Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Google Script Apps Email From Spreadsheet list" |
"Explore how you can create a simple powerful application with Google Apps Script that connects your Google Suite togetherUse Google Apps Script to create advanced functions within your spreadsheetUse the spreadsheet to manage a user list, click the members on the list and send out confirmation emails. Track emails that have been sent. Create your own custom HTML template mail that gets sent to the users on the list. Use the spreadsheet UI menu to add buttons for administration of the spreadsheet data. You will be amazed at how easy it is to create powerful functionality that helps power up your Google Suite of products.JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course.Course covers applying Google Apps Script to build a project application.Add items to the spreadsheet UI menu that can trigger functions in Google Apps ScriptSelect user active cell content from the spreadsheetCreate HTML template to send emailUse Alerts to accept user actionsUpdate values of the spreadsheet dataSelect ranges and update content in the rangeGet content from the spreadsheetSend email from Google Apps ScriptGoogle Script Apps Email From Spreadsheet list Source code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself.Step by step learningFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionExperienced instructor with over 20 years of experience ready to help you learnYou have nothing to lose - Join now and start learning to create your own version of this helpful application today!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project 2019: From Beginner to Expert" |
"This is a complete course starting from an introduction and overview of the tool.The rest of the course covers the following topics:How to setup a project, listing phases and tasksHow to do project planning with Gantt chart, defining and linking tasks, define durations and constraintsHow to define and allocate resources to a projectTask types, task constraints and resource levellingHow to define project calendars for projects, phases, tasks and resourcesHow to update and track projectsHow to do project reportingEverything eill be summarized in some examples/case studies outlined and explained at the final part of the course"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to the Circular Economy" |
"Updated April 09th, 2020Our latest COP25 meeting in Madrid drives the point home even further that we need to take charge of making this planet we share a better place. We start in explaining the problems tied with the take - > make -> dispose model we have deployed since the industrial revolution and then move on look at the true call to action we have to achieve circularity or closed loops intended to come as close as possible to no waste produced. #coronachangeseverythingThe solutions required to avoid the next coronavirus (or whatever VUCA event that comes our way) and the path to circularity are the same. This has become and will remain the focus of this course.The course moves on to discuss what we can do to take control. Each one of us has the power to make a difference and a number of small improvements create a big impact."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Huawei Routing&Switching Eitimi (HCNA)" |
"Huawei network cihazlar gnmzde birok yerde yaygn kullanma sahiptir. Byk biliim alt yaplar iin tercih edilen Huawei cihazlarn renmek, konfigrasyonlarn yapabilmek nemli katma deerler salayacaktr. Bu eitim serisinde eNSP zerinde topolojiler kurup, routing ve switching ilemleri yapacaz.-leitiim-OSI-VRP-Telnet, FTP-AAA-STP, RSTP-DHCP-NAT-ACL-VLAN-Routing *Statik *Dinamik-Inter-VLAN Routing-Access Control List (ACL)-GVRP-Link Aggregation ve daha bir ok konu hakknda bilgi bulabileceksiniz."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Aprende CNC con ""Fusion 360"", desde cero" |
"Tienes una idea que quisieras plasmar en realidad? Un elemento mecnico que quieres fabricar y luego vender? Quieres hacer realidad tu sueo de iniciar una Startup?Pues, este curso te va a guiar desde los pasos ms bsicos del diseo mecnico hasta la creacin de una pieza tangible utilizando el software Fusion 360 de Autodesk"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete German Practice : A1, A2 / Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Guten Tag! Thank you for checking out our course ! In this lesson you can study German listening, grammar, writing and speaking. Generally speaking, there are various reasons why you cannot understand German.The reasons are as follows.Insufficient vocabularyWrong pronunciation and accentWrong understanding of German GrammarLack of practiceThese are common reasons. Those who are not good at listening may think that one or more of these may overlap. With this in mind, this will conduct a thorough training to improve your German skills. Therefore, by practicing the learning methods described in the following, it is possible to train more effectively and leave sufficient results.First of all, a question is displayed on the screen in this course and each lesson. Since Germans read aloud in standard German, please concentrate on listening to the audio while ""question mark"" Is displayed.Next, ""German"" is displayed on the screen and the audio is played again. At this time, learners should follow the native language audio and read aloud in German by themselves.Finally, ""German and English"" will be displayed and the audio will be played, so please read German aloud while looking at the English translation.It will be the practice of so-called reading and shadowing. By practicing this, your pronunciation and accent will improve, and you will be able to learn German. In particular, it is important to ensure that your own voice can be heard with your own ears. Even if the grammatical item itself is remembered, such as irregular changes or prepositional rules, there should be a mistake when it comes to the pronunciation. These mistakes will gradually improve by practicing the lessons. You can take about 5 to 10 minutes a day, so create the habit of speaking German and reading aloud. There are individual differences, but after about two weeks to one month, a certain change in your own German language should occur. Then please enjoy the main part. We sincerely hope that your German language skills will improve through this course.Complete German Practice : A1, A2 / Beginner to IntermediateLearn German with a Native Teacher.Complete Basic Course: German for Beginners A1, A2 Listening, Grammar, Writing and SpeakingThe German Practice Course - FULL HD CourseExercises after each lessonDownloadable PDF Files for each LessonBest Value for MoneyFull Lifetime access and 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guaranteeFrom basics (A1, A2)In this course the native German speaking teacher give you the following skills: German pronunciationGerman speakingGerman ListeningGerman writingGerman grammar rules and patternsGerman vocabulariesGerman phrases"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Matemtica para oitavo ano de ensino fundamental" |
"O Curso Matemtica para oitavo ano de ensino fundamental um curso voltado para alunos de ensino fundamental. No curso abordo os seguintes temas: Introduo, onde eu abordo Conjuntos numricos, potenciao e notao cientfica, potenciao, radiciao, produtos notveis, fatorao e muitos outros assuntos bem interessantes. O curso possui uma durao de aproximadamente 6 horas, pois mostrei todos os assuntos de uma forma resumida. No percam, pois aproveitem essa oportunidade!!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to create a Barn Wedding Design in 2020" |
"What Youll Learn (business, marketing & floral design):How to identify and sell your wedding concept to a STABLE BRIDEThe brides design process (from the initial discussion with the client, to the inspiration board, choosing materials and creating the structures)How to transform the brides personality into a unique, real-life wedding.Andreeas step-by-step design demo used for the wedding conceptHow to select and source the right decor pieces to elevate your designs, from furniture to natural elementsCreate statement centerpieces and large arrangements for a variety of wedding budgetsLearn to attract more of the right clients with a new approach in marketing and client interactionSee a Clients Design Develop From Mood Board to Real-life Wedding.Demo: Creating bridal bouquet and all bridal party flowers like flower accessories.Demo: The planning, mechanics, logistics, and staffing required to execute wedding day installation like a floral archWedding SetupThe course is for:floristswedding planner / stylistevent stylistflorist designer"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de introduccin a Windows Server 2016" |
"La nube ofrece a las organizaciones de TI oportunidades de prosperar bajo un nuevo modelo que ofrece un tiempo ms rpido para valorar e innovar. Muchas organizaciones, sin embargo, se enfrentan a estrictos requisitos de cumplimiento o negocio. Para las organizaciones que lo necesitan todo: seguridad, eficiencia e innovacin, Windows Server 2016 lo entrega. Windows Server 2016 es el sistema operativo listo para la nube que admite sus cargas de trabajo actuales al mismo tiempo que introduce nuevas tecnologas que facilitan la transicin a la computacin en la nube cuando est listo.Es por esto que como administradores de sistemas o futuros debemos estar a la vanguardia de la tecnologa, en este curso aprenders desde cero las configuraciones iniciales y la implementacin y administracin de Windows Server 2016.Aprende a:Identificar licenciamiento, edicin y tipo de instalacin que mas conviene a una infraestructuraGestionar almacenamientoGestin de usuarios y grupos localesRealiza la configuracin de servicios de red.Preparacin para el despliegue de un entorno de dominioAdministracin de directivas locales.Y mucho mas...No puedes quedarte en versiones anteriores, Windows Server 2016 incorpora muchas nuevas funcionalidades que hacen la vida diario de un administrador mucho mas sencilla y productiva al igual que ayuda a minimizar costes a las empresas y aumentar su produccin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React: Construindo Single Page Application (SPA)" |
"O curso React:Construindo Single Page Application (SPA) tm como objetivo ensinar para o aluno todos os conceitos sobre a biblioteca React por meio da criao de aplicaes web Single Page Application (SPA) de maneira fcil e rpida.Todos os conceitos apresentados no curso sero ensinados por meio da construo de vrios projetos, o que possibilita o fcil entendimento sobre a biblioteca React, da linguagem Javascript e do Node.js.Contedo do cursoDurante o curso o aluno aprender todas as funcionalidades da biblioteca React, desenvolvida pelo Facebook, como: Criar expresses por meio do JSXCriar componentes utilizando funes e classesPassar parmetros para objetos (props)Definir caractersticas/estados para objetos (state)Ciclo de vida de aplicaes ReactTrabalhar com eventos e formulrios. O aluno tambm ter acesso a contedos extras como cursos gratuitos sobre Node.js e Javascript."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Trigonometry: Inside the Classroom" |
"When you join Trigonometry: Inside of the classroom you will receive the same insturction and delivery I provide my students in the classroom setting. Basically you become one of my students learning on their own schedule. Pretty awesome right?Each section is broken down to a days lesson that includes a lecture and quick check for understanding quiz. I record myself working through the lecture notes and multiple examples. Simply watch the portions or examples you need help on and skip over what you don't. In addition to the lecture video I provide a blank version of the notes as well as the answer key so you can follow along.I don't skimp on the examples either. Each lecture I teach a couple of examples and then provide 2-10 more examples that I work through step by step. So it's not like I am just teaching you the easy problems and hoping you can figure the rest out. I dig deep into the content and work through multiple examples where I know students get confused.Before it's time to move on you have a 4 question quiz to check for understanding. I know tests stink but the best way to get better at them is to practice. In this course I provide two quizzes and a final test to make sure you leave this course feeling confident and comfortable to solve any problem that gets thrown at you.You got this! What are you wating for? Class has started and I am ready to help you learn. NOW!*Quick Disclaimer - I teach this course within my Pre-Calculus class however you do not need to be in Pre-calculus to benefit from the material. Most of the content is applicable to Algebra 2, College Algebra and Calculus. Please review the curriculum before signing up or message me if you have any questions"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Este curso est desarrollado para que t te conviertas en un PROFESIONAL DE LA PROGRAMACIN CON DE BASE DE DATOS ORACLE CON PL/SQL.Cada tema est desarrollo con ejemplos ilustrativos que te permiten verificar y consolidar tu conocimiento.Los temas que se desarrollan son:1. Fundamentos de la base de datos Oracle.2. Esquemas ejemplo.3. Fundamentos del lenguaje.4. Estructuras de control.5. Tratamiento de errores.6. Estructura de datos.7. Gestin de cursores.8. SQL en PL/SQL.9. Gestin de paquetes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landing Pages for Beginners" |
"**Brand New For 2020 - A Landing Page Course on Udemy Featuring the 7-Question Landing Page Framework**Do you want to become a landing page expert? Want to learn how to design, publish, and test landing pages in little time, with no coding or development knowledge required? Then this course is exactly what you need!Hi, I'm Nicholas, and I've designed, tested, optimized, or reviewed 1000s of landing pages over the last 11 years. I'm an Unbounce Agency Partner, Google Partner, and a CXL Certified Optimizer, and with my background in conversion optimization, I'm here to teach you everything you need to know about landing pages.And what sets this course apart from others on Udemy is my 7-Question Landing Page Framework, where you'll learn the 7 questions every landing page should answer. Once you master this concept, you'll be well on your way to higher conversions!So get ready, because if you really want to excel with landing pages, this course will help you make it happen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Arduino coding with 3D-Printing, Product Design, Fabrication" |
"In this course, you shall learn how to make a physical object that does not exist in the world in form, fit and function. This course brings you right from the beginning stage of design from our imagination to one that is physical that we can see, touch and feel. This is exactly how new inventions are created. In other words, you are learning to make things that do not exist in this world. This is something unique that you can impress not only to those around you, but could, one day, impress many people in the world as well.In this project, you will be learning how to make a table lamp. I shall bring you right from the design stage to the final design. Not only will you be learning how to model the piece parts , you will also learn how to put all parts together into an assembly with proper mating surfaces. The learning experience is not only to cater for its own assembly, it also cater to incorporate a micro-controller as well as other electronics parts put together. As we know, most of our products today, are not just made from piece parts put together, we need to bring in other electronics, micro-processors or even micro-controllers to make the design turn into a useful product. With the incorporation of the electronics parts, it will bring a lot of life to the final invention that you made. Start to be an inventor today. Join the course and enjoy the whole design and fabrication journey all within your control. "
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Christian self defence beginer to pro" |
"This from beginners to pro-level of combat steep by steep instruction are given so the students will reach the level to pro for street self-defense I have studied many martial arts from 7 years old to now at 53 I have also trained most of my life in JEET KUNE DO which is BRUCE LEES method of philosophy in principle and technique I have read and practice most of his books on the subject of combat like self-defense I have practice by books over 150 effective arts in martial arts and or self-defense NOT TO MENTION THOSE ON VIDEO LIKE HERE ON UDEMY COURSES AND ELSEWHERE I know which are the effective arts and which are not because I learned how to pick them from the lessons I had from the TAO OF JEET KUNE DO BY BRUCE LEE when I was just 19 years old I am sure people can see my skill clearly seen on the preview video and videos elsewhere I can teach anyone to do that if they take my advice and practice so on this preview is done in slow motion so you can see it clearNOTE: This course has 16 books on self-defense by the armed forces on PDF free download free read and training for those taking thus course extra bonus + 2 zip PDF that has more books on self-defense also by the armed forces extra bonus also. Also free download read and practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Avanado Para Todos" |
"O Excel, sem dvidas, o programa mais utilizado no mercado para criao de planilhas eletrnicas.As planilhas fazem parte da rotina de qualquer escritrio ou empresa, logo, dominar o Excel a cada dia mais valorizado pelas empresas, devido aos recursos e possibilidades de manipulao de dados que o software proporciona.Conhecer o bsico do Excel no o suficiente. necessrio que voc tenha conhecimentos aprofundados sobre o assunto e seja capaz de usar de maneira slida os recursos existentes para criao de planilhas que sejam completas e inteligentes.Neste curso voc aprender, de forma simples e didtica, a usar o Excel como a maioria das pessoas ainda no sabe.Bons estudos!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Minor-Key Jazz-Piano Chords and Progressions (intermediate)" |
"Hi, and welcome to this six-lesson course about Minor key Jazz piano chords and Progressions. Its at an Intermediate level, which means that it follows on from what was studied earlier in my other lessons previously published here, at Beginner and Intermediate level, under the title Pop and Jazz Piano Keyboards and Harmony ; however there's no definite requirement for that, of course.Introduction: In these previous courses, all the chords weve explored have been based on the major scale. But its perfectly possible to base chords on minor scales. In fact, if youre not aware and knowledgeable of minor-key Harmony and the things it can do, both by itself and mixed-in with Major-key Harmony, youre missing a lot! In my opinion, some of the richest and evocative chord-progressions are created with minor-scales and chords. With this knowledge, you could perhaps discover new musical dimension in your playing and composing.Where this course will take you :You will definitely expand your jazz-chord playing and your knowledge of chord-progression composition, whether you're dealing just with the chords in a minor-key or mixing them together with major keys, as you'll study in the course. You'll also have the knowledge to analyse such techniques and chords as played in examples of classic standards.What You'll Learn : How a Natural Minor Scale is constructed, and how this affects the chord-types built on each scale-note.How Minor-Key chords each have definite functions, Tonic, Dominant and Subdominant, within chord-progressions.How two other Minor Scales, Harmonic and Melodic, are used to supply other, harmonically important chords to Natural minor chord progressions.How Natural Minor Scales and Major Scales are related and how shifting from a minor verse to a major-key chorus can be done easily, to provide contrast and a change of mood.How Parallel Minor is another type of minor scale whose chords can be used within a Major scale to provide richness and colour, a technique called Modal Interchange.All of these features and qualities are pointed out within a range of classic and modern songs, played on piano.Its important to know that written music-notation is not used in the course, as not being in the spirit of Jazz. Chords are shown by note-names and Roman Numerals etc., to be interpreted in improvisatory way by the student, rather than simply read from conventional notation, arranged elsewhere."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"BootCamp1:NMA Network Master Associate, Cisco, Microsoft2020" |
"Course description:This course is to implement Microsoft, Cisco, Firewalls and Security devices in 1 network. The main goal of this course is to learn how to implement a real network in IT industry from the scratch.Important Note:In this course you need to have your own images for Cisco devices like CUCM, ACS .. etc.Otherwise; you can download the images and evaluation licenses for around $15 from this link""The link to be send for you with automatic enrollment message once you enroll to this course""**Please watch Lecture 2: Prerequisites for NMA Bootcamp for more details..Project Description:GravityCyber is an IT solutions that has three branch offices as the followings: VIC-Site Perth-Site DC-SiteAnd it's ordered their network engineers for designing and implementing its networks on each site, connecting them together with a DMVPN over GRE WAN link.VIC-GW, PERTH-GW, DC-GW-1 and DC-GW-2, are connected to the ISP for an internet connection with a public IP assigned to each, and using this mechanism of connection, they've been configured in a GRE+DMVPN WAN link, making VIC-GW is a hub, and all the rest are considered as peripherals spokes.Requirements: Configure WAN links between VIC-Core-1, VIC-Core-2, VIC-DSW-1 and VIC-DSW-2. Configure OSPF between VIC-Core-1, VIC-Core-2, VIC-DSW-1 and VIC-DSW-2 to be in area 0. Configure trunk ports on VIC-DSW-1 and VIC-DSW-2, VIC-Access-1, VIC-Access-2, VIC-Access-3 and VIC-Access-4. Configure VTP version 3 ""GravityCyber .com"" on VIC-DSW-1 to be in the primary server mode with an authentication key with cisco. Configure VTP version 3 ""GravityCyber .com"" on VIC-DSW-2, VIC-Access-1, VIC-Access-2, VIC-Access-3 and VIC-Access-4 to be in the client mode with an authentication key with cisco. Configure VLANs as shown in the table for VIC-Site, on VIC-DSW-1. Configure VIC-DSW-1 to be the default-gateway for VLAN 10 and VLAN 20. Configure VIC-DSW-1 to be the default-gateway for VLAN 30 and VLAN 40. Configure helper-address on VIC-DSW-1 and VIC-DSW-2 so all hosts on VIC-Site can get an IP from the DC+DHCP-Server and Backup DC+DHCP-Server as an alternate DHCP-Server. Configure access-ports on VIC-Access-1, VIC-Access-2, VIC-Access-3 and VIC-Access-4. Permit for VLAN 10, VLAN 20, VLAN 30 and VLAN 40 only to go into trunk ports. Configure interfaces IP configuration on Sophos-UTM, setting the default-gateway for eth1 and eth2. Configure OSPF on eth1, eth0 and eth2 on Sophos-UTM to be on area 0. Configure default-route to be announced from Sophos-UTM to VIC-Switches. Configure load-balancing between eth1 and eth2 on Sophos-UTM putting eth1 as an active link and eth2 as a standby link. Configure interfaces IP configuration on ISP, NAT configuration and default route configuration so any site can connect to the internet. Configure interfaces IP configuration on VIC-GW, NAT configuration, OSPF configuration and default route configuration so VIC-Site can go to the internet. Configure interfaces IP configuration on Perth-GW, NAT configuration, OSPF configuration and default route configuration so Perth-Site can go to the internet. Configure interfaces IP configuration on DC-GW-1 and DC-GW-2, NAT configuration, RIPv2 configuration and default route configuration so DC-Site can go to the internet. Configure GRE+DMVPN on VIC-GW, Perth-GW, DC-GW-1 and DC-GW-2 so PERTH-Site, VIC-Site and DC-Site can be connected together. Configure EIGRP over DMVPN network between Perth-Site, VIC-Site and DC-Site. Configure interfaces IP configuration on Perth-Master-GW, OSPF configuration and VRRP configuration to be master for VLAN 10 and backup for VLAN 20 with an authentication key with cisco. Configure interfaces IP configuration on Perth-Backup-GW, OSPF configuration and VRRP configuration to be master for VLAN 20 and backup for VLAN 10 with an authentication key with cisco. Configure helper-address on Perth-Master-GW and Perth-Backup-GW. Configure trunk ports on Perth-Core, Perth-Access-1 and Perth-Access-2. Configure VTP version 3 ""GravityCyber .com"" on Perth-Core and set it as a primary server with an authentication key with cisco. Configure VTP version 3 ""GravityCyber .com"" on Perth-Access-1 and Perth-Access-2 and set them as a client with an authentication key with cisco. Configure Port-Channel on Perth-Core, Perth-Access-1 and Perth-Access-2 to be operating on PAgP. Configure access-ports on Perth-Access-1 and Perth-Access-2. Configure interfaces IP configuration on DC-GW-3 and RIPv2. Inject ASDM on ASA-Firewall and configure interfaces IP configuration. Set security level with 100 for all ASA-Firewall interfaces. Enable ICMP on ASA-Firewall. Configure RIPv2 on ASA-Firewall set the inside interface as a passive interface. Configure domain controller on DC+DHCP Server and DHCP pools for all VLANs on the other two sites. Configure backup domain controller on Backup D.C+DHCP Server and backup DHCP pools for all VLANs on the other two sites. Configure OUs for each site and OUs for each VLAN on A.D on D.C+DHCP-Server. Configure group policy so deny access for USB ports, CD-Room, control panel for each VLAN. Add the domain controller in the Sophos-UTM as an authentication server and synchronize Sophos with active directory. Enable web-filter for each VLAN on VIC-Site so VLAN 10 can't access the any website without authenticating, VLAN 20 can't access only to facebook .com, VLAN 30 can't access only to twitter .com, and VLAN 40 can't access any HTTP/HTTPs website. Configure ACS-Server to be a TACACS+ authenticator. Configure AAA model on VIC-GW, Perth-GW, Perth-Master-W, Perth-Backup-GW, DC-GW-1, DC-GW-2 and DC-GW-3 so any console access can be authenticated via ACS-Server or local password access. Configure CME-Server to be a call-manager for VLAN 10, VLAN 20, VLAN 30 and VLAN 40 on VIC-Site. Configure CUCM-Server to be a call-manager on DC-Site. Configure dial-peer between CME-Server and CUCM-Server so any phone from VLAN 10, VLAN 20, VLAN 30 and VLAN 40 can contact any phone from DC-Site.This project is comprising of 12 SectionsSection 1IntroductionSection 2VMware Tool InstallationGNS3 Tool InstallationSection 3ASA-Firewall LAB PreparationSophos-UTM LAB PreparationCUCM-Server LAB PreparationACS-Server LAB PreparationSection 4DC-Site Configuration Part 1Section 5VIC-Site Configuration Part 1VIC-Site Configuration Part 2VIC-Site Configuration Part 3Section 6Sophos-UTM Basic ConfigurationSophos-UTM OSPF ConfigurationSophos-UTM Load-BalancingSection 7Perth-Site Configuration Part 1Perth-Site Configuration Part 2DC-Site Configuration Part 1DC-Site Configuration Part 2Section 8ASA-Firewall Basic ConfigurationASA-Firewall RIPv2 ConfigurationSection 9Connecting Sites to Internet Part 1Connecting Sites to Internet Part 2Connecting Sites Using GRE+DMVPNSection 10Configuring Primary Domain ControllerConfiguring Backup Domain ControllerConfiguring Primary DHCP-ScopesConfiguring Backup DHCP-ScopesConfiguring Group-Policy ObjectsSection 11Configuring VOIP-Telephony using CMEConfiguring VOIP-Telephony using CUCMConfiguring Dial Peers with CUCM+CMESection 12Configuring TACACS+ with ACS-ServerSection 13Sophos-UTM Web-Filtering ConfigurationSophos-UTM Access-Lists MasterySophos-UTM Authentication With ADSection 14By end of this bootcamp"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Digital Transformation & Customer Experiance" |
"Digital transformation is a hot topic--but what exactly is it and what does it mean for companies and as a software developer what does digital transformation and customer experience means to you? In this course, we talk about Digital transformation, Customer experiences and Industry 4.0 technology trends like Bigdata , IOT, blockchain, Cloud computing, Data.By the end of this course, you'll be able to:--Describe the underlying economics of innovation, technology, and market disruptions--Weigh the pros and cons of current digital technologies Trends--Learn how Customer experience drive digital transformation--Digital transformation challenges--Roots of digital transformation and where it is heading to in the future.--Have knowledge about real cases from different industries to show you how industries are evolving with the changes.--You will learn how to overcome the challenges of digital transformation projects.This course is useful for Software engineer, Developers , IT Architect, Test managers and C level managers in charge of digital transformation within their organization or program / project managers who will manage digital transformation projects. Senior managers also can benefit this course if the company will have the transition under their supervision. This course is also suitable for pioneers who want to start a digital transformation in a certain area within their company. This is a beginners level course and you dont need any preliminary knowledge to take this course."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Filemaker uygulamalarnz korsanlardan koruyun!" |
"Binbir emekle tasarladn bir Filemaker uygulamanz olduunu varsayalm. Mterinize sattnz. Mteriniz de bir ka kopyasn sevdikleriyle paylat. Bylelikle emekleriniz heba olup gitti. te bunun iin Filemaker uygulamalarnzda nasl lisans kontrol yapacanz, mteriye nasl lisans kodu gndereceinizi bu kursumuzda renme imkan bulmu olacaksnz.Bylelikle hem insanlarn yanl davranlarna engel olmu olacak hem de emeklerinizin heba olmasnn nne gemi olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Formao Developer - Android Service e BroadcastReceiver" |
"My commitment to foreign students.To English: The classes are taught in Brazilian Portuguese. If you speak another language I will do my best to help you.To Spanish: Las clases se imparten en portugus brasileo. Si habla otro idioma, har todo lo posible para ayudarlo.To Italian: Le lezioni sono tenute in portoghese brasiliano. Se parli un'altra lingua far del mio meglio per aiutartiAprenda com esse curso tcnica avanadas de programao para a criao de aplicativos Android, capazes de executar tarefas diversas em segundo plano.O curso ensina os procedimento corretos para configurar aplicativos Android que possam ser iniciados automaticamente aps o boot completo de Smartphones, Tablets ou qualquer outro device compatvel com o Android.No curso, o aluno ir aprender criar um projeto modelo que executar tarefas em segundo-plano, atualizar dados em segundo plano e atualizar a interface do usurio.Compreender o comportamento dos mtodos das Classes nativas Service e BoardcastReceiver responsveis pela execuo em segundo-plano de tarefas.Ser capaz de gerar dados em segundo-plano, salvar no banco de dados SQLite e tambm enviar para um servidor externo de banco de dados como MySQL utilizando Scripts PHP para criar um simples, porm, funcional Web Services em PHP.Ao concluir o curso, o aluno ter construdo um aplicativo Android Modelo para fazer parte do seu acervo pessoal de aplicativos, contendo em sua arquitetura os requisitos abaixo:Capacidade de ser iniciado automaticamente toda vez que o device Android for ligado ou reiniciado;Capacidade de executar em segundo plano qualquer tarefa;Capacidade de manter a interface do usurio atualizada apresentando qualquer dado processado em segundo-plano eCapacidade de controlar o intervalo de tempo necessrio para executar uma tarefa e atualizar a interface do usurio.Com o projeto modelo, o aluno aps concluir o curso, poder facilmente adapt-lo para as mais diversas aplicaes, veja alguns das possibilidades:Criar aplicativos para monitoramento de localizao GPS.Criar aplicativos para integrao com sistemas de notificao.Criar aplicativos para integrao com sistemas de pagamento on-line.Criar aplicativos para redes sociais com chat on-line.Criar aplicativos para integrao com dispositivos USB ou Bluetooth.Nesse curso, os fundamentos da programao Java e as caractersticas bsicas do Android Studio e dos projetos Android no esto contemplados, ficando assim, fora do escopo e contexto do curso. Assim sendo, esse treinamento pode no ser indicado para desenvolvedores que esto iniciando seus estudos no mundo do desenvolvimento de aplicativos para Android.Srie FORMAO DEVELOPER.O curso tambm parte integrando da srie de cursos FORMAO DEVELOPER e um mdulo da formao que pode ser estudada isoladamente pelo aluno. O objetivo da srie prover opes para que os alunos possam estudar apenas o que esto necessitando para melhorar o seu perfil profissional. Atualmente a srie FORMAO DEVELOPER contm publicados os seguintes cursos:Formao Developer - Telemetria Android alm do Log e LogCatFormao Developer - Android Service e BroadcastReceiverFormao Developer - Android Firebase AuthenticationFormao Developer - Integrao com Banco de DadosFormao Developer - Comandos de VOZ TTS para apps AndroidIndependente de qualquer cenrio ou nvel de conhecimento, todos so bem vindos e todos possuem a garantia Udemy de reembolso total do valor investido, se solicitado dentro de at 30 dias, caso no gostem do curso.Todos os alunos que concluem o treinamento recebem um certificado de participao.O acesso ao contedo do curso e de todas as possveis atualizaes vitalcio.Sejam todos bem vindos,Professor Marco Maddo"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Google Docs - Beginner" |
"This Intellezy course, presented by instructor Jessica Monahan, is designed to introduce students to the basic functionality and user interface of Google Docs. In this course, students will learn the overall basics of saving and opening documents as well as reviewing the interface. Students will also practice text navigation on their own as well as text selection, text entry, and various other text formatting and editing commands and features within Google Docs. Students will also work with the various graphics as well as the various tools and settings available in Docs to format and edit them. Lastly, this course will cover several options for viewing and proofing documents. Students will be learn how to use the settings in order to prepare documents for distribution and publication. Please note: this Google Docs Beginner course may contain an assessment that is required to be completed in order to generate a course-completion certificate.Like this beginner course on Google Docs? Check out our many other Google App courses offered by Intellezy Trainers!This IAAP-certified counts for 1.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Simple easy Harmonica tuition for tone-deaf musical newbies!" |
"If you can already play harmonica this is not for you; this is for complete newbies. If you feel like a tone-deaf musically hopeless dummy, this is for you.This course will show you that, in fact, this is not true. You will be able to do 90% of what you learn here almost immediately.You will find it fun, easy, and gradually you will prove to yourself that actually you are capable of playing music.This course will introduce you to playing harmonica. It's not super in-depth and you won't have to study music as such. You won't even realise you are playing music until it's too late and you are already doing it!You will learn which instrument to buy, how to hold the thing, how to make it sound good, how to breathe better, how to play along with some easy blues tunes and how to actually play several tunes like the Hoochie Coochie, Love Me Do, When the Saints.By taking this course you will gain enough skills on harmonica to actually play with a band if you wish!But most of all the purpose of this course is all about you - it's to give you loads of fun and to boost your self esteem so that you become a NON tone-deaf musically hopeless dummy.If you can breathe you can play the harmonica."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"ACCA F9 Financial Management - Working Capital Management" |
"Welcome to this ""ACCA F9 Financial Management - Working Capital Management"" courseThis course is structured in a way to enable you to prepare for ACCA F9 Financial Management exams.By taking this course, you will be able to practice case studies in Working Capital Management Topic. You will get exposure on- Explain the cash operating cycle- Calculate the level of working capital investment- Computation of closing cash balance- Cash management models, such as the Miller-Orr model- Application of Accounting RatiosBy taking this course you will gain absolute confidence and authority in working capital management chapter. Please note, this course covers only the case studies to enable u to practice more.Remember - practice makes a man perfect and this course will help you to achieve that perfection.This course is structured in self-paced learning style. You can listen to course lectures any number of times as the course comes with lifetime access.For effective listening, please use your headset. While watching lectures, please have a notepad and pen alongside, so that you can take notes of important points.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gezond Afvallen" |
"Nederland wordt steeds dikker, dit kunnen we voorkomen. In Nederland is gewichtstoename al dertig jaar een groeiend probleem. Niet alleen bij volwassenen, maar ook bij kinderen vanaf 4 jaar. Bij volwassenen en mannen met een leeftijd vanaf 40 jaar heeft meer dan de helft een overgewicht. En 41% van de totale Nederlandse bevolking lijdt aan matig of ernstig overgewicht. Is overgewicht echt zo ongezond? Ja, het is heel ongezond en kan zelfs leiden tot ziekte! Je wil natuurlijk niet het slachtoffer worden van diabetes. In deze videotraining hebben wij alle gevolgen en oorzaken op een rijtje gezet, zodat je tijdig maatregelen kan nemen. Bereken jouw vetpercentage. Met handige formules is het mogelijk om je lichaamsvorm, lichaamsvet en hoeveel liter water je dagelijks nodig hebt berekenen. Dankzij de Body Mass Index meter bereken je gemakkelijk het vetpercentage van jouw lichaam. Het resultaat wijst uit of je overgewicht hebt. Is een coach te duur voor je? Heb je ook al alle diten geprobeerd? En lukt het maar niet om af te vallen? Geef jezelf dan eens een kans en word coach van jezelf. Dit is de perfecte manier voor jou om af te vallen zonder geld uit te geven. Help jezelf met jouw afslanktraject. Overgewicht neemt toe in Nederland. Deze videotraining geeft niet alleen informatie over afvallen, maar ook over gezondheid, overgewicht, sporten en bewegen. Alles wordt in kaart gebracht zodat je weet waar je aan toe bent en hoe jij de juiste maatregelen kan nemen om succes te bereiken. Waarom zou u deze cursus kopen? Onze tekstschrijvers hebben de beste boeken over afvallen gelezen. Hieruit zijn de beste tips gehaald. Deze informatie wordt aangevuld met praktijkervaring van coaches. Hierdoor ontstaat een zeer goede cursus over afvallen. Onze editors zijn vervolgens gemiddeld 2 maanden per uur video bezig om dit deze informatie ook mooi te presenteren. De videotraining over Afvallen is hierdoor uniek in Nederland en Belgie! Prachtige en duidelijke videos Snel resultaat Makkelijk vol te houden Geen dure coaching kosten Een evenwichtig voedingspatroon om op gewicht te blijven Een blijvend gewichtsverlies Het is het de meest complete methode Het is volledig onafhankelijk van enig productverkoop Veel praktijktips Het is uitgebracht door experts in de gezondheidsbranche Makkelijk online bestellen via de webshop Prachtig werkboek van meer dan 100 paginas Onafhankelijk boek van meest gebruike afslankmethhodes Yoga videos als bonus Extra video van meer dan een uur met een cursus over afvallen gemaakt samen met Fontys Psychologie Veel extra Engelse ebooks als bonus Velen gingen u voor, en met succes!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Apps Script Advanced YouTube Video API" |
"Course covers applying Google Apps Script to create an application from scratchSearch YouTube - return the results and output the results into a web app page, or track the results into a spreadsheet.Source code is included and it is suggested to try the code for yourself.This is a starter project which you can extend upon and make more advanced functionalityCourse coversAdding YouTube service to Google Apps Script projectUsing youTube Service in Google apps Script codeSearching YouTube and returning the results into JSON dataUsing results within code to output contentSetting up a webapp with Google Apps ScriptSending data from client side to server side with Google ScriptUsing JavaScript to create elements and add event listeners to webpageWriting content to a Google SpreadsheetTaught by an instructor with over 20 years of experience ready to help you learn more about Google Apps ScriptYou have nothing to lose - see what amazing things you can build with Google Apps Script."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to write Memorable Melodies" |
"Your Journey in MelodyDo you want to become a master of writing and creating memorable melodies in music composition? Do you want to be able to compose anything from beautiful lyrical melodies, to energy-lifting, inspiring and adventurous themes, to powerful and mighty motifs. Hello Composers, Mike here. And I will take you on a learning journey and adventure, where you will learn the secrets to create amazing and memorable melodies for your music.YOU WILL:Master the Foundations and GuidelinesLearn the Sounds, Styles & ColorsGain Practical Tips & InsightsYou will also get lots of live examples, breakdowns and demonstrations, as well as several opportunities to practice what you learn, so that you will truly master the knowledge you gain.MY STORY AND JOURNEYMy name is Mike, and I am a composer.Just. Like. You. =)I started making music back in 1998. And I love to educate, motivate, and inspire creative people, like yourself.NOW TAKE ACTION!So I ask you again. Do you want to become a master of melody in music composition. If your answer is yes. Take action, and begin your adventure, right now!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Professional Seated-Onsite-Chair Massage Practitioner Course" |
"Join this Professional Accredited Onsite Chair Massage Practitioner CourseA fantastic skill to have even if you know nothing about massage, you will learn it all here. Step by Step Video Instruction.Since its advent in the 80s Chair, Onsite or Chair massage has been a great way to promote yourself as a bodyworker in a public setting. Whether it's in the workplace, at a conference, at a holistic fair, at the airport, in the hotel lobby . . . the list goes on and on. The initial sequence is easy to learn and follow and in a very short time you could be up, running and mobile with your new skills.As an adjunct to traditional massage body work seated massage is a shorter routine, and, as people keep their clothes on, can be performed in public. This course will teach you everything you need to know to be able to give paid for on site massage sessions.Whether you're a novice, a hands on massage practitioner or looking to promote your massage business this is a great addition and a wonderful way to take body work to the masses.I have over 35 years of training many different modalities of massage and I bring that experience so that you can learn in a professional and compacted way. best wishesMark"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Curso Full Stack de MongoDB, NodeJS e React Native!" |
"Esse curso dividido em dois principais mdulos de ensino, o primeiro, vamos aprender tudo sobre o banco de dados do MongoDB e todas as suas principais funcionalidades, depois vamos aprender a criar sistemas WEB completos com o NodeJS com ExpressJS e com React Native com o uso do banco de dados do MongoDB e outros bancos e mtodos de armazenamentoO MongoDB um programa de banco de dados livre e de cdigo aberto criado em 2009. Classificado como um programa de banco de dados NoSQL(DB no relacional), o MongoDB usa documentos similares ao do JSON com esquemas. O MongoDB desenvolvido pela MongoDB Inc. e licenciado sob uma combinao da GNU e da Licena Apache, portanto TOTALMENTE GRATUITO!Ele orientado a documentos de multiplataforma, que fornece, um alto desempenho, alta disponibilidade e fcil escalabilidade.Muitas empresas do mundo todo, esto usando o MongoDB, pois assim, pois possvel criar mais programas e aplicativos mais rpido e seguro, alm disso, as alteraes dos dados e o uso com maior escalabilidade fica muito mais eficiente do que em comparao com Banco de Dados Relacionais.O uso mais comum para usar o MongoDB, em Single View, IoT, Mobile, Anlise em Tempo Real, Personalizao, Catlogo e Gerenciamento de Contedo, e principalmente com o uso da Big Data. Por causa da possibilidade de executar a multiplas-transaes, o Mongo o mais completo para isso.O Node.js um interpretador de JavaScript assncrono com cdigo aberto orientado a eventos, criado em 2009, focado em migrar a programao do Javascript do cliente (frontend) para os servidores, criando aplicaes de alta escalabilidade (como um servidor web), manipulando milhares de conexes/eventos simultneas em tempo real numa nica mquina fsica.Nesse curso todos podero aprender a usar o MongoDB e o NodeJS, mesmo aqueles que nunca mexeram antes. Embora seja altamente recomendvel ter algum conhecimento de Linux. Nossas aulas so explicados de forma bem detalhada passo a passo com slides e cdigos para downloads.Durante todos os mdulos do curso voc ir aprender:1. Node.js2. ES6/ES73. Express.js4. SQLite5. MongoDB6. Mongoose7. Socket IO8. REST9. Testes10.JSON Web Token11. Debug de aplicaes Node12. Jquery13. Planejamento de projetos de software14. React Native15. Expo16. Redux E muito mais!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Practice Exams" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional ( DOP-C01 ) exam is one of the hardest yet top paying IT certifications from Amazon Web Services and is the AWS Certification that is usually taken after acquiring the SysOps Administrator Associate and Developer Associate certifications.The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam validates technical expertise in provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform. It is intended for individuals who perform a DevOps Engineer role. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS DevOps Engineer Pro certification!This AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following: 150 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 2 sets of AWS Practice Tests with 75 UNIQUE questions and a 180-minute time limit for each set. FREE EXCLUSIVE 3-MONTH ACCESS TO THE TUTORIALS DOJO PORTAL - EXAM SIMULATOR (registration required) - An optional feature that contains a Review Mode that lets you see the answers right away as you go through each question! SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam! DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts. EXAM STUDY GUIDE - this is added as a reference in the explanations in the practice tests. They are based on our own exam experience and intense research on the most important topics and most helpful resources to help you pass the exam. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test. VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts are able to address all your issues and questions within 3-5 business days. CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement. MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! HAS BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $20 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions. CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues. Prepared by an AWS Certified DevOps and Solutions Architect Professional who actually passed the AWS DevOps Engineer Pro exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWS Certificates)We also offer FREE access to the Exam Simulator in our Tutorials Dojo portal just as mentioned above. This unique Exam Simulator contains additional features that are currently not present in the Udemy platform including a Review Mode where you can see the answers right away as you go through each question, plus BONUS flashcards which are visual aids containing some important concepts that you need to know before taking the exam. NOTE: Kindly send us a direct/private message here on Udemy to request for access. Someone from our team will respond with details on how to access the Exam Simulator within 3-5 business days. Also note that this is just an optional feature and registration is required in the Tutorials Dojo portal (using your name and email address) once you receive your access details. Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS DOP-C01 exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you from attaining an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not exam dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the AWS certification exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional practice tests are meant to do.These AWS DevOps Engineer Professional practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam domains such as SDLC Automation, Configuration Management and Infrastructure as Code, and Incident and Event Response, hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other domains/knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic was carefully selected based on the domains listed in the official AWS DOP exam guide.There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market, however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 150 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions! We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your DevOps exam. All the best!IMPORTANT NOTE These AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional practice exams have a passing score of 70% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 85% or higher on each exam. Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these DOP practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Visual Studio Code" |
"Visual Studio Code is the most used editor in the programming world, so handling it is a well desired skill.In this course you will learn more than the basics of VSCode by building projects.VSCode became the standard editor for JavaScript, TypeScript or HTML. Focus on productivity and greatly improve your coding time by getting all the assistance you need from this awesome tool!This course contains an extended section on Git and GitHub and will show you all you need to know to use Version Control directly in your IDE.It is also very popular for Python or Java, as you will also see in this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |