Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SAP Integration of Business Process" |
"This course isdesignedto understand the SAP Business processes and well asthe integration points across different SAP modules .The course is for Fresh graduateswho wantto start their SAP career, Professionals who wantsto expand their knowledge Or just interested to knowabout ERP.You will understand the most commonly used SAP businessprocessesPlan to produce ,Plan to produce ,Order to cash and Purchase to pay.This course not only gives thorough insight of how SAP works, but it was developed in a such way that everyone takes this course will have absolutely no problems understanding whatever going to be disused.This course makes it so easy understanding the SAP integration. Were going to be discussing the three main SAP process shown below and as well as the supply chain management to get us prepared forthe SAP processes.1-Plan to produce cycleOrganizational levelsintegration points.2- Order to cash cycleOrganizational levelsintegration points.3-and Purchase to pay cycle.Organizational levelsintegration points."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Unreal Engine 4 para principiantes." |
"Este curso, de una manera eminentemente prctica y sencilla, te deja la puerta abierta para empezar a crear tus propios mundos 3D interactivos de la mano de uno de los mejores motores grficos 3D que existen en la actualidad.En este curso aprenders a crear proyectos y niveles, controlars la interfaz de forma eficaz, aprenders a importar objetos elaborados por t y a dotarlos de realismo con la incorporacin de materiales. Comprenders los sistemas de iluminacin de interiores y de exteriores. Tambin usaremos el potente editor de sistemas de partculas y crearemos lluvia de forma prctica. Crears terrenos y los dotars de texturas y de vegetacin. Aadirs interactividad a los objetosmediante el potente sistema de programacin visual de Unreal 4.Estudiaremos el potente sistema de sonidos del engine y tendrs control de la Interfaz de Usuario con la que podrs enviar informacin valiosa a tus usuarios de su personaje.Este curso est pensado para todas las personas con serias inquietudes sobre la creacin de videojuegos o mundos 3dy slo requiere que tengas ciertos conocimientos en la creacin de objetos 3d. Si no es as, yo te proveer del material necesario para que puedas seguir el curso sin ningn problema.Enfocado para practicar desde el principio, este curso se aleja de las clases magistrales llenas de teora y de largas listas de opciones sin ningn propsito definido para centrarse en las necesidades bsicas de una persona que quiere adentrarse en el mundo de los engines grficos profesionales.Lo que este curso no cubre:- Modelado de objetos 3d.- Texturizacin de objetos 3d.- Diseo grfico enfocado a la creacin de videojuegos.NOTA: El curso contiene links para la descarga del materal necesario para seguir el curso. Asimismo, tendrs acceso a sitios web para descarga de modelos 3d gratuitos con los podrs hacer tus propias pruebas."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy diary for emotional management" |
"This Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) diary course is focused on applying a technique from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Cognitive Behavioral Diary - for emotional management. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy that achieves emotional management through the change of some cognitions. The change of dysfunctional cognitions and negative emotions in CBT often occurs by using the CBT diary technique. This online course ""CBT diary for emorional management"" is focused on improvement of one's emotional state through the technique of diary in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. CBT diary is related with the scientific methods of introspection and biography. In this online course, the structure of CBT diary is presented and each element of its structure is discussed with some appropriate examples. Some resource materials are given for assistance in applying CBT diary for emotional management. The course project consists of creating and maintaining regularly your CBT diary for emotional management using the template offered in this course. Practicing skills is important for acquiring new ones and improving the existent. The video lectures in this course have closed captions (CC) / subtitles in English. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desmistificando BPM gil - BPMN + Scrum" |
"O objetivo desse curso desmitificaro que a metodologia de gesto de processos de negcio (BPM) commtodos geis. voltado para profissionais Analistas deNegcioque precisam entregar valor na mesma velocidade do mercado. Asmudanasdas empresas esto ocorrendo emgrande velocidadee os processos corporativos devem ser apoiados porequipes e ferramentascapazes de ajudar ouhabilitaressa velocidade. Asobrevivnciadas empresas depende dessa agilidade. Nesse curso voc vai aprender as tcnicas de BPMN e Scrum trabalhar de forma gil."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
rfxfpjzx |
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Business English: write emails like a native" |
"Target audienceNon-native speakers of English who want to study and learn language for emailingAnyone who wants to improve their email writing skills for work and business or for generalPeople who need a reference tool to quickly find and use the most suitable emailing languageVery useful course for those who are learning and studying English and just want to get betterRequirementsA minimum of a pre-intermediate level of English in reading and listening is recommendedDescriptionQuickly get the key expressions and language so that you can clearly and effectively write business emails. You will study, practice and use the language function expressionsLearn language for the most commonly used language functionsUnderstand the meaning, grammar form and use of key languageFind the key language in 36 different emailsLearn and study the language expressions and phrasesPractice the language in different kinds of exercisesRead different situation scenarios and write your own emailsCompare your own emails with examples givenReview what you have learnt at the end of the course to help you consolidateQuiz that lets you find out how knowledgeable you are for the emailing language covered in the courseContentClear and concise video content that gets immediately to the key language and vocabulary that you need to be able to email quickly, accurately and confidentlyEach main video section is 10 to 15 minutes in lengthEffective and reliable learning approach used that makes learning easy and fast! Understand, find, practice, use and reviseTwelve course videos that cover the main language functions for emailingAdditional review video sectionCourse booklet (.pdf) included that contains course information and a syllabus for a suggested pacing.Course workbook (.pdf) also included that is for you to write your sentences, emails and notes inGap-fill exercise handout (.pdf) with email examples featured from the videosQuiz comes in four parts and three separate videos Course outcomesImprove your writing skills fast!Quickly improve your skills and knowledge of the most important and common emailing language.Increase your accuracy with writing emails Build your confidence by effectively communicating with colleagues and customersWhat students are sayingThis course is very benefit for me , working as an admin person, writing , is one of the major way of communicating with customer, also in my work I do need a good writing skill to inform to our client. that will help to give accurate information. .Like the course.Yes, great tool.""Yes the course and the first video is understandable."""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Testes unitrios em JAVA: Domine JUnit, Mockito e TDD" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de testes unitrios em JAVA.Nesse curso, irei te guiar passo a passo na criao de testes unitrios. No se preocupe, caso ainda seja um conceito novo para voc,criaremos os testes desde o incio, inclusive, em alguns momentos, no utilizaremos ferramentas alguma, para que os fundamentos sejam melhor assimilados.O curso 100% prtico, onde trarei problemas,situaes e os erros maiscomuns que ocorrem no dia-a-dia, assim poderemosdiscutirsobre formas de como atuar em cada caso, tentando levantar os prs e contras de cada estratgia disponvel.O cdigo de teste to importante quanto o cdigo da aplicao, dessa forma,alm das ferramentas e boas prticas, sero apresentadas tcnicas que voc pode utilizar para deixar o seu cdigo mais enxuto e legvel.Um cdigo legvel vale mais que um cdigo documentado.Utilizaremos diversas ferramentas como o JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock, EclEmma (JACOCO) e o Eclipse como IDE de desenvolvimento. Tambm apresentarei DataBuilders com conceitos de Fluent Interface e ObjectMother para facilitar as criaes das entidades nos cenrios, inclusive, disponibilizarei uma ferramenta prpria que ir automatizar grande parte dessa tarefa de criao. OTDD(Test Driven Development) uma tcnica que funciona muito bem no escopo desse curso, porque no aplic-la tambm?JUnit uma ferramenta muito poderosa, ela pode ser a base no s para testes unitrios. Voc poder utiliz-la em testes de integrao e funcionais tambm.Material validado ao longo de 6 anos de aulas presenciais em empresas e turmas de especializao.Ao final desse curso, voc ter uma boa base para desenvolver suas aplicaes com segurana, sempre com uma bateria de testes de regresso atrelada."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Testes funcionais com Selenium WebDriver: Do bsico ao GRID" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de Testes Funcionais com Selenium WebDriver.Nesse curso, irei te guiar passo a passo na criao de testes funcionais automatizados de aplicaes Web. No se preocupe, caso ainda seja um conceito novo para voc, criaremos os testes desde o bsico. Apesar das nossas implementaes serem feitas em JAVA, podemos testar qualquer aplicao Web (HTML), independente da linguagem que ela fora criada.O curso 100% prtico, onde trarei problemas, situaes e os erros mais comuns que ocorrem no dia-a-dia, assim poderemos discutir sobre formas de como atuar em cada caso, tentando levantar os prs e contras de cada estratgia disponvel.O cdigo de teste to importante quanto o cdigo da aplicao, dessa forma, alm das ferramentas e boas prticas, sero apresentadas tcnicas e padres que voc pode utilizar para deixar o seu cdigo mais enxuto e legvel. Sem falar das manutenes dos testes que so to constantes, pois bem, tambm tentaremos facilitar as manutenes necessrias, em alguns casos at poderemos reduzir tambm.A nossa ferramenta principal ser o Selenium WebDriver (j na verso 3), mas tambm veremos o Selenium IDE, para criarmos testes sem a necessidade de escrever cdigos. Selenium GRID, para executar os testes remotamente; JUnit, para estruturar nossos testes; e o Eclipse, como IDE de desenvolvimento.Foquei bastante em trs pontos principais que so os maiores motivos de problemas nos testes funcionais: Localizao de elementos, Sincronismo dos scripts e Massa de dados. Sobre eles, apresentarei alguns cenrios e como podemos deixar nossos testes mais resilientes a tais instabilidades.Durante o curso, criaremos um conjunto de mtodos que facilitaro a criao dos testes. Tambm criaremos um framework que poder ser utilizado para testar qualquer outra aplicao web. Esse framework possui diversas funcionalidades nativas como: Screenshot ao final de cada teste;Chaveamento sobre qual browser utilizarDSL herdada nos testesOrganizao dos testes com PageObjectExecuo em GRIDExecuo na NuvemNas fases iniciais do curso, usaremos uma pgina simples (Campo de Treinamento) para podermos forcar nos fundamentos do framework. Mais a frente, teremos um mdulo exclusivo para testar uma aplicao real, trazendo alguns cenrios importantes como autenticao e gerenciamento de massa de dados.Material validado ao longo de 7 anos de aulas presenciais em empresas e turmas de especializao.Ao final desse curso, voc ter uma boa base para desenvolver seus testes e poder execut-los em diversos browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer) e sistemas operacionais (Windows, Linux, Mac), de forma sequencial ou paralela, voc quem escolhe."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Create Simple ASP web site with 3 working projects -Updated" |
"Project 1 : Data driven site in ASPDesign your website with ASP.Net with sql server database which provide dynamic accessibility to your user . this tutorial take you from front end to sql server back end. in this part of tutorial you will learn using of tools in front end at design page. you will also learn technique to connect sql server to your application.this tutorial also goes intermediate level where you will learn accepting parameter from front end and executing through sql statement. for your convenience i describe this tutorial in two separate parts where the first part shows designing database and second part of this tutorial shows front end design.creating database in SQL express 2008. and connect to your asp app.use of basic controls in form.running app in browser.using of -assemblycommandsSQL statements execution.Creating DatabaseAccept parameters from front end.( passing parameter ).using server explorer in appcreating new web form in appvisual studio configuration for external database - SQLSERVER2008.Project 2 : Image Saving project in ASPAfter learning the data driven site i will go to next level . wherei will show you working with image in ASP.Net with will learn display image of item list wise so you candevelop site where Product display Required .Design databasewith sql server .Application development in ASP.NET.Using front end controls.Coding and analysis.Executing your project .Project 3 : Payment Gateway in ASPNow i will show you implementation of payment gateway so youcan develop E commerce and Other Transactions Based site. Creating and Customization of payment gatewayHow to create payment Button in ASPIntegration of payment gateway in ASP"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Payment Gateway With Asp.Net" |
"In the edge of Ecommerce you Need a payment Gateway to accept payment from customers. This is very easy and quickly understandable Lecture for you.this lecture provide you information about how to integrate third party payment gateway in your page. after this tutorial you will be able to add payment buttonin product or service page. this button help to customer to pay amount as per your instruction. you can select a fix amount of product to be collected OR you can leave it free . so user can enter amount . this tutorial requires a third party integration tool which makes easy integration with your website. this tool also provide the details of previous transactions reports. you don't need to code in for this critical process.payment gateway can be implement in a running site. if you do not have a site , then you can make it free. wix or wordpress like many others service providers offer to create free website. you can also search in google for create free website.if you looking for professional look in less effort , then my payment gateway integration tutorial is perfect lesson for you.payment gateway provides lots of options to payment. user can pay though credit card or debit card or Net Banking. that is the main reason which attract more customers to buy product on you page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Webserver database with Visual Baisc" |
"Friends , Data sefty is most important task for developer. one of the best solution for data security is to use Webserver as Database . in webserver lots of facility available through control panel . you can save backup of your database. so this is system provide more reliable way to keep your data in secure manner.Using Webserver Not only provide data security ,but it also provide accessibility fromdifferent location through internet connectivity.this facility provide ability to your application use as multi user environment..when you use this type application then it can possible to make enterprise level application where more then one branch situated in more then one place and require to connect through this tutorial you can also learn about creating table in sql server database with required parameter and datatype. this tutorial covers form design in visual basic and connectivity part of application development . i have separate each section in video tutorial to make it easy understandable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Asp.Net Image saving in c sharp" |
"Asp.Net photo saving program lets you clear concept of saving photo. this program design tototal five separate sections, each section provides knowledge of particular part of this program.first video describes introduction of photo saving program. second part of this tutorial showshow to create table for saving your data in database. third part describes about creating connection to connect with front end. fourth part of this tutorial covers coding part of data saving the last of this tutorial you can find details of form creation as front end development.why i need to learn Asp.Net photo saving tutorial ?in the todays digital market you can see everywhere photo saving program required such as eCommerce sites, product based company sites , jobs sites , social sites ect..this tutorial required to understand the basic concept of data selecting from users PC and save it to in your program so when it required we can get it.what skills can i develop after this tutorial ?after this tutorial you can learn database connectivity with sql server, how to use sql management studio, how to create connection string in in easy way.also you will learn project creation and adding assembly in your project and how to save photo in your project. you will also learn about how to use tools for this project. you can see c sharp coding structure for used tools."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simple Billing Application in Win forms 2015 with C #" |
"Create powerful goodlooking easy project with windows form application using oled coding in c#. After learn easy step you will cover pass parameter , null handling code, fill data using loop structures.very useful events, adding assembly. Ect. Project designed in user friendly way so at the starting or home page you can see menu item showing 3 menu. First is item menu where you can create new item second sales form where you can make sales. Third is for billing related information."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Class 10 NCERT-Quadratic Equations (Solutions)" |
"If you are a class 10 student in India or are in general keen on learning Quadratic Equations, this course is meant for you. If you have beenfinding quadratic equations hard to solve or remainstuck at a problem for hours, I'll help you strengthen your fundamentals through NCERTproblems.Maths is a subject most of us find very appalling. Ihave tried to simplify it by going through each problem in detailed steps.Once you get hold of the concepts, any problem will be easy to attack and crack.You can then go ahead and apply the same fundamentals to any problem from any book.No specific skill -sets are required but a mindset to learn. Needless to say you should be in class 10th to take this course.Let's learn Quadratic Equations in a fun way together."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Excel |
"Microsoft ExcelExcelExcel10DCF01ExcelExcel"
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"Top 5 Ways to Monetize From a Blog [Beginner Version]" |
"Most of the bloggers fail to earn even a single sen from blogging. The reason is these bloggers just don't know how to create the attraction and attention to the potential clients to invest in their blog.In this course, I will review how to earn income from blogging.The course cover the essential skills from marketingtheblog posts to gethigh rankingin search engine, to negotiate and getting a lot ofclients to invest on the blog.The methods that I am sharing in this video is the true story from my own blogand the snapshots are all taken from my ownPaypal, Adsense, Wordpress, Google Analyticsandemail account.THE MONEY THAT I AM SHOWING IN THIS COURSE IS 100% REAL!!The screenshot that taken arefrom my actualAdsense and Paypal accounts!Checkout my real result at this post:Carreviewsncare[dot]com/real-earning-from-carreviewsncare-com-blog/Subscribe to mySECRETScourse to learn how to gainyour income from blogging!FAQ:1) Is this course is for only professional blogger?No. This course is built and customized for beginner; as long the beginner has at least basic blog from wordpress[dot]com or blogspot[dot]com.2) What if I don't understand the course?Don't worry, all the video is enhanced with captions. If you still have issue to understand the course, then we can have private skype session for your learning process.3) I don't like the course, I want refund!Sure, if you are not satisfied with the course, we offer full refund in 30 days after purchased."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"WebDynpro for ABAP - ALV - Object - Em Portugus" |
"Vamos seguir em uma caminhada de superar as expectativas do seu cliente apresentando uma aplicao completa, til, bonita e eficaz. Vamos aprender juntos boas prticas, melhor forma de programar no webdynpro bem como a forma correta de fazer acontecer, identificando os erros e corrigindo e entregando a melhor aplicao possvel para o cliente. Vamos do iniciante ao intermedirio."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Functional Programming using C++" |
"Controlling complexity is one of the biggest challenges a developer faces. Functional programming helps tremendously with this and thus becomes more and more popular, even in originally imperative and object oriented languages like C++. This course will help you increase your productivity by teaching how to write functional C++ code that is easy to understand, test and reuse.After mastering the basic building blocks of functional programming, you will learn how to think functionally and solve everyday programming problems in an elegant way. Every provided coding exercises comes with an exemplary solution.At the end of this course you will be able to use the functional approach to write application code that is extraordinarily robust and pleasant to work with.And as a bonus, all the concepts you have learned will not only help you when using C++, but are applicable to other programming languages too and will expand your horizon regarding programming in general."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build an Advanced 2D Platformer game in Unity" |
"Have you ever wondered how games like Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest and Super Meat Boy are made? Have you wanted to create your own advanced platformer style game? In this course we will build a feature rich Player Controller in Unity 3D for use in a 2D platformer style game. The aim of the course is to take you step-by-step through building a player character with multiple abilities that can be easily enabled or disabled to create Metroidvania style gameplay.We will create a platform game in which the player can:Double JumpWall RunWall JumpCrouch and CreepPower JumpGlideStompThis course will be further developed over the coming months and further down the line videos on Enemy AI, game logic, environemental effectors, 2.5D graphics, shooting and melee mechanics and building for mobile devices will all be added to the course.Also I will be taking on board requests from participants for particular features they would like to see added to the project.Some prior experience with Unity and/or programming is desirable as we hit the ground running in this course and dive straight in to building our own custom scripts.Course files are included which will allow you to follow along at your own pace and help you create your own amazing games!EnjoyGary"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Digital Sculpting in Sculptris" |
"Have you ever wondered how 3Dcharacters for games and animation are made? Have you ever wanted to create and paint your own 3D models? Digital sculpting offers an intuitive and fun approach to 3D modelling which anyone can pick up and use to bring their own ideas to life.In this course you will learn about digital sculpting for the creation of 3D models for still images, games, animation and 3Dprinting. We will be looking extensively at Sculptris, a completely free and easy to learn 3Dsculpting package from Pixologic - the creators of ZBrush. Over a series of short videos youwill gain a complete overview of the software and its many features.You don't need any prior 3Dmodelling experience prior to undertaking this course and we will introduce key concepts as we go along. Even if you are experienced with traditional 3D modelling packages such as 3DS Max, Maya or Blender you will find the digital sculpting workflow opens up a new world of possibilities for your 3Dwork.By the end of this course you will be able to:create your own 3D models from scratchcreate complex models with many different component partsadd paintedcolour and surface detail(normal maps) to your modelsexport your models as a rendered image or for use with other programs (such as Unity)By the end of the course you will be ready to dive into the world of digital sculpting and begin bringing your ideas to life. The only limit will beyour imagination!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Create Responsive Blogs" |
"This course is meant to help students understand how to create responsive blogs.It was created to make students and bloggers understand that without having a responsive blog, you can not be a successful blogger, because you will be losing out on a lot of traffic, because 70% of all the traffic comes from mobile devices todayand if your blog is not a 100% mobile friendly, then you`ll lose out on a lot of traffic.This course will help you understand how to develop responsive blogs, show you how to add contents, how to drive unlimited traffic and how to place adsonyour blog.You will learn how to create any blog or website of your choice an how to keep it running."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How Produce Acrylic Paints." |
"Learn How to produce Acrylic paints teaches you how to produces two types of latex paints,namely Matt paint and acrylic emulsion paint.Matt Paintis an acrylic based paint, which is majorly used for paint smooth surfaces,like POPceilings and walls, or any smooth surface. Matt paint helps to bring out the beauty of the wall and also t make it appreciable.Acrylic Emulsion Paint is an acrylic based paint that is used for all types surfaces. This paint helps to cover paint s on the wall.This course teaches you how to produce to types two of paint with which, you can setup a paint production firm of your own.This course aslo teaches painters how to gain control over the quality of their own paint and helps to increase the delivery and quality of their jobs."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Direito Administrativo para Concursos - Questes CESPE" |
"Contedo Completo para quem estiver se preparando paraqualquer concurso que seja realizado pela Cespe/UnB.Para gabaritar Direito Administrativo na prova voc precisa de muito treino. E esse curso serve para isso, para que voc treine, veja seus erros e acertos e tenha o melhor desempenho possvel na sua prova."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Questes Comentadas FGV - Direito Administrativo" |
"Curso deQuestes Comentadas de Direito Administrativo focado na banca FGV. Com esse curso voc vai gabaritar qualquer prova da FGV. Todas as aulas disponveis por um preo que voc pode pagar. Esteja preparado para gabaritarqualquer prova de Direito Administrativoda FGV. Todas as questes so recentes e comentadas de forma direta e objetiva, mas sem deixar a profundidade necessria ao pleno entendimento de cara questo."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fresh Excel 2016 Course for Beginners" |
"Learn the basics of Excel and start using it today for your personal and business applications. This course is for anyone interested in learning Excel from a beginner's stand point or for those who want to freshen up their Excel skills. Even if you never used Excel before, this course will be a perfect start for you. This course will help you feel confident when using the awesome features of Excel. Creating robust spreadsheets for a variety of applications will no longer be a challenge for you. Excel is a program that is widely used in almost every business. It is also the to-go personal application for a variety of spreadsheets, such as family budgets, monthly or yearly calendar, to-do lists, calculators, planners, etc.Start your journey today and learn what this powerful tool can do for you at both your personal and professional life. Excel in Excel!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mind Hacking - Build Ultimate Control on Mind and Emotions" |
"Control your Mind, Control your Life.1900+ Students in the early Launch of the courseSee what other students are saying:""Very inspiring series. Great use of a positive vocabulary and excellent metaphors to explain how our mind works. I am finding the course exciting and inspiring!"" Pete Jepson""Brilliant course. Short and simple explanations, which is easy to understand and implement. Thank you for the course."" Arijit Das Gupta""The course provides alternatives approaches which, when practiced consistently, will have a tremendous positive impact on our mental health and well being. Anyone regardless of their background can learn something from this course. I highly recommend it!"" Ahmed BarakaYour Anxious Thoughts, Fears and Negativity that feels like inevitable and really ruining your life are more of biological functions triggered by survival instinct and do not define who you really are.You can beat them if you understand how your Mind works and mastered the tools that give you control over your mind.Your failures, weaknesses, emotions are just fuel for success if you train your mind to get the best out of them.Your Self Identity and your passions that are under cover since childhood, can be easily accessed if you got control on your survival instinct and fears that Masks the Real Person you are.Achieving your Life Goals and Living with Passion and Energy is easier than you think, if you give it enough focus.Imagine your life after 10 years from now, looking back , would you regret losing 10 years of your life going on auto pilot and being dictated what to do and what to become by your environment in things that you didn't ever choose or feel that they define ""Who are you"".I call this the stage of ""Comfortable Despair"" It is the fact of ""Existing"" versus ""Living""It is a sad story that most of humans are actually drifted by the wind, without control of their own wheel.If you got the chance to understand your mind, tame your fears and build a new self identity with concise simple instructions would you leave this chance?While we have only one chance and one life we spoil most of it driven by our environment, people, fears and what we really want and what potential do we have, is totally out of the picture.This course is a chance to hack your mind to live a different life, and explore your real self, and understand why your mind acts sometimes in a non favorable way, why your fears supercedes your desires and passion?And the most important question is ...Why change is very hard?The good news here is that you wouldn't only get the chance to understand this, but also will have clear simplified steps on how to change this and gain back control to your life, taming your fears, and your change resistence which put you inside the golden plated cage of comfortable despair.You will also get the access on tools that enables building a new personality, including your courage , motivation, positivity, happiness.This is not magic, it is based on techniques that i learnt and practiced myself and found it very effective, capitalising on physiological hacks to the mind and understanding to the evolution of our instinct of survival.This course can change your life forever, and can be the rescue from the strong current that is drifting you aimlessly in life.Our lives are the outcome of our choices and actions, I recommend you to make a choice and take an action now to the best of you.This course is 100% risk free, Udemy guarantees your satisfaction with a 30 days money back guarantee no questions asked.So take the step and change your life.No More time spoiled in a Comfortable Despair.Take Action...Now!!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The Style School: Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like A Sty" |
"You love fashion, but can you transform that talent into a successful styling business? Being a stylist demands business savvy and entrepreneurial know-how. The biggest pitfall of aspiring stylists is not their visual technique or lack of fashion industry knowledge -- its insufficient business skills and a failure to create a game-plan to practically apply and market their talent.The Style School takes a thoughtful, conscious approach to launching your personal styling and image consulting business. Youre going to be helping real people with real problems, so we believe the way you approach these human-centered business matters -- to you, and your clients. The Style School never forgets that how you work is as important as what you offer.Starting a successful styling company is no different than any other startup -- it requires structure, discipline, and an entrepreneurial mindset (and a whole lot of heart). The Sociology of Style Style School helps you combine your passion for fashion with the same skills that launch billion-dollar startups. You have the talent, now get the business edge and start monetizing your skills.Why Style School?Starting your own styling business is tough, and those first few months (or years) take patience and discipline to break into the market. But you dont have to do it alone. Anna Akbari, Ph.D. launched her successful image consulting company in 2008. But that wasnt the start of her journey. Shes worked in the industry and studied the sociological significance of appearance for the last 15 years. And while it wasnt always easy, she managed to developing a thriving consultancy with no startup capital. The Style School connects you directly with Anna and lets you tap into the lessons and insider knowledge that took her years to accumulate. When you enroll in the Style School, you gain a partner and mentor as you launch your own business.What you get:This course arms you with the specific business knowledge needed to lay the foundation and launch a successful personal styling career.Video Tutorials:Lifetime access to the Style School video tutorials. Move at your own pace and revisit any of the tutorials as needed. Each section includes a checklist and helpful resources to get you started.Video Tutorials:This course is laid out in 4 sections, each with their own corresponding exercises that allow you to apply what you learn to your own company. Heres what well cover:In Part 1 well lay the foundation. Ill share my own style journey and philosophy and help you dig deep to understand why you want to do this work in the first place (and why that matters).In Part 2 Ill help you identify your target market and stop wasting time catering to people who arent a fit for your services.In Part 3 youll develop your own proprietary, comprehensive process -- youll learn how to describe it and to how to communicate its value to your potential clients.In part 4 youll monetize and market. Youll learn to calculate the value of your own time and create packages that serve both you and your clients. Youll also construct a realistic marketing plan that works for your budget and skillsets.The Style School encourages you to ask big questions before you can get big results. Its not gimmicky -- its real. And its that juicy realness that will attract -- and keep -- your potential clients. If you pour yourself into this process, you will come out more confident, well-equipped, and profitable.Meaningful work is a key ingredient to a happy life. You can improve the lives of others while you deepen fulfillment in your own life. Start today with The Style School."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Women's Success With Style" |
"I'm extremely excited to share the first proven, easy-to-follow, scientific method for transforming your image and upgrading your life: The Success With Style program.In this course you'll:Understand How You're Visually Perceived -- And Take ControlStreamline Your Style and Stop Feeling Overwhelmed by Getting DressedBoost Confidence and EarningsAttract the Right Kind of Attention in Your Personal and Professional LifeBy saying YES to change and enrolling in this image transformation solution, here's what you get:6 week step-by-step, easy-to-follow online video program strategically designed to build upon itself and to navigate at your own pacePDFs and worksheets, including and in-depth image assessment, to support you along the wayGuidance in completing your personal style assessment and an understanding of how you're perceivedA comprehensive closet clean-out strategyHow to shop, where to do it, and what to look forHow to save money, but look better than ever (with fewer costly mistakes)Expert styling tips and in-depth guidance on pulling together a powerful look everydayConcrete goals: You'll know what youre working toward, whats missing, and how to get thereConfidence in your choicesWho this is for?If you are struggling with your imageIf you need an image refresh, but don't know how to execute or need some motivational guidanceIf you want success in your relationships in any contextIf you want to fine-tune your style instinctsIf you want to boost your career or business and do not know howIf you want to have a better relationship with yourselfIf you are going through a transition -- weight gain/loss, pregnancy/motherhood, new relationship, recently single, emotional transitions that leave you OPEN and ready for MOREOR, recent graduation, promotion (or looking to score one), geographic move, new professional industry, or even retirementIf you want to save TIME and MONEYAnd last but not least if you want to boost your CONFIDENCE and THRIVEAccomplish all of this without spending the extra time, money, or over the top effort:EXPERT GUIDANCE: I spent 15 years doing the research,so you don't have to.CONVENIENCE: Become an expert from the comfort of your own homeFINANCIAL AND PERSONAL REWARDS: Financial success and personal flourishing accompanies an optimized image and improved confidence. Whether it's getting the job you want or showing up stronger at your current job, attracting a new partner or reinvigorating an existing relationship, or just having the confidence to carve out your own independent future -- your self-presentation plays an important role.Nothing makes me happier than hearing from past participants. Here's what just a few of the amazing women I've had the pleasure of working with have to say:I wanted you to know how grateful I am. This work has led me to question every choice and every purchase. Just what I wanted. Thank you. I've become more empowered in my buying decisions and mostly rocking my sense of style with confidence. I now feel emboldened to express myself through clothes without apology.-- Katie McDonald, Entrepreneur###blockquote-- Renu Murik, Director at a Big Four FirmAnna Akbaris program offered a complementary mix of overarching education and individually specific suggestions. Her framework and foundational principles helped me to create the big picture, while the interactive style forum gave me an opportunity to ask questions, clarify concepts and tailor my approach. I highly recommend this program for anyone interested in simplifying and enhancing their visual identity.--Lynann Cimino, Executive CoachI first met Anna when I was traveling for business with a suitcase stuffed with a million articles of clothing because most of the clothes in my wardrobe just didnt work together. Anna completely changed that nightmare for me. Her process truly changed my life for the better! Its amazing. Now all of my clothing and accessories look good on me. Ive never received so many compliments on how good and put together I look. No matter what clothing I match up, I always have that stylish, crisp look you see in magazines. And Its always a look that works for me. Whats more, Anna is so much fun to be with, fun to shop with and she has become a trusted friend as well!--Jennifer Deare, Founder/CEO Deare MarketingWhat will your tale of transformation reveal?And remember, there is no risk to you. Your purchase is backed by an unconditional5-day money-back guarantee.Thank you for letting me join you on this journey. I can't wait to get started and learn more about you-- Anna Akbari, PhD"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Men's Success With Style" |
"Define your own personal and authentic brand in a matter of days.The Success With Style video course uses scientifically proven tools to unlock the power of your image.Understand How You're Perceived -- And Take ControlStreamline Your Style, Look Sharper, and Make Fewer Visual MistakesBoost Confidence and EarningsAttract the Right Kind of Attention in Your Personal and Professional LifeRisk Free -- 5-Day Money Back GuaranteeWhat People Are SayingNew York is a city thats full of people who call themselves stylists, wardrobe consultants, fashionistas, etc., and to be honest, I was always hesitant to use any such person. After all, how can you really know what youre getting? And even if they are stylish themselves, how do you know that they can dress you? Well, I am here to tell you, Dr. Akbari is The Real Deal. This woman has a simply unbelievable eye and fashion sense. She has an amazing eye for detail, encompassing numerous things that are invisible or insignificant to me, but which other people (especially women) most definitely notice. As an example, the weekend after working with her, 4 different women (strangers) complimented me on the shirts I was wearing. Fair to say, that never happened to me before in my life. Forget the others. This woman is worth your time and money. A unique find.-- Michael, Business ExecutiveWorking with Anna transformed every aspect of my life, including my desirability to women. Because of her, I threw out most of my clothes and refined my wardrobe into an easy, sophisticated style; I mentally rebalanced and reprioritized my life; and I learned about dozens of resources that I'm now using to optimize the way I live and work. As a result, I've never looked or felt better. Anna is an invaluable resource -- and she actually makes self-improvement fun (which I didn't know was possible!)-- Jonathan, LawyerBefore my experience withSuccess With Style, I knew neither where to shop nor what to shop for. The truth is, even if I did, I wouldnt have done a particularly good job putting it all together. Or purging my closet of the unflattering clutter I called clothes.Success With Stylewas far more helpful than I imagined. In the end, the experience made for a dramatic improvement in my life easier to get myself dressed well, a less cluttered closet, less money wasted on bad clothing choices, and a long-term improvement in my style and public appearance. Ive referred multiple friends for this life upgrade and Ive heard (and seen) nothing but fantastic results.-- Oliver, EntrepreneurI loved Success With Style! I didnt realize what shopping really meant until I met Anna. As a guy, Ill pick up an item or two in a store, try it, buy it (or not) and then call it a day. With Annas system, I came out the door with a dozen items all perfect. But that wasnt even the best part: Chucking all my unused closet dust gatherers now THAT was cathartic! I havent missed a single piece of clothing that Anna forced me to throw away. (I thought I would, but I didnt.) And now Im left with half as many items that I use twice as much -- and get more compliments than ever before. Thanks, Anna!!-- Malte, EntrepreneurAS SEEN IN...The World's First Online Proven Style Formula Step-by-StepLearn 15 years of style secrets from the research of Sociologist and Founder of Sociology of Style, Dr. Anna AkbariFrom the Comfort of Your Own HomeMove through the simple, easy-to- follow process at your own pace.Take Control of Your FutureLearn to take your image into your own hands and present your best self for that next interview, social setting, or first date.Boost Your ConfidenceHave full confidence that your identity is working for you and tackle the world with confidence. Personalized Expert Feedback and Peer ConnectionsEnjoy 3 months of free access to the private Success With Style System forum, where you'll have direct access to Dr. Anna Akbari, founder of Sociology of Style, for all your questions and concerns.Risk Free: 5-Day Money Back GuaranteeWith our 5-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee you can begin this transformational journey with us at no risk to youHere's what we'll cover in this video course:Lesson 1:Introduction-- We'll go through everything that's covered in the course, so you'll know exactly what to expect.Lesson 2: Rethinking the Transformational Power of Fashion-- Youll better understand why image matters and learn how to assess your own self-presentation so you can start building the right aesthetic foundation that will help you achieve your personal and professional goals.Lesson 3: The Power of Uniforms --Youll learn to identify the makings of the right everyday uniform for you, creating a consistently sharp, distinctive style, while also minimizing fuss and unnecessary mistakes.Lesson 4: Closet Catharsis-- In lesson 4 it's time to purge. You'll go through the simple steps of curating, criticizing, and categorizing your wardrobe for maximum efficiency and clarity, and you'll learn the secret of minimalism.Lesson 5: Create a Wish List --Youll identify what key pieces are missing from your collection and acquire the necessary skills from making the most of your existing wardrobe. Ill even give you a shopping cheat sheet and tell you which pieces are worth an investment and which arent.Lesson 6: Strategic Shopping --In lesson 6, Ill teach you to shop consciously. Youll learn to identify quality items and maximize your shopping budget. Youll understand where and how you should make your purchases and youll master online shopping once and for all.Lesson 7: A Little Spit-Polish: Pulling It All Together --In this final lesson youll learn to create your best image. Ill teach you the secrets of effective casual dress -- as well as the non-material tricks that will command every room and stand out (for all the right reasons).Heres what youll get:An easy-to-follow, comprehensive online video program broken into 7 lessons, all of which are strategically designed to build upon themselves and which can be navigated at your own paceA downloadable, interactive Personal Style Guide PDFthat recaps key points and tips to support you along the way and serve as reminders in the future (includes images!)Lifetime access to the videos"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Startup Your Life" |
"Taking control of your life and cultivating happinessnow(not decades from now, after multiple big milestones) is challenging, no matter how smart or savvy you are. And it takes more than meditation and positive thinking to make it happen. It takes an entirely different way of approaching your life, decisions, and relationships.In the Startup Your Life video course, Im going to work with you to live your life like a startup regardless of your age, occupation, or current position in life and start thriving today. I did it, and now I want to show you how.Why did I create Startup Your Life?In 2008, I finished my PhD in sociology and entered the real world at the exact same time as our most epic financial meltdown. Ouch. Talk about bad timing. And while I had decades of schooling under my belt, it was clear I wasnt an expert at life (yet). I was accustomed to hard work but nowhere in my lengthy education did anyone lay out the practical guidelines that would make my life suck a little bit less while I established myself professionally. No one taught me how to be happier along the way. I quickly realized hard work alone wouldnt cut it. I needed a strategy.I had a hunch that the entrepreneurial business approach that worked for millions of people and companies the same ideas Id already used professionally for years could also work as a foundation for transforming my personal happiness and well-being. Being better at life became my obsession. I experimented on myself, year after year, distilling my years of research and experience and applying the philosophies and tactics I developed into a replicable, action-oriented, results-driven approach to living a richer life starting today, not after you get that promotion or meet the mate of your dreams.While it took me the better part of a decade to refine this process, theStartup Your Lifeprogram allows you to learn and integrate these lessons in a matter of weeks. Because despite the diversity in our individual life circumstances, we have, at our core, the same sets of issues with the same perplexing questions. And its time to take back control.What You'll LearnThis program is the guide I needed but couldnt find when I was a recent graduate living in a tiny apartment with an equally tiny budget, full of intellectual promise, yet with a lot of unanswered questions -- and completely overwhelmed by how to begin and where to seek guidance.So let me tell you a little about what were going to cover in this series:Part 1, The Imperfect Prototype: Become an MVP:Learn the value of reframing your life as a work in progress rather than a final product. Youll learn tactics for testing ideas and actions that allow you to operate with greater confidence and efficacy, and youll see the value of stripping away inessentials. Youll stump yourself with some hard questions, become your own guru, get comfortable with imperfection, and trim the fat to live a leaner existence (less really is more, and youll put that into action).Part 2, Get Your Mind Right: Optimize Your Mental State"":Youll start to retrain your brain and ensure that your thought processes are working for, not against, you. Youll interrogate your passions and rewrite your own rule book.Part 3, Out-Smart Dumb Luck: Experiment-Driven Decision Making:Take back power and start making your own luck through thoughtful experimentation. Nothing is too small or insignificant to test, and in this section youll learn to approach your life like a science experiment no matter your age or stage in life.Part 4, Everything I Need to Know I Unlearned: Disrupt Your Assumptions:Conventional wisdom gets the boot and you begin the process of unlearning. Youll get out of your habitual ruts by putting your personal assumptions to the test and learning what youre taking for granted. You will start to lose sight of dry land, clear up how you view and perceive the world around you, and upgrade your internal hardware.Part 5, Win Every Room: Establish Product-Market Fit:Youll find the intersection of what matters to you and what resonates with your audiencein all facets of life. Youll learn to impart happiness onto yourself and those around you by focusing on not just what youre doing, but on how youre doing it. Youll learn to practice radical empathy, gamify your life, and up your street cred.In Part 6, Work It: The Runway of Your Life"":The way you deliver your goods matterswhether youre seeking a job or a life mate. You'll learn to make the world pay attention. Youll also redefine authenticity and clarify its connection to happiness. Ill teach you how to hack your image for maximum power potential by playing strategic dress up and creating a uniform.Part 7, Go Virtual: Life, Mediated:Our lives are increasingly mediated by technology, and youll learn to expertly manage your digital identity. Youll better understand the value of your online existence, and youll learn to reap the digital ROI of your online presence, curb reputation-damaging recklessness, and generally pimp your profiles.Part 8, Hustle and Grow: Bootstrap Your Way to Happiness:We dissect your relationship with money and you learn to live leannot by pinching pennies but through fiscal maximization and rethinking the notion of wealth. Youll learn how to invest in happiness, maximize human capital, and get your hustle on (cause hustling trumps pedigree).Part 9, The Partnership Puzzle: Be Your Own Matchmaker"":Partnerships are hard, but the qualities of a good relationshipin business and romance alikeare more similar than you might imagine. Youll learn how to harness the power of partnerships to fuel happiness and success. Ill teach you why you shouldnt go it alone, help you cultivate your soft skills and confidently make partnership choices.Part 10, Bellyflop with Grace: The Art of Failure:We explore why giving yourself permission to fall down can be a win. Youll redefine what it means to fail, and well look at how you can transform failures into opportunities for growth. Youll learn to make space for failure, transcribe adversity, and know your own limits.Part 11, Peace Out and Level Up: Make Your Exit:Letting go is hard, so we often linger a little too long, unsure of when to move forward. Youll learn how and when to move on. Ill teach you to take charge of your relationship with change and live a life in transition by training your brain for change, surfing fear, and ritualizing closure.Part 12, Hitting Refresh: The Life Pivot:How many times have you daydreamed of starting over? I'll teach you to flip the mental switch that gives you a fresh starton whatever scale you need. You'll learn to keep life spicy and diverse, rediscover how to prioritize play, and seize good enough. You ARE the serial reinventor of your own life -- and Im going to show you how.The good news is you dont need to win the lottery to be happy and fulfilled. Nor do you need to be a genius. Life is a business. And like most startups, we experience a series of failures along the way. But if you apply a scientific approach to creating and managing the life you want, you take control of the process, before you even know what exactly youre aiming for.I know that unbridled optimism alone didnt deliver the results I was looking for -- and it likely wont for you, either. Chances are youve experienced similarly distressing uncertainty during your post-college/pre-settling down phase -- or perhaps during a mid-career slump, or even as you transition into retirement.Living your life like a startup is about maximizing flexibility and measuring on-going results, not avoiding failure or reaching one particular end goal. Its about embracing defeat, analyzing it, and failing up. Using theStartup Your Lifeapproach, you actively create the life you want, regardless of the stage youre in or the hurdles you face. Its not about happiness someday, but now.And let me assure you: this program is not just a bunch of philosophical fluff. It offers realistic, actionable strategies that allow you to implement and live each of the lessons from day one.What You GetLifetime access to the Startup Your Life video seriesto follow along at your own pace and revisit over timeProprietary exercisesthat accompany each of the 12 sections and to help you actively apply the principles to your life and start feeling the difference immediatelyLIMITED TIME BONUS:For a limited time only, get the first chapter of Startup Your Life FREE.Praise For Startup Your Life""Budding entrepreneurs should benefit greatly from Akbari's sound advice""--Publisher's Weekly""Akbari has created self-help for the millenials.""-- BooklistYoucanbe the startup CEO of your own life, and Anna Akbari teaches you how in this indispensable guide. Her personal tales and time-tested advice inspire and motivate -- its the extra push you need for living your best life.-- Alexa von Tobel, founder and CEO of LearnVest and New York Times bestselling author ofFinancially Fearless""Anna Akbari gets right down to business to help you hack your life using the same strategies I used to create products as a CTO in Silicon Valley. Its the opposite of personal development platitudes, and it works because you can measure it. These are real tools you can use to biohack your performance.""Dave Asprey, New York Times Bestselling Author,The Bulletproof Diet""As a client of Annas, I am ecstatic that her brilliant strategies for happiness are written down for all to share, and most of all, for me to reference and carry with me everywhere! Anna has created a fascinating guide, applying the paradigm shifting, tried and true organizing principles of Silicon Valley Start-Ups to well-being. As one of the lucky few who has had the chance to work with Anna one-on-one, I can say with total sincerity that her insights will guide you through the ebb and flow of lifes failures and successes, time and time again."" Bryce Dallas Howard, Actress""If you're looking for a reset -- professional or personal -- Anna Akbari is the guru for you. Embracing the revise-as-you-go ethos of the tech world, she'll help you find the right fit, even if it means a misfire or two first. Even better, you'll enjoy the ride.""-- Amanda Steinberg, founder of DailyWorth""Finally, a book that shows how to make that Silicon Valley magic work outside of work. Anna Akbari is the perfect guide through our sometimes dizzying present, where the paths to health, wealth, and happiness no longer run straight, and improvisation and iteration rule the day."" Fran Hauser, Angel Investor and Former President, Digital at Time Inc.For those who want more than fluff, this no-nonsense approach to happiness enlightens as much as it entertains. Startup Your Life is a craftily delivered kick in the pants many people need to make real, sustainable change in their lives."" Mandy Stadtmiller, columnist, New York MagazineLiving your life like a startup what a refreshing approach to upgrading how you live, love, and work. An entrepreneurial mindset is such an asset; its great to finally see a fun, practical guide that applies this way of operating to everyone."" John Lee Dumas, founder and host of Entrepreneur On Fire""In a world that seems to demand constant reinvention, it can be hard to keep up. Luckily, Startup Your Life reminds us that everyone is a work in progress -- and that there are many paths to a great finished product."" Soraya Darabi, co-founder of ZadyPersonal fulfillment is created, not inherited or earned. And outside forces feel a lot less overwhelming when tackled systematically, with a little guidance. Let me help you game the system as you hustle and hack your way to happiness.So lets get going and Startup Your Life!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Step-By-Step Japanese Nail Art Tutorial" |
"Are you passionate about nail art and looking into learning the latestnail art trends and techniques? Then, the The Complete Step By Step Japanese Nail Art Tutorialis PERFECT for you!Its no secret that Japanese women are well-regarded for their chic sense of style, and their impeccable grooming. Nail art has become an essential aspect of Japanese fashion wherenail art designsare excessivelydecorated and extremely cute. It can also be simpleor a spectacular pattern yetelegant design.We CAN HELPyou take your career to the next level anddevelop it into your profitable passion via our online nail course.This is an online learning, flexible at-home course that fits around your lifestyle and schedule. It's convenient and structured into an easy step-by-step video tutorialwhich you can pause, rewind and repeat at anytime. It is complete with a downloadable tutorialchecklist sheet of materials needed.You don't have to travelor payexpensive fees just a simple personal 1-on-1 trainingat the comfort of your home.You'll learn 5 of the LATEST Japanese Nail Art Designs:Spring In BloomDark Marble StonePastel GalaxyBeach WeddingTango With MeBONUS Lesson: How to Effectively Remove Gel Without Damaging Your NailsTHIS COURSE IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR ASPIRING NAIL TECHNICIANS,STUDENTS, BUSINESS OWNERS, PROS, VETERANSANDANYONE WHO IS PASSIONATE ABOUT NAIL ART.NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE OR QUALIFICATION NEEDED.START learningJapanese Nail Art DesignsTODAYand TURNit into a PROFITABLE PASSION!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |