Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Canon lens course. The best lenses for your Canon DSLR" |
"The best value course about Canon DSLR lenses available now.Check out the free videos from the course below!THIS PRICE will not last long!Do you own a Canon DSLR camera? Are you thinking of buying a new lens? Are you unsure about what lens to get next? Do you just want some straight answers, not more jargon?This course on lenses for Canon DSLR cameras is designed for you !Imagine how great it feels to take great pictures with your camera because you did your research and bought the right lens for the job. No compromising with angles or apertures, or having to get closer or stepping back. Just having the perfect lens for the pictures you want to take....Created for beginners, hobbyists and enthusiasts, this course on Canon DSLR lenses is the ideal course for anyone who wants to know more about the lenses available for Canon DSLR cameras, or is looking to buy a new lens, but is unsure where to get clear, balanced information. It doesn't matter whether you own a full frame Canon camera or a crop frame Canon camera. This course covers options for both!Beginning with a lecture about what lenses actually do, and working through Focal Length and Aperture to MTF charts, lens distortions and lens code abbreviations, this course explains everything you need to know in a straight-forward way, so that you can research your new lenses with confidence.In this course you will see great examples of the kinds of pictures each lens type can take, look at specific lenses in detail, understand depth of field and hyperfocal distance, find out about filters and extenders and much, much more.The author, Jeremy Bayston, has been a picture editor for national newspapers in the UK for over 25 years and brings a wealth of experience to the course. He has produced over 4 hours of specially made lectures, which go into greater detail on Prime and Zoom lenses, Specialist lenses, Third party lenses, Best lenses for each photographic style, What to watch out for when you buy a lens, and much more. With the right lens you can take exactly to kind of pictures you want to take. That feeling of deep satisfaction of having your photos admired by your friends is almost impossible to beat... This lecture course: Has 15 exclusive videos (18 in total - over 4 hours) with written resources.Helps you to understand how lenses work, so that you can make better decisions about your lens purchases.Shows you what Wide angle, Standard and Telephoto lenses can do - their strengths and weaknesses.This course teaches you about the lenses available for your Canon DSLR camera in an accessible way, with minimum jargon. Each full lecture has resource notes with suggestions and, of course, if you have any questions, you can contact Jeremy through the Udemy dashboard.You probably bought a DSLR camera for its interchangeable lens options. This course gives you the knowledge to get the right lens for the type of photography you want to do!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with SQL Server 2017 and .NET Core" |
"Get Started with SQLServer 2017 and Build .NETCore Applications that interact with relational data!Are you a student or professional in the field of softwareengineering or maybe contemplating an educational orcareer move to the software engineeringworld? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with SQLServer 2017 and don't want to go through an overwhelming amountof material just to get your environment setup and ready for building yourown apps that interact with data?Don't worry asTHIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for SQLServer 2017 and help you to build your first set of apps that store and retrieve data quickly and through a step-by-step guided approach. I will be showing you all the necessary installation and setup needed for SQLServer 2017, SQL Server Management Studio, .NET Core, Visual Studio, and Dapper.Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towardsthe rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NETtechnologies!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with .NET Core Clean Architecture" |
"Get Started with .NETCore Clean Architecture!Are you a student or professional in the field of softwareengineering or maybe contemplating an educational orcareer move to the software engineeringworld? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with .NETCore coupled with Clean Architecture and don't want to go through an overwhelming amountof material just to get your environment setup and ready for building yourown apps that interact with data?Don't worry asTHIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for .NET Core MVC, SQL Server 2017, DependencyInjection, MediatR, AutoMapper and help you to build your first set of apps that apply a Clean Architecture design pattern through a step-by-step guided approach. Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towardsthe rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NETtechnologies!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started .NET Core Microservices RabbitMQ" |
"Get Started with .NET Core Microservices using RabbitMQ!Are you a student or professional in the field of software engineering or maybe contemplating an educational or career move to the software engineering world? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with .NET Core coupled with Microservices using RabbitMQ messaging and don't want to go through an overwhelming amount of material just to get your environment setup and ready for building your own apps that interact with data? Don't worry as THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for .NET Core Microservices utilizing RabbitMQ messaging, and help you to build your first set of apps that apply a Microservice Architecture design pattern through a step-by-step guided approach. Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towards the rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NET technologies!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"C# Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers" |
"Get Started with C# Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers!Are you a student or professional in the field of engineering, physics, mathematics, or science or maybe contemplating an educational or career move to the software engineering world? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with .NET Numerical Methods coupled with C# Programming and don't want to go through an overwhelming amount of material just to get your environment setup and ready for building your own algorithm libraries? Don't worry as THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! In my course, I will teach you how to apply and utilize C# programming to solve engineering and scientific problems using numerical methods through a step-by-step guided approach. Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towards the rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NET technologies!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel Yeni Balayanlar in Temel Eitim" |
"Bu kursta PHPdilininen popler yaps (framework)diyebileceimiz Laravel'in kurulumdan aamasndanyaynlamaya aamasna kadar olan admlarn eksiksiz ve anlalr bir ekilde anlatmaya alacam. Laravel birok sistemi iinde hazr bulunduran gelimi bir yapdr. Ruby yazlm dilinin internet uygulamar iin kullann ROR(Ruby on Rails) ile ok fazla benzerlik gstermektedir.Kursu hazrlarken en son stabil srm olan 5.4 versiyonunu kullanacam. Bu yzden sizlerinde 5.4 srm ykleyerek videolar takip etmeniz neriyorum.Umarm amacna ulaan ve bilgiyi aktarabileceim bir kurs olacak.Her trl sorunuz iin bana ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"De Da a Noche en DaVinci Resolve : Color 102" |
"SOBRE LA CLASELa correccin y graduacin de color es los productos audiovisuales nos ayudan a contar la historia. Este curso te llevar por este complejo mundo del Color. Como excusa para introducirnos al DaVinci Resolve 14 vamos a trabajar la temtica de convertir tomas garbada en el da a noches. Es una prctica ms comn de lo que uno se imagina en el cine. QU INCLUYE ESTE CURSO?Introduccin al DaVinci Resolve software profesional de colorizado y Gratuito en su versin lite. -GUI de DaVinci y cmo funciona-Importar media al DaVinci-Colorizado mediante nodos seriales, paralelos y tipo layer.-Manejo de mscaras, tracking y qualifier-Colorizado en DaVinci-Exportado de video finalQU PROYECTO VAS A REALIZAR?Colorizar una secuencia de tomas grabadas en el da y convertirlas a noche.QU VAS A LOGRAR CON ESTE CURSO?Adquirirs la habilidad para trabajar en uno de los softwares de correccin de color ms importantes de la industria del cine y la televisin. Entenders el flujo de trabajo y cmo funcionan la correccin de color por nodos."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"VideoLyric en After Effects" |
"El Videolyrics, es un estilo de animacin que incorpora dos tcnicas de animacin complejas y atractivas, el Kinetic Typography y el Motion Graphics. La primera es la tcnica por la cual damos vida a letras y textos, mediante el uso de tipografas. La segunda es una tcnica como su nombre lo dice est basada en el movimiento de grficos, que pueden ser fotos, imgenes vectoriales o cualquier pieza grfica que podamos imaginaros. El Videolyrics est inundando el internet, te invito a realizar el curso y ser parte de la comunidad de artistas digitales. QU INCLUYE ESTE CURSO?De todo un poco, empezamos con lo ms bsico en After Effects y finalizamos llevando nuestro proyecto a un nivel avanzado.- Funciones bsicas del After Effects- Creacin de keyframes y animacin- Kinetic Typography (en espacio 2D y 3D)- Diferentes tcnicas de Motion Graphics- Motion Lettering- Graph Editor (bsico)- Expresiones (bsico)- Y mucho msQU PROYECTO VAS A REALIZAR?El proyecto que realizars ser un video de una duracin no menos a 45 segundos, en la cual debers elegir una cancin, una paleta de color, tipografas y texturas; con las cuales crears un VideoLyrics.No olvides que primero debers hacer un guion del proyecto.QU VAS A LOGRAR CON ESTE CURSO?Potenciar tus habilidades como animador en After Effects y crear un producto audiovisual que te permitir demostrar tus grandes habilidades como artista digital."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning, Business analytics & Data Science" |
"Learn complete Machine learning, Deep learning, business analytics & Data Science with R & Python covering applied statistics, R programming, data visualization & machine learning models like pca, neural network, CART, Logistic regression & more. You will build models using real data and learn how to handle machine learning and deep learning projects like image recognition. You will have lots of projects, code files, assignments and we will use R programming language as well as python. Release notes- 01 MarchDeep learning with Image recognition & KerasFundamentals of deep learningMethodology of deep learningArchitecture of deep learning modelsWhat is activation function & why we need themRelu & Softmax activation functionIntroduction to KerasBuild a Multi-layer perceptron model with Python & Keras for Image recognitionRelease notes- 30 November 2019 Updates;Machine learning & Data science with PythonIntroduction to machine learning with pythonWalk through of anaconda distribution & Jupyter notebookNumpyPandasData analysis with Python & PandasData Visualization with PythonData Visualization with PandasData visualization with MatplotlibData visualization with SeabornMulti class linear regression with PythonLogistic regression with PythonI am avoiding repeating same models with Python but included linear regression & logistic regression for continuation purpose.Going forward, I will cover other techniques with Python like image recognition, sentiment analysis etc.Image recognition is in progress & course will be updated soon with it. Unlike most machine learning courses out there, the Complete Machine Learning & Data Science with R-2019 is comprehensive. We are not only covering popular machine learning techniques but also additional techniques like ANOVA & CART techniques. Course is structured into various parts like R programming, data selection & manipulation, applied statistics & data visualization. This will help you with the structure of data science and machine learning. Here are some highlights of the program: Visualization with R for machine learning Applied statistics for machine learning Machine learning fundamentals ANOVA Implementation with R Linear regression with R Logistic Regression Dimension Reduction Technique Tree-based machine learning techniques KNN Implementation Nave Bayes Neural network machine learning technique When you sign up for the course, you also: Get career guidance to help you get into data science Learn how to build your portfolio Create over 10 projects to add to your portfolio Carry out the course at your own pace with lifetime access"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende sobre Cefaleas o Dolores de Cabeza" |
"La cefalea es una de las razones principales por las que muchos pacientes buscan atencin mdica. Puede ser primaria o secundaria. El primer paso es distinguir las causas benignas de las afecciones graves, la intensidad del dolor rara vez tiene utilidad diagnstica.La mayora de los pacientes que acuden a urgencias con el peor dolor de cabeza de su vida, padecen de migraa. La ubicacin del dolor en ciertos casos despierta la sospecha de una lesin en ciertas estructuras locales del cerebro. El hecho de que el desencadenante de la cefalea sea algn factor ambiental, revela que la causa es benigna.En la valoracin de la cefalea, la exploracin neurolgica completa es de vital importancia, as como , valorar el estado anmico del paciente, pues existe cierta relacin entre el dolor y la depresin. . Cuando los resultados son anormales o se sospecha de una causa grave, se deben indicar exmenes de neuroimagen como tomografas o resonancia magntica. Sin duda alguna, todos en algn momento de nuestra vida hemos experimentado algn tipo de cefalea. Por ello, te invito a conocer de manera precisa y didctica, cmo diagnosticar y tratar el dolor de cabeza, con el fin de ayudarles a mejorar su calidad de vida y la de los que te rodean. Aprenders tambin, sus causas y relevancia clnica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Recuento Anatmico Premium" |
"Cmo se puede estudiar la anatoma macroscpica?El trmino 'anatoma' se deriva de la palabra griega 'temnein' que significa 'cortar'. Por lo tanto, claramente el estudio de la anatoma est vinculado en su raz a la diseccin, aunque la diseccin de cadveres por parte de los estudiantes ahora est aumentada, o incluso en algunos casos, se reemplaza al ver material plstico y modelos proseccionados (previamente diseccionados), o mediante computadoras tal como lo haremos en este curso.La anatoma puede estudiarse siguiendo un enfoque regional o sistmico.Con un enfoque regional, cada regin del cuerpo se estudia por separado y todos los aspectos de esa regin se estudian al mismo tiempo. Por ejemplo, si se va a estudiar el trax, se examinan todas sus estructuras. Esto incluye la vasculatura, los nervios, los huesos, los msculos y todas las dems estructuras y rganos ubicados en la regin del cuerpo definida como el trax. Despus de estudiar esta regin, las otras regiones del cuerpo, es decir: el abdomen, la pelvis, la extremidad inferior, la extremidad superior, la espalda, la cabeza y el cuello; se estudian de manera similar.En contraste, en el enfoque sistmico, cada sistema del cuerpo es estudiado y seguido en todo el cuerpo. Por ejemplo, un estudio del sistema cardiovascular examina el corazn y todos los vasos sanguneos del cuerpo. Cuando esto se complete, el sistema nervioso :cerebro, mdula espinal y todos los nervios; se puede examinar en detalle. Este enfoque contina para todo el cuerpo, hasta que se hayan estudiado todos los sistemas; incluidos los sistemas esqueltico, muscular, gastrointestinal, respiratorio, linftico y reticuloendotelial.Cada uno de estos enfoques tiene beneficios y deficiencias. El enfoque regional funciona muy bien, si el curso de anatoma involucra la diseccin de cadveres, pero se queda corto cuando se trata de comprender la continuidad de todo un sistema en todo el cuerpo. Es por esta razn, que en este curso ofreceremos un enfoque sistmico que fomenta la comprensin de un sistema completo de todo el cuerpo humano, de manera muy didctica, ilustrativa y precisa que sin duda ser de tu agrado y te ayudar a adquirir un aprendizaje significativo. Anmate y comienza ya. Gracias"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mster en Microsoft Access" |
"Objetivo General:Al finalizar el curso el participante ser capaz de crear una base de datos para el control optimo de datos a travs de una aplicacin en Access Descripcin:El contenido est dividido en 4 secciones de los cuales, los temas ms relevantes son:Creacion de una base de datosCreacion de consultasCreacion de FormulariosCreacion de Informes y MacrosBeneficios del Curso:Te convertirs en un experto para crear aplicaciones en Access a travs de una base de datosEvitaras tiempos largos para poder tomar control de tus datosPodrs crear cualquier tipo de base datos, consultas, formularios, informes y macros de una manera simple y rpida.Podrs solucionar problemas complejos en tu vida personal o a nivel organizacional dando mltiples soluciones puntuales tomando en cuenta el uso correcto de Microsoft Access"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Objetivo General:Al finalizar el curso el participante estar en la capacidad de poder consultas y PL/SQL en ambiente de ORACLE 11gORACLE es una base de datos robusta el cual es muy utilizada en el mundo empresarial a nivel internacional, esto debido a que la seguridad es muy alta y la eficiencia del motor de base de datos es muy superior a cualquier otra base de datos. El contenido mas relevante de este curso es el siguiente:Introduccin en ORACLE 11g (Instalacin, conocer el ambiente, creacin de base de datos y modelo relacional)Instrucciones de manipulacin de datos (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT)Instrucciones CondicionalesFunciones de Caracteres Funciones de AgrupacinUnin de Mltiples TablasStored Procedure, Triggers, Subquerys, FunctionsBeneficios:Adquirir el conocimiento de base de datos en ORACLE 11g desde cero.Podrs realizar consultas SQL y PL/SQL en el Developer de ORACLE Podrs conocer toda la sintaxis necesaria para trabajar en ambiente de ORACLE Estars en la capacidad de poder trabajar en ORACLE."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Autodesk Navisworks Course (BIM Tool)" |
"This completeAutodesk Navisworks course willinstructyou in best approaches to combine 3D geometry from cross disciplines into one scene to enable effective model reviews. Through a hands-oncurriculum, you willacquire the knowledge needed to review and markup the model, use TimeLiner, Animator, Scripter, Quantification,as well as the Clash Detective tools within the Autodesk Navisworks software.With all of these BIM (Building Information Modeling) tools,Mohamed Elhout shows how to usethe functionality of the Autodesk Navisworks Simulate, and Manage features, he willlearn youhow to open, review, quantify, and run object-interference checks on 3D models. You also willlearn how to link to task-scheduling files and create 4D construction simulations. Using the Animator and Scripter tools, you willcreate interactive animations."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Professional in Business Analysis PMI-PBA Exam Simulation 1" |
"This Professional in Business Analysis PMI-PBA Exam Simulation Part 1 will help you to practice an actual exam with great detail. Two (2) full Exams of 200 multiple-choice questions each. The allotted time for each exam is four (4) hours. These exams cover the 5 domains appear on the PMI-PBA certification examination: Needs Assessment, Planning, Analysis, Traceability and Monitoring, and Evaluation. The SAME Questions are shown again under the domain order.Also, check the Professional in Business Analysis PMI-PBA Exam Simulation Part 2 for more two (2) exams.Description of the PMI-PBA certification examinationThe examination is computer-based and is comprised of 200 multiple-choice questions, with 175 of those questions scored and 25 considered pre-test questions which do not affect your score. These questions are randomly placed throughout the exam. The allotted time to complete the examination is four (4) hours. The examination is offered around the world at PMI-approved testing centers. To find a testing center in your area please visit the PMI website."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Professional in Business Analysis PMI-PBA Exam Simulation 2" |
"This Professional in Business Analysis PMI-PBA Exam Simulation Part 2 will help you to practice an actual exam with great detail. Two (2) full Exams of 200 multiple-choice questions each. The allotted time for each exam is four (4) hours. These exams cover the 5 domains appear on the PMI-PBA certification examination: Needs Assessment, Planning, Analysis, Traceability and Monitoring, and Evaluation. The SAME Questions are shown again under the domain order.Also, check the Professional in Business Analysis PMI-PBA Exam Simulation Part 1 for more two (2) exams.Description of the PMI-PBA certification examinationThe examination is computer-based and is comprised of 200 multiple-choice questions, with 175 of those questions scored and 25 considered pre-test questions which do not affect your score. These questions are randomly placed throughout the exam. The allotted time to complete the examination is four (4) hours. The examination is offered around the world at PMI-approved testing centers. To find a testing center in your area please visit the PMI website."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create a Facial Gui rig using blenshapes in maya" |
"In this course i will guide you on how to get started using blend shapes to create appealing facial expressions,that will make your characters more appealing.I will also guide you on how to create a simple graphical user interface that can control your facial expressions.I will also show you some tips and tricks on how to use adobe illustrator to create controls curves for the graphical user interface."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Speed up your Animations using video reference" |
"This course covers how to use video as a guide on how to approach animating 3d characters in any given 3d software.the course will dive into the 12 principles of animation and will show you how to convert video into an image sequence usable in auto desk Maya.This course is geared for intermediate animation students who are looking to improve on their animation techniques and skills."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Manipulation and Editing Masterclass" |
"UPDATE - February 2019 - Learn theDouble Exposure EffectThe Photoshop Manipulation and Editing Masterclass Contains projects that help you master both editing techniques and conquer simple and complex photo manipulation projects. This class will teach you non-destructive editing which allows you to edit or change a photo without disturbing the original photo, giving you more control over changes down the road.The first section will show you Photoshops amazing editing tools including the content aware tools, where things seem to disappear like magic. We will review how we can even change the season of a photo quickly by using selective color. We will use the spot healing brush tool to retouch with ease and brighten up dull photos with dodge and burn.We will change hair and clothing color by painting with blending modes and even learn how to paint on gold makeup for dramatic effects and lighting.The second section of this class will focus on photo manipulation projects that vary from easy to complex.The first project will start to review the many ways to isolate and select our images to be placed in new environments and also learning how to edit glass to adapt to its new background. We will also change white wine into red!The next project we will turn a simple bottle of olive oil into a beautiful fish bowl. We will learn how to select and cut objects with fine details and how to paint on water with realistic effects.We will do a head swap project next. I detail the process of how to swap heads using a combination of tools like the liquify tool and the clone tools.Our next project will focus on painting make-up and producing dynamic lighting effects to create a character worth remembering.Lastly, we will use all of the tools we covered in the class to conquer a complex photo manipulation with 6 photos that will look like one magical world when we are done.This class is perfect for aspiring graphic designers, those who already practice graphic design and want to improve there editing and photoshop skills or for those who want to create digital art with Photoshop to show of their creative talents.This class focuses on several real-world projects I have had to do for clients during my 14 year freelance graphic design career and a few fun ones as well.This class is guaranteed to up your Photoshop game no matter what your level is. This class is gentle enough for newcomers to Photoshop yet still applicable to those with intermediate skills.So, ready to become and editing and photo manipulation master?"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Graphic Design Mastery: The FULL Branding & Design Process" |
"Follows the FULL Graphic Design Process for A Company: Logo, Ad, Social Media, T-Shirt, Package, Website Design & More!This ambitious class aims to tackle the entire branding and design process. We will dive deep into creating our logo, how to create and expand our branding standards and produce our color palette and logo variations. We also dive into ad design and layout including layout design for digital and print graphics. We cover the package design process as we develop our series of lotion bottles. Stationary design is also covered including letterhead and business card designs. No brand is complete without a T-Shirt design as we dive into ways we can create and present our T-Shirt design and get it ready to go to press. Finally we will create a web layout and working wireframe in Adobe Xd.This class leaves nothing out as I teach you how to prepare each file we produce for press and how to work with ad specs, Pantone inks and package design.We will also learn a few new programs along the way including Adobe dimensions a 3d mockup program where we will take our package design and apply it to a 3d lotion bottle to produce some pretty cool graphics for our ad and website design.We will also learn Adobe Xd from scratch, no prior experience is necessary. We will create several web pages and link them up to create a working wireframe to show clients how their brand can be developed into this digital medium.I will show you step by step the process I go through to create branding standards to present to clients. How we present our color palettes and also creating brand assets we can use for brand extension on other design mediums.This class is an intermediate level class. I suggest you are somewhat similar with the basic tools of Adobe illustrator and Photoshop. Knowing how the layering system works and also being confutable with the basic tools of illustrator will come in handy while taking this class.I am proud to present my entire branding process from start to finish in one complete course.This class will surely give you the knowledge and insight to create entire design packages for clients both small and large."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design Mastery In Adobe Illustrator" |
"NEW! May 2020 - A Client Presentation Template in Adobe Illustrator This powerful extensive class trains you in all aspects of the logo design process including logo design theory, execution, working with typography, selecting color pallets, preparing and exporting files and how to work with adobe illustrator to create stunning logos.Not only that this class teaches you how to work with clients by following several full logo design projects from start to finish. We talk about what type of questions to ask clients before starting your logo design process. We also apply our logos to mockups so we can create polished presentations for our portfolio or to the client for approval. We even talk about where to find possible clients by following a step by step process.For the theory section of this course we dive into logo design categories and also review all the different logo design styles while showing stellar examples of each. I go over the characteristics of strong logos designs and walk you through these using real world companies. Lastly, we cannot talk about logo design theory without talking about the power of color as we review the color psychology chart.The next section is for those who need a crash course in Adobe illustrator as we review all of the most used tools we will use throughout this class including the width, shape-builder, offset path, gradient tools and using layering masks and more. Afterwards we walk through the entire logo design process from scratch. We will learn how to quickly get our ideas out on paper, and then turn those rough ideas into real workable designs we can present to the client. We will walk through each step of the journey as we work finding those final concepts to present. We will create a mood board to find our perfect color matches and finish off our logo with the final touches. Our next section dives deep into the golden ratio in logo design. We will create from scratch the golden ratio spiral and create the golden ratio circles we need to start to adapt our designs to the golden ratio. We will do several practice projects as well. We then take this logo all the way through to the end including create all variations and sizes we will need to adapt this logo to just about anything. We will also create polished designs by learning how to use photoshop mock-ups. We will then use our downloadable file export guide to learn how and why we export the specific files to our clients. The next section goes over portfolio building basics and several places and steps to find clients and to get client referrals so you can start building your design business.This course is packed full of downloadable resources including a client questioner document, Logo styles and categories cheat sheet, color wheel and color psychology documents, a finding clients resource, and file export, a golden ratio cheat sheet, a font paring guide and much more! This class is extensive but is gentle and paced well enough for beginners to work through the course. There are both beginner and intermediate level topics discussed with some advanced topics discussed later on in the course.This will be for anyone interested in working through a course that has a deep focus on logo design or any designer who wants to fine tune their logo design and presentation skills.So, are you ready to up your logo design game? Lets get started!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"The Freelance Masterclass: For Creatives" |
"Are you ready to go freelance? Or are you wanting to learn everything about how to become a successful freelancer? Interested in going from part-time to full-time or wanting to explore this is a viable career option?This course has a special focus on creative freelancers or anyone who uses their creative skillsets in their craft. This includes:Graphic DesignersIllustratorsPhotographersWebsite DesignersUX/UI Designers Anyone who has creative skills that wants to go freelanceAlthough everyone can get a ton out of this class, even if you do not use creative talents in your line of work.This extensive course reviews all aspects of the freelancing process including:Setting Our GoalsWriting our Story, Bios, Profiles, Mission StatementsFinding Our Target MarketGoing through the Personal Freelance Branding ProcessBrainstorming Logo Ideas and Talking About ColorCreating Our Business Cards and LetterheadsBuilding our Portfolios both Online and PDF portfoliosFinding Clients OnlineFinding Clients OfflineBuilding an Upwork Profile TogetherWalking through Hourly and Fixed Rate PricingFinding our Perfect Hourly RateWorking through Practice QuotesCreating a Contract and talking about Contract BasicsFinding out when to go Full-timeWorking with Money and our Cash FlowReviewing many different Client Situations, we can be in and how to handle themWe will craft our freelancing story together to write effective bios, marketing copy and write a compelling mission statement. We will learn what goes into powerful personal freelance branding. We will work through the brainstorming of a logo design, the creation of a letterhead and business card and learn how to create and use branded assets to make yourself look incredibly professional and consistent. We will learn the power of stellar portfolios and how to best present your work in several different formats including a pdf portfolio and a website-based portfolio. We even review how to post your work to third party websites like behance.Finding clients is the hardest part of freelancing. We will spend plenty of time reviewing the many different ways to secure clients online, offline and on social media. We will learn to write fantastic bios and profile descriptions to present ourselves in the best way possible to potential clients. We even spend time creating an UpWork profile and lean how to use freelancer websites to find work.Pricing your work is essential to maximizing your earnings as a freelancer. We will learn several different ways to price your work. We will go over the benefits and downsides to both hourly and fixed rate pricing. We find ways to help us create accurate and profitable quotes and even work through several practice quotes to get comfortable pricing our work. After finding clients, sometimes working with clients can be just as challenging. We will learn how to create contracts that properly protect us and talk about upfront deposits, project scope and more. We even work through a contract together and I provide a basic contract as a downloadable resource.We will work through several negative clients situations and talk about best ways to navigate those common client issues. Finally, we work through copyright issues as we review best practices for using fonts, photos and graphic resources for client work and projects.Managing your income and cashflow is vital to your success. We will discuss when might be the right time for you to move from part-time to full-time freelance and maybe even quit your job! We also review cash flow basics and how to properly manage your income from month to month.This course is dynamic and there will be additional content added to the course. And speaking of downloadable resources, this course has more than all my prior classes combined with over 100 pages of written content downloadable in nice bite sized resources that go along with each section so you can work through the class with videos and with resources to adding another level of engagement to the class. Are you ready to start adding value to the world you never thought was possible? Are you ready to be your own boss or make your current freelancing side gig a bigger deal? I am more than excited and proud to present this freelance masterclass to you today. The best thing we can as freelancers is stay in community with each other, that is why all students of this course will have access to an exclusive student Facebook group where we can support each other, ask questions and thrive together! So, are you ready to open up your world to freelancing? See you in the first lesson!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Graphic Design & Software with Practical Projects" |
"Master Graphic Design and Adobe Design Software By Doing Popular Design Projects Do you like to learn by doing practical real-world projects? This project-based course is extensive, starting at beginner level projects and moving all the way to advanced level design projects. With over 10+ hours of video-based project learning this course was created to appeal to graphic design students of any level and can help expose students to all the most popular graphic design projects while learning software and design principles.We talk about all aspects of design including theory, layout, color, exporting and preparing files for print, working with digital and print files and of course mastering the Adobe software including Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign.We will walk through step by step the creation of:(Beginner Level Projects) Badges and SealsLogo DesignPackage DesignMagazine Cover and SpreadYoutube ThumbnailAlbum Art Cover(Intermediate and Advanced Projects) An Entire Branding Package which includes:Logo DesignPosterLarge Welcome BannersLanyardsPostcard (front and back)Social Media GraphicsDigital AdsClient Presentations We will complete a Package Design for a food project, including the front, back, labels and print preparation. We cover Book cover design and we conquer three different types of book covers including a romance novel, a non-fiction book and an illustrative childrens book cover. We talk about what makes a solid book cover and follow basic layout principles, use grids, work with typography and learn how to create concepts that pop using examples as our guide.We will conquer digital projects as well including going over what makes compelling YouTube cover photos and we will create a dynamic one together.We even talk about creating digital art and as we create an eclectic modern album art cover. Then, we master editorial design as we create a dynamic cover for a home cooking magazine as well as a full article spread. We talk about how to work with larger blocks of text, font pairing and headlines and how to maximize both Photoshop and InDesign to maximize our impact.Last, but certainly not least we will have a 4+ hour advanced section for those looking for more detailed real-world projects. We will create from scratch the entire branding package for a conference including the Logo design, lanyards, posters, advertising, a digital marketing campaign, large format welcome banners and even a postcard.This extensive section is perfect for those looking to learn how to export and work with files of all types, how to export, prepare and save them for professional print or for the press.This section goes into an entire new level of detail that will satisfy those curious on how to take on real large-scale graphic design projects for clients.This course is prefect for those who prefer a project-based hands on learning approach and for those who love to see all types of different projects being created. This course is great for those wanting to learn and maximize Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign and learn tons and tons of new tools along the way that can speed up your workflow.This course is great for beginners, advanced designers and everyone in-between, there is something for everyone, so lets master graphic design by creating some fantastic and professional level projects together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python 2.0 Tutorial for the Beginners: Learn Effectively" |
"Python is a very popular language andvery powerful too. A lot of giant companies like YouTube, Reddit etc. use python in their back end. The job market along with career opportunity is also expanding very fast.NASAalso uses Python for Their Back-end services. If you want to be a software developer then Python is the right choice for you. If you are planning to move on the IT sector then it would bea great opportunity to learn Python. Hope you would take this opportunity without wasting any time.Why Python is Hot demanding Now?Simple because it to very simple syntax and you can implement powerfulwebsites and many more.Thank you very much andsee you on the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco ASA Firewall Fundamentals: Basics of Network Security" |
"Network security is designed to ensure protection and integrity on networking services, Network security plays a vital role in protecting various network assets from the tons of threats invented every day to break through critical parts of organizations network which leads to Billions of $ in losses and business interruption .The network security market has been growing dramatically for the past 7 years as the drivers of this market continue to increase by the increase in the number of modern security threats as well as the complicated networking assets privacy requirements.Cisco has won tough battles against the largest network security vendors to be the largest network security vendor all over the globe.Cisco security solutions and products achieve increase in Global market share a year over year.Cisco ASA is an all in one security device that combines firewall, antivirus, intrusion prevention, and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities and provides proactive threat defense against various attacks even before they.Cisco ASA can be used as a security solution for any business-sized networks, which makes it an ideal solution no matter what is the business type or industry.For those who want to follow the rising technologies of networking security from Cisco and discover the innovations in network security market developed by Cisco as well as starting a career in this booming industry, this course is the right place to start with."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pointers in C: Advanced C /C++ Pointers (Hands-on Guide)" |
"In the last decades, the technology has improved to the point, where many tasks rely on the performance of the devices or machines which serve the human. For a big group of applications, the execution speed is the priority, in this cases, main aspects get involved like security or robustness, thus in order to reduce the risk and guarantee faster responses C/C++ as programming language supports in many cases the software of those systems, in fact, one of the powerful tools of it is the use and handling of pointers, which provides mechanisms to optimize the performance of an application.Examples in the automotive sector and robotics can give us a brief idea of why you need speed in those systems that interact directly with humans, where it requires responses in real-time. Also, there is a quite expanded use of pointers in game development, where it has to assure a real players actual experience of the game.This course focuses on understanding the different functionalities of pointers with conceptual and practical examples, teaching you to perceive what happens internally in memory when we apply different functionalities of pointers. If you want more than a superficial look at handling pointers, this course is for you.PREREQUISITES / KNOWLEDGE YOU ARE ASSUMED TO HAVE: Basic understanding of C Programming. (Variable types, Functions, Loops, output/input of strings, arrays, and lists) Object-oriented programmingTIPS (for getting through the course): Write down some definitions, if you need to. Write code yourself, don't just sit there and look at my code. Try to explore each topic by yourself doing variations to the examples. Rely on web documentation of C/C++ for functions or details which are unclear for you, right after youve seen it, thus you avoid accumulating doubts.WHAT ORDER SHOULD I TAKE YOUR COURSES IN?: Try to follow the usual order of each section, since the level of the exercises increases progressively.Who this course is for: Understand the different functionalities of pointers and memory management in C/C++ programming language. Students studying basic programming or object-oriented programming with basic knowledge of C/C++. Professionals who want to apply pointers to optimize some programs or applications of the certain systems. Entrepreneurs who want to apply pointers to optimize some programs or applications of the certain systems. Students in computer science who want to learn more about pointers and memory management."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Scrapping with Python: Powerful Python Scrapping Pro" |
"This course focuses on the basic as well as advanced level of web scraping. You are eligible to take this course if you just have a basic knowledge of any programming language.This course is all about extraction of data from websites. Since we are living in an era of information technologies, so there has to be an automated solution to this problem and yes, there is a solution to this problem and we call it Web Scraping.We are using python as a programming language for this purpose. Python provides us some very useful libraries in order to deal with data. For example: Pandas or numpy and specially Beautiful soup for web scraping. One of the other reasons to use python for this tutorial is the importance of python in this era, as almost every survey nominates python as the fastest emerging programming language in world. So in order to keep ourselves updated with modern day technologies, we are also using python for this course as a programming language.In this course we will take a start from absolutely basic level and will try to tell you everything from scratch. And then once we are good with our fundamentals, we will be doing some advances level projects as well, such as extracting pictures from websites or manipulating the data after the extraction.And finally we will learn how to store our data in a structured format so that it becomes useful for many other objectives. So we will be exporting the data into CSV or excel format so that it will become readable for everyone or it can be used in presentations or data analysis processes or anywhere you want."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning: Random Forest, Adaboost & Decision Tree" |
"In recent years, we've seen a resurgence in AI, or artificial intelligence, and machine learning.Machine learning has led to some amazing results, like being able to analyze medical images and predict diseases on-par with human experts.Google's AlphaGo program was able to beat a world champion in the strategy game go using deep reinforcement learning.Machine learning is even being used to program self driving cars, which is going to change the automotive industry forever. Imagine a world with drastically reduced car accidents, simply by removing the element of human error.Google famously announced that they are now ""machine learning first"", and companies like NVIDIA and Amazon have followed suit, and this is what's going to drive innovation in the coming years.Machine learning is embedded into all sorts of different products, and it's used in many industries, like finance, online advertising, medicine, and robotics.It is a widely applicable tool that will benefit you no matter what industry you're in, and it will also open up a ton of career opportunities once you get good.Machine learning also raises some philosophical questions. Are we building a machine that can think? What does it mean to be conscious? Will computers one day take over the world?This course is all about ensemble methods.In particular, we will study the Random Forest and AdaBoost algorithms in detail.To motivate our discussion, we will learn about an important topic in statistical learning, the bias-variance trade-off. We will then study the bootstrap technique and bagging as methods for reducing both bias and variance simultaneously.All the materials for this course are FREE. You can download and install Python, NumPy, and SciPy with simple commands on Windows, Linux, or Mac.This course focuses on ""how to build and understand"", not just ""how to use"". Anyone can learn to use an API in 15 minutes after reading some documentation. It's not about ""remembering facts"", it's about ""seeing for yourself"" via experimentation. It will teach you how to visualize what's happening in the model internally. If you want more than just a superficial look at machine learning models, this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React & Redux with Typescript: Complete React & Redux Guide" |
"TypeScript starts from the same syntax and semantics that millions of JavaScript developers know today. Use existing JavaScript code, incorporate popular JavaScript libraries, and call TypeScript code from JavaScript.TypeScript compiles to clean, simple JavaScript code which runs on any browser, in Node.js, or in any JavaScript engine.Types enable JavaScript developers to use highly-productive development tools and practices like static checking and code refactoring when developing JavaScript applications.Types are optional, and type inference allows a few type annotations to make a big difference to the static verification of your code. Types let you define interfaces between software components and gain insights into the behavior of existing JavaScript libraries.TypeScript offers support for the latest and evolving JavaScript features and future proposals, like async functions and decorators, to help build robust components.These features are available at development time for high-confidence app development but are compiled into simple JavaScript that targets ECMAScript 3 (or newer) environments."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Cyber Security Course: The Network Security A-Z" |
"Become a Network Security Specialist with this exclusive course covering every aspect of Network Security. After this course, you will be able to discover security vulnerabilities across an entire network, by using network hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning.You will be able to architect your network for maximum security and prevent local and remote attacks. You will understand the various types of firewalls that are available and what threats each helps mitigate.Explore wireless security, the configurations that are required for maximum security, and why. Learn how Wi-Fi is hacked and how to mitigate those attacks, covering topics from Wireless encryption weaknesses and the latest WPA3 standard.You will master network monitoring to discover and identify potential hackers, malware, and other adversaries that might be lurking on your network. Using tools like Wireshark and Nmap.Learn the best ways to reduce the attack surface of your network and harden it for maximum security and privacy. Finally, you will fully understand how to best use IDS and IPS in your network to secure your network.This Network Security training can be used as a security solution for home-based or any business-sized networks, which makes it an ideal solution for securing networking activities.After going through this course, you will find yourself at an intermediate level of knowledge regarding network security."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Afiliado Instagram: Do ZERO a PRIMEIRA VENDA" |
"O curso foi criado pensando nas pessoas que desejam realizar vendas de infoprodutos na Internet, esta uma estratgia matadora que pode ser implementada de forma simples, rpida e gera timos resultados.O curso tambm foi desenvolvido pensando em pessoas que j possuem conhecimento em marketing digital e que querem escalar ainda mais seus resultados e mostram uma boa estratgia para impulsionar o seu negcio.Lembre-se, este um curso da Udemy, ento voc possui segurana e garantia. Voc no tem nada a perder, ento junte-se a mim agora, ou seja, o que voc pode transformar o que voc transformar o instagram e um negcio rentvel e consistente.-Rayan Maia."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |