Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Oracle Goldengate Veridata Fundamentals" |
"Learn oracle Goldengate Veridata and be Oracle Goldengate Veridata Specialist.Oracle Goldengate Veridata is a management pack product which verifies the data between different objects of database ensuring no performance offset at database level. The product is getting very popular among corporates and organisation are looking for it as a must have skill along with Goldengate. The product can add lot of value and weight to your resume. Also if you are seeking for Goldengate certification then this course will help as certification also include questions related to Veridata. The course will demonstrate concepts and also you will gain loads of practical experience upon following the course and implementing practical guides.Oracle Goldengate veridata Overview and IntroductionJDK Download and InstallationWeblogic download and InstallationVeridata Download and InstallationVeridata ConfigurationDeploy AgentsDataSource ConnectionSetting up Veridata Compare PairsTuning and Performance of VeridataContent and Overview Suitable for Oracle Database Administrators, Oracle Goldengate Specialists and admin through this course youll learn all of the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata fundamentals. With every lecture, you will implement a hands-on practical exercise. To guide you on implementing the practices, the practice lectures are supported by video-based demonstrations and the downloadable guide documents.Starting with introducing Oracle GoldenGate veridata, this course will take you all the away from installing the software on a Linux platform, weblogic and JDK installation, deploying agents, setting up Veridata jobs and compare pairs up to tuning and improving the performance of Oracle Goldengate Veridata.This is an opportunity for the students to gain practical experience from the author who has implemented a number of Oracle GoldenGate Veridata projects in real life.Upon completing this course, you will be able to configure an Oracle GoldenGate veridata configuration that works in real life scenario.Come and Join the author in this learning journey to gain the knowledge on this amazing technology!Who is the target audience?Database AdministratorsOracle Goldengate AdminsDatabase AnalystsSolution ArchitectsTechnical ArchitectsOracle Goldengate Specialists and AdminsETL DevelopersDevelopersAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?We assume the audience have the basic knowledge of the Oracle Database Administration fundamentals.Database developers and data integration specialist could also benefit from this courseWhat youll learnA lot of practical knowledge and real time scenarios apart from content described in the courseWho this course is for:DBA'sDevelopersSolution ArchitectsOracle Goldengate Specialists"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Loopback 4: Modern ways to Build APIs in Typescript & NodeJs" |
"LoopBack is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework that enables you to create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding. LoopBack 4 is the next step in the evolution of LoopBack. You can build Amazing APIs with Modern NodeJs, Typescript, Mysql and MongoDB.Why Loopback 4:A brand new LoopBack core to deliver great extensibility and flexibility written in TypeScript/ES2017. You can Create powerful APIs easily with a new creation experience for defining REST API's and handling API requests/responses. A new, improved programming model with Dependency Injection and new concepts such as Components, Mixins, Repositories, etc. make this the most extensible version yet.Using OpenAPI-to-GraphQL, create a GraphQL interface for any REST APILoopBack is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework that enables you to:Create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding.Access data from major relational databases, MongoDB, SOAP and REST APIs.Incorporate model relationships and access controls for complex APIs.Separable components for file storage, third-party login, and OAuth 2.0.What you will learn in this course:Getting started with TypescriptGetting started with Loopback 4Basic/Fundamentals of TypescriptTypescript GenericsTypescript DecoratorsTypescript ClassesTypescript InterfacesCRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) with Loopback 4Build RESTFUL API and OpenAPI documentationExploring multiple datasources with Loopback 4 like Mysql, MongoDB.Working with Relationship with Models like One to One, One to Many, Many to One.Exploring Repositories, Controllers, Dependency Injections, Design Patterns in more depthAuthentication/Authorization in Loopback 4Using External Component in Loopback 4Exposing GraphQL API with Loopback 4"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Ingles Nivel Dos (OANI)" |
"Este curso es la continuacin del Nivel Uno con 16 lecciones; cada leccin contiene Vocabulario, Gramtica, Conversacin, Lectura, Ejercicios, Cancin y los Chistes. Esta enfocado en darle importancia a la gramtica y vocabulario con audio cubriendo el 100 de las lecciones para una mejor comprensin del idioma. El curso cubre la gramtica como el presente simple, pasado, pasado perfecto, progressivo, futuro con 'going to"" 'will' etc. Este curso incluye un vocabulario amplio en cada leccin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 ! VDO Youtuber" |
"NETFLIX VDO Youtube10 ! VDO ? Background ? Foreground ? VDO ? ? VDO Youtube ! VDO ! VDO Youtube 1 - 10"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Decision Making: Mistakes, in Probability and Statistics !" |
"Most of us have learnt some Probability and Statistics in High School, or later in college, or as part of our MBA. We know the basic concepts, and may even use it regularly in our judgements and decisions!However, what most of us may not be aware of, are the many many ways we can be de-railed, in using concepts from Probability and Statistics, in making our decisions! The various errors commonly made, the many misconceptions we have. In judging probabilities and risks, sampling and statistics.The Human brain is not wired to intuitively understand probability or statistics. Researchers of the brain, believe that mathematical truths make little automatic sense to our mind, especially when considering random and non-random outcomes, or when considering a large amount of data. And because of that, we automatically and subconsciously end up making a lot of mistakes, in assessing risks and likelihood.This Course will help you learn about, and try to avoid and minimize, such mistakes and misconceptions. It will be useful for everyone, but especially for Leaders and Managers, whose various judgements and decisions can affect many people, organizations and countries!This is a Beginner level Course, and it assumes a basic High school level knowledge of Probability and Statistics. Some Images and Videos courtesy Pixabay, Pexels, Pressfoto and FreePik. Some Music snippets courtesy Bensound."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Motivation and Employee Engagement, a Comprehensive Guide !" |
"Motivated and Engaged Employees are everyone's dream come true! Happier and more productive employees, less absenteeism and turnover, better performance ... it is almost a panacea for most, if not all, the ills that Corporations and Institutions face.And yet, it has never been easy to figure out sustainable ways to do so. There are some tenets of ancient wisdom, which have been practiced for centuries, but without really any long term improvement in employee motivation or engagement.This Course will take you you into the depths of Motivation Theories, the research behind them, and what their findings and lessons are! It also delves into evolution and history of Human Motivation, to provide a context to understand its complexities; and what works, and what does not, under different circumstances.Some Images and Videos courtesy Pixabay, Pexels, Pressfoto and FreePik. Some Music snippets courtesy Bensound."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Ethics and Integrity, all about Deception and Dishonesty !" |
"This Course, is a comprehensive, interesting, and informative look, at the Science and Research behind Human Deception and Dishonesty. It covers the research and studies done, on multiple aspects of deception and dishonesty.You will learn about how your mind works, and the conflicting forces behind your judgements and decisions.And about how appearances can deceive. You will also learn about how, and when, people lie and cheat, how conflicts of interest affect peoples judgements and behaviour, and how mass deception and propaganda work.You will also be learning about a few techniques and strategies, that will help minimize everyone's deception and dishonesty, in most circumstances.Get ready to become far more aware and informed, about how deception and dishonesty work !Credits: Some images and videos are from Pixabay, Freepik and Pexels. A huge thanks to the contributors :)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Stock Trading, la Bolsa de Valores" |
"Cuntos cursos de trading ha tomado tratando de lograr el xito financiero? Cuntas veces ha sido vctima de ""la estrategia perfecta"", cmo ""hacer millones"" con un ""90% de precisin"" en ""piloto automtico""?Este curso es diferente, aprender a ver el mercado de valores cmo los profesionales y aplicar esta metodologa en su cuenta personal, haciendo la investigacin adecuada y desarrollando sus propias ideas de inversin.Aprender cmo encontrar la informacin correcta y cmo usarla.Al terminar el curso estar preparado para administrar sus inversiones con confianza y para desarrollar su propio negocio financiero."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"In questo corso a tema ""furniture design"" si affrontano 5 macro argomenti propri dell'arredamenti di interni e del design.Vengono analizzati, in 5 moduli (+ 1 introduttivo), partendo da zero:- realizzazione di una cucina- realizzazione di un divano- realizzazione del trittico di tavolini Ponte- realizzazione di un tappeto- realizzazione di un bagnoNel corso delle lezioni si affrontano diversi aspetti che vanno dalla modellazione, all'illuminazione, ai materiali PBR, e al rendering, nonch alla fisica Cloth e Fluid.Si affrontano inoltre le impostazioni del software e le problematiche dei due motori di rendering Cycles ed Eevee.Imparerete a cimentarvi abilmente nell'ambito dell'arredamento utilizzando uno strumento potentissimo e versatile: BLENDER 2.8!Caratteristiche del corso:- CIRCA10 OREE30 MINUTI DILEZIONI- 5 ARGOMENTIDETTAGLIATI- HIGH DEFINITION TEXTURES EIMMAGINI- MATERIALIAVANZATIEILLUMINAZIONE- RIFERIMENTIESTERNI- FILES *.BLEND EALTRIASSETSTUTTIGLIASSETSITROVANO ALLEGATIALLAPRIMALEZIONEDIOGNIMODULO."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"CG ACADEMY: Autodesk Maya 2019 per tutti" |
"Questo video corso ti insegner ad usare Maya 2019, con l'ausilio di alcune brevi esercitazioni, partendo dalla conoscenza approfondita dell'interfaccia, i tipi di oggetti, utilizzando la modellazione poligonale e delle NURBS e i modificatori.Imparerai a creare materiali semplici e complessi, illuminare e inquadrare la scena, fino al render finale.Il corso suddiviso in 4 moduli, cos organizzati:- Interfaccia e strumenti (21 lezioni)- Modellazione di Curve e NURBS (20 lezioni)- Modellazione di Poligoni (29 lezioni)- Illuminazione, materiali e rendering (18 lezioni)per un totale di 88 lezioni.Gli asset di riferimento (compressi in formato *.zip) si trovano come allegati nelle prime lezioni delle sezioni 3 e 4."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"2 em 1 - EFD-REINF & DCTFWeb Aprenda do Zero" |
"Aproveite a oportunidade de participar deste curso pois ele ir lhe fornecer informaes de suma importncia para aqueles que so responsveis pela rea fiscal ou de tecnologia, como tambm aqueles responsveis por todo o setor Administrativo, Financeiro e Recursos Humanos das empresas. Atravs da anlise do Layout por eventos/registro, com os seus respectivos detalhamentos e nuances, temos a finalidade de demonstrar todas as regras que envolvem a Escriturao Fiscal Digital das Retenes e Informaes da Contribuio Previdenciria Substituda (EFD-Reinf) e a Declarao de Dbitos e Crditos Tributrios Federais Previdencirios e de Outras Entidades e Fundos (DCTFWeb) e quais informaes devem ser maior observncia por parte da empresa, alm dos devidos tratamentos fiscais, o que possibilitar ao participante deste curso a sua total preveno contra eventuais falhas e desvios de informaes no processo de elaborao da obrigao, com vistas a mitigar para futuras autuaes da entrada em vigor desta obrigao, o que para muitos j uma realidade.Muitas informaes sero substitudas atravs das solicitaes que forem feitas pelo EFD-REINF bem como ao e-Social, sendo que obrigaes acessrias como DIRF e GFIP j esto em plena substituio, e todas essas informaes estaro constantes na DCTFWebO EFD-Reinf tem por objeto a escriturao de rendimentos pagos e retenes de Imposto de Renda, Contribuio Social do contribuinte exceto aquelas relacionadas ao trabalho e informaes sobre a receita bruta para a apurao das contribuies previdencirias substitudas, alm disso, tambm substituir, o mdulo da EFD-Contribuies que apura a Contribuio Previdenciria sobre a Receita Bruta (CPRB). Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade.Com tantas mudanas voc no pode deixar de se atualizar e saber quais sero os impactos em sua rotina de trabalho.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Quem so as pessoas responsveis por este curso ?O Curso ministrado por Felipe Miranda, scio da Trescon Treinamento e Execuo de Servios Contbeis Ltda., CNPJ 00.328.296/0001-74, com mais de 25 anos de existncia, alm disso, possumos uma metodologia nica de acompanhamento e reviso das informaes contidas para quaisquer reviso e dvidas.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Que garantia esse curso tem?Elaboramos um curso atualizado com as ltimas alteraes da legislao pertinente e trazemos o contedo da forma mais didtica e dinmica possvel, por isso a confiana na qualidade do treinamento que ir efetuar. Mesmo assim, caso entenda que o contedo no serviu para voc, sem dvida alguma voc poder solicitar o reembolso em at 30 dias aps a confirmao da compra, e te devolverei 100% do valor investido. Significa que te damos atravs da maior plataforma do mundo de cursos e treinamentos online garantia incondicional por qualquer motivo. Mas a verdade simples, ningum pede reembolso, pois o contedo realmente muito bom.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que a EFD-REINF e DCTFWeb uma nova obrigao tributria que destinada s empresas de todo o Brasil. Em um futuro muito breve a EFD-REINF ir substituir a DIRF, GFIP e o Bloco P da EFD Contribuies, bem como a DCTFWeb a DCTF pdro. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"7 Frmulas Lgicas para Excel Utilizadas por Experts" |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender as 7 principais frmulas lgicas utilizadas por Expert segundo a Microsoft. O curso abrangente e pode ser utilizado nas mais diversas reas empresariais e pessoal.O curso apresentar as principais frmulas para poder resolver os maiores problemas e agilizar seu trabalho com essa incrvel ferramenta.Junte-se agora mesmo a mais de 100 pessoas que j fizeram esse curso conosco!Tem mais!!!Alm disso voc receber inteiramente Grtis nosso Super Ebook Um Guia de Ideias para Empreendedores que j ajudou mais de 500 pessoas a ter insights para seus negcios ou comear um.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que o Excel a ferramenta em planilha mais utilizada no mundo, por isso, se voc atua em qualquer segmento, seja empresrio, colaborador, autnomo, com toda certeza esse curso para voc. Alm disso, se voc precisa controlar afazeres pessoais, como controles financeiros, listas de tarefas ou qualquer outra atividade que necessite de controle tambm poder utilizar facilmente essa ferramenta. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc.Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"SPED ECF Aprenda do Zero e Esteja Atualizado!" |
"Aproveite a oportunidade de participar deste curso pois ele ir lhe fornecer informaes de suma importncia para aqueles que so responsveis pela rea fiscal, contbil ou de tecnologia, como tambm aqueles responsveis por todo o setor Administrativo, Financeiro e Recursos Humanos das empresas. Atravs da anlise do Layout bem como da legislao relativa a essa obrigao, com os seus respectivos detalhamentos e nuances, temos a finalidade de demonstrar todas as regras que envolvem a Escriturao Contbil Fiscal (ECF) e quais informaes devem ser maior observncia por parte da empresa, alm dos devidos tratamentos fiscais, o que possibilitar ao participante deste curso a sua total preveno contra eventuais falhas e desvios de informaes no processo de elaborao da obrigao, com vistas a mitigar para futuras autuaes da entrada em vigor desta obrigao, o que para muitos j uma realidade.Com tantas mudanas voc no pode deixar de se atualizar e saber quais sero os impactos em sua rotina de trabalho.Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade.Tem mais!!!Alm disso voc receber inteiramente Grtis nosso Super Ebook Um Guia de Ideias para Empreendedores que j ajudou mais de 500 pessoas a ter insights para seus negcios ou comear um.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Quem so as pessoas responsveis por este curso ?O Curso ministrado por Felipe Miranda, scio da Trescon Treinamento e Execuo de Servios Contbeis Ltda., CNPJ 00.328.296/0001-74, com mais de 25 anos de existncia, alm disso, possumos uma metodologia nica de acompanhamento e reviso das informaes contidas para quaisquer reviso e dvidas.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Que garantia esse curso tem?Elaboramos um curso atualizado com as ltimas alteraes da legislao pertinente e trazemos o contedo da forma mais didtica e dinmica possvel, por isso a confiana na qualidade do treinamento que ir efetuar. Mesmo assim, caso entenda que o contedo no serviu para voc, sem dvida alguma voc poder solicitar o reembolso em at 30 dias aps a confirmao da compra, e te devolverei 100% do valor investido. Significa que te damos atravs da maior plataforma do mundo de cursos e treinamentos online garantia incondicional por qualquer motivo. Mas a verdade simples, ningum pede reembolso, pois o contedo realmente muito bom.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que a ECF uma nova obrigao tributria acessria que destinada s empresas de todo o Brasil. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"DCTFWeb Aprenda do Zero e Fique Atualizado" |
"Aproveite a oportunidade de participar deste curso pois ele ir lhe fornecer informaes de suma importncia para aqueles que so responsveis pela rea fiscal ou de tecnologia, como tambm aqueles responsveis por todo o setor Administrativo, Financeiro e Recursos Humanos das empresas. Atravs da anlise do Layout por eventos/registro, com os seus respectivos detalhamentos e nuances, temos a finalidade de demonstrar todas as regras que envolvem a Declarao de Dbitos e Crditos Tributrios Federais Previdencirios e de Outras Entidades e Fundos (DCTFWeb) e quais informaes devem ser maior observncia por parte da empresa, alm dos devidos tratamentos fiscais, o que possibilitar ao participante deste curso a sua total preveno contra eventuais falhas e desvios de informaes no processo de elaborao da obrigao, com vistas a mitigar para futuras autuaes da entrada em vigor desta obrigao, o que para muitos j uma realidade.Muitas informaes sero substitudas atravs das solicitaes que forem feitas pelo EFD-REINF bem como ao e-Social, sendo que obrigaes acessrias como DIRF e GFIP j esto em plena substituio, e todas essas informaes estaro constantes na DCTFWeb. Com tantas mudanas voc no pode deixar de se atualizar e saber quais sero os impactos em sua rotina de trabalho.Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade.Tem mais!!!Alm disso voc receber inteiramente Grtis nosso Super Ebook Um Guia de Ideias para Empreendedores que j ajudou mais de 500 pessoas a ter insights para seus negcios ou comear um.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Quem so as pessoas responsveis por este curso ?O Curso ministrado por Felipe Miranda, scio da Trescon Treinamento e Execuo de Servios Contbeis Ltda., CNPJ 00.328.296/0001-74, com mais de 25 anos de existncia, alm disso, possumos uma metodologia nica de acompanhamento e reviso das informaes contidas para quaisquer reviso e dvidas.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Que garantia esse curso tem?Elaboramos um curso atualizado com as ltimas alteraes da legislao pertinente e trazemos o contedo da forma mais didtica e dinmica possvel, por isso a confiana na qualidade do treinamento que ir efetuar. Mesmo assim, caso entenda que o contedo no serviu para voc, sem dvida alguma voc poder solicitar o reembolso em at 30 dias aps a confirmao da compra, e te devolverei 100% do valor investido. Significa que te damos atravs da maior plataforma do mundo de cursos e treinamentos online garantia incondicional por qualquer motivo. Mas a verdade simples, ningum pede reembolso, pois o contedo realmente muito bom.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que a DCTFWeb uma nova obrigao tributria que destinada s empresas de todo o Brasil. Em um futuro muito breve a DCTFWeb ir substituir a DCTF padro. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Mindset of Champion's; Become A Top Performer" |
"Our aim is to provide you with the skills and confidence to make a real difference to your performance levels at work and home. We teach you to use the same mental techniques as the world's most successful people, including championship athletes.This course will help you to excel and become the best versions of yourself. From dealing with negative emotions to increase your mental and physical energy levels, we teach you fundamental skills and regularly updated material.The course is designed for those who are looking to increase their own mental performance and want to really excel - as well as for those who (like all of us) sometimes find it difficult to cope with everyday stresses and strains while trying to do their best.The course is divided into three sections which take you through three very important aspects of performance coaching"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"(Emoticon Design)" |
". , , . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"JAVA Android 9.0(Pie) APP 3" |
"Kotlin . Kotlin . . Kotlin . . . , . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Vue js" |
"AngularJS, VueJS, React . VueJS .VueJS . VueJS . . . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Javascript Greatest Hits" |
"Javascript is a tough language. It's easy to start with, easy to get going, but on the other hand - it has a lot of strange behaviours that makes it one of the most difficult languages to master and code.In the last years, JS had became the leading technology in the web, so a vast amount of coding aids had been developed to make our life as JS programmer easier.Those aids are mostly libraries. Nowadays, there exist libraries for any imaginable task. Libraries can make weird JS constructs to be more reasonable, they can perform tedious tasks and help to manipulate the DOM, dates, AJAX and actually anything else.In this course I'm going to teach you some of the most effective JS libraries out there, which Icall - the greatest hits. If you are a programmer who loves to program - you'd love those.In addition, Itried to choose those libraries which give additional benefit, is it a technique or methodology, so as programmers we'll learn something new. Some of the things we'll learn in this course:1. Functions throttling and debouncing.2. Prototyping.3. Functions curryingand more.This is really a must for any programmer who wants to leverage his/her skills."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"2D Animations with Javascript and the Anime.js Library" |
"Animations are welcome guests in our applications. They are fun, entertain and visually aesthetic to look at. They make applications more accessible and eye catching. The traditional method of creating animation is using timers, clocks and frames, and projecting images in constant time intervals. However, if all you want to do is add some movement to your site, this method may be overkill. This is where Anime.js steps in. Anime.js is a light-weight Javascript library that aims to do just that - to create beautiful animations with ease and minimum code. With Anime.js you can animate anything on the screen - html elements, dom attributes, svg graphics, just about anything. In this course you will learn about Anime.js library. I'll show you this library's essentials and a lot of code examples. There are six projects in this course, that will keep you busy and help you practice this library.If you want to add animations to your site and didn't know how to do it - welcome, this course is perfect for you!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Far Beyond Modern Psychology - Part 1" |
"Everything that you'll learn in this course has an immediate, practical, life-transforming application.The wisdom contained in the course is a synthesis of traditional wisdom teachings from around the world, contemporary insights into Psychology, and a deeper analysis of what makes humans human.I've always been fascinated by how things work and that led me to a career in engineering, but my greatest achievement, thus far, has been the creation of a BEnome Map describing, in detail, how our psyches function.BEnome Maps can be used to understand:depression, addiction, emotional reactions, the difference between men and woman, why it's so difficult to find love and to keep loving, the specific reasons behind a particular child or adult's struggles, and how to bring Joy, Healthy-Attachment, Loving our Shadows, Trauma-Informed Mindfulness, and the Practice of Unconditional-Loving into our lives, permanently.Your assignment is to use this knowledge to improve your life, and to enjoy the ripple effect on your social environment."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Far Beyond Modern Psychology - Part 2" |
"Everything that you'll learn in this course has an immediate, practical, life-transforming application.The wisdom contained in the course is a synthesis of traditional wisdom teachings from around the world, contemporary insights into Psychology, and a deeper analysis of what makes humans human.I've always been fascinated by how things work and that led me to a career in engineering, but my greatest achievement, thus far, has been the creation of a BEnome Map describing, in detail, how our psyches function.BEnome Maps can be used to understand:depression, addiction, emotional reactions, the difference between men and woman, why it's so difficult to find love and to keep loving, the specific reasons behind a particular child or adult's struggles, and how to bring Joy, Healthy-Attachment, Loving our Shadows, Trauma-Informed Mindfulness, and the Practice of Unconditional-Loving into our lives, permanently.Your assignment is to use this knowledge to improve your life, and to enjoy the ripple effect on your social environment."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"2020Udemy unofficial" |
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Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
30PR |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
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Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI - Power BI Desktop" |
"Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopQ. Power BI Desktop A. YesPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopBIPower BI Desktop5020%80%YouTubePower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BIPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI Desktop30Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI Desktop..."
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - Power Query Editor" |
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Price: 9000.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - Data Visualization" |
"Power BI DesktopData VisualizationPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopVisualizationVisualizationPower BIVisualizationVisualizationVisualPower BI DesktopVisualVisualvisualizationVisualVisualPower BI DesktopVisualQUICK GOQuick & GOVisualVisualVisualPower BIPower BI Desktop30Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopBig Wave"
Price: 9000.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Power Pivot, Power Query, DAX" |
"Power Query, Power Pivot and DAX...Power Query Power Pivot DAX...""THE BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO EXCEL IN 20 YEARS"" 20Excel...Power PivotPower QueryPower QueryPower PivotVlookupPower PivotDAX...ITVBAPower QueryPower PivotDAXPower QueryPower PivotDAXPivot TablePower QueryPower PivotDAXPower QueryPower PivotDAX...30"
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - DAX-CALCULATE" |
Price: 9000.00 ![]() |
"Time management for business owners, directors & managers" |
"Do you want to be more efficient, effective and productive at work and in business?Do you want to learn more about time management?Do you want to understand your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time?This course is a practical action oriented course designed to give you the time management and productivity tools and strategies to be more efficient, effective and productive at work and in business now and going forward.The course aims to give you an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive. You will understand your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time. The course will give you a wealth of time management and productivity tips, tools and strategies to put in place and to use at work or in your business to manage your time so that you are more efficient, effective and productive. As you go through the course you will develop your own personalised time management action plan and put in place time management strategies so that you can manage your time in the best way now and going forward.The course is designed to be practical and relevant to real life. It is not a theoretical or academic course on time management and productivity.Who is this course designed for?This course is designed for you if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, director, executive, manager or professional:* Who is currently finding it difficult to manage your time efficiently and effectively at work and in business.* Who wants to learn more about time management and how to manage your time efficiently and effectively and be more productive at work and in business.Please note if you are not a business owner, director or manager and want support with time management in your life then I would recommend that you take my other course Time management for life: how to take control of your time rather than this one as it will be more relevant to you. There is an overlap of content between the two courses so please choose one or the other, not both.What are the course aims?The course aims to:* Give you an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive.* Look at your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time.* Provide you with a wealth of practical time management and productivity tools, tips and strategies to put in place and to use at work or in your business to manage your time so that you are more efficient, effective and productive.* Enable you to develop your own personalised time management action plan and to put in place time management strategies so that you manage your time in the best way now and going forward.What is included in the course?The course has the following sections:* Introduction: including an introduction to the course and the tutor* Time management challenges: including the costs of poor time management, the challenges of managing your time and looking at time management from a different perspective* How is your time management? including looking at your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending your time* Time management tips and strategies: including 50+ practical time management tools, tips and strategies to help you manage your own time by managing yourself, the business and your team and that you can use to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business.* Your time management plan: including your own time management challenges, how you currently spend your time and the strategies you are going to put in place to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business.* Course summary: including a short summary of the courseWe have also included introductions and summaries throughout the course to help with learning.The course is in short bite sized lectures and you can see the detailed course content in the course curriculum.Developing your own time management planThere are exercises to complete as you go through the course to develop your own personalised time management action plan. These include understanding your own time management challenges, how you are currently spending your time and what actions you are going to take and what strategies you will follow to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business. You will need to allow additional time in addition to the duration of the videos to complete the exercises.What will you cover on the course and what will you learn?As you go through the course you will be looking at your own time management, how you are spending your time, the impact on you, your work and your business of your current time management practices, how to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business and time management tools, tips and strategies.By the end of the course you will have a better understanding of time management, know what your time management challenges are, have an action plan for managing your time better now and going forward and have time management strategies in place to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business.Even if you are not finding it difficult to manage your time at the moment you will have the opportunity to review you, your work and your business and to decide on actions to take to support you in managing your time efficiently, effectively and productively going forward.Important notes and more about the courseIf you are already very knowledgeable about time management and productivity, this course may not be for you. It includes an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive, practical time management tools, tips and strategies that you can use to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business and an opportunity to develop your own time management plan, some or all of which you may already know a lot about. By signing up for this course you gain lifetime access so you can watch the lectures at your convenience on your computer, tablet or smart phone.You can choose to complete the whole course or just watch the lectures that are most relevant to you, whichever you prefer. You can watch each lecture in full or just the elements you want to watch and you can stop a lecture at any point if you want to study the content in more detail.You can watch the lectures at the pre assigned speed or you can choose to speed up or slow down the lectures to suit your own preference.There are English text captions available on this course which you can choose to see or turn off.Student feedback on this course""This is one of the best time management course I had attended. Its TMAP in a Nutshell. Great ! cool & awesome course for Directors in IT/Software and Entrepreneurs.""""Lots of ideas for improving my time management and productivity at work. Highly recommended.""""This course is exactly what I was looking for. It is hard to find time management courses specific to business owners/leaders but Liz clearly knows her stuff and has thought carefully about the course content. Useful advice on areas such as avoiding multi-tasking and chunking up your day will hopefully make a positive impact on my working life and those around me.""""Another of Liz's courses is a hit! Having completed Liz's courses previously, I thought I would give this one a try and it didn't disappoint. It has really opened my eyes on how I can be more productive and time efficient at work. Hopefully I can put some of these strategies into place in the near future.""Good luckGood luck with the course and I hope you find it invaluable."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |