a salir y sacar fotos con consejos sper aprovechables.""Puntuacin de 5 estrellas.Apntate al curso y nete a todos esos alumnos que ya est disfrutando y aprendiendo.El curso en 5 lneasEste curso se compone de 10 lecciones en las que aprenders a hacer 8 tipos de fotografa con tu smartphone.Las clases sern de, mximo, 3 o 4 minutos, para que las puedas hacer en cualquier momento y sin pereza.En cada leccin te dar una serie de trucos y claves para hacer que tus fotos sean increbles.La teora de la fotografa te la dejo a ti, pues ya hay muchsimos cursos gratuitos y de pago hablando de ese tema.Vas a aprender y a disfrutar muchsimo con el curso.Qu voy y qu no voy a aprender?Primero, qu vas a aprender:10 lecciones con diferentes tipos de fotografaCmo manejar una aplicacin de cmara para hacer fotos increblesTrucos para hacer las mejores fotografasY qu no vas a aprender:Teora fotogrficaEste curso no est pensado para ensearte las bases de la fotografa o la teora detrs de la fotografa, pues ya existen numerosos cursos y guas que ensean eso (si necesitas alguna contacta conmigo). Aqu aprenderemos trucos y formas de hacer las mejores fotografas.Por ello, este curso es tanto para personas que saben de fotografa como para las que no, y aunque usemos los smartphones como camino para aprender, todo los conocimientos que adquieras, sern aplicables a una cmara o a posteriores smartphones.Cmo voy a aprender?En este curso la metodologa ser de ""aprender haciendo"". Como dije antes, los vdeos sern cortos de forma que podrs gestionar tu avance, a tu ritmo.Adems trabajaremos con una aplicacin de cmara concreta y te podr ensear todos los secretos y trucos para sacar las mejores fotos. Adems tendrs que salir a la calle a hacer fotos y ciertas lecciones te las dar en la calle, en caliente, para que puedas ver de primera mano cmo hago las fotos."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia Movil: Cmo mejorar fotos con la edicin" |
"Edita tus fotos en el mvil de manera profesionalConsigue que tus fotos mejorenHaz que tus fotos reflejen lo que estabas viendo al hacerlasEdita de manera rpida y cmoda en tu mvilTodo esto lo aprenders de manera muy sencilla, rpida y al grano. No te dar teora de imgenes ni nada por el estilo, ser informacin dirigida a que aprendas a editar de forma bsica tus fotos.Cmo voy a aprender?En este curso lametodologaser de ""aprender haciendo"". Como dije antes, losvdeosserncortosde forma que podrs gestionar tu avance,a tu ritmo.Adems trabajaremos con unaaplicacinde edicinconcreta y te podr ensear todos lossecretosytrucospara editar tus fotos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Adobe InDesign CC 2017 Quick Start" |
"Knowing how to start with Adobe InDesignSmart and quick Start and experience to create magazines and Books and Newsletter.Using an Managing Master PagesCreating a Standard LayoutManaging Document PagesWorking with Text and graphics and EffectsCreating and Updating TOCsExporting files for Review and for Print in the printpress."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PHOTOSHOP : Automating Tasks" |
"this course is to show you how to record a bunch of commands to be applied in a row to your image(s). that called (an action).an action can be applied to a single Image, to more than Image that opened in PHOTOSHOP at the moment, or to a folder that contains hundreds or thousands of images.Fady S. Reyad explains how to use PHOTOSHOP actions, How to record your own action, how except some commands from your action while playing, How to edit your action, and more..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a pintar con la tcnica del pastel" |
"El curso ""Aprende a pintar con la tcnica del pastel"" a diferencia de los otros cursos de pintura tradicionales, este es un curso terico y prctico.Ms de 15 aos de experiencia en la enseanza presencial de la enseanza del pastel, junto a los estudios universitarios enHistoria del Arte, avalan sus contenidos.El curso esta destinado a principiantes y personas sin conocimientos de dibujo y pintura. Pero tambin,ser de gran inters para artistas que deseen conocer la tcnica desde sus principios, desde su base.Al finalizar el curso los estudiantes habrn adquirido los conocimientos bsicos sobre la introduccin a la tcnica del pastel dentro de la Historia del Arte,conocimiento de los materiales bsicos para pintar con la tcnica del pastel, tipos de soporte para pintar con la tcnica del pastel, saber distinguir entre los colores fros y los colores calientes, saber hacer una obra propia con la tcnica del pastel con colores calientes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Extract Thousands of Emails with Search Engines" |
"You send and receive it everyday, its instantaneous, and it doesnt cost a thing.Its anemail, one of the most important tools of today.Around 1993, email affected the way mankind communicated forever. Instead of sending letters through the postal carriers, email gave us instant delight, sending letters as soon as you would hit the send button. As time went on, email grew and completely revolutionized, becoming completely rooted in our culture.Today, most phones, people use, have Internet and email on them. These types of phones are called smartphones for their Internet capabilities. Because of smartphones, email is withyou wherever you go.If you have to communicate to someone through letter, email is the quickest way to do it.But in this equation,there is one thing missing,""How to Search andFind Emails""Yes, you may have them from your friends, loved ones and business colleagues, but how to find emails from peopleyou don't know and would like to send them some kind of information.There are lots of third parties selling you programs that will scrap emails off of websites or blogs. These programs will cost you lots of money, and they still lack the way to be able and get laser targeted emails using search engines.In this course will be able to fine tune your searches, with keywords.Use any search engine and apply these techniques,Expand results in search engines,Extract emails from search engines,Send Mass Emails to potential prospects."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Correct Body Posture and Relieve Pain" |
"Most important feature is the spine. When looking straight towards yourself your spine must be straight. When viewing yourself from the side the spine must be shaped like a S. When viewing straight at yourself both shoulders, lower back, hip, and end of your fingers to your knees must be the same level. When looking from the side view your neck shoulders must be at the same adjacent as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Phrasal Verbs for conversation Part3(M to S 60Verbs)" |
"Our English Phrasal Verbs Course will enable you to understand widely used phrases in the English language. Without the knowledge of Phrasal Verbs and their meanings, you may find yourself not understanding aconversation you've had. Once you've mastered this course, you'll find it a lot more comfortable to converse in English. This course will also help you improve your listening and speaking skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Build a Six Figure Coaching Business" |
"I truly believe we have the best profession in the world changing lives and being paid for it. As noble as what we do is though, unless we run it like a business (and become pros), we're just nice people who like to help others, struggling to make ends meet. Many coaching schools sell the illusion that as soon as you get certified (with them, of course), you then build your website and charge 100 per hour straight away, nice and easy. Except that it doesn't work like that.Most successful coaches I know (myself included) are not even certified. Coaching is the easy part you see. In theory, anyone can become a coach. It's the business of coaching that is more complex, and understanding the business side is what makes a difference between making it or not making it in coaching.And that's where my course and I come in.I know I'm a great coach. Some of my clients would tell you that I'm the best. But that's not why my business grew to earning six figures annually (over 100k turnover over a 12 month period), only two and a half years after I built my website and made 543k in 2019 alone. It happened because I love and understand business almost as much as I love helping people. And because I do, I can help MORE people.Every successful business is one which has mastered the art of MARKETING and SELLING, and the really successful ones have also mastered the art of BRANDING.These are the three fundamental areas I cover in this course. No matter how gifted you are as a coach, without mastering them, you have ZERO chance of succeeding in a big way. Does it sound harsh? Maybe. It's also true.Make no mistake, just watching the videos won't make you successful. However, implementing what I'm going to teach you will make you as successful as you want to be. After all, if you do what I did, you will get what I got. It's as simple as that.The course is PACKED with all the best stuff I've learnt in nearly a decade of being in a game. And since I approached this journey like a mad scientist, I've learnt A LOT which allows me to work with people I love, who are happy to invest a lot of money because they believe I can help.Some of the things covered in the course include:Why you absolutely HAVE TO think about yourself as, and act like, a business person - not just a coach. Being a good coach does maybe 20% of the job. The remaining 80% is understanding the business of coaching.Selling, selling, selling. The key element of any business. As long as you see selling as something 'dirty', you're setting yourself up for failure.How to build a website that converts and why most of the coaching websites out there don't work.How to find clients (I work with 25 to 30 clients at any given time).- Advertising: Google vs Facebook and LinkedIn ads- Speaking at events: I have spoken at around 250 so far and I tell you how you can too- Content creation: Writing (blogs, articles, books) and Youtube- Referrals: How to maximise on them- Social media profile and how to use different social media platformsWhy I ALWAYS reply to enquires within 24 hours and why you should do the same.How to run initial consultations (sales conversations) and why doing them face-to-face is SO much better than on the phone or Skype (I have run over 1500 of them to date, face-to-face, up to two hours each).How to charge for your services and how much to charge. Why charging per hour (rather than upfront for a set number of sessions) is a really bad idea.Why you shouldn't work with people you don't like AND, why in the very beginning you should work with anybody who wants to work with you.How flexible you should be in terms of the days and times you work.Length of sessions: 45, 60 or 90 minutes and why.Why I don't have a niche (in a traditional sense) and how important that has been to my success.Thinking about yourself as a brand and why this is so important if you really want to make it BIG.How to create income-generating partnerships."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Intro to the International Phonetic Alphabet" |
"This course is an introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet. The International Phonetic Alphabet or IPA is a collection of symbols that represent all of the sounds that human beings make in the use of language.This course will go over the symbols needed for American English. The symbols that are learned in this course, however, are applicable to all other languages. Every symbol represents one sound across all languages.That being the case, this course serves as in introduction to some of the sounds on the IPAchart and after they have been learned they can be applied to the IPAof other languages and other and accents and dialects.Not only does this course go over the sounds and symbols that are needed for American English IPA, there are also four different transcription activities so that students can practice and apply what they have been learning.This course is good for:The non-native english speaker who wants to master American English Pronunciation.The student who wants to learn the basics of American English IPAso they can use that as a jumping off point for IPA in other languages.The student who wants to learn the basics of American English IPA so that they can use that as a jumping off point for IPAin studying accents and dialects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cookery Magic Singapore Peranakan/Nonya Cooking #1" |
"Peranakan or Nonyafood is a blend of Malay,Chinese, & sometimesIndian flavors andis one of Singapore's favourite foods. If you have travelled to Singapore and tasted Peranakan food, you'll know it's an explosion of flavors!If you've always been under the impression that cooking Peranakan food is a laborious affair, think again. In this first course on Udemy, Food Sorceress and Teacher,Ruqxana, introduces 8(yes, that's 8!) popular Peranakan dishes that you will be able to whip up like a seasoned chef!Ruqxana has been teachingAsian cooking through her cooking school, Cookery Magic,in Singapore since 2001.Learn some of herfavourite Peranakan disheslike Tamarind Prawns (Udang Assam), Fish Curry, Tofu Salad in Peanut Sauce (Tahu Goreng) and many more in these simple and easy to follow videos created so you will learn each dish in an uncomplicated, step-by-step method.Even if you have never tried cooking Asian food before, you will be able to follow Ruqxana's recipe videos like a pro!You will also learn some basics on Asian cooking which you will be able to apply to other recipes and understand the history and origins of many Asian ingredients.This course is for cooks of all levels, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cook. It is meant to teach anyone interested in Peranakan cooking but was afraid to try."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Crash course on IBM Datastage" |
"This Coursedetails onknowledge aboutIBMDatastage Designer and Director Client components. In this course, we have demonstrated each and every step that the developer can follow to create their Own IBM Datastage jobs, Compile themand Run them. The videos captures every working action the developer needs to do while accessing different features of each Components.Any Beginner or Fresher interested in learning IBM Datastage fundamentals can have clear understanding and work on Hands-on situations shared at the end of the session.This course explains why IBM Datastage is better ETLtool in Market and about various Partitioning methods, most commonly used Stages to create Jobs.This course also explains theFundamentals of Dataware housing concepts. End of this course, the student will have maximum comfort with with Datastage as a Developer. With 15+ years of experience we have broken the sessions as small videos which can be taken during any leisure time available for the Students and Beginners. If any session in the course needs to be elaborated, please leave a comment and I will get back with updated video DEMO explaining those topics in detail. Enroll them and start your Carrier as Datastage ETL Developer. Thank you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Work Smart with UNIX Commands" |
"Have you ever thought of typing few characters and press Enter key to take care of all your daily manualwork by itself in UNIX/Linux? How will you feel when you are paid for FULL while working with 20% of your effort through Automation? Won't it be niceif the system itselfalerts you about possibility of Memory crunch preventingEntire system crash? The answerfor all these questions are more than words but a feel of Satisfaction. UNIX/Linuxhelps you to do all these at ease. It allows you to create simple alias of few characters for lengthy commands. This course starts with the idea of enlighteningBeginners with UNIXknowledge and then continues with the knowledge to work Smarter through Automation and Process management.In this Course, we will learn about various Files andDirectory commands, Pipe and Environment variables, commonly used Editors, File Disk management commands, System Performance, Lab sessions, Commonly Used day-today commands and lot more. Using these, you can Automate your daily work and involve them in your Shell-scripting. Make your work Easier, Faster, Smarter and more Efficient. Welcome you to this course. Step-in with an attitude to Learn and Step-out withIdeas to make work easier. Thank you."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Easy walk with AWS Solution Architect Certification" |
"Everywhere AWS and cloud. Working in AWS without certification is like Having Amazing Experience without recognition. Having an External Certification in AWS will always be an extra step in attracting the opportunities towards you. Get to know deeply about the commonly covered topics in AWS solution architect certification. Get trained yourself after identifying the Gaps after taking this course. Try this course multiple times till you gain enough confidence and clear the final certification at Ease.Note: Keep tracking this course as Lot more tests will be added on regular basis.Regards,Learn&Share Others team."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver + Java" |
"- Selenium WebDriver! Selenium Selenium WebDriver. , Java. , , , , . , Selenium WebDriver Selenium WebDriver , JUnit, Page Object, XPath , Java! . - ! , ! , , , , , , , - ! !, !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
testing-for-beginners |
" - . IT - , , , , - . , IT , , . - , , , IT . . , Junior QA Engineer. , , , . , , . . . . , . : Jira, Selenium IDE, API Postman, TestLink, VirtualBox. . , , , , , , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Selenium + Java" |
"Selenium WebDriver + Java , Selenium, Java, , , , . Selenium , . , , , Selenium. Selenium WebDriver + Java. , , Selenium . :Selenide, SerenityBDD, JBehave. . , Selenium Grid. , Jenkins - , . , , , , . , , , - . !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crea Tu EMBUDO DE VENTAS Paso a Paso Y VENDE Por Internet" |
"***** VENDE TU PRODUCTO O SERVICIO POR INTERNET *****INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Ests aqu porque quieres usar internet para vender tu producto o servicio, cierto?Quieres vender por internet pero no sabes cmo hacerlo?Ya ests en internet pero no has logrado los resultados que esperabas?Ests perdiendo dinero en publicidad por internet sin conseguir resultados en tu negocio?EL MAYOR ERROR ES NO TENER UN EMBUDO DE VENTAS PARA VENDER POR INTERNET!Crear embudos o tuneles de venta (Sales Funnel) es la forma adecuada de darte a conocer en internet y realmente convertir curiosos en prospectos y prospectos en clientes.Porque de eso se trata todo esto verdad? generar ventas y lograr ganar dinero por internet. Y este curso es el siguiente paso que debes tomar para empezar a construir embudos de venta y vender tus productos o servicios.Por qu debes aprender este tema conmigo?Mi nombre es Ivan Rojas, estudie Ingeniera Industrial y desde el 2007 me he dedicado a la creacin y asesoramiento de negocios tradicionales y por internet en diferentes sectores como el de viajes, inmobiliario, redes de mercadeo, restaurantes, comercio internacional, membresas, tiendas online, infoproductos, entre otros.En todos estos aos he invertido miles de dlares en marketing digital, desarrollo de nuevos negocios y educacin. He podido verificar con hechos lo que funciona y lo que no funciona, as que toda esta experiencia adquirida la aplico en la creacin de mis cursos para que tu NO tengas que pasar por los mismos errores y perder dinero haciendo las mismas pruebas que yo ya hice.Esta es mi promesa para ti...Estar aqu para ti en cada paso. Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con el tema, puedes escribir tu pregunta o enviarme un mensaje directo.Quiero hacer de este el mejor curso de construccin de embudos de venta bsicos. As que si consideras que hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el curso, solo dmelo y lo tendr en cuenta en una prxima actualizacin.Si buscas obtener ms prospectos, vender tu producto o servicio por internet o conectarte mejor con tu audiencia, este curso es perfecto para ti!""Crea tu embudo de ventas paso a paso y vende por internet"", es el curso ms completo, de fcil comprensin, con herramientas y casos prcticos de aplicacin para la construccin de tu primer embudo de ventas bsico en internet, te devolvemos tu dinero.Es el sitio donde encontrars todo lo que necesitas para empezar a crear tu primer embudo de ventas (Sales Funnel) sin necesidad de conocimientos previos, ni pagar costosas plataformas de desarrollo, ya que utilizaremos herramientas profesionales y econmicas con las que vas a poder ahorrar miles de dlares en desarrollo.***** EN ESTE CURSO VAMOS A USAR WORDPRESS Y LAS SIGUIENTE HERRAMIENTAS *****Plugin gratuito de Wordpress para creacin de Landing Pages (Elementor)Autorespondedor/Automatizacin (Prueba gratis por 14 das, luego 9 USD/Mes)(Opcional) Plugin de Pago de Wordpress para creacin avanzada de Pginas del Embudo de Ventas (Architect - 67 USD nico pago)IMPORTANTE: Los conceptos y la estratgia que vas a aprender en ste curso los puedes aplicar con otras herramientas que ya ests manejando, lo ms importante es la informacin y la estratgia, ms all de la herramienta que se utilice para implementarla.Para que tengas en cuenta...Puedes dirigir mucho trfico a tu pgina web, pero sin un tunel de ventas todo este trfico se perder y no podrs realmente ganar dinero con lo que ofreces online.Es difcil conseguir un curso como ""Crea tu embudo de ventas paso a paso y vende por internet"", que sea fcil de comprender y fcil de aplicar, incluso para principiantes.As que si eres un novato o alguien que quiere usar internet para prospectar y vender su producto o servicio y que necesita ayuda, ests en el lugar correcto.Qu vas a poder lograr cuando termines este curso?Lanzar tu primer embudo de venta bsico automatizado por internet desde cero.Construir tu Lead Magnet para atraer a personas interesadas.Crear Landing Pages que conviertan visitantes en prospectos.Crear un embudo de ventas bsico que te permita enviar el mensaje correcto en el momento indicado.Evitar perder miles de dlares probando cosas que no funcionan.Crea tu sistema de ventas automatizado por internet, obtn ms prospectos y ms ventas!Tanto si deseas crear un sistema para vender tu propio producto o servicio, vender productos de terceros (Affiliate Marketing) o simplemente lograr mayor conexin con tu audiencia, al entender lo que hace exitoso un proceso de ventas por internet, podrs replicar lo aprendido y tener mayor trfico, mayores prospectos y mayores ventas. Este curso te muestra exactamente como lograrlo.Contenido y vista previaEste curso fue creado para ensear a cualquier persona a crear un embudo de ventas bsico y ganar dinero por internet.Empezars por lo bsico, aprendiendo porqu es tan importante el embudo de ventas para tener xito en internet. Esto te dar una mayor perspectiva sobre lo que se debe hacer y el porqu.Aprenders en detalle cmo funciona un embudo de ventas, vers en tiempo real el desarrollo de cada elemento dentro del sistema para que puedas adaptarlos a tu negocio e ir creando al tiempo tu propio embudo de ventas.Vers la creacin del Lead Magnet y tu Landing Page, de tal manera que realmente cumpla su objetivo que es capturar los datos de tus visitantes y convertirlos en prospectos.Aprenders a hacerle seguimiento a esos prospectos que tu Lead Magnet y tu Landing Page han capturado para ti, cmo construir confianza y mostrarte como un experto en el tema que manejas.Y finalmente veremos algunas recomendaciones generales para lanzar tu embudo de ventas al mercado. Tendrs un sistema de ventas por internet del que te podrs sentir orgulloso, y podrs mejorar y replicar el modelo para todos los productos y servicios que desees, convirtiendo tus clientes en clientes recurrentes y realmente empezar a ganar dinero por internet.Con la garanta de 30 das la devolucin del 100% de tu dinero si no ests satisfecho, no hay ninguna razn para dejar pasar esta oportunidad y probar el curso en este momento.Haz click en el botn de ""Comprar Ahora"", y nos vemos en la leccin 1!Saludos,Ivan"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"simler ve Yzleri Nasl Hatrlayabilirsiniz?" |
"Hafzanzn zayf olduunu mu dnyorsunuz?Srekli yeni tantnz ya da bildiiniz insanlarn isimlerini unutuyor musunuz? smini hatrlayamadnz bir kiiyle karlatnzda ya da o kiiyi bir bakasna tantrdnzda hi zor duruma dtnz m? Ayn i yerinde srekli grdnz ancak ismini bilmediiniz insanlarla ayn toplantya girip kendilerine isimlerini bilmeden hitap ettiiniz oldu mu? Ayn kiilerle defalarca toplant yapp isimlerini halen bilmediiniz anlar oldu mu? Sosyal bir ortamda ismini hatrlayamadnz kiiye ayp olmasn diye aadaki rneklerdeki gibi hi hitap ettiniz mi? Abi / Dostum/ Patron / Bakan / Mdr / Kanka / Kanki / Doktor / Arkadam / Hemehrim / Kayno / Birader / Day-Amca-Hala-Teyze olu / vb...Vay hocam naslsn?Dostum naber ya uzun zaman oldu!Canm selam!Eminim siz de yukarda saydm durumlardan en az birini yaamsnzdr. Biriyle normal artlarda karlatnzda el skarak tanrsnz ve isimlerinizi karlkl olarak birbirinize sylersiniz. Ancak ksa bir sre sonra tantnz kiinin ismini ok hzl bir ekilde unuttuunuzu fark edersiniz. Ayn kiiyle ikinci kez karlatnzda ismi hatrlayamadnz iin zor duruma dersiniz ve kurtulu olarak yukarda saydm Abi/Hocam/Dostum/Canm.... vb kelimelere bavurursunuz. smini hatrlayamadnz kiinin hissettiklerini bir dnn! Ayn ey sizin iin de geerlidir. Karlatnz kii sizin isminizi unutmusa ne hissedersiniz?ou insan isimleri hatrlayamamaktan ikayet eder ve suu zayf olduunu dndkleri hafzalarna atarlar. Zayf hafza diye bir ey yoktur, sadece eitimsiz hafza vardr.Bu eitimde reneceiniz teknikler sayesinde;isimler ve yzleri artk unutmayacaksnz. Hem eitimdeki videolarda hem de kaynak blmnde teknikleri pekitirmenizi salayacak bolca rnek ve altrma greceksiniz. Teknikler sayesinde beyninizin sol ve sa lobunu birlikte harekete geirip isimleri uzun sreli hafzanza kolaylkla kaydedebileceksiniz. ve kariyer hayatnzda byk bir avantaj yakalayabilirsiniz ve iinizle ilgili olan bilgilere ulamada, kurduunuz dostluklar nemli birer kaynak olabilir. Bu eitim sayesinde sosyal hayatnzda arkada evrenizin hzla bymesini salayabilirsiniz nk herkes isminin hatrlanmasn bekler. sminizi bilmeyen ve srarla renmeyen kiilerle grmek ister miydiniz? Bir kiinin ismini ne kadar kolay hatrlarsanz o kiiyle bir o kadar kolay dostluk kurabilirsiniz nk bir kiinin en nemli deeri kendi ismidir. simler ve yzleri bilimsel olarak ie yarad kantlanm hafza teknikleriyle renmek ve hafzanzn gcn kefetmek istiyorsanz sizi kursumuza bekliyoruz."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Negocia como experto" |
"Estecurso explora las formas en que las personas utilizan la negociacin para crear valor y sobrepasar los obstculos y conflictos comunes.Los participantes del curso aprendern teora de negociacin, desde la cul emerge un mtodo que maximiza las probabilidades de tener xito en cada negociacin. As, todo estudianteserexpuestoa una serie de ejercicios que enfatizan los aspectos terico-prcticosy psicolgicos de las tcnicas de negociacin, construccin de relaciones y comunicacin, descubrimiento, creacin y distribucin de valor. Todo estocon especial foco en la preparacin y anlisis de procesos.Los resultados de aprendizajes esperados para quien haya realizado rigurosamente todas las actividades que se le soliciten son: El alumno ser un negociador con mayor conciencia de s, ms efectivo y reflexivo, y contar con el soporte de un marco conceptual para el diagnstico de problemas. Ser capaz de promocionar acuerdos y entendimiento tanto internamente como externamente a sus organizaciones de inters."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Docker Swarm Mastery: DevOps Style Cluster Orchestration" |
"Welcome to the most complete and up-to-date course for learning SwarmKit and using Docker Swarm end-to-end, from development and testing, to deployment and production.Discover how easy and powerful Docker Swarm Mode multi-host orchestration can be for your applications.This course is taught by a Docker Captain and DevOps consultant who's also a bestselling Udemy author.Are youjust starting out with container orchestration? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to Swarm and starts with how to install and configure it.Or: Are youusing Docker Swarm now and need to deal with real-world problems? I'm here for you! See my production topics around storing secrets, controlling rolling updates, events, healthchecks, and more.BONUS:This course comes with exclusive access to a Slack Chat and Weekly live Q&A with me!Some of the many cool things you'll do in this course:Lock down your apps in private networks that only expose necessary portsCreate a 3-node Swarm cluster locally and (optionally)in the cloudUse Virtual IP's for built-in load balancing in your clusterUse Swarm Secrets to encrypt your environment configs, even on diskDeploy container updates in a rolling update HA designCreate the config utopia of a single set of YAML files for local dev, CI testing, and prod cluster deploysAnd so much more...After taking this course, you'll be able to:Use Docker Swarm in your daily ops and sysadmin rolesBuild multi-node Swarm clusters and deploying H/A containersProtect your keys, TLS certificates, and passwords with encrypted secretsLead your team into the future with the latest Docker Swarm orchestration skills!Why should you learn from me? Why trust me to teach you the best ways to use Docker Swarm?I'm A Practitioner. Welcome to the real world: I've got more than 20 years of sysadmin and developer experience, over 30 certifications, and have been using Docker and the container ecosystem for myself and my consulting clients since Docker's early days. My clients use Docker Swarm in production. With me, youre learning from someone who's run hundreds of containers across dozens of projects and organizations.I'm An Educator. With me, youre learn from someone who knows how to make a syllabus: I want to help you. People say I'm good at it. For the last few years I've trained thousands of people on using Docker in workshops, conferences and meetups. See me teach at events like DockerCon, O'Reilly Velocity, and Linux Open Source Summit.I Lead Communities. Also, I'm a Docker Captain, meaning that Docker Inc. thinks I know a thing or two about Docker and that I do well in sharing it with others. In the real-world: I help run two local meetups in our fabulous tech community in Norfolk/Virginia Beach USA. I help online: usually in Slack and Twitter, where I learn from and help others. ""There are a lot of Docker courses on Udemy -- but ignore those, Bret is the single most qualified person to teach you."" - Kevin Griffin, Microsoft MVPGiving Back: a portion of my profit on this course will be donated to supporting open source and protecting our freedoms online! This course is only made possible by the amazing people creating open source. I'm standing on the shoulders of (open source) giants! Donations will be split between my favorite charities including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Free Software Foundation. Look them up. They're awesome!This is a living course, and will be updated as Docker Swarm features and workflows change.This course is designed to be fast at getting you started but also get you deep into the ""why"" of things. Simply the fastest and best way to learn the latest docker skills. Look at the scope of topics in the Session and see the breadth of skills you will learn.Also included is a private Slack Chat group for getting help with this course and continuing your Docker Swarm and DevOps learning with help from myself and other students.""Bret's course is a level above all of those resources, and if you're struggling to get a handle on Docker, this is the resource you need to invest in."" - Austin Tindle, Docker Mastery Course StudentExtra things that come with this course:Access to the course Slack team, for getting help/advice from me and other students.Bonus videos I put elsewhere like YouTube.Tons of reference links to supplement this content.Updates to content as Docker changes their features on these topics.Thanks so much for considering this course. Come join me and thousands of othersin this course (and my others)for learning one of the coolest pieces of tech today, Docker Swarm!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Docker for Node.js Projects From a Docker Captain" |
"Welcome to the best course on the planet for using Docker with Node.js! With your basic knowledge of Docker and Node.js in hand, Docker Mastery for Node.js is a course for anyone on the Node.js path. This course will help you master them together.I'm your instructor Bret, an Award Winning Docker Captain, DevOps community leader, and a bestselling Udemy author. I built this course for you because I live and breathe Docker containers, and I've enjoyed using Node.js since 2012. They work great together, and I'll show you how!Learn the cutting edge features of Docker in 2019 that will make your Node.js apps build faster, smaller, and run more securely and reliability. Containers and Node.js are two of the hottest and most popular topics in tech.It's just as important to know what not to do, as well the best ways to use Node.js in Docker, and I teach a huge amount of info in this course for do's and don'ts with Node.js in Docker.You want assignments? We go through assignments using all sorts of Node.js + Docker setups. Single-container CLI apps, database-backed web apps, Express.js, hapi.js, distributed micro-service apps, Angular, Websockets, HTTP Proxies, MongoDB with proper connection shutdown, and more.**NOTE: Be sure you know Docker basics and Node.js basics before starting this course. I suggest my Docker Mastery course first if you are new to Docker. Also read the course requirements!**""...Bret is amazing. You can tell he knows exactly what he is talking about and enjoys helping others. I have never seen someone so involved with his user base as Bret. Direct messages via slack, live youtube broadcasts, newsletters, etc. I don't know how he does it... I would seriously buy any course that Bret puts out because I have no doubts that it will be excellent."" David Olson, Udemy student, Docker Mastery course.""Great introduction. Bret delivers great resources and instructions. He is the guy you want to learn from when it comes to Docker. The real deal. Worth the money and more."" Joseph Martinez, Udemy student, Docker Mastery courseSome of the many cool things you'll do in this course:Build Node.js Images that auto-scan for security vulnerabilitiesUse Docker's cutting-edge BuildKit with SSH Agents and NPM Caches for better image buildingUse docker-compose with Visual Studio Code for full Node.js debug support in DockerEnsure you're using all the latest features of Docker DesktopUse BuildKit and Multi-stage Builds to create minimal and flexible DockerfilesBuild custom Node.js images using distro's like CentOS and AlpineTest Docker init, tini, and Node.js as a PID 1 process in containersCreate Node.js apps that properly startup and respond to healthchecksBuild graceful shutdown code into your apps for zero-downtime deploysDig into HTTP connections with orchestration, and how Proxies can helpStudy examples of Docker Swarm and Kubernetes deployments for Node.jsMigrate traditional (legacy) Node.js apps into containersSimplify your microservice solutions with advanced Docker Compose features""Bret is a naturally born instructor, docker and swarm GURU...Bret gives clear and unbiased recipes for real world scenarios of handling docker files."" Marciej Domanski, Udemy student, Docker Mastery course.""This speaker is powerful!...The speaker instantly gained my excitement and favor which is exactly what I was hoping would happen. This excellent connection makes it easy for me to follow along."" Kendra, Udemy student, Docker Mastery course.Extra things that come with this course:Access to the course Slack Chat team, for getting help/advice from me and other students.Weekly YouTube Live Q&A's where you can ask me questions live.Bonus videos I put elsewhere like YouTube and share via Udemy announcements.Tons of reference links to supplement this content.Updates to content as products change their features on these topics.What you will learn in this course:You'll start with a quick review about getting set up with Docker, as well as Docker Compose basics. That way we're on the same page for the basics.Then you'll jump into Node.js Dockerfile basics, that way you'll have a good Dockerfile foundation for new features we'll add throughout the course.You'll be building on all the different things you learn from each Lecture in the course. Once you have the basics down of Compose, Dockerfile, and Docker Image, then you'll focus on nuances like how Docker and Linux control the Node process and how Docker changes that to make sure you know what options there are for starting up and shutting down Node.js and the right way to do it in different scenarios.We'll cover advanced, newer features around making the Dockerfile the most efficient and flexible as possible using things like BuildKit and Multi-stage.Then we'll talk about distributed computing and cloud design to ensure your Node.js apps have 12-factor design in your containers, as well as learning how to migrate old apps into this new way of doing things.Next we cover Compose and its awesome features to get really efficient local development and test set-up using the Docker Compose command line and Docker Compose YAML file.With all this knowledge, you'll progress to production concerns and making images production-ready.Then we'll jump into deploying those containers and running them in production. Whether you use Docker Engine or orchestration with Kubernetes or Swarm, I've got you covered. In addition, we'll cover HTTP connections and reverse proxies for connection handling and routing with multi-container systems.Lastly, you'll get a final, big assignment where you'll be building and deploying a large, complex solution, including multiple Node.js containers that are doing different things. You'll build Docker images, Dockerfiles, and compose files, and deploy them to a server to test. You'll need to check whether connections failover properly. You'll basically take everything you've learned and apply it in one big project!""Bret knows, lives, breaths and loves his technology stack. The passion and belief always comes through in all of his courses which is why I will always recommend his work."" Steven Hunt, Udemy student, Docker Swarm Mastery courseWhy should you learn from me?I'm A Practitioner. Welcome to the real world: I've got more than 20 years of sysadmin and developer experience, over 30 certifications, and have been using Docker and Node.js for myself and my consulting clients since their early days. With me, youre learning from someone who's helped run many hundreds of container apps across dozens of projects and organizations.I'm An Educator. With me, youll learn from someone who knows how to make a syllabus: I want to help you. People say I'm good at it. I won a 2018 Leadership Award at DockerCon for helping others learn. For the last few years I've trained thousands of people on using Docker in workshops, conferences and meetups. See me teach at events like DockerCon, O'Reilly Velocity, GOTO, and Linux Open Source Summit.I Lead Communities. Also, I'm a Docker Captain, which means Docker Inc. thinks I know a thing or two about Docker and that I do well in sharing it with others. In the real-world: I run two local meetups in our fabulous tech community in Norfolk/Virginia Beach USA. I help online: usually in Slack and Twitter, where I learn from and help others.""This is the best teacher i know, not because he teaches me, but because he forces me to learn for myself in the framework he has set."" Fabian Letsch, Udemy student, Docker Mastery course.Giving Back: a portion of my profit on this course will be donated to supporting open source and protecting our freedoms online! This course is only made possible by the amazing people creating open source. I'm standing on the shoulders of (open source) giants! Donations will be split between my favorite charities including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Free Software Foundation. Look them up. They're awesome!This is a living course, and will be updated as features and workflows change.This course is designed to be fast at getting you started but also get you deep into the ""why"" of things. Simply the fastest and best way to learn the latest docker skills. Look at the scope of topics in the Sessions and see the breadth of skills you will learn.Also included is a private Slack Chat group and weekly Live YouTube Q&A for getting help with this course and continuing your Docker, Node.js, and DevOps learning with help from me and other students.Thanks so much for considering this course. Come join me and thousands of others in this course (and my others) for learning the latest DevOps tech! - Bret"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"NLP Hypnosis, Fix Your Unconscious Mind to Master Everything" |
"Do you like to be ahead of your time? Do you want to dive into the vast potentials that hypnosis has to offer humanity? If your answer is yes, you are in the right place. If you like to learn theprofessional hypnosis, this course is for you. If you like to fix your mind by healing your personality aspects such as confidence, the way you deal with the anxiety, bad emotions, sadness, and grieving, this course is for you.In this course, you find great shortcuts for hypnosis with a practical demonstration taken from areal training. Seven actual therapeutic sessions are waiting for you here. The first part of the course is tackling the hypnosis process and the whole tricks needed to hypnotize your clients. The second part contains real therapeutic hypnosis scripts for cleaning your psychological defects as well as to teach you how to make similar scenarios. Do not miss it; it will change your life.I will be honored to have you there and to help you with any further explanation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"NLP Tactics for Negotiation, Get a Better Deal" |
"If you like to be 20 years ahead of your time, this type of courses is for you.If you need to learn the effective ways to be able to get your rights in negotiation, this course is very essential for you.If you like to understand the negotiation structure in an easy way this course is for this course, we speak about the negotiation subject with emphasizing on the neuron-linguistic programming (NLP) skills. The objective of this course is to explain the win-win negotiation through a structural angle. So that, the student will understand the subject and ideas behind the concepts, the tricks, and the ideas in a complete way. You gonna learn the whole skills and tricks needed for getting a better deal in a very easy way. All lectures are live videos with the instructor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"NLP Techniques for Dealing with Psychological Disorders" |
"Change your life. It is easy, just change your perception of your capabilities. Learn how to change the meaning of events. Find out how to distort any negative stored stories and situations. Find out how to control and manipulate the psychological disorders. Learn how to coach and hypnotize clients.In this course we cover:1. Basics of mind mods.2. Questioning techniques.3. Direct techniques.4. Timeline techniques.5. HypnosisIn this course, easy and fast techniques for managing depression, anxiety, stress, phobia, trauma, pain, and insomnia are presented. Hypnosis scripts are presented for curing anxiety, insomnia, and pain. Video type lectures with Dr. K. Daqrouq personally, are prepared to make the learning very enjoyable and comfortable. At the end of this course, you will be able to deal with psychological disorders with confidence, and you will make a distinct difference. I'm very excited to have you in class, let's go and discover the magic techniques......."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion and influence" |
". ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Matemticas Previas al clculo universitario: Preclculo" |
"Este curso contiene ms temas y ejercicios resueltos que cualquier otro cursosimilar sobre el tema. Contiene todo lo que usted necesitapara afrontar con xito su primer cursode clculo universitario o completar sus estudios de Algebra, trigonometra y funciones. Est dirigidoaestudiantes de secundaria, bachillerato ya estudiantesuniversitarios.Al tomar este curso tendr contacto directo con el instructor quien responder las preguntas que usted haga sobre temas cubiertos en el curso. Las respuestas sern incorporadas al curso y por lo tanto sern conocidas por todos los participantes. Por ello cada da crecer en temas y ejercicios resueltos sin costo adicional..Los videos utilizados en este curso son una recopilacin de clases a distancia dictadas por el profesor Jos Arturo Barreto para estudiantes de habla hispana en America Latina, los Estados Unidos y Europa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso prctico de Matemtica Financiera" |
"Como profesor universitario y asesor internacional en lnea recibo continuamente consultas sobre temas de Matemticas Financieras.Esta es una recopilacin de las respuestas a tales preguntas, algunas grabadas previamente en consultas en vivo con estudiantes de Amrica Latina, America del Norte, y Europa, en especial Espaa.Incluye clases nuevas creadas para darle mas coherencia y relacin a los temas entre si.El corazn del curso incluye:Inters SimpleDescuento ComercialDescuento RacionalInters CompuestoIntereses equivalentesTasa deInters efectivaRentas o AnualidadesRentas VencidasRentas adelantadasTablas de Amortizacin de prstamos con EXCELLos ejercicios mas complicados estn acompaados por su descripcin utilizando lneas de tiempo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Calculo Integral con ejercicios resueltos" |
"Este curso prctico est dedicado a las integrales y sus aplicaciones.Los siguientes temas son el corazn del curso: Antiderivadas, Integral indefinida, Integral de Riemann, integral definida.Mtodos aproximados de integracin: Regla del trapecio y de Simpson. Integracin por sustitucin o cambio de variable, clculo de Areas y Volmenes de rotacin, integracin por discos, integracin por conchas o cascarones cilndricos,Integrales impropias.Las sugerencias de los estudiantes permitiran mejorar el curso y adaptarlo a las necesidades de los estudiantes.Su colaboracin comunicndose conmigo desde el primer da me permitir orientar el curso con nuevas clases que lo hagan de mayor valor para quienes lo compren ya que tratar de incluir nuevas clases para reforzar las existentes tomando como base sus oportunas sugerencias.El tema es uno de los mas importantes en los cursos de Matemticas universitarias y es incluido en Bachillerato en algunos pases y por lo tanto es adecuado para niveles bsicos e intermedios.Recuerde tener un libro de cabecera tomando en cuenta las sugerencias de estudiantes mas avanzados o de sus profesores.Cuando usted compra el curso le envo un mensaje que espero que usted responda a la mayor brevedad una vez lo reciba."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programacion Lineal Metodo Simplex desde cero" |
"El profesor Jos Arturo Barreto vierte aqu aos de experiencia en la enseanza del mtodo Simplex y la programacin lineal,entregando a los estudiantes una visin explcita de los mtodos y aplicaciones del mtodo. Se presentan variantes del mtodocon ejemplos escogidos, mostrando con claridad la diferencia entre los diferentes mtodos.El mtodo simplex se aplica a la optimizacin (calculo valores mximos y mnimos) de funciones lineales sometidas a restricciones lineales. Los valores se calculan en la regin llamada la regin factible la cual est determinada por las restricciones.El curso se basa en la idea pedaggica de ""aprender haciendo"", enseando por medio de ejemplos prcticosEn este curso aprenderlos mtodos mas utilizados en la solucin deproblemas de programacin lineal, utilizando variaciones delmtodo Simplex, cuya versin original fu presentada porGeorge Bernard Dantzig en el ao 1947.Tales mtodos son: El Mtodo Simplex bsico, el Mtodo Simplexde dos fases, y el Mtodo dual Simplex. Incluye no slo la utilizacin de Excel para resolver tales problemas sino tambin el anlisis de sensibilidad con Excel Solver,que permite estudiar los cambios en la respuesta (funcin objetiva) al efectuarvariaciones controladas de los parmetros.La clase correspondiente a la utilizacin de EXCELSOLVER le explica como utilizarlo y deja muy en claro las razones del estudio llamado""anlisis de sensibilidad"".Se seala adems la relacin entre el problema Dual y el problema Primal.Este tema es parte de muchos cursos a nivel universitario, entre ellos Algebra Lineal, Programacin linealeInvestigacin de operaciones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso prctico de clculo diferencial de una variable real" |
"Este curso est dirigido a estudiantes Universitarios o de los ltimos aos de bachillerato que estn tomando o tomarn un primer cursode Clculo o Anlisis. Es un curso bsico cuyos temas irn creciendo en base a las sugerencias de los estudiantes.El objetivo final de este curso es ensearte a:Calcular lmites de funcionesCalcular derivadas de funcionesAplicar los conceptos de lmite y derivada en la solucin de problemas prcticosUtilizar el clculo diferencial en la solucin de ejercicios de clculo de Mximos y mnimos de funcionesGraficar funciones con mayor precisin utilizando la relacin de la derivada de una funcin (primera y segunda derivadas) conel crecimiento y la concavidadde la misma calculando adems los puntos de inflexin.Conocer aplicaciones del clculo diferencial al clculo numrico"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |