Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aprende a usar un compresor adecuadamente" |
"Este curso es sobre como usar un compresor, conocer sus parmetros, as como las perillas y los fader, saber cuando y como comprimir. Cada parmetro hace lo mismo pero de diferente manera y eso tratare de ayudarte a comprender.El compresor es una herramienta que si sabes como se utiliza es muy til a la hora de hacer una cancin ya sea en vivo o en el estudio "
Price: 1095.00 ![]() |
"Aprende Ginga NCL Lua para aplicaciones de Tv Digital" |
"Una de las principales caractersticas de la Televisin Digital Terrestre, aparte de brindar una alta calidad de imgenes, es ofrecer al televidente la posibilidad de interactuar con los programas de televisin desde su hogar, accediendo de esta forma a informacin complementaria, promoviendo as la inclusin digital en nuestro pas a travs del desarrollo de aplicaciones relacionadas con educacin, salud, informacin de desastres en tiempo real, turismo, gobierno electrnico, entre otros. El desarrollo de estas aplicaciones se basa en el software de interfaz Middleware GINGA. El middleware GINGA facilita el desarrollo de aplicaciones interactivas en TdT, bajo la norma ISDB-T, de manera independiente a la plataforma de telecomunicaciones y a los equipos terminales de acceso denomi- nados Set Top Box (STB).Objetivos:Al finalizar el curso, el participante lograr las siguientes capacidades:Conoce los fundamentos bsicos de la Tv Digital Terrestre en Per y el mundo.Conoce las herramientas de desarrollo de aplicaciones interactivas basadas en middleware Ginga-NCL.Desarrolle aplicaciones interactivas basadas en Ginga NCL, utilizando la herramienta Composer y/o Eclipse."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ACCA F9 Financial Management - Investment Appraisal" |
"Welcome to this ""ACCA F9 Financial Management - Investment Appraisal "" courseThis course is structured in a way to enable you to prepare for ACCA F9 Financial Management exams. By taking this course, you will be able to practice case studies in Investment Appraisal Topic. You will get exposure on - Computation of Relevant Cash flow- Evaluation of Lease Vs Borrow & Buy Option - Computation of Equivalent Annual Cost and Evaluation- Calculate net present value and discuss its usefulness as an investment appraisal method.- Computation of Nominal Cash Flows & Real Cash FlowsBy taking this course you will gain absolute confidence and authority in Investment appraisal technique chapter. Please note, this course covers only the case studies to enable u to practice more. Remember - practice makes man perfect and this course will help you to achieve that perfection. This course is structured in self-paced learning style. You can listen course lectures any number of times as the course comes with life time access.For effective listening, please use your headset. While watching lectures, please have a notepad and pen alongside, so that you can take notes of important points.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ACCA F3 Financial Accounting - Basic Financial Statements" |
"Welcome to this ""ACCA F3 Financial Accounting"" courseThis course is structured in a way to enable you to prepare for ACCA F3 Financial Accounting exams. By taking this course, you will be able to practice case studies in Basic Financial Statements topic. You will get exposure on - Recognise how the accounting equation, accounting treatments underlie the statement of financial position.- Calculate gross profit- Calculate Cash flows from operating activities- Consolidated Profit / Loss- Incomplete Records- Events after the reporting periodBy taking this course you will gain absolute confidence and authority in Preparing Basic Financial Statements chapter. Please note, this course covers only the case studies to enable u to practice more. Remember - practice makes man perfect and this course will help you to achieve that perfection. This course is structured in self-paced learning style. You can listen course lectures any number of times as the course comes with life time access.For effective listening, please use your headset. While watching lectures, please have a notepad and pen alongside, so that you can take notes of important points.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Strategy Made Simple for Small Businesses" |
"Together, well go through the steps to create an easy to execute social media strategy perfect for your business. No graphic design or marketing experience needed. Whether youre just getting started or already have a social media campaign in place, this will get you to the next level. Attendees will learn: How to set up your social media pages correctly How to create a simple step-by-step social media strategy that will work for your business How to identify where your audience is and keep them engaged How to know what your clients are doing and what people are saying about you How to stay current with the content The psychology behind what makes someone share information online What time saving tools to use How to connect the dots from social media to SALES! How to create high quality picture graphics without special software How (and what) to measure to determine your ROI (Return on Investment)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 - Corporate Finance (2020 - 2021)" |
"Review(s):""it's really good for me. Thank you so much for given change to learn new something""""so far the instructor is out of this world made, big up to this guy""-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prepare for the CFA Level 1 exam in 2020 with 100% confidence! The course covers the Corporate Finance syllabus in detail so you will have a complete understanding when tackling this section in the exam. AFTER GOING THROUGH THIS COURSE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STUDY FROM THE TEXTBOOK ANYMORE (OR ANY OTHER SOURCE)!Exam Weight: 10%Syllabus:Capital BudgetingCost of CapitalMeasures of LeverageWorking Capital ManagementCorporate Governance and ESG: An IntroductionWhat you will get by buying this course is:detailed coverage of the syllabus, taught by a seasoned instructor of the CFA in the Q&A forum (course-related questions) from the instructor.the confidence to nail this topic in the exam!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 2 - Corporate Finance (2020 - 2021)" |
"With the CFA exams postponed to December 2020, you now have more time to study!Prepare for the CFA Level 2 exam in 2020 with 100% confidence! The course covers the Corporate Finance syllabus in detail so you will have a complete understanding when tackling this section in the exam.AFTER GOING THROUGH THIS COURSE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STUDY FROM THE TEXTBOOK ANYMORE (OR ANY OTHER SOURCE)!Exam Weight: 5% - 10%Syllabus:Capital BudgetingCapital StructureAnalysis of Dividends and Share RepurchasesCorporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations in Investment AnalysisMergers and AcquisitionsWhat you will get by buying this course is:detailed coverage of the syllabus, taught by our seasoned instructors of the CFA in the Q&A forum (course-related questions) from our instructors.the confidence to nail this topic in the exam!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How to create a Royal Wedding Design in 2020" |
"What Youll Learn (business, marketing & floral design):How to identify and sell your wedding concept to a DOMINANT BRIDEThe brides design process (from the initial discussion with the client, to the inspiration board, choosing materials and creating the structures)How to transform the brides personality into a unique, real-life wedding.Andreeas step-by-step design demo used for the wedding conceptHow to select and source the right decor pieces to elevate your designs, from furniture to natural elementsCreate statement centerpieces and large arrangements for a variety of wedding budgetsLearn to attract more of the right clients with a new approach in marketing and client interactionSee a Clients Design Develop From Mood Board to Real-life Wedding.Demo: Creating bridal bouquet and all bridal party flowers like flower accessories.Demo: The planning, mechanics, logistics, and staffing required to execute wedding day installation like a floral archWedding SetupThe course is for:floristswedding planner / stylistevent stylistflorist designer"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Domine NoSQL com Redis, com Prtica em Python e R" |
"O Redis um banco de dados em memria do tipo NoSQL. Redis o banco de dados NoSQL do tipo chave-valor mais popular do mundo. Neste curso voc vai aprender a dominar este importante banco de dados, conhecer seus conceitos, suas aplicaes prticas. Aprender tambm a instala-lo. Confira como o curso est estruturado:Conhea o Redis e todos os seus fundamentosAprenda a Interagir com o seu banco de dados, incluindo e lendo valoresInteraja com o Redis usando RInteraja com o Redis usando PythonAprenda a criar aplicaes Web usando RedisInclui slides e cdigos fonte."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Docker Grundlagen (mit Docker Compose und Swarm)" |
"Du hast schon viel ber Docker gehrt und wrdest dich gerne gut damit auskennen, aber du weit nicht wo du anfangen sollst? Dann ist dieser Kurs ist genau das richtige fr dich! Dieser Kurs bringt dir alle wichtigen Grundlagen die du brauchst, anhand von Praxisbeispielen bei.Die meisten groen Unternehmen verwenden Docker mittlerweile jeden Tag, aber das Tolle an Docker ist, dass es auch fr die kleinsten Projekte unglaublich gut funktioniert. Heutzutage gewinnt das Lernen ber Docker und allgemeine DevOps-Fhigkeiten in der Tech-Szene enorm an Dynamik. Unternehmen erwarten von neue Entwickler und Data Scientisten, dass sie den gesamten Lebenszyklus ihrer Anwendungen verwalten knnen. Das bedeutet, dass sie beides knnen; ihre Apps entwickelt und diese auch bereitstellt. Bleibe daher up-to-date und lerne jetzt Docker.Lerne in diesem Kurs, wie du Docker schnell und effektiv einsetzen kannst!Dieser Kurs soll dich so schnell wie mglich dazu bringen, mit Docker zu arbeiten. Du wirst die Bereitstellung von Flask- und Ruby on Rails-Anwendung bis hin zu MongoDB und SQL Datenbanken lernen. Oh, und keine Sorge, du brauchst keine Flask-, Ruby on Rails, Postgres oder MongoDB Erfahrung, um diesen Kurs zu verstehen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Bereitstellung der Anwendungen und nicht auf dem Erstellen einer. Und das wichtigste ist, du braucht keine Angst haben das die Konfiguration dieser komplexen Systeme schwierig wird, ...wir verwenden doch Docker ;-)SchnellstartDu wirst so schnell wie mglich Docker anwenden knnen. Das heit ein echtes Image von DockerHub laden und einen Container mit einem Webserver starten. Schritt fr SchrittDanach wirst du Schritt fr Schritt erfahren wie du selbst Docker Images erstellst, die Container verwaltest und bereitstellst, Anwendungen mit Docker Compose Orchestrierst, deine Container mit Docker Swarm bereitstellst und vieles mehr... ""Da war wirklich alles enthalten, was man bentigt. Wirklich ganz Klasse. Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Kurse von Datamics"" (M.Mosig)Am Ende des Kurses wirst du praktische Anwendungen mit Docker erstellen und in der Lage sein, eigene Docker Images und Compose Projekte zu erstellen, die Container zu verwalten und mit Swarm auszurollen. Im Kurs werden ""echte"" Anwendungen verwendet bei denen die Docker Befehle angewandt werden. Fr all das gilt eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Worauf wartest du noch? Melde dich gleich an und wir sehen uns im Kurs!Schau dir die kostenlosen Vorschau-Videos an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"PACS Administrator Interview Questions" |
"Have you ever wondered how to become a PACS administrator? Picture Archive And Communication system aka PACS system is the milestone towards digitization of medical records. Personnel who are capable of designing the radiology workflow, make changes to radiology workflow on as needed basis, communicate the same to radiologists so that they can follow the workflow are some essential job duties of PACS administratorPACS Administrator Interview Questions discussed more details on what to expect during your upcoming PACS admin interview. We have covered questions at common level so that this will help you get clear understanding of PACS administrator job duties, perform job role properly irrespective of PACS software in-place"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spss Eitimi" |
"Bilinmesi gereken temel istatistiksel ifadeleri,SPSS programna anket verilerinin girilmesi,Veri setinde dzeltmeler (ters kodlama, kayp veri atama) yapmay,Veri analizinde en sk kullanlan istatistiksel metotlarn SPSS uygulamalarn renebilecekler.SPSS program bata anket analizleri olmak zere sosyal bilimler, salk bilimleri ve fen bilimleri alanlarnda da elde edilen baz lmlerin analiz edilmesi iin kullanlr.azar aratrmas yapmak amacyla da sklkla kullanlan bir bilgisayar programdr. Program Windows ve Mac bilgisayarlarda almaktadr ve Microsoft Excell programna benzer bir grnme sahiptir."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Git y Github" |
"Git y github son herramientas fundamentales para cualquier desarrollador, no importando el lenguaje en el que lo haga. Este controlador de versiones se ha convertido en un estndar en la industria y es fundamental su conocimiento. Este es un curso INTRODUCTORIO.Los objetivos del mismo son:Instalar git en su computadoraConfigurar gitCrear nuestro repositorio local con gitSubir nuestro primer repositorioEvitar subir archivos o carpetas (como las libreras) al repositorio gitCrear una rama de nuestro desarrolloSincronizar nuestro repositorio local a githubCrear un archivo READMEBajar el repositorio remoto de github a nuestra computadora local con gitEste curso est dirigido a desarrolladores de cualquier lenguaje que necesite el control de versiones y respaldo de sus programas. Es un curso bsico donde aprenderemos a realizar las tareas ms comunes con estas herramientas. Tendrs acceso a los apuntes del curso en formato PDF."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Podal Reflexology Massage" |
"In this course you will learn the art of Reflexology. The reflection is an involuntary response to a stimulation of the nerve receptors in the skin, relayed from the spinal cord through the neural network of the human body. In cases in which organs are undergoing ailments, these manifest themselves in their reflection points. You will learn their properties, energy distribution, interpretation and mapping of these reflection points on the foot; the placement of the fingers and hygiene measures amongst other things. This is an authentic SPA treatment for conditions such as: StressAnxietyInsomnia It brings overall confort to the muscles."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Chocotherapy Massage" |
"The chocotherapy is a new technique that leverages the antioxidant and restorative properties of the cocoa. Recent studies have shown that the chocolate had substances that enhance the mood with antidepressant properties, triggering a chemical substance which produces pleasure in the brain: the Serotonin. The chocolate had also antioxidants, which are very important to fight the aging and essential amino acids which exerted on the skin an immediate tightening effect. The chocotherapy is very useful especially in cold months, as the chocolate is applied temperate (Warm), which favours its penetration; the texture of the skin will be smooth, soft and hydrated. The chocotherapy treatment is actually composed by four treatments in one, which will be shown step by step in the following video. Firstly we will make a soft exfoliation with a scrub made of sugar cane and coffee beans. Secondly we will make a complete anti-stress massage in back, leg and arms. Thirdly we will make a relaxant and beneficial head massage and then we will apply the chocolate wrapper."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Habilidades para el xito que debes desarrollar este 2020" |
"Sabes cmo iniciar este 2020 de la mejor forma posible?Siempre necesitars una gua para poder conseguir tus metas. Todos necesitamos un mapa, que nos muestre dnde caminar.Y de todos es sabido que esa gua no la ensean en la escuela.Porque no la conocen!Para conocerla debemos acercarnos a los mentores, estudiar e investigar bastante.A veces toda una vida de estudio.Pero si te acercas a los mentores adecuados y consultas slo los materiales necesarios, construyes ms rpido esa gua.Desde hace ms de 10 aos he ido creando una gua, con mucha informacin para conseguir tu libertad financiera. Ella tiene las habilidades necesarias para el xito.Y te la estoy compartiendo en cursos y libros!Ahora, te voy a ensear en un curso online las habilidades que debes desarrollar este 2020, para que puedas conseguir xito que te mereces.Lo que aprenders en este curso, lo puedes aplicar para cualquier rea de tu vida.Qu mejor momento para preparar tu mente que estos das de reflexin.Una gua que te ayudar a dar los pasos adecuados, sin perderte en el camino.Con videolecciones prcticas, breves y con informacin valiosa Para que las pongas en prctica de inmediato."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Cmo pagu mis deudas y cmo podras pagar las tuyas" |
"En 1995 quebr mi primera empresa.Aunque en 1996 comenz mi capacitacin financiera, ese mismo ao comenc a adquirir tarjetas de crdito.Y no slo tarjetas, segu solicitando prstamos a las instituciones y a las personas.Pronto comenc a llenarme de deudas.Llego el punto en que tena que esconderme para que no me cobraran.Las cartas llegaban a mi casa y a la casa de los que eran mis avales.Las llamadas telefnicas de los prestamistas se hacan ms agresivas.Era una situacin insostenible.Aprenda sobre finanzas personales, pero no poda dejar las deudas atrs.Fue un tiempo de incertidumbre, hasta que aprend qu deba hacer para dejar atrs esos tiempos.Tom el control de mis finanzas y pagu hasta el ltimo centavo de deudas.Ahora tena el control y las deudas no tenan el control de mi vida.No fue sencillo, pero lo consegu.Y desde hace ya muchos aos, ya no tengo problemas de esa ndole.Quieres pagar todas tus deudas?Quieres conocer qu hice para pagar todas mis deudas y cmo t podras pagar las tuyas?En este curso aprenders:Cmo pagu mis deudas y cmo podras pagar las tuyas.Te ensear paso a paso lo que hice y cmo t podras hacerlo de forma simple y en poco tiempo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ionic 6+: Crear aplicaciones IOS, Android y PWAs con Angular" |
"ionic es un framework que nos permite tomar nuestro conocimiento de Angular y crear aplicaciones multiplataforma que pueden correr en Android, IOS, convertirse en una PWA o crear una aplicacin web, todo con un mismo repositorio de cdigo.Este es un curso sumamente completo que abarca todos los temas necesarios para crear aplicaciones y desplegarlas en Google PlayStore o Apple AppStore, sin contar que tambin haremos PWAs y despliegues en la web de nuestras aplicaciones.Puntualmente, estos son los temas que cubrimos en el curso:ionic framework desde ceroConceptos importantes de Angular (componentes, lazyload y mdulos)Creacin de aplicaciones realesCreacin de PWAsDiseo adaptativoFirebase HostingPush Notification Grupales Push Notification a usuarios en especficoUso la pgina de Onesignal para envo de mensajes grupalesUso de la API de OneSignal para mensajes push automticos o controladosExplicacin de la mayora de componentes de ionic con su respectiva configuracinCRUDGeneracin de un backend propioManejo y creacin de JsonWebTokensSubida de archivosConsumo de diversas APISAplicaciones verticales y horizontalesAplicaciones con diseos atractivosUso de Mapbox para mapasUso de Plugins de cordovaShareAPI de GoogleMapbox APICompartir en Redes sociales y cualquier otra aplicacin instalada en el mvilGeneracin de Archivos de texto y envo de los mismosDespliegue de aplicaciones en Apple AppStoreDespliegue de aplicaciones en Google PlayStoreAlphas y Betas de Google Test Flight de AppleConfiguracin de simuladores para IOS y AndroidUso del DevAppStorage NativoindexedDBAnimaciones personalizadasY muchos otros temas msEste es un curso extenso con muchas clases y tareas, muchas aplicaciones y ejercicios para asegurar el aprendizaje del framework haciendo ejercicios prcticos y reales, todo lo haremos de cero, cada lnea de cdigo ser explicada y ustedes mismos lo harn y probarn para que vean los resultados por ustedes mismos.Es importante que deben de tener una pequea base de Angular (Angular 2 o superior) para poder seguir el curso sin problemas.No se olviden de ver los videos gratuitos del curso y animarlos a que se inscriban a este curso super cargado de ionic!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Flutter: Tu gua completa de desarrollo para IOS y Android" |
"Bienvenido a mi curso de Flutter en espaol, el cual tiene por objetivo ensearte todo lo que necesitas de sobre el lenguaje de Dart y Flutter para poder crear aplicaciones hermosas y principalmente funcionales que son aplicables a la vida real.El curso fue creado para ayudarte a empezar en el desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles nativas usando una sola base de cdigo con el SDK de Google Flutter, aqu tocaremos los siguientes temas:1- State Management2- Tokens3- Widgets comunes y no tan comunes4- Dart5- Firebase REST API y REST Auth6- Cmara7- Galera de imgenes8- Carga de archivos a la mediante servicios REST9- Modelos10- Providers11- Patrn Bloc12- Streams13- Notificaciones Push14- Futures15- Despliegues en la AppStore16- Despliegues en la PlayStore17- Generacin de APKs de 64 bits18- Diseos de aplicaciones mviles19- Lectura de archivos JSON20- CRUD hacia servicios REST21- SQLite CRUD22- PageViews23- InfiniteScrolls24- Pull to refresh25- Uso de mapas26- Preferencias de usuario27- Storage nativo28- Instalaciones de paquetes29- Formularios30- Y mucho msEl curso cubre todo lo necesario crear aplicaciones mviles para IOS y Android, esto incluye su despliegue en las tiendas. Una vez termines el curso tendrs el conocimiento necesario para emprender tu camino para crear tus propias aplicaciones en Flutter que no solo funcionan bien, sino que se vean bien.El curso ha sido cuidadosamente creado para que te diviertas hacindolo con ejercicios y tareas prcticas, es 90% prctico y 10% terico, con presentaciones cortas pero ilustrativas para explicar conceptos fundamentales de todo desarrollo en Flutter.Tambin me he preocupado mucho de que cada clase sea de menos de 10 minutos y que termine en algo en concreto, con el objetivo de ir progresando poco a poco, aunque efectivamente hay pocas clases que pasan de los 10 minutos, pero es por una razn especfica.En el curso se realizan varias aplicaciones y muchos proyectos, cada seccin es diferente y con sus propios retos, con el objetivo que en el menor tiempo posible, puedas adquirir todo lo que necesitas para considerarte desarrollador de aplicaciones en Flutter.Importante:No es necesario una Mac, puedes hacerlo en Linux y Windows perfectamente, pero para desplegar en la AppStore y probar en IOS, si es necesario la Mac.Se requiere al menos 8GB de espacio en disco."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dart: De cero hasta los detalles" |
"Dart de cero hasta los detallesDart es un lenguaje de programacin que cada da toma ms fuerza. Google quien es el creador del lenguaje, tiene su gua de estilos para desarrollar aplicaciones que usen Dart como lenguaje, dichas guas de estilos las seguiremos a lo largo de este curso.Te recomiendo que te inscribas si ests pensando en entrar en Flutter, Hummingbird o cualquier framework que use Dart como base. Es necesario comprender cmo escribir el cdigo de programacin antes de seguir reglas o patrones de desarrollo, y este curso tiene por objetivo darte esa base.Aqu aprenders sobre:Estructura de proyectos en DartGua de estilos oficial del equipo de Dart / GoogleConstantes y finalsPeticiones HTTPMapeo de informacinCiclosEstructuras de control de datosTipsTrucos en DartLectura de la documentacin oficialCondicionesTipado estricto y dinmicoDepuracinListasMapasQueuesEnumeracionesSingletonsMucho ms!Aqu aprenders desde lo ms bsico de Dart hasta temas ms complejos y necesarios para trabajar con frameworks. Aqu adentro tendrs tareas, ejercicios, exmenes, explicaciones y herramientas indispensables que te ayudarn a ser un eficiente desarrollador utilizando Dart.Te recomiendo tomar este curso primero, antes de entrar en cualquier otro curso relacionado a Dart, te ayudar a comprender mejor la razn de ser y saber qu es propio de Dart y qu es propio del framework."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"ReactiveX - RxJs: De cero hasta los detalles" |
"Este curso de ReactiveX est orientado a ensearte desde los fundamentos de las extensiones reactivas hasta los detalles del tema. Pueda que ya usemos las extensiones reactivas en nuestras aplicaciones, ya que muchos frameworks lo traen incluido, pero usualmente no lo aprovechamos al mximo por desconocimiento del tema.Mi objetivo con este curso es llevarte desde lo bsico hasta temas avanzado de las extensiones reactivas, mostrndote cmo leer la documentacin oficial, interpretar los diagramas de canicas y dems recursos para que puedas seguir tu camino cuando quieras especializarte an ms.En este curso aprenders temas como:ObservablesCrear observables desde ceroMtodos para crear observablesGran variedad de operadores:mapswitchMaptapfiltersamplesampleTimedistincttakereducemuchos msOrden de operadoresTipado de observables y operadoresBuenas prcticasY mucho msAl finalizar el curso, crears tu propia biblioteca de mtodos y operadores para que puedas consultarla tantas veces que necesites para refrescar la memoria o bien para aplicar lo aprendido en tus propios programas.Todo el cdigo hecho aqu es tuyo y podrs usarlo sin mi consentimiento."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Lose Weight Fast and Burn Fat Even Faster" |
"This Course has been designed for those that want to be different. You want to STAND OUT from the pack. You want the body with the CUT SIX PACK and the LEAN TONED MUSCLE that all the everyone will envy. You want to be able to take your shirt off and LOOK TOTALLY AWESOME!If you want to lose weight, strip the fat and cut up read this now!Have you recently gotten into fitness and followed a program you found in a magazine or online only to find out that it didn't really deliver the goods?IF YOU'RE STRUGGLING TO GET YOUR DREAM BODY, WHATS YOUR CURRENT SITUATION?Are you the typical fitness nut who upped your training schedule and shrunk your portions down only to be wondering why eating 6 small meals a day is taking so long to get that ripped lean physique?Have you jumped on the LOW CARB BAND WAGON and upped your training in an attempt to cut the fat. Only to be sick of having limited food choices, low energy, short temper and a beast like tendency to binge on carbohydrates on free days?Maybe your that guy who's been hitting the gym HARD trying to pack on some kilos, eating Mass Amounts of Fast Food only to find nothings working?We want to put an end to all your frustrations and completely change the way you look in the shortest time possible! WE CAN HELP YOU skip the painful steps of finding out what really works and show you how to build that elusive lean body.What you can expect:Lose Unwanted WEIGHTBuild LEAN MUSCLESTRIP THE FATWake Up with MORE ENERGYINCREASE your strengthREDUCE niggling painThis is a package that will deliver the resultsWe will help you set up your fitness ROAD MAP that will set you on the right path for you and your lifestyle.What time of the day do you train? morning? mid day afternoon late at night? We will show you how to eat no matter what time you train in order to increase your energy and get the fastest results possible without having to give up the FOODS YOU LOVE!We will set you up with the right training for your goals because we are all different. Your needs and wants are not the same as the guy next door.What it's not about:This isn't about going on a crazy eating regime of steamed fish and broccoli. Definitely not about long boring waste of time cardio workouts.Who this is perfect for:People who are looking to Build Lean Muscle, Strip the Fat and Cut up in the shortest time possible. No Empty promises Just results.Who this isn't for:This isn't for the person sitting on the fence not to sure if this is for them.You cant commit to a minimum of 3 training session per week don't bother.If your not prepared to put in the WORK! Things don't happen on accident!If your not prepared to make some sacrifices and changes for your goal.People who have no commitment, cant stick to a program for at least 8 weeks before moving on to the next wonderful program offering this and that!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dare to Lead: How to Become a Next Generation Leader" |
"Let me ask you a question How would you like to be able to learn to lead? If the answer is YES, then listen real close what I am about to say. In this course, I have explained the entire process which when integrated into your life can create and amazing leader who is loved and respected by others. You will also learn to approach different situation with a leadership-centric approach. It doesnt matter where ever you stand today, the ability to understand, to value and to learn from mistakes, and an amazing experience around others is the hallmark of a the truly successful leader. In this course, I have talked about different types of leadership mindsets for example action mindset, reflective mindset of a leader and etc and most importantly I have talked in detail about servile leadership Yes, the leadership skill of this century, and if you have understood this skill and successfully implemented this Its my BOLD promise that you are going to emerge as an amazing leader for your people.Let me guess, you are thinking I am not in a leadership role in my organization and its not for me Well! In my opinion anyone can be a leader in various facets of life- you can be a leader in your office, at your home, out with your friends and etc It's a skill that when developed can create an amazing YOU. You know what, I did it too, in fact I am just like you. So, all you have to do right now is to simply click the Enroll Button on this page and on the next page I will give all the details about how you too can become and amazing leader whom people will adore and follow with love and respect than fear and disgust.This course has been divided into 7 sections. In each section, I have discussed in detail about different aspects that you would need to master to emerge as an amazing leader. In this course, you will learn human Characteristics and how you can understand your people and modify your actions which will allow others to follow you and respect you. Which is my friend is being a leader.. You will learn the 360 approach of leadership, you will also learn to leverage the emotional intelligence to your benefit to emerge as a great leader, and many more . So, be prepared with you pens and notepads to take notes while you listen to the lectures. Each section has exercise to be done for better understanding of the concept. And I would encourage you to complete the exercises before you move to the next one. Throughout the course you will hear me giving many different examples in the form of case studies and stories to make your understanding better and relatable. I know a lot of you do not have time to sit and go through the videos Well! Heres the good news this entire course is specially formulated in a way that you can just listen to it and pause it whenever you want and do the exercise at your will So, let me tell you what I personally do in such scenario, I drive to my work every morning listening to an audio course just like this one It saves my time, makes me more productive and in my opinion its the best use of my time Once, you have successfully completed the course. In the last section of this course, you will learn the tools and techniques to apply the real-life application of the leadership skills and I have also explained how you too can do the same for yourself. So, what are you waiting for?? Lets dive into creating an amazing leader, thats none that YOU my friends. Thank you and I will see you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"En este curso aprenders a aplicar correctamente el API JDBC de Java para programar bases de datos ORACLE.Aprenders los conceptos fundamentales de Oracle Database y a crear el esquema de trabajo que se utilizar durante el curso.Estars capacitado para aplicar el API JDBC de Java para ejecutar consultas sin parmetros, consultas con parmetros, gestin de transacciones y ejecutar procedimientos almacenados que retornan cursor y que gestionan transacciones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Shapes in After Effect" |
"Shapes are playing a key role in After Effect, it allows us to create complex graphics element in short amount time and it has lots of benefits like they are completely vectored it means you don't need to worry about the resolution or getting pixel artifacts by scaling up or reusing in your projects.As an After Effect user and a Motion graphic artist its a must to being able to work with shapes and create different motion elements like Icons, Avatars, Transition, Morphing paths and so on.In this class we are going in-depth of Shapes and their tools in After effect here is the list of our class topic:Basics of ShapesShape EffectorsCreating Transition using shapesCreating IconsDesigning User AvatarsCreating Motion Graphic ElementsConverting Text to ShapesCreating shape presetsThis class is perfect for people who are new to after effect and want to be a master of shapes and creating professional-looking Motion design projects.The project file is available for this class.Let's get started:)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NLP Master Guide To Achieving Extraordinary Results" |
"When was the last time you felt totally in control of your life?What would it be like if you could possess the power to get exactly what you want with ease so life becomes a joy instead of a struggle?If you have always wanted to know how to eliminate fear and insecurity from your life and radiate confidence, assertiveness, and power then look no further. In this course, you'll discover how to use NLP to fulfill your dreams and meet your every desire with push-button simplicity!NLP can be boiled down to one word: influence. It is the most sophisticated, effective, and easiest to learn model for influencing yourself, your friends, your family, your boss, your spouse or anyone you communicate with!Lets start with how you influence yourself. I want you to imagine for a minute, what if you could learn how to program your own mind? What if changing your thoughts, emotions, and behavior was as easy as changing channels on your TV or installing a new program on your computer? What would you change? What if you could program yourself for success in any situation?Lets get specific! Take a bad habit like Procrastination, for example. Did you know that over 80% of people struggle with Procrastination? Well, what if you could take the behavior of Procrastination and reprogram yourself so that any time when in the past you might have procrastinated you actually FEEL motivatednaturally, and without even thinking about it?NLP will teach you how to do that.What if you could learn how to control your own state of mind so that you could feel exactly how you want to feel, confident, motivated, focused, creative, sexy, whatever feeling you want? And at any time you want?NLP will teach you how to do that.And what if you could do all this in minutes instead of hours or even YEARS of therapy?Now, what about influencing othersWhat if you could know how to do all this and even more for your friends, family, loves ones, your clients, or even your boss?What if you could learn how to help other people reprogram their minds?NLP will teach you how to do that and more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Photoshop: Woman in the Moon" |
"In this course, we'll create a woman in the moon piece of artwork. We'll start by learning how to extract our model's photo from the background while retaining all the detail in her hair. From there, we'll do some portrait retouching before creating a moon for her to sit on. Some of the techniques you'll learn in this course are:Blending and compositing multiple images togetherWorking with glows and texturesAdding lighting and shadows to objectsPortrait masking techniquesHair painting techniquesPortrait retouching techniquesBy the end of this course, you'll have a solid understanding of the techniques used to create this piece of artwork. More importantly, you'll get a peek at a production-proven workflow that you can start using in your own creative projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Planejar o Melhor Ano da Sua Vida com Modelos Mentais" |
"Esse curso para quem deseja viver de maneira intencional, organizando as suas prioridades e o uso do seu tempo de modo a ter os resultados que deseja. Se voc est cansado de estabelecer metas que nunca so atingidas, ou frustrado com planos que nunca saem do papel, voc vai conhecer aqui o segredo para projetos que realmente funcionam e geram resultados.As nossas decises no dia-a-dia so profundamente influenciadas pelo nosso emocional, portanto ns reunimos nesse curso princpios de Psicologia, Sociologia, Neurocincias, Antropologia e PNL. Mas tudo apresentado de maneira extremamente simples e fcil de implementar, e com o propsito nico de transformar os seus resultados nos prximos 12 anos.O Curso dividido em 4 mdulos:1 - Modelos Mentais - A Ferramenta dos GniosAprender novos Modelos Mentais como fazer um ""upgrade"" no seu crebro, como se voc ""emprestasse"" a mente de um expert naquele assunto para resolver ou decidir algo. Quando ns combinamos Modelos Mentais diferentes, podemos fazer decises muito mais inteligentes e poderosas. Nosso planejamento do ano ser feito usando 3 Modelos Mentais, e nesse mdulo ns te mostramos uma maneira super simples de usar essa ferramenta. 2 - O Passo a Passo Para a Elaborao do Seu Plano Para os Prximos 12 MesesNesse mdulo ns te mostramos exatamente o que fazer para gerar um plano que esteja totalmente alinhado s suas aspiraes e o que voc deseja na vida. Ns vamos te ajudar a estabelecer um norte, uma direo clara segundo o que voc deseja alcanar, e a partir da vamos construir o planejamento do seu ano.Aqui ns te mostraremos tambm como transformar o seu plano para o ano em um planejamento semanal e depois dirio. Tudo de forma simples e visual. 3 - Como Executar o Seu Plano no Dia a Dia Sem se Auto SabotarAqui ns usamos as melhores ferramentas de mudana de comportamento para garantir que o que voc planejou realmente vire ao diria. Vamos aprender a reconfigurar as nossas rotinas, sintonizar o emocional e hackear os hbitos de modo a ter tudo alinhado e trabalhando a favor dos nossos alvos.4 - Bnus: Como Planejar usando OKRs, a Metodologia Usada Pela Google. OKRs (Objetivos e Resultados Chave) uma metodologia super simples de planejamento que gera alinhamento e engajamento de esforos. Ela foi criada pela Intel e hoje usada por milhares de empresas, mas no Brasil apenas agora est sendo conhecida. Ns somos especialistas nessa rea, e vamos te dar nesse mdulo uma viso geral de como OKRs podem ser usadas na sua vida pessoal e nos seus negcios."
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"self defense for Advance" |
"I stress the point even further that in anything in life we need to obey trust rely in GOD loving him too as well as loving our people around us and one another as JESUS CHRIST 1st loved us even from the very beginning of time even more for self defense reasons now my art is the art of the human way with all this said these artists out there doing animal moves would take a life time to master simply because we humans move differently then animal even more different to those animals who can move on 4 feet we simply can not do that by nature the human way is no different to any kind of martial art or self defense in techniques but it is the human mind intelligence that sets it apart please do beginners course before this advance course and after advance course in the pro course which i recommend you do i will take you steep by step in been able to do these courses which are about 16 belts here i divide the courses into 3 courses"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute Italian - Course 5 Language lessons for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute Italian - Course 5 The aim of this course is to make Italian accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute Italian Courses 1, 2, 3 and 4"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching Italian is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Italian language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Italy or any other Italian speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial & Managerial Accounting Capstone: Course 5 of 5" |
"This is where the rubber hits the road. In the 4 main courses you learned the nuts and bolts of accounting and here in this 5th course we teach you how those fundamental principles apply to the REAL WORLD. In the 4 courses we learn knowledge, but here we learn wisdom with real-life examples. As you can see below, we present 8 new lessons that will help you see how an accounting education relates to the world around you. This is an eye-opening experience. For example, In Course #1, Lesson 10, you learned how to analyze the Financial Statements. Then in Course #5, Lesson #5 below, we help you see how to take your knowledge of the financial statements and use that understanding to invest in the stock market. Although, not intended to be a full investment course, these lessons show you how to APPLY what you have learned.In some respects, these 8 Lessons are the most powerful presentations we offer. These lessons are taught by world experts in their respective fields of study, and you will see how accounting applies to world around you like never before. While its impossible to cover all the applications that an accounting education can influence, we cover many of them here which will give you an excellent foundation as you continue with your education.These lectures are so powerful for our on-campus students that every semester we DOUBLE the amount of students who are interested in majoring in our world-renowned accounting program. No other university program on the planet has that level of recruitment and we tie that interest to these specific lessons in course #5. Why is that? Because when students see HOW accounting principles can be applied to the real world, their minds open up and they see the VALUE and WISDOM of an accounting education.This is what makes our course so powerful, the ability to focus on the core ideas and then learn how we can take those principles and create real change in our lives and companies. Awesome things happen when we take theory and apply it!Courses Offered (All FIVE courses build on each other in order - Although Course 5 can be generally viewed after Course 1 & 2. We do make specific recommendations in the ""Watch After"" section):Course 1: Introduction to Financial Accounting Course 2: Introduction to Managerial Accounting Course 3: Advanced Financial Accounting (NEW) Course 4: Advanced Managerial Accounting (NEW) Course 5: Accounting Capstone (NEW) (THIS COURSE) Course 5 Lesson Descriptions and Minimum Pre-Requisite Lessons (While it's not absolutely crucial you watch the noted pre-requisite lessons, you are likely to comprehend these lessons better once you have studied the pre-requisite material.) Lesson 1: The Importance of Financial Accounting in the U.S. and Global EconomiesDescription: In this lesson we discuss the most powerful number in the world - EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS). No other number moves the world like this one. Understanding EPS and how to calculate it can dramatically change your life as you venture into the stock market. We also discuss some ideas relative to buying a business, the lessons from the .COM boom and bust, and why capitalism is so beneficial in today's global economy.Watch After: Course 1: Lesson 1Lesson 2: The Impact of Information Technology on Accounting and BusinessDescription: In this Lesson we discuss information technology and how we use computers to make decisions in our businesses, which is a crucial aspect of management accounting. We also discuss database technology and Moore's law as well as many other applications within Information Technology.Watch After: Course 2: Lesson 1Lesson 3:Business Fraud, Ethics, and the Accounting ProfessionDescription: In this lesson, we learn about fraud, which may not sound super interesting at first glance, but what we have to share could save your business. Fraud is unfortunately a huge part of our world and is more around you than you might think. It's important to learn the the biggest risk factors of fraud, the different kinds of fraud and most importantly, how to prevent it. Watch After: Course 1: Lesson 7Lesson 4: Introduction to Tax Planning and Career Options in TaxationDescription: Dreaded TAXES! They are never fun to pay, but it is fun to learn how to pay the least legal amount. Here we help you see how to plan effectively for taxes, tax loopholes, and even careers in tax. You'll either be manhandled by taxes or learn how manage them with wisdom... we opt for the latter.Watch After: Course 1: Lesson 7 & Course 3: Lesson 6Lesson 5:Description: Accounting, Finance, and Stock Marketing InvestingThis is often the most exciting lesson for students! You learned a lot of theory and principles in Course #1 relative to financial statements and stocks, but here we teach you how to take what you have learned and venture into the stock market itself. We love the reaction of our students when they ""get it"" and see how everything they have learned relates to the real-world of Wall Street. Watch After: Course 1: Lesson 10 & Course 3: Lesson 11Lesson 6:Money, Family, and Career ChoicesDescription: This is Norm at his BEST! In this lesson Norm presents his wisdom from decades of experience as an educator and successful businessman. Norm found his passion in life and gives you the secrets on how to find yours. This may be the most powerful set of concepts we present in all our courses. Norm also discusses the truth and secrets behind ""Financial Independence"" and what it means to be a steward and owner and meaning of money. You won't find this kind of wisdom anywhere else... we strongly recommend you take notes.Watch After: Course 1: Lesson 1-5 & Financial Practice Set (This lesson is so good, please don't delay too long :) )Lesson 7:Managerial Accounting: Current Trends in Practice and Career OpportunitiesDescription: This is a must for anyone thinking of pursing management accounting as a career. Here we discuss the managerial trends by analyzing Toyota and Dupont and other examples. We also discuss JIT (Just in Time) production, which is a powerful concept. We also focus on future trends in the industry. Watch After: Course 2: Lesson 1 & Course 4: Lesson 1Lesson 8:Key Elements in Successful Personal Financial PlanningDescription: In this Lesson Norm gives his advice in how to run your financial life within a family and how to plan for the future. Learn how soft drinks can cost you over a $100,000? ... don't believe him... watch the lesson. Although Budgets aren't super fun to think about, Norm makes a compelling case how it can change your life and give you more freedom to pursue your life mission. Listen to Norm when he says, ""Live modestly"" and it will change your life for the better.Watch After: Course 1: Lesson 1-5 & Financial Practice Set"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |