Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Google Tag Manager PARA TODOS... Fcil, rpido y EFECTIVO!" |
"***** Administra tu Pixel de Facebook, Google Analytics y otros desde un mismo lugar *****INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Si no sabes que es esto, seguramente este curso no es para ti (por lo menos no todava ;))...Pero si has tenido problemas o dudas al instalar cdigos de seguimiento en tu pgina web, sabes que puede ser difcil hacer cambios cuando tienes muchos cdigos pegados a mano o hacer que todo funcione correctamente cuando instalas mltiples plugins.TU MISMO PUEDES ADMINISTRAR TUS ETIQUETAS DE SEGUIMIENTO DESDE UN SOLO LUGAR Y SIN NINGN COSTO!No importa si solo quieres administrar tu cdigo de seguimiento de Google Analytics, muy seguramente te vas a dar cuenta de que, a medida que crece tu negocio, vas a necesitar otros como:Pixel de FacebookMapas de calorChat widgetsSeguimiento de autorespondedorChatbotsen fin...La lista puede crecer con tu negocio y las necesidades especficas que vayas teniendo..En este curso te voy a llevar paso a paso a la configuracin de tu propia cuenta de Google Tag Manager enfocado en ventas por internet.Este curso NO es para ti si buscas un curso de certificacin en la herramienta.Este curso SI es para ti si te interesa aprender lo que realmente necesitas en tu negocio, de tal manera que no dependas de otras personas o de una agencia.Djame hacerte un par de preguntas:Quieres administrar todas las etiquetas de seguimiento de tu web desde un nico lugar?Quieres aprender a instalar las etiquetas ms importantes que debes tener, si o si, instaladas en tu web (Google Analytics y Facebook Pixel)?Quieres hacer extremadamente fcil el proceso de instalacin de cualquier cdigo de seguimiento que requiera tu negocio en un futuro?Quieres que alguien de tu equipo (o agencia)te ayude a administrar las etiquetas sin tener que darle control total sobre uno de los activos ms importantes de tu negocio por internet... tu pgina web?Si respondiste que SI a cualquiera de estas preguntas... ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI.No necesitas ningn conocimiento para tomar este curso, te vamos a ensear todo, desde la creacin de tu cuenta en Google Tag Manager hasta la instalacin de las etiquetas ms importantes para tu negocio.Esta es mi promesa para ti...Estar aqu para ti en cada paso. Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con el tema, puedes hacer tus preguntas a travs de la plataforma.Quiero hacer de este el mejor curso bsico de Google Tag Manager para que cualquier emprendedor o dueo de negocio pueda empezar a usar la herramienta sin tener que ser un experto ni tomar un curso extenso de certificacin. As que si consideras que hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el curso, solo dmelo y lo tendr en cuenta en una prxima actualizacin.""Google Tag Manager para todos... Fcil, rpido y efectivo"" es el curso ms efectivo y prctico para guiarte en el proceso desde cero.Te llevaremos directo al grano, sin tanta teora innecesaria y sin que tengas que hacer un curso completo de certificacin si lo nico que quieres es aplicar lo que realmente necesitas en tu negocio.Este curso fue creado para llevar paso a paso a cualquier persona sin importar sus conocimientos previos sobre el Google Tag ManagerTambin compartir contigo algunas recomendaciones generales para que puedas hacer crecer tu negocio utilizando internet.Regstrate ahora y nos vemos adentro!,Ivan"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Algebra Moderna y abstracta para estudiantes de Ciencias" |
"Iniciando con conocimientos bsicos que se irn integrando al grupo segn lo requieran los estudiantes se irn recorriendo los temas que aqu se presentan y otros que se incluirn segn la dinmica que aporten los estudiantes.Numeros enteros Relaciones de equivalenciaGruposSubgruposGrupos finitosGrupos cclicosPermutacionesCoclasesIsomorfismosAnillosDominios de integridadIdealesHomomorfismos de anilloCuerposTemas especialesCoclases y Teorema de LagrangeSubgrupos normalesGrupos de homomorfismos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Clculo, los mtodos y el anlisis numrico" |
"Dirigido a estudiantes y aficionados interesados en tomar un curso de anlisis, clculo o mtodos numricos bsicos. Este curso parte de la edicin de muchas de mis clases y asesoras por videoconferencia en cursos bsicos a nivel universitario. Este curso contar en su desarrollo con tu participacin activa. Tu definirs su orientacin y contenido final conectndote directamente conmigo. Si participas activamente y presentas sugerencias y puntos de vista, podrs contar con mi colaboracin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Utilizacin eficiente de las calculadoras cientficas Casio" |
"Sabes utilizar las memorias A, B, C D, X, Y, M+, M-? Si no sabes hacerlo aqu las aprenders a utilizar. La utilizacin de la recurrencia y la iteracin es muy til al calcular valores y ceros de funciones matemticas? Aqu te ensear a sacarle provecho a estas potencialidades de tu calculadora cientfica CASIO. Conoces y sacas ventaja del orden de prioridad de las operaciones y de las funciones que es comn a todo aparato programado? Aprenders a sacar ventajas de las prioridades y as calcular ms rpidamente sin utilizar parntesis. Las clases se irn construyendo siguiendo las sugerencias de los estudiantes, mas planeo aadir nuevas clases para cubrir los siguientes temas.Operaciones y su orden de prelacinUso adecuado de los parntesisUtilizacin de las fracciones para mantener la precisinLa tecla . / . para quienes la tengan en su modelo de calculadoraUtilizacin del disco de ""Scroll"" para revisitar expresiones previas aun en la memoria.Utilizacin correcta de las teclas SHIFT, ALPHA, MODE, SETUP, ANS y las diferentes funciones como las estadsticas, y las funciones de clculo incorporadas para resolver ecuacionesEste programa se ampliar en los prximos meses"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Algebra para ESO y Bachillerato con ejercicios resueltos" |
"Aprenders las bases de las operaciones y manipulacin de variables en la solucin de ejercicios tal como se hace en la escuela secundaria y repasars conceptos bsicos para enfrentar con xito cursos universitarios de Matemticas. Contiene todos los temas clsicos en los cursos de Algebra de ESO y Bachillerato en Espaa, America Latina, Estados Unidos y Canad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create ASP.Net Core Web API (step by step for beginners)" |
"UDATE: The auto generated captions were removed and replaced with real manually written captions for ALL lessons so following the course is now even easier than before!Welcome to Creating CRUD API in Asp .Net Core and Entity Framework Core.As the title of the course suggests, we will be creating an API that will handle Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting records from a database with the help of .Net Core and Entity Framework.This course is all about CRUD operations. Step by step, we will set up a complete API to handle each of the operations in a multi-table database. For the next several hours, we will dedicate our time to interfaces, dependency injection, 1 to many and many to many database relationships, .Net Core Services, Models, Data Transfer Objects, Controllers and Actions, and of course, C# language. But dont let any of that scare you. Quite the opposite. Get excited to learn a ton of new material and dive into the new world of .Net core. The course makes the learning easy with the mix of slow introduction of new material, repetition, and lot of practice! Every line of code is coded on camera, there are no mysteriously appearing blocks of code. Every step is explained every time, not just the first time you are introduced to it. And you will have a chance to practice what you learned in homework assignments.Lets go over few details. First, lets discus what this course ISIntroduction to creating CRUD API using Asp .net Core and Entity Framework.We go over complete creation of CRUD APII introduce new concepts as they are needed in regards to progression of the projectThis is a follow along and practice what you learned courseNo code is skipped over.What this course is NOT:Complete or Deep Dive courseLearn C# or .net core courseTheory with explanation and code snippetsReady to Deploy Real World project1. API are a huge subject, and so is net core and so is Entity Framework. In this course we will create a CRUD Web API in .Net Core 2.2. Nothing more, nothing less. Do not expect a dive into security, database optimization, asynchronous processing or anything else. Just CRUD. Pure and simple. We will work only with C# language inside .net core. So do not expect any javascript or fancy javascript framework or library. There is none in this course. But dont expect to use this course as a Learn C# course. It is not that. Im sure you will pick up some new syntax and C# tricks, but you do need some C# skills prior to taking this course. The project we use is a great starting point as it introduces several of the essential techniques and concepts, including often neglected CRUD operations on database tables with many-to-many relationships, this certainly isnt a deploy-ready project.2. Remember, this is a course, and a practical tutorial. There are lot of courses that will show you the way into one topic and then quickly move on to another topic. This is not one of those courses! My goal is to lead you step by step, all the way, through the new territory inside .Net core and introduce you to new concepts and topics and help you learn them. And equally important is to then help you understand and retain what you learned through practice and repetition. If you prefer to be shown something once and then jump to another topic, then this course is NOT for you. If, on the other hand, you learn by combining explanation, coding along, and practicing the concepts while still having the option to see the instructor coding the whole solution, then this course is definitely for you!3. Did this ever happen to you? You took a course, and you just loved it! Everything was clearly explained, and you had lots of aha moments. Then the course endedand suddenly, you felt lost. You felt like you learned so much while taking the course, yet could barely remember anything once it ended. Even when you revisited the source code supplied by the instructor, it just didnt even seem familiar. Suddenly you felt like you didnt learn anything. All the concepts that seemed so clear during the course felt totally foreign when you were on your own. In my experience, this is often the case when you simply take a course that starts exactly where your current skills are, but moves past the threshold of skills you are ready for. Like trying to go from crawling straight to sprinting. In this course, we go step by step, introducing new concepts slowly and only after you had a chance to practice what you learned. 4. is this course for you? What skills should you have before taking it? If you are a programmer with decent understanding of OOP principles and C#, than you have the all the skills needed to benefit from this course. There are no prerequisites for .net core, or entity framework or how to create an API. Since you are interested in this course, I assume you heard of these things and perhaps played around a little too. Thats all that is needed to take this course.Well, let's code!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Consume Web API in ASP.Net Core MVC (step by step project)" |
"Welcome to Consuming CRUD API in Asp .Net Core MVC.As the title of the course suggests, we will be building an ASP .Net Core MVC app that consumes and interacts with third-party API.This course is all about CRUD operations. Step by step, we will set up a complete MVC app that handles API for each of the operations in a multi-table database. For the next several hours, we will dedicate our time to interfaces, dependency injection, 1 to many and many to many database relationships, .Net Core Services, Models, Data Transfer Objects, Controllers, Actions, Views, and of course, C# language. But dont let any of that scare you. Quite the opposite. Get excited to learn a ton of new material and dive into the new world of .net core. The course makes the learning easy with the mix of slow introduction of new material, repetition, and lot of practice! Every line of code is coded on camera, there are no mysteriously appearing blocks of code. Every step is explained every time, not just the first time you are introduced to it. And you will have a chance to practice what you learned in homework assignments.Lets go over few details. First, lets discus what this course ISIntroduction to using CRUD API in Asp .Net Core MVC.We go over creationg of complete API driven MVC appI introduce new concepts as they are needed in regards to progression of the projectThis is a follow along and practice what you learned courseNo code is skipped over.What this course is NOT:Complete or Deep Dive courseLearn C# or .net core courseTheory with explanation and code snippetsReady to Deploy Real World project1. API are a huge subject, and so is .Net Core. In this course we will build a website that consumes a CRUD API. Nothing more, nothing less. Do not expect a dive into security, database optimization, asynchronous processing or anything else. Just CRUD. Pure and simple. We will work only with C# language inside .net core. So do not expect any javascript or fancy javascript framework or library. There is none in this course. But dont expect to use this course as a Learn C# course. It is not that. Im sure you will pick up some new syntax and C# tricks, but you do need some C# skills prior to taking this course. The project we use is a great starting point as it introduces several of the essential techniques and concepts, including often neglected CRUD operations on database tables with many-to-many relationships, this certainly isnt a deploy-ready project.2. Remember, this is a course, and a practical tutorial. There are lot of courses that will show you the way into one topic and then quickly move on to another topic. This is not one of those courses! My goal is to lead you step by step, all the way, through the new territory inside .net core and introduce you to new concepts and topics and help you learn them. And equally important is to then help you understand and retain what you learned through practice and repetition. If you prefer to be shown something once and then jump to another topic, then this course is NOT for you. If, on the other hand, you learn by combining explanation, coding along, and practicing the concepts while still having the option to see the instructor coding the whole solution, then this course is definitely for you!3. Did this ever happen to you? You took a course, and you just loved it! Everything was clearly explained, and you had lots of aha moments. Then the course endedand suddenly, you felt lost. You felt like you learned so much while taking the course, yet could barely remember anything once it ended. Even when you revisited the source code supplied by the instructor, it just didnt even seem familiar. Suddenly you felt like you didnt learn anything. All the concepts that seemed so clear during the course felt totally foreign when you were on your own. In my experience, this is often the case when you simply take a course that starts exactly where your current skills are, but moves past the threshold of skills you are ready for. Like trying to go from crawling straight to sprinting. In this course, we go step by step, introducing new concepts slowly and only after you had a chance to practice what you learned. 4. is this course for you? What skills should you have before taking it? If you are a programmer with decent understanding of OOP principles and C#, than you have the all the skills needed to benefit from this course. There are no prerequisites for .net core, or entity framework or how to create an API. Since you are interested in this course, I assume you heard of these things and perhaps played around a little too. Thats all that is needed to take this course.Well, let's code!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Async API with Asp.Net Core & EF Core (step by step project)" |
"Welcome to Crash Course on Creating API with ASP .Net CoreThis course is all about creating a functional Async API using .Net Core and Entity Framework. Step by step, we will set up a complete API to handle each of the operations in a multi-table database. We'll develop all necessary entities, Data Transfer Objects, Interfaces, use dependency injection to inject services for our app, design fully MVC structure, map entities to DTO object with automapper, turn our Controllers into fully functional API controllers, handle relationships, keys and foreign keys in our database tables and Models, use Entity Framework as a back end utilizing Code-First integration, seed the database with dummy data... you get the picture!So in the next several hours, you will go from an API novice to a developer capable of developing - and understanding - basic API structure,Get excited to learn a ton of new material and dive into the new world of .net core. This is a relatively fast-paced course, designed with a busy self-learner in mind. If you like to be shown a concept and then move on to another concept to learn more, then this course is for you. No time is wasted.Everything is coded on camera, including some mistakes, both intentional and unintentional. This allows us to go over some concepts that would be hard to explain and understand, such as Reference Loop Handling, AutoMapping set up, possible problems with DTO objects and others.So buckle up, get a big cup of coffee, and get ready to finally understand what all this fuss about API's and REST is about.Let's code"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Python3MySQL/MongoDB |
"PythonMySQLMongoDBPythonPyMySQLPythonMySQLpythonMySQLSQLAlchemyPythonSQL ORMPythonMySQLSQLAlchemyPyMongoMongoDBPythonMongoDBBsonPythonpythonMongoDB"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Flask REST APIs" |
"Python FlaskPython WebFlask-RESTfulPython REST APIPython Flask REST API Service"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Django 2 Web" |
"Django Python DjangoDjango :1. Django.2. Django HTMLRssJSONXMLDjango3. Django Djangosessioncookiecookies Django ---Django SQL ( ).4. Django (). DjangoInstagramDisqus5. Django DRYDjango (MVC) ).Django PythonLinuxWindowsMac OsX DjangoDjango"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Node.js Part2" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
Bootstrap4 |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Curso de informtica para a Melhor Idade" |
"Provavelmente voc conhece algum que no faz a mnima idia de como lidar com um computador, seus pais, seus avs, ou at voc mesmo, foi por este motivo que decidi criar o Curso de Informtica para Iniciantes e Melhor Idade, onde ensinarei como dominar o computador de maneira fcil e rpida!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Practice Test" |
"This is the Only course in udemy where you will find 150+ hand picked question/answer that will help you to pass AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam on your 1st attempt. Take the course with confident and boost your career to the next level...and become a certified AWS SysOps Administrator.Exam Details:Exam Name: AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Practice TestTotal Duration of The Exam: 360 MinutesTotal Questions: 150+Pass Mark: 80% Question Type: Multiple Choice and SelectionKey Points:1. Question/ answer are always update with the exam.2. This Practice Test will help you to get 80% or more score in the real exam.3. Guaranteed confidence boost and pass the exam in 1st attempt.4. 30 Days, no question ask money back guaranteed if you are not satisfied.So take this course with confident....."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C_SM100_718 SAP Certified Technology Associate Test Exam" |
"This is the Only course in udemy where you will find 120+ hand picked question/answer that will help you to pass (C_SM100_718) SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Solution Manager (IT Service Management Configuration) 7.1 SP8 Exam on your 1st attempt. Take the course with confident and boost your career to the next level...and become a certifiedSAP Technology Associate.Exam Details:Exam Name: SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Solution Manager (IT Service Management Configuration) 7.1 SP8 Exam (C_SM100_718)Total Duration of The Exam: 360 MinutesTotal Questions: 120+Pass Mark: 80% Question Type: Multiple Choice, Selection, True/FalseKey Points:1. Question/ answer are always update with the exam.2. This Practice Test will help you to get 80% or more score in the real exam.3. Guaranteed confidence boost and pass the exam in 1st attempt.4. 30 Days, no question ask money back guaranteed if you are not satisfied.So take this course with confident....."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Destruye la procrastinacin!" |
"Todos en algn momento hemos tenido algn proyecto, tarea o actividad que sabemos que es importante para nosotros, pero que por alguna razn no somos capaces de terminar o a veces incluso, ni siquiera de comenzar.En esos momentos decimos frases como: Maana comienzo, Hoy no es un buen da, No me siento inspirado en este momento, Primero voy a descansar un poco y despus comienzo con toda la energa, Organizo todo primero y despus hago esto, Un captulo ms de la serie y ya me voy a trabajar y as muchos ms.Todos los que hemos procrastinado, no decidimos simplemente hacerlo, sin embargo, estas frases son un reflejo de algo que sucede dentro de nosotros cada vez que pensamos en dicha actividad a la cual le estamos escapando.Por qu hacemos esto?Muchas personas afirman, que esto se debe a que nosotros no somos capaces de gestionar o administrar nuestro tiempo correctamente y por eso siempre dejamos las cosas para ltimo momento, lo cual no puede estar mas lejos de la realidad.El procrastinador no es simplemente una persona que no sabe manejar su tiempo sino una persona que no sabe manejar sus emociones. Es difcil de creer a primera vista, pero son nuestros miedos, limitaciones y creencias limitantes respecto a nosotros mismos y al mundo que nos rodean que nos impiden realizar las actividades que sabemos que tenemos que hacer para obtener los resultados que queremos alcanzar.En este curso, nos enfocaremos justamente en reconocer en primera instancia, que es realmente la procrastinacin, de tal manera que logremos identificar cules son los factores personales que nos estn llevando a procrastinar y a dejar de lado lo que consideramos importante para nuestra vida.Teniendo esto claro, nos enfocaremos en crear hbitos que nos permita culminar nuestras tareas ms fcilmente y ser ms productivos en cada una de las reas de nuestra vida en las cuales nos hemos fijado una meta concreta.Este curso ha sido creado de un procrastinador para los procrastinadores, de tal manera que no se convierta en un curso que repite libros de texto y de autoayuda, que ofrecen tcnicas exprs que a largo plazo no tienen utilidad.Este curso es para aquellas personas comprometidas en crear un cambio contundente y radical en su vida, eliminando aquellos hbitos que no les permiten avanzar en su vida y crear aquellos que los lleven mucho ms lejos de las metas que se han propuesto.Si ests dispuesto a trabajar en ti, Bienvenido al curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Quickly Master Mobile Photo Editing with Adobe Lightroom CC" |
"Throughout the 15 lessons of this course I will teach you how to use the interface of the mobile edition of Lightroom by taking you through my editing process on several images from import to export. You then will see how the various editing tools impact a photo individually and collectively. Through this you will learn everything you need to enhance your photos without any assistance from presets or, if you're using presets, you are using your own!And, to top everything else, you will be learning how to accomplish this with just your mobile device. In the end, this just goes to show that you don't need a fancy computer to produce professional quality photos. If you've ever wondered how photographers are producing vivid and rich photos with apparent ease, this course exists to pull the curtain back.More importantly, this course also exists to give you that same ability. Disclaimer:THIS PRODUCT IS NOT AUTHORIZED, ENDORSED OR SPONSORED BY ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED, PUBLISHER OF ADOBELIGHTROOM."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the IT Architect roles" |
"The Introduction to the IT Architect role course will provide the students a complete understanding what is IT architecture and how it differentiates from the other IT disciplines, what are the IT Architect roles in the enterprise, how they make an important contribution to deliver the business and technical capabilities required for the enterprise to achieve or maintain a competitive advantage in the industry and what are the main benefits of becoming an IT architect. The course provides an introduction to the following IT Architect roles and their responsibilities::Enterprise ArchitectsBusiness ArchitectsApplication ArchitectsInformation/Data ArchitectsTechnology ArchitectsNetwork ArchitectsSolution ArchitectsSystems ArchitectsSecurity Architects.... and a few other typesThis is an excellent starting course for people working in IT industry such as:Developers who would like to become Application ArchitectsBusiness Analysts who would like to become Business ArchitectsInfrastructure Specialists who would like to become Infrastructure/Hardware or Technology ArchitectsDatabase Administrators who will like to become Data or Information Architects.Security Consultants who will like to become Security Architects,"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Architecture design and modelling skills for IT Architects" |
"The Architecture design modelling technical skills IT Architects course will provide the students a complete understanding what are the general and technical skills and competencies required to become a successful IT Architect including:Technical Knowledge as the foundation for becoming an IT ArchitectArchitects as T-shaped professionals and what are the implications for their required breadth and depth of skillsArchitecture design skills for each ITArchitect typeArchitecture modelling skills and how to select the modelling language based on the type of ITArchitect you want to becomeThe Industry knowledge, its dimensions and how it applies to the various IT Architect rolesThe Business knowledge its importance and how it relates to the industry knowledge"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Purposefully attract your soulmate" |
"Are you burnt out from a romantic past full of disappointments?Anxious and frustrated about not knowing if you will EVER meet the one and if you will be able to find him in time to start a family?Life can be very busy and the digital world can be overwhelming, so finding a soulmate relationship can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.Maybe you are busy building your career, burnt out from a romantic past full of disappointments, or just plain fed up with the online dating world, the bar scene and all of the other things that are supposed to work!Because of all this, you may be feeling disconnected with yourself you may even be losing touch with who you really are which makes the dating process even more challenging.Women value connection we want to be heard, loved, respected, and ADORED. And when it comes to finding a life partner, we want that connection to occur on a soul level, to experience a bond that is deep and everlasting. A relationship that fulfils us on every level emotional, physical, and spiritual CAN be found if youre willing to do the work.I want you to know that a true, fulfilling and loving relationship is possible for you and you deserve it!If you are fed up with settling for relationships that are just plan hard work and lack soul connection then you are ready to attract your romantic soulmate.If you could wave a magic wand and manifest your ideal partnership and lifestyle, what would it look like? (Its okay just indulge in the possibilities even if they seem impossible!)ExcitementYou wake up each morning next to someone who is happy and excited to be with you, feeling like theyve won the lottery and theyre getting the better part of the bargain (heres the twist you feel the same!)UnderstandingYour partner is someone who understands, accepts and loves you for who you are, is your number one champion, and with whom you feel safe and cherishedFulfilmentYou feel happy & fulfilled each day, with a career and partnership thats passionate and purpose-filled, yet groundingGrowthYou feel like youre inspired and growing in every way togetherSelf confidenceYou glow with immense self-confidence and magnetism, knowing that youre attracting healthy & joyful relationships and opportunities into your lifeSounds too good to be true? It's notIf you are ready to learn from the past, let go of old emotions, open your heart to the love you truly deserve and be the best version of yourself you can be, miraculous things will happenAre you ready to let of:Hurt and painLimiting beliefsFrustrationConfusionLow self-worthBlockagesLack of self confidenceSelf-doubtExhaustionLonelinessAnxiety and stressSleepless nightsDisappointmentLow self-esteemFeeling uninspiredIn Just 12 weeks The Soulmate Attraction System will teach you to:Let go of hurt and painLet go of old emotions from past relationships that keep you stuck or fearful.Learn from past relationshipsLearn the lessons your soul wants you to learn from your past relationshipsTake Stock of where you areUnderstand where you are now, without judgement so that you can create an action plan to get you where you want to be.Release blockages and limiting beliefsUnderstand the blockages that hold you back from allowing unconditional love into your life.Release old agreementsLet go of old agreements that you have made with yourself that stop you from being in loving relationshipsCut cords with old relationshipsCut the cords that keep you energetically connected to old relationshipsCreate space mentally and physically for your soulmateClear physical and mental clutter to create space for your soulmateHow to cosmically order your soulmateHow to send a cosmic order for your soulmate and be ready for his arrivalPersonal transformationBe the best version of yourself that you can be. working with self-love, self-confidence and self-worth.If youre ready to start attracting your own Extraordinary Life and relationships, then I invite you to join this sacred journeyWhat is included in the course?Self-paced on-line courseLifetime membership access to courseWorksheets, Audios, Meditations, Videos and PDF'sHere are some of the outcomes you can celebrate after taking the courseBegin to fall in love with yourself againBuild amazing self-confidence, increase your self-worth and let go of self-doubt and self judgement.Improved emotionscommunicate powerfully & compassionately and are able to develop a vulnerable, intimate relationship with your soulmateFeel an irresistible sense of happiness and excitementFeel excited about what life and relationship have in store for you.Feel loved and supportedHave a support team in place to support you in all areas of your life.Improve relationshipsAttract the right relationships in all areas of your lifeFeel fully alignedFeel excited and fully aligned to everything you truly want in your life and your relationshipsAre you ready to stop settling for second best and want to finally turn your dreams of finding your soulmate into a reality?Join the Soulmate Attraction System Now"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-125: Laboratorios del examen Resueltos!" |
"Este curso va dirigido a las personas que quieren certificarse como CCNAR&S. Practicando estos laboratorios, tendrn la confianza para solucionar de manera rapida y sencilla las simulaciones que aparecen en el examen real.Encontrarn todos los laboratorios que han aparecido en el examen 200-125 de los cuales solo aparecen 3 o 4 simulaciones.- ACL opcin 1- ACL opcin 2- ACL opcin 3- ACL Sim- DHCP- VLAN"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA 200-125 Exam LABS Explained!" |
"This course is for all Cisco students that want to GETCERTIFIED as CCNA R&S! Practicing and understanding all the labs, you will be confident and 100% that you have the knowledge to Troubleshoot Cisco Topologies.You will find the following labs:- ACL Modification 1- ACL Modification 2- ACL Modification 3- ACL Sim- DHCP- VLAN"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Icon gilding techniques (Part 1)" |
"This course presents 3 gilding techniques that can be used for icons, or for other decorative art. This course is for beginners. If you want to learn gilding methods for icons, or you want to use the gilding technique to your art, this is an easy course for you. You just have to follow my lead. Enjoy!In the attached pdf you will find details about the materials you need for the gilding course. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Logo Designing Essentials for Professionals" |
"This course is especially designed for those Graphic designers, Freelancers and Entrepreneurs who wants to work as logo design expert. This course is in Urdu language which is almost similar to Hindi language which is widely spoken in Pakistan and India. After doing this course, you will be able to work as a professional logo designer Course Outline:Course IntroWhat is a Logo?Why you need a Logo?Shapes of LogosTypes of LogosSymbol or Icon based LogosWord mark LogosLetter mark LogosCombination mark LogosEmblem LogosRevision5 essential elements of a LogoSimplicityRelevanceVersatilityUniquenessMemorableRevision4 things before designingBrandLogo styleFontColorColor PsychologyPassive colorsGreenBluePurpleActive colorsRedOrangeYellowHow to start working on Logo design projectArticle by 99design12 pointsWhat not to doIntegrate your logo designSketch logo designSketch examplesChoosing fontViewing fontsGetting English fontsGetting Urdu fontsGetting design elementsImportance of color selectionOrganizing files & assetsGetting Logo design ideasCreate logos online-1Create logos online-2Final filesEnd of course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Speaking Fluency Complete Guide" |
"With my 11 years of teaching experience and 1 year of global research on ""Spoken English Obstacles for Non natives"" , I have especially designed this course for those non-native English speakers who want to become fluent at English through the right way of practice. The right way is the way through which native English speakers learn to speak English fluently.No complex grammar or lengthy exercises are needed.You just need to have a piece of paper and a pen to note down the steps and stages and tips given in this course and fix only 30 minutes a day for practice.Just in one month time you will see amazing results if you follow the instructions given in this course.I am sure that you need not to take any other spoken English course after completing this one."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 21000.00 ![]() |
PHPWeb |
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"70-761 Module 1: Manage data with Transact-SQL" |
"This is the first of three modules. Together, they will teach you everything you need to know to pass the Microsoft SQLServer 2016 70-761 exam Querying Data with Transact-SQL. This course provides full coverage of all the exam topics. We will demonstrate all the SQLcode in action, with detailed explanation of the SQLstatements. We will also provide the SQLcode, so you can follow along."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security Awareness Training" |
"In the context of cyber-security, social engineering is the preferred tool via which cyber-criminals manipulate individuals into performing actions or divulging confidential information. Such attacks are very similar to a confidence trick or fraud, as it typically involves deception of some kind for the purpose of gaining information to be used against the individual, or to exploit vulnerabilities for the purpose of gaining more information or access into secure systems or facilities.As the world becomes increasingly digital, cyber security threats are on the rise. Information has become the new oil, and security breaches take place on a daily basis. Cyber security experts predict that by 2021, cyber crime damages will cost the world $6 trillion annually. This is exponentially more than the damage inflicted by natural disasters in a year, and it is definitely more profitable than the global trade of all major illegal drugs combined.At the end of this webinar, participants will become more difficult targets for cyber criminals by understanding:- how social engineering is used by criminals/ hackers- have an overview of the commonly used social engineering techniques- learn how to identify, and more importantly thwart, a social engineering attack"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"108 Steps To Spiritual Awakening And Personal Transformation" |
"My name is Boom Shikha and I am the Millionaire Hippie. I have been on my own journey of awakening for almost 15 years now. When I first started, I was all alone. There was no one who was accompanying me on this journey. I began by reading hundreds of books, listening to audiotapes by philosophers and self-proclaimed gurus. I was about 21 at the time. I felt like there had to be more to this life then was prescribed to us by society and the media. My parents, my friends, my colleagues, were all happily coasting along without questioning any of the tenets of this society we were living in.But I felt unsure. I wanted more. I needed answers. I created the Awakening Odyssey to be a source of answers, solace, and community for those like me, who are seeking more, seeking answers, and seeking companionship on this lonely journey. I hope that this space that I have created will give you the push to keep on going on this journey without feeling alone, lost, or lonely.The beginning, first stage. We are still innocent, young-at-heart, interested in bodily pleasures.The second stage. Beauty. We believe we are just a body and nothing else. Work it!The third stage. Foodie. Get in my belly. All we care about is sensuality.The fourth stage. Worker. Obsessed with productivity, and getting more done.The fifth stage. Lover. Loves everything, and everyone. Here and there and everywhere.The sixth stage. Scientist. Exploring not only the world, but our place in it.The seventh stage. Questioner. What is energy? What is life? Why am I here?The eighth stage. Meditator. Meditating to get behind the illusion of maya.The ninth stage. Awakened. Is this the end? No. There is never an end to learning.When we go through a journey of awakening, it seems to us that we are going to be a terribly transformative and sometimes painful journey. But to others, looking at us, from the outside, everything seems exactly the same. I hope you enjoy this journey that I have created for you, and that you are able to gain consciousness and spiritual, physical, and mental benefits from it."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |