Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Mit Durchhaltevermgen und Selbstdisziplin zu Erfolg" |
"Herzlich Willkommen!Du gibst manchmal auf, ohne dein Ziel erreicht zu haben? Du mchtest deine Fhigkeit steigern, Dinge bis zum Ende zu verfolgen?Dann ist es Zeit endlich dein Durchhaltevermgen und deine Selbstdisziplin zu strken!In diesem Kurs erlernst Du: worauf es beim Durchhaltevermgen tatschlich ankommt wie Du Visualisierungstechniken fr dich nutzt wie Du dein Mindset zu einer positiven Einstellung nderstDieser Kurs ist perfekt fr dich, wenn du dein langfristiges Durchhaltevermgen verbessern mchtest, um deine Ziele zu erreichen.""Nicht das Beginnen wird belohnt, sondern einzig und allein das Durchhalten""- Katharina von Siena"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kontaktpflege leicht gemacht - Durch Kontakte zu mehr Erfolg" |
"Willkommen im KursKontaktpflege leicht gemacht - Durch Kontakte zu mehr Erfolg!Viel zu oft lernt man spannende Menschen kennen, verliert sie nach kurzer Zeit jedoch wieder aus den Augen. Das Problem dabei ist die fehlende Kontaktpflege.In diesem Kurs lernst du:wie du deine Kontakte effizient pflegen kannstwie du in wenigen Minuten deine eigene Kontaktdatenbank erstellst und pflegstwie du das Meiste aus deinen Bekanntschaften machstDu bist bereit deine Kontaktpflege nchste Level zu bringen und deine Bekanntschaften sinnvoll zu nutzen? Dannstartejetzt gleichmit diesem Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Entscheidungsfindung leicht gemacht" |
"Herzlich Willkommen!Uns stehen heutzutage mehr Mglichkeiten zur Verfgung denn je zuvor - gleichzeitig mssen wir tglich unzhlige Entscheidungen treffen.Wie triffst Du Entscheidungen? Fllt es Dir manchmal schwer, zu entscheiden welche Option fr Dich die Beste ist? Dann wird dir dieser Kurs enorm bei zuknftigen Entscheidungsfindungen helfen!In diesem Kurs erlernst Du:- Unterschiede zwischen bewusster und unbewusster Entscheidung- Techniken zur Entscheidungsfindung- Zukunftsprojektionen fr Dich zu nutzenDieser Kurs ist passend fr Dich, wenn Du ab heute bessere Entscheidungen treffen mchtest.""Decision is the ultimate power.""- Tony RobbinsDu willst deine Entscheidungsfindung endlich auf das nchste Level heben und keine Zeit mehr verlieren? Dannstartejetzt gleichmit diesem Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Selbstorganisation fr mehr Produktivitt im Alltag" |
"Willkommen im Kurs zuSelbstorganisation!Selbstorganisation ist der Schlssel zur Erreichung von groen Zielen.Fehlt Dir manchmal der berblick und fhlst Du dich von der Menge deiner To Do's berfordert? Wrdest du gerne mehr Struktur in Dein Leben bringen? Dann bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig!In diesem Kurs lernst du:wie du deine Ttigkeiten und To Do's im Griff hastwie du nichts mehr vergisstwie du dich nicht mehr ablenken lsstPrioritten zu setzen und Ablenkung zu vermeidendein Leben durch Routinen und Entscheidungen klarer zu strukturierenDieser Kurs ist passend fr Dich, wenn Du in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen eine bessere Organisation haben mchtest.""For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned""- Benjamin FranklinDu bist bereit dein Leben und deine Selbstorganisation auf das nchste Level zu heben? Dannstartejetzt gleichmit diesem Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Zielsetzung und das Erreichen von groen Zielen" |
"Willkommen zum KursZielsetzung und das Erreichen von groen Zielen!Nur wer seine Ziele richtig setzt, kann sie auch erreichen!Das richtige Setzen von Zielen macht den Unterschied zwischen den wirklich erfolgreichen und den durchschnittlichen Menschen aus.In diesem Kurs lernst du:wie du deine Ziele definierstwie du deine Ziele festhltstwie du auf deine Ziele hinarbeitestDu hast Lust darauf herauszufinden, wie du dir deine Ziele richtig setzt? Dannstartejetzt gleichmit diesem Kurs!Dieser Kurs ist passend fr dich, wenn du nach den perfekten Techniken suchst, um deine Ziele Realitt werden zu lassen.""Nur wer sein Ziel kennt, findet den Weg""- Laozi"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Startup Pitching Meisterkurs - Prsentieren fr Unternehmer" |
"In diesem Kurs erfhrst du alles ber Startup Pitching und wie du Leute von deiner Startup Idee berzeugen kannst.In den letzten paar Jahren habe ich hunderte von Startups bei verschiedensten Events pitchen gesehen und mir ist aufgefallen das diese immer die gleichen Fehler machen. Heute bin ich regelmig als Juror bei Startup Wettbewerben im Einsatz und bewerte junge Grnder. Was den Meisten fehlt ist die richtige Vorbereitung auf den Pitch sowie die richtige Struktur. Genau auf diese Themen und noch vieles mehr gehe ich in diesem Kurs ein.Als Absolvent dieses Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein ein groartige Prsentation vorzubereiten, auf der Bhne sicher und souvern zu wirken und die Jury sowie das Publikum mi dienem Pitch zu berzeugen.Wenn auch du Lust darauf hast den perfekten Pitch abzuliefern, dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich. Melde dich jetzt an, denn man hat nie die zweite Chance fr einen ersten Pitch!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering TypeScript" |
"TypeScript was commonly supported by Amgular, React, NodeJS, VueJS, .....Angular, React, VueJs and NodeJs was used for building new application (mostly SPA application or NodeJS application).So Mastering TypeScript will open the door to learn those libraries/ frameworks easily.This article was partial of ""Enterprise Developer"" training program. If you want to joins this. Please contact me.I publish this course now and I add new lectures constantly. This will make sure that you can watch my course in the mean while I'm working on new lectures.For any question, please send me a message."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leso por presso: preveno e tratamento" |
"Este curso imprescindvel para os profissionais envolvidos no tratamento de feridas. Ele ir ampliar a viso a cerca da preveno e direcionar o tratamento das leses por presso alm de discutir tcnicas e tecnologias envolvidas no cuidado.O profissional, aps este curso, se sentir seguro e embasado para implementar aes relacionadas preveno das leses por presso e prescrever o melhor tratamento."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer 2020" |
"Welcome Cloud Professionals ! After being successful 275,000+ Students 395,000+ Subscriptions for Google Cloud Courses - We are welcoming you to new course for Cloud Engineer Certification! 200+ Questions with one timed Actual Questions Paper-like Quiz ! We have covered all you need to understand Google Cloud Platform and Prepare for Google Cloud Engineer Certification with Plenty of Demos and labs. 650+ Students passed the Certification Exam !!!Recent Feedback -> Hi Dhanaji, -> First of all I wanted to say thanks to you for Udemy GCP Training.Last week I passed the Google Associate Cloud Engg exam and your training are really help me a lot.Especially screenshots that are highlighted in training's.Antonio CamachoI'm passed the exam....!! Now I`m a Certified Engineer.....!! Thanks a lot, your course are very helpful for me...!The structure of this course- Align exact Certification Syllabus with training materials.- Detail Theory and Hands on Demo and Practice Labs !- Questions on each service and Sections + Final Practice test (in weeks period) - Syllabus coverage Analysis for every sections. Section - 1 to 1 mapping with google certification outline for Certification Cloud EngineerSection 1, 2, of the course is to get you started with Google Cloud platform Google Certification syllabus mapping with the course is as followsSection 1: Setting up a cloud solution environment -> Section 4 of this course Section 2: Planning and configuring a cloud solution -> Section 5 of this course Section 3: Deploying and implementing a cloud solution -> Section 6 of this course Section 4: Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution -> Section 7 of this course Section 5: Configuring access and security -> Section 8 of this course. Still, you think missing something - Please let us know and we will add it. Please remember - you can always let us know on anything you want to add or if you have any questions, I or one of our teammates will respond to you shortly. Thanks Google Cloud Gurus ! Seattle, USA."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CISM Certification: CISM Domain 1 Video Boot Camp 2020" |
"Start your CISM certification journey today with help from Thor Pedersen, the ""Best Selling"" and ""Highest Rated"" CISM instructor on Udemy.The CISM certification is highly sought after by HR and recruiters, with over 30,000 open CISM jobs in the US.In this video based boot-camp you will get all our CISM Domain 1 videos, downloadable CISM slides from domain 1, and 50+ links for domain 1 and the CISM in general.What our other students are saying about our ""CISM Domain 1 Video Boot Camp"" Course:Very detailed, yet easily to understand and digest the content! I look forward to moving on to the Domain 2 video! (Matthew, 5-stars)Well put together so far and very clear. (Samuel, 5-stars)So far so good, and it is very simple, thank you. (Mohamed, 5-stars)After the really good explanations and background Thor covered, I feel that I have an excellent grasp on Domain one. Well Worth my time in watching. (Jim, 5-stars)In CISM Domain 1 we will cover:Governance, Management, standards, and frameworksValues, vision, and mission.Policies, procedures, guidelines, and frameworks.SWOT AnalysisGap AnalysisOPEX, CAPEX, and fiscal yearsKGIs, KPIs, and KRIsThe CIA triadSensitive information and media securityData ClassificationData owners.Data security frameworksEthicsLaws and regulationsIntellectual propertyWarfare, terrorism, sabotage, and ransomwareAdministrative personnel controlsDesigning security into our softwareProgramming conceptsSoftware development methodologies part 1Software development methodologies part 2Artificial intelligence (AI)CISM Domain 1 linksWhat we covered in CISM Domain 1Prepare for the 2017 version of the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification Exam, which is what you will be tested on until the next planned CISM curriculum update by ISACA in 2022.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to the course and all course updates. Fast and friendly support in the Q&A section A Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download (CPE/CEUs). Bonus materials: Downloadable CISM domain 1 notes. 30-days no questions asked, money back guarantee. Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISM journey today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CISM Certification: CISM Domain 2 Video Boot Camp 2020" |
"Start your CISM certification journey today with help from Thor Pedersen, the ""Best Selling"" and ""Highest Rated"" CISM instructor on Udemy.The CISM certification is highly sought after by HR and recruiters, with over 30,000 open CISM jobs in the US.In this video based boot-camp you will get all our CISM Domain 2 videos, downloadable CISM slides from domain 2, and 160+ links for domain 2 and the CISM in general.What our other students are saying about our ""CISM Domain 2 Video Boot Camp"" Course:Detailed and in depth! Recommended! (Nikos, 5-stars)Too Good to understand, easy to clear concepts. Valuable information (Paresh, 5-stars)It keeps getting better. Delivery of material is great coupled with knowledgeable explanations from the instructor. (Charles, 4.5-stars)I had completed various Video series on CISM from multiple channels. But the Thor is simply great, I am very thankful that I have purchased this course, planning for the exam next month May 2019. Thank you once again, Thor! (Prashant, 5-stars)In Domain 2 we will cover:CISM Domain 2 - What we will be covering.Risk Identification.Risk Assessment.Risk response and mitigation & Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting.COBIT5.NIST 800-37.NIST 800-53.Attackers, Vishing and Phishing.Incident Management definitions.Incident Management.ISO 27001 and 27002OWASP part 1.OWASP part 2.Vulnerability scanners.Networking basics.SIEM (Security Information and Event Management).The OSI model.The TCP/IP model.IP addresses and port numbers part 1.IP addresses and port numbers part 2.IP support protocols.Cable types.LAN topologies.Layer 1 to 3 networking devices.Firewalls.Intrusion detection and prevention systems.0-day attacks.Network authentication protocols.WIFI.Bluetooth.Honeynets and Honeypots.Secure communications.Mobile device security.Application white-listing.Virtualization.Database security.Software vulnerabilities and Attacks.System vulnerabilities, threats, and countermeasures.Physical security part 1.Physical security part 2.Physical security part 3.Site Selection.Fire suppression and hot and cold aisles.Electricity.Backups.RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks).Redundancy.Media storage.IOT (Internet Of Things).CISM Domain 2 - What we covered.CISM Domain 2 linksPrepare for the 2017 version of the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification Exam, which is what you will be tested on until the next planned CISM curriculum update by ISACA in 2022.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to the course and all course updates. Fast and friendly support in the Q&A section A Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download (CPE/CEUs). Bonus materials: Downloadable CISM domain 2 notes. 30-days no questions asked, money back guarantee. Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISM journey today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CISM Certification: CISM Domain 3 Video Boot Camp 2020" |
"Start your CISM certification journey today with help from Thor Pedersen, the ""Best Selling"" and ""Highest Rated"" CISM instructor on Udemy.The CISM certification is highly sought after by HR and recruiters, with over 30,000 open CISM jobs in the US.In this video based boot-camp you will get all our CISM Domain 3 videos, downloadable CISM slides from domain 3, and 160+ links for domain 3 and the CISM in general.What our other students are saying about our ""CISM Domain 3 Video Boot Camp"" Course:So far the format is very easy to follow. The instructor clearly knows the content and loves teaching! (Bill, 5-stars)Information was presented in a clear and concise manner. Excellent course ! (Derrick, 4.5-stars)Good content, concise and thorough. (Sami, 5-stars)In Domain 3 we will cover:CISM Domain 3 - What we will be coveringAccess controlIntroduction to Access ControlIAAA and subject/objectType 1 authenticationType 2 authenticationType 3 authenticationAuthorizationAccountabilityAccess control systemsIdentity and access provisioning.Introduction to Cryptography.The history of Cryptography.Symmetric encryptionAsymmetric encryptionHashingAttacks on cryptographyDigital signaturesImplementing cryptography MAC, HMAC, SSL, and TLS.Configuration Management.Patch ManagementChange managementSecurity evaluation modelsSecurity AssessmentsSecurity AuditsSecurity Audit LogsVulnerability scannersPenetration testingPenetration testing toolsSocial Engineering attacksSoftware testingCMM (Capability Maturity Model)Buying software from other companiesCISM Domain 3 - What we covered.CISM Domain 3 links.Prepare for the 2017 version of the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification Exam, which is what you will be tested on until the next planned CISM curriculum update by ISACA in 2022.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to the course and all course updates. Fast and friendly support in the Q&A section A Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download (CPE/CEUs). Bonus materials: Downloadable CISM domain 3 notes. 30-days no questions asked, money back guarantee. Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISM journey today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CISM Certification: CISM Domain 4 Video Boot Camp 2020" |
"Start your CISM certification journey today with help from Thor Pedersen, the ""Best Selling"" and ""Highest Rated"" CISM instructor on Udemy.The CISM certification is highly sought after by HR and recruiters, with over 30,000 open CISM jobs in the US.In this video based boot-camp you will get all our CISM Domain 4 videos, downloadable CISM slides from domain 4, and 50+ links for domain 4 and the CISM in general.What our other students are saying about our ""CISM Domain 4 Video Boot Camp"" Course:Awesome, great content and clear presentation (Marc, 5-stars)This course is perfect for the student that needs to get the CISM. Even if you have been doing this stuff for 20 years, Thor has a way of reminding you of that little ""nugget"" that you forgot about because you don't do it on a regular basis. Highly recommended. (John, 4.5-stars)Very good! (Jeff, 5-stars)In CISM Domain 4 we will cover:CISM Domain 4 - What we will be coveringDomain 4 Key conceptsBCP and DRP (Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan)PersonnelDRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) basicsDeveloping our BCP and DRP (Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan)BIA (Business Impact Analysis)Supply and infrastructure redundancyDisaster Recovery sitesOther BCP sub plansEmployee redundancyTesting, training, and improving the plansAfter a disruptionDigital forensicsSpinning disk forensicsMemory and data remanenceData remanence and destructionNetwork and Software forensicsCISM Domain 4 - What we coveredCISM Domain 4 linksPrepare for the 2017 version of the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification Exam, which is what you will be tested on until the next planned CISM curriculum update by ISACA in 2022.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to the course and all course updates. Fast and friendly support in the Q&A section. A Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download (CPE/CEUs). Bonus materials: Downloadable CISM domain 4 notes. 30-days no questions asked, money back guarantee. Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISM journey today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CISM Certification: FULL 150 question CISM practice test '20" |
"Start your CISM certification journey today with help from Thor Pedersen, the ""Best Selling"" and ""Highest Rated"" CISM instructor on Udemy.The CISM certification is highly sought after by HR and recruiters, with over 30,000 open CISM jobs in the US.In this course you get 1 full CISM practice exams with 150 practice question.At the end of each test you will get an explanation for each question, explaining why the right answer is the right answer.You can see the total percentage score for the entire test as well as a weighted percent score for each of the 4 CISM domains. You can review each question and sort them by CISM knowledge area, correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.The questions on these tests have the same domain weight as the real CISM exam does.Domain 1: Information Security Governance - 36 questions.Domain 2: Information Risk Management - 45 questions.Domain 3: Information Security Program Development and Management - 40 questions.Domain 4: Information Security Incident Management - 29 questions.Do multiple CISM certification practice tests like this one, do the full 4 hours and 150 questions to see how you handle it, this is as much mental stamina and reading the questions right, and answering from an IT Security managers point of view, as it is the actual knowledge.You can take this CISM certification practice test as many times as you want, the questions and the answer order is randomized. I would suggest 80%+ of right answers consistently using multiple practice tests before booking the exam.Prepare for the 2017 version of the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Certification Exam, which is what you will be tested on until the next planned CISM curriculum update by ISACA in 2022.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to the course and all course updates. Fast and friendly support in the Q&A section. 30-days no questions asked, money back guarantee. Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to cart"" button to start your CISM journey today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Anxiety & Depression: Journey to Natural Healing Course" |
"Anxiety & Depression: Journey to Natural HealingThis class is for you if you suffer from Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks or if you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. As a certified Special Education teacher I will be teaching and helping you out on your Journey to freedom. This class will teach you diet, mindset and lifestyle options that should help you feel better.This class is not a cure for Anxiety & Depression ... and anyone who says they have it is just lying to you. This is a journey of self-discovery and healing and this class will teach you all I learned from years of experience dealing with others with Anxiety & Depression ... including myself. I will be teaching you what worked best for me and could work for you as well.This class will cover ...Positive Thinking - Your Path to FreedomSecrets Of Getting motivatedWhat to drink and what to avoidFoods that heal & help Anxiety & Depression (and Panic Attacks)Specialized & Proven Breathing Techniques Little Known Helpful Products for easing Anxiety & Depression+plus much more ...After watching this course you will slowly start to feel better as you make simple but powerful lifestyle changes that will help you to better cope and understand anxiety. This course been created to help you on your journey to self healing.*This class should not be a substitute for medical advice. Please check first with your a doctor before doing anything suggested in this Anxiety & Depression class. If you are on meds, do not drop or taper your meds without getting approval from your doctor.*All advice given in this course is for education purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If any of my facts about Anxiety & Depression stated in this course appear wrong, please send me feedback, so I can make corrections.************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Build your own Packages in Laravel" |
"In this course, I'll take you through the process of creating a small, yet useful package. I'll show you how you can test and share this package so you can integrate it with any other Laravel project.With the principles learned in this course, you will be able to turn your own ideas into packages that you can share with everyone."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Cubase 10: Deconstructing the Update" |
"The Mastering Cubase Series is dedicated to one of the most popular and powerful DAWs available today.Join me to learn EVERYTHING you need to get your projects up and running fast with these in-depth Cubase 10 video tutorials.Introducing now the 6th Edition of the Mastering Cubase Series. Wow! A big THANK YOU to all of our previous students! And a bigger WELCOME to those to come :)The first Edition was dedicated to the installation, configuration and overall study of the menus, bars, tools, and commands within Cubase.Then, we used all of our newly acquired knowledge to craft some awesome Deep House tracks during the second Edition of the Series.After that, it was time to actually dive in a bit further into the theory and practice behind the mixing and production plugins Cubase has to offer.On the next release, we wanted to learn about production! We wanted to look at synthesizers and learn more about MIDI to make our tracks sound real, professional and finished!Then, you were presented with a powerful complementary course to answer all the most common question a Cubase user might have.Today, youll learn all about the new plugin interfaces in Cubase 10, the new menus and functions, updates, additions and more!Youll study the Channel Latency Monitor, VariAudio 3, the Audio Alignment function, the new Distroyer plugin, Groove Agent SE 5, MixConsole Snapshots and many new interesting features that make Cubase 10 such a powerful release.Want to get going with Cubase 10? Watch Mastering Cubase 10: Deconstructing the Update today!Happy Learning :)"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Earning an Income Online: The Udemy Edition (Unofficial)" |
"Hi, my name is Federico and I make a living working full-time as a composer, audio engineer and sound designer.If youve been struggling to find work as a musician, composer, DJ or engineer, youve come to the right place.There are many ways to monetize your skills, your knowledge and your time, both online and from home.Throughout this course, Ill show you how to charge for your knowledge by creating online courses and selling them through Udemy as Ive been doing it for the last 3 years.Udemy has been a key contributor to my monthly salary and, among a few other income sources, it has allowed me to quit my awful previous jobs in order to dedicate myself to working full-time on music and sound.Ill be walking you through all the steps necessary to make your first $10.000 teaching on Udemy.If youve been studying music and sound you should know that all the lessons youve learned, the experience that youve gathered, the books, courses, videos, and articles that youve read gave you a powerful and valuable skill that you can now share with the world.It doesnt matter if youre not an amazing musician or a gifted engineer with golden ears, you now know something that most people dont, and that makes you very valuable.You may not be qualified to teach to the top 1% of professionals with 20 years of working experience in the music industry but youre for sure ready to teach what you know to beginners.If teaching is already your passion and youve had a couple of students in your hometown, as I had before teaching for more than 15.000 people from all over the world on Udemy, this course will help you get your first course approved and online in no time.Throughout the 10 courses Ive released as an Online Instructor here on Udemy, Ive made many mistakes that cost me money, reputation, and time.If youd like to quickly learn how to avoid this mistakes then this course is for you.Youll be learning how the interface works, how to interact with students and market your courses in order to start getting sales as soon as possible.Youll be able to not only decide what your course is going to be about, but also film it, record yourself, create tests and upload resources among many other small things that add up to a professional finished product.There are certain specific things that the reviewers on Udemy need to see in your course in order to approve it and Ill walk you through each with great depth.Youll be given all you need to make your courses look professional and convert sales without effort.The best part of teaching online is that its a passive income gig.Once you upload your course, you wont have to show up for work everyday in order to get a paycheck.Udemy markets your course for you and pays you at the end of the month.I made over $600 in my first trimester without making any marketing efforts.Once I started marketing courses myself I was able to increase my sales even more and I want to show you exactly how I do it so feel free to take a look at some of the free lecture previews and when youre ready, enroll in course!Without further due, this is the second edition of the Earning an Income Online Series: The Udemy Edition.See you inside!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvedor Qlik Sense do Zero" |
"Aprenda desde o incio a ser um desenvolvedor Qlik Sense, e no s isso, mas tambm com uma metodologia de gerenciamento de projetos e aprendizado chamada Mtodo 5P!Comece com a etapa de Perguntas, aprenda o que seu cliente realmente quer, passe para a etapa de Pesquisa, onde voc responsvel por buscar e pesquisar tudo o que precisa sobre os processos do seu cliente.Depois disso, Planejamos na terceira etapa e definimos cronogramas, sempre tendo em mente ""Entregar o mximo de valor possvel no menor tempo possvel"".S ento partimos para o quarto P, Produo, onde vamos colocar a mo na massa e desenvolver o BI.Por ltimo, fechamos o ciclo com o P5 Publicar, onde entregamos o projeto para nosso cliente e analisamos o feedback para saber se precisamos reiniciar o ciclo ou terminamos o projeto.Veja isso tudo em dois projetos completos e com dois clientes reais em dois projetos e problemas reais."
Price: 414.99 ![]() |
"Coach werden: Lsungsorientiertes Kurzzeitcoaching" |
"Erfahrungen der Kursteilnehmer:Das sagen meine Teilnehmer:""Insgesamt finde ich den Kurs bersichtlich und klar strukturiert, was definitiv beim Verstndnis hilft. Zudem handelt es sich um ein Werkzeug, das in vielen Situation eingesetzt werden kann und daher hat es eine absolute Relevanz fr die Praxis. Erwartungen wurden bertroffen. Meine Erwartungen wurden bertroffen und daher gibt's von mir 5 Sternchen."" Eric Pferrer+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Wollten Sie schon immer einmal als Coach arbeiten und Menschen dabei untersttzen, Ihr Leben neu gestalten und Ihre Wnsche und Ziele zu erreichen ?Wenn ihre Antwort ""Ja"" ist, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie mit mir zusammen in einer umfangreichen Einfhrung Lsunsgsorientiertes Coaching. Ich zeige ihnen Schritt-fr Schritt in vielen Lektionen und Praxisbungen, wie es ist, ein Coaching selbst zu erleben. Mein Ziel dabei ist es, Sie dabei zu coachen, selbst zum Coach zu werden.So knnen Sie einfach in Ihrem eigenem Tempo Ihre Ausbildung zum Coach gestalten.Viele Coachingausbildungen sind teuer und zeitaufwendig. Sie finden meistens an mehreren Tagen in der Woche statt und viele Teilnehmer mssen extra Urlaub nehmen. D.h. Sie mssen viel Zeit von Ihrem Urlaub dafr opfern. Hinzu kommt, dass viele Ausbildungen tausende von Euros kosten. Zustzlich ist der Markt vllig berschwemmt mit Coachinganbietern, deren Konzepte fragwrdig sind und nicht auf ihre Wirksamkeit geprft sind. Dieses Problem gehrt nun der Vergangenheit an. Das Lsungsorientierte Kurzzeitcoaching ist ein Konzept, das seit ber 30 Jahren in den USA erfolgreich angewendet wird und dessen Wirksamkeit in vielen Studien berprft wurde. Auch in Deutschland ist dieser Ansatz immer beliebter und wird von vielen fhrenden Experten genutzt, um ihre Coachings zu ergnzen und zu verbessern.Hier ist Ihre Lsung: In diesem Kurs werden Sie online zum Coach ausgebildet.Mit diesem Praxiskurs werde ich Sie mit vielen bung ausbilden und auf Ihrem Weg zum Coach begleiten. D.h. wir werden zusammen, genau wie in einem Coaching, Ihre Ziele definieren und viele bungen dazu machen. In diesen bungen werden Sie zum einen selbst erleben, wie es ist, gecoacht zu werden. Zum anderen wird der Inhalt Ihres Coachings mit mir in diesem Kurs sein, dass Sie selbst zum Coach werden und wichtige Fhigkeiten erlernen und vertiefen.Nun, was bedeutet das genau fr Sie? Dass Sie persnlichen Kontakt zu mir haben und ber Udemy jederzeit schreiben knnen und Fragen stellen knnen.Wenn Sie als Coach arbeiten mchten oder bereits Coach sind und noch etwas dazu lernen mchten, sollten Sie jetzt zugreifen. Sie bekommen zustzlich von mir und Udemy eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie. D.h. wenn Ihnen der Kurs nicht gefllt, geben Sie ihn einfach zurck.Also, lassen Sie uns starten :)"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Resilienz - Weniger Stress durch emotionale Intelligenz" |
"Ein Schritt-fr-Schritt-Trainingsprogramm fr Stress und EmotionsmanagementDer Job, die Familie, die stndige Erreichbarkeit durch Smartphones und Internet fordern unsere stndige Aufmerksamkeit. Dies fhrt dazu, dass viele Menschen sich gestresst fhlen.Haben Sie es satt, dass Sie mit unangenehmen Emotionen und Stress kmpfen?Die Lsung: Resilienz - Weniger Stress durch emotionale IntelligenzSie knnen lernen, Ihren Stress und belastende Emotionen selbst zu reduzieren mit diesem VideokursViele Menschen, die versucht haben Stress und belastende Emotionen zu reduzieren sind auf folgendes Problem gestoen.....Der Versuch, ihren Stress und belastende Emotionen zu reduzieren , ist extrem schwierig.Whrend viele sich bemhen das Problem zu lsen, werden oft viele Rckschlge erlebt. Eine Lsung zu finden, scheint unmglich.Vielleicht geht es Ihnen auch so und Sie haben...viele Mentaltechniken ausprobiert, die in Grbeln und negativen Gedanken Internet recherchiert und fhlen sich von den vielen unterschiedlichen Informationen verunsichert.bereits eine zeitlang verschiedenen Konzepte ausprobiert, aber es wieder aus den Augen verloren.Aber die Wahrheit ist.....Es ist gar nicht so einfach seinen Stress auf ein gesundes Ma zu reduzieren.Mir ging es ganz genauso vor ein paar Jahren. Ich fing an meinem Beruf nachzugehen und wurde immer besser und erfolgreicher beim Aufbau meines eigenen Unternehmens. Es erfllte mich mit Stolz und Selbstbewusstsein zu erkennen, dass ich meinen eigenen Weg gehe. Doch schon nach kurzer Zeit stellte ich fest, dass das Ganze seinen Preis hat. Es war Mittwoch und die 40 Stundenwoche war bereits voll. Hinzu kam, dass ich oftmals auch Samstags und Sonntags arbeitete. Das Ergebnis war, dass ich bald das Gefhl hatte mich nicht mehr richtig zu erholen. Selbst wenn ich das Wochenende frei hatte, hatte ich immer das Gefhl mich nicht erholt zu haben. Da ich einige Menschen kannte, die bereits mit Mitte 40 ausgebrannt waren, wusste ich was auf mich zukommt. Also begann ich fr mich zu schauen, welche Methoden des Stressmanagements es gibt. Ich habe viele Fachbcher gelesen und vieles ausprobiert.Das Ergebnis ist dieser Kurs. Ein Schritt-fr-Schritt-Trainingsprogramm mit ber 4 Stunden Videomaterial und ber 20 Praxisbungen zur Selbstreflexion sowie aktivem Stress und Emotionsmanagement.Der Kurs kann auch Ihnen helfen Ihre unangenehmen Emotionen durch dieses Trainingsprogramm besser zu verstehen und auf ein gesundes Ma Stress zu reduzieren.Alles was Sie tun mssen, ist sich in diesen Kurs einzuschreiben.Ihr Andreas VgeleP.S: Sie erhalten brigens auch auf den Kurs eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie. D.h. dass Sie ohne wenn und aber Ihr Geld zurck bekommen, wenn Ihnen der Kurs nicht zusagt."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Aufschieben war gestern - Das 6 Wochen Trainingsprogramm" |
"Hast Du es satt zu wissen, dass Du deine Aufgaben erledigen solltest es aber aus irgendeinem Grund nicht schaffst?Eine Umfrage unter Studenten ergab, dass gerade mal 2% aller Studierenden es nicht kennen, regelmig oder zumindest gelegentlich wichtige Aufgaben aufzuschieben. D.h. Aufschieben ist fr fast alle Menschen Normalitt.Dieses 6 Wochenprogramm zeigt dir, wie Du mit einem Schritt-fr-Schritt-System lernen kannst, das Aufschieben zu beenden und deine wirklich wichtigen Aufgaben pnktlich zu erledigen.Die meisten Menschen, die das Aufschieben zu beenden versuchen, stoen auf folgende Probleme:Sie verstehen, dass sie nicht aufschieben sollten, tun es aber trotzdemSie haben schon einige Motivationstechniken ausprobiert, diese funktionieren aber nicht oder die Motivation lsst schnell wieder nachSie haben mit einer Aufgabe angefangen, sind aber bald wieder in den alten Trott gekommen und haben wieder aufgeschobenIn diesem 6 Wochenprogramm lernst Du, wie Du durch erprobte Techniken das Aufschieben berwinden kannst und neue Gewohnheiten entwickelst wie z.B. Aufgaben pnktlich zu beginnen und bis zum Ende durchzufhren. Dieses Schritt-fr-Schritt-Programm erklrt jede Woche neue Strategien und Techniken, mit denen Du deinen inneren Blockaden lsen kannst. Wie Du deine Zeit richtig planst und pnktlich anfngst. Du wirst lernen, wie Du deine Arbeitskraft richtig einschtzen kannst und somit Lern- und Arbeitsfrust verhinderst und dazu auch noch ber lngere Zeit motiviert und produktiv bleibst.Am Ende dieses Trainingsprogramm wirst Du eine ganz konkrete Aufgabe, die Du seit lngerem aufschiebst und die dich wahrscheinlich negativ belastet, erledigt haben."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Fat Loss & Muscle Building Diet Plans" |
"Many people emailed me stating that Akash take out a course that only speaks ACTION from the word go. They are like: Akash you are good at educating and teaching about the science of how to build a fab bodyand you should keep doing that..But what we need is something that shouts action from the word: GO.I get it guys, not everyone is keen on understanding the why behind fat loss and or muscle building, all they want is this:Personalized Calorie counted diet plans that get them amazing results.They want their Diet Plans to include:Dozens of Super-foods which are not expensive and can be procured from any grocery storeExact Portion sizes mentioned, including the Macro Ratio's plus calorie countsFoods that NEVER make them feel like they are on a dietFlexible Meal Patterns to match their workout timings including option for fasted training!Different cuisines like Indian, Continental, Keto, Vegan etcMouth-Watering, Nutritious Recipes with minimum ingredient list along with a complete Grocery ListConcepts like Intermittent Fasting included in the diet plansGut Friendly, with enough fiber, probiotics and all Micro-NutrientsNow, this is a Tall Order!But then, I realized if I manage to come out with a course that can deliver on the points above, it will not only save tons of time and money for people who want to lose weight/gain weight but also crazy amount of effort!After all:Counting caloriesMake a grocery list of all ingredientsSelecting the meal plans that takes very less time to cook, but is still healthyFiguring out the pre and post workout mealsThe Diet Framework: When to eat based on ones workout timings and lifestyle preferencesHow to combine different foodsTo follow intermittent fasting or not, if yes, then which pattern?and so forth!and finally in 2019, I managed to bring to you:The Most Amazing Collection of 60+ Fat-Burning and Muscle Building Diet Plans Completely Personalized just for YOU!It does not matter if you are only 100 lbs and want to gain weight or are 220 lbs and want to lose lot of fat! The Diet Plans start from 1250 calories and go up to 3000 calories!In just Few Easy Steps you will be taught how to select the best diet plans based on your goals, workout timings, and other preferences.Features of Fat Loss/Muscle Building Diet Plans:Upload the Best Macros for Fat Loss or Muscle BuildingMix of Indian and Continental Meals & Diet plansPure-Continental Diet Plans [Veg & Non-Veg]Pure Indian Diet Plans [Veg & Non-Veg]Pure Vegetarian [with options for 'Ovo'and or 'Lacto']Vegans and Keto Diet Plans also includedThree types of calorie count i.e. 1500 2250 2750 with-Options to increase or decrease 250 calories to match your exact calorie requirementExact Calories and Portion Sizes Figured out for YouMore than 100+ Mouth-Watering Recipes (from around the world) with a minimal ingredient listMeals that take very less time to prepare and cook, and they are super tasty too! [Hopefully for you:)]Everything set up for you!Now, its not easy to customize diet for clients unless they take up personal coaching where I charge hundreds of dollars, but this course comes the closest to personal coaching.I will explain in Few easy steps, how anyone can customize and start following a diet that will help them achieve whatever their goal is, at that point in time!I hope you enjoy this course!Your Coach and Instructor, Akash"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Diploma in Gut Health" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Sports Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your CPD Certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineCourse Description:Food Scientists are calling the Gut The Second Brain!Did you know there are more neurons in our gut than our brain?Did you know that in our gut the bacteria outnumber human cells by 10:1?Did you know that a strong and healthy gut is the basic requirement if an individual wants to stay healthy?Enough Said.Unfortunately due our lifestyle choices, there is an imbalance in the microbiota of our gut. The results are surprising, with links that lead to a range of diseases, including celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Obesity may be related. And some studies have found relevance to depression, late-onset autism, allergies, asthma and even cancer.An inside out approach of healing your gut can drastically boost your health. and it only takes little time to understand.For decades our view of the human body was very mechanistic. It viewed every system as a separate part of a big machine. It viewed digestive system as separate from the body. If its broken there must be something wrong with it.But recent research has confirmed that our gut is much more functional, powerful, sensitive and complex then what was viewed few decades ago!Research has gone and confirmed the fact that there is a very strong connection of the gut with our brains known as the gut brain axis. Our gut has the potential to influence our emotions and even guide our decision making processes.We have all heard of the term gut instinct right?Welcome to Diploma in Gut Health, where I will teach you just how you can optimize the 100 trillion microbes living in your gut.###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Internationally Accredited Diploma in Sports Nutrition" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Sports Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your CPD Certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineCourse Description Nutrition is the key when it comes to sports performance and recovery. This course will teach you everything about how to fuel your athlete clients that will not only maximize their performance in their respective sports but also optimize their recovery.This diploma in sports nutrition will be of great interest to all learners and healthcare professional who would like to learn the fundamentals of sports nutrition science.Module 1: Introduction to Sports Nutrition will start by defining what exactly is sports nutrition and it's aim. Here I will also categorize athletes into recreational, amateur and professional. This course is mainly about the first two types of athletes. Nutrition will vary based on the type of sports an athlete plays. After all, Nutrition for a marathon runner will vary from a person who plays football, right?Module 2: Energy Requirements for Athletes will dive deep into the three energy systems i.e. phosphocreatine system, the lactic acid system and the aerobic system. We'll then move on to discuss the five cardio/training zones to better understand the level of intensities athletes play their respective sport. TDEE-An important energy and calorie based concept is discussed to understand the different energy requirements for athletes based on their age, gender, weight and so forth! Module 3: Macronutrient Requirements for Athletes will discuss macronutrient requirements for athletes. Detailed explanations and relevant studies are provided that will help you not only understand the individual macro requirements based on the type of sports an athlete plays but by using case studies, this module will clearly explain how to figure out any athletes macro-ratio like a pro!Module 4: Fluid Requirements for Athletes. Hydration is extremely important for athletes if they want to maximize their performance. Water is the best beverage for most, as more than 60% of human body is water. A formula and a chart is provided that will help you optimize your athlete clients water intake. Besides water, sport drinks are an integral part of an athletes life especially if she performs endurance activities. This module will break everything down to the best sport drink brands to their types, when to consume them and how much.Module 5: Nutrient Timings. This module deals with Nutrient timings both pre and post workout nutrition. With the help of high-quality studies, variety of frameworks are given that will enable you to time your athlete clients pre and post workout nutrition based on their workout timings, and the type of athlete they are.Furthermore, this module will help you to fuel an endurance athlete for half-marathon. Complete details including preparatory phase nutrition, carb-loading and race day nutrition is explained.Along with visually pleasing lecture slides, you will find a voiceover presentation which explains all the slides in detail plus you will find the accompanying Master Course Manual in case you want to read the entire course. I have also included a Power-point slides for the entire course that will help you re-visit it from time to time that will enable you to keep the course material fresh in your mind.[Helpful for people who are hearing impaired]Module 6: Creating Sport Diets.And finally, you will find various sport diet plans in Module 6 as a reference guide to help design sport diets for your clients.Module 7: Final Exam. Once you are ready you can give the final exam to secure your CPD-Certificate which comes included with this course. ###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us. Who is the course for?-Anyone who wants to learn how to create sport diets-Health Professionals who want to specifically learn about Sports Nutrition -Health & Fitness Professionals who want to help their athlete clients with general nutrition tips/guidelinesBy the end of this course, what will you Learn? -Understand Sports Nutrition including Macro and Micronutrient requirements for Athletes-Understand Energy Systems and Energy Requirements for Athletes -Figure out easy ways to determine BMR, TDEE-Learn the Top Sports Supplements for Athletes that can maximize their performance and optimize recovery -Create Sport Diets for your Athlete Clients& much more!Lastly, there is a Bonus module which will explain some key sports supplements for best performance. Approximately 83% of athletes worldwide ingest some kind of supplements.In this Module, I will discuss few Key Sports Supplements that can help any athlete improve their performance and optimize their recovery."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Diploma in Yogic Nutrition" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineCourse Description :Yoga means Union. Union of Body, Mind & Soul. It is Union with God, with thy Ego-self, with our Divine Self. In Yogic Philosophy, there are three 'Gunas'. Gunas are three attributes or tendencies of the mind, body and consciousness. You can view them as a classifications of quality of energy in all things.This diploma in Yogic Nutrition will be of great interest to all learners and healthcare professional who would like to learn the fundamentals of yogic nutrition science. It provides an in-depth look into the three 'Gunas' i.e. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas and using this concept will discuss about the respective Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic diet. Module-1: Introduction to Yoga. The Indian Sage Patanjali has been credited with the collation of the classical work, the Yoga Sutra, a 2,000-year-old treatise on yogic philosophy. In order to still our mind, Patanjali, presented a system called Ashtanga Yoga. It is also called eight limbs of the yoga. [ashta= eight, anga=limb]In order to understand Yogic Nutrition, we shall learn about the first two limbs of Asthanga Yoga i.e. Yamas and Niyamas in Module 1.Module-2: Yogic Nutrition-Fundamentals and Dietary Principles will dive deep into three 'gunas'. A Yogic Diet is predominantly a Sattvic Diet. In this module, we shall discuss the fundamentals and dietary guidelines that makes up a Sattvic Diet. This will make it possible for you to create a framework for a Yoga Diet. Rajasic and Tamasic Diets are also discussed here. I am a huge fan of principles and sticking with the absolute fundamentals of nutrition science.Because when these fundamentals and principles are clear to you, then all you need to do is connect the dots which will eventually form into a line pointing you towards a specific direction when it comes to your or your clients nutrition and diet.Module 3 [BONUS] Ayurveda Fundamental Concepts. Even though this is a bonus module, the concept of Dosha is discussed here and how it relates to Yogic Nutrition. This module is optional, but very interesting and is actually the fundamental concept of Ayurveda Science. Along with visually pleasing lecture slides, you will find a voiceover presentation which explains all the slides in detail plus you will find the accompanying script in case you want to read [Helpful for people who are hearing impaired]Module 4: Putting Everything Together-Creating Yogic Diets w/t Case Studies. Finally in this module, I will put everything together that we have learned so far and create Yogic Diets. I am going to take help from our four Fabulous Body Mascots Sally, Valentina, Vincent and Rocky and based on their extend to their devotion to Yoga we shall create special Yogic diets for them.Module 5: Final Graded Exam. Graduate from this exam and secure yourself a 15 Hour CPD Certificate. I hope you enjoy this course. Good Luck and Namaste:)###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us. Who is the course for?-Anyone who wants to understand the fundamentals and dietary guidelines of Yogic Nutrition-Health and Yoga Professionals who wants to help create Yogic Diets for their clientsBy the end of this course, what will you Learn? -Understand the relevance of Yamas and Niyamas and its applicability to one's diet. -Learn about the Sattva Guna and understand the fundamentals and dietary guidelines of a Sattvic Diet-Learn about the Rajasic and Tamasic Diet and the amount of calories to consume -Learn how to create Yoga Diets for your clients& much more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Axure RP 9 Website Prototyping" |
"WHY: Mobile AppAxure RP is one of the top leading wireframe and prototyping software on the market today, and as UX designer you would need to learn new version as they offer great flexibility and a new learning curve this is because the user interface has been improved and a lot has changed from Axure RP 8 in that has been implemented in Axure RP 9Target Mobile Operating SystemWindow 10Our Browser Test Device ChoiceGoogle ChromeSteps to Creating Our WebsitePrototyping Tool (Axure RP 9)Our Deliverable & Testing Interactive PrototypeCourse Contents1.Introduction to Axure RP 9 Mobile Prototyping2. Axure RP 9 Course Overview3. Understanding Axure RP 9 New & Improved User Interface4. Implementing Web Fonts5. Implementing Font Mapping6. Understanding Site Map and Pages7. Introduction to the New Interaction Panel8. Create Your First Axure RP 9 1 Page Style Website Wireframe9. Preview Prototype On Web Browser Google ChromeWhat Will I Learn?In this courseyou will learn and feel more confident Using Axure RP Version 9 Creating designs from an idea Prototyping simple website and share with your stakeholders Get comfortable creating high fidelity (Interactive) prototypes Creating and using interactions, conditions, animating widgets and applying transitions Managing IF / ELSEconditions Create sliders, Modal Pop ups, Material design style forms, Sticky headers, Dynamic panels, Simple Tricks that I use to prototype faster, Hit and Tips and many moreI am here to support your app idea and reduce your overhead development cost or your learning experience.Requirements?All you need is a free trial or licensed copy of either Axure RP 9 and a browser. (Please no IE 9 or below.)We will be testing on Google ChromeWho is the target audience? Anyone who wants to learn how to prototype a website using the new Axure RP 9 Anyone who wants to brush their Axure RP 9 skills up Anyone who has a desire and / or a need to prototype a website If you are beginner, intermediate or advanced Axure RP usersLets Begin Our Journey TogetherIntroduction To Axure RP 9 (Website Prototyping Course)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Bootcamp - Learn to Master Excel in 3hrs!" |
"This is not your grandma's Excel course! Our Excel course will give you the Excel skills to become an Excel ninja. You'll discover keyboard shortcuts, IF statements, VLOOKUP, PivotTables, and more!WHATMAKESOUREXCEL COURSEUNIQUE?Earn points as you complete the course and unlock your spirit animal Engaging instructor that won't put you to sleepG-rated humor and lighthearted lessonsZEROFLUFF!Real world application that you can start applying todayWHATYOU'LLBE LEARNINGThis course will help you master the most important and widely used formulas and functions in Excel. This course is beneficial to ANYONE who uses Excel. Here's what you'll master in the next 4 hours:Keyboard shortcuts beyond the simple Ctrl+S or Ctrl+CVLOOKUP, IF, and Nested IF statementsSUMIFS and COUNTIFSText formulas includingLEFT, RIGHT, and TRIMDate formulas including EOMONTH and EDATEPivotTables and SlicersConditional Formatting, Remove Duplicates, and Text-to-ColumnsBy the end of this course, you'll be a total boss at Excel! Then you can take those skills to a whole new level by taking our Advanced Microsoft Excel course and Microsoft Excel VBA (Macros) course.__________NOTE:If you would like to receive CPE credit for this course, you must complete the final exam on our website. All lectures are compatible with Excel2010, Excel 2013 or Excel 2016."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Microsoft Excel - Take your skills to a new level!" |
"Take your Excel skills to a whole new level! Our Advanced Excel course will give you the Excel skills to become an Excel master. You'll learn Excel's most powerful functions including INDEX/MATCH, learn advanced PivotTable tools, automate your work using VBA Macros, and more!WHATMAKESOUREXCEL COURSEUNIQUE?Earn points as you complete the course and unlock your spirit animal Engaging instructor that won't put you to sleepG-rated humor and lighthearted lessonsZEROFLUFF!Real world application that you can start applying todayWHATYOU'LLBE LEARNINGThis course will help you take your Excel skills to an advanced level. This course is beneficial to ANYONE who uses Excel. Here's what you'll master in the next 4 hours:Powerful formulas such as INDEX/MATCH, MIN/MAX, and moreAdvanced PivotTable functions to better analyze your dataUtilize named ranges to efficiently work with advanced formulasProtecting your data using Data Validation and other techniquesEnhancing IF statements by incorporating AND/OR formulasKeyboard shortcuts beyond the simple Ctrl+S or Ctrl+CBy the end of this course, you'll be a total boss at Excel! Then you can take those skills to a whole new level by taking our Microsoft Excel VBA (Macros) course which builds off of the Macros portion of this course.__________NOTE:If you would like to receive CPE credit for this course, you must complete the final exam on our website. All lectures are compatible with Excel2010, Excel 2013 or Excel 2016."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Beginner SQL for Data Analytics - No Coding Experience Req'd" |
"SQL is one of the hottest skills, even if youre not a data scientist. Over 100,000 jobs currently list this as a desired skill in a candidate. SQL allows you to quickly summarize, organize, and pull any piece of information from a database to then be used in your analytics. This course will quickly teach the core SQL language using real life examples and lots of practice.What is SQL? SQLis the language of almost all databases. Using SQL, you' re able to grab, summarize, organize, analyze, and dig deeper into your company's data. You'll be able to gain insights and obtain answers to questions in a quicker, more in-depth manner.But I don't have a database to work with and have no previous experience with databases?That's fine! We provide you with the database and free tools to get started. We start from the very basics of databases and SQL code. From there we teach you everything you need to know to start executing expert queries.Why do I need to learn SQL?Look at most job postings that deal with any type of analytics, whether that is in marketing, finance, or operations. Many of these will list a knowledge of SQL as a highly desirable skill. Knowing SQL will help you become an analytics master!__________NOTE:If you would like to receive CPE credit for this course, you must complete the final exam on our website."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Statistics for Data Analytics - Learn the Easy Way!" |
"This is not another boring stats course. We'll teach you the fundamental statistical tools to be successful in analytics...without boring you with complex formulas and theory.Statistical analysis can benefit almost anyone in any industry. We live in a world flooded with data. Having the tools to analyze and synthesize that data will help you stand out on your team.In a few short hours, you'll have the fundamental skills to help you immediately start applying sophisticated statistical analyses to your data. Our course is: Very easy to understand - There is not memorizing complex formulas (we have Excel to do that for us) or learning abstract theories. Just real, applicable knowledge.Fun - We keep the course light-hearted with fun examplesTo the point - We removed all the fluff so you're just left with the most essential knowledgeWhat you'll be able to do by the end of the courseCreate visualizations such as histograms and scatter plots to visually show your data Apply basic descriptive statistics to your past data to gain greater insightsCombine descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze and forecast your dataUtilize a regression analysis to spot trends in your data and build a robust forecasting model Let's start learning!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |