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"Crer une Single Page Application avec Vue.js et Firestore" |
"Vous souhaitez apprendre dvelopper rapidement une application ou un POC (Proof Of Concept) afin de passer de l'ide sa ralisation ? Le couple Vue.js et Firestore est idal pour cela. Nous allons crer ensemble un gestionnaire de contacts qui vous permettra de vous familiariser par la pratique la cration d'une SPA (Single Page Application). A l'aide de Vue.js ct Front, vous apprendrez :- crer des components de type Single File- composer ces components- faire communiquer un component parent avec ses enfants via des props- faire communiquer des components enfants avec leur parent via des custom events- crer et grer des formulaires- intgrer bootstrap- implmenter le routageCt Backend, vous apprendrez :- crer une base de donnes l'aide de Firestore- crer collection et documentsAfin de faire communiquer votre Front Vue.js avec votre Backend Firestore, vous verrez en dtail comment crer une DAL (Data Access Layer) qui vous permettra de coupler faiblement votre Front avec votre Backend.Beaucoup d'astuces de pro seront dvoiles, qui vous permettront de dvelopper rapidement vos applications Vue.js, notamment grce Vue CLI 3 et aux snippets de ""Vue VSCode Snippets"" que nous utiliserons tout au long de cette formation.Cerise sur le gteau, vous dcouvrirez comment implmenter une fonctionnalit d' ""edit in place"" qui permettra vos utilisateurs d'diter de faon conviviale du contenu.Le code source de cette formation est disponible sur Github."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Webpack 4 pour les dveloppeurs presss" |
"Cette formation vous permettra deprendre en main le plus clbre des bundlers : Webpack.Un bundler est devenu indispensable depuis quelques annes dj du fait de la complexit croissante des applications Web. Un bundler vous permet en effet :- deloader des fichiers dans le bon ordre, afin d'viter l'appel de fonctions qui ne sont pas (encore) disponibles en raison d'une erreur dans l'ordre d'import de vos nombreux fichiers JavaScript- detravailler sur des projets web plus facilement et rapidementen vous permettant d'utiliser des options d'ECMAScript qui ne sont pas encore comprises par les navigateurs- d'utiliser des langages qui ne sont pas reconnus par les navigateurs(tels que TypeScript ou Sass) puis de gnrer des fichiers JavaScript ou CSS grce aux loaders de WebpackMais l o Webpack marque des points supplmentaires, c'est en permettant degagner drastiquement en performance:- en vous permettant deregrouper et de minifier toutes vos resourcesafin de les rendre plus facilement dployables et plus rapidement tlchargeables- en vous permettant demettre en oeuvre le 'code splitting', qui vous permettra de crer plusieurs bundles qui pourront tre tlchargs lorsqu'ils sont vraiment ncessairesWebpack est un bundler open-source qui fait rfrence depuis quelques annes grce sonco-systme trs richequi fournit denombreux loaders et pluginset son architecture 'event oriented' familire aux dveloppeurs JavaScript. Depuis sa v4, Webpack est mmeplus simple d'utilisationpuisqu'il possible de dbuter avec sans avoir besoin de fichier de configuration : nous verrons en effet ensemble les conventions suivre pour bnficier du ""zero configuration""Bienvenue dans cette formation qui vous apprendra utiliserWebpack 4 au quotidien."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"La MEAN stack par la pratique" |
"Dans cette formation rsolument pratique, vous allez apprendre crer une application FullStack JavaScript. Tout au long de cette formation, vous allez crer un CMS qui vous permettra d'implmenter denombreuses fonctionnalitset denombreuses techniques telles que :- crer uneAPI REST l'aide de Node etExpress.js- faire duCRUD(Create Read Update Delete) vers une base de donnes MongoDB l'aide deMongoose- tester votre API l'aide dePostman-authentifierdes utilisateurs avecPassport- crer unclient Angular( l'aide d'Angular 7)- faire desrequtes AJAXdepuis votre client Angular vers votre API REST- amliorer le ""look & feel"" de vos applications Angular l'aide d'Angular Material- poster du contenu depuis unformulaire Angularvers votre serveur Express-uploader des imagesvers votre serveur Express-gnrer des images de taille rduite automatiquement partir des images uploades- etc ...Et tout cela, avec le support ducode source fournisur undeux repo github(un ddi la partie backend, l'autre la partie front).Le dveloppement est un savoir faire pas un savoir faire, pas de la thorie : montez en comptence ou progressez en dveloppement FullStack JavaScript l'aide de cette formation oriente projet.Pr-requis :- connaissances de bases en Angular 2+ telles que Components, Modules, Services et RxJS (idalement, avoir suivi ma formationAngular 6, Angular Material et RxJS 6 par la pratique)- niveau intermdiaire en HTML et JavaScript- des connaissances de bases sur Node et MongoDB seront un atout mais pas une ncessit"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Devenir oprationnel rapidement en React" |
"Les comptences sur React restent parmi les plus recherches en 2019 dans l'univers du dveloppement Front (quasiment galit avec Angular). S'il est vrai que de nouveaux frameworks Front sortent rgulirement, la ralit du march est sans quivoque : sites d'emploi et rseaux sociaux pro continuent de regorger d'offres d'emploi et de missions React.Cette formation est faite pour vous, qui dsirez acqurir rapidement et efficacement des comptences React. Que vous soyez dveloppeur web souhaitant apprendre une toute premire librairie Front ou que vous ayez dj une comptence sur un autre framework ou une autre librairie Front (telle qu'Angular ou Vue), cette formation vous permettra :- d'aller l'essentiel en crant d'emble une application React- d'apprendre les bonnes pratiques intgrer ds le dbut et de prendre conscience des anti-patterns viter- d'apprendre les raccourcis de pro qui vous feront gagner du tempsLe volume 1 vous permettra de prendre en main React via la cration d'un Pomodoro. Au programme :- components- state- gestion d'vnements- child components- utilisation de Twitter Bootstrap- utilisation de components externes, en l'occurrence de ""toastify""Le volume 2 vous fera passer le niveau suprieur en vous accompagnant durant la cration d'un gnrateur de devis + exports desdits devis au format PDF :- gestion de formulaires- cration de controlled components- cration de SFC (Stateless Functional Components)- gnration de PDFLe volume 3 de cette formation vous permettra d'largir l'horizon des connaissances React acquises lors des volumes 1 et 2.Au programme :- routage- requtes AJAX- menu FlexboxComme c'tait le cas lors des volumes 1 et 2, nous dvelopperons ensemble une application concrte - une SPA obtenant ses donnes partir d'une API REST - qui vous permettra d'articuler tous les points abords, afin que vous puissiez comprendre et mettre en oeuvre ces techniques lors d'une mission React.Prenez en main facilement cette librairie utilise par de nombreuses entreprises, ce qui vous garantira d'tre en position de force face aux recruteurs."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Devenir oprationnel rapidement en Vue et Vuex" |
"Cette formation vous permettra de matriser Vuex afin de pouvoir grer l'tat de vos applications Vue.Aprs une introduction qui vous permettra de comprendre les piliers de Vuex - la librairie de state management ddie aux applications Vue -, deux projets vous permettront de mettre en oeuvre concrtement les concepts abords.Le premier projet vous permettra de crer une application de brainstorming avec drag & drop :- dispatcher vos premires actions- effectuer les ""commits"" de vos premires mutations- de crer un state centralis et d'y accder depuis vos components Vue- implmenter le drag & dropLe deuxime projet vous permettra de crer un site de commerce et son module d'administration. C'est l'occasion idale de crer une application proche de ce que vous serez amen raliser sur le terrain :- requter une API REST depuis le store- crer un service permettant de faire du CRUD et de le consommer depuis une action- apprendre crer un log afin de persister les erreurs de votre application afin de pouvoir les consulter aprs coup- crer des fonctionnalits volues (caddie, log d'erreurs persistes dans le store ...)- utiliser Bootstrap 4 et Flexbox conjointementComme toujours, les codes sources sont fournis sur github."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Svelte.js 3 par la pratique" |
"Svelte n'est pas un framework de plus : c'est un framework ET un compilateur. Il permet ainsi de crer des applications web en crant des components - comme Angular, React ou Vue vous ont habitu le faire - mais l o Svelte va plus loin, c'est en vous permettant de rduire considrablement la taille du build grce sa fonctionnalit de compilateur. Pour le dire vite, Svelte vous permet de crer des composants puis de les compiler en JavaScript pur. Autrement dit, votre build ne contiendra pas de code spcifique au framework Svelte. L'avantage est double :- vous gnrez un build (trs) allg- le navigateur de vos clients aura tlcharger et parser beaucoup moins de code, d'o de bien meilleure performancesDans cette formation qui va l'essentiel, vous apprendrez crer en un temps record vos premires applications Svelte.js.Le projet 1 baptis ""Switter"" est dans l'esprit de ""twitter"". Il vous permettra d'assimiler les fondamentaux de Svelte tels que :- cration de formulaires- event listeners- one-way et two-way binding- cration de components- communication entre components via props et custom events- reactivit- ajout conditionnel de classe CSS- loops- affichage conditionnelA l'issue du premier projet, vous pourrez commencer crer vos propres petits projets.Le projet 2 ""Gymscheduler"", qui vous permettra de crer un programme de musculation sur une semaine. Ce sera l'occasion :- d'utiliser des lifecycle hooks- de vous perfectionner sur les formulaires (ajout de menus droulants)- d'ajouter dynamiquement d'autres formulaires de personnaliser les saisies utilisateurs- de pratiquer les fondamentaux du projet prcdent (customs events, props ...)Le projet 3, ""Expensetracker"" sera un gestionnaire de dpenses. Ce projet sera l'occasion de :- faire du CRUD vers une base de donnes Firestore- faire des requtes Ajax- grer des stores- d'effecter des animations de donnes numriques- d'animer les lments du DOM pour amliorer l'exprience utilisateurSvelte est dj en v3. Il est donc mature, ce qui vous garantira :- qu'il est oprationnel- qu'il est l pour durerEnfin, si vous connaissez dj un des trois frameworks du moment (Angular, React ou Vue), l'apprentissage de Svelte sera trs ais. Si c'est votre premier framework, cette formation vous permettra de dmarrer sur un framework moderne qui monte trs fort, tout en vous familiarisant avec les concepts utiliss par les big three (Angular, React et Vue).Cette formation rsolument pratique vous rendra la tche plus aise encore.Bienvenue sur cette formation qui vous permettre de devenir oprationnel rapidement en Svelte.js."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Stories 2020: Um Guia Para Conquistar Clientes" |
"O que o Stories?O Stories um recurso do Instagram que permite a publicao de fotos e videos que ficam disponveis no ar por 24 horas, e apresentado aos seguidores assim que eles se conectam ao Instagram ou pelas hashtags que voc decidir colocar para divulgar seu negcio.Atualmente 80% do sucesso do seu Instagram saber aproveitar bem todos os recursos do Stories. Esse curso aborda estratgias eficientes e profissionais para voc trabalhar um vnculo profundo com seu pblico, aumentar suas vendas e conquistar muitos novos clientes, usando apenas o Stories do Instagram.Voc ir aprender a usar muitos recursos do Stories e tambm muitos aplicativos que elevero seu Stories a outro nvel. Mas principalmente, esse curso vai ajudar voc a usar o Stories a favor do seu negcio, com estratgias reais que atraem e convertem seu pblico, conquistando clientes e aumentando verdadeiramente suas vendas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Gehirntraining durch Jonglieren-Lernen" |
"Jonglieren macht Spa und sieht cool aus, doch Jonglage ist mehr als nur ein netter Partytrick!Unser Gehirn ist ein groes Netzwerk aus etwa 100 Milliarden Neuronen, die ber die Synapsen Signale austauschen. Je hufiger diese Verbindungen beansprucht werden, desto strker werden sie ausgebaut, hnlich wie beim Training eines Muskels.Genau so, wie wir im Broalltag unsere Muskeln nicht besonders gut trainieren und deshalb ins Fitnessstudio gehen, genau so ist Jonglieren das Fitnessstudio fr das Gehirn.Durch die stndige berschreitung der Krpermitte mit dem Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit, wird das Gehirn ganzheitlich trainiert und zudem die krperliche Ausfhrung der Signale verbessert.Das hat einen hnlichen Effekt, wie die REM-Schlafphase, bei der sich die Augen schnell hin und her bewegen, whrend im Gehirn neue Verbindungen geschaffen werden.Das ist einer der Grnde, warum viele Teilnehmer berichten, nach dem Jonglieren entspannter, kreativer und kognitiv leistungsfhiger zu sein und beispielsweise deutlich schneller lernen!Auch psychisch hat es den Effekt vom Loslassen im wahrsten Sinne, weil wir uns nur auf die Blle fokussieren. Da ist kein Platz mehr fr andere Gedanken. Daher hat es einen hnlichen Effekt wie Meditition.Und natrlich bringt Jonglieren viel Spa und Lachen ist gesund und ein Feuerwerk der Seele.Melde dich zum Kurs an und beginne gleich, mit den ersten bungen fr dein Gehirn 2.0!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Werde zum Kundenmagneten - Business Grundlagen Masterclass" |
"Du mchtest dich selbststndig machenoderhast grade dein erstes Unternehmen gegrndet? Du mchtest mit deiner Leidenschaft Geld verdienen und dir den Lebensstil ermglichen, von dem du immer getrumt hast?Dann geht es dir, wie mir vor 6 Jahren.Inzwischen habe ich dutzende erfolgreiche Projekte gestartet,BestsellerBcher geschrieben, einen Film in die Kinos gebracht, halte Vortrge und gebe Workshops und reise als Videoproduzent fr meine Kunden rund um die Welt.Mein Ziel in diesem Kurs ist es, meine Erfahrung der letzten Jahre an dich weiterzugeben.Dabei nehme ich dich Schritt fr Schritt an die Hand. Mit multimedialen Videos und praktischen Aufgaben:entwickeln und optimieren wir deinProdukt,finden deine Zielgruppe,schauen uns an, wie du im direkten Gesprch berzeugst und den Deal bekommst,wie du neue potenzielle Kunden findest und von ihnen gefunden wirst und sie tatschlich in Kunden verwandelst undwas die nchsten Schritte sind, um dein Business wachsen zu lassen und dir deinen freien und selbstbestimmten Lebensstil zu ermglichen.Lerne alles, was du ber das Starten und Fhren eines erfolgreichen Business wissen musst und lebe den Lifestyle, von dem du immer getrumt hast!Jeden Tag, den duwartest, verlierstdu kostbare Lebenszeit und bares Geld, deshalb melde dich jetzt direkt an und gehe noch heute den ersten Schritt in dein freies, erfolgreiches und selbstbestimmtes neues Leben!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Mehr Umsatz durch wirkungsvolle Verkaufspsychologie" |
"Dein Erfolg und Umsatz hngt mageblich von deinem Knnen in Verkaufsgesprchen und Verhandlungen ab.Lerne in diesem Kurs wirkungsvolle, psychologisch fundierte und erprobte Techniken und Tricks, um deine Abschlussquoten deutlich zu erhhen.In diesem Kurs lernst du, unausgesprochene Signale deines Kunden zu lesen und fr dich zu nutzen.Du wirst besser bei deinem Gegenber ankommen, mithilfe krpersprachlicher Tricks.Du wirkst Manipulationsversuche deiner Verhandlungspartner durchschauen und durchbrechen.Du wirkst berzeugender, durch rhetorische Tricks.Dein Angebot wird unwiderstehlich und der Abschluss ein Kinderspiel, durch strategische Gesprchsfhrung.Keine Kunden mehr, die sich nicht melden, oder denen du hinterherlaufen musst.Keine Absprnge mehr, kurz vor dem Abschluss.Melde dich jetzt zum Kurs an und bekomme noch heute, wissenschaftlich erprobte Techniken, die du schon morgen anwenden kannst, fr mehr Erfolg, im Verkauf!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"The Adventurers Guide to Drawing and Painting Dragons" |
"Youll learn how to paint and draw 10 different dragons and learn the details of dragon anatomy!The Adventurers Guide to Drawing and Painting Dragons will show you how to create dragons from environments all over the world. This course will enhance or give you skills in drawing and digital painting - or your money back.The course is your track to obtaining digital painting skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to create art as a professional.It will take you from having little knowledge in digital painting to painting all manner of dragon and their kin.So what else is in it for you?Youll gain instant access to all 13 sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of digital painting all 10 different dragons with easy to follow demos and downloadable files for each one.Dont believe me? We want you to be satisfied, so all courses purchased on Udemy can be refunded within 30 days.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 13 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of creating interesting and varied dragons from the ground up. The course is supported with over 10 hours of clear content , that I walk you through each step of the way. Each lecture has a layered paint file for you to use as you follow along with 48 downloadable resources.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get a basic understanding of the fundamentals of creating dragons. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating professional art. You will learn the basics of anatomy, and about the different aspects of dragons such as wings, tails and horns.Next youll learn how to draw and paint 10 different dragons.Long Horned Savanah DragonNorthern Sea DragonThorny Pigmy DragonEgyptian Viper DragonSpiny HellwyrmMexican Snub TailBlue Wing Faerie DragonDesert Burrowing DragonRussian RedBrazilian StrikerLastly you will learn how to find good reference to make your own dragons.What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional art is created- 48 downloadable resources- Access to a private facebook group for students onlyThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Data Modeling and Relational Database Design using ERwin" |
"The data model is the one place where you can store all the relevant information about a data asset (definitions, structure, relationships, integration points etc) and deliver it in a visual and contextually appropriate format for stakeholders involved in the management and consumption of data. The coursewill help you learn how to develop data models and maintain them with the help of popular data modeling tool ERWIN. We will discuss various data modeling techniques with the help of appropriate modeling scenarios and make you ready to take up complex data modeling challenges and become an effective data architect. The tools and techniques demonstrated in this course are equally applicable to OLTP & OLAP databases."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Game Maker ile Oyun Gelitirme Eitimi" |
"Kod bilginiz olsun veya olmasn, eer basit ekilde masast oyunlar gelitirmek istiyorsanz bu eitim tam size gre.Game Maker ile 2D oyunlar kod bilginiz olmadan gelitirebileceksiniz. Obje nasl hareket ettirilir, sprite kavram, oda kavram gibi eyleri reneceksiniz. Ayn zamanda gelitirdiiniz oyuna loading ekran, men yapm gibi her oyunda olan zellikleri eklemeyi reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"6 in 1 - Office Communication Guide for Beginners" |
"Have you ever wonder that you have or you will be struggling communicating in meetings at office?Have you ever thought your business Vocabulary need improvement ?Have you ever had or can have conflict with colleagues or clients ?Have you ever known there are ways to rock at workplace if you have right basics ?if yes, then This course is for you , this will teach you the basics and advance level of important communication techniques which will help you to outperform and shine. Below 6 in 1 Course is designed for you!Learn Meeting Structures and How to Conduct MeetingsGolden Tips for meetings and workplace A Goldmine of 350 Business Vocabulary, 275 Business terms, Power PhrasesThings to Do and Not to DoOutperform at workplaceConflict Resolution"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC" |
"Adobe Photoshop . , - WEB. , , . . , - Adobe Photoshop. , - , , , Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Financial Consolidation under IFRS" |
"This course is an introduction to the financial consolidation under IFRS.It AIMS to Introduce people-have never Who Dealt with financial consolidation to icts basics.In this race, you will undertand what is financial consolidation, why do we do and when to consolidate consolidate.Aim the hand thing That You will know is HOW do we consolidate. in fact, this race will present the financial consolidation process from the definition of the scope of the companies thta we include in our shoulds consolidtion, to the method of consolidation and definition of the Goodwill.We are going aussi see how to translate financial accounts of foreign filiales.There Will Be one test after-Each section and a case study at the end of this race."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Podcast Without Wasting Your Time" |
"How To Podcast Without Wasting Your Time is a course designed to help you start or grow a podcast in the most efficient manner possible. With over 550,000 podcasts on Apple Podcasts alone, the podcast market is getting increasingly competitive. I am here to help you cut through this market saturationall without wasting time on trivial or meaninglesstasks.Ny name is Adam and I am a podcasting veteran. Currently I'm the host of The Power of Bold, a podcast on risk-taking, entrepreneurship, and bold living. I designed this course so that students can confidently start their show, increase their listener count, and scale their show. The course is for would-be and current podcasters and there are no prerequisites.Topics discussed in the course include:The two most important words in podcasting.Market research and competitive advantage.Whether you should reinvent the wheel with your podcast episodes.Finding guests and creating reliable guest flow.How to stand out from the crowd.How to monetize your show.Using freelancers to delegate certain tasks.Leveraging the asymmetric bet of podcasting.To get a taste of the course, I invite you to view the promo video and free excerpts. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Stock Screener Ninja: Complete Stock Picking Certification" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***What a Great Course it is. I never Expected this kind of Professional information. Simply Awesome-Luis MenchacaI love this course as it taught me fundamental analysis and how to pick stocks based on Technical Analysis along with fundamental analysis. As Now I know how much dividend % my stock is giving now and with technical analysis I can increase my capital gain-Jennifer CastilloThanks Saad Sir, For making this course I was already in search of like this course and finaally u taught us the best method to how to pick a stock and decrease the extraordinary work. Thanks Sir.-Visheshkumar Mukund DatwaniHear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Stock Screening Course on Udemy:TOP-NOTCH Swing Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Stock Screening Course Details:Do you know how to pick Stocks?Do you know how to know if your stock have a high EPS?Do you know if your owned stock is Industry leader in terms of ratios or not?Screening can help you to select the best stock available in the market.A stock screener is a tool that investors and Stock traders always use to filter stocks based on metrics. Stock screeners allow users to select Stock Trading instruments that fit a particular special profile or multiple set of criteria. Through this course you can screen for stocks by their price-to-earnings or P/E ratio, Price, Market Capitalization (market cap), 52-week price change percentage, Average 3 Month volume, and Price to Cashflow, among others.I will also help you to screen stocks based on Technical indicators like RSI, MACD, Stochastic & CCI, Among others.Not only this but you will also learn financial analysis like ratios or even Fundamental Analysis.I will also discuss ways to filter stocks based on Volume & Volatility.VolumeAverage VolumeBetaActive Stock traders always use stock screening tools to find high probability set-ups for short-term or long term positions. Stock screener is a wish come true solution for Day traders. As without a stock screening solution they cannot pick the best stocks.I will also discuss ways to filter stocks based on Technical Indicators likeADXATRBull/Bear PowerROCUltimate OscillatorNot only this I will discuss Financial Ratios in details i.e how to pick stocks based on Cashflow, EPS or even Price to Sales ratio etc exampleEPSP/E RatioPrice to SalesPrice to Cash FlowPrice to Book5 Year EPS Growth5 Year Sales GrowthAsset Turnover5 Year Capital Spending GrowthInventory TurnoverRevenue per EmployeeNet Income Per EmployeeReceivable TurnoverYou can enter a varying number of filters; as more filters are applied, fewer stocks will be displayed on the stock screener. Investors use historical data, such as past earnings results, Financial Ratios, and technical indicators to forecast future performance. Stock screeners allow investors and traders to analyze 1000s of stocks in a very short period of time, usually minutes.This Stock Screening Course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. I will also discuss ways to filter stocks based on Price Movement likeDaily Change (%)52 wk Range - High/Low1 Year ChangePrevious Month % ChangeI will also discuss ways to filter stocks based on Fundamental Analysis likeMarket CapRevenueGross Margin (TTM & 5YA)Operating MarginPretax marginNet Profit marginQuick RatioCurrent RatioTotal Debt to EquityThrough Stock Screener, Investors can weed out those stocks that don't meet their requirements and focus on the instruments that are within the defined metrics. You can even check which stocks will give higher % of dividend, in order to earn dividends and capital growth through price rise.I will also discuss ways to filter stocks based on Dividends likeDividend Yield (%)Dividend Yield - 5 year AveragePayout RatioDividend Growth RateI will also discuss ways to filter stocks based on Popular Technical Analysis tools likeCCIStochRSIWilliams %RStochRSIMACDAll of this shows not only how to pick stocks but also how to trade in terms of Complex Financial or Fundamental analysis.Disclaimer Note: This Stock Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Other Reviews: Hameed Sir are best among all the stock trading teacher. -Suhit Kalubarme"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pivot Point Trading Ninja: DIY Pivot Point Certification" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Pivot Point Trading course on Udemy:What a Great Course this is. I learned a new Skill, Now Today I know what will be the trading range and where should I buy or sell. Thats something very rare in other courses.-Mariann SudbeckI knew about Pivot point but I don't know why I never focused on it. This course did a good job explaining it in detail.-Sophie AricoGood Trading method Author explains strategy very well What i like is we do not have to spend hour and hours waiting for setup to form-Prashant TimbareBest course for day trading and for intraday traders. Thanks Saad Sir.-Visheshkumar Mukund DatwaniTOP-NOTCH InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Pivot Point Day Trading Course Details:Pivot Point Trading is the Most Talked about Tool in Trading amongst most popular technical Day Trading Tools in the world.Day traders Consider Pivot Point as the most important levels in day trading. As it represents easy Predictability of market.The pivot point itself represents a level of highest resistance or support, depending on the overall market condition. If the market is direction-less (undecided), prices may fluctuate greatly around this level until a price breakout develops. Trading above or below the pivot point indicates the overall market sentiment. It is a leading indicator providing advanced signaling of potentially new market highs or lows within a given time frame.A pivot point and the associated support and resistance levels are often turning points for the direction of price movement in a market.This Pivot Point Trading course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. The Only Tactical Pivot point Trading Strategy: Setup One High-Profitable Day Trade After Another With Risk Control. Pivot Point Trading is a form of share trading in which individuals buy and sell shares over a single day's trading, with the intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.I will explain you basic concepts of Pivot Point Trading in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Pivot Point Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Day Trading .I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Pivot Point Trading course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Other Reviews:Detailed but to the point. Excellent presentation.-Ashish UpadhyayThis is a concise & informative course on pivot point trading. Nicely done.-Natraj Jayaraman."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gann Fan Trading Ninja: DIY Technical Analysis Certification" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Gann Fan Forex & Stock Trading Technical Analysis course on Udemy:I learned a new skill. Gann Fan works that's for sure.-Alexandrria Damiani1st! Another knowledge bomb dropped once again in this course. I keep coming back to this teacher because he never fails to teach real things that help me make money.-Matthew SchneiderAbsolute value in this great Gann course, audio was good to! Thank You, Saad-Peter SchoenTOP-NOTCH InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Gann Fan Forex & Stock Trading Technical Analysis Course Details:Are you willing to learn a new skill?Do you know the difference between a novice or Professional Trader?Do you want to be a Professional Trader?If the Answer is yes then this is the course for you.Gann Fan Trading is the Most Talked about Tool in Trading amongst most popular technical Day Trading or Long Term Trading Tool in the world.Gann fans are a form of technical analysis based on the ideas that the market is geometric and cyclical in nature. The tool is comprised of 9 diagonal lines that helps you in trading. I will explain it throughly through Live Trades.However I need your Complete Attention, otherwise you wont understand it.Learn how to draw Gann Fan yourself and be equipped with an advance trading (Technical Analysis) Tool that is used by Professional traders.This Gann Fan Technical Analysis course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. I will teach you Gann fan trading strategy that is a complex support and resistance trading strategy that uses diagonal support and resistance levels. Lines of Gann Fan are built at different angles from an important base or peak at the price chart. These Important Angles help in Trading through Advance Mathematic Angles.The Only Tactical Technical Analysis Gann Fan Strategy Course: Setup One High-Profitable Trade After Another. Technical Analysis Trading is a form of Advance Forex or Stock trading in which individuals buy and sell shares over a single day's trading or long term trading, with the intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.I will explain you basic concepts of Technical Analysis Trading in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit Trade through Gann Fan.I will explain how to avoid traps in Forex or Stock Trading through Gann Fan.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Gann Fan Technical Analysis course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Other Reviews:The Best Course Ever-Olenchenko NikThe Only Tactical Technical Analysis Trading Tool: Use Gann Fan for Forex or Stock Trading along w/ Prediction of Trend."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fibonacci Trading Retracement Ninja: Complete DIY Trading" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Fibonacci Trading Retracement course on Udemy:Yes, Al good course, as a refresher course of what I have learnt previously from another lecturer. It enhanced my knowledge on Fibonacci method to forecast the direction of my trading on particular stock options. Thank you!-Esther LeeWell said, point to point detailed study. Described Fibonacci Retracement reasonably.-Arun Kumar K BIts Very Amazing experience. Really thanks for making this course.-Kamlesh PatilAnswered those little things that unlock so much more understanding going forward-Shawn Motley TOP-NOTCH Fibonacci Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Fibonacci Trading Retracement Course Details:Are you willing to learn a new skill?Do you know the difference between a novice or Professional Trader?Do you want to be a Professional Trader?If the Answer is yes then this is the course for you.Fibonacci Trading Retracement is the Most Talked about Tool in Trading amongst most popular technical Day Trading or Long Term Trading Tool in the world.Fibonacci Trading Retracement are a form of technical analysis based on the ideas that the market is cyclical in nature. The tool is comprised of 9 diagonal lines that helps you in trading. I will explain it throughly through Live Trades.However I need your Complete Attention, otherwise you wont understand it.A Fibonacci retracement is a popular tool among technical traders and is based on the key numbers identified by mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci in the 13th century. Fibonacci's sequence of numbers is not as important as the mathematical relationships, expressed as ratios, between the numbers in the series.One of the remarkable characteristics of this numerical sequence is that each number is approximately 1.618 times greater than the preceding number.In this Course I will discuss multiple opportunities i.e how to Day Trade Stocks, Forex, along with long term Strategy movement.This Course not only discusses how to day trade but also how to Trade on the long run.In this Course we will discuss Charts to show you how to enter and exit.This course works on a variety of trading examples which is great for everyone. Whether you are a Student Day Trader or an Expert Long trader or learner of Stock Market. This Fibonacci Trading Retracement course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. The Only Tactical Fibonacci Trading Retracement Strategy: Setup One High-Profitable Trade After Another With Risk Control. I will explain you basic concepts of Fibonacci Trading Retracement in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Fibonacci Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Fibonacci Trading .I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Fibonacci Trading Retracement course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Other Reviews:Yes it was a good course and will help to recognize targets and resitance levels both in trading and long term investing.-Visheshkumar Mukund Datwani"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gann Box Trading Ninja: Advance DIY Technical Analysis tool" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Gann Box Forex & Stock Trading Technical Analysis course on Udemy:After is 2 courses my trade account get bigger, started more profits than loses..thankss..-Okan AkinNew concept I did not know about. Great-Venkatesh RamamurthyTOP-NOTCH Gann Box InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Gann Box Forex & Stock Trading Technical Analysis Course Details:Are you willing to learn a new skill?Do you know the difference between a novice or Professional Trader?Do you want to be a Professional Trader?If the Answer is yes then this is the course for you.Gann Box Trading is the Most Talked about Tool in Trading amongst most popular technical Day Trading or Long Term Trading Tool in the world.Gann Box are a form of technical analysis based on the ideas that the market is geometric and cyclical in nature. The tool is comprised of Multiple diagonal lines that helps you in trading. I will explain it throughly through Live Trades.However I need your Complete Attention, otherwise you wont understand it.Learn how to draw Gann Box yourself and be equipped with an advance trading (Technical Analysis) Tool that is used by Professional traders.This Gann Box Technical Analysis course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. I will teach you Gann Box trading strategy that is a complex support and resistance trading strategy that uses diagonal support and resistance levels. Lines of Gann Box are built at different angles from an important base or peak at the price chart. These Important Angles help in Trading through Advance Mathematic Angles.The Only Tactical Technical Analysis Gann Box Strategy Course: Setup One High-Profitable Trade After Another. Technical Analysis Trading is a form of Advance Forex or Stock trading in which individuals buy and sell shares over a single day's trading or long term trading, with the intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.I will explain you basic concepts of Technical Analysis Trading in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit Trade through Gann Box.I will explain how to avoid traps in Forex or Stock Trading through Gann Box.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Gann Box Technical Analysis course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Highly Profitable Gann Box Trading Strategy that works on Forex Trading & Stock Trading w/ Extra Focus on Risk Management."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certification in Gann Square Trading (Technical Analysis)" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Gann Square Forex & Stock Trading Technical Analysis course on Udemy:First of all i am saying to you thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. just 15 days back i am inquiry about gann course through phone, they informed the total 5 days fees is 3 lakh + GST. i am curious about Gann. your explanation is very good. if you add some more live trading using gann square it will really helping to us. finally i am saying it is worth, and one of the best course in Udemy.-Yogeswara Raolove it so far-Ronny WilliamsVery interesting concepts that will enhance my trading skills.-Charles HendricksTOP-NOTCH Gann Square InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Gann Square Forex & Stock Trading Technical Analysis Course Details:Are you willing to learn a new skill?Do you know the difference between a novice or Professional Trader?Do you want to be a Professional Trader?If the Answer is yes then this is the course for you.Gann Square Trading is the Most Talked about Tool in Trading amongst most popular technical Day Trading or Long Term Trading Tool in the world.Gann Square are a form of technical analysis based on the ideas that the market is geometric and cyclical in nature. The tool is comprised of Multiple diagonal/Vertical/Trend and Arc lines that helps you in trading. I will explain it throughly through Live Trades.However I need your Complete Attention, otherwise you wont understand it.Learn how to draw Gann Square yourself and be equipped with an advance trading (Technical Analysis) Tool that is used by Professional traders.Gann Square Tool is a tool that is formed by merging Gann Box, Arc's, Trend Lines. Through them and the Strategy that Advance traders follow; you will learn a new advance skill that is known by very few.I will help you understand how to merge Gann Square tool with your existing strategy or indicator.This Gann Square Technical Analysis course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. I will teach you Gann Square trading strategy that is a complex support and resistance trading strategy that uses diagonal support and resistance levels. Lines of Gann Square are built at different angles from an important base or peak at the price chart. These Important Angles help in Trading through Advance Mathematic Angles.The Only Tactical Technical Analysis Gann Square Strategy Course: Setup One High-Profitable Trade After Another. Technical Analysis Trading is a form of Advance Forex or Stock trading in which individuals buy and sell shares over a single day's trading or long term trading, with the intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.I will explain you basic concepts of Technical Analysis Trading in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit Trade through Gann Square.I will explain how to avoid traps in Forex or Stock Trading through Gann Square.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Gann Square Technical Analysis course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TOP-NOTCH Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Extension Learning" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement course on Udemy:Very satisfied...I learnt a lot.-Meryl WinstanleyTOP-NOTCH Trend Based Fibonacci Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement Course Details:Are you willing to learn a new skill?Do you know the difference between a novice or Professional Trader?Do you want to be a Professional Trader?If the Answer is yes then this is the course for you.Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement is the Most Talked about Tool in Trading amongst most popular technical Day Trading or Swing Trading Tool in the world.Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement helps you in understanding the trend and its limitations.Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement are a form of technical analysis based on the ideas that the market is cyclical in nature. The tool is comprised of 9 diagonal lines that helps you in trading. I will explain it throughly through Live Trades.This Indicator helps to gauge the future and its limit.Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement is a advanced version of Fibonacci Trading Retracement.However I need your Complete Attention, otherwise you wont understand it.A Trend Based Fibonacci retracement is a popular tool among technical traders and is based on the key numbers identified by mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci in the 13th century. Its an Extension to Fibonacci Retracement.Fibonacci's sequence of numbers is not as important as the mathematical relationships, expressed as ratios, between the numbers in the series.Try it to believe it.One of the remarkable characteristics of this numerical sequence is that each number is approximately 1.618 times greater than the preceding number.In this Course I will discuss multiple opportunities i.e how to Day Trade Stocks, Forex, along with Swing Trading Strategy movement.This Course not only discusses how to day trade but also how to Swing Trade.In this Course we will discuss Charts to show you how to enter and exit.This course works on a variety of trading examples which is great for everyone. Whether you are a Student Day Trader or an Expert Long trader or learner of Stock Market. This Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. The Only Tactical Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement Strategy: Setup One High-Profitable Trade After Another With Risk Control. I will explain you basic concepts of Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Trend Based Fibonacci Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Trend Based Fibonacci Trading .I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Trend Based Fibonacci Trading Retracement course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Futures Trading Ninja: DIY 12Hour TOP-NOTCH Trading Strategy" |
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Information is easily understandable-Yvonne MikulaHear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Futures Trading course on Udemy:TOP-NOTCH Futures Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Futures Trading Course Details:Are you thinking to learn Advance skills?Do you know why Futures traders succeed where others fail?If not then this course is for you as this course not only discusses how to trade Futures but also on how to read the market along with Secrets of Futures trading.My Advanced Futures Trading Ninja Strategy is the only complete course, that not only show you how to enter a trade but also how to exit and how to manage risk. Futures Trading is a Complex topic and this course focuses on strengthening your basics and gives you the ability to read the market as a price action trader. I will train you to read and correctly interpret Trends in Futures Trading. You will be able to predict which way a stock will most likely move in the near future as you will be using different complex indicators to access the market. Technical Analysis gives you a glimpse of the future, and is a must have arsenal in your tool book.The Futures trading strategy I teach in this course will provide you with a plan for entering and exiting trades with confidence. This Futures Trading course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. In this Stock Futures Trading Course we will discuss Charts to show you how to enter and exit along with Risk management. My Complete Focus in this course is on, how to stop losses and how to let your profitable Futures trade run.Futures Trading strategy Essentials: You will learn each and every single details that is necessary, to successfully swing trade. However Before diving into the strategy, I will first teach you the essential price action points, especially designed to strengthen your knowledge base.In this course, I will teach you different indicator that will help you understand the Futures trading game. I will show you my own strategy which uses complex indicators that I use for all of my Buy and Sell Signals, and it's accuracy rate is very high as the strategy comes with high risk management techniques. Two of the most important lessons included in this course are how to handle a false Buy Signal to keep losses to an absolute minimum, and when to lock in profits to maximize your stock trading gains. I will teach you different (Stock Trading) Technical analysis tools likeParabolic SARDMIEMACMOPVTStochNot only this I will dive into Multiple Futures Trading Risk Management Techniques likeRisk ToleranceTrailing Stop OrderManaging the TradeA Futures, Forex or Stock trader don't need huge capital to invest for Futures Trading. If you follow the Advanced Futures Trading Strategy then you will enter at the very beginning of of the trend, with extreme risk management. As my aim is to reduce risk and let profitable stock or forex trade run. As trading without losses will always help you to end in profit.I will not stop here, I will also increase your Forex or Stock Trading knowledge through Chart patternsSymmetrical Triangle PatternFlag and peanut Chart PatternAscending Triangle PatternThis Futures Trading course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Again I will not stop here, but will also discuss Simple and Complex Candlestick patterns for Forex or stock trading likeMarubozuBullish Harami CrossBearish 3-Method Candlestick FormationDark Cloud CoverRising Window on Candlestick PatternEvening Doji Star Candlestick PatternI will also discuss odd but effective Futures trading tools that no other course discussesFibonacci RetracementCheck Short Sale MetricsSources of short interest dataIrving Fisher Debt Deflation TheoryI will also discuss odd but effective Futures Fundamental trading tools that no other course discussesGross MarginOperating marginPretax marginNet Profit marginQuick RatioDisclaimer Note: This Futures Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test Your TOEFL Vocabulary Skills 50 Hard Words Part 1" |
"Hi! My name is Sefa and I am a lecturer at Yasar University in Turkey! I have been teaching English since 2010 and apart from Turkey,I have worked as language teacher in magic landFinland, Estonia and Sweden so far. I prepared this test to see how well my students do when it comes to TOEFLvocabulary. You can test your vocabulary skills free and see how well you do on vocab test. Hope this course will be a great help on your language studies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel Learning Management System - course sales platform" |
"This course will teach you all the essential topics of Laravel while using it to build a full project. It covers step-by-step every topic from how to install Laravel through database relations, migrations, MVC, Controllers, Models, Payment integration, API consumption, Sessions, scaffolding etcThis course demonstrates how to easily build a very large scale application with laravel both by looking at the projects at the feature level and at the application level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PrettyLinks deutsch - Der Komplettkurs" |
"PrettyLinks Pro ist das meist eingesetzte Plugin fr WordPress, wenn es darum geht Links zu krzen. Aber PrettyLinks ist deutlich mehr als das. Und genau hier setzt dieser Kurs an. Bei den meisten Nutzern ist PrettyLinks Lite installiert (die kostenlose Version) und wird selbst in dieser Version oftmals nicht voll ausgereizt. Einige Funktionen bleiben ungenutzt. Daher schlummert hufig ein Juwel in den WordPress Installationen.In diesem Kurs erfhrst du, wie du das volle Potential aus PrettyLinks herausholst und vor allem, warum es sich lohnt, auf die Pro Version umzusteigen. Mit dieser Pro Version hast du noch ein paar wirkliche Marketing-Werkzeuge an der Hand, mit denen du noch mehr aus deinem Business herausholen kannst und eine Menge Zeit sparen kannst.Wenn du Affiliate-Marketing machst und eine WordPress-Seite hast, dann ist dieses Plugin absolute Pflicht. Hier imKurs lernst du warum und vor allem erfhrst du sehr ausfhrlich, was die Pro Version wirklich fr dich tun kann."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Ballontiere drehen (Balloon-Twisting) fr Einsteiger" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du alles, was fr das Balloon-Twisting /Ballonfiguren drehen wichtig ist. Angefangen beim Material und Zubhr. Du erfhrst, welche Techniken es gibt und wie du diese dann einsetzen kannst. Natrlich drfen die ersten Figuren nicht fehlen. In diesemKurs lernst du, wie du 9 verschiedene Figuren drehen kannst. Damit bist du dann schon ein richtiger Ballon-Knstler. In den Folgekursen wird es noch reichlich weitere Figuren geben."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Test Prep, Exams and Simulations" |
"All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the 220-1001 exam for all 5 domains of the exam, so you can take the actual CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Core 1 exam with confidence, and PASS it!In this course, you will get fully prepared for what it is like to take the CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Core 1 exam. This course doesn't just provide you with full-length practice exams (each of which is timed at 90 minutes), but it will also train you how to become a better test taker.For most CompTIA A+ (220-1001) test takers, this is their FIRST certification exam in the Information Technology (IT) industry. If this is true for you, then you need this course to learn how to take these exams the proper way.Certification exams are expensive to take, so you only want to take it one time and you want to pass it. This course is designed to help you do just that.First, you are going to learn how the exam is developed and what to expect on the exam in terms of the number of questions, the length of the exam, the testing process, and other such fundamentals.Then, you are going to learn how to perform better on the exam by using my Top 5 test taking techniques that have helped over 100,000 students (just like you) earn their industry certifications.After that, you will put my tips into practice in two CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1001) full-length practice exams with 90 questions each. You will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and perform some additional study.These CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Core 1 Practice Exams will provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback.After that, you will focus on the Performance Based Simulations (PBQs) for the CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Core 1 exam. Here you will learn all about motherboards, wireless configurations, mobile device configurations, command line troubleshooting with IPCONFIG and PING, and how to configure RAIDs. Each of these simulations are designed to ensure you will PASS the CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Core 1 exam come test day.These PBQs (often called simulations by students) are the hardest questions on the exam, and this course will ensure you are ready to conquer them on the exam!So, you won't be hoping you are ready, after this course you will know that you are ready to take and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.I have some of the best-selling CompTIA training courses on the Udemy platform and I invite you to visit my instructor profile to learn more about me, the certifications that I hold, and read the reviews of my courses. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA A+ (220-1001) Core 1 exam to ensure your success. This course also comes with a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by enrolling today.What others are saying about my CompTIA courses:This set of questions focused me on the required learning and was instrumental in my passing...well worth the cost... (Pranav, 5 stars)Setup of the questions feels so like being in a real exam environment... loved it! (Behaviour, 5 stars)This course really helped me to prepare and pass the PBQs on the 1001 exam. Hoping the 1002 edition is released before taking part 2 of the exam! Thank you! (Cory, 5 stars)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Iroha Nihongo N5 : Part4N54" |
"N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level.N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level.N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level."
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |