Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"API REST em Node.JS aplicando testes (TDD) desde o princpio" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso API Rest em NodeJS aplicando testes (TDD) desde o incio. Nesse curso vamos, inicialmente, aprender a montar o nosso ambiente de desenvolvimento, configurar o VSCode, e trabalhar com o lint para garantir a padronizao dos nossos cdigos. Em seguida, apresentarei o bsico do Jest para criarmos os nossos testes... a partir da vamos criar um teste e desenvolver a nossa aplicao at o teste passar. E assim ser ao longo do curso, um teste de cada vez, uma funcionalidade de cada vez, evoluindo sempre com segurana, pois configuraremos nossos testes de tal forma que toda a API ser testada sempre que voc salvar algum arquivo. Caso algo deixe de funcionar, com um simples Ctrl+Z ser possvel retornar normalidade de antes.Durante o curso, iremos criar a APIde um gerenciador financeiro onde, no lado dos testes, apresentarei diversos recursos do Jest para fazer assertivas e estruturar nossos testes. J no lado do desenvolvimento, trabalharemos com vrias bibliotecas famosas como o Express para criar o nosso servidor, o Passport e JWT para autenticao, Knex e Postgres para migrao e consultas ao banco de dados, alm de outras.Importante ressaltar que os testes no sero a nvel unitrio, faremos todas as verificaes diretamente nos servios. O que far o teste mais real, pois o fluxo passar desde a chamada da URL, passando pelo roteamento, regras de negcio e banco de dados. Porm trar dificuldades extras como a necessidade de possuir o ambiente sempre atualizado e a necessidade de gerenciar a massa de dados necessrios para os testes, isso tambm ser abordado no curso.Abraos e nos vemos na prxima aula, at l!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Testando API Rest com REST-assured" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de Testes de APIRest com Rest-assured.Nesse curso, iremos aprender a fazer requisies em APIsRest, utilizando um framework em JAVAmuito poderoso que o RESTAssured. Com ele, ser possvel fazermos requisies com todos os tipos de verbos disponveis na especificao REST, enviar dados de cabealho, cookie, enfim, criar diversos cenrios para atender s nossas demandas de testes.O curso ir te dar uma boa base dos conceitos e padres da API Rest. Alm de fazer requisies no seu sistema, voc ser capaz de realizar diversas validaes, desde as mais simples, at buscar um atributo bem especfico no meio de uma resposta gigante. Iremos trabalhar com os formatos Json e XML principalmente, mas tambm faremos algumas brincadeiras at com HTML.Tambm iremos aprender a converter Maps e objetos para Json e objetos para XML. Trabalhar com upload e download de arquivos, autenticao das mais diversas formas e, ao final do curso, testar uma aplicao real (a API do gerenciador financeiro usada nos cursos de testes de aplicaes web e mobile - SeuBarriga). Com isso, poderemos validar os nossos conceitos e enfrentar alguns desafios extras como o gerenciamento de massa de dados ao longo de uma sute de testes.O curso 100% prtico, onde trarei problemas, situaes e os erros mais comuns que ocorrem no dia-a-dia, assim poderemos discutir sobre formas de como atuar em cada caso, tentando levantar os prs e contras de cada estratgia disponvel.Ao final desse curso, voc ter uma boa base para desenvolver seus testes de forma rpida, estruturada e segura."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"how to make simple amplifier" |
"hello friends ..welcome to my new video tutorial for How to make simple amplifier.this tutorial will guide you in simple way to make a good quality sound audio amplifier. you can use this amplifier with you laptop or desktopor mobile and ipod,mp3 player devices. lets talk about tutorial :you can divide this tutorial in 3 major sections :1 how to make power supply section in your amplifier 2 how to do wiring for input and output and power section in IC 4440.3 how to add controls in IC 4440.i have also uploaded diagram which is easy to understand before you start soldering.i have use 1 ampere transformer (12-0-12) to make single 4440 ic in amplifier but ifyou want to use two 4440 ic then i recommend use 2 ampere 12-0-12 transformer.this amplifier will produce good quality sound with minimum component which make this tutorial easy to understand.i have separate loaded all components soldering video to understand clearly eachstep of soldering. finally you can follow how to add controls in your amplifier. this section make moreuseful your amplifier.all above sections are described in this tutorial is tested and working. this amplifierwill ready in very low cost."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chess Tactics Essentials" |
"Are you a beginning or hobby chess player who wants to start winning a LOT more games? "Chess is 99 percent tactics." - Richard Teichmann This course breaks down the most frequent (yet powerful!) chess tactics so that anybody can pick them up and employ them against their opponents. You will be learning these powerful chess tactics from a professional chess coach of more than 10 years who truly takes his students results seriously. Each lecture has a companion PDF in the supplementary materials section which is highly recommended to be studied with the lecture over-the-board. Students who use both the video lecture and its PDF companion will reap the best rewards in terms of their playing level and tactical ability but simply watching the lectures alone will still substantially boost any chess player's tactical level and practical results. If you need an extra nudge into the course, just listen to some of my wonderful student's kind words! :) By the way you give great lessons, my elo raised by 50 in 2 days of following your videos and posts, great stuff, keep it up! - N. Tomasevic (Serbia) You are a wonderful chess coach. Your passion for the game and dedication to your students improvement are only some of the factors as to why more people need such great guidance. I only had like 10 lessons with you and in less than 3 weeks my rating jumped 200-300 points on chess dot com. - E. Franca (Australia) To have a one on one conversation with Brendan is like having my mind open tenfold. His patience, knowledge, enthusiasm, perseverance, speed of thought have me in awe. Youre not playing chess if you havent talked to Brendan. I have regained speed of thought through his coaching, and, yes, points too. - T. Kaufman (France) Ready to get started? Click "Take this course" now and we'll begin!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Perfekte Instagram Fotos mit Presets in Lightroom+Snapseed" |
"Schnere Bilder die herausstechen, in weniger Zeit. Das Hauptziel dieses Kurses ist: Bessere Bilder in krzerer Zeit bearbeiten. So hast du mehr Zeit fr alles was dir richtig Spa macht.Mit Adobe Lightroom Presets und den Snapseed Looks bekommst du die perfekte Basis fr einzigartige Ergebnisse. Damit wirst du deinen eigenen Style entwickeln.Du kannst deine eigenen Presets abspeichern und in wenigen Sekunden auf hunderte Fotos in deiner Sammlung anwenden. Seite an Seite gehen wir gemeinsam durch:BildaufbauEquipmentShootingdayNachbearbeitungPresetsAdobe Lightroom CCAdobe Lightroom MobileSnapseed AppDer nchste Schritt Wir nehmen dich auf einen Fototag von @alexanderandnatalia mit und zeigen dir wie wir selbst unsere Bilder machen.Danach bearbeiten wir gemeinsam in allen drei Programmen ein Bild von diesem Shooting. Du wendest Schritt fr Schritt die Presets auf deine Bilder an. Von da arbeitest du weiter und entwickelst deinen eigenen Style. Presets sind die perfekte Ausgangsbasis und erhhen deine Geschwindigkeit bei der Bildbearbeitung enorm. Wir schenken dir 5 Presets von uns:5x Presets fr Adobe Lightroom CC5x Presets fr Adobe Lightroom Mobile5x Presets/Looks fr Google Snapseed (fr IOS & Android)Wir sehen uns im Kurs! Bis bald, Alex"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Fame: [10.000 ECHTE] Follower auf Instagram" |
"GEWINNE SOFORT DEINE ERSTEN 1000 FOLLOWER AUF INSTAGRAM... UNDMEHR!WACHSE WEITER MIT EINER GEZIELTEN INSTAGRAM STRATEGIE UND HERAUSRAGENDEN INHALTEN.WERDE ZUM WAHREN INSTAGRAMSTAR!Schritt fr Schritt:Week 1: Wie funktioniert Instagram?Setze deinen Instagram Account von Anfang an professionell auf [Name, Profilbild, Instagram Bio, Business Account]. Triff die richtigen strategischen Entscheidungen [Nische,Zielgruppe, Ziele, Konkurrenten] und baue sofort dein Business auf.Week 2: Dein Instagram ContentHandle strategisch und zielorientiert. Erstelle die besten Inhalte [Fotos, Videos, Stories, IGTV] und bewege deine Follower mit authentischer Schnheit [Foto- und Video Produktion und Bearbeitung], professionellem Style [Instagram Template] und ausdrucksstarken Texten [Bildbeschreibung]. Nutze bewusst Instagram Hashtags, poste zu den richtigen Zeiten und plane alles im Voraus [Planungs-Tools].Week 3: 10.000 Follower auf Instagram! (und mehr)Nutze geprfte Wachstumsstrategien und gewinne jeden Tag neue Instagram Follower mit deinen Inhalten. Schraube deine Engagement Rate in die Hhe. Beschleunige dein Wachstum mit den effektivsten Methoden und Automatisierungs-Tools.Week 4: Instagram Star werdenHebe deinen Instagram Account auf die nchste Ebene! Baue langfristige Beziehungen mit anderen Influencern auf und profitiere von deren Reichweite [S4S]. Nutze das volle Potenzial von Instagram Stories und IGTV. Mache was die wenigsten mit ihren Accounts machen: Werde zum Star auf Instagram!Am Ende der Woche 4 bist du bereit, um mit Instagram Geld zu verdienen!Als Teilnehmer des Instagram Fame Kurses bekommst du von uns einen Rabatt auf den weiterfhrenden Kurs:""Wie Influencer mit Instagram Geld verdienen [5-Stellig!]""Klingt das gut fr dich? Bist du bereit dazu auf Instagram durchzustarten? Dann sehen wir uns im Kurs! Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wie Influencer mit Instagram Geld verdienen [5-Stellig!]" |
"VERSTEHE WIE DU MIT INSTAGRAM GELD VERDIENST.NUTZE BOMBENSICHERE METHODEN UND...BRINGE DEIN INSTAGRAM BUSINESS AUF DIE NCHSTE EBENE!Schritt fr Schritt:Week 1: Als Influencer mit Instagram Geld verdienenVerstehe wie viel dein Channel wert ist, wie Influencer Marketing funktioniert, wie du profitable Brand Deals bekommst und wie du mit Affiliate Marketing ber Instagram Geld verdienst. In ausfhrlichen Erklrungen zeigen wir dir Methoden die du direkt in der Praxis anwenden kannst.Week 2: Mit deinem eigenen Business auf Instagram Geld verdienenStarkes Netzwerken ist das A und O fr deinen finanziellen Erfolg auf Instagram. Und dein eigenes Business und deine eigenen Produkte auf Instagram zu vermarkten - das ist die Profistufe! Steige auf und erschaffe deine eigene Brand auf Instagram."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NativeScript + Angular: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps" |
"With Angular (2+), you can already build highly reactive and engaging web apps.Wouldn't it be amazing to use that same tech stack and knowledge to build real native mobile apps for iOS and Android?NativeScript enables you to do exactly that!You build a normal Angular app and manage your entire app logic via Angular + TypeScript. Combine that with NativeScript's TypeScript/ Angular modules and the strong NativeScript build system to generate Android and iOS apps which you can (and will in this course) deploy to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.But even better than that: You're also able to use that same ""Native App with Angular"" codebase to build a regular web app out of it as well.1 codebase, 3 kinds of apps. Pretty sweet!In this course, you'll learn:What exactly NativeScript is and how it worksWhich core building block a NativeScript app hasHow to build nice user interfaces with NativeScript layouts and UI widgetsHow to add mobile navigation (forward-backward, tabs, side drawer) in a NativeScript appHow to style your app with CSS (yes, the mobile app, too!)How to fetch user inputHow to handle state and data in the app (incl. storage on the device)How to send data to a server and fetch it from thereHow to implement authenticationAND: How to do all that in a way that works in both native mobile apps as well as a web app - with one and the same codebaseTo succeed in this course, Angular knowledge is a must-have. You need to know how Angular works, how you build and use components, what dependency injection is and how it works and how the general Angular architecture (with NgModule etc) works.A brief refresher on some Angular core concepts is provided but if you got zero Angular knowledge, you'll very likely not be able to follow along.You absolutely DON'T have to be an expert though!I'd love to welcome you in the course! :-)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Svelte.js - The Complete Guide (incl. Sapper.js)" |
"Svelte.js (or just""Svelte"")is a modern JavaScript compiler that allows you to write easy-to-understand JavaScript code which is then compiled to highly efficient code that runs in the browser.You'll write your frontend application using normal JavaScript, following specific rules laid out by Svelte (which are of course taught in this course). As a result, the Svelte compiler will produce a small and highly optimized JavaScript bundle which can be deployed.In this course, you'll learn all about Svelte, how it works, its core features and how to run your final app on a real server!Svelte.js is a tool for building highly reactive, modern user interfaces for the web - and it's a great alternative to JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React.js, Angular or Vue.What will you learn?What is Svelte and why would you use it?All the core features and base syntaxHow to render conditional and list contentHow to write reactive and fast web applicationsAll about components, how to pass data around and how to create re-usable building blocksHow to efficiently manage data in your application via Svelte storesHow to reach out to a backend server and send + fetch dataHow to pre-render your app on a server and improve SEOIs this course for you?Svelte is a popular alternative to React.js, Angular and Vue and learning it will benefit any frontend web developer.You don't need to know these frameworks to learn Svelte though - but if you do know them, you'll learn about an interesting alternative which might allow you to build your web projects with less code (and get an even faster app along the way!).You need NOadvanced JavaScript knowledge, basic knowledge will do.If you're interested in building modern, reactive user interfaces that load quickly and run fast, SvelteJSis a tool you shouldn't overlook!What's in the course?Learn Svelte from scratch - zero knowledge assumed!Theory and practice modulesA complete course project (the ""meetup planner"")Assignments and tasksAll source code is attached to lectures and modules30 day trial phase - get your money back with no questions asked if you're not happy!Who's teaching you?My name is Maximilian Schwarzmller and I'm teaching a broad variety of web &mobile development topics here on Udemy. I immediately loved Svelte when Ilearned about it since it fills an important gap between vanilla JavaScript and frameworks like Angular, React or Vue.It can be used to replace these frameworks or to enhance apps built with them - and Isimply love lightweight apps and clean syntax rules."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart" |
"Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart - created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management!Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online. We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter team to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps.Our complete Flutter development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Dart and build beautiful, fast, native-quality iOS and Android apps. Even if you have ZERO programming experience.I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.The course includes 28+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real world apps. e.g. Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather.By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully fledged Flutter developer.You'll also have a portfolio of over 15 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.Sign up today, and look forwards to:Over 28 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you'll ever need to succeed as a Flutter developer.Building over 15 fully-fledged apps including ones that use Firebase Cloud Firestore, StreamBuilder, ListView, networking, external APIs and much much more. All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want$8000+ Flutter development bootcamp course materials and curriculumFrom Beginner to Flutter Developer with Just One CourseWe know that you're here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they're doing, you'd be on YouTube. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we're always on hand to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:Fundamental Flutter concepts e.g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, themes and much more.Fundamental Dart concepts e.g. lists, maps, enums, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, and much more. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as Lists and Maps.Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.Authentication: How to use log in and register users for your Flutter apps.State Management: How to use setState, prop drilling, lifting state up, callbacks and the Provider package to manage app state.Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 35,000 students rated my courses 5 stars!Don't waste your moneyInside this course, you're getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my courses:""Angela is literally my favorite teacher. Ever. In the entire universe. She is hilarious and teaches in a lighthearted and fun way that is also very clear to understand. I instantly purchased this course as soon as I saw it was released because I know Angela delivers the highest quality educational content possible. 100% recommend this course (as well as every other course she's created). Thank you Angela for helping me as I make a career pivot into becoming a hybrid UX designer/mobile developer!"" - Jacob Pernell""Angela is my favorite Udemy professor for coding courses. Her methods for building onto the material so that you're never progressing too fast or too slow make for a really engaging learning experience. She's thorough in her explanations, and uses fun projects to discuss the material. I had started a couple other Flutter courses before finding this one, and I've progressed more in 24hrs than I did in a week with the other courses. Would love an advanced Flutter course from Angela to tackle once I'm done with this one!"" - Jerome Llouche""You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST programming class I've seen on anywhere and I've tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store."" - Ian Hopjins""SO GOOD!!! Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5"" - Muhammad Ibrahim""Angela is a spectacular teacher!"" - Marco Zanirato""This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept."" - Marc""Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks."" - Burak Tunbilek""IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!"" - Eduard KhachianAre you trying to choose between all the different Flutter courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:I have revamped my expectation for what a 5 star course should be for Udemy. Angela, you're awesome! I already rated the course as 5 stars early on (at about 20% completion), but after completing roughly 70% of the course, I can say this is my favourite Udemy course as of today. Brilliant course Angela! - Alberto L""I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome, deep and clear."" - an Fras""I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which make this course even more enjoyable."" - Bryan Pukanda""I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self learning and i can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which i did not want it to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way... why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course."" - Arun Lakhera""I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn't show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say ""just do this. You will see why later."" She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it."" - Clyde AddisonREMEMBER I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's best Flutter development course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn Amazon EKS: A Managed Kubernetes Service on AWS" |
"08/09/20 - UPDATE. New Bonus Section added on creating and managing EKS clusters using the official EKS CLI tool eksctl, including how to add Spot instance-based worker nodes.07/05/20 - UPDATE. New Bonus Section added on setting up an entire end-to-end CI/CD Pipeline using AWS CodePipeline & CodeBuildTheres no denying that Kubernetes has now become the de-facto industry standard for container orchestration - and Amazon EKS continues to rise in popularity as the most adopted managed Kubernetes service in the cloud . Welcome to this course on Amazon EKS - the only course you need to learn in order to provision your managed Kubernetes cluster, run your containerized applications on it, and tap into the eco-system of allied tools and technologies supporting it. I have distilled my professional experience of using Amazon EKS in a real-world large-scale enterprise-grade project for over 1 year into this particular course so that you can benefit from it without having to spend countless hours going through the hoops. I am also a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) & a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) as of Dec 2019.""I have been working on Kubernetes for quite some time however this course added new dimension by joining the dots. Well Done!!"" - Avadhesh Mishra, Student""The sections on autoscaling are terrific. Dhiman does a great job of explaining and walking through the kubernetes samples. He speaks fluently, clearly and eloquently. Really enjoyed this class and would recommended to anybody wanting to know more about EKS. Great job Dhiman."" - Ed Academio, Student""It is good course for EKS if you understand the fundamental of Kubernetes. Instructor has very good knowledge about topics."" - Jitendra Singh, StudentLearning to run Kubernetes on the cloud is an absolute must for any DevOps professional these days. So if you are on the fence, dive right in and follow along on this exciting journey. This course emphasizes on learning by doing hands on lessons. Every chapter has a theory section followed by hands-on tutorial! To summarize, you will learn: How to provision your own Amazon EKS cluster on AWSHow to use Kubectl for creating and managing pod, service and deploymentHow to autoscale your clusterHow to autoscale your applicationHow to deploy stateless application and expose it using Ingress Controller and Elastic Load BalancerHow to use Amazon EBS volumes for persistent storage in stateful applications (WordPress with MySQL backend)How to use Amazon EFS for persistent storage in stateful applicationsHow to setup a log aggregation system using Amazon Elasticsearch, Fluentd and KibanaHow to secure your EKS cluster using network policiesLearn How to make Amazon EKS work well with other services in the AWS eco-system like the IAM, Elastic Load Balancer, Route53, Amazon EBS, Amazon EFS, CloudWatch Logs and ElasticsearchCI/CD Pipeline using CodePipeline & CodeBuildHow to use the official EKS CLI tool eksctl to create and manage EKS clusters"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Makro / VBA Eitimi-2 (leri Seviye)" |
"Web sitemi ziyaret edin ve ana sayfada scroll yapn. Kk bir sprizim var.(Link veremediim iin google'a Excelinefendisi yazmanz yeterlidir)Serinin ilk eitimini izleyenler Excel makrolarnn gcn kefetmiti. Umarm ilerinizi otomatize etmede bu eitimin yarar olmu, bunlar yaparken elenmi ve ekip arkadalarnzn hayranln kazanmsnzdr.Artk, bir st seviyeye kma zaman geldi. Tabiki bu, son seviye olmayacak. Kendi sitemde belirttiim gibi, Excel derya-deniz bir dnya. renim sreciniz devam etmeli. Ancak VBA'in basit yaps belki sizi programalama dnyasna yaklatracak ve programlama dnyasnda farkl kaplar aralamak isteyeceksiniz. Umarm byle bir karar almanzda paym olur. nk programlama yapmak gerekten ok zevkli.Peki bu videoda neler reneceiz...(Baknz-->Tantm videosu + ilk giri videosu)"
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing con Amazon e WordPress" |
"Se hai sempre desiderato creare un sito web di affiliazione redditizio, ma non hai trovato una guida che ti spiegasse l'intero processo, questo corso esattamente ci che stai cercando.Il mio corso di Affiliate Marketing con Amazon e WordPress copre tutti gli aspetti che necessario conoscere per costruire un portale redditizio che generi ogni mese decine di vendite dalla semplice promozione dei prodotti di Amazon.Se vuoi lanciare la tua prima attivit online nel mondo dell'affiliate marketing, sappi che si tratta di uno dei settori in maggior sviluppo negli ultimi anni!DI COSA PARLEREMO DURANTE IL CORSOHo realizzato il mio corso in modo da coprire in modo esaustivo tutti gli argomenti che necessario conoscere per lanciare un sito web di affiliazione realmente efficace.Nello specifico, ecco gli argomenti di cui parleremo durante il corso:Ricerca di una nicchiaIl processo di vendita di un prodottoRicerca di parole chiave efficaceScelta dei migliori prodotti da promuovereOttimizzazione SEOArchitettura SILORealizzazione del sito web tramite WordPressPersonalizzazione delle funzionalit e della grafica del portaleStesura di contenuti orientata alla venditaNon troverai un corso sul mercato italiano che copra tutto il materiale di questo corso in modo cos esaustivo!METODOLOGIA DI LAVOROHo realizzato il corso con un approccio quanto pi pratico possibile. Non ti porter a studiare numeri, probabilit e concetti astratti ma ti guider invece in un percorso di apprendimento pratico e veloce, in modo che tu possa diventare rapidamente attivo con il tuo sito web.I numerosi esempi di lavoro ti aiuteranno a capire esattamente come scegliere le nicchie redditizie, cosa cercare selezionando le parole chiave, come sviluppare contenuti e costruire il sito in modo da veicolare fin da subito dei volumi di traffico interessanti, con l'idea di farli crescere nel corso del tempo.L'approccio che seguiremo durante il corso ti porter a realizzare un sito di affiliazione efficace nella comunicazione ed apprezzato dai motori di ricerca come Google. Questo ti permetter di non rischiare alcun tipo di penalizzazione da parte dei motori di ricerca.PENSATO PER CHI PARTE DA ZERONon temere di rimanere indietro con le lezioni solo perch stai appena cominciando ad imparare. Questo corso pensato principalmente per quegli studenti che vogliono avvicinarsi per la prima volta al mondo del Marketing di Affiliazione e per questa ragione ogni aspetto trattato nel corso verr curato in modo minuzioso e dettagliato.Se dovessi trovarti in difficolt, i numerosi esempi che ti proporr ti permetteranno di chiarirti ogni aspetto delle lezioni. Inoltre, per qualunque dubbio che dovesse rimanere irrisolto, potrai contattarmi direttamente nella sezione Q&A di Udemy. Io o gli altri studenti saremo ben lieti di rispondere ad ogni tua domanda.Cos' il marketing di affiliazione?In poche parole, con Marketing di Affiliazione, o Affiliate Marketing, si intende una pratica di marketing con la quale veicoliamo del traffico verso il sito web di un fornitore di beni o servizi, col fine di convertire queste visite in vendite.Per ogni vendita da noi generata, il titolare del servizio che abbiamo promosso ci corrisponde una commissione sul fatturato.Amazon, cos come tanti altri portali, dispone di un proprio programma di affiliazione, che consente a chiunque sia in possesso di un sito web di guadagnare del denaro tramite la promozione di prodotti e servizi (come Amazon Music o Amazon Prime).Quanto possibile guadagnare con un sito web di affiliazione?L'affiliate marketing solo uno strumento. Per ogni vendita che portiamo verso Amazon, ci viene corrisposta una percentuale del totale variabile dal 3% al 12%. Non ci sono limiti virtuali al numero di vendite mensili per le quali possiamo generare una commissione.L'unico limite che abbiamo quello che ci poniamo noi stessi con l'ottimizzazione del nostro sito web di affiliazione. Lavorando duramente, possibile costruire un portale in grado di generare anche centinaia di euro al mese, per non dire migliaia se si lavora con costanza ed impegno. davvero possibile guadagnare con l'affiliate marketing? pi che possibile, anzi, si tratta di una vera e propria opportunit che sarebbe sciocco non cogliere!Non bisogna tuttavia credere che i guadagni arrivino da soli. Per portare un sito web di affiliazione al successo necessario seguire una metodologia di lavoro solida e precisa.Puntare al caso, non un'opzione e proprio per questo motivo ho impostato il contenuto di questo corso per darti una base di lavoro solida ed efficace da cui partire per impostare i contenuti del tuo sito web di affiliazione.Lavorando con costanza ed applicando il metodo di lavoro che ti insegner, posso assicurarti che i risultati arriveranno prima di quanto ti aspetti!Non ho altro da dirti. Ci vediamo in video!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"PolyModeling in Houdini" |
"Welcome, in this course you will learn modeling in Houdini, Polymodeling.Just the normal modeling you would do in 3dsMax, Maya, Blender or Cinema4d.The good news is that, in Houdini, you will benefit from stronger tools and a much more intelligent approach that will save you time.We will borrow from the strength of procedural modeling without doing procedural modeling.Ever wanted to do polymodeling in the best VFX software? This course will provide you with a solid foundation, the workflow and a toolset you can use to model more complex objects.Obviously the objective is not the make this model you see, but to give you the techniques you can apply to other models."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Your first day in SpeedTree" |
"In this course you will learn the skills and techniques required to model detailed, high quality trees and plants for your artistic work and for visual effects.- You will have a thorough tour of the interface- Learn the step to model a detailed tree- How to use your own materials in SpeedTree- Learn how to make a tree take the shape of geometry- How to draw a tree in any shape you want- How to create a spooky tree- And the hidden power of the zone"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning with Unity3D" |
"This crash-course is about machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence with Unity3D.Why using Unity3D for Artificial Intelligence?Unity3D is the perfect environment in order to train your own AIs. Lets take the example of a Self-driving Car. What you need is complex environments where there are a lots of realistic physical interactions. You could provide these datas from interactions with the real world, but this is extreme inefficient and time consuming.Since games become more and more realistic you can provide these informations from virtual environments. And for that Unity is perfectly positioned.So, no matter if you are a game developer who wants to create AIs for games or if you are a hobby researcher who just want to play with machine Learning The ML-Agents toolkit is the perfect start in order to create your own AIs.What do we learn in this crash-course?This course is structured into 4 major sections:IntroductionThis section covers everything in order to get a quick start with the ML-Agents Toolkit. You will learn:-Set up of the ML-Agents toolkit with Tensorflow-What is a neural-network?-The Key Components of the Ml-Agents toolkit3D Roller Ball AIThis lecture will give you a first impression of the Ml-Agents toolkit in practice. You will learn how to set up the environment and all the necessary components in order to train the AI.A.I. learns to play Flappy BirdInstead wasting your time with playing this game, we will code our own A.I. that learns to play Flappy Bird by using Reinforcement Learning.After training the AI is able to achieve an unlimited score in this game.Self-driving CarThe Self-driving Car is the probably the most famous example for Artificial Intelligence, so we will cover this as well. To train the Car we will use a technique called Imitation Learning.Imitation Learning is special, because this method uses the inputs from a human Player in order to train the neural network."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Almas Gemelas: Conecta con la energa del amor" |
"A medida que evolucionamos nos preparamos para el gran encuentro con nuestra Alma Gemela, este encuentro est lleno de emocin, sorpresas mgicas y retos que nos ayudan a conectar ms con nuestro interior. Te invito a que conozcas ms de este mundo lleno de mucha luz y amor. Conocers a personas tan increbles que no imaginaste conocer jams."
Price: 2070.00 ![]() |
"Leyes Universales: Aprende a transformar tu vida" |
"En este taller aprenders las 7 leyes universales y sabrs cmo usarlas de una manera fcil en tu vida. Estos principios rigen nuestra vida sepamos de ellas o no, siempre estn, no te las ensean en la escuela o en las religiones, o no se tiene una definicin clara de ella. Aqu te conocers y entenders muchas cosas de tu vida."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Enseanzas de Jess: Verdades que transforman la vida" |
"En este taller conocers las verdaderas enseanzas del maestro Jess. Entenders el mensaje liberador y energtico que puede transformar tu vida. Conocers acerca de la energa Crstica y aprenders a activarla en ti, eso mejorar tu vida en gran manera y te liberar de las ataduras que algunas religiones y filosofas han impuesto sobre Jess."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"La energa del cncer de mama" |
"En este taller aprenders acerca de las emociones que desequilibran el cuerpo y nos hacen ms susceptibles de padecer enfermedades como el cncer de mam. Podrs ver las terapias que realizamos con alumnas presenciales y su gran enseanza. Conocers ejemplos reales de personas que descubrieron un gran cambio en su vida."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Bible: read aloud with confidence and clarity" |
"This course is for anyone who preaches, lay readers (LLM), members of the clergy, Vicars, Priests, Bishops, Sunday School teachers or anyone who loves to read from the Bible or you may want to give a Bible reading at a wedding or a funeral.In ancient times the Bible was always shared aloud and being able to read aloud from the Bible is a wonderful skill to have. I started taking Bible Reading exams when I was only 13 years old and have taught people to Gold medal Standard in Reading from the Bible.This course is a stand alone course and assumes that you have not taken any of my other courses.Whether you're reading from the Bible, reading from a Prayer book or doing any other religious reading - it will require the same skills as reading aloud any other good literature. During this course Iwill use mainly the Authorised (King James) Version, (AKJV), the KIngs James Version (KJV)and the Good News Translation (GNT)as well as the Common Prayer Book and children's versions of Bible stories.Although I talk about Bible Reading, these same rules apply to any religious reading from any religion anywhere in the world.The Bible is made up of 66 different books. These books are made up of poetry, drama, letters, songs and much more and each makes beautiful use of language.To read aloud from the Bible with conviction you have to read the words as though you had written them yourself.You need to say them as though they come from inside you - as though you were the first person to think of these particular words in this order.Reading aloud from the bible is all about sharing something which evokes a feeling in us. When you're bible reading you should sound as though you are reading a story to your listeners. It will be a wonderful and exciting bible story so you will need to use your voice to convey this."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Transforme seus sonhos em Metas e suas metas em Realizao" |
"A diferena entre o sucesso e o fracasso est em nossa capacidade de realizar metas. Todos temos sonhos sobre coisas que desejamos ter e nos tornar, porm, muitas vezes no conseguimos chegar onde gostaramos. Diversas pessoas tentam dar desculpas para si, convencer as paredes do prprio quarto que a culpa no sua, mas no fundo sabe que ela sim a responsvel pelo seu quadro atual. As pessoas de sucesso muitas vezes so chamadas de sortudas. O que seria a sorte? Quando voc cria uma meta realmente alinhada com seus ideais, uma meta personalizada ento todos as peas necessrias para sua realizao simplesmente comeam a cair do cu, as vezes literalmente!O curso metas magnticas foi criado para suprir 3 necessidades que se complementam: Te ensinar a criar as metas mais alinhadas e importantes para sua vida, seja pessoal ou profissional;Como se manter motivado (a) no caminho, com prazer e satisfao porque eu realmente detesto quando algum diz que tudo que voc precisa seguir agindo. Ns sabemos que no apenas agir, mas agir com os sentimentos e direo correta. E por ltimo como ter naturalidade e realizar suas metas e objetivos mais rapidamente possvel, inclusive com uma super aula mostrando a forma mais rpida e fcil de realizar qualquer meta que desejar usando um princpio indiscutvel!Se voc quer mais e mais da sua vida e deseja chegar onde quer chegar ento existe uma ponte separando essas duas realidades, essa ponte o curso metas magnticas, venha tambm ser uma pessoa de sorte."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"PNL - Como Dominar a Sua Mente e Direcionar A Sua Vida" |
"Porque auto sugestes no funcionam?Porque algumas crenas limitantes insistem em ficar?Quem est no controle da sua mente?Se a mente minha eu devo saber como us-la... foi isso que pensei momentos antes de produzir este curso. PNL - Como Dominar a Sua Mente e Direcionar A Sua Vida foi criado para te ensinar de forma prtica e real como controlar a mente que est trabalhando neste exato momento a dentro. Os comandos inconscientes que foram instaurados a dentro, lhe trouxeram at aqui e tudo bem. Porm, se voc quer ir alm e transformar suas crenas limitantes, e aprender de fato como dominar a mente ento este curso para voc. Dentre outros voc aprender em um formato de Master Class, ao vivo, prtico, dinmico como:Entrar no estado frtil da sua mente;Porque auto sugestes no funcionam (e como mudar isso);Remodelar crenas limitantes;Como ""enganar"" sua mente inconsciente (como controlar o subconsciente assim);Como mudar comportamentos sem precisar mudar nada... e muito mais...Vamos comear?"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Fauxsaics in Procreate - Create a False Tile Mosaic Effect" |
"Are you a beginner eagerly looking for a new great project inProcreatebut you only see the very beginner stuff?This class is perfect for you!It is designed for the next step after you learn how the interface and the gesture controls work. Now it is the time to get your hands dirty!Nick Misaniis the original creator of theFAUXSAICstyle, which is actually afalse mosaic floor tile effect created in a digital program. It is such a cool style that it even has a hashtag on Instagram (#fauxsaics), made the creator famous and loads of artists try it out. These artworks are usually created in Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, but in this class I will show youhow to reach this effect in Procreate on your iPad.In this class we will create a fauxsaic from your hand lettering...even if you don't know how to hand letter.The class is ideal forbeginners in Procreatewho have some idea how the program works, but actually any creative can get something out of it! It is a great class for those who have abig Photoshop backgroundand are just adjusting to the interface of Procreate and also for those who are justentering the world of digital art, because the class brings a greater understanding to how layers work.In this class you will pick up some useful stuff like:- easy hand lettering- creating a custom tile brush- tracing- creating highlights and shadows (make a cool 3D effect) from flattened layers- add textures and shadows- ""photoshop"" shoes.By the end of this class you will have a finished piece of artwork including your own hand lettering in the fauxsaic ""style""! You will have your own custom tile brush, a geometric tile pattern and a great understanding of layers (very important for digital work).So, if you are ready, let's go and create together!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Drawing Masterclass - Perfect Guide for Very Beginners" |
"Welcome to The Artmother's Drawing Masterclass!Drawing is a skill anyone can learn! It is the most important building block of all art - illustration, graphic design, fine art and even animation starts with sketches and drawings! If you are the person who always though he can't learn drawing, even if you are already into some medium, like watercolors, you are in the right place!As a professional art teacher with a Master's Degree in Art Education, in the last 10 years I watched people form all age categories learn drawing. In the last year I was researching the perfect methodology to teach a very beginner art fundamentals and I combined all these experiences and also the feedback from my first drawing course to create a comprehensive Masterclass.It has 3 levels: The Beginner Levels Skills, The Intermediate Level Skills and The Advanced Level Skills.In ""The Beginner Level Skills"" our focus is to explore your inner symbol set, roots of your style, your relationship to drawing and the ways you LOVE to draw, styles that you are most into and try to get the most out of it! We will start with as simple things as drawing lines and build it up to creating shapes and forms.In this class you will learn:- to draw lines with different properties, rhythm and weight- to hold the pencil in a stable and comfortable way- to create an artwork entirely from lines- to draw basic geometric shapes in order to build up more complex shapes- to create forms from shapes (sphere, cone, cube)- to apply values- to shade with the ""Reverse Shading Method""- to create the illusion of space in your artworks by applying linear perspective- to draw the different parts of the face- to draw basic facial proportions- to let out your personal symbol set and explore how you like to draw- to draw with confidence- different areas of some visual industries where you can apply your beginner level skillsThe point of this level is to prepare you for the intermediate level skills, to give you a push to draw regularly and believe in yourself and your art!UPDATE: The Masterclass has been updated with a new class - 10Projects for Better ObservationIn this class I have designed 10Projects to get your Observational skills from copying nonsense lines to an appropriately drawn and shaded statue drawing. The class includes a 25Page PDFResource.In this class you will learn:- to copy lines and shapes from one surface to another using reference points- to draw the outlines of an object with the help of measuring- to get the character of an image by drawing the most important lines, curves and angles first- to observe shadows and draw a real object in its real proportions- to find the basic geometric shapes in complex forms- to morph basic geometric shape compositions to appropriate contour lines- to use the grid method- to draw an image from a reference photo in a bigger scaleThe class is ideal for very beginners, with zero experience with drawing. If you are the person whose automatic reply to the question ""Can you draw xzy?"" is an automatic NO (even when playing Activity), YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE:)Even if you are already painting with different kinds of mediums, like watercolors, acrylics of digital, but you are questioning whether you need to learn drawing in order to do your craft, THIS MIGHT BE THE COURSE FOR YOU!If you are ready to learn what you always wished for but never had courage or procrastinated over it, this is the time to ENROLL!See you inside!AlexandraThe Artmother"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Manage your Anxiety" |
"This course provides insightful and useful strategies, tips and ideas to help deal with anxiety. My name is Matt and I have had issues with anxiety for over 20 years. I have had allot of treatments been to physiologist and doctors and have tried to self-help my issue with anxiety. Over this I have found a few great strategies that I found to better manage anxiety and become more in control of its effects and that feeling! I have helped many people in my close family and friend network s and often the feedback is.O should continue to help others. This is my first effort to do so! I hope you also write an E-Book on this topic.amd I hope one day I can start a charity to help many more people suffering with anxiety and other mental or stress related issues. I know there is peace and healing out there it's just trying to find the correct path to get to it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dealing With Criticism - Improve Your Self Esteem" |
"Featured Review:""Criticism is an interesting subject that's not often talked about in a logical manner without becoming emotional (at least online!) this course dissects the various aspects of personalities and backgrounds in a clear method. Much to learn and reflect on in this course."" - Josh RossiniWelcome To Part Two!Are you an online creator or artist and does receiving bad feedback worry you? Or maybe youve already received harsh criticism and felt crushed by not understanding why a person would say something like that? Do you want to know why some people have the actual need to contradict everything you say? And do you wonder how to respond to gain back the upper hand?You are at the right place! You are watching Sandys-Eyecatcher TV!Sandy Dee has led over 50 photography workshops and published multiple online courses. This, along with her extensive background in Human Resources, gave her great insight into the art of Human Behavior.Plus: In her research she gathered an enormous amount of information on haters, online trolls, passive aggressive behavior and how and why people leave negative feedback.If you took Part 1 of this series: By now you approach your reviews with a lot more confidence.You not only know how to answer professionally and persuade a potential third customer to follow through with the purchase, but you also know in which mindset the review was written.In this course, we will dive deeper into the human mind and why people comment on your work. What do they gain from it? Even if somebody is not a ""hater"" but leaves constructive criticism, why does he or she feel the obligation to do so? Why comment on our art or creations at all?In Part 2 Of This Series You Will Learn The ""Art Of Human Personalities"" & How To Reply Like A Pro When Somebody Is Lashing Out At You :The concept of please all and you will please none4 personality types that weve all encountered - the yay, nay, meh and beh peopleWhy some people will love your accent and some wontA section specifically designed to help online teachers and instructorsHow we perceive value and why a cheap product might hurt your reviewsAnd much more!PLUS: 50 Tips on ""How To Deal With Criticism"" (from part 1 and part 2) are included as a PDF in lecture 63! At the end of the course you will not only feel more confident in handling criticism but you will have a deeper understanding about personalities, human behavior and what drives people to leave reviews, comments and criticism.Are you ready to spend more time on your content and your value and less time worrying about others? Enroll now and see you in class!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Recipe For Taking Amazing Portraits Every Time!" |
"Featured Reviews:""One of the best courses on Udemy. Instructor is highly knowledgeable and teaches many applicable concepts at perfect pace that you can implement immediately to start taking better pictures. I will definitely be getting other courses by Sandy Dee in the future."" - Aaron Carlson""Well organized, clear instruction and experienced instructor. This is one of the best photographic instruction teams on Udemy."" - John HarropWELCOME TO: ""The Ultimate Recipe For Taking Amazing Portraits Every Time!"" - A new tutorial in our portrait photography series!In this course you will learn EVERYTHING there is to know about portraiture and how to flatter your models and clients in the best possible way! From Posing to Lighting to Storytelling: Learn our seven SPECIAL ingredients and master your photography workflow - LIKE A PRO!Have you ever looked at images on Instagram or 500 pix or Flickr and wondered: ""Why are these portraits so amazing?"" And not only that: Days, weeks, or even months go by... but - you can't stop thinking about these photographs!! Was it the lighting, the pose, the expression...? You can't tell.Which ingredients made such pictures so unforgettable? Why do they ""stick"" in your head? And how can you amaze your clients and models in a similar way???You keep wondering: ""I have great (maybe even expensive) gear. I know my camera inside out. I know how to shoot in manual mode. I am a wizard with lighting... so - what am I missing here?"" Somehow - you feel your images don't live up to their potential. Or - maybe SOMETIMES they turn out quite nicely. :-) But then other times - not so much. :-( And you don't just wonder HOW you can achieve this ""Wow"" factor in your images... But: How can you create this ""WOW"" factor WITH CONSISTENCY?Could there be a specific secret? Or something like a ""recipe"" for great portraits? I am here to tell you: Yes, there is!Welcome to our SPECIAL ingredients recipe. The only RECIPE you need to know to create amazing images - time after time after time!!We all know that photography is waaaaay more complicated than ""just"" pressing the shutter button! There are so many things that potentially turn a photoshoot into a disaster. If you want to know how to turn struggle into success - then you are at the right place:In this course you will learn:Posing from head to toe - learn how to flatter your model in every situationLearn to tell the right story for your imageHow to brief your client and modelIdentify your shooting styleUnderstand the ""who / where / when / what and why"" of your imageHow to come up with exciting conceptsFind the right composition for your imageHow to create airy exposures for dreamy imagesEverything you need to know about flattering lightingHow to shape your model with shadowThe importance of the ambient feel of your imagePopular mistakes - and how to avoid themTips on the right editingMy biggest secret: How to flatter everybody with ONE simple trickAnd so much more!At the end of this course (and with a little practice) - you will cook up the most delicious portraits - like a MASTER PHOTOGRAPHY CHEF! You will WOW your clients every time - While shooting with ease.And most importantly: While having confidence in yourself and: While having fun! If you want to know how to create amazing portraits...Enroll now! I am looking forward to teaching you all my tricks!Happy Shooting! "
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Science of Love, Select the Right Partner for Life" |
"In this course you will learn about love from a scientific point of view. You will understand:The evolutionary basis for loveIt's connection to the main biological propose of our livesThe hormones involved in loveThe three stages of love, and the purpose for each The main differences between men and womenBy understanding this knowledge, you will learn how to apply this information in your own life in order to find, assess and keep the right partner for you for a long term relationship, hopefully for life. In each section of the course we will focused on these aspects, learning about what has been found in scientific research, and how to apply this in our own search, assessment and relationships.This course is suited mostly for women, however it is relevant and can be taken by everyone."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to Get Fit & Functional in 15 Minutes Per Day" |
"A functional workout program designed to help you get fitter and stronger with minimal equipment meaning you can workout in the convenience of your own home or at the gym.This comprehensive 4 week program will also help jump start your weight loss program and enhance your mobility. Included is a workbook and over 200 short workout videos broken down into three fifteen minute workout per week. You can work at your own pace and only move on when you feel you are ready. The program is scientifically designed to minimize injuries and over training but optimized to get the perfect amount of exercise to take you body to the next level in fitness and mobility."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"English Reading Launch: Upgrade Your Reading" |
"What you'll learn:How to read basic English words.Speak English with more confidence.Produce the English sounds confidently and accurately.Write the English letters more precisely.RequirementsA desire to improve your English through practice.A very beginner level of English.DescriptionEnglish Reading Launch: Upgrade your Reading is an English reading course taught by me, Gina, a native American English speaker. You will learn how to read basic, very beginner English words like cat and dog, so that you can expand your reading skills.Start to speak more confidently and accurately read more English words!This course includes:Lectures for reading basic English words.Pronunciation and meaning training for every single letter in these basic words.Speaking practice for every single word.Listening practice for every single word.PDF handwriting resources.Practice reading short, beginner passages.Each section focuses on basic English words so that you can master each one and produce them accurately in English.This course is extremely detailed, so you can fully master the target English words.If you want to speak English more clearly or if you simply want know how to read basic English words, this course can help you achieve your goal of learning basic English.This course is also perfect for anyone who is homeschooling a child who is just learning to read English, who is at the beginning stage.Who this course is for:Take this course if you want to master basic English words.Take this course if you want to improve your spoken English.Take this course if you want to upgrade your listening skills in English.Take this course if you are homeschooling a beginning English reader.Take this course if you want to speak English more precisely."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |