Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SQL - Master SQL Database Queries in Just 90 Minutes!" |
"Youre Just Seconds Away From Leveraging SQL That Will Make It Possible For YOU To:Increase your SQL SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE within HOURS which will GET YOU NOTICED by Top Management & prospective Employers!Become more PRODUCTIVE at using SQL which will SAVE YOU HOURS each Day & ELIMINATE STRESS at work!Use SQL with CONFIDENCE that will lead to greater opportunities like a HIGHER SALARY and PROMOTIONS!----------------------------------------*** ADDED BONUS: This entire courses can be DOWNLOADED for offline viewing on the Udemy mobile app (Android & iOS)! ***----------------------------------------If you want to get better at Microsoft SQL so you get a better paying job or just get answers & insights from your data FAST, then you are in the right place!No matter if you are an SQL Beginner or NEVER USED SQL before, you are sure to benefit from this quick course which goes through the MUST KNOW SQL queries & features.You will be able to master straight away the following (in just 90 minutes):Everything about SQL and DatabasesSimple to Advanced Single Table QueriesJoining Multiple TablesWriting SubqueriesIn Just 90 Minutes You Will Walk Away With...MORE TIME (Who doesnt want that?)Master writing SQL queries in just 90 minutes!Understand the essence of these queries, without memorizing them!See how each of these queries are used with real examples!After this class you will be able to:Actually SMILE when you start writing SQL queries :-)Get valuable data insights & answers anytime you want from your raw data!----------------------------------------Look, if you are really serious about GETTING BETTER at excel and ADVANCING your Microsoft SQL skills...saving HOURS each day, DAYS each week and WEEKS each year...If you want to improve your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to achieve greater opportunities like PROMOTIONS, a HIGHER salary and KNOWLEDGE that you can take to another job...All whilst impressing your boss and STANDING OUT from your colleagues and peers......THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Now you have the opportunity to join your fellow professionals who are taking this course and enhancing their Microsoft skills and JOB OPPORTUNITIES!To enroll, click the ENROLL NOW button (risk-free for 30 days or your money back), because every hour you delay only delays your personal and professional progress...---------->> Get LIFETIME Course access including ALL downloadable video tutorials, Quizzes, 1-on-1 instructor SUPPORT and a 100% money-back guarantee! >> Watch our PROMO VIDEO above and a few of our FREE VIDEO TUTORIALS to see for yourself just how beneficial this course is and how you too can become better at Microsoft SQL"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Python Programmer Bootcamp 2020" |
"Python Programmer Bootcamp 2020This Python course is different. It will not only teach you Python, it will give you a problem solving super-power using Python code! And that will make all the difference, especially if you are pursuing a career in data science, AI, web development, big data, web testing, or programming for smart devices in Python.The author of this course, Giles McMullen-Klein, is a British programmer who went to Oxford University and used Python for his research there. Giles is one of the best-known Python and data science vloggers on YouTube where more than 133,000 subscribers follow his videos.There are several reasons why this course is different and why Giles could be the perfect Python teacher for you: Engaging, informative and fun! Giles lectures are entertaining and will inspire you to learn Python Motivating ,enthusiastic and effective Giles passion for coding in Python and teaching the language is infectious Develop a thorough understanding of Python Carefully crafted lectures and superb quality of production (Full HD videos) + animations and callouts Practice, practice, practice the course contains dozens of exercises to help you master the Python programming concepts covered in the lessons Giles English accent :DHave you always wanted to learn one of the worlds most popular programming languages? If so, this is the perfect course for you. It will teach you how to program in Python and help to prepare you for coding challenges frequently posed during job interviews.Giles teaching style builds a connection with students. And whats more hes there for you if you need any help. Just post any queries or questions in the course Q&A section.In this comprehensive course, we will cover several key topics: Why program? Why study Python? How to install Python Hands-on programming with strings Print function Variables Conditionals Loops Data structures Modules Files OOP Time complexity Big O Stacks DebuggingThere are many exercises throughout the course, some of our favourites are: The Sierpinski Triangle The Towers of Hanoi And the Computer Vision capstone project365 Careers team is very excited about this project. The creation of a Python course has been an ambition of ours for quite some time. but as we were not prepared to make any compromises on the quality of the course content, we needed to choose the right partner. Luckily, Giles was as excited about working with us as we were with him and together, after much hard, work we have created what we believe to be a first-class learning experience. We are confident that programming novices will benefit from Giles authenticity combined with our visual approach to teaching which includes our much-loved graphics and animations.To date, employees from 80 of the Fortune 100 companies have taken our courses. 600,000 students have given us an average rating of 4.5 stars. And we are confident that this is the perfect course for you if you want to become a Python programmer.Sounds great, doesnt it? Are you ready for a life-changing adventure? If you are serious about learning Python, this is the only bootcamp you will need.The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you decide it wasnt for you, you will be refunded in full (+keep all the downloaded resources free of charge)!No risk for you, so go ahead, click the Buy now button and start your Python programmer journey today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The complete guide to become a successful mystery shopper" |
"If you've ever wanted to get paid for eating out, buying things and even travelling, then this is the guide for you.;In this course I break down my 20 years of experience and teach you1) How to get work quickly 2) How to prove yourself quickly3) How to get the most sought after jobsMystery shopping has allowed me to live a fun and exciting life, it now your turn to try it out too."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Cyber security basics" |
"This course is intended to help kids and adults understand cyber security. In this course we cover cracking codes, passwords, password cracking, 2 factor authentication, man in the middle attacks (MiTM) and social engineering. we not only talk about these topics, but we will also demonstrate them also. In order to help reinforce what you have learned there will be a quiz at the end. The topics that are covered in this course are also the subject matter that is also outlined for the Girl Scouts Cadette Cybersecurity Basics Badge.I also have made a game that simulates a MiTM attack which will require you to launch an attack for free.Got stuck, have a question? Always feel free to contact me before, during, or even after you have finished the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Activities and Tools Used for Business (IIBA - ECBA)" |
"The Activities and Tools Used for Business (IIBA - ECBA) is the 10th course of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes a total of 14 courses. The categories of techniques covered in this course include idea generation and data gathering techniques that you can use with groups, such as brainstorming, collaborative games, and workshops. We'll also look at decision-making techniques, such as estimation and prioritization. Finally, we'll talk about several tools used for Business Analysis, such as Backlog Management, Balance Scorecard, and Business Model Canvas.Group Activities for Knowledge Sharing1. Brainstorming and Mind Mapping 2. Focus Groups and Workshops3. Surveys and Questionnaires4. Interviews and Observation5. Lessons Learned and Collaborative Games6. Exercise: Group Activities in Knowledge SharingActivities that Support Decision making1. Estimation2. Prioritization3. Reviews and Item Tracking4. Vendor Assessment5. Exercise: Techniques to Support Decision MakingBusiness Analysis Tools1. Stakeholder List, Map, and Personas 2. Backlog Management3. Balanced Scorecard4. Roles and Permissions Matrix5. Business Model Canvas 6. Functional Decomposition7. Exercise: Using Business Analysis ToolsYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Track Like Marshmello in FL Studio" |
"Learn how to make a Marshmello-style track today!Learn how to make an EDM track (specifically future bass) like Marshmello from EDM ghost producer Colin Warn. Having sold thousands of dollars in ghost productions, and having made over 200+ tracks, you instructor will show you: How to start and finish a Marshmello-style trackHow to create your own sub risersHow to navigate FL Studio 20How to harness FL Studio's powerful built-in piano pluginHow to mix and master using free or built-in plugins...and much more!The first 1/4 of the course is open as a preview to anyone interested: So go ahead and try it before you buy it.Hope to see you in the classroom."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NodeJS - Gua para crear APIS RESTFul PODEROSAS (Incl. Deno)" |
"NODE.js, ES POSIBLEMENTE LA TECNOLOGA POR EL LADO DEL SERVIDOR MS MODERNA Y POPULAR, QUE PUEDE APRENDER EN ESTOS DAS.Node.js, es la opcin para poder desarrollar los siguiente tipos de aplicaciones:Servidores Web: Con el uso de libreras que se encuentran en los paquetes propios de Node.JS o de terceros como Express (lo que usamos en este curso), Koa y Hapi.Sockets: Eventos para realizar chats y aplicaciones en tiempo real, es una excelente opcin sobretodo gracias a su gran velocidad.IOT: Programar placas pequeas con poco hardware como un Arduino, permite desarrollar una aplicacin y desplegarla.En la actualidad, los desarrolladores de Node.js tienen una gran demanda y el lenguaje se usa para todo, desde aplicaciones web tradicionales con vistas renderizadas del lado del servidor, creacin de API REST Services, hasta APIs con GraphQL y servicios web en tiempo real. Sin mencionar sus aplicaciones en los flujos de trabajo de compilacin para proyectos de todos los tamaos.Qu cubre el curso?Este curso le dar conocimientos prcticos para que pueda utilizar de inmediato la tecnologa de Node para sus proyectos, mostrndole la forma correcta de crear aplicaciones por el lado del servidor (Back-End) y probarlas por medio de las APIs de comunicacin entre cliente y servidor. Cubrir las siguientes secciones en detalle:Node.js conceptos bsicos, explicamos un poco de historia de Node y como surgi esta tecnologa que tiene mucha demanda en la actualidad.Introduccin a las nuevas caractersticas de EcmaScript, necesario para poder poner en prctica estas caractersticas al momento de crear el llamado a la API.Solicitudes envos y respuestas con el servidor, en donde vamos a construir las rutas que va entender nuestro servidor, y por consiguiente dar las respuesta a estas solicitudes.Utilizar el Framework Express.js, el ms utilizado para crear aplicaciones con Node.js.Gestin de MongoDB, la base de datos NoSQL ms utilizada en la actualidad por los desarrolladores de aplicaciones, para crear aplicaciones con respuestas rpidas.Utilizar Mongoose para trabajar con MongoDB, el paquete que se integra a Node.js para poder interactuar nuestros modelos de datos entre nuestro cdigo y la base de datos MongoDB.Integrar Express, Mongoose y MongoDB, integramos todas las tecnologas para crear una poderosa API Rest.Autenticacin de usuarios, como parte de la seguridad de cualquier API Rest, es necesario conocer y autenticar a nuestros usuarios.Relaciones en MongoDB, al igual que en las bases de datos relacionales, tambin existen tcnicas para poder relacionar nuestras bases de datos del tipo NoSQL.Desplegar tu aplicacin en Heroku, poner en produccin tu API Rest en un servidor real.Muchos temas ms.Incorporamos una seccin de introduccin a DENO, el nuevo entorno de ejecucin de JavaScript por el lado del servidor.Solo pregunte a los estudiantes que ya han tomado este curso: ""En lo personal, me gusto el curso es muy bueno para empezar con nodejs. 5 estrellas"" - Bruno. ""Me encanta, muy til y el profesor un 10!"" - Francesc. ""Hasta el momento el curso va muy bien, las explicaciones son claras, el instructor maneja el tema."" - Carlos. ""Muy buen contenido y excelente manera de explicar"". - Emilio. ""Un curso completo de principio a final, hay conceptos que si ya tienes un poco de experiencia en la programacin podras omitir, pero el concepto es desde 0."" - StevenEste curso es la gua perfecta que lo llevar desde principiante hasta ser un desarrollador medio-avanzado y altamente calificado de Node.js.Qu incluye el curso?Las lecciones en video de alta calidad HD que explican cada una de las lecciones que vamos abordando, sin suscripcin mensual y aprendiendo a tu propio ritmo.Material descargable, como intructivos y el cdigo fuente de cada seccin.Las pruebas y actividades validan su aprendizaje y aumentan la retencin de informacin y la comprensin.El Soporte del Instructor 1-a-1 significa que cualquier confusin o pregunta que tenga se puede abordar y aclarar fcilmente (no ms googlear frenticamente tratando de descubrir la respuesta).Acceso de por vida sin caducidad para que pueda aprender a su propio ritmo y regresar en cualquier momento que se sienta inseguro o necesite un repaso.Recuerda adems que no tienes nada que perder, al inscribirte obtienes la garanta de devolucin de Udemy de 30 das.Al final de este curso, podr utilizar las habilidades y tcnicas que ha aprendido para crear sus propias APIs REST con Node.js, y adems tener las bases suficientes para que pueda avanzar por usted mismo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Click Games JavaScript - 2 Game projects from scratch" |
"Did you want to learn more about JavaScript and how to select and update elements. Practice DOM interaction and manipulation while build 2 fun practice projects. JavaScript Project #1- Catch the element GameAdding event listeners to elementsElement selection and manipulationElement style updates and dynamically change style properties with JavaScriptUpdating innerText and HTML contentUse of JavaScript Math methodsApplying of game logicCreating element movement on pageUse of requestAnimationFrame for web page animationUse of getBoundingClientRect to get element boundariesSource Code is included so you can try the game and create your own versionJavaScript Project #2- Element Quick ClickerAdding event listeners to elementsGame scoring and progressGame logic and conditions to winElement style manipulationUse of setTimeoutAppending elements and removing elements from web pageDOM manipulation and interactionCreation of dynamic and interactive contentSource Code is included so you can try the game and create your own versionNo libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Step by step learning with all steps included.Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the building of the game. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the game today!!!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Starter Guide to OOP JavaScript Objects" |
"Source Code and resources are included to get you started quickly.JavaScript objects are at the core of JavaScriptSOURCECODEis included every step of the wayDownloadable PDFguide to help guide you through the lessons.Learning how to use objects and construct objects can increase what you can do with JavaScriptCourse is designed to highlight using JavaScript - JavaScript ISAPrerequisiteTOTHISCOURSE *****Beginner JavaScript knowledge is required ***** as the course covers only JavaScript relevant to the using objects and applying objects to object oriented programming. Also HTML and CSS knowledge is essential as scope of this course is all JavaScript focused.No libraries, no shortcuts just learning JavaScript making it DYNAMICand INTERACTIVE web application.Course CoversCreating objects - methods in objectsUsing Object to hold informationUse of objects to create a shopping cartUse of objects to get element informationObject oriented programmingCreating new objects from templateOOP recreate earlier objectsNew uses for objectsDice game made simple with OOPShopping cart made with OOPAll this and moreStep by step learning with all steps included.Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have. Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. Start building your own version of the application today!!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Abaqus CAE : Learn Static and Dynamic Analysis" |
"ABAQUS CAE is one of the most widely used finite Element Analysis software in the world . ABAQUS was developed by Dassault this course , you will learn ABAQUS from basics to advance level .the main content of this course as given below1-D beam AnalysisLinear Static AnalysisNon linear AnalysisGeometric non linearitymaterial non linearitycontact non linearityBuckling Analysis Heat Transfer ProblemsConduction AnalysisConvection AnalysisTransient Heat Analysis ProblemHeat Generated Due to FrictionDynamic Analysisin this course , we will start with very simple analysis . after that we will move on to more complex problems who should take this coursethis course is for everyone who want to learn Abaqus .mechanical engineersDesign engineersMaster and PHD studentsSimulation Engineerswhy take this course To Learn Finite element Analysis To perform Real Life Problems & simulationsto get a job as CAE/ FEA engineersconfidentially specify ABAQUS on your resume"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python GUI Programming : Create 9 Desktop Applications" |
"Python is a dynamic modern object -oriented programming language that is easy to learn and can be used to do a lot of things both big and small. Python is what is referred to as a high level language. That means it is a language that is closer to humans than computer.It is also known as a general purpose programming language due to it's flexibility.In this course,you learn the basics of graphical user interface (GUI) programming. The primary GUI toolkit we will be using is Tk, Pythons default GUI. Well access Tk from its Python interface called Tkinter (short for Tk interface).Tkinter is Pythons default GUI library Python, along with Tkinter, provides a fast and exciting way to build useful applicationsOnce you have designed the application and the look and feel that goes along with your program, you will use basic building blocks known as widgets to piece together the desired.Python is object -oriented means it regards everything as an object. An object in the real world could be a person or a car.Python is an interpreted language that does not need to be complied like for example java programming language.It is interpreted and run on the fly the same time.Python has been used in a lot of places like in creating games, for statistical data and visualisation,speech and face recognition.Some of the biggest websites on this planet earth use python in one way or another. Examples include:GoogleYoutubeFacebookNasaDisneyPixarRedditPinterestInstagramSpotifySurvey MonkeyYahoo MapsProjects we will create:Basic calculatorCurrency converterMusic PlayerLoan calculatorYouTube Video DownloaderMp4 to MP3 ConverterFeet to Meters Conversion AppImage SliderTip Calculator"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn better writing skills" |
"Writing is a powerful medium of communication. Dreaming to become a writer is not a common dream. First of all, - its an unpredictable one - you don't know what will be the outcome.I mean - its not like dreaming to become a pilot a doctor or an engineer - becoming a writer could happen or could not happen - it depends on your personal conviction to achieve the goal.But, one thing is sure - becoming a writer can make you powerful. Don't take this in any other way. I am saying this because - through writing, you can create your own power to influence other people's lives.You can make a lot of followers and lead them to better ways of life. Writing can give you a sense of elation - make you lively - and a lot many things that you may not be able to describe. You can feel the ultimate rush when inspiration comes - maybe just like the way a doctor feels when he saves a life. Writers can feel the same when they create a really good story.The biggest advantage of becoming a writer is the freedom you get at your work. You can choose your place of work - your time for work - and your schedule for it. You don't have to face the office politics - power plays at work and such other problems when you do other jobs. You can choose your ambiance for your work - and you can be working always - on the move and wherever you stay. You get a lot of freedom to do your work in a profession like writing. I suppose all of these are reasons enough to try this trade. Try this course and learn the nitty-gritty of writing. Why some aspirants are unable to move ahead while others attain success. You will know what are the stumbling blocks that hold your progress. What natures help you to become a better writer and what all characteristics can be detrimental to this profession."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Russian Nuclear Pressurized Water Reactor" |
"Introduction to Russian Pressurized Water Reactor TechnologyThis course discuss the water-water energetic reactor (WWER) which represent one of the most important type of Pressurized Water Reactor and thermal reactor which made In Russia.The nuclear power station uses the uranium (235) as fuel; whereas 1kg give a power equal to the power of 2900 tons of Coal. The thermal power of the reactor equal 3000MW and electrical power equal 1000MW. The efficiency of the reactor equal 32%. There are a lot of kinds of WWER nuclear reactor as (WWER-440, WWER-1000 and WWER-1200). The first loop of WWER-1000 include a reactor vessel, four main coolant pumps, and steam generator. The turbine and electrical generator located at the second loop. The reactivity affects the power of the reactor and the state of reactor depends on it. WWER-1000 nuclear reactor is a Russian pressurized water reactor has an apparent power equal 1111 MVA. The reliability of reactors electrical system is very high to keep the feeding of different components in it. The internal loads of the reactor represent 8% of the reactors total power; and divided into three groups depending on its reliability requirements of electrical supplying. The reactor includes two loops; the first one has four main circulation pumps which represent one of the very important components in the reactor. The main circulation pumps require a high demand on the reliability of power supply; which must not interrupt more than a fraction of seconds. The aim of this paper; study the electrical system of two WWER-1000 nuclear reactor units with maximum load equal 900 MW and minimum load equal 700 MW. The case study aims to make analysis for the Load flow in the reactor with his auxiliary systems. The short circuit and stability analysis had taken in care in this study, and all results had illustrated."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
ElementorLP |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Elementor ProLP" |
"Elementor ProWordPressWordPressElementorElementor ProEElementor ProEElementor ProConvertKitEConvertKitConvertKitElementorElementor ProLPElementor Pro"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Aprender Revit 2020 desde cero con un proyecto" |
"Con este curso descubrirs las ventajas de disear en BIM (Building Information Modeling). Iniciate y da los primeros pasos en Revit 2020, el software BIM desarrollado por Autodesk. Revit la opcin BIM ms completa del mercado, con el cual podremos adems exportar a IFC nuestro proyecto.Durante el curso crearemos juntos un proyecto completo desde cero. El curso se basa en videos de carcter prctico explicados siempre sobre un ejemplo, y guiados paso a paso. Para tomar este curso no necesitas conocimientos previos de BIM, puedes empezar desde cero en BIM y en Revit.Adems este curso est creado con la ltima versin 2020 de Revit, aunque no hay problema si decides seguir el curso con una versin anterior de Revit, podrs seguirlo perfectamente."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reputation Management with Alan Stevens" |
"Your reputation can be considered as being 'what people say about when you're not listening'.It can be said online or offline and it can be beneficial or detrimental. Understanding how to properly manage your company's reputation can be one of the most important skills to learn. It can be the difference between triumph and catastrophe. In this course, we delve into the most important factors that make up reputation management. You will learn how best to prepare for any crises and how to deal with them when they do inevitably arise, as well as covering three famous case studies of poorly handled reputation management.We cover 'The 5 Principles of Reputation Management':Recognising RiskAlertness and MonitoringPositive ActionResponsivenessBeing the BestBy the end of the course you will have a full understanding of how to build a comprehensive reputation management strategy for your company and to be well positioned to deal any reputational crisis. Who is Alan Stevens?Alan has decades of experience helping some of the world's best known brands react to adversity in the public eye, and getting them out untarnished. When crises inevitably happen, Alan is the person that many of the world's best known CEOs call to help them save their company's reputation.As well as dealing with corporate public relations, Alan has been speaking professionally, on and off stage, for about 40 years. He has written a number of books on the subject, the most recent titled 'The Exceptional Speaker'. He is the most decorated public speaker in the world, having won more awards than any other speaker. During his career he has worked with thousands of people and blue chip companies to help them improve their presentation skills. Testimonials Alan, most of the time it is hard to get honest replies from people about the content of my communication, and how I can become better at what I do. Thank you very much for your professional advice and help I really appreciate it. Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, The UKs most successful Paralympic athlete"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A Talkshow Online To Build Your Personal Brand" |
"Welcome to the Personal Branding Master Class about starting an Online Talk Show, a complete guide to growing your brand in the modern world using the power of hosting a talk show and digital content.I've spent more than a decade working at the intersection of business and media, which has provided me with a unique competitive advantage as we've entered this world where every company is expected to be a media company.In this course, you'll learn exactly what it takes to plan and execute a talk show personal branding strategy that drives your brand and reputation forward. By the end, you'll have all the tools you need to successfully start your own online talk show in the digital age.Here are some of the things we'll cover:Classic Branding Fundamentals: Basic principles from the ""old world"" of marketing that you'll need to understand for this course. Beginners are welcome here!Content Marketing Essentials: What content marketing is, how it works, how to tell a compelling story, and how to create detailed buyer personas to guide your approach.Talk Show Fundamentals: How to optimize your mindset and approach to create the best talk show you can. Generating Content Ideas: Develop a system for getting to know your audience and consistently generating new content ideas.Types Of Content: Learn about the most effective types of content, and see more than a dozen specific content ideas that you can steal and apply to your own strategy.Content Formats & Repurposing: Get familiar with various content formats and learn how to create an endless stream of fresh content simply by repurposing what you've already created.External Marketing Channels: Learn how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can tie right into your overall content strategy. You can apply this knowledge to grow your own personal brand that makes you money through the use of a talk shwo, or to boost your marketing career with your employer or clients.I think you're going to love this course, and my confidence is backed by Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you get a full refundno questions asked.I can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced digital compositing in Photshop CC" |
"Learn how to create digital compositing in Photoshop CC, that will bring you more paying customers.The structure of this course is based on several years of experience in teaching online students. For only a one time fee you can get a Lifetime access to this growing course and its digital assets.What Will I Learn?How to create commercial level compositing that you can sell. Improve your Photoshop skills and techniques to professional level. Learn how to optimize your workflow and produce mastery level work in the shortest time possible.Basic and advanced principles of digital compositing for commercial production.This course is designed to be hands on, project based with more projects being added on a continuous basis. All of them will include project materials, but you can always use your own.Tips before beginning working on projects:A fast refresh on what weve learned about compositing.What are the requirements?Mac or PC with Adobe Photoshop (CC preferable) installed.Access to digital assets of this course. Download them.Optional software for the 3D section.Some knowledge of Photoshop principles, you can always watch the Introduction to Photoshop section if you feel that your knowledge needs a little refresh.What am I going to get from this course?Learn concepts for digital compositingRecommended workflowGain an excellent general knowledge on how to blend different components together in PhotoshopTypes of masking to extract model from backgroundsHow to make model realistically blend into different backgroundsHow to create professional digital compositionsWhat is the target audience?Digital artist who want improve their skill in PhotoshopPhotographers with a creative soulArtists who want take the next step in becoming professionalThose who want to create compositing work that sellsHobbyists or professionals looking for their next creative challenge and personal growth"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Auto Maestra Espiritual" |
"Este curso ha sido diseado para conectarte contigo y que reconozcas el maestro que llevas dentro para tu propio proceso espiritual. La gran cantidad de informacin que se encuentra en internet sobre espiritualidad, puede hacer tu proceso un poco difcil y confuso. Este curso es para proveerte con un conjunto de herramientas espirituales con las cuales puedas poner bases slidas a tu camino, y empezar a caminarlo con confianza en ti y en tu poder intuitivo. ngeles y maestros de luz te acompaarn en el proceso, adems de otras herramientas como la meditacin, la intuicin, el amor propio, los registros akashicos, la sanacin cuntica, los cristales y muchas ms."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Spice-Up Your Guitar Cover Songs; Develop YOUR Unique Style" |
"A few questions for you:- What would it feel like, if you knew that ANY songs that you would choose to play on the guitar - would just sound beautiful, personal, and expressive out of your own hands?- Expressive and even emotional in a way that you've only felt a few times before, when you've heard REALLY good versions of those songs - perhaps covers, that you just fell in love with and couldn't stop listening to?- What if I told you, that you can be able to play all of your favorite songs - in your own way, and actually FEEL great emotions and new inspiration while playing them?If you're tired from playing songs in the same old way, and from feeling like everything that you play sounds the same - I have to tell you that I was there too, for years. That's exactly the reason that I made this course, and it's been create as the dream course that I wish I had a few years ago.You are about to become a completely different guitar player - a whole lot more interesting & captivating, with a personal style, and most importantly - having more fun in each song that you play. (And so will your listeners)People will be touched and impressed with what you'll do on the guitar - and they'll want to hear more and more.---------------------------------(for more details on the techniques and ""spices"" that you will learn - see the description below, and also the course curriculum content below)What students have said:""I've been a basic ""campfire"" strummer for years. I decided to try this course to see if I really could spice up my playing and make it more interesting. I'm still in the early stages, but already I've learned two new techniques that weren't too difficult to pick up that are already starting to make a difference in my playing and in my songwriting. The instructor's positive, encouraging tone is very motivating and helpful - especially when trying something a little more difficult. This course is HUGE! I expect to learn tons by the time I work my way through it. This is money well-spent!"" James Craven""Cooper is an amazing teacher who knows what we want to learn. I always felt I played the guitar in a really boring fashion. In only a couple of days with his course I learned to play songs with arpeggios and everyone noticed a huge difference. This course is everything I was looking for."" Jeh Alvarado""Let's clarify one thing right off the bat. This is not a song lessons course, you're expected to already know a few songs. This is a ""how do I go about playing the songs I know my way"" course. The PDFs are your friends when it comes to helping you really break down and understand the ideas presented (and I know Cooper put a lot of work into them because they are chock full of information...) If you're looking for a nudge to get you out of a campfire strumming rut, this is exactly what the doctor (of awesome covers) ordered."" Dora P.""The advantage over the ""learn-how-to-play-this-song"" approach of most Youtube videos is that he teaches some basic techniques that can be applied to dress up any song."" Larry Tuck""This course is absolutely amazing. I could not find much on these techniques all over the web, and this course covered all I needed in such a professional way - it is unreal!"" Eli Eliashar""I play the guitar for decades now, but not feeling a real improvement, although I spent my life on Youtube. I started Mr Cooper course yesterday (Spice your songs playing), and the two first lessons gave me plenty of ideas on how to improve my arpeggios, adding scale chords I never thought about. Thanks a lot for that course. All the best for you. Dominique."" Dominique Farese.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you at a place where you can play songs that you love on the guitar, but you feel that most of them sound plain, and sort-of the same when you play them?Do you want to play songs in a more enjoyable, satisfying way - with a lot more creative choices and sound options at your fingertips?Do you want to be able to really express and transmit your emotions through your playing - and captivate your listeners?Do you want to get into a journey of improving and spicing-up your song-playing through studying the habits, ideas and techniques of some the world's most-loved guitarists? (The Beatles, John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, Jimi Hendrix, Jack Johnson and many others) If the answers are yes - so you are in the right place, and the only place on the internet which can give you those answers. I created this course as the dream course that I wish I had when I was at the position that you're at now.*****I was at that exact same place shortly after I was finally able to play a lot of my favorite songs fluently, and this feeling stuck for several years of mostly plateauing. A feeling of ""OK... What's next after I got those simple strums down?"". I felt like my playing was stuck in a rut and there was nothing really special or ear-catching in my playing, neither to me - or to my friends who were listening.That's actually a spot most people get to - once they can strum some songs. They want to be more than a campfire player that's identical to the next guy/girl.And you can be at this spot whether if you've been playing for 6 months or 30 years. But with the right guidance and inspiration - you can move forward very quickly and fire up the guitar passion all over again.*****Once I started getting on that road of discovering new song-playing techniques, the new possibilities and new spices I can add to my sound just kept showing up, my ears got better, and I found new inspirations in many songs that I listened to. Today - the last thing I feel when I play a song is the ""boredom"" or the ""same-old-same-old"" feeling that I used to feel.The other way around is true - I feel like there are just many different ways in which I can take a song and make it ""my own"".Because of that, each time I play a song - it's also a slightly different version of it - and that's what I like the most - the richness of possibilities and choices that I can make.*****Extra: The Official Course E-Books: Also, look below for the 7 bonus E-Books that you're getting)Beautiful, printable SONGBOOK with 110+ of the most fun-to-play guitar songs of all time - so you'll have many songs to practice your new techniques on. I handpicked these songs for you - and they are all EPIC. You'll get hundreds of hours of fun out of this book.37$ Value Bonus: A detailed 100 page fancy e-book that'll help you ingrain the knowledge from each lesson. Inluding how-to-practice guides, cheat-sheets, links to relevant examples in famous songs, lesson summaries, and more.*****The 18 techniques that you will have up your sleeve after this course are: (everything will be learned by using practical examples from at least 5 famous songs, and with detailed ""how to put this into practice"" guides) Arpeggio Picking: (""The #1 Way to Beautify Songs"") where instead of strumming all strings at once - you pick every note individually. We will focus deeply on this technique and you will get all the tools you need to easily play songs that are originally played with arpeggios, or also to ""convert"" regular, strummed songs into gorgeous arpeggio covers. Notable examples: Green Day - Time of Your Life, Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven, R.E.M - Everybody Hurts.Create ""Stairways"" Over Chord Transitions by Using Bass Walk-Ups & Walk-Downs: This is a technique to make your chord transitions more lively - where instead of for example switching directly from G to E minor, we will take the role of a bass player for a second, and add a ""walk-down"" on the F# note, on the way down from the G to the E minor. Examples: Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah, Ben E. King - Stand By Me, Radiohead - Karma Police.Changing the Vibe of a Song by Changing the GROOVE (rhythmic feeling): Take a song that you know and with (or without) the help of a virtual drummer app, ""inject"" a new groove (new ""rhythmic feeling"") into it. For example, turn a chill song into a funky song, or a rock song into a bossa-nova. This one's FUN, and you can see examples in The Fugees cover of No Woman No Cry (sort of a folk rhythm in the Bob Marley version, turned into R&B rhythm), in John Mayer's cover of Free Fallin' (The Tom Petty rock song - turned into folk), and in Jamiroquai cover of Sunny. (soul song turned into a super funky song) Give Your Songs a Lot More DEPTH by Building Them Up Gradually, Using DYNAMIC Playing: With the techniques and theory in this section, you'll be able to leave the ""flat"" song-playing behind you, and give songs deeper performances, with varying energy levels in each part, even when all you have is just one acoustic guitar and not a full band. Examples: the build-ups between the parts of the song in Green Day - Time of Your Life, Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah, Van Morrison - Into the Mystic.Add Some MELODIES to Your Song-Playing by Adding Riffs & Fills Between Chords: Spice up your song-playing by combining some lead-guitar playing in it - by adding cool melodies and riffs in between some of your chords. Examples: all the Jimi Hendrix songs, John Mayer - Gravity, Jack Johnson - F-Stop Blues, Van Morrison - Crazy Love (Athens 1989 version).Adding Some Acoustic Beach Vibes to Your Songs with ""The Jack Johnson Slaps & Mutes"": Learn how to play chill, acoustic, ""beach-style"" guitar - in the style of Jack Johnson. Examples: Jack Johnson - Better Together, I Got You, Banana Pancakes, Bubbly Toes. The Beautiful Girls - La Mar. Ben Harper - Forever.You'll be able to naturally substitute plain chords with some COLORFUL 7th chords in songs that you play. (like Dmaj7, F7, Em7, etc.) You'll know how to use them and you'll know when they fit in best. Examples of songs with a lot of 7th chords: Just the Two of Us, The Beatles - Something, Fly Me to the Moon. Also, most blues songs contain Dominant7 / minor7 chords.Beautifully decorating your chords by using hammer-ons and pull-offs in and out of them. Examples: Bob Dylan, Brett Dennen - Don't Think Twice It's Alright, The Doobie Brothers - Long Train Running, John Mayer - Queen of California.We'll work on adding the #1 ingredient into your songs - EMOTION. We'll see different examples from artists who evoke different emotions and do some exercises ourselves, so you can really start feeling the songs, and make sure that your listeners feel you as well.Learn how to play songs in the electric style of Jimi Hendrix and John Mayer, with their unique right-hand groove, and while adding riffs between the chords (and while playing ""thumb-over chords""). You can use it to play their songs, or to ""convert"" any other song into their style. Examples: Jimi Hendrix - Bold As Love, The Wind Cries Mary, Castles Made of Sand. John Mayer - Slow Dancing In a Burning Room, Gravity, Daughters. Adding The Funk Sauce to Different Genres of Music: SLIDING Into Chords: This technique will enable you to make a more ""pronounced"" entry into chords that you want to emphasize. It can be done either in a ""funky"" style, ""country"" style, and more styles that you'll see in the lessons. Examples: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge, (sliding into some of the chords in the verse) Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing, Red House, (Sliding into some of the chords in the intro) John Mayer - Stop This Train. (Into the 2nd chord of the repeating progression of the verse)Sus 2 & Sus 4 Chords: Adding Interest with Tension & Release Elements. Examples: Brian Adams - Summer of '69 (intro of the MTV unplugged version), Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight, (Just before the chorus) John Denver - Leaving on a Jet Plane. (Just before the chorus)How to use Palm-Muting to play around with the dynamics of a song - so you can make sure that the intro sounds smaller, and the chorus sounds BIGGER for example. Examples: Ed Sheeran - A Team, Green Day - Basket Case, Van Morrison & Bob Dylan in Athens - Crazy Love.Make Your Songs Butter-Smooth and Your Chords SPACIOUS: Slash Chords. This one's about Using slash chords (like D/F#, C/B, Em/G, etc.) to either create interesting bass line movements, or to get fuller-sounding chords. Examples: Elton John - Your Song, Can You Feel the Love Tonight, Tiny Dancer. Simon & Garfunkel - America. (Interesting bass line movements - either ascending or descending ) Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here. (fuller sounding chords)""Wiping Down"" The Strings a Great BUILD-UP Technique to Capture Attention: build up quick tension before a new song part. A cool little touch that adds a lot of fun. Example: Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pride and Joy, (before the first solo) Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing, (right as the song starts) John Mayer - Ain't No Sunshine cover (right before the 2nd verse).Making Chords HUGE with the CHORDS VIBRATO Technique: Most of us know the vibrato from solos, and when it's used only on single notes. However, inside the course I'll show you 5 techniques to add a vibrato to whole chords. It sounds AWESOME. Usually you'll end a song with it, or emphasize certain chords with it. For an even more pronounced, similar effect, check out the tremolo in Stevie Ray Vaughan - Lenny, (intro) and Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang. (intro)Spicing-Up Chord Transitions by Adding WHOLE CHORDS Walk-Ups or Walk-Downs: Examples: Radiohead - Just (into the chorus), Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine (a walk-down is often added in live performances, right at middle of the bridge - ""and she's always gona too long"") Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing (in the middle of each progression - it's a Bbm7-Am7-Abm7)Playing Alternative Chord Voicings All Over the Neck: Replacing open chords with more interesting, sparkling voicings up the neck. Three extra techniques - see The Middle Section in the course to find out more!SONGWRITERS - your future songs will be a lot more interesting and different from the rest of the pack. The new sounds out of your guitar will surely inspire you in more ways, and take your lyrics and melodies to new territories.*****Extra lessons: (available in the ""Middle Section"" of the course)How to (Practically) Start Discovering Your Own Unique Sound on the GuitarAdding the Often-Forgotten, #1 Ingredient to Your Songs: EMOTIONA Quick-Start Guide to PRACTICAL Guitar & Music TheoryHow to Make Your Guitar 3X More Fun to Play (80-20 Maintenance Talk)My Bullet-Proof Method to Easily Find the Correct Strumming Pattern of Any SongThe 2 Main Keys for Learning (and Remembering) ANY Song - Much Faster Than How You're Used to7 Reasons to Start Spicing-Up Your Performances with a HARMONICAMy 2 Cents About Singing - and Recommended Ways to Learn ItMy Favorite 5 Song-Playing Guitarists on YouTube An Inspiration Source*****Bonus: The Guitar Songs Masters Complete E-Books Library: On top of everything that's above, you'll get 7 more fancy guitar E-Books that'll help you improve your guitar life.The 14 Best Guitar Apps That You'll Actually Use11 Guitar Practice Tips for Speedy ImprovementThe Complete Guitar Chords Cheat-BookThe 13 Best Guitar Accessories That You'll NeedMy Secret Songbooks Link-Bank: Get Access to 7 Songbooks with 5000+ Songs9 Cool Ways to Customize Your GuitarImprove Your Sense of Rhythm Cheat-SheetWhy should you listen to me?Hi, my name is Alon Cooper. I am touring the world while running my online teaching business, playing venues (solo or with a band), and learning from the best musicians wherever I go. I am the founder of Guitar Songs Masters, one of the top five most read guitar blogs worldwide, and of the GuitarSongsMasters Video Courses Academy, which has over 70K students in more than 10 unique guitar courses.My primary focus since my early days of playing the guitar, was to play the songs that I love - while trying to give them my personal twist. That's what I'm an expert at - and that's why this course is the flagship course that I worked on for a year and there's nothing like it on the internet.To conclude - my expertise is in teaching you how to play the songs that you love - with your own unique sound that I can help you develop. Looking forward to seeing you inside the course, and to hopefully hear from you as you're making the journey of developing your own sound. (I'm serious - I love hearing from students - so feel free to send me a message)- Cooper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QUICKLY Become a Jazz Chords Master (Guitar)" |
"How would it feel like, to know that...- You can EASILY play even the fanciest, prettiest jazz songs (those that seemed completely out of your league not long ago) - and people will just be blown away by how special are the sounds that are coming out of YOUR guitar.- You will never again find yourself looking at a professional player playing a fancy, beautiful-sounding chord, and not having a clue what kind of chord it is and how to play it yourself.- You can take your favorite rock & pop songs, that are originally only played with simple chords, and start mixing fresh, fancy-sounding chords into them (9 chords, 13 chords, 6/9, and plenty more), to create GORGEOUS new cover versions out of them. Versions that no one has heard before - and you made up on the spot.- You can jazz-up, funk-up, and beautify ANY song that you want.- If you are writing songs, you now have an insanely colorful ""palette"" to write your own songs with - using these gorgeous chords.- You finally UNDERSTAND advanced chords theory, and you will never need to shy out again out of conversations / lessons on advanced materials from fear that you cannot ""keep up"".---------------------------------------WELCOME! Your music life is going to be divided into two before this course, and after this course.In this course youll get the quickest, easiest way to be able to play any jazz tune, or any similar style such as bossa nova, funk, R&B and more.Youll master the 21 most useful, and most beautiful-sounding chord shapes that are out there, you'll be able to FLUENTLY use them in songs, and people will be blown away by what you are playing and how you sound like.This course will teach you how to do that in the quickest way, by using extremely powerful SHORTCUT exercises. ----------It will also happen while HAVING FUN, understanding the theory in a practical, musical way, and while widening your repertoire.HOW - Because youll be learning by using gorgeous, funky & unique versions of some awesome songs (which include the sexy chords) that youll just be proud to play to your friends or on stages.I guarantee that these are going to be the most fun to play songs on your repertoire.THESE SONGS INCLUDE: Fly Me to The Moon Stand By Me Just the Two of Us The Girl from Ipanema You Are My Sunshine Autumn Leaves You Sexy ThingIn young, lively and funky versions that you've never heard before - and with more songs added regularly every month.----------Extra: The Guitar Songs Masters Complete E-Books Library: On top of everything that's above, you'll get 7 more fancy guitar E-Books that'll help you improve your guitar life.1. The 14 Best Guitar Apps That You'll Actually Use2. 11 Guitar Practice Tips for Speedy Improvement3. The Complete Guitar Chords Cheat-Book4. The 13 Best Guitar Accessories That You'll Need5. My Secret Songbooks Link-Bank: Get Access to 7 Songbooks with 5000+ Songs6. 9 Cool Ways to Customize Your Guitar7. Improve Your Sense of Rhythm Cheat-Sheet-----------Why Should You Listen to Me?Hi, my name is Alon Cooper. I am touring the world while running my online teaching business, playing venues (solo or with a band), and learning from the best musicians wherever I go. I am the founder of Guitar Songs Masters, one of the top five most read guitar blogs worldwide, and of the GuitarSongsMasters Video Courses Academy, which has over 70K students in more than 10 unique guitar courses.In the last several months, I worked hard on figuring out the best, quickest way to learn these chords (and testing it on many students) and now I am ready to share it with you.So if you want the quickest route to the next level in your journeys sign up now and lets begin.-Cooper"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Monitorando o Microsoft Azure" |
"Este curso voltado para apresentar a utilizao do portal e das ferramentas disponveis para administrar e criar Redes Virtuais pelo portal e por ferramentas de linhas de comandos.Usurio ao concluirem o treinamento devero ter cincia de como usar o portal para utilizar Azure Monitor, alm de criar Azure Alerts, analisar logs usando o Log Analytics e o Network Watcher, usando as principais ferramentas disponveis tais como PowerShell instalado no proprio computador e/ou usando o Azure Portal para trabalhar com o Monitoramento Azure e dos recursos alocados."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Proteo de dados" |
"Este curso voltado para apresentar a utilizao do portal e das ferramentas disponveis para administrar e criar Redes Virtuais pelo portal e por ferramentas de linhas de comandos.Usurio ao concluirem o treinamento devero ter cincia de como usar o portal para Configurar replicao de dados, arquivos e pastas, alm de executar backups de Maquinas Virtuais, usando as principais ferramentas disponveis tais como PowerShell instalado no proprio computador e/ou usando o Azure Portal para trabalhar com as Redes Virtuais no Azure."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Governance and Compliance" |
"Este curso voltado para apresentar a utilizao do portal e das ferramentas disponveis para administrar Azure Governance e Compliance pelo portal e por ferramentas de linhas de comandos.Usurio ao concluirem o treinamento devero ter cincia de como usar o portal para gerenciar Azure Governance e Compliance, usando as principais ferramentas disponveis tais como PowerShell instalado no proprio computador e/ou usando o Azure Portal para trabalhar com as Redes Virtuais no Azure."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Gerenciamento de Trfego" |
"Este curso voltado para apresentar a utilizao do portal e das ferramentas disponveis para administrar e criar Redes Virtuais pelo portal e por ferramentas de linhas de comandos.Usurio ao concluirem o treinamento devero ter cincia de como usar o portal para criar Network Routing, Azure Load Balancer e Azure Traffic Manager, usando as principais ferramentas disponveis tais como PowerShell instalado no proprio computador e/ou usando o Azure Portal para trabalhar com as Redes Virtuais no Azure."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Active Directory" |
"Este curso voltado para apresentar a utilizao do portal e das ferramentas disponveis para administrar e criar Azure Active Directories pelo portal e por ferramentas de linhas de comandos.Usurio ao concluirem o treinamento devero ter cincia de como usar o portal para criar Azure Active Directories, usando as principais ferramentas disponveis tais como PowerShell instalado no proprio computador e/ou usando o Azure Portal para trabalhar com as Redes Virtuais no Azure."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Mixing in Presonus Studio One Made Easy Vol 1" |
"This course is perfect for people that are new to mixing music in Studio One. This course will apply to all versions from version 3.0 - 4.5 and beyond. In this course, I show you how to achieve a professional-sounding mix using only the stock plugins that came with Studio One. No additional software or plugins are required. There is also a mastering and bonus section as well. If you are new to mixing music in Studio One then this course is absolutely for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Pivot Table 0 to Hero" |
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Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
"Tomcat 9, Servlet 4, JSP 2.3, JSTL" |
"Learn the complete stack setup and development of JSP and Servlet application.CentOS system provisioning in Cloud. Tomcat Installation in a cloud environment. Tomcat:Installation and configuration in CentOS and WindowsConfiguring User manager and Host manager GUIDevelopment environment configurationIntegrate Tomcat with IDE like EclipseServlet and JSP:Introduction to ServletDevelopment environment setup with Eclipse and NetBeansDifferent HTTP methodsIntroduction to form elementsReading form elements using GET and POST methodsDirectivesDifferent types of directivesVarious options available in Page, Include and Tag directivesPros and cons of using various directives.ActionsIntroduction to JSP actionsVarious types of jsp actions like Include, Forward, Param, Bean, etc.,Difference between JSP action include and directive includeJSTL - JSP Standard Tag LibrariesIntroduction to JSP Standard Tag LibrariesDifferent types of JSTL - Core, Function, Format, SQL and XMLAdding the tag libraries, using it with directivesImplementing i18nInternationalization and localizationUsing locale and i18n bundlesXML parsing using xsl and transformationCookies and SessionsIntroduction to CookiesSetting, viewing and listing cookie detailsIntroduction to SessionVarious methods of SessionSet and get attributes and values from sessionSample todo list and demo using session"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 365 Bundle (MS-100, MS-101 & SharePoint)" |
"Save 20% by purchasing this 3-Course bundle! Over 200 courses included*Bundle includes: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security (Exam MS-100)Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security (Exam MS-101) SharePoint 365 Site OwnerThe Microsoft 365 Identity and Services portion of this course will cover topics from the Microsoft MS-100 exam, which measures a student's ability to design and implement Microsoft 365 services, manage user identity and roles, manage access and authentication, and plan Office 365 workloads and applications. In this course, students will get a thorough overview of how to configure Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, how to work with Office Pro Plus, and how to migrate to Office 365. Finally, students will also learn how to configure Microsoft 365 Tenant, learn how to manage user and security groups and licenses, and learn how to use authentication in 365.- This IAAP-certified counts for 5.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.- Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.The portion of this course covering topics from the Microsoft MS-101 exam will measure a students ability to accomplish the following technical and administrative tasks: Identify threat vectors; use Secure Score; configure Azure Identity Protection; configure Exchange online protection; implement modern device services; implement Microsoft 365 security and threat management; and manage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance.- This IAAP-certified counts for 5.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.- Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.The SharePoint 365 Site Owner portion of this course will teach students an overview of SharePoint Site Owner roles and responsibilities. Students will learn to add and configure sites, create and configure libraries and lists, create and customize columns, and manage content types. Students will also learn to manage permissions and permission levels, create and modify site pages and work with navigation and regional settings.- This IAAP-certified counts for 5.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.- Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |