Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Create Interactive Web Applications with the R Shiny Package" |
"CreateInteractive Web Applications with theRShiny Packageis a 5-section course that highlights the features and functionality of the uniqueShinypackage created by RStudio. No matter what you do with R,Shinywill transform your R world by making it easy for you to turn your R analyses into interactive web applications without the necessity to program in HTML or JavaScript. These web applications are accessible over the Internet by anyone you choose and allow users to enter input parameters with user-friendly and familiar interactivecontrols such as sliders, drop-down menus, and text fields. It is easy to incorporate any number of outputs including downloadable plots, tables, formatted summaries and reports. Deploy your R data mining analyses as interactive web applications accessible by your students, colleagues or anyone in your organization, with the ability to generate and download summary tables and reports as required.This particular course begins with a section introducing you to the Shiny package and template, describes how the fluidPage() function creates a user interface to your Shiny application, how to create inputs and outputs, and what the Server function does. Then introductory Shiny examples are presented. The second course section describes the unique Shiny property of ""reactivity"" in detail. The third section explains, with many examples, the basic Shiny layout elements includingHTML 5 Shiny tags, sliders, tabsets, and numerous Shiny widgets. The fourth section goes into more detail about using HTML, dynamic input andoutput, how ""scoping"" works, and concludes with several project examples. Finally, the last course section extends all of the previous discussion with detailed analyses of several moreextended examples of complete R Shiny projects.In all cases, all R Shiny code and examples are provided in the course materials for you todownload, topractice with, and/or to use as templates in new Shiny apps that you create. The Shiny R codefor two dozen complete Shiny examples are provided, including several extended projects. This is a decidedly ""hands-on"" course and 'brings you up to speed' quickly on how to develop your own sophisticated Shiny applications. This is an intermediate level course, it is useful if you have some prior exposure to R software. You do not have to currently be a professionalR programmer, but you should already understand the basics of using R, including basic R data structures and user-defined R functions."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"SEO Crash Course For Online Entrepreneurs And Marketers" |
"Hello and welcome to what we consider to be one of the most comprehensiveSEO courseson the web right now.Search Engine Optimization or SEO is one of the CRUCIALelements that can make the difference between running a successful online business or failing with it.Why is that? Simple, becauseSEOcan put your businessFRONT OF THOUSANDS OF HIGHLY POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS every day.Google, the most powerful search engine in the world at this moment, getsOVER3 BILLIONS SEARCHESevery single day. Many of those searches for sure are made by people in your target audience and if they don't see your business there, than they will see your competitors's businesses and buy products or services from them.What does that mean for you? THAT YOU ARE LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLEas time goes by and your potential customers don't see you there in thetop positions ofthe search engines.This course was designedby Daniel Ene, an top SEO expert, who is running his own agency and helps hundreds of clients get thousands of new visitors and potential customers every dayto their websites and businesses.So who is this trainingfor?This course was designerfor any person that runs an online business or wants to start one, for anyone who does online marketing or is involved in any way into online marketing, for people who run their own digital marketing agencies or sell digital marketing services or foranyone who wants to learn how to drive FREE highly targeted traffic to any type of website.Why wehave created this SEOtraining? This course is not just a simple tutorial. Wewanted to create something special, because when Danielstarted to learn SEO back in the days, hefound only articles that most of them were useless. Hewanted to learn from someone who knew what he was talking about, and that had a lot of experience. Unfortunately hehad to learn SEO the hard way. Wedon't want that for you. In this online SEO course Daniel put his entire know how, and we have 14 hours of video content that will help you to learn SEO the easy way. We really think that this is one of the best SEO courses on the web.So, in this SEO trainingyou will learn:How Search Engine works.What isOnPage SEO and SEO LinkElements.SearchEngines Basics and how Search Tools work.What are the Search Operators, how they work andhow to use them.Which are theRanking Factors (from Moz and Search Metrics), how they work and how to use them for ranking high.Which are the Search Quality Guidelines.How to do the Initial Proper Setup of an webiste.How to use different basic and ADVANCED Keyword Research Strategies.How to use data fromGoogleAnalytics and the Google Search Console.How to use UNCONVENTIONALKeyword Research Strategies.How to Create SUPER SEO Friendly Websites.How to use Technical SEOElements,LINK BUILDINGand Competitive Analysis....and much, much more!Other BenefitsLifetime Access to all other updates, SURPISE BONUSES, Methods and System that appear and we will bepresent in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel like this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated I am to your success!THIS COURSE WAS CREATEDTOTURNANYNEWBIEINTOANSEOEXPERT THAT MASTERSTHEARTOF DRIVINGFREEHIGHLYTARGETEDTRAFFICFROMTHE SEARCHENGINES!So, what are you waiting for? Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ...every day and hour you delay is costing you hundreds of possible new clients...and BIG Money.Enroll now and let's start rocking this BUSINESS!"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"iOS Entwicklung - Entwickle Quiz Apps mit Swift 3 und iOS 10" |
"Viele der erfolgreichsten und beliebtesten Apps, die im Appstore zu finden sind, sind Quiz Apps. In diesem Kurs werden wir uns verschiedenste Spielprinzipien anschauen und gemeinsam implementieren. Dabei erstellen wir zunchst ein klassisches Multiple Choice Quiz, also eine Frage mit 4 Antwortmglichkeiten. Wir werden einige kleine aber feine Details programmieren, wie zum Beispiel Animationen fr falsche und richtige Antworten, sowie einen animierten Countdown-Timer.Als nchstes erstellen wir ein Quiz bei dem ein Bild Schritt fr Schritt angezeigt wird und der User so schnell wie mglich erraten muss, was dargestellt ist. Dabei lernen wir, wie wir ein UIImageview Schritt fr Schritt anzeigen knnen und knnen unser schon erlerntes Wissen aus dem ersten Teil vertiefen, indem wir wieder mehrere Antwortmglichkeiten anbieten werden.Nachdem die Prinzipien dieser beiden Quizzes doch sehr hnlich sind, wollen wir dann eine andere Mglichkeit der Antworten implementieren, bei der der User direkt die Antwort eingeben muss und keine Auswahlmglichkeiten hat. Dazu erstellen wir ein Emoji Quiz, in dem wir bestimmte Begriffe als Emojis anzeigen und diese dann erraten werden mssen.Zuletzt erstellen wir ein einfaches Quiz mit dem Richtig oder Falsch Prinzip, bei dem Fragen einfach nur mit Richtig oder Falsch beantwortet werden knnen. Hier knnen wir viel von allem Erlernten bereits wieder verwenden und verfestigen.Bei allen Varianten speichern wir unseren Highscore und den zuletzt erzielten Score und zeigen diesen animiert auf unserem Menbildschirm an. Auerdem werden wir uns anschauen, wie wir Sound in unsere App integrieren knnen und dabei sowohl Hintergrundmusik als auch spezielle Sound, z.B. fr richtige und falsche Antworten implementieren. Wie bei allen unseren Kursen bekommt ihr natrlich nach jeder Lektion unser Projekt mit dem aktuellen Stand als Download, sowie alle Ressourcen, z.B. Bilder oder Sounds, die wir verwenden werden.Wir achten bei der Entwicklung unserer Spiele auf einen effizienten und eleganten Programmierstil, sodass unsere Apps leicht erweitert werden knnen, um zum Beispiel Monetarisierung mit Display Werbung zu ermglichen.Ich kann es kaum erwarten euch im Kurs begren zu drfen und gemeinsam diese tollen Quiz Apps zu entwickeln!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"iOS Development - Create 4 Quiz Apps with Swift 3 & iOS 10" |
"A lot of very successful and popular games in the appstore are QuizGames. They are addicting, relatively easy to make, even for beginners and you can make a quiz about almost anything.In this course well have a look at 4different quiz gaming modesand learn how to implement them properly from scratch.We will write all ofthe code together and I will explain everything along the way.We want to teach you how to build these quiz games and not just give you a template that you can reskin but have no idea of the functionality behind it.We're going to start with a classic Multiple Choice Quiz, meaning a quiz where we ask a question and offer 4 different answers that the user can select. We'll add a bunch of neat little features such as animations for right and wrong answers as well as an animated countdown timer. The next quiz will be an Image RevealQuiz quiz where we reveal an image step by step and the user has to guess as quickly as possible what's on that image. This will teach us how to display an image view step by step and we'll further develop what we learned earlier, by offering multiple answers. We're then going to learn how to implement a different quiz mode next. One where the users cannot just select an answer but has to type one in themselves. This will also teach us how to handle custom user input. Therefore we're going to create an Emoji Riddle Gamewhere we display something such as a movie title with emojis and the user has to guess what it is. Finally we're going to create a simple but addicting Right or Wrong Quizwhere we have statements displayed that are either correct or incorrect and the user has to decide. We're going to be able to use a lot of our newfound knowledge to build this game. With all quizzes we're going to teach you how to save your high score and how to display it animated in the menu screen.We'll also learn how to implement sound into the app, meaning background music as well as specific sounds for a right or wrong answer. While developing these apps we make sure to use sophisticated programming syntax, which will allow us to later on update our quizzes with monetization or ads if we like.In more technical terms, in this course you will learn :How to create 4 different QuizGamesHow to do auto layout in codeHow to do animations by animating a countdown timerHow to savedata in User Defaults (such as our scores)How to handleUser Input via keyboardHow to create resource property listsHow to create a custom AlertView that will fit the style of our applicationHow to implement sound into the app (background music, button sounds)As it is the case with all of our courses, we will provide you with the project files with the entire source code after every lesson. It will be available to download along with all of the resources, such as images and sounds that we use.I lookforward to seeing you in this course and teaching you all there is to know about quiz games."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dreamweaver - Coding your first website using Dreamweaver" |
"Hi - my name is Dan and Ill be leading you through this course on how to code responsivewebsites using Dreamweaver CC.These are the skills youll need to become a professional web designer. Youll learn how to make responsive websites in Dreamweaver.We cover everything you need to build your first website. From creating your first page through to uploading your website to the internet. Creating mobile, tabletand desktop versions.Im a Dreamweaver Certified Instructor and an Adobe Certified Web Specialist.With exercise files you can download and work along with me. At the end of each video I have a downloadable version of where we are in the process so you can compare your project with mine making it easy to see where you might have a problem.Ill be showing you how to work with Dreamweaver to easily create HTML & CSS websites. How to create mobile and tablet versions of your design and how to test your website on your phone.Ill be teaching you how to create navigation bars using the ever so popular 'burger menu' style.This course is full of the foundation techniques to be a front end web developer. By completing this, you'll have an excellent insight to what it takes to take a step into the wonderful career of Web Design!Now its time to upgrade your skills, get that better job and impress your clients.Note:A piece of the course that references the website 'slicknav' is now no longer accurate as the slicknav site has been taken down, however the files needed to complete the course are a part of the exercise files so you won't be missing out on anything!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion Power 3: Rapport Building Made Easy" |
"Would you like the ability to build rapport and truly connect with anyone you meet?Heres how to quickly and easily increase yourrapport building skillseven if youre an introvertIt's trulythe lazy mans way to increase your persuasion skills.If you've ever been at a party and felt awkward...or been in a social situation and you ""didn't know what to say"", then this course is for you.Or maybe you're already good with people but you'relooking to take your persuasion and influence abilities to the next level, then this course is for you.One of the biggest problems that people have is that they don't know how to quickly connect with other people.They see others, who seem to naturally build rapport with everyone they meet and believe that they have some special talent or God given ability that they don't possess.The good news is: Building Rapport is a learnable skill...You live in a network of relationships...virtually everything you want in life involves the collaboration of other people.So, yourability to build rapport with others is of primary importance if you want to be successful.But what if you're not outgoing? What if you're an introvert?No problem. In this course, Iwill teach you how you can build rapport with anyone you meet....even the so-called ""difficult"" people.I'm going to teach you how to expand your awareness so that you can see the bigger picture when you interact with people.Once you know what to look for and how to avoid doing the things that prevent rapport, then connecting with others becomes easy and natural.I've had the great fortune of teaching these methods to thousands of people all over the globe..from salespeople to online business owners to CEO's of companies topeople that struggle with self-esteem issues as well as normal people who just want to make more friends and improve their social life.After you enroll in this course, you'll be able to:DEVELOP The Correct Mindset & Perspective For Easily Gaining RapportMAKE it Easy For Others to Want to Be in Rapport with YouBUILD Rapport with Multiple Different Personality TypesCREATE and Maintain Deep & Broad Rapport with AnyoneAVOID the Most Common Rapport Building MistakesINSPIRE Others to Build Rapport with YouIMPROVE Your People Reading and Observation SkillsCREATE an Environment of Agreement So That Rapport Develops NaturallyPeople that build rapport well have:Greater Self-ConfidenceMore OpportunitiesBetter Social Skills(Think Business, Social Life, Dating, Friendships, etc.)Better Communication SkillsMore Friends and ConnectionsMore Fun!So, how many more opportunities have to pass youby before you'll decide to take action?Go ahead and enroll today so you can start connecting with the types of people that you've always wanted to.There's no reason not to enroll. If you don't love the course, you can always receive 100% of your Money Back within the first 30 days.This is one of the most important skills you'll ever develop,BY FAR.So, go up to the buy now button and give this course a shot.Once you enroll, you're given step by step instructions and easy to follow exercises to improve your skills.Best of all, you'll have my help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing 101" |
"If you want to make money with affiliate marketing and learn from a MILLION DOLLAR EARNER, thenGet My ""Affiliate Marketing 101"" ONLINE VIDEO TRAINING!My name is BJ Min. I am a bestselling author and a MILLION DOLLAR EARNER on the internet meaning I have generated OVER a million dollars in sales in my internet marketing career which started full time in 2008.My story is that I used to be a broke convenience store clerk. Long story short, I went from being broke to earning over a million dollars in sales thanks to internet marketing.After having had success online and making a full time income online for almost a decade, now I want to share my secrets to help the everyday average Joe/Jane to make money online to experience the FREEDOM of creating your own economy and living your life on your OWN TERMS!In MY STRAIGHT TO THE POINT VIDEO TRAINING COURSE, you will get to WATCH ME demonstrate HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE with affiliate marketing.You will discover my EXACT step-by-step strategy to get on TOP of affiliate leader boards for business opportunity programs, Clickbank affiliate programs, and JVZoo affiliate programs.This is going to be an ONLINE VIDEO TRAINING so you will learn BETTER & FASTER because you get to be BEHIND MY SHOULDERS and watch me DEMONSTRATE how to make money with affiliate marketing from START to FINISH!Inside""AFFILIATE MARKETING 101"" VIDEO TRAINING(approximately 2 hour online video training), you will discover these secrets:How I got on TOP of affiliate leader boards with a SMALL LIST!How to Get BETTER CONVERSIONS with affiliate marketing more than 90% of other affiliate marketers in the internet marketing space!How to build a SIMPLE 1 page website to BUILD YOUR LIST without being technical!Top Traffic Strategies to MAKE MONEY ONLINE with affiliate marketing!Exact ACTION STEPS to Take to Build Your LIST to Make Money Online!The SECRET PAGE that 90% of affiliates DO NOT KNOW that can help you BOOST your sales online with the same amount of traffic!How to Make Your SALES FUNNEL for ANY Affiliate Program WITHOUT Being Technical!Discover the EXACT TOOLS that I Recommend to Create Your AFFILIATE MARKETING FUNNEL as Fast as 1 SINGLE DAY!Watch HOW TO Create a SIMPLE Affiliate Marketing Funnel That CONVERTS into SALES ONLINE That is Super Easy & Quick That ANY NEWBIE Can Do It!Quick Email Marketing Secrets to MONETIZE YOUR LIST and MAKE EVEN MORE MONEY from AFFILIATE MARKETING!How to Have an AUTOMATED EMAIL MACHINE Make Money for Your Affiliate Offers While You Sleep Because of AUTOMATED EMAILS WORKING FOR YOU!My TOP Income Generating Activities That Will Help You Make Money Online and SAVE A LOT OF TIME & ENERGY from Wasting on Non-Important Things!Quick 90 Day Action Plan to MAKE MONEY ONLINE with Affiliate Marketing!And Much More!Bottom line, you can now get instant access to my simple and effective strategy to get BETTER conversions with your affiliate marketing efforts whether you sell Clickbank products, JVZoo products, business opportunities, or whatever type of digital affiliate products you sell online because I have had experience profiting from all those platforms. Now, it is your chance to get my affiliate secrets to succeed online for whatever you want to sell online now and for the future.Go ahead, click the link to get ""Affiliate Marketing 101"" to start making money with my proven & tested affiliate promotion strategy that works almost all the time!Click Link to Get ""Affiliate Marketing 101"" Now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Taoism Level 2: Raise in Vibration" |
"In this course we will explorean ancient powerful wisdom. A Chinese wisdom called Taoism or Daoism.This wisdom offers a pathto reach highlevels of consciousness,tranquility, peace and enlightenment.We will follow the path guided by an ancient sacred text called the Tao Te Ching.Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power., Tao Te ChingThis is an advanced course, a prerequisite is ""Taoism Level 1: a Path to a Higher Dimension"" first.Awesome in a box.CAUTION: Awesomeness level may exceed standard levels. Viewer discretion is advised."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trumpocracy - Trumps President Trump" |
"We use it already - we rate our restaurants, hotels, friends on Facebook with a 1 to 5 Star Rating - the BESTRESTAURANTS then RISE to the TOP of the heap and these are the ones we trust to eat in, stay in, visit. Why not use the most powerful technology ever invented - The INTERNET - to rate the candidates who want to be our leaders AND all of their wacky ideas that they force upon us. TRUMPOCRACYis that system. We are appealing to everyone in America to JOINthe new TRUMPOCRACY because Donald Trump said he wanted to make America Great Again - but he can't do it alone. In the recent Presidential Election over half of the Electorate chose NOT to VOTE because they knew that the elections are going to result in more of the same old same-old. For the rest of the Electorate, we were frustrated once again as we are once again given the CHOICE of the LESSEROFTWOEVILS. They keep proclaiming that we enjoy a Democracy inAmerica, however, our present system of BIGMONEY simplyBRIBING our leaders is hardly what anyone would classify as a real democracy in any way, shape or form.Donald Trump promised us a REVOLUTION - a way to GETREALCHANGES - a way to get the POWER back in the HANDS of the PEOPLE"". Trumpocracy is the only way to hold his feet to the fire of these promises and help the government know on a day to day basis what it is we WANT and DEMAND that they do in our name. We must take the POWERBACK from the hands of the MULTI-NATIONALcorporations who export all of our jobs, over-charge us for their products and even REFUSE to PAYTAXES. In this course, you will learn how we will get our country back using the METHOD of TRUMPING the TRUMPSTER himself. USINGthe biggest and most well-known branding mechanism in history, we willBEND this AMAZINGENERGYinto real positive change - and a real REVOLUTION for DEMOCRACY ATLAST!Trump said that the elections were rigged and he was right. Yet - he got elected in the rigged system. How amazing is that? Trump also says the HEALONEcan FIXthis country's problems. God Forbid us or any other nation from allowing only one man to solve problems. In a democracy, they must be solved by the participation of us all.Trumpocracy is the only way to fix all of this."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Can Electrons Learn? - The Greatest New Scientific Discovery" |
"The largest, most expensiveand most complex scientific apparatus in the history of the world - The Large Hadron Collider -was turned on in 2008and soon afterdiscovered the God Particle (Higgs boson). From this point forward, our relationship to the universe changed because we have opened up a path to knowledge that is unprecedented and truly revolutionary. We are at the point where we can now understand where our own Consciousness, what makes us feel alive, what gives us the notion that we are who we are is now being analyzed from the sub-atomic level. From this era, future versions of humans will look back at these discoveries as being the turning point - the most important place in our evolution because it is the point in time where we can actually trace our lineage back to the Big Bang, the moment that the universe was created.Because of scientific questions such as this one - we have found that the entire universe - including us -is made out of molecules, that molecules are composed of atoms and that atoms are composed of the tiniest of things, the protons, which are composed of quarks, and that quarks have personalities, such as 'color', 'up', 'down','strange' and 'beauty'. We learn that there is another type of atomic particle called an Electron, which we know how to use in the form of Electricity. We have even found out recently that sometimes electrons can become aware of a partner in what I like to call - the origination of 'Soul Mates'. They never forget about their partner, no matter how long or how farthey are apart. In my previous work - 'The Four States of Consciousness', I describe how these 'entangled electrons' may be designed to be not only the conductor of electricity but of our own state of Consciousness as well. Since the publishing of this book, I wondered - ""If electrons enjoy a Consciousness similar to our own, then the proof would be an easy experiment to find out if they can learn since only something that is aware of itself could formulate how to learn to improve its situation. All of our futureEvolution as a civilizationmay bend around the answer to this very profound scientific question. The course creator asks you to help in asking this question, informing others of the question,until we all know the answer.By using the Large Hadron Collider in a new experiment described in these lectures, we may gain the truth about the origination of the universe and how ourConsciousness has arrived in our bodies and minds. It has never happened before in Science where allthe greatest minds on the planet are put to use on a collaborative effort to discover how God operates and our role in that operation.In this course we trace our Evolution all the way back to the opening seconds of The Big Bang and show how 14 billion years of hard work goes into the making of the modern human being and all other life on Earth. Where you come from, what creates your thoughts, how you look at the world will all change when you learn about the potential experiment coming out of the Large Hadron Collider and how it will impact on your life and the life of planet Earth.When we have the scientific tools to uncover the most important discovery of all time - whether or not electrons are conscious beings who have the ability to learn, we must do everything in our power to use these tools in the most productive and efficient ways. We are on the precipice of knowledge where we will either destroy our own planet and ourselves along with it or we will be able to use our god-given minds to find a solution to global mistrust and hate to turn this planet into the gem of the universe - a true paradise where all creatures great and small can live in total, peace, harmony and prosperity.We need to know if electrons can learn. When we know the answer - then we may ask the question - can humankindlearn as well?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP for Beginners : Learn PHP Programming From Scratch!" |
"An easy course does not mean tounderstandeasily, it means just think to understand. This course is not just easily explained, but also explained in detail, and many examples.If you get this course, please try to write and run all the examples with me. If you follow what I said in this course,""You will be a PHP Developer in a short time.""You can askanyquestions about this course from discussion board.Your questions will be answeredimmediately.Benefits of Taking This PHPCoursePHP is one of the best used programming languages in the worldand I can say that this is the most used web development language. If you learn how to create php pages, that means you can do anything in the web. PHP is a very strong web language and you can do anything you wish with PHP. The popularity of PHP is increasing because of its power of web. You can use PHP with html, javascript, css and with many things.I think, learning PHPcan change your life like many rich people in the world. You should know that, the best web pages in the world like facebook are using php while developing their sites.Now, the only thing in front of you to make a site like that is learning php..You may have your best chance with learning PHP...No Risk Money-Back GuaranteeFinally,there is no risk. You can preview 10% of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course,Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee.So you have nothing to lose,sign up for this course and learn how to write PHP code easily from scratch.."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Criar sites responsivos com bootstrap" |
"Curso de bootstrapBootstrap o mais popular framework HTML, CSS, e JS para desenvolvimento de sites e sistemas web responsivo, ou seja, para rodar em celular, tabblet e desktop. O Bootstrap permite que voc desenvolva projetos front-end web de forma muito mais rpida, bonita, moderna, elegante e fcil. Qualquer pessoa pode trabalhar com ele, bem como funcionar em dispositivos de qualquer tipo, forma ou tamanho. Muitos sites fantsticos no mundo todo esto sendo criados com Bootstrap.Nesse curso foi ensinado o que voc mais precisa saber de CSS, Componentes e JavaScript para voc criar projetos com o bootstrapCSS -> Foi ensinado configuraes CSS em geral, destacando o eficiente sistema de grid. Veja abaixo o que foi ensinado com relao ao CSS:Viso geralSistema de gridTipografiaCdigoTabelasFormulriosBotesImagensCOMPONENTES -> O BOOSTRAP possui vrios componentes reutilizveis criados para voc usar a vontade no seu projeto, veja abaixo alguns que foram ensinados nesse curso:cones por GlyphiconsDropdownsGrupo de Inputs (Campos)NavegaesBarra de navegaoBreadcrumbs (Rastro de navegao)Labels (Rtulos)Jumbotron (Telo)Cabealho de pginaImagens MiniaturasAlertasObjeto de mdiaJavaScript -> Com o JS voc da vida aos seus componentes do Bootstrap, veja abaixo um pouco do que foi ensinado:Viso geralModalDropdownAlertBotesCollapseCarouselNesse curso tambm foi mostrado como usar os exemplos do prprio bootstrapPr-requisito: ter conhecimento bsico de html, javascript e css"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Startup Pitching Crash Course - Learn To Pitch Properly" |
"***UPDATEDCOURSE- EVERYMONTHNEWCONTENTADDED - 24/7 FREESUPPORT -""Leon is an incredibly knowledgable and smart teacher! I normally don't like purchasing Udemy courses but this was really worth it!""(Ben S., MN, USA)""This was simply great! Thanks for compressing the knowledge and teaching me whatI wanted to learn. Great video, audio and content!Can really recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn how to pitch!""(Annette D., Germany)Have you struggled with pitching but do you need money in order to build your business?Then this course will jumpstart you on how to pitch your startup properly. Only 0.05% of all companies every receive venture capital, 97% of those companies are middle-size businesses. Let's turn this around and make you stand out. Let's boost your confidence and give you a clear guideline on how to lay out your content, structure your slides, assess problems, convince venture capitalists and leave a positive long-lasting impression.Building a business can become much easier if you receive venture capital. I know it first hand. I took my business from 0USD to 4.3Million USD in only 2 years because of venture capital. There is risk behind venture capital and we have to take it very seriously. Venture capital is not the only way to go. I will address exactly this in the course. Nevertheless, venture capital is connected to most often a distribution network (that the venture capitalists has access to). You will also most likely receive guidance and support which can also be very valuable for young entrepreneurs.When I was 14 years old, I had my first pitch. I failed miserably. I know how you feel. And, I will help you get through. By purchasing this course, you will not just take your pitching skills to the next level but will actually save tons of money. Here is why: You are right now in the right position in order to receive 10.000 USD, 50.000 USD, 500.000USD or even 1.000.000 USD in venture capital. Taking this course means getting much closer to the amount of capital that you need in order to finally build your business. Looking for mentors takes years. You should not waste time looking for a mentor because I will be yours. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time and I will answer you in detail!Furthermore, taking this course is COMPLETELYRISKFREE! You can get your money back within 30 days of purchase!So, what are you still waiting for? ENROLLNOWand learn how to pitch your startup business properly!ABOUTTHEINSTRUCTORLeon Chaudhari (19 years old)CEO, Owner&Founder Teaching Hero, international teaching agency, 117 countries, thousands of studentsCo-CEO & Co-Founder my classroom, 4.3 million USD evaluationAwarded with Special Price from Max Planck Organization, HelmholtzAssociation, Martin Luther Foundation and German National Environmental AwardInvestor & Business Advisory WorldwideWorld-traveller and passionate public speaker &entrepreneur"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Photo Manipulation - Build 3 projects" |
"What am I going to get from this course?Over 2 hours of HD video trainingStep by step guide in detail how Photo Manipulation tools work.Step by step guide building 3 projects from scratchAfter completing this course, you'll be able to:Can Manipulate PhotosDesignpostersCan use Photoshop with ease==============================DetailDescriptionLearn Photo Manipulation - Build 3 projectsWelcome to Photo Manipulation Course. Ever wonder how to create cool images & backgrounds ? Well you finally come to right place.In this course, I'll teach you step by step how Photo Manipulation works, I'll teach you all the basics first and then we'll dive to more advance level to create great Photo Manipulation effects.This course is divided into two sections:====================================Tools Explained:Setting Up Photoshop Cutting out Images from Background Blend Mood Adjustments Photoshop Brushes Dodge Tool Burn Tool Sponge Tool Nik Collection Photoshop Plugin History Tool Text Tool Layers Masking Filters====================================Build Three Projects:1st Project Manipulate Sky Image 2nd Street Fighter Poster Photo Manipulation 3rd Photo Effect Photo Manipulation-----------------------------------------------------------After completing this course, you'll be creating Photo Manipulation projects in no time and you'll know what it takes to create a great peace of art."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"100 Python Exercises: Evaluate and Improve Your Skills" |
"Unlike other online-video courses that guide you through the process of how to do something, this course will ask you to solve 100 different Python assignments on your own. This practice will improve and solidify your Python-coding skills and you will be the one to teach yourself how to write Python code the hard way.The course works best for those people who already know Python basics such as variables, functions, and loops. If you dont know Python basics, please, take a Python beginners course first. This course is also suitable for intermediate Python programmers because the exercises range from easy to difficult progressively.As you advance in the course, you will solve 100 Python assignments. After each assignment, you can see the assignment solution and its explanation. This answer key helps you test your solution and learn new skills by examining the instructor's solution. Each exercise is scored, so at the courses end you will have a total points number that reports at whichlt Python Skills Category Level you are. The 100 Exercises challenge you: to build specific programs for particular actions; to fix bugs in existing programs; and uto make improvements to existing code. The variety of exercises ensures your ability to manage comfortably different real-world programming scenarios. This course will also exponentially increase your confidence when applying for jobs. The skills you learn in this class are common questions in programming job interviews. You will be prepared!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Boost your Productivity: x10 your Professional Performance" |
"In this course you will firstly usethe most important technique,whichsales representatives apply on you to sell their products, in order to easilygaintime management as a habitand become more productive. You will also see how important management is in daily life activities.Then, to start being more productive, you will see the 12 time wasters which cause your energy to be drained throughout the day. Not only that, but you will also learn how to eliminate those timewasters.Next, as a bonus, you will learn how to inspire others and inspire yourself using ""The Golden Circle"" which ""Apple"" uses to lead the international market.Also, you will motivate yourself againby clearly realizing why you should manage time, you will be able to manageyour time instantly by applying the first practical program we have here, and you will get the sense of time and turn time management into an automatic custom by the second practical program you will benefit from.After that, and to boost productivity in the most effective way, you will stop +9 unhealthy time management habits which you think make you do more and you will gain +7effectivehealthy ones.Finally you will have a standardwhich will determine whether you are as productive as you can be andcan manage time now or you need to stress on some points in this course.To summarize what you will learn here;this courseis your complete guide to easily manage your time andX10 yourpersonal productivity.Enroll NOW and save the time you waste!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Law of Cyberwar: Understanding Cyberattacks and the Law" |
"This course navigates international law and the law of war as it applies to the notion of cyberwar. Using and applying select rules of the Tallinn Manual, which is an expert analysis of law applicable to cyberwar, you will be able to understand and analyze the challenges of using law to address cyberattacks, cyberthreats and cyberwar. With this knowledge, the course will progress to applying the law to two case studies: the Sony Entertainment cyberattack and a less well known attack where a group of hackers in Iran attacked a dam in the United States. Finally, a look toward the future possibility of a cyberwar and the rule of law concludes this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Modern Social Media Marketing Masterclass" |
"Youre here because youre ready to learnabout how totransform and future proof the impactof your Social Media Marketing strategy. Iam here becauseIm the creator of this course and wish to share all my knowledgeof social media with you.Welcome to The Complete ModernSocial Media Marketing MasterclassThis course is designed for you no matter where you are in your Social Medialearning journey. My course is overflowing with the latestfresh contentpacked with high-quality practicaltutorials. And crucially, features the most advanced, hot-off-the-press social media marketing tactics such using Video, messaging and Virtual RealityThis course is thoroughly researchedI guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused andup-to-date social media course available ANYWHERE onlineor your money back.Whether youre an entrepreneur, an innovator or the next MarkZuckerberg just waiting to happen, here youll find everything you need to makean impact through Social Mediafast.And its all in one perfectly-packaged, modern and up todate super-convenient onlinesolution.What else makes my course different? Itll take you frombeginner to expert in just six weeks (or take it at your own pacewhateversuits you).Dont be the one to get left behindGet started today, transform your social media performance, tripled revenues the profitable or added critical new skills to their tool kits.Sign up toThe Complete Modern Social Media Marketing Masterclasstoday and revolutionise your digital marketing impact on social platforms. Effortlessly embed the fundamentals. Refresh your groundwork. Dig deeper than everand enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities in the future."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Product Design: From Napkin to Launch" |
"Anyone can learn Sketch 3, but how do you learn how to build apps that drive retention and generate sales?Mobile Product Design: From Napkin to Launch will not only teach you Sketch 3, but will show you how a product designer creates mobile apps that focus on the experience.Evan Leong - our expert mobile product designer will take you on a journey where you learn how to get inside the head of a user and then how to actually implement the steps you need to make that experience a reality. We'll even show you how to create interactive designs that can be sent to users on their phones to test out.Here are some of the things you will learn:Product designSketch 3InVision mobile prototyperUser retentionUser experienceDo's and don'ts of user experienceMicrointeractionsMinim viable productRapid prototypingAnd a lot more...If you want to be a professional product designer take this course.If you want to develop and design your own apps take this course.And if you want to create your own product/startup - you MUST take this course!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Beginner API development in Node, Express, ES6, & MongoDB" |
"Beginner API development in Node, Express, ES6, & MongoDBAre you a mobile app developer that needs a backend API & database?Do you have an mobile product idea? Do you want to create your own startup?Or do you want to become a backend developer?This is THEcourse for you.We have taught over 50,000 students how to code and so many of them have the same question, ""How can I build a server for my mobile apps?""What you will learn:NodeExpressMongoDBES6 &JavascriptAPIdevelopmentCRUD &RESTHow to get an iOS app to talk to your APIHow to get an Android app to talk to your APITooling & automationProfessional coding tips & practicesAnd so much more....This course is for ANYONE - but we specifically designed it to take mobile developers to the next level by helping them build their own APIs for their apps!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Kick Your Social Anxiety To the Curb" |
"Do you dread or avoid social events becauseyou're anxious aboutsaying or doing the wrong thing?Do you avoid Public Speaking like the plague?Then, you know how it feels to have Social Anxiety. You're not alone. 15 million people suffer from Social Anxiety.Itcan make you feel like an outsider...while you watchyour friendsmake it lookeasy!Think about it. Most people meet new friends at social events.If youreavoidingthese events, they youre missing out on one of the best things in lifefriendships!And you don't have to be an extrovert! Even if you're an introvert, the skills you learn in this course will set you on a new path to a social life you can ENJOY!Bottom line, this course will give you the tools to overcome your anxiety. Youll learn how to become more confident in social situations. Youll have a step- by- step plan for feeling confident at parties and social events. Youll discover time- tested techniques for quickly reducing your anxiety. And youll learn how simple exercises can calm your jitters, allowing you to ENJOY social interactions.At the end of this course, you'll know:a cool NLP technique for quickly reducing your anxietywhether you'resocially anxiousorsimplyintroverted,and what that meanshow to reduce your pre-party jittershow to feel more self confident at a partywhat not to do after a partythe secret toboosting your self confidencethe types of people to avoid if you want to stay confidenta fast and effective tapping technique tozapyour anxietyhow to lose your fear of public speaking and presentationshow to feel confident introducing yourself in a meetinghowa famous therapist cured hissocial anxietyhow to apply Rational Emotive Therapy to your social fearsthe most powerful question to ask yourself when you're scaring yourself with negative thoughtstwo powerful techniques to use before asking someone outYou'll have demonstrations of how to do the techniques, as well as practiceexercisesto help you increase your social skills.Best of all, you'll have my help should you have questions along the way or help applying the techniques."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Integration with Heroku" |
"In this course, we will learn about differentintegration methods available to connect applications running on Forceplatform with external systems such as Heroku Connect, Salesforce Connect and WebService Callouts.In this course we will learn aboutData Replication and Data proxy. This course is divided into three main sections in which we coverHeroku Connect, Salesforce Connect and WebService callouts in detail.We will start with creating an account onHerokuand then we will deploy an external PhoneChange application and we will integrate with Salesforce application using Heroku Connect. We will also provision Postgres database for our app. We will see how to provision the app for local development.In the second section, we will explore Salesforce Connect. We will start with installing warehouse application on forceplatform and then we will integration with external system using Salesforce Connect. In Salesforce connect, we map external objects to the tables in the external system. We will cover external objects, different types of relationship that you create with external and standard objects.In the third section, we will talk aboutweb service callouts. We will createRest Webserviceto call the external system and update the records on the salesforce object.All these topics are not covered in any other Salesforce course out there. This course is complete hands on and you will working along with me throughout this course."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Bayesian Machine Learning in Python: A/B Testing" |
"This course is all about A/B testing.A/B testing is used everywhere. Marketing, retail, newsfeeds, online advertising, and more.A/B testing is all about comparing things.If youre a data scientist, and you want to tell the rest of the company, logo A is better than logo B, well you cant just say that without proving it using numbers and statistics.Traditional A/B testing has been around for a long time, and its full of approximations and confusing definitions.In this course, while we will do traditional A/B testing in order to appreciate its complexity, what we will eventually get to is the Bayesian machine learning way of doing things.First, well see if we can improve on traditional A/B testing with adaptive methods. These all help you solve the explore-exploit dilemma.Youll learn about the epsilon-greedy algorithm, which you may have heard about in the context of reinforcement learning.Well improve upon the epsilon-greedy algorithm with a similar algorithm called UCB1.Finally, well improve on both of those by using a fully Bayesian approach.Why is the Bayesian method interesting to us in machine learning?Its an entirely different way of thinking about probability.Its a paradigm shift.Youll probably need to come back to this course several times before it fully sinks in.Its also powerful, and many machine learning experts often make statements about how they subscribe to the Bayesian school of thought.In sum - its going to give us a lot of powerful new tools that we can use in machine learning.The things youll learn in this course are not only applicable to A/B testing, but rather, were using A/B testing as a concrete example of how Bayesian techniques can be applied.Youll learn these fundamental tools of the Bayesian method - through the example of A/B testing - and then youll be able to carry those Bayesian techniques to more advanced machine learning models in the future.See you in class!Suggested Prerequisites:Probability (joint, marginal, conditional distributions, continuous and discrete random variables, PDF, PMF, CDF)Python coding: if/else, loops, lists, dicts, setsNumpy, Scipy, MatplotlibTIPS (for getting through the course):Watch it at 2x.Take handwritten notes. This will drastically increase your ability to retain the information.Write down the equations. If you don't, I guarantee it will just look like gibberish.Ask lots of questions on the discussion board. The more the better!Realize that most exercises will take you days or weeks to complete.Write code yourself, don't just sit there and look at my code.WHAT ORDER SHOULD I TAKE YOUR COURSES IN?:Check out the lecture ""What order should I take your courses in?"" (available in the Appendix of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"NeuroScience Marketing [Out Now]" |
"HEY YOU!Yes you.... Want to understand the technique that Fortune 500 companies don't want you too know? Want to walk around with confidence knowing the media tactics and corporate manipulation methods... the stuff they try to keep secret from us? I amon a mission to develop the awareness of business/marketing owners so that they can avoid such manipulation and learn how to persuade people more easily by implementing these very techniques into there business.Sound interesting? Lets keep reading!Neuroscience is a growing topic where Universities are finally starting to connect the dots with how our minds function, what makes us tick, and what humans truly desire. Believe it or not by Corporations pay these neuroscientists ALOTof money, and I mean ALOT, just so that they can influence there audience more by using new research to make people buy more of there product. Its just the human obsession for more and more wealth, half these companies don't even provide any value.Well I think I'm gonna stop talking now..... watch the promo video if your not convinced, and if your still not convinced don't bother buying this program because if you do you are already going in with the mindset of ""OMG another neuroscience course, lets see what this course will teach me now"". Let go of that dirty EGOof yours and come into this course with an empty cut and enjoy the techniques and methods that will BLOWYOUMINDAWAY!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Traktor Tips - Basics Course" |
"Getting new DJ software is exciting, but this excitement can suddenly fade when you'refaced with a screen full of buttons and options that are completely unfamiliar to you. You're then often forced to scour the web for just the right tutorial videos, which can result in hours, or even days of digging through numerous online videos that inevitably waste your time and produce scattered results.This tried and tested 'Basics Course' created by Alan from Traktor Tips will save you the time and hassle and give you the skills needed to create and upload your very first mix to your new online audience.If you've been using Traktor for just a few weeks, or even a few months, you're going to pick up some workflow tips to help you become a better DJ.This course has received hundreds of students when it waspreviously hosted on my own private site, traktortips. I have recently decided to re-activate the course here on Udemy due to popular request."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Day Trade Just 1 Hour a Day" |
"The markets open at 9:30AMEST (New York), during the first hour is where a Day Trader can, and should be making the majority of his profits. In this course Icut right to the chase and show you two of my main strategies for knowing when to Buy or Sell.In this course we focus on using the Daily Chart and the 60 Minute chart to find these high probability trades that occur over and over again. I'll show you exactly how these strategies can be applied to Futures, Forex and Stocks.If you get it right you should only need to trade up to an hour a day, and never any more than that!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Especialista em AutoCAD" |
"Neste curso, composto por 15 mdulos, voc aprender tudo sobre esse incrvel programa, desde o bsico como instalar o AutoCAD, manipulao de arquivos, seleo de objetos, otimizao dos projetos, impresso (plotagem) at o avanado como a criao de dois projetos completos, um arquitetnico e outro mecnico.Aps o trmino do curso voc ser um especialista em AutoCAD."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Learning How to Learn: Gain Career Growth, Wealth & Success!" |
"Over 3,400 students from 126 countries enrolled in Udemy classes by Katy Caselli since September 2015! This course was updated in March, 2020!Before wasting time and money on endless courses, learn what it takes to get the most of any learning effort. Research shows that 60-90% of all workplace learning is wasted. Do not depend on the typical corporate training classes, take learning into your own hands by following a simple model to get all you can out of learning efforts! If you are looking for real skills you can use to deepen your expertise, advance your career, earn more or enjoy your hobbies more, then take this course first before wasting another dollar on training courses. Step back and first, learn how to learn.Determine the exact skills and knowledge needed to fit your vision.Select the right learning materials for you!Design your own learning plan, complete with activities to apply what you are learning Turn successful action of learning into permanent skill and knowledge.Katy Caselli is a Workforce Development expert and Organizational Psychologist, author, speaker and instructor with two decades worth of experience in helping people learn to reach their top potential. She is the Founder and President of Building Giants, LLC in Apex, North Carolina, USA."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Business Model Innovation: Differentiate & Grow Your Company" |
"Join the best-seller Udemy course about Business Models and Innovation! In this course you will learn about Business Models: what are the different components of a business, it's ""system"", how it works. The Business Model Canvas is a great tool to map out and get an overview of how a business works.You will also learn about business model innovation strategies and especially the ""new"" types of innovation used by startups and large corporations such as Design, Customer Niches, Sales & Delivery Channels, Customer Engagement, Processes and Revenue Models. They will help you to find new sources of growth for your business and differentiate from competition. We will illustrate all these innovation techniques using dozens of recent examples from startups, small and medium businesses and large corporations. This course is divided in three big parts: 1) Introduction to Business Models2) Business Model Innovation3) Revenue ModelsFor all the innovation strategies that we mention, we provide dozens of examples of startups, small and medium businesses and large corporations how they apply them. This Business Model Innovation course will give you many strategic insights into some of the best and most innovative business practices. You will be able to analyze any business, whether it is your own, the company you work for, or any other company, and brainstorm innovative ideas to accelerate its growth using business model innovation techniques.Captions: This course has perfectly accurate english captions. They have been reviewed by ourselves so they correspond 100% to the audio. Captions can help you understand better if english is not your native language. And if you have hearing problems, you can still go through this full course without any problems. There are also perfectly accurate french captions. (Sous-titres en franais disponibles). (Disclaimer: The ""Business Model Canvas"" tool used in some parts of this course is used under Creative Commons license and attribution goes to Strategyzer. This course has no affiliation with and is not endorsed by the authors of the Business Model Canvas.)Note: There are now ""copycat"" courses of this course. Some ""instructors"" used a similar name, content structure and examples. But as you can see from the amount of students and reviews, this is the true original course. ----------------------------------------------------------------In order to come up with the content for this course we worked with, analyzed and reverse-engineered many tactics of successful and innovative companies. You'll see examples from Airbnb, Uber, Tesla, Twitch, Amazon, Spotify, Buzzfeed, Facebook, Google, Apple, Dyson, Reuters, Virgin, Tinder, Nintendo and many others!Here are some of our reviews: ""The best course I have ever taken in innovation.I thank the authors for providing this very useful online Mooc."" ""Amazing content! Very clear. Wonderful examples of how strategies have been implemented by extremely successful companies. Throughout this course, I went back through my business model canvas and strategized how I could innovate in each of the 9 areas."" ""Enjoyed this course! Well done. Great brainstorming questions for new and mature business owners."" ""Really good course. I can recommend it to all new entrepreneurs!"" ""Very relevant topic, nice to look at slides, concise & brief explanation - no fluff"""
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Set up the Yoast SEO Plugin" |
"You have a WordPress website and you've installed the Yoast SEO plugin, but you have no idea how to set it up correctly, and it makes your brain hurt just to think about it. This course is your solution! In about an hour, you can have the plugin settings done, and have your site ready for SEO stardom.Once you've installed and setup the plugin, youll have access to some pretty powerful SEO tools and have greater control over what the search engines add to their index so visitors who are looking for you can easily discover your site, and your products and services.Anyone with a basic knowledge of WordPress and can install a plugin is eligible to take this course.If you want to:Set up the Yoast SEO plugin correctlyGet the most up-to-date instructions on the pluginEasily understand what the plugin can do for your SEOGet more organic traffic to your WordPress siteHave more visibility on Googleand Finally understand what ""all that stuff"" meansthen, this is the course for you!Don't spend another minute writing content for a site that isn't optimized for search."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MS Excel 2016 Pivot Table Master Class with Easy Learning" |
"Pivot Table is very important and good feature in Microsoft Excel. You can use pivot to make summary of large data in few clicks. Pivot Table can automatically sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet of MSExcel, displaying the results in a second table showing the summarized data. You can create dynamic reports by dragging &droppingthe field heading of table.I have been working inexcel for more than 15 years and use PivotTable everyday to make MIS(Management information System) and dynamic reports. I put all my experience to create this course.We will start learning from basics of PivotTable, end with Advance Techniques for using pivot table. I will also explain some hidden features of pivot table with some practical examples for your practice.This course is good forStudents / Freshers graduates from any stream (Commerce, Engineer, Doctor etc.)Working professionals can increase their productivityAnyone who wants to make his / her career in MIS &Analytics of data"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |