Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Practice Business Architecture Skills with Tested Techniques" |
"Hi Everyone, In this course we will work through business architecture techniques to arrive at a Build of Materials for a training business. My business! Starting with a Business Motivation Model (BMM) then Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) then Business Model Canvas to arrive at a Business Capability Model (BCM). Why go through this level of discipline, I hear you ask? Well in a word ""Alignment"". Our business environments, ecosystems and customers are dynamic and unless we are clear the products we launch risk being out of alignment with our target customer.So if you would like to know more to ensure success, Lets get started.Kind RegardsKarl"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Geld im Internet verdienen: In 24 Stunden zum Unternehmen" |
"Wrdest du gerne dein eigenes Online Unternehmen starten, weit aber nicht wo du beginnen sollst?Keine Sorge, in diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie man ein Unternehmen mit mehreren Einkommensstrmen aufbaut - und das in 24 Stunden. Wir werden uns zuerst mit dem theoretischen Hintergrund eines Gewerbes befassen und die Anmeldung deines Gewerbes beim Bezirksamt und Finanzamt vornehmen, sprechen ber Gewerbeformen wie das Einzelunternehmen, UG, GmbH, OHG, KG, Ltd. und viele mehr und finden gemeinsam einen geeigneten Steuerberater fr dich, wenn gewnscht. Sobald wir damit fertig sind, sprechen wir dann ber online Geschftsmodelle wie das Dropshipping Modell, das Marktplatz Modell, FlippingModell und viele andere. Wir lernen wie man von ihnen profitiert und sie profitabel anwendet. Am Ende des Kurses kommt dann der Teil auf den viele von euch sicherlich gewartet haben. In diesem Kapitel gebe ich dir 25 fertige Geschftskonzepte die du 1 zu 1 fr dich umsetzen kannst. Ich gebe dir Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen zumBeispiel zu folgenden Geschftsmodellen:T-Shirt Unternehmen Online Kurse & digitale InfoprodukteSocialMedia Marketing AgenturStock FotografieFreelancing FlippingAffiliate Marketing Blogging und vieles mehr!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ZIELEFRDIESENKURSNachdem du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein dir innerhalb von 24 Stunden ein profitables Unternehmen aufzubauen und wirst fr dich herausgefunden haben, welcher Einkommensstrom am Besten zu dir passt. Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast:Baue dir mehrere profitable online Einkommensstrme in 24 Stunden auf Entdecke 25+ Online Einkommensstrme und erhalte Schritt fr Schritt Aufbau Anleitungen fr diese EinkommensstrmeGewinne Ortsunabhngigkeit durch ein korrekt aufgesetztes Online UnternehmenGrnde ein Einzelunternehmen, eine UG oder GmbH und nehme die Anmeldung beim Finanzamt vorLerne zwischen 10+ unterschiedlichen Geschftsmodellen zu differenzieren und diese fr dich einzusetzenMeistere digitale online Infoprodukte & baue dir eine eigene finanzielle Infrastruktur aufLerne ein T-Shirt Unternehmen, Icon Unternehmen oder Flipping Unternehmen zu starten------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Schreibe dich noch heute in den Kurs ein. Ich freue mich auf dich! dein Dozent, LeonChaudhari Akademie"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing Agentur aufbauen: Der Komplette Kurs" |
"Wrdest du gerne deine eigene SocialMedia Marketing Agentur (SMMA) aufbauen, mchtest aber nichtGeld fr ein berteuerstes Online Programm rausschmeien?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich.In diesem Kurs lernen wir Schritt fr Schritt wie man eine SocialMedia Marketing Agentur aufbaut und lernen den unternehmerischen Hintergrund kennen - von Gewerbeanmeldung, ber Steuern, bis hin zu Rechnungen schreiben und Grundlagen effektiver Buchhaltung. Und nicht nur das, sondern auch wie du Kunden akquirierst, Preise festlegst und vieles mehr. Was genau wird dich im Detail hier im Kurs erwarten?Gewerbeanmeldung - Am Anfang des Kurses werden wir lernen wie man ein Unternehmen anmeldet, wir sprechen ber Gewerbeformen wie das Einzelunternehmen, UG, OHG, KG, GmbHund viele mehr.Auerdem lernen wir wie man das Gewerbeformular korrekt ausfllt und wie man einen Steuerberater findet. Leistungsaufwand definieren - In diesem Teil des Kurses werden wir uns anschauen wie man den Leistungsaufwand der eigenen Agentur definiert, KPIs bewerten und vieles mehr. Rechnungen schreiben - Wir werden uns nun damit befassen wie man eigentlich Rechnungen schreibt. Wir sprechen ber Themen wie Umsatzsteuer und Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung, Reverse Charge, Rechnungsnummern und die Kleinunternehmerregelung. Website erstellen - Wir werden nun deine Website gemeinsam erstellen. Wir lernen wie man eine Website hostet, erstellt und gestaltet. Nachdem du dieses Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, wirst du deine eigene funktionsfhige Website haben. Kundengewinnung - Wir werden nun darber sprechen wie du schnell mehr Kunden generieren kannst, wir sprechen dabei ber Facebook Werbeanzeigen, Cold Calling, Cold Email und vieles mehr. Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Grnde und skaliere deine eigene Social Media Marketing Agentur (SMMA)Lerne mit KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) zu arbeiten und diese zu berprfenMeistere die Kundenakquise fr deine Social Media Marketing AgenturVerstehe wie man Rechnungen schreibt, die Grundlagen effizienter Buchhaltung und wie man einen Steuerberater findetErstelle deine eigene professionelle Agentur WebsiteSchreibe dich noch heute in den Kurs ein. Ich freue mich auf dich! dein Dozent, LeonChaudhari Akademie"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digitale Infoprodukte: Erstelle Kurse, Ebooks & Audio Bcher" |
"Wrdest du dir gerne ein ortsunabhngiges Online Unternehmen mit mehreren Einkommensstrmen durch den Verkauf von digitalen Produkten aufbauen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.In diesem Kurse mchte ich dir zeigen wie du mit Online Kurse, E-Bcher und Audiobchern dir verlssliche Einnahmequelle aufbauen und diese skalieren kannst. Wir sprechen ber Themen wie Amazon Kindle, ACX, Udemy und vieles mehr.Was genau wirst du hier in diesem Kurs lernen? Online Kurse erstellen und vermarkten - Wie baut man sich ein Home Studio auf? Welche Bearbeitungs- und Aufnahmesoftwares sind effizient nutzbar und wie genau strukturiert man einen Kurs von Anfang bis Ende. In diesem Teil des Kurses lernst du alles ber Online Kurs Erstellung und wie du ein profitables Kursthema findest. Anschlieend kmmern wir uns um die Vermarktung deines Kurses. Ich verrate dir meine beste Launch und Post-Launch Strategien die dir helfen werden schnell aber auch langfristig Kunden fr deinen Kurs zu finden. E-Bcher erstellen und vermarkten - Wir lernen in diesem Teil des Kurses wie man ein Buch schreibt, von der Planung des Inhaltsverzeichnis ber die Einteilung in Kapitel bis hin zum formatieren und fertigstellen des Buches. Du lernst auerdem wie man Bcher outsourced und sich dadurch schnell online Einkommensstrme aufbaut sowie alles ber Amazon Kindle. Wir sprechen diesbezglich ber Keywords, Buchtitel, Copyright, rechtliche Grundlagen, Steuern, Marketing, SEO und einiges mehr. Audiobcher - Wir werden in diesem Teil des Kurses lernen wie man ein Audiobuch produziert und effektiv vermarktet. Wir sprechen ber die Vertriebsplattform ACX und ich geben dir meine besten Tipps die dir dabei helfen werden dein Audiobuch zum Erfolg werden zu lassen. Self-Hosting - Wir werden nun lernen wo und wie du deine Produkte selbst hosten und vermarkten kannst. Wir werden diesbezglich eingehend ber Hosting Plattformen, digitales Marketing und effektive Vertriebsprozesse sprechen. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen: Erstelle, vermarkte und verkaufe professionelle Online Video KurseNehme professionelle Audio Bcher auf und verkaufe sie gewinnbringend ber ACXSchreibe E-Bcher und verkaufe diese effektiv ber Amazon KindleBaue dir ein ortsunabhngiges Online Unternehmen auf, das du von deinem Computer aus leiten kannstWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video. Beste Gre, Leon Chaudhari Akademie - Dozent -"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Online Kurse Meisterkurs: Erstelle & vermarkte Online Kurse" |
"Wrdest du gerne Geld mit online Kursen verdienen? Oder mchtest du einfach ortsunabhngig werden und dir passive Einkommensstrme durch den Verkauf von Kursen aufbauen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du professionelle Online Kurse erstellst und diese gewinnbringend vermarktest. Du lernst alles ber Kurserstellung, Kursmarketing, Akademie Aufbau, Kurs SEO, Private Label Rights, Self-Hosting und vieles mehr. Was genau wirst du aber im Detail hier in diesem Kurs lernen? Gewerbeanmeldung und steuerliche Grundlagen - Wie genau startet man eigentlich sein eigenes Gewerbe oder ist sogar ein Freiberufler Status mglich? In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du ein Einzelunternehmen und eine UG startest, wir sprechen ber alle gngigen Gewerbeformen und du lernst wie du den Freiberufler Status beantragen kannst. Auerdem sprechen wir ber das Thema Steuern und du lernst mehr ber Themen wie Umsatzsteuer, MOSS Verfahren, Rechnungen schreiben und vieles mehr. Online Kurse erstellen und vermarkten - In diesem Teil des Kurses lernen wir mehr ber Produktionstechniken, Videoarten, Kurs SEO, und die effektive Vermarktung von deinen Kursen. Du wirst lernen wie du deinen Kurs strukturierst und deine Schler animierst sich im Kurs zu beteiligen.Online Akademie aufbauen - Wir lernen nun wie du deine Kurse auch ber deine eigene Online Akademie anbieten kannst. Du erhltst von mir ein komplettes Tutorial zum Thema Akademie Aufbau - von DNS Einstellungen, bis hin zu Hosting Provider, ber Kursmanagement bis hin zu E-Mail Marketing, kein Thema wird ausgelassen. Self-Hosting - Deine Produkte auerdem ber Self-Hosting Websites oder deine eigene Website anzubieten kann sehr gewinnbringend sein, bringt jedoch auch einige Aufgaben mit sich, von steuerlichen Grundlagen bis hin zu Online Marketing Kenntnissen - in diesem Teil des Kurses erhltst du meine besten Strategien wie du dir mit Self-Hosting Produkten eine weitere Einnahmequelle aufbauen kannst. Private Label Rights - Du kannst deine Produkte natrlich auch jederzeit nicht nur fr Online Marktpltze oder deine eigene Website produzieren, du kannst jederzeit natrlich auch deine Produkte exklusiv fr einzelne Kunden oder Firmen produzieren. Wie man solche B2B oder B2C Kunden akquiriert und sie dazu bringt von dir hochpreisige Produktionen zu kaufen, das zeige ich dir in diesem Teil des Kurses. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein folgende Dinge zu tun: Erstelle, vermarkte und verkaufe professionelle online Video KurseVerwandle deine Udemy Videokurse in BestsellerBaue deine eigene Online Akademie auf und vermarkte sie effektivGestalte deinen eigenen Mitgliederbereich und gewinne Mitglieder fr ihnSelf-Hoste deine Produkte und verkaufe sie internationalKenne dich mit den steuerlichen Grundlagen zum Verkauf von online Kursen ausWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video. Beste Gre, Leon Chaudhari Akademie - Dozent -"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Apple macOS fr neue Mac-Besitzer: 12 Schritte zum Erfolg" |
"Haben Sie sich krzlich ein neues MacBook gekauft oder einen stationren Mac-Computer? Vielleicht ist das ihr erster Computer oder Sie steigen um, da Sie zuvor einen Computer mit Microsoft Windows verwendet haben. Damit Sie unmittelbar und schnell Kompetenzen im Umgang mit dem Mac aufbauen knnen, habe ich den Kurs sorgfltig mit den wichtigsten Inhalten fr Sie vorbereitet. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Teilnahme!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Zeitmanagement-Techniken: Mehr vom Leben in 6 Schritten" |
"Dieser Kurs deckt eine Vielzahl sorgfltig ausgewhlter Methoden aus dem Bereich des Zeitmanagements ab und fhrt Schritt fr Schritt vor, welche Konzepte hinter den Methoden stehen und was getan werden muss, damit Sie diese Methode fr sich einsetzen knnen. Wissen zu psychologischen Effekten, zum Bio-Rhythmus, sowie zum Begegnen von Motivationslchern (oder dem inneren Schweinehund) ergnzen das Methodentraining ideal. Zu Beginn schafft der Bezug des Zeitmanagements zum Selbstmanagement das richtige Mindset, damit der sptere Einsatz der Methoden nicht zum Selbstzweck wird und am Ende mehr Zeit kostet statt Zeit zu sparen. Nach Hinten hin runden Empfehlungen zum Einsatz verschiedener Softwareanwendungen fr Computer und Smartphone zur Untersttzung beim Zeitmanagement den Kurs ab. Wichtiger Pluspunkt: Es geht nicht nur isoliert um die unterschiedlichen Methoden des Zeitmanagements, sondern auch um das Ineinandergreifen der Methoden fr ein ganzheitliches Selbst- und Zeitmanagement allein sowie im Team."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"CCNA to CCNP Transition: Working with Passwords and Telnet" |
"*** Part of the Complete Course: Cisco CCNA to CCNP Transition ***Whenever I taught CCNP in the class-room, I found that Students were confused about some topics or commands that they have studied in the CCNA course (with someone else!), and I had to clarify or re-explain these topics or commands to them. This is because these topics or commands are confusing by their nature, or because the way that they are typically explained to the students. Therefore, the idea of this course came in my mind, which intend to clarify those confusing topics or commands.This course contains two sections:Working with Passwords: which contains thoughts on passwords, understand the meaning of the no service-encryption command, and how to break the type 7 encryption.Working with Telnet: which contains how to work with telnet as source or destination, and how to telnet to a specific port.For example, when working with passwords: why do we have two ways to configure the enable password? and why both passwords used in these two ways must be different? Also how can we use the question mark as part of the password? Did you ever try to configure a password like that one?Another thing is does the no service password-encryption command disable encryption for current or future passwords? or may be both? And how can we break the type 7 encryption, so the encryption configured by the service password-encryption command? And for Telnet, we will see multiple ways of working with telnet as both the source and the destination, so how to return back to the original host without disconnecting the connection, how to show incoming connections on the destination and the outgoing connections on the source , and also the multiple ways of clearing these connections on either the source or the destination. Finally, we will see how to telnet to a specific port, so to check if BGP or HTTP are working on the remote host for example."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA Cyber Ops: Malware analysis using ELSA and PCAP Files" |
"***** Part of the best selling course: CCNA Cyber Ops Tools: Sec Onion, Wireshark, and Kali Linux *****It is estimated that there will be about 1.5 million unfilled jobs in cyber security by the year 2020. A more recent statistic increased this number for cyber security unfilled jobs to be 3.5 million by the year 2021. In addition, recent article highlights Cisco Systems intention to become a cyber security force. For these reasons, Cisco created the CCNA Cyber Ops certification, which can become one of the most certifications in demand in the near future. Furthermore, Cisco created a scholarship program for this certification, which emphasis its importance. In this course you will learn about the tools that you can use for your study of the CCNA Cyber Ops certification. Learning the theory side is important, but the hands on side is more important, since the main purpose of your study is to apply your knowledge in production, and since your hands on will enforce your theory knowledge. You can not teach someone how to drive a car by showing him or her how to do it, but you have to let him try and practice how to do that. Furthermore, showing you hands on labs and how to use tools without teaching you how to create these labs and install these tools, might not give you the ultimate benefit from your study . For this reason, I have created this course to teach you how to create your own home labs, and to understand the core usage and important features of the tools used in them. I believe in the saying: ""Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"". If you have access to online labs, such as that offered by Cisco through their scholarship, you still need to know how to create your own home labs to continue practicing and experimenting, which is what this course will help you to achieve. On the other hand, this course will prepare you to go through these online labs quickly, and with confidence, since you will be familiar with the tools used in them. And not just online labs, but any other hands on Cyber Ops courses, like what I intend to publish in the near future.In this course you will learn about how to use the tcpreplay command, and where to download PCAP files that can be used with this command to recreate network packets in order to practice with malware analysis using ELSA. You will go through the steps of log normalization,log summarization, and log aggregation.I hope that you will join me in this course and start your Cyber security journey. Happy learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel To Autocad" |
". . VBA . ( - -- -....)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autocad 2020 - 21 crash course" |
"learn AutoCAD from zero level. Start learning by drawing by your hand, through a lot of example drawings.These examples are chosen carefully as it starts with a level of beginner cad user and gradually upgrade to professional cad user level.Every mouse click you can see and hear.(you can see on the screen if I clicked right or left or middle mouse button).Every keyboard stroke you see and hear.(what ever key I press you can see in the screen)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microservicios con Spring Boot y Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Microservicios, aprenders lnea a lnea y desde cero como construir un arquitectura de microservicios con Spring Boot 2 y Spring Cloud, desde los conceptos ms bsicos hasta un completo ecosistema de servicios interconectados mediante el registro y escalamiento dinmico con Eureka (servidor de nombre) y Zuul (puerta de enlace), implementando balanceo de carga con Ribbon y tolerancia a fallos con Hystrix. Automatiza, escala y despliega en produccin los microservicios en contenedores Docker.Tambin aprenders a dar seguridad en Zuul y proteger nuestros endpoints de los diferentes microservicios con Spring Cloud Security (OAuth2 y JWT). Adems aprenders a centraliza toda la configuracin de los microservicios utilizando Spring Cloud Config Server y trazabilidad distribuida con Spring Cloud Sleuth y Zipkin. Durante el curso tambin trabajaremos con varios componentes del ecosistema de Spring como IoC, Spring MVC, RestController, Servicios Web RESTful, cliente HTTP con RestTemplate y Feing, Spring Data JPA e Hibernate para la persistencia y CRUD (crear, leer, actualizar y eliminar), usaremos bases de datos MySQL 8 y PostgreSQL, entre otros temas ms.Resumiendo aprenders a establecer la comunicacin entre microservicios, habilitar balanceo de carga, tolerancia a fallos, escalar hacia arriba y hacia abajo instancias de los microservicios, seguridad oauth2, despliegues en contenedores Docker y ms.Qu son los microservicios?Son un enfoque de arquitectura y organizacin para el desarrollo de aplicaciones compuestas por pequeos servicios autnomos que se comunican a travs de API RESTful, en otras palabras, nos permiten dividir nuestro gran sistema en una serie de componentes ms pequeos e independientes que colaboran entre si. La arquitectura de microservicios hace que las aplicaciones sean ms simples de escalar, ms rpidas de desarrollar y ms fcil de reutilizar. Donde cada servicio est diseado para un conjunto de funciones y se enfoca en resolver un problema especfico, por ejemplo un servicio desarrollado para una determinada funcin se puede usar como un componente bsico en otro microservicio.Porqu elegir nuestros cursos?Acceso 7 x 24 a nuestra Plataforma e-learning.Soporte online con profesor JavaAl finalizar recibes un certificado digitalSomos pioneros en brindarte este tipo de acceso para darte la libertad que necesitas para estudiar, donde quiera que te encuentres.Excelente relacin calidad-precio.Conocimiento aplicable a proyectos reales del mercado laboral.Atencin rpida y satisfactoria a las dudas por parte del profesor.Interactividad del curso ya que contiene foros y comunicacin para resolver dudas.Todos los materiales del curso estn en espaol y al finalizar recibes un diploma UDEMY digital certificando tu aprobacin con validez internacional y LinkedIn.Si quieres ser un desarrollador de arquitecturas de microservicios con Spring Boot 2 y Spring Cloud y avanzar al siguiente nivel, es casi obligatorio este curso, te invito a que te inscribas, nos vemos adentro."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Programacin Reactiva con Spring Boot 2 y Spring WebFlux" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Programacin Reactiva con Spring Boot 2, Spring WebFlux y Project Reactor, aprenders lnea a lnea y desde cero como construir aplicaciones reactivas sin bloqueo y asncronas con Spring Boot 2, Project Reactor y Spring WebFlux, desde los conceptos ms bsicos hasta un completo sistema conectado a base de datos NoSQL con MongoDB para implementar un CRUD (crear, leer, actualizar y eliminar) con relaciones de tablas usando el API Spring Data Mongo, subida de archivos, manejo de errores, validacin de formulario, programacin funcional, API RESTful reactivas, Functional Endpoints (Router Functions), Thymeleaf reactive, pruebas unitarias con JUnit y WebTestClient, consumir servicos RESTful con el cliente HTTP WebClient, Microservicios con Spring Cloud Eureka entre otros temas ms.Porqu elegir nuestros cursos?Acceso 7 x 24 a nuestra Plataforma e-learning.Soporte online con profesor JavaAl finalizar recibes un certificado digitalSomos pioneros en brindarte este tipo de acceso para darte la libertad que necesitas para estudiar, donde quiera que te encuentres.Excelente relacin calidad-precio.Conocimiento aplicable a proyectos reales del mercado laboral.Atencin rpida y satisfactoria a las dudas por parte del profesor.Interactividad del curso ya que contiene foros y comunicacin para resolver dudas.Todos los materiales del curso estn en espaol y al finalizar recibes un diploma UDEMY digital certificando tu aprobacin con validez internacional y LinkedIn.Si quieres dominar la programacin reactiva en Java con Reactor Project, Spring Boot y Spring WebFlux y avanzar al siguiente nivel, es casi obligatorio este curso, te invito a que te inscribas, nos vemos adentro."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 Ultimate Exam Training" |
"Pass AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam, and demonstrate a detailed understanding of cloud concepts, AWS services, security and compliance, architectural concepts, cloud pricing concepts, and support models. The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) examination is for anyone looking to learn and understand the core offerings of the Amazon AWS Cloud. It is intended for individuals who have no prior knowledge on Amazon AWS and who wish to progress their career by effectively demonstrating an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, its services and how it can help deliver cost-effective IT solutions to meet the demands of the business.October 2020 - UpdatesAt the IaaS Academy, we update our courses on a regular basis. Listed below are the updates for October 2020:Updated VideosSection 1 - Introduction to AWSSection 1-8 The AWS Global InfrastructureSection 3 - Amazon S3 Section 3-3 Create an S3 Bucket - labSection 14 - Billing & PricingSection 14-4 AWS Cost CalculatorsNew VideosSection 3 - Amazon S3Section 3-4 Amazon S3 Access Policies (Bucket Policies)Section 3-5 Amazon S3 VersioningSection 3-6 Amazon S3 Versioning - LabSection 3-7 Amazon S3 Cross-Region ReplicationSection 3-8 Configure S3 Cross-Region Replication - LabSection 3-9 Amazon S3 Lifecycle ManagementSection 10 - Machine LearningSection 10-1 Amazon RekognitionSection 10-2 Amazon PollySection 10-3 Amazon TranslateSection 10-4 Amazon TranscribeSection 10-5 Amazon ComprehendSection 10-6 Amazon SageMakerWhy Take This Course?This is a comprehensive course designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification as well as give you a full understanding of cloud computing and the various services offerings on AWS. Unlike the official AWS training course (which only covers the core concepts in 6 hours), this AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Ultimate Training is a fully comprehensive course. This course comes with tons of hands-on labs and demos which means that in addition to passing the exam, you will be able to start building real-world cloud solutions for your clients.We have closely aligned this course with the official AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide. This course is structured so that you can study at a pace that suits you best. We start with some basic cloud concepts and then move on to core AWS Services. Our approach is to build your knowledge from the ground up covering all core concepts and then moving onto the more advanced topics. Even if you are a beginner, our AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner training program introduction sections will ensure that you are brought up to speed and be able to take this course successfully. Each module builds on the previous one and you get an opportunity to fully appreciate and understand architectural concepts and design strategies for build cloud solutions.Our Training Offering to Maximize Your Exam Success!Bite-Size Videos: We know that you have other commitments including work and family. That's why our courses are split into modules with bite-size videos. Each concept is built upon the previous one and you can learn at your own pace. Theoretical Concepts: You can quickly study our theory lectures that are 100% conform with the CLF-C01 exam blueprint - everything you need to know to pass your exam first attemptGuided Hands-On Labs & Demos: To gain more practical experience with AWS services, we encourage you to carry out all our labs in your own AWS Free Tier Account. We also offer free instructor support if you get stuck, simply connect with us via the Udemy Q&AHigh-Quality Diagrams and Illustrations: We've spared no effort to create a highly visual training course with lots of diagrams, illustrations, animations to help you better understand the concepts. 14 Section Quizzes: At the end of each section you get to review your knowledge short quizzes2 Real-World Practice Exams: Simulate the real exam with our 2 real-world Practice Exams. The 130 unique practice questions are timed and scored mimicking the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AWS exam format, style, and difficulty.Detailed Explanations and Reference: Every question includes deep-dive reference links and detailed explanations that explain why each answer is correct or incorrect. Most questions also link to short You-Tube videos that explain the concepts further.Access to Course Lectures (PDF): All diagrams and slides presented throughout the course are available for download in PDF format. Use the Exam Cram document for last-minute exam preparationAlways Updated: Our teachings reflect the latest CLF-C01 exam blueprint. All students have lifetime access to all future updatesFree Instructor Support: Our team of AWS experts comprehensively respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedbackActive Udemy Q&A Board: Join the discussion on AWS related topics in our discussion forum where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were coveredWhat Do Other Students Say?Check out the excellent course reviews from our many students who passed their AWS exam with an average passing score of over 850!This is a great course to prepare for the AWS-CCP exam. I just cleared my exam yesterday with 949 score out of 1000. I would suggest getting the additional set of 3 practice exams that Rajesh has it to prepare well for the actual exam. Do go through the AWS Services and How Pricing Works white papers too.Complete and detailed course. With more practice tests, I feel ready for the exam. Thank you! If I may, at the end of each section, it would be good to have a short summary of the most important items to remember for the exam. NB: I took and passed the exam last week. I scored 949. Thanks again!Brilliant course! I am required by my company to get this certification and started on the AWS videos, which I found utterly dreadful. Then I found Rajesh's course and he's managed to get me very interested in all of these Cloud services. I've learned a LOT. Definitely recommend this course if you are looking for a comprehensive introduction into Cloud services and general IT architecture/services.Course DesignAt the IaaS Academy, we deliver courses that cover all theoretical concepts as well as hands-on demonstrations via labs and assignments to help you build your understanding of the technology stack. This course covers all the core AWS services in great detail and well as offers several lab demonstrations that you can then carry out in your AWS Free Tier account to build up that hands-on experience most employees demand.Course OutlineSection 1 - Introduction to AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 and Cloud ComputingSection 2 - AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)Section 3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Storage Gateway, and SnowballSection 4 - AWS Networking and Content DeliverySection 5 - AWS Compute ServicesSection 6 - AWS Database ServicesSection 7 - Amazon Route53 Section 8 - Application Integration ServicesSection 9 - AnalyticsSection 10 - Machine LearningSection 11 - Management & GovernanceSection 12 - SecuritySection 13 - The Well-Architected FrameworkSection 14 - Billing & PricingSection 15 - Book Your AWS ExamSection 16 - 2x Complete Real World Practice ExamsHow to take this course?Review the course videos and ensure you follow the training program through the sectionsCreate a Free AWS Tier AccountReview all our hands-on labs and ensure you practice the labs in your own Free Tier accountReview the recommended whitepapersTake our Practice Exams to gain the confidence you need to pass the official AWS Exam the first time.Reach out to us on the Udemy Q&A support if you are unsure of any concept being discussed in the training. Our AWS Instructors will respond to all AWS course-related topics within 8 Hours!YOUR INSTRUCTORHi, my name is Rajesh Daswani - I'll be your instructor for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Ultimate Exam Training. Cloud Computing and training are Passion - which is why I co-founded the IaaS Academy - where we offer both AWS & Microsoft 365 certification training resources that represent a higher quality standard than is otherwise available in the market. I created this comprehensive training course because many courses on the market seemed to only cover the core concepts. The actual exam expects you to know of all the AWS services, albeit at a very high level. I want you to ace your AWS exam and achieve your career goals. As my student, I want to ensure that you have everything you need not only to pass the exam but also have the hands-on experience of working on the AWS platform and be in a position to start building cloud solutions.You can always reach me via the Udemy Q&A, send me a message on the Udemy Messaging service, or connect with me on LinkedIn.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeAt Udemy, you are offered a full 30 Day Money back guarantee if you are not happy with this course. However, we are confident that you will find this course your go-to resource for all the study you need to breeze through the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CertificationBest of Luck"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams - 2020" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud service provider and companies across the globe seek talented IT Professionals with extensive knowledge and hands on expertise on the AWS platform. The AWS Certification tracks enables IT Professionals to validate their expertise and prove their knowledge on AWS which increases their demand substantially from companies across the globe AWS Certifications are one of the top paying IT Certifications consistently over the last 5 years.The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate S0A-C01 examination is intended to validate your technical expertise in deployment, management, and operations on AWS. This exam tests your knowledge as a SysOps Administrator in your ability to:Deploy, manage, and operate scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWSImplement and control the flow of data to and from AWSSelect appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirementsIdentify appropriate use of AWS operational best practicesEstimate AWS usage costs and identify operational cost control mechanismsMigrate on-premises workloads to AWSThe AWS Certified SysOps Administrator S0A-C01 - Practice Exam 2019 is an excellent revision tool. With the help of this AWSExam Simulator from the IaaS Academy, you will be able to test you readiness for the official AWS exams. In addition, the questions will help you identify key services and concepts that you need to study for the exam. If you get a question wrong, then our answer explanations will guide you to the correct answer and this will further enable you to identify concepts that you need to understand before taking the official AWS exam. Reference links are provided to encourage you to study the concepts in detail and gain the confidence you need to pass this exam with ease.IaaS Academy Practice Exam Simulator for the AWSCertified SysOps Administrator Associate (SOA-C01) Features:195 New &Unique Questions - Across three complete premium exams with 65 UNIQUE questions and a 130-minute time limit for each exam.Question Response Types - Multiple-choice questions which has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors) and Multiple-response questions which has two correct responses out of five/six optionsSimulates Real Exam Environment - With a timed encasement and questions designed for the latest SOA-C01 syllabus to help you ace the official AWS exam!Answer Explanations and Reference Links - Our answer explanations enable students to quickly understand the concepts they must learn and we provide officialAWSdocumentation links as well as links to our free exam tips and blog articles to help you with your revision.Question Updates - We update our question bank every month with new questions and based on the feedback of students on what appeared on the actual exam, as well as through our extensive research from official AWS courses.Q&A Discussion Board - Our team of instructors at the IaaS Academy address all your issues and questions within 24 hours.Test Results &Reporting - Track your progress and review test categories you need to improve onAnswer and Concept Validation - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer. You can also also post to the QA section so we can discuss any exam topic for free.Word of AdviceThese AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice exams have a passing score of 72%. However, we strongly recommend that you repeat taking these exams again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Remember, we welcome questions on the Q&A board to discuss any exam topic in detail. Even the official AWSPractice Exams do not offer this service! Best of luck!IaaS Academy"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Secure System Hacking" |
"Uno de los mejores cursos de seguridad informtica, donde aprenders como es que un simple error en un sistema puede comprometer toda una infraestructura.Todo lo aprenders desde 0, sin importar si los sistemas tienen los ltimos parches de seguridad y de la mano de un experto en el tema.Al terminar el curso, tendrs la capacidad para realizar pentesting, desarrollar sistemas seguros, reportar vulnerabilidades, investigar ataques y otras disciplinas indispensables para un hacker completo."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Mind With Meditation (Full Training)" |
"You will learn powerful skills in ancient meditation techniques that help us solve problems, sharpen the mind, and find calm in difficult situations.This is a crash course in teaching you how to start a daily and correct meditation practice which will help you in your work and in life. This Course is a must for anyone who wishes to practice meditation effectively.Topics of this course include:a description of all of the different types of meditation,conditions of the environment conducive to meditation,the parts of a meditation practice,the preliminaries to undertake prior to meditating,the eight-point meditation posture,A selection of meditations for understanding what makes success happen.the five problems which occur within meditation,the eight corrections to those problems, andMeasures of progress in developing mental focus the Nine Levels of meditation;.ingredients for a great meditation practiceThis is primarily a practice-oriented class that is centered on actually sitting down and trying to focus the mind. So we will be practicing actual meditation training, both in and out of the class."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests" |
"Kubernetes is one of the highest trending technology in Cloud Computing as of today. Kubernetes had the fastest growth in job searches, over a 173% from a year before as reported recently by a survey conducted by Indeed.Learn, practice, and get certified on Kubernetes with hands-on labs right in your browser.""I have compared this to other courses at Udemy and Linux Academy. All have the strengths and gaps, so far this is a winner!"" - Thomas Trauss, StudentLearningKubernetesis essential for any DevOps professional. DevOps engineers are always in demand. Currently the average Silicon Valley salary for a DevOps engineer is 20% higher than what a software engineer makes. DevOps engineers make an average of $140,000 to $200,000 annually.And One of the most in-demand skills isKubernetes Administration.Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Simplify Complex TechnologyKubernetesis at the cutting-edge of application deployment. To elevate your DevOps career, learn how to effectively deploy applications on Kubernetes.This course helps you gain the knowledge required to design and deploy cloud native applications on a Kubernetes cluster. A series of well designed lectures with animation and illustration help you understand complex concepts easily. Practice! Practice! Practice!Lectures alone wont help you clear the certification.The Kubernetes Certification is a practical hands-on exam. You need hands-on experience, you need to get fast and you need practice. That is what our integrated hands-on lab experience gives you. Our coding quizzes can be accessed right in your browser without having to setup any lab environment yourself. We validate your work and give you feedback instantly. Preview few lab exercises for Free!!After you have completed the lectures and coding exercises you will have the opportunity to complete a series of assignments that put your new skills to the test. You will be given a challenge to solve using the Kubernetes skills you have learned.This will give you real-world experience and the chance to work with other students in the community.You will develop a Kubernetes deployment and get feedback for your work. Join Our Community!Once you enroll in the course, you will get access to our community of teachers and learners on Slack where we discuss important topics, tips and tricks to pass the exam. This is a great place for you to clear your doubts and get answers for your questions instantly.This course is the best way to get Certified in Kubernetes for an Absolute Beginner.Dont waste any more time wondering what course is best for you. Youve already found it. Get started right away!""Straight to the point, covers the necessary to take the exam with some additional practice. Very good course and very good teacher. Top notch! Update: I passed the exam using this course!"" - Christopher Williamson, Student, UdemyLegal Notice:Kubernetes and the Kubernetes logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Linux Foundation. in the United States and/or other countries. The Linux Foundationand other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Kubernetes orThe Linux Foundation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lgica de Programao para Data Science e AI com Python" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender os Fundamentos de Lgica de Programao, para ter os fundamentos para iniciar uma carreira em Cincia de Dados como Cientista de Dados ou Analista de Dados. Entre os assuntos abordados, voc vai aprender:Fundamentos de PythonDeclarao de variveisEntrada e sada de dadosEstruturas de DecisoEstruturas de RepetioOrientao a ObjetosListasFunesCriao de Funes de Data ScienceConsumo de Funes de Data ScienceAinda, o curso possui uma atividade prtica final, onde voc deve desenvolver um programa para implementar um funo de analise de dados para Cincia de Dados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"O Guia Completo de Carreira em Data Science e AI" |
"Transformei 10 anos de experincia buscando e ajudando empresas a buscar profissionais para a rea de Cincia de Dados em um curso! Aqui voc vai ver dicas valiosas para entrar no mercado de trabalho de uma das profisses mais promissoras da atualidade: O que estudarComo se prepararComo buscar uma posio Como se destacar no mercado de trabalhoDicas para empregos remotos e no exteriorUm guia completo para baixar em formato pdfVoc ainda pode receber dicas personalizadas do professor!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Data Science e AI: 300 Testes de Conhecimento em 3 Nveis" |
"Avalie seus conhecimentos ou se prepare para entrevistas ou testes de seleo com 300 questes divididas em 3 nveis de dificuldade:fceis, intermedirias e difceis.As questes englobam todas as rea da Cincia de Dados:Estatstica e ProbabilidadeMachine Learning e Deep Learning - Conceitos GeraisAlgoritmos de Machine LearningGrafos Processamento de Linguagem NaturalGrficos e Visualizao de DadosMais informaes:As questes possuem explicaes e soluesOs testes so independentes de linguagem de programaoAs questes fceis no requerem clculos matemticosAs questes intermedirias podem requerer clculos fceisAs questes difceis podem requerer resoluo de frmulas e clculos mais complexosOs testes podem ser refeitos quantas vezes quiserVoc tem 3 horas para fazer cada um dos 3 testesDe uma maneira geral, aplicado a testes para processos de seleo, considere:Oteste fcil para vagas de analista de dados/cientista de dados JniorOteste intermedirio para vagas de analista de dados/cientista de dados PlenoOteste difcil para vagas de analista de dados/cientista de dados Snior"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial Para Todos com Excel" |
"Este curso para voc que quer aprender Cincia de Dados usando um dos softwares mais utilizados do mundo: Excel!Durante o curso, voc vai acompanhar o dia a dia de uma empresa rea fictcia, a Anova Airlines, e ver como diversos problemas da empresa podem ser resolvidos usando tcnicas de Cincia de Dados e Excel.Os problemas apresentados so:Aumentando a lucratividade com Programao GenticaPrevendo as vendas a partir de investimento em anncios com RegressoEntendendo e projetando o desempenho do seu negcio com Sries TemporaisAvaliando seus clientes com Machine LearningAvaliando riscos de quebra de equipamentos com Distribuio de PoissonBuscando indcios de fraudes contbeis com Lei de BenfordEncontrando pagamentos duplicados com Fuzzy LookupAvaliando se os produtos mais caros so os melhores com Anova e Teste tSegmentando clientes para campanhas com ClustersPotencializando vendas com Sistemas de RecomendaoCada mdulo, alm da explicao do problema, apresenta uma explicao prtica sobre a tcnica, alm da implementao do projeto passo a passo no ExcelVoc ainda pode baixar na plataforma do curso as planilhas de exemplos e os slides das aulas.Voc vai instalar alguns suplementos no seu Excel durante o curso, mas eles so gratuitos e seguros (produzidos pela prpria Microsoft)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Formao Engenheiro de Dados: Domine Big Data!" |
"O mais completo e acessvel curso para voc entrar ou se especializar no mundo dos Dados!O Engenheiro de Dados o profissional que constri, mantm e disponibiliza dados em empresas. Com ambientes cada vez mais complexos, este profissional deve conhecer diversas estruturas e tecnologias de dados. Neste curso, voc vai ter um panorama geral sobre as principais modelos e tecnologias de dados que encontramos no mundo da cincia de dados, entre outras coisas, voc vai estudar:Modelos Relacionais: Operao. Com PostgresqlModelos Dimensionais: Tomada de Deciso. Com PostgresqlNoSQL: Dados semi-estruturados com MongoDB e RedisProcessamento em Batch, com Hadoop, Sqoop, Hive e PigIngesto de Dados com FlumeProcessamento em Tempo Real com SparkStreaming de Dados com Spark StreamingAspectos Gerais: Projetos e RiscosProjeto Prtico: Faa voc mesmo!Curso Bsico de LinuxO curso ainda contm dezenas de atividades de fixao com quizes e atividades prticas de codificao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SQL para Big Data: Ecossistema Hadoop com Hive e Impala" |
"Hive e Impala so ferramentas que abstraem a complexidade por traz do ambiente Hadoop, permitindo o armazenamento e a execuo de consultas sobre o ambiente utilizando consultas SQL ao invs de programao em Java. Alm de tornar o uso do ambiente mais amigvel, as ferramentas aproveitam todo o poder de processamento do MapReduce e do armazenamento distribudo do HDFS. Neste curso voc vai aprender elementos importantes como :Arquitetura do Hive e do ImpalaHiveQL: a linguagem SQL totalmente compatvel com MySQLIngesto de dados estruturados em ambiente HadoopTcnicas de otimizao, como particionamento, vetorizao e CBOUso do Hive com engine de processamento do SparkConsultas interativas e em tempo real com ImpalaO curso mescla teoria e pratica, em um ambiente configurado para processamento Big Data."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Matrisez LearnyBox de A Z - La Formation 100% Complte" |
"LearnyBox est une plateforme elearning avanc ultra complte, cest larme absolue du web marketeur, vritable machine de guerre ou vous pouvez crer:Des landing pages aux dsigne professionnels. Des minis sites web pour prsenter vos produits Des tunnels de vente automatiss. Des tests A/B. Des espaces membres. Des campagnes demails. Un programme daffiliation. Des confrences en ligne.Grer une quipe de coachs Et tout cela sans rien connatre la technique, sans plugin, sans devoir faire appel un dveloppeur. Vous pouvez faire des choses que quasiment personne ne ralise sur le web franais, cest--dire des partages de tunnels de vente une de vos connaissances en un clic et a, cest assez grandiose. Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez crer des tunnels ( entonnoir de vente ) qui boostent vos ventes et permettent de rentabiliser vos campagnes publicitaires. Au programme de cette formation LearnyBox : Vous y dcouvrirez le cur de la bte et ses bases, mais aussi tous les lments indispensables la cration d'un tunnel profitable ds le 1er euro investi. A l'issu de cette formation LearnyBox, vous serez mme de crer votre premier tunnel en 5 minutes chrono. J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouves que jaie personnellement utilises pour faire des centaines de ventes. Ce programme de 34 vidos live inclut, ou je vous montre depuis mon compte LearnyBox les manipulations raliser. Vous aurez ainsi une premire vue sur les fonctionnalits caches de LearnyBox, leurs configurations, la manire d'organiser les tunnels, les lments vitaux mettre en place avant de commencer annoncer. Ce programme vous permettra enfin d'conomiser des heures tenter de comprendre LearnyBox et ses multitudes d'options. Vous aurez ainsi la garantie de gagner du temps et de rapidement crer des tunnels qui convertissent vos prospects en clients."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Growth Hackez les rseaux sociaux avec Jarvee" |
"Vous tes sur le point d'avoir entre les mains un logiciel de dingue qui va littralement exploser votre businessAvant de commencer rpondez franchement ces questions:En avez - vous assez de payer de la publicit Facebook, Adword, YouTube pour trouver des clients ?tes-vous fatigu de sans cesse passer du temps optimiser vos publicits pour de faibles marges ?En avez-vous assez de travailler comme un esclave pour finalement gagner des clopinettes ?Si vous, vous reconnaissez alors bienvenu au club des foras du web, et si vous ne changer pas de stratgie vous aller finir par vous puisez et mettre la cl sous la porte.Et pourtant:Il y a des entrepreneurs qui ont une russite insolente sans dpenser 1 euro en publicit, ces entrepreneurs utilisent des techniques de growth hacking pour exploser leur business. Le probleme c'est que pour mettre en place ces techniques il faut bidouiller, mais plus maintenant grce jarvee une machine de guerre va vous permettre de faire des growth hacks qui taient autrefois compliquer, et bien plus encore.Avec jarvee vous allez growth hacker vos rseaux sociaux, les mettent en pilotage automatique, pour attirer des milliers de visiteurs que vous allez transformer en clients, adieu la pub, vous avez du trafic GRATUIT volont.Vous voulez 1000 followers en 2 jours sur votre compte Instagram il y a Jarvee pour a.Vous voulez des prospects gratuit sur Facebook pour remplir votre chatbot il y a Jarvee pour a.Vous voulez 500 likes par jours, envoyer des messages automatiques, scraper le contenu de vos concourants il y a Jarvee pour a. Prt pour l'aventure ?Dans cette formation sur Jarvee, je vais vous montrez comment matriser cette machine de guerre, je vais vous prendre par la main et on va ensemble pas pas automatiser vos rseaux sociaux, et mettre en place des growth hacks qui vos vous amenez des milliers de visiteurs et exploser votre business.Voici le programme:Je vais d'abord vous montrez comment installer jarvee, sur PC et MAC aussi que les premires fonctionnalits, vous aurez une liste des outils don vous aurez besoin si vous dcider d'utiliser Jarvee de faon industrielle, je vous montrerais ou trouver un VPN gratuit scuriser, ou acheter des proxies, captcha, et les spin syntax.Ensuite nous verrons ensemble comment mettre vos rseaux sociaux en pilotage automatique, je vous montrerais le rglage indispensable pour voler en dessous des crans radars, et les diffrentes fonctionnalits, la fin de ce module vos rseaux sociaux seront automatiss.Puis nous verrons comment programmer des campagnes de contenu afin de fidliser votre audience.Une fois que vous matriserez Jarvee, je vous apprendrais trois growth hacks pour exploser votre business.Enfin en bonus, je vous montrerais trois ides de business que vous pourrez mettre en place et faire vos premires ventes, mme si vous partez de Zro.Ce programme structurer vous permettra de comprendre rapidement le fonctionnement de Jarvee, vous aurez ainsi la garantie de ne pas travailler pour rien et de faire monter en puissance votre business.Commencez ds maintenant votre formation en cliquant sur le bouton en haut droite."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer une boutique Shopify qui CARTONNE en Dropshipping" |
"Shopify, Shopify, Shopify ... C'est l'outil pour crer des boutique en dropshipping qui m'a le plus impressionn.ACTUELLEMENT accdez la formation gratuitement avec le code GRATUITSHOPIVous voulez vous lancer en dropshipping, mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer ?Vous tes dbutant et ne savez pas coder, vous avez fait appel un webmaster, mais son prix n'est pas dans vos moyensVous avez un petit budget et vous cherchez une solution peu coteuse et facile prendre en mainShopify est la plate-forme de e-commerce idale qui vous permet de crer vos propres boutiques en ligne. Contrairement aux solutions e-commerces, dropshipping classiques dveloppes en open source.Dans cette formation, je vais vous apprendre tape par tape comment crer une boutique Shopify Dropshipping en 1 heure avec absolument zro code ou exprience sur Shopify! l'issu de cette formation, vous serez a mme de crer votre premire boutique shopify et commencer annoncer.Je vais vous prendre par la main et vous guider tape par tape dans la mise en place de votre boutique, vous aurez juste a regarder les vidos, les mettre en pause, puis appliquer.Rien de compliquer justes des tapes suivre.Voici le programme:Vido 1:Pourquoi ShopifyVido 2:Comment ouvrir un compteVido 3:Prsentation de la plateformeVido 4:Comment installer un nom de domaineVido 5:Comment installer le pixel Facebook et Google AnalytiqueVido 6:Comment installer PayPal et StripeVido 7:Comment paramtrer le bon de commandeVido 8:Comment paramtrer la lexpditionVido 9:Comment paramtrer les taxes et notificationVido 10:Comment crire les mentions lgales, CGV, politique de confidentialit, excet..Vido 11:Comment se crer logo professionnel facilementVido 12:Comment installer un themeVido 13:Comment customiser votre themeVido 14:Comment installer un blogVido 15:Comment installer une collectionVido 16:Comment ajouter un produitVido 17:Oberlo - comment ajouter des produits a votre boutiqueVido 18:Oberlo - Comment envoyer les commendes votre clientVido 19:Comment crer un code promoVido 20:Comment ajouter de la preuve social vos produitsAu total 20 vidos pour 2 heures de diffusion, votre avantage:UN GAIN DE TEMPSJ'ai cr cette formation Shopify dans le souci de la rendre acccible tous. Je vous montrerais comment crer un magasin Shopify en dropshipping en seulement une heure! Vous aurez votre superbe boutique et vous matriserez Oberlo et Shopify ds aujourd'hui!DES CONOMIES TONNANTESLe dropshipping peut paratre compliqu, mais avec Shopify c'est tout l'inverse avec un peu de crativit, vous pouvez vous construire la boutique Shopify de vos rve et commencer un business en dropshipping rentable sans devoir dpenser des fortunes.CONU POUR LES DBUTANTSCette formation de dropshipping avec Shopify a t pense pour les dbutants pour vous guider pas pas. Vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir cod ou d'tre un crack de l'informatique, mais juste suivre les vidos, les mettres en pauses et appliqu, c'est simple et c'est la grande force de Shopify.SUPPORTUn probleme quelque chose que vous n'aviez pas compris, Je suis l pour vous aider avec tous les problmes que vous pourriez rencontrer. Postez vos questions et je rpondrai vos demandes sur la formation shopify ds que possible.LA FLEXIBILITCe cours vous apprend faire n'importe quelle boutique en ligne avec Shopify et le dropshipping. Vous n'tes pas limit un style spcifique ou un site Shopify. Vous tes libre de crer tout ce que vous voulez en utilisant les outils utiliss dans ce cours Dropshipping Shopify. J'ai hte de vous voir dans ce cours pour apprendre le dropshipping avec Shopify !Cliquez sur le bouton, <<ACHETEZ DES MAINTENANT>> et on se retrouve tout de suite de l'autre ct"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5euros - les secrets des FREELANCES succs" |
"5euros, 5euros, 5euros ils en parlent tous, mais quelle est cette plateforme ?Vous souhaitez travailler domicile, ou gnrer un complment de revenus, bonne nouvelle il y 5euros pour a.Aujourd'hui grce internet et l'uberisation des services vous aussi vous pouvez gagner votre vie, ou arrondir vos fin de mois, grce 5euros qui est accessible tous mme si vous n'avez pas de comptences particulires.Oui, mais !Il y a trop de concurrence.Je n'ai pas de comptences.Je ne sais pas par o commencer.C'est du pipo.Tout comme vous je suis arriv sur 5euros un peu par hasard pour tester une ide de business, les dbuts n'ont pas t faciles et j'ai pens comme tout le monde qu'il tait difficile de se faire une place, et puis j'ai appris, j'ai persvr et aujourdhui je peux vous certifier que je gagner de largent sur 5euros, alors pourquoi pas vous.Dans cette formation je vous propose de recopier les meilleurs vendeurs afin de vous faire gagner du temps et de l'argent, vous n'aurez qu' suivre les diffrentes tapes et serez mme de faire vos premires ventes.Voici le programme:Dans le premier module, je vais vous expliquer pourquoi 5euros est une opportunit de business ne pas manquer, je vous expliquerais pourquoi vous pouvez gagner de l'argent mme sans comptences.Dans le second module, nous verrons comment utiliser l'interface de 5euros, comment prsenter votre profil de faon professionnel et comment crer votre premier micro service.Dans le troisime module, je vous montrerais comment trouver des niches rentables et quel service proposer si vous n'avez pas de comptence, nous verrons ensemble pourquoi multiplier vos services afin de vous donner toutes les chances de russir sur 5euros.Dans le quatrime module, je vous montrerais comment prsenter votre service de faon attirer l'attention, je vous montrerais comment vous dmarquer de la concurrence et comment rdiger une offre qui se vend, vous apprendrez les diffrentes options proposer pour tripler votre chiffre d'affaires, et comment mettre en place un upsell qui est le secret bien garder des meilleurs vendeurs de 5euros.Dans le dernier module, nous verrons les diffrentes sources de trafiques et comment analyser vos statistiques affin d'amliorer vos conversions.Cette formation vous fera gagner un temps prcieux pour comprendre le succs des meilleurs vendeurs, vous aurez la garantie de ne pas perdre de temps, mais au contraire de dmarrer rapidement un business de freelance lucratif, en recopiant les meilleurs vendeurs de 5euros.Cliquez sur le bouton << acheter ds maintenant >> en haut droite et on se retrouve tout de suite."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Structures and Algorithms Coding Interview Q&A" |
"Want to Master a Coding Interview in one of the largest technology companies in the world?Want to go from Zero to Expert in Data Structures & Algorithms?Want to know how to approach every coding problem and get the best solution?Most of the world's leading technology companies have a similar interview process. The key part of them is the coding interview, and the only way to ace it is having the correct knowledge about Data Structures and how to code not just to solve a problem, but also coding the most efficient solution. In this course you will learn all this content from scratch!This course starts from scratch, you don't need to know anything about this amazing topic!Most of the developers struggle a lot when they have to work with Data Structures and really efficient Algorithms. That's why we created this complete course about it. Buy once, get this incredible knowledge forever!We're gonna go from the very basic Data Structures like Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues to the advanced ones like Hashing, Trees, Graphs and brilliant techniques that are used by the best developers in the world like Dynamic Programming and the Divide & Conquer Paradigm.This is the course I wanted to have available when I learned this topic. Now it's yours for a few dollars!Note: The coding examples of this course are coded using Java. However, each example is explained line by line and knowing just the basics of any programming language is enough. If you have never coded in Java, there's a section with some examples to understand the syntax, so you'll be absolutely fine!Join the most comprehensive course about Data Structures & Algorithms on Udemy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover GrowthHacks with Digital Marketing (2020)" |
"Growth Hacking is considered to be the 'NEXT LEVEL' thing in Digital Marketing. Join the most Happening & latest (2020) Course on Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing. This course will help Boost your Business, Profession and Career to the next level.Discover how big enterprises like LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Uber, Snapchat, Twitter started and the growth hacking techniques they followed and implemented in the initial stages of their startup. Learn Growthhacks, Growth Hacking Tools, Digital Marketing tools, Marketing strategy, Growth hack marketing & Growth marketing.The course consists of short & precise videos to learn Growth Hacking the most effective methods to be used in any online Marketing Business. If you are a Business owner, a Digital Marketer or a student, then you don't want to miss out this opportunity to learn the power of these cool Growth Hacking techniques which can boost the conversion rate, sales, lead generation, Opt-in rate upto 200+%.The Bonus section includes specific Growth Hacking tools related to SEO, Traffic Acquisition, Lead & Customer Acquisition, Market & user research, Social Media etc. Take a look at some of our 5 star Google reviews below: Excellent course. Highly recommended. Sessions are very interactive and easy to follow - Nishad The Trainer has got in depth understanding of the subject and sessions were planned in a structured way and it was a great learning experience - Shivam An extremely well planned course, which enables in-depth practical knowledge of all aspects of digital marketing - Hemanth The amount of quality information on this course is unmatched - JasonLearn from a Digital Marketing Trainer, Graphic Designer, Growth Hacker, Kapil Chopra (Google Adwords, Analytics, Microsoft Bing, Twitter flight school & Social Media certified from HubSpot Academy). All Videos are on-screen so anyone can easily learn and implement it. Note: The course is frequently updated and new resources, links, Pdf's are added regularly. See you inside !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sistema de Inventario de Activos con Visual Basic .NET y SQL" |
"En este curso aprenders a desarrollar un sistema para el control de inventarios de activos fijos de una empresa. Podrs llevar el control de todos los activos fijos, Podrs saber en cualquier momento el lugar en el que se encuentra asignado cualquier activo de la empresa. Al finalizar el curso ya podrs desarrollar un sistema con la arquitectura Cliente Servidor, significa que el sistema lo puedes utilizar en una Red LAN para poderlo tener en toda la empresa y pueda ser accesado por cualquier empleado que tenga los niveles de acceso para el sistema. El sistema a desarrollar incluye los siguientes Mdulos.UsuariosEmpleadosDepartamentos (Registrar Departamentos de la empresa)Artculos (Activos Fijos)Marcas (Registro de Marcas para los activos)Asignacin de Activos a EmpleadosDar de Baja Activos de EmpleadosReportesEntre otras mejoras que se irn realizando El sistema se desarrolla desde cero por lo tanto no se incluye cdigo fuente del sistema final, la idea es que practiques haciendo.Accede a mi sitio web."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |