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"Create your dream job! Become an entrepreneur of your life!" |
"Often people end up in jobs to make ends meet but itsnot what they would be doing if they had a choice. It is not unusual to meet people who are living for their next payday.This course is teaching you how to turn your passion into a cashcow. In simple terms;how to build your own small business from your passion.Ibelieve that if you work with your passion, something amazing happens-you are willing to put so much more effort into it - and yet it feels easier than a job. And because it's your passion you are also the target group of your product which means that you can create that product like no other - and that's the way that you can beatyour competitors.My passion is to build businessesout of an idea andto plant seeds and see them grow. I want to share some of the skills thatI have learned which have created an income for me.All Ican say is that it's way easier to follow your passion NOW. Why wait then have regrets when you retire?This course comes with access to the author via email - where you can contact me any time that you have questions regarding your journey."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Comment dtecter les mensonges" |
"Vous aimeriez savoir quand on vous ment? Vous aimeriez savoir dmler le vrai du faux lorsqu'on vous dit quelque chose? Nous sommes constamment confronts des menteurs de toutes sortes. Certains vous mentent simplement pour protger vos sentiments et d'autres vous mentent pour essayer de vous arnaquer. Dans tous les cas, ce n'est jamais agrable de dcouvrir que l'on vous a menti. Avec les techniques expliques dans ce cours vous allez apprendre dtecter les mensonges et vous pourrez confronter le menteur au moment o il vous ment. Ce cours ne contient que des techniques pratiques et pas de blabla superflu. Avec ce cours vous allez apprendre:- Quelles sont les motivations des menteurs.- Quelle sont les deux rgles suivre imprativement pour savoir si l'on vous ment.- Quels sont les signes non verbaux utiles dans la dtection de mensonges.- Pourquoi le corps n'aime pas mentir et ce qu'il fait instinctivement lorsqu'on ment.- Quelle est la partie la plus honnte de notre corps.- Quels sont les gestes que les menteurs font autour de leur visage.- Quel est le signe que font quasiment tous les menteurs.- Quels sont les signes verbaux qui trahissent un menteur.- Comment peut rpondre un menteur pour essayer de couvrir son mensonge.- Comment obtenir la confirmation du mensonge.- Comment viter que l'on vous mente l'avenir. Et beaucoup d'autres choses encore!Alex Reeve est un des rares experts franais en dtection de mensonges. Il parcourt le territoire pour dbusquer les menteurs et les fraudeurs au sein des entreprises et pour enseigner comment dtecter les mensonges."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Animal Reiki" |
"Discover anewway to talk about animalReiki thateveryonecan relate to.Learn the number one sneaky distraction to our mental focus, and how to overcome it.Learn the best state of mind to be in during treatment: and how to stay there!Learn why animals show us we must ""let go and let Reiki.""Realize a deeper practice of Reiki for real results with the animals you love!In this course, you will learn how to use the power of Reiki meditation to support your animals (and yourself) to heal. Reiki practice can easily helpus harness the healingpower of presence.You'll learn the deeper meaning of animalReiki and how it can transform your life and the way you view challenging situations. You will also learn apowerful meditation practice to begin helping your animals right now!World-renowned animal Reiki expertKathleen Prasad created this course to help animal lovers explore the healing benefits of Reiki, to support Reiki practitioners trained in human Reiki to try a new approach to help animals, and to help animalReiki practitioners who want to go to a new level of connection with their animal clients.If your heart is open to helping animals, this course is for you!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"The Complete App Design Course - UX, UI and Design Thinking" |
"There are over2 million apps on the App Store and growing.The only apps that do well are ones which are well designed both in terms of user interface and user experience.That's why it so important to learn the design skills that will make your app standout in a crowd.The App Design Course is great for people with absolutelyno design experience or experienced designers who want to get up to speed quickly with mobile app design. We'll introduce you to the art of making beautiful apps. We'll explore key UI and UX concepts that are essential to building good looking and easy to use apps that are loved by users.The course has a practical component that takes you step-by-step through the workflow of a professional app designer. From user flow diagrams to wireframing to mockups and prototypes.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create beautiful and lovable apps that leave people with a smile on their face."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete App Marketing Course" |
"Apple App Store developers raked in $20 billion in 2016, up 40% year over year!This course alone will help you understand how to get your slice of ALL this Revenue! Be Patient... Listen andTake Notes. This course can even help you out even if your app isn't consideredpopular or a hit with the general public!Are you a maker who loves building apps but can't figure out app marketing?Making the app is only a small part of the process. There are so many apps on the stores that have awesome functionality but no one knows about it because it's not been marketed well. We'll take you through the 20% of app marketing that generates 80% of the results. So you can take you app and turn it into a hit on the App Stores.MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThismobile app marketingcourse comes with an unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will succeed ... just like my thousands of other Udemy students.So sign up for this mobile app marketing and monetization course, and begin making your app business more successful starting today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Crowdfunding Course for Kickstarter & Indiegogo" |
"Do you have a great idea but needcapitalto make it happen?Have you struggled to getfundingfor your idea?Or wary about giving away too muchequity?Thencrowdfundingmight just be the right path for you.In July 2016, we embarked on a 28-day crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise money for our online learning platformfor entrepreneurs.In just 28 days, we raised over$75,000from1000+backers in return forZEROequity.We want to share with you how we did it and distill 3 months of research into one evening so you can successfully crowdfund your idea.So join our founder and Computer Weekly's rising star of UK Technology, Dr Angela Yu and learn about:How do crowdfunding sites workHow to start a snowball effect in pledgesWhat projects are best suited for crowdfundingThe best tools to promote your crowdfunding projectWhich crowdfunding site to choose for your projectHow to get press for your crowdfunding campaignGetting featured on the crowdfunding siteCrowdfunding referral sites and are they worth itWhat is the ranking algorithm to get organic traffic for your projectand much much more.If you're thinking of doing a crowdfunding campaign or looking to raise funding for your startup then don't miss out. This is a one-time opportunity to get advice and learn all of our tips, tricks and tools."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CS6 do bsico ao intermedirio" |
"O curso de de Photoshop da IMPACTA apresenta os fundamentos e os recursos bsicos do programa para o tratamento de imagens digitalizadas. O curso online de Photoshop CS6 ideal para quem no tem tempo e disponibilidade de locomoo, oferecendo flexibilidade e abordando temas como: caractersticas fsicas da imagem, formatos de arquivos, ferramentas de desenho, canais Alpha, cores, filtros, efeito de layer e muito mais."
Price: 474.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator CS6 do bsico ao intermedirio" |
"O curso deIllustrator CS6 do bsico ao intermedirio apresenta os fundamentos e as ferramentas bsicas oferecidas pelo aplicativo, permitindo ao iniciante criar desenhos, peas grficas, entre outros. O curso aborda desde confeces de desenhos e logotipos at criao de sites e pequenas peas grficas, dando forma e exuberncia ao design digital."
Price: 474.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2010 Avanado" |
"O curso Excel 2010 Avanado rene tcnicas e recursos avanados do Microsoft Excel como criao de modelos, uso de espaos de trabalho e macros, proteo de pastas e exibies personalizadas. Voltado para quem no dispe de tempo para assistir aulas presenciais, o curso permite que os alunos desenvolvam suas habilidades em Excel com autonomia e de acordo com sua agenda pessoal.Com foco total na aprendizagem do aluno, os cursos online da Impacta tm foco na assimilao de contedo, alm de oferecer ao aluno uma formao com o reconhecimento da marca Impacta, abrindo portas e lhe garantindo um futuro promissor. A partir da seleo dos melhores contedos e mdulos chave ministrados nas aulas presenciais, essas aulas so gravadas e editadas pensando em facilitar a assimilao do contedo por parte do aluno, nos moldes do inovador ensino a distncia."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2010 Intermedirio" |
"O cursoExcel 2010 Intermedirio introduz tcnicas e conceitos bsicos de criao e clculos utilizando as planilhas eletrnicas do Microsoft Excel. O curso permite que os alunos desenvolvam suas habilidades em Excel com autonomia e de acordo com sua agenda pessoal.Com foco total na aprendizagem do aluno, os cursos online da Impacta tm foco na assimilao de contedo, alm de oferecer ao aluno uma formao com o reconhecimento da marca Impacta, abrindo portas e lhe garantindo um futuro promissor."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2010 - Criando apresenes dinmicas e objetivas" |
"O curso PowerPoint 2010 - Criando apresenes dinmicas e objetivas apresenta conceitos bsicos do software como a criao de slides e apresentaes multimdia predefinidas ou personalizadas. Voltado para quem no dispe de tempo para assistir aulas presenciais, o curso permite que os alunos desenvolvam suas habilidades em PowerPoint com autonomia e de acordo com sua agenda pessoal."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Word 2010 - Criando, formatando e editando textos" |
"O curso Word 2010 - Criando, formatando e editando textos rene as caractersticas e recursos essenciais de criao, formatao, reviso e edio de textos utilizando a ferramenta da Microsoft. Voltado para quem no dispe de tempo para assistir aulas presenciais, o curso permite que os alunos desenvolvam suas habilidades em Word com autonomia e de acordo com sua agenda pessoal."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA 2013 - Conceitos Essenciais" |
"Ocurso Excel 2013 VBA - Conceitos Essenciaisrene tcnicas avanadas de otimizao de planilhas do Excel utilizando os recursos do VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Voltado para quem no dispe de tempo para assistir aulas presenciais, o curso permite que os alunos desenvolvam suas habilidades em Excel com autonomia e de acordo com sua agenda pessoal."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Gratitude: Bring Your Best Life Into Being by Panache Desai" |
"So many of us have created strategies for avoiding feeling. Weallowintenseemotions such as anger, sadness and fear to fester whichkeepsus from realizing our full potential and living our best life.When you add the vibration of gratitude to yourdaily life, past hurts and transgressions no longer hold you back anda transformation of your life experiencecan occur. Gratitudeoffers you the opportunity to no longer take things for grantedso that you can appreciate everything in your life exactly as it is right now, in this moment, without any judgment.In this course, Panache Desaiwill help you bring your best life into beingthroughinformative talks, guided meditations, and exercisesso that you can become fully immersed in gratitude.Gratitude allows you to win and excel. By changing your energy, you can change your life. If you desire extraordinary things for yourself -things likefinancial freedom, love, intimacyand connection in relationships, the ability toembodypeace, vibranthealth and well-being, and a fulfilling career -then this course is for you.In this course, you will cultivate an ability to feel everything there is to feel with emotional intelligence, patience and acceptance. You will learn how toapply strategies that willimpact your life in expansive ways -unlocking love, peace, empathyand compassion for yourself and others. Join Panacheon this journeyand transform your life through the power of gratitude."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk ReMake and Nuke Worflow" |
"In This Class, you will learn how to create a stunningbullet time shotusingphotogrammetrytechniques inAutodesk ReMakeandNukes powerful 3D workflow. You will learn everything you need to know in Remake, to create amazing3D scansof objects and peoples within a couple of minutes.Then in Nuke, you will learn all the techniques you need to turn 3D scans intophoto-realistic shots.Some of the key topics of this course include:-How to take photos for a good 3D scan.-How to Use ReMake to generate amazing 3D models.-How to Export models for other software like Maya or Nuke.-How to fix texture issues in Nuke using camera projections.-How to Relight and enhance the CG in Nuke to obtain a photo realistic shot.By the end of this course, youll be capable of creating incredible 3D photo-realistic looking shots within a few hours.The techniques you will learn in ReMake can be used as well to work on a model with other software or even3D printyour scan.To make sure everyone can follow, we will use thefree version of Autodesk ReMake. The nuke part can be done as well with thefree version of Nuke.You can do either follow the entire course or do only the first part about ReMake or the second part about Nuke. Apart from the Model,the two parts are not really connected.The first section of this course doesnt require any particular knowledge; you will learn ReMake from scratch. However,I would recommend having a basic understanding of photography technical aspects, like Aperture, ISO, speed white balance and so on.To get the best of the second part of this course,I will recommend having the basic knowledge of Nuke.Even if every step is well explained, this course will not cover the basics of nukes interface and navigation or the core of compositing.Im really excited about this course guys, so Lets get started!TheAuthor :Hi everyone, my name is Florian Girardot.Im a digital compositor, motion designer, and instructor. Im working in the industry since 2006,Some of my projects include Godzilla or Despicable me 2.To learn more about me, please visit my website."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Validate your Online Business Idea in 3 Simple Steps" |
"** Can't wait to start your online business? This course will help you to learn everything you need to know about validating your business idea. This course covers the most important business validation topics by taking you through the applicationof 2 free online tools and some level of boldness to select the winning idea.The course is taught by a Google trained and certifiedAnalytics and AdwordsAccount Managerand all that is taught is based on personal experiences and experiments spanning over 4 years.** As a bonus, the course also shows you how you can come up with business ideas that will go through the validation process. In addition, the instructor also provides a free template and a workflow document to guide you through the process**"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Pivot-Tabellen: Vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Microsoft Excel Pivot-Tabellen einfach und schnell Daten analysieren, prognostizieren und visualisieren knnen. Zustzlich erhalten Sie ein 283 Seiten Handout im PDF-Format, welches exakt auf den Videokurs abgestimmt ist. Zu jedem Thema gibt es bungsaufgaben mit den dazugehrigen Lsungsdateien. Auch Update-Videos zu den Neuerungen und nderungen in den Excel-Versionen 2013 und 2016 (analog Office 365) sind enthalten.Lassen Sie sich von mir in diesem Intensivkurs mitreien und tauchen Sie ein in Microsoft Excels Pivot-Tabellen. Und das ganz bequem vom Sofa aus. Mit Erfahrungen aus hunderten Seminaren und Projekten profitieren Sie von umfangreichem KnowHow und erhalten praxisnahe Einblicke sowie wertvolle Tipps & Tricks, um selbst Auswertungen und Analysen mit Pivot-Tabellen professionell und im Handumdrehen zu erstellen. Vielleicht noch einige Stze zu meiner Person, damit Sie auch wissen, mit wem Sie es zu tun haben:Seit 2006 zeige ich Menschen, wie sie effizient Microsoft-Office-Anwendungen in ihrem Alltag einsetzen knnen. Vor allem in Projekten bringe ich gezielt mein KnowHow ein und optimiere mit Teams, Managern und Unternehmern deren Vorlagen, Dateien und andere Dokumente. Ob Excel-Tabellen fr Kalkulationen, Analysen oder Prozessoptimierungen, ob Finanzsektor, Grtnerei, Lieferdienste, Vertriebe, Ingenieur- oder Steuerbros Egal, in welcher Branche ich bisher im Einsatz war - fr die Mitarbeiter oder Unternehmer war immer das vorrangige Ziel, bestehende Vorgnge und Ablufe zu vereinfachen oder zu beschleunigen.Und das ist natrlich auch mglich und kein Hexenwerk. Man muss lediglich wissen, welche Optionen ein Programm offeriert und wie man es am besten mit den eigenen Anforderungen kombinieren kann.Dafr bin ich da und zeige Ihnen heute mein absolutes Lieblings-Werkzeug inMicrosoft Excel! Nmlich, wie ich es nenne, Excels Blitz-Analyse-Tool und freue mich darauf, Ihnen wichtige Tipps & Tricks sowie AHA-Erlebnisse zu vermitteln.Folgende Werkzeuge gebe ich Ihnen an die Hand: Wie bereiten Sie die Datenbasis fr eine Pivot-Tabelle vor? Wie erstellen Sie eine Pivot-Tabelle auf der Grundlage Ihrer Daten? Wie ordnen Sie geschickt Spalten- und Zeilenbeschriftungen an? Wie knnen Sie Werte unterschiedlich zusammenfassen (z. B. Summe, Durchschnitt, %ual, )? Wie erstellen Sie Prognosen mit wenigen Klicks? Welche Berichtslayouts stehen Ihnen zur Verfgung? Wie formatieren Sie Ihre Werte und berschriften? Wo und wie knnen Sie Filter setzen und damit gezielt Werte per Knopfdruck anzeigen? Wie weisen Sie eigene Layouts und Designs zu und knpfen bestimmte Formate an Bedingungen? Wie generieren Sie aussagekrftige und filterbare Diagramme aus Ihren Werten?So, dann gehts los. Machen wir jetzt den Wechsel zu Excel. :-)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Office 365 To-Do App vs Microsoft Outlook Aufgaben" |
"In diesem Kurs geht es um das Managen von Aufgaben in Microsoft Office. Im beruflichen Alltag profitieren bereits viele Menschen vom MS Outlook Aufgaben-Modul. Mit Office 365 gibt es nun eine Alternative, die uns dabei untersttzen soll, alles Wichtige im Blick zu haben. Die App ""To-Do"" stelle ich in diesem Kurs vor und vergleiche sie mit den klassischen ""Outlook Aufgaben"".Im beruflichen und auch im privaten Alltag fallen tglichen Aufgaben an, die organisiert und priorisiert werden mssen, z. B.:Was fllt heute an?Was ist zuerst zu erledigen?Wie verteile ich die Aufgaben in meinem Team?Wie kann ich Aufgaben ber lngere Zeitrume berblicken?Wie kann ich sicherstellen, dass ich nichts bersehe und die Aufgaben jederzeit fr mich editierbar sind?ber die Microsoft Office Apps knnen wir unsere Aufgaben erfassen, managen und mit anderen Personen oder Teams gemeinsam bearbeiten. Auch stehen die Listen uns jederzeit zur Verfgung. Unseren Alltag planen wir daher viel effizienter und nutzen die Apps uns zielgerichtet an die anfallenden Aufgaben zu erinnern und diese zu erledigen.Dieser Kurs soll anregen, alternative Optionen in Office 365 zu nutzen, um noch schneller und einfacher zusammen arbeiten zu knnen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"An introduction to bug bounty" |
"Welcome to An introduction to bug bounty.This course is abeginners level course and it doesn't require any previous experience with programming.At the end of this course you'll able to understand and explainthe following terms:What is a bug bounty program, what are attack surfaces,where you can find a target, how to approach a target, how to approach a target for bug bounty, how does a good bug report looks like and at the end there are free resources listed to help you in learning further on this subject.After completing the course and with some practice, you'll be ready to hack.Ever wanted to learn ""how to get started with bug bounty"" and earn through bug bounty,then this course id for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Google" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Generate Leads With Facebook Ads For Local Business [2017]" |
"I really loved the course. Learned a lot! I ran a LC Campaign and got 99 leads for $46.36 in just 5 days! I highly recommend this course! (Kim Cheung)First-Rate Facebook advertising course! Aimee gives clear and usable instructions and examples that virtually eliminates confusion in executing her included strategies. No fillers or pointless distractions... just powerful, on-point information to help you run a successful Facebook ad campaign as quickly as possible. Highly recommended!(Carmen S) Aimee's course is amazing. I'm planning to start my own digital marketing agency and I found it so helpful even though she intended the course for the business owners that I plan on helping.She goes straight to the point and instead of just showing where to click in each screen, she provides ridiculously ACTIONABLE STRATEGIES that you can apply to your campaigns straight away... everything is presented so concisely and yet the course provides you everything you need to get started.Furthermore, she replied very quickly to all the questions that I posted in the Q and A and provided super helpful advice!! I could not recommend her enough!!(Henna Roine)Udemy has rated Aimee Vo'sGenerate Leads With Facebook Ads For Local Business [2017] as a BEST SELLER!Generate leads to your offline localbusiness on a consistent daily basis usingsimpleFacebook Ads.Tried Facebook ads for your local business but gotzero results?Wasted your hard earn cashwith no leads orsales?I've been there too and so have my local business clients.Generating leads and sales to your offlinebricks and mortars is simple if you knowHOW...The biggest mistakelocal business owners make when runningFacebook adsis that they DON'Thave a strategy orsystem in place forgenerating leads.This course cuts out all the noise and gives you the system, strategy and onlythe essential featuresyou need to know about setting up ads and generating leads for local businesses.As a local business owner, you're already time poor and have a hundred other things you have to do to run your own business.So the last thing you need is information overload so each video is about2 to 7 minute duration - finish this course in 1.5 hrs!Please note:Your time is valuableso I'm going to be coveringONLYthe vital elements in setting up Facebook ads and running campaignsforlocal businesses.Here's a peek inside the course:First I will walk you through some local Facebook ad campaigns like how a cosmetic clinic was able togenerate92 clients leads in 7 daysThe 6 Steps to Creating Successful Local Facebook Ads strategy guide that you must get right before launching any adsHow to craft an irresistible offer or low priced entry to get your Facebook ad high click through rates and low cost per leadsAn effective FB Ad copy formula for writing your Facebook ad copy even if you're not a copywriterHow to install your Facebook pixels so that you can track your website visitors, create custom audiences, retarget existing website visitors andallow facebook to optimise for conversions.How to setup your Facebook campaign structure properly and name your ads in a systematic way to help you keep organisedThe different types of ad campaigns objectives you should be running and what ad type to start outThe2 phases of running local Facebook Ad lead generation campaign and what type of ad and format you should run in each phaseHow you should set up Facebook targeting for your local business inin a simple yet ""no brainer"" way.How to optimize, split test and scale outyour localFacebook Ad campaigns in a systematic way toget you the lowest cost per lead and the highest ROIThe daily budget you should start off and how to increase your budget effectivelyHow to create ads in a step by step manner and track those ads with UTMparameter tracking so that the data flows into Google AnalyticsHow to create simplelocal business Sales Funnels that generate leads and converts them into customer for you.Learn the different types offers that is effective for different types of local business like what type of offer you should run for a chiropractor or for a dentistHow to use Active Campaign as your autoresponder and set up ""Automations"" to help you automate email followup and remind clients to take action.By the time you complete this course, youll be able to setup Facebook ad campaigns that generate leads in as quickly as 24 hours of running yourad.Remember thatwatching all the videos and lectures is not enough!I've spent countless hours and thousands of dollars in studying,running and testing these campaigns to simplify this process for you.The strategy outlined in this course is SIMPLE for a that you have the motivation to takeaction.So the real results ofgenerating leads for your businesscomes when you takeACTION.I recommend you implement small stepsas you watch each video so that you can familiarise yourself with thestrategy andstart getting new clients toyour local business.By the time you finish watching this course, you will have a strategy and road map for usingFacebook Ads to generate leads and bring new customersto your business every day.This course is for you if you are:A local business ownerAn offline bricks and mortars businessJust starting your first offline businessA local marketing consultantwho is thinking of offeringFBAd lead generation services to localbusinessesA chiropractor, dentist, plastic surgeon, restaurant, gym owner, real estate agent, mortgage broker etc..If you said YESto any of the above andyour goalis to generate consistent daily leads and sales using Facebook Ads for yourlocal business -then enrol in the course now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Formation Photoshop" |
"Avec cette formation complte, vous dcouvrirez plusieurs outils travers plusieurs petits cours ludiques, simples mais efficaces ! A la fin de cette formation, vous aurez en main les outils les plus courants, et galement savoir dans quels cas les utiliser. Nous dcouvrironsensembles le dtourage photo, la retouche photo, mais galement les brush ou encore la typographie ! Et bien d'autres encore... Tenez vous prts ! Photoshop n'aura bientt plus de secrets pour vous !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sketching for UX Designers - Boost UX work with pen & paper!" |
"You will learn how you can boost your UX, UI or product design workflow with sketching.Last update: new lecture added on 16th November 2019 - 12 Benefits of Sketching for UX - a SummaryUpdate: 17th October 2017 - new course material added: the Sketching for UX Designers WORKBOOK (24-page long, filled with useful sketching exercises)Update: 5th June 2017 - new section added: a 40-minute long sketching practice activity through the different Gestalt principles.The three main parts areWarming up and drawing basic shapesSketching User Interfaces, User Flows and UI AnimationsCreating Storyboards. Not only will I invite you to draw along with me throughout the course, I will also give you exciting exercises to quickly develop your skills. You will be able to use your sketching skills in many more UX design or service design methods, like in creating Empathy Maps, User Journey Maps and Personas.In addition, the course provides a great starting point for other areas of visual thinking, like graphic facilitation or sketchnoting, since in the section about Storyboarding I show you how to draw people, locations, objects, how to express process, use containers, color and effects, and so on.Sketching skills are great for any product design process, but next to applying these skills in your professional workflow, you can improve your personal development as well for example by sketchnoting UX talks or podcasts.Throughout the course I use pen and paper, so it won't provide you a complete workflow for using digitzier tablets for sketching, but I believe that almost everything I teach you can be applied for sketching on a tablet, so feel free to draw along with me or practice sketching with a digital tool.Sketching is great becausethis technique takes into account how our visual perception works - when we look at images, we understand them much faster than we read words;it can reveal things we might have not seen before, connections we have not noticed;it enables a mutual understanding;it supports the fail fast approach;it is a quick and cheap way to generate many ideas.Important: This course is not about teaching how to use Sketch App by Bohemian Coding, but about sketching user interfaces with pen and paper!Course update log:Updated on the 17th October 2017: new course material (workbook)Updated on the 5th June 2017: new sectionReleased on the 15th April 2017"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Be a better UX designer by understanding development aspects" |
"This course is about development fundamentals for UX designers & how to involve developers in your design processes.We won't teach you how to code, instead, we'll focus on all the topics, aspects you need to know in order to create designs that developers'll be able to build effectively. You, as a designer, contribute to a software development process. And without knowing what's under the hood, you won't be able to make informed design decisions.[Update: 0.5-hour new content added on 16th November, 2019 - Designing for Different Screen Sizes & Devices; Design Handoff Advice][Release date: 7th November, 2018]By learning about technical constraints and development aspects, youll be able to include a valuable additional layer in your design work. As a result, youll stand out from the crowd, youll be able to provide a more complete, more intentional design to your clients (whether you are a freelancer or an employee). Here are some of these aspects you can and should include: Lets say users can upload pictures inside your app. But how many pictures can they upload? Or lets say you design a form. You should specify the max. length for each text fields, otherwise the user input displayed on a UI - e.g. a username - might break the layout. Or what happens if two or more users modify e.g. the price of a product simultaneously, how this conflict should be resolved? Another aspect is that based on the users context, what application type should you choose, an online or an offline app would support user goals better?These are all design decisions, and if you dont make them, someone else will do, so if you want to design a product or service intentionally, you should consider these aspects. It is even better if you can make these decisions together with developers. Their unique, specific perspectivell complement your interpretation and point of view. So next to considering and incorporating technical aspects during your design work, its also great to collaborate with developers right from the start of a design process. You should involve them in UX research and ideation (e.g. design sprint, storyboarding) activities. Likewise, you should participate in their workflows, for instance during implementation, you should follow their progress inside a version control software, help them write automated tests and regularly test out what they built. To sum up, the course has two main goals.1. We teach you the main technical constraints and development aspects.Understanding these is beneficial for any designers, whether you are a freelancer or an employee.2. You'll learn how to collaborate with developers. We'll teach you how you can involve them, how you can ask better questions from them, and how you can participate in their workflows.Learning how to collaborate effectively is beneficial for designers who work in a team or collaborate with others regularly.The two goals are closely connected: understanding development aspects will help you improve the way you work with developers. The course has 4 parts:Foundation: By watching this section, youll understand how design work is incorporated into a digital product development process (e.g. waterfall, agile, lean)Being On The Same Page: Without having a common language, you cant collaborate effectively. By watching this section, youll learn how sketching and visual thinking helps you establish a shared understanding with developers.Design Aspects: Involving developers in your design workflow right from the start lets you include a unique, additional perspective in the process. Thanks to this section, youll learn about the main opportunities for involving developers, e.g. conducting UX research together; ideating together (e.g. design sprint)Developments Aspects: To design and implement a digital product or service in a way that it matches users needs, you must know what is going on inside the computer. Well teach you the most important aspects in this section.If you are a UX designer / interaction designer / product designer / service designer / UI designer (your label doesn't really matter), most probably you are working on digital product or services. In other words, you are creating software products. Learning about the different development aspects is not only about making a product development process more efficient. It's so much better to work in an organizational culture or in a cross-functional team where you can concentrate on doing your best work! Your team members'll appreciate that you understand the risks, costs, trade-offs of a design decision, a request, and as a result, a mutual trust can be established.This mutual trust means that developers know that you won't ask for an unreasonable modification, and you'll also know that they'll be transparent about their processes and about the amount of development effort required to complete a task.As you'll see, involving developers in your design processes, and asking developers to involve you in their processes results in an effective cross-functional collaboration. Product development processes have evolved in a way to reflect how technology and users' expectations have changed. Now we can get user feedback from the market really fast, and based on that feedback, we can continuously improve and fine-tune our digital product or service, in other words, we apply continuous integration and continuous deployment. To be able to work in this environment, we need cross-functional teams creating software products in close collaboration. And even if your organization still uses a waterfall process, you'll learn a lot about how you can take into account development aspects during your design process, how you can create a better design hand-off.About the course material:We created more than 50 hand-drawn sketches to explain the otherwise complicated concepts in a digestible, comprehensible way - you can download all these sketches in high-resolution!We included a many practice activities so that you can solidify your understandingYou'll also find a walkthrough of GitLab's interface - knowing about how version control systems work helps you participate in implementation activities; and since version control tools created for designers apply the same concepts and terminology, this guided tour'll help you use these tools, for instance Abstract.While we won't teach you how to code, thanks to the lectures about algorithms and programming, you'll understand all the basic concepts that are actually prerequisites of programming. Therefore, you can use these parts of the course material as a litmus test: if you particularly enjoy those parts, maybe programming is for you. But we believe that the infamous ""Should designers learn to code?"" question is irrelevant. If you want to learn to code, go ahead and start learning it. However, what is truly relevant is that you should understand how developers work, what challenges they face, what their main tasks are. This course'll teach you all these.We have also included the related UX Knowledge Base Sketches, you can also download these in high-resolution.The course videos are optimized for full HD resolution [select 1080p (or ""Auto"") resolution at the bottom left corner of your streaming player if it is not set to that resolution automatically]. If for any reasons (e.g. slow Internet connection) you can't access the videos in full HD resolution, we attached all the sketches in high-resolution, so you can print them out and follow the lectures by using the printed material.Stay tuned for future updates! We're planning to add new lectures soon, e.g. about Responsivity (designing for different screen sizes and devices); Internationalization & Localization; Security and Cryptography.As a result of watching these lectures, you'll be a more confident designer, who knows what making intentional design decisions mean."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Unlock the story from data" |
"Do you want to learn a skill that is in demand?The ability to extract meaning from data andcommunicate insights through storytellingis a highly valuable skill.This course will help you discover a powerful framework that will transform the way you design, create anddeliver data-ledpresentations and reports. You will learn from an instructor that teaches top data and insight professionals to improve their storytelling skills and who has personal experience of working in data and research roles for major corporations.In this course youll learn how to combine great data analysis with powerful storytelling techniques to supercharge your presentations andreports.This highly practical course is designed to help you master the art of data storytelling quickly and effectively, through a combination of How 2 lectures and best practice case studies.The course will help you to:Design your analysis to identify stories from large and complex data setsCreate stories that engage with your audience on an emotional levelExecute stories via presentations, reports and other mediumEmbed a storytelling approach in your project processes and ways of working"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Angel Whispers Course Series: Part 1 - The Foundation" |
"In this course, you will begin to open a Divine Communication with your Angels. This beginners course sets a strong foundation into tapping into the Divine Guidance with you through understanding your connection to your Guardian Angels.You will discover who and what your Angels are and why they are here and how they help you help yourself. This Class is Part 1 of 5.You will discover how much fun it is to open up this dialogue through awareness by learning not only Angel Signs but also tapping into your Spiritual Senses. This class will dive deep in setting a strong foundation for your Divine Dialogue not only with your Angels but also with Your Higher Self."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Heart Song Whispers: 365 Days of Inspiration - Week 1" |
"Welcome! Heart Song Whispers: 365 Days of Inspiration - Week 1 is a daily guide to connecting you to the infinite love, wisdom and guidance already present in your heart. This offer presents Days 1-7. Each day will offer a beautiful card, words to share and a brief video of loving guidance and gentle meditation. This guidance is yours to refer back to indefinitely. You can come back to any topic for a boost or simply to reconnect. I hope these gentle daily reminders help you reconnect with the amazing infinite individual you are at your core. All the love, wisdom and guidance has always been within you since you were born. Thank you for connecting to me on your journey. I'm honored to be a special guest. One Love, Denise Povernick"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a las Finanzas" |
"El curso esta dividido en 32 lecciones didcticas con ejemplos de la vida real sobre las Finanzas que nos rodean, al final del curso tendrs las herramientas necesarias para hacer un anlisis general de las finanzas que te rodean.El curso de introduccin a las Finanzas es fcil de entender puesto que fue diseado para que las finanzas dejaran de ser un ladrillo a la hora de ensear y puedan llegar a cualquier persona de una manera amena y didctica, con casos prcticos y de la vida real te vamos a ensear cmo abordar esta temtica tan seria e importante para todos los seres humanos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Desde cero hasta experto!" |
"En este curso aprenders paso a paso a usar el Excel; El programa de Microsoft ms usado en todas las oficinas del mundo, este programa te permitir maximizar el uso de tu tiempo y aunque seas un usuario recurrente en este curso te volvers un experto en poco tiempo. Est divido en tres grandes grupos. El primero para aquellos que nunca han usado Excel, el segundo para que tomes confianzas en el uso a travs del conocimiento de las frmulas ms usadas y el tercero, cmo obtener el mayor provecho de Excel."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Diseo paginas Web de la vida real con HTML5 y CSS3." |
"Has estado buscando la mejor forma de aprender como construir hermosas paginas Web con HTML5 y CSS3? Que incluso se vean geniales en tu tableta o tu celular?Has tomado otros cursos en HTML y CSS, pero aun te preguntas como crear paginas reales, no solamente ejemplos bsicos y pura teora?Has tomado otros cursos y solo aprendiste teora y sientes que no estas preparado para el mundo real?Si tu respuesta es un gran SI... Entonces este curso es exactamente lo que estabas buscando!En este curso no solamente aprenders como escribir cdigo. Escribir cdigo es genial, pero no es lo nico que importa. Es por eso que iremos a travs de todo el proceso de lanzar nuestra propia pagina web. Esto incluye el diseo, el cdigo, estructurar, escribir cdigo limpio y organizado, optimizacion de la pagina web, las mejores practicas y mucho mas. El diseo es verdaderamente importante. Has visto todas esos sitios web modernos ltimamente? Grandioso! Porque en este curso te voy a mostrar como se realizan. Y no simplemente teora, tambin con practica. Este es el nico curso en el mercado que se enfoca en el cdigo y en el diseo juntos. Al terminar el curso te iras con tu propio sitio listo para lanzarAl finalizar el curso, tu tendrs una pagina Web completa y lista para lanzar, que se vea genial en cualquier computador, tableta o celular. Por su puesto tu tendrs todo el cdigo y el material disponible que puedes descargar gratis. Pero lo mas importante, podrs crear tus propias paginas web desde cero, sin la gua de nadie. A una fraccin del precio que te cobran en una academia Vas a recibir el mismo entrenamiento que miles de personas han tomado pagando grandes sumas de dinero y tu solamente tendrs que pagar una mnima fraccin de ese precio, imagina tener todo ese conocimiento por una mnima fraccin?Suena Genial? Entonces toma este curso y empecemos este fantstico camino Juntos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Heart Health for Men" |
"Nutritionist and Complementary Heart Health expertMatthew Koontzwill guide you through theHeart Health for Men course where you will learn thelistof9 Health Bandits that are harming your heart and the15 diet and lifestyle strategies that protect your heart. Follow each of the 30 Food Focus goals and 17 Lifestyle Change goals to begin practicing a heart healthy lifestyle.Heart Disease is oftencaused bydiet and lifestyle habits that we've relied on for years. When you include the right diet and lifestyle changes to your medical plan, you will achieve remarkable results.This course is equivalent to four months of education witha personal nutritionists which costs about $1,000 or more!Instead of meeting with a nutritionist, you can watch the lesson videos wherever you want and learnall the diet and lifestyle aspects of heart disease prevention and support.The course is not meant to replace medical care and in fact, works well as a complementary factor ofyour medical plan. Consult with a doctor before making diet and lifestyle changes.MoreContent To Come:Section 7 - Final Changes: Live &Online Mid-Late JuneSection 8 - Medications &Closing Notes: Live &Online Mid-Late June"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |