Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
powerpoint-logical-presentation |
"3C, 4P1. 2. Excel23. MECE3C, 4P"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
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Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Edio de vdeo com o Adobe Premiere CC 2018 em Portugus!" |
"S pelo pacote extra o curso j vale a pena! O pacote extra contm:5.000 efeitos de udio.42 trilhas para o seu projeto.550 Motion Presets.50 Templates de ttulos.Manual do Adobe Premiere Pro 2014 em Portugus.O curso Premiere Pro CC ideal para quem deseja ingressar no aprendizado do Premiere, em sua verso 2018, compreendendo as tcnicas dessa ferramenta eficaz e amplamente utilizada no mercado. Trata-se de um curso fundamental aos profissionais que j trabalham ou que pretendem ingressar na rea de produo e edio de vdeos, pois alia conceitos e prticas importantes referentes aos recursos fornecidos pelo Premiere Pro CC. No decorrer das aulas, sero abordados assuntos que vo da captura e importao de vdeos, aplicao de efeitos especiais e movimentos neles, entre outras tcnicas.80 aulas completas + Super Pacote Extra Premiere.Aprenda edio de vdeo no Adobe Premiere CC 2018!"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Crie vdeos animaes estilo mo escrevendo White board" |
"Nesse fantstico curso voc aprender criar vdeos animaes estilo Mo escrevendo White board que poder ser utilizada para seu canal, redes sociais e at ser um nicho de negcios para voc.O programa principal utilizado o After Effects mas voc aprender tambm utilizar:VideoscribePowtoonAnimakerS pelo pacote extra o curso j vale a pena! O pacote extra contm: Biblioteca de mos (55 mos) Biblioteca de elementos. (3.500 elementos) 55 trilhas sonoras."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Animao de textos no After Effects CC 2018" |
"32 aulas completas + Super Pacote Extra Animao de Textos.S pelo extra oferecido o curso j vale a pena! So mais de R$ 1.000,00 em extra de graa para voc!O pacote extra contm:5.000 efeitos de udio.42 trilhas para o seu projeto.5 templates de textos prontos.Neste curso online e gratuito os estudantes podero entender melhor as ferramentas disponveis no After Effects que podem ser utilizadas para criar uma grande variedade de animaes de texto. Ao longo do curso as aulas abordaro temas como criao de textos, diferentes tipos de animaes, dentre outros.Estrutura do curso:Conhecendo o After Effects.Criando composies.Tudo sobre keyframes.Criando um texto no After Effects.Biblioteca de efeitos de texto.Animaes de textos simples e complexas.O animador de texto do After Effects.Animar texto com mscaras.Animar textos com paths.Efeito manuscrito do texto.E muito mais...Alm de inmeros tutorais prticos para treino.E voc ainda ir conhecer 13 sites para voc fazer download gratuito de vdeos."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Simulado de Portugus - 400 questes em 6 simulados" |
"Voc quer fazer um simulado para vestibular, concurso pblico ou prova escolar?Selecionei 400 questes de vestibulares das grandes universidades do Brasil.Os simulados so:Simulado de Ortografia.Simulado de Classes Gramaticais.Simulado de Regncia Nominal e Verbal.Simulado de Concordncia Nominal e Verbal.Simulado de Anlise Sinttica.Voc ter 2 horas para fazer cada simulado com pontuao mdia de 50%.Bom simulado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP Registration Form, Email Confirmation & Responsive Email" |
"Registration Form is a compulsory part of any dynamic website, in this course we are going to create a PHP registration form with email confirmation, forgot password and responsive email template. this course is PHP beginners students you just have the basic knowledge of PHP and we will cover Object Oriented Programming fundamentals in this course we have a separate section for oops. What you will learn? HTML & CSS Build eye catch UIObject oriented programming fundamentals PDO (PHP Data Object) fundamentalsDatabase library, form validations library & email library Responsive email template"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PHP AJAX Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to "" PHP AJAX BOOTCAMP "" course. In this course we learn every thing related ajax, this is a complete course about ajax, this course will master you in ajax because we will learn each point of ajax for example what is ajax, how ajax works, jQuery ajax method, json, how to fetch data from external API using ajax so those all thing we learn in this course. below are the course sections. Object oriented programmingPDO BasicsJSON Basics AJAX BasicsCRUD Application using AJAX & PHPAJAX images gallery application using AJAX & PHP"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ranking on first Google page personal self development" |
"Want to know why you do not rank higher on google? Today Im going to teach you how to rank high on google with content that is based on you and your abilities... You have to learn why getting higher google rankings in 2020 needs a new SEO. Do you know what is the greater power to elevate you in the first google page?In this course will be presented with greater power with which you have been born and can help you to rank first and dominate for your niche on google pages.Ranking on Google's first page is vital if you want to make a presence in the world of business.Aspects of this ability to dominate on Google's first page other than the known management methods will be presented.You will be in front of your greater inherited weapon. Your own talent.Without refusing the importance of all the methods that are used to increase the volume of the ranking on Google we will concentrate on self aspects that can make the difference.When you have finished this course you will have another way to think about ranking which is not based only on Keywords but on your own power. You will have seen the importance of your charisma and will be empowered to use it.You will have been connected with the abundance of your own abilities.Also, you will have again the power and tips to present your self.Moreover, you will have management tips to help you work on your niche especially if you are a single father."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Linux Basics for Hadoop Administrators" |
"Hello Guys,Welcome to this course on Linux Basics , my name is Sijeesh Iwill be your instructor for this course. The reason why I publish this course is most of the Hadoop Administrators were asking me to teach Linux Basics . As a Hadoop Administrator you should know certain amount of Linux to manage your day to day tasks.You need not to study complete Linux administration skill set , Ihave added only some subset of Linux Administration topics that are needed for a hadoop administrator . If you are interested , I request you to go ahead and learn complete Linux administration as it makes your life much more easier.Please try to setup one simple practice environment and practice along with me . Wish you all the very bestCheersSijeesh Kunnotharamal"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker Basics Docker Hands on Guide Docker for beginner" |
"This course covers docker basics. Starting from installation , building containers ,docker compose and more. This course will be more effective once you start practicing in a lab environment. The course will cover the basics of docker. End of this course I will show you how to build a hadoop cluster using docker"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
strategicplanning |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MEAL : MEAL - . ___ :1- MEAL2- 3- 4- MEAL .5- MEAL ( .. ) 6- MEAL ( PMP IPTT )7- MEAL ( : .. )8- MEAL.9-"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Risk Management Course" |
": : : :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Muay Thai Training ,Powerful Kick Strengthening" |
"This course is mainly focused on the strongest standing position of Thai boxing including the hard attack and the receiving of rivals attacking. The majority of practicing is learning how to attack and strengthening the rest of body including muscles strengthening. All techniques to strengthen shin bones are required too. All level of kick and powerful kick are included to support you and make you feel confident to fight with even the professional boxers. If you keep practicing continually and use some tips of shins strengthening from this course that you arent taught from any other gyms, you can do it. Even all over Thailand you hardly see the practicing like this."
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Classical Homeopathy: First Aid" |
"This course will introduce you to Classical Homeopathy through teaching you First Aid, the homeopathic way. Homeopathy is a 300 year old medical system that is the second-most utilized method of health treatment globally. While it has a well-established philosophy, it is often perceived as mysterious and unapproachable. This course will demonstrate the effectiveness and ease with which you can treat all family members, including those with fur, using the basic tools of classical homeopathy."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Songs with LMMS: Zero Experience to Music Producer" |
"Do you have an interest in creating music, but aren't quite sure where to start?Maybe you're working on a promo video, and you need a backing track. Or maybe you're a game developer and need some background music. In any scenario, creating your own songs when you don't have the experience can be a difficult task - and this course aims to solve this problem.Whether you are musically gifted or have never touched an instrument in your life, the process to creating music through a DAW(Digital Audio Workstation) is the same. You just need to know the steps to get started. For anyone starting out with music production, LMMS is the perfect tool to bring your ideas to life. LMMSis a free and very easy-to-learn DAW that has a long history of introducing newcomers to music production, while at the same time providing all the tools that any professional musician would need.This course is organized in way that gradually introduces you to new concepts of music production. We start off by installing and setting up LMMS, and move on to discuss in detail each of the main interfaces that the program allows us to use, including:Song EditorPiano RollBeat +Bassline EditorFX-MixerAutomation TracksControllersAfter you are comfortable with using LMMS, we will move on to creating an original song from scratch. Producing this track will tie everything together, giving you a better understanding of how each of these components fit into the music-writing process.You do not need any musical background, and you do not need any production experience. We will discuss everything needed to get you started with creating your own songs. In addition to the topics listed above, this includes:Basic music theoryChord structureCreating chord progressionsImporting third-party virtual instruments (VSTs)Creating percussion/drum beatsWriting a melodyBasic mixing and effectsAfter completing the course, you will have all the knowledge and experience you need to start working on projects of your own. With just a few hours of work and a little practice, nothing will stop you from creating any song you want!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Anlisis de Desarrollo de Virus Informtico" |
"Aprende a desarrollar Malware in-detectable: Spyware,Troyano,RootKit,Ransomware,localizador de dispositivos,generador de tarjetas de crdito. A identificar diferentes tipos de virus en la PC a diferenciar entre cada tipo de virus informtico y como solucionar la infeccin de manera efectiva. Mtodos desde lo mas sencillo hasta el peor de los virus infecciosos y maliciosos. El desarrollo es en lenguaje C, PYTHON, COMANDOS LINUX, COMANDOS WINDOWS. EXAMEN DE 30 PREGUNTAS "
Price: 795.00 ![]() |
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Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 Training Bootcamp" |
"[COURSE UPDATES]: Course is updated every month as cloud computing and AWS exams do !- new lectures or lectures' updates- new midway or end of module Quizzes----------------------------------Welcome! I'm here to help you PREPARE and PASS the newest AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.-----------------------------------Beginners welcome: no need to know anything about AWS!The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination is intended for individuals who have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles addressed by other AWS Certifications.An AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is a recommended path to achieving Specialty certification or an optional start toward Associate certification.This course is different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy. We will spend over eight hours discussing solution architecture on AWS in depth.It covers in depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 examIt's packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a Cloud PractitionerIt teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam AND how to prepare for the real worldTopics are presented and introduced following a logical and practical real-world approach, not just topics thrown at youIt's fast paced and to the point, please get ready to learn a lot ! All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDFShortly put, here's what we'll learn in order to prepare and Pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam:The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, EFS, Route 53, RDS, S3, CloudFrontThe AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices,Introduction to Databases: RDS, Aurora, DynamoDBMonitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: AWS CloudWatch, CloudTrailAWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNSAWS Serverless: AWS LambdaAWS Security best practices: KMS, IAM PoliciesVPC & NetworkingAWS Other Services Overview: CloudFormation, Step, ElasticTranscoder, AWS Organizations, Workspaces, Tips and Tricks to ROCK the exam from your very first attempt !This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:There are many hands-on lectures for every of the Core and Key AWS servicesThere are 2x practice exams at the end of the courseModule quizzes (tests) covering answers with detailed breakdown and reference to AWS Official DocumentationWe'll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the time---------------------------------This course also comes with: Lifetime access to all future updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Join me in this course if you want to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking + Website Hacking + Mobile Hacking: CyberPro" |
"Ethical Hacking + Website Hacking + Mobile Hacking and Forensics + Linux for Beginners: 4 in 1 Cyber Security Course1. Ethical Hacking:Footprinting > Scanning > Gaining Access > Maintaining Access > Clearing Tracks > Generating ReportsFootprinting: It is a technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belong to. To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies. This information is very useful to a hacker who is trying to crack a whole system.Scanning: It can be considered a logical extension of active reconnaissance since the attacker uses details gathered during reconnaissance to identify specific vulnerabilities. Attackers can gather critical network information such as the mapping of systems, routers, and firewalls with simple tools like Traceroute. Port scanners can be used to detect listening ports to find information about the nature of services running on the target machine.Gaining Access: In this phase, hacker designs the blueprint of the network of the target with the help of data collected during Phase 1 and Phase 2. The hacker has finished enumerating and scanning the network and now decide that they have some options to gain access to the network.Maintaining Access: Once a hacker has gained access, they want to keep that access for future exploitation and attacks. Once the hacker owns the system, they can use it as a base to launch additional attacks. The longer a Hacker is able to maintain access the more information He may able to gather.Clearing Tracks: No thief wants to get caught, Prior to the attack, the attacker would change their MAC address and run the attacking machine through at least one VPN to help cover their identity, So no one can reach them.Generating Reports: Reports are a summary of your work deliver to management. You have to include what tools or techniques you have used during pen-testing and what results you got. You have t include screenshots if possible and classify threats on the basis of severity.2. Website Hacking:Basics to Advanced Attacks= SQL + XSS + DoS & DDoS3. Mobile Hacking:Learn the art of recovering deleted data and also learn about mobile forensics4. Linux for Beginners:Bonus Course Provided to help you learn Linux Operating SystemAfter Completing all of the above courses you will become a Cyber Security Professional.Learn how Black Hat attacks and How you can Defend, as well as fight back.5. BONUS:Learn to create a website in 30 seconds using AINew lectures will be added every monthGift for All Students:Enroll in this course and get FREE access to all my courses."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Master Profesional Python 3" |
"Convirtete en un programador de Python y aprende una de las habilidades ms solicitadas por el empleador!Este es el curso ms completo y didctico, para el lenguaje de programacin Python en Udemy! Si nunca has programado antes, te enseare paso a paso, o si en todo caso ya conoces te enseare las funciones avanzadas de Python, este curso es para usted! En este curso, le ensearemos Python 3.Este curso incluye 4 proyectos de escritorio usando Tkinter y 2 aplicativos Desktop usando SQLite3, todo lo necesario como para crear una cartera de proyectos de Python. Aprende de la manera que sea mejor para ti!Veremos gran variedad de temas, incluyendo:Inicios y Configuraciones(Instalacion de Python + Editor de texto & Configuracion)Funciones & Estructura de DatosEstructura de Control CondicionalEstructuras IterativasGeneradores & Excepciones Programacin Orientada a ObjetosMdulos & PaquetesAdministracin de Archivos ExternosInterfaces Grficas de Usuario(GUI)Aplicaciones Desktop(4 proyectos)Sistema Gestin Base de Datos en PythonAplicacion CRUD(2 proyectos)Funcion Lambda, Filter, MapExpresiones RegularesDecoradoresCrear EjecutablesEste curso viene con una garanta de devolucin de dinero de 30 das! Si no est satisfecho de alguna manera, recuperar su dinero. Entonces, Qu esperas? Aprenda Python de una manera que avance en su carrera y aumente su conocimiento, todo de una manera divertida y prctica!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Sing like a Pro: Gain Vocal Mastery for any Tv Talent Show" |
"Want to start singing well?Then we present the biggest Vocal Coaching course on Udemy, with 180 lessons, dozens of practical exercises for you to practice and a total duration of 23 hours!If youve always wanted to enter a TV talent show, but youve never had enough confidence in your voice, this is the right course for you. It will transform the way you breathe and sing, dramatically improving your vocal control, the way you sing and your confidence, without even having to leave the house.This course was set up to be practical and didactic, so that through the exercises shown, you can get an immediate result, which you will be able to feel in your voice.Well talk about how to transmit emotion to your audience, express feelings with clarity, and other technical issues that will help you to develop your identity through your singing and within the song.Come learn more about interpretation and performance, and bring more feeling and expressiveness to your songs, delighting and moving your audience!Youll learn how the voice works (vocal physiology), and what resources you can use to make your work even better, whether youre singing, acting or recording videos."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Color In The World Of Art" |
"This course teaches how to substitute commonly available paint to match the Pantone Primary Hues to create any desired color. The instructor shows how to mix exotic colors by using only thoseprimary hues. Students are shown step by step how to determine what colors are needed in oil on canvass painting and how to mix those colors. Instructions and examples of the glazing principles are shown step by step. Demonstrations show how paintings created in the 1800's can be easily replicated using common modern day oilpaint ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Minimalismo: Faa um detox da sua vida" |
"Ol, voc sente a necessidade de simplificar a sua vida, mas sente que precisa de uma forcinha pra comear? Vamos juntos nessa jornada!D uma olhada no que te aguarda aqui dentro do curso.Aprenda a:Identificar o que essencial na vidaIdentificar o que e onde est o excesso que o atrapalha e/ou o faa se sentir sobrecarregadoMtodos eficazes de destralheTreinar os msculos do desapegoComo manter um estilo de vida minimalistaCriar limites para conter o acmulo de seus ambientes fsicos e/ou digitais e a sobrecarga da menteE muito mais...E pra quem este curso?Este contedo pra voc que:Ainda conhece pouco ou nada da filosofia minimalistaQuer adotar um estilo de vida mais simples, mas sente que precisa de um empurrozinho pra comearAlmeja ter mais tempo e espao na vida para o que realmente amaEst se sentindo sobrecarregado(a) com muitos afazeres, compromissos e quer aprender a ""andar"", ao invs de ""correr""Est se sentindo engolido pela baguna de seus ambientes fsicos e/ou digitais-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mas ATENO!Este curso no indicado pra pessoas que tm medo do novo ou prefere ficar na sua zona de conforto.Aqui a gente vai ""arregaar as mangas"" e destralhar cada rea da vida.Envolve dizer tchau pra objetos e compromissos que no so importantes na vida.Alm disso, se voc j tm muito conhecimento a respeito da filosofia minimalista, temo que voc tire pouco proveito deste curso.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mas se voc gosta de desafios e se sente minimamente preparado(a) pra essas mudanas, vm comigo!!!Seja muito bem-vindo(a)!!!!!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Become An Expert Manifester" |
"Have you ever looked at the things someone else has or the life they live and thought, ""They must be so lucky!""? The things we receive in life are no coincidence. They are brought to us predominantly by our thoughts and feelings. This Course is designed to teach you how your thoughts and feelings play into the experiences you are currently having and how to use it to start creating and receiving the things you enjoy and want to have in your life instead of just waiting for life to happen to you.This class is self-paced. It is designed with one new tool to use each day for 30 days and an activity to do each day to implement that tool. Each tool takes 5 minutes or less to learn, and each activity is usually 15 minutes or less to complete. All of these tools are simple to learn and easy to use! They have been tried and tested by myself and many others that I have worked with and have proven to manifest things and experiences successfully."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Embracing Financial Freedom" |
"Everyone has limiting beliefs around money and finances. These limiting beliefs (things we believe to be truth that are not true) create programs that our minds and lives run on. To change that internal program, we just need to change our beliefs. This can be done with EFT, scripting, and journaling!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Clearing 3 Big Blocks To Manifesting Workshop" |
"This course is for you if you are familiar with manifesting, feel like it doesn't work for you, or have had some of your desires manifest but not all. This course will also show you areas you can work on if you have been successful with manifesting in the past to continue receiving bigger and better desires.Included:Video about what the blocks are, how to identify them, and how to work through themSlide presentation corresponding with the video thats downloadableWorkbook for doing the process of identifying the blocks and working through them thats downloadableLifetime access to everything"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Aile - irket Anayasas" |
"Ailenin kurumsallamasnn temel admlarn, Aile deerlerine gre irketlerin geleceklerinin nasl planlanmas gerektii, Aile-irket Anayasasnn gereklilii, faydalar ve genel ierii hakknda bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz. Konularmz;Aile irketlerinde kurumsallamaAile irketlerinde rollerAile irketlerinde politikalar ve nemli konularAile irketlerinde hayat evresi Alnmas gereken derslerHesap verebilirlik ve effaflkAile-irket anayasasnda ele alnan konularAile Organlar-Aile Meclisi ve Aile KonseyiAile Anayasasnda Mlkiyet Haklar ve Ortaklar SzlemesiAile Anayasas ile ynetim kurulu ilikisiAile anayasasnn sahaya indirilmesi"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |