Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Hand-Code Your First Website: HTML + CSS Basics" |
"This course is a fun and approachable exploration of hand-coding your first website. The course covers these 4 things:Writing and structuring content with HTMLStyling your site with CSSBacking-up your codeGetting it online for the world to seeFor me, being able to create my own websites with HTML and CSS has been empowering. Liberating. And a way of creating and expressing myself. It's also given me opportunities to freelance, work for agencies, work at startups, and run my own studio.During the course you'll be creating a website for your favourite cartoon hero. I'll share my insights and best practices for planning and creating a simple one-page website. We'll cover browsers, code editors, planning, how to back up your code, and how to publish your website.You'll see that it's not that hard or scary to create a website! Whether you're an absolute novice or have dabbled in some web design and development before, by the end of this course you'll know how to hand-code basic websites and have a solid foundation to add further web-related learning to. Also, your friends will be jealous and your mom will be super proud. And you'll feel like Neo from The Matrix."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"GMAT Math Official Guide 2020" |
"Hello There!How would you like to solve real, challenging GMAT Math questions in 10, 15, 30 seconds?This UNIQUE, definitive course will show you how to solve hundreds of real GMAT Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency questions in the fastest way possible. Our Exclusive Features:The FASTEST way to solve each question appears at the beginning of each video. This saves you time! If you used the fastest way, you can move on to the next video. If you wish to see a slower, alternative, or more elaborate solution, watch the entire video.Every single question has its own unique, pre-highlighted Takeaways; if you can't solve the question, use the Takeaways as clues!No other course in the world offers you the ability to practice the exact same concept / Takeaways on multiple different real questions. Most courses will merely offer a broad categorization of the various questions.Since 75% of our students are not native English speakers, ALL of the lectures have been fully captioned by us, rather than by machines.Get your own copy of the ~1,200 Takeaways which solve all 460 REAL questions, and know how to approach EVERY single question on the test.We encourage you to look at the free previews and to compare our explanations with those appearing in the Official Guide; you will find our explanations Intuitive, Powerful -- and most importantly -- Implementable within the significant time constraints which the test introduces.The reason some of our students will travel for hours to attend our in-class courses is their desire to be trained to think like a pro;-- now, you too can achieve that goal! See you inside! Nve ChenSenior GMAT Lecturer,NeatPrepCourse image courtesy of Stasys EIDIEJUS from FreeImages."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Composition in Photography from A to Z" |
"Welcome to the Composition in Photography Masterclass! Whether a beginner or advanced in the field, this course will be useful for you. Here you may find the answers to your questions:Why does composition matter?How can you compose the frame on the go?How can you learn to see composition around - a very important prerequisite, in order to start taking better photos?How can composition help you improve your overall understanding of photography?Why is it important to be able to analyse your own photos - as well as the photos you see?My name is Denis Buchel, I am an experienced photographer and my goal is to help you improve your photography skills. I have been a lecturer in different photography courses, I have spoken about photography on various exhibition openings. What I noticed in people is that they are always interested in how things work, how they really happen on the field. Why, for example there are some photos which are getting more popularity than others. The uniting theme here is composition. Composition is everywhere, it helps you structure one frame, it helps you take advantage of every detail you are surrounded by.During the course, I'll be explaining everything with my own photos. You will see that everything is possible, when you master the language of photography composition, of composition rules. We will start with the basics - what BALANCE is, how to achieve it. From there on we'll move to the different composition rules - the Rule of Thirds, the Golden Ratio, the Golden Spiral, till we reach the point where we'll be doing overall composition analysis. All of the time we will be analyzing photography - a really valuable skill a few people have. And a few photographers speak about, in fact, especially when it comes to analyzing their own photos.The course is recorded by Vyara Georgieva, that's why you'll hear a female voice one you start it. You are on the way to stat an amazing journey in the world of photography! What are you waiting for? Join us today! Let me help you improve your photography skills!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Criando Seu Prprio Videogame Retr com o Raspberry Pi" |
"Aprenda a criar seu prprio videogame retr utilizando o Raspberry Pi e tenha em uma nica plataforma a possibilidade de jogar nos seguintes consoles:Atari;Super Nintendo;Sega Genesis;Playstation 1;GameCube;GameBoy;entre outros videogames clssicos!Neste curso voc construir este emulador de videogames com instrues passo a passo, alm de dicas extras e suporte ilimitado para responder a todas as suas dvidas!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Ladezeitoptimierung fr deine Webseite! Ideal fr WordPress" |
"Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist es deine Webseite wirklich schneller zu machen!Pagespeed oder auch die Ladezeit deiner Webseite sind in der heutigen Zeit extrem wichtig. Zu diesem Thema gibt es unzhlige Studien, die alle folgendes besttigen.Eine schnellere Ladezeit deiner Webseite fhrt zu:einer hheren Kundenzufriedenheit deiner Webseitenbesucherbesseren Nutzersignalen auf deiner Webseitehheren Rankings fr deine Webseitegeringeren Absprungratenmehr Conversion und damit mehr Umsatz auf deiner Webseitemehr Seitenaufrufe auf deiner Webseitelngere Verweildauer deiner WebseitenbesucherIn diesem Kurs bekommst du all das Wissen an die Hand, was du bentigst, um deine eigene Webseite deutlich schneller zu machen.Im kurzem Theorieteil legen wir den Grundstein fr die Pagespeed-Optimierung. Du wirst den Aufbau von Webseiten verstehen und dann dein eigenes Child-Theme erstellen.Du bekommst von mir eine Checkliste an die Hand mit 33 Stellschrauben, die deine Ladezeit verbessern. Diese Checkliste arbeiten wir dann gemeinsam im Praxisteil ab.Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt am Livebeispiel, wie du die Optimierungsschritte umsetzen kannst und was es dabei alles zu beachten gibt. Jede Stellschraube kategorisiere ich fr dich in folgende 3 Punkte:SchwierigkeitZeitaufwandNutzenSomit kannst du schnell abschtzen, ob sich die Optimierungsmanahme fr deine Webseite lohnt. Ich gebe dir mein Versprechen!Wenn du die Stellschrauben aus diesem Kurs umgesetzt hast, dann wird deine Seite mit Sicherheit deutlich schneller sein als vorher - garantiert! Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, werde ich persnlich einen Blick drauf werden ;)Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und optimiere deine Webseite fr schnellere Ladezeiten und bessere Rankings!Liebe GreToni"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The Mechanics of Watercolor Painting" |
"List price of $49.99 now $24.99""I absolutely loved this course! She is a fantastic teacher, very easy to listen to and the information is taught in a methodical and easy to understand way. I feel very ready to move on to bigger things now."" - Cherilyn B. The Mechanics of Watercolor Painting is a step-by-step course designed to guide students through all the necessary skills needed to paint with watercolor paints. Using her approachable, easy-to-understand teaching method and lots of hands-on activities, artist Jill Poyerd walks viewers through a total of nearly four hours of lectures and over 30 student activities, covering topics like brush handling, color mixing, paint application, and much much more.We begin by learn all about your workspace. Its important to have all of your tools readily available when you work. Then we discuss the many aspects of brushes, from how to physically handle a brush to how to properly dilute your paints. Next, the course focuses on how to mix your paints and how to get acquainted with your specific selection of colors. And finally, once we have a solid knowledge base, we learn about the three different application methods - controlled, semi-controlled, and uncontrolled paint application. We close the course with a watercolor painting demonstration so students can understand how it can all be put into practice.This course is one of the most comprehensive classes you will find online related to learning how to use watercolors. Its primarily aimed at the beginning painter, but it can apply to anyone who feels they may be lacking something in their knowledge when they paint in this medium."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Astonishing scriptures on faith for incredible you" |
"We are all approaching the days of ArmageddonWho does not want to get ready for the last battle of humanity?This does not mean only getting ready physicallyBut to prepare spiritually and mentally, to know the scriptures on faith in God in the most effective way, to be part of the elite human andto implement scriptures on faith and hope in our soalsSo that we will be privileged to live eternal livesThat's exactly what ""Astonishing scriptures on faith for incredible you"" course does.We take scriptures on faith That was written nine hundred years ago and relevant to our postmodern life And implementing them to our life. Today.You are welcome to join Us!This is the first course in a series of five coursesAll around ancient texts written about 900 years ago teaching scriptures on faith in God. It is all based on the true story of a nation that converted to JudaismThere were deep discussions of the search for truth, scriptures on faith and love & bible verses about faith.They all found the great truth at the Hebrew nation understanding of the Bible."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ultrasound Physics - Advanced" |
"This course is an Advanced Ultrasound Physics course following the ""Introduction to Ultrasound Physics"" course I've created before. In fact, I highly suggest that you take them in order, otherwise it may be difficult for you to comprehend some of the concepts of the Advanced course.The Physics is boring. Similarly, the Ultrasound Physics... However, to become a Sonographer, you need to know it and understand it. Yeah, and do not forget about this notorious SPI (Sonography Principles & Instrumentation) ARDMS board exam. You MUST pass it successfully in order to become a registered Sonographer, as well as Vascular Technologist. That is why I'm going to try to make this scary subject more manageable, easier to understand, and easier to learn. There will be a lot of work on your part:You will have quizzes.You will need to memorize formulas, definitions, and logical chains of principles.You will need to do some homework between the lectures.However, at the end of the day, I can give you a promise: you will not be scared of Ultrasound Physics, and you will be ready to conquer the ARDMS SPI Ultrasound Physics exam or continue to learn Physical concepts."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 Modern Desktop Administrator Associate MD-100" |
"O curso composto por uma srie de videoaulas especialmente desenvolvidas para o mximo de absoro do contedo.Cada mdulo do curso composto de aulas tericas e prticas, facilitando a compreenso dos assuntos desenvolvidos. A teoria e a prtica juntas ajudam o mximo de reteno do contedo.Este um curso para quem quer aprender o Windows 10 no modo avanado e para pessoas interessadas no desenvolvimento de seu conhecimento alinhado s necessidades do mercado de tecnologia da informao.Outra vantagem do curso a preparao para o exame MD-100, um passo importante para a nova certificao Modern Desktop Administrator Associate.O professor apenas o facilitador deste processo, pois quem realmente faz a diferena o aluno atravs do autodidatismo, auto-organizao e disciplina. Este um modelo educacional desenvolvido para adultos e para estudantes que realmente querem se distanciar dos demais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 - Modern Desktop Administrator Associate MD-101" |
"O curso composto por uma srie de videoaulas especialmente desenvolvidas para o mximo de absoro do contedo.Cada mdulo do curso composto de aulas tericas e prticas, facilitando a compreenso dos assuntos desenvolvidos. A teoria e a prtica juntas ajudam o mximo de reteno do contedo.Este um curso para quem quer aprender o Windows 10 no modo avanado e para pessoas interessadas no desenvolvimento de seu conhecimento alinhado s necessidades do mercado de tecnologia da informao.Outra vantagem do curso a preparao para o exame MD-101, um passo importante para a nova certificao Modern Desktop Administrator Associate.O professor apenas o facilitador deste processo, pois quem realmente faz a diferena o aluno atravs do autodidatismo, auto-organizao e disciplina. Este um modelo educacional desenvolvido para adultos e para estudantes que realmente querem se distanciar dos demais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Marketing de afiliados" |
"Dentro del rea de miembros aprenders estrategias simples que te guiaran a promocionar correctamente un producto de afiliados, desde buscar un nicho correcto, crear el blog de afiliados, montar una buena revisin y una buena historia de tu personaje y como llevarle trafico cualificado para convertirlos en prospectos y posteriormente clientes del producto que ests promocionando."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners guide to Canva for Professional Graphics Design" |
"A Beginners guide to Canva for Professional Graphic DesignWelcome to this (mainly for beginners) Canva course that will help to ensure that you are seriously Awesome with the online-based visual and graphic design software known as ""Canva""....Canva is an easy to use web-based graphic design software that will help you to design graphics just like a professional even if you have never touched a piece of professional graphics design software in your life - Canva will still have you designing like a Professional in no time at all with its intuitive & easy-to-use user interface.You can even Make money online with the Canva softwareWhy not use your newly learned graphic design skills to produce work for others who are ready and willing to pay you for that. This course will show you exactly how and where to go about this.BEWARE THE ALTERNATIVE!...The alternative to Canva would be to spend several thousand $$ for an official licensed copy of those 'top-selling' graphic design softwares and then take several years to learn exactly how to use it proficiently!Or, you could invest in this graphic design course and learn how to use Canva like a professional with a much shorter learning curve.Canva will have you designing great-looking logos, flyers, social media banners, brochures and so much more in absolutely no time at all.Everything you need to know is right on the inside of this course - so what are you waiting for?"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Astronomy: Exploring the solar system" |
"The solar system is the most fundamental topic taught to us in our schools. However, we try to explore our neighborhood from a scientific and factual point of view and understand how it all came into being! We first traveled in the past to understand how our solar system was born. Then we took a tour to find the edge of it. After learning some quick interesting stuff about the planets, we turned towards understanding more about them and their moons. And we finished up with understanding how the smaller bodies of the solar system contain important clues about the origin and the evolution.What all is part of the solar system? Where is its edge? Discover the answers with me in this courseWhat are you waiting for? Join us now to explore our cosmic backyard!"
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Astronomy: The Star Stuff" |
"It is fascinating that the stars have a certain life cycle. They are born in nebulae and after living for millions or billions of years and then die a spectacular death, giving birth to new stars and the cycle goes onThe star stuff remains one of our most favourite topics and we are sure you will love it! As beautiful and amazing they look, stars have their own mystery which has always intrigued humans giving them clues about the origins of the universe. In this course, we discuss the life cycle of the star: how and where are the stars born, why they are so different from each other, and how do they ultimately die. We also discuss a master diagram which helps us understand various stars and their characteristics. This course being a beginner level is an important one to understand upcoming advanced courses.Are you ready to dive deeper into the starry sky?"
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Astronomy : The Mysterious Moon" |
"Our ancestors believed in working all day and retiring with the sun. This was because the solar light guides us with its light and while night to perform the necessary tasks its the lunar helping us out. Moon deserves our thanks for many things. The light, the energy are the many things our natural satellite takes us through. The only celestial object where humans have touched their feet.Let us celebrate the birthday of Neil Armstrong, the first person who touched the moon and the success of the biggest mission Chandrayaan 2. Lets see the details of our Chandra in this course."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Astronomical Events" |
"The heavens above are ever-changing. Simple movements of astronomical bodies can be a treat for our eyes. Astronomical events are basically everything that is happening in the heavens above. look into it from another angle and even the earths revolution around the sun and rotation on its own axis is actually an astronomical event. In fact, it leads to more exciting events such as the solar or lunar eclipses and transits even meteor showers!These events are mesmerizing and they are not as rare as you would think. You just need to know how and when to observe them. Every single astronomical event is unique so you better be alert and keep your eyes on the skies!In another course, Astronomy without telescope, we quickly took a look at all these events. Are you ready to know more? then hop on!"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Arabic For Foreigners - Reading & Writing Online Course" |
"Arabic is a difficult language ! . This is what most of the new learners say to me after our first lesson together but then I noticed that a small percentage find Arabic very normal like any other language they say . These same students often showed rapid learning pace. I immediately began wondering how these small portion of learners find it easier to speak Arabic MSA than the majority of my students . Are they special ? Do they study more than their colleagues ?The only way I could know is by asking them directly , and that is exactly what I did . I was shocked !The majority of the answers I got were basically like this : ""I spent a lot of time doing proper reading and learning the correct way to write before I moved to the typical <<Hello ! How are you ?>> lessons "", this is a very unusual way to learn a new language .I said to myself, but again what do I know ? ,I am a native speaker. If this can help a non native speaker then from now on, this will be my authentic way of teaching Arabic to my newcomers students.I created this course to fulfill this exact goal for the type of students who can not attend live classes with me or can't find the right time to sit in for a class due to the time difference. Wherever you are in the world, you can take this course anytime you want and wherever you are !The course will guide you through how to do the right spelling of words and master the new phonetics that are Arabic specials. You will learn the rules of writing and which form is used in its exact location in the word. While you are taking the course you will pick up a lot of useful words to enrich your vocabulary. I promise you that you will complete the course thanks to the fun games I have inside ! you will not get bored !I will be there waiting for you to congratulate you on getting your completion certificate !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learning Excel Formula for Business Analysis" |
"This course is meant for Beginners and Intermediate experts who want to learn how to perform analysis using various Excel Formula. All the sections cover several different aspects of working with Excel. After having mastered all the formula mentioned in this course, any Business user or Data Analyst will be able to gain good expertise in handling Excel formula."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"23 x Ways your IT Support Company Can Make More Profit" |
"To grow your MSP or IT support company, you can either get more customers or sell more services to existing customers.In this course, I will teach you 23 different products that you should be selling to all of your customers.The course is perfect for people who are new in the IT support business or people who are transitioning from break/fix. To have a successful MSP, you have to get your MRR (monthly recurring revenue) as high as possible. This means you can hire great techs, use great software and enjoy the life you deserve!We'll talk about sellingOffice 365 and Associated ServicesIT Security Services to Protect your ClientsCloud Infrastructure Services including Azure.Backup and Disaster RecoveryMUCH MORE!Plus, you get access to me, Jonathan Edwards. I've owned an MSP for 15 years. Join now and let's build your MSP!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Hidrosttica sin misterios" |
"En este curso se explican y analizan desde cero los principios generales de la hidrosttica y el Principio de Arqumedes. Se desarrollan mas de una docena de problemas de distinto tipo planteando ecuaciones y resolvindolas paso a paso. Tambin se explican temas bsicos como clculo de reas y volmenes, el uso de la calculadora cientifica y el despeje de incgnitas en ecuaciones tpicas.Los temas tratados son:reas y volmenes Densidad y Peso Especfico.Presin en lquidos y gases. Unidades, tipos de unidades y pasaje de unas a otras.Principio de Pascal, prensa hidrulica.Principio General de la Hidrosttica, tubos en U.Presin atmosfrica, presin total y manomtrica. Principio de Arqumedes, empuje hidrosttico, cuerpos que flotan parcialmente o totalmente sumergidos, fuerzas actuantes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Short Selling Stocks Masterclass" |
"Have You Ever Lost Money Investing In A Stock That Dropped 20%+ Overnight? Have You Ever Lost Money With A Stock That Was Gaming Their Earnings And Turned Out To Be A Massive Fraud? Yeah...we've all been there at some point and it SUCKS losing your hard earned money like that. But what if I told you there was a way to avoid these situations ANDeven PROFIT from them? This Short Selling Masterclass will teach you how to spot under-performing businesses BEFORE they drop so you can profit from them or get out of those situations. Most people go around short selling the wrong way. They try to look at stock patterns or use complicated day trading and/or swing trading strategies. Instead, my method for short selling trading looks at the balance sheet.When a business starts under-performing, the balance sheet gets hit first. You'll start to see signs in a company's inventory, accounts receivable, or deferred revenue. These are tell-tale signs of business deterioration and can predict a big drop in the stock price with EXTREMELYHIGH ACCURACY. In fact...many of you may look like a Fortune Teller with these calls...This strategy was pioneered by BILLIONAIRE JimChanos, one of the most iconic and famous hedge fund short sellers at all time - who made billions shorting frauds like Enron, Worldcom, and Tyco.This course will teach you the basic strategy of short selling with the balance sheet. Here's what you will learn:How to identify inventory trends that will result in significant earnings pressure and stock price declinesHow to identify accounts receivable (and deferred revenue) trends that will result in a big revenue slowdown before the stock cratersHow companies can play accounting games with their profits to cover up weakness in their results (this almost always results in a big stock price decline at some point)How companies use non-GAAP results to hide bad resultsHow to use insider selling (stock sales by a company's management team) to predict a stock collapse with extremely accurate results"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Analysis: Financial Ratios For Analysts" |
"If you want to be a professional investor, analyst, or CFA, analyzing financials and calculating financial ratios is important. After being in the finance field at the highest level for nearly 10 years, I can confidently say analyzing financial ratios is the foundation for success. This course will teach you how to analyze over 25 different financial ratios so you can be prepared at work or managing your own investments. Here's what you will learn:Margin analysis (gross margin, operating margin, net margin)Return on assets and equity (along with the Du Pont Formula)Activity Ratios (receivable turnover, DSO, inventory turnover, DSI, payable turnover, DPO, cash conversion cycle)Liquidity and leverage analysis (current ratio, interest coverage, debt/equity, debt/EBITDA)Dividend analysis (dividend yield and payout)Valuation (P/E, forward P/E, P/CF, P/B, P/S, EV/EBITDA)With these financial ratios, you will be able to analyze any stock or business and tell how it is doing right away. PLUS, the course includes a comprehensive case study that covers all of the financial ratios discussed. We will look at real financial statements and calculate these financial ratios (just like how the professionals do it).Finally, the course will have a comprehensive quiz at the end applying everything we have learned."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Penny Stocks Masterclass: Trade & Invest Penny Stocks" |
"When you think of penny stocks the first thing that comes to mind is probably fraud, right? You're probably thinking about the Wolf of Wall Street and wondering how anyone actually makes money trading and investing in penny stocks. Now, I'm not going to lie. Penny stock land is filled with LOTS of frauds, bad actors, and terrible companies. However, there are also many hidden gems.I'm talking about companies that no one follows. Small companies that have the potential to gain multiples on your investment. I'm talking about stocks that can double or triple or quadruple in a short time frame.In fact...many big time investors started trading and investing in penny stocks when they first started. They only moved up to large cap stocks because they started managing too much money. In fact...the greatest investor to ever live, Warren Buffett, traded small companies when he first started his partnership in the 1950s. And you know what? His partnerships regularly generated 50%+ returns!Here's what he had to say when asked about investing in small stocks (i.e. penny stocks):""If I was running $1 million today, or $10 million for that matter, I'd be fully invested. Anyone who says that size does not hurt investment performance is selling. The highest rates of return I've ever achieved were in the 1950s. I killed the Dow. You ought to see the numbers. But I was investing peanuts then. It's a huge structural advantage not to have a lot of money. I think I could make you 50% a year on $1 million. No, I know I could. I guarantee that."" - Warren Buffett - 1999 InterviewNow most people want to sell you on the idea of day trading penny stocks. But that's a fool's game. The reality is...maybe 5% or 10% of all traders will EVERmake money day trading penny stocks. My method involves fundamentally researching under-followed penny stocks to identify them BEFOREthe market catches on. If you can do this, you can easily make multiples on your investment. Here's what you'll learn in this course:How to screen for great penny stock trades BEFORE the stock takes off4 EASY to implement penny stock trading/investing strategiesHow to read financial reports and news releases to identify stocks that will rocket with HIGH Accuracy11 qualities of highly profitable penny stock trades and investments9 things to avoid when investing in penny stocks so you don't lose your Hard Earned Money3 principles of portfolio management to REDUCE risk and MAXIMIZE ProfitsPLUS this course comes with tons of real world case studies, so you can see exactly how my strategies make money."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mailchimp Business Email Marketing" |
"Email marketing is super important no matter if you run a retail business, an e-commerce business, a dropshipping store, a personal brand, or even a blog. Email marketing allows you to target loyal followers, build your audience, and multiply sales/profits!So if you want to take your business to the next level, Mailchimp email marketing is for you!So what is Mailchimp? Well, Mailchimp is one of the best (and most powerful) email service providers out there. The Mailchimp Business Email Marketing Course will teach you the A to Zelda of how to operate your Mailchimp account.Here's what you'll learn:1. How to create an email list from scratchTime is money. You'll learn how to set up Mailchimp and create an email list in less than 10 minutes. 2. Build highly optimized email marketing campaigns using MailChimpYou will learn how to write emails that will convert subscribers to customers and how to target and segment your customers to send personalized email campaigns. Plus, you'll learn how to make sure your emails don't end up in people's spam inbox (otherwise it'll kill your sales efforts). 3. How to automate your business using Mailchimp automationLearn how to automate your email marketing strategy in order to turn your business on autopilot and earn passive income. You'll learn how to set up a high quality automatic email system that will be able to generate sales even while you're sleeping late every morning. 4. Create high conversion opt in and sign up forms on MailchimpYou will learn how to create 3 different types of Mailchimp email sign up forms to build your from zero to hero pretty quick!5. How to create and test A/B split testing campaignsYou will learn how to test email campaigns and optimize emails through split testing. BONUS LECTURES!In addition to the A - Z Mailchimp Business EmailMarketing content, I'm adding in several FREEBonus Lectures, including:A) 3 Strategies to grow your email list like algae in a pond!B) 8 best types of emails to send subscribers to convert them into customers!C) The 7 best lead magnets to make people sign up for your email list! If you want to take your business to the next level, sign up for the Mailchimp Business EmailMarketing Course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing Mastermind: Build Your List & Grow Sales" |
"Direct response email marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. Without email marketing, it's hard to build a business long-term (and you'd be leaving a lot of money on the table). In fact, it is THE most important marketing strategy you can employ for your business. If you can build a following, cultivate a relationship with people, and convince them to buy your products/services, you'll be able to build a big business (5 or 6 figures).Imagine being able to generate income simply by writing a short email to your subscribers!Best of all? Email marketing is one of the cheapest forms of marketing you can invest in. It costs ALMOST NOTHING to send an email to someone. AND you can generate hundreds (even thousands) from just one customer. I didn't always believe this...For the longest time, I thought email marketing was just a bunch of baloney. But when I started building my followers, my influence grew as well. Before long, I was able to generate a decent amount of income from my email list...simply from writing daily emails to my subscribers and promoting my products and services. And now you get to learn the exact blueprint I used to create this income stream. Here's what you'll learn in this email marketing mastermind course:1) Strategies to Grow/Multiply your email list and influenceBuild your cult following through social media, your own website, and eBooks.2) 7 insane lead magnets that will have people BEGGING to sign up for your email list!Lead magnets are perfect for getting people to sign up for your list. You'll learn the top lead magnets to get people to sign up fast!3) Write extremely high converting email campaigns You'll learn 12 types of email campaigns that will get your customers hitting that BUY button faster than the speed of light. 4) Construct email subject lines that will increase your open ratesLearn 10 different types of email subject lines that will skyrocket your email open rates!5) Create automated emails to streamline your businessTurn your business on autopilot mode and generate PASSIVEINCOME!6) How to use surveys to collect data on customersLearn how surveys can be used to take your business to the Next Level!7) Direct response copywriting skillsLearn the exact copywriting skills you need to make money from email marketing!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Niche Website Passive Income Machine Mastermind Course" |
"Imagine earning income from a website you built 5 years ago. You haven't added any new posts. Heck, you probably haven't even thought about it for a few weeks or months. BUT it still brings in the bacon every single month like clock work. That's the power of PASSIVEINCOME. That's the power of NICHEWEBSITES! Sounds too good to be true? It's NOT. That's what happens when you build a successful niche site. Building Wordpress niche sites is a great side hustle to generate passive income. The whole idea behind making money with niche sites is through affiliate marketing - basically you recommend a product/service to people and if they buy it you earn a commission. Simple enough right? Well, the business idea is simple (so simple even a caveman could understand). But execution and earning money is FAR more difficult!In fact, may new niche site creators spend months (even years) getting nowhere because of bad information. That's where the Niche Website Passive Income Machine Mastermind Course comes in. Learn the EXACTstep-by-step blueprint I use to build niche sites to earn passive income. You'll learn everything I know...from setting up your Wordpress selecting affiliate targeting keywords and the actual process of writing blog posts and search engine optimization; the whole shebang! Here's what you'll learn with this Mastermind Course:1. How to build a wordpress niche site from scratchYou'll learn how to buy a domain name, set up your site, and write product reviews to sell affiliate products and generate Passive Income!2. Research keywords and nichesYou'll learn how to conduct detailed niche site research to identify non-competitive markets and pick PROFITABLEKEYWORDS!3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practicesLearn how to optimize your website to show up FIRST in Google search results. Plus, learn how to use the Yoast SEO Wordpress Plugin to level up your SEOgame!4. Best affiliate programsLearn about the best affiliate programs to make money.Plus, get a tutorial on how to use Amazon Associates!5. Best 3 niche site marketsLearn what the best 3 niche site markets are to make passive income!6. How to write and engage readers with content that sellsWrite product reviews that will convert website visitors and STACK CASH for you!Start building your passive income machine today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Wordpress Business Website Bootcamp Course" |
"Want to build a blog site or a website for your business, but don't know how to code? That's where Wordpress comes in. Wordpress allows amateurs, bloggers, and small business owners to create a website from scratch will almost no skill at all. With The Complete Wordpress Business Website BootcampCourse you'll learn the easy step by step process to build a Wordpress website from nothing. And best of all? NOCODING EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED!You'll learn everything you need from buying your domain name to customizing your theme. And throughout the course we'll be building a website from complete scratch (in real time) so you can replicate the exact process!Here's what you'll learn:1. The A - Z of building a professional Wordpress website from scratchLearn the entire Step By Step Process to build a Wordpress website from scratch...from buying your domain name to creating blog posts, to creating a contact page!By the end of this course, you'll be able to build a professional website for your business or blog. 2. Create SEO optimized blog posts and pagesTired of building websites that NEVER get traffic and visitors? Learn how to create SEO friendly blog posts and pages so your website will rank first in Google search results. You'll also learn strategies to drive organic traffic to your site!3. About and Contact Us pagesIf you want to be a professional business, you'll have to look like a professional business. You'll learn how to create professional looking ""about"" and ""contact us"" pages to appear like a Real Business. 4. Drop down custom menusCreate easy to navigate drop down menus on your website to visitors can go to the most important sections of your website. 5. Install Wordpress plugins to increase the functionality of your websiteWordpress plugins can pretty much do anything for your website from collecting email addresses, to creating membership pages, to tracking website visitors. Learn how to install plugins to increase the functionality of your site. You'll also get an in-depth tutorial on how to use the Yoast SEO plugin to make sure your website is optimized to be picked up in Google search results. 6. Create a professional looking static home pageThe default Wordpress homepage is a list of your blog posts. Improve the look and functionality of your site by creating a static homepage to strategically drive traffic to the important parts of your website. 7. Install Wordpress themesLearn how to further customize the look of your website with premium Wordpress themes. A new theme will make your website look professional and sleek."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Value Investing Masterclass" |
"Ever wonder how Warren Buffett made all his money? After all, he's worth a cool $85 Billion. That's $85 BILLION!Well, let me tell you...He made it through shrewd value investing. But what in the world is value investing? The idea behind Value investing is simple. It's an investing strategy that attempts to buy (and hold) undervalued stocks. At its core, value investing is all about buying low and selling high. Value investing may sound ""simple"", but it's super hard to execute and generate decent returns. It's all about the execution and creating the right mindset. And that's where The Complete Value Investing Masterclass comes in. You'll learn the EXACT step by step process great value investors follow to pick undervalued stocks to invest in. And if it's good enough for old Warren Buffett, then it's good enough for you!Here's what you'll learn:1. How to value stocksStop OVERPAYING for terrible stocks and learn how to value stocks properly using the P/E, P/B, and P/CF ratios. 2. My patented 11 factor checklist to invest in value stocks!Learn about the 11 factors I check for before investing in a stock. Each factor will ensure you are investing in only the BEST stocks to generate returns. 3. Avoid ""value traps"" Many value investors LOSEBIG MONEY by investing in value traps. These are stocks that look like cheap classic value stocks, but are actually very expensive businesses. You'll learn exactly how to avoid these traps so you don't lose your hard earned money. 4. Read financial statementsLearn how to read the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows like a professional investor/analyst!5. Portfolio management strategiesLearn how to build a value portfolio from scratch and protect your funds from unnecessary risk. You'll learn strategies to MINIMIZE RISK, while MAXIMIZING PROFITS!6. Screening techniquesI'll give you a detailed tutorial on how I screen for undervalued opportunities to invest in (most other course creators have no idea how to do this!)7. Creating a winning mindsetThe truth is, most value investors lose money. They don't have conviction and they don't have a long-term investment horizon. I'll teach you how to create the proper winning value investing mindset so you can stop LOSING money!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Kindle Publishing - Build Your eBook Empire" |
"Have you ever wanted to be a self-published author? Do you want to make Passive Income by self-publishing books online? Years ago, you needed to go through a complicated process to become a published author. You needed to write a book, hire a cover creator/illustrator, and submit your work to a publishing house. That could take years (or decades) and you'd only earn a small royalty (typically less than 10%) of every book sale. With the advent of Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), anyone can become a self published author. Pretty much anyone can create and sell an eBook on Amazon (the #1 retailer of eBooks in the world) and earn money. Best of all? You can earn a royalty between 35% and 70%, much higher than traditional publishing channels. And that money you earn is 100% Passive Income (the best kind)!This course will teach you the A to Z of KDP Publishing so you can publish your first book and start making money. Here's what you'll learn:1. How to self-publish a book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)You'll learn the exact 3 step process to publish on Amazon KDP from filling out your author profile, to uploading your book/manuscript and cover, to setting the pricing. 2. Select low competition keywordsKeywords are how customers will find your kindle book on Amazon. If you don't select the proper keywords, your book will never be found, which means no sales. You'll learn how to research and target non-competitive keywords to ensure your book is discovered by customers. 3. Pick the best niches to write books inNot all eBook niches are created equal.You'll learn how to target specific niches to maximize your time writing books that already have massive built-in demand. 4. How to use Kindle Select Marketing to skyrocket salesYou'll learn how to use the two Kindle Select promotion tools to get more buyers for your books. 5. How to market your books using Amazon Ads & sell more booksAds are a great way to get your book in front of a larger audience. You'll learn how to use Kindle ads to increase (and steal) sales from your competitors. 6. How to price your books to maximize profitsAmazon has a two royalty structure (35% or 70%). You'll learn how to price your books to ensure maximum profits."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Writing Skills" |
"Good communication leads to good business and enrich relationships among educators.This course is useful for people in corporates,business professionals and students from language and management discipline. Use of english language is vast /widespread in business and commerce. Market place is the arena where our skills are tested ,before entering into this place,one must spend time in equipping basic skills of language and communication and be efficient by learning necessary should have right environment afforded by professional life and then analyse ,give better performance and hone the skills.Possessing good writing skills will be a great asset in world of business.One can learn to write employment document,craft their skills and prepare a polished copy."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"UE4 Irobelly Gun Mechanics From Scratch" |
"Many have asked to make this course, and now it is here! You will learn how to set up a great gun mechanics system in unreal engine 4, using there visual scripting. This course will break down the complexity of good gun mechanic system. We will be diving deep into visual scripting, animation, montages, variables, structs, and even curves. There is alot to take from this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |