Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate Azure BootCamp" |
"Hi and welcome to this course. Im super excited to be here with you teaching you all about Azure. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. The advantage with Azure is that everything is cloud based, no costly hardware to buy, provision or install. First off a quick introduction about myself and why you should learn from me and then also I want to quickly cover what youre going to learn on this courseMy name is Ram and Ive been in the IT industry for more than 15 years. But even more than that, Im the author of a few different courses in Udemy and all of which are tailored towards beginners. I have a particular interest in covering the basics in a way that people can easily understand and put into action immediately. And hence I believe you have come to the right place.This course is meant to be the ultimate bootcamp in learning about the basics of Azure. No advanced topics, no unnecessary drivel, just the solid basics to get you off on the right footing. Well cover all the free services that come with Azure, i.e. 8 services that are free for 12 months and about 25 services that are always free. The advantage with this approach is that you dont have to spend anything to learn about Azure.Each service is first explained and then followed up with a quick hands-on demo. You can either go through the course sequentially or use it as a reference, i.e. go directly to the service you want to learn about. Each service has been covered as independently as possible so that you can learn about each service without knowing about other services.The recommended way to learn this course though is to take your time between lectures, practice what you learnt in the previous lesson and then move onto the next lecture. This is my preferred method of learning whenever Im tackling a new subject, but off course each person learns in a different way and I encourage you to follow the method that works best for you.With that short introduction, Im ready and excited to take you in the exciting world of Azure. Are you ready? Lets go!Sample of reviews from students:Jeremy Wedderburn - ""Great course, very informative.""Muhammad Haseeb Arshad - ""Good training and trainer is vey helpful and responsive.""Lahiru - ""Good Stuff..!""Frederick Okereke - ""Awesome course""Phil Knox - ""I really didn't know a lot about Azure until I took this course. The demos were very helpful; I was able to try most things myself. Ram is a good teacher; he had a good balance between talking and showing."""
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Acolhendo a Criana Interior Ferida para Evoluir na Vida" |
"Esse curso foi criado para ajudar na necessidade que todos ns temos de integrar a nossa parte criana para conseguir crescer diante das adversidades.O contedo que voc vai ver aqui ir criar habilidades para entender melhor suas prprias necessidades, se autoconhecer e poder assim ter um relacionamento mais harmonioso consigo mesmo e com as pessoas que te cercam.Tudo o que voc precisa fazer aprender como nosso inconsciente funciona dando um novo significado aos sentimentos que causaram insegurana, tristeza, medos e vazios.Se voc no quer mais viver se sabotando quando d foco muito aos problemas, no entende porque certos padres de sofrimento se repetem na sua vida, ento esse curso para voc.Voc vai aprender a resgatar o seu poder pessoal atravs de uma fora que sempre existiu em voc mas que por algum motivo est adormecida."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Administra GNU/Linux por lnea de comandos!" |
"No sabes nada de GNU/Linux y quieres empezar? Ya eres administrador/sysadmin y quieres refrescar conocimientos? Si tu respuesta es SI a alguna de estas preguntas, entonces este es tu curso.Este curso cubre los contenidos necesarios para administrar fluidamente un sistema operativo GNU/Linux desde las bases, y con ello puedas potenciar tu carrera profesional.Organismos como LPI, Comptia, RedHat, Suse o LinuxFoundation son quienes ms saben sobre la demanda laboral de profesionales Linux, y es por ello que el presente curso est basado en el temario de la certificacin LPIC-1 (exmenes 101 y 102), por lo que si adems de realizar el curso para aprender a administrar un sistema GNU/Linux, quieres rendir la certificacin, este curso te brindar las bases para que empieces a preparar tu examen.Qu incluye el curso?Este curso incluye temas como:Introduccin a los sistemas operativosHerramientas de virtualizacin para que puedas probar distribuciones GNU/Linux sin riesgosAnlisis del sistema de archivos jerrquico HFSComandos para determinar especificaciones y problemas de hardwareParticionado y gestin de sistemas de archivosInstalacin de GNU/Linux y gestin de paquetes y repositorios de softwareUso de la terminal de comandos (comandos bsicos y avanzados, redirecciones, pipes, awk, etc)Gestin de procesos (planificacin, seales, jobs, zombies, gestin de prioridades)Edicin de archivos por lnea de comandos usando Vi/Vim/NeoVimAdministracin de usuarios, grupos y propiedad de recursosAdministracin de privilegios, permisos comunes, especiales y atributos de archivosShell Scripting (condiciones, expresiones aritmticas, variables, funciones, estructuras de control, etc)Configuracin persistente y voltil (iproute2) de interfaces de red en GNU/LinuxIntroduccin a SSH (fundamentos, seguridad del tnel, configuraciones del cliente, autenticacin asimtrica PKI)Qu NO incluye el curso?Este curso no incluye la configuracin de servicios de red ms all de configuraciones bsicas de reenvo de correos electrnicos con un MTA, puesto que no son parte del primer nivel de certificacin de LPI. Dichos temas sern incluidos en la continuacin de este curso, en un nivel ms avanzado."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"How to Survive as a Mobile App/Game Developer in 2020" |
"Thank you for checking out this great course of Mobile App/Game Growth! In this course you will have an in depth and a practical real life proven approach to how you can market yourself as a mobile game developer. Some of the strategies in this course can also be applied to other business models besides Mobile App/Game Development and publishing.I will first go over the basics and present you what you can expect when living a life of a freelance mobile game developer or in today's term appreneur.Then I will go over some basic knowledge of both iOS apple appstore and Google Play Store and a basic ASO knowledge which you can start applying when publishing your game.I will then show you some social media techniques mostly by using Instagram which will help grow your business not only as a mobile game developer but also a social influencer.One particular exciting topic in this course is I will show you how you can get 5000 game/app installs in one day totally free for iOS Appstore.And last but not least will explain various User Acquisition strategies which will help you to acquire users at low cost so you can grow your business safely without loosing too much money."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Using ASP.Net Blazor for Absolute Beginners" |
"Note: This course is designed for ASP.Net core 3.0 Preview 7, And later upgraded to APS.Net core 3.1 Preview 1.Blazor is Framework came under ASP.Net core application. It is released with .Net core 3.Till now we are using JavaScript frameworks for creating User Interface for applications.With Blazor, now we can create a user interface with C# too. Developers do not need to depend on just JavaScript or its frameworks.Blazor takes advantage of Web assemblies, which allows running assembly on the browser itself. And almost modern browsers support this feature.Throughout this series, I am going to teach you how to create your own custom Blazor components and handle data, parameters, events, and more.The course outline includes:Introduction to Blazor and Web Assembly. And understood how it works.Check a different kind of hosting models supported by Blazor for creating applications.Understood how to use Parameters to pass a value to the component.Bind fields and attach events on controls.Use RenderFragments to generate templates.Understood cascade parameter and pass multiple values.Use routings for the component. Using URL Helper generate URLs for any component.Create and validate forms before sending the request to the server-side.Use dependency injection with built-in service as well as custom service.Use JavaScript interop to execute C# code from JavaScript and vice-versa.And learn how to deploy an application for both hosting models.And Extended sessions for how to upgrade to the final version of 3.0 and 3.1 previews."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Escape the City: Career Change School -Find Your Perfect Job" |
"Want to do something different in your career, but you're not sure where to start?Do you dread Monday mornings?Do you want to make a difference and have a career that matters?Our Online Career Change School follows 5 crucial steps that will help you get over your career change fears and teach you how to make small but bold steps in an exciting new direction even if you don't know exactly what you want to do yet.This is a learning by doing experience that will teach you how to start getting unstuck and find new career opportunities for yourself. Its about developing a powerful new toolkit, network and mindset to help you identify and execute exciting opportunities over the next few years as you transition into a new direction.With step by step instructional videos, downloadable resources and relevant case studies this course can lead you to your perfect career. What is Escape the City?Escape The City is on a mission to liberate talented people from unfulfilling corporate jobs. Life is too short to do work that doesn't matter to you.Since 2010, we've helped thousands of people Escape into starting businesses through our Escape School in London. We've gathered knowledge from our 250,000+ Escape community members around the world to learn what works. We've dissected tried-and-tested lessons from entrepreneurs, psychologists, philosophers, adventurers, investors and other successful Escapees to distill a set of principles that work.AS FEATURED IN: Fast Company, Time, The New York Times, WIRED, Forbes & Financial Times"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Personal Development Life Coaching Certification: Accredited" |
">>>THIS COURSE IS CPD ACCREDITED. COMPLETE IT AND YOU AUTOMATICALLY EARN YOUR CERTIFICATION & 10 CREDITS<<<Learn How To Become An Accredited Personal Development Coach, Work With Clients And Grow Your Life Coaching Business Hi, I'm Felix Harder, personality development coach. My Personal Self Development Coaching Certification is designed for anyone who wants to coach others about personal development, personal transformation and self improvement.In this course, I will take you through the process of becoming a coach step by step. You will learn everything you need to know about the fundamentals of good coaching techniques and exercises and how to design an action plan for you or your clients. Researching and gathering all the knowledge you need to coach others takes a lot of time, so I created this course as a complete program to teach you everything there is to know about the 3 steps to become a personal self development coach:1. Learn about the theory of personal development2. Use proven strategies and techniques that are based on scientific research3. Understand how to work with clients and apply these strategies in your coaching business>>>Here Is What's Inside The Program<<<PERSONALITY COACHINGWhat It Is & How It WorksBig 5 Personality TraitsMyers Briggs Type Indicator: How To Use It CorrectlyHow To Excel As An Introvert / ExtrovertFINDING YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFEHow To Find Your Life Purpose Right NowThe Venn Diagram MethodThe Deathbed ScenarioHow To Transition To A Purpose Driven LifeMINDSET & MOTIVATIONWhat Everybody Gets Wrong About Motivation How To Avoid The 6 Most Dangerous Motivation KillersDon't Try To Control Your Thoughts: Guide Them InsteadGOAL SETTINGHow To Use Power Of Goals To Transform Your LifeHow To Set SMART Life GoalsThe Right Expectation ManagementHow To Track Your Goals CorrectlyBUILDING POSITIVE HABITSWhy Habits Are The True Secret To SuccessHow To Build Habits FastHow To Stack Multiple HabitsHEALTHY LIVINGHow To Diet & Exercise Correctly For Personal DevelopmentHow To Live A More Balanced LifeHow To Make Positive Lifestyle ChangesPEOPLE & RELATIONSHIP COACHINGHow To Build Stronger RelationshipsHow To Improve Office RelationshipsHow To Save A Broken FriendshipHow To Deal With Stress In A Romantic RelationshipCOACHING TOOLSHow To Ask The Right QuestionsHow To Build Rapport With Your ClientThe GROW Coaching Model ExplainedAND MUCH MORE....This course will give you all the tools you need to help others achieve their personal transformation goals, be it to be more successful, live healthier or simply live a more balanced life. If you want to build up your online coaching business, be it online or in person its important you equip yourself with the knowledge of how to correctly work with your students and understanding their painpoints.The life coaching course and life coaching certification is designed to develop both your personal and professional life. That means its not just for professionals but also for beginners who want to imporve their own (mental) health. You dont have to have to be a coach / therapist / life coach or have any students yet. All you need is an interest in the field to get started.The program is made up of multiple downloadable worksheets, eBooks and other printable resources. If you sign up you get access to all of them so you can study anywhere and at any time. So If You Want To Coach Others And Make Personal Development Your Career, This Is The Right Course For You***************************************************ENJOY LIFELONG LEARNING!Enroll yourself now for a one-time fee and:Lifetime access to all the course content (videos, workbooks, downloadable resources etc.)Includes all future course updates - free30-day 100% money-back guarantee - no risk***************************************************"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Electronic Circuits - Part2: Diode Circuits" |
"The diode is a nonlinear device. The important concept of piecewise-linear modeling will be applied to the diode in most applications. The concept of small-signal and large-signal models will be introduced.The diode is used in many important non-amplifier applications. A few of these will be considered later in this part.Junction diodes have many applications in various electronic circuits and systems such as rectifiers, voltage regulators, varactors, clippers, limiters, photodetectors, LEDs and so on. This part of the course discusses them in detail."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Selbstcoaching durch Gamification" |
"Dieser Workshop ist NICHT dafr da, dir die Konzepte von Gamification zu erklren. Er IST dafr da, diese Konzepte - auch ohne Vorkenntnisse - auf dein Leben anzuwenden.Prolog:Irgendwie war mein Leben festgefahren. Nicht so richtig. Von Auen sah es nicht so aus. Ich hatte einen guten Job und genug Zeit fr meine Freundin und mich selbst. Dennoch fhlte es sich an, als fehle mir Etwas. Nur was?Irgendwann war ich auf einer Familienfeier in der Heimat, als eine gleichaltrige Verwandte zu mir sagte, ich sei so ernst geworden.Ich? Zu ernst? Das war gerade die Zeit, als ich als Lead Gamedesigner arbeitete. Ich, der den ganzen Tag Spiele entwickelte, war zu ernst geworden? Dabei war mein Humor mir immer wichtig. :)Aber, sie hatte Recht. Irgendwie hatte der ""Ernst des Lebens"" mich erfasst. Ich war nicht mehr so leicht und humorvoll, so selbstironisch und offen, wie ich es frher einmal war. Ich konnte auch nicht mehr so gut ber mich selbst lachen.Pltzlich hatte ich eine Mission - eine Quest. Die Rckgewinnung meiner Leichtigkeit. Mission: Gamify yourself hatte begonnen.Ich kramte all meine Bcher ber Gamedesign und spannende Spiele hervor und fing an, mir selbst kleine Quests zu stellen. Quests, die nur darauf abzielten, die Freude und Leichtigkeit wieder in mein Leben zu holen.In diesem kleinen - aber feinen - Workshop, geht es darum, dass DU fr dich kleine Quests erarbeitest, die diese Leichtigkeit und Freude auch in dein Leben holen, bzw. verstrken.Egal, ob du aktuell in einer Krise bist, oder einfach nur so ein wenig mehr Spa im Leben haben willst, ist dieser Workshop fr dich genau richtig.Wir werden uns mit den Mechanismen der ""weien Gamification"" beschftigen. Dem Teil, der mit Motivation, Freude und Sinn arbeitet. Die ""schwarze Gamification"", also sozialer Druck, Gewinne und Belohnungen, lassen wir in diesem Workshop aus. Wir wollen uns ja freier und besser fhlen.Der Kurs besteht aus einigen Aufgaben, die du erledigen sollst. Diese fhren dich immer nher an das heran, was dir im Leben wirklich wichtig ist. Das, was in deinem Leben fehlt. Das, womit du dein Leben bereichern kannst.Zum Ende des Kurses kristallisieren sich einige Werte, Konzepte und Ttigkeiten heraus, die dazu fhren knnen, dass deine aktuelle Situation sich verbessert. Diese bilden dann die Grundlage fr konkrete Manahmen und ToDos - deine persnlichen Quests.Der Workshop kann beliebig hufig widerholt werden. Immer, wenn du glaubst, dass es einer kleinen Auffrischung bedarf.Also, komm mit auf die Reise! Finde deine Quest! Gamify yourself."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"RF Basics and Components - Radio Frequency for Engineers" |
"Radio frequency (RF) refers to the rate of oscillation of electromagnetic radio waves in the range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz, as well as the alternating currents carrying the radio signals. In simpler terms a radio wave is an electromagnetic wave propagated by an antenna which is used for communication.This RF Engineering course covers in detailRF Basics - Transmitters and Receivers, Analog Signals, Frequency, Digital SignalsRF Behaviour - Loss and Gain, Insertion Loss, Skin Effect, Free Space Loss, ReflectionBasic System Components Part I - Transmitters and Receivers, AntennasBasic System Components Part II - Amplifiers, Fundamental Properties of an Amplifier, Special Amplifiers, Filters, Special Filters, Mixers, SourcesCircuits and Signals - Semiconductors, Diodes and Transistors, Integrated Circuits (MMIC)Circuit Technologies - Lumped and Distributed Circuits, Discrete, Hybrid, and MMIC Circuit Technology, Subassemblies, CavitiesModulation - Introduction, Types of Modulation, Modulators and DemodulatorsOther Components Part I - RF Adapters, ADC, Attenuators, CapacitorsOther Components Part II - Charging and Discharging of Capacitors, Stray Capacitance, Capacitors in Parallel, Capacitors in Series, Alternating Current in a Capacitor, Capacitive Reactance, Quality FactorOther Components Part III - RF Chokes, RF Circulators, RF Connectors, RF CouplersOther Components Part IV - Crystal Oscillators, DC Blocks, RF Delay Lines, RF Detectors, RF DiplexerOther Components Part V - Frequency Doublers, RF Front End Modules, Hybrid Couplers, Impedance Matching Pads, RF Inductors, RF Isolators, RF Limiters, RF Mixers, Frequency MultipliersOther Components Part VI - Phase Shifters, Power Dividers, RF Switch, RF Terminations, RF Transistors, VCO, Wireless Charging Receiver IC, Wireless Charging Transmitter ICRF Filters - Introduction, Passive Filters, Active Filters, Key Parameters to Describe Filter Response"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Forgiveness and Meditation ~ with Tara Brach" |
"When we have turned against ourselves or another person, forgiveness can seem impossible. Were so used to re-playing the story of blame, that living with a tight heart can become our most familiar way of being.Yet we want to forgive, because we understand that not forgiving hardens and imprisons our heart. As long as we are filled with resentment or hate, were chained to the sufferings of the past and cannot find genuine peace.We cant simply will ourselves into forgiving; but we can be willing. This is why the intention to forgive is such a key element in the process. To be willing to forgive - even if not yet quite ready allows the door open a crack, and light inevitably pours in.We might worry that forgiving somehow equals condoning harmful behavior, or permitting it to continue. When we forgive, were not saying, ok, I guess Ill just let them keep treating me in harmful ways. We can forgive and create every boundary we need to take care of ourselves and others. Nor are we denying responsibility when we forgive ourselves.While blame and punishment might temporarily interrupt a pattern of behavior, they do not create the grounds for deepened understanding, compassion and transformation. Only when we include ourselves and others in our heart do we serve a path of true healing, connection and freedom."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Developer Career Paths" |
"Information technology (IT) has changed the way we approach ordinary tasksfrom settling the bill at restaurants to drivingand more industries than ever are leveraging IT to work smarter. As companies strive to keep up with the times, the number of available tech jobs has grown exponentially. It's a great time to launch a career in this ever-changing field. But with so many options to choose from, how do you determine which path is right for you? In this course, we shine a spotlight on a variety of careers in software engineering, system administration, cybersecurity, and data science. We break down what each job actually entails, shares practical tips that can help you break into the career of your choice, and discusses relevant certifications."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Administrator (Exam AZ-103)" |
"This Intellezy course is designed to teach students how to manage their Azure subscriptions, create and scale virtual machines, implement storage solutions, configure virtual networking, back up and also share data, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement Azure Active Directory, secure identities, monitor your solution, and prepare them for the Azure Administrator Exam (AZ-103).This IAAP-certified counts for 5.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Administer a Construction Contract" |
" In guiding a construction project a good working knowledge of the construction contract is essential. Duration of Study The pace at which each student studies is different. The nominal hours for this course are 20 hours, however, this can vary greatly depending on your previous experience and study techniques. Student support is available by asking a question online or visiting our website.Exner is a Registered Training Organisation Exner Education, drawing on their 25 years of experience in the construction industry have tailored this course on administration of construction contracts to suit the needs of site managers, project managers, construction managers and contract managers to ensure that they gain a good understanding of construction contract administration. If you would like to be assessed for this unit, please visit our website for more information. Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate of attainment."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Accounting for Hotel Industry: A Complete Guide" |
"Welcome to this course Accounting for Hotel Industry: A Complete GuideThis course is created as a result of continuous demand from existing students. This Course is mainly for working professionals in hotel industry, those who pursuing professional courses in India like CA / CMA / CS and graduation like BCom / MCom / BBA, and those who have an adamant passion to enter into hotel industry and accounting jobs in hotel industry. By taking this course you will be exposed to Introduction to Hotel Industry Accounting features of Hotel Industry Costing & Fixation of room rate Internal Control & Checks for Hotel IndustryThis course is structured in self-paced learning style - class room teaching model has been adopted to enable the students to understand the concepts with utmost clarity.You can listen course lectures any number of times as the course comes with life time access.For effective listening, please use your headset. While watching lectures, please have a notepad and pen alongside, so that you can take notes of important points.See you inside the course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Play The Drum Set: Masterful Drumming Volume 2" |
"Learn How To Play The Drum Set: Masterful Drumming Volume Two is a video course based on the drum set method book Masterful Drumming Volume Two. Volume Two is designed for intermediate level players (if you are a beginner please check out my first course Learn How To Play The Drum Set: Masterful Drumming Volume One). This video course will help further develop sight reading, independence and co-ordination skills by working through more complex beat subdivisions. The video features lessons on the Shuffle, Hi-Hat Studies, Grooves and Fills of Different Lengths. An ebook of Masterful Drumming Volume Two is included in the course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Business Analysis Competencies: Personal Skills (IIBA-ECBA)" |
"The Business Analysis Competencies: Personal Skills (IIBA-ECBA) is the 12th course of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes a total of 14 courses. This course is the first in a two-part series on business analysis competencies, or underlying competencies, as they're called in the BABOK Guide. These competencies represent skills and knowledge that all business analysts should have in order to excel at their jobs. There are six categories of competencies altogether, and in this course we'll be looking at three of them: analytical thinking and problem solving, communication skills, and interaction skills.Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving1. Creative and Visual Thinking2. Conceptual and Systems Thinking3. Decision Making and Problem Solving4. Exercise: Analytical Thinking Core CompetenciesInteraction Skills1. Teamwork, Facilitation, and Teaching2. Leadership and Negotiation Skills3. Exercise: Interaction Core CompetenciesEffective Communication Skills1. Communication Skills Overview 2. Verbal Communication3. Nonverbal Communication4. Written Communication5. Effective Listening Skills6. Exercise: Communication Core CompetenciesYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Google Drive Image Gallery Website JavaScript Google Script" |
"Create your own website that DYNAMICALLY GETS IMAGES from your Google Drive !!!!!Learn more about JavaScript and how JavaScript ES6 can be applied to create amazing JavaScript projects. Course is loaded with JavaScript Examples and perfect JavaScript for Beginners to learn more about JavaScript Online. Writing JavaScript Code using vanilla JavaScript - no libraries no tricks this JavaScript tutorial the JavaScript Course will walk you through creating your own JavaScript code and provide many JavaScript Code Snippets for use in JavaScript programming. Learn JavaScript with this step by step JavaScript Course.Created with Google Apps Script - allows you to create WebApps with JSON content for your website that you can make an AJAX request and get those images directly showing on your webpage.Get data from Google Drive and use that data within you JavaScript application.Previous JavaScript knowledge is a prerequisites to this course - YOU MUST HAVE JAVASCRIPT EXPERIENCECourse is focused on applying JavaScript to connect to web APIs and get back JSON data using Google Apps Script to construct the API.Course covers:How to search the drive folder and get the image informationHow to output JSON data into a Google Script web appBuilding your endpoint to connect to Google Apps Script web appUsing JavaScript fetch to connect to JSON dataApplying JavaScript forEach to loop data and use it in the codeBuilding Elements for the page and updating attributesAdding CSS Compete WebApp with Modal popup for fullsize viewing of imagesComplete Gallery display of Google Drive Images.Source code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself.Step by step learningFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionExperienced instructor with over 20 years of experience ready to help you learnYou have nothing to lose - Join now and start learning to create your own version of this helpful application today!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Only You Can Help Save The Earth" |
"Smokey the Bear comes out of Retirement to recruit ONLY YOU to help save the Earth. Helping prevent Forest Fires are still part of Smokey's mission, but now he realizes that forest fires are only a symptom of how the Earth itself is on fire and we will soon no longer be able to breathe. We will go extinct, along with all other life forms. This is HOW WE CAN PREVENT the end of the world. There is only ONE WAY TO GO if we want to get united on the plan that has the BEST CHANCES of saving us. THIS IS THE PLAN. But we need YOU before we can go any further or make any progress."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maquillaje Profesional" |
"Bienvenidos a nuestro primer curso de maquillaje profesional! Este es un curso muy completo en el cual aprenders desde cero conociendo las partes de nuestro rostro e identificando lo que ms nos favorece y cualquier aspecto que no podrs corregirlo con diferentes tcnicas como Contouring, Backing, Strobing, Smokey eye, Ombre y mas!Ademas aprenders que cada persona tiene un rostro diferente y por lo tanto debemos maquillarlo de diferente manera ya que no es lo mismo maquillar un rostro cuadrado que maquillar uno con forma de triangulo. Revisaremos como el maquillaje de da consta de una rutina completa pero siempre buscando un acabado natural y fresco. Aprenderas a darle el uso correcto a tus pinceles de maquillaje y a colocar las pestaas de una manera fcil.Y claro no poda faltar la colorimetra, para que aprendas a combinar los colores, no slo en t maquillaje si no tambin en el vestuario para que puedas tener un mejor estilo combinando los colores, sin miedo a no saber si lo hiciste bien o mal.Por ultimo cerraremos realizando maquillajes para diferentes eventos como XV aos, Novias, Graduaciones, T.V, Fotografia y ms...Espero que te guste y si tienes dudas me las hagas saber, yo respondere lo mas pronto posible!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"(1860-1909)418761880(Isaac Albeniz)2325"
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Killer Paragraphs: Start your writing journey in English" |
"We write for different purposes, but we all use the same rules and techniques to write better. In this course, we cover an important step, which everybody skips, to help you write better. People usually learn how to write in English and they jump to essay writing. This, as you can imagine, leads a failure because paragraph writing is the next step after sentences. Now, we will solve this problem with this lesson."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"React Hooks -" |
"Medium React React hooks. . . , . , , . , . : React react hooks API , , , , , , . React."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Visio 2016" |
"In today's workplace, visual diagrams are an essential part of communication, from street maps to sales processes, up to complex process diagrams and technical drawings. Microsoft Visio provides you with an intuitive, customizable tool to easily create a professional-looking product. In this course, you'll create visually rich diagrams, maps and drawings using graphical elements to make information easier to understand.This course is aimed at people who are new to Microsoft Visio and who want to use Visio to visualize and present workflows.You should be familiar with Windows 8 (or newer versions) to access programs, access data stored on your computer and manage files and folders."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tax Misconceptions" |
"There are plenty of misconceptions when it comes to the subject of taxes. The average taxpayer does not understand taxes as much as they believe they do. Therefore this course is designed to tackle the 8 most common tax myths. The goal of this course is clear up these myths so that taxpayers do not make these mistakes on their tax returns."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics Exam Questions 2020" |
"Become Google Analytics Certified to Advance Your Career, Attract Clients & Improve Your Marketing - 2020 Quiz.Who this course is for:Anyone Who Wants to Thrive in this New Data Driven EconomyRecent Graduates Who Want a Secure More Interviews by Proving They Have in-demand SkillsSEO & PPC Specialist Who Want to Separate Themselves From the CompetitionMarketing People who Want to Leverage Marketing Analytics Within Their RoleWebsite Owners Who Want to Take Their Analytics (and business!) to the Next LevelAgencies Who Want to Train Up Staff Members Quickly"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Life Challenges - Arm Yourself With Effective Coping Skills" |
"I have written and published courses on stress management, anxiety control, depression, spiritual healing and self-esteem, just to name a few.In researching these various topics I came to the realization that a common theme in all of this information is How We Deal With Life Challenges. It occurred to me that if we could learn to deal with challenges as they come to us, we would not have as many stressful events which then lead to anxiety and possibly even depression.So, I have prepared this course to do just that; Aid you in developing a plan to deal with lifes challenges so you can meet them head-on rather than waiting to react after the fact.See, living with the challenges of daily life can feel overwhelming sometimes. And figuring out how to cope with and solve these problems is never easy. Challenges can be many different things in life, but they all share one common trait. A trial is something that tests you.They may put your mental, physical, or emotional strength into question, and many challenges test more than one aspect of our strength, too. Lifes challenges are not usually overcome with simple solutions. If they were easy to solve, they wouldnt be a life challenge, now would they?Learning to face and overcome lifes many challenges is an important skill to cultivate and refine throughout your life.Learning to build your inner strength, create the right mindset, hone your ability to remain resilient, and build your store of problem-solving skills are just some of the many constructive ways you can deal with and overcome the top challenges you will encounter in your life.I created this course to explore some of the most common and often most difficult challenges you may face in your life. By understanding these challenges, we can identify the best possible solutions as well as apply those lessons to other areas of your life.Throughout this course, you will learn what it takes to overcome lifes challenges, including real solutions for everyday obstacles and setbacks that are a part of being human."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"FinTech Foundations and Cryptocurrencies" |
"FinTech Foundations and Cryptocurrencies course is designed to introduce you to the fundamental building blocks of financial technologies and real-world applications through case studies. This course is a beginner level course and you don't need any background in finance or technology. This course is intended for learners that have or wants to have a career in the digital financial industries. Youll learn about concepts such as digital platforms and business ecosystems, be exposed to the emerging Fintech landscape and master a new toolbox for successfully competing on innovation in the digital era of finance.You'll learn the the essential components of technology-driven financial strategies, from complex technologies to cryptocurrency to investment optimization. You'll also learn how modern investment strategies deploy technology to produce optimal results, explore the disruptive force of changing payment methods, analyze the changing regulatory landscape, and gain an understanding of machine learning advising, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, and blockchain. Why this course?Because ICAN Consultancy has trained hundreds of colelagues to start new careers or progress in their careers and we get constant feedback from their experience. Course content is prepared with this practical experience from numerous FinTech implementations and practices.You will have life time access to the course as well as to all of the new resources we will add to the course. This way you will always keep up do date with the changes in the FinTech arena. You will be able to ask me questions and I will respond to all of them in detail.By the end of this course, you'll be able to make informed decisions about deploying financial technologies for yourself or for your business, giving you a competitive advantage in using the latest financial innovations."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A Wordpress Website 2020 Divi Theme Tutorial" |
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn how to use the #1 Best selling WordPress Theme In The WorldMaster WordPress and the Divi Theme. Complete Beginners GuideGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 500,000 Monthly Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner.What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern, Beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Create Pages With the Divi theme and WordPressCreate Pre-Made layouts for clientsMaster The Divi Theme and even start your own business!Master The #1 FREE Page Builder - Divi ThemeLEARN HOW TO USE THE DRAG AND DROP MODULES + VISUAL BUILDER EASY!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?MASTER WORDPRESSCreate Your Own Website From ScratchCreate MODERN Style 2020 WebsitesMASTER The Divi ThemeWhat is the target audience?Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own WebsiteAnyone Who Wants To MASTER WordPress And The Divi ThemeWhat youll learnCreate Websites From ScratchStart Their Own Web Design BusinessCreate Modern Style Websites In Under An HourAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Just an Internet Connection And A Computer!No Experience Required, Beginners Welcome!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to make a website step by stepAnyone who wants to create their own businessWho this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to make a wordpress website with no experienceAnyone who wants to make a website the easiest wayAnyone who wants to learn how to start a web design business"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISO/IEC 27701. Privacy Information Management System" |
"This course details the requirements of ISO/IEC 27701:2019, the latest standard published by ISO (The International Organization for Standardization) to define controls for an organization that processes a Personally Identifiable Information (PII).ISO/IEC 27701 is an extension for privacy of ISO/IEC 27001 (the Information Security Management System standard) and can be used by any organization regardless of its location and size, regardless if it acts as PII (Personally Identifiable Information) controller, PII processor or both.Protecting privacy is a significant business concern. According to IBM the average cost of a data breach is USD 3.6 million, and legal obligations are increasingly stringent. As we get more connected, governments all over the world are introducing various privacy regulations, such as the European Unions General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). ISO/IEC 27701 helps businesses meet such requirements, whatever jurisdiction they work inMajor companies and organizations have participated in the development of this standard. For example Microsoft was an active member of the committee that developed ISO/IEC 27701.The course includes 5 sections:- the first one is the Introductory section where we discuss about general aspects, definitions, privacy principles, privacy actors, international standards for privacy or the relationship of ISO/IEC 27701:2019 with the GDPR;- the second section is about the general management system requirements including Context of the organization, Leadership, Planning, Support, Operation, Performance evaluation and Improvement. - the third section discusses the information security controls (114) from ISO/IEC 27001 with privacy additions, where they are present. The following sets of controls are included: Information security and privacy policies, Organization of information security and privacy, Human resources security, Asset management, Access control, Cryptography, Physical and environmental security, Operations security, Communications security, Systems acquisition, development and maintenance, Supplier relationships, Incident management, Information security and privacy aspects of business continuity and Compliance;- the fourth section includes requirements and guidelines for organizations that act as PII controllers and- section five is about requirements and guidelines for organizations that act as PII processors.From this course you will get all the knowledge you need to understand what a Privacy Information Management System is. You can use this information to:- work as a privacy consultant;- participate in management system audits;- enhance an organization's information security management system to meet the additional requirements of ISO/IEC 27701;- implement a Privacy Information Management System in a company;... or you can just have a better understanding of what is ISO approach on processing personally identifiable information. You will get from this course concise information that you can re-visit at any time since Udemy offers life-time access and as you complete the training you will obtain a certificate for completion, that can be useful to demonstrate your competence."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning 2020: Complete Maths for Machine Learning" |
"Congratulations if you are reading this. That simply means, you have understood the importance of mathematics to truly understand and learn Data Science and Machine Learning. In this course, we will cover right from the foundations of Algebraic Equations, Linear Algebra, Calculus including Gradient using Single and Double order derivatives, Vectors, Matrices, Probability and much more. Mathematics form the basis of almost all the Machine Learning algorithms. Without maths, there is no Machine Learning. Machine Learning uses mathematical implementation of the algorithms and without understanding the math behind it is like driving a car without knowing what kind of engine powers it. You may have studied all these math topics during school or universities and may want to freshen it up. However, many of these topics, you may have studied in a different context without understanding why you were learning them. They may not have been taught intuitively or though you may know majority of the topics, you can not correlate them with Machine Learning. This course of Math For Machine Learning, aims to bridge that gap. We will get you upto speed in the mathematics required for Machine Learning and Data Science. We will go through all the relevant concepts in great detail, derive various formulas and equations intuitively. This course is divided into following sections,Algebra FoundationsIn this section, we will lay the very foundation of Algebraic Equations including Linear Equations and how to plot them. We will understand what are Exponents, Logs, Polynomial and quadratic equations. Almost all the Machine Learning algorithms use various functions for loss measurement or optimization. We will go through the basics of functions, how to represent them and what are continuous and non-continuous functions.CalculusIt is said that without calculus and differential equations, Machine Learning would have never been possible. The Gradient Descent using derivatives is essence of minimizing errors for a Machine Learning algorithm. We will understand various terms of Rate of Change, Limits, What is Derivative, including Single, Double and Partial Derivatives. I will also explain with an example, how machine learning algorithms use calculus for optimization.Linear AlgebraLinear Algebra is the mathematics of the 21st Century. Every record of data is bound by some form of algebraic equation. However, it's nearly impossible for humans to create such an equation from a dataset of thousands of records. That's where the ability of vectors and matrices to crunch those numerical equations and create meaningful insights in the form of linear equations help us. We will see, right from the foundations of Vectors, Vector Arithmetic, Matrices and various arithmetic operations on them. We will also see, how the vectors and matrices together can be used for various data transformations in Machine Learning and Data Science.ProbabilityProbability plays an important role during classification type of machine learning problems. It is also the most important technique to understand the statistical distribution of the data. Conditional probability also helps in classification of the dependent variable or prediction of a class. With all of that covered, you will start getting every mathematical term that is taught in any of the machine learning and data science class.Mathematics has been my favorite subject since the childhood and you will see my passion in teaching maths as you go through the course. I firmly believe in what Einstein said, ""If you can not explain it simple enough, You have not understood it enough."". I hope I can live upto this statement.I am super excited to see you inside the class. So hit the ENROLL button and I will see you inside the course.You will truly enjoy Mathematics For Machine Learning...."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |