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"TypeScript, Node, ES6 e Postgres - CRIE PROJETOS DO ZERO!" |
"Se voc est querendo aprender sobre como desenvolver aplicaes Web utilizando as tecnologias mais atuais, boas prticas e totalmente hands-on, ento este curso para voc! O que voc aprender neste curso?Neste curso voc ir aprender o que o TypeScript e entender suas funcionalidades e como us-las. Este curso te guiar desde conceitos tericos abordados de forma rpida e objetiva at a aplicao prtica destes conceitose com isso voc conseguir usar no so TypeScript em qualquer um de seus projetos, como a aplicao desenvolvida no projeto prtico como ponto de partida para futuros projetos, ou seja, ao final deste curso voc ter desenvolvido uma APIRESTful com cadastro e autenticao de usurios, bastando apenas implementar novas funcionalidades e testesde acordo com a sua necessidade.Ainda est em dvida se deve ou no se matricular no curso? Veja alguns depoimentos de quem j est fazendo o curso!""Este curso aborda tudo o que voc ir precisar para desenvolver uma API REST usando TypeScript. O autor explica em detalhes todas operaes de CRUD, Autenticao usando BCRYPT+Passport+ JWT, Testes Unitrios e de Integrao, Code Coverage, Automatizao usando Gulp entre outros tpicos. O curso tambm aborda o uso do Banco de Dados Relacional Postgres e TDD. O contedo dos tpicos abordados vasto e os tpicos complexos so explicados de uma forma fcil de se entender. O projeto prtico desenvolvido ao longo do curso, se assemelha com a vida real da programao e a experincia obtida pode ser usada em projetos profissionais. O contedo constantemente atualizado e as bibliotecas usadas so as mais novas. A melhor parte, o autor est sempre estusiasmado para ajudar e responde as questes de maneira rpida. Recomendo fortemente este curso.""""Muito bom, valeu cada centavo investido.""""Excelente curso para conhecer o padro REST e Node.js para o desenvolvimento de uma API.""""Contedo muito bem explicado e atualizado.""Atravs do curso TypeScript na Prtica, voc ir aprender tambm, atravs de um projeto totalmente prtico a desenvolver uma API REST em TypeScript,Node.js com Express usando as novas features daES6 e faz-la se comunicar com o banco de dados relacional PostgreSQL, modelar os dados usando o ORM Sequelize e garantir a segurana da aplicao atravs da autenticao via tokens utilizando Passport JWT e tambm garantir que a aplicao tenha o comportamento esperadoatravs de testes automatizados. Aprender tambm, a automatizar tarefas utilizando o Gulp e fazer o build em um servidor de integrao contnua, oTravisCID uma olhada em alguns tpicos que voc ir aprender:TypeScriptES6Programao AssncronaNodeJSExpressSequelizeAutenticao via JWT (JSON Web Token)npmTestesCode Coverage comnycOrientao a ObjetosProgramao funcionalAutomatizao de Tarefas usando GulpIntegrao ContnuaEntre outras...Alm de todo o contedo passado e o desenvolvimento do projeto prtico, voc passar por exerccios de fixao onde voc poder reforar o aprendizado.Ao se matricular neste curso, voc ter acesso a todas as futuras atualizaes e novos mdulos que viro! Alm de todo suporte em suas dvidas e problemas.Um pouco sobre TypeScriptO TypeScript foi feito para que desenvolvedores pudessem escrever cdigos JavaScript na mesma forma de algumas outras linguagens devido a Orientao Objetos. Vale ressaltar que o TypeScript no um substituto para o JavaScript e sim um superset e com isso ele nos oferece alguns recursos que no so nativos no JavaScript como tipos de dados definidos, orientao a objetos, etc. Outra boa funcionalidade do TypeScript a de que ele nos d feedbacks instantneos sobre o cdigo que estamos escrevendo para apontar erros de sintaxe durante o processo de desenvolvimento e com isso termos mais produtividade."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"TypeScript - Desenvolvendo APIs REST na prtica!" |
"Se voc no sabe nada sobre APIs REST ou nunca desenvolveu uma usando TypeScript est querendo aprender, ento este curso introdutrio, porm, super prtico para voc! O que voc aprender neste curso?Neste curso voc ir aprender o que o TypeScript e entender suas funcionalidades e como us-las. Este curso te guiar desde conceitos tericos abordados de forma rpida e objetiva at a aplicao prtica destes conceitose com isso voc conseguir usar no so TypeScript em qualquer um de seus projetos, como a aplicao desenvolvida no projeto prtico como ponto de partida para futuros projetos, ou seja, ao final deste curso voc ter desenvolvido uma APIRESTful, atravs de um projeto totalmente prtico em TypeScript,Node.js com Express usando as novas features daES6 e faz-la se comunicar com o banco de dados no-relacional MongoDB, modelar os dados usando o ODM Mongoose e ainda disponibilizar sua APIem uma instncia do Heroku.D uma olhada em alguns tpicos que voc ir aprender:ES6ExpressMongoosenpmDeploy no Heroku"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Arduno - Teoria, prtica e projetos" |
"Curso introdutrio sobre a plataforma Arduno. Ocurso foi estruturado para partir de uma base terica, e, tendo sua dificuldade e complexidade aumentando de forma gradativa no decorrer dos vdeos abrangendo a teoria e a prtica.Crie projetos interativos e que vo te permitir explorar diversas funcionalidades desta excelente ferramenta chamada Arduno UNO."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Scratch programming" |
"Learn the basic concepts of programming with practical learning approach. This course demonstrates and explains how to write a great variety of programs in Scratch programming language. Builda strong foundation in programming and visual-based programming withthis tutorial for beginners. *Differenttypes of programming blocks;*Variablesand lists;*Objectsand functions;*Complexloops;* Boolean logicand conditions. You will improveyour problem solving skills, increase your creativity, become betterat communicating ideas and most importantly, you will learn toprogram. TheScratch programming software is developed by MIT and it free to use.This course is suitable for kids, teens, and adults who want to startprogramming but have no prior-experience or knowledge. It is alsosuitable for teachers who want to teach programming to others.Programming skills are becoming of a great value in today's world,where technology and automation is taking over. People who learn toprogram will have far better chances at landing a well paid job thanothers."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Boost your website speed without any coding!" |
"Hey guys! In this course, I am going to teach you how to speed up your WordPress website without doing any coding or paying any extra dollar! I am Rihab, an Engineer with more than 5 years experience in web designing and seo. I have helped hundreds of people to enhance their website speed and now I intend to help you enhance your website speed. I know how frustrating it is to have a slow website; I have been there myself and I know what you might be feeling right now. Especially, when every article in the internet is telling you that you have to fix your website speed. First of all, you should know that Website speed affects your user's experience. Clients usually avoid slow websites, and not only do they run away from such websites, they also never come back to visit them again! Imagine yourself going to eat at a restaurant. You sit on your table waiting for the waiter to come and give you the menu. And you keep on waiting for a long time without him showing up. What will you do then? I bet you will leave the restaurant and go to the closest one! That is exactly what happens when someone visits a slow website. Furthermore, Website speed affects your Google ranks, and this is something no one should tolerate! Google aims to give their clients the best experience they can get, that is why it favors fast websites and ranks them highly. So if you are aiming for a higher Google rank you have to take good care of your website speed. I know you might have tried so many online solutions, read dozens of articles, downloaded many plug-ins hoping to speed up your website and nothing really worked out, nothing fixed your website speed. But do not panic. In this course you will find the solution for all your problems, and not only will you be able to fix your website speed instantly but you will also provide your website with the suitable plans to keep it running fast with a minimum of efforts and without having to do any coding! We will start this course by explaining what is website speed. Then we'll see together the method of measuring the website speed and how to analyze the results we get. Next, you will learn how to clean up your wordpress website so that you save space for your valuable data. Then I will teach you, step by step, how to optimize your existing media as well as your new media before uploading them to your website And believe me, you will be surprised to see how easy this is and how much your media optimization will affect your website speed. Afterwards, I will reveal to you the special tricks I use to change slow and boring websites into fast and vivid ones. These tricks will be the key points in the transformation of your website speed. When I first discovered them, I thought that I had put my hands on some kind of magic tricks because the huge amount of improvement you will see and experience in your website speed shall astonish you. In this course, I will deliver these tricks to you in a simple easy way. I will show you the tricks and I will accompany you into applying them step by step. Here I will teach you how to optimize every part of your website and how to keep it optimized all the time with a minimum of efforts! To maintain a high website speed! This course is simple, quick and straight to the point. It is structured to respond to all your needs and to suit everyone. Both Wordpress beginners and experts will benefit from it. You can start by applying these techniques tonight; I guarantee you that within 2 days you will experience a better website speed, and, thus, you will enhance your Google rank as well. This course doesn't have a fixed price; it gets more expensive every day, i.e. if you visit this page tomorrow you might find that the price of the course has changed. Therefore, you'd better take profit of the opportunity and subscribe today at a lower price. Do not wait or hesitate because each passing minute of your website-life counts. Now, at this very moment, you are losing visitors, clients, and money _and you are losing them for good_, because of your website speed. Act and fix your website speed, let it rank highly in Google, let your visitors enjoy your website, and make them your permanent clients so that you can start collecting your profits! And do not forget you can also check the free parts of my course. See you in few minutes."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Build a highly persuasive Landing page in 2 hours & 0 coding" |
"""Learned so many interesting ideas! The lecture about the art of persuasion is very important! Building landing pages is not only about learning the techniques but also about understanding the philosophy of a landing page....And that is exactly why I found in this course! Hats off Rihab! Great Work! ---Nadia--- ""Best course ever. Everything you need to know about landing pages in summarized in this course."" ---Laetitia Lamis--- ""This is the best landing page course ever, Rihab is very engaging i love the way she explains. Love this course."" ---Audrey Reneux--- This is a great course to take if you want to understand how to build a landing page from scratch. In it you'll also get some copywriting skills to make up the text and step by step creation of landing pages with Thrive Builder WordPress plugin and Get Response autoresponder service (which also has a landing page builder included in their service). Good job! ---Claudiu Titus Georgescu--- Landing page is one of themost important aspects in your business. It is a page you use to catch your viewers contact and information in order to market to them and sell them your products later on. Creating a very well optimized landing page could multiply by 2 or 3 or maybe by 10 your revenue. In this course i will show how to build avery performant landing page without typing any line of coding and with the cheapest way possible. I am Rihab, a webmarketer, webdesigner and a business consultant, I have helped hundreds of people building or enhancing their landing pages and I will help you do the same. Building landing pages is not an easy task! Many people struggle to build effective landing pages and lots of them fail! Why? Let me tell you! -Designing a landing page from scratch using coding is very difficult. Even if you are familiar with WordPress or if you actually built your own website, dealing with landing pages is a new different level of complication! Only webdesigning professionals can find this work easy and simple. -Using online software and plugins to build landing pages could be very costly. It might cost several hundred or thousands of dollars per year! And too many of us are not willing to pay this sum or maybe we dont afford it! -Most of people struggle to understand the philosophy of a landing page. Lots of people fail to understand what are the core elements that must be included in a landing page in order to convince their visitors to leave their personal information. In this course, I will teach you how to create your landing page very easily with a minimum cost and without having to write any single line of coding. And the most important, you'll learn how to build a very well optimized landing page that converts well ;). First, we'll see what a landing page is and why it is very important to your business. Next, I will teach you how to become amonster of persuasion. I will teach you the core concepts of persuasion and manipulation and show you how to apply them in your landing pageto convert maximum viewers into clients. Then I will show you howJordan Belfort,The real wolf of Wall Streetapply those persuasion concepts in his highly converting landing page. Next, I am going to introduce to you the plugin I use to build my landing pages. You will get familiar with this plugin in no time and you will see how easy and quick you will be able to work with it and build amazing landing pages! Using this plugin I will show you step by step how to build your landing page so tonight after finishing this course you will go and build your first amazing landing page! Then we will see together the different components of a landing page, and thru this course we will discuss each component separately and I will show you tenth of bad and good exemples of famous and well known landing pages. I will show youthe best tips and tricksabout how to design these components and how to optimize them into your landing pages. We will finish this course by aBONUS section, where I introduce the concept of sales funnel to you and I will show you how to build your first sales funnel in an easy and quick way. And I will show how your landing pages play a big role in your sales funnel. Optimizing your landing page is very important, imagine that by optimizing your landing page you have improved your conversions by could double your revenues...I am sure that by applying only one or two tricks that you'll learn in this course in your landing pages, you'll enhance a lot your conversions, act now and don't leave money on the table ;) This course has a 30 days money back guarantee, so I you feel for any reason that this course doesn't suit you, you can ask for a refund very easily. Act quick, and start building amazing landing pages with me!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to boost your dropshipping store sales with Instagram?" |
"Dropshipping is currently one of the best online business idea. Dropshipping is the easiest and safest way to start an ecommerce Dropshipping store without having to buy any product in advance. It has a very high success rate compared to any other online business. That is why many people are using dropshipping, and some of them are making thousands of dollars every month or even every week! And guess what? I am here to help you become one of them. Many people struggle daily to start their droppshipping business and lots of them loose hope and give up without profiting and their problem is they didnt know how to bring traffic to their store. After building a highly converting dropshipping store with shopify and putting a huge effort on choosing the Dropshipping products you want to sell. Now you are wondering how to bring traffic to your Dropshipping shopify store? and start selling! Many dropshippers stop here, they fail to bring traffic to their Dropshipping shopify stores so they loose hope and give up. You are just starting your dropshipping shopify store so you cant rely on traffic coming from google organic search! So what to do? There are so many marketing channels you can consider to promote for your dropshipping shopify store and social media platforms are the best of them! Due to Instagram popularity and visual interaction, Instagram is the first social media platform you should consider. However, spending money on Instagram or any social media platform (Instagram, Facebook) to market to your dropshipping shopify store without prior knowledge and experience is not a smart move! You might lose a huge capital of money without getting good results. But please Do not Panik! I am rihab a web marketer a web designer and a business consultant and in this course I am going to show you everything I know about how to advertise to your dropshipping shopify store and products via Instagram in the most effective and profitable way. I will start this course by explaining why you should be working with Instagram and why Instagram will benefit your dropshipping shopify store greatly. Then I will show you how to build your own business Instagram profile, and what are the different Instagram marketing strategies you can use to market via Instagram. Later on, I will show you in details how to market using the Instagram influencer marketing strategy. Together we will see how to search for Instagram influencers, how to examine them and decide which Instagram influencers you should work with. In this course you will explore the 11 golden rules to pick the right Instagram influencers for your dropshipping shopify store and business. and You will learn how to contact Instagram influencers and how to evaluate their pricing lists. And not only that, in this course I will also show you how to advertise on Instagram via facebook ads manager, how to target for the right Instagram audience and how to setup your ads. Spending you time and effort on Instagram will benefit your dropshipping business greatly So stay tuned with me thru this course because I am going to show you how to use Instagram in the most effective way to bring traffic to your dropshipping shopify store and start earning more money. By the end of this dropshippingcourse and starting of tonight, you will be able to start an Instagram marketing campaign that might lead you to your FIRST dropshipping SALE or maybe to a huge increase in your dropshippingsales! Cash on this opportunity now, explore advertising via Instagram with me, bring traffic to your dropshipping shopify store, start selling and profiting from your dropshipping storeand let your dreams become a reality. This course has a 30 days money back guarantee, so whenever you feel, for any reason at all, that this course doesn't suit you, you can easily ask for a refund. Act quickly and let us start earning money with dropshippingtogether."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Certified Arduino Programmer & PCB Designer ( Arabic )" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Write your first B2B Marketing Case Study" |
"Customer case studies are among the most important tools for a B2B business, whether you are a B2B startup or an enterprise business or a freelancer with B2B clients. The customer case studies are the most effective tools for conversion of leads or for closing a sale in all these situations. B2B customer case study writing is perceived to be complicated and at times time consuming. There are more than one element to work on customer relation, creativity, interviewing, presentation and all these elements look to be of a diverse nature. Learning about each of these elements and mastering them is time consuming. Creating case studies isnt like writing a college business report. It isnt like writing a blog post, white paper or research report, either. A case study needs to breathe life, have a story behind it and shownot tellpotential customers why your product or service solves a real problem. In short, building a case study that converts is as much an art as it is a science. This course will teach you both arts and science about this skill."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wedding Speech Designer" |
"For many people, publicspeakingis a bigchallenge. And when you have to speak about someone you love, the challenge is even bigger.Welcome to the wedding speech!Delivering a speech at a loved one's wedding is an honor. You should do it justice. And you can!This course will ensurethat your wedding speech is moving andmemorable. In four simple steps, you will build aterrificspeech.You will know what to say and how to say it.And they will love it!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"End to End Integration : Selenium - Maven - Git - Jenkins" |
"Git is the most widely used modern version control system in the world today, which allows multiple persons to safely work on the same project without hampering other team members. As a part of a team using Git, You and your team members will clone working copy of a local repository from Git server. You/team will add and commit the test scripts that are developed locally and push your changes to the Git.This course gives coverage1. Execute Selenium test cases using TestNg.2. Execute Selenium test cases using Maven.3. Share code using Source Management tool GIT4. Integration Selenium with Jenkins using GIT.5. Execute automation framework using Jenkins"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Advance Reporting Tools : Selenium & Appium" |
"Reporting is the major area which need specialfocus because at the end of every execution we need to analyze reports on the behalf of that we can define our strategy.This course is designed to consolidate different reporting options which we can use while working with Selenium or Appium.Here in this course we will learn how we can generate different formatted reports like html reports, Excel reports, Pdf reports, customized reports etcHere we are going to cover following reporting optionsDefault TestNg ReportsReportNG ReportsExcel ReportsVigo ReportsJenkins ReportsXSLTRepports etcAfter this course, youll be able to get off automation execution results, delivering updates to your clients &superiors faster without any changes or maintenance efforts.Reports must define clear picture about execution details1. Total Execution2. Passed and Failed Scenario3. Execution system details"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advance Selenium : Git-Assertions-Maven-Reporting-Jenkins" |
"In this Selenium training series we will cover advance Selenium testing concepts and its packages in detail with easy to understand practical examples.These Selenium tutorials are helpful for advanced level Selenium users. Starting from theSelenium concepts like Assertions, we will gradually move on to the expert level topics like Maven, Git, JenkisHere in this course we are going to cover following areas1. Complete End to End process of code management using GIT.2. Project Management using Maven3. Multiple Reporting Options4. Selenium Integration with Jenkind5. POM and Page Factory6. BDDFramework using Cucumber"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Robot Framework (Selenium) from Industry Experts22+hr" |
"Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.We are going to cover,1. Basic environment setup2. Automation test cases in different browser3. Waits4. Architecture5. Resource Files6. User defined keywords7. Code Management8. Integration with Jenkins9. Data Driven Framework10. Python Programming"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BDD Automation : Behave with Python" |
"Behaveis one of themost popular BDDtool which can be integrated with Python.On testers point of view, we can use this tool to implement BDDapproach withSelenium, Appiumetc.If youre new to BDDand want to get basic to expert level understanding of BDD then thiscourse is a great place to get started.In this course we prepare student for all BDDautomation challenges, it gives coverage of almost all basic and advance concepts of Cucumber with Gherkin ScriptingHere you will cover Gherkin keywords like Given, When, Then, Feature to advance level data driven and hooksAfter completing this course, you will be very much comfortable to start automation and face automation interviewsAlso you gonna get our instructor support to clear you queries asap.Its a continuous grooming course which will give you in depth knowledge of theory as well as practicalconcepts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Rest API Testing using Python + Pytest + Allure" |
"In this course we are going to automate and validate API's using Python ScriptingWe are going to cover following well known HTTP methods are commonly used in REST based architecture.GET- Provides a read only access to a resource.PUT- Used to create a new resource.DELETE- Used to remove a resource.POST- Used to update a existing resource or create a new resource.Coverage1. RESTAPI Concepts2. End to End Environment Setup3. Automate different operations of API4. Pytest5. Interview Questions6. Realtime scenario"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Pytest in 60 Minutes:Unit Testing Framework for Python" |
"Thepytestframework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries.pytest is a mature full-featured Python testing tool that helps you write better programs. FeaturesDetailed info on failing assert statements (no need to remember self.assert* names)Auto-discovery of test modules and functionsModular fixtures for managing small or parametrized long-lived test resourcesCan run unittest (including trial) and nose test suites out of the boxPython 2.7, Python 3.4+, PyPy 2.3, Jython 2.5 (untested)Rich plugin architecture, with over 315+ external plugins and thriving community"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"API Testing using Postman [Functional] & Jmeter[Performance]" |
"POSTMANis one of the mostpopular tool used by software development & testingteams in many companies. It is a very handy tool used byDevelopers/Testerswhen building or TestingRESTful web servicesIn this course, you will learn many functionalities of the POSTMAN tool with practical examples. Below are some of the highlights of this course.Organize requests usingCollectionsLearn how to sendSOAP &RESTRequestsusing POSTMANPerformdata driventestingAuthentication approaches (BASIC,OAUTH)Scriptingin POSTMANIntegrate POSTMAN withNEWMANPerformance Test Web ServicesIf we look into the unique characteristics of Web Service performance two aspect stands out; on the server side theres quite a bit of XML/JSON processing going on, both XML/JSON parsing and serialization, and the thing that often fails first is the processing of the payloads. The reasons why this fails can be multifold; it can be in the platform in the shape of for example weaknesses in the application server, and in the implementation in the shape of unnecessarily complex WSDLs. It could also be that the code is making a request to a database that is slow in responding.The complexity of parsing the XML/JSON payloads means that we have to put an extra focus on Scalability Testing, while the issue of security means we will have to focus some extra on doing testing of requests that are secure. If the entire Web Service is secure this means Load Testing is more important especially if WS-Security and token handling is used.It also means we have to examine the WSDLs closely. If the requests and responses are either complex or larger, or if they include large attachments, we have to focus on emphasizing that complexity and see how it behaves under load."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"End-To-End BDD Framework -SeleniumJavaCucumberGITJenkins" |
"Cucumber is one of the most popular BDD Library.To the testers point of view, we can use this library to implement BDD approach with Selenium, Calabash, Watir etc.In this course we prepare student for all BDD automation challenges, it gives coverage of almost all basic and advance concepts of Cucumber with Gherkin ScriptingHere you will cover TDD, BDD ConceptsEnd to End Gherkin keywords Implement BDD automation framework using Java and SeleniumExtent ReportingCode Management using GITCI/ CD implementation using JenkinsEnd to End Code Coverage"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Design DataDriven Framework in 100 minsSeleniumJavaTestNG" |
"Data Driven Framework is one of the popular Automation Testing Framework in the current market. Data Drivenautomated testing is a method in which the test data set is prepared in the excel, and is then imported into automation testing tools to use for testing application with different set of test data.Selenium Webdriver is a great tool to automate web-based applications. But it does not support read and write operations on excel files.In order to follow this approach we must have Eclipse, TestNG properly configured.Course RoadmapWe are going to read data from excel using Apache POI.Add Apache POI Jars in the Eclipse.Read Data from the Excel Sheet.Feed data to our test cases.Verify result of testcases with different set of test data"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"New to Python Automation..?Try Step by Step Python 4 Testers" |
"Python in not just use forweb browser automation but also can use for followingRead Search &validate data in excelHave to pull text off of several web pages?Copy thousands of files from one location to anotherPerform repeatable tasks in single click Rename multiple files & folders within a second.Python can help in automating tasks like -Setting up environments for testingAnalyzing data.Extracting performance dataAutomate APIAutomate Web ApplicationsGenerate test Data"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"API Performance Testing using JMeter" |
"JMeter is an open source performance and load testing automation tool. Very widely used in industry, it support web based application & also support almost all commonly used protocols.This course is specially designed for Software Testing professionals, This will take students from basic level to advance in decent pace videos.Here we will coverAPIConcepts Different types of APIIn-depth of JMeter for APIPerfomance TestingGiving coverage to Jmeter default functionsAfter going through the course you can easily measure performance of any web based application / Service and can crack performance testing related interviews."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Performance monitoring using JMeter and Grafana" |
"Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on andunderstandyour metrics no matter where they are stored. Create, explore, and share dashboards with your team and foster adata driven culture. From heatmaps to histograms. Graphs to geomaps. Grafana has a plethora of visualization options to help you understand your data, beautifully. Seamlessly define alerts where it makes sense while youre in the data. Define thresholds visually, and get notified via Slack, PagerDuty, and more. Bring your data together to get better context. Grafana supports dozens of databases, natively. Mix them together in the same Dashboard. Grafana gives you options. Its completely open source, and backed by a vibrant community. UseHosted Grafana, or easilyinstallon any platform. Discover hundreds ofdashboardsandpluginsin the official library. Thanks to the passion and momentum of our community, new ones are added every week."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"React for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Getting Started" |
"Advanced JavaScript: Reactis a series of video lessons and tutorials that show students who havea basic JavaScript backgroundhow to build three real-world projects that you can add to your website. You will learn how to make your website more interactive and engaging using JavaScript & React.React was created by Facebook. Think about your Facebook timeline: There are a lot of different components there with a lot going on: the timeline updates when there are new status updates, you can like or comment on a status update, you can get messages from Messenger, you can search for people, right?For a long, long time, creating interactive experiences like this in JavaScript was doable but led to messy code that was difficult to maintain. A common term for this is ""spaghetti code"" because all the different parts of it intertwine like the pasta on a plate of spaghetti and meatballs.React gives us a way to organize our code.Our views (i.e. components) are self-contained and, ideally, do just a single thing. This helps us work with other people because when they come look at our code it will be easier for them to understand it. And it makes our code more robust because giving each component just one role to do cuts down on the likelihood of nasty bugs being introduced.Week 1 - Fundamentals of React.jsIn week one, well build a simple React app! Well read through a complete React project so that you can begin to answer questions like: When do I choose between JavaScript vs. React? Why do I even need React? And why is React quickly becoming the most popular JS framework on the Web?Week 2 - Social Media CardIf youre building the next Twitter, Instagram, or any social media site that has user profiles then React can help you build your user interface. In this week, well use API data, to populate a user profile page.Week 3 - Pomodoro TimerThe Pomodoro Technique is a time management method used to break down work intervals: 25 minutes of deep work, followed by a 5 minute break. In this week, well build an app to help us focus. The Pomodoro Timer we create will tell us when to work, and when to break.Week 4 - Product SearchIn the final week, youll build an app that searches through a list of products. This will be necessary for any app you create where youd like to parse through lists of users, products, or any data set."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Build a Website with jQuery" |
"Do you have a website, but cant figure out how to make it interactive by adding forms, drop-down menus, or filtering lists? Had a hard time trying to learn jQuery or JavaScript in the past? Feeling totally in the deep end? By learning jQuery with OneMonthyou can easily change that.One Month jQuery is a series of video lessons and tutorials that show anyone -- even a total beginner -- how to build four real-world projects that you can add to your website. You will learn how to make your website more interactive and engaging using jQuery.When you sign up, you immediately get access to a members area where you can learn jQuery online and take each lesson at your own pace. Through engaging iQuery tutorials, youll learn how to interact with the Document Object Model (DOM), use web developer tools, and get started with reading and understanding documentation to help you take the reins of your own projects -- sounds fancy, huh? We promise that its not as complicated as it sounds. Each lesson acts as a jQuery tutorial for beginners as we break everything down along the way making it easier than ever to learn jQuery online."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Immigrate to Canada via College Education 2019" |
"This is a Step-By-Step To Do information package - a great working tool - explained in ELEVEN editable excel sheets. The sheets cover all aspects of the immigration project also the first two years of staying in Canada. Canada is one of the best place to live in the World. Immigrant people who accept and willing to follow the country's rules, laws and habits are always welcome by the Canadians. This course aims to show one of the best way to immigrate to Canada for all those, interested to move, study and work hard and stay permanently in that beautiful country. Learn what are the necessary steps to be taken before entering and while you are there in the first two years in CanadaDuring this course you will go through all eleven excel sheets, which cover and detail the main aspects of immigration.Those are all editable sheets, so you can easily modify each data cell according your details.The sheets cover projects (step-by-step), investments into the immigration project, budget controlling, handling efficiently college tasks, important logins and shipping tasks.You can use the sheets for planning your immigration project as well as for daily management of your life's different aspects during your very stay in Canada.You do not have to figure out anything by yourself, you can cover all aspects of immigration using these excel sheets. You save time, and money a lot in case you decide to purchase this file. Contest and OverwiewThis course contains 16 lectures and 1 quiz, over one hour of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of age, nationality and family status, who wishes to immigrate to Canada. In this course, you will learn the necessary steps to be taken in order to achieve your goal to immigrate to Canada.You'll then learn, how to fill, calculate and use the results in all the cells on all sheets through watching the free videos. The free preview contains only examples from each individual sheets, you will find the full version at the downloadable excel file.We suggest to go through first and study all sheets before you start your immigration process. This way you will be better able to understand what project follows what,also the exact timing, etc. By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you to put together yourself the immigration process, and effectively manage your daily life in Canada, regardless you are planning to immigrate alone or together with your family.You'll can also fill the Quiz at the end, by doing that, you can reinforce your knowledge about the immigration process.Even if you already have a college degree, enrolling into a full time college in Canada for two years is the best and most effective way to go through the immigration process.With these lessons, and using the downloadable excel sheet, you will find that you're able to start and manage the whole immigration to Canada process by yourself without any additional data searching and investments for consultation."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Managing Your Manager" |
"Todays workshop is focused on developing an importantskill; one that often does not get the attention that it deserves and cansometimes be overlooked and that is how to manage your manager. Often, leadership workshops focus on how to manageothers, meaning how to manage and lead those that you directly supervisehowever this also equally applies to managing your supervisor, managing up.How to manage your boss is a skillregardless of the relationship that you have or effective your boss is at doingtheir job. Your effectiveness can be adirect result of how you manage up.This coursewill helpyou:Enhanceand elevate your performance and professional standing within yourorganization,Gainmastery of a skill that is transferrable in any industry and professionaldomain andIncreaseyour personal sense of job satisfaction and engagement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Spring & Spring Boot 10x Productive Java Development" |
"Do you want to become a Spring Developer with lots of high-demand skillsets in yourtoolbox? Do you want to learn how Spring Framework and Spring Boot works? Youshould definitely join me where we will be diving deep into the SpringFramework and Spring Boot and develop Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring RESTapplications and much more starting from scratch!List of technologies we will cover in this course is huge. Covering everything with Spring technology stack, to combine all the technologies we learned, we will buid a full-featured, production-grade Spring MVC CRUD application where we will use Spring Data, Spring REST, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap! So wewill also get a taste of UI and Front-End development too with Spring!First, wewill start by setting up our development environment. To set things up, I willshow you how you can prepare your environment both on Windows and MacOS. We'llthen learn and understand how Spring Framework and Spring Boot works. We willdiscover the architecture of Spring Framework and Spring Boot and howeverything amazingly work together and handled by the framework itself. We willmake use of Spring Initializr to create all of our applications and I willteach you how you can make the most out of it. We will use both use IDE versionof Spring Initializr and also start dot spring dot io. We will also learn to how tobuild and package our application with Maven. Then we will start by developingour first Spring Boot application! After our first application, we will startdigging into Spring Boot more and learn how Dependency Injection(DI) andInversion of Control(IoC) works. Learning DI and IoC is a crucial process inlearning how Spring works and to actually work with it. When we understand DIand IoC, we will discover the world of Spring Profiles and SpringConfiguration. We will activate profiles and learn how to configure ourapplication for our specific needs.When wegrasp the inner workings of Spring, we will start developing our first webapplication with Spring MVC and Thymeleaf. When we're implementing, you willunderstand what each and every component is and how to handle static contentlike Javascript, CSS, Images and much more in our application. Mostimportantly, you will understand what templating is and how to dinamicaly binddata to HTML pages.After wefinish our first Spring MVC application, we will learn and understand howSpring Data and JPA works and to actually implement them, we will connect todatabases, create entities and repositories and persist data with Spring Dataand JPA.On top ofSpring Data, we will build a RESTful API following the standards in thereal-world use-cases. We will create controllers and implement all theimportant HTTP operations such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. After finishingour implementation, we will take safety measures for our RESTful API andimplement ControllerAdvice and error-handling. After handing errors for ourRESTful API, we will take a step back and refactor our code. When wefinish developing our RESTful API, we will take a bold step ahead and combineall the knowledge we had throughout the course to develop a full-featuredSpring MVC CRUD application with a beautiful UI! We'll make use of Spring Boot,Spring Data, Spring REST, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap andmuch more! We are notdone yet! At the end of ""Bring it All Together"" section. We will moveon with ""Extras"" section where we will discover lots of other greattechnologies and libraries we can use in our applications. To see our changesin any application and most importantly in web applications, we will discoverSpring Dev Tools and Live Reload. We will also nicely document our RESTful APIwith Swagger where we can navigate and interact with our API. To understand themetrics of our application, we will discover Spring Actuator and kepp track ofeverything going on with our application. We will also learn another coolfeature of Spring as it is the Spring Scheduler. With Spring Scheduler, it isreally easy to schedule and trigger actions for specific timelines in anyapplication. Then we will discover the beauty of Project Lombok to get rid oflots of boilerplate code in our application. And finaly, we will combineThymeleaf with Spring Email capabilities to template and deliver HTML5 emailsfrom our application. Finally, donot forget that Udemy offers you the lifetime access to course contents fromeither desktop, tablet and your mobile. By taking this course, you can learnSpring technologies anywhere at your own pace and play again and again to graspevery single detail! Again, wehave a huge list of technologies that we are going to cover in this course. Spring is in huge demand these days thanks to Spring Boot and all of itsofferings. If you want to jumpstart your career with Spring then join me in thiscourse and take a huge step forward for becoming an amazing SpringDeveloper! "
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Spring Technologies You Should Know: The Big Picture" |
"You'renew to Spring technologies and you want to find your way around? You are adeveloper seeking for alternatives to your implementations and don't know whereto start? Or you're a software engineering manager that needs to chooseframeworks for the next project?You mightbe all of above or just a curious person trying to get anunderstanding of what Spring technologies are and can do for you. If that so,you're definitely in the right place! SpringTechnologies You Should Know: The Big Picture is just the course for you! Withthis course you'll not only understand what are the fundamental librariesSpring has to offer but also where you can make use of them in your projects. Thiscourse will give you a starting point, an edge on fundamental Spring librariesso you can pick and choose and get started as soon as possible.By theend of this course, you'll have an understanding of popular technologies likeSpring, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring IO Platform,Spring Batch, Spring Integration, SpringAMQP, Spring Security and so on."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Develop for Cloud with Pivotal Cloud Foundry" |
"Do you wantto learn what is Cloud Computing from ground-up? Do you want to give yourself acompetitive advantage on both your current and future jobs with Cloud Computingand increase your salary? This is the course you need!Cloudcomputing is both today and the future of computing and it's changing the waywe develop and deploy software! If you want to catch up on the immenselyexpanding universe of Cloud Computing and take your software development skillsto the next-level, all you need to do is join me in this course! In thiscourse, we are going to start from scratch with Cloud Computing and how theevolving technology led us here. We will discover the technology and thearchitecture behind the cloud technologies that we have today.We'll learn whatis Software-as-Service or SaaS, Platform-as-a-Service or PaaS andInfrastructure-as-a-Service or IaaS.Then we will dive deep into Platform-as-a-Service; how itworks, designed and architectured.We will discover the way for today and thefuture of software with 12-Factor applications. 12-Factor of applicationdevelopment will teach us how to actually develop great software for cloud oreven for your personal projects!When we understand how to develop a greatsoftware, we will focus on Pivotal Cloud Foundry. With Pivotal Cloud Foundry,we will not only learn how PaaS works in real life but also how to actuallywork with it in real environments and real applications!For PivotalCloud Foundry, we will start by creating our account. Then we'll discover theworld of Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface or CLI by logging into ouraccount and targeting our development environment. We will learn to work withCloud Foundry using both the Command Line Interface and Web UI.We willdevelop applications using Spring and Spring Boot from scratch and we willlearn how to deploy or ""push""them using Command Line Interface!. We will do everything from scratchand I'll show you every single step to develop and deploy your applications toCloud!We willlearn service offerings in cloud and how to make use of Software-as-Servicethrough binding our applications with databases and services with a singlecommand!We willlearn to scale, update and deploy new versions of our applications in cloudboth usingthe Command Line Interface and Web UI!We will bedeploying our applications in less than a minute and see the results inreal-time by calling our applications and pulling data from our PostgreSQLdatabase service!There ismuch more than these inside the course so I highly recommend you to join me inthis course to become a software developer for the cloud!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"RDS PostgreSQL and DynamoDB CRUD: AWS with Python and Boto3" |
"Do you want to learn how to launch managed Relational Databases or RDS on AWS? Do you want to learn how to connect to your RDS DB instances using Python and psycopg2 library and implement all Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations? Or do you want to learn how to implement NoSQL DynamoDB Tables on AWS and work with data from scanning, querying to update, read and delete operations?Then this is the course you need on RDS and DynamoDB on AWS!In this course, well start by taking a look at the tools and the environment that we need to work with AWS resources. Well be using Python 3 and as per the IDE I recommend you to use PyCharm from Jetbrains. It has a free community edition even! After I teach you how you can set up your environment on both MacOS and Windows, well create our credentials for AWS as being the AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key for programmatic access to AWS resources. Youll learn how you can set your AWS credentials globally on your computers using AWS CLI. Before jumping into the implementation, for one last tip, Ill show you how you can have auto-complete capabilities on your PyCharm IDE with PyBoto3! Once were ready with our environment setup, well start implementing our solution on AWS! And remember well do everything with Python code; not a single thing manually or by hand! Well start off with RDS or Relational Database Service from AWS. Ill teach you how to launch your own Amazon RDS Instances purely with your Python code! Then well learn how to connect to our RDS database instance using Python and psycopg2 library. After that, Ill teach you how to execute your queries against RDS PostgreSQL using psycopg2 library and well implement SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE so basically all the CRUD opreations against our own-launched RDS PostgreSQL instance on AWS! Next up is DynamoDB! With this very-popular NoSQL service from AWS, Ill teach you how to create your own DynamoDB Tables on AWS with Python! Youll learn how to provide a key schema, attribute definitions and apply throughput to your tables. And Ill share the great news for you that there is a Local version of DynamoDB that you can simply run on your computer to play around with! I will show you how you can get and run the Local version of DynamoDB on your computer and well setup our environment and boto3 client configuration accordingly. Then well start making our way to putting new items, updating, deleting and reading them. Once we learn the basic CRUD operations with DynamoDB, well move on to rather advanced operations like scanning and querying.Well also implement a script to insert our sample data set of movies into our DynamoDB Movies table! Once we insert the data, well start exploring how we can search it using DynamoDB query operation and well also learn how we can use conditions. And finally, well take a look at the scan operation which basically scans your whole data and retriveves the results you need. So to filter out the results from scan operation, well apply filter expressions to our scan operation and see how things work with DynamoDB.Lots of information, hands-on practice and experience is waiting for you in this course on AWS. So, don't miss any more time and join me in this course to sharpen your skills on AWS using Python and Boto3!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |