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"Keynote in 60 Minuten" |
"Lerne Keynote innerhalb kurzer ZeitDu mchtest lernen wie du Prsentationen mit Keynoteerstellen kannst? Aber duwillstdafr keine 8 Stunden oder mehr Zeitinvestieren?Denn dich interessierendie vielenDetail nicht, von denen du die meistenohnehin nie verwenden wrdest?Dann ist dies definitiv der richtigeKurs fr dich!In diesem Kurs lernst du dieBasics, die du frgroartige Prsentation brauchst.Zuerst zeige ich dir, wie du Texte,Listen, Aufzhlungen und Nummerierungen erstellst, formatierst und eigene Textstile speicherst.Dann wirst du die Anwendung der in KeynoteintegriertenSymbole kennen lernen, mit denen du deine Prsentationen auf sehr einfache Weise aufpeppen kannst. Und wie du Bilder einfgst und bearbeitest.Als nchstes sehen wir uns an, wie du deine Prsentation vorfhren oder auch automatisch ablaufen lassen kannst und wie du die Folien mit verschiedenen Layouts ausdrucken oder als PDF ausgeben kannst.Dann lernst du Animationen kennen wie Folienbergnge und Text- und Symbolanimationen.Hierdie Inhalte dieses Kurses im Detail:Erstellen von FolienAuswahl von Themen/VorlagenTexte formatieren, eigeneTextstile abspeichernListen, Aufzhlungen, NummerierungenBilder und Symbole verwenden und ndernTexte, Bilder und Symbole animierenFolienbergnge erstellenPrsentation automatisierenPrsentation in verschiedenen Layouts ausgebenFolienvorlagen ndern und eigene Folienvorlagen speichernAlso, auf wartest du noch: Starte los und lerne Keynote in nur 60Minuten!Ich freue michauf dich! :-)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lehrinhalte fr Seminare und Vortrge ausarbeiten" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du Schritt fr Schritt das Erstellen von Lehrinhaltenfr:SeminareTrainingsPrsentationVortrgeWir werden bei der Ausarbeitung der Lehrinhalte systematisch nach einem Konzeptvorgehen. Jeder Themenblock hat diesen Aufbau:wir beginnen mit der Erffnung.dann kommt einTheorieteiles folgt ein praktischer Teil.und dann kommt der Abschluss.Mit diesem Ablauf wird die Ausarbeitung der Themenbereiche standardisiert - und was hast dudavon?Die Ausarbeitung wird dadurcheinfacher und effizienterund du kannst, wenn du dich an den Leitfaden hltst, eine gleichbleibende Qualitt sicher stellen- inhaltlich in Bezug auf das Seminar-Ziel unddidaktisch, denn dubercksichtigstdie neuen Ergebnisse der Lernforschung.Zur Untersttzung findest duein Formular als Begleitmaterial zum Downloaden, das dich durch die vierSchritte der Ausarbeitung begleitet.Du brauchst fr diesen Kurs keine Vorkenntnisse in der Ausarbeitung von Themen. Du brauchstein Thema, das du fr einen Vortrag, ein Seminar oder eine Prsentationausarbeiten mchtest und wir knnenschon loslegen!Ich freue mich, dich in diesem Kurs bei der Ausarbeitung deiner Inhalte zubegleiten.Wann immer duFragen hast, die ich im Kurs nicht beantworte,dann sende mir einfach eine Nachricht."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"SAS Training by Reviewing and Solving Certificate Questions" |
"If you need acomprehensiveSAS course that helps you1) pass SAS certificate exam;2) master SAS programming by solving 101 questions;3) understand how SAS codes are working;4) walk through each question by patient interpretation ;5) practice and review SAS examples by yourself using my handout;6) extend SAS knowledge and skills beyond these 101 questionsThen this course is right for you. I am using a special but effective teaching method in this course. You are not just leaning SAS knowledge and skills, butalsoexamining yourself by solving each question! You are not just seeking the correctsolution, butalso figuring out whyother answers are incorrect.I will show you both theories in slides andcodeimplementation in programming interface. With the questions, multiple choices, codeinterpretation, examples and data sets I provided, you will be able tostart SAS programming efficiently andconfidentlypass certificate exam!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Advanced SAS Course by Solving Questions and Use Cases" |
"If you need acomprehensiveSAS course that helps you1) pass advanced SAS certificate exam;2) master advancedSAS programming by solving 100 questions including study cases;3) understand how SAS codes Macro and SQLare working;4) walk through questions by testing programming codes;5) practice and review SAS examples by yourself using my handout;Then this course is right for you. I am using a special but effective teaching method in this course. You are not just leaning SAS knowledge and skills, butalsoexamining yourself by solving each question! You are not just seeking the correctsolution, butalso figuring out whyother answers are incorrect.I will show you both theories in slides andcodeimplementation in programming interface. With the questions, multiple choices, codeinterpretation, examples and data sets I provided, you will be able tostart SAS programming efficiently andconfidentlypass certificate exam!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SketchUp Make - From beginner to advanced" |
"What is SketchUp?SketchUp is one of the most popular3D modeling program out therethat is used to visualize ideas.In fact, Sketchup isused in many professions such asarchitecture,interior designing, landscape architecture, video game designing and so on.Who is the ideal student forthis course?If you haveno experience with SketchUp, what so ever. Or if you've played around with it fora little bitandjust but want toget more acquainted with the program. Either way, this is the perfectcourse for you!In this course, you will learn the followingIn the first section of thecourse, you will learn how to use every main tool in SketchUp with confidence, as well as,learning a few advanced skills that you are going to usea lot in the future. In the second section, I will then help you to create your first little cottage as well as designing the interior by yourself.My promise to youI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you ever feel lost or just feel like you don't understand something specific then you can always post a question inside of the course or send me a direct message.I want to make this the best course on how to use SketchUp.So if there is any way I can improve this course, just tell me and I'll try my best to fix it"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"iMovie - from beginner to advanced" |
"You're here because you want to learn video editing withiMovie, right?This is the perfect place to start.This complete course is designed for beginners like you who want to learn how to edit amazingvideos with iMovie.iMovie is the ideal applicationfor beginners, it's very user friendly sowhether you want to create an epictravel video, a birthday video, promote a product forwork or even edit your own online course, then iMovieis the right way to do it.While the word ""video editing""might sound scary for many of you whohave never opened up a video editing application before, but once you get started, it's fairly intuitive.Everything from importing media to color grading, then actually exporting your videos can be learned in thiscourse.With this course, you don't need to actually have ready videosfor editing. Once you have enrolled in this course a link willbe given to you with all thepractice videos that we're going to use during the course and more than that.Why learn from me?I've been editing videos for years. Just like you, there has been atime where I was a complete newbie to video editing! I had no idea how toedit videos. Yet today,video editing is like second nature to me.Although I currentlyuse a moreprofessional editing software, '(Final Cut Pro X)for most of my work.I still remember what it is like start out with iMovie, and I've kept that in mind while creating this entire course. I walk you through every process step-by-step to make sure you understand things clearly. And if there is ever anything that is confusing, just let me know and I'll create more lessons that explain or walk you through myself.MY GOAL WITH THIS COURSENo matter whatyou intend to do with iMovie,I want to make sure you're able to do that. My goal is to be your guide along the way and get you editing in iMovieas soon as possible,that's why all the lessons in this course are short and straight to the point creating an easy learning experience.With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, try it out, and see if you like the course!I can't wait to help you edit your own videos with iMovieCheers,Konrad"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a tratar imagens Bijuterias e Joias" |
"Cada dia mais Designers e fotgrafos empreendedores tratam imagens de bijuterias ejias, por ser um mercado em expanso. Neste curso voc vai aprender o fluxo de trabalho que fao para as joias que trato no dia a dia.Neste curso ser usado o programa Photoshop, um dos programasmais prticos e utilizados no universo de tratamento de imagens da atualidade.Este curso foi estruturado para usurios iniciantes, mas importante seguir os passos com ateno, pois existem detalhes que no podem ser ignorados."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Deliver an Outstanding Customer Experience" |
"I believe that the most effective way become a successful IT consultant byconsistently helping your customers win while providing them with an experience that turns them into raving fans.Well, to be honest, this isn't only true for IT consultants...this is how you become successful at ANYTHING!I don't care what business you're in...the only reason why you have a business in the first place is because you have customers willing to pay you money. And, call me crazy, but I bet that the reason why they are paying you is not just because of your good looks.See, regardless of the amount of money you're asking them to pay, from 1$ to 1000$, they are choosing you over your competition for 3 main reasons:they trust youto help them get some kind of resultthe result is more valuablefor them than the money you're asking them to paythe experience of working with youmakes them feel specialThe 3 keywords above areTRUST,VALUEandEXPERIENCE.Before we move along, here's an important disclaimer:this course won't teach you how to be good at getting results doing what you do.Sorry but it's the truth!If you're not good at what you do, it's going to be hard to deliver any kind of OUTSTANDING experience... End of story.OK ok... we both know that nobody is perfect. No matter how good you are, you'll eventually make some mistakes. The good news is thatthis course will help you handle those tough situations in a way that will even increase their trust in you! More on that later...Now, ifyou're greatat what you, ifyou can consistently help your customersget results and ifyou're insanely ambitiousbecause you know that you have more potentialbut you're struggling to get them to appreciate the hard work and the help you've been giving them...THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Best Direct Marketing Ads Reviewed Step-By-Step" |
"Have you ever wondered what makes some people read a piece of direct marketing and,by the time they finish it, grabtheir wallets and buy the product immediately?This was the question that I've had on my mind and that made me find, what I call, ""The Greats of Direct Marketing"".People likeEugene Schwartz who are absolute legends in the field of Direct Marketing.People like Frank Kern who took these lessons and applied in the field ofInternet Marketing.What you are about to see is the most detailed analysis of the best direct marketing ads... EVER.Nobody else on Udemy has gone through has much detail as I have on this course(or I'll give your money back immediately).From the headline to the call to action, and everything in between, Igostep-by-step as I reveal to youthe persuasion strategies that made thesales copy on these adsso irresistible.Each video focus on a single ad only.I spend around 30 minutes per ad.From the structure of the ad, the flow of the story and howeach and everypowermakes you nod your head until you scream ""SHUTUPANDTAKEMYMONEY"" at the end.The bottom-line is this:if you're looking for a course that can help you learn the best copywritingfrom the best Direct Marketingprofessionals on the planet, THIS is the course.Anyway, the fact that you're still here and you're still reading this, tells me that you're really serious about this and you know that this course is what you need to improve your copywriting skills.For that reason, Iencourage you to take action now and invest in your skills.It's going to be the best decision you'll make.To your success,Bruno"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Psychology of Persuasion: How to Convince People Easily" |
"Join the 7000+ student body of one of the hottest Psychology courses and Learn Multiple Tips how to Persuade People more effectively!More than 300 positive reviews on the course and a 30-day money back guarantee!***Many people are confident that being able to convince and persuade others is just a magic, inborn charisma or a unique talent. We get upset when we loose yet another argument or fail to persuade our customers or colleagues, not to mention our friends or family members. And we get even more frustrated when after another commitment we made to other people or a simple purchase in a store, we understand that we've just been caught on a psychological marketing trick by a sales rep or an advertisement.Scientists have studied the Psychology of Persuasion for many years and, having done a great deal of psychological experiments and research, they have proved that there are certain verbal and non-verbal techniques and strategies based on the understanding of human nature which any person can use to enhance their persuasion skills.In this short course, you are going to learn the fundamental principles of the Psychology of Persuasion as well as the strategies of how to convince and deal effectively with stubborn people which is a comprehensive psychology on its own. I personally prefer courses that are short but abundant with concrete and specific examples and tips, so despite the short length of this course, I did my best to include here the basic theory of psychology as well as practical day-to-day examples on how to behave and what to say or do to persuade the people you deal with.***(!) Remember, that by purchasing this course, you are not losing anything since according to Udemy policy you are entitled to 30-day 100% money-back guarantee in case you don't like the course. Yet, I believe you will definitely like this course like thousands of other students who have enrolled and left their positive feedback about the useful psychological tips that you will find inside.Spend one hour of your time to learn these valuable techniques and become a more confident persuasion master for the rest of your life!Look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DIY LeatherCrafting: Make Your Own Embossed Leather Bracelet" |
"Do you want to learn how tomake your own designed handmade leather goods? Bracelets, belts, wallets, shoes, bags..If your answer is yes, thenthis is the course for you! My dad is a leatherwork and craftwork professional with 25 years of experiencewho has made literally thousands of handmadeleather goods, including bags, wallets,belts, and even winter shoes) He sells them in his own shop and online. Herecently started to teach other people how to do it themselves.If you are passionate about leather and you have some ideas what you would like to produce,but you don't know where to start, start with this course.The course will follow you along all necessary steps of the process, including choosing the proper leather type, buying necessary tools, cutting, trimming, embossing and finally to the point where you will try on your own producedbracelet.This is the first course in a series of courses dedicated to leatherwork and how to make various types ofleather goods.We tried to do the lecturesshort andeasy to follow so that you will enjoy this journey to becoming a leather professional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Productivity. Boost and Unleash your True Energy" |
"It doesnt matter what you do or where you work everyone is looking for ways to be more productive these days. In our modern times, although many smart devices and apps facilitate our way oflife, there are so many tasks and responsibilities coming from all cornersthat we can not keep up with ourfast pace of life. In such situation, we usually have to abandon doing andenjoyingcertain things and often tend to lose our focus and productivity.Productivity has long been anissue of wide popularity. However, many courses and books on productivity concentrate onlyon certain time-management techniques, whereas to be truly productive you shouldchange your way of living, habits and thinking. And this is not as hard as it seems. More so, it's definitely worth it. Once you'vechanged your poor habits, your whole new way of life will make it easier for you to stay productive and efficient throughout the day. You will have created a complete productive framework that will work for you.This is what this course is all about. It's about bringing small changes to your daily routine, including eating and sleeping patterns, so that you won't have to make forced efforts anymore. It's also about how to beat procrastination andget into the flow where you can accomplish way more than you thought was possible. It's about being able to consume and analyze tons of information much faster and learning how to delegate and outsource things that you don't want or don't have time to do.I worked long and hard to gather all these tips that reallyhelped me to become more productive and enabled me to get several educationaldegrees while pursuingvarious jobs and projects of my own. I hope this course will become a platform for studentsto learn a lot andshare their own experiences of what worked for them and what did not. I'm going to update the course on a weekly basis with more useful tips and techniques so that you are guaranteed to be on the verge of best productivity techniques out there.** This course comes with Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee in case it does not fulfill your expectationsHope you will like the short and concise delivery of the course, as I myself do not like to get into bulky and long courses which take a huge amoung of my time, while having only a bunch of useful advice. I made this course for people just like me who want to get the essence of all productivity tips without ""too much water"")"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DIY LeatherCrafting: Making Leather Sandals" |
"Do you want to learn how tomake your own designed handmade leather goods? Bracelets, belts, wallets, shoes, bags, etc.If your answer is yes, thenthis is the course for you! My dad is a leatherwork and craftwork professional with 25 years of experiencewho has made literally thousands of handmadeleather goods, including bags, wallets,belts, sandals and even winter shoes) He sells them in his own shop and online. Herecently started to teach other people how to make their own leather goods.If you are passionate about leather and you want to know how leather shoes are made, then welcome to this course.The course will take you along all necessary steps of the process, including making design and paper templates, choosing the proper leather type andnecessary tools, cutting, trimming, gluing, and varnishing the leather, stitching several layers of leather and inserting buckles. No single detail of the whole process will be omitted. The course features the downloadable pdf-files with thelist of necessarytools with weblinks where they can be purchased. Also, we have uploaded the special video lesson about selling leather goods online. My dad gets orders for making leather bags, shoes and wallets from his 4 online sources.This is the third course in a series of courses dedicated to leatherwork and how to make various types ofleather goods.As always, we tried to make ourlectures full of handy tips but keeping themshort andconcise,andeasy to follow so that you will enjoy this journey to becoming a leather professional.You are encouraged to ask the questions that you may have while watching the course!***Don't forget that according to Udemy policies, you are entitled to a 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee in case you won't find this course valuable enough. So what wait for?)Enrol for the course and become a LeatherCraft Master!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
investing-stocks |
"** #1 Udemy! . **-- , ? , ? , . , . "" ""? , , . , , , . 2015-2019 Amazon, VISA Netflix 40-70% . 2019 (+44%)! 2020, CoVid-19, , , . , 8-10 , . .*** , , , , . , , . , , , , . , , , , , 13% .*** , , . , , , . , . ( ) , . ***, , , . Udemy, - , , 30 - . , Udemy .***, 40 4 , 30- . , , ! !"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Business Process Mapping. Beginner's Guide." |
"Business Process Mapping is a method to visualize your company's business from different perspectives and taking into account roles, processes, responsibilities and relationships.A good business process map (or flowchart) enables to find weak areas in your business such as various bottlenecks, repetitions and delays which hinder your company's performance.Practically all companies that are willing to get to the next level and become more efficient use business process mapping to depict and describe their activities.Business process mapping is a tool to make your company more efficient and competitive in the market.In this short course, you will get acquainted with the fundamentals of business process mapping and different kinds of process maps and flowcharts."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Designing A Successful Social Media Feed!" |
"This course borrowsfourtimeless principles from Visual Design to totally transform yourSocial Media strategy!Inspired byRobin Williams' books on Visual Design, this course takes a fun, almost light-hearted approach at creating a successfulbrand on social mediausing four simple principles:ContrastRepetitionAlignmentProximityThis fun,innovative perspective on Social Media strategy will get your creative and analytical mind thinking!This course teachesthe foundation for successfully building a brand on Social Media no matter what kind of brand you are building:Personal BrandSmall Business BrandInfluencer BrandAffiliate Marketing BrandHealth/Fitness BrandAnd so much more!I am an active Udemy Instructor, and I place high value on interaction with my enrollees, so be sure to comment, review, and engage!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Build A Brand On Social Media! (2018)" |
"Learn the typicalsocial media accountkillers and how to avoid them!!This courseis not ahashtag-strategy guide! This course is all about creating the content,profile,and messaging you need to stand out, connect, and engage!In 2017Instagram admitted ""hashtags are broken, so if youre relying on hashtags to build your brand or gain income-producing followers you will need a new strategy!This course breaks down keys for success into simple, memorable, actionable steps.Learn why some of your posts get afractionof your normal engagement.Learn why other people get consistently more engagement than you.Learn why Facebook and Instagrammay not be sharing your postswith your Followers.Learn why you might not be gaining new Followers steadily and what you can do to reverse it.Learn howthe algorithmplays such a big role in the success of your posts, your feed, and your brand.To breakthrough in social media you need engaging ""everyday content. Thats the focus of this course. Learn how to create a feed that builds trust and makes connections through consistent, everyday content and engagement.ASK A QUESTION!I love engaging with my active students. Have a question about a concept in the course? Ask me! Unsure how to apply one of my principles to your brands feed? Ask me! I am eager to help you beyond the lessons found here!This course gives you the tools you need to build asocial media feed that connects!SEE YOU IN CLASS!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Active Listening Masterclass" |
"Everyone hears, but few listen.Active listening is the key to increasing leadership equity, unlocking employee retention, increasing workplace efficiency, and so much more!What was once considered an innate ability (a trait everyone was born with) has now become a specialized skill; something that takes effort, practice, and intentionality.Did you know there are four components to active listening? Furthermore, did you know that missing one of the four components means youre not listening?Have you ever noticed how the most intriguing individual in the room seems content to listen sooner than speak? ~ Richelle E. GoodrichListening used to be an art. Today active listening is a skill that has become a competitive advantage!In todays fast-paced, always-on world we have become a generation of distracted people. On top of that, we multitask while multitasking.This course shows you the 4 Elements to Active Listening using a clever memory device that will help you keep this skill at the top of your mind.In addition I offer you practical steps and tips to help you change the way people perceive your listening skills.This fun, fast-moving, information-packed course will move the needle in your business (and personal) relationships!Listening used to be an art. Now its a skill. Dont be left behind. Stop hearing. Start listening. Ill see you in class!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Branding" |
"There isso muchconfusion about what a brand is!The sad reality is most explanations of branding areincomplete orinaccurate! Even seasonedmarketing pro's have a hard time explaining branding.This is branding for the rest of us!In this course you will get a full, complete, and memorable understanding ofwhatbranding really is.By now we should all understand this: your brand is not your logo, nor is it your product, your product design, color palette, or business collateral. Yourbrand is much, much bigger than these visual assets, and it's the key to your business' longevity.Learn how branding is vital forconnecting deeply with your audienceUnderstand why brandingconsistency and alignment are vitalSee how ""companies do not create their brand; their audience creates the brand""Learn where confusion about brandingstems fromLearn the top four causes of brand misalignmentand so much more!Presented by Everett Bowes, of We Talk Branding, a branding expert andbest-selling Instructor, this 45-minute course is densely packed with insight and information!Each lesson is short,downloadable, and featuresbullet pointsto make learning even easier.Don't get left behind!Do you have a completedefinition of branding? Is your explanation of branding easy-to-understand, apply, and remember? If not,join us!See you in class!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Expert Tips to Buying a Property at Auction" |
"This course covers all you will need to know about buying a property at Auction.Buying a houseat Auction can be a scary prospect. It is probably the biggest investment you will make in your life time and you probably have no experience at all with Auctions. People can make expensive mistakes at auctions that are with them for a life time. Which is why Icreated this course to help people understand best practise for buying at Auction.Hi my name isTrevor PickensIhavehelped hundreds of people to purchase their next property. As a fully licencereal estate agent and with many years experience selling property by public auction my passion to help people live in their dream property.In this Course You Will Master the Art of Buying at Auction.Learn how to win the Highest Bid.Learn how to deal with fear of Auction.Find out how to prepare before an Auction.Learn what to research on the house.Learn the rules of Buying atAuction.Know when to ask for change in price Rise.What to know about other bidders.Know when the auction is coming to an end.and more....Iwill present this course to you in video format. I will demonstrate to you correct posture and tonality to use when buying at auction. We will cover what to do before an auction, during an auction and after an auction. Whether you are new to buying at auction or have experienced many auctions, this course is for you. Mypassion is to assist people with the most significant life decision of buying or selling their home. Usually the most significant personal asset.At the end of this course the student will know exactly what they need to do to buy or sell a house at auction."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Study English Anywhere- English Language Beginner Course" |
"What will I learn?Learn the basics of English grammarUnderstand and practice with British English pronunciationBe able to use English vocabulary for different topicsHow will I learn?In this course, we will learn all the areas of the English language at Beginner level. Even if you are a little more advanced, this is a very useful course for you to take to improve your English foundations.Every lesson is separated into three sections:GrammarPronunciationVocabularyEach video lesson will be taught by Michael, your qualified British English teacher. After each grammar and vocabulary lesson you will be able to complete the exercise to see how much you have learnt. After the pronunciation lessons, you will be able to listen to Michael pronounce new words through an mp3 recording.Students who complete the course will have a good understanding of Beginner English and will be ready to move on to the next level: Pre-Intermediate English."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Study English Anywhere-English Pre-Intermediate Course" |
"What will I learn?Learn Pre-intermediateEnglish grammarUnderstand and practice with Pre-intermediate British English pronunciationBe able to use Pre-intermediate English vocabulary for different topics and conversationsHow will I learn?In this course, we will learn all the areas of the English language atpre-intermediate level. This is a very useful course for you to take to improve your Englishconversation and understanding at a high level.Every lesson is separated into three sections:GrammarPronunciationVocabularyEach video lesson will be taught by Michael, your qualified British English teacher. After each grammar and vocabulary lesson you will be able to complete the exercise to see how much you have learnt. After the pronunciation lessons, you will be able to listen to Michael pronounce new words through an mp3 recording.Students who complete the course will have a good understanding of Pre-intermediate English."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Study English Anywhere- English Language Intermediate Course" |
"What will I learn?Learn IntermediateEnglish grammarUnderstand and practice with Intermediate British English pronunciationBe able to use Intermediate English vocabulary for different topics and conversationsHow will I learn?In this course, we will learn all the areas of the English language at Intermediate level. This is a very useful course for you to take to improve your Englishconversation and understanding at a high level.Every lesson is separated into three sections:GrammarPronunciationVocabularyEach video lesson will be taught by Michael, your qualified British English teacher. After each grammar and vocabulary lesson you will be able to complete the exercise to see how much you have learnt. After the pronunciation lessons, you will be able to listen to Michael pronounce new words through an mp3 recording.Students who complete the course will have a good understanding of Intermediate English."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Study English Anywhere- English Upper Intermediate Course" |
"What will I learn?Learn Upper-IntermediateEnglish grammarUnderstand and practice with Intermediate British English pronunciationBe able to use Intermediate English vocabulary for different topics and conversationsHow will I learn?In this course, we will learn all the areas of the English language at Upper-Intermediate level. This is a very useful course for you to take to improve your Englishconversation and understanding at a high level.Every lesson is separated into three sections:GrammarPronunciationVocabularyEach video lesson will be taught by Michael, your qualified British English teacher. After each grammar and vocabulary lesson you will be able to complete the exercise to see how much you have learnt. After the pronunciation lessons, you will be able to listen to Michael pronounce new words through an mp3 recording.Students who complete the course will have a good understanding of Upper Intermediate English."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Study English Anywhere- English Language Advanced Course" |
"What will I learn?Learn AdvancedEnglish grammarUnderstand and practice with AdvancedBritish English pronunciationBe able to use AdvancedEnglish vocabulary for different topics and conversationsHow will I learn?In this course, we will learn all the areas of the English language atadvancedlevel. This is a very useful course for you to take to improve your Englishconversation and understanding at a high level.Every lesson is separated into three sections:GrammarPronunciationVocabularyEach video lesson will be taught by Michael, your qualified British English teacher. After each grammar and vocabulary lesson you will be able to complete the exercise to see how much you have learnt. After the pronunciation lessons, you will be able to listen to Michael pronounce new words through an mp3 recording.Students who complete the course will have a good understanding of Advanced English."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"C++: Orientao a Objetos - Intermedirio" |
"Este curso contm exemplos simples e prticos para voc compreender ainda mais sobre as Classes, entrando em conceitos mais avanados como Herana, Polimorfismo,Classes Abstratas, Herana Mltipla, Friend Functions e muito mais. Com vdeo aulas curtas e muitas perguntas para testar seu conhecimento, voc entender rapidamente esse tema to importante para quem quer seguir na profisso de programador, saindo com uma tima base de programao orientada a objetos.Tpicos do curso:RevisoHerana - Parte 1Herana - Parte 2Classe Abstrata e PolimorfismoHerana MltiplaInterface (pure virtual class)Mais sobre StaticUtilizando o conceito de FinalFriend Functions"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Construindo Aplicaes Web Com o Novo Angular (4, 5 e 6)" |
"UPDATE: Novas aulas adicionadascom atualizao da aplicaoat oAngular6 (RxJS 6, Formulrios, Pipes eAngular Elements) -seo ""Angular 5 e 6""----Neste cursovocvai aplicar os fundamentos da nova verso do Angular paraconstruir uma aplicao de delivery de comida, que eu chamei de MEAT.A aplicaousa como base oBootstrap e o template open-source AdminLTE para que vocseja apresentado a uma aplicao visualmente prximadas aplicaes de mercado. O MEAT ser construdousando os principais recursos do Angular como componentes, diretivas e pipes.Voc vai aprender a consumir umaAPI REST usando servios do frameworke conheceras duas estratgias para implementao de formulrios, que soTemplate Forms e Reactive forms.Vou te mostrar como implementarcomponentesde formulrio e integr-los com as diretivasdo Angular. Voc tambm vai aprender a dividir sua aplicao em mdulos e configur-los para carregamento tardio.Ainda vou falar deReactive Programming, Animaes e como realizar o deploy em um dos servidores mais comuns da Web, que o Apache HTTP Server.O curso de Angulartambm contm uma introduo ao Typescript com os principais pontos para voc tirar o melhor proveito doAngular.Seja muito bem-vindo!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Modelagem 3D com MagicaVoxel para criao de games em Unity" |
"Seja muito bem-vindo(a) ao curso:Modelagem 3D com MagicaVoxel para criao de games em UnityEste um curso completo de MagicaVoxel onde voc vai aprender a transferir seus modelos para o Unity de forma simples e eficiente. Este curso foi criado com o objetivo de ensinar todos os recursos e funcionalidades do software MagicaVoxel.Este curso tem como principal objetivo formar o aluno como um profissional em MagicaVoxel, partindo do zero e fornecendo informaes de qualidade, explicando e demonstrando na prtica cada uma de suas funcionalidades, at que ele alcance um nvel avanado. O curso comea com aulas simples e bsicas e vai evoluindo gradativamente, expondo o aluno a exerccios e explicaes cada vez mais complexas envolvendo MagicaVoxel, Blender e Unity 3D.Mas este curso vai ensinar apenas sobre o MagicaVoxel?O foco deste curso ser o aprendizado do MagicaVoxel, no entanto, o curso tambm oferece outros contedos igualmente importantes para que voc possa progredir ainda mais e aprender a utilizar seus modelos voxels na game engine Unity 3D de forma eficiente em seus games:Ao Final do curso o aluno ter um conhecimento prtico de todo um workflow de trabalho necessrio para:trabalhar e criar modelos 3D voxel no MagicaVoxel,exportar e otimizar a malha 3D do modelo voxel,estruturar um corpo sseo(rigging) de um modelo voxel humanoide,exportar este corpo estruturado para o Unity,importar e configurar a estrutura do corpo para os padres do Unity,importar uma biblioteca de animaes humanoides,aplicar uma ou mais animaes ao corpo importado,programar no Unity o controle de movimentos e animaes associadas a este corpo.- - - - - - - - - Um Curso Completo de MagicaVoxel, verso 0.98.2Neste curso ""Modelagem 3D com MagicaVoxel para criao de games em Unity"" voc vai encontrar um curso completo de MagicaVoxel onde voc vai aprender sobre todos os painis e funcionalidades do MagicaVoxel: vai aprender como importar e exportar arquivos, utilizar as ferramentas de edio, as facilidades do painel de cores, os tipos de pincis e sub-ferramentas para criao e edio dos modelos voxel, visualizao de elementos de auxlio no canvas, como entrar com comandos de texto, aplicao de diferentes tipos de materiais, renderizao e muito mais.Instrues e Manuais TraduzidosO site do MagicaVoxel disponibiliza uma lista de atalhos e uma lista de comandos, todos em ingls. Eu reescrevi estes dois arquivos traduzindo tudo para o portugus do Brasil, descrevendo as aes e funcionamentos de forma bem clara e objetiva.Exerccios de reforoO curso conta com alguns exerccios de reforo visando a fixao do aprendizado do aluno. Segundo pesquisas e experincias de professores, alunos que praticam exerccios de fixao conseguem aprender e assimilar melhor o contedo que foi ensinado.Exportao de modelos e modelos animadosAprenda como exportar objetos, cenrios, personagens e modelos voxel animados do MagicaVoxel para dentro do Unity 3D. Aprenda tambm como importar modelos 3D, low-poly e high-poly, e convert-los em voxel-arte.Otimizao de Modelos Voxel[ Esta informao foi includa no curso visando uma maior eficincia, pensando em melhorar o desempenho de cenrios, objetos e personagens quando utilizados para games em dispositivos mveis ]Aqui voc vai aprender uma das formas utilizadas para otimizar qualquer tipo de modelo 3D voxel. Esta tcnica demonstrada com um objeto cbico simples e tambm com um personagem humanoide, no entanto esta tcnica pode ser aplicada a qualquer tipo de modelo voxel que voc criar.Estruturao de Rigging de personagemNo poderamos deixar de fora uma explicao sobre como colocar um esqueleto em personagens! Neste curso voc vai aprender a importar um personagem voxel do MagicaVoxel para dentro do Blender e vai aprender passo a passo como implementar uma estrutura ssea para ele.Importao e Configurao de personagens humanoides rigadosPara utilizar um personagem rigado dentro do Unity 3D no basta apenas import-lo para a game-engine, voc precisa saber tambm como configur-lo da forma correta para que ele funcione como um humanoide e aceite as animaes que lhe sero atribudas. Neste curso voc vai aprender como fazer isto de forma rpida e fcil.Criando Animaes e Importando Biblioteca de animaesAps voc ter construdo uma estrutura ssea para seu personagem voxel chegou a hora de ver este personagem ganhar vida. Voc vai aprender como importar uma biblioteca com uma quantidade enorme de animaes para poder aplicar em seu personagem dentro do Unity 3D.Controle de Personagem no Unity 3DVoc vai aprender na prtica como controlar o personagem voxel humanoide(que voc otimizou e aplicou o rigging). Estes controles sero atravs do teclado e tambm do Joystick.Criao de modelos VoxelAulas explicando como utilizar as ferramentas do MagicaVoxel para criar os mais diversos tipos de objetos, modelos, personagens e veculos. Exercite na prtica com a criao de vrios modelos desta coleo e desperte sua criatividade para elaborar seus prprios modelos 3D, seja para voxel-arte ou desenvolvimento de games!E ento? voc se interessou pelo curso?Quer se tornar um profissional em MagicaVoxel para criao de games em Unity 3D?Ento inscreva-se e comece j os seus estudos! "
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Os 9 Passos Para Falar Bem em Pblico" |
"As principais tcnicas de oratria de Cesar Poletti, adquiridas em mais de 10 anos de carreira como professor,consultor e facilitador em nove passos reveladores.Aprenda a reprogramar o seu crebro, vencendo o medo de falar em pblico aplicando opasso-a-passo que o ajudar a planejar, preparar e executar apresentaes vencedoras!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Firebase - iOS" |
"iOS Android Firebase APP Firebase APP APP FaceBook FB Google Firebase iOS APP Facebook , Google, Analytics ,"
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide To Facebook Advertising" |
"So, the time has come!You want to run your first Facebook ad for your company, right?Whether you're that newbie who's jusssst dipping their toe in the Facebook ads water, OR you're swimming against the constant Facebook tide of new features - I'm here to tell you all about my NEW Facebook Advertising School that will help you whatever your experience level or reason for wanting to run Facebook campaigns for your business.""But Claire, what do I get in your Facebook Ads school? Isn't it just another Facebook course like, you know, all the bajillion others?""Nope. Unlike other courses that you may have bought and that are sitting there on your hard drive gathering digital dust - in MY course, I focus ONLY on forensic step-by-step stuff. My videos are me taking you through eaaaaach step without assuming you know anything! I literally take you from zero to Facebook ads hero on topics such as:* Understanding how to build and use custom audiences (NOT a small thing - and I show you all the latest methods!)* Master advertising on Instagram (and yes, you want to be on instagram running ads, let me tell you!)* How to create a high-converting ads funnel to grow your email lists and explode into a profitable source of income!* Find out how to set up dynamic ads for multiple products (saaay whaaaaa....? Yeah, that's what the lectures explain!)* Discover how to master the Power Editor and all it's hidden features (grown-ups use Power Editor. Leave the basics behind)* Plus lots more. With steak knives* (*May not be true)In fact - you know what? FORGET ""zero to hero"" training..This course is ZERO TO ROCKSTAR - in the shortest time I can cram your head with step by step processes! IMPLEMENTATION is the focus, rather than boring long-winded explanations (although I will explain stuff of course!)So: Within the next 5 mins, I'm going to walk you through setting up your campaigns from start to finish - and I will also be throwing in some ninja tips and tricks I've never revealed before (i know i know - sounds sales, but trust me - I get paid a metric shed load of money to keep on top of this stuff, and this is the ONLY WAY I can get this info out of my head in quicktime to paying people such as yourself without charging you my normal rates. Fair?)Oh - and remember - as Facebook ads is a constantly changing platform, you need to be one step ahead of the crowd. Facebook Advertising School will be revealing (and testing so you don't have to) all the new features and changes to the Ads Platform as they are released. I'm looking forward to revealing all my tips and tricks so you can make more money from Facebook Advertising in your business!Anyway, I can bang on all day about this stuff - i LOVE IT! But YOU need to get stuck in right now right?AH - HANG ON! DO NOT SIGN UP FOR MY SCHOOL if you're going to be thinking you can make a million in a weekend. That's NOT the market I cater to - the ""get rich quick"" people and the usual internet marketing crowd who make you feel like a loser if you are making less than 80000 figures per day.BUTTTTTT.... if you're a normal everyday person who just wants to make Facebook ads work for them and their business - I'm your chick. I promise you will love this course and I TOTALLY promise you'll get results if you complete it and apply everything you learn.Fair?Yeah it is! See you inside!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |