Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Pull-up for beginners" |
"This is a beginners course for people who want to get their first pull-up or increase the amount of pull-ups that they can do today.The course has a easy to follow 12 week plan where everything you need to know will be explained in details.Beside the the progression plan the course also have lectures on nutrition ans stretching. My name is Henrik Nielsen, I'm acertified crossfit level 1 trainer and co-owner of CrossFit Landskrona in Sweden, where I'm also the head coach.Beside my CrossFit Box I also work with online fitness programming.Beside developing my own pull-ups I have experience from working with many clients and I therefore know what works and what doesn't.In this course I will walk you through every aspect you need to know in order to get your first pull-up or develop your strength to do several."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Comment dfinir votre stratgie de prix" |
"Quel prix vendre vos produits/services?Une des dimensions les plus difficiles dfinir dans votre stratgie marketing est la variable prix. quel prix vendre vos produits ou services? Devez-vous vous baser sur vos cots? Sur la comptition? Vendre en bas du prix du march pour btir sa clientle? Si je rduis mes prix, est-ce facile de les remonter par la suite? Quel impact ont les modes de paiement sur mes cots? Dois-je facturer tout d'un coup ou en plusieurs tapes? Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquels nous offrirons des rponses lors de cette formation. Objectifs Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez :les modles classiques de fixation de prix; comment se positionner sur le march avec une stratgie de prix gagnante;comment structurer ses prix lorsque les sommes en jeux sont importantes;quels sont les options de paiements;y a-t-il un avantage avoir un paiement rapide, est-ce que a se monnaie;peut-on percevoir une somme avant prestation de services?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Comment btir votre entreprise et votre marque personnelle" |
"L'expression ""branding"" est de plus en plus utilise, mais qu'est-ce que c'est? Est-ce que c'est important pour moi et mon entreprise individuelle? De plus en plus de gens sont leur compte. Ils aiment la libert d'tre leur propre patron. Mais comment se faire connatre? Comment aller chercher des clients? Comment faire valoir mes comptences et me diffrencier de mes concurrents sur le march?Cette formation veut rpondre ces questions.ObjectifsDans cette formation, vous apprendrez comment:choisir son nom; travailler avec son nom personnel ou prendre un nom corporatif;identifier vos avantages concurrentiels;mettre en valeur ce qui vous distingue de vos comptiteurs;comment faire en sorte que vos clients et clients potentiels vous voient comme tant la personne qui peut rpondre leur besoin;dfinir nos prix;comment aller chercher des clients;comment se servir de la gratuit pour dvelopper sa clientle;quelle place d'affaires choisirselon notre type d'entreprise;se servir des mdias sociaux pour dvelopper sa clientle et sa notorit;se servir des envois courriels pour garder les clients et clients-potentiels informs;comment btir ses actifs marketing."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Quit Smoking!" |
"What will I learn? How to improve your lifestyle. What smoking really does. A simple technique to stop smoking. Requirements We just ask that you listen and apply the video to life. Very little effort due to our short and simple method . 21 days of your time to help you become smoke free. Learning Objectives The impact smoking has globally. What it actually does to you. Gain self-discipline that you have always wanted. How to use our proven techniques to help you quit permenantly. How to use our Free included worksheet; which usually has a charge of 10.00, to monitor your progress. Why should I listen to you? An important question you ask. This video was created by an economist and a pre-registration pharmacist which we believe is a great team to help you quit smoking. Many studies have been carried out that show that the majority of smokers were not fully aware of the facts about smoking (which does play an important part in quitting). For some, the economic side is enough to quit but, others may be more concerned about the health risks. Weve put the two together to cover all the bases! We have already helped many people successfully quit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a escribir un guin para cine, teatro o televisin" |
"De la mano de Kim Planella reconocido director, autor y guionista a nivel internacional; aprenders una de las profesiones ms creativas que existen, si tienes ganas de escribir, crear personajes, historias, situaciones, argumentos y convertir la escritura en tu profesin o simplemente sacar lo que llevas dentro, hacer-te escuchar, emocionar, intrigar, o divertir a los dems; este es el curso que necesitas.ATENCIN! Este curso est en progreso y de manera constante irn apareciendo nuevas clases y actualizaciones."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Complete WordPress Theme & Plugin Development Course [2020]" |
"WordPress is the leading Content Management System on the market, powering a large percentage of the Web. The need for WordPress Developers who can build and customize themes and plugins is ever growing. Learn from one of the most recognized educators in the WordPress world, Zac Gordon, who has taught thousands of people now employed asWordPress Developers.If you want to learn everything from customizingexistingthemes, building customthemes or starting to buildplugins, this course is for you. You will learn in depth howWordPress works under the hood, from template files and tags to hooks and internal APIs. If you are looking to build bigger and more custom projects withWordPress or just get a good job with a great company buildingWordPress projects, then this course is for you. Make sure though you can already build and style a basic web page with HTML and CSSas we assume you already know this and focus more on learning PHP.When you learn the skills this course contains you will feel incredibly empowered to build almost anything you can imagine with WordPress. You should also feel confident working professionally in the field as aWordPress Developer.You will have built a theme and plugin along with the course as well as a theme and plugin of your own. Follow in the path of thousands of others of Zac's students who learnedWordPress Development and went on to do great work in the field."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Headless WordPress REST API Authentication" |
"Many developers and top agencies have learned how to use WordPress as a headless CMS, where WordPress stores the content, but Modern JavaScript driven websites and applications display the content and provide customized interactivity.One of the key components to using WordPress as a Headless CMS involves authenticating to allow full read, write and delete access to everything the WordPress RESTAPI provides.In this course you will learn the following:The different types of authentication availableHow to work with the JWT Authentication StandardHow to setup WordPress to offer authenticationHow to write secure JavaScript to authenticateHow to build login and logout formsHow to add, edit and delete content using authenticated WordPress RESTAPI callsThroughout the course we will build a custom decoupled project using simple JavaScript, but all of the code can be easily converted over to work with React, Vue, Angular and other JavaScript frameworks."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Peering into our Unconscious Minds" |
"Possiblythe most empowering course available on UDEMY!In this course, world-renowned author, pioneer and educator, Philip Beer takes students on a fascinating journey into hidden aspects of human behaviour (affecting every aspect of your health, prosperity and happiness) that have never before been explored,this deeply, in mainstream psychology, on television or in any of the world's religious and academic traditions.To learn more, we invite to sit back and to enjoy our free video previews:"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Bullying Prevention" |
"In this course, I take my students on a compassionate journey into the heart and the soul of a bully. Once we're able to understand what's causing one human being to torment another, the remedies become obvious and they become easily attainable.The approach presented in this course is scalable - it's as effective when applied to individual relationship challenges as it is when applied to situations where millions of people are being adversely impacted by bullying.Please keep in mind that you are welcome to reach out to me if you require additional help.To get the most from this course, you'll need to review the videos multiple times, exposing fresh layers of insight each time.My presentation skills have not developed as rapidly as my analytical and problem solving skills,so please be patient when I stumble.This compassion-based approach to the prevention of bullying is only available here and through my website."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Healing Your Own Trauma" |
"Using the same approach that I share in this course I've been working with survivors of severe trauma and our results have been profound.This course offers a simple Blueprint that will help you to lead your clients and students out from beneath the shadow of their particular traumatic experiences. Please keep in mind that you are welcome to reach out to me if you require additional help.The range of educational and healing resources that I offer is available on my website.Remember that you are not alone and almost all emotional trauma can be healed. Applying this approach can help to erase your most traumatic memories.To get the most from this course, you'll need to review the videos multiple times, exposing fresh layers of insight each time.My presentation skills have not developed as rapidly as my analytical and problem solving skills,so please be patient when I stumble.This compassion-based approach to healing is only available here and through my website."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Coparenting - The Theory And The Practice" |
"Whilst you are in the midst of divorcing or separatingthere are many things you need to urgently investigate, understand and implement soyou can move onand enjoythe best life possible. Time is limited as you work through divorce or separationandyou needto ensure you make the right choices, take the right actions and ensure that life after the parting of your relationship will be as happy, secure, stable and fulfilled as it can be.The desire andpressure to make the right choices regardinghow you wish to raise your kids following divorce, separation and the breakdown of your family unit is of course paramount at this time. Your relationship may have parted, but the roles you and your ex have as parents to the children of the relationship will remain for life. As such, there is all the more reason to want to make a comprehensive and objective consideration of all possible options.For this reason, I've created this training course, intended to share my knowledge, experience and learning in the course of setting up and living with a coparenting arrangement (also referred to asshared-parenting)which was originallyimplemented over 10 years ago with my ex-wife and mother of my 2 daughters following the parting of our marriagein 2005.Iam convinced that with proper thought, commitment, flexibility and consideration of a number of critical factors, coparenting can be established in a much greater number of separated families than is currently the norm. It works for me and my kids and I believe it will work for others in a similar situation.Respecting the constraints and pressure on your time as you navigate divorce or separation, this course leads you through consideration of these criticalfactors to give you insightbased onmy experience in having set-up and lived with coparenting for over 10 years. Each lesson alsoleads you through the considerations that need to be made to assess whether it will work for you and your kids.The key message behind this course is that whilst relationships and families break up every day, it doesnt always have to come down to acrimony, custody agreements and disputes over visitation rights when negotiating for the future upbringing of the children of the relationship. There is a way that kids can be raised with the involvement of both Mum and Dad that gives parents and kids alike the best possible family environment that can be established; namely via shared- or coparenting where each parent fulfils 50% of the parenting role for the kids. The 12 lessons within this course have been created and are presented by me,Toby Hazlewood, founder of Divorced Lifestyle Design, using a mix of lectures and narrated slides. Each lesson is also accompanied by a printable copy of the slides for you to write notes on.At the end of the course you will be able to understand the core principles of coparenting in detailand will be equipped with the knowledge and insight to determine if it may work for you, your kids and your ex-partner in your family life after divorce or separation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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"from T.H. from T.S.Section 1TEDSection 2Section 3 VS. HACKSection 4"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
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""" "" from T.K. from KTo DoSection 1Quick winSection 2HFSSection 3/""""RAKURAKU"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
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"by S.K. by TNK_...---...-OK-"""""
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Public speaking: The beginners guide to winning! 2018." |
"I will let you into a little at some point in your life may be asked to speak in front of people!And when you take this course you will understand why!Public speaking or ''presenting''for beginners is the perfect course for anybody that wishes to speak with confidence in front of a group of people, be that twopeople or twothousand! From university students to company directors, within this course you will learn EVERYTHING you need to know in order to successfully, prep, plan and deliver your message!With my courses, there is NO going around the houses! NO beating around the bush! Just direct and to the point information and knowledge that has been tried and tested! WHY pay for a course with 23465237 hours of video?When you can learn the important bits of whatyou need to know in an hour or two?How do I make this happen?I do not add fillers or tons of useless information to make a course longer than it needs to be in order to charge more for it! Be assured that the content in this course will be exactly what you need to achieve a positiveend result. It is about YOU!The FUNdamentals of public speaking/presenting may not not seem so fun at first! However after taking this course you will see that speaking in front of others can be quite exciting! Even addictive (Honestly!)So come on in an let me help you get rid of those nerves, That talk may be getting closer so take action now and lets do this!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understand GDPR in less time than your lunch break!" |
"As of May 25th 2018 the new GDPR rules come into motion meaning any business or individual doing business with EU citizens must comply!A vast amount of information has beenflying around regarding GDPR and it is making people feel a little nervous! But fear not...a jargon free, bite sized-course is here!On the build up to May 25th 2018 I personally have undergone a number of training sessions, ''Business ready'' GDPRmeetings and implemented employee roll out awareness training to gear individuals up to their responsibility when it comes to GDPR in the workplace.Within this course I share thatknowledge gainedin an easy to understand way. Making it very simple for you to see and understand the principles of GDPR and ways to ensure you are complying with these new regulations.My sessions are carried out in a fun, direct and to the point way helping you learn faster.This course will cover the areas of:What GDPR isWhy GDPR is hereData definedGDPR inMarketingData organisationHolding of dataGDPR risk assessmentsWriting of processing policy/noticeIndividual data requestsData removalSecurity of dataKey staff members andtrainingFrom the above list youwill be able to see Icover a number of topics across the lectures, all of which will be donein an informative yet easy to understand way. My sessions and resources will stay away from the heavy legal jargon, but also provide assistance and road-maps where you can obtain additional support for any bespoke personal interests or concerns."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Functions Bootcamp With 150+ Examples & 1 Project" |
"""Learn By Doing and Doing and then Doing""The only way to master Excel functions and formulas is to practice A LOTEvery chapter includes downloadable homework + answerEvery lecture contains numerous practice problems that you and I will solve togetherAll practice problems and homeworkare organized in downloadable, beautiful and clean layoutsAt the end, most of what youll learn will be tested in a comprehensive projectI will explain all the functions, practice problems and the project clearly and step-by-step with no rush.You will have access to really good examples and great datasets to practice on your own and review what you will learn throughout the courseThe biggest part of Excel is its Functions so master it in only 4.5 hoursThis course is here to help you become the most comfortableperson with Excel functions and formulas. At the end, you will have theconfidence and ability to combine different functions and create sophisticatedformulas to solve complex tasks.You will master:Logical FunctionsText Functions for joining, extracting and data cleaningDate & Time FunctionsLookup & Reference FunctionsDynamic FormulasMath & Statistical FunctionsArray FormulasDatabase Functions for complex criteriaFormula-Based Conditional FormattingData Validation Pick Lists and Combo BoxDefined NamesWildcard Characters"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide to Shopify & Facebook for Ecommerce Success" |
"What Will You Learn From This Course?What is Ecommerce and how to use Shopify's Platform to build a profitable businessHow to setup your store for the best conversionsHow to useFacebook Business Manager to create your online presenceHow to easily setup your products into your storeHow to use advanced marketing strategies to find your idealcustomerHow to properly create your ads and runsuccessful campaignsHow to understand your metrics to optimize your campaignsAs a Bonus you will get access to 5 Videos that teach you Advanced Facebook Marketing TechniquesI will share with you the lastest strategies on how to build your dropshipping business. Thiscourse takes you from figuring out what you want to sell, how to setup your store correctly, and how to Drive Traffic with the most effective optimization methods. You will get an overall understanding of the Ecommerce Business using Shopify fromStart to Finish."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Stress management for business owners, directors & managers" |
"Do you want to reduce your current stress? Do you want to manage stress positively going forward and be more resilient to stress over time?Do you want an insight into stress, its impact, symptoms and causes?This course is a practical action oriented course designed to give you the tools to reduce your current stress and to enable you to manage stress positively going forward and to be more resilient to stress over time. This course aims to give you an insight into stress, its impact, symptoms and causes, as well as to give you practical steps to follow to reduce your current stress. The course will also give you a wealth of stress management tips and strategies to help you to tackle the root causes of your stress and to help you to manage stress more effectively going forward. As you go through the course you will be able to apply the learning and develop your own personalised stress plan. The course is designed to be practical and relevant to real life. It includes a straightforward process that you can follow to reduce your current stress and lots of ideas, tips and strategies as to how to reduce and manage stress. The course takes a holistic view of stress management with stress management strategies for all areas of your life. It is not a theoretical or academic course on stress.Who is this course designed for?This course is designed for you if you are a business owner, director or manager:* Who is currently finding it difficult to cope with high levels of stress at work or in your business. Whether you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, you are going through a very stressful and challenging period or your stress has been building up over time, this course is for you.* Wanting to learn more about stress management, how to manage stress positively at work and in your business and wanting to learn practical stress management tips and strategies. Please note if you are not a business owner, director or manager but are looking for a general stress management course then I would recommend that you take my other course Stress management for life: how to reduce & manage stress rather than this one as it will be more relevant to you. There is an overlap of content between the two courses so please choose one or the other, not both.What are the course aims?The course aims to:* Give you an insight into stress, its impact, symptoms and causes.* Show you a process that you can follow to reduce your current stress.* Provide you with practical stress management tips and strategies to help you to tackle the root cause of your stress and to help you to manage stress positively going forward and to build your resilience to stress over time. * Enable you to develop your own personalised stress plan during the course. What is included in the course?The course has the following sections: * Introduction, including an introduction to the course and the tutor* Stress, including what is stress and can stress be good for you?* Reduce stress now, including a stress management process to reduce stress, the symptoms of stress, the causes of stress and taking action to reduce your stress* Practical stress management tips and strategies, including a whole range of tips and strategies to help you tackle the root cause of your stress, to manage stress positively going forward and to build your resilience to stress over time.* Your stress plan, including your own symptoms, causes, actions and strategies.We have also included introductions and summaries throughout the course to help with learning.The course is in short bite sized lectures and you can see the detailed course content in the course curriculum.Developing your own personalised stress planThere are also worksheets to complete as you go through the course to develop your own personalised stress plan. These include identifying the symptoms and the causes of your stress, as well as actions to take to reduce your current stress and strategies to follow to manage stress positively going forward and to build your resilience to stress over time. You will need to allow additional time in addition to the duration of the videos to complete the worksheets.What will you cover on the course and what will you learn?As you go through the course you will be looking at your own stress, how it is manifesting, the impact on you, your work and your business, the causes of your stress, how to manage stress and stress management tips and strategies.By the end of the course you will have a better understanding of stress, understand the root causes of your stress, have an action plan for reducing your stress levels and have stress management strategies in place to support you to manage stress positively going forward and to build your resilience to stress over time.Even if you are not stressed at the moment you will have the opportunity to review you, your work and your business and to decide on actions to take to support you in managing stress positively going forward and building your resilience to stress over time.Important notes & more about the courseIf you are already very knowledgeable about stress and stress management, this course may not be for you. It includes an insight into stress (including what is stress and whether stress can be good for you), its impact, symptoms and causes, a stress management process to reduce stress, practical stress management tips and strategies and an opportunity to develop your own stress plan, some or all of which you may already know a lot about. By signing up for this course you gain lifetime access so you can watch the lectures at your convenience on your computer, tablet or smart phone.You can choose to complete the whole course or just watch the lectures that are most relevant to you, whichever you prefer. You can watch each lecture in full or just the elements you want to watch and you can stop a lecture at any point if you want to study the content in more detail.You can watch the lectures at the pre assigned speed or you can choose to speed up or slow down the lectures to suit your own preference.There are English text captions available on this course which you can choose to see or turn off.Student feedback on this course""Clear and practical course with great ideas that you can apply in real life straight away. Highly Recommended.""""A very professional and helpful course on understanding stress, what it is and how to manage the causes with sound advice on moving forward. A great place to start with an important message to ask for help when you need it.""""This is very practical, enjoyable, easy to understand and real results oriented course!""""The course was very useful for me. It made me think more about stress and gave some valuable insights into how to manage myself better. Overall an excellent course.""""As a busy business owner used to dealing with stress, I thought I knew all about my stress and what caused it. I was wrong! The course helped me identify new sources of stress and gave me tips to better manage it all. Have recommended the course to others. Well worth taking the course whether you're feeling stressed right now or not. Thank you.""""This is a very easy to follow and concise course. Great course that I can follow in bite size chunks. The tutor is very clear and knowledgeable too. Very easy to watch on mobile app which means I can catch up in stages.""""This is a great course to explore all the aspects of stress, how it seeps into your life and affects your performance. It's very informative, the course tutor is very knowledgeable and provides good clear information and a lot to think about. The worksheets are clear and help to focus what are the underlying causes and as you go through the lectures you are able to understand your own personal stress vulnerabilities and ways to address these. Lots of tips and ideas and Liz gives a plethora of options on how to manage stress in your business. Thank you.""""This course material from Liz is so refreshing and novel, it makes you want to learn more. It is easily applicable to business and there are small things you can try each day, as well as grasping the bigger picture. Thanks Liz, love it!""""This is an excellent course that helps you to understand the effects stress can have on you as an individual as well as those around you. It's simple to follow with exercises to help you develop a plan.""""I found the Stress management course extremely helpful - as a Director of an SME I often find I am pulled in many directions and struggle to prioritise which leads to anxiety and a feeling of not 'being on top' of my workload - the information and exercise really help to navigate my way and focus my efforts at the same time understand ways I can handle the inevitable stress incurred from running a business. I would highly recommend the course to anyone - even if you think you handle stress well theres always room for improvement!""""Clear and concise, I really like the way the course has broken down such a broad topic into bitesize chunks. In particular, it is focussed on stress within the workplace and how to help senior business leaders manage it for both themselves and others around them. This is something I haven't found with other stress-related courses.""""A very professional and helpful course on understanding stress, what it is and how to manage the causes with sound advice on moving forward. A great place to start with an important message to ask for help when you need it.""""What a great course, there's nothing it doesn't cover!""""I love the course and I believe all the tips are very useful for me.""""Very good presentation, tips, and helpful advice.""""The course reminded me that stresses can come from big or small situations and can be at work or home, business or personal. it also offers ways to minimize stresses such as prioritizing, setting goals, dont be a perfectionist, be well prepared, be decisive, don't over think, and ask for help if it is necessary. I like that it discusses current events such as the COVID19 and coping with it.""""Prior to taking the course, I never realized that I was not properly prepared for Stress in the Workplace. I did have a couple of stress reducing strategies, not enough to handle all of that working a government job supplies. I feel good about how I will address work related stresses, moving forward. thank you""""Enjoyed the content. The animation made it engaging.""Good luckGood luck with the course and I hope you find it invaluable."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Stress management coaching: support your clients with stress" |
"Do you want to learn how to support your clients to reduce and manage stress?Do you want to incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice?Do you want an insight into stress, its impact, symptoms and causes?This course is a practical action oriented course designed to show you as a coach how to incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice and to support your clients to reduce and manage stress. The course assumes you have completed a life, business, executive or other coaching certification course, are running or setting up a coaching practice and working with clients as a coach in your niche and you have a good understanding of and grounding in the core coaching skills and fundamentals. The course aims to enable you, as a coach, to support your clients to reduce and manage stress, show you how you can incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice, give you an insight into stress, its impact, symptoms and causes, provide you with a stress management process, including practical steps, that your clients can follow to reduce and manage stress and enable you to apply the learnings and develop your own plan for incorporating stress management coaching into your coaching practice.The stress management coaching process introduced in this course for you to work through with your clients is designed to be practical and straightforward to follow. It also includes a practical and straightforward stress management process that your clients can follow to reduce and manage stress.Who is this course designed for?This course is designed for you if you are a coach (see note below for prerequisites) who wants to:* Incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice* Support your clients to reduce and manage stress* Learn more about stress, its impact, symptoms & causes* Have a stress management process for your clients to follow to reduce & manage stressPlease note: This course assumes that you as a coach:* Have completed a life, business, executive or other coaching certification course* Are running or setting up a coaching practice and working with clients as a coach in your niche* You have a good understanding of and grounding in the core coaching skills and fundamentals such as self awareness, emotional intelligence, values and beliefs, the coach/client relationship, communication (including building rapport, active listening, questioning, understanding), being in the moment, goal setting, exploring options, encouraging action, allowing the client to set the agenda and find their own solutions, client uniqueness, coaching models/frameworks, coaching tools and techniques and contractingWhat are the course aims?The course aims to:* Enable you, as a coach, to support your clients to reduce and manage stress* Show you how you can incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice* Give you an insight into stress, its impact, symptoms and causes* Provide you with a stress management process, including practical steps, that your clients can follow to reduce and manage stress* Enable you to apply the learnings and develop your own plan for incorporating stress management coaching into your coaching practiceWhat is included in the course?The course has the following sections:* Introduction: including an introduction to the course and the tutor* What is stress? including an insight into stress from both a practical and a more theoretical viewpoint and discuss whether stress can be good for you* How to work with clients to reduce & manage stress: including the introduction of a stress management coaching process, areas to think about when working with clients who want help with reducing and managing stress and a stress management process that you can use with your clients to support them to reduce and manage their stress* How to incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice: including thinking through how you can incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice and the development of a stress management coaching plan* Course summary, including a short summary of the courseThroughout the course there are assignments that you can complete to embed and apply the learning into your coaching practice. We have also included introductions and summaries throughout the course, as well as detailed information on the slides, to help with learning.You can find more detail of the course content, including what each lecture covers, in the detailed course curriculum.Assignments to embed and apply the learning from the course into your coaching practiceThere are assignments to complete as you go through the course to embed and apply the learning from the course into your coaching practice. These include thinking about how you will explain stress to your clients, practising using the stress management coaching process and developing a stress management coaching plan for your coaching practice. You will need to allow additional time in addition to the duration of the videos to complete the assignments.What will you cover on the course and what will you learn?As you go through the course you will be looking at what is stress from a practical and more theoretical viewpoint, how to work with clients to reduce and manage stress, including the introduction of a stress management coaching process, areas to think about when working with clients who want help with reducing and managing stress and a stress management process that you can use with your clients to support them to reduce and manage their stress, and how to incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice, including the development of a stress management coaching plan.By the end of the course you will be able to, as a coach, support your clients to reduce and manage stress, know how to and have a plan in place to incorporate stress management coaching into your coaching practice, have a better understanding of stress, its impact, symptoms and causes and have a stress management process that your clients can use to reduce and manage their stress.Important notes and more about the courseIf you are already very knowledgeable about stress management coaching, this course may not be for you as it is aimed at practising coaches who want to learn about stress management coaching. By signing up for this course you gain lifetime access so you can watch the lectures at your convenience on your computer, tablet or smart phone.You can choose to complete the whole course or just watch the lectures that are most relevant to you, whichever you prefer. You can watch each lecture in full or just the elements you want to watch and you can stop a lecture at any point if you want to study the content in more detail.You can watch the lectures at the pre assigned speed or you can choose to speed up or slow down the lectures to suit your own preference.There are English text captions available on this course which you can choose to see or turn off.Student feedback on this course""As a coach I found this course very helpful to understand stress and how I can support my clients with stress.""""The course gave me a lot of information on how to work with clients who are stressed and is good to refer back to for support with specific client situations.""""Very interesting in particular how clients who are stressed may present in coaching and how to work with them.""""Another great course from Liz. Extremely useful as always.""Good luckGood luck with the course and I hope you find it invaluable."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Video Editing by Adobe Premiere Pro cc." |
"Want to edit any type of videos?Don't know how to begin editing?Working for a company and some times you have to edit some videos?This course is what you need tostart and edit your videos using Premiere Pro.I will take you on a funtrip, you will watch great and easyvideos about how to edit your videos from scratch untill you will be able to export your film and upload it on any platform you like.In this video editing course, I will take you through the basic skills you need to start using Adobe Premiere Pro.So, what are you waiting for, get the course, and start learning how to edit video like a pro using Adobe Premiere Pro!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Invoking Archangels & Working With Angels Workshop" |
"Anyone in themodern worldtoday, can learn how to invoke archangels into their life fordivine guidance, we can call upon not only one Archangel butmany at one time to bring blessings and protection But first wejust need to learn how to connect and invoke with the highest & purest intent. In this Online workshop,Craig Leckiewill show you how to invoke each individual Archangel, And will pass knowledge of their attributes, and all about there crystals and all about there purposes in our day to day living.Craig will detail the personalities, gifts, and traits of each them."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Courting the Goddess" |
"Has communicating with your partner been frustrating, emotional, draining, or confusing to the point of no resolution or break-ups?Please joinAndrew Jones, MA inSpiritual Psychology as your Intimacy Guide to support your vision of successful and intimate relationship.This course is for Men, to learnReal Life practicestostay centered in one's self, to truly become the desirable man that is highlyattractiveto beautiful women.This course mayinvolve healing the past, plenty of A-Ha! moments, and perhaps reveal your innate joyful spontaneity and expression. At the same time, you will leave with new information in your tool belt and feel inspired satisfaction to change your whole mind-set with relationship.You can learn focuses: establishing safety, clear communication,untangling enmeshed relationships, and creative solutions when needs are unmet by other."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
treningnorca |
", , , . . , . . . . , . , , . . , , . "" "" , , , , . , -, , . , , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 1.4 1.5 21 1.6 , 1,7 1,8 1.9 2.1 . - 2,2 . 2.3 2.4 2.5 2,6 2,7 ,"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Differentialgleichungen lsen I (DGLs I)" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich primr an Studenten des Ingenieurwesens sowie der Naturwissenschaften, die im Studium Differentialgleichungen analytisch lsen mssen. In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie man: separierbare Differentialgleichungen lst lineare (homogene und inhomogene) DGLs 1.Ordnung lst Methode der Variation der Konstanten anwendet Bernoulli-DGLs erkennt und lst hnlichkeitsdifferentialgleichungen lst AWP (Anfangswertprobleme) lst"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"#1 MATLAB basics" |
"This course is designed to help you get started working with Matlab. Following topics are going to be covered:User interface of Matlab: what are the different windows for? How to perform arithmetic and relational operations How to use the command help Assigning numerical values to variables Creating and manipulating vectors/ arrays Creating and manipulating matrices Plotting 2D graphs to visualize your data How to import data from a text- or Excel-file Performing basic statistical analysis of your data"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"#2 Matlab intermediate for engineers, students & scientists" |
"This is an intermediate Matlab course for engineering and STEM-students and professionals in these areas. The course is focussing on two main topics: usage of symbolic variables and expressions and solving different kinds of equations in Matlab. Differential equations play a major role in engineering and natural sciences and this course is going to provide you the knowledge how Matlab can help you soling such equations (or systems) straigth-forward and numerically in Matlab."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Matlab fr Studenten, Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich primr an Studenten des Ingenieurwesens sowie der Naturwissenschaften sowie alle Interessierte. In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie man: Alle mgliche Gleichungen und Gleichungssysteme in Matlab lst Differentialgleichungen in Matlab lst Einen Script und eine Funktion schreibt Symbolische Funktionen erstellt und benutzt Anonyme Funktionen erstellt und benutzt Function handle richtig anwendest und vieles andere"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
deutsch1 |
"100 . , . 15-20 , . !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ARCHICAD - Tragwerksentwurf eines Autohauses" |
"Am besten ist dieser Kurs fr Architekturstudenten bzw. Architekten geeignet, die ARCHICAD lernen mchten. In diesem Kurs werden unter anderem folgende Punkte behandelt:dreidimensionale Modellierung des Gebudes in ARCHICADdie Entwicklung (oder Entwurf) eines sinnvollen TragwerksErstellung von PositionsplnenVordimensionierung von tragenden Bauteilen (Wnde, Decken, Sttzen, Unterzge, ...)Erstellung von EntwurfsplnenErstellung von SchnittenErstellung von AnsichtenAusgabe der erstellten Plne in PDFDie einzelnen Themen sind fein gegliedert, so dass jeder gezielt und direkt zu den Themen springen kann, die ihn interessieren.Fr diesen Kurs braucht man minimale biskeine Vorkenntnisse in ARCHICAD."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |