Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Creating Pop Out Photos in photoshop." |
"A really fun effect is the pop out effect. When you see a frame that cant contain the photo, where its bursting out or oozing out of the frame it captures the imagination. In this fun tutorial I will show you how to create pop out images effect within a photo in photoshop. Im using Photoshop CC, but you can adapt this tutorial to work in any version."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Preparatrio- Exame 70-741 passo a passo + questes de prova" |
"Ol! Seja bem vindo !Novidades em setembro de 2019: Estamos com 100% de aprovao no curso 70-740! Todos nossos alunos que fizeram a prova em setembro/2019, passaram na prova de primeira!Este curso seguiu o mesmo padro de ensino e qualidade do curso 70-740 presencial online ao vivo com o professor!Ao termino do curso voc vai dominar todo o contedo referente ao Exame da Microsoft 70-741 do Windows Server 2016.Alm disto, neste curso sero apresentadas tcnicas e conhecimentos para serem utilizados no cotidiano de um profissional Certificado Microsoft, que vo aumentar a sua produtividade e reduzir os gastos da empresa aonde voc atuar.Observaes importantes sobre este curso:1- Este curso foi todo gravado ao vivo com os alunos (total: 06 sbados)2- o curso mais completo preparatrio da Udemy, com mais de 300 questes preparatrias e vrias comentadas pelo professor!Este curso d direito:1- Ingresso no grupo exclusivo do Whatsapp(Onde tiramos suas dvidas, damos dicas de prova e muito mais....)2- As apostilas do curso.3- Os arquivos VCES(com as perguntas preparatrias para as provas).4- As aulas que foram gravadas ao vivo com os alunos.CONTEDO OU MDULOS:1- Implementar sistema de nome de domnio (DNS)Instalar e configurar servidores DNSCriar e configurar as zonas e os registros de DNS2- Instalar e configurar DHCPInstalar e configurar DHCPGerenciar e manter o DHCPImplantar e manter Gerenciamento de Endereo IP (IPAM)3- Implementar solues de conectividade de rede e de acesso remotoImplementar solues de conectividade de redeImplementar solues de rede virtual privada (VPN) and DirectAccessImplementar o Network Policy Server (NPS)4- Implementar solues de rede principal e distribudaImplementar endereamento IPv4 e IPv6Implementar solues de Distributed File System (DFS) e de Filial5- Implementar uma infraestrutura avanada de redeImplementar solues de rede de alto desempenhoDeterminar cenrios e requisitos para a implementao de rede definida por software (SDN)Perguntas mais frequentes dos alunos :1- Quando foi gravado o curso?R: O curso foi gravado ao vivo. Aos sbados (quinzenais), de Outubro a Dezembro de 2019.2- Aps assistir a todos os laboratrios, apostilas e VCES, tenho chance de passar na prova ?R: Sim! Muita! Diversos alunos j esto atingindo os seus objetivos e tirando a to sonhada certificao.3- Como funcionam os arquivos VCES ?R: Eles simulam o ambiente real de prova! Logo, voc poder verificar sua pontuao! A cada mdulo o professor desenvolveu um arquivo .VCE exclusivo para o aluno treinar para o grande dia!4- Como funciona o suporte do professor?a- Pela Udemy: Voc poder enviar uma mensagem pela Udemy que responderei suas dvidas diariamente!b- Pelo Grupo do Whatsapp: Estamos sempre conversando com todos os alunos e tirando suas dvidas diretamente pelo grupo. Te aguardo no curso! Rumo a certificao!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Enlightened Athlete" |
"Can learning how to think more effectively be just as important as physical training? A mounting body of research is proving that to be a resounding yes!Train your mind for performance excellence.Whether a weekend warrior or professional athlete, we all share the same goal with our sport....excellence.Excellence is a choice, and making a choice to be excellent requires one to set goals, but a goal without a plan is simply a dream.This program is a plan for success and excellence and is designed to help you become the performer you wish to be, This program is designed for every athlete and is appropriate for any athletic endeavor. This plan will guide you through a series of mental enhancement techniques to help you build a stronger mental approach to your training and competing.You will learn to overcome mental blocks such as self-doubt, negative thinking, and lack of focus. Through the use of these audio training sessions, you will develop a more powerful mind and find that, regardless of the sport you participate in, you will become a better ""mental"" athlete.These skills will teach you how to relax your mind, build your confidence and access ""flow states"" more easily. These, in turn, will create a better overall athlete"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Natural Beauty: Cosmetic Labeling for Skincare Formulators" |
"Have you always wanted to make start a business and sell natural skincare products? Are you interested in learning the correct way to label your natural beauty products for sale that meets the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Guidelines? Do you want to know what information is required to be on your natural skincare product labels? Then this course is for you! In this course you will learn:Food and Drug Administration Guidelines for Cosmetic Labeling for products sold in the USAUnderstand the differences the key information that is required to be on cosmetic labelsUnderstand how label your products according to the guidelines published by the FDAIn depth understanding of Information Display panel of your skincare product labelIn depth understanding of Principal Display panel of your skincare product labelThe difference between a cosmetic and a cosmetic that is also a considered to be a drug by the FDABy the end of this course you will be understand and label your cosmetic products with confidence. You will have a solid understanding of how to label your skincare or natural cosmetic products for retail sales in the United States of America.Basic equipment needs for the courseNone"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Cours danglais pour les professionnels - intermdiaire" |
"Apprenez les bases de l'anglais des affaires avec un professeur anglophoneCe nest pas un cours de Business English pour tout le monde. Cest un cours pour vous.Vous tes confiant et vous tes un professionnel du monde des affaires - mais quand vous parlez en anglais, vous tes mal laise. En anglais, vos tches semblent difficiles et mme frustrantes.Imaginez o vous pourriez aller dans votre travail et quel point votre travail serait plus efficace si vous pouviez communiquer et effectuer vos tches en toute confiance en anglais.Grce ses comptences en franais et son exprience du monde des affaires, Jennifer vous apprendra viter les erreurs spcifiques et les points de prononciation avec lesquels les francophones ont des difficults.Vous allez pratiquer des phrases en anglais pour ces domaines d'activit essentiels:IntroductionsCourrielsAppels tlphoniquesDes runionsPour chaque domaine dactivit, vous effectuerez des exercices pour mettre en pratique et appliquer ce que vous avez appris dans les leons.Vous allez pratiquer ces comptences en anglais:Parler naturellementComprhension d'couteL'critureGrammairePrononciation*Les leons sont en anglais avec quelques explications en franais.Vous aurez beaucoup de ressources, y compris:Listes de phrases utiles en anglais et en franais (PDF)Fiches de pratique (PDF)Des revues des leons (PDF)Prenez ce cours si vous souhaitez apprendre langlais afin dobtenir un meilleur job, une meilleure position ou vous souhaitez peut-tre tenter votre chance ltranger dans un pays anglophone.Avis des tudiants:""Jai beaucoup appris avec ce cours, Jaime la faon dont Jennifer dispense le cours, elle est trs explicite. Je vous le recommande.""-DorlineCours d'anglais bien crits, avec des exemples et des exercices et aussi avec une professeur qui parle lentement et distinctement, ce qui facilite la comprhension.-Sylvain"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Leer hoe je altijd een succesvolle presentatie kan geven!" |
"Wel eens een presentatie bijgewoond waarbij je (bijna) in slaap viel? Laat dat bij jouw presentatie niet gebeuren!In deze pakkende training leer je hoe je er voor kunt zorgen dat jouw toehoorders nit in slaap vallen!Ja leert wat je wl en niet vertellen moet. Je leert hoe je de aandacht van jouw toehoorders vast kunt houden. En je leert hoe je er voor kunt zorgen dat de toehoorders enthousiast uit jouw presentatie komen n desgewenst tot actie overgaan!Je leert gebruik te maken van het presentatie-sjabloon (inbegrepen) waardoor je altijd op de meest effectieve manier leert presenteren.Kortom, jouw volgende presentatie zal vl waarderevolle respons opleveren!Schrijf je nu in en jow presentaties zullen nooit meer saai zijn!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Accounting Made Easy for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs" |
"Do you want to get a grasp of the accounting functions for your business or new startup? Are you confused about where to start and what you need to know? Are you the type of person that feels intimidated by the topic because you don't like math or you are not a ""numbers person""? Well you are not alone. In this course I will teach you:The basics of accounting in easy-to-understand terms designed for the small business person.What you can and should outsource for your business?When it makes sense to hire your own bookkeeping or accounting staff?Financial Statements that are Typical for Business SuccessWe will also look at the main financial statements that businesses typically use and how they can help you monitor the performance of your business. These financial statements are like the instrument panel on a vehicle that can help you understand where you've been and where your business is heading. I have 30 years of accounting experience and I've helped other entrepreneurs get their accounting set up properly and explained everything in simple terms for the layperson to understand. And I can help you too! Sign up for the course and get started today. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como criar cursos e gerar renda na Udemy? (unofficial)" |
"IMPORTANTE: Este curso no foi criado pela equipe Udemy e sim por uma instrutora com pouco mais de 50 mil alunos em 104 pases. um curso feito de instrutora para novos instrutores, ok?Voc quer publicar seu curso online na Udemy? Quer conhecer a maior plataforma de ensino a distncia do mundo? Quer criar cursos online de qualidade que gerem valor para a sociedade e renda para voc?Ento, leia com ateno: Voc tambm quer publicar seu curso na Udemy?Para mim, ser um prazer poder ajudar voc a realizar seu projeto de curso online!Segundo minhas pesquisas e minha prpria experincia na criao de cursos online eu identifiquei 4 grandes dificuldades entre as pessoas que querem publicar seus cursos. Algumas pessoas conseguem superar essas dificuldades e publicam seus cursos. Outras, desistem, pois, se sentem perdidas.Meu objetivo criar um curso completo que envolva (e resolva!) esses problemas para que cada um possa criar seu curso online com facilidade, respeitando os princpios e a didtica do EaD.Eu quero guiar voc na criao de um curso que cumpra o seu papel de ensinar quem se inscreve nele e de gerar renda para voc que se prope a ensinar.Para isso, no curso Udemy para Professores e Empreendedores ns vamos nos concentrar nesses 4 pontos:1 a plataforma Udemy:Muito alm de poder subir seus vdeos e seu material na plataforma, para poder aproveitar de todas as vantagens da maior plataforma EaD do mundo, voc precisa entender a fundo como ela funciona.Isso ns abordaremos logo no primeiro mdulo do curso para que voc saiba exatamente o que fazer, como se preparar e como preparar seu curso.Ns estudaremos o modelo de negcios da Udemy, as diferentes possibilidades de utilizao da plataforma, voc conhecer todos os segredos dos instrutores bem-sucedidos2 planejamento do cursoMuito mais do que saber estruturar seu curso, dividindo-o em mdulos e os mdulos em aulas, preciso que voc entenda como o ensino a distncia funciona, conhea as preferncias, as necessidades e os diferentes estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos em EaD.Neste mdulo do curso voc aprender a ensinar online, vai saber como se tornar um/a instrutor/a de destaque dentro da Udemy.O objetivo que voc saiba criar cursos com qualidade didtica e financeiramente rentveis.3- criao do cursoNeste mdulo do curso, voc vai aprender tudo o que voc precisa para criar seu curso online: gravao e edio de vdeos, slides, exerccios e materiais de apoio. Voc vai saber quais ferramentas e equipamentos usar e ver que voc pode fazer muito com bem pouco.Nosso objetivo neste mdulo que voc aprenda a usar ferramentas gratuitas ou com preos acessveis para que possa comear a criar seus cursos sem investimentos nem gastos desnecessrios. Nosso lema ser: o contedo rei e na qualidade do curso que ns vamos nos concentrar!4 divulgao do cursoSe verdade que a Udemy tem uma equipe de marketing excelente e muito engajada em divulgar e vender nossos cursos, tambm verdade que ns precisamos dar o pontap da divulgao para fazer com que nosso curso ganhe visibilidade dentro da plataforma.Nesse mdulo do curso ns vamos nos concentrar em divulgar e seu curso e fazer suas primeiras vendas. Ns montaremos juntos, um plano de marketing para que voc aprenda na prtica a divulgar seus cursos e seu trabalho nas redes sociais sem investir em anncios.E como em todos os meus cursos, voc pode contribuir enviando suas questes e sugestes para que ele seja realmente til para todos os que querem publicar seus cursos.Dvidas? Todos os meus contatos voc encontra no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Google Apps Script - CalendarApp & SpreadsheetApp Project" |
"Explore how you can use Google Apps Script to develop interactive applications that can be used to improve business workflow and extend the functionality of the google suite of products. This course covers building a project which adds the ability within a Google Spreadsheet to search the users Google Calendar and track results within the spreadsheet. In Addition create an option to add items into the users calendar from the spreadsheet menu as well as from a web app url form.JavaScript is a prerequisite to Google Script as its based on JavaScript coding. Many of the methods and code from JavaScript can be used to write Google Script. If you know JavaScript you know Google Script!!!! Google provides classes and methods that can be applied within the code to connect various Google products together to create some REALLYREALLYamazing functionality that can save time. Power up your web development using the POWERof GOOGLESo many amazing things can be done - if you have never used Google Script then prepare to be AMAZED - best of all its easy and you can do SOOOO MUCH with just a few lines of code.Course Contents -CalendarApp - selecting eventsCalendarApp - creating events into your calendarSpreadsheetApp - updating UI adding buttonsSpreadsheetApp - running functions from UI tool menuSpreadsheetApp - Creating new sheetSpreadsheetApp - Adding rows and content to spreadsheetHTMLService -Use of html templates files for project output and popup windowsSpreadsheetApp - UI dialog window, toast, sidebarWeb App with URL to connect to Google Script methodsSending data from client side to server side - return and response handlingJavaScript for checking if values exist in a stringJavaScript HTML and CSS for template used as dialogSending form data to Google Script to handlePlease note that this is a project based course covering step by step how to build and construct the project - source code is also included so you can try the code yourself.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Create your own Google Script see what amazing things you can build with it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Apps Script for Beginners- Amazing Things with Code" |
"DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE IF YOU HAVE NO JAVASCRIPT EXPERIENCE - JAVASCRIPT IS AN ABSOLUTE PREREQUISITE!!!Get started with Google Apps Script - Perfect course for beginners who want to explore what they can do with Google Apps ScriptBONUS - Downloadable PDF course Guide - with links and resources.Introduction to Google Script - how to access it and how it works.Apps Script is based on JavaScript 1.6, (1.7 and 1.8). Many basic JavaScript features in addition to the built-in and advanced Google services. Apps Script code runs on Google's servers. Knowledge of JavaScript is a prerequisite to Google Apps Script which will allow you to jump right in and begin coding. - Just like JavaScript with some extra methods.The course covers the following topics and is designed a quick beginners guide to using and creating Google Apps Script applications. How and where to begin codingHow Google Apps Script worksGoogle Marcos - really apps script codeEditing and updating script codeGetting familiar with the Script editorStandalone and Bound scriptsDocument ServiceJavaScript in Google Apps ScriptJavaScript Variables, Arrays, Objects, Loops, Conditions, Functions....Coding JavaScript within Apps ScriptExplore the online editor File TabCreating new filesApps Script triggersView tab and debuggingRun tab and debugging Create a web app publish tabUsing html file for client side web appWeb apps made dynamicDialogs and UI optionsDocument as PDFSpreadsheet serviceSheet data and UICopy and select content in range and objectsSpreadsheet and calendarSource Code is includedFast friendly support within the Q&A section - taught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experiencing ready to help you learn.What are you waiting for join now and start creating your own amazing projects with Google Apps Script."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Herbalism :: Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia Remedies Certificate" |
"Uncontrolled stress, anxiety and insomnia cause impacts to our heart health, immune function, digestive function and even hormones.Take control of your stress, anxiety and insomnia NOW!Fortunately, there are herbs useful for calming and relaxing us as well as helping us cope. Herbs help keep us centered by supporting and strengthening the nervous system. Learn 3 categories of herbs including what they mean and how to use them: Herbal tonicsHerbal sedativesAdaptogensHere is what students are saying about the course: ""Very informative. Manageable chunks of info. Love that I can ask questions. Love that it has video. Love that the instructor references credible research. I will enroll in other courses offered by this instructor."" ""This is a great course for me. The topic is highly relevant and I like the way the author presents the information with just the right theory and practice ratio. I also love the authors communication outside the course."" ""I thought this was a super course, with lots of really useful info about herbs for helping with stress, anxiety and insomnia. It is very timely too! Thank you Elizabeth :-)"" ""Elizabeth explains the concepts well in an engaging manner and provides a lot of useful information. I knew a little about the various herbs going into the course, but this has given me a better understanding about their specific uses.""Stress, anxiety or insomnia can arise from many different types of situations. This may be demands at work, politics, or illnesses that are either short term or long term. This may even be a problem with a relationship.When these conditions continue for some time, we can be thrown off balance. This affects the nervous system and takes a toll on our overall wellbeing. While stress, anxiety and insomnia have differences from each other, they are often interrelated. Therefore they are all included together in this course. The medicinal herbs covered in this course are all very safe and easy to use. Your instructor, Elizabeth Heck has 25 years of experience in working with plant medicines. She is by far, Udemys most qualified herbal instructor. Rest assured, youre in good hands. With an extensive teaching background, she knows how to guide you through your herbal learning journey with ease. Even better, she is there for you throughout the course to answer any of your questions. Thats incredible value!Why is this course not Accredited?Nearly every online course (unless it is a large university) that claims to be accredited, actually is not. These are simply fake accreditations from real-looking websites used as a marketing scam in order to sell more courses. Elizabeth, as with any experienced herbalist, teaches with ethics and integrity and absolutely will not be deceitful for marketing sake. Rather, her students are sincerely respected and honored. Therefore none of her courses claim to be accredited.You have lifetime access to the course so you can take as long or short as you wish to go through the material. You can replay the videos at anytime using the course as an ongoing reference. You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Django na Prtica - Criando Um Blog do Zero ao Deploy" |
"Se voc j um desenvolvedor Web com conhecimento de ""como a web funciona"", trabalhar com o Django ser perfeito. Voc s precisa entender como o Django estruturado (e alguns detalhes) e seguir em frente, muitos projetos grandes utilizam o este maravilhoso framework, segue alguns deles:Pinterest EngineeringMozillaBitbucketUdemyThe OnionDisqusWashington PostNASASpotifyInstagram EngineeringNational GeographicThe GuardianJSFiddle"
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate C# and Unity course for beginners" |
"This course is all you need, if you want to learn how to create games in Unity. You cant create games in unity without knowing how to code, thats why we will spend the first part of the course learning how to code C#.IMPORTANT!This course will teach you best practices and teach you how to program. In this course you will not only learn how to do things, but also why we do things.No prior knowledge is required because you will learn everything you need to know right here! When you are done with this course, you will be able to take your own game ideas and bring them to life in Unity.The course is divided into 3 main sections:Section 1 Basic programmingIn this section we will get to know our tools and get a basic understanding of C#. We will end the section by creating our very first complete game in the console.Section 2 Object oriented programmingIn this section you will learn about classes and objects. These are the building blocks of every game. When you are done with this section you will know everything you need to know about C# before we dive into the world of Unity.We will end this section by creating our very own complete game with animated sprites, without using any game engine or frame work. We will use all the knowledge that we have acquired in section 1 and 2 to create this game.Section 3 UnityIn this section we will learn about the Unity game engine and editor. Because we have learned everything we need to know about C# in the previous section, we will be able to focus all our efforts on Unity.We will end this section by creating a complete game in Unity."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Active Directory: Deploying and managing Certificate Service" |
"The public key infrastructure (PKI) consists of several components, such as certification authority (CA), that help you secure organizational communications and transactions. You can use CAs to manage, distribute, and validate the digital certificates that you use to secure information. You can install Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) as a root CA or a subordinate CA in your organization. In this module, you will learn about deploying and managing CAs.ObjectivesAfter completing this course, you will be able to: Deploy CAs. Administer CAs. Troubleshoot and maintain CAs."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Successful Online Course Creation On Udemy - Unofficial" |
"Study In Confidence with Dr Karen E Wells : Bestselling Instructor with over 71,000 Udemy students (over 43,000 students buying additional courses) in 177 countries!Successful Online Course Creation On Udemy - UnofficialHow To Successfully Create Online Courses On The Platform Of Udemy. Earn A Passive Income & Live In Freedom! UnofficialThis course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Have you ever wanted to create your own Online Courses? Perhaps you have worked in your line of work for many years or maybe you have a deep knowledge of something that could really help others?Udemy is the most successful Online course platform with currently 40 million students. There are many reasons why Udemy is the No1 Online platform and this course shows you why and how to create successful courses for Udemy. It's easier than you ever thought how! Take your knowledge or experience and turn it into an amazing Online course to help other people. Whatever line of work you are in, this course shows you how to leverage the Udemy platform and make it work for you! It look me less than 12 months to go from $5 a month to over a six figure sum on Udemy and I'll show you how!Our easy to learn modules include:Introduction to your Successful Online Course Creation On Udemy - UnofficialUdemy as a PlatformTake Your Knowledge & Expand What You Know Into An Online Course How To Plan Your Course ContentCourse LayoutsModules & LessonsVideo or AudioPhysical Equipment NeededOnline Equipment NeededUdemy Course Creation ProcessThe Importance Of ImagesYour Introduction Video - the Game Changer! Your Course VideosTraining MaterialVideo & Audio Editing SoftwareWords, Words, Words!PricesUdemy DiscountsInstructor PromotionsThe Udemy Bonus LectureReviewsThe No 1 Thing That Makes Udemy The Best PlatformTime For MarketingTime To Launch!Maximise Your Course For Udemy's Best Sale Months! Creating Additional CoursesAccreditationFAQAnd Much More! This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Test Prep, Exams and Simulations" |
"All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the 220-1002 exam for all 4 domains of the exam, so you can take the actual CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Core 2 exam with confidence, and PASS it!In this course, you will get fully prepared for what it is like to take the CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Core 2 exam. This course doesn't just provide you with full-length practice exams (each of which is timed at 90 minutes), but it will also train you how to become a better test taker.For most CompTIA A+ (220-1002) test takers, this is their FIRST certification exam in the Information Technology (IT) industry. If this is true for you, then you need this course to learn how to take these exams the proper way.Certification exams are expensive to take, so you only want to take it one time and you want to pass it. This course is designed to help you do just that.First, you are going to learn how the exam is developed and what to expect on the exam in terms of the number of questions, the length of the exam, the testing process, and other such fundamentals.Then, you are going to learn how to perform better on the exam by using my Top 5 test taking techniques that have helped over 100,000 students (just like you) earn their industry certifications.After that, you will put my tips into practice in two CompTIA A+ Core 2 (220-1002) full-length practice exams with 90 questions each. You will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and perform some additional study.These CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Core 2 Practice Exams will provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback.After that, you will focus on the Performance Based Simulations (PBQs) for the CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Core 2 exam. Here you will learn all about various Windows tools (like Disk Management, Task Scheduler, MS Config, Network Connections, and the command line), how to remove malware, how to configure SOHO wireless networks, how to configure mobile device security, the Linux command line, and how to use a help desk/trouble ticket system. Each of these simulations are designed to ensure you will PASS the CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Core 2 exam come test day.These PBQs (often called simulations by students) are the hardest questions on the exam, and this course will ensure you are ready to conquer them on the exam!So, you won't be hoping you are ready, after this course you will know that you are ready to take and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.I have some of the best-selling CompTIA training courses on the Udemy platform and I invite you to visit my instructor profile to learn more about me, the certifications that I hold, and read the reviews of my courses. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA A+ (220-1002) Core 2 exam to ensure your success. This course also comes with a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by enrolling today.What others are saying about my CompTIA courses:This set of questions focused me on the required learning and was instrumental in my passing...well worth the cost... (Pranav, 5 stars)Setup of the questions feels so like being in a real exam environment... loved it! (Behaviour, 5 stars)This course really helped me to prepare and pass the PBQs on the 1001 exam. Hoping the 1002 edition is released before taking part 2 of the exam! Thank you! (Cory, 5 stars)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Character Design Course: Draw Your Dream Character" |
"Design Your Dream Character!Welcome to the Complete Character Design Course, where you'll be designing your dream character from nothing!Do you want to know all the techniques and skills you need to create your own amazing characters?Do you want to turn your character ideas into fully fleshed out characters with emotion and backstories?Are you intimidated by everything there is to know about character design, like proportions, silhouette, and outfits?Then this is the Course for you!We'll be going through all the necessary steps to make your dream character come true.We'll be:writing and brainstorming your character traits and personalityusing gesture drawing to create dynamic posesmastering color theory for character designcreating a full 4 view turnaround for your characterand much more!You'll understand the fundamentals of character design to create interesting characters that people will fall in love with. All of this done step by step, in an easy to follow process.If you're tired of courses that tell you what to do but don't actually SHOW you the process, I'm here to tell you that this is NOT one of those courses!Hours Of Practical Course ContentIn this course, we'll be going through both theory and practical activities.In fact, if you follow this course from the beginning to the very end, you'll have your own amazing character completely drawn in several poses.With over 10 different sections and hours of content, you will learn:How To Write A Compelling Character Story And TraitsFinding And Using Reference Images To Design Better CharactersDrawing Dynamic Characters With Gesture DrawingMaking Strong Silhouettes For Your CharactersDrawing Amazing Character Outfits And Pieces Of ClothingChoosing Color Palettes And Coloring Your CharactersDrawing Full 4-View Turnarounds Of Your Characters (Including 3/4 View!)Master Character Design Fundamentals And BeyondAnd Much More!There are several hours of content here to help you design amazing characters. And every single video covers important fundamentals that will stick with you for life!Every section includes both the character design theory, where you'll be learning everything you need to know about designing interesting and relatable characters in bite-sized videos, AND the practical application, where we'll be going through using what we just learned, step by step.It doesn't matter if you're a traditional artist that wants to brush up on Character Design or a Digital Artist that has just started getting into the medium, this course will make you a better character designer! Downloadable Resources And Templates!Not only that, but this course comes with several resources to help you with your character artist journey.Personal Contact and Feedback from me, your InstructorUseful Templates and Character Design SheetsCharacter Design Inspiration And ReferencesLifetime Access To The Course And UpdatesAccess To The Q&A SectionBehind The Scenes Look at My Character Design ProcessIncluding downloadable reference sheets to help you with anatomy and proportions, to amazing websites that help you find the perfect color palette and reference images for your character!And If you aren't fully satisfied, I offer you a full money-back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course. There really is no reason to hesitate.So, are you ready to start creating your own amazing characters?Then I'll see you in the course!- Patricia"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Pratice Tests: OCM50 - OpenStack Associate Certification" |
"The OCM50 is associate level OpenStack certification provided by Mirantis. OpenStack exam for measuring an individuals level of knowledge surrounding OpenStack environments, best practices, and troubleshooting. It will test the candidate understanding of OpenStack troubleshooting, deployment, and configuration. The exam is openbook and can be completed on your own time. That said, the time is limited so you can't pass if you need to google and research all your answers. Please see Exam details below:Exam Code: OCM50Question types: Multiple choice, true and false, multiple selectionMinimum Passing Score: 70%Delivery Method: Online DeliveryDuration: 90 Minutes"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS interview questions and answers" |
"In this interview question and answer preparation series we will be covering all aspects of questions starting from beginner, middle level all the way upto experienced Amazon web services professional interviewAWS the cloud platform offering from Amazon is the #1 cloud platform that will become a mandate among all the IT professionals who are looking to survive forthcoming changes in IT industry starting 2020If you want to survive and success in your job role AWS is mandatory. Our questions are all real-time interview based and will help you face upcoming interview with full confidence"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How Scammers Trick People" |
"Do you want to learn the #1 Way Hackers and Scammers are Successful? If so, you've come to the right course! The most successful hacking methods target the biggest weakness in any security plan.No, it's not the computer, it's actually people! That's right, you and me... We are the biggest security hole.But it's not our fault! Social engineers use psychological tricks to manipulate us into doing what they want.The only real way to stop them is to understand these tricks so you can spot them when they try to use them on you.In this course, you'll not only understand the techniques used by social engineers through real-world examples but also how to stop them dead in their tracks. Even if you think you know everything about email scams, there are many other ways we can become a victim to these attacks.- Understand how to stop them to protect yourself and your family- Use this training for good if you're looking at starting a career in CybersecuritySecurity risks are increasing every day so don't wait! Sign up for this course and learn how to stop these heavily-used attacks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Java Reports with JasperReports and JasperStudio" |
"Learn the essentials of Jaspersoft Studio and Jasper Reports through this step-by-step tutorial. This course takes you through the basics of Jaspersoft Studio and Jasper Reports. Connect to different data sources (JDBC, Flat Files). Build complex data set queries and customize reports using sub-reports, visualizations, and charts. Finally, we will also build a Java application to compile, fill and dynamically export reports to various formats (PDF, HTML, XML, XLS etc.)...Learn to build a report generation engine in Java with Eclipse/NetBeans!..Learn to design Java reports in JasperSoft Studio....Add custom parameters and variables to your report....Build, compile and run your reporting application from the command line!The course contains training materials, where you can practice, apply your knowledge and build an app from scratch. The training materials are provided in an Excel file that you can download to your computer. There is a final quiz at the end of the course.After completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion.Good luck and hope you enjoy the course.Pre-requisites:Basic knowledge of Java and SQL.Java IDE (e.g. Eclipse, NetBeans), Java JDK version 1.6 or higher.Database, PostgreSQL is used in this tutorial.Course content:The course consists of the following modules:Introduction and Course LayoutData Adapters and Data SetsConnect to a Data Source (CSV) - ExerciseConnect to a Database (JDBC) ExerciseCreate a Report Data Set using the Query Editor ExerciseDesign a Report with JasperSoft StudioAdd Parameters and Custom Filters to Reports ExerciseAdd Fields and Sort Fields to Reports ExerciseReports and Sub-Reports ExerciseUse Variables in Reports ExerciseAdd Charts and Custom Visualizations to Reports ExerciseBuild a Java Reporting ApplicationSetting up the Java Application Libraries ExerciseBuild a Java Reporting Application to Compile, Fill and Export Reports ExerciseConnect the Java Application to a Database (JDBC) ExerciseRun the Java Application from the Command Line ExerciseWho should follow this course?Students that want to learn the basics of JasperSoft Studio/JasperReports.Software Engineers that want to learn how to build a report engine in Java, using JasperReports, an open-source Java library.Business Intelligence professionals that want to learn how to design reports in JasperSoft Studio.Managers considering using JasperReports/JasperSoft Studio within their organization."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
YouTubeYouTube |
"YouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTube YouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTube?YouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTube - YouTubeYouTubeYouTubevlogsvlogsYouTubeYoutubersYouTubersYouTubersYouTubeYouTubeDIYYouTubeSEOYouTubeYouTubeYouTube RedYouTubeYouTubePhil Ebiner 201211Udemy2013YouTubeMike and Lauren Moyer YouTubersDIYYouTubeYouTube30100% Cheers,Phil"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Canon |
"WifiSDND DSLR DSLR Rebel Rebel T7i/800D80D70D60DT7iT6iT6sT5iT4iT3iT7T6T5SL2SL7D6D5D800D760D750D700D650D600D 550D500D10030"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3 Little Birds with Colored Pencils" |
"In this course, we'll explore different types and brands of colored pencils, all with slightly different characteristics. In each lesson series, we'll draw a different bird on a different surface suitable for colored pencils. You'll learn how the characteristics of each brand of colored pencil and the drawing surface changes the approaches that are taken. We'll gradually develop each drawing a step at a time so that you can work along and create your own drawings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"scikit-learn Recipes" |
"Scikit-learn is one of the most powerful packages that top data scientists prefer for machine learning. Powerful data analysis and machine learning require fast, accurate computations, and scikit-learns packages make building powerful machine learning models super-easy!This course is targeted at those new to scikit-learn or with some basic knowledge. You will start with generating synthetic data for building a machine learning model, pre-process the data with scikit-learn, and build various supervised and unsupervised models. You will then deep-dive into implementing various optimization techniques like cross-validation, feature selection, regularization, and also dimensionality reduction techniques.By the end of this course, you will be able to build your own machine learning models and take your data analysis skills to the next level!About the AuthorSahiba Chopra is an experienced data scientist with over 4 years of experience working on machine learning projects across a diverse set of industries. She has worked on predictive analytics, anomaly detection, credit risk modelling and recommendation engines. As a self-taught data scientist who has undertaken numerous training initiatives herself, she knows and understands what you are looking for and the concepts that will help you most in your data science projects.Previous course: Hands-On Feature Engineering with Python"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Server-Side Web Development with Koa.js" |
"The demand for multi-functional applications has grown over the past few years. To simplify the application development process, Express has come up with Koa, a minimal version of the Node.js framework.This course starts by helping you set up the environment you need to use Koa.js. You will learn to create a server using Node.js and Koa.js. You will build views, use the available Koa templates, and learn to authenticate your app and provide secure login access using JWT.Youll learn to use promises, and async functions while building your application, and how to handle errors using try-catch and utilize the middleware. Finally, you will master database connectivity and deploy your application on Docker. By the end of this course, you will be able to leverage the Koa framework to develop server-side applications.About the AuthorAakash Handa is a solution architect and application specialist with over five years' experience. He holds strong insight into the latest Stack technologies, including Node.js, Koa.js, express.js, Python, React, Angular, and CI/CD pipeline. Koa is one of the frameworks he is using in his current projects, building real-time apps in the finance domain, as well as deploying AI and robotics. He is an expert in designing and developing applications, and is the winner of multiple hackathons globally. He has more than 500+ followers on Git and more than five Node_modules with his own coding."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing with Amazon" |
"If you had to start affiliate marketing as a beginner, what would be the easiest platform?My answer.... Become an amazon affiliateAmazon is one of the biggest e-commerce stores in the world. It does a great job in selling its products and people already trust it!If you would like to know how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon then join this training.You'll learn how to become an Amazon affiliateHow to find the best performing offers that will get you the biggest conversionsHow you can get started promoting Amazon offers even if you do not have a websiteAnd for those who want to take the extra step, I have included a section on how to create your very own Amazon Affiliate website.I have broken my training into simple step by step lessons. No coding or programming is required for any of my methods.Join today and start your first affiliate marketing campaign with Amazon"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"VPS Linux PHP Mysql" |
"Create and configure your Virtual Private Server (VPS), with HTTPS enabled, from scratch and step by step. (VPS)cPanel & WHM SSH SSL and Enable HTTPS PHP, WordPress, Laravel Ubuntu 18.04LT Install and deploy a complete system withLinux/Ubuntu 18.04,PHP,NginxandMySQLorMariaDB; in addition to obtaining security certificates throughrapidssl. Ubuntu (Ubuntu 18.04) which is a Long Term Support (LTS) version. This version allows you to obtain updates and security patches for at least two years, which means that you can deploy your system in Ubuntu 18.04LTS and you will not have to worry about moving to another version for a long time PHP, Wordpress and Laravel web sites. At the end of this course, you will be able to deploy your VPS server in a very short time and with great ease, using powerful, innovative and safe tools. Create your own VPS server with Greenbackend or any provider you choose Have a safe and friendly system with Linux / Ubuntu in its most recent LTS version(Ubuntu 18.04) Deploy aNginxweb server in a few minutes and with the best security settings Deploy aMySQL or MariaDBdatabase server wholly secure and without delay Easily configure and use Git to deploy the different projects on your VPS viaSSH Obtain external packages and install them globally (composer) Create and configure your domain. Point your domain to your VPS server by configuring theDNS entries Connect to your VPS remotely, quickly and securely usingSSH keys using termius Manage user accounts and prevent automated and external systems from accessing privileges (root) Learn to use the essential commands (cd, cp, systemctl, sudo, mv, rm, mkdir, reboot, and many more) Learn how to manage VPS packages withapteasily Assign permissions on folders and files in the correct way with Demand for the use of secure connections with SSH, and forget about insecure passwords for all the users Create and handle users correctly with administrative permissions (sudo) Deploy different Wordpress and Laravel projects each in a different domain or sub-domain Understand and take advantage of the use of SSH to connect to your VPS or external services Connect with third party service through SSH keys correctly Configure your services (Nginx, PHP, MySQL / MariaDB, etc.) to make them more secure Set expiration headers for your projects Enable the Gzip compression system on your web server Get security certificates forHTTPSconnections for your projects with Rapidssl Install the security certificates in Nginx correctly Creation and use of domains How to quickly deploy any project in your VPS How to deploy complex projects in the VPS (Laravel as a case of use) ! . !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
successful-marketing-strategy-arabic |
". ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
ChatBots |
". : This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to make a chatbot USING MANYCHAT PLATFORM. We will focus on the main components of building a chatbot which includes Welcome message, Templates, Actions, Keywords, UserFlow."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Media, Remarketing & SEO" |
"3000 . 10 .Bran Selection And Social Listing. .WordPress. .Email Marketing. .Keywords. !SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). .YouTube Marketing. .Social Media Marketing (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp). . .Google Adwords. .Facebook Ads. .Google Analytics. ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |