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"(Ken Cen)Machine Learning - Classification" |
"Ken CenMachine LearningClassification - Logistic RegressionDecistion TreeRandom ForestK-nearest neighborsSVM(Support Vector Machines)Naive BayesPythonMachine LearningMachine LearningMLHello, my name is Ken Cen. In view of the popularity of the previous machine learning course, we will launch the second part of machine learning. In this part, we will talk about various algorithms of classification - Classification, including the explanation of Logistic RegressionDecistion TreeRandom ForestK-nearest neighborsSVM(Support Vector Machines)Naive Bayes, and how to practice them in Python.As the key and difficult point of learning machine learning, algorithm has always been prohibitive to many students. Our machine learning course is just for this. We will focus on the understanding of algorithms and open the door for ML learning. Looking forward to learning AI from zero to major with you on the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Swift 5 iOS 14 - Der Ultimative iOS 14 App Entwickler Kurs" |
"Du willst endlich deine App-Ideen umsetzen? Oder du hast genug von Kursen, bei denen alles nur durchgeklickt aber nicht wirklich erklrt wird?In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir nicht nur wie du deine Traum-Apps entwickelst, sondern du lernst auch die Hintergrnde der App-Entwicklung. Das Wieso, Weshalb und Warum, dass so oft nicht erklrt wird.Der Kurs bietet einen sehr hohen Praxisanteil, da die Theorie gleich in praktischen Apps umgesetzt wird. Die Apps, die du in diesem Kurs erstellst, knnen alle auf deinem iPhone genutzt werden.Unteranderem folgende Apps:Eine Quiz App mit mehreren Quiz KategorienWetter App - Wetter laden per GPS Daten oder per StadtnameWhatsApp Klone - Chatte mit deinen FreundenInstagram Klone App Posts erstellenEine Trinkgeld Rechner App - Ob alleine zahlen oder mit mehreren, die App rechnet dir alles ausToDo App mit verschiedenen Themes (Aussehen) erstellenSpiele entwickeln wie das Spiel Fruit NinjaVertragsmanager App - Habe immer alle deine laufenden Vertrge im BlickPizza Zutaten App erstellenund viele weitereIn diesem Kurs werden nicht einfach irgendwelche sinnlosen Apps entwickelt, sondern jede App, die du erstellst, kannst du im echten Leben nutzen.Auch wirst du lernen, wie man Werbung oder App in Kufe in Spielen einbaut und so durch Apps passives Einkommen erzielen kann.bersicht der Swift Themen im Kurs:Swift ProgrammierspracheMit JSON Dateien arbeiten JSON Dateien selbst erstellen und verstehenAutolayout im StoryboardAutolayout programmierenNavigationControllerUITabbarControllerMehrere ViewController in einer App nutzenTableView - Tabellen erstellenUICollectionView im WhatsApp Klone nutzenUIImagePickerController fr Profilbilder nutzenOptionals verstehen und anwendenClosure verstehen und anwendenSwiftUI UserDefaultsNSCoderCoreDataFirebase Datenbank nutzenund viele weitere ThemenZustzlich gibt es...bungen, bungen und noch mehr bungen. Zu jedem Abschnitt gibt es einen Abschnitt nur mir bungen, damit du dein Wissen festigen kannst. Auch innerhalb der App gibt es Aufgaben zum selbst lsen, so dass es nicht nur ein stupides abtippen ist. Bonus:Mit dem Kauf des Kurses sicherst du dir auch ein groes Paket an Materialen, welche dir kostenlos zur Verfgung stehen.Dort findest du die fertigen Apps, bungen, Lsungen, Bilder und vieles mehr."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Embedded Systems State Machines & Data Structures" |
"Welcome to the Embedded Systems State Machines &Data Structures course.This course is for anyone seeking to improve their embedded firmware development skills. The course focuses on the use of state machines and data structures to write quality firmware for embedded devices.By the end of this course you will be able to build Finite State Machines for Embedded Applications, be able to build a Fixed Scheduler using Finite State Machines, be able to build a Traffic Light Control System using Finite State Machines. You will also master the Techniques for Effectively Implementing Data Structures on Embedded Devices."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence for Civil Engineers: Part 2" |
"Artificial Intelligence methods have been extensively used in the fields of civil engineering applications e.g. construction management, building materials, hydraulic optimization, geotechnical and transportation engineering and newly added EHS.Artificial intelligence technology nowadays plays a key role to improve and support the construction sector, Artificial intelligence (AI) usage in Civil promises an opportunity to transform the efficiency and quality of developments in various ways. This includes even ""Building Plan Processes"" that can be figured out through automated means. In the field of Civil Engineering, automated technology is considered as a boon. Artificial machines will survey a potential construction site during the planning stages to gather enough data to generate 3D models, blueprints and designs for development. It took weeks to complete that task. Now simply because of Artificial Intelligence new-age tools, the process only takes one day. This helps companies save time and money. In the construction industry, the design of Artificial Intelligence encourages the concept of fully automated construction sites, for that matter.This part 2 course ""Artificial Intelligence for Civil Engineers: Part 2"" taught by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Civil Engineering Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" will teach you incredible calculating or estimation methods for brickwork and plastering work through manual and automated means. The course also brings awareness of an Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering platform that allows anyone to design and manufacture their own product, plan or build, or plan.Everyone indulging in the civil engineering profession will clearly think of these reasons, i.e. the fixed amount of funds, costly labour (skilled and unqualified), difficulty in getting good building materials, particularly cement and regular rising costs of concrete, bricks, timber, etc. Two important things are also needed in terms of economy and construction standard. Construction standard can be achieved through careful monitoring and selecting proper specifications, while planning is a must for Economy. If known beforehand, the total quantity of different materials used in construction can help the planning of the economy and that's why this course is important to learn.Enrol now and let's start learning this mind-blowing course and change your career with the power of technology and change the whole facet of estimation forever."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Excel c bn n nng cao" |
"a s cc bn khi cn ang i hc khng ch v dnh nhiu thi gian cho vic hc mn Excel trong trng v cc bn cha bit c chng ta c th p dng Excel vo vic x l cng vic hng ngy ca chng ta th no. n khi i lm, bn cm thy khng s dng thnh tho Excel lm bn tn rt nhiu thi gian x l cng vic v khng chc chn v nhng g mnh ang lm c ng hay khng.100% cc doanh nghip t nh nht n ln nht u cn n k nng Excel cc ng vin vo cc v tr k ton, bn hng, x l d liu, nhn vin ngn hng, qun l. mi cp th yu cu phi thnh tho Excel x l cng vic khc nhau. S dng Excel hiu qu s gip cng vic c x l nhanh chng, chnh xc, t hiu qu cao.Chnh v nhng l do , kho hc ny c to ra gii quyt nhu cu trau di kin thc Excel cho cc bn mi bt u v cc bn hc qua Excel nhng cha thnh tho. Kho hc l nn tng vng chc cc bn c th t nng cao kh nng t hc v nghin cu cc kin thc nng cao di s hng dn ca ging vin giu kinh nghim trong lnh vc o to v t vn cho cp qun l trong cc doanh nghip trong v ngoi nc - anh Nguyn c Thanh."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Key Account Management (KAM) Essentials: grow your business" |
"In this course, Professor Malcolm McDonald, author of many leading books on KAM and founder of the KAM Best Practice Club at Cranfield University - which has been running for over 20 years - has condensed his one day workshop on KAM into 10 bite-size modules covering what KAM is, why it is so important, and how to apply it successfully.Managing your most important business customers is a key area that suppliers need to master. These customers can have a strong impact on the performance of the supplier and need to be managed in a special Key Account Management (KAM) program.Getting this KAM blueprint right is vital for both suppliers and customers. Yet many suppliers still make fundamental mistakes damaging their ability to unlock the profits in these relationships.By the end of the course, you will master:>How to select the right accounts to be included in your KEY Account program>How to categorize them to maximize your sales and profits>How to analyze the needs of key accounts>How to develop winning plans for each key account>How to develop the required skills to become an excellent key account manager>How to measure the effectiveness and profitability of your key account program"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Tableau Masterclass - Parameter- and Setactions Project Tips" |
"How to learn Tableau fast? How to become a Tableau expert?Business Intelligence / Business Analytics is in high demand. Companies are constantly searching for ways to make better and faster decisions. Therefore they rely heavily on data. Data driven decision making is the key to success for any business in the world of tomorrow. This is a great opportunity!Because of that companies across industries are constantly desperately searching for skilled employees and freelancers with the necessary capabilities to help with analyzing data and creating valuable highly profitable insights. This will be the key advantage to succeed in business.A data analyst career is not only higly rewarding but also very interesting.From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you master Tableau. Diving into data & analytics can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!Tableau is also a great tool for datascience. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore Tableau can often be a valuable skill for datascience again the question: How to become a Tableau Pro?Simple answer by working with Tableau. In this course we learn how to apply Set actions and Parameter actions in Tableau to create great visualizations. Additionally I share a few practical project tips and tricks to solve customer requirements from tableau projects. These tricks hopefully help you for your own future data & analytics projects with Tableau.I have already created Power BI courses which cover the software in detail and help interested students to dive into a BI consultant career path. Their feedback has encouraged me to offer a deep dive course for tableau as well. The result is the Tableau Masterclass course series on udemy. This course here is part of the Masterclass series which consists of 8 complementary courses to help you succeed.What we learn in this course might also help you later with your Tableau certification exam.Start today and explore your data & analytics career possibilites right her right now.Excited? Then let's get into it!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"InVideo Video Creation and Marketing: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Do you need to produce professional-quality online marketing videos fast, easy and, most important of all, for free?This 8-hour course provides a detailed description and demonstration of every feature supported by a free, online, cloud-based and web-accessible software application named InVideo.InVideo can be used to produce personal and business marketing videos for distribution online via social media and various marketing channels.Facebook video memesAnimated logosReal estate marketing adsAffiliate product videosNewsletter sign-up videosWedding SlideshowsBusiness Marketing VideosExplainer VideosInVideo includes thousands of free videos and images culled from Pixabay, Pexels, Storybook and other sites for easy insertion into your videos. It even includes videos and images from Shutterstock. Finish your video by adding free music, narrating scenes and by adding text and animated visual effects.Using InVideo, you can quickly and easily create free professional-quality marketing videos that sell.InVideo is backed by unparalleled customer support. All computing and storage are performed on cloud storage servers, accessible via any web browser (Chrome running on Windows 10 is demonstrated). InVideo is like Canva for the video market. Did I mention that its free?This course not only addresses all features of the InVideo application, but it also provides a critically needed understanding of the most important of the social media and video marketing channels.Each section of information in this course is terminated by a workshop demonstration of the concepts addressed and a textual project for the student to complete and share to demonstrate their proficiency with the material before moving on.Of the eight and a half hours of training material provided, five hours constitute an in-depth, deep-dive look at InVideo while the remaining three hours focus on online video marketing.This course is really two courses skillfully melded together: an inVideo beginner through advanced training course and an overview of online video marketing strategies and techniques.This course addresses the following major topics:Section 1: Prologue Quick dive into the ease and power of InVideoSection 2: Introduction Introductory material all created using InVideoSection 3: Option 1: Script to Video Quick StartSection 4: YouTube and Facebook Video MarketingSection 5: Option 2: Using a TemplateSection 6: Intermission Please leave a reviewSection 7: Sales Funnels and Video Marketing That SellsSection 8: Option 3: Do It YourselfSection 9: InVideo Marketing Video DemonstrationsSection 10: Advanced Video Marketing Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram and AdWords (Elided)Section 11: ConclusionDue to the expansive nature of the topic of online video marketing, this course provides little more than an overview of the topic. However, given the introductory material covered here, you should know more than enough to begin applying InVideo technology to your business. You will also more easily be able to find in-depth material explicitly detailing your chosen modes of online video marketing once youve completed this overview and understand your options.To pay the bills, InVideo provides a business class usage option that costs $10 per month. This course encourages you to enroll for free and then consider upgrading most likely soon afterward ;-). A Free vs Business class comparison is provided early in the course.To top it all off, this course is cheap priced at $19.99, you should pay significantly less. Then theres Udemys 30-day no questions asked money-back guarantee. So, what have you got to lose?Enroll now! Why? Because youre no fool.Ill see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Programming and Simulation without Coding" |
">>> The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, Arduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects and in this course, we will make it easy for you to Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Start Testing Your Codes Freely. <<<Welcome to Arduino Programming and Simulation without Coding.In this course, you will learn how to Simulate different Arduino Boards in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the Arduino boards.This course will help you test your codes and schematics for Arduino without the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.Contents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design. You don't need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer.Boards that can be Simulated: Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, zero and others"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Modern Standard Arabic Absolute Beginner's Course" |
"This course teaches you Modern Standard Arabic, the Arabic that is used across the entire Arabic speaking world in literature, journalism, academics, business, politics, administration, religious discourse, and many other areas of life. While each country or region of a country has its own local dialect of Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic is understood across all countries. It is the Arabic of literate native speakers, and is taught in school from primary levels through to university. The focus of the course is on mastering ""to be"" sentences in Arabic. The course will take you from having no previous knowledge of Arabic apart from the Alphabet, to the point where you are creating and understanding real sentences. This course is not about memorizing phrases and vocabulary that you don't understand (although you will be pushed to grow your vocabulary!). It is about understanding the foundational structures and concepts that make up the language, beginning with the ones that are used most often. It will walk you step by step through each foundational concept. There is no fast and easy way to learn any language. However, there are steady, methodological approaches that can optimize and multiply your hard work, and allow you to gain momentum faster than you expect. This course is based on that kind of approach. By the end of the course you will be able to:Understand and produce ""to be"" sentences in Modern Standard Arabic (""I am"", ""you are"", ""she is"", etc.)Use simple greetings, goodbyes, and polite conversation in Modern Standard ArabicDescribe yourself and others in terms of nationality, job, relationships, physical characteristicsProduce sentences that describe objects, people, and places with complex descriptionsAsk questions and give answers accuratelyPronounce words and phrases accurately, in a way that can be understood by native speakersUse over 300 vocabulary items - words and expressionsPursue effective strategies for learning ArabicIn grammatical terms you'll be able to correctly use the following structures:Nominal sentences (""to be"" sentences in Arabic, known in Arabic as )Prepositional phrasesAdjectives and personal pronounsSimple and compound sentencesGender agreementDemonstrative pronoun (""this"") Definite and indefinite noun phrasesSun letters in Arabic ( ) and their unique pronunciationEach of the 6 sections contains:A series of instructional videos that introduce and explain the concepts thoroughly, and practice listening/speakingA printable summary sheet at the end of the sectionA series of exercises that put the lesson into practiceA quiz that tests your grasp of the lessonDownloadable audio file of all the vocabularyAccess to all vocabulary on an interactive vocabulary website for students in the courseThe only prerequisite for the course is that you know the Arabic alphabet. Two recommended sources for this, if you need them, can be found on YouTube:Learn Arabic - Arabic Alphabet Made Easy - Alef and NunLearn Arabic: Alphabet Lesson Part 1 (Start at 4:00)Search YouTube for these sites. Each one has a different style/approach. Choose the one that most suits your preferences. Each of them is a short series of lessons."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dominando a Linguagem Dart da Google" |
"O curso completo de Linguagem Dart possui 30 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender utilizar a linguagem da google Dart que pode ser usada para o desenvolvimento de projetos web, aplicativos e sistemas desktop, uma linguagem nova que tem muito a crescer, a google tem investido bastante para que em alguns anos ela substitua o Android com o uso do Flutter, adquira j o curso e comece a programar com Dart."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"The Skilled Photographer" |
"The Skilled Photographer picks up where our first course, Jump Start Your Photography, left off. Emanuele ""Manny"" Pontoriero will once again push you to take your technical skills beyond the creative horizon that you currently have. Whether a serious amateur or budding professional you probably now realize that its not the camera but the person behind it that creates the stunning images we see in museums, art galleries, and print ads. Now you can learn the technical secrets that make those images possible. If you have real passion for photography and the burning desire to learn The Skilled Photographer course will push you into a new frontier of creativity. Best of all, Manny makes the learning process exciting, fun and entertaining.This video instruction is your opportunity to experience that eureka moment where you not only understand how but finally why the techniques work. Learn from someone who makes it look easy, a master teacher and motivator and satisfy that hunger to become The Skilled Photographer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate course on how to make a video cms website" |
"Learn how to make a full video cms website with a subscription plan and a lot of features like adding videos, blog, sell videos series. start making a passive income with Your videos and your website. you'll learn everything from getting the script to make live to people arround the world within few clicks"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Catia V5R21 Training" |
"In this course you will lean advanced Catia. Right now we have included lectures on basics modules such as Sketcher, Part Modeling, Generative Shape Design, Sheet Metal Modeling, Assembly and Drafting. But in the future we will even upload lectures on Sketch Tacer, Free Styling, Imagine and Shape and Digitized Shape Editor.First we will be teaching the command and then we will show you its application by working on a drawing. In case you face any problem with a command, let us know, we will try to record a lecture on it but cannot assure as many students would be requesting us for the same"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Red Hat OpenStack Administration I" |
"Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators, is designed for system administrators who are intending to implement a cloud computing environment using OpenStack. You will learn how to configure, use, and maintain Red Hat OpenStack Platform.Course content summaryThe focus of Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators (CL110) will be managing OpenStack using both the web-based dashboard and the command-line interface, Essential skills covered in the course include configuring Red Hat OpenStack Platform (using the director UI); managing users, projects, flavors, roles, images, networking, and block storage; setting quotas; and configuring images at instantiation.Launch an instance.Manage projects, quotas, and users.Manage networks, subnets, routers, and floating IP addresses.Create and manage block and object storage in the OpenStack framework.Customize instances with cloud-init.Deploy Heat stacks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Math Tricks from Vedic Maths and Trachtenberg System" |
"Learn Math Tricks To increase your calculation speed and confidence.Now you will be able to do large mathematical calculations faster , effortlessly without use of pen and paper. You would begun to love maths and its calculation.To solve a problem we can have many methods, we have few methods for multiplication in Vedic Maths and few methods in Trachtenberg System. All the methods will give you same result. However , over the teaching in last few years , I have found that some students have more inclination or get mastery in a particular method. One shoe doesn't fit all, we have many methods for same problem, this course will give you a chance to choose your best method. A method which is different from the one taught in school and does not sweat you. I have provided many free videos in the entire course to judge its usability and applicability.Who are math wizards ? Are they born with supernatural powers to solve 13 digit by 13 digit multiplications? These math wizards have their own system for calculations like Vedic math and Trachtenberg System, however they keep it secret. This course will reveal some of these secrets to you, which upon revealing will make you capable of being human calculator."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In this course you are going to learn: Introduction to MISSignificant role of SAS in MISAn Overview of the SAS SystemIntroduction to SAS ProgramsMastering Fundamental ConceptsSAS Data LibrariesCreating LibrariesGetting Started With the PRINT ProcedureWHERE StatementSequencing and Grouping ObservationsPractical session Customizing Report AppearanceFormatting Data ValuesIntroduction of Summary ReportsThe Freq ProcedureThe mean ProcedureThe Report ProcedureThe Tabulate Procedure"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Listen and Repeat the sentences in Catalan" |
"In this course we will go through sentences and words which will help you while travelling to Catalan speaking regions. After taking this course, you will be able to communicate in a very basic way. Sometimes people do not speak English in Catalan speaking regions, so knowing a few words and sentences will be key to help you get around and make the most of your trip. The focus is on speech, that is why you will listen and repeat words and sentences. So this course is for you if you are not interested in learning grammar, but want to focus on conversational Spanish. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or need any extra material. I am happy to help!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create an Marvel FPS Game in Unity 3D" |
"Hi there! Do you want to learn Video Game Development? Do you want to know how EA Games, Blizzard, Ubisoft, etc, create their games? In this course, I will be teaching you basic to intermediate Unity 3D by creating your own Marvel's Hulk Shooting Game. We will start by creating an environment (terrain) from scratch by adding trees, grass, and water. We will then animate Hulk and Thanos within Unity. We will also add codes in our project to create a shooting game. Since this course is Marvel Avenger's inspired, we will also add a teleport portal in your game similar to that of Dr. Strange's superpower. At the end of this course, you will have your own standalone game which you play in Windows or MacOSX and show it to your friends.What you'll learn from this lifetime-access course:Learn the Unity InterfaceDesign your own Environment from scratch - no prior knowledge required!Learn Basic and Advance Coding in C#Create Particle Effects in your GameAnimate and Code 3D Characters - no prior 3D knowledge required!Add Sounds in your GameDevelop your own Shooting Game - no prior programming knowledge required!Add the Main MenuPublish your Game for Windows and Mac"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress 101" |
"Do you want to create a blog for yourself or others in WordPress? Well have no fear because you can do it! This course is designed to give you the practical and relevant knowledge to plan, design, and build your blog site from the ground up! Whether you are talking about fitness, relationships, or money WordPress can be made easy for you to use and gain traffic to your site from all over the world. Get started learning today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Modern JavaScript fundamentals for Beginners JavaScript ES6" |
"Learn Modern JavaScript HERE!!Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Perfect course to learn and explore JavaScript - for beginners or anyone who wants to learn more about JavaScript.Source Code is included to get you started quicklyStep by step learning - starting with the basics and moving through to combining fundamentals and writing code.Bonus - 35 page downloadable resource and course guide included. With source code, useful code snippets and resources.Course coversvariables and how to use themDebugging and commenting codeUsing Browser console to developString and number methodsTemplate literalsBooleans and conditionsLoops and do while loopsArrays and array methodsFunctions - both expression and declaration functions arrow functionsCallbacks with functionsforEach methodObjects - exploring objectsIntroduction to the Document Object ModelElement selection and manipulation for dynamic and interactive web content.Loaded with examples and code snippetsHTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused. No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMIC and INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start coding with JavaScript today!!!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dynamic and Interactive web pages - beginners JavaScript DOM" |
"Learn about how JavaScript can be used to apply interaction and dynamic content to web pages.Please note that JavaScript - HTML and CSS are prerequisites to this courseScope of this course is to cover JavaScript and how it can be used to select elements from the web page. Create new element, updates elements and manipulate elements directly using JavaScript. Explore how easy it is to make your website come to life. Using the DOM Document Object Model connect to the elements via JavaScript.Explore how JS can be added to web pagesLearn about console and debugging with JavaScriptFind out more about DOM Document Object ModelUse JavaScript to select elements from the pageSelect multiple elements from the pageUpdate element attributesUpdate element style properties and valuesAdd classes and manipulate element class values.Learn how to create elements using JavaScript and add them to a webpageCreate interaction using event listeners in JavaScriptForm valuesMini projects to highlight what was learnedSource code is inlcudedtry the code for yourself and explore what you can do with JavaScriptFast Friendly support to help answer any questions you might have and to help clarify content is always available in the Q&A section. Taught by an instructor with over 20 years real world experience ready to help you learn more. Step by step training resources and source code is also included to get you started quickly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Google Apps Script - Beginners Guide PDF uploader Project" |
"Explore how you can create useful web apps that integrate easily within your Google Suite of ProductDO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE IF YOU HAVE NO JAVASCRIPT EXPERIENCE - JAVASCRIPT IS AN ABSOLUTE PREREQUISITE!!!Basics of starting with Google ScriptCourse covers how to create a spreadsheet using codeHow to get, set and update content within your spreadsheetHow to work with spreadsheet app classHow to create a web app within Google Apps ScriptUsing HTML servicePassing data from Google Script to client sideSending data from Client side to server side Google ScriptConnecting Sheet information to present to Client side web appSending a PDF from client side to upload and save to your Google DriveSending email notification on upload of PDF from userHow to create web apps with Google scriptSource Code is includedFast friendly support within the Q&A section - taught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experiencing ready to help you learn.What are you waiting for join now and start creating your own amazing projects with Google Apps Script."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript DOM Game - Deal making game using JavaScript only" |
"Want to Build a Game using only JavaScript - no libraries no tricks only JavaScript DOM based game. Not canvas HTML5 Have fun learn to apply JavaScript code - opportunity to practice your coding skills building a mini game that is ALL JavaScript***** Please note that JavaScript - HTML and CSS are prerequisites to this course *****Course Covers How to plan for setting up the gameplayCreating start functionalityBuilding the game board within the DOM using JavaSCriptCreating and updating elements DOMUse of game logicAdding event listeners for game interactionGame windowsCreating a dynamic game that can be extended uponFlexible game valuesSome styling - although please note that this is a JavaScript course and will stay focused on JavaScriptGame application flow and completionSource Code is included - build your own version of this game today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Everything you need to get started to do some cool things with JavaScriptEnjoy learning have fun!!!!Try the code for yourself and explore what you can do with JavaScriptFast Friendly support to help answer any questions you might have and to help clarify content is always available in the Q&A section. Taught by an instructor with over 20 years real world experience ready to help you learn more. Step by step training resources and source code is also included to get you started quickly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"jQuery Memory Game Project - Fun coding Project with jQuery" |
"Explore how you can use jQuery to create a fun interactive game from scratch. Create this memory game which features dynamic content and can adjust with more items or less. Source code is included and suggested to try the code as you follow the lessons. Construct your own version of the game, then extend it and show off your skills. Learn in a fun interactive way how to produce web content and build some cool things online with jQuery.Please note that HTML CSS and JavaScript are prerequisites to this course.Upon completion of the course you will be able to build a memory game from scratch.Course covers applying jQuery to build this mini projectHow to setup your development environment editor and where to connect to jQueryGame HTML and CSS structureLogic to develop the memory gameConnecting to build a game board and starting the gameElements of the gameAdding timerChecking for win conditionsMoving the player to the next cardsAll this and moreThe memory game is a simple game that presents the player with a set of cards flipped over, Objective of the game is to select 2 cards and try to find a match.As you flip cards over remember the other side to complete the game in as few clicks as possible.Game ends when all the cards are matched.Enjoy learning have fun!!!!Try the code for yourself and explore what you can do with JavaScriptFast Friendly support to help answer any questions you might have and to help clarify content is always available in the Q&A section. Taught by an instructor with over 20 years real world experience ready to help you learn more. Step by step training resources and source code is also included to get you started quickly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server Administration Practice Tests" |
"Students can learn basic and advanced topics on SQL Server Administration topics easily.Students can get through any SQL DBA Online & Technical Interviews very easily.Students can easily review basic SQL DBA Topics at one place.Students can get handson experience on frequently asked SQL Server DBA Interview Questions.Students can practices this course any number of times."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"All you need to know to be a Cruise Director" |
"Do you speak foreign languages?Would you like to make thousands of dollars?Would you like to travel the world?Sign up to the brand new course on how to become a river cruise ship director! In this life changing course Ill walk you through step by step. Learn to get the career of your dreams navigating aboard river floating palaces.I'll be sharing the profession secrets of this extraordinary job. Its all the information I wish I had when I was starting out. If your dream is to be a Cruise Director this course is for you. You will find out what you should do before and during the cruise. I will get straight to the point and just give you the information you need to know."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
excel_pivottable |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2020 and Artificial Intelligence Tools: Part 2" |
"This brilliant and engaging course on ""AutoCAD 2020 and Artificial Intelligence Tools: Part 2"" taught by ""Srinidhi"" and ""Saranya"" will take a step further from the Part 1 course to help you explore and understand more functions and features in AutoCAD including measurement of drawing, creating dimensions, executing commands, offsetting objects etc. We will also get access to a bird-eye's view of some special tools and technologies in Artificial intelligence (AI) that can simulate crowds, design prototypes and create virtual reality 360-degree tools that will serve to be great examples of incredible technology in application. An example of Taj Mahal in a 360-degree tour is also showcased here, in this course.Benefits of learning AutoCAD in 2020:To increase the design productivity and capabilities to the maximum potentialTo improve the quality of the design itselfTo create a full-fledged database for manufacturingDesign a product with the greatest accuracy that is neededPlan and map out spaces very quickly or easilySave time and money in 3D production or streamlining the designEasier data transfer and to improve communication through the documentation processCalculate Mass, Area, volume, Center of Gravity in the fastest time ever possible and much more.Visualise the end-product beforehandIt provides an opportunity for operational professionals to review the drawings and tailor it according to any kind of needed requirements.Your next incredible adventure awaits in Part 2. Enrol now and let us await the wow-factor to show up from the first video itself."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Julia: Easy Programming to Next Level" |
"Julia is a young and new programming language created specifically for the Data scientist and Statisticians for their Computing. It is more friendly like Python and at the same time runs much faster like C. This programming language is becoming a Challenge to Python, R, etc in many fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, etc. There is No doubt, in near future, this language is going to create a greater impact in the world of Programming.This course starts with installation of Julia and explains in detail about how to code in Julia as a Fresher. Start the course with Open mind of learning. You will get a lot to Learn and Shine. Happy Learning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework and Spring Boot for Java" |
"This course teaches you how to create web apps using the Spring framework.You'll learn how to use Spring Boot to rapidly configure Spring and as a demo we'll make a simple social network web app, complete with editable profiles, a messaging system, and various other features.If you know basic Java, you're fairly confident about writing basic programs and you want to learn powerful and popular Java framework, this course is for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |