Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Create a Secure Website With WordPress" |
"This course will teach you how to build a secure, responsive website with WordPress. You don't need to purchase hosting or pay for anything to follow along and practice building a website yourself. This course covers: How to Build a Beautiful WordPress Website. How to Install and Customize the Virtue Theme. Secure your WordPress site using step by step methods. Password Protect your files with htaccess. Protect your WordPress content. And more After completing this course, you will be able to completely create a secure WordPress website from scratch."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cisco ICND1 100-105 - CCENT Certification Bootcamp" |
"IMPORTANT! The ICND1 exam and CCENT certification have been retired by Cisco, I recommend you take my CCNA 200-301 course instead - it covers the current CCNA exam.This course offers an easy to understand, structured approach to shortcut your path to mastering Cisco networking to the ICND1 level and beyond.In this course, you will:Develop a deep understanding of Ciscos features and functionsWalk through complete and easy to understand explanations of each technology area covered in the examFollow simple step by step instructions to build your own fully featured lab on your laptop for freeGain hands on configuration and troubleshooting experience through comprehensive lab exercisesLearn how networking really works through real world examples throughout the courseGain demonstrable knowledge and practical experience to supercharge your networking careerSupercharge Your Learning with Hands-on PracticeThis course is chock full of activities. Youll get over 150 pages of hands-on lab exercises with detailed answers to check your understanding every step of the way and build your configuration and troubleshooting skills. Full diagrams and lab setup files are included so you can get started immediately with just your laptop. No equipment or previous experience is required.All slides in the course are also included in supplemental flashcard format with expanded bullet points clearly explaining the technologies. Easily review exam topics to solidify your understanding and get a final refresher when test day is approaching. Why Learn from MeIn this course, you wont just gain the book smarts to pass the exam. Youll also hone your hands-on skills to succeed as a network engineer in the real world. Im a professional instructor who has been entrusted by Cisco since 2007 to develop and deliver training courses for their own engineers and partners. Ive also designed multiple training courses for the largest service providers in the Asia Pacific region such as IBM, Verizon, and the Australian National Broadband Network. Ive spent years distilling my decades worth of networking experience from the field into mentoring and supporting other systems engineers, and Im passionate about passing my knowledge of Cisco networks onto others.As a student in this course, youll get lifetime access to the course materials and answers to every question you ask in the Q&A board. I love interacting with my students: anything you want to know, please ask. The course also comes with an unconditional risk-free 30 day money-back guaranteethat's my personal promise of your success.ValueIf you take a comparable course at a training centre it will cost you thousands of dollars, and when its over you cant experience the tutorials again or ask the instructor any more questions. When you take my course you can learn anytime you want in the comfort of your own home, and Im always here for you whenever you need any help.Not sure about the best way to pay for this course? Ask your manager at work if theyll expense it. They wont have to pay the large fees of traditional classroom learning or have to cover your absence for a week. They get huge value from this investment in your future.Im excited to share all of my knowledge with you.Join me on this journey to turbocharging your career!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cisco ICND2 200-105 - CCNA Bootcamp" |
"IMPORTANT! The ICND2 exam has been retired by Cisco, I recommend you take my CCNA 200-301 course instead - it covers the current CCNA exam.This course offers an easy to understand, structured approach to shortcut your path to mastering Cisco networking to the ICND2 level and beyond.In this course, you will:Develop a deep understanding of Ciscos features and functionsWalk through complete and easy to understand explanations of each technology area covered in the examFollow simple step by step instructions to build your own fully featured lab on your laptop for freeGain hands on configuration and troubleshooting experience through comprehensive lab exercisesLearn how networking really works through real world examples throughout the courseGain demonstrable knowledge and practical experience to supercharge your networking careerSupercharge Your Learning with Hands-on PracticeThis course is chock full of activities. Youll get over 150 pages of hands-on lab exercises with detailed answers to check your understanding every step of the way and build your configuration and troubleshooting skills. Full diagrams and lab setup files are included so you can get started immediately with just your laptop. No equipment or previous experience is required.All slides in the course are also included in supplemental flashcard format with expanded bullet points clearly explaining the technologies. Easily review exam topics to solidify your understanding and get a final refresher when test day is approaching. Why Learn from MeIn this course, you wont just gain the book smarts to pass the exam. Youll also hone your hands-on skills to succeed as a network engineer in the real world. Im a professional instructor who has been entrusted by Cisco since 2007 to develop and deliver training courses for their own engineers and partners. Ive also designed multiple training courses for the largest service providers in the Asia Pacific region such as IBM, Verizon, and the Australian National Broadband Network. Ive spent years distilling my decades worth of networking experience from the field into mentoring and supporting other systems engineers, and Im passionate about passing my knowledge of Cisco networks onto others.As a student in this course, youll get lifetime access to the course materials and answers to every question you ask in the Q&A board. I love interacting with my students: anything you want to know, please ask. The course also comes with an unconditional risk-free 30 day money-back guaranteethat's my personal promise of your success.ValueIf you take a comparable course at a training centre it will cost you thousands of dollars, and when its over you cant experience the tutorials again or ask the instructor any more questions. When you take my course you can learn anytime you want in the comfort of your own home, and Im always here for you whenever you need any help.Not sure about the best way to pay for this course? Ask your manager at work if theyll expense it. They wont have to pay the large fees of traditional classroom learning or have to cover your absence for a week. They get huge value from this investment in your future.Im excited to share all of my knowledge with you.Join me on this journey to turbocharging your career!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Maestra acelerada en InfoProductos" |
"Aprende cmo llevar a la realidad tu idea de negocio a un negocio digital,que tu tambin lo puedas lograr y puedas tener tu propio negocio digital,descubre las tcnicas y estrategias que te permitirn crear tu negocio digital exitoso,donde te brindaremos todas las herramientas,plantillas y nuestro asesoramiento.ya no tienes que buscar mas en internet,aqui descubriras todo lo que necesitas hacer y que me ha costado descubrir como hacerlo,y te lo revelo en este curso de como crear y llevar trafico hacia tu oferta!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Testes funcionais de aplicaes Android com Appium" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de Testes funcionais de aplicaes Android com Appium.Nesse curso, irei te guiar passo a passo na criao de testes funcionais automatizados de aplicaes Android, podendo execut-los em emulador, dispositivo fsico (Aparelho celular) ou na nuvem, atravs do TestObject. No se preocupe, caso ainda seja um conceito novo para voc, criaremos os testes desde o bsico.O curso 100% prtico, onde trarei problemas, situaes e os erros mais comuns que ocorrem no dia-a-dia, assim poderemos discutir sobre formas de como atuar em cada caso, tentando levantar os prs e contras de cada estratgia disponvel. Para isso, foi criado o CTAppium que uma aplicao nativa que nos permitir fazer exerccios prticos em cima de todos os assuntos abordados no curso.O cdigo de teste to importante quanto o cdigo da aplicao, dessa forma, alm das ferramentas e boas prticas, sero apresentadas tcnicas e padres que voc pode utilizar para deixar o seu cdigo mais enxuto e legvel. Sem falar das manutenes dos testes que so to constantes, pois bem, tambm tentaremos facilitar as manutenes necessrias, em alguns casos at poderemos reduzir tambm.Durante o curso, criaremos um conjunto de mtodos que facilitaro a criao dos testes. Tambm deixaremos nossos testes com algumas caractersticas nativascomo:Screenshot ao final de cada teste;DSL herdada nos testesOrganizao dos testes com PageObjectCentralizao do driverExecuo na NuvemMais a frente, no curso,teremos um mdulo exclusivo para testar uma aplicao real, trazendo alguns cenrios importantes como autenticao e gerenciamento de massa de dados.Ao final desse curso, voc ter uma boa base para desenvolver seus testes de aplicaes Android e uma boa base sobre automao de testes funcionais. Vamos comear?"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda BDD com Cucumber em JAVA" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de Cucumber em JAVA.Nesse curso, vamos conhecer uma alternativa ao desenvolvimento tradicional de testes. Vamos aprender como executar os testes a partir de uma documentao bem simples, em linguagem natural que vai evoluir junto com o cdigo. Conversaremos sobre os detalhes da linguagem, como podemos especificar em outros idiomas e como podemos deix-la enxuta e bem estruturada.Ocurso possui muita prtica, onde conheceremos os fundamentos do Cucumber, os detalhes e palavras chaves do Gherkin ecomo deixar os cenrios reusveis atravs das expresses regulares. Alm de tudo isso, teremos dois mdulos para mostrar como podemos utiliz-lo no desenvolvimento de testes a nvel unitrio e funcional. Sendo que, para os testes funcionais, veremos como configurar o ambiente de testes web com o uso do Selenium.Aprenda esse alternativa forma que criamos nossos testes atualmente e seja um diferencial."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Estratgias para gerenciar massa de dados em testes + DbUnit" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de DbUnit eGerenciamento de massa de dados para testes.Nesse curso, vou apresentar 5 estratgias que voc pode utilizar para garantir que a sua sute de testes poder ser executada sempre que for necessrio, sem os testes falharem por erros na massa de dados. Conversaremos sobre os detalhes de cada estratgia e em qual tipo de ambiente elas podem ser melhor aproveitadas. As estratgias vo desde o reaproveitamento de casos de testes, gerao de massa via interface do sistema, controle de estoque de massasat a criao de dados diretamente no banco.Durante o curso, vamos realizar os quatro testes principais (Insero, Consulta, Alterao e Remoo), utilizando cada uma das estratgias de forma manual e automatizada, a nvel de servios e funcional (utilizando o Selenium). Vamos discutir sobre suas diferenas e como cada estratgia pode ser aplicada para eles. O curso possui muita prtica, utilizando o JAVA como linguagem, porm foi utilizado apenas o bsico da linguagem, de tal forma que possa ser adaptada para qualquer outra linguagem de programao.Como bnus, temos um mdulo bem extenso sobre o framework DbUnit. Um framework em java muito poderoso que vai nos permitir simplificar ainda mais o trabalho em algumas estratgias, alm de permitir ter um controle maior do banco de dados, podendo definir e/ou obter todas as informaes contidas no seu banco de dados. Outra funcionalidade muito til poder faz assertivas em tabelas, conferindo linha por linha, coluna por coluna.Nos vemos no curso :)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"How to Get your Dream Job in Anywhere" |
"10 years ago, I had a hard time to get the job that I wanted. I submitted countless curriculum vitals (CV) to so many companies, but none of the companies responded to me.I was clueless and didn't know what to do back then.Soon, I started to do some researches and come out with different techniques to get the job that I wanted. Then by implementing these methods, and after countless interview practices, then I get my career in one of the BEST companies in Malaysia.I was promoted to a higher rank and enjoy the fruit of my hard and smart work through my entire career path there.Then I decided to come to Singapore to explore a different culture. Again, I execute these methods, and I get into one of the COOLEST company that I wanted to work in.I realized getting a dream job no longer just a dream if you learn the right methods.I am sharing out these methods! These methods are easy to execute, and everyone can do it, so long you will spend some time to work on it.Hurry up! Subscribe to this course and get your DREAM job in 2020 right now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Questes Comentadas Direito Administrativo - CONSULPLAN" |
"O curso destina-se queles que almejam aprovao em algum concurso realizado pela CONSULPLAN. Nele voc vai estudar as questes que a referida banca realizou, com explicaes claras, diretas e muito didticas. Tudo pensado para ajudar aqueles que tm alguma dificuldade em Direito Administrativo. Se voc quer passar em concurso e tem dificuldade com Direito Administrativo, esse o curso certo pra voc!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Online Business fr Anfnger - Von Beginn an richtig" |
"""Sehr umfassender und lehrreicher Kurs! Vielen Dank!"" -""Sehr guter Einstieg ins Thema mit einer sinnvollen Strukturierung."" -""Guter Einstieg in das Thema!"" -*****Mchtest Du Dir ein eigenes Online Business aufbauen, weit aber nicht so recht, wo Du anfangen sollst? Hrst Du hufig, dass Du bloggen musst, Facebook Werbung einzusetzen hast, Social Media betreiben musst, Webinare abhalten sollst und weit nicht, wie Du all diese Taktiken einordnen musst?Dann bist Du hier genau richtig!In diesem Kurs lernst Du eine Systematik fr Dein eigenes Online Business kennen, sodass Du absolute Klarheit ber Deine Ttigkeitsbereiche bekommst.Ich nehme Dich an die Hand und zeige Dir die verschiedenen Aufgaben, die Du als Betreiber eines Online Business wirklich zu bewltigen hast.Ganz konkret kmmern wir uns in diesem Kurs um Folgendes:Wir entwickeln gemeinsam eine Struktur fr Dein Online Business, damit Du in Zukunft keinProblem hast, neue Taktiken und Strategien in den Gesamtzusammenhang einzuordnenWir besprechen Traffic Strategien fr Deine Website, sodass Du langfristig eine konstanten Strom an qualitativ hochwertigen Interessenten fr Dein Online Business bekommstIch zeige Dir, welche Elemente ntig sind, um die Interessenten an Dein Online Business zu binden, damit Du einen hohen Anteil der Besucher weiterentwickeln kannstWir kmmern uns darum, die Interessenten langfristig zu potentiellen Kunden zu entwickeln, damit Du ein hohes Ma an Vertrauen aufbauen kannstWir besprechen, wie Du profitable Ideen fr eigeneProdukte findest, damit Du vor der Produktion schon weit, ob es sich fr Dich und Dein Online Business lohnen wirdWir entwickeln ein System fr Deine Produkte, sodass Du Deine Kunden gezielt durch Dein Online Business fhrst und den grtmglichen Umsatz erwirtschaftestIch zeige Dir eine ethische Art des Verkaufens, damit Du Dich nicht zu einem schmierigen Gebrauchtwagenverkufer entwickeln musstDieser Kurs richtet sich somit an alle, die ein Interesse am Aufbau eines eigenen Online Business haben, aber nicht wissen, wo sie anfangen sollen. Es geht hier um einen berblick ber die wichtigsten Themen, Strategien und Taktiken.Nach dem Kurs wirst Du in der Lage sein, zu entscheiden, wie Dein Online Business aussehen soll und wo Du anfangen musst, um es Realitt werden zu lassen.Dabei musst Du den Weg nicht alleine gehen.Ich bin jederzeit fr Dich ansprechbar und beantworte Deine Fragen.Du bekommst also wirklich alles, was Du fr den Start Deines eigenen Online Business bentigst.Also, worauf wartest Du noch?Nimm den ersten Schritt auf dem Weg zu Deinem eigenen Online Business jetzt und belege diesen Kurs.Ich freue mich darauf, Dich im Kurs begren zu drfen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Grego do Novo Testamento - Nvel Bsico (Mdulo 2)" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao mundo das lnguas originais da Bblia!O Novo Testamento foi originalmente escrito emgrego. Esse fato j suficiente para mostrar a importncia que o estudo instrumental dessa lngua tem para todos: tanto para ministros como para leigos.Esse curso foi especialmente pensado para voc que no tem condies de frequentar um seminrio teolgico, onde tradicionalmente as lnguas originais bblicas so ensinadas (seja pela distncia, seja pela falta de tempo).O objetivo do curso simples:tornar o aprendizado do grego (koin) acessvel a todos aqueles que amam a Palavra de Deus e querem nela se aprofundar.A diviso dos nveis (bsico, intermedirio e avanado) e dos mdulos visa facilitar o aprendizado gradual da lngua grega. Em cada aula, voc ter no apenas a apresentao dos conceitos tericos, como tambm far uma srie de exerccios para fixar o contedo. Voc poder acessar as aulas onde e quando desejar, estabelecendo seu ritmo de aprendizado.A gramtica bsica que adotamos como material obrigatrio Noes do Grego Bblico(Loureno Stelio Rega e Johannes Bergman, Edies Vida Nova). Ns aconselhamos que voc acompanhe as aulas por meio dessa gramtica, que tem se consolidado como uma das melhores no ensino do gregokoinno Brasil. Ademais, sempre que for necessrio, complementaremos o contedo dessa gramtica com outras literaturas.Os temas desse mdulo so:Introduo aos verbos gregos;Presente do Indicativo (Ativo, Mdio e Passivo);Presente do Subjuntivo (Ativo, Mdio e Passivo);Futuro do Indicativo (Ativo, Mdio e Passivo).Introduo aos substantivos gregos;Segunda declinao;Primeira declinao.Venha e aprendao grego do Novo Testamento!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Der AI-Kurs fr Unity: Klevere Gegner fr Spiele erstellen" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen wie du effektiv und mit kurzem Zeitaufwand intelligente KI-Gegner (AIs) fr deine Spiele erstellst die:sich intelligent und eigenstndig bewegen knnenklettern knnenspringen knnendem Spieler folgen knneneinem Pfad folgen knnenmit bestimmten Situationen umgehen knnenWenn du ein schon ein paar grundlegende Kenntnisse in Unity3D hast und deine Spiele oder deinen Wissensstand auf das nchste Level bringen mchtest, dann ist dieser Kurs hier genau das richtige fr dich!Wie immer stehe ich auch hier fr alle Fragen und Ideen sofort zur Verfgung!:)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Der Animation-Kurs fr Unity 2018: Animieren mit Mecanim" |
"Bringe deine Unity Kenntnisse auf das nchste Level!Wenn es um das Thema Animationen in Unity geht bekommen Entwicklervon 3D Games oftmalswackelige Beine.In diesem Kurs werde ich dir das fundamentale Wissen vermitteln dass du bentigst um dein Spiel mit Animationen auszursten.Folgende Themen werden im Kurs gelehrtErstellen und programmieren eines Character-ControllersAusstatten eines Charakters AnimationenAnimationen bekommenAnimation BlendingCharakter Ablufe(z.B einen Stuhl aussuchen und sich darauf hinsetzen)IK (Inverse Kinematics)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C# fr Unity 2018 Komplettkurs: Programmieren wie ein Profi" |
"Der Kurs wird stetig erweitert! Ganz neu: Coroutines undIEnumerator.Der Perfekte Einstieg um deine Fhigkeiten als Spieleentwickler zu verbessern!Direkt aus der Praxis! Wenn du genau wie ich dein Geld mit der Entwicklung von Spielen verdienenmchtest, dann ist dieser Kurs ein weiterer Boost auf deinem Weg zum Erfolg. Gemeinsam lernen wir wie du dem Standard der Programmierung fr Spiele gerecht wirst um deine Chancen auf einen Job und allgemeinen Erfolg als Entwickler deutlich zu erhhen.InhalteNamenskonventionLesbarkeitZugriffsmodifiziererAufbau eines ScriptsKommentierenEigenschaftenVererbungVirtual und OverrideDelegates und EventsObject PoolingInstanzen und SingletonsScriptable ObjectsCoroutines und IEnumeratorWie immer stehe ich dir fr alle Fragen und Support auf deinem Weg zur Seite.Schreibe dich am besten gleich ein und verbessere noch heute deine Fhigkeiten als Spieleentwickler!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn the basics of ArcGIS for hydrology" |
"This course will take you from a beginner in ArcGIS, from downloading data, to performing basic functions. Alonso will teach you the basic concepts, how to perform the main features in the GIS software, use the geoprocessing tools, how to export to AutoCAD, while on the hydrology side Konrad will teach you how to perform hydrology related tasks such as Calculate Flow Direction And Flow Accumulation, Watershed Delineation, Stream Segments And Catchments, Spatial Join To Catchments as well as map layout with elements.Work side-by-side with the presentation and feel free to ask questions when you don't understand something. This tool is highly looked after in the hydrological field.Teachers: Alonso Gonzalez - GIS research assistant in Mexico Konrad Hafen - Spatial Modeler, Analyst & Scientist in USA"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crystal Reading Class" |
"On this crystal reading class you will learn the basic aspects of a crystal reading utilizing lemurian quartz crystals as aiding tools and a basic set of 7 chakra stones of your choice.Ataana along with some of his students go through two modalities of basic crystal reading, where he will set the example and then will guide and correct on his students conducting crystal readings on each other.This crystal reading class will result more comprehensive if your level is intermediate toadvanced, however, if you are a beginner you willfind this class resourceful as you continue down your transformational path."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"[SMART PERFORMANCE] Erreiche deine Ziele & lebe dein Leben" |
"Was macht aus einem Athleten einen richtigen Champion? Wie schaffen es gute CEO's, Firmen sowohl in guten, wie auch in schlechten Zeiten zum Erfolg zu bringen? Warum fhren manche Menschen, ein in jeder Hinsichterfllendes Leben, und andere nicht?Was nahezu alle groen Persnlichkeiten ausmacht, ist ein starkesMindset - dasGrowth Mindset. Menschen die lernen, entwickeln sich weiter. Siewachsen. Und das bestimmt ihren Erfolg.Diese Kraft in deinem Kopf, ermglicht auch dir ein erfolgreiches und erfllendes Leben:Ein Leben, in dem du fokussiert und produktiv andeinen Ziele arbeitest.Ein Leben, in dem du deine Trume und Wnsche furchtlosrealisierst.Ein Leben voller Kraft, Freude, Motivationund Erfllung.Eben ein Smart-Performance und High-Quality Leben!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"React Native - The Practical Guide [2020 Edition]" |
"This course was completely updated and now does not only cover the latest version of React Native but also includes refreshers on JavaScript & React.js!In addition, a whole section on ""Push Notifications"" was added.---Mobile apps are one of the best ways to engage with users - no wonder everyone wants to build one!Wouldn't it be great if you could use your web development knowledge, combined with your React knowledge, to build mobile apps with that?That's exactly what React Native allows you to do!No need to learn Java, Android, Swift, ObjectiveC or anything of that - React and JavaScript is all you need to create awesome native mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS. That's probably the reason why Instagram, AirBnB, Skype and many other global companies are using it to build their mobile apps!With this course, you can join this league. I'll teach you all you need to create your own React Native apps, publish them to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and dive really deep into the React Native ecosystem.You'll learn all about the theory behind React Native, its core concepts, how to build responsive designs that work on different device sizes, how to animate React Native apps, how to navigate around, use maps and the camera and so much more!And which better way to learn than by building a real app? We'll build the ""Awesome Places"" app in this course, an app where users can share amazing pictures and the location where they took them. This app will allow you to see things like using maps, the camera, user authentication, connecting to a server and much more in action.By the end of the course, we'll of course also go through all steps required to get it into an app store.Here's a detailed look at what you'll get:The core concepts and theoryHow to use React, JavaScript and native componentsUnderstand how to navigate in React Native appsA closer look at styling and animating React Native appsInstructions on how to use third-party libraries in your React Native appDetailed examples on how to use maps or an image pickerA full user authentication flowHow to connect to a backend server from your appDebugging instructionsAnd so much more!What will you need to succeed in this course?NO Android, Java, Swift or ObjectiveC knowledge is required!JavaScript and React (for the web) knowledge is required though - you don't need to be an expert but the basics need to be set (though there are refresher sections in this course!)I'd be very happy to welcome you in the course!Max"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Angular (Full App) with Angular Material, Angularfire & NgRx" |
"Angular is an amazing frontend JavaScript & TypeScript framework with which you can build powerful web applications.There are a lot of courses that dive deeply into Angular but sometimes you just want to build an entire app and see how it all works in practice. And you want to use all these great third-party packages that can add a lot of awesome functionalities to your Angular app!This course covers exactly that!We'll build an entire, realistic app which looks absolutely beautiful, uses Google's Material Design and is extremely fast! Thanks to Firebase and Angularfire, we'll add real-time database functionalities and see our updates almost before we make them!Behind the scenes, NgRx will be used - a Redux-inspired state management solution that can greatly enhance your Angular app.What are you waiting for, this is what you'll get in detail:A brief refresher on Angular, just in case you forgot how it works (or never learned it)A detailed introduction into Angular Material, its docs and its usageA realistic app that uses many Angular Material componentsExamples for components like Datepickers, Sidenavs or the Material Data Table (incl. sorting, filtering and live updating!)A real-time database connection powered by Firebase (using Firestore) and AngularfireA better understanding of RxJS observablesState-of-the-art state management with the help of NgRxAnd so much more!This course is for you if you want to practice Angular, want to see it in action or want to learn it with the help of a 100% practical project!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids" |
"Vue.js is an amazing JavaScript framework which you can use to build highly engaging user interfaces and single page applications. You can join my bestselling course on Vue.js, here on Udemy, if you want to learn more about this awesome framework!Nuxt.js takes it to the next level!It's a library for Vue.js (kind of a ""framework for a framework"") and it adds two major things to Vue.js:Server-side-rendering of your Vue app out of the boxEasy Vue app configuration via folders and filesYou'll of course learn all the details in this course but the most important takeaway is that Nuxt.js makes the creation of better, more optimized and more capable Vue apps much easier - and all of that whilst adding pretty much no overhead.In this course, I'll teach you how to create Nuxt/ Vue apps from scratch! We'll build an entire course project and dive into the core features Nuxt.js offers.By the end of the course, you'll have a complete Vue app, built with Nuxt.js, which can be rendered on the server (or as a static website!) and which is highly optimized.The course will teach you ...... what Nuxt.js exactly is and how it's connected to Vue.js... how you use Nuxt.js to build better Vue apps... everything you need to know about the ""configure via folders & files"" approach taken by Nuxt... different build possibilities like SSR apps, SPAs or a static webpage... how you build an entire project, including authentication, via Nuxt.jsAnd way more!Who am I?My name is Maximilian Schwarzmller and I built my company's (Academind) webpage with Nuxt.js.Besides that, I'm the instructor of the 5* rated, bestselling Vue.js course here on Udemy. I worked with Vue since it's beta, the same is true for Nuxt.js.I absolutely love these two frameworks and I can't wait to dive into them together with you!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"CSS - The Complete Guide 2020 (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass)" |
"CSS - short for Cascading Style Sheets - is a ""programming language"" you use to turn your raw HTML pages into real beautiful websites.This course covers it all - we start at the very basics (What is CSS? How does it work? How do you use it)? and gradually dive in deeper and deeper. And we do this by showing both practical examples as well as the theory behind it.Getting started with CSS might look easy but there actually is a lot of depth to CSS - hence this course provides different ""Tracks"" or ""Entry points"" to exactly meet your demands and reflect you current knowledge level:The Basics Track: Start from scratch, learn CSS from the ground up. You start with lecture 1 and simply follow through to the end.The Advanced Track: You already know the CSS basics, you know what selectors are and how it works but you want to dive in deeper and learn some advanced features and usages.The Expert Track: You got the advanced knowledge, too, but you want to dive into things like Flexbox, CSS Grid, CSS Variables or Sass. This track is for you.Of course this course offers the theory and practical examples - we'll build an entire real course project throughout the course - but there also are multiple assignments, quizzes and challenges for you to practice individual concepts taught throughout the course.Talking about the course project - we'll build the frontend (no backend) of a fictional web hosting company. We'll have a starting screen which has different sections, we got a responsive design with an animated side-drawer, we got modals and forms and in general we got a lot of CSS animations, font styles and more!Here's what's inside the course in detail - this is all also applied to the mentioned course project:The basics about selectors, combinators and how you set up styling rules in generalProperties, values and decalarationsHow specifity and inheritance work and why it's called ""Cascading"" Style SheetsImportant theoretical concepts like the ""Box Model""How the default position of elements can be changedStyling backgrounds (e.g. gradients) and imagesWhich units and dimensions you typically use in CSS (px, rem, % and more)How JavaScript and CSS interactResponsive design and what ""Mobile First"" meansStyling forms and form inputsWorking with text, fonts and text stylesFlexbox! How it works and how to use itUsing the CSS Grid and how it differs from FlexboxTransforming and animating HTML elements with the help of CSSWriting future-proof CSS with features like CSS variables or best-practice class namesUsing Sass and what it actually is all aboutIs this course for you?It's for you if started with learning web development and you want to build more beautiful websitesyou already know CSS but want to dive deeperyou're using CSS in a trial-and-error manner and want to change this (you should!)You might come back later if're an absolute CSS pro and you know the CSS working group drafts by heartyou're a backend-only developer (Node, PHP, NO HTML or frontend JavaScript)you're a total newcomer to web development and you don't know the basics about HTMLIf that sounds good to you, we'd be more than happy to welcome you in this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python - The Practical Guide" |
"Want to learn Python ""on the job"" whilst building an exciting course project? This course is for you!This is a highly practice-oriented Python course that teaches you Python from scratch - no prior programming experience required!Python is probably THE most trending programming language you can learn these days!It's very popular because it's easy to learn and use, runs on all operating systems and allows you to build a broad variety of programs: Be that web applications, desktop applications, utility scripts or using it for data science and machine learning.In this course, you'll learn Python from scratch - and you'll do so whilst building your own Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. These are of course also highly trending topics and not a lot of people understand what a Blockchain really is. As a nice side-effect, you will know how a Blockchain works once you completed this course. It's an exciting course project that allows you to learn and apply Python to something you know and you can use.Why Python?As written above, Python is both easy-to-use and extremely versatile and powerful at the same time. Certainly not the worst combination. If you check it on Google trends (and compare it to other programming languages), you'll see that it's very popular these days.It's being used by almost any important company - be that Google, Amazon or Facebook. It's used to run web applications, scripts, desktop programs and machine learning algorithms. This course sets the basics for all these use-cases!Why Blockchain?I believe that you learn something best if you directly apply it to a real-world project. And the Blockchain technology is an exciting trend which is there to stay. In this course, you'll learn a lot about the core concepts of the Blockchain and you'll see how Python can be used for the many aspects that make up a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.In my opinion, a perfect course project is challenging, interesting, something you know from real-life but also not overly complex. And that's all the case for the Blockchain! It poses some nice challenges where a lot of different Python features can be used to overcome them. It also is something we hear about all the time and yet no one knows how it works. And we can dive into the core Blockchain concepts without spending 100+ hours working on it. Who's teaching you?My name is Maximilian Schwarzmller and I'm a freelance developer. My focus is on web development but I've been working with Python for many years. It's actually one of the first languages I started with when I was 13. I'm the creator of many 5 star bestseller courses here on Udemy and I love diving into new technologies. That's why I had to dive into this whole Blockchain thing when it became more popular and why I chose it as a project for this course.I can't wait to welcome you on board of this course and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much as I did creating it! :-)What's in the course?Great question! Here's a brief summary:A summary of Python and the Blockchain technologyAll the base Python syntax you need to know (variables, operators, functions, ...)Loops and conditional statementsMore complex data structures like tuples or dictionariesA closer look at built-in functions and the standard library Python ships withString manipulationHow to work with filesError handlingDebuggingObject-oriented programming with classes and inheritanceInternal & external modules (packages)How to spin up an Http server with the Flask packageHandling Http requests (sending & receiving)And more!What are the course prerequisites?NO prior programming knowledge is requiredVery basic knowledge about how a computer works will help you though (but can also be built up whilst you're going through the course)Is this course for you?It's for you if ...You want to get into programming => Python is a great ""first language"" since it's easy to learn and very versatileYou want to broaden your horizon => Are you a web developer? Want to learn something new? Here you go!You're interested in Python for web development => This course will teach you Python in general but there are two modules where we'll also dive into web development a bitYou're interested in the Blockchain technology => You'll learn the core concepts of it as a side-effect of this course!You know Python but want to practice it => The course project is challenging and taken from real-life - there probably is no better practiceDoes that sound good to you? I'd be honoured to welcome you in this course! :-)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2020 Edition]" |
"The entire course was completely re-recorded and updated - it's totally up-to-date with the latest version of Flutter!With the latest update, I also added Push Notifications and Image Upload!---Join the most comprehensive & bestselling Flutter course and learn how to build amazing iOS and Android apps!You don't need to learn Android/ Java and iOS/ Swift to build real native mobile apps!Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn one language (Dart) and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is a SDK providing the tooling to compile Dart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UI elements (so called widgets) which you can use to compose your user interfaces.Flutter is extremely trending and gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as ""ready for production"", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!This course will teach Flutter & Dart from scratch, NO prior knowledge of either of the two is required! And you certainly don't need any Android or iOS development experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language.You'll learn Flutter not only in theory but we'll build a complete, realistic app throughout this course. This app will feature both all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations and more!With Flutter, you'll be able to write code only once and ship your apps both to the Apple AppStore and Google Play.Use Google's Material Design to build beautiful, yet fully customizable, apps in no time with almost zero effort. You can use the rich widget suite Flutter provides to add common UI elements like buttons, switches, forms, toolbars, lists and more - or you simply build your own widgets - Flutter makes that a breeze, too.Here's what's included in the course:Detailed setup instructions for both macOS and WindowsA thorough introduction to Flutter, Dart and the concept behind widgetsAn overview of the built-in widgets and how you may add your own onesDebugging tipps & tricksPage navigation with tabs, side drawers and stack-based navigationState management solutionsHandling and validating user inputConnecting your Flutter app to backend servers by sending Http requestsUser authenticationAdding Google MapsUsing native device features like the cameraAdding beautiful animations & page transitionsImage UploadPush Notifications - manual approach and automatedHow to publish your app to the app storesAnd more!This course is for you if ...You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOS and AndroidYou want to explore the full set of features Flutter offersDon't want to spend hours learning two completely different languagesCourse prerequisites:Basic programming language knowledge will help a lot but is not a hard requirementYou DON'T need to know Flutter or DartYou DON'T need to know iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC) or Android (Java)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"High End Image Editing with Adobe Photoshop CS6" |
"If you've ever dreamed about becoming a Graphics designer or RAW image editor then you have to learn Adove Photoshop. Mastering Adobe Photoshop will open career doors for you.You can work as a graphics designer on the freelancing market or at your local communityor you can work for image development studios where the demands for Photoshop experts are very high.In this course I will teach you everything you need to know to become a high-endimage editor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build World Class Websites like ""BBC. com"" with HTML5 & CSS3" |
"In this course I will teach you how to code World class websitelike BBC. com (Front-end/Landing page) using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. Anyone can take this course and learn how to code world famous website like BBC. com. If you ever wanted to learn to design and develop websites but you could not find any course which could serve your need then your search is over! in this course I will show and teach you how one of most prestigious website BBC. com's landing page has been made, This course is all about real World and World class! So come join in!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build World Class Websites like ""BBC. com"" with WordPress" |
"In this course we will convert an HTML5 template into a fully functional WordPress theme. In this course Itook a pre designed static HTML5 template and I have shown how to convert that staticHTML template into a fully functional WordPress theme. After completing this course, you will have enough skill to convert complex HTML5 templates into fully functional WordPress theme,"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to Drone Applications-Construction Industry-1" |
"This course is the first part of the course series Ultimate Guide to Drone Applications-Construction IndustryPart 1goes into complete detail into how you, as an employee or employer of aconstruction company, project management company, real estate company or a drone service providing companycan use drones to increase accuracy,maximize your efficiency and costsavings in the first 5stages of a construction project.We have explained how you can use drones to collect dataand use it for the followingpurposes -Using drones to make site purchase decisionsUsing drones to conduct land surveyUsing drone survey outputs for site layout and architecture designUsing drone survey outputs for earthwork estimationUsing drones to inspect site activitiesOur previous course series The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Droneshas been a best seller on Udemy with more than 4000 enrollments from across 114 countries.Reviews:""Superb. This course is very useful for anyone who is even remotely interested about drones. This shows us all the technical possibilities with drones and how to build a high value business out of it - much beyond aerial videos and photos.""""This course opens up a new perspective for the usage of drones in a construction site.""""Brilliant! Perhaps the best information available anywhere about usage of drones for construction industry.""""The depth of explanation in this course is absolute! It would be very helpful for all civil engineers like me. Thanks for creating this course.""""Fabulous course! All the details needed for.application of drones industry are in.the. course. highly recommended."""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to Drone Applications-Construction Industry-2" |
"This course is the second part of the course seriesUltimate Guide to Drone Applications-Construction IndustryPart 2goes into complete detail into how you, as an employee or employer of aconstruction company, project management company, real estate company or a drone service companycan use drones toincrease accuracy,maximize efficiency and costsavingsonce construction work begins. Further, we have sections dedicated to construction companies and drone service companies to help them mobilize drones as a part of their businesses!Here is a brief of what is covered:Using drone survey outputs to detect constructiondeviationsUsing drone survey outputs to track construction progressPresenting drone generated outputs to decision makersEquipment purchase and HR hiring strategies for the construction industry to adopt dronesStrategies fordrone service companiesUsing drones to market the siteThe future of drones in the construction industryOur previous course seriesThe Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Droneshas been a best seller on Udemy with more than4000 enrollmentsfrom across114 countries.Reviews:""Technically sound course. Great workflows.""""Really good content. Thanks for making this course. I learned quite a few things today despite working with drones for last 2 years.""""Comprehensive curriculum packaged in. Straight to the point and covers all technical details about using drones in each step of construction progress. I would rate this course very high!!""""As a GIS professional I benefitted a lot from the course. The go to market strategies for drone companies was a fantastic section in the course. Lot of practical advice has been shared.""""This is a pretty good course. It details all the possibilities of using drones in construction site and how exactly to go about it."""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to the Complete Web Development Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn to code and become a full-stack web developer. With over 12,000 ratings and a 4.8 average, my Web Development course is one of the HIGHEST RATED courses in the history of Udemy! At 50+ hours, this Web Development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive web development course available online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here's why:The course is a taught by the lead instructor at the App Brewery, London's leading in-person programming bootcamp.The course has been updated to be 2020 ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Google and Netflix.This course doesn't cut any corners, there are beautiful animated explanation videos and tens of real-world projects which you will get to build.The curriculum was developed over a period of four years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.We've taught over 280,000 students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or start their own tech startup.You'll save yourself over $12,000 by enrolling, but still get access to the same teaching materials and learn from the same instructor and curriculum as our in-person programming bootcamp.The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students - that's you!We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer.The course includes over 50 hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world websites and web apps.Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:Front-End Web DevelopmentHTML 5CSS 3Bootstrap 4Javascript ES6DOM ManipulationjQueryBash Command LineGit, GitHub and Version ControlBackend Web DevelopmentNode.jsNPMExpress.jsEJSRESTAPIsDatabasesSQLMongoDBMongooseAuthenticationFirebaseReact.jsReact HooksWeb DesignDeployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and MongoDB AtlasBy the end of this course, you will be fluently programming and be ready to make any website you can dream of.You'll also build a portfolio of over 25+ websites that you can show off to any potential employer.Sign up today, and look forward to:Video LecturesCode Challenges and ExercisesFully Fledged ProjectsQuizzesProgramming Resources and CheatsheetsDownloadsOur best selling 12 Rules to Learn to Code eBook$12,000+ web development bootcamp course materials and curriculumDon't just take my word for it, check out what existing students have to say about the course:""Angela is just incredible, awesome and just fantastic in this course. I've never had such an instructor; detailed in every aspect of the course, gives precise explanations, gives you the anxiety to learn etc. She's got that ability to make fun while explaining thing for better understanding. I really love this course."" - Ekeu MonkamUlrich""Angela is very thorough without ever being boring. I've taken MANY online courses in my life including my Bachelors and Masters degrees. She is by far the best instructor I've ever had. This course is packed with thousands of dollars worth of great instruction, and paced well enough for anyone to pick coding up and run with it- Thank you!"" - J Carlucci""Love the way Angela explains things. Easy to follow and full or logic. I can say she must spent a lot of energy creating this great course. Thank you and I recommend to all who's interested in coding!"" - Yiqing Zheng""So far (on my third day) this course has taught me more than I was able to learn in multiple other programming courses. This course is clearly outlined and builds upon itself gradually in an easy to understand way."" - Normal Ramsey""This course will take you from beginner to intermediate level for real. If you don't know how to put together the pieces of web development this is what you're looking for. Angela explains in an amazing way by creating projects all the way during this course, explaining the concepts in real practice. Thank you very much, Angela. I will always consider you my mentor. Look forward to taking more courses with you."" - Moises Dionisio Cruz""An amazing course, perfect for absolute beginners at the start of their coding journey! Angela is an amazing tutor and can explain in the most simple and comprehensible way even complex coding notions. Learning web development cannot get any more fun!"" - Zoe Moyssoglou""It's a different approach to teaching Web Development. I like that you are given everything possible to succeed from the onset."" - Ronick ThomasThe tutor is simply AMAZING, by far the best tutor I have ever had. I would give her 10 stars out of 5. She is not just punching the code and talks to herself, but she is actually explaining things. She keeps on giving a really usefull hints and she will give you a great load of other references. I always knew what I was doing and why I was doing it. All the extra challenges have just made me to remember and understand things better. - Peter DlugosREMEMBER I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's highest rated web development course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso React.js Ninja: Mdulo Redux" |
"Nesse curso, que o mdulo #03 do curso React.js Ninja:React Completo, voc ir aprender, de forma simples:- O que Redux;- Como utilizar o Redux de forma ""pura"" para usar em qualquer tipo de aplicao JavaScript;- Como utilizar o Redux junto com o React.No decorrer do curso, vamos criar algumas aplicaes, para ver na prtica o uso do Redux!E como contedo adicional, ainda vamos aprender a utilizar o Firebase como banco de dados para nossas aplicaes:D"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Make Career on YouTube for Beginners - Step by Step Process" |
"Make Career on YouTube for Beginners - Step by Step ProcessComplete guide to starting a YouTube channel, getting more views & subscribers, and building a brand with videos. You want to make money on YouTube? You want to get a lot of YouTube Subscribers and Audience to watch your amazing content?In this course,Make Money with YouTube for Beginners, I will show you each and everything related to creating viral videos on YouTube. I will show you how to create a clickable Thumbnails to get a lot of Views &Social Media Marketing.What will you be able to do after taking this course?You will learn how to create stunning videos for your YouTube channel.You will learn how to create a YouTubechannelI will Teach you how to create banner and logo for your channelI will help u finding a better niche/CategoryI will Show you my gadgets for creating YouTube Videos.I will Teach you how to connect your channel properly with google Adsense AccountYou will Learn how to write professional scripts for your YouTube videos.I will Show you free and paid software to edit your YouTube Videos.Iwill show you how to get thousands of views from Pinterest.I will Teach you about Reddit &Quora, which is very important for your YouTube Channel.I will teach you how to create a Facebookfan page and Run ads with it.You will learn Facebook Marketing Strategies Step by Step.You're here because you want to create a popular YouTube Channel, right?Maybe you're brand new to YouTube, or maybe you have some experience but need help growing your existing channel.YouTube is the perfect place to grow your own brand, drive traffic to your website, and earn money from YouTube ads and your product and service promotions.And this is the perfect course for you to jump-startyour YouTube Channel.Improve Your YouTube Channel, Get More Views & Subscribers, and Make More MoneyRegardless of what your level of experience is or what type of camera you use, this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to launch a successful YouTube channel.Whether you want to make a channel to promote your business, teach a skill, or just share your life story through vlogs, by understanding what makes a YouTube channel successful, you can replicate and get more views, more subscribers, and make money on your own. This course shows you exactly how to do it."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |