Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn To Speed Read, Save Time And Achieve more" |
"Learn To Speed Read, Save Time And Achieve moreAre you a Student, or Teacher who has to do a lot of revision or learning new facts? Are you a professional who has to read lots of reports and emails? Does this take up a load of your time? This course teaches you how to speed read, save time and achieve more.Maybe you're someone who just spends hours reading to boost yourknowledge, or just for the fun of it?Well Imagine if you could read up to five times faster than you currently do. What would you do with all of that extra time you saved? How much extra could you learn? How much extra could you achieve.In this course, I will show you some tried and tested methods to boost your reading speed by up to five times faster (maybe even more.)See you inside the courseMikeCourse updated November 2017"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Canva:Design Book Covers To Sell" |
"Every year, there are millions of new books created. This creates amazing opportunities for those with the capabilities to create andsell book covers. or indeed, anyone who wants to save a whole heap of money and create book covers for their own publications. This Course is entitled Canva: Design Book Covers To Sell, because it teaches youjust that.Thecourse guides you through the process of creating book covers in easy to follow steps. Youll be amazed at how quickly you can be fulfilling your Customers order requests to the highest standards.We will start by looking at the principles of book cover design.Next, you will goonto tutorials where I and then you create book covers for many of the more popular niches.We will look at different niches such as non-fiction, fiction, romance and science fiction and you will learn exactly how to designbook covers to sell in all of these niches.You will alsolearn how to get completely freequality images for your book covers. These images are also royalty-free, meaning you dont have worry about copyright laws or breaking the law.I reveal my secretsources to youin the course.To finish with, we look at variousways to promote your work, put your marketing efforts on steroids and to get your initial orders.Because, I understand time is yourmost precious commodity,I have tried to keep this course as short and to the point as possible, whilst offering you maximum value.It is the aim of this course to teach you how to quickly produce high quality work and enable you to make book cover sales of your own.Enroll today and start your own Book Cover Design Business.Your InstructorMichaelCourse launched January 2018"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basketball: Fundamentals of Shooting" |
"Do you want to become a better shooter?Do you want to change your shooting form?Do you want to improve your shooting technique?Well, this is the course for you.Welcome to the Basketball: Fundamentals of Shooting Course!This basketball shooting course is for anyone looking to improve on their shooting skills. The course's purpose is to show the fundamentally correct shooting techniques through step by step instructional lecture videos in order to develop the best shooting form possible.Expectations from this course.The course is split into two sections. The first section will go over the details of fundamentally correct shooting technique starting from having your feet squared to the basketball to having a good follow through. The detailed step by step instructions will help you understand how these minor adjustments can makeyourshooting form effective. The next section will go over some shooting drills that can alsohelp you improve your shooting skills. This course will consist of lectures full of useful information about the fundamentals of shooting.Why take this course?!Take this course if you are really wantto improveyour shooting game. For some people, all it really takes to improving your shooting is making minor adjustments to your shooting technique. This course will definitely help you make those proper adjustments and help you become the shooter than you want to be."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress E-commerce: Build Two Stores and a Membership Site" |
"**BEST SELLING E-COMMERCE COURSE** UPDATED DECEMBER 2018 FOR WORDPRESS 5.0This online e-commerce course will teach you how to build your very own online store or membership site so you can charge clients and customers for your products or content.Why build an E-Commerce store?According to an article on Forbes magazine, e-commerce sales are expected to surpass the trillion dollar mark by 2020. As morepeople are embracing e-commerce,businesses have taken to selling their services and products online as well. If you are such an individual or business looking to sell your products online via an e-commerce store and are looking to learn how to create such a store, then you have come to the right place.3 Courses in 1This is a very unique course as its essentially 3 in 1. First course teaches you how to build a store that sells physical products like clothes.Second course teaches you how to build a digital store that sells digital products like e-books, audio files etc.Third course teaches you how to build a membership site""The instructor is thorough in teaching this topic. He's very easy to follow and gives you a solid understanding of the power of e-commerce websites. You get your money's worth by the valuable lessons he teaches. I'm 1/3 of the way and I've already made back on my money"" -- Lemuel ReyesCurriculum Overview:The course is divided into 3 main parts plus an introductory section where youwill learn how to setup a sub domain of your existing website and how to incorporateSSLencryption to greatly enhance the security of your online store.PART 1 -WooCommerce SectionIn the first part, we will build a store that sells clothes and music albums using one of the most powerful and popular e-commerce plugins known as WooCommerce.With WooCommerce, you will learn how to do the following:Create simple, grouped, variable and affiliate productsSet up taxesConfigure shipping optionsSet up payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe to accept paymentsManaging orders and refundsManaging couponsEveryonline store requires a decent design,structure and efficient navigation systemwhich is whyyou will learn about the different types of WordPress themes you could use to design your online store.You will also learn how to use an extremely powerful mega menu plugin 'WRMEGAMENU' to design and create beautiful menus to ensure that your customers can quickly and easily find the products they want to buy in your store.We willcovera very important aspect of E-Commerce - the processing of payments and refunds. You will learn how to install and setup different payment systems in your store such as PayPal and Stripe payments. You will learn about 'sandbox' environments that would allow you to test the entire transaction process on your website without using any actual money.We willalso coverhow to manage orders, refunds, coupons and customer accounts as well.One of the most advantageous features of WooCommerce is the ability to extend its functionality and design by numerous plugins available. We will round up part 1 by analyzing a few of these plugins and see how they can be used to improve the overall functionality of your e-commerce store.We will cover how to use the following plugins:WooCommerce Price Filter WidgetLayered Nav Filtered WidgetColor Filters PluginWooCommerece Product WidgetsWooCommerce Shortcodes PluginOrdery Delivery Date PluginYITH WooCommerce Wishlist Pluginand much much moreBy the end of this section, you will have learned enough to be able to build and manage your very own WooCommerce store.""Alex delivers a well organized tutorial with clear and easy to understand steps. You will not be disappointed in the purchase of this course."" -- Jacob JohnsonPART 2 -Virtual Store SectionIf you are looking to build a virtual store that sells downloadable products likemusic files, images and e-books then you are going to love this section.I will show you how to build the store using the Easy Digital Downloads plugin.In this store, we will be selling digital products such as e-books, audio files and posters. Customers will be able to pick which products they want to buy, pay for the products and then be able to download the product once payment has been approved.The EDD plugin is one of the very best plugins for building virtual stores and you will learn how to use it to its maximum abilities.You will learn how to how to create bundled virtual products and how to manage downloads from your customers.""Very structured course. Entertaining instructor gives clear and concise information on how to do thing, what's best practice and what to avoid"" -- Patrick CatthoorPART 3 - BUILD A MEMBERSHIP SITEThis is a class designed for WordPress users who are interested in learning how to build a premium membership site.The membership site we shall be building is called 'The Thinker' and its a blog containing both free and premium content about Psychology.We will be making use of a very powerful plugin known as thepaid member subscriptions pluginalong with a few others to build our membership site.To build our membership site, we shall do the following:Create the 'member' role for your membership subscribersCreate the registration, login and logout pagesCustomize the main menu to show certain pages based on whether or not the user is logged in or logged out.Restrict content so its only visible to logged in membersCreate subscription plansCreate sandbox accounts in PayPal to test out paymentsAccept payments via PayPal and Stripeand so much moreWith the skills gained in this course, you will be able to build your very own membership site and charge subscribers for your premium content.ENROLLWell there you have it, a complete description of this best selling course.Sounds good? Enroll and let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Photoshop Bundled Course : 7 Courses Included" |
"UPDATE : New Course Added (Learn Awesome Animation in Photoshop with 7 Projects) The Ultimate Photoshop Bundled Course====================================Welcome to this Awesome Photoshop Bundled Course which consists of :7 Courses65 Projects IncludedOver 190 LecturesMore Than 16 Hrs of ContentThis Course will help you to learn not only Photoshop , but will also help you to Learn other related Awesome Skills like** Retouching & Restoration ** ** Masking ** ** Animation ** ** Business Card Design ** ** Awesome Design Effects ** ** Text Effects ** and more ...This course is a bundle of 7 Courses :Mastering Photoshop : Basics to Advanced (15 Projects Included)Mastering Retouching and Restoration (15 Projects Included)Creating Awesome Long Shadow Effect (5 Projects Included)Creating Awesome Splatter and Dispersion Effect (5 Projects Included)Learn Designing Business Cards in Photoshop (10 Projects Included)Masking Women Hair in Photoshop (5 Projects Included)Learn Awesome Animations in Photoshop with 7 ProjectsHere Listing all the features that you can learn from this bundled course :Make you Friendly with Photoshop Software by explaining Photoshop Interface , Creating Basic Shapes.Make you acquainted with Photoshop Tools, Working With Layers , Colors , Text, Filters , Guides, Grid etc.Providing Awesome Layer StylesBlending Two Images SeamlesslyDecorating an ImageImproving Image QualityAwesome Text EffectReflection EffectWhirlpool EffectRain EffectBookeh EffectCloud EffectCreating Polygon BackgroundsCreating Blur BackgroundsIncreasing Height of BuildingDesigning Pixel Perfect DesignsRetouching Hair , Eyes , Lips , Teeth , SkinA Fun Project where we will turn a Normal Image into Vampire ImageRestoring Damaged Image4 Techniques of Creating Awesome Long Shadow Effects with 5 ProjectsCreating Water Dispersion EffectCreating Particle Dispersion EffectCreating Splatter EffectDesigning Print Ready Business Cards with 10 ProjectsYou will get the Best Solution for Masking by Learning how to Mask Women Hair with 5 Projects of Varying Hair Styles of Women . If you can mask Woman Hair , you can mask anything .I am really feeling honoured to walk you through all of these in this Course.So why waiting . Enroll Now . I am Looking forward to see you inside ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to C# for the Rest of Us" |
"Welcome toAn Introduction to C# for the Rest of Us C# sharp is one of the most widely used programming languages in existence today. In this course, we are going to cover three core concepts. The first is the language. C# (pronounced C-Sharp and not C-Pound) is a hybrid between JAVA and C. It was designed to bridge the gap between the ease of Visual Basic and the more obtuse C language. Now, the language cant do much without .Net. Whats .Net? In laymans terms, .Net is a lot of prepackaged code we can use to develop our applications faster than ever before. We dont have to create the code to use a button because its already done for us. All we have to do is add code to that button to get it to do what we want. So much of the tedious part of creating real world programs is done for us. The third component we will be cover is the IDE. An IDE is like a text editor built specifically for programming. The one we will be using is Visual Studio. Microsoft created the language so it makes sense to use their tool. Additionally, its by far the most advanced IDE on the market. In the course, we are going to cover the nuances and the fundamentals. We are going to do this by crafting mico-programs. These are C# programs that do something very simple yet show us the functionality we need to learn how to craft our programs. Thanks foryour interestin An Introduction to C# for the Rest of Us. We will see you in the course!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!" |
"Have you been coding CSS for some time, but want to take your game to the next level? Do you feel confused with CSS jargon like inheritance, specificity or the cascade?What if there was one resource, one place, where you could learn all the advanced and modern CSS techniques and properties you've been reading about?Good news: there is!Welcome to ""Advanced CSS and Sass"", the most advanced, the most modern, and the most complete CSS course on the internet. It's everything you want in an advanced CSS course, and more.You will learn complex CSS animations, advanced responsive design techniques, flexbox layouts, Sass, CSS architecture, fundamental CSS concepts, and so much more.Like in all my courses, you will build beautiful and carefully designed projects, that will make you proud of yourself and leave you ready to build complex projects on your own.After finishing this course, you will:1) Be up to speed with the most modern and advanced CSS properties and techniques;2) Have mastered the cutting-edge layout technologies Flexbox and CSS Grid;3) Be ready to build responsive layouts for all kind of devices and situations;4) Truly understand how CSS works behind the scenes;5) Be able to architect large CSS codebases for reusability and maintainability using Sass.Please note that this course is NOT for absolute beginners, so you should already be at an intermediate level in HTML and CSS (please check out my other course if that's not the case). This course is massive, coming in at 28+ hours. Here is exactly what you will learn: Tons of modern cutting-edge CSS techniques to create stunning designs and effects: clip-path, background-clip, mask-image, background-blend-mode, shape-outside, filter, backdrop-filter, object-fit, transform, column-count, hyphens, perspective, calc() and custom CSS properties; Advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, animation and transition; Advanced CSS selectors, pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements required for modern CSS development; How CSS works behind the scenes: the cascade, specificity, inheritance, value processing, the visual formatting model, the box model, box types, positioning schemes and stacking contexts; CSS architecture: The 7-1 rule, component-based design, the BEM methodology, writing reusable, maintainable and scalable code; Introduction to Sass: variables, nesting, partials, imports, mixins, functions, extends, and more; Using Sass in real-world projects: setting global variables, building for reusability, architecting CSS and managing media queries; The NPM ecosystem: setting up a development process to compile Sass and automatic browser reload, and creating a build process to concatenate, prefix and compress CSS files; Modern responsive design: fluid grids, layout types, flexible images, using media queries to test for different screen widths, pixel densities and touch capabilities; Advanced responsive design workflows: mobile-first vs desktop-first strategies, selecting breakpoints, em vs rem units and feature queries to test for browser support; Responsive images in HTML and CSS for faster pageloads: resolution switching, density switching, art direction; SVG images in HTML and CSS: how and why to use SVG, generating SVG sprites, changing SVG colors in CSS and best practices; Videos in HTML and CSS: building a background video effect; Flexbox layouts: main concepts, introduction to both flex container and flex item specific properties, advanced positioning techniques applied to a huge real-world project; CSS Grid layouts: main concepts, CSS grid vs flexbox, and layout techniques applied to a real-world project. This part alone could be an entire course! Why should you take this course?So you saw that the course is absolutely full-packed with content. But maybe you're still not sure if you should actually learn advanced CSS?That's probably because CSS is so easy to get started with. In fact, most developers highly underestimate the importance and power of CSS. But nothing could be further away from the truth!CSS is what makes our design come into life. And there is so much we can do with it! Mastering advanced techniques like flexbox, CSS grid and animations, will give you an edge over many CSS developers out there who still use outdated methods.Plus, CSS can become a real nightmare when you try to master it, and when you have to maintain large projects. So having a good grasp on fundamental concepts is an absolute must for any serious front-end developer.And this course will help you with all that!So, should you take this course? The answer is most likely a big YES!And I packed so much content into this course, that no matter if you're just starting out, or if you're already an experienced front-end developer, there is definitely gonna be something for you in this course. And this is what you get by signing up today: Lifetime access to 20+ hours of HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want; All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Friendly and fast support in the course Q&A whenever you have questions or get stuck; English closed captions (not the auto-generated ones provided by Udemy); Course slides in PDF format; Downloadable assets, starter code and final code for each project; Lots of small challenges are included in the videos so you can track your progress. If you're still with me at this point, then please watch the promo video to take a look at the course projects, and I promise you will be amazed :)After that, I hope to welcome you as a new student in my course. I'm sure you're gonna love it! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Make a Living Online with eBooks!" |
"BUILD YOUR E-BOOK PUBLISHING EMPIRE TODAY!Do you want to be a writer?Would you like to share your ideas with the world?Are you looking for a way to make money from your love of writing?If so, look no furtherThis course is your comprehensive, step-by-step guide to selling e-books online!Youll be guided through every step of the e-book creation and marketing process:Choosing a Topic That SellsCreating an Eye-Catching TitleOutlining, Dictating, Drafting, and Formatting Your BookPurchasing an Attractive CoverPublishing Your Creation on Various PlatformsPromoting/Marketing Your E-BookDont delay your dreams of becoming a professional writer purchase this course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"EASE: Ace Organic Chemistry Reactions in a Few Hours" |
"The EASEmethod teaches students how to attack organic chemistry reaction and mechanism problems in a logical and step-wise manner, and can be applied to almost any organic chemistry problem. By clearly labeling and identifying the reaction participants and using our step-wise method to determine the reaction's path, you can quickly learn how to conquer any organic chemistry problem or mechanism, even problems you might have never seen before. This course is designed for all levels of organic chemistry student taking a college course in organic chemistry. We have been teaching this course for almost 4 years now and have seen great results among all levels of student."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"TypeScript: tu completa gua y manual de mano." |
"TypeScript es uno de los lenguajes de programacin web que debes de aprender ya que esta tomando mucha fuerza en el mundo. Es utilizado como base para crear aplicaciones y frameworks completos, ya que sin l, los cdigos de programacin web estaran plagados de errores que son muy difciles de detectar ya que JavaScript es un lenguaje de programacin dinmico que permite muchas cosas que no debera de hacer.Muchas veces damos por hecho que la programacin en JavaScript es difcil de depurar, ya que los errores y problemas se nos presentan hasta que estamos ejecutando el cdigo en el navegador web o en nuestra aplicacin.Con TypeScript es posible alcanzar excelentes prcticas de programacin a la cual ya estas acostumbrado en otros lenguajes como Java, C#, C++, VB.NET, entre otros; Tambin te permite crear cdigo que es fcil de comprender por otros programadores ya que cada instruccin por si sola, es bien explicativa.TypeScript es soportado por Microsoft, y muchas empresas grandes lo utilizan para crear aplicaciones y frameworks slidos y con la menor cantidad de posibles errores, y lo mejor de todo, es que permite tener una programacin modular y muy rpida.Al terminar este curso, tendras ms que una base slida de TypeScript, saldrs con ganas de utilizarlo en cualquier proyecto web que tenga que escribir lineas de JavaScript. Este curso es completo y actualizado, adicionalmente se pasa actualizando con los nuevos cambios que TypeScript vaya realizando.Te invito a que observes el programa de estudios de este curso y decidas por ti mismo si deseas aprender conmigo y otros estudiantes este increble lenguaje de programacin que es ms usado cada da y tu puedes estar listo hoy mismo!."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Pain Relief through Meditation" |
"This course relates to relievingMindBody painusing Meditation. MindBody pain is realphysicalpain that results from repressing strongemotions,especially emotions offear and anger. Thesource of the painis emotional and can be triggered at any time, causingsevere pain in many parts of your body.Mindfulness Meditation is a great way to investigate how your inner turmoil is playing out physically, and causing pain. It is a great practice to do every morning, but you can take regular short Mindfulness Meditation breaks during the day as well, whether you are at home or at work. Stressful situations come and go in everyones life, but you can deal with them through Mindfulness Meditation by recognizing these emotions for what they are, and not allowing them to be held inside, and not allowing them to cause physical or psychological symptoms in your life.Mindfulness Meditation helps to create space between the stressors and your responses to them, and to ask yourself each time Is this useful? when theres something stressful going on in your head.Mindfulness Meditation has been compared to a software upgrade for the brain, and has been proven by Neuroscientists studying long-term meditators under MRI scanners, that it improves your life by making permanent changes to your brain structure. Mindfulness Meditation will make you aware of what is happening right NOWand neutralizes the negativevoices in your head.Research has continually shown that Mindfulness Meditationlowers stress and anxiety, improves your coping skills, and improves your general sense of well-being. With the additional Mindfulness tools provided in this course you can use Meditationto get rid of recurring chronic pains.Always visit your doctor to rule out apurely physical causefor your pain."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL from A to Z" |
"This course is an extension of our previous course, ""Microsoft SQL for Beginners"". This course, ""Microsoft SQL from A to Z"" contains all the course material and content from the previous course plus the additionalMANY new lectures on more intermediate and advanced-level SQL querying topics. Students who sign up for this course will also have access toour 150+ page ""Complete T-SQLQuerying Guide"" as an added bonus to assist you in the learning process.Do you want to learn a skill that can help you earn nearly$100,000per year? If so, then this course is for you!SQL (StructuredQueryLanguage) is the language we use to interact with databases that store data. This allows us to retrieve data with ease and simplicity. As terms likebusiness intelligenceandbig databecome more familiar, businesses will need more people to learn the SQL language.This course will teach you how to use the SQL language within Microsoft SQL Server, one of the most popular database engines in the world.You will have plenty of video lessons to teach you the majority of the content. Each section includes practice problems or additional e-books to help reinforce what you learn in the video tutorials."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint: The Complete Step X Step PowerPoint Course! 6HR" |
"""This is an excellent course to get anyone up and running with Powerpoint - great value for the money, and the instructor has been responsive to my questions. I learn very quickly and usually teach myself new things, but it's really helpful to have someone with more experience take you through each function in a methodical way and then have fun practicing each skill between lessons. ""--CamilleLearn fast with direct follow along step x step learning and no filler.MicrosoftPowerPoint is a critical tool that any business professional needs to master and is an expectation in today's work world.Unfortunately many people are not fully skilled in the use of PowerPoint, missing out on key features, or try to learn it themselves, which is not as effective and wastes a lot of timewhich puts them at a professional disadvantage.THIS COMPLETE COURSE WILL TEACH YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW SO YOU CAN QUICKLY AND EASILYBECOME A MASTER AT USING THEPOWERPOINT PROGRAM.""PowerPoint, if used well, would ideally reflect the way we think.""--Steve PinkerCourse Highlights Include:Step X Step how to fully usePowerPointand all its features.How to create visually appealing slides that connect with your audience.Bonus tips on presentation skills as we go through the course.Course is designed so you canwatch demonstration of short individuallessons through computer screen-sharing that you can then practice and apply immediately and build your ownskills!Course can take someone from a complete beginner to an expert...FAST!In this course you will learn:How to use the navigational tool-bars.How to layout and setup a presentation.Adding and manipulating text.Inserting objects such as pictures, shapes, SmartArt, tables, charts, and more.Inserting and formatting Video and Audio into you PowerPoint.Proper use of Transitions and Animations (Builds)Using the Slide Sorter and other special viewing optionsCommenting and managing multiple versions.Creating an effective slideshow and the use of slideshow controls such as the laser pointer and pen tools.Printing handout options and Exporting to a PDF.Plus much more.Taught by a top Udemy instructor with an executive and training background who uses PowerPoint extensively andcan help you learn PowerPoint fast.Plus...backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee so have nothing to lose and everything to gain by moving your skills and career forward.Thanks for your interest in the course and the next step is to click the button to enroll in the course.Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you in your first lesson.Steve B"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CCNP Security SIMOS 300-209 Deep Dive:" |
"The Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions (SIMOS) (300-209) exam tests anetwork security engineer on the variety of Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions that Cisco hasavailable on the Cisco ASA firewall and Cisco IOS software platforms. This exam assesses the knowledge necessary to properly implement highly secure remotecommunications through VPN technology, such as Remote Access VPN, SSL VPN and site-to-site VPN, DMVPN,FlexVPN. Candidates can prepare for this exam by taking the Implementing Cisco Secure MobilitySolutions (SIMOS) course.CCNP Security 300-209 (SIMOS)ModuleContents in brief:Fundamentals of IPSec andCryptographyFundamentalsof Site-Site VPNImplementation of Site-Site VPN on Cisco IOSImplementation of Site-Site VPN on Cisco ASA Version 8.xImplementation of Site-Site VPN on Cisco ASA Version 9.xFundamentalsof Remote AccessVPNImplementation of Remote Access VPN onCisco IOSImplementation of Remote Access VPN onCisco ASAVersion 8.xImplementation of Remote Access VPN onCisco ASAVersion 9.xFundamentalsof SSL VPNImplementation of Secure Socket Layer VPN onCisco IOSImplementation of Secure Socket Layer VPN onCisco ASAVersion 8.xImplementation of Secure Socket Layer VPN onCisco ASAVersion 9.xFundamentalsand Implementation of DMVPNon Cisco IOSFundamentalsand Implementation of GETVPNon Cisco IOSFundamentalsand Implementation ofFlex VPNon Cisco IOSImplementation ofIOS VPN Using Microsoft Server 2016Troubleshooting Labs"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CCNP Security SISAS 300-208 Deep Dive:" |
"The Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS) (300-208) exam testswhether a network security engineer knows the components and architecture of secure access, byutilizing 802.1X and Cisco TrustSec. This 90-minute exam consists of 6575 questions and assessesknowledge of Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) architecture, solution, and components as an overallnetwork threat mitigation and endpoint control solutions. It also includes the fundamental concepts ofbring your own device (BYOD) using posture and profiling services of ISE. Candidates can prepare for thisexam by taking the Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (SISAS) course.CCNP Security 300-208 (SISAS)ModuleContents in brief:How to Install Microsoft Server 2008 on VMware WorkstationActive Directory Installation on Microsoft Server 2008Certificate Authority Installation Microsoft Server 2008Identity Service Engine (ISE) Installation (1.1.4) on VMwareHow to Take a Snapshot of a VMs (ISE and Active Directory)ISE Web Portal IntroductionISE Active Directory Integration and Identity Source SequenceISE LDAP Integration and Identity Source SequenceISE Registration with self-signed CertificateISE Registration with Microsoft Certificate AuthorityISE BackupISE RestoreISE Patch InstallationISE Patch RollbackISE Up-gradationISE Lab Initial ConfigurationISE MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) ConfigurationISE MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) VerificationISE Dot1x with MD5 ConfigurationISE Dot1x with MD5 VerificationISE Dynamic VLAN with MD5 ConfigurationISE Dynamic VLAN with MD5 VerificationISE Dynamic VLAN and DACL with MD5 ConfigurationISE Dynamic VLAN and DACL with MD5 VerificationISE Dot1x with PEAP ConfigurationISE Dot1x with PEAP VerificationISE Dot1x with PEAP with Active Directory ConfigurationISE Dot1x with PEAP with Active Directory VerificationISE Dynamic VLAN with PEAP ConfigurationISE Dynamic VLAN with PEAP VerificationISE Dynamic VLAN and DACL with PEAP ConfigurationISE Dynamic VLAN and DACL with PEAP VerificationISE Wired Local Web Authentication (LWA) ConfigurationISE Wired Local Web Authentication (LWA) VerificationISE Wired Central Web Authentication (CWA) ConfigurationISE Wired Central Web Authentication (CWA) VerificationISE MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) and Profiling ConfigurationISE MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) and Profiling VerificationISE Central Web Authentication (CWA) and Profiling ConfigurationISE Central Web Authentication (CWA) and Profiling Verification In this course we have covered Cisco ISE 3 versions (1.1.4, 1.4.0. 2.0.0)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CCNP Security SENSS 300-206 Deep Dive:" |
"The Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security (SENSS) (300-206) exam tests theknowledge of a network security engineer to configure and implement security on Cisco networkperimeter edge devices such as a Cisco switch, Cisco router, and Cisco ASA firewall. This 90-minute examconsists of 65-75 questions and focuses on the technologies used to strengthen security of a networkperimeter such as Network Address Translation (NAT), ASA policy and application inspect, and a zonebased firewall on Cisco routers. Candidates can prepare for this exam by taking the Cisco Edge NetworkSecurity (SENSS) course.CCNP Security 300-206 (SENSS)ModuleContents in brief:Securing Switch AccessSecuring VLANsPreventing Spoofing AttacksFundamentals of STP and Protecting STP TopologyFundamentals and Implementation of SNMPUsing Port Mirroring to Monitor TrafficFundamentals and Implementation of NTPFundamentals and Implementation of IOS firewall FeaturesFundamentals and Implementation of IOS NATFundamentals and Implementation of DHCPFundamentals of Firewall and Firewall TechniquesFundamentals of Cisco ASARouting on ASA OS 8.2Network Address Translation (NAT) on ASA OS 8.2Site-Site Virtual Private Network (VPN) on ASA OS 8.2Remote Access Virtual Private Network (VPN) on ASA OS 8.2SSL Virtual Private Network (VPN) on ASA OS 8.2Advance Firewall Features on ASA OS 8.2Network Address Translation (NAT) on ASA OS 9.1Site- Site Virtual Private Network (VPN) on ASA OS 9.1Remote Access Virtual Private Network (VPN) on ASA OS 9.1Virtual Private Network (VPN) on ASA OS 9.1Advance Firewall Features on ASA OS 9.1Network Address Translation (NAT) on ASA OS 9.1 With IPv6Modular Policy Framework on ASA 9.1ASA Configuration usingASDM"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CCIE Security v5.0 IOS VPN Deep Dive: Labs" |
"The CCIE Security Version 5.0 exam unifies written and practical exam topicsdocuments into a unique curriculum, while explicitly disclosing which domains pertain to which exam,and the relative weight of each domain.The Cisco CCIE Security Written Exam (400-251) version 5.0 is a two-hour test with 90110 questionsthat validate professionals who have the expertise to describe, design, implement, operate, andtroubleshoot complex security technologies and solutions. Candidates must understand therequirements of network security, how different components interoperate, and translate it into thedevice configurations. The exam is closed book and no outside reference materials are allowed.The Cisco CCIE Security Lab Exam version 5.0 is an eight-hour, hands-on exam that requires a candidateto plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security scenarios for a givenspecification. Knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected todiagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam.CCIE Security v5.0 IOS VPN LabsContents in brief:Fundamentals of IPSec andCryptographyFundamentals andImplementation ofSite-Site VPN on Cisco IOSFundamentals andImplementation ofRemote Access VPN onCisco IOSFundamentals andImplementation of Secure Socket Layer VPN onCisco IOSFundamentalsand Implementation of DMVPNon Cisco IOSFundamentalsand Implementation of GETVPNon Cisco IOSFundamentalsand Implementation ofFlex VPNon Cisco IOSImplementation ofIOS VPN Using Microsoft Server 2016Troubleshooting LabsRemote Access VPN onCisco IOS is not in The CCIE Security Version 5.0 exam, it is for knowledge purpose."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Happiness Daily Boost by simple PROVEN steps." |
"Boost your happiness.Happiness is the ultimate man dream. Nearly ALL the people on earth want to be happy and do a lot of things hoping they will achieve happiness but really most of our activities give us sadness, mild pleasure with no happiness.If you ask yourself why you are working hard or study hard, plan for WOW vacations ?? you will discover that all that you do in your life is searching for happiness, This is the Ultimate MAN DREAM.But do you really KNOW WHAT IS HAPPINESS? How to achieve it in simple scientifically proved steps ?? what are the latest discoveries in the field of happiness ??Dare to TRANSFORM your life to be HAPPY ??This is what you will find and apply insidethis course. I really did enormous effort to bring you the easiest steps according to the latest researches in the field of happiness and positive psychology and from manyother resources,How to boost your happiness in 15 days . you will find the answers you are searching for inside, Guaranteed."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communications" |
"This course introduces the topic of electronic word-of-mouth communications (eWOM), which is an important concept in the area of branding and marketing communications. eWOM communications is related tothe group of marketing activities that involve social mediamarketing, viral marketing,etc.,as well as user and consumer-generated content available via the internet.The material presented in the course is aimed at individuals who require a formal grounding in eWOM and a strategic understanding of the subject, from an academic perspective. By boiling down the fundamental concepts central to eWOM into a number of bite-size lectures, this course first exposes the definition of traditional word-of-mouth (WOM). The transition from WOM to eWOM is then explored, paying particular attention to explaining Kotlers Model of Consumer Behaviour, which underlines the buying decision process. A timeline is provided to mark the different milestones that witnessed the transition from WOM to eWOM. This course also sheds light on some of the key high-level factors for promoting eWOM, including website considerations, content requirements, social media considerations and many more.Throughout the course, several real-life examples are provided. These are from the world of retail and more specifically the domain of fashion retail, which is widespread and happening globally. Therefore, the course material also highlights practical aspects on how, for example, bloggers, website owners, marketing professionals, organisations, etc., are able to establish eWOM communications."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Calm Kids Acupressure" |
"Support your child's health in a natural and relaxing way using acupressure! In this course you will learn simple acupressure techniques that you can use on your child to help reduce anxiety, promote sleep, reduce hyperactivity, and improve focus. You will learn the underlying principles of acupressure, thelocationof acupressure points, and their functions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to using Git" |
"Join Over 275,000+Students Who Have Enrolled In My Udemy Courses This Year! 7,500+ Five Star Reviewson our courses prove Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results!Then this course is for you!Click ""Take This Course Now""For Instant Life-Time Access!--------------------------------------------Want to learn more about Git and how you can use it for your web projects, perfect introduction to learning to about git and how to get started with using Git.Git demonstrated, we show you how you can use GitHub and/or Bitbucket for storage, using git to control syncing between online and offline source code. Learn how you can work with git using applications like SourceTree and Github desktop. Explore git flow and using branchingfor version control. Once you see how easy it can be to use Git in clients jump into using Git from the command line. Git is a version control system used for web development. Did you know that git can be a useful tool for teams of all sizes from 1 - many?Step by Step guide to introduce new users to git!Learn how you can create repos, add files to repos, easily create new branches or versions of you code, pull and push source files to online git storage and a whole lot more.Are you curious what Git can do..... I promise you if you are not using it you should be! If you are working on web development projects Git can help you!Git allows web developers to store content to online repositories like GitHub or Bitbucket. Git can be used locally as well to create branches, compare versions and more.Git is easy to use allowing you to work smarterThis course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about Git. Its designed as a light introduction to how git works so that you can easily bring it into your web projects. Once you start using Git you will wonder how you lived without it.The course is designed to cover 2 ways to use Git. 1. Using git through a Git clientapplication likeSourceTree and other popular clients. Git clients give you access to all the Git has to offer with usable graphic interfaces. This part of the course is designed around users who want to know about git but don't want to use command lines to access it.2. Git is easy to access via a terminal and command lines. Add files, create branches, pull and push content to your online repos all made easy with simple git commands. Take charge of your web project and use git commands. Command line section of this course is great for anyone who wants to get introduced to using Commands.Git is powerful no matter how you bring it into your projects, and by the end of the course you can decide which way you want to access Git. Learn the basics of Git and work smarter. I'm here to help you learn about web development and ready to answer any questions you may have. Enroll now andLearn Git today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AJAX connection to MySQL PHP API" |
"The scope of the course stays focused to building the API interaction. It covers multiple technologies working together, and topics only in relation to the finished project.Want to access your MySQL database using JavaScript? Let web visitors interact seamlessly with you MySQL database. Add new content, update existing content, and query the database to return results! Databases provide so much power to your web applications, why not use them more.This unique course takes you through the steps of creating a simple web api to allow web visitors database interaction. Database is key to creating an amazing interactive dynamic experience for web users. It lets you do more!This course will open the door for you to build our a lot of COOL STUFF! From the lessons of the course, you will be able toproduce a wide range of uses for the code. Source code is included so you can practice along side the lessons, try it out for yourself and tweak it for your individual needs.This course covers a lot of technologies and demonstrates them all working together to achieve the APIobjective. JavaScript and anunderstanding of the Document Object Model is an important foundation before starting this course. We've designed the course to be fast paced step by step covering the essentials to build the web API. Please note that the course overviews core technology used only within the course to build the API. What you will learnBasic HTML - setting up simple elements to access from JavaScriptBasic CSS - creating buttonsjQuery - AJAX, Getting element values from a form, updating element inner HTML.JSON - How to send JSON objects and how to retrieve JSON data and use it as objects within JavaScript.PHP - How to get request variables, setup a mySQL database connection, looping of data, arrays, outputting content as JSON formatted.RegEx - Check values as numericMySQL - Setup a database, connect to a database, phpmyadmin access, write queries to Update, select and insert data. Prevent SQL injection.See it all working together and much more!By the end of the course you will have the knowledge on how to put it all together and create a simple API to interact with your database. Use this course as a starting point to limitless options with this fully functional and customizablecode.I'm here to help you learn about APIs and ready to answer any questions you may have. What are you waiting forenrolnow and see what you can do!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hand Mudras in Yoga" |
"A treasure of knowledge was created and experimented by ancient Indian Yogis and Sages. One such pitcher of treasure was the gestures or Mudras that were advised to be performed while doing yoga practices. There are many forms of mudras done with various parts of the body. One of the most frequently performed ones are done with fingers of both the hands together and are called Hast Mudras or gestures of hands. These are related to harnessing the power of and balancing of basic elements of nature which are Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Space and space. Please do not confuse them with periodic table elements. It is simply that all energies are Fire, all solid state things are represented by Earth, all liquid state things are represented by Water, all gaseous things are represented by Air and everything the matter is suspended in as Space.This course is an outcome of our personal experience of more than 40 years, about effects of gestures of hand or Hasta Mudras for improving our mind body and soul related aspects and a technique that can be effectively used for supportive holistic healing. The highlights of this course are.More than an hour of easy to follow video material. Quizzes that will test your learning level. Knowledge Retention Check Sheet after you have learned every mudra. Only those mudras have been explained, which have been personally shared and positive results have been seen on thousands of Yoga practitioners in past forty years Course is structured neatly as Basic Concepts, Mudra Performance Videos with Benefits Explanation and the support material. A quick reference sheet for Disease to Mudras to be done has been added. Another quick reference sheet for body postures, fingers used, elements involved, sitting preference and breathing styles have been added. Every gesture demonstrated here can be performed by almost every person of any age group and can take the advantage of amazing treasure of ancient knowledge percolated by Indian sages to their disciples. So friends! Let usget going."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Own Course Platform On Thinkific" |
"In this course we'll look at:Setting up your Thinkific accountDesigning your siteSetting up course categoriesIntegrating other appsCreating bundlesPricing your courseBuilding your first course---This is a simple course thatprovides a step-by-step look at how you can set up your Thinkific sitein aroundone hour. This course comes with a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Feel free to ask for a refund if you're not able to get the basics of your site set up in one hour.---Have a question relating to the course?Message me here on Udemy and I'll be happy to help."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Compare Website Builder Software" |
"Every website is different and businesses have varied needs in terms of website builder SaaSsoftware. You don't want to be restricted by limited features, poor design, high per-user costs or software that takes hours of pouring through website help pages to learn.The process for evaluating website builder softwarein the past was:Do a Google Search for top website builder software, ask business colleagues for advice, check out reviews etc to find software to testSign up to 10 different website builder software programs, getting several drip campaign emails from each and paying upfront for some (thankful that most have a free trial)Test, test, test. Reducing the list based on that one feature that many don't have (and that you can't see on their roadmap).Show the software to other staff (if you're working in a team)Hope you (or they) like it.---I've created this course to make the process easier. Try this process:Watch short videos that give you a window into thetop-rated, established website buildingsoftware systems.Companies that (we hope) won't be bought out or closed down soon, leaving you searching again.Choose one or two to test with your team (after showing them the video of the one you like)Save hours of time and get a high-five from your inbox for not clogging it up with emailsI've tested out dozens ofwebsite builder software systems in my own designbusiness, trying to find the one that was the perfect fit (a rare find). Let me save you the time and effort that it takes to get a good fit.Take this quick, broad course to fast-track your search today, saving you $$$ and time where you could have been working.---Have I missed a topic you would like covered?Have a question relating to the course?Message me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating, every little bit of love helps :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"6 Methods For Streamlining Your Staff Hiring Process" |
"Are you struggling to find a process that works for managing job applicants? Being swamped with email applications?In this course, we look at 6 methods for you to review as you put together your own applicant tracking process. We'll look at how to set up each process and the main benefits of the process.We look at using:2 xApplicant Tracking System (ATS) software2 xProject Management (PM) softwareAdvanced email techniquesAn online form & spreadsheetFrom the above systems, we hope you can narrow down the system that will work best for your business and save yourself hours during the recruitment process."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Presenting Under Stress: Presentation Skills Fundamentals" |
"** Change your thoughts and behavior, to set free the best version of yourself **How can we ensure that our presentations go well, no matter what?In this course, youll find a simple framework focused on giving you the tools to create a bullet-proof mindset.This, combined with a comprehensive understanding of the social dynamics behind any environment, will create the conditions to help you thrive in any stressful situation.The course is divided in two areas: + Inner Game: here youll learn to hack your mind to unblock your potential.+ Outer Game: Here we will check specific techniques and skills to apply to any stressful situation, presentation or meeting.The contents are based on my 8+ years experience working as a digital business consultant and speaker. I created a course I wish had been available when I started my career; a how-to guide for building a bullet-proof personality as an expert presenter. Discover: Why some presentations go well and some dont What makes them succesful A proven pattern to make them betterYoull get: A simple framework to follow when presenting. Practical advice based in live-fire situations. Advanced sociodynamics and psychology hacks.This course is for anyone that have to present in stressful situations, and has a 30-day no-questions-asked guarantee! So theres no downside: take this fundamental step to improve your life, enrol now!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Develop 16 Augmented Reality Apps in Vuforia 8 in Unity 2020" |
"***Updated for Vuforia 8 and Unity 2020.1 ***The Fastest Way to Learn Vuforia 8 and Develop 16 Augmented Reality Apps using Unity SDK in under 5 hours!Why should I take this course?There are plenty of courses on Augmented Reality, with courses that run over 10 hours. When I got started in AR, I wanted to learn the Vuforia as quick as possible, because for obvious reasons, time is money. The company I was working for at the time, didn't have the luxury of time to spend on long training courses. So we had to learn learn Vuforia in our own time outside work hours, can you believe it!After watching tons of courses and reading through Vuforia documentation, I realized that this SDK is really quite simple and the key concepts to started with developing apps can really be learnt in just a few hours.That is why I developed this course, to teach you all the fundamentals of the Augmented Reality in the shortest time; so that you can get started developing your own Augmented Reality Apps and decrease your time to market. Being compact does not mean that we compromise on content, we cover the exact same content as courses that run over 10 hours. Who is my lecturer? And what makes you qualified to teach me?My Name is Ritesh Kanjee and I host the popular YouTube Channel called Augmented Startups with over 62 000 subscribers. I am an AR/AI Developer with a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering, teaching over 46 000 students on Udemy. With over 7 years of AR and Unity experience, you can trust that you are in the right hands.Okay so your qualified! What will I learn in this course?This course is designed to help you understand the fundamentals of Augmented Reality using the Vuforia SDK in Unity through practical and easy to understand labs. This class covers these capabilities, including getting started, simple and multiple target detection, smart terrain as well as leap motion integration. You will learn all the fundamentals through practice as you follow along with the training. Together we will build a strong foundation in AR in Unity SDK with this training for beginners. This course will enable you to:Get started in Unity and how to download the Vuforia SDKCreate a simple AR app with a floating cubeOnce you have mastered the basics we go ahead and create multiple targets in Augmented RealityCreate virtual buttons to add interactivity to your AR apps.Display Video on a physical wall.Leverage the Leap Motion Controller to create a pinch drawing app in AR. (Really Cool!) Implement Vuforia's smart terrain algorithm to detection objects in Real Time!Detect Cylindrical Target Objects and animate markersVuforia 7 and Unity 2017.3[NEW] Vuforia 7 Ground Plane (Similar to Googles ARCore)[NEW] Vuforia 8 and Unity 2020.1[NEW] Vuforia 8 Video Playback[NEW] Vuforia 8 VI-SLAM Fundamentals[BONUS] Vuforia 8 Export to Android Device[HUGE BONUS] Build your own AI Smart Glasses Project E.D.I.T.H. (Spiderman Far From Home)What if I'm not happy with this course?We also offer a full Udemy 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not happy with this course, so you can learn with no risk to you.Personal help within the course?I want you to succeed. If you have any questions or need help, leave a question in the QnA section. You can also send me a message on Udemy. You will also receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course. Let me help you develop 16 Augmented Reality app in 5 hours. Click the button and enroll now.=============================================================================================Some of the reviews""Excellent course! The instructor responded quickly to questions and provided feedback which allowed me to further enhance my understanding of the topics discussed in the unit."" - James Exantus ""I appreciate the fact that these videos begin with an industry overview to contextualize the work ahead."" -- Les Struck""simple and effective into to AR with vuforia"" - Bhawana Nathawat""So far the course is very interesting. I found good the section where is explained what errors may occure and how to solve them(this helps me a lot). "" - Svilen Radichkov""Excellent course"" - Len Felipe Guevara Chvez ""very clear to follow pace"" - Wayne Williamson""It's explained in a simple way that's easy to understand."" - Lloyd Richardson ""this course was awesome . Really I feel it"" - Samrat Chapagain ""it's so simple and amazing i really like it . thank you very much you are amazing"" -- Tumenjargal Altanginj"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Create A 5 Figure Writing Business- 2020. ZERO SKILLS" |
"This course will show you how to create a profit pulling writing business by transforming yourself into a writing ""company"" from a freelancer and help you make more money than an average freelancer.There's a difference between a freelance writing business and offering writing services as a full fledged writing company. Its diffiult for freelancers to get consistent work and make decent money because the ""trust"" factor is missing when it comes to freelancers.This course will show you how to present yourself as a full fledged responsible writing service providing business that your customers can trust. You will learn how to get high paying customers on board and also how to negotiate prices with them. These customers are not to be found on freelance websites and not only are these customers willing to pay good prices for quality writing but they are also going to provide you with consistent work.You will learn how to identify the ""writing needs"" of your customers and also how to collect high paying writing orders from them without ever having to pick up the phone.You will learn how to research your articles andwrite themsuper fast. The techniques used here will help you increase your output without increasing time spent.If you want a full fledged writing business and enjoy and lifetime of passive spendable income, this course is for you."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Super Easy Google Adsense Method - 2020" |
"This course is going to show you how to create a profit pulling Google Adsense or any CPC website in a specific zero competition niche.The course shows you how to increase adsense revenue by creating the site in a specific niche and then placing the ads in a specific way.If you have a few hours of time to set the system up and a budget of $100 you can get started right away. The potential is limitless as to how much you can earn and there's abslutely zero competition.The course also shows you how to scale up the system and take it to the next level where you can earn additional money - a few thousand dollars every month in monthlymembership fees apart from the Adsense income.What you'll get:A compact video course that shows you an untapped niche to create your adsense website in and also how to drive boatloads of traffic to that site using a specific free method.The tutorial also shows you how to autorotate advertisements and overcome the problem of Ad Blindness in adsense, thereby increasing CTR to up to 25%"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest traffic domination" |
"Why?Boost yourtraffic ten fold, or even 100 fold.If it weren't for Pinterest I wouldn't be getting the thousands of weekly views I receivenow. Gone are the days of true organic reach from the likes of Facebook where they have killed organic visitors in favour of paid advertisements.Pinterest doesn't do that.Pinterest still allows people to search for what they need, and receive what they search for. This is best platform for growing your organic views by many, and I'm going to show you how to do it.What you'll learnYou'll learn quite the foundation of Pinterest marketing here,Designjaw dropping and aesthetically pleasingPinterest profiles with no design skillsSEO to boost your page visitorsBest practices for getting niche traffic inFree design toolsHow I design MY pinsPaid programs that will boost your traffic even furtherHow you'll benefit?You'll no longer be endlessly optimising your website through tireless SEO good practices to appear top in Google when you'll find that just the fewest of tweaks on Pinterest can have you swarming with traffic.You'll also finally get those leads you've always wanted. At long last!What is the content suitable for?Any website that you are able to add your owncontent to. It can be a landing page, a blog, or even a full website. Up to you, your choice, it all works!It's also really good for affiliate marketing and people that want to showcase visual designs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |