Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Estadstica Aplicada al Anlisis de Datos" |
"Utilizando variedad de ejemplos se presentan los conceptos usuales deun primer curso universitario.Sirve de soporte para el estudio de la Estadstica,en forma paralela con un textoque contenga los temas presentados en el programa.La explicacin clara y sencilla a partir de ejemplos facilita la comprensin del tema.Est acompaado de recursos en formato Word, PDF y PNG (imgenes).En algunas secciones se utiliza EXCELy SPSSEl curso se ampliar teniendo en cuenta las sugerencias de los estudiantes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matematicas Modelos resueltos pruebas Admisin Universitaria" |
"El curso le ayudar a:Mejorar su capacidad de razonamiento Numrico LgicoRevisar su capacidad bsica en los siguientes temasAritmtica y operaciones bsicas con nmeros, fracciones, radicales, exponentesAlgebraProductos notablesFactorizacinSimplificacin de expresiones AlgebraicasFuncionesSolucin de ecuacionesInecuacionesGeometraPara mayores detalles revise el programa del cursoQuienes compren este curso pueden solicitar gratuitamente uno de los siguientes cursosMatemticas Previas al clculo universitario: PreclculoCurso prctico de clculo diferencial de una variable realCalculo Integral con ejercicios resueltosEstadstica AplicadaAlgebra Lineal. Matrices y teora de Espacios Vectoriales"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pruebas Matemticas II Bachillerato PAU EBAU EVAU PEVAU" |
"Es un curso de solucin de problemas y preguntas tipo que se encuentran en las pruebas de admisin universitaria EBAU antes denominadas PAU y tambin denominadas EVAU, PEVAU Contiene variedad de ejercicios resueltos utilizando los mtodos mas efectivos posibles basados en el programa espaolEl curso se ampliar continuamente teniendo en cuenta su receptividad y las preguntas, sugerencias y colaboraciones de los mismos estudiantes.Bajo ciertas condiciones los participantes sern premiados con acceso gratuito en UDEMY a otros cursos del autor"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Un viaje a los nmeros complejos y sus aplicaciones" |
"En este curso de nivel internacional se introducen los nmeros complejos a partir de grficos en el plano X - Y. Tiene ejemplos que te permitirn comprender todas las operaciones: suma, resta, multiplicacin y divisin.Se ensean las aplicaciones a la factorizacin de polinomios a partir del teorema fundamental del clculo.El teorema de D'Moivre para el clculo de races n - simas es utilizado en una variedad de ejemplosEl objetivo del curso, an en desarrollo, es incluir gran variedad de ejercicios resueltos tal como aparecen en secundaria o en un primer semestre universitario.Sugerencias, teora a incluir, ejercicios para resolver y propuestas de nuevos contenidos sern bienvenidas a mi correo o al telfono whatsapp +584241700032Este es un curso dinmico en el cual se respondern todas las inquietudes que puedas plantear"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance: How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Bucks!" |
"Are you tired of constantly living only one paycheck away from being broke? Do you want to stop worrying about having enough money for bills, food, and the random pop-up expenses that life seems to always bring?Imagine the feeling of comfort and peace that comes with knowing youre in full control of your finances. In the course, How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Bucks, youll learn how to positively change your financial future without having to cut out the things that matter most to you.There is a way to master your finances once and for all! By creating an effective system that allows you to easily monitor your spending, you will gradually learn how to get the most value for your money and manage to save every single month. Thats impossible! I havent saved a dime in years.Thats exactly the same reaction dozens of my friends had when they started taking the first steps towards learning how to efficiently manage their finances. After fully understanding the concepts in How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Bucks, my friends changed their mind and bank accounts. It wasnt easy at first, but eventually they saw the results: more money saved each month while still having enough for bills AND spending.The good news is, you can do the same! You dont need to change your Life only your approach to financialmanagement.With How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Bucks, you will learn how to create a personalized and realistic budget that will allow you to get the best value with your money.Learn the effective system for taking financial control that will enable you to save valuable funds for emergencies, enjoy complete peace of mind, spend guilt-free and get the best value for your money! This class will give you the tools and strategies you need to use in order to make $100 feel like $150.Start How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Bucks NOW, and see the powerful changes it will make for your financial well-being."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C# Console Programming Exercises for Beginners Step by Step" |
"C# is an excellent programming language. Its the main language in the .Net family of languages, and as such, it allows you to program some truly amazing solutions. So, congratulations on choosing to learn this amazing language. :-)As it is common among beginner programmers, the enthusiasm to learn often is not enough to make the leap from beginner to intermediate. The bad news is: code fear is real, and it hinders, or even stops your progress. The good news is: you can learn to eliminate it! And all it takes is a little practice and determination. And thats where this course will help you greatly!The course goes over variety of C# programming exercises and projects. I show you how to put the theory you learned into practice by showing you how to solve each exercise and walking you through all the Whys and Hows. You and I will go on a journey to program simple solutions using basic programming techniques, all the way to more complex ones, such as multi-dimensional arrays, structure of arrays, and OOP solutions. In the process, you will learn a lot about C# language. You will learn how to translate the project requirements into a working code. You will learn to use many different programming concepts, such as Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays, OOP and pick the right one for your solution. But above all, you will learn to think like a programmer!This course is all about practice. Therefore, to benefit from this course, you need to be an active student. It doesn't matter if you are self-taught or attend a programming course. What matters is the time and effort you are willing to put into learning and practicing your skills. There are no lectures in this course. However, I do my best to explain what I am trying to accomplish with each line of code, and touch on common pitfalls, too. This is a course for beginner C# .net programmers who need to put the concepts and theory they learned into practice and for people who prefer to learn by doing.If that's you, then let's start coding!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# and Windows Forms Exercises for Beginners (step by step)" |
"Visual C# is an excellent programming language. Its the main language in the .Net family of languages, and as such, it allows you to program some truly amazing solutions. So, congratulations on choosing to learn this amazing language. :-)As it is common among beginner programmers, the enthusiasm to learn often is not enough to make the leap from beginner to intermediate. The bad news is: code fear is real, and it hinders, or even stops your progress. The good news is: you can learn to eliminate it! And all it takes is a little practice and determination. And thats where this course will help you greatly!The course goes over C# programming projects from a popular college C# textbook: ""Starting Out with Visual C#"" by Tony Gaddis. I show you how to put the theory you learned into practice by showing you how to solve each exercise and walking you through all the Whys and Hows. Because the course goes over ALL exercises from one text book, some of the concepts are repeated across multiple exercises. The course is not meant to follow any particular guidline where each exercise builds up on the previous one, but rather serves as a comprehensive reference, allowing students to skip exercises that present concepts the student is already familiar with.You and I will go on a journey to program simple solutions using basic programming techniques, all the way to more complex Database and OOP solutions. In the process, you will learn the ins and outs of C# language. You will learn how to translate the project requirements into a working code. You will learn to use many different programming concepts, such as Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays, LINQ, OOP, databases and pick the right one for your solution. But above all, you will learn to think like a programmer!This course is all about practice. Therefore, to benefit from this course, you need to be an active student. It doesn't matter if you are self-taught or attend a programming course. What matters is the time and effort you are willing to put into learning and practicing your skills. There are no lectures in this course. However, I do my best to explain what I am trying to accomplish with each line of code, and touch on common pitfalls, too. This is a course for beginner C# .net programmers who need to put the concepts and theory they learned into practice and for people who prefer to learn by doing.If that's you, then let's start coding!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VB.Net for Beginners: Step by Step Projects and Exercises" |
"VB .net is an excellent programming language. Beginners can appreciate its English-like syntax, and more advanced programmers can appreciate its vast libraries and flexibility. Its part of the .Net family of languages, and as such, it allows you to program some truly amazing solutions. So, congratulations on choosing to learn this amazing language. :-)As it is common among beginner programmers, the enthusiasm to learn often is not enough to make the leap from beginner to intermediate. The bad news is: code fear is real, and it hinders, or even stops your progress.The good news is: you can learn to eliminate it! And all it takes is a little practice and determination. And thats where this course will help you greatly!The course goes over Visual Basic programming projects from a popular college Visual Basic textbook: ""Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic"" by David Schneider. I show you how to put the theory you learned into practice by showing you how to solve each exercise and walking you through all the Whys and Hows. You and I will go on a journey to program simple solutions, such as a Calculator, all the way to complex solutions such as Bank Account and Black Jack simulator. Because the course goes over ALL exercises from one text book, some of the concepts are repeated across multiple exercises. The course is not meant to follow any particular guidline where each exercise builds up on the previous one, but rather serves as a comprehensive reference, allowing students to skip exercises that present concepts the student is already familiar with.In the process, you will learn the ins and outs of Visual Basic language. You will learn how to translate the project requirements into a working code. You will learn to use many different programming concepts, such as Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays, LINQ, OOP, databases and pick the right one for your solution. But above all, you will learn to think like a programmer!This course is all about practice. Therefore, to benefit from this course, you need to be an active student. It doesn't matter if you are self-taught or attend a programming course. What matters is the time and effort you are willing to put into learning and practicing your skills. There are no lectures in this course. However, I do my best to explain what I am trying to accomplish with each line of code, and touch on common pitfalls, too. This is a course for beginner VB .net programmers who need to put the concepts and theory they learned into practice and for people who prefer to learn by doing.If that's you, then let's start coding!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# Logical Puzzles Games & Algorithm Projects (step by step)" |
"C#is an excellent programming language.Its part of the .Net family of languages, and as such, it allows you to program some truly amazing solutions. So, congratulations on choosing to learn this amazing language. :-)As it is common among beginner programmers, the enthusiasm to learn often is not enough to make the leap from beginner to intermediate.The bad news is:code fear is real, and it hinders, or even stops your progress.The good news is:you can learn to eliminate it! And all it takes is a little practice and determination. And thats where this course will help you greatly!The course goes over several C#programming exercises.I show you how to put the theory you learned into practice by showing you how to solve each exercise and walking you through all the Whys and Hows.In the process, you will learn how to translate the project requirements into a working code. You will learn to use many different programming concepts, such asConditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, Multi-dimensional arrays, OOP and pick the right one for your solution. But above all,you will learn to think like a programmer!This course is all about practice. Therefore, to benefit from this course, you need to be an active student. It doesn't matter if you are self-taught or attend a programming course. What matters is the time and effort you are willing to put into learning and practicing your skills.There are no lectures in this course. However,I do my best to explain what I am trying to accomplish with each line of code, and touch on common pitfalls, too.This is a course for beginner to intermediate C#programmers who need to put the concepts and theory they learned into practice and for people who prefer to learn by doing. This is NOTa course for absolute beginner!If that's you, then let's start coding!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create More Engaging VideosToday!" |
"Would you feel comfortable making a video in one take and then releasing it?Would you feel confident that you could pull that off and feel really good about the result?Like most people, you probably feel one (or more) of the following:You feel intimidated or silly being on cameraYou feel terrified at the prospect of even beingon cameraYourenergy is drained by the pressure and you haveno passion onceyou startYourerushing through everything because youre so dang nervous to get it rightYourestruggling to connect with your audience and be true to yourselfYoumake too much of a production out of trying tomaking each video perfectSo what happens?Youre not getting opt-ins for your list, even though you have something worthwhileYoure not getting YouTube subscribers,even though you have something to sayYoure not getting customers or sales, even though youre very good at what you doThere is not enough money coming in and this just isnt working.You know this needs to change.Its time to become the powerful speaker on camera that you were meant to be.Over an hour of content and an average length of4 minutesper videoThis step-by-step systemteaches you how to shootvideos that are engaging, captivating, and electrifying.This courseshows you how tobe more confident, comfortable, and clear on camera.FYI: this is *not* a course on all the technical aspects of video (camera, microphone, editing, etc); we are focused here on getting you connected to your audience, and getting you to conquer your fears!Nathans course will help you be better on camera.You can have the best video gear and set it up so everything looks & sounds perfect, but if youre awful on camera, all that goes to waste. He shares tips and tricks from his acting and on-camera experience to really help you be more comfortable and natural in front of a camera.Caleb Wojcik,DIY Video GuyWhat will you learnin the course?This is Part One of a 4-part course.Wecoverfour primary topics here, and each broken down into sub-topics.THISCOURSEcoversModule #1: CONNECTIONBefore you even turn on the cameraThe camera is your friendSpeaking from a place of authoritySetting a clear intention and managing your energyOwning the momentthis is your timeI am giving youpermission tobe imperfect in front of the camerawithout a hint of a suggestion that quality doesnt matter. Because you arewell prepared,yourvideos can be natural, unpolished, and still be professional and effective.Nathans course teaches you how to better use the most important, yet often neglected, tool for creating great videos: yourself. I wish a course like this were available when I began making videos and teaching. Excellent presentation of the ideasvery clear and understandable. The concepts covered will make a crucial difference to me in all my future videos, far more than any course covering the technical know-how of film-making.Sean Rogers, Play EverywhereNathan makes it easy for us to appear our best on camera. Although I do a good deal of public speaking, there was still something very intimidating about putting myself on video. As video promo rapidly gains momentum, this course should be on the buy-list of every career-minded entrepreneur.Elizabeth Spann Craig, authorThanks to Nathans practical advice and approachable style, you will discover how to create more effective and engaging videos, without needing to spend hours in front of the camera.Video is big part of the plans for our business going forward and Nathans insights and conversational style makes it like a private class to help us improve the final product. Highly recommended if youre feeling terrified or think youre terribleNathan will give you all the tools you need to grow your business with video!Warren Talbot,online writer, entrepreneur, podcaster, course creatorThis is helping me think a little deeper about what I need to be doing. I wasnt making videos because I always make too much of a production out of making them perfect. Digging into the course more cause I really need my sites to have way more video!Joel D Canfield, authorWhat I enjoyed about shooting a recent video is that, for once, I was just talking freely. Thats very new to me and gives me much hope for the future! I find it very helpful, including the assignments forcing me to actually do something and not just learn about it. Im learning how to take videos that are good enough so I dont have to redo them, and how to reach my audience through video in the best possible way while remaining relaxed and focused.Halina Goldstein, SoloSouls"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speak French like a pro in 10 hours, Expression orale" |
"Voulez-vous amliorer votre prononciation. Il va y avoir une interaction live dans ce cours. I will give live webinar and I ll be with you on skypeYou need to enhance your french and your way of thinking, your public speaking in french. This is the right palace. In 10hours I ll help you to speakbetter french.Ce courspermet aux tudiants de dcouvrir avec ralisme et humour les diffrents aspects de la communication franaise. Ils pratiqueront les deux composantes de la communication orale, lcoute et lexpos. Ils utiliseront des actes de parole essentiels aux interactions les plus courantes de la vie moderne (demander des renseignement, localiser, parler de son CV ) Jadopte une approche par projet et une mthodedauto-correction. L'accent est mis surtout sur les situations et les jeux de rle. Une attention spciale est accorde lutilisation de la technologie (E-book, internet, wiki et plus encore )"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Docker |
"DockerVMsOpenStack 1. 2. DockerLinuxMacWindowsAWS3. DockerImage and Container3. Docker 4. Docker Compose docker-compose5. Docker Swarm swarm cluster"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Python 32020, Python3.6/3.7,ing" |
"Python3CiscoPython102009-2014IT150Python Blog1002015Python3UdemyPython Python Python PHPPerlPython PythonPython : PythonPython Python WWW PythonPython Logging Collection classobject"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python///Opensource Software" |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Data Science" |
"PythonPython3Python Data SciencePythonText MiningMachine learningdeep learninganacondaJupyternumpypandaspandasMatplotlibSeaborn"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Python 3 New Features from Python Enhancement Proposal" |
"Python 2 will end of life in 2020!!!!!If you are a Python 2 developer, it's time to porting your code into Python 3 !!!Course Summary If you are a Python 2 developer and haven't had the chance to use Python 3, this course is for you. We will talk about Python 3 new feature with demos and make sure you can understand them all. 2. What's this course about and why you should take it?This course let you master the new and cool features in Python 3.We assume you have a base knowledge of the subset of Python that runs in Python 2 and 3.We dive deep into every aspect of Python 3 and the PEP's that prompted those changes. From advanced string formatting, number updates, changes in classes and functions, to Unicode, Type annotation and synchronous Programming, this course covers it all. You will see the features in action and try them out for yourself.Who is this course for?For anyone who has wanted to dive into the new features of Python 3. It is quite easy to write code that works in both Python 2 and 3. Many old Python developers are used to the features of 2 and have never looked into all of the new features that Python 3 provides. Many new programmers are using Python 3, but are missing out on new features like async and annotations.Existing Python 3 users: If you aren't using Python to its full potential, you owe it to yourself to checkout this course and see a wealth of Python 3 features that you might not even know exist. You will see and explore most of them in this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
MongoDB |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MySQLITMySQL.SQLAggregateSQL JOINAnd more!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Python 3" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Invirtiendo en Renta Fija - Bonos" |
"El taller de inversiones en instrumentos de Renta Fija, brinda los conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para conocer el mundo de las inversiones del mercado de bonos global. Por medio de un lenguaje sencillo y comprensible, el participante podr aprender los conocimientos bsicos para entender la dinmica de los Bonos.Dirigido a:Todas las personas que deseen incursionar y aprender las herramientas bsicas que le permitan acercarse al mundo de las inversiones de Renta Fija en el mercado de capitales global.Objetivos:Mostrar y comprender el funcionamiento y la estructura de uno de los instrumentos ms utilizado en el mercado de capitales como lo son los Bonos. Conocer la dinmica que est detrs de un portafolio de Bonos y el mercado de capitales internacional. Entender la importancia de los principios de diversificacin y largo plazo Suministrar las herramientas necesarias para entender el lenguaje de los asesores financieros de cara a conocer sus alternativas de inversin. Entender los riesgos asociados a la inversin en la Renta FijaOrientar, demanera introductoria,la construccin de un portafolio de Bonos.Mdulo 1:Breve introduccin al tallerSe conversar un poco sobre lahistoria de los bonos, y se expondr un ejemplo sencillo y entendible, antes de iniciarnos y comprender la verdadera dinmica de los bonos.Mdulo 2:La Estructura, elfuncionamiento y consideraciones antes de losinstrumentos de Renta FijaEste mdulo permite obtener los conocimientos necesarios para entender el funcionamiento y la dinmica de los instrumentos de inversin de Renta Fija. En l explicaremos la estructura de los Bonos, el mercado primario y secundario, cmo medir el rendimiento de un bono, la relacin inversa de las tasas de inters, los tipos de bonos,la dinmica de la fluctuacin de los precios, la importancia de la calificacin crediticia, los riesgos asociados,enentre otros temas. Mdulo 3:Otros puntos a considerar en tu inversin en bonosEn este tercer mdulo, conoceremos cmo la economa afecta las inversiones de renta fija y su rendimiento; tambinconoceremos que es una cuenta de corretaje.Aprenderemos la diversificacin por medio de la inversin en EFTs.El taller culmina con un ejemplo prctico de la evolucin de una inversin en bonos a largo plazo, para cumplir una determinada meta."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Professional Hair and Makeup Artistry" |
"Professional Hair and Makeup ArtistryWedding, fashion and everyday hair & makeup stylingHi, I'm Fiona and I am the owner and lead artist of FLC Hair & Make up Ihave a small team based in the South of England and I've done professional hair and makeup for hundreds of brides and models over the past 6 years! I have been published in several national wedding magazines and won many awards. My aesthetic is to create looks that stand out in images, are stunning in person and yet dont feel caked on or weigh down the skin.I absolutely love being a full time hair and makeup stylist - I get to work on glamorous photoshoots, beautiful weddings, and with exciting celebrities. I've created this course to teach you everything you'll need from A-Z for becoming a full time artist.If you're already a professional hairand makeup artist this course will help youupdate your techniques and discover new products. Similarly, if you're planning to re-train as one this course empowers you to unlock your potential and create a full time career in a job you love.This course useslive studiodemos on a model to show you full looks from primer to lashes, converting makeup from vintageto glamorous, plus curling and plaitinghair techniques including french, dutch, halo, and fishtail braids.After taking this course you will:Understand how to create a flawless baseTakemakeup quickly from day to evening to nightLearn vintage, smokey and dramatic looksFit multiple makeup options into a limited time frame (e.g. photoshoot or wedding morning!)Learn braiding and curling techniques for beautiful hairstylesPick up my tips and tricks for time saving and avoiding makeup mistakesUnderstand the difference between types of brushes and application techniquesMaster complex techniques (like contouring and false lashes)Create looks that last for hoursDiscover my top recommendedproductsfrom years of experienceLearn how to ensure every bride or photographer leaves singing your praisesI'ma professional hair andmakeup artist and have been working full time for myself for five years. I am passionate about my work and I'm thrilled to get the chance to teach you too. I'm so excited to teach you all my tips and tricks for creatingflawless hair and makeup.Take this course today, and unlock your career potential!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Recruit Top Talent in Any Industry" |
"-Are you a business owner?-Are you a leader in an organization responsible for recruiting?-Have you been frustrated or burned with bad hires in the past?This course will solve this issue in your company regardless of your industry.I will take you on a journey of my personal story from the days of doing this so poorly, to building a proven process that works. These sessions start with the mindset and how to build a recruiting plan tailored to your culture and specific needs which is a key ingredient to getting the hires you need.After going thru the mindset and strategy,Ill walk you thru step by step how to get started and take action to get your process rolling. I end with tools and resources which will teach you how to automate this process and turn the faucet on for candidates with top talent. Doesnt matter if youre recruiting for sales, service, HR, IT, operations, etcThisprocess teaches you how to build a plan and fish in the right pond to position yourself in front of your ideal candidate in an efficient way. To your success!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Generate a flow of Referrals for Your Business" |
"I've been starting and selling companies for years with this exact process. I will start with a solid foundation of what a true referral is and why you need this to be a core process in your business. They i will take you thru the step by step approach from building the foundation to putting up the walls to your referral machine. This course will generate a ton of leads and cash for your business."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
cnxxtupw |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Node.js Part1" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Git & Github" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Build a Web Browser for Android : 2 hour Android Project" |
"Have you always wanted to build an amazing looking web browser but lacked the skills? Do you want to build a powerful web browser for android but you are a beginner? May be you don't even know how web browsers are made and what goes behind making one? Or may be you want to learn android development and at the same time build awesome android projects. What if I told you that, with only basic understanding of android development you can actually create wonderful web browsers for Android from scratch.Reviews""This android development course has exceeded all expectations so far. Now I have an understanding of the process that goes behind making a mobile web browser. This android project was challenging and interesting at the same time. I was able to complete the web browser project without facing any difficulty. The instructor is helpful and understanding."" - Joe Hardy""The concepts are really well explained and I was able to complete the android project without any problem"" - Dalan RonnyIn this course I will try to cover every concept of building a web browser from start to finish for the android platform. We use the Google supported Android Studio build this web browser. We will learn about various features of Android Studio platform and learn about the Java language. Then step-by-step we will develop our android browser and add features to it. Finally, we will learn how to launch our android projects on Android Play Store.Why choose me as an instructor? Why buy this course among all those other courses?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. At the end of each section we will take a quiz to check up on your skills and see if were ready for the next section. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build a Chatbot integrated Website using Bootstrap 4" |
"Have you ever wanted to build a chatbot but didn't know how to? May be you even know HTML and CSS but you have no idea how to take these languages and build a complete website. In this course we will be combining these skills together to make a chatbot integrated website. It will be a portfolio website, where you will be able to showcase your projects and skills.With this course you will be able to create beautiful looking websites and chatbots quickly. You will learn front end web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap 4. Why choose me as an instructor? Why buy this course among all those other courses?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. At the end of each section we will take a quiz to check up on your skills and see if were ready for the next section. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python GUI Programming using Tkinter and Python 3" |
"Have you ever wanted to build a software with a graphical interface but didn't know how to? May be you even know how to create tools on a command line but have no idea how to convert it into a graphical interface that people can click on. In this course we will be learning Python GUI Programming + Tkinter to build graphical user interfaces (GUI) and widgets from scratch. With this course you will be able to create beautiful looking graphical interfaces quickly. You will learn Python basics, Python GUI development and Tkinter, Python Graphics, UI and more.Why choose me as an instructor? Why buy this course among all those other courses?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. At the end of each section we will take a quiz to check up on your skills and see if were ready for the next section. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python Network Programming - TCP/IP Socket Programming" |
"Have you ever wanted to connect two computers or devices remotely but didn't know how to? May be you even know how to code in Python but have no idea about Python networking? Or might even know the concepts of networking like IP address, Ports and sockets but don't know how to compile all of them together in Python?With over 32 videos this online Python Networking course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Python Network Programming using Socket Programming and Communication. Network programming is one field which everybody uses but is still considered an advanced topic. Networking with Python is easy for beginners and powerful enough for advance coders. You will also learn (BONUS) How to create an online live server on Digital ocean and run python files on itMulti threading and how to use it in creating a Python networkPython socket programming with python socket example and python socket serverCreate a security tool called reverse shell used by hackers to remotely connect to victims computers.Source Code - Allsource code shown in this course is also available for download.Students can create their own projects usingthe downloaded Python files.Why choose me as an instructor?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. At the end of each section we will take a quiz to check up on your skills and see if were ready for the next section. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python GUI Programming with Tkinter 30-Day challenge" |
"Have you ever wanted to build a software with a graphical interface but didn't know how to? May be you even know how to create tools on a command line but have no idea how to convert it into a graphical interface that people can click on. In this course we will be learning Python GUI Programming + Tkinter to build graphical user interfaces (GUI) and widgets from scratch. With this course you will be able to create beautiful looking graphical interfaces quickly. You will learn Python basics, Python GUI development and Tkinter, UI and more.You will also learn (BONUS) How to use the Pygame to Play, Stop, Pause, Unpause and mute the music.Learn about threading and how to create multiple threadsCreate a Music Player from scratch to finishAdd beautiful styling and themes to the Python Projects GUIWhy 30 day Tkinter challenge?Instead of binge watching all the videos, in my experience if you watch 1 video every day and implement it you will be able to complete the course and retain a lot more knowledge. This is how I learn Python. I take a topic and spend 30 minutes daily learning it. Why choose me as an instructor? Why buy this course among all those other courses?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. At the end of each section we will take a quiz to check up on your skills and see if were ready for the next section. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |