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"Aile irketlerinde Kurumsallama" |
"Aile irketlerinde kurumsallamann temel admlarn, Aile deerlerine gre irketlerin nasl yaplanmas gerektiinin yan sra tm bunlarn kurumsal ynetime giden yolda salad faydalar hakknda bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz. Eitimin Konular;irketlerin Kurumsallamas Nedir?Deer Zinciri YaklamYnetim Fonksiyonunda nsan Kaynaklar Sisteminin nemiYaplanmalarda Nasl Bir Yol zlenilmelidir?irket Akademileri ile renin rgt OlmakSat - Pazarlama ve Muhasebe - Finans YaplanmasKurumsal Hafza ile Operasyonel Verimlilik Nasl Salanr?Departmanlar Aras Egdmn Anahtar: ToplantKurumsal Ynetim ve Ynetim KuruluKurumsal Ynetim ve Aile AnayasasSonu"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"irketlerde Kurumsal Finans" |
"Bu eitimimizde aile irketlerinde kurumsal finansn nemi ve irketinizde yatrm yapmanz durumunda kendi kendinize soracanz ""Paray nerden bulacam?"", ""Peki yatrm karl m?"" ,""Yatrm sonras elde ettiim kar ile ne yapmalym?"" gibi sorulara cevap bulabilirsiniz. Eitimin erii:1. Aile irketlerinin Ekonomiye Etkisi 2. Kurumsal Finansn nemi 3. letme Sermayesinin Ynetimi 3.1 Hazine Ynetimi 3.2 Ana Fikir 3.2.1 Karllk 3.2.2 letme Sermayesinin htiyacn Neler Etkiler? 3.2.3 Likitide Oran lm- rnek Olay 3.3.Fonlama 3.4 Bileenler 3.4.1 Alacak Ynetimi 3.4.2 Stok Ynetimi 3.4.3 Nakit Ynetimi- rnek Olay"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"SUKUK (Islamic Finance)" |
"Sukuk is the fastest growing area of Islamic finance. It enables access to wholesale financing and provides the backbone for the development of Islamic capital markets. Most issuances to date have mimicked bond structures that are ultimately dependent upon a sovereign credit. However, the use of Sukuk is rapidly expanding into other areas like project, infrastructure and real estate financings; corporate financings and true asset securitizations. The aim of this workshop is to familiarize individuals practicing in Islamic and conventional finance with the principles, structures, and methodologies and practical transactional issues relating to the use of Sukuk in modern Islamic finance. It will also explain various structures that underlie Sukuk, including the Ijara, Musharaka, Mudaraba, Murabaha and others."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Aile-irket Anayasasnn Hukuksal Boyutu" |
"Eitimin ierii:1. Aile Anayasasnn Hukuk le likisi2. Anayasa Hazrlarken Hukuk Gz nne Alnmazsa Ortaya kabilecek Sorunlar3. Aile Anayasasnda Btncl Bak As4. Aile Anayasas ile Getirilebilecek Dzenlemeler5. stisna ve stisnann stisnas6.Tereke ve ntikal Kavramlar8.Aile Anayasasnn Yazmnda Gz nne Alnmas Gereken Hususlar9.Sa Kalan Ein Miras Pay ve Mal Varlna likin Dier Haklar10.Sa Kalan E Miras Hakkn Nasl Talep Eder?11. Miras Paylam12. Sa Kalan Ein Miras Pay Dndaki Haklar13. Edinilmi Mallara Katlma Rejimi14. Artk Deerin Takas ve Katlm Alaca15. Ortak Olmayan Altsoylarn Sakl Paylarnn Korunmas"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Hukuku Olmayanlar in Evrak Ynetimi" |
"Eitimin erii:1. Fatura ve szleme yerinde kullanlabilir mi? 2. Szlemelerde menfaat ayrl durumunda nasl yaptrmlar uygulanr? 3. Ticari szlemelerde hangi mevzuat kullanlr? 4. Fatura dzenlemesi nasl yaplr? 5. ek ve senet arasndaki farklar nelerdir? 6. Szlemelerde ve eklerde zaman am durumunda ne yaplmaldr?Eitmen: Dr. Mehmet ar Baatur, 1981 ylnda Tarsus Amerikan Kolejinden, 1985 ylnda Ankara niversitesi Hukuk Fakltesinden mezun olmu ve ukurova niversitesi Ziraat Fakltesinde Tarm Ekonomisi alannda doktorasn 1999 ylnda tamamlamtr. Dr. Mehmet ar Baaturun uzmanlk alanlar; hukuk (reklam, satn alma ve birleme, hastane iletmecilii), bilgi ynetimi (Sivil Toplum rgtleri, sat gvenlii) ve toplam kalite ynetimi olup, Reklam Hukuku ve Aldatc Reklamlar konusunda Kltr niversitesi Tasarm Fakltesinde yksek lisans dersi vermitir. Sigorta Hakemi olan Mehmet ar Baatur, 2015 yl itibariyle de resmi arabulucu olarak, hukukun gelien bu alannda da faaliyetlerini devam ettirmektedir."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Comunicazione persuasiva" |
"**** aggiornamento 5 Marzo 2020 ****lemergenza coronavirus rappresenta per tutti noi un momento difficile, sia dal punto di vista emotivo che economico.Laugurio che si ritorni presto alla normalit, ma nel frattempo possiamo anche usare questo tempo per imparare nuove competenze.Per questo ho deciso di aprire alcune lezioni in tutti i miei corsi qui su Udemy fino alla fine di Marzo: voglio consentire a chi ha voglia di studiare in questi giorni di formarsi gratuitamente.A seconda del corso, si arriva fino al 20% delle lezioni completamente libere, che potrai guardare in anteprima, senza nemmeno doverti iscrivere.E il mio modo per aiutare chi ha voglia di studiare e vuole usare questo tempo per acquisire nuove competenze.--------------------Spesso la parola ""persuasione"" ci mette in allarme. Ci fa pensare ad attivit manipolatorie, di individui loschi che tramano contro di noi.E qualche volta cos. Ahim.A volte invece avere la capacit di persuadere qualcuno ci farebbe comodo: nell'educazione di un figlio o nella capacit di fare conoscere ai nostri clienti quanto vale il lavoro che facciamo .I principi di base sono gli stessi. Le tecniche e le strategie che imparerai in questo corso possono essere usate in modo manipolatorio o in modo etico: la scelta tua. Tuttavia, dato che questo il mio approccio e il mio modo di intendere questo argomento, troverai molti pi spunti che vanno nella direzione di un uso responsabile delle proprie capacit.Si tratta di un corso di base, costruito per chi vuole cominciare a conoscere questi argomenti ( il corso Persuasione per l'eccellenza che trovi sempre qui su Udemy invece molto pi approfondito, contiene molti pi casi reali, oltre a due sezioni importanti sulla negoziazione e sugli strumenti avanzati ).Una raccomandazione personale: guardati le anteprime disponibili per capire meglio i contenuti del corso. Purtroppo infatti quando si parla di comunicazione e di persuasione si rischia di entrare in un mondo fatto spesso di tanto fumo e di poco arrosto. Al contrario, ho cercato di condensare al massimo la durata delle lezioni, nel rispetto del tuo tempo, e di parlare il pi possibile attraverso esempi reali, che danno concretezza ai temi che si affrontano. Se hai in mente quei corsi dove un docente invisibile parla dietro ad una diapositiva con tante informazioni..... dimentica tutto. Questo un altro modo di insegnare ed un altro modo di imparare. Spero che ti piaccia e che tu possa trovare stimoli interessanti per la tua vita e per il tuo lavoro. Ti aspetto."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Parlare in pubblico: come superare la paura con la tecnica" |
"**** aggiornamento 5 Marzo 2020 ****lemergenza coronavirus rappresenta per tutti noi un momento difficile, sia dal punto di vista emotivo che economico.Laugurio che si ritorni presto alla normalit, ma nel frattempo possiamo anche usare questo tempo per imparare nuove competenze.Per questo ho deciso di aprire alcune lezioni in tutti i miei corsi qui su Udemy fino alla fine di Marzo: voglio consentire a chi ha voglia di studiare in questi giorni di formarsi gratuitamente.A seconda del corso, si arriva fino al 20% delle lezioni completamente libere, che potrai guardare in anteprima, senza nemmeno doverti iscrivere.E il mio modo per aiutare chi ha voglia di studiare e vuole usare questo tempo per acquisire nuove competenze.--------------------Ho realizzato questo corso insieme a Dario Turrini, un amico e grande professionista con il quale ho lavorato per molti anni .Abbiamo cercato di condensare in questo corso pi di trent'anni di esperienza nella formazione di manager ed imprenditori per migliorare le loro capacit di public speaking in alcune delle pi importanti aziende e scuole di formazione italiane.Dalle basi alle tecniche pi sofisticate, ti accompagner in questo percorso che ha l'obiettivo di renderti un oratore irresistibile. C' un unico ""effetto collaterale"" : diventer cos piacevole parlare in pubblico che dovremo studiare un antidoto per farti smettere :)Oggi come oggi ormai determinante per chiunque possedere sicure competenze per gestire le situazioni in cui occorre parlare a un pubblico per presentare progetti, relazioni e idee in maniera efficace e coinvolgente.Tecniche specifiche che permettano la giusta comunicazione del nostro ruolo, del nostro stile , la gestione sicura e consapevole dell'uditorio e la capacit di rispondere a domande e obiezioni in maniera efficace e persuasiva.Il percorso formativo fornisce ai partecipanti gli strumenti e le tecniche utili a gestire tutti i momenti e le possibili situazioni in cui richiesta una valida e proficua comunicazione pubblica.Acting: il fascino dello speaker I principi della comunicazione efficace Il controllo consapevole del corpo e dello spazio Una voce espressiva: volume, ritmo, pause, accentuazioni.La struttura dello speech efficace Lapertura efficace Le tecniche attenzionali e argomentative La chiusura memorabileLa relazione con il pubblico Le possibilit relazionali con luditorio. Valutazione dei feedback e adattamento al pubblico. La gestione delle domande e delle obiezioni.... E come in tutti i miei corsi otterrai:Accesso completo per sempre, quando vuoi, dove vuoi.Tutti gli aggiornamenti che verranno implementati dopo la pubblicazioneGaranzia soddisfatti o rimborsati per 30 giorni"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course of JUNIT & TESTNG for Java Automation" |
"JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks which is collectively known as xUnit that originated with SUnit.TestNG is an automation testing framework in which NG stands for ""Next Generation"". TestNG is inspired from JUnit which uses the annotations (@). TestNG overcomes the disadvantages of JUnit and is designed to make end-to-end testing easy.Using TestNG, you can generate a proper report, and you can easily come to know how many test cases are passed, failed, and skipped. You can execute the failed test cases separately."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Application Automation using Robot Framework" |
"Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework. Robot has standard test libraries and can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java.Key Features of Robot FrameworkBusiness Keyword driven, tabular and easy to understand syntax for test case developmentAllows creation of reusable higher-level keywords from the existing keywordsAllows creation of custom keywordsCourse Coverage1. End to End Installation Process2. Generic Android commands3. Running testcase on real device as well as emulators4. Data Driven Implamentation5. Allure Reporting6. User defined keywords"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"VSTS (Azure DevOps) : Crash Course for Software Testers" |
"Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is an extension of the Microsoft Visual Studio architecture that allows it to encompass development &testing teams, with special roles and tools for software architects, developer specialties and testers.VSTS includes software development, collaboration, measurement and reporting tools that fall broadly into server-side and client-side applications.Coverage :1. Create Project2. Define User Stories3. Work with Sprints4. Test Management Activities5. Test Case Development and Execution"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso : Meditao para iniciantes" |
"Uma abordagem prtica de tcnicas para a pratica da meditao , proporcionando auto conhecimento e paz interior .Esse curso tem como objetivo proporcionar uma boa iniciao a prtica da meditao , de forma clara e simples , direcionando passo a passo o aluno que esteja interessado nesse caminho de auto conhecimento , apontando as descobertas cintificas do benefcio da prtica , bem como tcnicas para voc realizar suas sesses de meditao no conforto de sua casa , ou mesmo nas situaes do dia-dia , se voc esta recriando seu conceito de vida , dentro de uma abordagem de auto conhecimento , tenho certeza que ira se beneficiar muito atravs desse curso .Namast"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Curso : Yoga e Yoga Ball" |
"Esse curso tem como objetivo oferecer tcnicas de yoga tradicional e com a utilizao de bola , de forma simples e segura , melhorando sua postura e oferecendo uma prtica balanceada e de fcil execuo, proporcionando um bem estar global para o corpo e mente.Neste curso ser apresentada tcnicas para a sade de sua coluna vertebral e alongamento e fortalecimento muscular atravs do contedo apresentado.Se deseja iniciar sua prtica de Yoga com segurana e obter seus inmeros benefcios, esse curso feito para voc.Para o curso ser necessrio que adquira a bola apropriada utilizada nas prticas de yoga e pilates ."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Analizy by Sylwia- poznaj kryptowaluty od A do Z" |
"Jeeli chcesz pozna fascynujcy wiat kryptowalut, nauczy si rozumie wykresy i wiedzie ktre projekty maj najwikszy potencja to zapraszam na kurs Analizy by Sylwia - poznaj kryptowaluty od A do Z!Nauka analizy technicznej i fundamentalnej to gwne zadanie pasjonatw kryptowalut- kiedy kupi, a kiedy sprzeda? Jak zarabia nie siedzc wielu godzin przed wykresami, skd wiedzie e za chwil cena wzronie lub spadnie? Jeeli jeste ciekawy tych aspektw zapraszam na kurs!Kurs to poczenie:- Webinarw - nagrania webinarw z materiaami szkoleniowymi oraz z analiz live rynku, gdzie moesz dowiedzie si jak analizowa wykresy-Materiaw szkoleniowych- tekstowe uzupenienie wiedzy z materiaw video, aby wyapa najwaniejsze aspekty danego tematu-Kada sekcja szkoleniowa koczy si testem, aby sprawdzi swoj wiedz -Otrzymujesz te dostp do grupy szkoleniowej prywatnej na okres prbnyKurs bdzie uzupeniany o kolejne materiay, nagrania i szkolenia. UWAGA! To jest druga cz kursu - pierwsza Wsparcie by Sylwia omawia bardziej podstawowe kwesti: obsuga gied i to od niej powiniene zacz nauk, jeeli dopiero zaczynasz poruszanie si po giedach Zapraszam!"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Diet and Sugar Addiction" |
"Come with me to this journey to learn the real truths of why you cannot lose weight. I have tried it all and fail time after time, until I changed my perception and learn a little bit of knowledge of the whats and the why of I choose time and time again to poison myself with sugar. I discovered that I am not by myself and that is not my fault. It is not your fault either, but let me show you the right way to learn how to avoid sugar and get into the ME TRAIN, let jump out of the sugar taxi and into our life!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Roblox Lua Programming" |
"Do your kids play Roblox? Did you know that you can learn this easy language in a few lectures and create a game that could give you cash on the side? You can develop your own Roblox game too!Roblox Lua is the language of an online game known as Roblox. By the end of this course the learner should be familiar with Roblox basics, complete basic scripts, and have knowledge on how to create a game for sale with Roblox. Learn how to code with Lua, have fun with it and make some extra cash on the side. This is a hands on doing with me interactive course. You and I together will go through the menus and practice coding:how to do a leaderboard, teleporter, change hat, create a part that kills, create a giver, clone, etc..Roblox Lua also is helpful for those that want to learn programming basics, video game design, and have some similarity with Python and Javascript. Super Easy..sign up for this course today!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Diet and Weight Loss Using Alternative Methods" |
"A complete guide for women that are tired of trying diet after diet without results. This is a guide by help you create healthy habits. Behavior, Nutrition, Exercises, and Time Management tricks covered here so you can work towards a positive goal. The book is full with NLP, affirmations, diet and nutrition exercises and habits taken directly from the U.S. Army and yours truly. Loosing weight is about changing your lifestyle. Are you ready to embrace this new lifestyle and became the new you? Lets' get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Honey To A BEE" |
"Do you want to know '6 steps to Attracting more clients with ease and grace'?If so buy my new mini course, ""Honey to A Bee"", and start manifesting the clients you desire today...Special introductory price for January....Bonus course added - Abundance Boosters3 Techniques to really help you amp up your abundance, attract new clients, money, and wealth.These 3 techniques are simple, and practical yet powerful if used on a daily basis to really boost your abundance manifestation. And best of all they are fun, and take very little time to complete!Lisa x"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Ethical Hacking Course" |
"Welcome to The Complete Ethical Hacking Course!This is one of the most comprehensive Ethical Hacking Courses ever created online! Across 30 hours of instructor-led content, youll learn:How hackers launch attacks on different systems, computers, users, websites and wireless networksWhat tools hackers use, why, and how they workHow to protect yourselves (or your clients!) against these attacksHow to build your own security and hacking tools with Python taught from scratch and with no programming experience necessary!How to create you own Ethical Hacking tool portfolio.So that you can practice all the skills and techniques in real time, we start by setting up an ethical hacking lab on your computer. Here you can put the theory you learn to the test, and have a safe space to practice using hacking tools and attacks. We'll experience real time hacking examples, and learn how to protect ourselves against these attacks at the same time!What else do I get?Along with the course youll also receive for free the ""The Complete Ethical Hacking Course Handbook"", and $10 credit of at Digital Ocean (in order to build and practice within their online servers).This course is brought to you by the most popular instructors in Udemy: Codestars by Rob Percival (>1.000.000 students) and Atil Samancioglu (>100.000 students). Atil Samancioglu teaches cyber security and programming courses on Udemy, and all across the world. His courses focus on taking you from beginner to master of your own security, and this course covers a huge range of vital topics, including but not limited to:VPN & DNSDark WebKali LinuxWireless network attacks and protectionMan In The Middle attacks and protectionCapturing screenshotsBeef UsageFake Game Website AttacksUbuntu Apache Server InstallationSocial Media & Instagram Hacking and protectionWireshark AnalysisMetasploit UsageMaltego UsageSocial EngineeringTrojans & BackdoorsMeterpreterWebsite PentestingSQL 101SQL InjectionXSS VulnerabilitiesPythonSocketKeyloggerScapyEthical Hacker CertificationsTunneling ServicesIn related sections we are going to learn about subjects like Kali Linux, Wireshark, Maltego, net discover, MSFC, Trojan, Backdoor, Veil, Metasploitable, SQLi, MITMf, Crucnch, Meterpreter, Beef, Apache, nMap, SQLMap, Python, Socket, Scapy, Pynput, Keylogger etc. We are going to start with practical information without suffocating into details and make our way up with not neglecting theory at the end.Is this course for you?Yes! If you want to learn about Cyber Security and become an Ethical Hacker.Yes! Because no prior experience of programming or Kali Linux is needed, well teach you everything.Important warning: This course only aims to teach for people who want to become Cyber Security Professionals, Ethical Hackers and Pentesting Specialists. All students should stay within legal boundaries in order to avoid any legal action against themselves.See what students have to say about Ethical Hacking courses of Atil:"" Narration of Atil is really successful, fluent and deeply detailed. Furthermore all terms and phrases are explained clearly. You can get clear explanations for your questions as well. Do not hesitate to take the course as you will see the benefit more than you expect!"" - Metin"" Great course! You can feel the instructors experience and knowledge, comprehensive and beautiful! I got answers to my every question and succeeded in completing the course. Thanks, if you have any hesitation getting the course, do not think further and get it :)"" - Omer"" I haven't seen such a good course before. You do not have to spend money on any other! I know Atil from Java & Kotlin courses and I follow him. I cannot thank him enough for sharing this information with us. I only expect to see more courses from him. He is the man!"" - Ertugrul"" This course puts confidence in you and removes any negative opinion about succeeding in this topic. I cannot wait to see more!"" - Eren"" Narration is simple and clear. No unnecessary sentences. Ordered sections, experienced instructor, makes you focus on the subject. Thanks!"" - Servet"" Undoubtedly the best instructor in Udemy, the best and the most efficient course on Udemy"" - Abdurrahim"" I'm a new Mac user and before even figuring out how to use it, I've decided to take this course. Even though I thought this was going to be very hard for me, I did not experience any difficulties at all. On the contrary my motivation and my excitement increased along the way. Atil explains it so well that nothing stays on the thin air. If you listen carefully and practice what he is saying you will get great knowledge that little people have. I recommend this course."" - Emre"" This course is very good regarding to narration, information, experience. You can get it without any hesitation."" - Ahmet"" Very good course. It combines everything you have been searching for on the internet. He explains everything sincerely and simply. I definitely recommend this. If you even have a little bit interest you should get this without thinking of it. You can find real examples in the content. Instructor does not hold back to share his knowledge at all. He explains it all. I hope the second version of this course comes out :) Thank you very much..."" - Yunus"" All explanations are very understandable and clear, examples are live and useful. I congratulate Atil for telling this complex subject in a very simple matter."" - Burak"" Instructor is unbelievably experienced, a real professional, knows every detail. He shares very precious information. You would not learn this stuff in years! Thanks."" - Abdullah"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Course Learn Solidity" |
"Welcome to one of the largest, most in-depth cryptocurrency and blockchain courses online!Blockchain developer salaries now command as much as $175k, and average $97,000Over 2018 the number of full-time job openings grew by 400%! *This course gives students the chance to work with cryptocurrencies and the blockchain on a practical level, with step-by-step instructions guiding you through the entire process.The CourseThe first half of this course is a brilliant and insightful introduction to the (often confusing) world cryptocurrency. Youll learn everything you need to know about:The history and economics of cryptocurrencyHow to protect yourself and your investment portfolio online.The key differences between hot and cold walletsHow to buy, sell and invest cryptocurrencyAs well as a dedicated breakdown of various AltCoins (including Litecoin, Etherum, Ripple and more!)The practical second half of the course teaches students how to build their own projects as an ethereum blockchain developer! Going step-by-step with the instructor, youll:Tackle hands-on developing with solidityBuild your own interactive Tic-Tack-Toe game using blockchain!Test your skills with practical challenges and exercises!Master core development tools such as Mist, Geth, and Ethereum StudioPlus learn advanced Web3 development, how to de-bug your decentralised application, and loads more!Why Learn About Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Technology?Were in the early adopter stage with cryptocurrency & blockchain technology, so you have the chance to get in at the ground level and become proficient in it before it reaches the next adoption stage!This means theres a huge demand for knowledgable cryptocurrency & blockchain employees! Blockchain developer salaries average $97,000 and the number of full-time job openings grew by 400% in 2018. Kick-start your career with this course!Plus, the cryptocurrency and blockchain communities are some of the most helpful and friendly online, and a great sound of information! This course is a great intro to this world.Whos teaching me?Instructors Ravinder Deol and Thomas Wiesner have taught over 160,000 students to date and are expert lecturers in this area. Ravinder founded B21 Block (on online Cryptocurrency & Blockchain School), while Thomas co-created the industry standard Ethereum certification program CBDE. Both instructors will be on hand throughout the course to answer your questions in the Q&A forum!!Is this course for me?Yes! No prior knowledge is needed, this course is aimed at complete beginnersYes! You get unlimited lifetime access to the courseYes! With a 30-day money back guarantee, enrolling on the course is risk free* https://www.computerworld(.com)/article/3315696/blockchain-developer-salaries-now-command-as-much-as-175k.html and https://www.paysa(.com)/salaries/blockchain"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete iOS 14 / iOS 13 Developer Course - and SwiftUI!" |
"Welcome to the Complete iOS 14 / iOS 13 Developer Course!If you are searching for the right course to learn about iOS Development from scratch, you've just found it!This course will take you from a complete beginner to confident practitioner, as we focus on practical iOS development without neglecting the theory!We are going to write real life example apps, games and clones... plus so much more! You will learn and practice all details of Swift 5 and iOS development during these projects and challenges, and I'll also introduce you to Swift UI in a later dedicated section! We will work with the latest technology: Xcode 12.With this course you also get FREE...One year web hosting from Eco Webhosting (limited to one year per student, not per course*)300$ worth of visuals to use in your app designCCA Certification participation pass for Swift Level 1 & Swift Level 2! *The Eco Webhosting offers an free unlimited web hosting package for one year. This is limited to one offer available per Codestars student, rather than per course.When you finish this course you are going to be able to understand how you can write any iOS app you want. Building on the foundations of Rob Percival's iOS courses, but goes much, much further!Taught by Atil Samancioglu (who teaches more than 200,000 students on Udemy on Mobile Programming & Cyber Security) in partnership with Rob Percival's Codestars (over 1,000,000 students have taken Codestars courses!!) - this course builds on the foundations of Rob's previous iOS courses, but add much, much more! You can see some of the example topics that we are going to cover throughout the course:Swift 5 Beginner & Intermediate & Advanced techniquesLayoutPush NotificationsParseFirebaseCocoapodsOneSignalMapsCore DataJSON & APIBack4App ServersSocial Media DevelopmentMachine LearningAugmented RealityGames with Sprite KitSwiftUI Crash CourseDesign Essentials with Adobe XDWidgetsAppStorageContentThis course is ideal for students looking forward to learn iOS 14 & Swift 5 in a comprehensive way. You do not have to have any prior experience in order to take this course. We are going to start from scratch and make our way to the top. You will be able to write & design a real app and upload it to the AppStore at the end of this course.In related sections we are going to work on projects such as ""Art Book"", ""Catch the Kenny"", ""Currency Converter"", ""Travel Book"", ""Foursquare Clone"", ""Instagram Clone"", ""Snapchat Clone"", ""Angry Bird Clone"", ""Image Recognition App"" and so much more! We are going to cover both Firebase and Parse with their latest and most updated versions! This course is completely up to date, you won't see any outdated technology, outdated lectures.All course projects & source codes will be shared with you via GitHub. All your questions will be replied within 24 hours!Happy Coding!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete SwiftUI Developer Course" |
"Are you ready to learn about the latest revolutionary framework from Apple: SwiftUI!If you are developing iOS with Swift you'll likely have already heard of SwiftUI, because it's about to the change the development industry. With SwiftUI you can build robust, stunning and efficient user interfaces like never before, and this version release can be considered as the biggest news since the release of Swift itself.Within the next few years it is expected that we will see SwiftUI used in most Swift projects, so it doesn't matter if you're a freelance iOS developer or working for a huge company - you should definitely get a hold of this new technology asap and start using it in your projects! This is the right time!This is a practical course for students who want to master SwiftUI quickly. Within this course students will...Build real apps like WhatsApp clone, a Landmark Book app, anda Catch The Kenny gameCreate stunning user interfaces for appsLearn the theory AND put it in to practice in each lectureTaught by the brilliant and highly regarded instructor Atil Samancioglu (4.7 instructor rating, 161k students taught to date!) as part of Codestars by Rob Percival. Without neglecting the theory, Atil ensures students focus on practicing what they learn - it really makes things easy! Plus all codes written in this course are shared with students via GitHub.Some of the topics which will be covered during the course:SwiftUI BasicsDeep dive for most of the views such as Image, Text, Button, TextField ...Working with data with new concepts such as State, Binding, ObjectBinding, EnvironmentObject...Firebase & SwiftUI integration and WhatsApp Clone (first example in the world)Usage of Gesture, Timer, Position etc. in SwiftUIUIKit integrationMap usageDon't miss your chance to learn about Apple's latest and brilliant UI technology and enroll the course now!Requirements:Some Swift & iOS development knowledge - this course isnt for students completely new to coding.A computer that can run Xcode 11 and MacOS Catalina (but the instructor will show you how to get both these for free!)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Math by Coding in Python" |
"You can learn a lot of math with a bit of coding!Many people don't know that Python is a really powerful tool for learning math. Sure, you can use Python as a simple calculator, but did you know that Python can help you learn more advanced topics in algebra, calculus, and matrix analysis? That's exactly what you'll learn in this course.This course is a perfect supplement to your school/university math course, or for your post-school return to mathematics.Let me guess what you are thinking:""But I dont know Python!"" Thats okay! This course is aimed at complete beginners; I take you through every step of the code. You don't need to know anything about Python, although it's useful if you already have some programming experience.""But Im not good at math!"" You will be amazed at how much better you can learn math by using Python as a tool to help with your courses or your independent study. And that's exactly the point of this course: Python programming as a tool to learn mathematics. This course is designed to be the perfect addition to any other math course or textbook that you are going through.What do you get in this course?Over 33 hours of instruction that includes Python coding, visualization, loops, variables, and functions.LOTS of practical exercises! Each video has at least one hands-on coding/math exercise (and you'll get to watch me solve those exercises). And each section ends with ""bug hunts"" where you get to find and fix my math-coding errors!That warm, fuzzy feeling of confidence that you can combine the skills from this course to improve your understanding of mathematics.A big-picture overview of beginner and advanced mathematics, from solving for ""x"" to computing integrals to finding eigenvalues. If you are only just beginning your adventures in maths, then this course will show you what you have to look forward to!This course is right for you if you are:In middle/high school, university, or are returning to math as an independent learner.A data professional who wants to brush up on math and Python skills.A complete beginner to Python.Already proficient with math ""in theory"" and want to learn how to translate math formulas and concepts into computer code.Bored and looking for a fun intellectual challenge.With over 31 hours of teaching, plus student exercises, challenges and an active course Q&A forum (get a response to any question within 48 hours!), this course gives you everything you need to succeed in your maths course or independent adventures in learning math.All the code that appears in the videos is also included for download. You can code along as you watch the videos, or download the code and use it directly.This course covers the following topics: ArithmeticIntroduction to SympyIntroduction to LaTeX (to print beautiful equations!)Algebra 1GraphingAlgebra 2Graphing conic sectionsTrigonometryCalculusLinear algebra...and more!Who is your teacher?I am Mike X Cohen, an associate professor at the Radboud University (the Netherlands). I'm a bestselling and highly rated instructor on Udemy. I've taught over 73,000 students the foundations of scientific programming, data analysis, and applied mathematics, and I've written several textbooks on programming and data analyses. I worked really hard to make this course a great learning experience for you. Check out what some of my students have said about my other courses:***** Best teacher ever. I am a psychologist and I didnt have mathematical training as an undergrad, but the books and lectures of Dr. Cohen have been life saving***** What I REALLY like about Mike's style is that not only clear and direct, but he mixes in appropriate amounts of foreshadowing to make it easier for me to connect the dots.***** Mike X Cohen's courses are by far the best ones I've done in Udemy.What you should do right now:Watch the free preview videos. Check out the reviews of this course. Joining this course is risk-free: If you change your mind after enrolling, Udemy offer a 30 day money back guarantee, and you can find full details here:"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"KVPY SA 2016 Mathematics Solutions" |
"Detailed Solutions to all problems asked in KVPY SA 2016 Mathematics section. Suitable for all students in class 10, 11 and 12. The problems are of IIT JEE Advanced level. They will also be helpful for other exams like Pre- Regional Mathematical Olympiad. In case of any doubts or queries, you may contact me directly."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How to Draw Cute Kawaii Cartoon Animal" |
"LETS REVEALTHEULTIMATE TECHNIQUEOFDRAWINGCUTE AND KAWAII CARTOONANIMAL INANINSTANT! This is a perfect drawing course for you who want to learn and create cute animal drawings.In this course you will find 10 different cute and kawaii animals. I will show you how I draw each of them and what colors I am going to use.The steps are easy and very clear to follow because this course is beginner friendly.This is a LIFETIMESKILL!LETS START NOW!***English Subtitle available******PDF files downloadable content and JPEG version available too***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Draw Cute Kawaii Cartoon Food And Drink" |
"DISCOVER HOW TO DRAW THESE CUTE AND KAWAII FOODS AND DRINKS IN AN INSTANT!This drawing course is design for you who want to learn and create cute kawaii drawings.Very suitable for beginner!You will find 8 cute and kawaii foods and drinks and I will show you how I draw each of them and what colors I am going to use. The steps are easy and very clear to follow because this course is beginner friendly. You will get the PDF practice sheets and do the practice :)This is a LIFETIME SKILL!LETS START NOW!***English Subtitle available******PDF files downloadable content***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cute and Kawaii Halloween Illustration Drawing" |
"DISCOVER HOW TO DRAW THESE CUTE AND KAWAII HALLOWEEN ILLUSTRATION IN AN INSTANT!This drawing course is design for you who want to learn and create cute kawaii drawings.Very suitable for beginner!You will find 8 cute and kawaii Halloween Iconic Illustration and I will show you how I draw each of them and what colors I am going to use. The steps are easy and very clear to follow because this course is beginner friendly. You will get the PDF practice sheets and do the practice :)This is a LIFETIME SKILL!LETS START NOW!***English Subtitle available******PDF files downloadable content***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"C# Test Your Skills and Get Certified for Beginners" |
">>> In this course, I fully prepare you for what it is like to take C# Programming Certification Exam or any other C# Programming related Test. With a practice exams, each of which is timed at 60 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test. <<<Welcome to this course.More Than 100 Questions are Waiting for You To Solve>>> Continuously adding New Questions <<<--------------------Note: This is A Practice Test only, and it's main goal is to get you to know how to pass an C# Programming Test or Exam and you won't get an official certificate after the end of this course since giving a certificate requires us to teach you C# Programming skills first then test you for these skills, you can check our profile for more information regarding this matter and other C# Programming courses that comes with a certificate--------------------This is the only C# Programming Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback. We are one of the best-selling C# Programming instructor Team on the Udemy platform and we invite you to visit our instructor profile to learn more about us, the certifications that our team members hold, and read the reviews of our courses. we also encourage you to verify our certifications. There are many instructors trying to sell certification courses, and they themselves are not certified. This Course will help you know where you are in C# Programming and what you need to improve your skills.You can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. I update this course to stay current with the latest release of C# Programming related topics, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Tips and Tricks: Get in Pro Mode" |
"Every day, for most of your day, you work on your computer, using Microsoft office Software bundle, What if you could do you work in half the time, or do twice as much in the same amount of time it takes you today? This course will make you FASTER and More Professional.You'll go through the major programs of Word and PowerPoint and learn Tips and Tricks that will help you do your everyday work much faster and with less energy, You'll also learn some super-speed tips.So join the course and let's start getting faster at Microsoft Office today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Flowcharting. Be a Professional programmer!" |
"This course is best for you:If you want to learn ProgrammingIf you are new to programmingIf you can program, but are not familiar with flowcharting techniques.If you can program, but you are out looking for a way to program more efficiently and effectively in less timeIf you want to start programming like professionalsYou will learn to use flow charts, a tool that all programmers can use in any programming language. Flow charts use software that creates a visual chart showing accurately the flow of the process and the specific steps needed to accomplish final goal. Specific shapes are used to represent the type of action. It wont be long before you become programming like Professionals if you applied flowcharting before programming phase.Teaching methods: Video LecturePractical ExamplesHandoutsExercisesQ&A I will answer all of your questions (within 24 hours.)This course requires no prerequisite knowledge. Everything is explained in simple, easy to follow manner. This course is taught by Ashraf, a professional programmer and college programming instructor for over 10 years."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Belly Dance Drum Solo Choreography Complete Guide" |
"I will teach you my new belly dance choreography Unique video tutorial with a detailed explanation of the original choreography, dance technique from professional belly dancer, teacher and choreographer from Ukraine Yulianna Voronina.Belly dance is a fascinating art form that started in the Middle East, but today it is practiced all across the globe by people of all shapes, sizes and ages.Through belly dance you can train muscles that no other activity can reach, strengthen your core, develop flexibility and achieve graceful and fluid body coordination. Moreover, belly dance will give you benefits beyond just physical ones, such as a boost in self-confidence, reconnecting your mind with your body and practicing self-love and self-care."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de aplicaciones Web con Java EE y Spring" |
"A lo largo de las ms de 60 lecciones que componen este curso, voy a ensearte a utilizar los diferentes componentes y clases que nos proporciona la edicin Java Enterprise, para poder crear aplicaciones Web profesionales de forma estructurada y optimizada, de manera que al finalizar el curso estar preparado para trabajar como programador junior en equipos de desarrollo que utilicen la tecnologa Java.As mismo, te ensear a utilizar el framework Spring, el ms empleado por las empresas de desarrollo software, para simplificar y optimizar el desarrollo de tus aplicaciones Web con Java.Para realizar este curso necesitas tener conocimientos bsicos de lenguaje Java. Si no dispones de estos conocimientos, te recomiendo realizar primero mis cursos ""Aprende a programar en Java"" y ""Programacin orientada a objetos en Java"".Si quieres trabajar como programador Java, sin duda, este es tu curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |