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"Crea tu Plan de Marketing Online Paso a Paso" |
"Eres emprendedor? Trabajas en una empresa y quieres dar el salto a Internet? Tienes en mente un lanzar un proyecto online pero no sabes por dnde empezar? Antes de poner en marcha una iniciativa en Internet, has de pensar que cmo vas a llevarla a buen puerto. En este curso aprenders los pasos necesarios para hacer un plan de marketing online para tu proyecto o negocio, y qu aspectos has de tener en cuenta para tener xito en internet. No es necesario tener experiencia ni conocimientos especficos previos. El curso est pensado para personas sin formacin especfica en marketing con conocimientos de internet slo como usuarios. Se trata de aprender los conceptos bsicos para plantear una estrategia digital con xito, por eso omitiremos cuestiones tcnicas como la de crear cuentas en redes sociales, configurar correos electrnicos, etc. DOCUMENTACIN DEL CURSO: Adems de los vdeos, tendrs a tu disposicin la documentacin en formato pdf del temario, junto con otros anexos que te pueden resultar de inters: unas plantillas de trabajo y un glosario de trminos de marketing online."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python from Scratch" |
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on Jupyter Notebook to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with Python along with the correction and handling of errors as and when they pop-upGetting Started with PythonSpyder IDEJupyter NotebookBasic VariablesNumeric OperatorsTypes of DataIsinstance and Logical Operators"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"R Programming by OrangeTree Global" |
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on R Studio to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with R along with the data manipulation, extraction, and visualization.What is R?Basic Operations in RData Types and Data structures in RSubsetting in RAdditional Topics on Data Structures in RData Import and Export in RControl Structures and User-Defined Functions in RData Visualization: Charting with RVisualization on R using Google VisVisualization on R using GGPlot2"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Leitura Eficiente: Como Ler Mais e Melhor" |
"LEITURA EFICIENTE- COMO LER MAIS E MELHOR vai te mostrar os pontos fundamentais para uma leitura eficiente, sem apelar para tcnicas mgicas ou mtodos extravagantes.A ideia ajudar voc a refletir sobre o seu estilo de leitura e como possvel adapt-lo para melhorar usando tcnicas simples e de fcil aplicao. Antes, porm, quero deixar registrado que este curso no trata de tcnicas de leitura acelerada, leitura dinmica, foto leitura ou como preferir chamar.Acontece que essas tcnicas, ao menos na minha humilde opinio, so indicadas para o aperfeioamento da leitura de pessoas que j tem uma base de leitura. Que j leem com uma certa frequncia.Vamos abordar alguns pontos fundamentais para o que eu gosto de chamar de leitura eficiente, que seria algo entre a leitura bsica como aprendemos na escola, e as tcnicas mais sofisticadas de leitura acelerada.Nesse curso voc vai aprender sobre: O processo de leitura Porque voc no l tanto quanto gostaria Como condicionar seu comportamento para criar o hbito da leitura Descobrir as principais etapas para a concentrao Aprender a postura e as condies corretas para uma boa leitura Aprender como aumentar sua produtividade na leitura usando blocos de tempo Como planejar e calcular seu tempo de leitura Conhecer as caractersticas da boa leitura Conhecer um mtodo completo de leituraE vrias dicas prticas para voc melhorar sua capacidade de leitura"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk AutoCAD para Interiorismo y Arquitectura." |
"AutoCAD para Interiorismo y Arquitectura. De 0 a ExpertoImpartido por Arquitecto. Aprende de forma prctica a Dibujar en 2Dy 3D. Incluye Certificacin. De Bsico a Avanzado!Instructor: Arquitecto lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Autodesk AutoCAD es un software que te permitir disear lo que imagines con una gran precisin y calidad grfica. Este curso comienza con la descripcin y explicacin de la primera pantalla que aparece una vez iniciado AutoCAD. Paso a paso, en forma secuencial y llevados de la mano, conoceremos el entorno de AutoCAD, sus espacios de trabajo, la ubicacin y aplicacin de herramientas y comandos, sus funciones, etc. Todo basado en ejercicios muy prcticos.Conoceremos los sistemas de coordenadas, la configuracin de unidades, la creacin de primitivas simples, objetos ms complejos, polilneas, la creacin y aplicacin de cotas. Crearemos bloques, textos, alzados, planos. Veremos un nivel completo de modelado 3D, adems de muchas de sus funciones avanzadas. Aprenderemos a exportar planos en diferentes formatos y a imprimirlos.Dirigido a estudiantes, diseadores, delineantes de arquitectura, arquitectos, diseadores de interiores, personal tcnico, ingenieros, profesores, etc. Tambin para aquellos que ya utilizan AutoCAD pero requieren repasar o profundizar en los niveles Avanzado y 3D. Este curso es totalmente audiovisual y prctico, por lo que su entendimiento es fcil, rpido e intuitivo.El curso comienza con lo mas bsico, como el entorno y a travs de ejercicios prcticos se va enseado el uso de cientos de funcionalidades y combinaciones para dibujar, extender, recortar, copiar, imprimir, etctera; hasta concluir haciendo elementos avanzados para que hagas tu propia librera y a futuro todos tus planos se realicen de forma dinmica.En este curso usaremos la ltima versin de AutoCAD: AutoCAD 2020.Adems, contaras con los archivos de descarga utilizados en el curso.En este curso aprenders a manejarlo al 100% mediante ejemplos prcticos en cada leccin.Tendrs acceso a foros para ayudarte en tu aprendizaje.Tendrs acceso ilimitado y de por vida al curso.Aprenders a usar AutoCAD de una manera eficiente y profesional.Podrs utilizarlo en multiplataforma (PC,Mac, Tablet, Smartphone...).Los vdeos se pueden ver una y otra vez, hasta estar claros en el conceptoY si queda alguna duda, con gusto la resolver ;)Durante esta formacin podrs aprender a desarrollar mltiples proyectos arquitectnicos, tanto interiores como exteriores.Disear proyectos arquitectnicos / Modificar elementos de cualquier tipo de proyecto / Dimensionar y diagramar proyectos para la impresin y visualizacin / Exportar proyectos a diferentes formatos / Creacin tridimensional de muros / Creacin de mobiliarios / Edicin de elementos tridimensionalesLa formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Retire Comfortably" |
"Learn all about: The 5 Keys to Money and ValuesI Dont Believe in BudgetsThe Importance of Building an Emergency AccountPrioritizing Your Wants, Desires and Living Within Your MeansThe Ten Commandments of Couple Communication With MoneyHow to Buy a CarHow to Select a Mortgage ConsultantHow to Buy a Home With Caralee Gurney7 Areas of Spending You Should Audit for Financial WasteHow to Select a Financial AdvisorA Key Quality in Selecting a Financial PlannerHow to Trust a Financial AdvisorWhy You are Financially Stressed and What You Can Do About It.Introduction to Set ExpectationsDebt Free Mindset and Developing New HabitsHabits to Get You Out of DebtThe Abusive Secrets of the Credit Card IndustryGetting Control of Your Spending - The Boundary SystemHow to Improve Your Credit ScoreGetting Organized With Your Debt InventoryThe Debt Solution DeceptionCreating Your Own Debt Consolidation PlanDebt Collector Threats, Harassment, and How to Fight BackSurviving and Beating the Perfect Debt Storm The 5 Categories of DebtDealing With Student Loan DebtStrategies for Lowering Your Interest Rates and Getting Out of Debt as Fast as PossibleDebt - Summing it All UpThe Dangers of Pop Culture FinanceHow the Stock Market Really WorksWhy Your Advisor Probably Doesn't Understand Your Risk LevelSaving More Money Won't Get You to RetirementHow to Be a Quadrant II InvestorIs Investing in a 401k Plan Always a Good IdeaThe 10 Donts of 401 K InvestingHow to Invest Your 401k PlanThe Secrets of Selecting a Good Mutual FundHow to Invest in a Declining Stock MarketThe Risks in Investing in Bonds and FundsNavigating Through the Annuity Mind FieldThe Coming Collapse of the Economy and the DollarYoung Adults Guide: Prioritize Your Wants, Desires, and Live Within Your Means11 Pieces Of Wisdom I Wish That I Knew When I Was in My 20's10 Steps to Take 5 Years Out From Financial Independence (Retirement)What They Dont Tell You About Life InsuranceEstate Planning 101Creative Ways to Create a Long-Term Care PlanProtect Yourself From Identity Theft When (Not If) it HappensInsider Secrets of The IRSHow to Win a Tax Audit With Dan PillaBonus Video - Q and A of Most Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Makeup, Skin Care, Fashion and Beauty for the Home" |
"Over 13 hours of incredible content with what you need to know to live a healthy and beautiful life! See the Course Curriculum below.Make UpMake Up - Course 1 - Beauty BrushesMake Up - Course 2 - Detox Your Makeup Bag & Travel Like a BossMake Up - Course 3 - Tips On Natural Beauty MakeupMake Up - Course 4 - Tips On Glamour MakeupMake Up - Course 5 - How To Tips for Teenage MakeupMake Up - Course 6 - Makeup Tips for Sophisticated LadiesMake Up - Course 7 - Skin NutritionMake Up - Course 8 - Eyes and LipsMake Up - Course 9 - What Does Bethany do to Stay FreshMake Up - Course 10 - Find Your Perfect ColorMake Up - Course 11 - How to Conceal and Correct Under Your EyesMake Up - Course 12 - Make-Up Your Health RoutineMake Up - Course 13 - What's in Your LipstickSkin CareSkin Care - Course 1 - Skin Care and TanningSkin Care - Course 2 - Food KnowledgeSkin Care - Course 3 - Hair Removal OptionsSkin Care - Course 4 - Skincare Using SpicesSkin Care - Course 5 - Know your Toxic ingredientsSkin Care - Course 6 - Aromatherapy and Essential OilsSkin Care - Course 7 - Detox Your DeodorantSkin Care - Course 8 - Dry BrushingSkin Care - Course 9 - Face MasksSkin Care - Course 10 - Go EarthingSkin Care - Course 11 - Good Morning DetoxSkin Care - Course 12 - Hot FlashesSkin Care - Course 13 - Luxury Spa Treatments at HomeSkin Care - Course 14 - Natural Teeth WhiteningSkin Care - Course 15 - Tanning Beds or Spray TanningSkin Care - Course 16 - Whats All the Fuss About LED Light TherapyImage ConsultingImage Consulting - Course 1 - Flip Your Style Image Consulting - Course 2 - Accessories for Guys Image Consulting - Course 3 - Do's and Don't's for MenImage Consulting - Course 4 - Fashion for the Average ManImage Consulting - Course 5 - How to Look Great in a Suit Image Consulting - Course 6 - How to Organize Your ClosetImage Consulting - Course 7 - Where Can Men ShopImage Consulting - Course 8 - Body TypesImage Consulting - Course 9 - Keys to FashionImage Consulting - Course 10 - StaplesImage Consulting - Course 11 - Tour of FabricsImage Consulting - Course 12 - WigsImage Consulting - Course 13 - Material World & Where to Buy FabricsImage Consulting - Course 14 - What Does Bethany do to Stay Fresh"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Baguazhang Basics" |
"Baguazhang is sister art to Taichiquan and Xingyiquan. It used compact structural movements to condition the body and develop profound body awareness and conscious connection with th fascia and tendons. Baguazhang is is based on qigong concepts very much the same way Taichi/Taiji and Xingyiquan are. The basic foundations of Baguazhang are equivalent to, or beyond most first 1st degree black belt levels of conditioning and training of other arts. It is an advanced movement art and contains exceptional body flow training. The stepping methods condition the fascia and structural strength of the body in a very unique way that is often not understood until actually trained. The basic methods of Mud Stepping and Circle Walking alone contain a whole system of movement. Once learned, Mud Stepping and Circle Walking are further refined with Moving Forms and drills. This video series will begin to open up the densely packed structural and alignment information contained within the art of Baguazhamg.Qigong is an ancient Chinese health and healing practice based on coordinating body movement and breath to improve blood flow, organ function, joint and bone health. Qigong has a profound depth that is often lost in translation and turned into something mystical rather than as a practical toolbox to aid us in reconnecting with our ability to become still. Qigong allows the individual to become aware of the body and breath moving together, an uncommon practice in our modern, fast-paced society. Once learned you can practice anywhere.A primary benefit of Qigong is the immediate impact on the entire body and nervous system through its ability to move both blood and lymphatic fluid simultaneously. Qigong practices move the blood and lymphatic fluids differently depending on whether you are doing a moving set such as the 8 Pieces of Brocade (Baduanjin), or doing a non moving set such as Standing Stake (Zhan Zhuang) or martial art like Taijiquan or Baguazhang. Qigong uses neuro-differentiation by engaging the nervous system in much the same way that we learn other motor patterns, the way babies learn to crawl and walk. The conditioned reactions of fight or flight give way to a third option of calm observation and stress becomes non-existent with regular practice. With Qigong a person can rewire themselves, body, heart and mind and learn to be present as a physical experience and not a limited series of mental exercises. Six HarmoniesExternal: Feet and Hands - Elbows and Knees - Hips and shouldersInternal: Qi Jing ShenThe Three Treasures.Jing essence refined refinement of tissue and structural alignment to feel the QiQi vital energy, blood feeling the blood move and the body open and close to be physically presentShen spirit; soul, mind refined intention, being present and aware of all things in your body as you open and close the joints and align the body and move so you can refine deeper awareness"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Goldengate Microservices 19c" |
"Learn Oracle Goldengate Microservices and upskill your learning how to setup,Manage,maintain oracle Goldengate in Microservices architecture to stay ahead in your carrrer and learning! The course contains the topics from basics to advanced level. The course is designed in such a way that it caters to everyones need. The course is descriptive and practical. The course will help you in achieving expertise on Oracle Goldengate Microservices.With this course you will learn:Overview and Introduction to Goldengate Microservices.Download and Installation of MSACreate Service Manager and Deployment/sAdd credentials in credential StoreConfiguration of GG MSAAdd Goldengate Extracts, Replicats and Distribution ServerParallel Replicats and typesBounded Recovery concept in GoldengateWhat are parameters and Configuration of Parameter Files in GoldenGate MSAComparison of new Goldengate MSA architecture with existing Classic/Integrated ArchitecturePerformance Metrics (Monitoring Performance) of Goldengate MSAAdmin Client in Microservices vs GGSCI in Classic ArchitectureHow to read trail files in MSA (Usage of logdump)Classic architecture to MSA replication (Source has classic architecture and target has Microservices architecture)MSA to Classic architecture replication (Source has MSA architecture and target has Classic architecture)How to upgrade oracle Goldengate MicroservicesTroubleshooting issues in Goldengate MSADeinstallation of oracle Goldengate MicroservicesPost the completion of this course you may also attend the Goldengate certification course (Certification Oracle Goldengate Implementation Essentials) , Oracle Goldengate Veridata and Oracle Goldengate (Classic) Archoitecture Training from Ashish Agarwal and be Oracle Goldengate certified. So u will have expertise and certification both with this and certification course! Content and Overview This course is suitable for for Database Administrators and Developers., The course has descriptive and demonstrated 18 hours video sessions which will help you learn Oracle GoldenGate 12c fundamentals. The lectures are supported with exercises and documentations.The course starts with description of Oracle Goldengate Architecture and installation of Oracle Goldengate on Linux Platform. The course has a wonderful presentation on all the topics including parameter files of Oracle Goldengate. The course also guides you on how to crack the interview. With the course you get Goldengate Interview Q and A. Also you can get the guide to setup the lab with this course.This course give you the chance to grab the oppurtunity to work with instructor with such a wide experience and gaining real time scenarios.Upon completing this course, you will be able to configure Oracle Goldengate and support Goldengate in customer environment. So, come join in the amazing journey of learning this hot technology.Who is the target audience?Database AdministratorsDatabase AnalystsSolution ArchitectsTechnical ArchitectsDatabase ArchitectsConfiguration ConsultantData Warehouse AdministratorData Warehouse AnalystData Warehouse DeveloperDatabase AdministratorsDatabase DesignersSystem IntegratorTechnical Consultant"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iOS 12 Swift 4.2 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp" |
"PLEASE NOTE: This is the 2018 version of the course. It is for students who cannot update to iOS 13 or macOS Catalina. For the latest version of this course, please search for ""Angela Yu iOS 13"".Welcome to the Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp. With over 23,000 ratings and a 4.8 average my iOS course is the HIGHEST RATED iOS Course in the history of Udemy! At 50+ hours, this iOS 12 course is the most comprehensive iOS development course online!This Swift 4.2 course is based on our in-person app development bootcamp in London, where we've perfected the curriculum over 3 years of in-person teaching. Our complete app development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Swift 4.2 and build beautiful iOS 12 apps for iPhone and iPad. Even if you have ZERO programming experience.I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an iOS app developer.The course includes 50+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real world apps. e.g. Pokemon Go, Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather.It's updated to include over 7 hours of content on Apple's brand new ARKit 2 for making Augmented Reality apps as well as CoreML2 & CreateML for making intelligent apps with Machine Learning. You'll be building your own machine learning models that use Artificial Intelligence to recognise images and emotions in tweets. You'll also be building 3D augmented reality apps that look like Pokemon Go and Harry Potter's magical newspapers!By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Swift 4.2 and be ready to make your own apps or start a freelancing job as an iOS 12 developer.You'll also have a portfolio of over 25 apps that you can show off to any potential employer.Sign up today, and look forwards to:Over 50 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything you'll ever need to succeed as a iOS developer.Building over 20 fully-fledged apps including ones that use Firebase, Core Data, Cocoapods, machine learning and augmented realityAll the knowledge you need to start building any app you wantThousands of dollars worth of design assetsOur best selling 12 Rules to Learn to Code eBook$8000+ app development bootcamp course materials and curriculumFrom Beginner to iOS 12 App Developer with Just One CourseWe know that you're here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they're doing, you'd be on YouTube. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we're always on hand to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays and dictionaries.Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.Persistent Local Data Storage: How to use Core Data, Realm, Codable and User Defaults to store your app data locally.How to Implement In-App Purchases with Apple StoreKitMachine Learning: How to make artificially intelligent apps and build your own machine learning models using iOS 12's new CoreML2 and CreateML frameworks.Augmented Reality: How to create 3D objects in augmented reality and create incredible 3D animations and real-life interactions using Apple's latest ARKit2 framework.Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 18,000 students rated it 5 stars!Don't waste your moneyInside this course, you're getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000 dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about the course:""You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST Swift programming class I've seen on anywhere and I've tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store."" - Ian Hopjins""SO GOOD!!! Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5"" - Muhammad Ibrahim""Angela is a spectacular teacher!"" - Marco Zanirato""This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept."" - Marc""Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks."" - Burak Tunbilek""IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!"" - Eduard KhachianAre you trying to choose between all the different iOS courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:I have revamped my expectation for what a 5 star course should be for Udemy. Angela, you're awesome! I already rated the course as 5 stars early on (at about 20% completion), but after completing roughly 70% of the course, I can say this is my favourite Udemy course as of today. Brilliant course Angela! - Alberto L""I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome, deep and clear."" - an Fras""I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which make this course even more enjoyable."" - Bryan Pukanda""I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self learning and i can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which i did not want it to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way... why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course."" - Arun Lakhera""I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn't show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say ""just do this. You will see why later."" She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it."" - Clyde AddisonDo you have some experience developing iOS apps and wonder if this course is for you? Take a look at what students on my course had to say about this:""This is the best-organized course for starting Swift that I've seen. The course is excellent for teaching Swift programming including vital information using Xcode, Github, Cocoapods, Stack Overflow, Alamofire, Firebase, REST APIs and all the services commonly used by app developers. They show all the ways of using Xcode and other services that took me months to learn willy nilly. Wish I had this course a year ago but even with a year of Swift experience I still found a lot of great information and helpful tips. Love all the extras the course provides especially the assets(graphics, sound files, etc) for practice projects as I'm always taking too much time to find some assets to play with. This course understands how to teach programmers by giving them the toolsets and abilities they need to build apps. The course teaches the foundation of the language as well as skills to build your knowledge and improve your troubleshooting skills. Angela is a wonderful speaker and should do the voiceovers on everyone's instructional videos, seriously. :)"" - Marcy Vernon""Def. an amazing and awesome class for learning iOS programming. I've been coding for years and taken many programming related classes on Udemy and this is def. one of the best. The instructor walks you through all the in's and out's of developing apps for the iOS platform. Top Shelf A++ class."" - Mirko CukichREMEMBER I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's most highly rated iOS 12 app development course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Algoritmos genticos" |
"Hoy en da, ""hacer ms con menos"" se ha vuelto un tema de bastante inters para la industria en general. Ya seas ingeniero, fsico o matemtico, la optimizacin juega un papel sumamente importante en el desarrollo de casi cualquier cosa.Es muy probable que ya tengas concimientos de optimizacin clsica, pero los problemas actuales se han vuelto tan complejos que resulta casi imposible seguir usando lo que ya conocemos y hemos usado siempre. Estamos en la 4 revolucin industrial y la Inteligencia Artificial es la protagonista de nuestro desarrollo en los prximos aos.En todos lados vemos la enorme oleada del Machine Learning y el Deep Learning pero, has escuchado hablar de la Computacin Evolutiva? Bueno, bsicamente es recrear en la computadora algo que indiscutiblemente ha salido bien durante miles de aos: la evolucin de las especies.Anmate a entrar en esta maravillosa rama de la IA (metaheursticas bio-inspiradas) con su principal exponente: LOS ALGORITMOS GENTICOS."
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"Assembly VR System unit components together" |
"Do you already know how select PC components?Do you want know how just put components together?Less theory water and more practice?If you answer just on one question above - this course for you.In this course step by step I assemble system unit components.I will show every physical ""key"" on each component, how connect, screw and finally start your system unit!Current system unit based on Intel configuration.Enroll on this course and start assembly your system unit now!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Building a Super Smash Bros. Fighting Game in Unity" |
"This course will walk you through building an entire video game hands-on, and will take you step-by-step through the game development process.Did you grow up playing Super Smash Bros? Are you a fan of classic Nintendo characters? Growing up, I loved playing Super Smash Bros. Melee and always wanted to know how fighting games were made. Now, I make games professionally for a living and have a deep understanding of what goes into making all types of games, including fighting games.This course is meant to teach you how to build a full fighting game in Unity, even if you are a beginner or have never used Unity before. By the end of this course, you will have a full Super Smash Bros. style game in Unity that you built from the ground up. I will teach you how to develop and animate the following characters using the sprite sheets that I created and provide with this course: Donkey Kong, Mario, Pikachu, Samus, Ice Climbers, Captain Falcon, Bowser, Link, and Sonic.Each character will have three attacks and be able to jump. Donkey Kong will feature his classic down smash that shakes the camera and sends enemies flying into the air. Mario will throw flaming mushroom projectiles. Pikachu will feature his classing lighting attack, zapping the opposition. Samus will have his charge beam that lets the user build up power and then release a sci-fi blast. The Ice Climbers will be able to freeze enemies and tag team their way to victory. Captain Falcon will use his Falcon Punch to blast enemies. Bowser will be able to spew fire which we will create using Unitys particle system. Link will have the ability to fire arrows and throw bombs at enemies. Sonic will be able to turn into Super Sonic and blast enemies with energy.This course will teach you how to create 4 way battles between these characters with a user and 3 CPU characters. Each of the 9 characters can be used by the player or the CPU. We are going to code the enemy AI from the ground up so that we can play against the computer, who will fight back and try to knock us off the stage!As we build this course, you are going to gain a wealth of knowledge in the different areas of the Unity game engine. Some of the core game development techniques this course will teach you are:Working with 2D graphics and sprite sheets and building character animations from themUse the Animation and Animator components to build finite state machines that transition between player attacksCustomize the mouse cursor with custom hand graphics that let the user drag and drop indicators to select characters and point and click to choose levels.Object-oriented C# scripting techniques for writing clean, re-usable code.Adding a camera shake for Donkey Kongs ground-and-pound move as well as other special effects for other characters move setsLearn about the different UI components and how they can be used together to build in-game menus and selection screens that efficiently and intuitively respond to user input.Use powerful programming techniques like Actions and Coroutines to control timing and execution of code and handle attack logicWork with Unitys physics system to allow for interactions between characters and the environment.Turn your ideas into code using C# with Unity and build up a set of skills that you can use to build other fighting games and showcase them in your portfolio.By the end of this course, you will have a full game project you developed from the ground up! You will also have some more C# tips and tricks that you can add to your arsenal. If you want to learn game development or are aspiring to build a career in the game industry, then this course is for you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kundalini Dance: Sacred Movements To Activate The Chakras" |
"This course is for those who are passionate about the idea of reaching natural states of ecstasy, through dancing without drugs.This is a course like no other, it is designed to wake you up, and have some serious fun at the same time, dancing your socks off. (quite literally as it's best with bare feet) The beauty of this course is that you can do it wherever, and whenever you want, when you feel that you could do with a good dance to release some tension, and connect to your joy.The roadmap is the Chakra system because we are working with activating your Kundalini life force energy, and getting it to rise up through these seven primary energy centres, to clear through any blocks you might have, that are holding you back in your life.The result is that you will begin to experience some real freedom in the way that you think, feel and act. Once that energy gets released, and begins to flow through you, it dissolves all the fears that we often cling to, quite unconsciously, to keep us safe, and essentially stuck in our lives.Yes friends it is time to dance out the demons of fear, doubt, confusion and the ego in all its many facets, so that you can begin to move away from stuck energies that prevail in humanity such as anxiety, depression, stress, frustration, boredom, inertia, apathy etc.It is time to dance your way into complete and utter freedom, both within how you feel, and in the way that you choose to live your life after enjoying this revolutionary course I have made for you.I have no less that 14 years of experience being on the world's fist ever Kundalini Dance training in 2005 in Australia with the creator Leyolah Antara, so you are in safe hands.This is likely to be the most fun that you have had in a long time, and quite possibly the best money you have ever spent, because after completing this course you will be empowered to move through life like a dance with a really solid sense of confidence. This can only come from deeply reconnecting with who you really are beneath all the masks we hide behind, such as our many roles in life, and our beliefs, especially limiting or negative ones.We will activate and cleanse each and every chakra using the self healing energy of the Earth, and Source with our own Kundalini life force. The method is varied using tools such as intuitive dance, pranic breath, pranic sound, shamanic drum journeys and guided visualisations.Your life will never been the same after a good are dissolving your shadow so that you can return to your centre, who you really are beneath it all.. that beautiful, shiny, passionate, inspiring and motivated soul that is here on this Earth to really make a positive impact.Are you ready for the next phase of your life, free from the fears and negativity of the past?If so, this course is for you...Enrol Now!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"SQL for Beginners with Microsoft SQL Server Database" |
"Data is a every where. SQL is a skill that is required across industries, functions and roles. . Application of Big Data starts with understanding the fundamentals of data and SQL. If you are already familiar with SQL then you can skip this course. This course teaches you all the SQL you need start using it with confidence This course won't go into advanced level SQL concepts. I strongly believe in short and simple courses that can get you ready in few hours as opposed to days.However, if you ever get stuck or need something that I don't cover in this course then feel free to reach out to me.If you are trying for a job as a Marketing Analysts, Financial Analyst, IT Analyst, SQL Developer etc. then this course is a must for you. This will help your resume shine and put you ahead of other similar candidates. The more you can handle technology and data these days the better it differentiates you from the rest of the pack. I have used the same course to train members of my team as well the course I use to conduct in person workshops, so you can be assured that this is tried and tested curriculum.Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing, Data and Analytics for over 15 years. I have trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into high performing Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand both the technology and marketing side of business. I have dealt with many analytics technologies way before Google Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics. I have extensively worked with companies like Microsoft, Starbucks, Wall Street Journal, ESPN, T-Mobile to name few and helped them Data Driven Marketing Decisions.In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am online instructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Alexa" |
"April 2020 UpdateIncluded Updated method to implement Dynamic Entities & In-Skill Purchasing using the latest APIsHello learners, Welcome to MAKERDEMYs Advanced Alexa course. If you are looking for one course that will help you in learning advanced concepts in Alexa and build great skills with good conversational elements and great purpose, then you have come to the right place.Designing for voice is the next big thing that is going to happen, where the Developers who have great knowledge of the advanced concepts available in Alexa can make a great life by building skills individually or for companies that use voice as one way to perform operations.So if you want to be the voice-first designer and developer, then this course is for you. All the concepts that are required for building Alexa skills with good voice design are illustrated with good examples.Therefore, come join me in this Advanced Alexa course. I am looking forward to being your instructor and hearing about the incredible skills you were able to make with Alexa and its advanced concepts."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blue Prism Foundations A-Z" |
"Ever wish the mundane daily tasks could be automated?Learn from an instructor who delivers enterprise Blue Prism projects and has been actively involved in engagements that has won awards from Blue Prism itself.Intelligent Automation is at the forefront of disruption, also known as the ""digital workforce"". It is transforming the efficiency of every organization function from finance, tax, HR and IT. This saves hundreds of hours of peoples time to focus on more higher value tasks.What does this mean for you?There are HUGE opportunist in this space right now, RPA grew by 63.1% in 2018 to $846 million. It is currently the fasted-growing segment of the global enterprise software market. This course will enable you to get a first mover opportunity in this market, and also prepare yourself if your role is at risk!What will this course do for you?This course will give you a clear overview of the different types of roles and an overview of the robotic process life-cycle. Then we go into detail on the three layers of Blue Prism using this to develop our very own bot to automate a manual process!Further to this we also take a look at the best practices when it comes to implementing your bots in enterprise grade environments, along the way you will also encounter common issues working through to resolve them. Hint - without help this takes up a tremendous amount of time otherwise! All this is taught in a manner that is akin to hands on experience.Key learning on this course:The various roles on a intelligent automation projectThe three layers of Blue PrismProcess life-cycleHow to security manage your credentialsDeveloper standardsQueue loader and processor enterprise patternWhy code stages are your friend!All my courses include: Unlimited lifetime access to the courseFuture bonus lecture's and materials to this course are always freeUnconditional, no questions asked full 30 day money back guaranteeMy help is always available - my support is legendary on UDemy and my Youtube channel"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Socket IO & Websocket For Beginners In 7 Simple Steps" |
"THE MOST EFFECTIVE SOCKET.IO BEGINNERS COURSE - EVERYTHING IS COVERED!The primary objective of this course is to teach beginners the fundamental Socket.IO programming skills as fast and effective as possible.I will start teaching you the fundamental theory about sockets, then swiftly move on to practical coding.You will learn: The difference between socket IO and websocketsWhat socket events are and how to handle themKnow how to broadcast dataHow to create multiple namespaces and rooms to distribute your app functionalityAnd finally, I will teach you step by step, how to code a realtime chat app from scratch. Much much more...I will take you by the hand and show you step by step, how Socket.IO programming works. When you are done with the course, you will have acquired the necessary skills to harness real-time communication on the web & create your very own realtime applications (and not just chat apps) WHAT IS SOCKET IO?Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for realtime web applications. It enables realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. It has two parts: a client-side library that runs in the browser, and a server-side library for Node.js. Both components have a nearly identical API. Like Node.js, it is event-driven.Socket.IO primarily uses the WebSocket protocol with polling as a fallback option, while providing the same interface. Although it can be used as simply a wrapper for WebSocket, it provides many more features, including broadcasting to multiple web sockets, storing data associated with each client, and asynchronous I/O.Socket.IO provides the ability to implement real-time analytics, binary streaming, instant messaging, and document collaboration.Notable users include Microsoft Office, Yammer, and Zendesk.Socket.IO handles the connection transparently. It will automatically upgrade to WebSocket if possible. This requires the programmer to only have Socket.IO knowledge.TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNING SOCKET.IO PROGRAMMING1: Increased worldwide demand Socket.IO is used from startups to the big 4 software enterprises such as Microsoft. Hence, it has a great community behind it, and theres a good possibility that your future or current employer shifts to it from realtime systems. That means that developers that know Socket.IO are in great demand and the demand is only increasing. 2: Future proof technologyThe importance of Realtime Systems is not to be discounted. Instant data transmission is the norm today. Every critical system such as stock markets, emergency alerts, data analytics, traffic management, etc. need realtime data for decision making. Socket.IO is a library made for realtime communication, providing transfer of multiple types of data-structures and binary data - image, audio and video.3: Get your dream jobSocket.IO development skills are a requirement for a lot of tech jobs today. A simple search on any well-known job websites will reveal the requirement for the skill FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Will learning Socket.IO make me more employable or likely to get promoted?Learning more and having additional knowledge than your peers is always beneficial. Even if your current job role doesnt require real-time communication, it gives you insight on how to approach problems differently, what is the better way to solve it. Maybe you or your organization is using Rest APIs for some application which is better realtime and Sockets IO can be of help there. Coming up with more solutions make you more valuable for everyone.How is Socket.IO helpful in Game Development?In online multiplayer games, the stats of players need to be shared with each other. Usually, a clone of one player is made in another players environment. Whatever stats and actions the actual player perform, the clone copies. Socket.IO can be used to send information from real to clone and back from clone to real. For e.g. the clone gets hit by a bullet, an event will get fired which deducts the main players health.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, just get a refund. No risk to you. ARE YOU READY TO LEARN SOCKET.IO DEVELOPMENT?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Science on Python Bootcamp" |
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on Jupyter Notebook to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with Python along with the correction and handling of errors as and when they pop-up. The program builds a solid foundation by covering the most popular and widely used data science technologies and its applications.Introduction to PythonData Structures and Conditional Executions in PythonConditions and Loops in PythonWorking with Pandas in PythonPlotting in PythonStatistical Analysis and Application in Python (part I)Statistical Analysis and Application in Python (part II)Theory of Factor and Cluster Analysis in PythonBuilding a Predictive Model (Linear Regression) in PythonBuilding a Predictive Model (Logistic Regression) in PythonTime Series theory and its application in PythonWeb Scraping using BeautifulSoup in Python"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Tableau Desktop Qualified Associate" |
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on Tableau Public to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with basic and advanced visualizations in the form of charts, and graphs in Tableau.Introduction to Tableau Qualified AssociateImporting data and Building Basic Charts in TableauFormatting and Editing Charts in TableauHierarchy In Tableau ExplainedSorting in Tableau ExplainedCreating Bins & Grouping on TableauCalculated fields in TableauMore on calculations and functions in TableauAll about filters in TableauSets In TableauParameters in Tableau"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Tableau Desktop Certified Professional" |
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on Tableau Public to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with basic and advanced visualizations in the form of charts, graphs, and dashboards in Tableau.Introduction to Tableau Certified ProfessionalActions In Dashboard on TableauStory In TableauMapping and Other objects In TableauAdvanced Charts in TableauAdvanced Charts in Tableau (Continued)Advanced Dashboards in TableauHR Dashboard in TableauEducation Dashboard in TableauForecasting in Tableau"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Machine Learning on Python by OrangeTree Global" |
"The program builds a solid foundation by covering the most popular and widely used machine learning technologies and its applications, including Naive Bayes theory and application, K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) theory and application, Random forest theory and application, Gradient Boosting Theory and Application and also Support Vector Machine Theory and Applicationlaying the building blocks for truly expanded capabilities."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Power BI by OrangeTree Global" |
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on Power BI to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with basic and advanced visualizations in the form of charts, graphs, and dashboards in Power BI.Introduction to Power BIData Wrangling in Power BIDAX in Power BIVarious Charts in Power BIQueries and Charts in Power BIData Manipulation in Power BIUnderstanding the relationships in Power BIUsing Hierarchy in Power BICreating and formatting charts in Power BIInteractive charts in Power BI"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"10 Steps to Become an FL Studio Pro" |
"Are you tired of searching for videos that try to teach you how to learn FL Studio, but always fall short, or are missing something critical to help you grow as a producer?Welcome to 10 Steps to Become an FL Studio Pro, where I share with you the ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE required to excel as a music producer using FL Studio.I'm Riley Weller (my producer name is GratuiTous), and I've been producing music on FL Studio for over 10 years.I've worked with a GRAMMY-Nominated recording artist, have created over 19 FL Studio courses, 150+ YouTube tutorials, have written books on Music Production, and even host a podcast called 'Music Production Made Simple', too!Students absolutely love my teaching approach. They say things like, ""Very easy to understand"", or.. ""Exactly what I have been looking for!""Here's a few of my favorite reviews I've received over the years:Daniel Gaglio (5/5 Stars)I've been using fl studio for 5 years now and I'm finally taking a solid course especially for mixing. Mixing is something I'm really just now getting the hang of. Organizing and color coding is something I needed to learn better. I like where the course is going so far. I have high expectations for what this will teach me.Tim Mann (5/5 Stars)Definitely one of the best tools to pick up, and this course does an excellent job of delivering the information. The difference in clarity and ease of workflow that sends/subgroups give, and the way it's presented here, are absolutely worth every penny.Glenn Blackley (4.5/5 Stars)I do these courses to learn new things and this course delivered that. There were some complex concepts that were covered and Riley explanations were much more helpful than others I have seen. He was well organised with what was covered and I didn't feel my time was wasted. Great course for FL Studio uses - but a shame that Third Party plugins were mainly used.So what do we cover in this course?The mindset of a producer, and reflecting on your goals and motives behind creating music. (Is this a hobby, or are you wanting to make money from the industry?)Preparing your producer name/brand before launching to the public.How to use FL Studio like a pro. We cover all the details that are necessary to excel, as well as tons of keyboard shortcuts to speed you up!Music Theory and Piano from a BEATMAKER's perspective. Learn what is necessary to keep your music in time, what notes you're allowed to play, and how to be creative behind your melody creation.Creating amazing drum loops with Safe Spots - Safe Spots is a term I've coined over the years to describe where we can place sounds within our drum loop for them to sound good and in time. In addition, various organic tools inside your DAW to fine-tune a drum loop to your exact desire.Arrangement and thinking in terms of emotion with Audio Painting - Audio Painting is another term I've coined over the years which teaches the student how to think in terms of the listener's perspective. We need to always communicate with our listener, and prepare them for what's next in our song.Understanding the mixer, routing audio around with subgroups and sends, and being organized through color-coding/labeling.Mastering your music to compete with others in the industry. We cover a mastering chain, loudness normalization (LUFS), and the mastering process.Where to buy high-quality sounds and structure yourself.How digital audio works.We cover the fundamentals which are absolutely necessary to take this craft of Music Production seriously.There's a 30-Day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.This course will teach you TONS and get you up-and-running with best practices about music production and FL Studio.Hopefully see you in the course,# GratuiTous"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Screenwriting Toolkit: The Dialogue Writing Masterclass" |
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!There are three kinds of feelings when reading a script - yes, no, and WOW! Your job as a screenwriter is to create that WOW! feeling on as many pages as possible. But writing authentic, sparkling, well-crafted dialogue that individualizes characters and entertains the reader is the ultimate challenge for screenwriters, who otherwise may have solid script elements, and yet are bound to fail because of flawed dialogue.In Writing Dialogue for Emotional Impact, bestselling author Karl Iglesias will showcase dozens of dialogue techniques and lots of examples from highly successful screenwriters that turn bland, on-the-nose dialogue into striking speech that snaps, crackles and pops off the page.How-to books and seminars discuss dialogue superficially and are more often prescriptive than enlightening. They focus on what dialogue must do but neglect to discuss specific techniques on how to do it. Expanding on the essential elements of all successful scripts - the reader's emotional experience - this course will analyze great dialogue and offer helpful dialogue rewriting exercises.If you're looking to raise your dialogue to professional standards, Writing Dialogue for Emotional Impact is the course for you.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses: Very helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! - Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most seminars and books attempt to teach the frustrated screenwriter what to do and what not to do; this course will outline how to do it - how to develop habits that will lead to more joy in the writing process and better scripts.Award-winning UCLA screenwriting instructor Karl Iglesias takes an in-depth look at the most challenging area for screenwriters: how to avoid on-the-nose dialogue and create dramatic interactions that have subtextthe true meaning and emotions behind the spoken words.Along with great examples from successful screenplays, these courses includes:Ten proven techniques for creating subtext in your dialogue.Three reasons why subtext is such a big deal.The dramatic moments when on-the-nose dialogue is actually acceptable.Did you know that 95% of novice writers fail at the concept? The concept is the core of the script. And most insiders agree that in Hollywood, the idea is king. You can create a great hero, write edgy dialogue, weave in a deep theme. But if you choose the wrong concept, or fail to develop it properly, youre guaranteed an uphill battle at the marketing stage.What makes a great idea, regardless of genre or whether it is a high or low concept.The three emotional requirements of a great idea that create interest, excitement, and fascination.Techniques to energize any concept, including soft-sells.A screenplay should be as exciting to read as the movie will be to view, and this requires writing designed to involve the reader. Expanding on the key element of all successful scripts, the readers emotional experience, author Karl Iglesias discusses the basics of emotionally evocative writing.Command attention on the page.Energize descriptions.Seamlessly weave exposition into description.Trim the fat.Choose the right words for emotional impactIncluded in this course is the 10 Habits of Successful Hollywood ScreenwritersIn Mastering the Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, bestselling author Karl Iglesias will guide students to identify and develop the key screenwriting habits of A-list screenwriters, like Ron Bass, Akiva Goldsman, Gerald DiPego, Eric Roth, Nicholas Kazan, Ed Solomon, Scott Rosenberg, and more. He'll offer an insider's view at how these pros discipline themselves, create original material, conquer the blank page, eliminate writer's block, network, pitch, and persevere in Hollywood.Modeling what works is the philosophy at the heart of this course. The secret to success in any field is to find what successful people do and think about and do the same. The difference between successful screenwriters and amateurs is that successful screenwriters do all the things that amateurs want to do but can't do, or don't know how to do.If you want to elevate your scripts and stories AND your screenwriting or filmmaking career -- to the highest possible level, this class is a must.They DON'T teach you this in Film School!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses: Very helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! - Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is an effective way to have all these successful screenwriters to be your personal mentors. Study their habits, learn from them, and maybe their wisdom will rub off on you and arm you with enough knowledge and self-confidence to accomplish your goals. By taking this course, you'll discover what it really takes to be a successful screenwriter in Hollywood, and either see similarities in your attitudes and ways of thinking or be inspired to adopt new ones. Whether you are filmmaking like a pro, making movies on the weekends with a DSLR camera or deep into the craft of screenwriting this is for you.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is Karl Iglesias? Karl Iglesias is a screenwriter and sought-after script doctor and consultant, specializing in the reader's emotional response to the written page. He is the best-selling author of Writing For Emotional Impact and The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters. He teaches at UCLA Extensions Writers' Program, where hes won the Outstanding Instructor Award for 2010, the Screenwriting Expo and online at Writers University. He also writes a regular column on the craft for Creative Screenwriting magazine.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this course will help you write and sell your feature film screenplay.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Essential Skills and Concepts for Computing (ESC4C)" |
"The Essential Skills and Concepts for Computing (ESC4C) course was designed to elevate beginner-level users to an intermediate level, and to help intermediate users establish a strong foundation to build a career.Whether your goal is to pursue a career in information technology (IT), improve personal productivity, or learn to communicate better with IT staff , the ESC4C course will provide a strong foundation of essential computing skills and concepts for achieving your goal.The course video incorporates nine (9) exercises, including: Build a car loan calculator; Build a resume; Set up an Apache web server.The course also includes two (2) demonstrations: Wireshark and Burp Suite.UPDATE (3/30/2020): The ESC4C Reference Guide is now offered on Amazon in paperback ($14.95) or Kindle eBook ($5.99) format ... search ""ESC4C""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bossa Nova Per Principianti (Chitarra classica/elettrica)" |
"Ciao ragazzi, Mi chiamo Gabriel Felix. Sono brasiliano e oggi ti insegner a suonare la Bossa Nova. Se sei un musicista principiante o a livello intermedio, questo corso fa proprio per te! Tutti i giorni, persone di tutto il mondo mi mandano email, affermando che non riescono imparare la Bossa Nova con i tutorial che sono disponibili su YouTube. Dubbi sui ritmi, le scale e gli accordi pi comuni impediscono molto lo sviluppo di questo genere musicale. Perci, ho creato questo corso, con una metodologia molto pratica, a prescindere dal tuo livello come musicista. Capitolo 1 Quello che devi sapere prima di comminciare - Alcuni consigli che vorrei dare prima di comminciare; Atrezzi, posizioni delle dita, ecc. Capitolo 2 Esercizi per le dita - 3 esercizi per aiutarti a sviluppare velocit Capitolo 3 Modelli ritmici - 3 modelli ritmici molto comuni. Ti insegner passo dopo passo questi 3 ritmi, suonandoli in velocit diverse. Capitolo 4 Accordi nella Bossa Nova - Imparerai diversi accordi, i quali possiamo usare nella Bossa Nova. Capitolo 5 Musica per principianti - ""Garota de Ipanema"" di Tom Jobin Capitolo 6 Musica livello intermedio - ""O Barquinho"" di Roberto Menescal Capitolo 7 Musica livello avanzato - ""Samba de Vero"" di Marcos Valle Tutoraggio, direzione e presentazione: Gabriel Felix (Laureato alla California College of Music)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ritmos e Batidas" |
"Curso de Violo & Guitarra - Ritmos e BatidasAprenda as principais tcnicas e matrias para voc dominar a arte do violo. Curso 100% on-line, onde voc pode assistir e estudar onde e quando voc quiser. Inscreva-se agora.Essa uma grande oportunidade par voc iniciante e intermedirio no violo ou na guitarra, aprender da forma correta, entender e tocar diversos ritmos e batidas musicais de ouvido. E o melhor de tudo com o auxlio e tira direto com um profissional pela plataforma. Afinal de contas, voc iria confiar a sua vida a um mdico sem diplomas? Mesma coisa com a sua educao no mesmo?Vou abordar diversos ritmos entre eles:Pop, Rock, Blues, Reggae e Bossa Nova.Eu, se fosse voc, faria a inscrio agora.Sabe por qu?Porque quando voc for precisar tocar uma msica, riff ou fraseado mais rtmico no seu instrumento, vai perceber que no tem base harmonia, rtmica e de percepo pra isso.O que eu quero dizer com isso?Que quando voc criativo e sabe tocar, voc quebra padres.Quando voc quebra padres, voc chama ateno com a sua msica.Quando voc chama ateno com a sua msica voc nota que todas as horas de prtica valeram a pena.Tocar no escuro, sem a ajuda de um profissional uma grande perda de tempo. E tempo a coisa mais preciosa que nos temos. Quando eu estudei msica na California College of Music, meus professores falavam que todos tinham que respeitar os horrios estabelecidos pela instituio. Motivo? Dinheiro voc gasta e depois ganha de novo. Sade voc fica doente mas depois se recupera com remdios. Porm o tempo est sempre passando e impossvel de voltar atrs e recuperar o tempo perdido.Praticar e tocar sem objetivo um verdadeiro gasta tempo. Voc no evolui e se frustra por no conseguir tocar da maneira que sempre quis. Ocasionando muitas vezes na desmotivao e o esquecimento do instrumento.Inscreva-se agora!! Direo: Gabriel Felix (California College of Music)CNPJ 18.546.627.0001/08"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Autodesk Fusion 360 desde cero" |
"****IMPORTANTERECUERDA QUE EL CURSO EST DISEADO PARA PRINCIPIANTES, POR LO QUE SI TIENES YA NOCIONES O ERES AVANZADO EN CAD NO TE SERVIR. Autodesk Fusion 360 es un software de modelamiento 3D y manufactura asistida por computador con grandes herramientas para desarrollar tus ideas en productos, con la magia de la impresiones 3D se espera que este software siga ganando popularidad en los aos venideros. Adems Fusion 360 cuenta con licencia gratuita para estudiantes, profesores y para startups. Con este curso hecho para principiantes puedes iniciar tu carrera en el mundo del modelamiento 3D."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Transform Your Body In 14 Days" |
"Guiltless Fitness is a 14-day kick start series designed to transform your body from the inside out while in the comfort of your home or office or even your hotel room if you travel. Each day youll quickly progress through exercises designed to strengthen your core, harden your muscles, perfect your posture and eliminate nagging aches and pains. With the help of friends and demonstrators who are not fitness pros, who are real people, this course will guide you through the exercises to create and maintain optimal strength and confidence in results in just 15 to 20 minutes per day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Demolishing Your Debt" |
"Don't fall for the debt trap. Get out now! Purchase Bob's step-by-step guide to avoid and recover from debt.This course includes:Developing the Debt Free MindsetHabits You Need to Get Out of DebtThe Abusive Secrets of the Credit Card BusinessI Don't Believe in BudgetsHow To Improve Your Credit ScoreTools of the Process- Debt InventoryThe Debt Solutions BusinessThe Secret to Handling Debt CollectorsSurviving and Beating the Perfect Debt Storm"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |