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"Preparing for a Profitable Business Launch" |
"Objective of this course is to giveyou the information and motivation you need to choose the right business, launch it successfully and scale it for revenue and profit taking you from initial idea to profit as quickly as possible. This course will answer questions like:Am I ready to start my new business?What are my greatest assets and biggest weaknesses?What can I do now to boost my opportunity for success?Does my chosen business fit my strengths?Are there pitfalls to avoid that will save me a lot of time and money?Course Outline1.Assessing your current business readiness2.Determining your entrepreneurial sweet spot3.Adopting the successful entrepreneur mindset4. Establishing your goals and ideal state in 1 year and 5 years5.Taking a current asset inventory6.Building your Business Investment Account7. Completing your business and personal SWOT Analysis8. Course quiz and summary Course OutcomesAfter completing this course, you will:Understand your readiness to launch your business ventureKnow your business strengths and weaknessesHave a path for business successBe ready for the next step: Validating your business venture"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Trading Stocks Master Class." |
"Hi. My names Pablo Acevedo, Im a professional trader involved in the financial industry since 94;and I want to ask you a question. How many trading courses have you tried to achieve financial success? How many times have you fallen victim to the perfect strategy, being told how to make millions with a 90% accurate on auto pilot?My course is different. Ill teach you what professional traders do and dont do, and how to apply this to your retail trading account, do the proper research and how to develop your trading ideas I order to do the professional trading approachIll show you how to find the right information and how to use it, and were to trade.Ill teach you concepts that work in practicenot just technical mumbo jumbo thats impossible to implement.If youre ready to enjoy long-term equity growth with rigorous money management, just click on that green button over there to invest in not just a course, but a future that will change everything. Im Pablo, thanks for watching, and I cant wait to see you in side the course.90/90/90 Rule. The Professional Trader research. The professional Trader Idea Developing. The Professional Trader Watch List. The Professional Trader Distribution of the trade. The Professional Trader trade management. Finally I will teach how to make an income in the trading industry, (even if you have no money to trade)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Psychology of Excellence: How to Handle Pressure Like a" |
"How to Avoid Stressing Out and Handle Pressure Like A ProThis one hour online course covers more than 20 proven techniques to cultivate a mind-set that can tackle pressure head-on and WIN. You will get a clear picture of exactly where pressure and stress may exist in different areas of your life, get your work and personal priorities straight and last but not least, discover the simplest ways to manage those daily pressures like a pro.Did you know that three-quarters of the human population undergo stress in varying levels in a 2-week period? The working population is particularly subject to emotional, physical, and mental stress. Today, stress is one of the main factors causing insomnia and other sleep disorders.When you sign up for this course you will get:Over 30 videos with the latest guidance on how to thrive under pressureDownloadable exercises to assess your pressure pointsShortcuts to the best apps and tools to save time and reduce stressSimple and straightforward techniques to always look confident and in controlDiscover how to cultivate a mind-set that looks at pressure as pleasureRemind yourself of your priorities, dreams and goals the really important stuff!Every minute you wait to get""How to handle pressure like a pro""is another minute you miss out on a great opportunity to reduce your stress, increase your confidence and get a more balanced, less stressful career/life. And its available totally FREE OF CHARGE.I believe that everybody deserves a stress-free life, at least free of the negative stresses (some stress can actually be good for you). I have put this course together, for you, because having better balance in your life, handling pressure as a pleasure and always looking totally confident and like you have your life together (even when you dont) .. is all completely in your control.Believe me, it is!By taking just one hour to complete this course, you will discover a whole heap of skills necessary to make some really positive changes in your life. If you want to feel more confident, in control, and balanced less stressed, worried and frustrated then lets get you signed up!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Behaviours of Inspiring Leaders" |
"In this comprehensive and in-depth course you will learn the critical behaviours of inspirational leadersYou will be equipped with the right tools and knowledge to ensure your team are performing at the highest levels by keeping them highly motivated, happy and productive.With over 20 years of walking in your shoes, I know the corporate world, I know team leadership, I know how to motivate teams AND I know my clear and tested methods will help you in your team environment.Within this course, my 20+ years experience has been condensed down into clear, manageable and bite sized videos. There is no corporate speak, there is no inaccessible language. The only thing that is important to me is getting you the tools in your arsenal as quickly as possible and applying them with your teams straight away. Implementation is everything!Believe me, I understand your frustration if your team is not performing at optimal levels. You might be losing out on that chance of promotion because you are not producing the right results.If your staff retention is eye wateringly low, then your staff recruitment and training costs are probably eye blisteringly high. Ive got you covered in this course on exactly how to avoid this morale crushing scenario.I know that you already know happy employees = happy customers = brilliant business results.The financial benefits for super engaged employees is not to be sneezed at. McLean & Company found that a disengaged employee costs an organization approximately $3,400 for every $10,000 in annual salary. Engaged companies grow profits as much as 3X faster than their competitors. Companies with low engagement scores earn an operating income 32.7 percent lower than companies with more engaged employees. Similarly, companies with a highly engaged workforce experience a 19.2 percent growth in operating income over a 12-month period.I can talk about this for hours (and have done consistently over my corporate lifetime) but in this course, I want to condense my 20+ years experience and results into short, effective and impactful videos. By watching them during your commute, on the train, in the car, during your coffee break know that you will uncover how to Have the best team in your companyHave the highest employee engagement scoresBe the leader that everyone wants to work forStand out from your peers as a role model for leadershipMake work a really fun place to beYou and I know that delivering quality results in a high-pressure work environment is a full-time job. Leading teams (or team members) that are not motivated to achieve the best results can feel like a daily uphill struggle for managers. In the worst cases, unmotivated staff can actively sabotage the whole teams performance with their negativity and low performance.These situations are frustrating and demoralizing for the team and for you if not appropriately addressed.When you are time-strapped but find yourself spending too much time dealing with minor team issues, listening to complaints, double checking work, fixing mistakes and even doing the work of the team yourself you know something needs to change.That change starts now with this course!Honestly, give me just 1 hour of your time and I will show you how to lead highly motivated and happy teams in a super accelerated and accessible way: the only requirement on your side is that you have a real desire to adapt your leadership style and prioritize your teams motivation and happiness. That sounds like you doesnt it?"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"CG ACADEMY - Corso di Blender 2.7x da Principiante a Esperto" |
"Questo videocorso su Blender in ben 110lezioni, interamente in italiano, stato ideato, realizzato e diretto da Andrea Coppola,uno dei 6 Blender Foundation Certified Trainer italiani (BFCT), coadiuvato dal alcuniprofessionisti e trainer certificati della Blender Foundation come Davide Scarpiello, Andrea Rotondo e Filippo Maroni.OBIETTIVIDELCORSOObiettivo del corso , che tu sia uno studente o che tu sia gi un esperto, quello di metterti nelle condizioni di imparare un software coscompleto e vasto negli argomenti, seguendo un percorso lineare e chiaro. Sarai in grado di modellare gi dopo le prime lezioni e rimarrai sorpreso dei risultati che riuscirai a raggiungere.Tutti gli argomenti vengono trattati molto dettagliatamente, analizzando la maggior parte delle funzioni, anche avanzate, di questo vastissimo software.STRUTTURADELCORSOIl corso strutturato in 4 moduli pi un quinto con integrazioni, aggiornamenti a nuove release,tips ed esercitazioni pratiche (per un totale di be 110lezioni!), in cui le lezioni si susseguono secondo uno schema ordinato e chiaro, con decine di esempi pratici.Al termine delprimo modulo, interamente ideato erealizzato dal BFCT Andrea Coppola, sarai ingrato di modellare in modo efficace, creare materiali e rappresentare le tue scene 3D in modo fotorealistico.Vengono affrontati neldettaglio i seguenti argomenti:- interfaccia-funzioni di navigazione e inserimento oggetti-modifica-materiali, illuminazione e renderizzazione con il motore di rendering Cycles, integrato nel software.Conil secondo modulo ti addentrerai nel mondo della fisica e dell'animazionie realizzerai oggetti che i muovono e interagiscono nello spazio, che collidono e che generano effetti speciali.Le lezioni sono realizzatedai BFCT Andrea Coppola e Andrea Rotondo eda Davide Scarpiello.Questi gli argomenti affrontati:-simulazioni-effetti speciali-fisica-sistema particellare-scultura digitaleNel terzo modulo si affronta il grande argomento dell'animazione. Impareraiad animare oggetti e parti di essi, automatizzare parametri e creare un'armatura su characters. Sarai in grado con poco sforzo difondere scene reali e scene virtuali grazie alla tecnica del Motion Tracking, a montare un video e ad animare personaggi con espressioni facciali. Infine sarai in grado dicreare un corto 2D grazie allo strumento Grease Pencil.I trainer sono Andrea Coppola, Andrea Rotondo, Davide Scarpiello e Filippo Maroni.Elenco dei principali argomenti:-animazione-rigging-videoediting-motion capture e motion tracking-grafica 2DIl quartomodulo, dedicato al Game Engine e realizzato da Andrea Rotondo, esploreraiil campo della programmazione di videogames e sceneinterattive. Imparerai a creare il tuo videogioco, rimanendo stupito dei risultati.Nel quinto modulo (Integrazioni), realizzato da Andrea Coppola, vengono affrontati argomenti trattati in modo meno dettagliato durante le lezioni precedenti, tips, aggiornamenti e nuove funzionalit nelle nuove release di Blender, esercizi pratici. Comprende una serie di videotutorial che completano la formazione e aggiornano costantemente il corso. Il trainer Andrea Coppola.ASSETSI file e le immagini allegati al corso si trovano nella quarta lezione nel primo modulo, nellaprima nel secondo e nel terzomodulo, ad esclusione del quarto e del quinto. Le risorse del sesto modulo, infine, si trovano allegate al primo capitolo di ogni argomento. INOMAGGIO...Vuoi comprendere come creare materiali fisicamente rispondenti alla realt? Sei curioso di sapere cosa significa PBR? Vuoi imparare a creare materiali altamente fotorealistici e rispondenti alla fisica?In regalo per te, con l'acquisto di questo corso, il libro ""PBRTHEORYANDBLENDER"", in italiano, scritto in modo esaustivo dallo stesso autore Andrea Coppola! Lo puoi scaricare gratuitamente come risorsa allegata alla 12a lezione del modulo base.E ancora, in ragalo, scaricabile in allegatoalla lezione 4 del modulo base, loSMARTPBRPRO, un utilissimo tool per creare qualsiasi genere di materiale fotorealistico in Cycles.Infine, un fantastico regalo: il primo volume di ""BLENDER- LAGUIDADEFINITIVA"" (in doppioformato pdf e epub), il primo di una grande collana di ben 5 volumi disponibili anche in formato cartaceo sul sito dell'editore Lulu.I libri sono allegati nella quarta lezione del modulo base.F.A.Q.A chi dedicato questo corso?A tutti quanti coloro sono attratti dalla computer grafica. Dal principiante al professionista.Devo essere un esperto del computer?Assolutamente no. Basta avere un minimo di esperienza in ambiente Windows, Mac o Unix.Devo essere saper programmare?Assolutamente no!Quanto costa Blender?Blender open source e completamente gratuito, scaricabile dal sito ufficiale di Blender.Quanto impiegher a diventare bravo?Dipende esclusivamente da te e da quanto ti eserciterai giornalmente."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Questo corso a tema affronter 5 macro argomenti propri dell'arredamenti di interni e del design.Verranno analizzati, in 5 moduli (+ 1 introduttivo), partendo da zero:- realizzazione di una cucina- realizzazione di un divano- realizzazione di un bagno- realizzazione della poltroncina Barcellona- realizzazione del trittico di tavolini PonteNel corso delle lezioni si affrontano diversi aspetti che vanno dalla modellazione, all'illuminazione, ai materiali, allo sculpting, e al rendering.Imparerete a cimentarvi abilmente nell'ambito dell'arredamento utilizzando uno strumento potentissimo e versatile: BLENDER!Caratteristiche del corso:- 13 ORE E9 MINUTI DILEZIONI- 5 ARGOMENTIDETTAGLIATI- HIGH DEFINITION TEXTURES EIMMAGINI- MATERIALIAVANZATIEILLUMINAZIONE- RIFERIMENTIESTERNI- FILES *.BLEND EALTRIASSETSSi consiglia l'acquisto del corso aggiornato per Blender 2.8 (FURNITUREDESIGNCONBLENDER2.8) con tematiche aggiornate, sempre su questo canale."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"""BLENDER 2.79 - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE""+ 5 books+7 basic lessons" |
"This video course, in only 7 lesson is very basic, will allow you to learn enough features to use Blender from the beginning.This video course can be considered as an introduction to the 5 volumes of ""BLENDER 2.79 - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE"", which can be downloaded as attachments in the second lesson of the video course.This work is the most complete manual on Blender and addresses in a very detailed way all the topics and all the software workspaces, with the help of numerous practical exercises and explanatory images.Over 2500 color pages, where every function, every menu, every tool is described in depth.The version of Blender to which these books refer is 2.79b, while in the fifth volume there is a chapter on the main features of 2.8 (actually just a test build version).TOPICS IN THE 5 BOOKS:Volume 1Introduction and interfaceBasic operationsInsert objectsObject Mode and Edit ModeBase modelingAdvanced modeling: modifiersVolume 2Blender Render (materials and illumination)Cycles Render (nodes, materials and illumination)Texture and Paint ModeFramingRelationships and ConstraintsInformation and object settingsVolume 3Rigid body dynamicsSoft bodyPhysics and simulations (Cloth, Fluid, Smoke, Explode, Ocean...)Force FieldFractureVertex Paint and Weight PaintParticle System (Emitter and Hair)Compositing and Render LayersVolume 4AnimationKeyframes, Dope Sheet, Graph Editor and NLA EditorCharacter ModelingRigging and Inverse kinematicsSculpting ModeMotion Tracking and VideoeditingVolume 5Freestyle RenderGrease pencil Sculpting RenderPBR TheoryVolumetric IlluminationAdvanced CompositingRealizing a seamless texture in BlenderPhotogrammetry and Blender360 RenderMotion Capture (MOCAP)AddonsBlender Game Engine (BGE)Blender 2.8 FeaturesArchviz and Unreal Engine 4Blend4WebBlender Open Movies(NOTE: the full price of the 5 books in pdf format is 75 euros!)The video course does not focus on the details of this complex software, but addresses the topics that you need to get you working right away:- understanding the interface- modeling- main modifiers and tools- materials and textures- lighting, framing and rendering- compositing and post productionThe books and the video course are realized by Andrea Coppola, one of the 6 Italian Blender Foundation certified Trainers (sorry for his English pronunciation in the videos...)For FREE, included in the pack, the BHS SMART PBR PRO 2.0, the best material tool, witch you can use to build ANY POSSIBLE photo-realistic material in Blender Cycles! The full value of the tool is 19,00 euros!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"CG ACADEMY: Modellazione 3D dalla A alla Z" |
"CGACADEMY la prima accademia di grafica, animazione e cinemadigitale interamente pensata per utenti online che desiderano seguire le lezioni e le decine di esercitazioni pratiche secondo i propri tempi, col il computer di casa.Una delle scelte, durante la realizzazione di questo corso, che prevede aggiornamenti e implementazioni future con altri software, stata quella di basarsi, quanto pi possibile, su software di supporto ai corsi Open Source. naturlamente questo non stato sempre possibile, come nel caso di Premiere e Vue, in quanto non abbiamo ritenuto valide le alternative gratuite, volendo mantenere elevata la qualit dei programmi, alla pari con quelli cosiddetti commerciali.CGACADEMY, per chiarire non un corso per imparare ad usare dei programmi di grafica 3D, ma un percorso completo, in cui determinati programmi sono soltanto degli strumenti. L'intero percorso suddiviso in 4 grandi indirizzi (a loro volta suddivisi in corsi specifici): ""Modellazione 3D"", ""Animazione"", ""Postproduzione e fotoritocco"" e ""Gaming"", a loro volta suddivisi in sotto-corsi..Allegati ai corsi, oltre alle esercitazioni pratiche, sono disponibili assets, file e immagini di riferimento, a supporto delle lezioni. Si trovano alla fine dell'ultima lezione di ogni corso, ove previsti.INDIRIZZO""MODELLAZIONE3D""In questo indirizzosi impara a modellare oggetti in scene statiche, inquadrare e illuminare una scena, creare fantastici effetti speciali e simulazioni, epaesaggi fantastici. Questo indirizzo prevede a sua volta 4 corsi (""Modellazione 3D e rendering"", ""Effetti speciali e simulazioni"", ""Sculpting"" e ""Modellazione Paesaggistica"").I software utilizzati sono Blender e Vue.L'indirizzo animazione, in 50 lezioni, diviso in 4 corsi e mette lo studente nelle condizioni di potersi abilmente muovere nel mondo della modellazione 3D sotto ogni aspetto, dall'oggettistica, all'architettura, al design e alla paesaggistica, non tralasciando le simulazioni, la fisica e gli effetti speciali.Al termine dell'indirizzo, lo studente sar perfettamente in grado di realizzare scene e modelli statici, perfettamente illuminati, inquadrati e renderizzati in modo efficace."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"CG ACADEMY: Animazione dalla A alla Z" |
"CGACADEMY la prima accademia di grafica, animazione e cinemadigitale interamente pensata per utenti online che desiderano seguire le lezioni e le decine di esercitazioni pratiche secondo i propri tempi, col il computer di casa.Una delle scelte, durante la realizzazione di questo corso, che prevede aggiornamenti e implementazioni future con altri software, stata quella di basarsi, quanto pi possibile, su software di supporto ai corsi Open Source. naturlamente questo non stato sempre possibile, come nel caso di Premiere e Vue, in quanto non abbiamo ritenuto valide le alternative gratuite, volendo mantenere elevata la qualit dei programmi, alla pari con quelli cosiddetti commerciali.CGACADEMY, per chiarire non un corso per imparare ad usare dei programmi di grafica 3D, ma un percorso completo, in cui determinati programmi sono soltanto degli strumenti. L'intero percorso suddiviso in 4 grandi indirizzi (a loro volta suddivisi in corsi specifici): ""Modellazione 3D"", ""Animazione"", ""Postproduzione e fotoritocco"" e ""Gaming"", a loro volta suddivisi in sotto-corsi..Allegati ai corsi, oltre alle esercitazioni pratiche, sono disponibili assets, file e immagini di riferimento, a supporto delle lezioni. Si trovano alla fine dell'ultima lezione di ogni corso, ove previsti.INDIRIZZO""ANIMAZIONE""Questo indirizzo, di cui il precedente propedeutico, affronta tutti gli argomenti inerenti l'animazione di oggetti nello spazio e di personaggi stessi grazie al rigging, ma anche il Motion Capture, il Motion Tracking e il montaggio video delle animazioni renderizzate. L'indirizzo suddiviso in 6 corsi (""Animazione"", Rigging, IK, Mocap e animazione facciale"", ""Motion Tracking"", ""Montaggiop e videoediting con Blender"", ""Montaggio e videoediting con Premiere"", ""Character Concept e animazione 2D"").I software utilizzati sono Blender e Premierepro CC.Allegati ai corsi, oltre alle esercitazioni pratiche, sono disponibili assets, file e immagini di riferimento, a supporto delle lezioni. Si trovano alla fine dell'ultima lezione di ogni corso, ove previsti.Questo indirizzo, del quale ""Modellazione 3D"" propedeutico per una maggiore comprensione, contiene 43lezioni (divise in 6 corsi distinti) e analizza a fondo ogni aspetto relativo all'animazione, dai semplici movimenti degli oggetti, alla creazione di un personaggio, la messa in posa e la recitazione (MOCAP), nonch all'animazione 2D(creazione cartoni animati a mano libera), il motion tracking (tecnica con cui si possono inserire oggetti virtuali in scene reali) e il montaggio video."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"CG ACADEMY: Post produzione e fotoritocco dalla A alla Z" |
"CGACADEMY la prima accademia di grafica, animazione e cinemadigitale interamente pensata per utenti online che desiderano seguire le lezioni e le decine di esercitazioni pratiche secondo i propri tempi, col il computer di casa.Una delle scelte, durante la realizzazione di questo corso, che prevede aggiornamenti e implementazioni future con altri software, stata quella di basarsi, quanto pi possibile, su software di supporto ai corsi Open Source. naturalmente questo non stato sempre possibile, come nel caso di Premiere e Vue, in quanto non abbiamo ritenuto valide le alternative gratuite, volendo mantenere elevata la qualit dei programmi, alla pari con quelli cosiddetti commerciali.CGACADEMY, per chiarire non un corso per imparare ad usare dei programmi di grafica 3D, ma un percorso completo, in cui determinati programmi sono soltanto degli strumenti. L'intero percorso suddiviso in 4 grandi indirizzi (a loro volta suddivisi in corsi specifici): ""Modellazione 3D"", ""Animazione"", ""Postproduzione e fotoritocco"" e ""Gaming"", a loro volta suddivisi in sotto-corsi..Allegati ai corsi, oltre alle esercitazioni pratiche, sono disponibili assets, file e immagini di riferimento, a supporto delle lezioni. Si trovano alla fine dell'ultima lezione di ogni corso, ove previsti.INDIRIZZO""POSTPRODUZIONEEFOTORITOCCO""Questo indirizzoaffronta tutti gli argomenti inerenti lo studio delle inquadrature, le tecniche di illuminazione e inquadratura, la fotografia, il colore, la post produzione delle immagini e delle scene (statiche o animate) realizzate in 3D e l'uso del potente Gimp.L'indirizzo suddiviso in 3corsi (""Compositing"", ""Elementi di fotografia"", ""Fotoritocco"".I software utilizzati sono Blender e Gimp.Questo indirizzo, del quale ""Modellazione 3D"" propedeutico per una maggiore comprensione, contiene 16 lezioni (divise in 3corsi distinti)."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"CG ACADEMY: Corso di Videogame developer dalla A alla Z" |
"CGACADEMY la prima accademia di grafica, animazione e cinemadigitale interamente pensata per utenti online che desiderano seguire le lezioni e le decine di esercitazioni pratiche secondo i propri tempi, col il computer di casa.Una delle scelte, durante la realizzazione di questo corso, che prevede aggiornamenti e implementazioni future con altri software, stata quella di basarsi, quanto pi possibile, su software di supporto ai corsi Open Source. naturalmente questo non stato sempre possibile, come nel caso di Premiere e Vue, in quanto non abbiamo ritenuto valide le alternative gratuite, volendo mantenere elevata la qualit dei programmi, alla pari con quelli cosiddetti commerciali.CGACADEMY, per chiarire non un corso per imparare ad usare dei programmi di grafica 3D, ma un percorso completo, in cui determinati programmi sono soltanto degli strumenti. L'intero percorso suddiviso in 4 grandi indirizzi (a loro volta suddivisi in corsi specifici): ""Modellazione 3D"", ""Animazione"", ""Postproduzione e fotoritocco"" e ""Gaming"", a loro volta suddivisi in sotto-corsi..INDIRIZZO""VODEOGAMEDEVELOPER""Questo indirizzo, composto dalcorso di sviluppo di videogame con Blender e dal corso di sviluppo videogame con Unreal Engine 4,mette lo studente nelle condizioni di progettare e realizzare un videogame usando il Game Logic di blender, un potente tool integrato oppure il famoso motore Ungine 4.Progettare videogame, per altro, non l'unico obiettivo del corso, ma anche quello di acquisire gli strumenti per realizzare scene interattive, come ambientazioni architettoniche.Questo indirizzo, del quale ""Modellazione 3D"" propedeutico per una maggiore comprensione, contiene 42 lezioni in 2 corsi.Le lezioni sono realizzate, per Blender High School, da Andrea Rotondo (Blender Game Engine) e Angelo Imperatore (UnrealEngine 4).Nella lezione 14, disponibile la versione PDFdel libro UNREALENGINE 4 PERTUTTI."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"CG ACADEMY - Corso di Unreal Engine 4 per principianti" |
"Unreal Engine 4 il motore di gioco pi famoso, professionale, completo e performante in assoluto.La sua interfaccia grafica, assai funzionale e user friendly, ti immedesimer immediatamente nel fantastico mondo dei game developer.Questo corso, realizzato da Angelo Imperatore per CG ACADEMY,strutturato in 32 lezioni,segueun percorso interattivo in cui, da subito, entrerai nel vivo della progettazione e della programmazione di un vero piccolo videogioco.Unreal Engine 4 ti facilita sin da subito l'apprendimento e l'uso, attraverso funzionalit intuitive e potenti, molti preset dei pi importanti giochi (terza persona, prima persona, VR, platform 2D e 3D, puzzle, dall'alto... etc.) e ti regala asset, molti dei quali gratuiti, da scaricare dal comodissimo Launcher.L'editor di programmazione grafico, noto come Blueprint, un vero e proprio potentissimo linguaggio di programmazione, strutturato con un sistema nodale, in luogo di quello scritto. Si tratta di un vero e proprio interprete di programmazione che ti mette a disposizione un'interfaccia utente visuale e numerose funzioni. In pratica non hai bisogno di conoscere alcun linguaggio di programmazione (C++, C#, Pyton, JavaScript...), che comunque puoi usare per implementare il tuo gioco.Con Unreal Engine 4, perfettamente gratuito, potrai creare il tuo videogioco, ma anche architetture visuali interattive, realt virtuale e aumentata."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Unethical publishing practices journal editors hate to see" |
"As an author, you face immense pressure to publish. That is the reality today and this pressure can sometimes make you do things that you may not be too proud of! Journal editors and peer reviewers are the gatekeepers and if you want to get published, they are the ones you need to please. Therefore, its important to understand what's important to them. we've spoken to many editors and ethics keeps coming up as something that is very important to them. So, through this course we will discuss the top unethical publishing practices that journal editors detest. We will also share some useful pointers on how you can avoid such practices and stay ethical."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Forex Trading Business For Beginners" |
"This course material is mainly designed as a foundation course for all who are willing to learn Forex Trading. The prime objective of the course is to lay a strong foundation for the learner regarding the basics of Trading. As we all know, the foundation is the most essential part of any structure. A building can afford any number of floors over it only if its foundation is strong enough. In the same way, we need to first acquire a thorough knowledge about all the basics in trading, so that we can advance further in a smooth way.By deciding to learn and follow trading, you are entering into a serious business world and hence you should train your mind to think so. As in every business, there are certain points that each trading aspirant has to first understand - like,The basics of trading businessWhat is the profit in it What are the risks incurred How to overcome the risk How to overcome the loss, if anyWhat is Forex Business What are the traps waitingConsidering all the above points, in our course, we take you through a series of videos that cover the entire basics of Forex trading business.The course is structured such that it takes you through different sessions that explains all that a trader needs to know, clears the doubts in the mind of trader, give a thorough basics knowledge and exposure to trading world.The topics covered are,What is traded in Forex BusinessWhat is Forex Trading or currency trading and how does this business happen What areMajor Currency Pairs in Forex What areCross currency pairs in Forex Market Size and Liquidity of Forex market Why isDollar called asKing in the Forex Business Different Ways to trade Forex Effect of Forex market on other financial markets Who Trades Forex Forex market Businessparticipants Difference between Forex Market business and Other financial Markets Advantages Of Forex Trading over other marketsWe also take you through the different types of analysis done in Forex market business like,Fundamental analysis Technical analysis Sentimental analysisWithout knowing the terminologies used in the trading world, you cannot take even a single step in the trading business world. So in our videos, we are giving a detailed explanation of all the terminologies used, which includes,Defining pip Reading the currency quote in Forex Explanation of bid and ask prices Leverage Margin Equity Balance Lot Spread Commission Stop loss Take profit Trend Short selling in ForexHow a trader make money in Forex is illustrated with examples. One of the highlights of trading is that we can grab the opportunitiesin our business by placing pending orders. Hence it is explained in detail with examples as,Types of orders Market orders Pending orders (Sell Stop, Buy Stop, Sell Limit, Buy Limit)While in business, you should know about the best time to do the business. So, time of trade is an important factor, and hence we have developed videos on,Forex Trading SessionsBest Time of Day to trade Forex Best Time of the Week to trade Forex Worst Time of a day to trade ForexThe success in every business lies in knowing the areas where we might get cheated or where the traps are laid for us. We will take you through different types of frauds and scams that you should be aware of and should avoid under the following videos,Choosing a broker for your trading business How to recognize a cheating broker and avoid dealing with them Forex Frauds Once you understand about selecting brokers and also the frauds, we will guide you step by step on how to register and open an account. That is, we are giving guidance on how to start your own business with the help of below videos,Opening a Trading Account with the right broker How to deposit and withdraw money from brokers The registration process of one broker Once you register with broker, it is time to execute the trading business. So our next step is to help you download and make you familiar with the tool that we use for trading business. The following video session covers,Downloading your trading terminal platform Opening a demo account for practice with real time environment mt4 trading terminal introduction Customizing chart Placing your first market order Setting up your mt4 terminal Adding indicators to your mt4 Setting up profiles in your mt4 In addition to all above, we provide you with videos on some technical tools that are helpful in the trading business like,Trend is your friend Identifying Trend Explanation of moving average indicator andhow it works Placing Pending Orders Drawing support and resistance lines Trend-linesIntroduction to candlesticks and price action Why indicators are delayed Why choose Price Action Types of signals, continuation and reversal pattern signals etcetc We are giving you more awareness additionally about trading world through below videos,Legends of Forex trading Why many traders fail in this Forex business What type of trader you are Swing trading (long term trader) Speculator Position HolderIn future, we will be adding more videos which will be available for free along with this course.The ultimate objective of this course is making you understand the foundation of Forex trading business in detail and it is done systematically. Now the next question will be What is next after completing this course !!! We have the answer for itWatch our video Whats Next In this video, we guide you to the next step to be followed to become the most successful trader Thank you and wish you all success, as you enter into the trading world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Energiespar-Formel // Mehr Geld durch Wasser sparen Zuhause" |
"Wasserkosten sind nicht fest, mit einfachen Tricks kann sich hier Zuhause viel eingespart werden!In diesem Online-Kurs lernst Du, wie Du deine Wasserkosten Zuhause stark senken kannst und somit mehr Geld fr wichtigere Dinge im Leben hast.Der Kursist ideal fr diejenigen, die in 1,5Stunden das Wichtigste ber Wasser sparen Zuhause lernen wollen. Neben Theorie gibt es auch Beispielrechnungen aus der Praxis, durch die das Einsparungspotential verdeutlicht wird.Der Berater Manuel Werner ist gelernter Anlagenmechaniker SHK und studiert derzeit Gebudeklimatik, weshalb er in seinem jungen Alter schon als Experte auf dem Gebiet des Energiesparens Zuhause gilt.Die 6 Kernlektionen dieses Kurses sind:-Warum 90% aller Haushalte Geld beim Geschirrsplen verschwenden-5 Tipps, um die Duschkosten um bis zu 50% reduzieren-Wasser aus dem Wasserhahn? Altmodisch und ineffizient-5 Tipps fr das perfekte und effizienteste Waschergebnis-Der groe ""Toilletensplungs Hack""-Stromkosten beim Wasserkochensofort um 40% reduzierenBONUS: Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Inhalte"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Energiespar-Formel // Mehr Geld durch Strom sparen Zuhause" |
"Stromkosten sind nicht fest, mit einfachen Tricks kann sich hier Zuhause viel eingespart werden!In diesem Online-Kurs lernst Du, wie Du innerhalb 2 Wochendeine Stromkosten Zuhause sofortstark senken wirst und somit mehr Geld fr wichtigere Dinge im Leben brig hast.Der Kursist ideal fr diejenigen, die in 2,5Stunden das Wichtigste ber Strom sparen Zuhause lernen wollen. Neben Theorie gibt es auch Beispielrechnungen aus der Praxis, durch die das Einsparungspotential verdeutlicht wird.Der BeraterManuel Wernerist gelernter Anlagenmechaniker SHK und studiert derzeit Gebudeklimatik, weshalb er in seinem jungen Alter schon als Experte auf dem Gebiet des Energiesparens Zuhause gilt."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2007 / 2010 / 2013" |
"Ocorre que as pessoas, por pensarem que o Excel uma ferramenta voltada matemtica complicada ecomplexade se fazer, alm disso difcil acreditar mas a grande maioria das pessoas utilizam apenas 20% ou menos dos recursos que essa ferramenta oferece, mesmo sabendo que se utilizarmos ela com sabedoria poderia nos ajudar a extrair informaes com qualidade nos ajudando a ficar cada mais eficientes e eficazes nas nossas tarefas.A pergunta que sempre devemos fazer acerca dessa poderosa ferramenta, sobre o nosso conhecimento dela, e se de fato a conhecemos como deveramos de forma a economizar nosso tempo e energia, atravs da utilizao de todos os possveis recursos que ela pode nos oferecer?Muitas pessoas no tem total confiana ao utilizar esse software mesmo j tendo feito um curso para tal fim, e a verdade por pior que parea que se no praticar a utilizao dele todos ns acabamos por esquecer a forma de utilizao e retornamos a estaca zero fazendo de forma automtica, repetitiva e sem pensar no motivo da existncia de uma funo ou outra.Contedo tudo!No pense apenas em quantidade de horas na escolha de um curso, pense em QUALIDADE. Se estiver escolhendo um curso veja anteriormente o contedo oferecido e a didtica na qual aplicada. Pois engana-se que quanto mais horas de aula melhor o contedo.Alm de outras coisas, voc poder ao final desse curso saber como importar dados, classificar, utilizar filtros bsicos e avanados, entender como funciona as funes para trabalhar-se com textos e banco de dados, alm de montar tabelas dinmicas e aprender muitas funes como Se, Somase, Contse, Datas e Horas, Ou, E,entre diversas outras funes e atalhos que iro lhe poupar horas de trabalho.Nesse momento gostaria de parabeniz-lo pela sua escolha deste curso. Voc poder aprender bastante dedicando apenas alguns minutos por dia nesse curso, ir aprender desde noes bsicas at conhecimentos mais avanados e profundos que podero ser utilizadas no seu dia-a-dia seja ele profissional ou pessoal.O mais legal de tudo que o curso foi desenvolvido de maneira dinmica e prtica com um instrutor que possui mais de 10 anos de experincia na utilizao dessa ferramenta, e a pratica diariamente em sua profisso como contador.Essa ferramenta alm te ajudar diariamente, quando voc de fato entende ela ter o controle absoluto na utilizao dos dados, e ir manipular o banco de dados de acordo com o que desejar, sem sofrimentos que o melhor de tudo. Alm de formatar e montar relatrios da forma com que pretende.Dvidas frequentesSer fornecido um certificado de concluso de curso (digital) para aqueles que completarem o curso. Observe que este ter um cdigo de verificao para garantir a autenticidade do mesmo;O material ser fornecido com planilhas prticas e exerccios;A aulas sero visuais e podero ser pausadas a qualquer instanteO tempo de concluso depende do nvel de dedicao de cada aluno alm do conhecimento prvio do mesmo, sendo possvel o fazer em apenas um dia (no sendo ideal para melhor aproveitamento);Apoio e ajuda do professor a qualquer momento do curso."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Courageous Caregiver - Prepare to Care Plan" |
"Are you prepared? This is a quesiton to consider before you get into the think of life. It's better to have the map before you take the trip. Life can take you on a trip, you may not be so excited to go on. When it comes to caring for your loved one, this can prove to be quite challenging. How does a person get ready for it? By engaging and asking some really great questions. This course is designed to spark some great discussion. Walk through this journey and be prepared to dicover some things about yourself as well as the persons in your life that you care about. Let me be your guide and may you learn from my personal experiance.Sincerly,Your friend and supporterCurtis Walker"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Modern Web Scraping with Python using Scrapy Splash Selenium" |
"Web Scraping nowadays has become one of the hottest topics, there are plenty of paid tools out there in the market that don't show you anything how things are done as you will be always limited to their functionalities as a consumer.In this course you won't be a consumer anymore, i'll teach you how you can build your own scraping tool ( spider ) using Scrapy.You will learn: The fundamentals of Web ScrapingHow to build a complete spiderThe fundamentals of XPath & CSS SelectorsHow to locate content/nodes from the DOM using XPath & CSSHow to store the data in JSON, CSV... and even to an external database(MongoDb & SQLite3)How to write your own custom PipelineFundamentals of SplashHow to scrape Javascript websites using Scrapy Splash & SeleniumThe Crawling behaviorHow to build a CrawlSpiderHow to avoid getting banned while scraping websitesHow to build a custom MiddlewareWeb Scraping best practicesHow to scrape APIsHow to use Request CookiesHow to scrape infinite scroll websitesHost spiders in Heroku for freeRun spiders periodically with a custom scriptPrevent storing duplicated dataDeploy Splash to Heroku Write data to Excel files Login to websites using ScrapyDownload Files & Images using ScrapyUse Proxies with Scrapy SpiderUse Crawlera with Scrapy & SplashUse Proxies with CrawlSpiderWhat makes this course different from the others, and why you should enroll ?First, this is the most updated course. You will be using Python 3.7, Scrapy 1.6 and Splash 3.0You will have an in-depth step by step guide on how to become a professional web scraper. You will learn how to use Splash & Selenium to scrape JavaScript websites and I can assure you, you won't find any tutorials out there that teaches how to really use Splash like I'll be doing in this course.You will learn how to host spiders in Heroku as well as Splash(Exclusive).You will learn how to create a custom script so spiders can run periodically without any intervention from you.30 days money back guarantee by Udemy So whether you are a data analyst who wants to add web scraping to his tool set or someone else who wants to learn how to extract unstructured data from unstructured HTML web pages and then store back that data in a structured way to apply some data analysis on it then you are welcome to join this course.**STUDENTS THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS COURSE **""I was particularly looking for web scraping using XPATHs and this course is addressing that. It also covers dynamic paging. A proper mix of theory and practical. A must-have for those who wants to do web scraping . GREAT learning experience !!! "". By Hiran Kumar""90% of what I was searching for!!! Great job!! Clear explanations and great communication with Ahmed"". By Raylyson Estanista ""Admeds Web scraping course is awesome . His approach using Python with scrapy and splash works well with all websites especially those that make heavy use of JavaScript. Ahmed is a gifted educator: expert communicator, passionate, conscientious and accessible to his students. I highly recommend this course and any of Ahmed Rafiks Udemy courses. "". By Richard Blackmon""Great course, and a nice introduction to Scrapy (I'm someone with no Python experience whatsoever)."". By I S""Excellent course. Quick and thorough at the same time. Ahmed is incredibly responsive to the students and often replies to questions within minutes! Highest recommendation."" By Robert Nolte""That course is very good and explanation is crystal clear! The instructor is very supportive in case of questions. Highly recommended."" By Shubina Ekaterina ""I like the course. Clear explanations and good comunication with Ahmed. All topics is interesting and full of information. I improved my skils in Scrapy. Author update course content by new videos. It's a big bonus) Explained more advance topics I never see in other courses. Thank you, Ahmed. Waiting for new videos)"". By Ruslan Romanenko"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Web Scraping 101 with Python3 using REQUESTS, LXML & SPLASH" |
"What is web scraping ?Let's say your boss at work gave you a task where he wants you to extract about 1000 product from a website, structure the data and save it to a database, would you copy paste manually all the product details from the product name, url and price ? I can imagine you would work days and nights and you wont finish the task, so this is where web scraping shines. So web scraping, or web harvesting or web data extraction is like writing a script that will automate data extraction from websites in a matter of minutes !.Why learn Web Scraping ?Whether you're a data analyst, a web developer or even someone who wants to work as a freelancer you should learn web scraping. For a data analyst building a dataset is extremely important, so without web scraping you simply can't generate it in addition to that adding web scraping in your resume is a plus for you. Web scraping can be used in a variety of fields, so let me give you some examples on what you can do with it: Generate leads, Drop shipping where basically you gonna constantly scrape products from different online stores and show case them on your website to make money,Monitor products prices to get the best deals,automation,Machine learning,Web scraping freelancerOf course there are tons and tons and variety of fields where web scraping can be extremely beneficial. Is this course the right one for you ?I've carefully planned and designed this course to be beginner friendly, from my experience I know those who do web scraping are mostly data analyst with no background knowledge on how the web works, how requests are made, how to locate and parse the data from the web and much much more, in addition to that this the most updated course regarding the material included and the tools used, so in this course I'll introduce to you the most used web scraping tools/frameworksWe will setup the development environment from scratchYou will learn and understand LXML core fundamentalsHow to use XPath & CSS selectors to select the data from a web pageHow the web works (Request/Response)How to scrape simple HTML web pages How to scrape multiple web pagesExtract data from APIsYou will learn Splash(crash course) so you can use it to scrape JavaScript websitesAuthentication/Login Store the extracted data whether to JSON/CSV files or MongoDb/SQLite3Exclusive tips and tricks regarding web scrapingFinally this course is project based, each section starting from the 2nd one we will experiment with a different website, each project has a certain degree of difficulty and each one is completely independent from other projects. Is there is any assignments/exercises included in this course ? Yes, each section has an assignment included to it, this will help to get your hands dirty and by the end of each section after doing the assignment included you will feel more confident and comfortable with web scraping. Why LXML and not BeautifulSoup ?LXML is a lightweight HTML parser even the most popular web scraping framework (Scrapy) is built on the top of LXML, BeautifulSoup is a little bit overloaded with the number of functions exposed to us, it has more functions to use, yes that's right ! however in Web Scraping most of the time we use XPath and CSS Selectors to navigate and select what to scrape from the HTML web page (tree) so there is no need to learn about new functions and wasting all that time to familiarize yourself with the BeautifulSoup API and the internal architecture, in addition to all of that LXML in terms of performance is way better than BeautifulSoup. Who is your instructor ? Hi! I'm Ahmed nice to meet you, my students prefer to call me web scraping Ninja and currently I have taught more than 2000 students around the world how to do web scraping. I personally do web scraping on daily basis whether for fun, for personal projects or as a freelancer and guess what ? I even have a master degree in computer science. Should I enroll to this course ?Honestly, by enrolling to this course you have nothing to lose, because if this course didn't meet your requirements, you can always ask for a refund in less than 30 days from the day you enrolled to the course guaranteed by Udemy with NO QUESTION TO ASK !SO IF YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WEB SCRAPING & YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START ENROLL NOW ! :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Achieve Extraordinary Success" |
"A Champion's Mind - Learn and apply the same concepts as the world's most successful athletes. In this course you will learn the basic concepts, tools and functions of sports psychology and how you can apply these to lifestyle and business to become the very best version of yourself possible. Build a strong foundation in sports psychology concepts and how to use these to improve your own performance in lifestyle and business, with this course for beginnersCoping with failure and setbacks Positive mindset - how to get one and apply to everyday tasks Goal setting and reaching and surpassing those goals Focus Visualisation Relaxation for peak performanceDealing with difficult situations and peoplePowerful Performance Skills at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of sports psychology and peak performance puts powerful and very useful tools at your fingertips. Content and OverviewThis course is at thosewho want to be the very best versions of themselves that they canbe. We want to educate you using tools that you can't learn in school or University but they are the fundamental psychological skills that you can use to build confidence, set and reach goals, deal with everyday pressures through advice on relaxation and learn how to apply these to team scenarios. We don't use theories or pop psychology, we use sports psychology fundamentals to enhance performance in everyday life inside and outside of the sporting arena, increase the chances of success, give you great advice on goal setting and reaching goals, success in scenarios such as interviews and also educateyou in areas such as integrity and ethical values. We teach proventechniques from a collective background in professional dance, management consultancy, professional disciplines, entrepreneurship and working for big businesses. At our heart, we want to help, in the most ethical, affordable and innovative way and create a global community to share ideas and success stories. Students completing the course will have the knowledge and skills to create real differences to their performance and understand how to sustain this in the long-term. Complete with workedexamples and exercises, youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept, and will be able to make a real difference to your own life as you apply the concepts of the course in lifestyleand business."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Kit de supervivencia para la industria musical" |
"La finalidadde este curso es darte las herramientas para mapear todas las variables que tiene un proyecto musical. Estudiamoslos elementosque componen el mercado de la msica, para entender cmo nos relacionamos con cada agente, y sobre todo, cmo sacarle provecho a cada oportunidad.Ser abogado de entretenimientome da la oportunidad de entender la perspectiva de cada jugador, ya seas artista independiente, manager, productor musical,etc.Casi todos los msicos profesionales que conozcodicen que""eso no te le ensean en la academia"", este curso es una respuesta a ese reclamo. El objetivo es quepuedas concentrarte en lo que sabes hacer: buena msica;sin la ansiedad que produce la complejidaddel gremio. Quiero darte las herramientas para que tomes el control de tu proyecto musical."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Criminologia Feminista" |
"O curso pretende introduzir o debate da Criminologia Feminista a partir da problematizao das formas tradicionais com que o sistema punitivo interpretou o comportamento das mulheres autoras (criminosas e loucas) e vtimas de delitos. Procura aprofundar o debate a partir dos paradigmas fundantes da misoginia punitiva: as teorias demonolgicas e as teorias positivistas. Prope uma discusso preliminar sobre o surgimento da Criminologia Feminista desde a identificao de um dos seus temas centrais: a violncia contra a mulher. Por fim, procura aprofundar o debate entre criminalidade feminina e loucura.__________MARIANA DE ASSIS BRASIL E WEIGEatualmente professora substituta de Direito Penal e Criminologia na Faculdade Nacional de Direito/UFRJ. Graduada em Direito pela PUCRS; mestre em Criminologia e Execuo Penal pela Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona e igualmente em Cincias Criminais pela PUCRS; doutora em Psicologia Social e Institucional pela UFRGS, com pesquisa realizada na Universit di Bologna. Autora dos livros ""Uso de Drogas e Sistema Penal: entre o proibicionismo e a reduo de danos"" (Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2009) e ""Medidas de Segurana e Reforma Psiquitrica: silncios e invisibilidades dos sujeitos nos manicmios judiciais brasileiros"" (Florianpolis: Emprio do Direito, prelo); e co-autora de ""Sofrimento e Clausura no Brasil Contemporneo: estudos crticos sobre fundamentos e alternativas as penas e medidas de segurana"" (Florianpolis: Emprio do Direito, 2016).BIBLIOGRAFIA BSICA RECOMENDADA:ANDRADE, Vera Regina Pereira de. Criminologia e Feminismo: da mulher como vtima mulher como sujeito de construo da cidadania. In: CAMPOS, Carmen Hein de (Org.). Criminologia e Feminismo. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 1999. _____. Violncia sexual e sistema penal: proteo ou duplicao da vitimao feminina? Sequncia: estudos jurdicos e polticos, Florianpolis, Ano 17, n. 33, p.87-144, dez. 1996.BARATTA, Alessandro. O paradigma de gnero: da questo criminal questo humana. In: CAMPOS, Carmen Hein de. Criminologia e Feminismo. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 1999.CAMPOS, Carmen Hein de; CARVALHO, Salo. Tenses atuais entre a criminologia feminista e a criminologia crtica: a experincia brasileira. In: CAMPOS, Carmen Hein de (Org.). Lei Maria da Penha comentada em uma perspectiva jurdico-feminista. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2011.LARRAURI, Elena. La herencia de la criminologia. Madrid: Siglo Vientiuno, 1991. ______. Criminologia Crtica y violencia de gnero. Madrid: Editorial Trotta S.A, 2007. ______. Mujeres, Derecho Penal y Criminologia. Madrid: Siglo Vientiuno, 1999."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"HIIT and Body weight exercises with a US Marine" |
"Life is fast paced, things happen minute to minute, and sometimes, we struggle to find time for ourselves. Unfortunately, this sometimes means sacrificing our health and well being for convenience, time, money, etc.I believe in taking care of yourself first. I believe that taking care of yourself causes positive results in other areas of your life, and that exercise is essential and cannot be neglected. Maybe you don't have time to leave work and head to the gym, maybe you don't want to buy a gym membership, or maybe you don't want to waste time waiting your turn using the equipment.This is where bodyweight training comes in. Simple, convenient, and effective. No gym membership, very minimal equipment, and no wasted time!My course breaks down bodyweight training in simple, easy to understand videos, featuring exercises for every part of the body.Also..Fire your metabolism back up with HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT), one of the most effective fat burning and endurance workout protocols known today. HIIT is EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE! You can get a great HIIT workout in as little as TWO MINUTES! HIIT gives you sustained calorie and FAT BURNING for HOURS after a workout! You'll also get a three month daily bodyweight training plan designed to help you start putting these exercises into practice. Once you get into a good routine, the possibilities are endlessSo, to recap, you're gettingAn extensive library of over 100 bodyweight exercises Resources that help you understand the muscles you're usingHigh intensity interval training My 3 month daily bodyweight exercise guide"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get ready for Marine Corps Boot Camp" |
"This course is your ultimate study guide to Marine boot camp. It won't teach you everything, that's your drill instructors job. What this course will do is get you physically and mentally prepared to show up to boot camp ready to learn. This course will coverRANK STRUCTURE- Learn to identify and describe all Marine Corps ranks, which you will constantly be tested on.MEMORIZING YOUR GENERAL ORDERS- At boot camp, you are required to memorize all 11 general orders, and recite them under pressure. Having them memorized before you get to boot camp will greatly benefit you.BASIC CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES- Knowing how to address the Marines you interact with at boot camp.MINDSET AND MENTALITY- Developing the right mindset and mentality needed to learn the most from boot campFITNESS- Show up to boot camp in shape...or suffer more. Boot camp will get you in shape, no matter what. But you risk injury if you do not prepare beforehand.NUTRITION- At boot camp, food is fuel. There is no time for luxury or comfort foods.The title Marine is not easily earned. The journey will be difficult. You will be tested in ways you never have been before. In the end, it comes down to your attitude. How bad do you want it? What are you willing to do to make it happen? To succeed, you must first prepare. That preparation starts right now."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Product Management Fundamentals" |
"Learn the relevant skills to get into the hottest role in tech today!The most comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to Product Management, led by a senior product practitioner. Supplemented by quizzes, resources and a course completion certificate.DescriptionA recent news article calls the Product Manager the 4th most important role in a company today, making product management one of the hottest jobs in the market. However, most people are unaware of what exactly a Product Manager does. Does the role require technical skills or business skills? And what is it about the role that demands extreme empathy with the customer?This e-learning course by the Institute of Product Leadership is a foundational course that demystifies the role. Starting from the very basics ofWhat is a product?,the course curriculum introduces students to theproductizing processand the skills and frameworks such asMarket Analysis, Strategic Planning, Product Planning, Go to Market and Sales Enablementrequired to design, launch and nurture a product. Students will also be introduced to the role and career path of a Product Manager and thebusiness, technology and customer contextsa person needs to master to become a good Product Manager.Although no prior knowledge is required, an appreciation or hands-on experience of how product and services companies operate is helpful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Die Energie-Formel - Hol Dir mehr Kraft & Lebensfreude!" |
"""Hast Du zu wenig Energie?""Bist Du erschpft, mde, schlapp, lustlosoder energielos und willst endlich wieder voller Power Dein Leben leben?""Willst Du noch mehr Energie?""Willst Du zuknftig noch mehr Power haben, um in Deinem Leben mehr zu erreichen und Dir das Leben zu erschaffen, was Du Dir wnscht?EGAL wie viel Energie Du momentan hast, dieses einzigartige Online-Video-Seminar hat nur ein Ziel: Dich dahin zu bringen, dass Du Deine Energielevel maximal nach oben pushen kannst und dauerhaft oben hltst!Wie alle meine Kurse ist das Seminarsehr praktischaufgebaut,sodass Du alles sofort anwenden und sofort profitieren kannst.In 21Einzel-Videos analysieren wir beide gemeinsam Deine persnliche Energie-Formel und sehen, was Dir momentan in Deinem Leben Energie entzieht und was Dich Energie aufladen lsst.Basierend auf der detaillierten Analyse definieren wir gemeinsam eine konkrete Strategie, die Dir ganz genau zeigt, an welchen Rdern, in welchen Lebensbereichen Du drehen musst, um Deine Energielevel dauerhaft signifikant anzuheben!Das Besondere am Seminar ist, dass wir uns in der Analyse undden Manahmen sowohl auf krperliche, als auch aufgeistige Themen fokussieren, d.h., dass wir ganzheitlich alle Themen angehen, die Dich momentan inKrper & Geist schwchen, bzw.Dich aufladen lassen. Eine konkrete bersicht der Themen siehst Du in der Gliederung des Kurses.Und hier ein berblick mit allem, was Du bekommst:Detaillierte AnalyseDeiner individuellenEnergie-Formel:Wir gehen im Seminar ingemeinsamen bungenalle Faktoren durch, die Dich belasten und Dir Energie entziehen, sowie der Dinge, die Dir Energie geben und Dich aufladen lassen, sodass ein konkretes Bild Deiner individuellen Energie-Formel entsteht.Voller Energie & Lebensfreude-Deineindividuellen Manahmen:Basierend auf der detaillierten Analyse Deiner individuellen Energie-Formel definieren wir gemeinsam die Manahmen, um Deine Energie-Level anzuheben.Step by step Energie aufladen- Deine individuelle Strategie:AlleManahmenintegrieren wir in Deinenpersnlichen Umsetzungsplan, den Du Schritt fr Schritt in Deinem Alltagumsetzen kannst. Dieser ist so detailliert, dass Du einen idealen Beispieltag bekommst, wo alle bungen & Manahmen ber den Tag verteilt aufgefhrt sind.bungen & RoutinenmitSoforteffekt:Ich lasse Dich bei der Umsetzung nicht allein, sondern gebe Dir zustzlich zu Deinen individuellen Manahmen weitere effektive bungen & Routinen an die Hand, die Du sofort anwenden kannst und die Dirsofort positive Effekte bringen. Ich zeige Dir z. B.wie Dudie4 Haupt-Energie-Ruberaus Deinem Alltag eliminierst und mit den5 Energie-Dimension&5 Power-Routinensofort sprbar Deine Energielevel steigerst.bungs-/ Arbeits-Chartszum Ausdrucken:Es ist essentiell wichtig, dass Du die bungen im Seminar individuell machst, um zur bestmglichen Analyse zu kommen, die dann in der fr Dich bestmglichen Strategie endet. Hierzu habe ich Dir alle bungen in bersichtliche Charts gepackt, damit Du sie ausdrucken und verwenden kannst.Hier ein paar Stimmen der Seminar-Teilnehmer:""Keine Energie war gestern!"" - (Ilona 54J., Angestelle bei der Stadt):Ich bin einfach nur happy. Es ist wie immer, die einfache Dinge sind oft die besten! Ich habe im Seminar alles Schritt fr Schritt mitgemacht und dann die Dinge einfach gemacht. Das wars. Aber das hat auch den Unterschied fr mich gemacht. Jetzt fhle ich ich mich endlich wieder fit""Habe schon vieles vorher versucht..""- (Brries 34J., Freier Jounalist & Blogger):Klar ist man anfangs skeptisch, aber ich bin froh mich drauf eingelassen zu haben! Die Energie-Formel hat mir geholfen, mein Leben neu zu ordnen. Ich habe meine Energieruber kennengelernt und wei jetzt, was ich tun muss, um sie aus meinem Leben rauszuhalten. Genauso mache ich endlich wieder Dinge, die mir Spa machen, weil nur sie mein Leben bereichern und mir so Kraft geben.""""Endlich wusste ich, was ich tun musste...""- (Steffen 46J., Angestellter im Pharmakonzern):Mir fiel es wie Schuppen von den Augen. Endlich wusste ich, was ich all die Jahre falsch gemacht habe! ... Speziell die 5 Energie-Dimensionen ist ab jetzt meine tgliche bung. Sie wirkt so direkt, ich habe mehr Energie und fhle mich einfach super!""Ich habe meinen Weg gefunden und bin wieder happy!""- (Karoline 39J., Teamleiterin Marketing-Agentur):Es war ein tolles Seminar! Endlich mal ging es um mich, endlich mal konnte ich individuell meine Themen bearbeiten und dann fr mich ein Konzept entwickeln, wie es zuknftig weitergeht. Das Hauptproblem heutzutage ist doch, dass man kaum noch wei, was, bzw. wer einem wirklich helfen kann. Diese Hilfe habe ich Gott sei Dank mit Sebastian und der Energie-Formel gefunden!""Wenn Du voller Energie & Lebensfreude Dein Lebenleben willst, dann starte mit mir gemeinsamdie Energie-Formel und pusheDeine Energie-Level. Ich freue mich auf Dich im Seminar!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Das Gesetz der Anziehung (+/-) Das Gesetz der Resonanz" |
"""Was haben Matt Damon, Will Smith, Jim Carrey & Denzel Washington gemein?""Sie alle nutzen neben vielen anderen erfolgreichen Menschen bewusst das Gesetz der Anziehung, um ihr perfektes Leben anzuziehen!""Dieses einzigartige Gesetz der AnziehungSeminar ist Dein Schlssel, Dein Leben zum Optimum zu verndern!""Du kannst all das in Dein Leben ziehen, was Du Dir fr Dein perfektes Leben vorstellst!Gleichzeitig kannst Duall das, was Dich nervt, worber Du unglcklich bist oder was bisher noch nicht so luft, wie Du es gern httest, hinter Dir lassen!Suchst Du momentan noch denidealen Partner und mchtest sie oder ihn in Dein Leben ziehen?Sagt Dir Deine innere Stimme, dass Du unzufrieden mit Deinemberuflichen Erfolg bistund mchtest Du mehr Erfolg in Dein Leben ziehen?Fhlst Du Dich aktuell nicht attraktiv oder fit genug und mchtest zuknftig Attraktivitt & Fitness in Dein Leben ziehen?Egal, was Du Dir wnscht, mit diesem Seminar werde ich Dich in die Lage versetzen, es in Dein Leben zu ziehen!Und damit Du das schaffst, nehme ich Dich mit auf eine spannende Reise zu den Resonanzgesetzen:Wir starten im 1. Abschnitt mit den Hintergrundinformationen, die essentiell wichtig fr unsere weitere Reise sind.Hier schauen wir uns gemeinsam an, wie das Gesetz der Anziehung in Deinem Leben funktioniert, wo es sich bisher positiv oder auch negativausgewirkt hat und warum dies so war / ist.Nach diesem theoretischen Teil wenden wir uns direkt der Praxis zu!Ich mchtemit Dir ...UMSETZEN, UMSETZEN, UMSETZEN:Mein Ziel ist, das Du das Gesetz der Anziehung fr Dich anwenden kannst. Top Informationen allein ntzen nichts, wenn Du sie nicht anwenden kannst!Deswegen werden wir im 2. Abschnitt viele gemeinsame bungen machen, wo wir Schritt fr Schritt das Resonanz-Gesetz anwenden!Und, wir machen dies an einem Beispiel, was Du Dir selbst aussuchst! Du kannst selbst den Lebensbereich whlen, den Du zuknftig in Dein Leben ziehen mchtest, sodass Du am Ende einen konkreten Masterplan in der Tasche hast, den Du nur noch in Deinem Alltag umsetzt.Und, um Dir alles noch anschaulicher zu machen, werden wir den Schritt fr SchrittProzess an 2 weiteren Beispielen durchspielen: an Thomas, der mehr Geld in sein Leben ziehen mchte und an Charlotte, die Attraktivitt und Fitness in ihr Leben ziehen will.So bekommst Du 3 konkrete Beispiele, wie das Gesetz der Anziehung funktioniert und kannst dann diestep by step Vorgehensweise & diebungenauf jeden Lebensbereich anwenden, den Du anziehen willst!Das Besondere am Kurs:Nicht nur Theorie, sondern Praxis: wir setzen gemeinsam um, damit Du das bekommst, was Du Dir wnscht. (Nur der, der umsetzt, hat am Ende Erfolg!)Unerlssliche 2-fach Strategie:1. Konzentrieren auf das, was Du anziehen willst2. Eliminieren von allem, was Du nicht anziehen mchtest. Denn durchnegative Glaubensstze oder destruktivesVerhalten wirst Du Deinen Erfolg immer selbst sabotieren.Die ""Gesetz der Anziehungs - Gleichung"": anhand der von mir aufgestellten Gleichung werden wir gemeinsameinfach und leichtSchritt fr Schritt Deinen Masterplan ausarbeiten, den Du dann im Alltag umsetzen kannstAlle bungen & Chartsgebe ich Dir als PDF Download, damit Du sie direkt in den bungenausfllen und bearbeitenkannst.Motivation: Dieser Kurs ist keintrockenes Seminar. Ich mchte Dich dafr begeistern, Dein Leben in Deine Hnde zu nehmen und das Beste daraus zu machen. Deswegen gebe ich in meinen Videos alles, um Dich maximal zu motivieren!One-Shoot-Video: Meine Seminare sind alle in der One-Shoot-Technik aufgenommen. Dies bedeutet, dass ich innerhalb der Videos niemals schneide. So siehst Du mich, als wenn es ein echtes Seminar ist und keinen zusammen-geschnittener Film. So kannst Du die Inhalte am besten verfolgen/ verarbeiten undden hchsten Benefit aus dem Seminar ziehen.BONUS - Material:Kurz-Kurs: Selbstvertrauen aufbauen - Selbstbewusst sein! Je mehr Selbstvertrauen und Selbstbewusstsein Du hast, desto besser wirst Du Dein perfektes Leben anziehen. Mit diesem Kurz-Kurs mchte ich Dich untersttzen, dies zu erreichen!Die 5 Energie-Dimensionen: Diese gefhrte Meditation nimmt Dich auf eine Reisemit, die Du selbst gestaltet. Die 5 Energie-Dimensionen sind ein sehr wirksames und effektives Werkzeug, die Anziehung dessen, was du Dir wnscht, nochmals zu verstrken!Das Gesetz der Anziehung kann und hat Leben zum Besserentransformiert. Ich mchte, dass dieses Seminar den Grundstein legt, dass dies auch bei Dir passiert.Stell Dir vor, wie es wre, wenn Dein perfektes Leben schon heute Wirklichkeit wre!Was wrde in Deinem Leben anders sein? Wie wrdest Du Dich fhlen?Genau dort bringen wir Dich hin! Deine Reise startet heute! Ich freue mich darauf, Dich zu begleiten!Lass uns loslegen, Dein perfektes Leben anzuziehen!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Librez Votre Confiance En Soi Et Devenez Inarrtable!" |
"Devenez 100% confiant, boostez votre estime de soi et devenez inarrtableAvez-vous dj t dans une situation o vous vous sentiez stress ou anxieux? Avez-vous dj dout de vos capacits et vous n'avez pas pris action? Avez-vous dj ressenti ce sentiment dsagrable dans votre corps qui vous empchait d'agir pour ce qui est important pour vous?La plupart des gens manquent de confiance en eux et ils ne s'en rendent mme pas compte. Avec un cours comme celui-ci, vous allez finalementpouvoir agir pour ce qui est important pour vous, vous sentir bien dans votre peau, avoir le courage d'tre vous mme, tre confiant au travail, tre confiant lorsque vous prenez la parole, tre confiant lorsque vous interagissez avec les gens et mme lorsque vous prenez action pour atteindre vos objectifs.Comment changerait votre vie si pourriez devenir confiant et avoir ce que vous voulez? Comment vous sentiriez-vous?Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre comment devenir confiant. Comment tre confiant dans votrevie, au travail, lorsque vous allez donner des prsentations, lorsque vous interagissez avec les gens, lorsque vous agissez pour vos objectifs et dans n'importe quelle autre situation. Vous allez aussi apprendre comment booster votre estime de soi pour que vous vous sentiez trs bien et que vous puissiez prendre action dans votre vie.Prenez action et inscrivez-vous ce cours pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur. Il y a une garantie 30 jours satisfait ou rembours alors vous n'avez rien perdre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Parenting Breakthrough Experience" |
"How would you like to know exactly what your purpose is? How would you like to minimize or even eradicate the negative effects of stress in your life and for your family? How would you like to do what you love and love what you do, and wake up every day feeling inspired and filled with gratitude? How would you like to understand yourself, your partner, your kids and your friends so that you can have deep, meaningful and respectful relationships with everyone in your life? How would you like to be the person youre hoping to raise your child into? In this Parenting Breakthrough Experience I will help you to empower every aspect of your life and to clear out anything that is currently standing in your way. I will help you to process your emotional baggage, to get rid of all of your limiting beliefs, to understand how your mind works so that you can easily fulfill your goals and keep growing and learning. I will help you to heal your past and to envision your future so that you can live with full presence in this moment and love every minute of your life. I will show you how fulfillment is right at your fingertips and how to reach out and grasp it. And then I will link all of this learning and change and show you how you can empower every area of your life. SPIRITUAL Understand your purpose in life and how to fulfill this in every moment of every day; how to let go of the limiting beliefs that are standing in your way; how to help your kids to see the bigger picture and navigate lifes inevitable ups and downs; and how to increase your gratitude and deepen your connection with the divine.MENTAL How to learn more effectively; how to help your kids to learn more effectively; understand emotions, what to do with them and how to transform them and how to get on top of stress; how to find and appreciate your unique areas of genius. FINANCIAL How to get out of debt; how to link your finances to your highest values to ensure that you achieve financial freedom; how to raise financially savvy kids. CAREER How to do what you love and love what you do; how to let go of guilt and shame for pursuing your career and not being a full time parent or for being a full time parent and not returning to work; how to wake up every day excited to go and be of service in whatever career you are in; how to get where you want to be in your career in the future and how you and your kids can set and achieve meaningful goals. FAMILY How to clear your past of negative emotions and limiting beliefs so that you can parent in the present moment with full confidence in your own choices. Find out why out-of-book parenting approaches dont work and how you can parent your unique children effectively; find out why you and your partner always seem to have opposing ideas about parenting and how to find win-win solutions. SOCIAL How you can have a greater impact on the world and the people around you; how to manage your emotions and stress levels to ensure more meaningful relationships with friends, family and colleagues; how to deepen or save your marriage. PHYSICAL Get on top of all the basics of excellent physical health; find out why you and your kids get sick, how you can understand your bodies messages and what you can do about it; clear limiting beliefs holding you back from excellent health, losing weight, fitness or other physical goals. What you will get here are simple, effective real-life changes and non-judgemental, practical advice that removes any blame and shame. By empowering yourself you will become the ultimate role model for your kids to ensure that they, too, grow into successful, well-functioning adults in all areas of their lives. This is like having a reset button for your life a chance to reboot with new improved programming that will allow you to be the best parent that you could possibly be not because youve read all the books, but because you are living the life that you desire for them. You get to be the example of what is possible and how to achieve it; you get to be the change you want to see in your kids! Here's what some of my past clients have had to say about this experience: Mia, you have changed my view on my life. You've made me see my value, realise my worth and honestly changed my existence in ways I never thought possible. A breakthrough is too passive a word. My mind is blown! I'm forever grateful, Rob H"" Most amazing experience of my life! Lisette S Truly eye-opening and refreshing. Mia has given me the tools and insight to transform my life and handle life's obstacles. A really worthwhile process. I feel so inspired, uplifted and less burdened. Thank you, Mia!!!! Irene W"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Guide to Real Reiki - Why Reiki online is Forbidden" |
"Can you practice Reiki after graduating an online course? Absolutely NOT!.Will you trust a carpenter who never held a hammer in his life to build your house? It is the same with Reiki online. Traditional Reikiforbids distant attunementsalthough it is a widely spread technique. How can you practicehealingothers just by paying 10-50 $ sitting on a couch? Because of the superficial,manipulating and confortable world we live in todayPersonal Experiences are the most priceless. How can youpractice anancienthealing technique without even knowing the face of your master? How he is as a person? How you feel around him/her?This course will present everythingyou need to know in order for younot to be fooledand to help you practice real Reiki. There are so many questions you should ask yourselves before actually believing people behind fancy diplomas and well made videos. Reiki relies on the contact with other people. How can you touch somebody else when you don't evenknow the touch of your master feels?All the people whichhave been practicing Reiki for a long time and that actually have good result on others have personal attunements. Take this course and change your life for the better:). In this course you will learn about Reiki, an ancient healing technique that has been used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances. Reiki helps people,pets, plants, itcan even purify objects and rooms and can change the outcome of any situation in your life or in the life of others, practiced correctly of course.Find out how Reiki can help you, your family and your friends.Have you ever felt that there is more to life than just work andresponsibilities?Are you inclined towards energy,intuition orpasions,but you just dont know where to start?Are you searching for a Reiki course that respects the traditional teachings of the ones who discovered it, a course withwitch you can connect to?An instructorand life coachthat can open up and help you, andalso one that has aninternationally recognized certification?Do you feel the need for validation and to be recognized by those who matter to you?You will have the opportunityto connect an active online communityandpeople that share your beliefs and experiences,withpeople i have helped through out the years.What is this course about? In this course you will learnhow Energy works and how itaffects everything around us.Learn the true facts behind Reiki, its legend, its history and how it can positively change your life for the better.All the necessary teachings of Reiki Level 1 will be revealed in this course-from general notions to advance Level 1 usage and all its secrets. You will gain a deeper understanding aboutlife,be more calm, learn how to change your perspective about the things that happen in your life and how to stop letting them affect you -this course contains the explanations of all the bodies that make up a person.Additional benefitsof this course include being able togrow spiritually, improve yourself worth, be morecentred and calmin your everyday life,live atahigher level of energy,noticesynchronicitiesandattract abundanceinto your life.MY DYPLOMAS ARE ATTACHED IN THE 'ABOUT INSTRUCTOR' VIDEO AS A PICTURE:)Why take this course ?This course in accordance with the Reiki Aliance teachings.The course'scontent respects the teachings of Japanese Reiki MastersIt's comprehensive and very detailed reaching out to attuned people who want to improve their practice and unattunedpeople who want to learn the truth about this ancient healing method.It will increase the level of awareness regardingthings and peoplearound youWork through the material while having continuous access to ask your Certified Reiki Teacher questionsNo hurry! You can finish this course when ever you want, at your own paceunlike an in-person courseI will continue to add more helpful information to this course over time -and with yourlifetime accessyou can access the new information whenever you choose.You will be given additional materialsTherapeuticall breviary containing more then 50 most commondiseases and how to heal them using specific hand placements and practical advices for daily use that help attuned people andunnatunedpeople."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |