Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aprende Adobe Premiere: Edita tus Vdeos como un Profesional" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Adobe Premiere, aqu vas a aprender a cmo editar tus vdeos de forma 100% profesional y lo mejor es que no importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos editando vdeos profesionales, comotrailers, videoclips y cientos de vdeos de todo tipo.Vas a aprender desde cmo recortar tus vdeos, hasta aadirle los mejores efectos especiales que te puedas imaginar a todos tus vdeos para hacerlos realmente increbles.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo en el cual te explico todo lo que debes de saber acerca de YouTube para subir y posicionar tus vdeos y que logren cientos e incluso miles de visitas. Tambin, tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Photoshop: Edita tus Imgenes como un Profesional" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Adobe Photoshop,aqu vas a aprender a cmo editar tus fotos de forma 100% profesionaly lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos editando fotos profesionales, como sesiones de fotos, modelaje, marcas de ropa...Vas a aprender desde cmo recortar tus fotos y poner letras, hasta aadirle los mejores efectosque te puedas imaginar a todas tus fotos para hacerlas realmente increbles.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo en el cual te explico en una seccin de BONUS en la cual te ensear los mejores secretos de Photoshop, adems de cosas que yo he ido aprendiendo con la experiencia que muy poca gente conoce de este programa. Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Google Drive: Trabaja como un Experto" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Google Drive,aqu vas a aprender a cmo trabajar y organizartede forma 100% profesionaly lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos usando esta herramienta tan conocida y tilpara mis almacenamientos en la nube de mis documentos importantes, fotografas, vdeos, etc... Adems de todas mis cuentas, creacin de textos y presentaciones.Vas a aprender desde cmo calcular tus finanzas personales,y hacer facturas, pasando por cmo crear diapositivas de forma animada y profesional, hasta crear tu redaccinde textos de cualquier tema.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo de un REGALO al acabar el curso que te sorprender y llevar tu vida digital a otro nivel por completo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aumenta tu Productividad: Trabaja ms en Menos Tiempo" |
"Bienvenido al curso donde aprenders a ser un Experto de tu Productividad,aqu vas a aprender a cmo trabajar y organizartede forma100% profesionaly lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos aplicando estas tcnicas y consejos despus de leer tantos libros, asistir a conferencias de crecimiento personal y hablar con expertos de este sector de la Productividad debido a que es un tema que me apasiona.Vas a aprender desde cmo puedes despertarte temprano sin esfuerzo para aprovechar ms tu tiempo, pasando por cmo puedes te puedes planificar, hasta las ms increbles tcnicas que te puedas imaginar para aumentar tu Productividad y tu trabajo.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo de un REGALO al acabar el curso que te sorprender y llevar tu vida a otro nivel por completo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crea Vdeos para YouTube: Convirtete en Experto desde Cero" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Crear vdeos increbles para YouTube,aqu vas a aprender a elegir las mejores cmaras, los mejores programas de edicin de vdeos y fotografas, adems de conocer los mejores micrfonos msprofesionalesy lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos editando vdeos profesionales, comotrailers, videoclips y grabando vdeos de varios estilos.Vas a aprender desde cmo elegir tu micrfono y cmara perfecta, hasta conocer los mejores programas de edicin adems de claves exactas que harn que tu canal de YouTube despegue.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo en el cual te explico todo lo que debes de saber acerca de YouTube para subir y posicionar tus vdeos y que logren cientos e incluso miles de visitas.Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crea Logotipos increbles: De Principiante a Experto" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Crear Logotipos increbles para tu marca o empresa,aqu vas a aprender a cmo crearlos de forma100% profesionaly lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos creando logotipos para marcas de ropa, comerciales, empresas y muchsimo ms...Vas a aprender desde cmo tener la idea del logotipo, hasta aadirle los mejores efectosque te puedas imaginar a tus logotipospara hacerlos realmente profesionales.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo EXTRAen el que te comparto vdeos informativos acerca de logotipos, curiosidades y consejos que transformarn tu diseo por completo.Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Consigue una memoria increble: Tcnicas de estudio" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Tcnicas de memorizacin y estudio,aqu vas a aprender a cmo tener una mente de acero, todo lo que necesitassaber para aprobar todos tus exmenes con muchsima ms facilidad adems de convertirte en un experto de la lectura y los libros.Vas a aprender desde cul es la mejor hora y lugar para estudiar, hasta los hbitos que tienen las personas con grandes resultados en el rea de la memorizacin para que t tambin los puedas implementar en tu vida.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo EXTRAenel cual te comento curiosidades y preguntas que siempre has querido saber como por ejemplo si es positivo o negativo copiar en los exmenes.Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cardistry: Movimientos y florituras increbles con cartas" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Cardistry,aqu vas a aprender a cmo realizar florituras y movimientos cn cartasde forma 100% increbley lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos trabajando en el mundo de la magia y el cardistry, apareciendo en televisin, trabajando por restaurantes, fiestas y eventos privados.Vas a aprender desde cmo realizar movimientos a una mano increbles, cmo barajar las cartas en el aire como en los casinos profesionales,hasta realizar las florituras ms brutalesque te puedas imaginar para sorprender a todos tus amigos y familiares con tu habilidad.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo EXTRAen el cual te explico cosas que a m me llevaron aos y aos entender, que es cmo, dnde y cundo practicar, adems de cules son las mejores barajas del mundo para practicar Cardistry. Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Instagram: Convirtete en Influencer" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Instagram,aqu vas a aprender a cmo pas de 0 seguidores a 16K en muy poco tiempo, con este curso vas aconseguir hacerte Influencer y popular en las redes sociales, principalmente en Instagramy lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado de las redes sociales, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos manejando redes sociales de empresas, leyendo libros de marketing digital, redes sociales y mucho ms...Vas a aprender desde cmo elegir el contenido de tu cuenta y el nombre de usuario que har que tu cuenta se posicione para ms visibilidad, hasta los mejores secretos para conseguir seguidores de forma rpida y real.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te a diferencia del resto de cursos que te ensean a cmo conseguir seguidores sin ellos mismos antes tenerlos, yo s tengo resultados y te enseo a cmo puedes llegar a conseguir mi misma interaccin y seguidores en Instagram."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Adelgazar y Tener un Cuerpo Perfecto" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Cmo adelgazar,aqu vas a aprender a cmo puedes conseguir el cuerpo de tus sueos, ese fsico que tanto tiempo llevas soando, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de dos aos que estuve transformando fsicamente y pas de 100kg a 60kg en menos de 2 aos.Vas a aprender desde cmo tener la mentalidad y hbitos adecuados, hasta saber cules son los ejercicios y la alimentacin que ms se adecua a tu personalidad y forma de ser.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo EXTRAen el cual te explico tres vdeos fundamentales que tienes que ver y el ltimo es un vdeo motivacional que te aportar mucho valor para todos los momentos duros y difciles por los que pases.Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Emprende tu Idea de Negocio" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Emprendedor experto,aqu vas a aprender a cmo crear proyectos, empresas, negocios y emprendimientos exitososy lo mejor es queno importa si eres un principiante, intermedio o avanzado, voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que a m me ha servido a lo largo de tantos aos aprendiendo y llevando a la accin todo lo aprendido de negocios creando una marca de ropa y proyectos online a gran escala.Vas a aprender desde conocer las necesidades bsicas de por qu el consumidor compra y analizar a la competencia, hasta construir tu propuesta de valor para enfrentarla al mercado y empezar a recibir beneficios econmicos.Adems, este curso es diferente al resto porque...te incluyo un captulo EXTRAen el cual te explico algunas cosas que yo considero que son fundamentales para llevar tus emprendimientos a otro nivel por completo.Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"(50+ Saat ) Gerek Projeler ile Sfrdan Python Kursu" |
"ncelikle Merhaba Udemy'de 3. kursum olan Python programlama dili Trke kursuma ho geldiniz. Sitede bulunan dier 5 kursum ngilizce olarak hazrlanm olup bu kurs ilk Trke kursumdur. Bu kurs ile birlikte sfrdan balayacak ekilde Python programlama dilini reniyoruz, dier kurslarmdan edindiim tecrbeler ve renci renme yaklam ile ok daha baarl bir kurs olduunu dndm bu Python kursum ile programlama dili renmek isteyen herkesin ok kolay bir ekilde takip edecei bir kurs oluturduk.Kursun ierii hakknda ksaca bahsedersekKurs ile beraber temel Python dnda gelimi PyQt5 ,Tkinter ve Django Projeleride gelitirilerek sadece temel Python deil Python'a ait en ok kullanlan popler frameworkler ile de proje yapmay reneceksiniz ve bu dillere tam hakim olacak ekilde bir kurs mfredat ilenecektir.Derse balamadan nce ve ders srasnda tm bilgiler aklayc ve anlalr bir ekilde anlatld.Konulara daha ok gerek hayattan rnekler verilerek somutlatrlmaya alld.Konular ilenirken kolaydan zora doru bir eitim modeli seildi ve her bir derste renciye dier derslerde rendiinin stne bilgi koyacak ekilde rnekler verildi.ekilen videolarda ses ve grnt kalitesine nem verildi.Dersler bir rencinin sfrdan balayarak ileri ve orta derecede Python programlama dilini renmesini salayacak ekilde dizayn edildi.Yeterli derece ve Python programlama dilinin temellerinin olduu konular seilerek renciye gerekli olan bilgiler verildi.Tkinter ile gerek projeler gelitirilerek nesne tabanl programlama mantn Tkinter ile reneceksiniz.PyQt5 ile gerek projeler gelitirerek nesne tabanl programlama mantn tam olarak reneceksiniz.Django framework kullanarak gelimi 2 tane proje ile tam olarak Django framework ile ilgili tm bilgileri edinip kendi projelerinizi yapabilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz.Bu kurs ile Python programlama dillinin temellerini ve kullanm alanlarn renerek uan Dnya'da en popler olan ve poplaritesi git gide artan programlama dnyasnn en nemli dillerinden biri olan Python programlama dilini ok rahat bir ekilde renebilirsiniz. Kurs mfredat sabit olmayp devaml yeni videolar ve konular eklenmektedir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reiki. Nivel 1, 2 y Mster." |
"Curso de Reiki; el cual abarca todos los niveles. En tiempo real el curso tiene una duracin de 6 a 8 meses. En ste curso aprenders a desbloquear tus chakras y los de los dems para que los canales receptores del flujo de la energa no estn obstruidos. Aprenders a aplicar Reiki a t mismo y a otras personas (sto es parte del nive 1 y 2); tambin aprenders a dar Reiki a distancia y ensear a otras personas a hacerlo. Aprenders a usar cuarzos y pndulo en tu prctica para potencializar tus sesiones. Aprenders otros tipos de energa y a canalizarlos: Angeles, llama violeta, etc.*Incluye Reiki Karuna Ki y Reiki Kundalini.*Si cumples con las tareas, los tiempos que se marcan para avanzar en las lecciones, tu certificado incluir la cantidad de horas que corresponde al tiempo que has trabajado con este curso de Reiki.Aprenders diferentes tcnicas de meditacin y relajacin; para tu beneficio y el de los dems."
Price: 2370.00 ![]() |
"IELTS 7 Plus: Complete IELTS Preparation [Academic]" |
"Are you studying forthe IELTS test?If you're taking the IELTS test and trying to achieve your highest score, then there's a great chance this course can really help you. In fact, almost anybody studying for the IELTS academic test will benefit from enrolling in this course!IELTS 7 Plus is your completeIELTS academic preparation course. This course covers all sections of the IELTS Academic test: Writing (Task 1 and Task 2), Speaking, Listening and Reading.It's definitely true that preparation for the IELTS test can be pretty confusing and frustrating. Many students find getting the right lessons to boost their confidence a real difficulty. I know how it feels. This course has fun, information packed lessons with clear methods on how to beat the IELTS test. And even better... All the lessons you need are in one place!You'lllearn strategies and skills to increase your IELTS band score and show off your language abilities.Whether you'reaiming for a band 6, 7 or higher, IELTS 7 Plus provides you with lessons aimed to give you confidence and impress the IELTS examiner.Key Skills You'll Learn...Master yourIELTS Writing Task 1 ReportAce your IELTS Writing Task 2 EssayBuild conversational fluency and abilityLearn key phrases and vocabularyfor the speaking testComplete IELTS Listening practice testsUnderstand key question strategies for IELTS ReadingBut that's not all IELTS 7 Plus has to offer you. Also includedin the course are quizzes, practice actives and assignments.Test out your writing skills in assignments for Task 1 and Task 2 of the IELTS test.IELTS 7 Plusteaches you key skills and understanding for all sections of the IELTS test. You'll get top IELTS writing strategies for Task 1 and Task 2, plus hours of learning for IELTS Speaking, Listening and Reading.Learn step by step methods for achieving your highest band score in the IELTS test.On top of all this...Lifetime access to this courseAll updates and new lesson content includedQ+A feature to discuss IELTS progress30 day money back guaranteeEnroll, ace your IELTS test and achieve a higher band score!What IELTS 7 Plus Students say about the course!Mohamed - ""I am still at the beginning of the course and so far it is really good and very clear to understand. Thank you!""Prashant - ""I received score of overall 8 in IELTS Academic. Thank you It is a wonderful course and I used various techniques through out the practice sessions and on the exam day.'Neil - ""The mentor is highly enthusiastic and therefore explains everything in a simple and precise manner. Every single piece of information is essential and requires close attention. All the visual aids given are perfectly structured and presented to make the explanation as easily understood as possible. David, thank you very much for your contribution to our IELTS success!!!"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introducing Cisco ASA Firewall Appliacne" |
"TheCisco ASA Firewall Administrator course provides an understanding of basicconcepts and skills necessary to configure the Cisco ASA Security Firewall,configure Security Policies, NAT, and learn about managing and monitoringsecure networks.ThisCourse covers the following topics:Describethe Adaptive Security ArchitectureUnderstandthe traffic flow between interfaces with the Help of Security LevelsUnderstandand configure the required parameters for bringing an interface to handletrafficUnderstanddevice administration (OOB and IB)Configureremote administration protocols (telnet, ssh and ASDM)Understandand configure static routingDescribeRecursive Route Lookup and configure default route.Configuredynamic routing protocolsUnderstandwhy ICMP reply is messages are not allowed? Configure the ASA to allow ICMPreply packets.Understandthe need of Security PoliciesUnderstand3 different components of a ruleConfiguresecurity policies to explicitly permit or deny trafficUnderstandsignificance of rule position and reordering of rulesUnderstandthe need of Network Address TranslationUnderstandUnidirectional and Bi-directional NATDifferentiateObject NAT (Automatic NAT) and Manual NAT HideNAT vs Static NATUnderstandthe 3 different sections in NAT Policy, and placing Manual NAT rules above andbelow Automatic NAT section.ConfiguringObject NATConfiguringManual NATUnderstanding how a single IP could be used to map with multiple servers based on serviceand configuring Static PATUnderstandingand configuring Port Redirection."
Price: 7680.00 ![]() |
"World Machine: Mountain Chains & Volcanoes" |
"In this course you will learn:- how to create mountain ranges the way you want, and not be limited to the random noise generated by default in World Machine- How to do it efficiently and effectively and not be stuck in the layout view with drawing each shape and struggling with moving it and shaping it- how to place your mountains where you want- full control to change and move mountains around- how to add detail for realism- How to make a realistic volcano crater"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"World Machine: Terrains from NASA Satellite images" |
"You will learn how to:- import real terrains from NASA Satellite Images to World Machine- know where to find satellite images the easy way for quick results- and where to find high resolution satellite images for high level of detail workYou will also learn how to- create any terrain from clipart images- create terrains from ANY images whatsoever even color pictures"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"World Machine: Texturing with images for realism" |
"Want to have realism in your textures? join this course I will teach you:- What images work best- where to find them- How to organise them- How to use them in World Machine- How to distribute the image categories in World Machine.After this course you no longer need to spend hours trying the color nodes or other time consuming nodes and noises to reach realistic texturing, you will be able in a few minutes to go from untextured terrain to realistic textures with full control over distribution of image categories."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Import Terrain: C4D Blender Houdini Maya 3dsMax Vue Terragen" |
"In this course you will learn how to import Textured Terrains in literally any 3D Package you can think of: Autodesk MAYA, Autodesk 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Houdini, Blender, E-on Vue, Terragen, and even World Machine.Don't limit yourself to what your current 3D Package offers in terms of Terrains, expand your possibilities. You like a textured terrain, you can use it in any 3D package you want.I explain why you should learn about other 3D package and you will hear it directly from a person that works at ILM.I will take you step by step, the fastest and proven way to bring any textured terrain to you favorite 3D Package, anyone."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create a FOREST MAZE in Terragen" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a FORESTMAZE, techniques you can apply also to a flower maze:- Where to find the maze and how to design it to look impressive and aesthetically pleasing- How to tweak it to allow enough space in the corridors of your maze- Where to find the trees and flowers for your maze and what type works best for a maze- The importance of color combination using the color wheel- How to make the maze in Terragen- How to work on the ground- How to tweak the render settings"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create Massive Worlds with MEGA Terrains in World Machine" |
"Forget about small terrains, we are going to build something big, really big, a huge terrain, a massive world.You will learn:the efficient way to build massive worldsthe fast way to find a starting point for your worldHow to populate your world with huge terrainsBest practices with top notch tools for creative freedom and realismHow to export them efficiently in very high resolutionOh did I not tell you, I will show you how you can make plenty of different worlds using the same fileLet's build that world!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"VUE: Texturing with images" |
"Realistic texturing for objects in Vue? It can't get more real than real image from nature. You will learn:- Where to find them- How to use them- What to take into account when distributing themYour Vue renders will no longer look the same. A creative approach that leverages the power of procedural calculations in Vue (CPU) but uses real images (memory) instead of the ""fake / artificial"" colors. Your renders will look more realistic, your processing is more balanced (CPU vs Memory), you will no longer go back to the ""old fake"" way of texturing in Vue."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Your First Day in NUKE: Up and running fast" |
"Do you want to start your first day in NUKEwith a Fast Track to get you up and running? And learn how to make your first compositing in 20 minutes?Join this course. You will learn the industry standard compositing software faster.You will learn:- How to make your first NUKE compositing in 20 minutes.- How to move in the interface with ease.- What inputs are recommended in the VFX industry,- How to use The Grade node, one of the most used nodes in Color correction in Nuke.- Have advanced control over your highlights, mid-tones and shadows ColorCorrect Node- Target specific color for correction with HueCorrect Node- Unleash your creativity with the HueShift Node- And because there is No VFX without Roto, you will learn how to use the Roto node with ease.- Add the power of the Rotopaint Node to your NUKE Compositing skills."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create Clouds, Skies and Atmospheres in Vue" |
"Welcome in this course you will learn the techniques to create clouds, skies and Atmospheres.I will explain the types of clouds, which is necessary if you want your artwork to be realistic.We will go through the interface of Vue,The Atmosphere parameters showing you how to make a clear blue sky or a hazy dark post-apocalyptic sceneYou will learn cloud parameters to create several types of cloud layers at different altitudesHow to limit the cloud layer to a specific area in your scenehow to shape an individual cloudand of course render settings relevant for clouds.Ever wanted to have full control on what the sky should look like in your art work or VFX? this course is for you."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Complete ARCore & ARKit Gaming Developer - Augmented Reality" |
"Build your ownAugmented Reality Multiplayer Gameswith ApplesARKit&GooglesARCore!Create one of the first Multiplayer Augmented Reality Games at all (Look in the Google PlayStore or in the App Store, there are only a handful of them)We will use theARInterfacethatcombines ARKit and ARCore in one SceneAll Apps are running on IOS&on AndroidLearning by Doing, we willcode all from scratchWhy should you learnAugmented Reality?Augmented Reality is init'searly stages.There is still muchpotentialto create awesome Applications.Thedemandfor Augmented Reality apps isbigger than everbefore Break into a brand new industry expected to be worth$165 billion by 2024The most awaited battle between Google and Apple has finally started. The war ofaugmented realitySDKs.Googles ARCore is the answer to Apples ARKit. So the question is: should we use ARCore or ARKit for Augmented Reality Development? - The answer:It doesn't matter.Just use theARInterfacethat combines ARKit & ARCore."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kompletter ARCore & ARKit Spieleentwickler Augmented Reality" |
"Werde zum Augmented Reality Spieleentwickler in nur 7 Tagen!Augmented Reality ist eine der groen Zukunftstechnologien, welche in so ziemlich jedemBereich Verwendung finden wird.Augmented Reality ist noch in denKinderschuhenDie Nachfrage ist so hoch wie NIE zuvorErsten Plattformen fr IOS(ARKit)und Android (ARCore) sind nun verfgbarUnsere Apps werden auf beiden Plattformen laufen!Wir erstellen hier eines der ersten Augmented Reality Multiplayer Spiele berhauptDie komplette Industrie befindet sich zurzeit mit einem Marktwert von ca. 20MRD US-Dollar noch in den Kinderschuhen.Alle Experten sind sich einig, dass der komplette Zweigbis 2024 ber 200MRD US-Dollar wert sein wird. Hier ist also noch riesig Potenzial vorhanden.Das sich ARnoch komplett am Anfang befindet, kann man ebenfallsan der Tatsache erkennen, dass es auer z.B. PokemonGO kaumerfolgreiche AR-Apps gibt.(Vielleicht hast ja schon DU die nchste Million Dollar AR-App Idee?)Die groen Konzerne wie Google und Apple haben mittlerweile ebenfalls dasPotenzial von Augmented Reality erkannt. So wird wegen den PlattformenARCore vonGoogleund ARKit vonAppleAugmented Reality in naherZukunftauf Millionen von Gerten(IOS&ANDROID)laufen.Aus diesen Grnden ist es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis Augmented Reality im Mainstream ankommen wird.Wir sollten unsdaher nun fragen, wie knnen auch wir von diesemTrend profitieren?Als Antwort aufdiese Frage habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt. Es ist komplettegal, ob ihr schon eine konkrete APP Idee habt und einfach noch nicht wisst wie ihr diese umsetzen sollt, ob Ihr euch fr den Bereich Freelancing interessiert, woARlogischerweise auch immer mehr nachgefragt wird oder euch das Thema Augmented Reality einfachnur so interessiert und ihr mit Praxis-Orientierten Training euch das Wissen hierzu aneignen wollt.Denn dieser Kurs bietet die Grundlagen, um so ziemlich jede erdenkbare AR App von Grund auf zu programmieren undist ganz klar auf ""Learning By Doing"" ausgerichtet,wir werden hier alles direkt anhand der Praxis lernen.Es ist vollkommen egal, ob ihr Anfnger seidoder ihreuch schon ein wenig mit Unity3Dauskennt. Denn wir beginnen zunchst damit, die Grundlagen der Programmiersprache C# kombiniert mit Unity zu lernen.Daraufhin schauen wir uns die Grundlagen von Augmented Reality an.Hierbei werden wirauf das ARInterface-Framework von Unity3D zugreifen.Die Besonderheit dabei ist, es ist egal, ob ihr ein IOSoder ein AndroidGert verwendet. Die Apps, die wir alsovon Grund auf programmieren werdenlaufen auf beiden Plattformen. Das liegt daran, weil das ARInterface beide Plattformen ber eine APImiteinander verbindet. Wir mssen allen Code also nur ein einziges Mal schreiben und knnen diesen trotzdem fr IOS(AppStore) und Android (Google Play Store)verfgbar machen.Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist es,ein Augmented Reality Multiplayer Spiel zu erstellen. Um so ein Spiel erstellen zu knnen bentigen wir ebenfalls smtliche Grundlagen von Multiplayer-Spielen. Diese erlernen wir, indem wir zuerst ein 1 VS 1 Tank Spielnur fr den PCerstellen. Und das wiederumwerden wir dann Stck fr Stck ausbauen, bis wir das in Augmented Reality mit ARCore oder ARKit darstellen lassen knnen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Location Based Augmented Reality Apps with Mapbox" |
"Build your ownAugmented Reality Pokemon-Go Clone!Create a GPS-based PokemonGOClone (with Mapbox)We will use theARInterfacethatcombines ARKit and ARCore in one SceneAll Apps are running on IOS&on AndroidLearning by Doing, we willcode all from scratchWhy should you learnAugmented Reality &Mapbox?Mapbox handels the mapping,so youre free to focus on designing, building, and developing your application.Augmented Reality is init'searly stages.There is still muchpotentialto create awesome Applications.Thedemandfor Augmented Reality apps isbigger than everbefore Break into a brand new industry expected to be worth$165 billion by 2024This course is about creating a completePokemonGO -Clone from scratch! In order to create a Pokemon-GOClone, we gonna have a look atnumerous basics of the Gameengine Unity3Dand the programming language C#.For the GPS-based Part we willuse Mapbox. Mapbox is an excellent tool in order to effectively create GPS-based Maps and accessing to datas of the real world."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Budgeting Techniques and Building Credit" |
"Budgeting Techniques and Building Credit explores the consideration of some very useful financial concepts that can be applied to your everyday life with very little preparation. Comprehending and implementing these concepts will increase your financial literacy, which will likely result in a life of less stress and a better work-life balance for yourself and your loved ones.Some of the major topics discussed are, the importance of building credit, 401K investment, budgeting and online bill pay, and the best way to build credit. To get the most out of this course, youll want to finish listening to each lecture video in its entirety; then after doing so, self-reflect to make sure you fully understand what was stated. Once youre sure you got it, jump right into planning or even applying said concept!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speak on camera with confidence" |
"You may be the top expert in your subject area but if your listeners cannot understand you or hear you clearly they will never know how brilliant you are and you will not get the recognition you deserve.Sound brilliant and confident on camera even if you feel uncomfortable and awkward at the thought of it.'A well put together and easy to follow course that is giving me great tips on how to improve my presentation of online courses' - Emma Don't be intimidated by the camera. Using your voice for online lectures whether it be Udemy or one of the other platforms is a skill anyone can learn. This course does NOT cover any technical aspects of recording a video - I know very little about microphones, recording software etc. If you want advice about these technical matters this course is NOT for you. There are plenty of other places you can learn that from. This course, will however help you to train your voice to sound interesting on camera. You will learn how to make the important facts stand out, how to sound confident and clear. You may not like the sound of your own voice but with this course you will learn how to love it. You will sound and look confident on screen.This is a relatively short course because your time is valuable and you have lectures and presentations to prepare. I can do it in this short space of time because I've been teaching since 1994 and I know what you need to know!As well as teaching you to be technically correct - saying ends of words, opening your mouth wide enough for the sound to get out and speaking slowly enough for your listener to take in what you have said, I will also show you how to sound interesting. If you don't sound excited about your course and topic how can you expect your pupils to be interested?I will demonstrate to you that you probably speak much too quickly and much quicker than you realise. There will be opportunites during the course for you to practise what I am explaining and I will demonstrate every point during the course. Towards the end of the course I have included lectures on how to read from your notes and still look very professional, not every lecture in every instance has to be from memory, sometimes in life we need to read our notes. I will explain how to breathe to speak and how to sit and stand to enable your voice to sound better. Improve your videos today, enrol now and sound like the expert you know you are."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to have a conversation with ease" |
"Get ready to meet all sorts of people and converse with ease.'She explained everything professionally well and honest she gave very good useful tips and has this unique charm and engaging voice that soothes my fears of always being afraid to speak to others because they might judge me and she was thoroughly precise and to the point and she gave quite a lot of useful longevity tips for everyday use. IMPRESSIVE 5 STARS!! ' - Laurie'I suffer with anxiety & public speaking. This really helped me think of ways I can manage in situations I would feel most anxious. Thank you, I will definitely be recommending you.' -ChelseaI know how you feel, when I was about ten, my school had a parents evening - you know the type of thing - the parents go along and chat to the teachers to find out how their children are getting on. I remember my teacher well - he was young and not very chatty. During the course of the conversation with my mum, he told her that I seemed happy enough but that he couldn't remember speaking to me during the year! I hated having to speak to people I was fine with my family and best friends but that was it! I was sent to elocution lessons to give me confidence when speaking and in 1994 I qualified as a teacher to the highest level. I have had to learn how to converse and now people say that I sometimes talk too much!Speaking Anxiety is the number one social phobia or fear and if you're one of the many sufferers it can make your life much more difficult than it needs to be.Luckily, confident speaking is a skill which can be learned. Some people are just naturally quiet but are confident enough to be able to speak when they have to. Other people are very shy and think that they're going to somehow make a fool of themselves if they speak. Some people look really confident but suffer badly from speaking anxiety, they just hide it very well but their stress levels are high.Having a conversation should always be fun. Think back to a time when you've been busy chatting to a friend and then suddenly realised you've been talking for 2 hours! This course will show you how to feel confident when you are speaking and will give you some ideas for questions to ask or comments to make to get a conversation going or to keep a conversation going. There are exercises for you to try so that you will be able to talk to strangers. I was like you and in this course I combine my learnt technical expertise (qualified to Fellowship level) with the anxieties I suffered in my younger life! Are you like I was? Terrified of the phone ringing in case you have to answer it or just praying and hoping that the person you need to contact has an email address or a contact page or live chat so that you don't need to use the phone?This part of the course is based on my knowledge as a highly qualified elocution teacher and on my own personal experiences of having what I can only call a phone phobia.Using the phone is still not my first choice when it comes to communicating but I do use the phone now with hardly any stress or anxiety and this course will talk you through the processes I use to achieve this.Have a look at my promotional video and free lectures to see how I can help you overcome this horrible social anxiety. Life should be fun and stress free. Enrol now and start the path to improved confidence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acting for the stage or television" |
"'I really enjoyed this course. The instructor is warm and inviting and makes you feel comfortable even if acting is a new experience for you. The short lessons made it easy to add into my busy schedule, and the activities are fun!' Dawn'This is a really nice acting course and it is teaching me a lot more then I already know.' LeenaThis course has been designed so that you can hop from one lecture to another they are not dependent upon each other, this makes improving your acting skills easier for you as you can concentrate on the bits you think you need to. This course also includes many pdf sheets with acting exercises for you to try.If you have ever wanted to act then this course is for you. I have been teaching people how to act since 1994 and my pupils have appeared and continue to appear in TV series in the UK and have acted Shakespeare with the Brownsea Open Air Theatre in the south of England. One of my pupils was awarded the Sir Roger Moore Award for the highest Honours in Grade 8 (Gold Medal) Acting exam with the New Era Academy in 2010. I've entered pupils for various acting exams with LAMDA, New Era Academy and Victoria College and also helped pupils who have entered Trinity College exams. My daughter is a professional performer.I teach this course as though you were sitting opposite me in my lounge. I explain and demonstrate and then you have the opportunity to practise - speak and act - before we go onto the next skill.To be able to act you need to be able to create a character and stay as that character all the time you are on the stage and that includes entering and exiting the stage. If you're taking an exam or are in a festival you stay in character for a few seconds once you have stopped talking. A good imagination is helpful but watching people and seeing how they move and how they react to situations is just as useful. You may want to act just for fun in local amateur dramatics or maybe see if you are good enough for professional work. Perhaps you want to take exams that will help you gain confidence or help towards getting onto a full time college or university course. You need to be able to and feel confident moving your body. Your hands and your legs and especially your face! People sitting at the back of the theatre need to see how you are feeling so your movements may need to be exaggerated. However, you also need to learn that sometimes being still is just as effective. You must be able to look as though you are listening and learn to watch - imagine there is an ant walking across your floor - watch it - move your eyes as though you are focused on it. Listen to an imaginary person talking - move your head and your eyes and really listen. You need to remember that all times on the stage you must stay in character, even if your character is not involved in the action at any particular point in time. This includes entering and leaving the stage.This course is full of practical acting advice - how to stay in character, how to use your face, how to be heard etc. The exercises give you a chance to act using all of your senses and your body. There are lectures towards the end about different exams, preparing for auditions, what to wear and the importance of learning words!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |