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"Bootcamp Completo em Data Science com Python 2020" |
"O problemaCientista de dados uma das melhores profisses para prosperar nesse sculo. digital, com foco na programao, e tambm analtica. Dessa forma, no surpresa que a demanda por cientista de dados esteja crescendo no mercado de trabalho.Entretanto, a oferta muito limitada. difcil adquirir as habilidades necessrias para ser contratado(a) como cientista de dados.E como voc pode fazer isso?As universidades tm, lentamente, criado programas especializados para data science. (sem mencionar que as que existem so muito caras e longas)A maioria dos cursos online focam em um tpico especfico e so difceis de entender em como a habilidade ensinada se encaixa no todoA soluoData science uma rea multidisciplinar. Engloba uma variedade de tpicos. Entendimento do campo de data science e os tipos de anlises usadas Matemtica Estatstica Python Aplicao de tcnicas estatsticas avanadas em Python Visualizao de dados Machine Learning Deep LearningCada um desses tpicos se baseia no anterior. E h um risco de voc se perder no meio do caminho se no aprender as habilidades na ordem certa. Por exemplo, uns podem ter dificuldades na aplicao de tcnicas de Machine Learning antes de entender a Matemtica por trs. Ou, pode ser difcil estudar anlises de regresso em Python sem antes ver o que uma regresso.Ento, para poder ser criado o mais efetivo, conciso, e melhor curso de data science disponvel online, criamos o Bootcamp Completo em Data Science com Python 2020.Acreditamos que esse seja o primeiro programa de treinamento que resolve os maiores desafios para entrar no campo de data science tendo todos os recursos necessrios em um s lugar.Alm disso, nosso foco ensinar os tpicos de forma suave e complementar a cada um dos outros. O curso ensina tudo que voc precisa saber para se tornar um cientista de dados por uma frao do custo de programas tradicionais (sem mencionar o tempo que voc economizar).As habilidades1. Introduo Dados e Data ScienceBig data, estratgia empresarial, analytics de negcios, machine learning e inteligncia artificial. Sabemos que esses jarges pertencem ao campo de data science, mas o que todos eles significam?Porque aprender isso?Como um candidato a cientista de dados, voc deve entender os atalhos e sadas de cada uma dessas reas e reconhecer a abordagem apropriada para resolver o problema. Essa Introduo dados e data science ir dar uma viso geral de todos os jarges e onde se encaixam no mundo de data science.2. MatemticaAprender as ferramentas o primeiro passo para fazer data science. Voc deve ter a viso geral para ento poder examinar em detalhes.Damos uma olhada especial em clculo e lgebra linear, j que so subreas que data science se baseia e sero necessrias em Python.Porque aprender isso?Clculo e lgebra Linear so essenciais para Python em data science. Se voc quiser entender algoritmos avanados de machine learning, ento precisar dessas habilidades em seu arsenal.3. EstatsticaVoc precisa pensar como um cientista antes de se tornar um. Estatsticos treinam sua mente para enquadrar problemas em hipteses e fornecer tcnicas para testar essas hipteses, assim como um cientista.Porque preciso aprender isso?Esse curso no d apenas as ferramentas que voc precisa, mas tambm ensina a us-las. A Estatstica lhe treina a pensar como cientista.4. PythonPython uma linguagem de programao relativamente nova, ao contrrio de R, uma linguagem de propsito geral. Voc pode fazer quaisquer coisas com ela! Aplicaes web, jogos de computador e data science so algumas de suas capacidades. por isso, que em um curto espao de tempo, usada em diversas disciplinas. Bibliotecas extremamente ponderosas tem sido desenvolvidas para permitir manipulao de dados, transformao e visualizao. Mas, na verdade, onde Python realmente brilha, quando lida com machine e deep learning.Porque aprender isso?Quando se trata de desenvolvimento, implementao, e aplicao de modelos de machine learning atravs de frameworks poderosos como o scikit-learn, TensorFlow, etc. Python uma linguagem quase que obrigatria.5. TableauCientista de dados no precisam apenas lidar com dados e resolver problemas baseados neles. Tambm precisam convencer executivos de empresas a tomar as decises certas. Executivos talvez no tenham tanto conhecimento em data science, ento um cientista de dados deve ser capaz de apresentar e visualizar a histria dos dados de maneira fcil de entender. a que Tableau entra e iremos ajudar voc a se tornar um contador de histrias profissional usando o software lder de visualizao em estratgia empresarial e data science.Porque aprender isso?Um cientista de dados depende das ferramentas de visualizao em estratgia empresarial como o Tableau para comunicar resultados complexos para gerentes que no possuam tanto conhecimento tcnico em data science.6. Estatstica AvanadaRegresses, agrupamentos, e anlises de fatores so todas disciplinas inventadas antes de machine learning. Entretanto, esses mtodos estatsticos so agora realizados atravs de machine learning em Python para fornecer previses com preciso nunca antes vistas. Essa seo ir analisar essas tcnicas em detalhes.Porque aprender isso?Data science se trata de modelagem preditiva e voc pode se tornar um especialista nesses mtodos na seo estatstica avanada.7. Machine LearningA parte final do programa se trata do que cada seo tem guiada, e deep learning. Ser capaz de empregar machine e deep learning na linguagem Python o que normalmente separa um cientista de dados de um analista de dados no trabalho. Essa seo cobre todas as tcnicas comuns de machine learning e mtodos de deep learning com TensorFlow.Porque aprender isso?Machine learning est em todos os lugares. Empresas como Facebook, Google, e Amazon tem usado mquinas que aprendem sozinhas por vrios anos. Agora a sua vez de controlar as mquinas.***O que voc receber*** Um programa no valor de R$ 6.000 Suporte ativo na seo de Q&A Todo o conhecimento para ser contratado como cientista de dados Uma comunidade de aprendizes de data science Um certificado ao fim do curso Acesso a atualizaes futuras Resolver casos reais de negcios que lhe permitiro achar um empregoVoc se tornar um(a) cientista de dados do zeroTemos o prazer de oferecer um reembolso incondicional de 30 dias em garantia total. Sem risco para voc. O contedo do curso excelente, e no temos dvidas de que voc ir gostar.Porque esperar? Cada dia uma oportunidade perdida.Clique no boto Comprar agora e faa parte do nosso programa de cientista de dados ainda hoje."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Azure DevOps Fundamentals for Beginners" |
"Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, Tesla, Workday... what do all these great companies have in common?They all use DevOps to continuously build and release software. (Don't take my word for it; stop reading now and go put ""devops"" into a LinkedIn job search.) In this Azure DevOps Fundamentals course, Microsoft Certified Trainer and bestselling Udemy instructor Brian Culp guides students on a hands-on tour of Azure DevOps -- Microsoft's cloud-based, open-source tool to help organizations manage development teams, code, and application deployments.Best of all, Brian understands that students taking a Fundamentals course may not yet be familiar with all the vocabulary. This course makes no assumptions about prior exposure to the overwhelming set of terms and technologies that are part of the DevOps landscape... terms like Agile, Scrum, VS Code, App Containers, Commits, Code Requests, Sprints, Unit Testing, Code Artifacts, and literally dozens of others that live at the place where your Development and Operations teams meet.In Azure DevOps Fundamentals for Beginners, we take one small step at a time in our journey. It's not a data dump. Instead, the course provides each building block the proper context at the time it's needed. In addition, you'll build your understanding with hands-on guidance using the essential Azure DevOps tools: Boards, Repos, Pipelines, and Test Plans. Everything that needs a definition is defined along the way.Brian has been teaching people about Microsoft solutions for over 15 years, and some of his courses have been selected by Microsoft as their official training for Office 365 Administrators. Now, he brings that same expertise to some of the highest-rated courses on Udemy.There's a reason for the hundreds of five-star reviews.""Excellent content! Just what I was looking for to enhance productivity at the office."" -Paige Popejoy""Great personality and explained things well. Felt like he was at my desk explaining it to me."" -William Potts ""I can't believe how much I learned. The instructor is great and the lessons were so easy to follow."" Sherie L.""Very precise, clear and constructive."" -Forent Sidler""Perfect."" -Yvonne BeloAzure DevOps Fundamentals for Beginners is perfect for IT professionals who have heard the term DevOps, but want some hands-on experience, or for project managers and product owners who want to better understand a CI/CD workflow used by development teams.It's even great for the stone-cold noobs out there (we all are at one point, after all) who just want to be able to see if DevOps might be a good career fit. You'll learn by watching and listening, but you'll also learn by doing. By the second lesson, you'll have configured your first DevOps organization. By the time you've finished, you'll have deployed an app into an Azure container, and will have gained additional confidence and expertise about topics like these:Managing dev teams using Azure BoardsMapping work items to your organization's Agile or Scrum processes Setting up Git-based workflows in Azure ReposConnecting to existing code repos in GitHubBuilding code every time a commit is saved to a Master branchDeploying a new code artifact when new builds are readyPerforming tests of code using Azure Test PlansPlus confidence to integrate other tools (Docker, Maven, etc) into your team's DevOps implementationBest of all, you become more valuable as companies all over the world scramble - and compete - for workers who understand DevOps. (You did do that LinkedIn search, correct?)And as always, you get ongoing support. (Brian and the team answers all student questions, usually within one business day). Plus, you're always covered by Udemy's refund policy.Enroll now, and discover where your own DevOps journey can lead. See you in class!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"This course covers what you need to know to make several different types of soap recipes and designs.You will learn how to substitute alcohol for water to make luxurious soaps.You will gain knowledge of how the soap-making process works through detailed video tutorials of the cold-process method.Whether you are looking to start a full-time bricks-and-mortar business, a home-based business/work-from-home business, make money selling online, make high-quality products for yourself and family, gain a new skill or just a side-hustle; this course will give you the ability to accomplish any or all of those things.There are no formal qualification requirements for starting this soap making course or for selling your product. You can learn to make soaps QUICKLY AND EASILY.I know that you are interested in this course because you are either looking to start your own business, have a side hustle, use great products or all of the above like me:).I will teach you how to make luxurious soaps.By the end of this course, you will be making your own luxury soaps.At the end of this course, your Udemy Certificate of completion will be available for download. However, you must complete each section in order to receive it.You will learn about the different oils used in soap making, how to formulate your own soap recipes with a step by step tutorial.You will have the opportunity to watch experience videos and learn how to make soaps first hands.See how EASY the process actually is. You will learn how to fragrance and colour your soap as well as add colours to your soap.You will learn how to make the popular activated charcoal soap.You will see me use my homemade hanger twirling tool to design my soaps.Click the BUY NOW button and COME ON OVER- Let's start making soaps."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Enscape 3D. Renderizado en Tiempo Real Rpido y Sencillo." |
"Enscape 3D. Renderizado en Tiempo Real Rpido y Sencillo.Enscape es una extensin que se integra en los software de modelado 3D: SketchUp, Revit, ArchiCad, Vectorworks y Rhinoceros...Instructor: Arquitecto lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Si SkechUp es el programa ms rpido y sencillo para modelar en 3D, Enscape es su equivalente para renderizar y conseguir acabados fotorealistas sin complicaciones ni tiempo que perder. Plugin de renderizado 3d en tiempo real compatible con Revit, SketchUp, ArchiCad y Rhinoceros. Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos integrales. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. Un curso paso a paso que te ahorra mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en tu trabajo diario. La tecnologa de renderizado de Enscape en tiempo real te permitir que tu proyecto impresione desde todos los ngulos, incluso en diferentes horarios.No es necesario ajustar cuidadosamente su perspectiva antes de renderizar, simplemente inicia Enscape y vuela a los lugares que desee. Es completamente dinmico y: Muy divertido! 100% compatible con los principales programas de modelado 3d actuales: Revit, SketchUp, ArchiCad, Rhinoceros y ahora tambin Vectorworks.Podrs crear una experiencia de realidad virtual como si tu arquitectura ya estuviera construida: con Oculus Rift / HTC VIVE y Enscape, un recorrido virtual de tu proyecto est a solo un clic de distancia.Deja de explicar sus dibujos: crea increbles presentaciones con tus ideas con una experiencia de realidad virtual de su proyecto arquitectnico.Comparte panormicas envolventes de 360 con compaeros y clientes en segundos! Enscape te permite generar panoramas en estreo o mono. Se pueden guardar en un archivo o cargar en la nube, donde se puede acceder a travs de un enlace. No se necesita una aplicacin especial!La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. Enscape har tu vida ms fcil y deleitar a tus clientes despus de ver su proyecto!A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux: Teoria e Pratica" |
"Corso pratico e teorico per approfondire il funzionamento e l'utilizzo Linux. Vedremo i comandi base per muovere i primi passi e compiere le operazioni elementari (e non) su files e cartelle. Il corso sar diviso in sezioni: Navigare Fra cartelle e filesElencare i filesManuali ed HelpCreare, copiare e spostare filesCancellare cartelle e filesCercare FIlesCercare Dentro ai FIlesLeggere i FilesPipeline e Standard RedirectionManipolare i filesGli UtentiI GruppiI PermessiIl sistema operativoI processiIl File SystemBashBash scriptCon questo corso avrete una buona conoscenza di linux e saprete muovervi agilmente dentro i files e le cartelle,saprete gestire gli utenti, i gruppi ed i permessi. Vedremo il funzionamento del sistema operativo e inizieremo a sviluppare script bash,il tutto su delle buone basi teoriche e pratiche."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Total Body Workouts (with or without a weight vest)" |
"More than 20 workouts are packed into this course, along with answers to fitness questions I'm commonly asked, insight into my regular fitness routines, and a wide variety of moves I found worked well with a weighted vest!9 total body workouts (3 arm-focused, 3 core-focused, 3 leg-focused)+ 9 overview videos (covering tips & modifications)Over 10 Q&A videos responding to questions I'm often asked3 agility ladder workouts+ 3 overview videos (covering tips & modifications)3 elevated platform workouts3 HEAVY vest workouts (with added weights)HIIT Floor sliders workoutHIIT Resistance band workoutHIIT Stairs workout2 HIIT Cable-cross workoutsStability ball workoutEXTRAS (my usual workout/stretching/foam rolling, and weight vest comparison video)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Product Owner Certification Prep & 160+ Prep Questions" |
"== Disclaimer ==This course and practice exams are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with Scrum . org.This course will help you prepare for Scrum .org Professional Scrum Product Owner I (PSPO I ) exam also known as PSPO 1 . The terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. represent the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org.The term ""The Guide"", ""the Scrum Guide"", ""Guide"" refer to the official The Scrum Guide available online at scrumguides (dot) org. Anywhere in this course there the Scrum Guide is cited or mentioned, it is referring to The Scrum Guide. The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk. The price of the PSPO I exam is not included in the price of this online course and needs to be paid separately.-----------------== About the Scrum PSPO Certification Exam ==Scrum . org is a certification and training organization that has a focus on developing professionalism in product delivery. This is also the organization that is publishing the official Scrum Guide. At Scrum . org you take many Scrum certifications at a relatively affordable price.Scrum is not only geared toward product delivery but can also be extended to several other industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, or higher education.Scrum is not only for Agile users, but it is also for those non-Agile team members who are considering switching to an Agile Framework. At the core of Scrum is a small team of people. Scrum takes an approach that permits a team to self-organize and can make quick changes. One of the most relevant certifications for building products is the PSPO certification, which stands for Professional Scrum Product Owner.If you pass the PSPO I examination, then you will demonstrate that you know how to build up and implement a product vision. You will get a sense of reviewing, testing, and then accepting a product, and you can participate in writing the features of products.Scrum Product Owners must get input from the stakeholders in the organization. Skills such as facilitation, creative thinking, and innovative questioning are key for this role.Moreover, before becoming a Professional Scrum Product Owner, you need to get complete knowledge about the Scrum framework. There are multiple ways to get familiar with Scrum by reading the Scrum Guide or why registering in this online course created for existing and potential Product Owners interested in taking the PSPO certification.To take the PSPO I exam, you don't need to attend any courses, and all you need to do is to be familiar with the contents of the Scrum Guide but also to additional resources as the EBM Guide (Evidence-Based Management) or the Scrum Glossary.From the business point of view, one of the most essential roles in any Scrum team is Product Ownership as the Product Owner (PO) is ultimately responsible for the business outcomes and maximizing the values of the Product.This is a challenging role, so you should keep certain things in mind before becoming a Product Owner (PO). It is not enough to understand the role of the Product Owner as it is described in the Scrum Guide. You have to get familiar with different empirical methods and need to learn testing products hypothesis and working with the Product Backlog (list of features that the Product has). The PSPO I certification is relatively similar to another popular certification called PSM I (Professional Scrum Master I ). Even if you have passed the PSM I exam, it does not mean that the PSPO I exam will be the same.While the focus on the PSM I exam was on the general Scrum rules and the role of the Scrum Master in different situations, the PSPO I exam is more focused on the role of the Product Owner in different circumstances and how the Product Owner can maximize value.== What to expect in the PSPO I exam ==The Scrum PSPO I exam contains 80 questions that you need to answer in 60 minutes. All questions are in English, and there is no way to change the language to take the PSPO I exam in Spanish, French, or Portuguese. You could use Google Translate to translate the page, but don't expect that the quality of the translation will be very good. The PSPO exam questions are in the form of multiple choices. While most of the questions indicate the number of answers that are expected, in some questions, you need to select multiple answers, without knowing which one is the correct one.The good part is that there is no expiration date after passing the exam for your PSPO I certificate. == Is this PSPO I prep course for you? ==This course is for those who are interested in working within an Agile team especially from the role of the Product Owner.You might be:- an aspiring Business Analyst who wants to improve his or her knowledge with more critical thinking skills- an experienced Project Manager who wants to transition to agile projects- an existing Product Owner who wants to give their skills recognition- a Scrum Master who wants to enhance their mastery in Scrum-an experienced developer who knows the development process inside-out and what to take their career to another level.== How does this course help me? ==The course explains the Scrum Guide in an easy to understand way. It also tests your understanding of the Scrum framework with quizzes and assignments. What you should expect:- High-quality video lectures (depending on your internet connection speed)- Downloadable handouts (PDF and other formats)- Quizzes and assignments- One on one support anytime you have questions- Lifetime access to the course content- Practical examples of how Scrum is applied in organizations== Frequent questions ==On which version of the Scrum Guide is this course based?This course is compliant with the 2017 version of the Scrum Guide (which is the latest version).Does this course include everything I need to pass the exam?Yes, all the information you need and the materials you can use are included in the course. You don't need to worry about searching for other resources or courses.Can I earn PMI PDUs (Professional Development Units) by taking this course?By attending this course some students have successfully claimed 4.5 PDUs. I cannot make any guarantees that your claim will be approved. Can I claim PMI PDUs (Professional Development Units) by taking the PSPO 1 exam?Unfortunately not. PMI PDUs are obtained for attending a course and NOT for passing a PSPO I exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Korean Vocabulary Builder for Beginners" |
"This course is designed to help you develop your Korean vocabulary knowledge around common everyday topics, such as family, education and food. The aim of this course is complete mastery and retention and this will be done through a three stage learning process.50 Video Lessons - Watch the lessons and gain a deep insight into the meaning and usage. Learn the meaning of Korean and their Chinese origins and begin forming word connections based on this knowledge. Learn to form basic sentences using the words from the lesson.50 worksheets - Download and practice writing the words and sentences from the lesson. Develop familiarity with the Hangul and how the words are written50 Review Practices - Take part in a two stage speaking practice which are designed to help you recall what you learned in the lesson. Repeat the practice until you have reached mastery of the words in the practice.By the end of this course, you will learn over 400 word new Korean words.We look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Monetize Your Mobile Game or App - Part 2" |
"Learn how to Monetize Your Mobile Game or Application.One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 150 Mobile Games with more than 30,000,000 downloads in iOS and Google PlayI run a company called Seven Bulls Games, so I am actively in the field building games.I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroom.Who is this class for?People who want to learn how to monetize their game or application with maximizing the revenue stream.This course is good for complete beginners.This course is also very useful for professionals, as i will expand with in-depth knowledge of monetizing your game or application.People who are interested in mobile games or applications.I promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master monetization through the use of video.This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our mobile technological society.Everything that i teach in this course if based on my personal experience."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Build Real world application with Blazor (.NET Core 3.1)" |
"In the past, JavaScript had a monopoly in client-side web development. As developers, we had the choice of frameworks (e.g. Angular, React, etc.) but at the end it always boiled down to JavaScript. Blazor changes that.Blazor is an exciting .NET web framework that allows developers to run C# in the browser.Blazor Server has been released with .net core 3.0 and Blazor client will be released in May 2020. No matter which route you decide to go the syntax is identical.In this course we will start with the basic building blocks of blazor with its syntax and then we will build a real world project!It is a great time to start your journey with blazor to get a headstand with the technology! Blazor is still in initial phase of development cycle and nowhere close to being Mature, hence there are many changes but I will keep the course updated so you can always have the latest content!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master High School Math: Systematic Crash Course" |
"Are you a school student in your Secondary Grade? Whether mathematics as a subject goes over & above your head ? Are you determined to score highest marks in Mathematics ?Then you are at the right place and time - Enroll this Crash Course on Mathematics coveringInverse Trigonometric Functions (Introduction + 5 problems)Continuity & Differentiability (Introduction + 11 problems)Application of Derivatives (Introduction + 7 problems)Application of Differential Calculus (In this section, you get to learn Physical meaning of derivative, Speed, Velocity, Tangent & Normal, etc. )Application of Integral Calculus (covering Introduction, concept mapping and 4 problems) & Differential EquationThis course is structured in self paced learning style - class room teaching model has been adopted to enable the students to understand the concepts with utmost clarity.You can listen course lectures any number of times as the course comes with life time access. For effective listening, please use your headset. While watching lectures, please have a notepad and pen alongside, so that you can take note of important problems being solved.See you inside the course.Note: This course is structured following the syllabus prescribed for CBSE Grade XII in India. However, it will also be relevant for those who are looking for lectures in above mentioned topics."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bass Guitar Lessons For Intermediate" |
"This is the perfect place to start for Intermediate bass players! Take all the guess work out of how and what to practice. This program comes with specially designed practice videos for each lesson.Learn To Play The Bass Quickly And Easily Using The Music Coach Learning System.-Use a proven system to take all the guess work out of what to practice.-Gain the confidence to play your bass with others.-Enjoy learning at a pace that is right for you.Start Playing And Creating Music To Express Your Musical SelfThis course continues from Bass Guitar Lessons for beginners, you will learn how to play in different styles and temposContent and OverviewI designed this program to help you continue your musical journey on the bass in the most efficient and fun way. This program is suitable for anyone who has a desire to play and has a working bass.The layout of the course uses a simple format:-1 lesson video that explains a new concept/technique,-1 practice video that has voice overs and graphics to help you play along with the teacher on the screen in ""real time"".There are twelve sets of lessons and practice videos that help you learn melody, rhythm, harmony, and improvising. This program also contains a ""Jam Room"" with a virtual band that you can play along with at different speeds.At the end of this course you will have the confidence to play the bass both on your own and with others in different musical situations."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"25 schnell umsetzbare Google Kalender-Tipps!" |
"Mchten Sie mit Google Kalender in Zukunft professionell und schnell arbeiten? Dann sind Sie hier richtig! In diesem Kurs zeige ich Ihnen alles, was Sie brauchen, um mit Google Kalender durchzustarten und in der Zukunft professionell und schnell mit dem Programm zu arbeiten.Wir beginnen mit den Mglichkeiten der Anpassungen der Benutzeroberflche.Im zweiten Kapitel erlernen Sie in Google Kalender, manchmal sehr versteckt, eingebaute Werkzeuge, mit denen die Arbeit im Programm wesentlich beschleunigt wird.Im Kapitel 3 stelle ich Ihnen Mglichkeiten zur komfortablen Verwaltung von Terminen mit Hilfe der Google Kalender-Bordmittel vor.Im vierten Kapitel dreht es sich um die unterschiedlichen Mglichkeiten zum Erhalt von Flligkeiten von Terminen.Wichtig: Alle 25 vorgestellten Tipps knnen ohne zustzliche Kosten oder Investitionen sofort nachvollzogen werden.Hinweis: Sie knnen das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurckerhalten, wenn Ihnen der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist Ihre Chance! Es ist Zeit, Ihre Google-Kalender-Knste auf das nchste Level zu heben! Vielen Dank fr Ihr Interesse."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Cisco Security" |
"Network Security is the #1 Topic TodayThis course is an introduction to Cisco network security fundamentals. Cisco is the global leader in data center networking equipment. Learn how to configure proper password security, network authentication and ACLs for packet filtering. Password SecurityNetwork AuthenticationAccess Control ListsCisco FirewallsSSHv2 Remote AccessIPsec VPN ConfigurationLogical Security ZonesLearn how logical security zones are defined and physical data center access. There is VPN encryption and basic firewall connectivity explained for internet connectivity. Packet Tracer labs are included as well to practice in your own virtual lab. Learn how to implement proper security best practices for data center and lock down network against hacker attacks.Course HighlightsEnable top-level password securityAuthentication and authorizationVPN and firewall configurationExtended access control lists (ACL)Physical and logical security zonesPacket Tracer labs for CLI configuration"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Migration on AWS and Microsoft Azure" |
"Are you an IT professional looking a quick tutorial on Cloud Migration? You may have an already existing on-premise data store or data center, and its getting more and more difficult to manage, scale and update it very frequently with the continues rise of traffic and functionality. Now, it could be the right time to put your data center on the cloud. You can migrate a subset or the entire data center to the cloud, also you can perform the reversal (cloud to on-premise) but this is not a common trend. You can also migrate your assets within two Cloud platforms- AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure. Here in this course, you will be learning all of these Cloud Migration strategies and how you can implement them easily and effectively on time.You can migrate a database, a data warehouse, some storage vault or disks, or can migrate a subset of data to cloud and within two cloud hosts. When you migrate your data center to the cloud, you no longer need to worry about the Network issues, Software update patches, Downtime, Scalability and Elasticity. You can also integrate a lot of services available on cloud.In this course, you will learn Migration services on AWS in first few sections, followed by Migration services on Microsoft Azure in the later sections. Below is the list of services you will learn under each category:Cloud Migration on AWS:AWS CLI (Command Line Interface)Migration HubAmazon SnowballCloud Migration on Microsoft Azure:Site RecoveryDatabase MigrationAzure MigrateData BoxDatabox Edge and Data Gateway"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Top Database Bundle: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, SQL Server" |
"In this course we'll learn the MySQL Database, the POSTGRES Database, the SQLite Database, and the Microsoft SQL Server from an absolute Beginner level all the way to Advanced in no time at all!This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any coding or database experience at all!We'll start out by downloading and installing each of these databases - all for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running code for your databases. Then, we'll dive into very basic database concepts. Things like:What Is A DatabaseHow To Install Each DatabaseHow To Install Git Bash TerminalHow To Connect To Your DatabaseHow To Create A DatabaseAfter that, we'll move into more intermediate topics like:How To Create A TableHow To Insert One Record Into TableHow To Insert Many Records Into TableUnderstanding Data TypesHow To Select Data From TableHow To Format Our ResultsHow To Use The Where ClauseHow To Use The Like Clause and WildcardsHow To Use AND and ORHow To Updating RecordsHow To Limit and Order ResultsHow To Delete RecordsHow To Delete (Drop) A Table And BackupsFinally we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:Foreign KeysInner JoinsJoin Where HacksAnd More...We'll learn all of those things for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. We'll start with MySQL, and then move over to PostgreSQL, then hit SQLite before finishing up with Microsoft SQL Server. This is a bundle course of four of my other popular courses.These databases are four of the greatest databases to learn, and learning has never been this easy! They're the most popular and in demand for a reason! Let's learn some databases!I'll see you on the inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Select and Manage Construction Contractors" |
" This course addresses the competencies, required skills and knowledge to select and manage building and construction contractors. The effective management of contractors/subcontractors is critical to a projects success and failure to plan and manage subcontractors work can have significant financial and legal consequences. This unit of competency supports the needs of builders and senior managers within building and construction firms and other construction industry personnel with selecting and managing responsibilities. The course is made up of a number of instructional videos that include a voice recording of the course notes, rolling text of the key points, numerous images related to the topic content and animation. This delivery method has been developed to provide a more appealing learning experience. The length of the video lectures is also ideal, allowing participants to work at their own pace. There are various stop points in each video and these direct a participant to activities to complete, relevant attachments, examples and extra resources. The activities are matched to the course content where they are most relevant. These provide tasks which are closely related to many of the activities when selecting and managing contractors. There are also numerous quizzes provided as you progress through the course material. These are useful as a review opportunity and also helpful in self-assessment. This course is expected to take a participant approximately 20 hours to complete the course work. If you would like to be assessed for this unit of competency, please visit our website for more information.Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate of attainment."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Transform Your Life with TOP Personal Development Strategies" |
"Over 193,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in ""Entrepreneur"", ""FoxNews"" and ""Business Insider"" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 26,000+ TOP Reviews Speaker at international stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, DigitalK and WeFest JapanExplored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial venturesWelcome to this introduction to personal development. This course is a concise, yet powerful compilation of my best personal development strategies. If you are starting your journey of self improvement this course has been designed for you! Rather than overwhelming you with a ton of different videos, I picked the most important tools, strategies and mindset shifts that will help you tackle challenges in various realms of life. We will be discussing a variety of topics, from developing confidence and self esteem, to cultivating a positive mindset and learning how to beat procrastination.Please bear in mind, that this course is designed to serve as a ""workbook"". This means that it will be constantly updated with fresh material based on the requests from my students. There is no point of reinventing the wheel. Whatever you want to accomplish and whatever challenge you need to tackle, someone else has already done it. Enrol now and begin your journey of personal development with proven tools and strategies that worked for thousands of other people. I'm very excited to see you on the other side!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Swift 5 New Features" |
"If you are already a Swift programmer, this course will get you up-to-date with all the new features in Swift 5 to improve your productivity and efficiency.You will become fully acquainted with the new String ergonomics and improvements to the current Swift Standard Library, and discover some new examples of syntactical sugar that will let you write shorter but more powerful code. You will learn about the new result type for handling errors, thereby making your code more robust. Finally, you will learn how to migrate to Swift 5 as easily as possible.By the end of the course, you will have gained up-to-date insights into all of Swift 5's features and will be able to code efficiently and rapidly within your projects.About the AuthorDee Aliyu Odumosu has developed over 120 apps for global clients, including both individuals and start-ups. He utilizes his Swift expertise extensively in his work. His apps range from basic to very complex, some of which he features on his own website. Dee's passion for computer programming began in 2006 with his first contact with the Java programming language. For the last 5 years, Dee has been successfully programming on the iOS platform using Objective-C and Swift."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Vitamin- & Mineral therapy, cure your self + bonusmateriel" |
"Vitamin- and Mineral therapy and Simple/Complex Carbohydrates and Proteins Cure yourself or work with nutrition. This course its easy to understand and why and how much you should eat for cure your self or other for ex your clients. What is recommendly intake each day? Do you know that some of the vitamins can help if you have headache, stomach problem, acne, psoriasis and much more? If you learn how to eat you can stop some of your problems. Parts: RDI/RDA including PDF-document Vitamin A Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 Folic Acid Biotin Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Slideshow of Minerals: Calcium Magnesium Potassium Sodium Iron Zinc Copper Manganese Selenium Iodine Bonus of a print of vitamins and mineralsCarbohydrates: Simple carbs Complex carbs Sweetener (eg Aspartam) Proteins: Problems with low and high protein Proteinpowder, different sorts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Copic Markers Course: Complete Copic Course" |
"With over 200,000 enrolments in my online courses, get ready to learn professionally, and efficiently, whether you are a beginner or an advanced student!The Ultimate Copic Markers Course: Complete Copic Course is a fast and efficient way to learn to use the incredible, Japanese produced Copic Markers quickly and efficiently. Whether you want to learn Copic Coloring for your Manga work or Comic Book coloring, or you're a stamper or scrapbooker and you want to bring a new level of awesome to your craft projects, Copic Markers are an amazing tool to color with. This course is a 5 Module Copic Coloring Course that teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to use and color with Copic Markers well.Want to know which markers are best to start with? Or what paper allows for the best, smoothest blends? Would you like to be able to use Copic markers to bring your characters or worlds to life? This course has you covered - and within just a few hours, you'll be a Copic Marker expert. In concise, easy to follow lessons, you'll learn everything, from the tools, to blending effectively, to the essential high-level techniques used by professionals everyday to get the most out of their Copic Markers.Learn EfficientlyI get to the point, so you can get to doing what you love! Once you have your first markers, you'll be ready to use them WELL in no time!Take your Art Skills to the Next LevelCopic Markers and the coloring workflow used with them is a great way to understand lighting and coloring concepts from a traditional mediums perspective. Don't just have fun using them, level up your art skills too!Learn and Use the Most Advanced TechniquesThis course teaches you very quickly, how to use your Copic markers to the highest levels, and introduces you to advanced Copic Marker Techniques including Tip-on-tip blending, Pencil line softening, multiple marker blending, colorless blender usage, and much more!Watch hours of Copic Coloring demos, with more on the way!The course includes hours of Copic Coloring demos, so you have a handy real-time or time-lapsed resource to reinforce your learning in a super fun way!Learn risk-free!You can feel safe in the knowledge that you can purchase this course risk-free, because of the included 30 day Udemy refund. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Science on SAS by OrangeTreeGlobal" |
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on SAS Studio to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with SAS along with the correction and handling of errors as and when they pop-up. The program builds a solid foundation by covering the most popular and widely used data science technologies and its applications.The topics that are covered in this tutorial are as follows:Introduction to AnalyticsUnderstanding Probability and Probability DistributionsIntroduction to Sampling Theory and EstimationIntroduction to Segmentation Techniques: Factor Analysis in SASIntroduction to Segmentation Techniques: Cluster Analysis in SASCorrelation and Linear Regression in SASIntroduction to categorical data analysis and Logistic Regression in SASIntroduction to Time Series Analysis in SASStatistical Significance T Test Chi Square Tests and Analysis of Variance in SAS"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"How to calculate your hourly freelance rate?" |
"One of the first challenges any new freelancer faces is the question of what to charge.We look at our competition, ask our colleagues, or just make a guess.Don't make that mistake.If you really want to understand what you should be charging, you need to do the math.By really understanding your costs and availability, you can accurately price your services in order to achieve your financial goals.What will this course cover?In this short Udemy course, I'll walk you through the steps in order to calculate your freelance rate.We'll take a look at:how to calculate your adjusted annual salaryhow to calculate your real number of working hourshow to put this together and calculate an hourly freelance rateWho is this course for?This course is for freelancers only, we're calculating hourly rates not salaries for contracted workers.What are the benefits of taking this course?By the end of this class, you'll understand what you need to be charging clients in order to achieve your financial goals. Don't guess, and then worry about your annual income mid-way through the year, when you already have low-paying clients.Take the course now and set yourself up for long-term success.As a student, youll get lifetime access to:Step-by-step tutorials: how to calculate your rate, each step of the wayTips & advice so you can avoid mistakes I've made in the pastRegister for the course now and get started today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Control & Protection Part 4" |
"Electricalcontrol & protection systems are a critical part of the distribution & transmission systems that feed power to our cities & industries.The fourth part of this protection course focuses on the building blocks of a protection system and the feeder protection systems that we use on high voltage networksThe course will go into detail for the following key topics :-Introduce the generalprinciples behind the different types of drawings we use and how we read themShow how we apply ferruling to the different circuits on the protection systemLook at all of the different types of auxiliary relays that we use including trip relays, flag relays and interposing relaysLook at test blocks and test plugs and show how we integrate them into different types of circuits.Introduce the principles behind interlocking, and develop the logic for some typical circuitsShow how we apply electrical interlocking to the substation systemsIntroduce the ideas behind mechanical interlocking and provide some working examples of how it can be applied to a typical circuit.Look at the principles behind metering, what equipment we use and how we define the current transformers and voltage transformersLook in detail at power factor compensation and how we protect the capacitor banks that we use for these systems.By theend of the course the studentwill be able to identify all of the key components of a protection & control system and understand how all of these components fit together to create a fully integrated system."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Desarrollo Android 10 - Update Nov 2019" |
"Hola Chicos!Bienvenidos a este nuevo curso de desarrollo para aplicaciones mviles para Android 10. Aqu aprenders todo lo necesario para desarrollar apps para dispositivos con Android utilizando Android Studio y el lenguaje de programacin Kotlin. Se utilizar un enfoque completamente prctico donde el estudiante aprender a crear apps utilizando ejemplos prcticos y divertidos:En el curso aprenders lo siguiente:Programacin con Kotlin:Variables, constantes y tipos de datos.Ciclos y decisiones.Nullables.Listas, mapas y conjuntos.Mtodos y expresiones lambdaClases, objetos y herenciaDesarrollo Android:Creacin de layouts utilizando XML.Desarrollo de aplicaciones Android utilizando Kotlin.Interaccin con REST APIs.Creacion de Views y widgets utilizando XMLManejo de dependencias utilizando GradleInteraccion con servicios web utilizando RetrofitMejora de cdigo utilizando Anko.Creacion de LogsManejo del ciclo de vida de las actividadesManejo de ErroresCreacion de IntentsRecyclerViews, ListViews y LinearLayoutsCreacion de InterfacesPermisos normales y peligrososAndroid ManifestString resourcesColor resourcesDesarrollo Android IntermedioInternacionalizacion de la AppY mucho ms :DEste curso esta diseado para programadores o estudiantes con experiencia previa en lenguajes de programacin orientados a objetos. Se asume que el estudiante tambin tiene una computadora PC o Mac capaz de ejecutar Android Studio.Te espero en el curso!!! :D"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"NeW Cisco CCNA 200-301 ALL LABS with Cisco Packet Tracer" |
"In ""NeW Cisco CCNA 200-301 ALL LABS with Cisco Packet Tracer"" training , we will cover All Updated CCNA 200-301 Labs. Here, we will focus on the New CCNA 200-301 Lessons and we will do the configuration of all lessons of New CCNA 200-301. The old version was CCNA 200-301, CCNA Routing and Switching.During this course, you will learn How to Configure Cisco Routers and Switches. You will be ready for your Cisco CCNA 200-301 Exam with Excellent CCNA Configuration Examples. You will find ALL LABS you need in this practical training.Beside Cisco Configuration Labs, to test yourself on CCNA Configurations, a fantastic Lesson Quiz will be also waiting for you after each configuration lesson. So, to have hands on experience on Cisco Routers and Switches, let's Learn, Practice and Test!This Updated CCNA 200-301 Training is prepared for:The Students who are studying for Updated CCNA 200-301 Exam,The Network Engineers that wants to learn New CCNA Lessons or update their knowledge,The Network Technicians that would like to practice on Updated CCNA 200-301 Configurations,The Network Fans who want to gain Hand on experience on Cisco Switches and Routers, The IT Guys, who would like to have the most popular IT Certification, Cisco CCNA Certification,The Computer Networks Students on their computer networks lessons,Any Technology Guru who wants to develop his/herself on Network World!In this NeW Cisco CCNA 200-301 ALL LABS with Cisco Packet Tracer, you will learn:BASIC ROUTER AND SWITCH CONFIGURATIONSIPv4 AND IPv6 ADDRESSING CONFIGURATIONSBASIC ROUTING CONFIGURATIONSROUTING PROTOCOL CONFIGURATIONS (IPV4)ROUTING PROTOCOL CONFIGURATIONS (IPV6)WAN CONFIGURATIONSMPLS CONFIGURATONSDHCP and DNS CONFIGURATIONSNAT CONFIGURATIONSACCESS LIST CONFIGURATIONSNETWORK MANAGEMENT CONFIGURATIONSVLAN CONFIGURATIONSVLAN ROUTING CONFIGURATIONSSPANNING TREE CONFIGURATIONSNEIGHBOR DISCOVERY CONFIGURATIONSETHERCHANNEL CONFIGURATIONSFIRST HOP REDUNDANCY CONFIGURATIONSSECURITY CONFIGURATIONSPASSWORD RECOVERY CONFIGURATIONSAAA CONFIGURATIONSNETWORK MONITORING CONFIGURATIONSWLAN CONFIGURATIONSAND MORE...Welcome to ""NeW Cisco CCNA 200-301 ALL LABS with Cisco Packet Tracer Training"" :)Good Luck..!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Native English Speaking Skills, Grammar, and More" |
"Hi. I'm Luke!If your goal is to become fluent in English, this is the course to take. I've been working on the lessons in this English course for over 8 years, and have seen them help many students master the key skills they need to really understand how to use English at a high level. Some of the things you will learn in this course include: Essential English grammar, including difficult tenses, quantifiers, and moreEnglish used in common social situations, like inviting, giving advice, talking about movies, etc.English skills necessary for descriptions, comparisons, explanations, etc. Hundreds of native vocabulary and expressions needed for fluent conversationEnglish knowledge for challenging things, like writing emails, giving presentations, and debating, etc. Practice exercises to help you start thinking in English and improve your English speaking habitsMuch more!If you are serious about getting really good at English, your next step is simple: Sign up for this course!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Rhinoceros para Joyera" |
"Este curso explica paso a paso y con ejercicios reales como realizar diseos de joyera. Basando el curso en diseos clsicos de joyera, al finalizar el curso el alumno sera capaz de realizar una gran variedad de diseos.Nuevo contenido es aadido al curso dos veces al mes. Al acabar el curso el alumno tiene la oportunidad de pedir tutoriales personalizados."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a CALIBRAR redes Hidrulicas en EPANET" |
"Este Curso esta especialmente diseado para quienes quieran aprender cuales son los pasospara Calibrar una Red de Distribucin de AGUA desde cero. No se requiere conocimientos profundosde hidrulica de tuberas pero si los tienes mucho mejor.Si no sabes manejar EPANET , te doy una pequea clase y un tutorial en mi blog para que aprendrs en pocas horas.Animate A TOMAR ESTE CURSO si quieres aprender lo bsico sobre el mundo de la Calibracin de Redesdesde lo mas simple hasta la aplicacin de mtodos de Optimizacin.El Curso te mostrar como Calibrar una red hidrulica usando EPANET y varios mtodossencillos que van desde la forma manual hasta algunos mtodos de Optimizacin como losmalgoritmos genticos.Tendrs ACCESO TOTAL a las clases y los ejemplos resueltos asi como material complmentario y las clases...Inscribete en el curso y aprenders todo lo bsico sobre CALIBRACIN DE REDES ....exitos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programming Foundations with C" |
"C Programming Language is one of the most popular and powerful programming language. If you are a beginner or someone who is looking to get started with programming then C language is your ideal choice. Through this course you will start building the essential programming skills using simple and easy to understand examples, once you are done with the course you gain familiarity with C programming language. There is a myth about programming, people tend to feel that programming is tough, but programming is fun provided you understand the basics right, this course will work on those basics and tries to remove all those myths by explaining you the topics with simple and easy to understand examples. Having said that it is also important for you to set aside a time slot for programming on a day to day basis. This C programming course gives you much needed inputs and hope your will find it useful and informative. This course covers the following Basics of ProgrammingArraysStringPointersFunctions Structures"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 39.99 ![]() |