Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Using Scrum to Complete Projects in your Client's Budget" |
"This course covers a multitude of topics fromwhat scrum is from a definition standpoint to how it stacks up to Waterfall aswell as other Agile methodologies. Throughout the lectures, you will seedefinitions, key terms and gain access to downloadable resources and externallinks.The first section of this course talks aboutwhat Scrum is, who the core roles are, how the core roles differ from non-coreroles and how to resolve conflict amongst all team members.In the next area of the course, you will learnabout the six Scrum Principles and how they are helpful in managing timethroughout the lifecycle of the project. These six Principles include EmpiricalProcess Control, Self-Organization, Collaboration, Value-Based Prioritization,Time-Boxing and Iterative Development.Then, we will cover the five Aspects of Scrumprojects. These tell how the team members should respond and be structure. Thefive Aspects include Organization, Business Justification, Quality, Change andRisk.In the second half of the course, you will beintroduced to the five Phases that each project undergoes from Initiate toRelease. In these five Phases, there are a total of nineteen Processes. There are at least two Processes in each Phase. The Processes all progress from Project VisionStatement to the Retrospect Project events and activities.At the end of the course, we will take a lookat how Scrum measures up against other methodologies, including Waterfall, TDD,Crystal and more.It is our hope that you truly enjoy thiscourse and have huge success in your profession."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Getting the Life of an Instructional Designer" |
"In this course, you will learn first and foremost about how to land a job as an Instructional Designer. We will start out by talking about options in terms of Education and even Continuing Education.Then, we will continue on by helping you find a job in this field. We will tell you the keywords, how to search and how to use job boards to possibly interact with several hiring managers to give you that personal contact.Next, whether marketing YOU, YOUR skillsets or advertising your business offerings, we will talk about the different ways to use social media to your advantage. You will see job aids and some external links throughout this course.By the end of the course, you will know the qualities of GREAT training and the training deliverables that are most popular.We will finish out the course by talking about a Day in the Life of an Instructional Designer and even working for YOURSELF!Congratulations on furthering your future and I hope you enjoy this course!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creating a Winning Course as an Instructional Designer" |
"TESTIMONIAL:""I'm so amazed on how much Knowledge and training I have gotten from this course. I have been in business for over 11 years and I wish I could have started with this course. It would of made my life a whole lot easier. Thank you Beverly for putting this course together it will help thousands of new business owners. I give it a"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso Firebase para Android: Aprende a construir tu backend" |
"Eres capaz de construir una aplicacin para Android en Java? Fantstico, Aunque no te parece que tus aplicaciones son demasiado limitadas por el hecho de guardar los datos de forma local?A todos nos ha llegado el momento en el que nos toca ponernos manos a la obra, salir de nuestra zona de confort y volvernosserios a la hora de desarrollar aplicaciones mviles. Node.js, noSQL, relaciones entre entidades, APIs REST Demasiadas cosas por aprender! En 2017puedes crearaplicaciones profesionales sin necesidad de tener que aprender todas estas tecnologas desde cero. Por este motivo estamos aqu para ti. Existen varias soluciones en el mercado que te hacen la vida mucho ms fcil. Una de ellas es Firebase, un producto de Google que permite que los desarrolladores de aplicaciones se centren en el cliente y puedan despreocuparse de mantenimiento del servidor, escalabilidad, etc. Somos un pequeo equipo de desarrollo de Softonic que hatrabajado en aplicaciones de xito como Turbo Booster, Wifi Patrol, Screen Lock Guardian, etc. Conocemos muy bien cmo desarrollar rpido, de forma eficiente y profesional. De hecho, nuestras aplicaciones han sido descargadas por ms de 8 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo. En este curso te vamos a ensear todo lo que deberas saber para crear tu propio backend y permitir que tus aplicaciones cambien elmundo: Mira el video promocional para ver cmo puedes construir aplicaciones profesionales hoy mismo! Este curso est dirigido a unnivel INTERMEDIO /AVANZADO. Recibirs ms de 5 horas de contenidos de vdeo! Este curso ha sido diseado por 3 de los Desarrolladores Android de Softonic cuyas apps han sido descargadaspor ms de 8 millones de usuarios."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"HTML & HTML5 Tutorials" |
"HTML HTML5 . Server Side Font Side . UI UX HTML, CSS, JavaScript .CSS JavaScript jQuery HTML . . . . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"node.js server Tutorials(Node.js )" |
"node.js . JavaScript . . node.js . . "
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
(Python) |
". . . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"UNITY 3D( 3D) ""(Clicker) """ |
"Unity 3D .c#, java . . Unity3D . . > . . . C"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 & 3 Framework Tutorial" |
"BootStrap HTML5 . ,, UI css Front End . UI 100% CSS jQuery . BootStrap 4 3 . 3 . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Start Google Angular.js ()" |
"Google , Angular JS . . . . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Java Android 9.0(pie) App 1" |
" Android 9.0(pie) . . . . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Java Android 9.0(pie) App 2" |
"Kotlin . Kotlin . . Kotlin . . 4 , . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Como Obtener la Licencia de Ingeniera/o En Estados Unidos" |
"Descripcin detallada y sencilla de los pasos necesarios a dar para homologar ttulos extranjeros de Ingenieras o Agrimensura en los Estados Unidos y los pasos necesarios para obtener las Licencias de Ingeniero o Agrimensor Profesional.Tambin incluimos algunos datos sobre las ventajas de sacar la licencia, los diferentes tipos de exmenes disponibles tanto para los exmenes de fundamentos de Ingeniera como para los exmenes de Ingeniero profesional.Una parte del curso es la motivacin. Proveemos los contactos necesarios para asesorar directamente a quienes deseen envolverse en esta aventura y para mantenerlos motivados de ser necesario."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Java Programming" |
"Java is still the most popular language and is used in a variety of applications. In this course we'll learn the java core components include exceptions, generics and multithreading. We'll also focus on OOP writing and how to implement OOP principles in java programs.This course is proposed for intermediate programmers who know the basic programming constructs (loops, conditionals, arrays etc.) and the OOP basics (classes and objects)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"60-Minute Kotlin Quick Start for Java Developers" |
"Kotlin in one hour?!Well, yes!Why an hour?Because that's all you need as an experienced developer!We'll see the basics constructs of the language - variables, conditionals, loops, strings and arrays. Being an experienced developer you probably don't need an explanation of ""what a loop is""but you want to see how loop is done in Kotlin. This is my attitude through all this course - I won't waste your time in telling you things you already know. I'll try to show you new things and give you the direction to go on.Developers: want a fast introduction to Kotlin? If you're familiar with Java, I can help you get up to speed in just a couple of of hours.Kotlin is a fascinating new language that's attracted lots of attention, including from Google. In this short course you'll get to know Kotlin and its essentials. You'll be able to start writing code in no time.If you are an experienced developer and heard the buzz about Kotlin - this course is for you.If you are a Java developer and want to dive into Kotlin, I'll help you translate your Java knowledge into Kotlin expertise in no time.If you are a Java developer and heard all those talking about Kotlin, but you don't know where to start - start here. Your java knowledge will be translated quickly into kotlin.In this course I'll show you the essentials of this young and amazing language. We'll work with the IntelliJ IDE but if you just want to taste the language without any downloads or installations - that's fine, I'll introduce the Kotlin Playground which is a great tool for writing and evaluating Kotlin on line without any configurations.We'll see how Kotlin's functions work, and how functional programming is done in Kotlin.We'll see how OOP is done in Kotlin and what are the main improvements over java.Finally, I'll give you some suggestions to what else can be done and which topics you might want to get interested in the Kotlin's ecosystem.Hope you choose to take this course and get to know Kotlin, a fascinating new language!Read what other students thought about this course in the reviews section.""As a senior Android developer, i've searched for a *brief and practical* Kotlin course that include all the information to get started with the new language. this course does exactly it - took me all the way from IDE setup to the little but crucial differences from Java. All in all - great value for money"""
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Web Development Essentials - HTML5, CSS, Javascript" |
"TL;DR - Learn HTML, CSS, JS, they are the tools of the past, present and future.Web development is a big thing nowadays, and probably would be in the next coming years. Web development is the field of writing applications that would run and accessed via the web browser. The web development field had gone (and is going every day!) through tremendous changes. From the very first days of the internet and to our present days, the web technology advances in huge steps, making state of the art technologies obsolete, creating new technologies almost on monthly basis, and attracting more and more developers, companies and industries to the web development area.What is a web development really?In web development we build web applications. A web application is an application that is rendered on the browser, and accessed by the user through the browser. Simply put - when you order tickets to movie in your home town theatre, when you check your bank account balance, when you write a post on Facebook or update your resume on LinkedIn, all of these and more are examples to web applications. You open a web browser, go to a specific URL, and get a full working application. Today you can even find sophisticated applications on the web, like sound and video editing applications, drawing, recording, gaming, word processing, you name it. They're all on the web, and all are accessed via the browser.So, how do Ibuild one?Like any other field, web development has its own jargon and tools. Since the technology becomes more able and strong, new platforms, languages and tools arise every day. But over the years that passed and probably for the years to come, there are three essentials tools and skills that stand in the base of every web application - those are html, css and javascript.What is HTML?HTML (stands for HyperText Markup Language) was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in the late 1980's. It's a standard that contains data to be rendered on the browser, and directions of how to render it. The browser reads HTML document that tells it what to show and how to show it. For example, we can tell the browser to show the sentence ""Hello World"", and if we want the browser to make it bold, we'll add HTML directions (called ""markups"") that would direct the browser how to render the text. In this manner, html contains the data (What to be shown)and the meta-data (how it would be shown). What is CSS?HTML comes with very narrow set of abilities to style the page. For real styling we use CSS (stands for Cascading StyleSheet). CSS contain rules that control the page styling and actually can do anything - we can change font family, size, decoration, we can change background colours, images, shadows, gradients, every type of styling is possible with CSS, and more features are added all the time. What is Javascript? Javascript (abbreviated to JS) is a programming language that was invented in the mid 1990's and its main and primary goal was to enable simple functionality to the HTML. For example, if we built a HTML form in which the user should fill his/her name, we could use JS code to validate the input. Over the years, and really in the last decade, JS had became from a modest, inefficient and kind of ""toy"" language, to a monstrous creature that controls every last aspect of the web. Everything in the web development world is done with JS, and its popularity increases by every known matrices. But hey, people really build web apps using those three tools?The answer is yes and no. HTML is too complicated, css is a mess and JS code tends to be unmaintainable very quickly, so you can't really write a web app that is more than trivial and keep your sanity. Over the last decade tons of tools were invented to overcome those three friends' disadvantages, and modern web applications are written in variety of modern, new and shiny tools. You probably heard some buzzwords like Angular, React, Vue, Meteor, Bootstrap, Node and so on. To be a web developer you will probably have to learn one (and usually much more than one) of those tools.But here is the trick - every platform, every modern tool, with no exception at all, works on the same basic tools - HTML, CSS, JS. No Exceptions, and Imean it. That means that you just can't start learning how to develop web application without them. If you try to start learning Angular for example, without any knowledge in the three basic tools, you'll get nowhere. So the conclusion is that you have to learn the basic tools and to use them as a jumpstart to other newer tools.Another advantage for learning the basic triadEven if you somehow manage to learn reasonably enough one platform without the triad, you are not safe! As mentioned earlier - the web development world is crazy and moving fast. I mean very fast. New platforms are invented on day to day basis. New libraries, new tools. AngularJS had started in 2010, but now it is version 6 and the Angular paradigm had changed drastically during this time. Vue.js was presented in 2017, and as to the time I'm writing those lines, there is some trend to migrate to Vue.js from other platforms. And it's not the end. One just can't keep track of all the new ideas and innovations with this influx of ideas. What I'm saying is that if you don't know the basics, you'd be irrelevant the minute a new technology appears. If you knew only AngularJS, what would you do when version 3 came along, and it's different from the one you know? But since the basic triad - html, css and js - stands on the basis of every platform, when you know it you can migrate to any other new and shiny platform. In the bottom line - learn html, css and js if you want to be a web developer. They are not going anywhere anytime soon."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mastering the SAT Math Section" |
"The SAT math sections can leave many students feeling overwhelmed; however,this portion of the exam can be mastered with the proper prep!This classis meant to assist anyone who is dedicated to achieving a higherSAT Math score.In this course students will learn not only the tested contentbut the strategiesnecessary to reachtheirgoal come test day! Each filmed lecture will take students through official SAT math questions that range indifficulty level(similar to the structure of the SAT). Students are not simply given detailed explanations of the solutions. They are taught to classify questions and utilize answer choicesin order to ensure they take the mostefficient approach.After each lecture, students are encouraged to go throughthe supplemental materials in order to make certainthey have a full understanding of the topic. There are quizzes, formula sheets, andall of the questions covered in the lecturesavailable for download!My goal is to help students learn how to approach math through a methodical mindset that will provide them with the ability to master the SAT and every other math exam they will face!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Logos de Sucesso - Start Designer" |
"Este curso um 2 em 1 onde falo tudo sobre como comear a carreira como designer e como criar logos que encantam!Criar Logos hoje em dia uma tarefa bem popular na concorrente rea de design. Principalmente quando trabalhamos com clientes particulares, onde a concorrncia fica ainda mais alta gerando preos baixos e material de baixa qualidade. A pergunta a ser feita : Como posso ter um diferencial competitivo para encarar essa concorrncia e valorizar meu produto para ter um valor de mercado coerente?Saber como efetivamente colocar suas ideias em prtica com fundamento e base, voc poder criar peas lindas e extraordinrias onde seus clientes iro com certeza ficar totalmente satisfeitos com o resultado. Logo abaixo voc vai ver como criar uma base estrutural de criao e potencialmente ganhar dinheiro com seu design.Crie Logos Que Impacte Seu Pblico e Portflio.Como mesclar suas referncias e montar idiasBriefing - Quais perguntas aplicar no questionrioComo criar um painis de inspirao virtuaispara poderampliar suas idiasRascunhos de desenvolvimento, fontes, elementos, formas geomtricas, grid bsicoAdobe Illustrator - Dicas e AtalhosComo defender suas idias e mostrar um trabalho primoroso para seus clientes.Como organizar seu dia-a-dia e precificar seu trabalhoComo utilizar recursos dentro do IllustratorComo criar um Manual de Marca bsicoComo vender-se melhorAinda disponibilizaremos uma srie de bnus como:Briefing para download- Defesa de Criao para download- Exerccios e um Contrato BaseE muito mais!Contedo do CursoEste curso possui 26 aulas com mais de5 horas de contedo, mostrando como possvel criar logos excepcionais.Neste curso apresentado a criao de 1 logo voltado para o ramo de luxo, agregado, processo criativo, desenvolvimento, manual de marca, apresentao para o cliente e mockups para valorizar o resultadoPara criar os contedos que mostrarei no curso necessrio de um computador com o software Adobe Illustrator em sua verso completaou de teste.Estar disponvel tambm um questionrio com o briefing necessrio para receber informaes do seu cliente, com isso voc saber os passos que dever dar para adquirir o melhor design para seu logo.Aps finalizar este curso voc ser capaz de organizar idias, saber os passos que deve tomar para criar seus logos, montar base de referncias, rabiscar idias e desenvolver,base de precificao e como calcular seu trabalho, como organizar sua rotina como designer, como editar mockups, como utilizar a pentool entre outros recursos do Illustrator.Para quem este curso?Este curso destinado a designers iniciantes que queiram comear a estruturar seus trabalhos ou pessoas que queiram aprender a construo de logotipos e como ter um trabalho mais refinado e bonito.Alm de claro, desejar aprender um pouco de Illustrator e suas funcionalidades."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator Iniciante: Aprenda a Fazer uma Pintura Digital" |
"Neste cursofalo tudo sobre comoutilizar o Illustrator para fazer suas ilustraes e deixar voc capacitado a criar lindas artes!Pintura Digital com Adobe Illustrator um curso passo-a-passo que vai desmistificar diversas ferramentas do software e vai te ajudar a criar desde pincis at lindas ilustraes coloridas e cheias de identidade.Hoje em dia uma tarefa bem rdua encontrar contedos que nos ajudem no passo-a-passo a utilizar as ferramentas necessrias para nos aperfeiarmos, e foi nesse ponto que eu toquei e criei este curso.A pergunta a ser feita : Ser que eu consigo acompanhar mesmo comeando hoje na ferramenta? A resposta sim, claro que voc deve ter um conhecimento em utilizar um computador, e claro, se voc est aqui lendo isso, acredito que tenha! Ento vamos juntos ilustrar!Saber como efetivamente colocar suas ideias em prtica com fundamento e base, voc poder criar peas lindas e extraordinrias.Logo abaixo voc vai ver como criar uma base estrutural de criao e potencialmente aperfeioar seus conhecimentos em pintura digital!Saiba como arte finalizar seus desenhos!Como utilizar as principais ferramentas de pintura digital do IllustratorComo criar pincisArte-finalize lindamente seus desenhos e os torne digitaisCrie paletas de coresAdobe Illustrator - Dicas e AtalhosE muito mais!Contedo do CursoEste curso possui 20 aulas com mais de 2horas de contedo, mostrando como possvel criar uma arte digitalexcepcional!Neste curso apresentado a criao de 1 pintura digitalonde mostrarei todo oprocesso de criao, desenvolvimento efinalizao.Alm de aulas focadas em ferramentas do Illustrator.Para criar os contedos que mostrarei no curso necessrio de um computador com o software Adobe Illustrator em sua verso completaou de teste.Deixarei disponvelpara downloadtodasas artes que criei no curso e mais alguns recursos especiais.Aps finalizar este curso voc ser capaz de organizar idias, saber os passos que deve tomar para criar suas ilustraes, montar base de cores, rabiscar idias,desenvolver ecomo utilizar outros recursos do Illustrator.Para quem este curso?Este curso destinado apessoas que queiram desenhar no computador e serve tanto para pessoas com conhecimentos intermedirios quanto parainiciantes.Alm de claro, desejar aprender um pouco de Illustrator e suas funcionalidades.Espero voc e vamos juntos aprender a criar uma ilustrao do zero com o Illustrator!Vamos juntos!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Boutique Basics: Starting & Running a fashion boutique" |
"This course give you a comprehensive, practical guide to running a small business. While the focus for me is on a boutique, the majority of these lessons can be applied to any small business, including how to choose your location, identifying your ideal customer, creating sales projection and buying plans, marketing your business and putting in place the necessary policies, this course provides a one stop shop for all of the above so you can hit the ground running with all the best practices in place. Included are practical workbooks for you to go deeper on each subject and blank copies of all the necessary documents for you to input your own figures, as well as comprehensive examples to help you understand the subjects clearly."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"School Principal 101: New Principal Training!" |
"Yes!!! Here's a new course from an experienced school principal.Are you new to educational leadership and don't feel quite ready?Are you ready to take your practice to the nextlevel?Ever wish you could just ask an experienced educatorwithout being judged?Im telling you... I wish there was a simple,practical course like this around for me when I began my careerin education. Within this course, you will find suggestions,ideas and best practices that have worked for me over theyears. Very often, they will be things that I did NOT learn incollege and have adapted over the years from my experiences.Trial and error, baby!Ideally, youll find that this courseprovides you with a shortcut for your own practice. Okay, letsgo!!!This is a hand-crafted coursefor educators (i.e.teachers, administrators, universities, program directors, etc.).In addition to video content, it includes several downloadable resources for your personal/professionaluseand a series of direct, useful tipsthat are guaranteed to change the way you approach your work.My educational philosophy is: All students deserve a high quality education with awesome leadership, regardless of their home zip code. This philosophy is engrained within our daily tasks and every initiative we implement.This course brings that to life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Interview Skills 101: A Guide to Outshine the Competition!" |
"Yes!!! Here's a new course from an experienced school principal who has interviewed hundreds of candidates over the years.In this simple, practical course, you will learn 'easy-to-implement' strategiesfrom an experiencedinterviewer in order to excel before, during, after the interview and ultimately land the job of your dreams.By utilizing thequicktips you'll discover within this course, you will feel empowered and confident throughout the interview process.Are you new to the workforce and don't feel quite ready?Are you ready to take your interview skillsto the nextlevel?Ever wish you could just ask an experienced interviewer their advicewithout being judged?Ideally, youll find that this courseprovides you with a shortcut for your own successful interviews.Okay, lets go!!!This is a hand-crafted coursefor everyone interested in improving their interview skills. Welcome to Interview Skills 101.In addition to video content, it includes downloadable resources for your personal/professionaluseand a series of direct, useful tipsthat are guaranteed to change the way you approach your next interview."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Inside Your Dog's Mind with Victoria Stilwell" |
"Do dogs really experience love?What makes the bond between man and dog so unique?How does the dog's wolf ancestry affect the way we communicate today?These are just a few of the questions answered in Inside Your Dog's Mind by world renowned dog behavior expert and TV dog trainer Victoria Stilwell from It's Me or the Dog.By focusing on the amazing advances seen within the world of animal behavioral and cognitive science over the past few years, Victoria will take you on a fascinating journey deep into the canine mind while providing practical tips and exercises designed to enhance your communication and relationship with your dogs. Inside Your Dogs Mind explores how dogs think, feel, learn and process the world around them. By learning what modern behavioral and cognitive science is uncovering to help better our understanding of how mans best friend learns, adapts and communicates, you can discover how to use this knowledge to more effectively promote learning and guide your dogs into making choices that are more compatible with the world you share with them.Inside Your Dogs Mind explores the following: What is canine cognition? Breakthroughs in canine cognitive science Canine ethology & the canine brainMeasuring your dogs intelligence Harnessing the power of the five cognitive dimensions Dogs & emotionsHow dogs learnCognition games & exercises for your dog This course is designed for dog owners and enthusiasts of all skill levels, and while you are encouraged to at least have access to a dog so that you can participate in the many games and exercises led by Victoria, it is not required. Inside Your Dog's Mind is designed to take you beyond the world of dog training, providing you with the information, tools, and activities you need to not only help your dog more effectively learn from you, but also for you to learn from your dog.By exploring how to develop the strongest possible communication system with your dog based on his/her unique traits, characteristics and learning styles, Victoria will guide you through the canine mind and help you get the most out of your relationship with your dog(s).""We live in an exciting time of scientific research and discovery. The last ten years have seen an explosion in the study of canine behavior and cognition, thanks to universities and research centers around the world. The minds of dogs are being explored like never before, and the findings are proving once and for all just how intelligent, emotional, and complex dogs are. Dogs have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, and as they have adapted, so has their ability to communicate with us. By paying close attention to our vocal and physical language, dogs have evolved a rich social intelligence and a physical and vocal language as complex and subtle as our own. Like humans, dogs communicate consciously and unconsciously, using a complex language of body and vocal signals that reflect what they are thinking and feeling. These signals communicate intent and ensure dogs personal safety by affecting behavior in others. Understanding what dogs are saying as well as how they perceive the world will make it easier for you to understand their needs.""-- Victoria Stilwell"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails" |
"Ruby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsHTML,CSSUnixOSRuby on RailsNORuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsMacWindowswindowsVPSRuby on Rails version 5.0.1Mac macOS Sierra version 10.12.3Virtual Box version 5.1.18CentOS version 6.8atom version 1.16.0 google chromeRuby version 2.4CentOS6.866.96.9"
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"Dare to Learn Differently" |
"WHAT IS AN INNOVATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT?An Innovative Learning Environment is the physical, social and pedagogical context that continues to evolve in relation to its students. It is a future thinking space that gives students the skills adapt to any environment. An innovative Learning Environment gives more control to the student, allowing them more freedom to learn for themselves, cooperatively and in their unique style.BUT WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE AND HOW DO YOU GET THERE?Anthony Breese, an experienced New Zealand educator will take you through the steps you need to take to develop an Innovative Learning environment.Dare to Learn Differently is a step by step course to support you in your classroom transformation. Dare your kids to learn differently in your classroom this year. Let your children take more control of their own learning, develop student agency, and innovate your teaching space."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The course will give you in depth knowledge about triggers, beliefs and patterns responsible for our Procrastination. How to overcome them by breaking patterns and learning Tools, techniques and strategies to win over our habits of procrastination. Start using them & move towards life without procrastination by saying good bye to procrastination and achieve our dream life."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn English: The Next Gen Guide to English Grammar" |
"Welcome to The Next Gen Guide to English Grammar!If youre ready to really understand grammar enough to use it correctly and effectively, if you want to be able to understand and explain why we say what we say or write what we write, then this course is for you. Its for students of all ages who want to learn about grammar for their studies, or anyone who just wants to learn for their own benefit. Its for professionals who want to make sure that they can communicate effectively in the workplace, or to simply be able to write emails without mistakes. Its for teachers and educators who want to improve their understanding before planning lessons or developing lesson material on anything to do with English grammar. This course looks at the most important aspects of grammar. The essential grammar that we use from day to day, and it clearly explains the rules and principles that we need in order to have a strong, deep and ultimately useful understanding ofthe framework of the English language. Each lesson explains and teaches the learning objective clearly, and the course contains helpful quizzes and supporting materials to help you to reinforce and internalise what you learn. By the end of this course, you should be able to have any conversation, pick up any book or visit any website, say or write any comment and easily have a good understanding of whats right, whats wrong and why. What you get:High-quality, detailed videos that explain the lesson objective clearly and effectively. High-quality PDF resources to help you master what you learn. Video transcripts. Quizzes and helpful exercises. User feedback based updates and new material as the course grows. A great way to learn new skills to help you in your life and your career."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Cypress PSoC 4 con PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit" |
"En este curso sobre sistemas embebidos usando PSoC 4 aprenders a utilizar el software de programacin y desarrollo de Cypress llamado PSoC Creator. Como electrnicautilizaremos el kit PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit que es muy verstil y econmico. Las lecciones cubren tanto el desarrollo de HW con el editor de esquemticos de PSoC Creator como la programacin en C. Aprenderemos como programar y depurar el PSoC 4. Algunos de los componentes que aprenders sern los LED, pulsadores, entradas gestionadas por HW, Toggle Flip-Flop, Contador Bsico, Contador, PWM, UART, Debouncer, Demultiplexer, Status Register, ADC, iDAC y ms. En software vers como crear programas de flujo sin excepciones, con interrupciones y cmo depurarlo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to KiCad 4" |
"In this course on KiCadyou will learn on a step by step way all the knowledge needed to create a PCB from sratch. At the beginning you will use existing libraries of schematic symbols and footprints to make the first version of a PCB. You can collect the schematic symbols and footprints you usually use in your own libraries. Later on you will learn how to create your own components and footprints. Once your board is complete we will see where to order online and how to fulfill the requirements of the fabrication in terms of minimum sizes. Fulfilling those requirement isvery important to have the PCB made at a low price."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Cypress PSoC 4 with PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit" |
"In this course on embedded systems usingPSoC 4you will learn how to usePSoC Creator, the IDE(Integrated and Development Environment)byCypress. As hardware you will usePSoC 4 Pioneer Kitthat is very powerful and low cost. The lessons cover both HW development with the schematic editor in PSoC Creator as the C programming. You will learn also howto program and debugPSoC 4Some of the components that you will learn will be the LEDs, pushbuttons, inputs handled by HW, Toggle Flip-Flop, Basic Counter, Counter, PWM, UART, Debouncer, Demultiplexer, Status Register, ADC, iDAC and more. In software you will see how to create flow programs without exceptions, with interruptions and how to debug it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Arduino with Elegoo UNO Super Starter Kit" |
"In this course on embedded systems using Arduino Elegoo UNO super Starter Kit you will learn how to use the Arduino IDE to make programs and updload them to the Arduino UNO micro. You will learn how to use all the sensors, motors andactuators that come with the kit, leds, PWM signals, RGB led, switch buttons, buzzers, tilt sensor, servomotor, ultrasonic sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, joystick, infrared remote control, LCD, NTC, 74HC595 IC, Photocell (LDR), 7-segment display, DC motor, relay and stepper motor. With animations to understand the principle of operation of the sensors and motors. A great resource to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |