Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"What Is Ozone Therapy" |
"We live in a very toxic world. Our air is polluted, our water is undrinkable and our foods have become toxic and deficient. Trying to live a wholesome, healthy lifestyle is becoming more difficult than ever. The human body is being exposed to more toxicity today than in the history of mankind.And keeping the body cleansed, oxygenated, alkalized, and nourished are the keys to finding divine health. A good meal plan and exercise are not enough anymore. We have become too toxic. Cancers diabetes, Crohns disease, viral infections, and many other auto-immune conditions are at an all time high. Even in our children."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What You Need To Know To Survive" |
"This is what you will learn when you take this course:What You Need to SurviveHow to Prepare for a HurricaneHow to Protect Your Family's Health During a DisasterHow to Properly Use a Gas MaskPrepare for What Disaster?The Clear and Present Danger of an EMP AttackWhat You Need to Be Well Prepared to Survive for 3 DaysWhat You Need to Be Well Prepared to Survive for 3 WeeksWhat You Need to Be Well Prepared to Survive for 3 Years"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Uygulama Gvenlii ve Hacking Yntemleri" |
"Herhangi bir web sitesinde bulunmas muhtemel gvenlik aklarnn anlatld bu eitim sayesinde. Gvenlik Aklarnn ne olduu, nasl tespit edildii ve nasl istismar edildii konularn reneceksiniz. Bu eitimde reneceiniz tm konular belli bir siteye ynelik deildir. Tm kategorilerdeki web sitelerine yneliktir. (irket, Oyun, film, mzik, kiisel) web sitelerinin tamamnda uygulanabilmektedir. Herhangi bir sua bulamadan uygulamalar yaparak ilgili konular renmeniz iin laboratuvar sistem kullanlmtr. Tam bir web sitesi haline getirmek iinde domain ynlendirmesi yaplmtr. Eitimlerde yaplmas gereken kurulumlar ve ayarlamalar detayl ekilde anlatlmtr."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Protect yourself from Cyber Crime" |
"How do you protect yourself or your business in today's Cyber Hacking world?Unfortunately, hacking is easy. It's easy to steal people's money by looking for holes in their technology. But I believe anyone can protect themselves for these threats. Whether you are a home user, an entrepreneur or a small business, the training in my course will teach you how to stay one step ahead of the cyber criminals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Flip it or Rent it - Exterior" |
"There's a lot to consider when investing in real estate - Flipping, or Renting a Home.There's a whole lot more than simply getting qualified for a loan, finding an agent, scheduling a home inspection and closing the deal.You're putting all your trust in information given to you by people you really don't know and hope they are truly professionals.I am very old school and think that you must be in charge and responsible for your actions.The physical condition of the property, be it obvious or not can and will affect your investment.This course will teach you the minimum steps to obtain as much information about the property as possible.This course covers the exterior of the home."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Librez la mnagerie qui vit en vous !" |
"Une mmoire dlphant, jaloux comme un tigre, rus comme un renard, fidle comme un labrador, gentil comme un dauphin, doux comme un biche. Bernard Petre reprend les archtypes que nous prtons aux animaux en montrant que nos traits de personnalit sont autant de personnages dignes de Jean de La Fontaine. Une vritable mnagerie vit en nous. A nous dy mettre bon ordre afin de librer notre potentiel personnel et favoriser le travail collectif. Cela ncessite dtre lucide sur ce que lon ressent et sur les nergies motionnelles qui nous animent. Lucidit sur soi-mme et regard conscient sur les autres. Pour tirer le meilleur parti de cette mnagerie intrieure et lui permettre de vivre en harmonie. propos de lauteurBernard PetreBernard Petre est chercheur, consultant, coach et confrencier depuis 1985. Diplm en droit, philosophie et sociologie, il a t dirigeant de 1992 2004. Il a travaill avec des grands groupes, des PME, des ONG et des coles. Il a ralis des centaines de recherches et plus de 10000 entretiens en profondeur. Il sest spcialis dans linnovation managriale et les processus de collaboration, en particulier entre les gnrations."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Leitura Acelerada 2.0 - Absorva Livros Em Alta Velocidade" |
"Voc consegue ler abaixo? 3ST3 P3QU3N0 T3XT0 M05TR4 C0M0 N0550 C3R3BR0 IMPR35510NANT3!N0 C0M3O 35T4V4 C0MPL1C4D0, M45 N3ST4 L1NH4 SU4 M3NT3 V41 D3C1FR4ND0 QU453 4UT0M4T1C4M3NT3, S3M P3NS4R MU1T0...Se sim, saiba que ler de forma acelerada no apenas uma possibilidade pra voc... mas sim necessrio! Voc tambm tem o poder quase oculto de ler livros em poucos minutos... muito comum as pessoas me falarem que no leem o suficiente porque no tem tempo disponvel.E isso combina, infelizmente, com as estatsticas no Brasil:Uma mdia de 2,34 livros por pessoa / ano;Apenas 31% da populao l;Apenas 3,74 das pessoas sentem que realmente aprenderam algo til com o que leram. Nesta verso 2.0 da metodologia #LeituraAcelerada trouxemos pra voc a leitura do futuro. Uma habilidade que no apenas vai te ajudar a ler 10, 30, 50 ou 100 livros por ano, mas tambm e principalmente aprender com o que leu. Juntando o que h de mais poderoso das metologias de leitura anteriores, posso dizer que essa verso da Leitura Acelerada 2.0 uma evoluo da leitura dinmica + fotoleitura + PNL (programao neurolingustica). O j consagrado Webnrio Leitura Acelerada 1.0 teve milhares de alunos de 5 pases diferentes, ganha agora uma verso de curso estruturado pensando nas pessoas que mais precisam dessa habilidade incrvel. No seria incrvel pegar um livro emprestado e devolv-lo 30 min depois? Entrar em uma livraria e ler sem comprar? Ser o (a) primeiro (a) de tendncias do seu mercado ou crculo social? Se voc tambm acha isso incrvel mal pode esperar para passar pelo 1 mdulo do curso...Lembre-se sempre: ""O sucesso que muitos no conseguiram encontrar, est de mo beijada dentro do livro no lido... da pgina no virada.""E porque as pessoas no viram a prxima pgina?Porque to comum:No ler o bastante;Sentir que deveria ler muito mais;Ter pouco tempo disponvel para leitura;Querer ser realmente produtivo (a) com seu desenvolvimento e carreira...Certamente existem inmeros motivos, mas o principal muito simples de entender...Voc no consegue ler atualmente com os vcios que traz desde sua poca da alfabetizao! No da pra fazer isso. Por isso eu afirmo que o Leitura Acelerada 2.0 algo transformador, principalmente para quem:Tem livros mas no tem tempo, tem tempo mas no tem lido, tem lido mas no tem aprendido...Se est buscando acordar seu verdadeiro potencial e aprender o que quiser, com o livro que quiser, inscreva-se e vamos juntos."
Price: 549.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Masterclass For Creative Flower Photography" |
"Featured Review:""I didn't think flower photography could be so interesting, but the examples here with off camera flash and gels are exciting to see. A nice correlation between 'portrait' photography principles to still life. Sandy is concise and enthusiastic!"" - Brian SchumacherHi and Welcome to our course ""The Ultimate Masterclass For Creative Flower Photography"" - A new tutorial in our photography series.Crafting FANTASTIC images instead of BORING ones - this is especially important when photographing flowers and botanical locations. Many things can go wrong. For example, petals are very delicate. When the sun hits them from the wrong angle - their color bleaches out quickly. Instead of beautiful vibrancy, we see white patches. Also - our eyes deceive us. We look at this fantastic location and think: ""Oh, wow! It's so beautiful!"" But when we try to capture this radiant field through our camera - the images appear flat and lackluster. Or with too much contrast. Or the wind made the capture blurry! Or - worst of all - the flowers look plain boring. You created an ""okay"" photograph. But NOT fine art. You wouldn't print this image or design wall art for your home. But this is what we want to achieve, right? We want to create something special! How can you accomplish this? By learning our S.P.E.C.I.A.L recipe and our easy yet fun tricks!In this course you will learn:How to elevate your PHOTOGRAPHY to FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHYHow to master the power of Storytelling, Exposure, Composition, Illumination, Ambiance Feel and Lightroom (or Post-Production)How to ""SET THE SCENE"" for your flower - from BORING to EXCITINGHow to expose in natural light: From HDR bracketing to romantic looking images. Or: From vintage to funky designs. You decide!How to create unique ""light effects"" with flashguns, gels, and simple accessories! If natural light photography is not ""your thing"" - then these tricks will spark your interest and inspiration for sure!How to create compelling compositions, concepts, projects and so much moreAt the end of this course, you'll be able to create the most beautiful ""fine art"" flower images. Instead of buying such photographs, you will be able to design them yourself! The only requirement: A DSLR, some accessories, a basic understanding of your camera's manual functions and: Being interested in becoming a more creative photographer! Flower Photography has a great variety of techniques! Become a better photographer while having fun! Welcome, and see you in class!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB" |
"This is a project based course where we build an extensive, in-depth backend API for DevCamper, a bootcamp directory app. We will start from scratch and end up with a professional deployed API with documentation. We will dive deep into Node, Express and MongoDB. Here is some of what you will learn in this course and project...HTTP EssentialsPostman ClientRESTful APIsExpress FrameworkRouting & Controller MethodsMongoDB Atlas & CompassMongoose ODMAdvanced Query (Pagination, filter, etc)Models & RelationshipsMiddleware (Express & Mongoose)MongoDB Geospatial Index / GeoJSONGeocodingCustom Error HandlingUser Roles & PermissionsAggregationPhoto UploadAuthentication With JWT & CookiesEmailing Password Reset TokensCustom Database Seeder Using JSON FilesPassword & Token HashingSecurity: NoSQL Injection, XSS, etcCreating DocumentationDeployment With PM2, NGINX, SSL"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Belly Dance: Technic and ombinations" |
", . 26 , , . , , . . , ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PAINT COLOR. History, codes explained, charts, mixing & tips" |
"This is the only course you will ever need to help you get to grips with your watercolor painting, how the colours work, the mixing, matching and how to get the most out of them for your painting projects.The subject of paint colours is a massive subject and this course does not cover everything, but here I have condensed and simplified the subject to give you a good understanding and a helpful basis to really get to grips with your watercolor paints. I have deliberately kept it simple and where posssible, chosen colours which you should all have in your collection.We will look at:The history of colours.What their codes mean.Primary, secondary and tiertary colors.Make a colour wheel.Complimentary colours.Cool and Warm colors.Chemical colour families Mixing your own greys and darks.Take your time going through the lectures, experiment with what you have and start to make charts and samples to create your own reference book. Most of all enjoy playing as you discover what you can do with these magical colours.Lots of love Nicola"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Collaboration and Crawling W/ Google's Go (Golang) Language" |
"Google's Go Programming Language is one of the fastest growing, highest paying programming languages in the world.There is a reason for Go's popularity: Go was created by geniuses and is the next step in the evolution of programming languages. Knowing how to use Go well will increase your power, and productivity, as a programmer.This course will give you the skills you need to advance your Go Programming Language skills. This course is very practical and applicable. It focuses on teaching you skills you can use.In addition, this course will build your skills with collaboration, crawling, Go modules, git, github, and gRPC. Presented with high-quality video lectures, this course will visually show you many great things about Google's Go (golang) Programming Language and collaboration. Taught by a tenured professor in California, this is just some of what you will learn in this course:Learn to succeed as a studentMaster intermediate skills using gitEstablish ssh encryption for github authenticationLearn how to add collaborators to your github reposUnderstand the differences between cloning and forking repos Acquire the ability to handle merge conflictsGain the skills to work well with git branchesMaster creating, merging, and deleting branchesLearn to create pull requests, and merge pull requestsAcquire a thorough understanding of dependency managementGain a comprehensive understanding of Go modulesUnderstand the semantic versioning of softwareAcquire precise control over project dependenciesLearn to upgrade from other dependency management softwareMaster the essentials of crawling websites with GoUnderstand the importance of robots.txtLearn to crawl sites with infinite scrollGain insight into running analysis on crawl resultsAcquire an understanding of the essentials of gRPCLearn to setup a gRPC server and clientGain the ability to build a gRPC chat serverThis is an amazing course! This course will change your life. Being skilled at using the Go Programming Language will serve you and your career well. This course will increase your proficiency, productivity, and power as a programmer. You are going to love this course and it will forever change your life.Your satisfaction is guaranteed with this course.Join me and enroll now.--The art used in the course image was designed by Renee French.license: Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Build An API With The Django Rest Framework Using Python" |
"Building your own API with Django and Python can seem overwhelming at first, but it doesn;t have to be! In this course Ill walk you through it step by step and youll be building your first API in MINUTES. Youll be amazed how quick and easy it is to create very professional API's using the Django Rest Framework, even if you have no programming or web design experience at all.Watch over my shoulder as I build a simple little API that lists some of my online courses step by step right in front of you. Youll follow along and build your own copy. By the time were finished, youll have a solid understanding of the Django Rest Framework and how to use it to build awesome API's that will serve up any data you like.The course contains 20 videos and is just over 1.5 hours long. Watch the videos at your own pace, and post questions along the way if you get stuck. You dont need any special knowledge or software to take this course, though any experience with basic Django or Python is a plus. You dont really need to know the Python programming language, but it certainly helps!. Ill walk you through EVERYTHING.Django is a great web development tool and learning it has never been this easy.What We'll Build...We'll build an API that let's you show any sort of data that you like. The data will be publicly accessible through your API using JSON, just like any API you've ever used before. We'll mainly use the popular Django Rest Framework to build and server our App. You'll learn how to create a database model to hold your data, how to build a Serializer to convert the database data to and from JSON, and urls and Routes to create webpages for you API.Sign up today and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Time Management Course Raise Personal Productivity" |
"Complete Time Management Course Raise Personal ProductivityTime Management Skills to Boost Your Management Skills, Productivity and Goal Setting Abilities(please note: this is the longest and most thorough Time Management course on the Udemy platform)You can accomplish more! You can get more out of life. When you learn to master and control your own actions, your daily habits, and your focus, your time will be spent in ways that give you great outcomes and fulfillment. You can become the master of time management.Time management. It is what defines the quality of your professional and personal life. Imagine your time management skills skyrocketing so that you can meet more and more of your professional objectives and your personal aspirations.Your time management skills are not a static measurement-it can be improved, dramatically and quickly!You can get more out of each day. Your time management abilities can be supercharged so that you can get more done in less time AND have even more time for quality recreation, vacation and entertainment.Personal develop expert TJ Walker will teach you the simple habits and practices that you can use daily to become your own best time management expert. Walker has created more than 140 online personal develop courses, 10 books and numerous other digital and non-digital products over the last 30 years. He shares with you the latest technology solutions to guide you down a path of expert time management and productivity.Walker is the creator of the SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) model for changing human behavior and habit acquisition. He will show you how changing your mindset can turn you into an excellent practitioner of sound time management principles. Do you ever feel like your foot is only half way pushed on the gas pedal of life? Do you feel that between checking news, email, social media, texts and going to and from work or school your life is just going through the motions but not really going anywhere? You are not alone. Please note: This is by far the longest and most through course on time management on this platform. This is a built-in personal productivity advantage for you because it means you will not have to purchase multiple courses and books on this subject. Everything you need is right here. This time management will teach you how to take control of your life by taking complete command of your personal productivity. Sloppy and haphazard daily habits can destroy anybody's time management, including yours.Smart and focused daily habits can make anyone dramatically boost their own personal productivity, including yours.Instructor TJ Walker is one of the most prolific and productive authors, online course creators and trainers in the world. In this course you will learn his secrets for personal productivity plus a simplified distillation of all the personal productivity best practices.This course is full of practical, nuts and bolts tips and tricks AND with Theory and perspective.Please watch the preview videos available in this course to see why it has become one of the top sellers on personal productivity on Udemy.You don't have to be stuck on a time management treadmill in life that always revolves at the same speed. Don't waste another day or even another minute of your day or personal productivity. Sign up right now for this course! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FlyHigh: Business vocabulary" |
"Materiale utile per affinare la comprensione dell'inglese parlato a velocit naturale con enfasi speciale su frasi e termini che si riscontrano in ambito lavorativo. Per esempio:Invia la fatturaLa consegna in ritardoBeni e servizi soggetti a IVAInquinamentoAppaltatoreColloquioQuesto corso non copre tutta la terminologia specifica per ogni possibile ambito lavorativo, non sarebbe possibile. Piuttosto, offre l'esperienza di incontrare frasi lunghe in inglese frammiste a parole chiave riscontrabili in pi situazioni di lavoro mettendoti nelle condizioni di decifrare le frasi a casa e con comodo prima dell'inevitabile giorno quando incontrerai una frase simile in inglese a lavoro.Ovviamente questo richieder da parte tua un livello minimo di inglese - non sar possibile affrontare frasi complesse se non hai una certa dimestichezza nell'uso di ""am / is / are"" ; ""this / that / these / those"" ; verbi regolari e verbi irregolari ecc. (insomma un inglese parlato di almeno livello A2 e un livello di comprensione di almeno B1).Diversi spezzoni video sono intervallati a numerosi quiz ed esercizi di memorizzazione/traduzione per rendere pi leggera e autentica l'immersione nell'inglese parlato a velocit naturale. Naturalmente una buona parte dei contenuti audio sono anche presentati a velocit ridotta per facilitare l'apprendimento o accompagnati da sottotitoli e/o la trascrizione del contenuto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al desarrollo de templates con WordPress" |
"WordPress es un sistema de gestin de contenidos, enfocado a la creacin de cualquier tipo de pgina web, el CMS est desarrollado en el lenguaje PHP para entornos que ejecuten MySQL y Apache, bajo licencia GPL y es software libre, adems WordPress permite la integracin, creacin y manipulacin de templates o temas, estos temas son un conjunto de plantillas de diseo que sirven para establecer la apariencia y estructura de un sitio web.Algunas empresas que usan WordPress como sistema de gestor de contenido (CMS) son:BBCCNNHiperTextualThe White House Ideas TEDWordPress se distingue por la integracin, manipulacin y codificacin rpida, adems que cuenta con una excelente documentacin. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fully Accredited Certification in Color Therapy" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding for Color Therapy. So we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you.This course will cover Color Therapy as a whole and enable you to practice the methods and techniques to deal with common ailments.The certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security - Part 4" |
"The internet is a nasty place. Everywhere you go, there are hackers and malware just waiting for the right opportunity to steal your important information and corrupt your computer files. It's not just cyber criminals coming after you though, we have also got companies and advertisers invading your privacy and tracking your every move on the internet. As such there has never been a more important time for you to start taking your personal security online seriously.Welcome to the Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security course and this is a course I have designed specifically to help you In this course you are going to learn how to:Create and manage the strongest types of passwordsStay safe while using the internetEnsure your privacy so advertisers cannot track youSecure your social media accounts including Facebook and LinkedInand much much moreI will also show you real life examples of different types of hacking attacks and how best to tackle them. There is also a special bonus section dedicated exclusively to mobile cybersecurity.This course is perfect for students and individuals with no background in IT or cyber security."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Java Functional Programming with Lambdas & Streams" |
"Wanna start playing with Functional Programming in Java and Learn Streams and Lambdas? Want to write awesome Java code with Functional Programming using Streams, Lambda Expressions, Functional Interfaces, and Method References? Want to make your Java Programs more performant and parallelizable using Functional Programming?Functional Programming is an essential skill for Java Programmers today.Are you ready to learn about Functional Programming and take the next step in your programming career?Do you want to join 400,000+ learners having Amazing Learning Experiences with in28Minutes?Look No Further!******* Functional Programming Course Overview *******Functional Programming was introduced into Java in Java 8. Additional Functional Programming Enhancements were introduced in Java 9.In this hands-on course, we will learn to write an amazing Java code with Functional Programming. You will learn the basics of Java Functional Programming - Lambda Expressions, Method References, Streams, and Functional Interfaces.This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to Functional Programming with Java.You will be using Eclipse (Java IDE) in this course. We will help you set up each one of these.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!~~~ Step By Step Details ~~~ Introduction to the CourseStep 01: Functional Programming with Java - Course OverviewStep 02: Functional Programming with Java - Exploring Github Repo and InstallationsIntroduction to Functional Programming with JavaStep 01: Getting Started with Functional Programming with JavaStep 02: Writing Your First Java Functional ProgramStep 03: Improving Java Functional Program with filterStep 04: Using Lambda Expression to enhance your Functional ProgramStep 05: Do Functional Programming Exercises with Streams, Filters and LambdasStep 06: Using map in Functional Programs - with ExercisesStep 07: Quick Review of Functional Programming BasicsPlaying with StreamsStep 01: Learning Stream Operations - Calculate Sum using reduceStep 02: Playing with reduceStep 03: Exploring Streams with Puzzles in JShellStep 04: Do Functional Programming Exercises with Streams and reduceStep 05: Learn Stream Operations - distinct and sortedStep 06: Using Comparators to Sort Streams with sortedStep 07: Collecting Stream Elements to List using collectStep 08: Reviewing Streams - Intermediate and Stream OperationsExploring Java Functional Interfaces and LambdasStep 01: Getting Started with Functional Interfaces - Predicate, Consumer and FunctionStep 02: Do Exercises with Functional Interfaces - BinaryOperatorStep 03: Doing Behavior Parameterization with Functional ProgrammingStep 04: Do Exercise with Behavior ParameterizationStep 05: Exploring Supplier and UnaryOperator Functional InterfacesStep 06: Exploring BiPredicate, BiFunction, BiConsumer, and Primitive Functional InterfacesStep 07: Playing Puzzles with Functional Interfaces and LambdasStep 08: Exploring Method References with JavaJava Functional Programming with Custom ClassesStep 01: Creating Custom Class Course with some Test DataStep 02: Playing with allMatch, noneMatch and anyMatchStep 03: Sorting courses with sorted and creating ComparatorsStep 04: Playing with skip, limit, takeWhile and dropWhileStep 05: Finding top, max and min courses with max, min, findFirst and findAnyStep 06: Playing with sum, average and countStep 07: Grouping courses into Map using groupingByPlaying with Java Functional ProgrammingStep 01: Creating Streams using Stream of method and for ArraysStep 02: Creating Streams for First 100 Numbers, Squares of Numbers and MoreStep 03: Doing Big Number calculations with BigIntegerPlaying further with Java Functional ProgrammingStep 01: Joining Strings with joining and Playing with flapMapStep 02: Creating Higher-Order FunctionsStep 03: FP and Performance - Intermediate Stream Operations are LazyStep 04: Improving Performance with Parallelization of StreamsFunctional Programming makes Java EasyStep 01: Modifying lists with replaceAll and removeIfStep 02: Playing with Files using Functional ProgrammingStep 03: Playing with Threads using Functional ProgrammingStep 04: Using Functional Programming in Java ApplicationsStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Become a Master at Conflict Management at Home or Work" |
"What students are saying""Dr. Allen is very knowledgeable instructor. He gave great examples during the course. All of his shared stories added more ""life-like"" explanations to his examples. He really knows his material . Very helpful course."" Danet Leon""100% happy. THANK YOU, Roger! This course has been an enormous help. The structure of the course, the way you explain the skills and principles, and the way you relate the theory to the real world, the examples you give really helped me to understand the theory and the tools. The way you speak and use visual support makes it very easy to follow and comprehend. Your empathetic communication style and realistic way of portraying things (e.g. You won't succeed all the time, but keep practicing to improve) was also very helpful and made it easy to relate to the topics you were talking about. From the first lecture on I started incorporating my new knowledge into everyday life, where of course smaller or larger conflicts arise all the time. And with each step I felt safer, better prepared and was able to reach better solutions as I might have without this course. It should be a mandatory course for everyone. Thanks again."" Anna Henker""The course was amazing. I have learned so much which is now an asset I will be using to solve future conflicts. I wish this valuable information could reach many more people."" Vincent Mandi Muli""This course is a MUST. For anyone wanting to sharpen their communication skills and truly become a ""master at resolving conflict"", whether it be at work or home, this course will change your life. Roger is a master on this topic and his teaching, his stories, and his tips are gold for the mind that is hungry for knowledge. Thank you Roger for sharing your wisdom."" Ronald BurnettOverview of courseThis course will give you skills in conflict management to successfully turn disagreements and conflict into productive communication so that you can not only solve your shared problems but also grow in emotional intelligence and experience enjoyable connections with others.The dictionary defines conflict as a serious disagreement or argument. Synonyms include dispute, quarrel, squabble, discord, strife, antagonism. These are not pleasant words. And yet it is likely that you understand their meaning not because youve looked them up in a dictionary but because youve experienced them. Weve all been caught up in the unpleasant experience of conflict. For example, You're not able to sleep due to a neighbor's late-night music or barking dog. Youre on a sales team which has won a big contract. Your new customer wants your product quickly and at as low a price as possible. However, engineering wants to slow the project down to ensure that all technical and quality standards are met. Youre in a tug of war. A few of the neighbors have not been paying their homeowners association dues. Others are violating the property rules. Youve come up with good technical solutions to a thorny problem but wonder if there is the political will to implement your recommendations. Your boss wants you to work overtime this weekend when youve planned a big outing with your family. A teenager has trouble getting off the computer to do his chores. You and your partner have totally different opinions when it comes to a major life decision. A young adult child has returned home and is now living off of you and your spouse claiming that she hasnt been able to find a good job.This is just a small sampling of situations that require conflict management with emotional intelligence. Notice a few characteristics of these situations: your emotions are aroused, the stakes are high, the outcome is uncertain, and opinions vary.You probably dont like dealing with these situations. They disrupt your peace of mind and cause you emotional discomfort. Unresolved conflict is why family members become alienated and half of all marriages end in divorce. It also accounts for 50% of the turnover in companies. Dealing with conflict is not easy.Conflict is inevitableAnd yet conflict, at least disagreement, is inevitable. We know this. We come from different backgrounds, have distinct personalities, perspectives, needs, values, roles, goals and priorities, all of which set us up to experience disagreements if not outright conflict.So, the question is not whether youll experience conflict but rather how you will handle it. And, unfortunately, we have little training in conflict resolution skills.Our natural tendencies are harmfulMy experience as a psychologist, marriage counselor, business consultant, and executive coach has taught me that many of our natural tendencies are harmful. They make things worse rather than better. Some people, when facing conflict, go into an aggressive and fight mode, others run emotionally and resort to silence or appeasement, and still others distract and avoid. Although our natural tendencies are intended to reduce the impact of conflict, they actually and make it worse in the long run.Dialogue-key to conflict resolutionTherefore, learning conflict management is one of the most important skills you can learn. I teach you to deal with conflict through dialogue, a communication skill in which people listen to understand one anothers point of view and then agree upon options to solve problems and resolve their disagreements.This process encourages deep listening, a willingness to share your own point of view and search for solutions that are good for all and not just a minority. Dialogue is talking openlyeven about subjects that have historically been undiscussable. The more openly you can talk, the better will be your solutions to conflict and the more unified and committed you and others will be to carry them out.The most successful people are good at conflict managementIn fact, Ill go so far as to say that the most successful people, in any walk of life, are good at conflict management. They are willing to face conflict directly and are even willing to enter into difficult conversations that others want to flee and avoid. They do this because they understand the dynamics of conflict and how to create trusting conditions that will open up communication and lead to positive, even amazing outcomes.Importance of conflict resolution in your personal relationshipsHoward Markman and his colleagues studied 150 couples for 13 years. The couples would come into their lab each year and furnish a massive amount of information about their marriages. In addition, they would subject themselves to being video-taped which the researchers would then analyze for patterns and themes. Their conclusion, at the end of this long-term study was that it is not how much you love each other, how good your sex life is, or what problems you have with money that best predicts the future quality of your marriage.the best predictor of marital success is how you handle conflicts and disagreements.This is also true in all our personal relationships. How many people are alienated from extended family members because of the difficulty of holding good, honest conversations? Or how many parents and children are alienated because of their inability to communicate effectively? Dialogue changes that.Importance of conflict resolution in your organizationFurthermore, I believe that organizations are filled with intelligent, capable people who fall back on poor styles of communicating because it is not safe to express their opinions. The consequences to organizations can be serious if not devastating. Respect is lost. Trust is destroyed. Only a fraction of the ideas necessary for the organizations long-term survival make it to the light of day. The best employees leave and those who stay disengage and do only enough to hold onto their jobs.Knowing how to use dialogue to resolve conflict changes that. Dialogue is the means by which you surface conflict and have meaningful conversations in your personal relationships and organizations. Such conversations make your relationships and organizations healthier and more effective.It is my intent to give you the awareness and conflict management skills to face and handle the difficult conversations of your life. And as you learn and apply these skills, youll still have differences of opinions and disagreements, but youll be able to navigate them with greater confidence and skill.A little about meMy name is Roger K. Allen, Ph.D. Im a psychologist, author, executive coach and business consultant with many years of helping people work through conflict both in their personal lives and on the job. Ive helped hundreds of couples, business partners, executives, department managers and employees work through difficult conflicts to create healthy and harmonious relationships. And Ive taught many of these methods to other trainers and consultants throughout the world."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Secure Shell Fundamentals - Learn SSH By Configuring It" |
"Configure Secure Shell (SSH).Learn how to communicate between Linux and your other operating systems (Windows and MAC OSX) using SSH.As with all Udemy courses:You have a 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee if you're not fully satisfied with the course.You have lifetime full access to the course and all updates and additions.This course covers the following:Create a free lab with VirtualBox to learn withinPrepare your server for SSH useConnect with SSH from Linux or MAC OS XConnect from Windows with PuTTYConfigure key based authentication for Linux and MAC OS XConfigure key based authentication for WindowsManage your SSH configuration through /etc/ssh/sshd_configStop bad guys with Fail2banEnable your firewall (ufw)Disable unneeded servicesManage sudo permissionsCopy files between Linux systems with SCPCopy files from Windows to Linux with SCPIf you would like a general Linux course instead of a course focused solely on SSH, please consider my Ubuntu Linux Fundamentals Udemy course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"3D Studio Max Foundation" |
"This course will teach complete beginners key modelling techniques in 3Ds Maxfrom modelling foundations to finishing your own eye catching cartoon scene.Why Learn 3ds Max?3D studio Max has been used commercially for 23 years and is robust and efficient software for both low and high polygon modelling for games, commercials and architecture. It remains a popular choice for major game studios around the world. What 3Ds max offers above other 3d modelling programs is it's huge amount of modifiers which makes the modelling process fast, flexible and easy.Students can get a free 3 year license to use the full program or you can download a free one month trial from the Autodesk site.The course is broken down into two easy to follow parts:Part 1: 3ds Max Modelling TechniquesYour teacher is Niko Ala-Opas from games company Twisted Ark will guide you through the foundation of 3ds Max. In order to speed up learning we focus on the core tools that are more useful for a beginner to utilise. Making learning less daunting and faster so you can practice the essential techniques right away.Starting with creating and modifying basic primitive shapes, you will then cover in more detail:Customising The UI: Setting up the user interface and applying materials to 3d objectsSlate Material Editor: Applying colours to your 3D modelsEdit Poly Modifier: How to extrude, bevel, cut, connect, chamfer, bridge, inset and weld your modelsFFD modifier: Bend, Twist and deform 3D shapes Splines: Create more curved geometry and lathe a vase shapePractice exercises are included to keep you challenged and inspired and we have a Facebookgroup so post your work in progress, finished work and ask questions for professional feedback. Please Note: We do not go through UVW unwrapping in 3Ds max and texturing in Photoshopduring this course.Part: 2 Modelling A Diorama: Cottage In The WoodsFor this section we have picked a wooden house in the woods a perfect place to put your new modelling skills to the test. Here you can follow the tutorial or adapt it and create your own cartoon scene.In this section we will cover:Blocking out the main forms of the houseModelling details such as the roof and windows utilising splines and edit polyHow to stylise the 3D scene Applying colourful cartoon style materialsSetting up the main cameraRendering your finished polished sceneThis course is perfect for game art beginners or those wanting to learn the foundations of 3d modelling in a fun and effective way with professional guidance! Being familiar with the basic Viewports and navigationis needed before starting the course. (these videos are all contained within 3ds max)Ready to start your 3D Journey? lets get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Drawing for Business Communication" |
"We all spend a lot of time in boring meetings and presentations that fail to captivate our attention. None of us should have to go through something like this, especially if you are the one in charge of that meeting or presentation.My name is Alex Glod. I'm a senior trainer, online instructor and 3-times TEDx speaker. I've also struggled at the beginning of my career with keeping people engaged during my meetings and trainings. Luckily I found the solution in the most unexpected, yet obvious places - the ancient art of drawing and that immediately made my events stand out.By applying drawing to our business communication we engage people's imagination, sparkle their creativity and offer a memorable experience.During the course you will easily learn:How to Develop Your Visual VocabularyHow to Draw Templates that Will Make Your Meetings More Structured and EngagingHow to Add Drawings and Creativity to Your Presentations and Trainingsand The Bonus Skill of Writing Beautifully and Adding Fun Design Elements to your FlipchartsAll you need to join the course is a notebook, a black pen and a willingness to learn, but I also recommend using the course manual which will make your learning experience all the more fun. Don't worry about being good or not at drawing, we will take care of in the very beginning.Join the course now and bring magic, creativity and joy to your meetings and presentations."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"How To Graduate Debt Free" |
"Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!LEARN:How to write your admissions and scholarship essaysHow to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a universityHow to graduate DEBT FREE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Land Your Dream Job" |
"In this course How To Land Your Dream Job, we help take away the fear of graduating from college without a job and instead teach you how to master college and land your dream job!In this course, you will learn:3 Keys to Supercharge Your Job SearchHow to Succeed with InterviewsGuide to Negotiating Your Job Offer3 Keys to Getting Hired After GraduationWhat Millennials Need to Know About Getting a Job with Judi Fearless"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019" |
"Premiere ProPremiere Pro"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Working at a SOC (Security Operations Center)" |
"This course will go into detail about what a SOC is and what it does. Students will learn the skills they need to become a successful SOC analyst. We will talk about the demand and need of a SOC analyst and how and where the knowledge required. We will use demos and exercises to focus on each topic."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SEO Masterclass A-Z + SEO For Wordpress Website & Marketing" |
"SEO Tutorial A-Z + SEO For Wordpress Website & MarketingWe will use a powerful SEO strategies to improve your webpages and bring them much higher in search engine ranks like Google. LET YOUR BUSINESS GROW..In this SEO course You will learn :Keywords and their different typesKeyword research & analyzingCompetitor's SEO researchKeyword validationSEO webpage instructionsWrite a successful headline and analyze itWrite a successful and readable copyStrategies to create powerful back linksElements you must use to rank high in search enginesHow to drive traffic to your webpageQuora marketing to drive traffic.During this Instagram WordPress website course we will learn and practice lots of powerful tools which makes marketing easier. It creates a powerful source as social media marketing and help you to create a successful landing pages for your business. You can build a powerful website that completely works from and make sales within a week. Hopefully by the end of the course you will have a successful website that have the ability to bring traffic, make money and convince people by digital marketing strategy. (depending on applying the strategies).WordPress as a powerful platform for building a website without any coding is extremely helpful in building a successful website specially for marketing. For sure there are many other platforms out there like Wix which help you build your site very fast, but ask yourself Will they work good for marketing?Can you control everything?Can you add/remove any element on your site?Can you have your own store with no third party to take a cut from you?and much more ...------------Important!Along the way I will point out to many powerful marketing tips that can grow your business and website much faster. Pay attention to the bonus marketing strategies inside the course.------------Important!If you really want to achieve everything said above join this course NOW! , build your own WordPress website and take your business to the next level with ""Create WordPress Website For Marketing & Sales"" course.SEO Masterclass by Pouya Eti "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft - Excel Power Pivot Power Query Editor" |
"Excel Power PivotPower PivotPower Query EditorPower Query EditorPower Query EditorExcelPower Query EditorPower Query EditorPower Query Editor4Vlookup201720181[]Quick & GO2QuickPower Query EditorWebYouTube30"
Price: 9000.00 ![]() |
"Python CUDA" |
"GPU(Graphics Processing Unit)HPC(High Performance Computing)GPUHPCCUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)CUDANVIDIAGPGPUCUDAGPUCPU110~100GPUCUDACCUDA CCUDA CCCUDA CPyCUDAPythonCUDAPythonCUDACUDA CPythonPyCUDAGPUCUDACUDAGPUGPU(//GPU)CUDA(thread / block / grid / warp)Google ColabPyCUDAGPUGoogle ColabGooglePythonGPUGPUPython(*)2PythonPyCUDA"
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |