Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Agile Program Fundamentals" |
"The Agile program Fundamentals course helps project teams develop the foundational skills to plan, structure and deliver on programs and projects incrementally and iteratively. This course builds on the foundational course of ""Agile Operations Fundamentals"", through a ""project pattern"" that provide guidance on recommended practices, tools and techniques - all aligned to the core Agile values and principles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The complete Splunk Beginner" |
"Modern networks consist of multiple services, each generating independent streams of log data. Traditionally, log data resides in separate files and finding specific events can be difficult - detecting patterns is near impossible.Splunk provides a means to collect and store this log data in a collated and redundant data store, facilitating searching and visualization.In this course, you will learn how to install and configure Splunk on multiple platforms to meet your requirements.You'll also learn various ways to get your data into Splunk.Youll also learn how to use Splunk to generate reports, graphs, and dashboards to easily get an overview of your log data.You'll also learn how to generate reports and create dashboards to visualize your data.Youll also learn to how to scale your implementation using indexer clusters, how to back up and restore Splunk indexes and data as well as advanced search methods."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Confluence in 4hrs" |
"Confluence is a tool for creating, organizing, sharing, and collaborating on work.It can be installed on your desktop or accessed from the cloud, making it a great solution for all types of teamsincluding remote employees and mobile users.In this course well explores how to configure and use Confluence to manage business and project data. Well dive deep into concept of spaces, pages and blogs, adjusting page layouts, adding content, enhancing your spaces with navigation, and sharing as well as restricting access to information.Start watching and learn how to use Confluence for project management, document retention, collaboration, and much more.Some of the Topics well cover include:Creating spacesCustomizing the Confluence interfaceCreating pages and blog postsAdding text, graphics, and attachments in ConfluenceUsing labels and other navigation helpersInviting collaborators to spacesRestricting access to spacesHow to leverage LabelsCreate task reportsManage your tasksCreating decisionsAnd much more..."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Agile Certified Practitioner Training Program (PMI-ACP)" |
"**Course UPDATED for the March 2018 Exam Changes** This Course includes the content modified by PMI in 2018!This course is a 6 part series learning path that covers the objectives for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) exam. Agile projects use of short work iterations and incremental development of products that focus on business priorities and customer value. In this course, you'll learn fundamental Agile concepts, including the eight Agile values and twelve Agile principles. This course also covers the five phases of the Agile project management model, and introduces you to the most common Agile methodologies and frameworks. Finally, this course introduces key activities for managing an Agile project, including creating a product vision and project charter, and best contract and documentation types."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Marketing, Generacion de Leads & Ventas de B2B" |
"Te gustara aprender a generar nuevos leads para tu negocio? Te gustara tener mas numeros de telefono a quien hablarle para ofrecer tus servicios o productos? Te gustara aprender a enviar miles de correos a tus clientes o prospectos con un solo click? Entonces estas en el lugar correcto.En este curso de Linkedin, podras aprender estrategias de Social Selling para poder promover tus servicios o productos. Aprenderas a programar tu computadora para automatizar Linkedin y enviar Mensajes PRIVADOS y PERSONALIZADOS para promover tu marca personal o tu marca comercial. Utilizaremos la app de Linked Helper para extraer informacin de los perfiles de los usuarios y aumentar nuestra visibilidad en la plataforma de Linkedin.Aprenderas a hacer email marketing con Mailchimp, ya sea que quieras enviar actualizaciones de tus servicios a tus clientes o enviar publicidad masiva a prospectos nuevos. Aprovecharemos listas publicas de registros de empresas de Mxico para sacar emails y nemeros de telefono, los cuales nos ayudaran a hacer negocios B2B.Con la aplicacin de Hootsuite podras aprender como hacer una automatizacin de redes sociales y mantener tus cuentas de Facebok, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter etc.. siempre actualizadas con contenido.Todas las aplicaciones que usaremos son gratis no tienes que pagar nada. Solamente una de ellas cuesta $90 pero te dare un tip para que no los pagues.Todo esto que aprenderas lo he utilizado para promocionar mis cursos presenciales y servicios en empresas de Mxico.Linkedin es una de las mejores herramientas para hacer business to business, as que espero puedas tener una nueva fuente de generar leads de manera automatica con este curso. No esperes mas y mira el video de introduccin de este curso.30 Das de Garantia de Rembolso:Puedes pedir un reembolzo de todo tu dinero si no te gusta el curso. Es Muy fcil y sencillo.Comunicacin con el instructor:Contesto en 24 horas todas las preguntas que surjan en el curso. Incluso muchas personas me escriben en mi pgina de Facebook (Rod Ross, la puedes encontrar en mi perfil de instructor) y tambin les contesto.Espero verte adentro, no esperes mas y aprovecha el descuento, estos regalos de conocimiento no se dan dos veces.Rod Ross."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Wordpress Basico, Crea tu Propia Pagina Web Ahora!" |
"Que es Wordpress?WordPress es un sistema de gestin de contenidos (CMS) que permite crear y mantener un blog u otro tipo de web.Con casi 10 aos de existencia y ms de un millar de temas (plantillas) disponibles en su web oficial, no es solo un sistema sencillo e intuitivo para crear un blog personal, sino que permite realizar toda clase de web ms complejas.WordPress es un sistema ideal para un sitio web que se actualice peridicamente. Si se escribe contenido con cierta frecuencia, cuando alguien accede al sitio web, puede encontrar todos esos contenidos ordenados cronolgicamente (primero los ms recientes y por ltimo los ms antiguos).Es el sistema ideal para los principiantes, o para los que no tienen demasiados conocimientos tcnicos.WordPress dispone de un sistema de plugins, que permiten extender las capacidades de WordPress, de esa forma se consigue un CMS ms flexible.Ahora que ya sabes lo que es Wordpress, queremos que sepas que este curso de Wordpress esta hecho paso a paso. Comenzaras desde lo mas bsico... la interfaz, las opciones y veraz tambin el tema del hosting.Aprenders a descargar Wordpress fcilmente, vas a ir de la mano con el instructor Rod Ross y juntos crearan una tremenda pagina Web en Wordpress, que sea profesional. Con este curso podra ayudar a las personas o negocios siendo usted un creador de paginas WEB con Wordpress.WordPress potencia millones de blogs y sitios web. Aprende a crear el tuyo con esta potente plataforma de publicacin. El autor del equipo, Rod Ross, lo ayudar a aprovechar al mximo la versin de descarga de Wordpress y a crear blogs y sitios web con muchas funciones. Rod explica cmo crear y publicar posts y pginas; personalice su sitio con temas, widgets y mens personalizados; y extienda WordPress an ms con los complementos(Plugins de Wordpress). Adems, aprenda cmo obtener ms lectores compartiendo y comentando en las redes sociales, y cmo ajustar las configuraciones que mantienen su sitio seguro.Aproveche el descuento antes que suba de precio, solo de click en comprar y estar iniciando automticamente al curso."
Price: 1470.00 ![]() |
"Winner Mind-Set for interview Job interview preparation." |
"About this course:You can easily get your dream job, if you have Winner Mind set for interview.Good job will give you good money and better life style. Description:Greetings, If you want to learn interview skills in easy way then this course is only for you. This course we called Winner Mind-set for interview. There is a reason behind this title. If you think like a winner then you prepare like winner and perform like winner. Life results in only depend upon your mind-set. After completing this course you will learn below topics. Interview Process How to create Impressive resumeHow to reduce Fear Anxiety and nervousness of interviewHow to use Power of visualization for interview. Learn Mock, Mirror, Voice recording and Video recording interview practiceHow to use Body Language during interviewHow to prepare Introduce yourself or Tell me about your selfImportance of Job descriptionHow to prepare Phone and Skype interviewWhy Company research is important before the interview.Never use these words during interview One negative word can change interviewer perception Things not to do during interview Behavior skills Challenging question How to use STAR for interview answers. How to stay motivated If you truly want something then why would you struggle with motivation. If you have any concern or questions about this course, please dont hesitate to message me.Keep winning!Mittan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Workshop de Hand Lettering no Papelo" |
"Seja bem vindo ao primeiro de uma srie de Workshops Online onde vou mostrar detalhadamente o meu processo de trabalho.Neste workshop vou mostrar como fazer hand lettering no papelo.Aqui voc vai encontrar:- materiais que uso para fazer o rascunho- como eu fao o rascunho no papelo e dicas sobre o assunto- materiais que uso para colorir- como eu aplico cor no papeloTudo com vdeos explicando o passo a passo do processo.Eu diria que o workshop at terapeutico porque uma delcia ver uma arte criando forma em um material to simples."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Programa de RADIO ""AHORA YA LO SABES"" de COMPRENSION AUDITIVA del idioma Espaol Castellano- Programa en formato radio podcast en el que trataremos temas diversos para ejercitar la comprensin auditiva del idioma Espaol.Nivel Intermedio a Avanzado.Cada programa ir acompaado de un test para que el oyente valore cuanto ha entendido del tema que se ha tratado en cada capitulo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Laravel - A php framework for Beginner to Advanced" |
"IntroductionLaravel-php is the most famous, most github rated and widely used PHP Framework.Industries wants laravel skilled developers who can create things easily, work on API, can able to write tests or have deep understanding of Laravel so that employee can create our package for laravel.This course is designed to fulfil all these needs and make you ready for high profile Laravel Job.Why Learn from Sarthak1. Have experience of over 4 years on Laravel2. An Instructor from Laravel Community.3. I have Friendly relation with top laravel core members including ""Taylor Otwell - Creator of Laravel"".4. Speaker at LaravelLive International conference 20185. Speaker at many laravel meetups.6. Creator of many useful & famous open source laravel packagesDo you know?1. How Facades works in php laravel, How service provider works, How laravel boots up.2. Why we need Middleware or what is routing.3. How to test your laravel application, how to test frontend using Laravel Dusk.4. What is laravel packages, how to use them and most importantly create your own laravel package and publish them.-------- If you don't know these things or want to enhance your knowledge, take this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Nuxt.js - A Vuejs framework by building projects" |
"Nuxt or Nuxtjs is a framework of vuejs to build SPA and universal applicationsNuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js application enjoyable.You will get introduced with Nuxtjs in detiails and work on two real vuejs nuxtjs projects. Nuxt make server side rendering like a breeze and combining every pieces of vuejs ecosystem is the fuel of nuxtjs.In this course, I'll teach you core concepts of Nuxt.js and how exactly it works behind the scene. We will dive into the rendered .nuxt directory to see from where nuxt serve every page and how they have configured.While this course is designed with two project and then finally deploying project on DigitalOcean, I encourage you to comment or request any specific thing you want to learn related to nuxtjs.The course will teach you ...Build server-side-rendered single-page-applications (SPAs)How to use vuetify frameworkMaking Nuxtjs an SEO friendly applicationIncluding external LibraryWriting effective, reusable and manageable vuejs/javascript codeDeploying Nuxtjs on digital ocean serverAuthentication using firebase in nuxtjsany many more things.Who am I?My name is Sarthak Shrivastava and I am a full stack developer.Why I am best for teaching nuxtjs ?Because my own bitfumes website is build over Nuxt.js.Along with that, i have bestselling Laravel + Vue.js course forum course here on Udemy."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Design your House in SketchUp - Step by Step" |
"Would you like to create a 3D model of your house? SketchUp is perfect for that!This course will guide you through every process of creating a house from scratch, using only the blueprints that we have available. We will start with creating the exterior, that means creating the floorplan and turning everything into 3D, then we will create the ceiling, the roof, and finally paint the exterior. After that we will move on to the interior and design the kitchen, stairs and bathrooms all by ourselves. We will also take a look at how to create all sorts of furniture from scratch, and thereby only using the 3D warehouse for a very small number of items.Do you think I should I take this course if I'm going to create a house completely from scratch with no blueprints? Absolutely! That's because it can be really time-consuming to create a 3D model from scratch. This course will show you the most practical workflow and teach you ways on how you can make the whole process a lot faster. What if I am a total beginner and know nothing about SketchUp?This course is meant for intermediates and above, so I expect you to have some general knowledge of SketchUp before enrolling, however, if you have never opened up SketchUp before then don't worry, there are a lot of courses out there for you, like SketchUp Make 2017 - from beginner to advanced a course that I created as well.With Udemy's 30 day 100% money back guarantee there is no reason to hesitate, enroll now and see if you like it."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Photoshop definitivamente" |
"Este curso para quem deseja comear os conhecimentos de Photoshop. Aqui ir aprender criar composies com vrias imagens que esto disponveis para download em cada lio. Aprender vrias ferramentas para poder criar e explorar sua criatividade. Usar Layers ou camadas que deixa o momento da criao mais flexvel. O Photoshop um dos softwares mais conhecidos para tratamento e criao de composio, e conhece-lo necessrio para aprender outros softwares."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
speedreading_ru |
", . - . , , - , . , 2-3 : , . , , . - , , , , , . . , , 150-250 700-1000 . . ! *** , . , . , .--- , , , ) , , . , . , , , . ---,, , . Udemy, - , , 30 - . , !"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"( , FCE, TOEFL, IELTS)" |
"! . , , . 300 , , , . , , University College London , , . , , , , . , , , . , FCE, TOEFL IELTS. ? , , , , , . , .-, . , .-, , .-, - . .-, , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DIY Leathercrafting: Make your own Leather Bag in 2 hours" |
"Handmade and Personalization is the King in today's fashion. And handmade leather accessories, such as bags, belts, wallets, bracelets, etc. are becoming more and more popular. Multibillion luxury empires and young and fresh designers are trying to tap into this leathercrafting market.*So, do you want to learn how tomake your own designed handmade original leather goods? If your answer is yes, thenthis is the course for you! My dad is a leatherwork and craftwork professional with 25+ years of experiencewho has made literally thousands of handmadeleather goods, including bags, wallets,belts, sandals and even winter shoes) He sells them in his own shop in a small Russian town and online via Instagram. Herecently started to teach other people on Udemy how to make their own leather goods.If you are passionate about leather and you want to know how to make a fabulous leather bag, then welcome to this course.*The course will take you along all necessary steps of the process, including making design and paper templates, choosing the proper leather type andnecessary tools, cutting, and stitching the leather. No single detail of the whole process will be omitted. The course features the downloadable pdf-files with thelist of necessarytools and materials. *BTW, by learning how to make your own leather goods, you can also start your own leathercrafting business. My dad gets orders for making leather bags, shoes and wallets from his Instagram and online store.* This is our fourth course on Udemy dedicated to leatherwork and how to make various types ofleather goods.As always, we tried to make ourlectures full of handy tips but keeping themshort andconcise,andeasy to follow so that you will enjoy this journey to becoming a leather professional.You are encouraged to ask the questions that you may have while watching the course!***Don't forget that according to Udemy policies, you are entitled to a 30-day no-questions-asked MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE in case you won't find this course valuable enough. So what wait for?)Enrol for the course and become a LeatherCraft Master!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"+ Python" |
"- , , , , , . , , , , , . , , . IT .*** . , , , . Excel - , . , Python - , 53% , . *** Python :- - - , - !- .** , . , . , Big Data - ( 300 000 , - ). ** Udemy , , Python. , , , , . , . *** - . , , .***, , , . Udemy, - , , 30 - ."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Modern Art Movements: Explore all -ISMs of the 20th century" |
"If you are the one who always confuses between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism, not to name all other ISMs of the 20th century, then this is the course for you. Indeed, the todays society obliges us to keep up with the modern fashion, technologies, cinema and of course the modern art.Thats why we created this course in which we are going to cover all major movements and styles in the modern art, starting from Impressionism and going through Art Nouveau, Fauvism, Cubism, Dada, Abstract Expressionism and up to Performance art. In each lecture we are going to show you the most important paintings and sometimes even architectural projects, which became the landmarks in the development of art in the 20th century. You will learn the differences between the various art styles and movements, and you will also get acquainted with the main personalities who created these masterpieces, including Monet, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Gaudi, Cezanne, Klimt, Picasso and many others. By the end of the course, you will be able to understand the style in which the painting in front of you is painted, and you will be able to speak freely about the art geniuses of the late 19th and 20th centuries.Spend one hour of your time to take this course and become more confident during a small talk about the modern art.The course will be regularly updated with new lectures, so be sure to enroll for it now.See you inside the course!***Remember that according to Udemy policies, you are entitled to a 30-day no-questions-asked MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE in case you won't find this course valuable enough. So what wait for?) Enrol for the course and become an Art Guru!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
personal-finance-ru |
", , , - , , , . , , . -- , . : . , , . -- , , . , . -- , . !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Increase Your Social Media Success" |
"COURSE TOPIC AND KEY BENEFITThis course is a deep-dive into understanding how you canIncrease Your Social Media Success, without having to pay for it!THIS COURSE IS FORAnyone who is building a brand or a presence through social media.If you are trying toDrive salesGain awarenessIncrease leadsIncrease trafficPromote a productGet clicks, downloads, or views.This course is for you!THE PROBLEMIm sure by now youve heardif you want to grow your brands social media account you need to pay to play that means you need to pay if youre trying to promote or grow your brands presence.But thats not true!BECAUSE OFTHIS CLASSAfter this this class youll post withconfidencebecause Im going to show you how to avoid the pitfalls that cause most brands posts to fail.And youll feelempoweredbecause youll learn the skills to create posts that get much better results!WHY MEWhy I matter I am a social media and brand-strategy consultant.I have worked with companies big and small,from start ups to enterprises I haveempowered thousands of peopleto stand out, connect, increase followers, gain customers, and generate sales through social media without having to rely on boosting posts.I am a best-selling instructor, and I enjoy engaging with my students eitherhere on the platform, or through social media.So I encourage you to ask questions along the way!WHAT YOU WILL LEARNIn this course Im going to give you aframeworkfor understanding Facebook and Instagram.You will learn:Why your posts dont get good engagementWhy it feels like your followers are not seeing your postsWhy it feels like you cant gain more followersAnd what you can do about it!So many peoplefeel defeatedwith social media.They feel like they are working against Facebook and Instagram, instead of with them and the sad news is, youre right.So, stop fighting the system!IF YOU'RE READY TO...Increase your reachIncrease your followersIncrease your engagementand understand what youre doing thats killing your posts, then youll want to take this class!HOW THIS COURSE IS DIFFERENTIn this course is we will look at Facebook and Instagramfrom Facebooks perspective, not a brands perspective.By changing perspective youll seeWhy most brand posts are doomed for failureAnd how some simple changes will make all the difference in the world for your reach and engagement!COURSE IMPACTStop fighting against facebook and instagramEnd the confusionGain the confidence that comes with being seen and recognized in social mediaFeel the joy associated with getting like, comments, shares and followersJoin this class and youll learnHow To Increase Your Social Media Success!Ill see you in class."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PHOTOSHOP ESSENCIAL Curso para Desenhistas e Ilustradores!" |
"Neste Curso eu vou te ensinar as principais ferramentas que os desenhistas profissionais usam para deixar seus desenhos mais interessantes e atrativos.De forma didtica e prtica, vou te explicar o que eu fao para usar o Photoshop como minha principal ferramenta profissional.Eu j fui professor da Quanta Academia de Artes e j atendi clientes como a McDonalds. Nike, Sony, Folha de So Paulo dentre outros."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Human Anatomy - Osteology: Upper Limb" |
"Test your knowledge of human osteology as revision for your pre-clinical anatomy osteology module or revisiting prior to final clinical competency exams.Includes bony landmarks, muscle insertions, surface palpation on the body and ossification centres. All major landmarks and muscle attachments included so very useful for revising your myology at the same time.Suitable for all pre-clinical anatomy and physiology students including medical students, physiotherapy, osteopaths, chiropractors, radiologist. Sections of multiple choice, single answer option, long answer.May also be used as a secondary learning tool.Many hours have gone into preparing the questions from my teaching notes for my undergraduate and graduate CPD students. But loading everything up onto a platform like Udemy can throw in gremlins! If you do find anything that you think may be wrong, please let me know straight away.One thing to note if you have never used a practice test course on Udemy before, is that it is treated as an exam. You do not know whether you have answered correctly until you finish the test. However, you can do as many questions as you like each time you take the test and you can re-take it as many times as you like.I had initially planned to cover the whole skeleton in one set of practice tests, but I found that there was just too much material and the tests would have become unwieldy. So the lower limb, skull and spine will be covered in the next two practice tests - coming soon!The teaching photos are of a lovely half plus extras skeleton that was given to me over 20 years ago by an elderly patient who was a retired doctor. He had had the most interesting life spanning his early career as an army doctor in WW2 into civilian hospital life as a cardiologist. I am so grateful to him for this beautiful skeleton, but actually most memorable are the anecdotes, words of wisdom and advice that he offered me. He is sadly missed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Risk Analysis and Insurance Planning- CFP Certification" |
"This module covers the knowledge requirements relating to insurance needs and risk assessment of clients. It introduces insurance and different types of risk against which insurance is needed in todays era. It explains the concept of Life insurance as well as General insurance and the concepts within. It also talks about the regulatory environment of insurance in India."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits- CFP Certification" |
"This module pays emphasis to basic strategies towards achieving post-retirement objectives of a client of his/her post-retirement financial and other needs and ways to systematically build the required retirement corpus. It talks about the ways to systematically build the required retirement corpus. It will also explain the various benefits or schemes that an individual could have in order to build enough retirement corpus."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Tax Planning and Estate Planning- CFP Certification" |
"This module would cover the knowledge requirements of Indian Tax System, specifically related to Direct Taxes and personal taxation. The tax treatment of the types of income such as agricultural, business, salary and the attendant exemptions and benefits need to be discerned. The emphasis is on tax efficiency of transactions at all stages, viz. structuring of emoluments, saving taxes within permissible limits as suited to long-term goals, investing, spending, gifting and transferring wealth. The knowledge of various business forms and related tax strategies is also covered. The Estate planning is emphasized not as a late stage requirement but a necessary succession arrangement always in place for all assets fixed, physical and financial. The discerning knowledge of tax laws and succession laws and their compliance procedures is a rigid requirement of this module."
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Financial Planning- CFP Certification" |
"This module will bring the user to an application level of all the concepts learned in the process of becoming a Financial Planner. It will enrich the student with required knowledge and skills to assess the entire financial situation of a client, financial goals of the client to meet in the near and long term, the parameters related to the economy, the financial market to develop a comprehensive financial plan."
Price: 4480.00 ![]() |
"Up and Running with WordPress and Woocommerce 2019" |
"In this Course we're going to Learn What is WordPress? What is Woocommerce and How we can Use this Awesome Plugin to Build Professional Online Stores. We'll start off with WordPress Basics and Install and Setup Woocommerce, then we'll move on the Adding Products, Setup Coupon Codes and Payment Options. After that we'll move to the Exciting part where we'll develop our front end website. We start off with Basic Theme Development and then move on to the Advanced Woocommerce Theming where We'll Cover all Woocommerce Pages. You'll Learn how to Build Your Own Woocommerce Theme by Using and Modifying it's Core Templates instead of Using Pre-made Woocommerce Themes like Mystile or Storefront Themes . At the end we'll Install and Use Few Great Plugins which take our Store to the Next Level."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Fedora Linux from Scratch" |
"This course will teach you how to quickly and easily master the Linux Command Line using Fedora.The entire course is built on practical approach, so you will learn only useful knowledge with lots of practical examples in a very short amount of time. Concepts taught are applicable to all Linux distributions.After finishing this course you will be able to easily navigate your way around a Linux system and feel confident at the command line."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hacking Using Social Engineering" |
"This course will teach you the most common social engineering threats and how to protect yourself and your systems from social engineering attacks.You'll learn how to perform attacks on targets using a wide variety of sites and tools, and develop payloads that effectively compromise the system.By the time you've completed this course, you will have a strong knowledge about social engineering."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Criar Especificaes de APIs com Swagger e OpenAPI" |
"Vamos planejar e escrever 4 APIs usando o padro OpenAPI usando um caso real. Esse o primeiro curso da srie que estamos construindo sobre Planejamento, Construo e Gerenciamento de APIs, para que alunos possam migrar sua carreira para Desenvolvedores de APIs usando as tcnicas e tecnologias mais recentes no mercado. Neste curso hands on, os alunos aprendero: Os conceitos de API e REST.O conceito de Open API, e aprendero escrever APIs usando esse padro de mercado.Conhecero a plataforma e suas ferramentas Swagger, e aprendero usar a escrever especificaes de APIs no Swagger Editor e manipular o Swagger UI.Conhecero a ferramenta de planejamento gil Trello, faro todo o planejamento das APIs do projeto no Trello.O curso foi criado para alunos com ZERO conhecimento nas ferramentas ou tcnicas aqui descritas. Apenas pedimos que os alunos conheam um pouco sobre APIs e sobre o REST e tambm lgica de programao. um curso totalmente prtico para que no fim, vocs realmente possam ter resultados profissionais e financeiros positivos no uso das tecnologias aqui aprendidas."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Implantando e Gerenciando APIs com o Apigee do Google" |
"Vamos ajudar vocs a conhecerem a fundo o Apigee e como implantar essa ferramenta dentro da sua empresa, inclusive ajuda-los se o uso de uma ferramenta igual ao Apigee uma boa escolha para o seu negcio. um curso que vai ensinar de forma avanada os seguintes itens do Apigee:ConfiguraesMonitoramentoRelatriosPublicaesDesenvolvimento um curso que vai ajudar a gestores e arquitetos com uma boa estratgia para implantar o Apigee. um curso que vai ajudar aos desenvolvedores de APIs a usarem features avanadas no processo de desenvolvimento de APIs dentro da soluo. um curso que vai usar um exemplo real, com um fluxo de ponta a ponta, para que seja possvel ver todo o potencial de utilizao desta ferramenta maravilhosa que o Apigee.Vai ser ensinado a fazer o planejamento do processo de implantao usando o Trello e a simulao de vrias funcionalidades avanadas no processo de desenvolvimento e publicao de APIs. um curso totalmente prtico para que no fim, vocs realmente possam ter resultados profissionais e financeiros positivos no uso das tcnicas e tecnologias aqui aprendidas."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |