Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Getting Things Done - Time Management Methods Series" |
"This course series covers a multitude of carefully selected time management methods and shows you the concepts behind the methods step-by-step - plus - what needs to be done such that you can apply these method for yourself. Knowledge of psychological effects, the bio-rhythm, as well as coping with motivational pitfalls (or one's weaker self) complement the method training. At the beginning, the relationship between time management and self-management creates the right mindset, so that the later use of the methods does not result into a challenging task itself and ultimately costs more time than it saves. Important plus: This course is not only about different methods of time management as such, but also about the interleaving of the methods for a more general and all-inclusive self and time management for yourself as well as in a team.This course series comprises five courses that are available solely as well as within a master course. With the master course, you get the full content within one package.This fourth course covers the following aspects of time management:Distinguish between self management and time management to focus on the relevant things in your life instead of the currently urgent ones.Learn how to apply the ALPEN method to create a sophisticating daily schedule?Apply the methods David Allen presented in his book Getting Thinks Done."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Overcome Procrastination - Time Management Methods Series" |
"This course series covers a multitude of carefully selected time management methods and shows you the concepts behind the methods step-by-step - plus - what needs to be done such that you can apply these method for yourself. Knowledge of psychological effects, the bio-rhythm, as well as coping with motivational pitfalls (or one's weaker self) complement the method training. At the beginning, the relationship between time management and self-management creates the right mindset, so that the later use of the methods does not result into a challenging task itself and ultimately costs more time than it saves. Important plus: This course is not only about different methods of time management as such, but also about the interleaving of the methods for a more general and all-inclusive self and time management for yourself as well as in a team.This course series comprises five courses that are available solely as well as within a master course. With the master course, you get the full content within one package.This fifth course covers the following aspects of time management:Distinguish between self management and time management to focus on the relevant things in your life instead of the currently urgent ones.Apply the Pomodoro technique to get yourself into a working mode.Learn to identify sources of distraction and how to avoid them.Knowing the effects of Parkinson's law and use that to avoid procrastination.Get to know the Principles of Deep Work (by Cal Newport) to get into the Flow state of concentrated and focused working."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Time Management Methods Master Course" |
"This master course covers a multitude of carefully selected time management methods and shows you the concepts behind the methods step-by-step - plus - what needs to be done such that you can apply these method for yourself. Knowledge of psychological effects, the bio-rhythm, as well as coping with motivational pitfalls (or one's weaker self) complement the method training. At the beginning, the relationship between time management and self-management creates the right mindset, so that the later use of the methods does not result into a challenging task itself and ultimately costs more time than it saves. Important plus: This course is not only about different methods of time management as such, but also about the interleaving of the methods for a more general and all-inclusive self and time management for yourself as well as in a team.This specific master course comprises five sub-courses that are available solely as well. With this master course, you get the full content within one package."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SOLID Principles: Software Architecture Design Better*" |
"WHO SHOULD TAKE THE COURSE IT developer or engineer.You are still growing as a developer, but you are looking ahead and planning your career. Even if the goals are initiallyvague, a person who consciously sets strategic goals will reach them much quicker than a person who does not planwhere she is heading. Team leader, lead software engineer.You are at the highest stage of the software development discipline. To grow further, you have a choice to either learnone more stack of technologies, pursue a career outside software engineering, or to become a software architect. Software architect.You recently took this position, or have been working in this field for a long time. Perhaps one of the main qualities ofsuch a specialist is the understanding that there are always areas that a person does not know and that the learningprocess is continuous. IT manager.Although you are a manager, you understand perfectly well that you should at least approximately understand whatyour subordinates or colleagues are doing. The acute problem of management is the technical incompetence of themanager in the field in which he or she is managing.Meet Your InstructorMr. Ashok has10+ Years of Experience in Software Design and DevelopmentHave Developed Software for several majors like Nokia, BSNL, Radio Mirchi, Times Group,etc.,Primary Domain Expertise Telecom, RetailPrimary Technology Expertise Linux, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Computer SecurityCurrently heading a Technology Firm out of IndiaAlso, Playing a Role as one of the Lead Technical Instructors in UpDegree"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Mashup & Edit Songs for DJing using Ableton" |
"Hey there!Thanks for checking out my new course on remixing and how to make a mashup!What is a mashup?A mashup is taking two (or more) songs and combining elements, like the vocal (acapella) from one song with the beat of another song. So doing, you create a new production that is recognizable but different from the first two songs.Why did I create this course?I've created companion courses on How to DJ and How to Make a Mixtape (for radio shows or CD). But I felt that there was a huge area in between these two that could have a lot of value.Somewhere between producing a track from scratch and learning how to mix songs from other people exactly as they arrive from Beatport is a HUGE opportunity: the opportunity for you to stand out and build your own original sound.How can you advance beyond other DJs if you play the exact same music as everyone else? How can you engage your audience if you just play the hits that they've heard a million times?Making your own mashups and (vocal) edits in Ableton is a GREAT way to stand out and craft your own, unique sonic library. I'm going to show you how to mix songs together from different, electronic-based genres in this course.And what if you don't make mashups?What if your library is full of the same tracks that everyone else has?You run the risk of DJs before and after you playing the same songs you have, stealing your thunder and limiting your options.You run the risk of a bored crowd that's heard it all before.You'll miss out on an incredible opportunity for artistic expression.In this course, I'm going to share with you tips I've picked up over a decade of live performance, producing mixtapes and radio shows that garnered over 100k real plays per week on SoundCloud, making mix compilations for Armada Music, and performing at festivals and stages in countries all over the world. I'll share my tricks for how to remix songs online, for the first time.I've spent many many many years in the DJ scene, and I'm going to break down the most effective way to take songs, vocals, acapellas, and beats, mash them up, and create your own edits for live performance so that you can start building a unique sound that will follow you throughout your career.But this course isn't about MY music. Or MY sound.It's about how YOU take these concepts and apply them to the genres and styles of music that YOU love.I'm confident that these techniques can be used for producers, DJs and fans of ALL modern genres of music - anything that could have a vocal over it is fair game.By now, I've taught well over 10,000 students on Udemy, and my goal is to bring you more value with each and every course.I sincerely hope this course helps you, and if it's not for you, you can try it risk-free for 30 days and get your money back from Udemy if you didn't feel it was worth it.So what do you have to lose?Best,Ross"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Como crear temas para wordpress desde cero" |
"Todo sin programacin, paso a paso y desde cero. Desde tu casa u oficina, aprende todo lo necesario para lanzar tu propio negocio online, vender pginas web a clientes o conseguir un mejor empleo. Aprende todo lo que necesitas para crear blogs, tiendas comerciales, portales informativos, comunidades y casi cualquier proyecto que un cliente te pida usando wordpress. Con una metodologa 100% simple, practica, de forma profesional y en tiempo record. 100% garantizado. Regstrate ahora y participa desde cualquier parte del mundo en este completo curso en lnea y descubre por fin cmo hacer realidad tus proyectos y los de tus clientes ms exigentes. Con ms de 4 mdulos del mejor material orientado al mundo real, recursos adicionales para desarrolladores y soporte tcnico en cada paso, la mejor forma de aprender a crear sitios web reales de una forma muy completa."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Dominando OptimizePress La gua definitiva en el 2020" |
"OptimizePress es una extensin de WordPress que te va a facilitar la creacin de diferentes tipos de pginas. Si vas a ofrecer un producto o servicio este curso es el adecuado para ti, ya que de una manera muy simple podrs crear pginas de captura para conseguir tus primeros prospecto, carta de ventas para colocar todos los detalles de lo que ofreces y si te dedicas a la enseanza OptimizePress tiene la capacidad de montar un portal de miembros exclusivos similar a Udemy.OptimizePress es la herramienta ms utilizada por profesionales del marketing el cual les ha permitido generar miles de dlares por la sencillez de crear cartas de ventas muy completas. Preguntas frecuentes: Es esto para mi? Si te dedicas a ofrecer productos o servicios necesitas conseguir personas interesadas en lo que haces. Para conseguir prospecto debes captar su atencin con una pgina de aterrizaje donde ofrezcas un recurso gratuito y la persona de pueda dejar su correo a cambio para despus mandar mensajes a su email aportando ms valor gratuitamente. En este curso veremos cmo crear dichas pginas de aterrizaje.Por qu lo necesito? Hasta el momento, si necesitas crear un proyecto web a la medida de tus necesidades debes saber o contratar a alguien que sepa html, css, javascript, programacin y otras tecnologas. Si tratas de aprenderlo por tu cuenta te va a tomar meses o incluso aos de ensayo, prueba y error. Contratar a alguien que haga el trabajo por ti te va a costar miles de dlares. Aqu vas a aprender lo necesario para crear slo lo que necesitas para tu negocio en Internet, no ser 100% a la medida de tus necesidades pero te aseguro que a un 90% si te saldr.De qu trata? Veremos cada una de las opciones de OptimizePress, este constructor trata de arrastrar y soltar elementos que ya estn hechos por el sistema y tu slo tienes que llenar los datos ms simples. Si necesitas insertar texto, imgenes, videos entre un sin fin de elementos adicionales, tu solo le dices donde lo quieres colocar, llenas la informacin y listo. Ms fcil? imposible.Cmo lo adquiero? Slo tienes que ir al botn de inscribirme ahora para pasar a las opciones de pago y tener acceso inmediato al curso. Al finalizar el curso vas a poder crear:Pginas de captura/aterrizaje/landing page Pginas comerciales a nivel bsicoCarta de ventas profesionalesPortal de miembros exclusivos tipo UdemyNo vuelvas a crear pginas en html hasta que no veas el nuevo mtodo para crear un sitio web, inscrbete hoy mismonos vemos dentro del curso."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin Beginner - Starting Point" |
"Your 2020 Salesforce STARTING POINT - be a part of the Salesforce OHANA (Family)Join our world-wide Salesforce Ohana (Family) through the official Salesforce Trailhead - the official starting point of your Salesforce journey. This course is for everyone who are new to Salesforce. It is intended as a starting point to equip yourself for a better future.By joining the Salesforce Ohana (Family), you are making yourself AVAILABLE to the hundreds of thousands of organizations throughout the world, ranging from non-profit organizations, governments, to multi-billion-dollar corporations across the globe.This is your starting point, prepare yourself to get busy, as many people will start looking for you to give answers to questions, solutions to problems, and ideas for breakthroughs.This is the starting point for you to BE the answer, the solution, and the idea.Welcome to the family! Let's have some fun and bring bright light to those around you.Bada bing bada boom!!!THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING...As you invest towards your better future, you are also investing in the future of others.Sown.IO is committed into investing its revenue towards the equipping and betterment of our students around the globe. As we grow together, we will be able to provide our students access to large Salesforce instances that are geared towards training students with scalability, such as managing hundreds of users (employees), managing millions of records of data, developing highly scalable applications to handle massive amounts of processes, change set deployments, and many more.Students will be able to train themselves without the use of their own limited salesforce org. By tapping in our Sown.IO salesforce instances, they are literally accessing the type of instances that are running millions of records and all kinds of fun stuff that are simply not available in a dev org or a trailhead playground.Join the movement, become a big player, sow to your better future while training with us!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Become a magician and perform a 40 minutes Comedy Magic Show" |
"Become a magician with no previous knowledge or experience needed. Magicians most guarded secret on how to become a magician fast.Becoming a magician usually takes years of practice. Until you can transform your magic tricks into a fully blown entertainment show, for which you can ask people to pay you money, is usually a long journey.You have to spend a lot of money to find working magic tricks you can use in the real world for a paying audience. Then you have to invest a lot of time and energy to find a good presentation to build a show.This course is your fastest secret shortcut ever on how to become a magician fast.There are some rare magic tricks out there which take almost zero practice time. These are self-working magic tricks that do the magic almost for you where you can fully concentrate on your performance. These magic tricks are so clever that you can almost immediately perform them, even when you have 0 knowledge or experience in magic. Imagine having a complete powerful magic show in six months that is so easy to do, packs small (one bag) and plays big for 1 to a few hundreds. 7 module course (more than 50 lessons)Step by step guide to perform a powerful 40 min. show and become a magician in a few monthssome tricks are provided as PDF to print out, others you have to order (most of them under 50$)instructions on which bag and table to useall presentations for each magic trick, jokes and gag linesGet my done for you show that made my living as a professional magician in the past 20 years and I walk you through step by step with crystal clear video instructions and if you follow along I will guarantee you that you become a professional paid magician in a few months.Who this will work for: If you do not want to spend years of practice and development to be able to start performing magic within a short period of time this is the best shortcut ever. Be a star, a professional magician in a few months. Done. If you are someone who is looking for self working magic tricks, that get killer reactions. Almost all the tricks you learn from my full 40 min. Comedy Magic Act are very easy to learn, no previous magic knowledge needed, but still gets amazing reactions and your audience will think you have years of practice. Those tricks are very hard to find and are magicians most guarded secrets. If you are looking for a serious second income that has easily the potential of going full time this is for you as well. Or maybe you are tired of your day job and just want to try something completely new then you will love the course as well."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Interior archviz in MODO vol.2: rendering" |
"Hi everyone and welcome to the second volume of this interior archviz course. Really awesome to have you here and of course thank you so much for the confidence of taking this course. Im pretty sure you will get a lot of cool techniques that I myself use in a daily basis.In this volume well work in the shading, texturing, lightning, rendering and post production of our image.We will learn how to properly create our own materials, applying textures and recreate in the best possible way real world materials.Well also learn a lot of tricks and techniques on how to create special materials, like micro-scratched metals or realistic wooden floors, well discuss interesting theory about behaving of the real world materials so we can mimic them, special effects for organic shaders, such as sub surface scattering to get a natural look.In the rendering section, we will learn about the different render presets to decide pros and cons when deciding how to render our interior scene in the best possible way, and which render outputs we will need as a support for later retouching.Later, in the post-production stage, well review a lot of useful and easy techniques to enhance our final render, from quick and easy color corrections to leveling the tones and some other special effects to get a natural look in our scene, going from this raw render to this beautiful final image.So, have a seat and... lets start learning."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to set up Business in India?" |
"Are you planning to start your business but not sure about which form of business entity should be selected? There are various business structures such as Companies, LLP, Trusts, and Societies etc. which one can choose to start a business. Choosing a form of business entity is crucial to a successful organization and this course will teach you How you should set up Business in India.Welcome to your course How to set up Business in India.By taking this course, you will learn about-Choice of Business Organisations-Different types of CompaniesHow this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every concept is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case studies. What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?No prior knowledge is required for taking this course. You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process.How this course will benefit you?At the end of the course, you will have absolute clarity over the legal norms related to setting up a business in India."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Network Marketing A Complete Study" |
"Have you ever thought of retiring at young age without compromising on your income?Have you ever thought of creating an additional income without spending much of time, money and effort?Do you know the buying power of customers can bring you more money?Do you want know the secret success formula used by the networking companies?Leaders are not born, they are made. Want to know how?Are you a female who is looking for a perfect income source without disturbing your family time?This course Network Marketing-A complete study answers to all the above questions.On completion of this course, your outcome will be,Having a best knowledge about Network Marketing business.You would have gained wisdom to analyse the pros & cons of Network MarketingBusinessYou will have a clear understanding about the common misconceptions aboutNetwork Marketing BusinessYou will get to know how Network marketing works in current scenarioYou will get to know the ways how ladies can succeed in this businessYou will be having an ample information which helps you in choosing the rightNetwork Marketing CompanyYou will explore ways to create wealth through Network Marketing BusinessLast but not least, you will get a clear guidance to become a successful NetworkMarketerHow this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every concept is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples.What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process. You need to have a strong urge to create something extraordinary in your life.How this course will benefit you?At the end of the course, you will be able to approach Network Marketing Business with utmost confidence. You will also be gaining the skill set through which you can be successful in Network Marketer."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento completo en Data Science con Python 2020" |
"El problemaLa Data Science o ciencia de datos es una de las profesiones ms adecuadas para prosperar en este siglo. Es digital, orientada a la programacin y analtica. Por lo tanto, no es de extraar que la demanda de cientficos de datos haya aumentado en el mercado laboral.Sin embargo, la oferta de Data Science es muy limitada. Es difcil adquirir las habilidades necesarias para ser contratado como cientfico de datos.Y cmo puedes hacer eso?Las universidades han sido lentas en crear programas especializados de ciencia de datos. (sin mencionar que los que existen son muy caros y consumen mucho tiempo).La mayora de los cursos de Data Science en lnea se centran en un tema especfico y es difcil entender cmo la habilidad que ensean encaja en el cuadro completo.La solucinLa ciencia de datos es un campo multidisciplinario. Abarca un amplio rango de temas. Comprender el campo de la ciencia de datos y los tipos de anlisis realizados Matemticas Estadstica Python Aplicar tcnicas estadsticas avanzadas en Python Visualizacin de datos Aprendizaje automtico Aprendizaje profundoCada uno de estos temas se basa en los anteriores. Y te arriesgas a perderte en el camino si no adquieres estas habilidades en el orden correcto. Por ejemplo, te costara aplicar las tcnicas de Aprendizaje Automtico antes de entender las Matemticas subyacentes. Tambin puede ser abrumador estudiar el anlisis de regresin en Python antes de saber lo que es una regresin y tener nociones bsicas de programacin en Python.Por lo tanto, en un esfuerzo por crear la capacitacin disponible en lnea ms efectiva, eficiente con el tiempo y estructurada, creamos En entrenamiento Completo en Data Science con Python 2020.Creemos que este es el primer programa de entrenamiento que resuelve el mayor reto para entrar en el campo de las ciencias de datos tener todos los recursos necesarios en un solo lugar.Adems, nuestro objetivo es ensear temas que fluyen sin problemas y se complementan entre s. El curso te ensea todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un cientfico de datos a una fraccin del costo de los programas tradicionales (sin mencionar la cantidad de tiempo que ahorrars).Las habilidades1. Introduccin a los datos y la ciencia de datosMacrodatos, inteligencia de negocio, anlisis de negocio, aprendizaje automtico e inteligencia artificial. Sabemos que esta jerga pertenece al campo de la Data Science, pero qu significa?Por qu aprenderlo?Como candidato a cientfico de datos, debes entender los pormenores de cada una de estas reas y reconocer el enfoque apropiado para resolver un problema. Esta 'Introduccin a los datos y la ciencia de datos' te dar una visin completa de toda esta jerga y dnde encaja en el mbito de la Data Science.2. MatemticasAprender las herramientas es el primer paso para hacer ciencia de datos. Primero debes ver el panorama completo para luego examinar las partes en detalle.Damos un vistazo detallado especficamente en el clculo y el lgebra lineal, ya que son los subcampos en los que se basa la ciencia de datos.Por qu aprenderlo?El clculo y el algebra lineal son esenciales para la programacin en ciencia de datos. Si quieres entender algoritmos de aprendizaje automtico avanzados, entonces necesitars estas habilidades en tu arsenal.3. EstadsticaNecesitas pensar como un cientfico antes de convertirte en un cientfico de datos. La estadstica entrena tu mente para enmarcar los problemas como hiptesis y te da tcnicas para comprobar estas hiptesis, al igual que un cientfico.Por qu aprenderlo?Este curso no slo te da las herramientas que necesitas, sino que tambin te ensea cmo utilizarlas. Las estadsticas te entrenan para pensar como un cientfico.4. PythonPython es un lenguaje de programacin relativamente nuevo y, a diferencia de R, es de propsito general. Puedes hacer cualquier cosa con l! Aplicaciones web, juegos de ordenador y ciencia de datos son algunas de sus capacidades. Es por eso que, en un corto espacio de tiempo, Python ha logrado disrumpir muchas disciplinas. Se han desarrollado bibliotecas extremadamente potentes para permitir la manipulacin, transformacin y visualizacin de datos. Sin embargo, donde Python realmente brilla es cuando se trata de aprendizaje automtico y profundo.Por qu aprenderlo?Cuando se trata de desarrollar, implementar e implantar modelos de aprendizaje automtico a travs de infraestructuras poderosas como scikit-learn, TensorFlow, etc., Python es un lenguaje de programacin imprescindible.5. TableauLos cientficos de datos no slo necesitan ocuparse de los datos y resolver problemas relacionados con los datos con herramientas de programacin como Python. Tambin necesitan convencer a los ejecutivos de la empresa de las decisiones correctas a tomar. Estos ejecutivos quiz no sean conocedores de la ciencia de los datos, por lo que el cientfico de datos debe ser capaz de presentar y visualizar la historia de los datos de una manera que ellos puedan entender. Aqu es donde entra en juego Tableau, y te ayudaremos a convertirte en un experto narrador de historias utilizando el software de visualizacin lder en inteligencia empresarial y ciencia de datos.Por qu aprenderlo?Un cientfico de datos se vale de herramientas de inteligencia empresarial como Tableau para comunicar resultados complejos a los responsables de la toma de decisiones que no tienen formacin tcnica.6. Estadstica avanzadaLas regresiones, el agrupamiento y el anlisis de factores son disciplinas que se inventaron antes del aprendizaje automtico. Sin embargo, ahora todos estos mtodos estadsticos se ejecutan a travs del aprendizaje automtico para proporcionar predicciones con una precisin sin precedentes. En esta seccin se examinarn estas tcnicas en detalle.Por qu aprenderlo?La ciencia de datos trata sobre construir modelos predictivos y podrs convertirte en un experto en estos mtodos a travs de esta seccin de ""Estadstica avanzadas"".7. Aprendizaje automticoLa parte final del programa de Data Science y a la que apuntan las otras secciones es el aprendizaje profundo. La capacidad de emplear el aprendizaje automtico y profundo en su trabajo es lo que a menudo separa a un cientfico de un analista de datos. Esta seccin cubre todas las tcnicas comunes de aprendizaje automtico y los mtodos de aprendizaje profundo con TensorFlow.Por qu aprenderlo?El aprendizaje automtico est en todas partes. Compaas como Facebook, Google, y Amazon han estado usando por aos mquinas que pueden aprender por su cuenta. Ya es tiempo de que t controles las mquinas.***Lo que obtendrs*** Un programa de ciencia de datos de $1250 Apoyo activo de Preguntas y Respuestas Todo el conocimiento para ser contratado como cientfico de datos Una comunidad de estudiantes de ciencia de datos Un certificado de finalizacin Acceso a actualizaciones futuras Resuelve casos de negocio de la vida real que te darn ese empleoTe convertirs en un cientfico de datos desde ceroEstamos encantados de ofrecer una garanta incondicional de 30 das para la devolucin de tu dinero. No hay riesgo para ti. El contenido del curso es excelente, y esto es muy sencillo para nosotros, ya que estamos seguros de que te encantar.Por qu esperar? Cada da es una oportunidad perdida.Haz clic en el botn Comprar ahora s parte de nuestro programa de ciencia de datos hoy."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Practical Steps of converting Client's Brief into Web Design" |
"This class is all about PRACTICAL WEB DESIGN stuff. A lot of designers and even developers don't know how to handle and deliver a Web Design project starting from the client's brief to inspirations and how to convert client's specs and design inspirations into an actual Web DesignThis class got your covered. It will teach youHow to read and interpret client's Web Design briefLearn from competitor's analysis and inspirationsHow to steal from your inspirationsSetting up design direction for your Web Design projectHow your website design improves with timeOvercoming collaboration problems with Web DevelopersDelivery of Web Design projectPerformance issues, image optimizations and lazy loading tipsHow to provide client with after-sales servicesThis class don't teach you about the design tools but the whole process where I have shared the story of my last two Web Design projects from start to finish. I am going to share with you all the tools, tips and techniques i use to deliver a web design project successfully.I am hoping to see you inside. Let's begin"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unix For Beginners - MAC OS - Linux - Ubuntu" |
"In this course, you will learn to use your Terminal in a MAC OS or any Linux system. This course starts with the most basic commands to advanced commands that will help master your terminal.The Unix Operating system was deloped around the '70s so its been around and will continue to be for a long time. Unix is the backbone of mostly all the Operating systems we now have. Even if you are not a developer, your Terminal can help you deal with issues or tasks that need to be taken care in your computer. Know how to use the terminal as a Developer has allowed me to save a lot of time in many things."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Web Design and Development Course : 14 Courses in 1" |
"Do you want to Learn Web Designing from Scratch ?Do you want to Master Your Web Design Skill to Advanced Professional Level ?Welcome to One of the Biggest Web Designing Course !!!This Course includes :14 Courses400+ Video Lectures4 Bonus Courses (all in all 18 Courses in 1)Topics Covered in this Course :HTML Crash CourseCSS ConceptsJavascript JqueryAjaxBootstrap (for Responsive Design)Photoshop for Web DesignDesigning UI Elements Designing 3 Mega PSD Templates (3 web designs in Photoshop)3 Mega PSD to Responsive Web Design ProjectsCreating websites with cool features like Ajax Contact Form , CSS Animations , Parallax Designs Creating Animated Sliders without any Jquery Plugin (no need to pay for paid plugins when you can do it on your own !!!)Many More important tips ,tricks,techniques are shared Each and everything is explained in detail. Also if you need any help , I am always here to Clear your concept.So , what are you waiting for ? Enroll Now !!! and take your first step in Designing Awesome Professional Websites"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Prometheus And Grafana - Learn Monitoring & Alerting Today" |
"THE BEST DEDICATED COURSE FOR ACQUIRING PRACTICAL PROMETHEUS & GRAFANA MONITORING SKILLSThe primary goal of this course is to teach students everything they need to get started with monitoring and alerting using Prometheus, a monitoring toolkit & Grafana, a metrics visualization system. The course will cover topics like:How to install and manage Prometheus & GrafanaWhat you require for starting monitoring through open-source toolsHow to create metrics dashboard on Grafana using data collected by PrometheusExporters & Node ExporterSetting up alerting with both Prometheus & GrafanaHigh Availability Prometheus Set upApplication monitoringMuch more...Throughout the course, you will follow along, watch my demonstrations and try doing it yourself. When you are finished with this course, you will have learned how to use monitoring in your applications. you will have laid the foundation for your future DevOps career with your new skills in observability. I look forward to meeting you in the course forum where I'll be available to help you along the way and answer questions that you might have.WHAT IS PROMETHEUS & GRAFANA?Prometheus is a free software application used for event monitoring and alerting.It records real-time metrics in a time series database (allowing for high dimensionality) built using a HTTP pull model, with flexible queries and real-time alerting.Grafana is the open-source analytics & monitoring solution for every database. It's used by thousands of companies to monitor everything from infrastructure, applications, power plants to beehives.These tools together form a powerful toolkit for long-term metric collection and monitoring of applications for DevOps and SysAdmins. With them, you can set up alerts for your applications and infrastructure in just a few hours. TOP 3 BENEFITS OF PROMETHEUS & GRAFANA MONITORING1: High demand. There is a high demand for skilled monitoring experts and businesses are willing to pay well for your skills. 2: Avoid failures. Monitoring can provide and help with root cause analysis and prevention of repeated failures3: Reduce downtime. Help reducing downtime with timely alerts.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a refund. We only want happy students. ARE YOU READY TO LEARN PRACTICAL MONITORING SKILLS WITH PROMETHEUS & GRAFANA?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Master Digital Product Design: UX Research & UI Design" |
"Digital products are more abstract and complex than any product we've designed before. People are using their digital devices faster, with less conscious thought and more distracted than ever in history. These issues present new challenges that require a new kind of design team to address. These design teams need to understand a complex range of behavioral psychology, perception, creativity, business. They need to understand what has come before, the history of design didn't start with the iPhone. The history of product design started with the history of products!I created this course out of frustration. Frustration that design education has been reduced to a handful of feal good quotes, an ineffective standardised design process, unquestioned research activities and no mention of philosophy or critical thought. We are designing the most complex product in history for the most distracted users. We're expecting designers to work with an embarrassingly narrow understanding of design. I had to create this course for them, I had to create The Master Digital Product Design Course because no one else was doing it ;)The Master Digital Product Design Course will give you everything you need to start designing products people love. It will take time and I advise you to work through all the exercises over a period over several months, leaving time for reflection and experimentation. This is not a fast track to any design job, this is a slow track to a great career. What do I get with this course?This course comprises of 12 modules, each around an hour long. Each module contains high-quality explainer videos with multiple activities and downloadable worksheets. Every video has resource links for further reading to ensure you get a range of opinions and allow you to dig deeper into topics that interest or apply to you. The modules will cover a unique range of topics that I believe are missing from the majority of modern design curriculums. The 12 sections are:Introduction: background into the industry and some of the problemsWhat is Design?: looking at, where design came from and some misconceptions about how to designDesign Process: the elements of a design process. You'll then create your design processCritical Thinking: the core skill to design effectively, how to challenge ideas, especially your ownExperience Economy: experience is vital to create products people love, yet most people are ignoring it!Creativity: you can learn to be creative, I'll show you what it is and how to get it!Perception: looking at how people see the world and how we can design for them (people)Usability: let's make sure your product is easy to use and doesn't frustrateFigma: is a rapid design and prototyping tool, you'll learn to mock up your designsForm & Function: why your product has to look good and what to do about itMinimalism: minimalism is hard and we often get it wrongBalance: you can have too much of anything. lets balance standards with trendsIs this course for me?I created The Master Digital Product Design Course to fill many of the holes in other product design courses, for this reason, I believe it'll be useful for a seasoned designer. I've also created it with the beginner in mind so if you have never designed anything you will be just at home (and everyone has designed something before, you just don't know it!). As well as designers I also had in mind all the people who project manage, own or develop digital products. I believe there is a lot of interesting materials that will help the whole business think differently about creating digital products."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drone Programming with Python - Face Recognition & Tracking" |
"As you may know, robot technology is now very advanced. As an engineer working in one of the top IT companies in Silicon Valley for over 12 years, I feel that the trend to replace humans with robots will continue for quite a long time In this course, we will be going to learn the following, using a toy drone that can fly indoors. -Drone operation using Python -Face recognition with OpenCV using the drone camera -Web framework and web camera-Automatic tracking -Drone flight game (shake your smartphone) Starting off with a toy drone will be a great way to start off your robot programming experience while you get used to Python. This is also an easy and fun way for your children to start coding. Now, let's get started with drone programming and be ahead of the robot technology trend!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator CC 2020 - O bsico para o mercado de trabalho" |
"Conhea o fluxo de trabalho com o Software Illustrator CC 2020, a mais recente atualizao da Adobe.O objetivo deste Curso de Illustrator fazer com que voc aprenda as principais ferramentas do Illustrator que so utilizadas no dia a dia do mercado de trabalho. Esse curso ideal para voc que tem interesse nas reas relacionadas a Design e Computao Grfica, mas no sabe por onde comear.Se voc nunca trabalhou com um software Adobe, agora de forma simples e prtica, ser introduzido nesse mercado criativo, amplo, rentvel e desafiador. Neste Curso de Illustrator, voc aprender na prtica a controlar e ter conhecimento de todas as ferramentas essenciais pra desenvolver trabalhos reais para cliente reais. Aprender tambm como criar formas e desenhos utilizando suas ferramentas. Voc aprender as principais ferramentas do Illustrator que so utilizadas no dia a dia. E ao final do curso ir fazer um projeto pra um cliente real, e ter dicas de como iniciar no mercado."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de Presas usando EXCEL y MATLAB" |
"Te present Mi nuevo Curso sobre ""DISEO BASICO DE PRESAS"", en el cual aprendersa dimensionar este tipo de Obras desde el inicio (diseo hidrolgico) hasta el anlisis estructuralde la Obra, osea la Estabilidad de Taludes y la Filtraciones. Aprenders a seleccionar las protecciones contra la EROSIN de manera rpida y SENCILLA.El Curso esta hecho para que apliques rpidamente los conceptos tericos en la solucin de ejerciciosnumricos reales (NO se abordan conceptos abstractos sino los conceptos prioritarios que de verdad necesitas). Adems Tendrs acceso total a los cdigos de Matlab que te ayudarn a automarizar los clculos, al igual que los archivos de Excel para comprobar tus Resultados.Al terminar el Curso Sabrs como: - Determinar los Niveles caractersticos de una Presa usando Excel- Dimensionar una presa de tierra homognea usando Excel- Proponer el diseo de las protecciones de los taludes de una Presa de tierra- Evaluar las filtraciones que ocurren en el cuerpo de una Presa de tierra homognea usando Excel- Analizar la estabilidad de un Talud aplicando un Mtodo prctico y sencillo usando Excel- Manejar el Software desarrollado por el autor para el diseo de presas de tierra homogneas.SIGUE ADELANTE y ANIMATE A FORMARTE EN EL HERMOSO MUNDO DEL DISEO DE PRESAS..."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Masterestaurant: Cmo comprar un restaurante exitosamente?" |
"Cmo comprar un restaurante exitosamente? es el primer entrenamiento altamente especializado de MASTERESTAURANT en su tipo para potenciar el proceso de seleccion y compra de restaurantes o participacin en ellos. Combina experiencia internacional y nacional con tecnologa digital del ms alto nivel, que no solo le apunta triplicar las posibilidades de xito de su negocio aumentando la rentabilidad y satisfaciendo las preguntas que todo dueo y administrador de restaurante siempre a querido responder al momento de comprar o vender su restaurante.Si ud. est pensando en comprar o participar como socio de un restaurante, o si ya tiene o administra un restaurante y quiere vender una parte, este es el programa para ud."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Deploying Azure Windows Virtual Desktop on AD DS" |
"In this course you will learn the required skills to utilize the latest virtualization technology from Microsoft Azure Windows Virtual Desktop service.By walking through a real scenario and building a fully function lab utilizing azure virtual desktop services on Azure Active Directory Domain service which is new service from Microsoft to provide hosted Windows Active Directory in the cloud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a hacer el rbol genealgico" |
"La elaboracin del rbol genealgico es siempre un ejercicio altamente satisfactorio. Lo aconsejo especialmente por la cantidad de informacin sorprendente que suele aparecer en l a medida que lo estamos construyendo.Hablamos, por cierto, de un rbol psicogenealgico: incluye vivencias, experiencias y sentimientos que con frecuencia nos hacen estremecer y removernos de forma inesperada.Si lo realizas con tranquilidad y conciencia irs descubriendo esos pequeos detalles que en la vida diarias se nos pasan inadvertidos, vinculaciones familiares poco expresadas y situaciones curiosas.A veces se revela como nuestra pareja, por ejemplo, es doble de alguno de nuestros padres, o representa a algn abuelo por el que sentamos un cario muy especial.La maestra, los herederos, todo se va uniendo como piezas de un rompecabezas que poco a poco nos va mostrando nuevas realidades y nos hace tomar consciencia de lo oculto en el clan, de las luces y las sombras que nunca hubisemos imaginado.Todo ello supone un gran ejercicio de sanacin y transformacin de la persona que lo elabora y, por simpata y de acuerdo con las leyes sistmicas, de un reajuste del resto de los miembros de la familia.Con tu genograma o rbol aparecen tus sntomas, tus traumas, tus deseos ocultos y los conflictos de las personas que te rodean y, a partir de este momento, tienes la gran oportunidad de superar todo eso que bloquea tu vida y la de los tuyos.Esta es la ocasin perfecta para reparar los conflictos familiares y limpiar tu linaje.Todo lo que tienes que resolver en el presente lo puedes hacer investigando tu rbol, porque a pesar que vas a trabajar con tus ancestros, el rbol tiene una memoria que se reproduce en generacin en generacin y entonces, te atrapa, te toma y entras al escenario con un guin preescrito y empiezas a vivir cosas, que seguro las vivi antes, ms de alguien en tu familia.(Alejandro Jodorowsky)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Google Cloud Certifications: All in one Bundle (4)" |
"Hi Cloud Professionals We have 395,000+ Students & 275,000 Unique students for Google Cloud Platform Certifications makes us ""No 1 Trainer for Google Cloud Platform on Udemy"" 13500+ Students informed us that they got certifications with our courses. Did you know 85% of global IT professionals hold at least one certification, of which over half were earned in the past 12 months? Another 66% plan to attain a new certification this year. These findings are published in the Global Knowledge 2019 IT Skills and Salary Report. Please check lecture 2 for Google cloud platform certification future promotions subscriptions! You always have Free $300 Credit for Google Cloud Platform Becoming Google Certified choice of your certification - Professional Cloud Architect, Associate Cloud Engineer, Professional Cloud Developer, Professional Cloud Network Engineer (Beta), Upcoming -> Cloud Data Engineer, Cloud DevOps Engineer, Cloud Security Engineer. This course is not for Lazy learners - Course has comprehensive coverage of Google Cloud Platform and students need very long focus/attention to complete. The course does not assume you have knowledge on Google Cloud Platform or any cloud Platform. We cover almost everything on GCP to become ""Hero"" from whatever your current GCP understanding (it may be Zero or Beginning or Intermediate)Advance Students - Joining this course only for certification -> Please at least run through the foundation section once for you to understand the certification syllabus. Why waste time learning the same foundation concepts again and again for each certification around the same technology. This course divided into the section where you learn all concepts in once course and then focus individually on each certification - Incrementally. Why Pay for Every Certifications course and some times you don't even appear for certification. This course will help you to pay only once and plan for any certification on Google Cloud Platform. Single Course FULLY Prepares you for all FOUR certifications below -> Associate Cloud Engineer,Professional Cloud Architect Professional Cloud Developer Professional Cloud Data Engineer - Expected in Dec 2020Professional DevOps Engineer - Expected in Jun 2021Bonus: Other Certifications are upcoming -> Professional Cloud Network Engineer - in Beta expected to be completed in Nov 2020.Professional Security Engineer - Upcoming. Tentative Feb 2021. Each Certification > 100 % Coverage for Certification. > Section by Section mapping syllabus (after foundation) so that you don't have to hunt for any other options for syllabus coverage > One Practice Question set for each Certification - Besides Google Readiness Test > Labs will help you understand each service in detail. Our Target at the end of Dec to have 2 Questions Sets for each certification. Time is Money nowadays - We all want to optimize our time to learn new things and add it in our profile in a smart way. This course will take out duplicate learning work which you may need to do if you are planning for more than 1 certification on Google Cloud Platform. Each Certification gives additional dimension about Google Cloud Platform and this Course committed to giving you will give you 360 view of Google Cloud platform so - you don't have to refer any other course. Thank You for your time and Stay connected! Happy Learning !! Google Cloud GurusSeattle, WA USA "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create Custom Query Grammars in Laravel" |
"In real-world scenarios, you often don't have full access to your database. For security reasons, you may find yourself limited to use more restricted credentials to perform database operations. To overcome this, you may have to modify how Laravel compiles and executes queries. And also, how connections are assigned to your models.In this course, we will cover a very common scenario, where you can only interact with you database tables using Stored ProceduresLearn how to seamlessly integrate stored procedure calls into your model classes by creating your own connection, grammar and post processorsBy the end of this course, you will acquire sufficient knowledge to:Fully understand how connections, query grammars, and post processors work together to execute database queries.Modify Laravel's connection and grammar classes, so that they will fit your specific database needs.Take a deep dive into the inner workings of Eloquent ModelsOnce you understand how the inner workings of Laravel connections work, you will be able to adapt and overcome obstacles in your application and write beautiful code at the same time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Painting Easy Watercolor Sweets & Treats! Beginner Level" |
"Lets paint some super cute and easy watercolor sweets and treats. Any skill level can do this class, from beginner to intermediate, and even advanced! Along the way you will:Increase your watercolor skills.Learn new techniques.Learn how to only use one brush and no pencil!Practice painting loosely, intuitively, & expressively!Have fun!!!We will paint:A Juicy WatermelonA Doughnut With IcingA Chocolate Chip CookieDifferent Kinds of Ice Cream& even MORE treats! :) (From a chocolate covered strawberry to a pastry!)By painting all these different subjects loosely, you will get the skill to do so with your favorite sweet foods, or any foods, or anything at all! I even included a timed bonus challenge at the end of the class to help you paint more loosely.This class will be a blast, so grab your brush and paints and get ready to please your sweet tooth without any consequences. Ill see you in class! :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master Materialize and code 3 projects with 9 pages" |
"ABOUTMaterialize - one of the world's most popular front-end frameworks!This course covers all the different parts of the latest version of one of the world's most popular front-end framework, Materialize 1.0.0. Materialize has been used by thousands of people around the world and have been carefully developed to cover a wide range of typical user interfaces. Web pages built with Materialize works across all kinds of devices, browsers and screen sizes and will have a clean and modern design.This course is for the beginner who want to learn Materialize from the bottom up. It goes through all the different parts, but each lecture can be watched independently.In addition to just learning about the different parts of Materialize you will find a detailed walk-through of how to build three different responsive and modern complete projects using only Materialize.PROJECTSLearn to build the following projects using Materialize:Project 1: Resume and CV PageProject 2: Small Business WebsiteProject 3: Knowledge BaseLEARNING STYLEMore than just video lecturesIn addition to the video lectures this course contains the following kinds of learning materials:19 coding exercises:A total of 99 automatic tests against your code. This is one of the best ways to learn how to code - no downloads or installations required.Materialize Learning Kit:Downloadable ZIP file that works offlineA custom built learning kit with source code for all parts of Materialize. Features a reference section with many examples and a practice section, which you can use while learning about Materialize. More than 100 source files included in this learning kit.UPDATESUpcoming future updates for this course will include the following:New projects will be added: online shop, social network, portfolio, CMS admin, dashboard and more...New components, utilities and other features in future versions of Materialize will be addedAdvanced section on how to customize Materialize with SassQuizzes and assignments"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dominando o Ubuntu Linux do bsico ao avanado p/ Iniciantes" |
"Voc no precisa dominar o Linux para utilizar o Linux (Parece meio confuso eu sei), o Ubuntu tem tudo que voc precisa de um sistema operacional para ser utilizado, e a verdade que voc no precisa de horas e horas de estudos de comandos, terminal e etc.Todas as vantagens esto ao seu alcance (vou citar logo em baixo), com menos de 4 horas de aulas prticas e diretas ao ponto vou te mostrar como preparar, usar e personalizar o seu sistema DO ZERO!!!Chega se sistemas pirateados, vrus, Malwares, travamentos e etc. As distribuies linux atualmente contam com inmeras melhorias e facilidades para usurios iniciantes, prova disso o crescimento do Ubuntu em computadores pessoais ao redor do mundo.E SE VOC AINDA T EM DVIDA SOBRE TROCAR OU NO DE SISTEMA OPERACIONAL, CONFERE ALGUMAS VANTAGENS DO UBUNTUMais Seguro: Pouqussimos vrus desenvolvidos para o sistema.Mais eficiente: Funciona em quase todo tipo de hardware de maneira inteligente e usando bem todos os recursos.Gratuito: Sem licenas, sem crack, sem gastar dinheiro com nada)Open Source: Voc pode, se souber, modificar todo o cdigo fonte do sistema ou usar sistemas de modificados de outras pessoas.Personalizvel: Altamente customizvel, com diversos temas e opes para deixar da maneira que voc achar melhor.Fcil de usar: Plataforma bonita, simples e com todas as ferramentas que voc precisa para efetuar tarefas do dia-a-dia.Se voc ainda tem dvidas se esse curso realmente para voc confere as aulas gratuitas disponveis e interessantes que podem fazer voc mudar de opinio. Em algum lugar aqui da tela voc vai conseguir assisti-ls.PS: Esse preo promocional muda o tempo todo, ento fica esperto e compra de uma vez. Abrao e te vejo do outro lado!Clcius Wilton' Consultor de TI e Hacker tico"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"PROCRASTINATION: Short Guide to Beating Procrastination NOW" |
"Over 136,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in ""Entrepreneur"", ""FoxNews"" and ""Business Insider"" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 14,000+ TOP Reviews Speaker at international stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, DigitalK and WeFest JapanExplored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial venturesProcrastination is one of the most hated words in the English dictionary and for a reason. We all have those moments when we have to do something, we need to take that important step, but something is holding us back. That's when we start rationalising: ""I will do it tomorrow"", ""I will do it next week"". As we all know, ""one day"" and ""someday"" never come. The crazy thing is that we are often fully aware that we are procrastinating, but still... we can't get ourselves to take action. Weeks pass by, months pass by and in some cases full years pass by until we realise that some of our dreams ended up in a grave. One of the biggest pains in life is the pain of regret and you should do your best to avoid it.In this short course you will learn my best strategies for identifying procrastination and killing it in the moments when it truly matters. Instead of overwhelming you with a huge variety of tools and (most probably) causing even more procrastination, I decided to share the strategies that were most powerful on my personal journey. "
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Das komplette Data Science Bootcamp 2020 in Python" |
"Das ProblemData Scientist. Ein Berufsfeld mit einem Potenzial wie kaum ein anderes. Und das auf lange Sicht. Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung ist die Symbiose aus Fhigkeiten von Data Scientists so einmalig wie begehrt: Umfassende Datenanalyse-Fachkompetenz trifft auf exzellente Programmierkenntnisse in Python und Algorithmen fr maschinelles Lernen. Hchst komplexe Fragestellungen knnen Data Scientists mit diesen selbstbewusst und zielorientiert angehen.Kein Wunder also, dass sie auf dem Arbeitsmarkt so gefragt sind. Sie werden sogar geradezu hnderingend gesucht. Denn noch herrscht hier absoluter Fachkrftemangel. Und die notwendigen Kenntnisse, gerade im maschinellen Lernen, und Deep Learning, sind nicht ohne.Wie und wo kann man sie sich aneignen?Der Nachfrage nach spezialisierten Data Science Studiengngen konnte im Hochschulbereich bislang mehr schlecht als recht Rechnung getragen werden. So handelt es sich bei den wenigen existierenden Angeboten zumeist um gleichermaen teure wie zeitintensive Programme, bei denen die Programmierpraxis in Python oder auch nicht zu selten auen vor bleibt.Online-Kurse hingegen schieen sich zu sehr auf ein spezifisches Feld ein und berhren andere entscheidende Data Science Fachgebiete und maschinelles Lernen bestenfalls oberflchlich.Die LsungData Scientists mssen in mehreren Themenbereichen topfit sein. Denn so ist sie, die Data Science: vielfltig. Zum Glck!Die Themen im Einzelnen: Grundlegendes Verstndnis der Data Science als Wissenschaft sowie zugehriger Analysen Mathematik Statistik Programmierung in Python Anwendung erweiterter statistischer Methoden in Python Visuelle Darstellung von Daten Maschinelles Lernen Deep LearningIn dieser Auflistung baut jede Data Science Kompetenz auf der anderen auf. Wer seine Kenntnisse also nicht in der richtigen Reihenfolge erweitert, kann gerade in Python ganz schnell ins Schleudern geraten. Fr die Anwendung von Data Science Verfahren fr maschinelles Lernen und Deep Learning etwa ist ein Verstndnis der zugrunde liegenden mathematischen Zusammenhnge unerlsslich. Regressionsanalysen in Python? Dafr will zuerst das systematische Konzept einer Regression studiert worden sein.All die eingangs erwhnten Fallstricke wollten wir mit dem Data Science Bootcamp 2020 in Python aus der Welt schaffen. Unser Ziel: Ein Kurs, der Data Science, maschinelles Lernen und Deep Learning in einem zielfhrenden Zeitrahmen so effektiv und strukturiert vermittelt wie kein anderer zuvor.Wir sind berzeugt, dass uns dies gelungen ist und wir die Data Science Eintrittsbarriere Nr. 1 aus dem Weg rumen konnten: das Kompetenz- und Informationsdurcheinander. Programmierpraxis in Python und detailliertes maschinelles Lernen fr Data Science inklusive. Unser Kursversprechen: Bei uns finden sich alle notwendigen Ressourcen, zusammengeschnrt in einem Paket.Die Kursinhalte gehen nahtlos ineinander ber, sind logisch miteinander verzahnt. So ist es uns mglich, unseren Teilnehmern alle fr eine Karriere als Data Scientist relevanten Kenntnisse zu vermitteln und dies zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten traditioneller Programme, ganz zu schweigen von der Zeitersparnis.berblick der Kursthemen1. Einfhrung in die Data ScienceBig Data, Datenanalyse, Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Programmierung in Python, maschinelles Lernen, knstliche Intelligenz. Dass diese Phnomene in die Data Science gehren, ist bekannt. Doch was genau verbirgt sich hinter diesen Schlagwrtern?Warum sind diese Kenntnisse wichtig? Um als Data Scientists Fragestellungen in diesen topaktuellen Themen lsen zu knnen, mssen wir sie en dtail verstehen. Nur so knnen wir das jeweils optimale Verfahren identifizieren. In dieser Data Science Einfhrung gehen wir umfassend auf all diese Schlagwrter ein und erlutern, welche Rolle sie genau in der Data Science einnehmen.2. StatistikWer Data Scientist werden mchte, muss zunchst lernen, wie einer zu denken. Im Statistik-Modul lernen unsere Teilnehmer unter anderem, Fragestellungen als Hypothesen zu erfassen und mit den passenden wissenschaftlichen Verfahren zu lsen, die wir dann spter in Python und beim maschinellen Lernen modellieren.Warum sind diese Kenntnisse wichtig? In unserem Kurs zeigen wir nicht nur auf, welche Tools wichtig sind und warum, sondern demonstrieren eingehend, wie sie angewendet werden. Hier schulen wir unsere Denkanstze fr Data Science als wissenschaftliche Disziplin.3. Programmierung in PythonBei Python handelt es sich um eine relativ neue Programmiersprache und, im Gegensatz zu R, um eine universell anwendbare. Universell ist hier durchaus recht wrtlich zu verstehen: Webanwendungen, Computerspiele, Data Science ... dies sind nur einige der Anwendungsbereiche, bei denen man mit Python Groes erreichen kann. Daher hat es auch in verhltnismig kurzer Zeit so einige Disziplinen ordentlich aufgemischt. Enorm leistungsstarke Bibliotheken machen die Bearbeitung, Transformation und visuelle Darstellung von Daten zu einer effizienten Angelegenheit. Zu absoluter Hochform luft Python aber erst recht im maschinellen Lernen und beim Deep Learning auf.Warum sind diese Kenntnisse wichtig? Bei der Entwicklung, Implementierung und Anwendung von Modellen fr maschinelles Lernen mithilfe leistungsstarker Frameworks wie Scikit-learn oder TensorFlow ist Python als Programmiersprache fr Data Science eine unabdingbare Zutat.4. Vertiefung statistischer VerfahrenRegression, Klassifikation und Clustering sind als Disziplinen zwar allesamt lter als das maschinelle Lernen. Heutzutage werden diese statistischen Verfahren jedoch in ihrer Gesamtheit mittels maschinellem Lernen ausgefhrt. Das Ergebnis sind bislang ungekannte Vorhersagemglichkeiten in der Datenanalyse. In diesem Modul beleuchten wir diese Verfahren im Detail.Warum sind diese Kenntnisse wichtig? Bei der Data Science geht es insbesondere auch um die Modellierung von Anstzen, mit denen sich zuknftige Entwicklungen vorhersagen lassen. Mit der Vertiefung statistischer Verfahren machen wir aus unseren Teilnehmern Experten auf diesem Gebiet, in der Datenanalyse und der Data Science in ihrer Gesamtheit.5. MathematikFr echte Data Science sind fundierte Kenntnisse der notwendigen Tools entscheidend. Zunchst erarbeiten wir uns eine Perspektive fr das groe Ganze, um uns dann alle Komponenten im Detail zur Brust zu nehmen.Ganz besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken wir der Infinitesimalrechnung sowie der linearen Algebra, denn auf sie sttzt sich die Data Science.Warum sind diese Kenntnisse wichtig? Infinitesimalrechnung und lineare Algebra bentigen wir in der Data Science zur Programmierung. Wollen wir komplexere Algorithmen fr maschinelles Lernen erfassen, mssen wir dieses Wissen in petto haben.6. Maschinelles LernenDeep Learning fllt zurecht der krnende Abschluss zu, denn darauf arbeiten wir von Anfang an hin. Der Einsatz von maschinellem Lernen und Deep Learning will gelernt sein und er lohnt sich, trennt er doch oft das Berufsbild eines Data Scientist von dem eines Data Analyst. In diesem Modul zeigen wir alle gngigen Verfahren fr maschinelles Lernen und fr Deep Learning mit TensorFlow in der Anwendung.Warum sind diese Kenntnisse wichtig? Maschinelles Lernen ist allgegenwrtig, Unternehmen wie Facebook, Google oder Amazon nutzen Maschinen, die selbstndig lernen, schon seit Jahren. Zeit, dass wir diese nun auch zu steuern lernen.***Unser Kurspaket** Ein Data-Science-Lehrprogramm im Wert von ber 1000 Rasche Untersttzung bei Fragen Alle notwendigen Fachkenntnisse fr eine Karriere als Data Scientist Zugang zu einer ganzen Community aus Data Science Studenten Eine Abschlussbescheinigung Zugang zu zuknftigen Updates Praxisarbeit in Python, maschinellem Lernen und Deep Learning Business-Fallstudien als perfekte Vorbereitung auf Vorstellungsgesprche und PraxisData Scientist werden: Von 0 auf 100Allen Teilnehmern bieten wir eine Garantie zur vollen Erstattung des Kurspreises innerhalb von 30 Tagen. Risiken bei diesem Kurs: Fehlanzeige. Angesichts der Qualitt der Inhalte sind wir uns gewiss, dass unsere Teilnehmer begeistert sein werden.Warum also warten? Die Data Science will erobert werden :). Jetzt!Also, noch heute risikofrei starten und Teil unserer Data Science Community werden!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |