Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Iroha Nihongo N5 : Part5N55" |
"N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level.N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level.N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level."
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Iroha Nihongo N5 : Part6N56" |
"N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level.N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level.N5N5[irohanihonngoN5],EverybodystudyingJapaneseunderstandsaletterandgrammardefinitelyandisthelearningteachingmaterialsforJapanesetocometobeusablewell.If it is the environment that can use the Internet, you can learn anywhere anytime.You can usecontents for the measures of JLPTN5 Level."
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Classical Guitar Course for Adults Level 2" |
"In this course you will build up on what you have learned in Level 1.Learn and implement arpeggio patterns. Arpeggio technique is an important asset for the classical guitar player. With the foundation that you have from Level 1- plucking chords in variety of ways, you will find that it will be just natural for you to learn and implement this new technique. Learn new ways of eliciting chords - different plucking and strumming techniques, introduced to you in an explicit way, following the ones that you learned earlier. Music theory - closely related with the music that is presented in the course. I will not teach you things that you don't need now. But in contrary the theory is restricted to the terms and symbols which you see in the score that you play.Ensemble playing - Duets, Trio. Playing in ensemble is an essential part of the music education, along with the fun that this activity gives you, it helps you understand better your instrument. With the ensemble pieces provided in this course you get a first hand experience of two or three melodies that are played simultaneously. You have a chance to experience yourself different layers of the music texture. You see and follow the other part or parts wile playing yours. This itself, is of a great value when it comes to playing classical guitar music as the guitar is a multi - voice instrument. Practice sessions - with me, which will help you learn better and don't feel lonely while practicing. once you have learned your part, we will be practicing ensemble pieces together. Pieces by Matteo Carcassi and Antonio Cano. with everything that you have learned in level 1 and level 2 You will find that you are fully prepared to play those classical guitar tunes. I present them to you with separate technical exercises extracted from the pieces themselves. Those exercises will help you to play the actual pieces effortlessly. Supplementary pieces by Fernando Sor and Joseph Kuffner. I have included few pieces that you can play using the skills and knowledge that you acquired from the course.I whish you good luck!Valentin"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Classical Guitar Course for Adults Level 3" |
"In this course you will build up on what you have learned in Levels1 and 2.Learn and implement notes on position 2. New techniques - they will be related mostly with your right hand- golpe, playing finger (index or middle) -apoyando and thumb -tirando simultaneously Music theory - closely related with the music that is presented in the course. I will not teach you things that you don't need now. But in contrary the theory is restricted to the terms and symbols which you see in the score that you play.Ensemble playing - There will be a piece called Amelia which you will learn how to do accompaniment to it using the new chords and new strumming technique.New pieces:Valentin Spasov Etude no. 3Jose Ferrer (1835-1916) - EjercicioValentin Spasov - Habanera Valentin Spasov - El Tocador. with everything that you have learned in level 1 and level 2 You will find that you are fully prepared to play those classical guitar pieces. Supplementary pieces by Fernando Carulli, and Joseph Kuffner and Valentin Spasov. I have included few pieces that you can play using the skills and knowledge that you acquired from the course.I whish you good luck!Valentin"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Planification et contrle de projet avec Oracle PrimaveraP6" |
"Planifier et contrler des projets en utilisant Oracle Primavera P6 18.8 et ses versions antrieures, dans le cadre des pratiques de gestion de projet traditionnelle (TPM) dfinies dans le monde des ingnieurs et des professionnels de la construction et en conformit avec le standard PMBoK Guide dfini par PMI (Project Management Institute)Objectifs du coursA la fin de la formation Oracle Primavera, les participants seront capables de:Comprendre les tapes ncessaires la cration dun plan de projet laide des pratiques de gestion de projet traditionnelle (TPM)Configurer le logiciel Oracle PrimaveraDfinir des calendriersAjouter des activitsOrganiser les activits en fonction de la porte du projet et formater la mise en pageAjouter des relations de logique et dactivit en fonction des contraintes techniques et lgalesUtiliser des colonnes, des modles et des filtres pour crer les impressions et les rapportsMise jour de l'avancement/ Analyse du Chemin CritiqueContrle des rapports davancement du projet Analyse de Courbe en S (temps, cot, primtre)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment APPRENDRE tout 10x plus VITE" |
"***** BIENVENUE DANS LA TOUTE NOUVELLE VERSION DE LA MTHODE TOP CHRONO *****Je me suis bas sur les retours de plus de 3000 apprenant(e)s satisfait(e)s pour vous proposer une nouvelle version da la mthode d'apprentissage succs.En la suivant vous serez capable d' : Booster vos capacits d'apprentissage, Oublier vos mauvaises expriences du pass, Acqurir une nouvelle comptence en un temps record !Vous souhaitez apprendre quelque chose de nouveau? Changer de carrire ou alors tout simplement russir un examen?Malheureusement, vous avez peu de temps disponible et vous ne savez pas vraiment comment vous y prendre!Pire encore, vous doutez de vos capacits et vous prouvez des difficults apprendre. Bref, vous pensez tre mauvaise lve!Laissez-moi vous dire une chose, si vous prouvez des difficults pour apprendre de nouvelles choses, cest srement parce que vous nutilisez pas la bonne mthodologie et les bonnes stratgies!Non apprendre vite et bien nest pas un privilge rserv une minorit ne avec des facilits . Tout le monde peut apprendre apprendre tout beaucoup plus rapidement et efficacement.Eh oui, apprendre apprendre, a sapprend! a na rien de compliqu, il suffit juste dappliquer la bonne mthodologie et les bonnes techniques. Malheureusement a, on ne lapprend pas lcoleMais, si on y rflchit un peu, apprendre apprendre est finalement la seule comptence dont vous avez rellement besoin. Que vous souhaitiez acqurir une nouvelle comptence, changer de carrire ou tout simplement russir vos tudes!Cest la comptence cl qui ouvre les portes toutes les autres comptences.Cest pourquoi je vous propose de rejoindre plus de 3000 personnes dans plus de 86 pays qui ont dj suivi une de mes formations. Je vous propose enfin dapprendre apprendre et mettre fin des annes de galres, et a ds maintenant! Vous ne prenez quun seul risque en suivant cette formation. Non, ce nest pas le risque financier si vous ntes pas satisfait, vous pouvez vous faire rembourser totalement dans les 30 jours suivants votre achat. Le seul risque que vous prenez en suivant cette formation cest davoir du regret! Le regret de ne pas avoir appris apprendre beaucoup plus tt !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"***** WELCOME TO THE UNIQUE ACCELERATED LEARNING METHOD : TOP CHRONO*****For the first time available in English! Forget your painful learning experiences, Triple your learning capacities, Learn how to get any skills faster.Do you want to learn something new?Do you want to find a new job?Or do you want to pass your exams?Unfortunately, you don't really have the time and you don't really know how...The situation is maybe even worth...You don't believe in yourself.You think that you don't have the capacities to learn something new.If you struggle to learn, it's not really because of you...It's certainly because you don't use the right strategy and technics.No!Learning fast and easy is not something only the genius can do!Everybody can learn how to learn faster and more efficiently.You too can learn to do it!Yes, you can learn how to learn!It is not something complicated.You just need to apply the right method, strategy, and technics.Unfortunately, we don't learn that in school...After all, learning how to learn is the only skill you really need.If you want to get a new skill, find a new job or pass your exams.Learning how to learn is a key skill or a Meta-Skill.A tool that will allow you to get any skills you want to.That's why, after the success of this method in the French-speaking community,I've decided to translate it into English to reach a maximum of people.You can learn today how to learn and get rid of years of struggles and painful learning experiences!Thousands and thousands of people already bought the french version of this course.Don't be the last one to become a super learner !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Email Marketing Solution Course - The Way (2020)" |
"Whether or not you have tried to do Email Marketing before or you're just completely new to Email Marketing, this course will take you by the hand and show you the right approach you should adopt in order to have successful Email Marketing CampaignsA lot of people have tried Email Marketing without any result, and in some cases their messages land in the spam, and in some other cases, even if they are able to get their messages to the inboxes of their audience, they don't seem to get any result. Why? They do it the wrong way.So, this course will take you by the hand and show you The Right Way to Email Marketing Success so that you won't be wasting time and money trying to do it yourself, even if you're a complete newbie. In this course, you'll learn:-----What Email Marketing is all about-----Email Marketing Best Practices-----Various Email Marketing Systems and what they offer-----How to add subscribers-----How to create opt-in forms and custom opt-in forms-----How to create landing pages-----How to create and send Newsletters-----How to set up Email Marketing Automations or Autoresponders, just automate the process, let it run for you, why you go about doing other things-----How to monitor your campaign performance-----A big secret to get your subscribers pay you-----All these and many moreYou can't afford to take this course and still not get it rightAnd the course comes with a Premium Support Group that you can join and have all your questions answeredEmail Marketing is the best and the cheapest way to get an audience and have them at your ""Beck and Call""And the Course will show you the best approach to it"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WhatsApp Marketing Course - Digital Marketing Evolution 2020" |
"Currently, the Most Powerful and Cost Effective Marketing Strategy in the world is WhatsApp MarketingWhatsApp is a Huge And Untapped Traffic Source. Everyone has a Smart Phone and uses WhatsApp. Have you ever imagined that this is a Huge and Untapped Traffic Source for you? No Digital Marketer has really considered it, and this makes it a Very Hot Traffic Source right now.Large User-Base: With over 1.6 Daily WhatsApp Users, you can never go wrong. WhatsApper helps you to take advantage of this opportunity.Over 60 Billion Messages: Research has it that over 60 billion messages are sent via WhatsApp daily. Are you taking advantage of this figure?Over 98% Open rate: Unlike Email with a poor and decreasing open rate, WhatsApp messages are opened at the rate of over 98%. This is also backed by serious engagement.In a recent survey, over 67% said they prefer to use chats more to communicate with businesses. And over 53% of the respondents said theyre more likely to shop with a business they can message directly.And WhatsApp is the king: Clients and Prospects spend more time interacting with you on WhatsApp than any other messaging channel. And the number keeps rising exponentially, with more open rates and engagements.Users are hooked up: All its users are totally hooked to the app. Theres every chance theyll listen to you if you share something there as long as you dont use it for spammingMultimedia Ability: WhatsApp allows multimedia transfer conveniently. The image of your product can reach your audience in no time at all. You can as well record audio and video for more effectiveness and impactsQuick Communication: Customers enjoy the fact that theyre able to get personalized responses to their queries quickly. Communication is the hallmark of any relation, Seller-Buyer relation not an exceptionSo, in this course, you will learn:-how to send bulk WhatsApp messages without having to save the numbers in your phone-how to mention each person's name in your Bulk WhatsApp Messaging Campaigns (a very powerful marketing strategy)-how to filter WhatsApp Numbers out of Non-WhatsApp Numbers-how to extract the phone numbers of members of any WhatsApp Group you belong with just a click-how to generate WhatsApp Phone numbers-how to avoid getting banned by WhatsApp in your Bulk Campaigns, etcAll these and many more..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build E-Commerce Website (Store) Using WordPress Woocommerce" |
"If have ever thought of owing and managing your own E-Commerce Store to sell your products, but being held back because of the cost of getting one, then this, The Complete E-Commerce Solution Course is for you. With this course, you no longer have to pay a developer, you can do it yourself in a week or lessThis Step-By-Step Video Course will take you by the hand and show you every step of the way even if you're a complete beginner. And at the end of the course, you'll become a pro in building and managing any form of E-Commerce Website anyone can think of.Nothing to be scared about, because everything is explained in such a ridiculously simple way, that even a 10-year old child will understand.Although the instructor is a fast talker in nature, but she has taken her time to talk slower than her normal pace of talking in this course. This is to make sure no one is left out, so that everyone taking this course will have a full understanding and be able to apply it in real life situations.See you right inside the courseGlory Omoye,Course Instructor"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Los 10 errores y los 10 aciertos en negociacin." |
"El curso lo he dividido en 12 vdeos, ms uno extra de regalo.La media de duracin de cada vdeo es de cinco minutos porque todos van al grano.Cada vdeo comienza planteando el error y despus te da la solucin.Para explicar la solucin uso muchos ejemplos, historias y ejercicios rpidos.Este curso mejora tu habilidad para negociar."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stellar Customer Service to Drive Business & Lead Employees" |
"The foundation of any organization who deals with a customer is Customer Service. If you don't have stellar customer service, you may not have customers in your future. These skills will help you train key employees who talk to customers every day and help with employee engagement and retention.Customer Service is the one aspect of any organization that can make or break it. Stellar Customer Service whether internal or external is imperative for the organization to thrive and survive.Think About:1) Why is customer service important for any organization?2) Why do I want to learn how to deliver stellar customer service?3) Why would I use customer service skills both internally and externally inside my organization?4) Why is customer service a difficult task inside any organization?5) Why are organizations looking for people to deliver stellar customer service?6) Why is everyone inside an organization responsible for customer service even if they are not inside the customer service department?7) Why is it important for you to be the one that connects with the customer through your relationship with them over your competition?Learning Objectives:1) Understand the difference between a customer and a supplier.2) Describe the challenges of delivering stellar service.3) Describe the importance of your role in building customer loyalty through your connection with them relationally.4) List key moments of truth in customer interactions.5) Describe how customers define stellar service.6) Plan for your own success in delivering the service qualities customers expect.7) List actions you can take through your relational connection with the customer, to build customer loyalty.#customerserivce #employeeengagement #drivesalesandbusiness #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Guiding Customer Conversations to Drive Business Results" |
"The foundation of any organization who deals with a customer is Customer Service. If you don't have stellar customer service, you may not have customers in your future. This leadership skill is great for teaching employees and retaining GOOD employees. Guiding a conversation with a customer is important to keep control of that conversation for an excellent outcome. Learning the skills to guide that customer conversation is necessary for successful customer service delivery.Think About:1) Why is it important for an organization to guide any conversation with a customer?2) Why is it an important skill for anyone to learn how to guide a customer conversation?3) Why do conversations go wrong with customers?4) Why do people not enjoy conversations with customers?5) Why must conversations with customers stay under control?Learning Objectives:1) Describe the parts of a customer conversation2) Show how to gain customer confidence and cooperation from the start3) How to gently refocus discussions when they get off track4) How to most effectively open the conversation on a positive note5) How to most effectively close the conversation on a positive note leaving the customer feeling good about the organization.6) The nuts and bolts of the middle of the conversation, including staying on a positive note and gaining customer understanding7) How to present unwelcome information#customerconversations #employeeengagement #drivingsales #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Effective Business Writing to Build Employee Engagement" |
"The foundation of any organization who deals with a customer is professionalism. If you don't have professionalism inside your organization, behaviors will drive an ""accepted culture"" that is created by employees. The tone of the way things are said, also change the employee engagement of the people. Writing effectively inside any organization is important to carry out your intention of what you want to say clearly and efficiently. Because written words can be easily perceived incorrectly, effective writing is a skill that helps clear up assumptions.WHY Questions:1) Why is it important for anyone to learn effective business writing inside an organization?2) Why are written words so easily miss-read or perceived incorrectly?3) Why do organizations today have morale issues revolving around business writings?4) Why is business writing such a difficult task?5) Why must we take business writing seriously as a day-to-day task?6) Why do we care about being able to communicate properly with effective business writing inside organizations today?Learning objectives:1. Understand the purpose of writing before they begin2. Organize a memo using the proper format3. Write using the direct and active voice4. Use punctuation properly5. Write in a clear and concise manner6. Understand email etiquette.#effectivebusinesswriting #employeeengagement #emailettiquette #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Professional Presentation Skills Build Leadership Confidence" |
"Another key foundation to be a good leader and building your culture is professional presentation skills. This will boost your morale, help in your leadership skill building, and help lead your employees as well and create employee engagement.Professional presentation skills are important at many levels inside any organization. Effectively carrying out your message to others at all levels of an organization will not only help ease your way inside any position but impress others around you as a professional in all aspects of life.WHY Questions:1) Why is presenting such a scary task?2) Why is presenting a skill that will help any career soar?3) Why are professional presentation skills an asset to your resume?4) Why are presenters in high demand?5) Why is presenting a skill that can be used at any level inside an organization?6) Why do people have stage fright when presenting in front of large groups?7) Why is presenting in front of one person and presenting in front of one hundred just the same?Learning objectives:1) Understanding short term and long-term strategies for overcoming stage fright2) Understanding that stage fright is very common and everyone has small symptoms of it.3) Having the nuts and bolts of a presentation for success4) Different possible aspects of a successful speech to add5) Possible visual aid ideas to add to any presentation or speech6) Bonus tips to relieve physical and emotional quirks during your speech#professionalpresentationskills #employeeengagement #leadership #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simple Strategic Problem Solving for Employee Engagement" |
"Another key foundation to be a good leader and building your culture is how to be emotionally intelligent when solving problems. Critical thinking skills are a gift that not everyone has. Use this guide to help you with critical thinking and help guide your employees with engagement.Problem solving is used in every part of our lives day-to-day. Having a simple strategic action plan for problem solving will help reduce stress, help solve issues quickly, and balance out our world from ciaos.WHY Questions:1) Why is effective problem solving a great skill to have?2) Why must every person inside an organization learn how to problem solve effectively?3) Why would problem solving that is simple and strategic be good inside an organization?4) Why would problem solving skills help you?5) Why do organizations lack in problem solving training?6) Why do organizations need problem solvers?Learning objectives:1) Understand what a decision is2) Understand what a problem is3) Understand what a judgement is4) Recognize the difference and similarities between problem solving and decision making5) Know the difference between a problem and a symptom6) Learn the 6 steps in the problem solving process7) Solve problems on your own#businessproblemsolving #employeeengagement #simpleproblemsolving #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Creating Goals to Drive Culture & Employee Engagement" |
"Another key foundation to be a good leader and building your culture is creating and having goals. Engaging Employees means having goals for them and for the business. If you have not identified your cultural goals, you dont know where you are going and if you dont know where you are going than unfortunately any road will do. Is that really the road you want to be on?WHY Questions:1) Why is it important for you to know how to set goals?2) Why is it important for you to have on going goals?3) Why are culture goals paramount in an organization?4) Why do people not create goals for their life or organization?5) Why is identifying your organization goals, strategic in fulfilling your reason for existence?6) Why do you want to exist or create this organization?Learning objectives:1) Understand WHY you are creating goals in the first place2) Understand what culture is inside an organization3) Have a clear picture of why we need goals to support our culture4) Realize goals must be intentional and must intersect with culture5) Set appropriate goals supporting the culture of the organization6) Rolling out goals and creating excitement!#businessgoals #employeeengagement #drivebusinesschange #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Cultural Mindset for Business Culture & Employee Engagement" |
"Your organization's culture is driven by something and something created it. Whether that was people, a process or technology. Are your mission/vision/core values driving your culture? Are your leaders or people driving it with accepted behaviors? Is your data driving your culture or your systems? Your mindset is a mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations. Cultural Mindset is the thought processes characteristic of an individual or group that determines the basis on how and why they make decisions. Culture Mindset changes your view towards engaging employees, employee retention, and focus on the people as well as the tasks. WHY Questions:1) Why is it important to have a cultural mindset inside any organization?2) Why must employees understand the difference between personal and cultural mindset?3) Why does your organization need cultural mindset for the culture to thrive?4) Why is it important for management to understand and live cultural mindset?5) Why is cultural mindset imperative to the day-in and day-out decision making of an organization?6) Why does your personal mindset need to be subordinate to cultural mindset of the work setting?Learning objectives:1) Clearly understand the concept and power of mindset.2) Clearly understand the difference between mindset and cultural mindset.3) Understand the meaning of DNA, Ethos, and Genetic Code in relation to an organization.4) Know the difference between growth and fixed mindset and identify your mindset type.5) Understand the concept of why culture eats strategy every time.6) See a full example of cultural mindset within Pixar.7) Have a clear understanding of why organizations need a Protector of the Culture Gatekeeper.#businessculturemindset #employeeengagement #culturalmindset #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Leadership for the Cultural Business Shift & Engagement" |
"Leaders within an organization really are part of the foundation of the bridge of the organization. This one foundational pillar could make the bridge topple to the ground and ruin employee engagement and retention.Leading a culture change is one of the hardest leadership dynamics presented to leaders today. WHYbecause most people fear change, its a different construct that most leaders have never led and understanding culture and its complexity is rare.WHY Questions:1) Why do you need a cultural shift?2) Why is it important for leadership to understand their organizations culture?3) Why is culture change complex?4) Why does culture changes have so many hurdles and roadblocks?5) Why is it important to have a strategy with a plan A and B for cultural changes?6) Why is leading culture change such a challenge?7) Why is important to understand the root of a cultural change vs. the fruit?Learning objectives:1) Understand what culture is.2) Understand the difference between shift and change.3) Identify the difference between the root or the fruit of change.4) View the 8 step process for leading change.5) Familiarize yourself with the change management foundation and model.6) Identify possible culture change hurdles and roadblocks.7) Understand the need for strategy and different plan alternatives.#leadership #employeeengagement #businessculture #culturedevelopment #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mission, Vision, & Core Values Creation Engaging Employees" |
"Your mission, vision and core values of your organization steers your ship the way you want it to go. Do you know what yours is?Another foundation of the bridge of your organization is your mission, vision, and core values. All employees should be aligned with these so they know WHY and WHAT they are doing every single day. It will also help aid in employee engagement.Understanding and identifying WHY is where your journey begins. Your MISSION, VISION and VALUES must radiate around your passionate purpose of your organization. It is the foundation upon which everything else is built, build it well.WHY Questions:1) Why is it important to know your vision?2) Why is it important to know your Mission?3) Why is it important to know your Core Values?4) Looking at your current vision why is this your vision?5) Looking at your current mission why is this your mission?6) Looking at your current core values why are these your core values?7) Why is it paramount to articulate and know your vision?8) Why is it paramount to understand your daily mission?9) Why is it paramount to identify and make decisions from core values?Learning objectives:1) Understand WHY you must have a vision, mission and core values2) Understand what a vision statement is3) Understand what a mission statement is4) Understand what core values are5) Become clear on how to live out your vision, mission and core values inside your organization6) Have clear picture of YOUR true north.7) Making sure you are the face of the vision, mission, and core values as an employee of any organization.#vision #mission #corevalues #statement #businessculture #employeeengagement #employeeretention"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Change Management Curve for Employee Engagement" |
"Leaders today have a TOUGH job. More so than 20-30 years ago. People were more respectful back then, people needed their job back then. Today, respect has diminished, people don't care as much for their jobs because they hop around, and people really care about themselves more than others in this society. Change is difficult and one of the biggest reasons it is difficult is that it involves and impacts everyone. It is paramount in change management to make sure those who will experience the greatest impact because of the change are involved in the curve you are making.WHY Questions:1. Why is change so difficult?2. Why is change awareness and strategy mandatory in the fast paced corporate or organizational world you operate in?3. Why is positive morale necessary inside change management and ability to increase employee engagement?4. Why is there such a curve in change management?5. Why is collaboration necessary inside change management and to boost employee engagement?6. Why is negotiation necessary inside change management?7. Why is synergy necessary inside change management?8. Why does fear affect change management so much?Learning objectives:1. Understand the complex dynamic of change2. Have a clear understanding of how morale, negotiation, collaboration, and synergy affects change management.3. Define fear and its role in change management4. How to overcome fear inside the change5. Learn the top 10 dynamics you must understand and integrate into your change culture curve.#changemanagement #employeeengagement #businesschange #culturedevelopment #business #businessculture #employeeretention"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to create Go TCP server and Kafka (golang)" |
"Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform. What exactly does that mean?A streaming platform has three key capabilities:Publish and subscribe to streams of records, similar to a message queue or enterprise messaging system.Store streams of records in a fault-tolerant durable way.Process streams of records as they occur.Kafka is generally used for two broad classes of applications:Building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably get data between systems or applicationsBuilding real-time streaming applications that transform or react to the streams of dataTo understand how Kafka does these things, let's dive in and explore Kafka's capabilities from the bottom up.First a few concepts:Kafka is run as a cluster on one or more servers that can span multiple datacenters.The Kafka cluster stores streams of records in categories called topics.Each record consists of a key, a value, and a timestamp."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to 1 Million Requests per Minute with(golang)" |
"The ProblemWhile working on a piece of our anonymous telemetry and analytics system, our goal was to be able to handle a large amount of POST requests from millions of endpoints. The web handler would receive a JSON document that may contain a collection of many payloads that needed to be written to Amazon S3, in order for our map-reduce systems to later operate on this data.Traditionally we would look into creating a worker-tier architecture, utilizing things such as:SidekiqResqueDelayedJobElasticbeanstalk Worker TierRabbitMQand so onAnd setup 2 different clusters, one for the web front-end and another for the workers, so we can scale up the amount of background work we can handle.But since the beginning, our team knew that we should do this in Go because during the discussion phases we saw this could be potentially a very large traffic system. I have been using Go for about 2 years or so, and we had developed a few systems here at work but none that would get this amount of load.ConclusionSimplicity always wins in my book. We could have designed a complex system with many queues, background workers, complex deployments, but instead we decided to leverage the power of Elasticbeanstalk auto-scaling and the efficiency and simple approach to concurrency that Golang provides us out of the box.Its not everyday that you have a cluster of only 4 machines, that are probably much less powerful than my current MacBook Pro, handling POST requests writing to an Amazon S3 bucket 1 million times every minute."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Mind Wealth Reprogramming System" |
"This course was created to reprogram your mind for wealth abundance. If you've been struggling financially and still haven't reach the amount of money you desire in life, this course will guide you to change your beliefs on a subconscious level to help you achieve your financial goals. By using the audio tracks in this course, you will reboot your mind for thinking, feeling, and becoming rich, which will allow you to attract wealth abundance into your life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to start a business in the USA? (H1b/H4/oversees)" |
"Hello,Are you the one who always wanted to start a business but not sure how ?Are you on H1b/H4 visa? Do you live outside the USA and want to start your business ?I have got you covered. After this course you will be able to start your business, you will know all local and national resources available for your business.Good luck and see you on the other side.Let's talk about common question on H1b and H4We will discuss, how H1b and H4 can actively work and earn from any business.Can H1b visa start a business?Yes, H1b visa holder can start any business. They can also work actively in it. Anyone on H1b can start, work and make income from the business.Can H1b invest in a business?H1b holders always invest in stock-market; it is one kind of investment. You are a partner of the company when you have stocks. So you can be a 0.00001% partner of 100% partner, you are not breaking any laws.What are H4 EAD business ideas?You can start any business you want. I have clients on H4 who have their amazon, Etsy, eBay business. Some of my H4 clients are photographers and making extra income. One of my clients has a yoga studio in New York, and she is on H4.How can I actively work on H1b VISA?USCIS or DOL does not have any guidelines which we are breaking while doing business on H1b or H4 visa. I contacted these agencies, and they send me an acknowledgement letter. To get access to the message and the full course, please click on this link. This course comes with 30 days money-back guarantee.So what does the course include?(1)It coves all the agencies and their stand. USCIS, IRS, DOL, SOS, state attorney journal.(2) Why it is legal to stary any business on H1b or H4, you don't need an EAD card to start any business. You can start a business even with no SSN.(3)How to start Amazon and eCommerce business on H1b and H4 visa?(4)It also has the full audio recording of my consultation. ($175 value)(5)I had a public meeting in Dallas, Texas, and it has a full video recording with a robust question and answer round.(6) Letters of USCIS and DOL and their stand on a side business.(7)It also teaches how to take the profit out of your business, how to pay tax and also how to spend that money for your personal use.If you have any more question, feel free to text me: 646-401-4012H1b and H4 can or can not do business is a million-dollar question. If you ask any attorney, they say no, you can't! But my question is, why not? If I am breaking any law, then tell me which line of the law book I am breaking. If USCIS or any government office wants to take any action against you, they will tell you that you have violated section abc.123(4) or section cbs.923(b) something like that. I challenge all attorneys of the USA to explain it to me that under which law, you are holding H1b and H4 to start any business in the USA.If we are following all immigration guidelines to live in the USA, we also earn some fundamental rights which federal and states have to offer to their residents. Some of these rights include the right to get a driving license.' Someone living in the state of Texas can't obtain a driving permit in the state of California or any other country. One needs to show the proof that you are living in this particular state and then only you earn all the state rights.H1b and H4 can start any active business in USA, attorneys have lied to us from last 20 years.Starting a business is under the control of the state of your respective one. ( Secretory of State) You can still open a business in any other state in the USA. Someone who is not living in the USA can also open a business in the USA. But for now, let's talk about people on H1b/H4. We are the residents of our respective states. We earn all the rights which the state has to offer. To prove my points, I made some efforts to reach out to state agencies and federal agencies. I contacted USCIS and DOL and asked them a question, 'I am on H1b VISA, my wife is on H4 VISA. We want to start a business on the side, what is the stand of USCIS/DOL ?' They replied to me, and those replies are available in the SHOP page.I am doing business from the last ten years now on H1b VISA. I have three different registered business now in the USA in different states. Initially, I helped some of my friends and some of them are making 100K just from their Amazon online selling business, they all are on H1b and most likely as we all know, we will die on H1b visa too. Don't expect that there will be a change in the mindset of Congress that one day, we all will get EAD or green card. Due to the Coronavirus and its impact on H1b jobs is nothing but going to go a little backward.Attorneys have lied to us from the last 20 years, and we all have suffered because of it."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Email marketing: Build an email list of your ideal buyers" |
"Over the past four years, Ive discovered just how POWERFUL a targeted email list can be. As my email list grew, so did my income! In this course Im going to share my exact strategy with you!Im going to put you on the path of selling your products and services on a consistent basis, by giving you the MOST mission-critical ingredient:A targeted email list that grows on autopilot.Theres a simple formula that says the more targeted subscribers you have on your list, the more sales youll be able to make.This is the simplest math equation on the planet, and trust me, it works.But only if you grow that email list THE RIGHT WAY!The important part? Not all email lists are created equal!You dont need to run crazy 30 day challenges or spend-your-life-savings-on-gift-cards giveaways in order to get a massive number of people on your list.(And this approach never works anyway.)And this isnt about volume, either. 50 highly targeted, interested subscribers are infinitely better than 5,000 people who dont know anything about you or your product (and dont care, either).With the right list-building strategies the ones Im going to teach you here youll be on your way to a profitable and successful business."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Branding Your Business for Growth" |
"Do you and your team struggle to effectively identify and communicate the uniqueness and value of your business?Are you frustrated that your sales presentations, proposals, websites and marketing campaigns are unoriginal, boring or lack meaningful substance?Do your potential buyers perceive your business in ways that are outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate?Then youre in need of an effective and powerful brand strategy, and Im here to help you create it.Ive been helping many different types of organizations successfully develop and evolve their brands for decades. My systematic, proven approach for developing your Authentic Brand Blueprint will help set your business apart and drive growth, just as it has for them!You may have already discovered that there are many brand strategists out there, and they have some similarities and some differences in their brand strategy approaches. Most approaches consist of various components that come together as one holistic strategy mine included.The true difference lies in which components your strategy includes, along with the processes and techniques you use for developing them.Youll be delighted with my Authentic Brand Blueprint approach, which I teach in this course, because it: Incorporates a comprehensive set of best-practice branding components Differentiates your business in authentic, meaningful, and relevant ways Brings focus, richness and depth to your brand identity Integrates your brand and culture because, when it comes down to it, they are one! Serves as a strategic compass to guide more effective marketing, sales, team alignment, and growth planningMy processes for developing each component are equally effective. Too many companies mistakenly just make up what they think sounds good for their brand strategy components or, even worse, expect an outsider writer to make it up. That only results in shallow, disingenuous brand strategies that dont drive sustainable growth!It takes more time and effort than that to develop an effective brand strategy that will truly help move your business forward on multiple levels.The processes I teach for creating the 10 components of your Authentic Brand Blueprint are structured for efficiency and are easy, interesting, and enjoyable to implement. They result in an authentic and effective brand strategy because they entail: introspective thinking and dreaming with focused minds and open hearts meaningful insights from team members and your markets group collaboration that enables new perspectives and ideas to emerge focusing and refining so that every component meets its purpose with clarity and crispnessThis is a hands-on, action-focused, get-it-done brand strategy course. With crystal clear explanations, a lot of diverse examples, expert insights, and specific how-to guidance, it includes everything you need to know to successfully develop your Authentic Brand Blueprint!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Daily Spiritual - Energy Flow and Manifest Meditation" |
"Let's get some basic knowledge about your chakras, their color, their tasks, how they work and how we can activate them and fine tune your chakras, for the perfect daily energy flow. How are our Spirit guides connected to these methods and how can we get them to help you in your daily spiritual ritual. What's the most powerful spiritual protection that we can use and why is more powerful to start from the heart chakra and then expand the protection around the body. Daily manifest meditation to learn to see a simple everyday play out in the perfect way, forgive people and yourself to release energy blocks and visualize your future and manifest it through meditation."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Create The Best Video Ads" |
"This course is to help you gain the fundamentals to setting up the best Video Advertisement just like the top internet gurus. More importantly, there is a reason why you landed here today to read this. We both understand how precious time is, and I assure you I am not here to waste your time.This will benefit you long-term for the years to come! It will help you generate more income for your business. You could even take the knowledge and skills from this course and create a Video Advertising Agency. Meaning from the information in this course you will be able to develop Video Ads to not only help yourself but help others!If you have interest in video creation or video advertising creation, this course is for you. And it's growing rapidly!Start your journey today to develop the best video ads and learn about the different platforms available. You will have a complete understanding after this course on how to create profitable video ads. Low risk, easy to learn and monetized for every students success."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A Podcast - Quick & Easy" |
"Working out how to put a podcast together from scratch can take months of trial and error and hours of Googling but with this course, youll get all the information you need in one neat course.What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as free radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free! directly to your audience every time you produce one.By following the short, simple, easy-to-follow lectures, you will be able to work through the process of setting up your show and publishing your first episode quickly. Who this course is for:No previous experience with Podcasting is requiredIf you have ever wondered how to create a Podcast, this course is just for youFuture Podcast Hosts and Executive ProducersIf you have a message you want to share with the world, this course is for youThis course is great for the average person, entrepreneurs, influencers, local businesses, start-ups, coaches, speakers, and the list goes onIf you want to create a new source of leads for your business and potential increase in revenueWe go over the basics of setting up the Podcast and using resources around you to create it then go into a more advanced on how to promote it and reach your targeted audience"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Angel Creations -Creating your Own Angelic Products" |
"Angel Creations is designed to teach you how to create your own range of Angel products for use in treatments and retail to customers. The course will teach you everything you need to know to create your own Brand of Angelic products. Creating Angel products will provide a deeper connection to the Angels, more effective treatments and a new source of income for your business. You will receive a certificate of completion from Ewya Academy - Ewya Academy is accredited but the International Metaphysical Practitioners Association."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |