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"Verkaufsplanung leicht gemacht" |
"Spezieller Kurs fr Verkaufsleiter, Verkaufsfachleute, Aussendienst- und Innendienstmitarbeiter. Dieser Kurs eignet sich auch auf die eidgenssische Prfung fr Verkaufsleiter und Verkaufsfachleute. Sie finden auch einiges Material fr den praktischen Einsatz in Ihrem Betrieb. Sie werden also in Zukunft nie mehr an einem Berg stehen, wenn es um den Bereich Verkauf und Verkaufsplanung geht. Durch diesen Kurz-Kurs sind Sie immer in der Lage Verkaufsprobleme zu lsen. Gespannt? Dann probieren Sie es doch mal aus!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Laufverletzungen verhindern ab dem nchsten Lauftraining" |
"Dieser Kurs liefert dir alles, was du bentigst, um dich in deiner Laufkarriere optimal vor Schmerzen und Verletzungen zu schtzen.Denn, sind wir uns einmal ehrlich, es gibt nichts schlimmeres als Lufer, nichts frustriert einen mehr, als wenn du zwar laufen willst, aber nicht kannst, weil du gerade eine Verletzung auskurieren musst.Daher habe ich mein Wissen und meine Erfahrungen aus ber 10 Jahren Profi-Laufsport in dieses Video-Training hineingepackt. Ich hatte in meiner Profi-Karriere bislang noch keine ernsthaften Verletzungen zu beklagen. Ein wichtiger Grund dafr ist, dass ich mich an gewisse Grundprinzipien halte. Und diese werden wir in diesem Video-Training genau besprechen.In diesem Video-Training zeige ich dir persnlich:Durch welche kleinen Dinge, wenn du sie regelmig beachtest, du den Groteil an Beschwerden vermeiden kannst!bungen, die einfach umzusetzen sind, und die AUCH DU problemlos nachmachen kannst!Wie du durch die richtigen Laufbungenperfekt aufgewrmt in die Belastung startest!Wie du regenerativen Manahmen dafr nutzen kannst um dichrichtig zu erholen und Problemen vorzubeugen!Warum Schlaf&Erholung zwar jedem bekannt sind aber sie trotzdem oft unterschtzt werden und wie du sie richtig einsetzt!Was du fr einen entspannten Alltag und ein fokussiertes Training tun kannst!Der Kurs beantwortet folgende Fragen:Richtiges Aufwrmen:Warum Aufwrmen und wie hilft es, Verletzungen zu vermeiden?Welche Elemente gehren zu einem professionellen Aufwrmprogramm dazu?Wann und wo sollte ich mich berhaupt aufwrmen?Dehnen & Laufschule:Was sind die wichtigsten bungen beim Dehnen?Wie hilft mir die Laufschule, den Krper vor Beschwerden zu schtzen?Wann soll ich diese Elemente einsetzen und wann eher nicht?Regenerative Manahmen:Welche regenerativen Manahmen kann ich selbst setzen?Wie trgt Regeneration zu einer besseren Verletzungsvorsorge bei?Welche Manahmen sind in welchen Situationen sinnvoll?Erholung:Warum ist eine gute Erholung der Schlssel zu einem fitten Krper?Wie viel Erholung braucht mein Krper durch das Training?Was ist das richtige Ausma an Erholung vor Wettkmpfen und Belastungen?Also, nimm deine Gesundheit in die Hand und verhindere Verletzungen schon ab deinem nchsten Training indem du dir diesen Kurs besorgst!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Releasing Negative Beliefs & Thought-Patterns ~ Tara Brach" |
"If we are suffering, were believing something that is limiting and untrue. Many of us have a cluster of core beliefs that bind us in fear and feelings of deficiency. These beliefs lead to harmful habitsaddictive behaviors, conflicts, avoiding risksthat get in the way of our productivity, our ability to enjoy intimacy with others and a creative, happy life. This course shows how you can shine a light of mindful awareness on limiting beliefs, and taste the freedom thats possible when you loosen their grip. Whether you believe deep inside that you are unlovable or unworthy, unseen or misunderstood, your beliefs disconnect you from your own being and from the world. Suffering is a call to attention, your call to investigate the truth of your beliefs. For a parent, the call might be the stranglehold of worry about a childs welfare. For a business leader, it might be stress about a volatile market (or workplace). For a musician, it might be the disabling terror that accompanies performance. For a social activist, it might be despair in the face of seemingly endless injustice. Wherever we feel most endangered, most separate, most ashamed or stuck: Thats where we need to shine the light of mindfulness to become more free."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for Anxiety and Sleep - with Tara Brach" |
"We all have some undercurrent of fear running through daily life. We may worry about losing our health and mental lucidity; losing others we love; losing our job or reputation. In our daily trance of fear, our mind can spin endless stories about bad things that might happen, and how to avoid them. Often we try to control things by pointing fingers of blame at others or at ourselves. We become, as a meditation teacher once said, a bundle of tense muscles defending our existence. We may not even notice this armor, because it feels like such a familiar part of who we are. It blocks us from living fully and from relating to others with spontaneity, ease and openheartedness. This course shows how every one of us can find reliable inner resources of safety, strength and connection. Drawing on these resources, we can stay present when fear arises and meet the situation bravely, wisely, with interest and care. We learn to respond, rather than react.By cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion, we are able not only to face the fear; we transform our entire experience of it. We awaken from the trance and touch true peace. We finally live from the wholeness of our beingfrom our full intelligence and love."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Digital Chef Academy: Create Profitable Cooking Videos" |
"If you're frustrated with amateur looking videos and the slow progress of your business growth.DIGITAL CHEF ACADEMY IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND.This program will never teach you out-of-date things. You can be yourself and satisfied everyday through this business model.In Digital Chef Academy, I'll show you exactly how to film your cooking and edit it as professional looking videos. You will sell your own online cooking course.You want to scale your business? No problem. Youll know everything Im doing and earn like I do.I am not a business woman or entrepreneur. I am a full-time mom of 2 kids. I love traveling with my family and actually am writing this from an isolated island in Okinawa, Japan.You'll learn how to make an attractive storyboard, how to film professional looking cooking videos, how edit it with Premiere Pro and how to launch your cooking course in Udemy.This course targets on people who want to earn from home so they can spend more time with their family. If you have the passion to cook, confident enough to teach your recipes, has a basic understanding and knowledge about using a camera, willing to invest in the right tools and equipments then this program is for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"USAF Supply Chain Management 346 / Equipment Specialist 1670" |
"Learn some of the major roles and responsibilities of a SupplyChain Program Manager and an Equipment Specialist. Who should take this course?Aspiring to become an ESWant help interviewing for an ESpositionAlready in an ESrole and want to be more knowledgeableManage programs involving an ESWant to learn logistics management within the DoD I am continuously upgrading this course with improvement and new content. Sign up for this course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Linux" |
"Linux es el Sistema operativo de ms rpido crecimiento en el mundo y cada vez son ms las personas que como t desean aprender de el y ms si es en muy corto tiempo.Seamos honestos; Los libros tcnicos son aburridos, y muchas veces puedes tardar horas buscando en internet lo que verdaderamente te interesa de Linux. Claro, podras aprender como trabajar con Linux de alguna enciclopedia de larga duracin, pero por qu perder todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo?El sistema de entrega de contenido de videos de Udemy te permitir operar t propio Sistema Operativo Linux en solo horas!Si deseas aumentar tus habilidades de TI, este curso es un gran lugar para empezar. Cada vez ms empresas alrededor del mundo, estn utilizando Linux en sus operaciones cotidianas. Por lo tanto, no te puedes dar el lujo de quedarte atrs!Todas las actualizaciones del curso son 100% GRATIS. Inscribete en este curso una vez y lo poseeras para toda la vida. No slo eso, sino que tambin obtendr acceso de por vida para m como t instructor personal. Tienes alguna pregunta sobre Linux? Solo pregunta! T, como mi estudiante, siempre seras mi prioridad # 1.Espera, sigues leyendo esto ? Entonces este curso es para ti que deseas comenzar hoy mismo a aprender sobre Linux y sus bondades.Te espero!Beny"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bases de Datos MySQL y phpMyAdmin para Principiantes" |
"MySQL es un sistema de administracin de base de datos relacional de propsito general (RDMSB) utilizado principalmente para proporcionar una base de datos de back-end para aplicaciones web. En este curso, presentaremos los conceptos de los sistemas de administracin de bases de datos relacionales en general, y cmo se relacionan con MySQL en particular.A diferencia de los cursos tradicionales que se concentran principalmente en la teora, tomaremos un enfoque prctico para trabajar con datos. Esto es lo que aprenders:Creacin de bases de datos y tablasAgregar datos a una tabla con INSERTLeyendo una mesa con SELECTCmo usar DONDE para filtrar datosUsando ORDER BY para ordenar los datosNETE y cmo usarlos para leer de varias tablas.Cambio de datos en una tabla con ACTUALIZACINLa consulta DELETE: eliminar una o ms filas de datos de una tablaSeguridad de Base de Datosphp y MySQLy ms mucho ms...Estos temas y muchos ms sern cubiertos. Entonces, por qu esperar ... regstrate hoy!Te espero!Beny"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Java Certification (1Z0-815) Exam Simulation [2020]" |
"02-Mar-2020: Added 12 new questions to this course!!! Are you ready to pass new Java SE 11 Programmer I exam and prove your competency to recruiters and employers alike?The practice test questions have already helped 22 students to pass the 1Z0-815 exam.************************ WALL OF FAME for 1Z0-815 ************************2020:1. Oliver Schmitt [14-Sep-2020]2. Dhruv Mohindru [21-Aug-2020]3. Henry Ramirez [09-Aug-2020]4. Heli Villarreal [02-Aug-2020]5. Darshit Shah [27-Jul-2020]6. Zolta Szekely [06-Jul-2020]7. Robert Schneider [05-Jul-2020]8. Chethan B E9. Khalil Aouachri10. Michal Gruszka11. Quang Hoang12. Juraj Valkucak13. Rejeb Rayen14. Georg Weber15. Suryanarayanan Ganesh Melarkode16. Sanjay Videsh Barath17. Tim Yao2019:1. Parag Shukla [27-Dec-2019]2. Marco Giorgi [20-Dec-2019]3. Miguel Rosario [14-Dec-2019]4. Tshepo Mokgoatjane [09-Dec-2019]5. Petr Juricek [Oct-2019]See what successful students are saying:21-Aug-2020: ""Really nice course. Not only helped me in clearing the exam but also solidify my understanding of java language. Highly recommended."" - Dhruv Mohindru09-Aug-2020: ""Im so grateful for this course. Last night I took the exam and I passed it. Thanks for your help Udayan."" - Henry Ramirez06-Jul-2020: ""This course helped me a lot to pass the exam. I did all exams and after doing each of them, I reviewed answers, made notes and fine-tuned my knowledge. Thanks to that I did a better score on actual exam than any of the test exams of this course. I think this is very useful and worth the money and time I spent on it. I recommend it."" - Zolta Szekely05-Jul-2020: ""It's a very useful content for getting knowledge about java11 and it's boosts our knowledge and confidence by taking 6 mock tests. And I finally got completed my 1Z0-815 with an 87%."" - Chethan B E02-Jun-2020: ""Today I passed the exam. I have done all of the 6 test exams and read the explanations, they represent a very similar level as the real test. One key difference is that on the real exam, in case of multi-answer questions, you are informed exactly how many answers are correct. In this way, the real one is a bit easier. I highly recommend these tests to anyone preparing for the 1Z0-815 exam."" - Michal Gruszka09-Mar-2020: ""Excellent course with many good questions and detail explanation, I passed the exam on 9 Mar. Thank you."" - Quang Hoang07-Feb-2020: ""Passed the 1z0-815 exam using these practice exams. If you are planning to write the exam, this exam simulator is an absolute must to help you gauge your performance."" - Suryanarayanan Ganesh Melarkode28-Jan-2020: ""This course helped me pass the exam. Thanks for the detailed explanations on each question."" - Sanjay Videsh Barath17-Jan-2020: ""This is a very accurate simulation of the actual exam. It was extremely helpful and I would not have passed without your help. Thank you very much! If you decide to make a simulation for IZO-816 I would definitely purchase."" - Tim Yao20-Dec-2019: ""Tricky questions with clear explanations. A must follow test papers for all those who wants to go through 1Z0-815 Exam. I passed it at first try. Thank you!"" - Marco Giorgi09-Dec-2019: ""This mock formed the best part of my foundation and today I wrote and fortunately enough I passed my Java SE 11 Programmer I 1Z0-815 exam. Now unto my next certification."" - Tshepo Mokgoatjane09-Oct-2019: ""Clear explanation, many tricky things ... I am very satisfied thanks a lot"" - Petr JuricekAssess your exam preparation with 492 unique questions in 6 Practice Test. Java SE 11 Programmer I - Exam Information:Exam Code: 1Z0-815Duration: 180 minutesQuestions #: 80 (Multiple Choice / Multiple Select)Passing score: 63% Exam Topics:1. Understanding Java Technology and environmentDescribe Java Technology and the Java developmentIdentify key features of the Java language2. Creating a Simple Java ProgramCreate an executable Java program with a main classCompile and run a Java program from the command lineCreate and import packages3. Working With Java Primitive Data Types and String APIsDeclare and initialize variables (including casting and promoting primitive data types)Identify the scope of variablesUse local variable type inferenceCreate and manipulate StringsManipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods4. Using Operators and Decision ConstructsUse Java operators including the use of parenthesis to override operator precedenceUse Java control statements including if, if/else, switchCreate and use do/while, while, for and for each loops, including nested loops, use break and continue statements5. Working with Java ArraysDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional arrayDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use two-dimensional array6. Describing and Using Objects and ClassesDeclare and instantiate Java objects, and explain objects' lifecycles (including creation, dereferencing by reassignment, and garbage collection)Define the structure of a Java classRead or write to object fields7. Creating and Using MethodsCreate methods and constructors with arguments and return valuesCreate and invoke overloaded methodsApply the static keyword to methods and fields8. Applying EncapsulationApply access modifiersApply encapsulation principles to a class9. Reusing Implementations Through InheritanceCreate and use subclasses and superclassesCreate and extend abstract classesEnable polymorphism by overriding methodsUtilize polymorphism to cast and call methods, differentiating object type versus reference typeDistinguish overloading, overriding, and hiding10. Programming Abstractly Through InterfacesCreate and implement interfacesDistinguish class inheritance from interface inheritance including abstract classesDeclare and use List and ArrayList instancesUnderstanding Lambda Expressions11. Handling ExceptionsDescribe the advantages of Exception handling and differentiate among checked, unchecked exceptions, and ErrorsCreate try-catch blocks and determine how exceptions alter program flowCreate and invoke a method that throws an exception12. Understanding ModulesDescribe the Modular JDKDeclare modules and enable access between modulesDescribe how a modular project is compiled and runPractice tests are randomized to give the real examination feel. All topics listed above are divided appropriately in 6 tests consisting 82 questions each i.e., 492 questions in total. Questions are designed based on real examination questions in terms of pattern and complexity. Number of questions and duration of test is kept same as actual to simulate the real exam. Explanation of all the correct answers is also provided for reference and understanding. Relevant hints and how to approach a question in real examination setting is also provided in explanation.Completing all the tests successfully will boost your confidence to attempt Java SE 11 Programmer I exam. More information on detailed curriculum and assumptions to be followed for examination, are available on oracle certification page.NOTE: Each practice test of this course contains questions on all the exam topics, similar to what is expected in real exam. But if you prefer to solve topic-wise questions, then enroll in my other course titled ""Java Certification (1Z0-815) Topic-wise Tests [2020]"", which contains the same questions arranged in topic-wise manner.Disclaimer: These questions are not real examination questions / dumps. These questions are created to evaluate your preparation for certification exam. So, grab a cup of coffee or your favorite drink and test your Exam Preparation.Features of Practice Tests:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button. "
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Java Certification (1Z0-815) Topic-wise Tests [2020]" |
"02-Mar-2020: Added 12 new questions to this course!!! Are you ready to pass new Java SE 11 Programmer I exam and prove your competency to recruiters and employers alike?The practice test questions have already helped 22 students to pass the 1Z0-815 exam.************************ WALL OF FAME for 1Z0-815 ************************2020:1. Oliver Schmitt [14-Sep-2020]2. Dhruv Mohindru [21-Aug-2020]3. Henry Ramirez [09-Aug-2020]4. Heli Villarreal [02-Aug-2020]5. Darshit Shah [27-Jul-2020]6. Zolta Szekely [06-Jul-2020]7. Robert Schneider [05-Jul-2020]8. Chethan B E9. Khalil Aouachri10. Michal Gruszka11. Quang Hoang12. Juraj Valkucak13. Rejeb Rayen14. Georg Weber15. Suryanarayanan Ganesh Melarkode16. Sanjay Videsh Barath17. Tim Yao2019:1. Parag Shukla [27-Dec-2019]2. Marco Giorgi [20-Dec-2019]3. Miguel Rosario [14-Dec-2019]4. Tshepo Mokgoatjane [09-Dec-2019]5. Petr Juricek [Oct-2019]Java SE 11 Programmer I - Exam Information:Exam Code: 1Z0-815Duration: 180 minutesQuestions #: 80 (Multiple Choice / Multiple Select)Passing score: 63% This course covers all the EXAM topics in orderly fashion, which will help students to assess their preparation for respective topic. This course can be used as a learning aid while preparing for 1Z0-815 certification to test your preparation for each topic while preparing for that topic. Topic-wise questions helps in identifying weak areas thus more focus can be given to those specific topics.Course highlights:1. All questions are multiple choice or multiple select questions.2. You have around 2.4 minutes to complete each question which is more than the exam timing. 3. This practice tests will explain in detail why the right answer is the right answer, in review phase. Understanding the explanation will help in instillation of concepts. Relevant hints and how to approach a question in real examination setting is also provided in explanation.4. At the end of the practice exam, check your progress and review each question and sort by 1Z0-815 knowledge area, correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.5. You can take these exams multiple times till concepts are deeply ingrained.Course Structure:Test 1 Covers following topics:1. Understanding Java Technology and environmentDescribe Java Technology and the Java developmentIdentify key features of the Java language2. Creating a Simple Java ProgramCreate an executable Java program with a main classCompile and run a Java program from the command lineCreate and import packages3. Working With Java Primitive Data Types and String APIsDeclare and initialize variables (including casting and promoting primitive data types)Identify the scope of variables [Covered in Test-3]Use local variable type inferenceCreate and manipulate StringsManipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methodsTest 2 Covers following topics:4. Using Operators and Decision ConstructsUse Java operators including the use of parenthesis to override operator precedenceUse Java control statements including if, if/else, switchCreate and use do/while, while, for and for each loops, including nested loops, use break and continue statements5. Working with Java ArraysDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional arrayDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use two-dimensional arrayTest 3 Covers following topics:6. Describing and Using Objects and ClassesDeclare and instantiate Java objects, and explain objects' lifecycles (including creation, dereferencing by reassignment, and garbage collection)Define the structure of a Java classRead or write to object fields7. Creating and Using MethodsCreate methods and constructors with arguments and return valuesCreate and invoke overloaded methodsApply the static keyword to methods and fieldsIdentify the scope of variables [From Test 1]8. Applying EncapsulationApply access modifiersApply encapsulation principles to a class9. Reusing Implementations Through InheritanceCreate and use subclasses and superclassesCreate and extend abstract classesEnable polymorphism by overriding methodsUtilize polymorphism to cast and call methods, differentiating object type versus reference typeDistinguish overloading, overriding, and hidingTest 4 Covers following topics:10. Programming Abstractly Through InterfacesCreate and implement interfacesDistinguish class inheritance from interface inheritance including abstract classesDeclare and use List and ArrayList instancesUnderstanding Lambda ExpressionsTest 5 Covers following topics:11. Handling ExceptionsDescribe the advantages of Exception handling and differentiate among checked, unchecked exceptions, and ErrorsCreate try-catch blocks and determine how exceptions alter program flowCreate and invoke a method that throws an exceptionTest 6 Covers following topics:12. Understanding ModulesDescribe the Modular JDKDeclare modules and enable access between modulesDescribe how a modular project is compiled and runMore information on detailed curriculum and assumptions to be followed for examination are available on oracle certification page.NOTE: If you prefer exam simulation to assess your preparation for the certification exam, then you can enroll in my other course titled ""Java Certification (1Z0-815) Exam Simulation[2020]"", which contains the same questions but pattern in Exam Simulation course is similar to real exam. Disclaimer: These questions are not real examination questions / dumps. These questions are designed based on real exams in terms of pattern and complexity to help you understand the type of expected questions from each exam objective.Last but not the least, RELAX, and enjoy the tests!!!"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Crie bot atravs de Web Scraping, Crawling com C# e Selenium" |
"Aprenda criar robs que extraia informaes da internet com C# e Selenium. Neste curso voc ir aprender obter informaes de grandes sites como Mega-Sena, Instagram, Youtube e WhatsApp.Bot so robs usados para indexar sites, realizar pesquisas de preos e etc. Sua grande finalidade extrair informaes, consolida-las e transformar esses dados em vantagem competitiva no mercado.Muitas empresas usam os bots para rea de atendimento ao cliente, criando os famosos ChatBots.AGENDADesvendando o mundo secreto da InternetO que a internet?Para que ela serve?Quem usa a internet?O que so robs?Quem utiliza robs?Quais tipos de robs existem?Como nascem os robs?Conhecendo por trs dos navegadoresGarimpando dadosDesenvolvendo nosso prprio robFerramentas necessriasCriando uma soluo para nossos robsProjetosRob para obter resultado da Mega-Sena (Html e Json)Rob para obter informaes do perfil do usurio no InstagramRob para ganhar seguidores no InstagramRob para ganhar visualizao no YoutubeRob para mandar spam marketing no WhatsAppAulas ExtrasLive - Rob em aoCriando robs com apenas 1 clique!ConclusoRobs so incrveis!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marbling: Create Stunning Abstract Art in Procreate" |
"This class is all about digital marbling and how to create beautiful abstract pieces of art that may resemble Paper Marbling, Ebru, Suminagshi, Acrylic fluid pouring, Dirty Pouring, Bottle Cap Pouring, etc. that's what I love about this process in Procreate. You can mix styles and techniques, and go from liquid to dry canvas in milliseconds.The class covers my favourite tools and techniques, and I show you everything from the basics all the way to how to finish a piece in style. And of course, I cover a few Procreate tips and tricks as well.The best part about these beautiful messes is that you can create them in bed, on the couch, and in the train with no paint, and without mess. And, you don't have to know anything about Procreate, or art, to take the class. All you need is an iPad and Procreate. An Apple pencil is optional.If you're looking to create in a fun new way, or do something relaxing, come take the class. It's short and fun, and great for kids and adults.Here is a quick outline of what we're going to cover:Exploring Procreate + The Liquify ToolsRich's Favourite Tools + TechniquesWorking With ColourAdding RichnessMaking Your Colours PopMirrored Painting + LiquifyingWhat's Next For Your PiecesA few Start-to-finish Examples"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Explosive Creative Growth With The 100 Day Project" |
"Are you in a creative dip? Are you feeling bored with your work, or frustrated with your ideas and efforts at starting something before it fizzles out? Or maybe youre jealous of all the amazing projects you see other people doing? The big ones, the fun ones, the inspiring ones. Its in reach. And one of the best ways of achieving it, is by doing a 100 day projectthats doing something every day for 100 days. It could be small, it could be cheeky, or something incrediblelike facing a fear every single day. But often a 100 day project seems long, overwhelming, and tons of people bailwhy? Because they dont do a 100 day project for themthat suits them, that energises them, that fuels them.This class focuses on coming up with a 100 day project of your own. One that's perfect for you. One that boosts your creativity. One you wake up excited for. The class also helps you prepare for the 100 days.If you 're stuck, frustrated or not achieving the success and quality of work you're after, come see what a 100 day project is, and how it will fuel a creative renaissance in your life.Choosing your project that youll do for 100 days is where well spend most of our time, but the class also covers often asked questions, some inspirational projects and ideas, and a bunch of hints and tips for starting and completing an awesome 100 day project.If you want to see creative growth in your work, your career, or your life, come take the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Procreate Animation: Make fun GIFs and videos" |
"Procreate is a mighty art and illustration tool! I'm falling in love with more and more. It has such a rich set of features. And recently they've added basic animation support. Which is crazy. The fact that you can create amazing illustrations and animations using one or two apps on your iPad is mind-blowing. It makes the iPad-only workflow even more possible. It means you don't need a Mac or PC anymore. And I love this.Being able to animate is a fantastic and super versatile skill to have in your tool belt. It's fun. It adds life to your work. And it opens up a new world of possibilities. With this new skill you'll be able to:Create storyboards.Breathe life and movement into your artwork.Create fun animations to bring your work more attention + engagement.The class covers both practical and theoretical aspects of animating in Procreate. And if you're new to the world of animation I break everything down and explain things in an approachable Procreate-centric way. The class covers the following topics:Animation basicsProcreate animation preparationCreating looping animationsAnimating existing artworkExport GIFs and videos, all on your iPadA bunch of Procreate tips and tricksHaving some experience in Procreate will help, but you should be able to pick things up pretty quickly if you're new to Procreate. If introducing movement and life into your work sounds like fun, come take the class!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |