Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Desenha bem?Desenha mal?No se preocupe!O que importa que voc que voc quer se tornar um ninja no desenho, no mesmo?O Curso de Desenho RpidoAPRENDAADESENHAR um recorte do Curso Completo APRENDAADESENHAR quefoi criado para pessoas comuns, como eu e voc que tem interesse em desenhar bem de verdade e no apenas copiar o desenho do Bob Esponja.Temas essenciais para qualquer desenhista so abordados de maneira simples e didtica por mim, Alex Ci, ilustrador e professor de desenho.O Curso Aprenda a Desenhar ummtodo focado em tcnicas e dicas desenvolvidas ao longo dos mais de 10 anos que atuei como desenhista profissional trabalhando para grandes marcas como:NikeMc'DonaldsSonyFolha de So PauloSenacAgncia DM9Age IsobarEditora Abril e por a vai!O Curso rpido uma introduodescomplicada e por um preo acessvelpara voc, independente da sua idade, seu time ou cor preferida.O curso Aprenda a Desenhar composto por 10 MdulosAntes de ler o contedo do Curso, corra e se inscreva para garantir a sua vaga nessa turma!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Employee Training: Your Rapid Roadmap to Classroom Success" |
"If you need to learn how totrain employees quickly, this is the course for you! It includes short videos and activities that will guide you through the planning and creation of your course. You will also learn about different training and classroom techniques. Even the administrative side is covered. When you complete this course, you will be confident and ready to start yours!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tai Chi for Absolute Beginners! (Part 1)" |
"A step by step guide to get youstarted learningTai Chi.Improve your balance and find inner calm. This course is for anyone who has been wanting to learn Tai Chi, but can't get to lessons or finds the instructor goes tooquickly for them.Youwill improve your balance beyond measure and directingyour mind onto the exact ways in which you are changing your balance and moving your body, actsto sooth and calm your mind: mindfulness and meditation.Guang Ping Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan (Part 1, Movements 1 to 12)Welcome to Tai Chi for Absolute Beginners. My name is Julia Williams and I am an osteopath and naturopath. I have taught this sequence of Tai Chi movements to clients and patients over the last 20 odd years and find it invaluable as part of helping rehabilitate from back pain or other injuries or simply as a meditation and mindfulness method.Even just the very first movement in the sequence, which takes just a few minutes to start learning, is a complete exercise in body awareness and balance in its own right. I strongly recommend, that even if you dont think you want to learn the whole Tai Chi sequence, that you go to that first video and learn Strike Palm, Ask for Blessings. Its available free as a preview and I would love for you to learn and practise that movement; I know it will bring huge benefits to your body, mind, energy and life!As I said, I am an osteopath, not a Tai Chi professional. I have not spent years studying under a Tai Chi master and I am sure that my technique is not perfect, but I find that an advantage in teaching Absolute Beginners. I know from my own, and from clients experiences, that many learning resources for Tai Chi are not easy for an absolute beginner or for those of you with injuries or disabilities, or without that elusive natural ability to learn exercises or dance steps that others find effortless! Or even that you just have one of those excessively busy lives that preclude regular classes.Classes also often cater for several abilities and you can find yourself struggling to follow the movements. Or you learn the movements, but without capturing the true essence of Tai Chi: the movement of awareness and energy.In the videos that make up this course, I aim to take you through the movements step by step, feeling that essence of awareness and energy right through from the first few minutes.At the end of the lessons, you will find several complete practice sequences as well as a practice session recorded in slow motion.I hope you enjoy your experiences! See you in Strike Palm to Ask for Blessings."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to be a Purpose Driven Company" |
"People dont buy what you do, they buy why you do it. This universalruleapplies toyourcustomersand your tribe.There are two ways to influence behavior: you can manipulate it or inspire it. Inspiration is the tool great brandsuseto ignite their cultures. Living by a purpose creates meaning and engagement.Thisis the only course on this topic that isbacked by deep research and scientific principles.This course will teach you how to find your tribes why, evaluate your current culture, and create purpose-driven pivots to help your tribe live its values both inside and outside of your business."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de escaparates para espacios comerciales" |
"Sabas que el escaparate de un local comercialno solo representa un importanteporcentaje del nivel de ventas, sino que tambin representa la imagen de la marca ante el mundo?.Eneste curso conocers de primera manolas herramientas necesarias para que diseo y mercadeo estn presentes almomento de definir, creary armar un escaparate, que genere una imagen de impacto ycomunicacinvisual. Mediante una serie de conferencias tericasse darn las bases de conocimiento y adems se desarrollarn ejercicios prcticosque integran los conceptosaprendidos.Analizaremos escaparates de las grandes marcas, conoceremos a sus diseadoresy echaremos un vistazo a susestrategias de creacin. Revisaremoslas tendencias en bsqueda de mtodos vanguardistas de exhibicin y conoceremos las investigacionesde expertos en marketing sobre las zonas msrentables en el escaparate.El curso hace nfasis en los aspectos artsticos y de diseo de escaparates incentivandotu creatividad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Canvas Ultimate Guide" |
"*** The most comprehensive HTML5 Canvas Course in Udemy! ****** Real English Captions (not auto-generated) ***Canvas was initially created by Apple in 2004 and it has been going on to shape the modern next generation web applications. In today's modern web development world, it is one of the most demanding skills to create games, web graphics, drawings and data visualizations without any plugin like old Flash-dependent days. In this course, we will cover all of the key points of the Canvas API together. This course is a best chance for whom is willing to learn this edge technology or improve personal skills set. Every topics are supported by comprehensive html canvas examples, projects and lab sessions to support and reinforce the learning curve.The topic covered in the course are mainly :Basics of CanvasUnderstanding the basic math behind canvas and coordinate systemsDrawing paths and lines on canvasDrawing shapes like rect, circle and more complex polygonsWriting texts on canvasText effectsDisplaying images on canvasPlaying videos on canvasTransformationsAnimationsDOM interactionsEventsLet's dive into the Canvas ocean together!If you have any questions related to the lectures, do not hesitate to ask!javascript canvas library, html canvas image, html5 canvas examples with source code, canvas developer guide, canvas api github, canvas api java, canvas api assignments, canvas api live"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn CSS3 Selectors, Cascade, Specificity and CSS Basics" |
"# The most comprehensive CSS Selectors and Fundamentals Course in the Udemy!# CSS Building Blocks# English Captions (not auto-generated)# All resources and code samples are downloadable# Experienced and Responsive AuthorCSS is the most essential language of the web development. If you really want to become a good and well-grounded web developer, you need to take your first step very strongly. This course is the best chance for whom is willing to learn HTML Basics, CSS Fundamentals, CSS Selectors, Specificity, Inheritance, Cascade and Display Features.Every topics are supported by comprehensive examples and lab sessions to support and reinforce the learning curve.So to become a CSS expert, you have to understand the fundamental topics very clearly and the most important basics are included in this course to make everything clear in your mind.The topic covered in the course are mainly :HTML BasicsHTML Element TypesCSS Fundamentals / CSS SyntaxVendor PrefixesCommenting CSS CodesIncluding CSS into HTML Page With 5 Different WaysBasic CSS SelectorsCombinatorsAttribute SelectorsPseudo Class SelectorsPseudo Element SelectorsSpecificityInheritanceCascadeDisplay TypesAt the end of this course, you'll have gained a better understanding of the power and flexibility of CSS Selectors. You will be more aware of fundamental CSS topics. You'll have a new set of valuable skills in your knowledge to develop your next project. We will uncover the power behind the advanced CSS selectors.css parent selector, css selectors selenium, css descendant selector, css selectors cheat sheet, css attribute selectors, css selectors child, 30 css selectors, css selectors mdn, pseudo classes, css multiple class selector, css has, css plus selector, css inheritance, css cascading rules, cascading css example, in what order does the cascade look at factors to determine which css rule to follow, css override inherited style, css stop inheritance from parent, css important, css hierarchy tree, conflicting styles in css, css specificity star wars, css specificity multiple classes, css specificity important, css specificity calculator chrome, smashing magazine css specificity"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"5 Secrets to Successful Manifesting" |
"Are you tired of struggling? Tired of struggling with manifesting money? Have you tried everything,including applying spiritual laws and principles, to manifest your best life, yet still find yourself stuck and blocked? This is a fast track, short course, to help you move your forward on your path, help you ""unlearn"" what you think you know already about the Law of Attraction, and help you understand how manifestation really works. And that is definitely NOT the way you were taught. this is different.The way the Law of Attraction was initially taught and marketed seemed great at the time, but literally left a lot to be desired. And as you know a great deal of information about the real secrets was left out. The result was that a lot of people ended up feeling disillusioned and misinformed. Enough of that. Now is the time for the truth. Now is the time to bring your manifesting to the next level and into the multi-dimensional creation space that we are now engaged in. In this short course, best-selling, award winning author, recording artist, visionary mystic, energy field integration pioneer, and manifesting expert, Dyan Garris shares with you the real secrets of manifesting. Manifesting is easy when you know whats really been missing. When you learn exactly whats been missing, and you discover how to create your life from who you are instead of from what you want, and in true alignment, you will find that manifesting suddenly becomes easy and instant. And your life becomes full of amazing synchronicity. And thats where everything changes for you. In this short, fast track course, 5 Secrets to Successful Manifesting, Garris shares with you whats been missing from the way manifesting was taught to you and provides resources you can implement right here and right now to start moving forward quickly. The course includes the I AM resume, a tool that Garris developed, along with other valuable tools inside the course, to help you come into alignment of purpose and fast track your success. Note: We added a new video, ""The Magic of Manifesting"" meditation on 10/30/2017.We all deserve a happy and fulfilled life. We deserve our best life, Garris says. I am fully and passionately dedicated to your success, and in helping you achieve the happiness you desire. Why? Because its time. And I know youre listening."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Financial Planning - CFP Certification" |
"This module would serve as an Introduction to Financial Planning. The module wouldcover in detail the Financial Planner Competency Profile, the six step process whichincludes Financial Planning process, client interactions, general principles of financialmanagement, financial mathematics, personal financial statements, cash flow anddebt management, asset acquisition, FPSB Indias Code of Ethics and ProfessionalResponsibility and Model Rules of Conduct, and the regulatory environment relatedto the Financial Planning domain."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Investment Planning - CFP Certification" |
"This module would cover the knowledge requirements relating to insurance needs and risk assessment of clients. It introduces students to various concepts and regulatory environment of insurance in India. The evolution process requires advice on decisions in selecting various types of insurance related to personal finance forclients. This includes protection against exposures to risks of mortality, health, disability, property, liability, and long term care risk."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Coding & Programming in Scratch: Create a Game from Scratch" |
"Scratch is a wonderful resource that can build many skills for young learners. Scratch gives students the opportunity to understand how to code using block coding. The process of building a game in Scratch can cross many different areas of the curriculum. Links to Maths, Art, Literacy and Design during this course are referenced. Building a game also requires a higher level of thinking.Students need to be able to problem solve.Students will make mistakes and learn from their mistakes by debugging their coding project. The sense of achievement from Scratch is unparalleled with any other type of learning activity.This course gives the teacher the opportunity to learn how to implement Scratch in the classroom. The teacher can follow these lectures and recreate them in the classroom linking them to other areas of the curriculum.This course can also be used for anyone that would like to build a game in scratch and understand some of the basic techniques in doing so."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Social Security Survivors Benefits 101" |
"This course will teachyou everything you need to know about survivor benefits includinghow to obtain them,when you need to apply for benefits, how benefits are paid, how to obtain benefits for children, if you're entitled to benefits, Child in care benefits,when to put in a claim, final payments and lump sum death payments."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"React Native ile iOS ve Android Uygulama Gelitirme ve Redux" |
"React Native, iOS iin Swift, Objective C veya Android iin Java dillerini kullanmadan bu diller ile yazlm uygulamalara edeer uygulamalar gelitirebileceiniz bir Framework'tr.Bu Frameworkderslerimiz ile birlikte olduka kolay ve elenceli bir yollarenebilirsiniz.Bu ders size React Native ile hzl bir ekildehem iOS hem de Android platformlarnanasl 'native uygulama'gelitirebileceinizigrsel arayzlerlebirlikte basite retir.Her iki iletim sistemizerinden uygulama gelitirmeyi destekleyen bir eitim ieriine sahiptir. (Bilgisayarnz ister Macister Windows olsun, hi fark etmez!)Mobilyazlmda yeni iseniz veya uzman olsanz dahihala kafanz kurcalayanksmlar var ise bu eitim ile karmak birok yapy olduka kolay bir biimde uygulamal olarak renebilirsiniz.Hem OSX hem de Windows desteklenir!Bu eitimle birlikte, artkkarmak sayfa yaplarn kk yaplara blp daha kolay hale getirerek byk projeuygulamalarnz gelitirebileceksiniz!Eitim boyunca 3 farkl uygulama gelitirerek, uygulama gelitirme srelerine hakim olacak ve kendi projelerinizi kolaylkla gelitirebileceksiniz.React Native ile neler renceiz?Firebase ileKimlikdorulama (Authentication),Redux Framework,HTTP Request,JSON Datas Kullanm,Firebase ile GET, POST lemleri,Navigasyonun Yaps,App Icon(Uygulama iconu),Uygulama Splash Screen(Al ekran),Generating Signed APK (Play Store gndermek iinAPK imzalama),Itunesconnect'e Apple Store inBuild Gnderme,Ve ok daha fazlas bu eitimde sizi bekliyor!"
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Should You Start A Podcast?" |
"What's Needed for this CourseA desire to start a podcast or a curiosity about starting a podcastSoftware neededA PDF reader (e.g. Apple Preview, Adobe Acrobat, etc)The web browser you're using to read thisAn additional two hours for filling out included worksheetsAbout This CourseStarting a podcast sounds like a great idea. But the reality is more than 80% fail a miserable and embarrassing death. This common failure happens because they start by trying to answer the wrong question: How?Weve all been there: Youre with a friend or in a meeting at work, the idea to start a podcast gets thrown out, and everyone gets excited. Podcasts are a lot of fun and a great way to engage with a large audience of people. Then the research starts on how to podcast.But this is the wrong place to start. And it leads to the number one killer of most podcasts.Youre probably asking a question right now: If this course isnt about how to start a podcast, then what is it about and what is it going to do for you?This course is designed to answer one crucial question: Should you start a podcast? You have to answer this before you do anything else.Why?Youre full of great questions today!The How to start a podcast is rather easy. But the how requires a commitment of time, money, energy, and losing out on all the other things you could be doing. And when you focus on the how its very easy for a podcast to become a massive time and money suck.Heres the crazy thing: When you start by focusing on whether or not you should start a podcast a surprising thing happens. Youll gain insight into three crucial foundational areas:What your shows purpose isWho its forand if theres even an audience hungrily waiting for your show to be madeAnd this means youll then be able to make a show they will love, rave about, and tell all their friends to listen to. Imagine having an audience that pays for your hard work by helping it grow virally.You may be thinking: But what about how to make a podcast?The truth is this: When you gain purpose and know who youre making it for, the how is easy.How do we know?Im Ron. Ive launched a number of podcasts including Confessions of an EMS Newbie, Photographer and Model, and the Same Something Smart Podcast. (Yes, we both eat our own dog food as you find out.)Since then Ive gone on to help many podcast launch and last. This is my full time day job.Im Aaron. Ive been a marketing consultant for nearly two decades. And in 2009 I started my first podcast. The podcast went on to be in New and Noteworthy, Featured by Apple in iTunes, is now downloaded approximately 50,000 times a month, and has a bustling membership program.From there I went on to help my marketing clients startup podcasts and get them into New & Noteworthy. This is my full time day job.But enough about us. Let's talk about exactly what you get in this course.This course covers three main tools we use for our one-on-one clients who pay north of $7,000 for a podcast startup.In lesson one, we'll help you find your purpose and get crystal clear on why you want to make a podcast. In lesson two, well walk you step-by-step through the process of identifying and crafting a listener Avatar. This will allow you to fully understand what your audience cares about and answers the tough creative questions most other podcasts can never seem to nail down.In lesson three, well show a marketing research hack to validate and refine your audience insights. Youll later be able to come up with endless episode ideas and deliver the show theyre dying for.To sign up, simply click the big green Buy Now button appearing on this courses page.As a bonus youll receive a worksheet with every module:Avatar worksheet so you can quickly and easily develop your ideal listener profileYour purpose worksheet so you can know your why and clearly communicate it with fansAnd the biggest bonus of all, after going through our course and doing the work, youll know what paths to take when monetizing your podcast. Building a podcast is great fun. But building a podcast that compensates you for your time and gives you the revenue to do even more is life changing.Its important to note weve made this course short, to the point, and unbloated. Its free of the fluff you dont need, and it is concisely packed with exactly what you need. Youll start your podcast off on the right foot and be ready to crush it out of the gate.Best of all, youll know what your audience wants better than they do. Youll be able to endlessly come up with episode ideas. By answering your tough questions, youll be able to easily answer their tough question so you can build a successful podcast that lasts.Sign up here now using the green buy it now button because youre ready to find out if you should launch a pod."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Become a Champion of Change - based on TOC" |
"The course will open up your thinking, and you will acquire a powerful set of improvement tools!! You will be shown, through powerful illustrations, how to be a change agent. By Effectively Managing your Critical Resources you can significantly assist your organization to do so much more with what they have. For the organization to get that much closer to its goal. The answer lies in identifying the System Constraint, which then leads you to leverage the Critical Resources. You will be empowered to drive that change.This course is the first of a series of courses that will empower you in the powerful doctrine of Constraint Innovation. This course focuses on the fundamentals, the building blocks of Constraint Innovation, based on TOC. Powerful illustrations demonstrate very practical steps in the implementation of the 5 step TOC process of how to leverage your Constraints as the key to unlocking value. Multiple choice and reflective questions are employed so as to internalize the learning.A Socratic methodology of questioning in the form of written questions and assignments leads the participant through the journey of internalization of the learning material and how it is applied.In todays competitive marketplace, Management at all levels is constantly under pressure to achieve more with what they have and sometimes less. For Senior Management at a strategic level, the challenge is to ensure sustainable growth and profit. For Operations & Supply Chains that means to increase throughput, reduce lead times, increase inventory turns, improve quality, and reduce waste. For Maintenance, it is reducing shut downtimes, ensuring readiness for critical equipment is up and running, and aligning maintenance programs to operational needs. For Engineering, it is delivering projects on time, in cost, and in scope. For Service departments, be it finance, HR, technical support, admin, computer services, it is all about achieving higher service levels within costs. For Marketing and Sales, it is first and foremost not wasting the existing and potential market and client base. The answer to all these challenges is through effectively addressing your Critical Resources.For those organizations that have invested in Lean, Constraint Innovation complements lean efforts by focusing those efforts to where it counts most, namely the organizations constraints.In this course, international TOC expert Lewis Trigger provides you with common sense, practical solutions to address the challenge of Unlocking Value via leveraging your Constraints be it a Resource Constraints, a Policy Constraint, as well as a Market Constraint."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Zoho CRM Admin: Learn to Master Business Sales step-by-step" |
"What is Zoho CRM?Why are so many employers looking for people who have that skill? How do you use it? Is it a technology you would love enough to embark upon a career as a highly paid System Administrator, Consultant, Startup or consolidated business.Zoho CRM is a powerful cloud plantform and with it you can manage your entire team of sales, emails, documentation, calls, etc and you can integrate it with other Zoho apps and third party platforms through platforms like Zapir or using it advanced API. Increase Your Sales and your Income With Easy to Follow TrainingIn this course you will learn the answers to all these questions, and gain the ability to confidently present yourself as someone who knows how to use this popular business tool. If you're already working at a company that has Zoho, you will finally learn how toapply best practicesto get the most out of the tool and make your work life easier and perhaps even help you get that raise.If you're considering a new career that will greatly increase your income and have terrificjob securityeven during recessions, then this course is the foundation you need to be able to master Zoho CRM successfully in your business or others people business, which will train you for both job performance and sales increases. Our company incomedoubledwithin just 7 months after we learned how to properly use Zoho CRM. We immediately realized we wanted to specialize in customizing the system, not just using it.Whatever your situation, this course will give you the opportunity to build competency with a pervasive business technology tool, Zoho CRM. Other things you should know about this course:This course was created by Expert Trainers and Zoho Product Managers who deal with hundred of customer every week so that they have an impressive knowledge of the Zoho Ecosystem and Sales Business and it uses Advanced Learning Methodology to guarantee effective learningThis is a very complete non-nonsense course with over 200+ video units summing over 10+ hours of quality learning time. Depending on your pace, time and skills it may take you from a week to a few weeks to complete this course if you do the exercises and are only working at it in evenings after work.The course was created by Zenith Business School,the training business unit from SagitaZ Corporation a 100% Zoho Business oriented international corporation.We are Zoho Training and implementation experts with over 1000 Zoho implementation projects behind us in over 25 countries.Around 10 people work for about a year to create this course. Zoho CRM project manageres, developers, creative creators, instructors, etc, so there is an impressive amount of time and expert knowledge injected in this course.(Google ""Zoho formacion"" and you will see that we lead the space.) We are also registered Zoho Alliance Partners, Zoho Premium Partners and Consulting Partners, who have trained literally hundreds of new users just like you. We know that no matter how little you know now, you can absolutely learn to use this CRM if you are willing to do the effort.If you need access to a Zoho CRM to do the exercises in because your current company does not have Zoho, you can sign up for Zoho CRM directly in our SagitaZ website - sagitaz(.)com -completely FREE. If you are considering purchasing Zoho at your company, use this link for afree 30-day trial.About us: Zenith Business SchoolWe are a professional and business online training company.Visit our website for more information about our postgraduated programms.We currently offer three university degrees:Zoho Sales & MarketingZoho CreatorZoho FinanceYou can also access these courses, where an official certification is issued, even ifyou don'thave any university training, in which case a ""Certificate of Achievement"" will be issued.Visit our website to get more information about our University Training Posgrade Programs and our Software & Consulting Services. We also have an impressive blog where we publish Zoho and Business Development articles on daily basis.We hope you will enjoy this course and learn a lot in the process, and decide to also take some of our other courses. Be sure to alwaysread our course announcements, so that you don't miss special promotions we offer on other courses, as well as knowing when we add new material to this course.Note: This course focuses on the brand new Zoho CRM launched in mid 2016 with the brand new user interface, it features dozens of new features that are explained in this course in a step y step manner.Turn curiosity into a profession by learning what it is, what to do with it, and how to use it successfully.Ready? Let's go! A great career and bigger Sales are waiting for you."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Zoho CRM nivel Usuario by SAGITAZ Corp Zoho Premium Partner" |
"Qu es Zoho CRM?Te preguntas por qu tantas empresas buscan personas que tienen la habilidad de usar esta herramienta? Cmo lo usan?Zoho CRM es una poderosa aplicacin en la nube con la cual puedes gestionar todo tu equipo de ventas, correos electrnicos, documentacin, llamadas, etc. y puedes integrarlo con otras aplicaciones Zoho y plataformas de terceros a travs de plataformas como Zapier o utilizando su avanzada API.Aumenta tus ventas y tus ingresos con esta formacin fcil de seguir y entender.En este curso aprenders las respuestas a todas estas preguntas, y logrars la capacidad de presentarte con confianza como alguien que sabe utilizar esta herramienta de negocio popular. Si ya ests trabajando en una empresa que tiene Zoho, finalmente aprenders a aplicar las mejores prcticas para sacar el mximo provecho de la herramienta y facilitar tu vida laboral e incluso obtener un aumento.Si ests considerando buscar una nueva carrera que pueda aumentar tus ingresos y tener una excelente seguridad laboral, incluso durante las recesiones, entonces este curso es la base que necesitas para dominar Zoho CRM con xito en tu negocio o el de otras personas. Estos nuevos conocimientos te servirn tanto para el desempeo laboral como para los aumentos de ventas. Los ingresos de nuestra empresa se duplicaron en slo 7 meses despus de que aprendimos a usar correctamente Zoho CRM. Inmediatamente nos dimos cuenta de que queramos especializarnos en personalizar el sistema, no solo ser usuarios.Sea cual sea tu situacin, este curso te dar la oportunidad de desarrollar competencias con una herramienta de tecnologa de negocios omnipresente, Zoho CRM.Otras cosas que debes saber acerca de este curso:Este curso fue creado por Formadores Expertos y Zoho Product Managers de SAGITAZ Corp que tratan con cientos de clientes cada semana, por lo que tienen un conocimiento impresionante del ecosistema de Zoho y su negocio de ventas y utiliza una Metodologa de Aprendizaje Avanzado para garantizar un aprendizaje efectivo.Este es un curso muy completo con ms de 50+ unidades de vdeo que suman ms de 2 horas de tiempo de aprendizaje de alta calidad. Dependiendo de tu ritmo, el tiempo y las habilidades que tengas, te podr tomar entre unos das y una semana completar este curso trabajando en el por las tardes despus del trabajo o en tus tiempos libresEste curso fue creado por Zenith Business School, la unidad de negocios de formacin de SAGITAZ Corporation. Una empresa internacional 100% orientada a Zoho.Somos expertos en formacin y desarrollo de aplicaciones Zoho con ms de 1000 proyectos implementados en ms de 25 pases.Alrededor de 10 personas han trabajado ms de un ao para crear este curso. Administradores de proyectos Zoho CRM, desarrolladores, creativos, instructores, etc, por lo que hay una cantidad impresionante de tiempo y conocimientos expertos inyectados en este curso.(Busca en Google ""Zoho formacin"" y vers que lideramos este tema.) Tambin estamos registrados como Zoho Premium Partners, y Partners de Consultora, y hemos entrenado literalmente a cientos de nuevos usuarios como t. Sabemos que no importa lo poco que sepas ahora, puedes aprender a usar este CRM si ests dispuesto a hacer el esfuerzo.Si necesitas acceder a un Zoho CRM para hacer los ejercicios y tu empresa actual no tiene Zoho, puedes registrarte en Zoho CRM directamente en nuestro sitio web SAGITAZ: sagitaz(.)com completamente GRATIS. Si ests pensando en comprar Zoho en tu empresa,tambin puedes obtener una prueba gratuita de 30 das.Acerca de nosotros: Zenith Business SchoolSomos una empresa de formacin online profesional y empresarialVisita nuestro sitio web para obtener ms informacin sobre nuestros programas de posgrado de formacin universitaria. Actualmente ofrecemos tres posgrados universitarios:Zoho Sales & MarketingZoho CreatorZoho FinanceA estos cursos, donde se expende una certificacin oficial, podrs tambin acceder aunque no tengas formacin universitaria alguna, en cuyo caso se expender un certificado de aprovechamiento (""Certificate of achievement"").Visita nuestro sitio web para obtener ms informacin sobre nuestros programas de posgrado de formacin universitaria y nuestros servicios de software y consultora. Tambin tenemos un impresionante blog en el que publicamos artculos de Zoho y Business Development diariamente.Esperamos que disfrutes este curso y aprendas mucho en el proceso, y, as, decidas tambin tomar algunos de nuestros otros cursos. Asegrate de leer siempre los anuncios de nuestros cursos, para que no te pierdas las promociones especiales que ofrecemos en otros cursos, as como saber cundo agregamos material nuevo a este curso.Nota: Este curso se centra en el nuevo Zoho CRM lanzado a mediados de 2016 con la nueva interfaz de usuario, que cuenta con docenas de nuevas caractersticas que se explican en este curso de una manera paso a paso.Convierte la curiosidad en una profesin aprendiendo lo que es, qu hacer con ella y cmo usarla con xito.Listo? Vamos! Una gran carrera y mayores ventas te estn esperando."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zoho CRM Admin by SAGITAZ Corp Zoho Premium Partner" |
"Qu es Zoho CRM?Te preguntas por qu tantas empresas buscan personas que tienen la habilidad de usar esta herramienta? Cmo lo usan? Es una tecnologa que te gusta tanto como para embarcarte en una carrera como Administrador del Sistema altamente remunerado, Consultor, Startup o negocio consolidado?Zoho CRM es una poderosa aplicacin en la nube con la cual puedes gestionar todo tu equipo de ventas, correos electrnicos, documentacin, llamadas, etc. y puedes integrarlo con otras aplicaciones Zoho y plataformas de terceros a travs de plataformas como Zapier o utilizando su avanzada API.Aumenta tus ventas y tus ingresos con esta formacin fcil de seguir y entender.En este curso aprenders las respuestas a todas estas preguntas, y logrars la capacidad de presentarte con confianza como alguien que sabe utilizar esta herramienta de negocio popular. Si ya ests trabajando en una empresa que tiene Zoho, finalmente aprenders a aplicar las mejores prcticas para sacar el mximo provecho de la herramienta y facilitar tu vida laboral e incluso ayudarte a obtener un aumento.Si ests considerando buscar una nueva carrera que pueda aumentar tus ingresos y tener una excelente seguridad laboral, incluso durante las recesiones, entonces este curso es la base que necesitas para dominar Zoho CRM con xito en tu negocio o de otras personas. Estos nuevos conocimientos te servirn tanto para el desempeo laboral como para los aumentos de ventas. Los ingresos de nuestra empresa se duplicaron en slo 7 meses despus de que aprendimos a usar correctamente Zoho CRM. Inmediatamente nos dimos cuenta de que queramos especializarnos en personalizar el sistema, no solo ser usuarios.Sea cual sea tu situacin, este curso te dar la oportunidad de desarrollar competencias con una herramienta de tecnologa de negocios omnipresente, Zoho CRM.Otras cosas que debes saber acerca de este curso:Este curso fue creado por Formadores Expertos y Zoho Product Managers de SAGITAZ Corp Zoho Premium Partner que tratan con cientos de clientes cada semana, por lo que tienen un conocimiento impresionante del ecosistema de Zoho y su negocio de ventas y utiliza una Metodologa de Aprendizaje Avanzado para garantizar un aprendizaje efectivo.Este es un curso es muy completo con ms de 200 unidades de vdeo que suman ms de 10 horas de tiempo de aprendizaje de alta calidad. Dependiendo de tu ritmo, el tiempo y las habilidades que tengas, te podr llevar de una a unas pocas semanas completar este curso trabajando en el por las tardes, despus del trabajo o en tus tiempos disponibleslibresEste curso fue creado por Zenith Business School, la unidad de negocios de formacin de SAGITAZ Corporation. Una empresa internacional 100% orientada a Zoho.Somos expertos en formacin y desarrollo de aplicaciones Zoho con ms de 1000 proyectos implementados en ms de 25 pases.Alrededor de 10 personas han trabajado ms de un ao para crear este curso. Administradores de proyectos Zoho CRM, desarrolladores, creativos, instructores, etc, por lo que hay una cantidad impresionante de tiempo y conocimientos expertos inyectados en este curso.(Busca en Google ""Zoho formacin"" y vers que lideramos este tema.) Tambin estamos registrados como Zoho Premium Partners, Partners de Consultora, y hemos entrenado literalmente a cientos de nuevos usuarios como t. Sabemos que no importa lo poco que sepas ahora, puedes aprender a usar este CRM si ests dispuesto a hacer el esfuerzo.Si necesitas acceder a un Zoho CRM para hacer los ejercicios y tu empresa actual no tiene Zoho, puedes registrarte en Zoho CRM directamente en nuestro sitio web SAGITAZ: sagitaz(.)com completamente GRATIS. Si ests pensando en comprar Zoho en tu empresa,tambin puedes obtener una prueba gratuita de 30 das.Acerca de nosotros: Zenith Business SchoolSomos una empresa de formacin online profesional y empresarialVisita nuestro sitio web para obtener ms informacin sobre nuestros programas de posgrado de formacin universitaria. Actualmente ofrecemos tres posgrados universitarios:Zoho Sales & MarketingZoho CreatorZoho FinanceA estos cursos, donde se expende una certificacin oficial, podrs tambin acceder aunque no tengas formacin universitaria alguna, en cuyo caso se expender un certificado de aprovechamiento (""Certificate of achievement"").Tambin puedes consultar nuestros servicios de software y consultora y por cierto, tenemos un impresionante blog en el que publicamos artculos de Zoho y Business Development diariamente.Esperamos que disfrutes este curso y aprendas mucho en el proceso, y, as, decidas tambin tomar algunos de nuestros otros cursos. Asegrate de leer siempre los anuncios de nuestros cursos, para que no te pierdas las promociones especiales que ofrecemos en otros cursos, as como saber cundo agregamos material nuevo a este curso.Nota: Este curso se centra en el nuevo Zoho CRM lanzado a mediados de 2016 con la nueva interfaz de usuario, que cuenta con docenas de nuevas caractersticas que se explican en este curso de una manera paso a paso.Convierte la curiosidad en una profesin aprendiendo lo que es, qu hacer con ella y cmo usarla con xito.Listo? Vamos! Una gran carrera y mayores ventas te estn esperando."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Zoho Creator: Learn How to Build Applications step-by-step" |
"What is Zoho Creator?Zoho Creator is a cloud basedfast webdatabase development application platform used successfully by thousands of companies around the world where you can build web applications in days or weeks instead of months thanks to a inbuilt suit of powerful visualtools and anadvanced scripting language called Deluge.Why are so many employers looking for people who have that skill? How do you use it? Is it a technology you would love enough to embark upon a career as a highly paid Web Database Developer, Consultant, Startup or consolidated business.Zoho Creator is a powerful cloud plantform and with it you can build aapplications to cover a whole range ofcustom needs in a fast andcost effective wayand you can integrate it with other Zoho apps and third party platforms through platforms like Zapier or using itsadvanced well documentedAPI.Learn howto boost your business productivity building custom web applicationsIn this,by far the most advancedcourse of Zoho Creator,you will learn the answers to all thequestions you may have and all the technics you needto master building web applicationsand gain the ability to confidently present yourself as someone who knows how to use this popular development tool. If you're already working at a company that has Zoho, you will finally learn how toapply best practicesto get the most out of the tool and make your work life easier and perhaps even help you get that raise.If you're considering a new career that will greatly increase your income and have terrificjob securityeven during recessions, then this course is the foundation you need to be able to master Zoho Creator successfully in your business or others people business, which will train you for both job performance and build web apps to cover custombusinessneeds. We eat our own dog food asour company runs also with custom built Zoho Creator apps integratedwith other Zoho Apps. We immediately realized we wanted to specialize in creatingcustom apps for our customers using exclusively Zoho Creator. So far we have build over 1000 web apps for our customers using Zoho Creator with a 100% success rate.Whatever your situation, this course will give you the opportunity to build competency with a pervasive business technology tool, Zoho Creator.Other things you should know about this course:This course was created by very experienced (probably the world'smost advanced)Zoho Creator Developers,Expert Trainers andZoho Product Managerswho deal with hundred of customer every week so that they have an impressive knowledge of the Zoho Ecosystem and Custom DevelopmentBusiness and it usesAdvanced Learning Methodologyto guarantee effective learningThis is a very complete non-nonsense course with over hours ofvideo units summing of quality learning time.Depending on your pace, time and skills it may take you from a week to a few weeks to complete this course.The course was created byZenith Business School,the training business unit fromSagitaZ Corporationa 100% Zoho Business oriented international corporation.We are Zoho Training and implementation experts with over 1000 Zoho implementation projects behind us in over 25 countries.Around 10 people work for about a year to create this course. Zoho Creator project manageres, developers, creative creators, instructors, etc, so there is an impressive amount of time and expert knowledge injected in this course.(Google ""Zoho formacion"" and you will see that we lead the space.) We are also registered Zoho Alliance Partners, Zoho Premium Partners and Consulting Partners, who have trained literally hundreds of new users just like you. We know that no matter how little you know now, you can absolutely learn to use this Zoho Development platformif you are willing to do the effort.If you need access to a Zoho Creatorto do the exercises in because your current company does not have Zoho, you can sign up for Zoho Creator directly in our SagitaZ website -sagitaz(.)com -completelyFREE. If you are considering purchasing Zoho at your company, do it thorough our website and getafree 30-day trialand you will also have access to free webinars and other Zoho training resources completely free.NOTE: We will update this Zoho Creator courseweekly with new video lessons of quality learning time. Stay tuned.About us: Zenith Business SchoolWe are a professional and business online training company.Visit our websitezenith.schoolfor more information about our postgraduated programms.We currently offer threeuniversitydegrees:Zoho Sales & MarketingZoho CreatorZoho FinanceYou can also accessthese courses,where an official certification is issued, even ifyou don'thave any university training, in which case a ""Certificate of Achievement"" will be issued.Visit our website to get more information about our University Training Posgrade Programs and our Software & Consulting Services. We also have an impressive blog where we publish Zoho and Business Development articles on daily basis.We hope you will enjoy this course and learn a lot in the process, and decide to also take some of our other courses. Be sure to alwaysread our course announcements, so that you don't miss special promotions we offer on other courses, as well as knowing when we add new material to this course.Turn curiosity into a profession by learning what it is, what to do with it, and how to use it successfully.Ready? Let's go! A greatcustom apps developercareeriswaiting for you"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Zoho Creator: Aprende a Crear Aplicaciones paso-a-paso" |
"Qu es Zoho Creator?Zoho Creator es una plataformade desarrollo rpidode aplicacioneswebconbase de datos basada en lanube. Ha sido utilizada con xito por miles de empresas de todo el mundopara crear aplicaciones web en das o semanas en lugar de tardarmeses, gracias a un intuitivojuego de potentes herramientas visuales y un avanzado lenguaje de scripting llamado Deluge.Zoho Creator es una poderosa aplicacin en la nube con la cualpuedes construir aplicaciones para cubrir una amplia gama de necesidades personalizadas de una manera rpida y rentable, pudiendointegrarlacon otras aplicaciones de Zoho y plataformas de terceros como Zapier o usando su API avanzada bien documentada.Aprendecmo aumentar tu productividad empresarial creando aplicaciones web personalizadasEste es un curso introductorio deZoho Creator, en el queencontrarsrespuestas apreguntas que puedas tener y algunas de lastcnicas para iniciarte enla construccin de aplicaciones web y ganar la capacidad de presentarte con confianza como alguien que sabe utilizaresta herramienta de desarrollo popular. Si ya ests trabajando en una empresa que tiene Zoho, aprenders a aplicar tcnicasprcticas para sacar el mximo provecho de la herramienta y facilitar tu vida laboral e incluso obtener unaumento.Si ests considerando una nueva carrera que pudia aumentar tus ingresos y tener unaexcelente seguridad laboralincluso durante las recesiones, entonces este curso es la base que necesitas para iniciarte enZoho Creatorcon xito en tu negocio o elde otras personas, cuyos nuevos conocimientos te servirn tanto para el desempeo laboral como para los aumentos de ventas. Nosotros usamos Zoho Creator en nuestra propia empresa integrada con otras apps de Zohoy es la plataforma que usamospara desarrollar las aplicaciones que realizamos a nuestros propios clientes.Aos atrs, tras usarla,Inmediatamente nos dimos cuenta de que queramos especializarnos en crear aplicaciones personalizadas para nuestros clientes utilizando exclusivamente Zoho Creator. Hasta ahora hemos creado ms de 1000 aplicaciones web para nuestros clientes usando Zoho Creator con una tasa de xito del 100%.Sea cual sea tu situacin, este curso te dar la oportunidad de desarrollar competencias con una herramienta de tecnologa de negocios omnipresente, Zoho Creator.Otras cosas que debes saber acerca de este curso:Este curso fue creado por Desarrolladores y Formadores Expertos en Zoho Creator (probablemente de los ms avanzados del mundo) y Zoho Product Managersque tratan con cientos de clientes cada semana, por lo quetienen un conocimiento impresionante del ecosistema de Zoho y el negocio de desarrollos a medida, utilizando unaMetodologa de Aprendizaje Avanzadopara garantizar un enseanzaefectiva.Este es un completo cursointroductoriode aprendizaje de alta calidad.Dependiendo de tu ritmo, el tiempo y las habilidades que tengas, te podr tomar entre unos das ounas pocas semanas completar este cursotrabajando en lpor las tardes despus del trabajo o en tus tiempos libres.Este curso fue creado porZenith Business School, la unidad de negocios de formacin deSagitaZ Corporation. Una empresa internacional 100% orientada a Zoho.Somos expertos en formacin y desarrollo de aplicaciones Zoho con ms de 1000 proyectos implementados en ms de 25 pases.Alrededor de 10 personas han trabajado ms de un ao para crear este curso. Administradores de proyectos Zoho Creator, desarrolladores, creativos, instructores, etc, por lo que hay una cantidad impresionante de tiempo y conocimientos expertos inyectados en este curso.(Busca en Google ""Zoho formacion"" y vers que lideramos este tema.) Tambin estamos registrados como Zoho Alliance Partners, Socios Zoho Premium y Partners de Consultora, y hemos entrenado literalmente a cientos de nuevos usuarios como t. Sabemos que no importa lo poco que sepas ahora, puede absolutamente aprender a usar este Creator si ests dispuesto a hacer el esfuerzo.Si necesitas acceder a un Zoho Creator para hacer los ejercicios y tu empresa actual no tiene Zoho, puedes registrarse en Zoho Creator directamente en nuestro sitio web SagitaZ:sagitaz(.)comcompletamenteGRATIS. Si ests pensando en comprar Zoho en tu empresa,tambin puedes obtener unaprueba gratuita de 30 das.Acerca de nosotros:Zenith Business SchoolSomos una empresa de formacin online profesional y empresarialVisita nuestro sitio web zenith.schoolpara obtener ms informacin sobre nuestros programas de posgrado de formacin universitaria.Actualmente ofrecemos tres posgrados universitarios:Zoho Sales & MarketingZoho CreatorZoho FinanceA estos cursos, dondese expende una certificacin oficial,podrstambin acceder aunque no tengas formacin universitariaalguna, en cuyo caso se expender un certificado de aprovechamiento (""Certificate of achievement"").Tambin puedes consultarnuestros servicios de software y consultora y por cierto,tenemos un impresionante blog en el que publicamos artculos de Zoho y Business Development diariamente.Esperamos que disfrutes este curso y aprendas mucho en el proceso, y, as,decidas tambin tomar algunos de nuestros otros cursos.Asegrate de leer siempre los anuncios de nuestros cursos, para que no te pierdas las promociones especiales que ofrecemos en otros cursos, as como saber cundo agregamos material nuevo a este curso.Convierte la curiosidad hacia esta herramientaen una profesin aprendiendo lo que es, qu hacer con ella y cmo usarla con xito.Listo? Vamos! Una gran carrera y muchas ventas te estnesperando."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
Android |
"Android AndroidAndroidAndroidAndroidAndroid Google Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution"
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Record Vocals Like A Pro" |
"In this course you will learn the very practical methods of recording and editing vocals used in professional recording studios across the world.Whether you are producing in a bedroom or a state of the art recording studio, here we focus on the things that make the biggest impact on your vocals. Taking you through each step of the vocal recording process in an informative and charismatic fashion, Jay Picasso (Stormzy, Izzy Bizu, Plan B, SneakBo, Wayne Woodward, Sony Music, Universal Music, Warner Music) explores the most effective methods and innovative techniques employed by some of the world's top producers and engineers in studios across the globe. Recording, comping, editing and mixing are the four main pillars of vocal production. Each section is explored in great detail, explained in simple terms. This course will also offer you the opportunity to apply your own techniques to the curriculum, empowering you to utilise your own skill set and methods to generate results. Answering all the questions any aspiring music producer needs to know about the vocal recording process, this course is extremely practical.COURSE MODULES 1. RECORDING Setting Up Your Microphone , Developing Microphone Techniques, Capturing Vocal Takes, Vocal Layering. 2. COMPINGThe Classic Comping Method, Cleaning Vocals, Time Stretching & Flexing Vocals, Breath Control.3. EDITINGAuto Tune Vs Pitch Corrector, Flex Pitch( Logic X only) Melodyne. 4. MIXING EQ, Compression, Layering & Spacing (Pan), FX (Reverb, Delay etc)Learning to record great sounding vocals is just the start. As you continue through the modules you will learn the deeper aspects of production techniques, and learn the fundamental principles behind the art of vocal production. By the time you have completed this course your vocal recordings will be radio/broadcast ready.First and foremost, you will be prepared for the wider world of recording studios. Equipped with your new skill set you will be armed with the modern tools required to work in any modern recording studio.The course should take between 1-2 weeks to complete depending on level of experience. Once enrolled all materials are yours to keep for a lifetime; in addition, you will be given access to the Facebook forum in which students share, communicate and give feedback to any works you submit. There are also lots of supporting tutorials that you will be given access to upon request. "
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence for Game Devs" |
"A lot of sources will tell you about the importance of emotional intelligence. But what is it really? This course gives you asimple definition, breaks it down into categories, and tells you how you can improve your skills in each. Maybe you've thought having good ""people skills"" wasn't a strength of yours. It can be!Taught by a game dev, for game devs"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Engage Users of Your Mobile App or Website" |
"This course offers proven tips and techniques for digital product owners looking to optimize user participation and overall engagement. We break the content down into seven easy-to-absorb, interactive sections that help you:Determine what user engagement is (and why it's important) Identify varying levels of engagement Create strategies that increase user connection Effectively measure results of quantitative and qualitative methods Deliver an effective onboarding experience Build customer trust Leverage communication for maximized brand loyalty After completing How to Engage Users of Your Mobile App or Website, you will have a comprehensive marketing and design toolkit for all of your digital products. Our tips, suggestions, and solutions can help you deliver a highly intuitive, interactive experience that attracts, engages, and retains users for sustainable results and overall ROI."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Hack WiFi Networks for Beginners" |
"This course is all about WiFi and the security of wireless networks. You will study the different threats, weaknesses and attack methods.No special skills are required as the course covers everything from the very basics including the installation of Kali Linux. The following topics will be covered during the course: How Wireless Networks Work. Important Settings to Change on Your Router. How to Install Kali Linux in VMware Player. Useful Linux Commands with Examples. Perform a Denial of Service Attack and Find Hidden Wireless Networks. How to Hack WiFiNetworks (WEP, WPA, WPA2). Use various tools like: Aircrack-ng, Wifite, Crunch, Cowpatty, Pyrit, Reaver How to Create an Evil Twin Access Point. After completing this course you will be confident with breaking all types of WiFi encryption methods."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Web Hacking for Beginners" |
"The course will introduce the various methods, tools and techniques used by attackers. You will study web application flaws and their exploitation. No special skills are required as the course covers everything from the very basics.This course covers: How the Web Works. How to use Vega Web Vulnerability Scanner. Understanding SQL Injection Attacks. Hacking WordPress with WPscan. Cross-Site Scripting & Cross-Site Request Forgery. Hook victims using BeEF Framework. Gain Full Control over the Target Machine. How Phishing Works.After completing this course, you will understand major web application flaws and how to exploit a number of dangerous vulnerabilities such as SQL injections, CSRF attacks, XSS vulnerabilities, Phishing, etc."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Calculus and Analytical Geometry" |
"Complete Explanation of calculus with video and text there are 4 sections of this course and each of this section contain different quizzes try to do these quizzes by yourself this course coversFunctions limits and continuityDerivativesIntegrationAnalytical geometryNote Watch my course from beginning because each topic is related to the next one if you miss any video you may get problem in understanding the next lecture I explain every video with textual representation and I also teach that when you get the answer how to further simplify the answer. The important thing that I want to mention is that I always update my course with regular interval of time and at the end of this course I will take a grand test which will cover all the topics to test your knowledge and I also provide the solution of that grand test so that you will be able to mention out your mistakes so students be passionate in this course and see you in the course"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Kotlin Core Concepts from Beginner to Advance" |
"This course is for anyone who want to learn kotlin from scratch. We will start learning kotlin by first installing the IDE intellij idea and then we will run our first program .Then we move to the basics of kotlin that what is a variable, loops ,conditions ,data structures etc after that we will learn the core concepts of Object Oriented Programming like inheritance,polymorphism,abstraction etc and then we will move to the next section that is Java andKotlin so we will learn how both(Java and Kotlin) have interoperability .So now you must ask the question that why kotlin over javaso here are the few reasons.Why kotlin over javaKotlin fixes a series of issues that Java suffers from.Null references controlled by the systemNo raw types.Arrays in kotlin are invariant.Kotlin has proper function types as opposed by java.Kotlin does not have a checked exception.Some important concepts which we learnNull SafetyPrimary ConstructorsCompanion ObjectsSingleton classExtension functionsInfix functionAbstract classSingle statement return functionInterfacesSingle line return functionWhy you take this course?In the near feature the Object Oriented Industry will be ruled by kotlin .Lets focus on the statement of realm experts""In short, Android developers without Kotlin skills are at risk of being seen as dinosaurs very soon,"" these are not my words these are words of realm experts. So you need to learn this new technology in order to survive in the ITindustry andI will be completelyfocused on the topics which will take you from zero programming experience to advance level and at the end you will be my happy Student."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lessons en las calles" |
"Following Bryant's unique experience living in Seville Spain, these lessons center on aspects of acquiring languageskills through deductive reasoning, improving listening and memory and providing entertaining videos and activities forindependentlearners, private tutoring orclass groups.The videos are organized tointroduce phrases and vocabulary in anatural setting, engagingvisual and auditory receptors and creating neural connections as the viewer expands vocbulary and grammar awareness. Every video includes an interactive activity to be practiced in group or with a native speakerand a private writtenactivity to expand on the skills. Independent users are invited to use our soundcloud format for benchmarks and guidance.These videos do not follow the typical pattern for learning a language. This to say that learners will be exposed to real speach and advanced concepts from the very beginning andas users start to expand on their ability to understand, they will be asked to slowly create phrases based on their need to express."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Pay Raise 101: How to Become an in-demand employee" |
"Got turned down or passed up foranother promotion? This course could help change that forever! It's about time you moveto the next level in your job.Preparation precedes promotion. It's never too early to start preparingfor yourpromotion, so now is your wet your pants and want to stuff your face with more cake each time you think of having to approach your sleaze ball boss to negotiate, AKA beg, for more money.Maybe youve already asked. But keep being told that theres no money, its not in the budget, the bigger boss wont agree and on and on. Its time to learn a new approach that you can use right away to increase your influence and income on the job. The Pay Raise 101 course will help you break through using biblical principles.WHOAM I?Just consider me your fairyjobmother!I teach serious career nineto fivershow to become experts and attract promotions and raises without having to take their clothes off. I help you find purpose and profit in your work so you can take your career to the highest level -like a pro. COURSE OVERVIEWThis course is suitable forthe newbie employee with little to no work experience, as well as the veteran with years of experience.After this course, you will kiss your job frustration good-bye, and embrace a new attitude fora new rate of pay. This course will give you the steps to take to prepare for your next level. Life is too short to be struggling at work. Learn the keys to becoming an exceptional employee and command attention, promotions and raises in the workplace.WHAT THIS COURSE IS NOTThis course is NOT about how to ASK for a pay raise. This course is NOT about how to NEGOTIATE for a pay raise. That type of thinkingleaves your boss in control and that's not what you want. Your future should not be dependent on the decision of any person. With my RAISE system, you will not need to negotiate for anything. You simply do the work, step by step and take charge of your life, determining your own raise.WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER TAKING THIS COURSEYou will be the most influential person in your officeYou will never have to haggle, beg or plead with any boss for anythingPeople will begin to show you more respect atworkYou will attract higher paying positions even if none exist right nowYou will open up avault of compliments and blessingsYou will no longercare whether or not you're an introvertNext week at this time, you could be right where you are today struggling, frustrated and earning the same pay.OR you could be packing your bags to go on that vacation you were never able to take, now that you have extra time off and more money. Which one do YOUchoose?"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-301 The Complete Guide to Getting Certified" |
"If you want to jumpstart your career in IT and networking by acing the Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA exam, then this course is for you! It gives you a full understanding of all the concepts and topics you need to earn the most in-demand networking certification today by passing the Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam. (The CCNA 200-301 is the current CCNA exam and replacement for the CCNA 200-125 which was retired in February 2020.)This is the one course you need to get your CCNA.Full lab exercises are included so you'll get the hands-on practical skills you need to work on real world networks, and it's the only CCNA course online where all questions posted in the Q&A section are answered. It offers an easy to understand, structured approach to shortcut your path to mastering Cisco networking to the CCNA level and beyond. In this course, you will: Develop a deep understanding of Ciscos features and functions Walk through complete and easy to understand explanations of each technology area covered in the examFollow simple step by step instructions to build your own fully featured lab on your laptop for free Gain hands on configuration and troubleshooting experience through comprehensive lab exercisesLearn how networking really works through real world examples throughout the courseBuild the skills and confidence to crush the CCNA 200-301 examGain demonstrable knowledge and practical experience to supercharge your networking careerSupercharge Your Learning with Hands-on PracticeThis course is chock full of activities. Youll get over 300 pages of hands-on lab exercises with detailed answers to check your understanding every step of the way and build your configuration and troubleshooting skills. Full diagrams and lab setup files are included so you can get started immediately with just your laptop. No equipment or previous experience is required.All slides in the course are also included in supplemental study notes format with expanded bullet points clearly explaining the technologies. Easily review exam topics to solidify your understanding and get a final refresher when test day is approaching. Why Learn from Me In this course, you wont just gain the book smarts to pass the exam. Youll also hone your hands-on skills to succeed as a network engineer in the real world. Im a professional instructor who has been entrusted by Cisco since 2007 to develop and deliver training courses for their own engineers and partners. Ive also designed multiple training courses for the largest service providers in the Asia Pacific region such as IBM, Verizon, and the Australian National Broadband Network. Ive spent years distilling my decades worth of networking experience from the field into mentoring and supporting other systems engineers, and Im passionate about passing my knowledge of Cisco networks onto others. As a student in this course, youll get lifetime access to the course materials and answers to every question you ask in the Q&A board. I love interacting with my students: anything you want to know, please ask. The course also comes with an unconditional risk-free 30 day money-back guaranteethat's my personal promise of your success.Value If you take a comparable course at a training centre it will cost you thousands of dollars, and when its over you cant experience the tutorials again or ask the instructor any more questions. When you take my course you can learn anytime you want in the comfort of your own home, and Im always here for you whenever you need any help.Not sure about the best way to pay for this course? Ask your manager at work if theyll expense it. They wont have to pay the large fees of traditional classroom learning or have to cover your absence for a week. They get huge value from this investment in your future.When youre done with the course, youll have everything you need to crush the Cisco CCNA exam. Im excited to share all of my knowledge with you. Join me on this journey to turbocharging your career!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |