Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"UE4 Safe Mechanics Course" |
"In this course you will learn how to make a realistic Safe mechanics using Unreal Engine 4.Learn how to make individual interaction point in the same Blueprint, a realistic Safe Dial mechanic, and Safe Crank mechanic.We will set up a level in Unreal Engine 4 and make all the blueprint from scratch.It's time to get a better understanding on how to expand you Blueprinting knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UE4 Snapping Mechanic" |
"In this course you will learn how to make a basic Snapping Mechanic system using the power of Unreal Engine 4.There is very little information online on how to make a snapping mechanic in detail, lets put an end to that once and for all!I will show you step by step on how to make this game mechanic that works in real time."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Greater Performance Through Mental Imagery and Self-Talk" |
"We have all heard some form of the saying, ""sports are 80% mental and 20% physical"". Let's purposefully engage the 80% and make measurable performance gains. In this course you will create and apply mental imagery and self-talk techniques for the purpose of gaining greater performance in the skill of your choosing. Mental imagery and self-talk can give you quick results and when practiced over a longer period of time mental imagery and self-talk can also help with focus, clarity, your ability to overcome mistakes and programming of specific actions when under high amounts of pressure or stress. In other words what you see in your mind and tell yourself matters when it comes to performing. Throughout this course you will use the workbook I designed to help you shape your mental movie and script to attain performance gains."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 4 For Beginners (in Arabic)" |
". 10 . 4 ( 68 ) .. ( : )"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Entendendo TypeScript" |
"Muitas pessoas conhecem o TypeScript a partir do Angular 2+. a linguagem que voc tem que usar, certo? muito mais do que isso!Aprenda o que o TypeScript, por que ele realmente uma adio poderosa ao JavaScript, quais so seus recursos e como us-lo! E, ao faz-lo, tambm entenda o que voc est realmente fazendo no seu cdigo Angular 2+.Este curso leva voc desde o bsico e seu recurso mais importante (tipos!) at o ponto em que voc pode usar o TypeScript em qualquer um dos seus projetos. Integrao com Vue e React includos!Como o TypeScript desenvolvido pela Microsoft e fortemente recomendado pelo Angular 2+ (Google), ele veio para ficar.Esteja entre os desenvolvedores que realmente entendem o TypeScript e se torne um profissional diferenciado!JornadUma jornada ao FuturoComo o cdigo TypeScript pode ser compilado para o ES5, voc ficar impressionado com os vrios recursos da prxima gerao que voc pode comear a usar hoje. Recursos do ES6, ES7, ES8 como Destructuring, Arrow Functions, Promise, Mdulos e muito mais. Alm dos recursos exclusivos como Decorators, Generics e Interfaces - TypeScript tem todos eles!Neste Curso, no vamos parar depois do bsico. Voc aprender sobre recursos mais avanados e tambm como configurar fluxos de trabalho com o TypeScript. Isso inclui um fluxo de trabalho somente de TypeScript, bem como fluxos de trabalho usando Gulp ou Webpack.Voc tambm aprender que no est limitado a projetos Angular 2+ ou JavaScript/TypeScript comuns. Um mdulo completo aborda como usar o TypeScript com o Vue e React para se beneficiar de seus recursos, tambm.Pratique o que voc aprendeVer vdeos uma tima maneira de aprender. E para muitos estudantes, o melhor caminho. Se voc tambm quer praticar as coisas que voc aprende, este curso oferece exerccios (e solues) em muitos dos mdulos do curso.Muito contedo!Eu no sou f desses cursos que ensinam o bsico e no aprofunda nos conceitos. Neste curso voc ter contedo sobre:Tipos e Como us-losComo o compilador do TypeScript funcionaRecursos do ES6 em TypeScriptClasses em TypeScriptNamespaces e ModulesInterfacesGenericsDecoratorsComo integrar bibliotecas externas a projetos TypeScriptComo integrar TypeScript com Gulp e WebpackOu como configurar um fluxo de trabalho apenas com TypeScriptComo usar TypeScript junto com React e Vue"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"PHP 7 Completo - Curso do Desenvolvedor Web 2020 + Projetos" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao Curso PHP 7 Completo - Curso do Desenvolvedor Web 2020! Esse curso vai te ensinar a ser um desenvolvedor Web desde o bsico at o nvel profissional avanado.Desenvolvimento Web hoje um dos assuntos mais relevantes do momento porque o mercado respira Web. E se voc deseja ser um profissional preparado para o mercado e no quer aprender apenas frmulas, mas o porqus, esse curso de PHP a escolha certa pra voc.No curso PHP 7 Completo, voc vai comear entendo o bsico da linguagem como sintaxe e os tipos, conhecer as estruturas lgicas e de repetio, como criar funes e trabalhar no contexto orientado objetos. Com a base definida vamos apresentar conceitos mais avanados como cookies, sesses, integrao com banco de dados. Para finalizar, teremos um projeto real de controle de ponto, para exercitar os conhecimentos adquiridos em uma aplicao aplicvel ao mundo real, com layout moderno e profissional.Um dos maiores diferenciais dos nossos cursos que Ns no ensinamos apenas frmulas, voc vai terminar esse curso de PHP entendendo os porqus, a lgica de como a coisa acontece, o que vai te tornar um profissional muito mais qualificado e competitivo no mercado. E no projeto final do curso iremos desenvolver uma aplicao exclusiva que surgiu de uma necessidade real da Cod3r. Assista a essa aula sem custo e confira o que voc vai poder desenvolver junto com a gente.Assista as aulas abertas e confira a qualidade do nosso contedo, e veja tambm os comentrios dos nosso alunos sobre a nossa didtica. Somos a escola de tecnologia com uma das melhores avaliaes do mercado. No tenho dvida que voc estar fazendo um excelente investimento se juntando nossa comunidade de mais de 50 mil alunos.E sabe o que mais? Voc vai receber um certificado de concluso ao final do curso, e o seu acesso vitalcio, no expira. E se mesmo depois de tudo que apresentamos, mesmo assim voc no gostou do curso, ns garantimos o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias aps a compra de forma simples.Invista na sua carreira, venha pra Cod3r.Grande abrao e bons estudos!!"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"GraphQL: Criando APIs Profissionais e Flexveis" |
"GraphQL foi criado para tornar o desenvolvimento de APIs mais simples e, sem dvida, muito mais flexvel. Criada em 2012 pelo Facebook, GraphQL j uma tecnologia bastante conhecida e adotada por vrias gigantes da tecnologia. GraphQL traz vrias vantagens se comparada as APIs desenvolvidas com o padro REST. A partir dos primeiros exemplo ser fcil constatar que GraphQL entrega um cdigo mais fcil de evoluir e permite um nvel de flexibilidade para interagir com os dados muito superior a outras alternativas de mercado.O que GraphQL?O GraphQL uma linguagem de consulta para APIs e um ambiente de execuo para atender essas consultas aos dados existentes. O GraphQL fornece uma descrio completa e compreensvel dos dados em sua API, oferece s aplicaes clientes o poder de requisitar exatamente o que precisam e nada mais, facilita a evoluo das APIs ao longo do tempo e permite ferramentas poderosas para desenvolvedores.Os assuntos abordados so:Fundamentos de GraphQLMapeamento dos Dados (Schema)Consultas (Queries)Alterando Dados (Mutations)Banco de DadosMigrationsQuery BuilderOperaes Bsicas de Banco de Dados (CRUD)Integrar GraphQL com Banco de DadosAutenticao & Autorizao usando PerfisConsumindo API com GraphQL ClientBoas aulas e excelentes estudos!Equipe Cod3r"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Create A 100% Free and Responsive Website (Without Coding!)" |
"Are you wondering how to create a Website for free? Including beautiful Design and free Hosting? I did. And now I will show you how can too!Before I discovered THIS method I tried all the services out there and paid hundreds of Dollars for Hosting and thousands of Dollars for Web-designers. But not anymore!I tried Wordpress. I tried Webflow. I tried Mailchimp Landingpages, Wix, Unbounce, Leadpages and Instapage. I used an absurdly configured Shopify-Store as Landingpage. I have even implemented my own Landingpage Generator based on Pimcore.Don't get me wrong, they're all great, but if you're just starting out or need a beautifully designed page really really quickly then those methods are mostly a waste of your precious time and money. Because they all need special hosting and a web-designer or expensive Themes on top.And I spent a lot of money. This is unnecessary using the methods and workflows presented in this course.I simply changed my workflow. So can you too!If I just start out now then I'm using THIS method now to get a new business page out in TWO hours. Two hours! A full page, beautifully designed, mobile ready, blazing fast. And the best is: It's totally FREE! All you need to do is plugin your own Text and add your own pictures and hit publish.In this course I'll even show you how to get the BEST Free Pictures for your Websites! And on top of it, I'll show you my favorite Chat App, which is obviously totally Free as well! I will show you how you can integrate it into your existing website quickly and the right way, so people can get in touch with you instantly and frictionless!If you ever wondered how to create websites for free, mobile ready including free Hosting, then THIS course is for you!I'll show you my FULL Workflow from A-Z!Don't look any further and enroll right now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Docker Bootcamp for Web Developers (2020)" |
"** Update April 2020: Added a Laravel Section to the Course - Install and Containerize a Laravel Application usind Docker and Docker-Compose **Are you fed up not knowing......what happens when you run ""docker run"" commands? to create your own images using Dockerfiles and how to upload them to an image registry? docker-compose works and how to orchestrate multiple services?Then this course is for you!This course will teach you how to use Docker professionally. You will be able to add Docker to your CV & start using your Docker skills professionally every day.In this course is for total Docker beginners where I will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with Docker. If you have never worked with containerization before, or you need a quick refresher on the most common commands and patterns using Docker, then this course is for you. You will deep dive into lots of little details so that you can add Docker confidently to your own portfolio.By the end, youll become a Docker Expert ready to build Development Environments using Docker.We will take you from beginner to master. Heres why:This course been updated to be 2020 Ready, so youll be learning with all the latest tools.This course does not cut any corners, you will learn by building Real-World Projects in our labs.I've taught over 60,000 students here on Udemy.This course is Constantly Updated with new content, projects and modules.By joining this course, you can assured I'll be giving you a no non-sense dive into Docker. You wont be left in the dark, like many outdated YouTube tutorials.Dont just take my word for it, see what Existing Students have to say:""without rambling this course provides pretty much all the information you need to get started, well done!"" -- Edward Finlayson ""Good hands-on course. I could pick up tons of tips, how-to-s and apply to my work (system guy)."" -- Hank Nguyen ""I think it's a very good tutorial for people who are starting out with Docker. [...]"" -- Prithwiraj Sinha Enroll today with zero risk, and everything to gain by learning a new skill.What are you waiting for?Hit ""Enroll Now"" and learn Docker today!Legal Notice:Docker and the Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Docker, Inc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Der Java Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen Kurs" |
"Dieser Kurs bringt dich einen Schritt weiter um ein Java Profi zu werden.Du willst als Java Programmierer arbeiten? Dann ist dieser Kurs ein Mu! Jeder Entwickler heute muss wissen wie was und wie Datenstrukten & Algorithmen arbeiten. In den Abschnitte zu den Datenstrukturen lernst du nicht nur die Vor- und Nachteile der verschiedenen Datenstrukturen. Du lernst viel mehr deren Aufbau indem du diese von beginn an selbst implentierst. Der Kurs baut auf die Praxis, du lernst wie man Listen, Bume etc. anwendet und nicht nur die Theorie. Welche Themen du unteranderem im Kurs findest:Datenstrukturen:ArrayArrayListVerkettete Listen LinkedListHashtableStacksQueuesBumeBinr BumeGraphen (Gerichtet, Ungerichtet etc.)Jede Datenstruktur wird dabei selbst implementiert d.h. es wird nicht einfach nur eine fertige Klasse verwendet. Es geht ja darum diese zu verstehen und nicht nur anzuwenden.Algorithmen:BubblesortQuicksortSelectionSortMergeSortSuche in JavaBinre SucheDie Algorithmen werden wie die Datenstrukturen von Beginn selbst implementiert. So kannst du verstehen wie diese arbeiten.Zustzlich gibt es:- bungen- PDF Dateien- Alle Source Code Dateien"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Java Benutzeroberflchen mit Swing erstellen + Wetter App" |
"In diesem Java fortgeschritten Kurs lernst du, Programme mit Grafische Benutzeroberflchen mit Java Swing zu entwickeln.Nutzen wirst du dabei die Swing Bibliothek. Du wirst lernen, wie man mit einer API arbeitet oder mit JSON Dateien arbeiten. Dabei wirst du ein Programm erstellen, welches aus mehreren Modulen besteht. Unter anderen wirst du nach dem Kurs in der Lage sein, Wetter Daten abzufragen und in deinen Programmen zu nutzen.In diesem Kurs ist der Praxisanteil hochgehalten. Im Kurs werden mehrere Programmmodule entwickelt, welche am Ende ein Programm ergeben.Whrend der Modul Entwicklung lernst du die Swing Bibliothek Schritt fr Schritt kennen.Lerninhalt in Stichpunkten:Swing:- Aufbau von Swing- Layout Manager (GridLayout, GroupLayout, FlowLayout etc. )- Komponenten (JButton, JLabel, JList, JPanel etc.)- Men erstellen- Swing Dialog- Drag and Drop von Inhalten / Bildern- Listener (Action, Tastatur, Mouse etc.)- Tastatur Shortcuts setzen- Swing Programme exportieren- und vieles mehr...Praxis:Ein Programm, welches folgende Elemente beinhaltet:- Digitaluhr - lass die von Java die Uhrzeit anzeigen- Wetter Daten laden einer beliebigen Stadt, mit Wetter Icon's- Programme starten per Shortcut- Webseiten per Shortcut ffnen- Beliebige Webseiten ffnen- Beliebige Programme ffnenJava:Auch wirst unter anderem neuen Java Themen kennen lernen:- Threads- Arbeiten mit JSON- Arbeiten mit der API von OpenWeatherMap- und vieles mehr..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos para la Direccin Coral. Voce In Tempore A.C." |
"Expertos internacionales en diversos temas relacionados con la direccin coral proveen experiencias, consejos prcticos y tcnicas especficas para mejorar la prctica de la direccin coral. El curso comprende temas de: Direccin coral nivel bsico. Por qu estudiar direccin coral? Tcnica de direccin coral. Coros juveniles. Seleccin de msica coral para conciertos. Pedagoga vocal y coral."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Programming Ground Up (STM32)" |
"Welcome to the Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Programming Ground Up course.With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in bare-metal firmware development for ARM-based microcontrollers . The goal of this course is to teach you how to navigate the microntroller reference manual and datasheet to extract the right information to professionally build peripheral drivers and firmware. To achieve this goal, no libraries are used in this course, purely bare-metal embedded-c and register manipulations.Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different ARM Cortex-M development boards so that students can put the techniques to practice using an ARM Cortex-M development board of their choice. This version of the course uses the STMicroelectronics STM32F4-NUCLEO which has an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontoller.By the end of this course you will be able configure microcontroller peripherals like ADC, UART,PWM, GPIO, TIMER,I2C, SPI, etc. You will also master the ARM architecture and how to build professional embedded firmware for ARM processors.Please take a look at the full course curriculum. REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain.Sign up and lets start toggling some register bits."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"C ++Image Processing From Ground Up" |
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Image Processing in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the image processing techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language of their choice. This version of the course uses the C ++ programming language.By the end of the course you should be able to develop the 2-D Discrete Convolution algorithm in C++, develop Edge-Detection Algorithms in C++, develop Spatial Filtering Algorithms in C++, compute an Image Histogram and Equalize it in C++, to develop Gray Level Transformation Algorithms, suppress noise in images, understand all about operators such as Laplacian, Sobel, Prewitt, Robinson, even give a lecture on image processing and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start manipulating some pixels."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Four Steps to Future Procurement" |
"After 15+ years I was working in Procurement I decided to compile a really useful and practical course. This course is for you if you:- would like to know practical tips and advice regarding procurement and supply chain management,- don't have the formal education, but want to know the basic tools and methods used in the world class Procurement organizations, - want to understand the basic knowledge and some advanced principals in a very short period of time..And as you already understood, we learn step-by-step here. We have designed the course in four steps, and the best approach to learning would be to take one step in one week. So I recommend you to make the course in four weeks. This will give you a decent time to think through and study all the materials, to digest the info, and what is the most important - to apply the information you learn!In the end of the course you will be able to:Understand the role and importance of Procurement in the companyDesign and build your Procurement Organization based on 14 cornerstones of Procurement OrganizationDevelop, implement and follow-up the KPIs for your Procurement OrganizationOptimize your work with Suppliers PortfolioProactively manage suppliers in Competitive and Cooperative modes, involving Value Stream Mapping and Risk assessmentCreate the Long term directions and Strategic sourcing plans for your Procurement Organizationand much more...P.S. As a bonus - I have decided to share my e-books on Procurement. Some useful and fun read for you, some motivation and inspiration. Enjoy your course and leave me a comment after you complete the course :)Robert"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Course 1: Set Windows Server 2019 Network-Microsoft series" |
"""Official Microsoft Course structure"", ""English subtitles"", ""Lab manuals"", ""Beneficial resources"". This course is one of 10 courses in Win Server 2019 series, designed to cover the 3 levels ""Beginner, Intermediate and Professional"". These 10 courses is all you need to land your dream job if you are looking for jobs as Help-desk, Junior Admin or even as Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) This series includes the official courses of Windows Server 2019 (Active Directory,Network and Storage) and some customized courses from real IT industry enlightening topics like Troubleshooting, PowerShell , Security and many more.We have also incorporated Windows Admin Center(WAC) which is a customer-deployed, browser-based app for managing servers, clusters, hyper-converged infrastructure, and Windows 10 PCs.It is a highly secure, cloud-ready server management solution for future.This course will help you set your Windows server 2019 network, you will be creating 2 network offices and activate routing between them, the same network will be used in advance courses in this series. Our aim is to connect all the dots in the big picture of IT industry. By building your own network from scratch you will gain confidence and a feel of working in a real Network.The course also has the necessary concepts of AD(Active Directory), DNS and DHCP; in addition to FFL/DFL, FSMO roles and Global Catalog. I have published few free videos in this course and i will highly recommend you to watch Lecture No. 4 ""Network course topics"" to get an idea of what are we planning to achieve from this course.Stay connected to get updates for future courses and be the first one to get notified about new releases and official information from Microsoft."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Course 2: Integrate Windows Server 2019 & Windows 10 Pro" |
"This course is the second course in Windows Server 2019 Series, designed to bridge all the gaps to prepare you for Official Microsoft 2019 certification. This course will impart you with skills to design, deploy, and optimize the latest technology solutions. You will learn techniques starting from choosing a hardware, configuring a device to deploying them and further maintaining and applying Security measures.This course is divided in 10 major sections providing you the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of HARDWARE & STORAGE, INSTALLATION , CONFIGURATION, SECURITY, BACKUP AND RESTORE, CONTROL AND AUTHENTICATION, PRINTERS , REMOTE ACCESS and Microsoft and Third party tools and software.Scanning through presentations and theoretical materials can be boring therefore this course is supported by a lot of real time scenarios and Hands-on Labs that your can perform in your machines."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Course 3: MCSA Windows Server 2019 Active Directory" |
"""Certification course"", ""Official Microsoft Course Structure""This course teaches IT professionals how to deploy and configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in a distributed environment, how to implement Group Policy, how to perform backup and restore, and how to monitor and troubleshoot Active Directoryrelated issues with Windows Server 2019. Additionally, this course teaches students how to deploy other Active Directory server roles, such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) and finally we will discuss how you can plan, prepare, and implement directory synchronization between local AD DS and Azure AD.***I would again like to mention for students directly joining this course, kindly check Course 1 : Set Windows Server 2019 Network, to build your Lab and prepare the infrastructure. In this course we will not teach how we created the virtual environment. ***The course outline is as follows:Module 1, Installing and configuring domain controllers, describes the features of AD DS and how to install domain controllers (DCs). It also covers the considerations for deploying DCs.Module 2, Managing objects in AD DS, describes how to use various techniques to manage objects in AD DS. This includes creating and configuring users, groups, and computer objects.Module 3, Advanced AD DS infrastructure management, describes how to plan and implement an AD DS deployment that includes multiple domains and forests. The module provides an overview of the components in an advanced AD DS deployment, the process of implementing a distributed AD DS environment, and the procedure for configuring AD DS trusts.Module 4, Implementing and administering AD DS sites and replication, describes how to plan and implement an AD DS deployment that includes multiple locations. The module explains how replication works in a Windows Server 2019 AD DS environment.Module 5, Implementing Group Policy, describes how to implement a GPO infrastructure. The module provides an overview of the components and technologies that constitute the Group Policy framework.Module 6, Managing user settings with Group Policy, describes how to configure Group Policy settings and Group Policy preferences. This includes implementing administrative templates, configuring folder redirection and scripts, and configuring Group Policy preferences.Module 7, Securing Active Directory Domain Services, describes how to configure domain controller security, account security, password security, and Group Managed Service Accounts.Module 8, Deploying and managing AD CS, describes how to implement an AD CS deployment. This includes deploying, administering, and troubleshooting CAs.Module 9, Deploying and managing certificates, describes how to deploy and manage certificates in an AD DS environment. This involves deploying and managing certificate templates, managing certificate revocation and recovery, using certificates in a business environment, and implementing smart cards.Module 10, Implementing and administering AD FS, describes AD FS and how to configure AD FS in a single-organization scenario and in a partner-organization scenario.Module 11, Implementing and administering AD RMS, describes how to implement an AD RMS deployment. The module provides an overview of AD RMS, explains how to deploy and manage an AD RMS infrastructure, and explains how to configure AD RMS content protection.Module 12, Implementing AD DS synchronization with Microsoft Azure AD, describes how to plan and configure directory syncing between Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and on-premises AD DS. The module describes various sync scenarios, such as Azure AD sync, AD FS and Azure AD, and Azure AD Connect.Module 13, Monitoring, managing, and recovering AD DS, describes how to monitor, manage, and maintain AD DS to help achieve high availability of AD DS."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Course 4: MCSA Windows Server 2019 Enterprise Network" |
"This course is divided into following major topics:A- IPv4 & IPv6 in multiple subnets.B- The use of DNS, DHCP in multiple domains and branch networks.C- Deep understanding of advance private cloud techniques by practicing Hyper-V Fail-over and replication.D- IPAM lab to manage IP address, DHCP and DNS in enterprise network.E- Build network remote access labs by using VPN, DirectAccess and WAP.F- Set a High availability design for file servers using DFS and FSRM in addition to branch cache.G- Learn about Network controller, your first step in Microsoft SDN.***I would again like to mention for students directly joining this course, kindly check Course 1 : Set Windows Server 2019 Network, to build your Lab and prepare the infrastructure. In this course we will not teach how we created the virtual environment. ***Course contents are as follows: Section 1 : We will deal with IPv4, Subnets, VLSM, and troubleshooting IPv4 using PowerShell.Section 2 : We will spend some time with DHCP and learn how to design a DHCP which is going to provide its services to another network through DHCP relay agent, in addition to DHCP fail-over.Section 3 : Will talk about IPv6, the main Lab is ISATAP, the routing between IPv4 and IPv6 network. Also, learn how to configure IPv6 scope in DHCP.Section 4 : Advance DNS labs covering different scenarios based on multiple domains, type of records, forwarders, root, stub-zone, zone replications and much more.Section 5 : IPAM which can be used to ease the management of IP address in enterprise network.Section 6 : Pretty large topic, we will learn how to build a web application proxy WAP with a remote gateway, so our client can use the service of ADFS to access remotely to internal network.Section 7 : DirectAccess, one of tools available to establish a 24*7 connection with devices currently located on public network.Section 8 : VPN, learn how to build your Microsoft VPN, supporting it by using radius server and NPS.Section 9 : Achieve redirection with file server and provide high availability using DFS and FSRM, we will also cover branch cache to learn how to provide offline documents for clients.Section 10 : We have an advance lab of Hyper-V, where we'll learn nested virtualization and how to provide Hyper-V fail-over and replication to reduce the maintenance time and approach reliable service.Section 11 : Network controller, the 1st step in Microsoft SDN, a lot of theories and PowerShell to be presented in the installation phase of network controller cluster and nodes.By finishing this course you will be ready to study the next course which is Windows server 2019 Storage."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Course 5: MCSA Windows Server 2019 Enterprise Storage" |
"The 2019 storage course is aimed to help you understand management of storage and compute by using Windows Server 2019. You will also learn how to manage storage disks and pools using a Windows server, advance labs of high availability solutions using FOC and NLB, how to get your 1st docker and create container, in addition to system updates and monitoring.This course is for students who have accomplished windows server 2019 Active Directory and Network and want to take a step further towards MCSA 2019. So this is one of the 3 courses that youll have to study to achieve MCSA 2019.***For students directly joining this course, kindly check Course 1 : Set Windows Server 2019 Network, to build your Lab and prepare the infrastructure. In this course we will not teach how we created the virtual environment. ***This course can be divided into following topics:A- Core server.B- Disks and storage pools.C- Hyper-V nested virtualization, 1st step toward docker and containers.D- Deep understanding of failover clustering.E- Network load balancing.F- MDT & WSUS to deploy images and updates over the network.G- Monitoring.Detailed description of Modules as follows:Section 1: We will teach you how to install and configure a core server.Section 2: We have to spend some time with local storage, Windows RAID, Storage tools and VHD.Section 3: is about iSCSI disks and Multipath I/O (MPIO).Section 4: is about Storage pools, Storage Tiering, and Data Deduplication.Section 5: is about providing the overview of Hyper-V nested virtualization.Section 6: Our main step towards Docker and Containers. we will see how to install, configure, and manage containers by using Windows PowerShell and Docker.Section 7: High availability and disaster recovery, we will study failover clustering(FOC), how to prepare your network, evaluate and configure FOC, and add File server roles to FOC.Section 8: Provide high availability for Hyper-V using FOC .Section 9: We will learn how to migrate Hyper-V storage into Failover Clustering.Section 10: We have another High Availability technique, the NLB(Network Load balancing) which is going to support IIS to provide high availability for web hosting.Section 11: We will discuss another PXE server tool, the MDT to deploy images over network.Section 12: Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is going to centralize updates in our network.Finally In the last segment which is section 13, we will discuss a quick view for on box monitoring tools.By finishing this course you have the right skills to be recognized as MCSA 2019.Just like our students, we are Tech enthusiasts and our aim here is not to just add a course and forget about it. We will be updating the course regularly with more LABS , theoretical topics and even exam pools.As soon as Microsoft releases the official exam codes or adds any additional topics , our students will be the first one to gain access. "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Course 6: Automate Admin PowerShell 6.2 Windows Server 2019" |
"This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge to automate the administration of computers by using Windows PowerShell. Students will learn skills to identify and build commands to perform specific tasks. In addition, they will learn how to build scripts to accomplish advanced tasks such as automating repetitive tasks and generating reports. **This is the 1st course in PowerShell Series, we have additional 4 courses to make you a PowerShell Genius.**Introduction, ""Powershell 5.0, 5.1 and 6.2"", Students will learn how to prepare the network to run powershell course, install powershell 6.2, prepare code signing certificate, install WMI tool, in addition to module update.Module 1, Getting started with Windows PowerShell, Students will learn to open and configure Windows PowerShell for use and to run commands within it. Module 2, Cmdlets for administration, makes students familiar with the cmdlets that they will use in a production environment. Module 3, Working with the Windows PowerShell pipeline, introduces the pipeline feature of Windows PowerShell. Module 4, Understanding how the pipeline works, explains how the Windows PowerShell command-line interface passes objects from one command to another in the pipeline. Module 5, Using PSProviders and PSDrives, Students can work with many forms of storage by using the same commands and techniques that they use to manage the file system.Module 6, Querying management information by using CIM and WMI, introduces students to two parallel technologies: WMI and CIM. Both of these technologies provide local and remote access to a repository of management information.Module 7, Working with variables, arrays, and hash tables.Module 8, Basic scripting, explains how to create Windows PowerShell scripts.Module 9, Advanced scripting techniques includes gathering user input, reading input from files, documenting scripts withhelp information, and handling errors.Module 10, Administering remote computers, introduces students to the Windows PowerShell remote technology.Module 11, Using background jobs and scheduled jobs, provides information about the job feature ofWindows PowerShell.Module 12, Using advanced Windows PowerShell techniques, introduces some of the advanced techniques and features of Windows PowerShell, including profile scripts, regular expressions, and the format operator."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Course 7: Xamarin C# & PowerShell to Automate Network tool" |
"In this course well integrate the VS 2019 C# and Xamarin XML UI code with PowerShell scripts to deploy PS apps and GUI PowerShell scripts. Hence you will create your own network tools which are more user friendly, you can deploy any number of PS scripts in future as per need and most important of all , AUTOMATE STUFF..In this course we will study the following topics:1- How to write a C# program running PowerShell scripts.2- How to use WPF to generate Xamarin XML code to use it in PS script file to create GUI PS script.3- How to simulate a real IT industry request to create a friendly GUI PS script to be used by junior admins and help-desks to manage users and computers in network environment.4- XPath expression.5- Data flow.6- Application production phases ""Specification, Interface design, code and script, design integration with code"".7- Create events and triggers.8- Error handling.9- Code test.By end of this course you will have confidence to deploy more GUI PowerShell scripts and will be able to write complex code with deep knowledge of how to integrate GUI code with PS scripts, Advance functions, error handling and data flow in a single application that we will create together from scratch."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Azure IoT Central" |
"Youve just stumbled upon the only course you'll ever need for getting started with Azure IoT Central. Do you want to get started building cutting edge IoT apps but don't have cloud or IoT expertise?Whether you want to :- learn to create your own IoT apps quickly.- build the Azure IoT Central skills. - or just explore the fun of IoT and cloud...this is the course you need to do all of this, and more.This course is designed to give you the skills you need to design full featured Azure IoT Central application. By the end of the course, you will understand Azure IoT Central extremely well and be able to connect IoT devices to cloud with ease and simplicity.Why would you choose to learn Azure IoT Central?As the Internet of Things (IoT) market continues to grow, so does the IoT job market demand for highly skilled engineers and other technical professionals that can develop and support the billions of devices.Azure IoT Central address the every growing IoT market and is a fully managed global IoT SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution which makes it easy to connect, monitor and manage your IoT assets at scale. Will this course give me core Azure IoT Central skills?Yes it will. Getting skills on Azure IoT Central would help you to move onto other more advanced technologies like underlying Azure IoT platform.Why should you take this course?As of now, this is the only course available online which helps you learn about Azure IoT Central from beginning.This course does not require any coding and takes you from absolute beginner core concepts and feature walk through, like showing you the overall UI. Along with this, the course covers everything you need to learn for setting your physical hardware along with demonstration of tools required to get the IoT device running up.Heres just some of what youll learn :Introduction to Azure IoT Central, covering the core features of Azure IoT Central and comparison with other Azure IoT Solution. Understand the Azure IoT Central features by complete walk-through of the User Interface and functionalities.Architecture of Azure IoT Central and the various components used.Creating Powerful IoT Apps from scratch using the features such as Rule Engine, Analytics, Device Template Versioning.Setting up the physical hardware in headless mode and interfacing to Azure IoT Central for high volume telemetry ingestion.Don't worry if none of that made sense. I go into great detail explaining each and every core concept, term, and buzzwords you need to create your own IoT App. This truly is Azure IoT Central course for complete beginners.How will I be able to apply my knowledge learnt in this course?This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:There are multiple hands-on lectures.There are quizzes at the end of every section.There's a practice exam at the end of the course.There are assignments in every section.Is this updated course ?Internet of Things is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful capabilities are getting added to IoT devices and Cloud solutions. This means that Azure IoT Central updates are released frequently, therefore, its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.Due to this, this course is always added with new update content. Buy this course, and you would be having lifetime access to it and any future updates.How will I get my questions answered ?You would get full support, as your questions would be answered 7 days a week. This would allow you to progress with the course smoothly.Ready to get started with Azure IoT Central ?Take a free preview of this course to make sure that this course is for you and then enroll now using ""Add to cart"" button to get started on your Azure IoT Central journey."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Internet and Web Development Fundamentals" |
"This course is part-one of the nine-part series that starts by taking an in-depth look at how the internet facilitates the movement of data packets across both LANs (Local Area Network) and WANs (Wide Area Network). Students learn how to interpret various protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPs, SMTP and FTP. We examine the entire flow and life-cycle of data-packet movement from origin to destination. The course examines the role of DNS and SMTP servers in routing internet traffic and email transmissions. Mechanism to safeguard the movement of data, such as network routers, ports and firewalls, are also explored.Students are then introduced to the web development process and planning stages of building websites and complex web applications. We conduct an overview of web hosting infrastructures such as shared, VPS, Dedicated and Cloud hosting solutions through case analysis. We then take a look at the role of Domain name registrars and ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Students learn to register and administer domain names through the GoDaddy domain management console. Management features such as Name Server assignment, auto-renewal, domain privacy, and domain forwarding will be covered.With first-hand insights into the creation of effective web infrastructures and domain management, students learn to configure local testing servers. This includes installing and configuring WAMP/MAMP (Windows/MAC, Apache, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin) on a PC or MAC system. We discuss the role of each essential service as it applies to testing dynamic, database-driven web applications on a local computing system.Students then explore the configuration of a live production server using popular cloud hosting providers such as Linode. This includes deployment and administration of Ubuntu on Linux based distributions and essential web services (LAMP Stack - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin) on scalable virtual machines. Several remote access tools such as PuTTy and Terminal will be used to administer virtual servers through the use of command lines. Servers will be configured with security in mind, using multi-user accounts, SSH authentication, and file permission management.Students also learn to install and connect to their virtual machines using remote desktop connection tools such as Tight VNC and Real VNC. The entire Linode management console will be explored to demonstrate how to complete various tasks including: creating backups, server re-sizing, changing root passwords, DNS management, and general administration.Lastly, the course takes a look at FTP clients and establishing connections from local machines to production servers to upload web content. We will explore the FileZilla interface and provide demonstrations on uploading, deleting and modifying remote server files."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML - For Beginners" |
"Students will learn how to create engaging web pages using HTML5, which is an integral part of the development process.The material covers an intensive array of HTML5 elements including images, videos, lists, tables, forms, iframes and much more.The course includes several hands-on projects to ensure comprehension of course materials.By the end of the training, students will be proficient with coding in HTML and ready to tackle the more advanced scripting languages that follow."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn CSS - For Beginners" |
"Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions.We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques.Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful language."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn JavaScript - For Beginners" |
"Students learn to add dynamic, interactivity to web pages using JavaScript.We start with exploring the fundamental concepts, including JavaScript placement and output functions. We then transition to working with arithmetic operators, math functions, arrays, sorting, conditional statements and loops. Students also learn to work with events and functions.The course includes several hands-on exercises to help students master this essential scripting language."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn jQuery - For Beginners" |
"Take your web development skills to new heights by using jQuery to create animated, interactive web page components using this powerful JavaScript Library.We begin with the fundamental concepts such as embedding jQuery into documents and basic syntax. We then progress into working with Events, Event handlers, animations, fading, sliding, toggling, hiding and much more. Students will also learn to effectively use Callback functions and chaining methods.Through a series of hands-on exercises students will create draggable layers, accordion menus and fully animated web interfaces. Many other jQuery attributes, filters and classes are also explored."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Bootstrap - For Beginners" |
"Students learn to create the front-end component of mobile-responsive web applications, using the Bootstrap framework.The techniques explored in this course will ensure your web applications adhere to strict development standards to avoid cross-browser and cross-device compatibility issues.The course starts with the fundamental concepts, including embedding Bootstrap into web pages. We then explore the Bootstrap Grid system and popular mobile responsive web layouts.Students will gain a solid understanding of almost every Bootstrap component available, from typography, carousels, panels, drop-down menus, and collapsible nav-bars to forms, popovers, modals and tool tips.We provide several hands-on exercises to ensure students effectively grasp course material."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn PHP - For Beginners" |
"Students learn to integrate client-server communication into web pages to create dynamic functionality using PHP.We start with the fundamentals, including PHP syntax and variable declaration. The course transitions into working with objects, arithmetic operators, conditional statements, loops, functions and arrays.Students will also learn to utilize server side form validation techniques to maintain data integrity."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn MySQL - For Beginners" |
"Students learn to integrate and administer MySQL databases as part of PHP web application development.The course begins with an in-depth look into PhpMyAdmin to create, delete and modify databases. We also explore security considerations and user privileges.Next, students learn to build connections to existing databases in PHP, and execute commands using several essential SQL statements."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |