Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Acoustics 101 Pro : Advanced enclosure design" |
"Start designing more advanced enclosuresFinished Acoustics 101? Time to step it up a notch. While we are still going to revisit sealed and bass reflex enclosures, we are going to go deeper into the subject, and touch more advanced stuff. As a bonus, a high output ported enclosure is in the course as well. Besides these familiar enclosures, we going to see some new. Get ready to learn about passive radiator enclosures, 4th order and 6th order bandpass boxes.SoftwareYes, we are going to use software, WinISD. Popular software in the DIY audio community, with lots of features. Don't worry, you can download it for free. What you also get for free is a bunch of excel spreadsheets. These will be used to easily calculate the panel dimensions for each enclosure type. Even if you are not good at math, I'm confident you will find it easy.3D ModelingAfter the enclosures are modeled and the panel dimensions are calculated, we are going to use SketchUp to make 3D models of the enclosure. This has a number of benefits. You can visually check the proportions of the enclosure. You will double check if the panels fit together correctly. You can send someone the drawing with the dimensions. You can do all sorts of things if you expand on this subject. However, bear in mind that this is not a SketchUp course, and it covers only the basics and the stuff you need to make a 3D model of a speaker box.Building and resultsThe final part of the course will be me showing you how I build each enclosure. I will describe what I do and you will learn some basic stuff about woodworking so you can build your own speaker boxes (tools required). Each enclosure will be measured and tested. If you have taken Acoustics 201 you will understand what I'm doing, but it's not mandatory. In the end we will compare how each enclosure stacks up to one another by judging the numbers."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced)" |
"JavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer - and with this course, you make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know as a JavaScript developer!This is the most comprehensive and modern course you can find on JavaScript - it's based on all my JavaScript knowledge AND teaching experience. It's both a complete guide, starting with the core basics of the language, as well as an extensive reference of the JavaScript language and environment, ensuring that both newcomers as well as experienced JavaScript developers get a lot out of this course!It's a huge course because it's packed with important knowledge and helpful content. From the core basics, over advanced concepts and JavaScript specialties, all the way up to expert topics like performance optimization and testing - this course has it all. My goal was to create your go-to resource for the JavaScript language, which you can not just use for learning it but also as a resource you can come back to and look up important topics.The course is based on my experience as a long-term JavaScript developer as well as a teacher with more than 1,000,000 students on Udemy as well as on my YouTube channel Academind. It's packed with examples, demos, projects, assignments, quizzes and of course videos - all with the goal of giving you the best possible way of learning JavaScript.What's in the course?This course is obviously packed with content - I therefore strongly recommend that you check out the full course curriculum to get a clear idea of all the topics covered in the course. In general, here's what you'll find in the course:Modern JavaScript from the start: The JavaScript syntax changed over time - in this course, you'll learn the latest syntax from the start (you'll also learn about the old one though, so that you can work in ANY JS project)ALL the Basics: Variables, constants, functions, how scripts are loaded etcArrays & Objects: We'll explore these very important data structures in great detailControl Structures: Understand how to run code conditionally and in loopsA look behind the Scenes: How JavaScript engines work behind the scenes and what that means for usDeep dives into Core Concepts: ALL the special things about JavaScript function, different syntaxesWorking with the DOM: How to manipulate web pages dynamically via JavaScript (including deep dives and different use-cases)Events in JavaScript: Learn how to listen to a broad variety of events (e.g. drag & drop) and execute appropriate codeClasses & Object-oriented Programming: Learn how to work with classes, prototypes, the ""this"" keyword, constructor functions and much moreAsynchronous and Synchronous Programming: We'll explore callbacks, promises, async/ await and other important tools and language features to execute code correctlyHttp Requests: Learn how to send Http requests via JavaScriptTooling, Optimizations & Browser Support: Code splitting, producing small code and ensuring that scripts work in all browsers - this matters and hence is covered in great detailLibraries & Frameworks: Learn about libraries like Axios or frameworks like React.js - why they matter and how to use themNode.js: Whilst focusing on the browser-side for the majority of the course (because the syntax is the same), we'll also have a dedicated section on Node.js to learn all about that JS host environmentSecurity & Performance Optimizations: Of course security matters, so does performance - no surprise that both is covered in the course!Automated Testing: Testing manually is hard work and can be unreliable - in this course you'll also get an introduction into automated testingWhat are the course prerequisites?NO JavaScript knowledge is required - you'll learn it from scratch!You also need NO programming experience other than basic web development knowledge (e.g. how the web works)Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is recommended but not a must-have"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Astronomy - Astronomy for Beginners" |
"When you look up on a clear night, from the darkest place you can find, you'll see stars, planets, the Moon and more.Stargazing like this brings joy and a sense of wonder.But sometimes it brings frustration. You'll ask yourself: What is that object? Why is the sky moving? How can I understand the cosmos?When you look a the same sky with knowledge, being able to name objects, explain their movements and look deeper into the spaces between the stars, your curiosity will take over. You will want to learn more, see more, discover the universe.This course you will get started.Discover what you can see without a telescope.Learn how to identify what the objects are, a star, a planet, even galaxies and nebulae.Find your dark sky so that you can see more, and go deeper into the universe.About your hostI'm Lisa Harvey, host of Everyday Astronomers and this mini-course. I wanted to create a place where people could unleash their curiosity and discover new things about the universe, meet like-minded people and share the joy of discovery.I've been watching the stars for decades and my telescope has taken me to the most beautiful places in space.I've spent a lot of time creating online communities and online courses and now I can combine this experience with my passion for amateur astronomy.About this course?After founding Our Wide Sky a few years ago, many people have asked for beginner tips and information. There is very little available that takes the approach of curiosity and wonder. Most are highly technical, with a lot of science, which does not always suit a beginner.This course was created with the real beginner in mind. Someone, like you who does not want complicated models and diagrams. Someone, like you who wants to understand a small amount and then choose to move onThe course is videos with transcripts, some text lessons and resources such as checklists and workbooks. This course is designed for people who know only that they want to know more about the night sky.Be a Knowledgeable StargazerThis is a mini-course, and not intended to go into depth about subject matter. Other Everyday Astronomer courses will take you deeper into your astronomy knowledge. But you will get enough information to be able to identify objects, know about what you can see and explain how the sky moves above your head.This is a quick introduction that gives you a place to start with your visual, naked eye observing.You'll learn:Learn how to observe without a telescope.Discover how the sky moves.Understand why the stars are different in Summer and in Winter.Find out what you can see from where you are.Learn the easy ways to identify the objects you see.Find the best place for you to view the stars.Just looking at the stars is a moving experience. Imagine how much more satisfying it can be if you know just a little bit more."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"OpenCV Practical with Python - 3 Complete Projects + CODE" |
"*** THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS ******* ONLY FOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL USER ****Do you want to Make Practical Application Using Python and OpenCV?If yes then this course is designed for you. In this course, we are going to make 3 Interactive Projects using Python+ OpenCVProject # 1: Building a Motion Detector AppProject # 2: Building a Hand Detector AppProject #3 : Face Recognition AppBefore Taking the Course:You SHOULD HAVE the Basic Knowledge in OpenCV and Python. Here we just Develop the app and its features - 100% Practical.What is OpenCV?OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is an open source library of computer vision, image analysis and machine learning. To do this, it has an infinity of algorithms that allow, just by writing a few lines of code, identifying faces, recognizing objects, classifying them, detecting hand movements ...OpenCV is a multiplatform library available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android distributed under BSD license. It can be programmed with C, C ++, Python, Java and Matlab."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Access Para Iniciantes - Completo do Bsico ao Intermedirio" |
"Access Para Iniciantes e Estudantes do Bsico ao Intermedirio sem Programao.Curso completo de Bancos de Dados com Microsoft Access foi desenvolvido com linguagem simples e direta no intuito de facilitar o aprendizado.Iniciantes ou pessoas que tiveram dificuldade no entendimento desse Gerenciador de Bancos de dados encontraro aqui um caminho mais fcil para o aprendizado.Os bancos de dados facilitam a manipulao de informaes de uma empresa, permitindo a realizao de cadastros dos mais diversos tipos como o de pessoas e produtos por exemplo.Relacionar informaes como por exemplo o cadastro de vendas de uma empresa algo de fato fundamental para qualquer pessoa ou empresa que deseja destacar - se no mercado.A cada dia a concorrncia maior e o Access pode sim ser o diferencial que falta em seu currculo.Neste curso no abordaremos codificao (linguagem VBA) pois o contedo foi criado exatamente para inserir pessoas que no tem conhecimento em programao na rea de desenvolvimento.Voc ver aqui como possvel desenvolver uma aplicao completa utilizando apenas a lgica para cadastros, relacionamentos, relatrios e consultas.Tudo explicado do absoluto ZERO para que voc possa ter o mximo de aproveitamento do contedo.No perca mais tempo e inscreva - se agora mesmo neste curso completo de Microsoft Access e d o primeiro passo para tornar - se um desenvolvedor mesmo sem conhecimentos em programao de computadores.Este curso conta com suporte completo do Instrutor atuante j h mais de 15 anos no mercado e tambm com garantia total de 30 dias.Isso mesmo!Se no gostar do contedo apresentado voc pode solicitar 100% do seu dinheiro de volta sem questionamentos.Contedo Programtico:Tabelas - Solicitando as informaes de CadastroFormulrios - Crie telas para o preenchimento e visualizao de dados e informaes do Banco de DadosDicas de Layout - Crie telas PersonalizadasConsultas - Faa um filtro de dados para encontrar pessoas, produtos e relatrio de vendas diriasRelatrios - Aprenda como criar Relatrios para anlises e impresso de dados Curso completo com abordagens simples e completa.Te vejo nas aulas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Past Life Regression Therapy For Soulmates & Relationships" |
"0) Who This Course Is and Isn't Fora) This course is for Non-Therapists, to get personal sessions of Past Life Regression about soulmates & relationships. This course is for you if you just want to experience Past Life Regression, and you don't want to learn how to do Past Life Regression to others.b) If you are or want to be a Therapist - This many not be the course for you! Instead I'd recommend my courses ""PLR - Therapist Training"" & ""Past Lives For Healers"". Some lectures, topics and case studies from these therapist courses also appear in this non-therapist course, though often changed for a non-therapist audience. If you have already done the courses for therapists, and still really want to take this course to deal with soulmate and relationship issues, you can still benefit, as their are many unique features in this course. c) Complement to sessions as a client in-person or online; For people doing Past Life sessions in-person, and having 3-5 sessions, doing this course online could cover some important areas, and reduce the number of more costly in-person sessions, giving substantial savings. If you want to have personal sessions with me online, doing the course can get you started, and we can pick up where you left off with the videos.-----------------------------1) This course is a based around Past Life Regression Therapy, focused on soulmates and relationships. The outcome is to understand and help relationship issues, especially these four major issue types, each with four issue sub-types.A) Romantic Relationship Ends; Has a relationship ended in due to divorce, breakup or unrequited love? Has this left you with obsessive thoughts, denial or lack of closure, or emotional residues that block or infect new relationships?a) Have you been mistreated, causing anger or sadness?b) Have you mistreated other, causing guilt or regret?c) Do you cling on to a relationship, blocking moving on?What if you could recall lifetimes to see balancing or repeating patterns, that make understanding and forgiveness an automatic spiritual therapeutic resolution?This course can help heal after a romantic relationship ends.B) Romantic Soulmates; A relationship is active; at the beginning with doubts, in the middle requiring maintenance, or at the end contemplating leaving.a) New Relationship with Doubts; Does our sense of connection mean we are romantic partners? Why are we attracted?b) Ongoing Trust and Commitment Issues; I want to be with them, but I cant trust them, or I cant make a commitment.c) Leave Relationship To Be With Another?; Is someone else my real soulmate?This course can help give clarity to decision involving romantic soulmates.C) Family, Friends & Rivals; We or others carry strong preset thoughts or emotions.a) You Have An Instant Aversion To Them; There is no apparent reason for the strength of your aversion or dislike towards them, but it dominates your relationship. Trivial events in this life trigger you to have big overreactions. You feel tense and uncomfortable in their presence.b) They Have Instant Aversion To You; They are aggressive, intolerant or rude to you for no apparent reason. You dont feel the same back or understand why.c) Competition & Tension; You cant relax around them, and constantly score points. To be happy, its not enough for you to succeed, they must also fail.This course can help come to peace in relationships with Family, Friends & Rivals.D) Relationship With Self - Low Self-Esteem, Anxiety; We can be our own worst enemy in relationships. They may build up a wall against us, yet we may build our own wall. We may be criticised by others, but the harshest critic can be ourself. Anxiety or fear can attempt to protect us, but damage our relationships.2) Course Structure & PLRT Process;PLRT done professionally has implicit within it other forms of regression therapy, so sessions include;a) Interviews; to focus on presenting issues related to soulmates & relationships. And pre-talks to prepare for hypnotic inductions and guided meditations.b) Age Regression Hypnotherapy; to clarify the presenting issue and story in this life, that connects with past lives.c) Past Life Regression; to clarify the past lives causes, events and people, and begin to work with, or be at peace with, the karmic effects.d) Future Life Progression; to see how learning spiritual lessons effects our path into this life and the next, growing confidence, motivation and life purpose.3) Course Highlights;- Case Study Exercises; guide you to write your about your own past life relationships, focusing on healing or developing present life relationships.- Case Study Examples; from my clients and my past lives relating to relationships, illustrating themes relevant to most people.- Clarify your own goals for each session with worksheets and interviews.- Understand each technique and key themes with pre and post session talks.- Experience three regressions to the Present, Past and Future lives.- Get therapeutic resolutions to enhance your relationships.Reviews for sister course Past Life Regression - Therapist TrainingIt is really good, covering the all aspects of past life regression. I also loved the audio session given in the last lesson on various common subjects. Overall it is good and it's really worthy to invest time to learn & heal yourself.""I'm amazed with this course. I'm already conversational hypnotist myself. Just listening to the audio I was able to view some of my past lives and benefit from it. Thank you, Mark!If you have any questions, feel free to message me.Visit my Bio Page for links to my website and youtube for free educational content.Thanks, Mark :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PCB Design Using KiCad 5" |
"This short course on KiCad gives basic idea about usage of open-source software tool KiCad for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and PCB artwork. This course enables you to design your PCBs with its precise yet simple explanations for a beginner to understand the concepts and guidelines of PCB design. The course introduces the KiCad tool for schematic entry and PCB layout design of single-layer and two-layer boards with examples for each. You will understand the various stages of design validation using ERC and DRC checks to result in more reliable PCBs. The method used in the course gives you a pleasant learning experience without beating around the bushes. To the point, precise and effective instructions and yet short video lessons are the highlights of the course. The lessons on schematic symbol, footprint creation and differential pairs are added to give you an insight of the practical design challenges. So even with a busy life schedule, you can get a hold of PCB design fundamentals using widely used Opensource KiCad Tool in a matter of few hours.Instructor has more than a decade of PCB design experience on a variety of EDA tools such as PCBCAD, Eagle, KiCad, OrCAD and Express PCB."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dominando Divi La gua definitiva paso a paso en el 2020" |
"En la actualidad, nunca haba sido tan fcil la forma en que puedes crear sitios web para ti, para tus conocidos o hacerlo de manera profesional con clientes. Este constructor de pginas te va a permitir crear sitios de diferentes estilos como sitios comerciales, pginas de aterrizaje, cartas de ventas, etc, sin necesidad de saber o usar cdigo de programacin, html y css.Regstrate hoy mismo y descubre cmo:Eliminar la barrera del cdigo html, css o la programacinNo tienes que volver a depender de un diseador o desarrollador y crea hoy mismo tu negocio en Internet creando tu pgina web gracias a nuestro curso prctico y desde ceroHoy en da las personas estn aprendiendo a crear diferentes tipos de sitios web gracias a la nueva era del diseo y desarrollo web y ahora tu tambin vas a lograrlo en poco tiempoPreguntas frecuentes:Es esto para mi? Si eres diseador, programador, freelance, emprendedor o si tienes un producto o servicio y quieres llegar a ms personas, lo principal es tener una pgina web que se convierte en tu carta de presentacin.Por qu lo necesito? Hasta el momento, si necesitas crear un proyecto web a la medida de tus necesidades debes saber o contratar a alguien que sepa html, css, javascript, programacin y otras tecnologas. Si tratas de aprenderlo por tu cuenta te va a tomar meses o incluso aos de ensayo, prueba y error. Contratar a alguien que haga el trabajo por ti te va a costar miles de dlares. Aqu vas a aprender lo necesario para crear slo lo que necesitas para tu negocio en Internet, no ser 100% a la medida de tus necesidades pero te aseguro que a un 90% si te saldr.De qu trata? Veremos cada una de las opciones de Divi, este constructor trata de arrastrar y soltar elementos que ya estn hechos por el sistema y tu slo tienes que llenar los datos ms simples. Si necesitas insertar texto, imgenes, videos entre un sin fin de elementos adicionales, tu solo le dices donde lo quieres colocar, llenas la informacin y listo. Ms fcil? imposible.Cmo lo adquiero? Slo tienes que ir al botn de inscribirme ahora para pasar a las opciones de pago y tener acceso inmediato al curso. Al finalizar el curso vas a poder crear:Sitios web comercialesPginas de aterrizaje o one sectionTiendas virtuales en combinacin con WoocomercePginas de ventasOlvdate de aprender cdigo complicado, pagar a terceros, usar plantillas pre-hechas o hacer pginas web mediocres. Aprende hoy mismo y crea tu primera pgina web en poco tiempo. Garantizado."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Power Pivot: Power Pivot , DAX & Pivot Table" |
"Youre Just Seconds Away From Leveraging Excel, Pivot Tables & Power Pivot That Will Make It Possible For YOU To:Increase your Excel, Pivot Table & Power Pivot SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE within HOURS which will GET YOU NOTICED by Top Management & prospective Employers!Become more PRODUCTIVE at using Excel which will SAVE YOU HOURS each Day & ELIMINATE STRESS at work!Use Excel Pivot Pivot with CONFIDENCE that will lead to greater opportunities like a HIGHER SALARY and PROMOTIONS!----------------------------------------***** ADDED BONUS: This entire courses can be DOWNLOADED for offline viewing on the Udemy mobile app (Android & iOS)! ****----------------------------------------Power Pivot is an Excel add-in that was first introduced in Excel 2010 by Microsoft. It allows you to harness the power of Business Intelligence right in Excel.In a nutshell, Power Pivot allows you to use multiple data sources for analysis. So it is a Pivot Table on steroids, meaning it can handle more data and create more powerful calculations using Measures & DAX Formulas.Power Pivot gives you the power to work with large sets of data that are OVER 1 millions rows!!!You can import, consolidate and create relationships from your data and perform enhanced analysis. The beautiful thing with Power Pivot is it allows you to work on Big Data with NO limitations.Imagine getting data from multiple sources like SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Excel, Microsoft Access and analyzing these all into one awesome Pivot Table!This course will introduce you to the key concepts of getting started with Power Pivot and it's various features for enhanced calculations, so you will be confident & comfortable in using Power Pivot on your data.--------------------POWER PIVOT IS NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL EXCEL VERSIONS!In July 2018, Microsoft announced that Excel Power Pivot will now be available in all Windows editions of Excel, which is awesome news and a step in the right direction.Previously in the 2016 version of Office 365, you needed to have purchased the Office Pro Plus or Office 365 E3 to have access to Power Pivot within Excel.So now you can get Power Pivot in Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and all Office 2016 products, such as:Office 365 Home, Office 365 Personal, Office 365 Business Essentials, Office 365 Business, Office 365 Business Premium, Office 365 Enterprise E1--------------------PREREQUISITES FOR THIS POWER PIVOT COURSE:You need at least an understanding of what Pivot Tables are and how to insert a Pivot Table and create a few calculations.--------------------EXCEL VERSION THAT I AM USING:I am using Excel 2010 in this course but the layout is very similar to Excel 2013, 2016 & 2019. Any variations in versions between Excel 2010 and the other versions, I explain in each tutorial.--------------------In this course we will go through the following Power Pivot features:IMPORT/LOAD DATAImport From WorkbookImport From WorksheetImport From Separate WorkbooksTABLE RELATIONSHIPSCreate RelationshipsCreate Relationships via the Diagram ViewPIVOT TABLES & SLICERSCreate a Pivot TableInsert a SlicerINTRO TO DAX FORMULASIntro to DAX FormulasIntro to DAX Formulas: Measures vs Calculated Columns - Part 1Intro to DAX Formulas: Measures vs Calculated Columns - Part 2List of various DAX FormulasMEASURES & CALCULATED COLUMNSDISTINCTCOUNT() - Create a ""Unique Order Dates"" MeasureSUM() - Create a ""Total Sales"" MeasureCombine 2 Measures to get ""Average Sales Per Date""CALCULATE() - Show Largest Sales ValuesCalculated Column - Extract Years from Order DateCALCULATE() - Group YearsLink a Calendar TableSort Month Dates Into The Correct OrderAdd a Hierarchy to the CalendarCombine a Calculated Column with a Measure - Net Profit Analysis--------------------Look, if you are really serious about GETTING BETTER at excel and ADVANCING your Microsoft Excel level & skills...saving HOURS each day, DAYS each week and WEEKS each year...If you want to improve your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to achieve greater opportunities like PROMOTIONS, a HIGHER salary and KNOWLEDGE that you can take to another job...All whilst impressing your boss and STANDING OUT from your colleagues and peers......THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Now you have the opportunity to join your fellow professionals who are taking this course and enhancing their Microsoft Excel skills! To enroll, click the ENROLL NOW button (risk-free for 30 days or your money back), because every hour you delay only delays your personal and professional progress..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Use the WordPress Gutenberg Editor" |
"WordPress 5.0 introduced the new block editor called Gutenberg, but it's not always intuitive to use. Perhaps you've tried to use it but didn't quite get it, or you're not sure how all the blocks and settings work. In this course, you'll learn how to use all the blocks that are currently available when you install WordPress. You'll start by going on a tour of the general interface for a post, then move on to learning about the standard interface for every Gutenberg block. Then you'll see how each block works in detail.If you can't figure out a way to do what you want using the blocks that come with WordPress, you'll learn how you can add even more blocks to your editing toolbox.You'll also learn how you can reuse blocks, and if you really like a block you've created and want to use it on more than one website, you'll learn how to do that, too.It doesn't matter whether you're a seasoned WordPress user or you're working with WordPress for the first time, sometimes you just want someone to show you how to do something so you don't have to spend hours researching it yourself. After taking this course, you'll be comfortable working with the WordPress Gutenberg editor and be on your way to structuring your content exactly the way you want it to appear."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Speed Optimization Load-in 0.3s For Non Techies" |
"Watch me in this live action-originated training as I optimize the speed of my clients website to load in just 300ms!No Nonsense Guide To Speed Optimization of your WordPress website so that it loads faster than Google's homepage.80% of speed optimization techniques talked about offer just 20% of the performance gains, most techniques are very time consuming and fiddly. For every hour spent learning the technique chances are you will spend another 3 hours implementing it on a single site.In this follow along step by step live training I will show you the 20% of speed optimizations that will give you 80% of the real speed increases. I will show you how you can do this with any Wordpress site within 3 hours, from start to finish, and when you get good at it, youll be able todo it to every site in less than an hour.Takes less than 3 hours to optimise your own website from start to finish.Learn the future of hosting and how to jump on years before it's time.Watch your client byte your hand off for the SSL padlock and faster than Google performance for an extra 10+ a month.How to separate hardware from your hosting support for maximum performance and most importantly consistent reliable speeds.Learn how expert web developers migrate quickly and with zero downtime for your clients.I run a web agency in the UK, I know that time is money, I do not have time to be messing about combing through minuscule details on a website to see little reward. This guide was built for my staff to follow, to offer me the biggest gains with the least amount of effort and with minimum cost, I also made this guide as the last speed optimization course you will ever need to do for your website EVER again.I created the Faster Than Google slogan, because I was tired of Google punishing my websites SEO because of the slow loading response, so I set out to be determined to beat Google at their own game. I wanted to punch google in the face and say is that fast enough for ya! The only way I could do that was by having my fully-fledged wordpress website load faster than Googles homepage despite it only having a minimalist Simple Simple search bar.In this course I will show you how that was achieved, this training is years in the making and only until recently has all the technology become available at such an affordable price so now everyone can have a website that is Faster Than Google."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SEO Technical Audit for WordPress" |
"Are you using SEO tactics on your website, but arent getting the rankings and visibility youre looking for?Then your best course of action is an SEO audit. A thorough SEO audit can help you identify and fix optimization issues with your website. It can also give you a starting point so you can measure the results of your efforts.Dont know where to start? Then youre in the right place. This course will show you step-by-step how to identify and resolve the issues in your website that are hindering your rankings.Well start with checking site speed and go through each of the checkpoints you can go through to reduce load times. Well then cover errors and redirects, diving deep into how to fix 404 errors and broken links. Finally, well show you how to configure Yoast and use key indexation tools and tags to set your website up for success.The steps in this course will help you diagnose and prescribe treatments to your website health, so you can outperform your competitors and maximize the returns from your SEO investments. So without further ado, lets begin!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Masterclass Course" |
"Welcome To The Complete Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Masterclass Course! Would you like to start a career in Cyber Security or Ethical Hacking for personal or professional development? Would you like to potentially earn thousands of dollars helping organizations stop cyber attacks? Or maybe you want to learn Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking form scratch as a hobby to help increase your IT & Software Skills! You will be able to do all of this as so much more...By enrolling in our Master Class Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security course today! ___________________________________________________________________ This course is one of the Largest, Most Comprehensive Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking Courses on the Internet! Join 500,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in our Udemy Courses! 10,000+ Five Star Reviews Show Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results! You Get Over 75+ Lectures and 13+ hours of HD content! Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today! Dont Delay! Click the ""Buy Now"" Button For Instant Life-Time Access!___________________________________________________________________Here are all of the benefits to enrolling in our Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Masterclass Course Today! You can Start Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security With Zero Knowledge! Go through all the steps of a Penetration Testing in great detail!Have Everything Explained In Theory as well as in Practice!Have any of your questions answered by the instructor!Code Tools For Ethical Hacking In Multiple Programming Languages!Course will be updated with all the newest techniques of Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking!You will Also Learn.... How To Ethically Hack a Server Using Command Injection Vulnerability With NetcatHow To Bypassing Antivirus By Changing The Malware BinaryHow To Bypassing Antivirus Using Different Encoding TechniquesHow To Ethically Hack Any Machine Over The Internet Using Port ForwardingHow To Install Vulnerable OWASP Virtual Machine For Web Penetration TestingHow To Change The Look Of A Page Using HTML Code InjectionHow To Use XSS To Run Javascript Code On Vulnerable WebsiteHow To Discover Servers, Technologies And Services Used On Target WebsiteHow To Ethically Steal Database Passwords Using Advance Manual SQL InjectionHow To Perform Various Cross Site Scripting Attacks On Online LabsHow To Configure Burpsuite, The Bug Hunting ToolHow To Bypass Security Measures With Nmap Using Fragmented PacketsHow To Make Identical Fake Access Point And Deauthenticate ClientsHow To Create Evil Twin Access Point And Steal Wireless Password FastHow To Flip Images & Run Keylogger On Target Device With Man In The Middle AttackHow To Sniff Passwords Over The Network Using Man In The Middle ARP SpoofingHow To Launch Various Man In The Middle AttacksWhat Are Reverse & Bind Shells AreHow To Launch Eternalblue Doublepulsar Attack On Windows 7 and Hack It Without Any User InteractionHow To Code A Website Login Form Bruteforcer Using PythonHow To Make A Reverse Shell Using Python For Ethical HackingHow To Create Undetectable Advance Malware In C For Ethical HackingHow To Use Code Hacking Tools Using Different Programming LanguagesHow To Crack The WPA/WPA2 Private Shared Key Using Multiple TechniquesWhat Honeypots Are And Why You Should Avoid ThemHow To Bypass Firewall, IDS/IPS Using Decoys And Advance Nmap ScanningAND MUCH MORE!In our complete ethical hacking master class course you will learn from scratch how to master ethical hacking and cyber security. This course offers more than 13+ hours of content starting from a beginner and working your way up to some more advanced ethical hacking skills. The skills you learn in this course can help translate into the workplace and help you further your career as a cyber security and ethical hacking professional. _________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to Master Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security today! When we learn something new we add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course._________________________________________________________________________What we can't do in this Course..We can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!We are also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course. _________________________________________________________________________See you in the course!Sincerely,Aleksa & Joe"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Blog Masterclass" |
"You have an amazing service that you want to share with the world, but don't know where to share your vision. The question is how do you share that vision when you cannot even pay for a high-end WordPress blog to bring in new clients. You were never trained on how to design WordPress websites. I started my WordPress blog 10 years ago with no money in the bank and absolutely no coding and design experience. Since then I have learned how to create WordPress sites that drive traffic and generate leads. Start the class today, and receive access to our WordPress training. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Flash Distillation in Chemical & Process Engineering" |
"Introduction:Flash Distillation is one of the most important Mass Transfer Operations used extensively in the Chemical industry. It is also one of the most important processes to learn in Mass Transfer / Separation Process Technologies as it is a fundamental unit operation.Understanding the concept behind Flash Distillation, the vapor-liquid equilibrium and all other mass transfer interaction will allow you to understand and model Flash Drums and Flashing Systems. Most of them can be used to ""theoretically"" model other unit operations such as: Distillation Columns, Batch Distillator, Tray Columns and Packed column, etc...We will cover:REVIEW: Of Mass Transfer Basics (Equilibrium VLE Diagrams, Volatility, Raoult's Law, Azeotropes, etc..)Flash Distillation Theory - Concepts and PrinciplesApplication of Distillation in the IndustryEquipment for Flashing Systems such as Flash DrumsDesign & Operation of Flash DrumsMaterial and Energy Balances for flash systemsAdiabatic and Isothermal OperationAnimations and Software Simulation for Flash Distillation Systems (ASPEN PLUS/HYSYS)Theory + Solved Problem Approach:All theory is taught and backed with exercises, solved problems, and proposed problems for homework/individual study.At the end of the course:You will be able to understand mass transfer mechanism and processes behind Flash Distillation.You will be able to continue with Batch Distillation, Fractional Distillation, Continuous Distillation and further courses such as Multi-Component Distillation, Reactive Distillation and Azeotropic Distillation.About your instructor:I majored in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering back in 2012.I worked as a Process Design/Operation Engineer in INEOS Koln, mostly on the petrochemical area relating to naphtha treating. There I designed and modeled several processes relating separation of isopentane/pentane mixtures, catalytic reactors and separation processes such as distillation columns, flash separation devices and transportation of tank-trucks of product."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Combine Framework in iOS Using Swift" |
"No matter which programming community you look at, functional and reactive programming is getting popular every day. Combine is Apples new framework for writing flexible, reactive, functional applications in iOS using Swift language. Learning Combine will increase your chances of landing your dream job and even earn a higher salary at your existing job. This course does not expect any knowledge of the Combine framework, you will learn all throughout the course.Here is what you will learn in this course:Publishers, Subscribers and OperatorsTransforming OperatorsFiltering OperatorsCombining OperatorsSequence OperatorsCombine for NetworkingDebugging CombineCombine TimersResources in CombineIntegrating Combine with UIKit Application - Weather AppUnderstanding MVVM Design PatternSwiftUI BasicsUnderstanding State and BindingHacker News - SwiftUI, Combine and Web APIAll the lectures are accompanied by downloadable exercise files.Check out some of my reviews below:Every course you make is simple to understand, filled with great content, & packed with take-aways you can immediately use. Thank you for helping me become the developer I am today.Mohammad Azam is an outstanding instructor, he takes the time to explain why things work.Yes. I really like how the instructor explains not only how to do something, but why we are doing it. I love the clean organized setup for each of the applications & how the instructor gave many different techniques for putting an app together. Very good lessons!This was the most useful tutorial for the MVVM design pattern that I have seen yet. Very good ? Keep in mind that he isn't showing you how to completely architect your app - but he is showing you how MVVM enables better unit testing. He also gave some great examples of unit tests. I never knew what to test before and he gave a good explanation. Looking forward to more of Azam's courses.Mohammad Azam courses are always on point, and loaded with quality information that you can start using right away. Great content.Is this course right for you?This course is designed to teach you Combine in a very practical way. Each section starts with covering the concepts and terminology and then applying the knowledge by building a real world application. If you ever wanted to learn reactive functional programming in iOS then this is the course for you.Lets begin learning Combine!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a Python Application to connect to multiple databases" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a Python application program that will interact with the following database systems: SQL Server databasePostgreSQLMySQLOracleSQLitePython has various modules that you can use to interact with databases. We will install the various database connector module for each database system to enable us interact with the various database systems from our Python application.We will setup the various database management systems and also create a new database and table that our Python application will interact with.We will create the Python application frontend using Tkinter which is a built in Python module used to create graphical user interfaces . From tkinter module we will import ttk module which is a themed widget library that contains various types of widgets like buttons,labels etc that we can use to build the graphical user interface for our Python application. We will also import other bits and pieces from the tkinter module that our Python application will use.Also we will create a database configuration file that twill be used to interact with the various database systems that we will connect to from our Python application. We will perform various database operations on the databases we will create from out Python application GUI frontend."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Upgrade Your Abundance Mindset Law of Attraction Coaching" |
" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hi, I am a Bestselling Author and Udemy Course Instructor. My courses have been taken by over 30,000 happy students from 161 countries. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++At last, an EFFORTLESS breakthrough system that eliminates your toxic thinking and ATTRACTS your Magical lifeNOW The wait is over!Now you can fulfill your dreams and attract abundance in all areas of your life! Its guaranteed or your money back!!!Dear Friend,Have you ever wondered why most of the self-improvement programs or books on the market or even on your bookshelf never work?Have you noticed that there are some tools that might seem to work for a few people but not for you?Have you watched the movies What the Bleep Do We Know?, The Secret, studied the Law of Attraction? Have you attended numerous seminars on self-help and positive thinking? Yet, have you been able to achieve permanent & radical transformation in your life?The Self-Development field is a multi-billion dollar industry and bookshelves are loaded with self-help books. Then why is it that there are millions of people struggling with financial insecurity, health problems, unfulfilled relationships, etc?Breakthrough your struggle!Have you wondered why you have worked so hard to make your life work, and strive so hard to make more money to pay your bills, to make your relationships more harmonious, and to gain better health, but you just cant make that breakthrough?Is there always something missing?You wonder why, but never find the answer!Let me make something very clear for you right now:Here is whyThe majority of popular books or programs on self-improvement only touch the surface of your challenges or frustrations, NOT the toxic mindset that causes the problem to begin with!For example, if you have financial problems, you will be advised to take the expensive wealth building seminars that teach you a bunch of money making strategies. BUT, the fact of the matter is that your financial problems are not solved by tools or techniques to make money, but by something deeper and more fundamental.Spread your wings and fly . EffortlesslyWhen those fundamental issues are resolved, EVERYTHING CHANGES! You start to attract abundance in all areas of your life. Your financial situation starts to change; you start attracting prosperity and abundance to achieve your big dreams and desires. Things that youve always wanted start to show up in your life EFFORTLESSLY. You TRANSFORM your life by taking 100% responsibility You find yourself more energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic. Life will seem so easy and effortless; everything will flow naturally.This is not a course about how to make more money. This is a course about how to change your abundance mindset Through a very powerful law of attraction coaching processIf prosperity consciousness and creating an abundance mindset so you can align yourself to live an amazing life is what you want then you have come to the right place.Make magic happen!This program is the result of over 30 years studying mind science and consciousness-expanding practices. You will learn how to finally identify the dis-empowering mindset that is running your current life by default and start designing your exciting life; the life you dream of having where anything is possible. I have also created this program for anyone who finds spending thousands of dollars on a personal Life Coach too much. Join me on this journey of exploration and manifestation by hitting the ""Buy now"" button above to start creating the life of your dreams and Ill see you in the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Structures in French - Structure 4 French Grammar" |
"The whole of the French language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any French book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in French, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole French language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 4. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the French language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 3, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in French series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute French courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn French, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Expert Advisor Programming in MQL5 Part 1: Fundamentals" |
"This course has everything you need to get started in algorithmic trading.It was designed with the trader in mind:Low information diet - take only what you need to move on to the next section or lessonLearn the rules of trading which you may use as well to enhance your own manual tradingDevelop MQL5 programming skills and learn to apply to solve common problems in both manual and automated tradingBy the end of this course, students would be able to independently build most expert advisors for use in both manual and automated trading. This is programming course is aimed at making the life of the trader easier by enabling one to develop his or her own MQL5 programs, and augment his or her trading skills through automation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams" |
"The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ( CLF-C01 ) is one of the top-paying IT certifications and your gateway to learning Amazon Web Services and acquiring more AWS Certifications.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam is intended for individuals who have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles addressed by other AWS certifications (for example, AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, AWS Certified Developer Associate, or AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate). It is recommended to take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam first before getting any Associate level certification, especially for those who are new to Cloud Computing. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS Cloud Practitioner certification!This AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following: 335 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 1 set of 10 diagnostic questions and 4 sets of full AWS Practice Tests with 65 UNIQUE questions and a 90-minute time limit. FREE EXCLUSIVE 3-MONTH ACCESS TO THE TUTORIALS DOJO PORTAL - EXAM SIMULATOR - where you can see the answers right away as you go through each question, plus other training modes and perks! This is an optional feature and registration is required to access the simulator (using your name and email address). SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam! DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts. EXAM STUDY GUIDE - this is added as a reference in the explanations in the practice tests. They are based on our own exam experience and intense research on the most important topics and most helpful resources to help you pass the exam. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test. VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts is able to address all your issues and questions within 5 business days. CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement. MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! HAS BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $20 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions. CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues. Prepared by AWS Certified Professionals who actually passed the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam! (Please see our LinkedIn profile to view our AWS Certificates)We also offer FREE access to the Exam Simulator in our Tutorials Dojo portal just as mentioned above. This unique Exam Simulator contains additional features that are currently not present in the Udemy platform including a Review Mode where you can see the answers right away as you go through each question, plus BONUS flashcards which are visual aids containing some important concepts that you need to know before taking the exam. NOTE: Kindly send us a direct/private message here on Udemy to request for access. Someone from our team will respond with details on how to access the Exam Simulator within 3-5 business days. Also note that this is just an optional feature and registration is required in the Tutorials Dojo portal (using your name and email address) once you receive your access details. Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS CCP exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you from attaining an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 1000++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the AWS certification exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice tests are meant to do.These AWS Cloud Practitioner practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam domains such as Cloud Concepts and Technology, hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other domains/knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic was carefully selected based on the domains listed in the official AWS CCP exam guide.There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market, however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 260 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions! We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your CCP exam. All the best!IMPORTANT NOTE These AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice exams have a passing score of 70% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 85% or higher on each exam. Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these CCP practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams: Teams Essentials for the workplace" |
"[EXCLUSIVE] Double Degree, Badges & Community. Upon completing this course you will receive 2 Certificates of Completion, a Microsoft Teams Certified Digital Badge you can add to your CV, LinkedIn Profile or any other online profile & access to the most dynamic Agile Community in the world.This Microsoft Teams course will help you get you up and running quickly with Microsoft Teams. Think of it as a Teams fundamentals and essentials crash course for the workplace.As part of the Office 365 suite of applications, Microsoft Teams is one of the most important and widely used Microsoft productivity apps in businesses around the world. It is also Microsoft's fastest growing application and has even surpassed the likes of Slack (another widely used business productivity application).At the workplace, I use Microsoft Teams on a daily basis, multiple times a day every single day. And that's not a coincidence. Teams is just intuitive, modern, easy to use and a perfect fit for the interactions we have with people at the office.Microsoft Teams allows you to communicate, collaborate, share files, work on files concurrently, make business decisions, solve business problems, manage your tasks and projects and more, a lot more.The sky is the limit when it comes to Microsoft Teams. It's just that powerful, trust me. But beyond that, allow me to show you why it's so powerful and fun to use. And why so many businesses and people use it. Teams is the hub for teamwork within Office 365. Teams fulfills the collaboration and communication needs of a diverse workforce, including chat, meetings, voice, and video. The look and feel of these functions is modern, intuitive, fast and fluid, has low-overhead, and is instantly familiar since it doesn't differ too much from other applications employees use in the modern world outside the office.Teams integrates with all the apps you already use at the workplace. Teams integrates with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, Planner, Stream and even Power BI, so employees have the information and tools they need available at their fingertips. Team members can also include other apps and services in their workspaces, for the team and organization. Teams allows the ability to customize workspaces with tabs, connectors, and bots. For the developer community at Microsoft and elsewhere, Teams has an extensible platform for building apps that takes functionality further and allows teams to reach their goals and objectives.Teams offers a complete and modern meeting experience. Prior to starting a meeting, team members can review conversations; during a meeting, teams can share content and use audio conferencing and video. Teams supports private and group meeting capabilities, scheduling capabilities, and free/busy calendar availability.Teams has integrated security. Teams comes with the enterprise-grade security integrated with the Office 365 Security and Compliance Center and Azure Active Directory. It fits neatly into your primary solution for identity and access management, and allows you to maintain control over our data and environment.Teams, in combination with Office 365, creates a hub for modern collaboration and effective teamwork. It empowers employees to engage with the business and each through a diverse set of channels, providing higher productivity and velocity in communication."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre le HTML5 et CSS3 Dbutant Expert Guide complet" |
"POURQUOI APPRENDRE LE HTML ET LE CSS ?Que vous vouliez crer un site web , ou utiliser un CMS comme wordpress ou dvelopper des applications web, vous aurez besoin obligatoirement de passer par ces langages ! En effet le Html et le CSS sont exclusifs et n'ont pas de concurrent vous allez donc obligatoirement devoir passer par eux pour effectuer certaines oprations. Le HTML et le CSS sont deux vritables standards en informatique qui nont lheure actuelle aucun concurrent.De plus, les langages HTML et CSS vont se trouver la base de tout projet web car ils ont un rle qui les rend incontournables : les navigateurs sont des programmes qui ont t construits pour pouvoir lire du code HTML au dpart et qui ne peuvent aujourdhui lire que du code HTML, CSS et nous allons donc nous appuyer sur ces langages (et sur le HTML en particulier) pour pouvoir afficher nos pages.En conclusion quel que soit votre projet web (blog, site e-commerce, application mobile, etc.), vous devrez forcment utiliser du HTML et du CSS.DESCRIPTION DE LA FORMATIONDans un premier temps, vous apprendrez les bases de ces langages :Utiliser un diteur de codeCrer votre premire page internetApprendre a utiliser les lments HTMLStyliser les lments HTML grce aux proprits CSSLe concept de boiteUne fois que vous aurez acquis les bases, vous apprendre des fonctionnalits avances :Utiliser les slecteurs avancs en CSSApprendre les boites flexibles (flexbox)Utiliser les grilles (Css layout grid)Les pseudo-classes et les pseudo-lmentsLes transitions et les animations CSSLe Responsive Web Design (Mdia queries)Et bien d'autres fonctionnalitsEnsuite, pour mettre en application toutes vos comptences, nous raliserons un site internet de prsentation (adaptable votre profil), puis nous le publieront en ligne chez un hbergeur gratuit afin de partager votre profil au plus grand nombre sur la toile !Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs en HD 1080p pour que vous puissiez tout voir clairement pendant le cours. (vous pouvez regarder les previews gratuits.).Je rpondrai personnellement vos questions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autant d'aide que possible pour vous aider matriser le Html et le CSS.N'attendez plus et cliquez sur Suivre ce cours en haut droite. C'est parti !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"OpenBIM: sobre el standard IFC y la Interoperabilidad en BIM" |
"BIM (Building Information Modeling) es el presente y futuro del sector de la construccin. Y requiere a los profesionales adaptarse a este cambio tecnolgico. Es necesario adquirir las nuevas competencias que exige el mercado laboral. Este curso aborda el flujo de trabajo denominado ""Open BIM"" que est respaldado por una iniciativa global promovida desde la organizacin internacional sin nimo de lucro BuildingSMART y por la mayora de los proveedores lderes de software. El objetivo del OpenBIM es avanzar en el mtodo de diseo, desarrollo y planificacin de los proyectos de edificacin e infraestructuras, independientemente del software inteligente de ltima generacin para el modelado BIM 3D que se haya empleado y aplicarlo en toda la industria de la construccin, en todas las fases: diseo, construccin y mantenimiento/explotacin, tal y como recoge la nueva ISO 19650."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Increasing your sales with Cold Email" |
"I was once a struggling outside sales rep working inside a freight brokerage, constantly trying to find new and creative ways to achieve my monthly sales goals. But it just seemed like nothing worked. I continued to follow the path of insanity (doing the same thing over and over expecting different results) but still no increase. I then asked myself a question, ""How can i get in front of more prospective customers, without calling everyday, or driving to them in hopes of a on the spot meeting?"" That's when i discovered how to create a cold email. Cold email is a form of marketing where you are capable of contacting people directly to their inbox. Don't worry it's not spam. You have to follow certain rules, and create content in a way that separates you from a spammer. This course was designed to give you all the absolutely necessary material needed to successfully send a cold email, while also helping build confidence on your delivery as well as what to do if they respond. Easily increase your sales today!So don't wait! ENROLL TODAY! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1" |
"VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1In this digital & Social Media Marketing course You will learn:Marketing Fundamentals:Pro Market ResearchMarketing PlanningWebsite Marketing:Build a website with low budgetBuild an advanced website with more budgetWebsite OptimizationSearch engine optimization - SEOEmail MarketingEmail automationCopywritingSocial Media Marketing:Instagram marketingBeginnerIntermediateAdsAdvancedFacebook marketingBeginnerIntermediateAdsAdvancedPinterest marketing & adsLinkedin marketingYoutube MarketingTwitter MarketingGoogle adsGoogle analyticsDigital Marketing Mentality:Cognitive biasesBusiness energiesMarketing MindsetHow to make money with marketing:Social media marketing agencyForming your agencyPricingFinding clientsGetting clientsCreating a teamManage clientsFreelancerEntrepreneurship MindsetAnd more ...This course is a complete package for people who want to learn marketing and start to make money with it , either by selling your own product, or by working as a freelancer for other companies or start your own social media marketing agency.Along the course we will learn both how you can do a successful marketing for on different channels and how you can build a successful business with clear instructions.All the course documents are written and available with lots of bonuses and prepared templates, to make the process of learning and working as a digital marketer become easier.Featured Sections:1. Facebook Advanced advertising:This section include golden and extremely powerful ads strategies that even some professional marketers don't know about them, and came from many years of experience from different social media marketers.Strategies such as ""Three zero club"", ""Using affinity score"", ""1k email contest"" and much more.2. Get Clients:One of the most complex sections that we have inside the course that we will learn how to contact potential clients to be able to convince them to sign the deal.We will start from:The first messageSetting up a meetingWin the meeting and convince themSign the dealKeep them as your clients3. Email marketingOne of the most complete sections which not only you will learn marketing strategies but also how to use 2 fantastic email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp and GetResponse.------------Important!Not everyone knows about digital marketing cognitive biases, and please please use them in ethical way. With cognitive biases you will have the ability to convince people toward your goals and it is extremely important to use it for ethical purposes !!! if you are not sure you can do it please do not join the course.------------Important!We also will go very deep in Google ads which is the heart of every business. You will learn the fundamentals and how you can use it to have successful ads, avoid mistakes and use powerful strategies inside it.Next we will learn about 4 type of business energies which is very useful in marketing, to analyze your product and your customer and to know what strategies will work best on them. This system is developed by my mentor years ago and since I learned myself, I used it a lot and brought so much benefit into my businesses.The next topic we are going to focus on is SEO (search engine optimization), how to bring our webpages to rank in the first page of Google and other search engines. We will start this section by learning more about keywords and how we can select the best possible choice.One of the most complete sections which we have in this course is Instagram marketing which you will learn everything that exist in Instagram marketing. How to improve your page, how to improve your content quality, more than 20 marketing strategies to grow your page. Instagram automation tools which help you along the way. How to create viral posts on Instagram and so on.The next step is about Facebook marketing, we will learn how to build a page and grow it using specific digital marketing strategies. we will learn how to build a group and market it as a source for our business. we will learn Facebook advertisement which is important in digital marketing. There is an other thing which is important to learn which is retargeting, we will learn and practice it also along the course.The other important tool we need to learn is Google analytics. Along the way on our business we will face lots and lots problems and Google analytics will help us to fix those problems and suggest the best possible solution. Also by the end of the course you will receive your ""Social media marketing"" certificate so you can use it on your resume to increase your salary.If you are ready to start your own business and make good money, join this course NOW! , master digital marketing, build your social media marketing agency and take your business to the next level with ""VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1"" course.VIP Digital Marketing Master Course : 31 Courses in 1 by Pouya Eti "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Workbooks for Economics in 2020 +five printable workbooks!" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.This course is a series of lectures - evolving lectures to represent current events - that act as a 'video workbook' for the following:Real world macro-economics (workbook completed and available)Micro-economics (workbook completed and available)Macro-economics (workbook planned but not filmed)The format is the same throughout:A series of lectures made up of two parts:a. a recent article about the economy (by recent October 2019) and questions related to the articleb. multiple choice question(s) on micro/macro economicsIn this way, this course is a workbook that is IDEAL for those who are interested in CURRENT macro economics.There is both a catch and a bonus.The BONUS is that the course is built on participation and if people answer questions, comment on answers then there will be more lectures added on a regular basis. However, if hundreds enrol and do not offer questions/answers then there will be fewer updates as there seems little point.Therefore this course is FANTASTIC for people who want to learn about Economics by being involved, by doing questions and commenting on answers.Its OK for those interested in current economics.Its not much good for those who hate Economics.Extra!!!A workbook was added in mid-November 2019 on CLIMATE CHANGE. This is not a video workbook but written...two more were then added in late December for Christmas and the New Year"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"AI -Google Colaboratory/-" |
"AIWebGoogle ColaboratoryPythonCNNRNN AIGoogle ColabGPU AI Google ColaboratoryPython PythonNumPymatplotlibPandas Keras CNN CNNCNNRNN RNNLSTMGRU -VAE- VAE -GAN- GAN WebPythonAI"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Autodescubrimiento con el Eneagrama" |
"Santiago Garca es un entusiasta del Eneagrama. Lo descubri como herramienta de desarrollo personal y su aplicacin en multitud de reas de la vida, desde el mbito de las relaciones, el profesional y hasta la educacin infantil. Su instinto transmisor lo impulsa a divulgarlo despus de ms de cinco aos de investigacin sobre las diferentes dimensiones del Eneagrama. Gracias al estudio de s mismo ha descubierto una vocacin, algo que su tipo de personalidad le tena oculto.Colaboro tambin en cursos de Eneagrama con otros profesores de la Asociacin Espaola de Eneagrama.El Eneagrama va a suponer una revolucin en el comportamiento organizacional. Las empresas son entidades formadas por personas y, como tales, son un entorno clave para su aplicacin, para ayudarlas a ser mejores, a dar lo mejor se s y a tener una mayor calidad de vida.En este curso del eneagrama Santiago nos hablar de un tema que todos tenemos y que muchas veces nos ocasiona algunos problemas: El EGO. Aunque parezca que vayamos por la vida despiertos, realmente estamos dormidos porque hacemos las cosas sin darnos cuenta, hemos aprendido unos patrones de respuesta ante las cosas que nos ocurren en la realidad desde que ramos pequeos y lo que hacemos es repetir las mismas acciones. El ego no es ms que ello, el programa que hace que nos comportemos siempre igual como un piloto automtico sin entender el por qu.La manera de trascender a dichos patrones creados desde pequeos es empezando a conocernos y descubrirnos para ver y entender lo que hacemos. Vamos a poder detenernos entre la situacin y la reaccin para analizar las opciones que tenemos y comportarnos de diferente manera a la acostumbrada.Gracias al eneagrama, podremos identificar nuestra personalidad, que nos molesta, qu nos motiva y cmo reaccionamos a diferentes situaciones. Este curso nos ayudar a aceptar quienes somos (incluyendo los defectos) y cmo sacar la mejor versin en el trabajo y fuera de l.Programa del cursoMdulo 1: Introduccin al EneagramaMdulo 2: Los eneatipos Eneatipo 1 Eneatipo 2 Eneatipo 3 Eneatipo 4 Eneatipo 5 Eneatipo 6 Eneatipo 7 Eneatipo 8 Eneatipo 9Mdulo 3: Los centros cerebralesMdulo 4: Alas y flechas Dinmica del comportamiento Las Alas Dinmica del comportamiento Las Flechas 1 Dinmica del comportamiento Las Flechas 2Mdulo 5: InstintosMdulo 6: Competencias emocionales"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Practice Tests: Linux Foundation Certified SysAdmin (LFCS)" |
"The Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) certification is ideal for candidates early in their Linux system administration or open source career. The exam consists of performance-based items that simulate on-the-job tasks and scenarios faced by sysadmins in the real world. Obtaining certification allows individuals to validate their skills to prospective employers, which is particularly valuable if you have little on-the-job experience.There are no pre-requisites for this exam.The Linux Foundation worked with industry experts and the Linux kernel community to identify the core domains and the critical skills, knowledge and competencies applicable to each certification. Performance-based exams were then developed based on the competencies that were identified.Essential Commands 25%Operation of Running Systems 20%User and Group Management 10%Networking 12%Service Configuration 20%Storage Management 13%Experience Level: IntermediateDuration of Exam: 2 HoursPass Score: 66%"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning para Competies Kaggle - Curso 1" |
"As competies de Cincia de Dados como aquelas postadas na plataforma Kaggle so uma tima maneira de testar as habilidades adquiridas em cursos iniciais, e ainda aprender novas habilidades necessrias para resolver problemas reais. Entretanto, fazer essa transio entre um ambiente educacional e aquele que encontramos no Kaggle, que imita os desafios que devemos encontrar no mercado de trabalho, tende a ser um degrau muito grande, pois a natureza dos dados e dos problemas propostos aumenta de complexidade num nvel que os cursos bsicos no contemplam. Pensando nisso, este curso tem o objetivo de preencher essa lacuna na formao dos cientistas de dados, mostrando detalhadamente como abordar os desafios, passando pelas fases de explorao e tratamento de dados, escolha de abordagem de soluo, construo de um modelo, treinamento e validao; at a entrega de um resultado inicial em formato que pode ser submetido s competies. O entendimento desse processo o primeiro passo para que os competidores possam desenvolver melhorias e comear sua escalada rumo ao topo dos rankings.Neste curso focaremos em duas das principais tarefas da aprendizagem de mquina: classificao e regresso.Com relao a classificao, vamos trabalhar com uma base de dados real de uma empresa de telecomunicaes do KDD Cup 2009, na qual o objetivo modelar o comportamento do consumidor analisando trs caractersticas: cancelamento da conta, tendncia de usar novos produtos e servios e a propenso para comprar upgrades ou adicionais com maior margem de lucroNo que se refere a regresso, vamos trabalhar com uma base de dados real das corridas de txi no Nova Iorque do Kaggle 2018! O objetivo prever o valor da tarifa para uma corrida de txi nesta cidadeVamos desenvolver todos os cdigos utilizando a linguagem Python e linha por linha, de forma que voc entenda todas as anlises necessrias para participar dessas competies!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |