Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Proyecto Swift 5 con Bases de Datos para iOS desde ceros" |
"Bienvenido a mi curso de Swift en espaol, el cual tiene por objetivo ensearte todo lo que necesitas de sobre el lenguaje y su integracin con almacenamiento de datos locales para poder crear aplicaciones hermosas y principalmente funcionales que son aplicables a la vida real.Una vez termines el curso tendrs el conocimiento necesario para emprender tu camino para crear tus propias aplicaciones para iOS que no solo funcionan bien, sino que se vean bien.El curso ha sido cuidadosamente creado para que te diviertas con ejercicios y tareas prcticas, es 90% prctico y 10% terico, con presentaciones cortas pero ilustrativas para explicar conceptos fundamentales de todo desarrollo para iOS."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Master QuickBooks Pro 2020: The Complete QuickBooks Course" |
"**This course includes practice exercises and LIFETIME access**The perfect course to take you from QuickBooks Pro 2020 novice to confident user.In this QuickBooks Pro 2020 course, we take you on a journey from QuickBooks novice to QuickBooks expert in 8 hours.Your certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor will show you important features from how to set up correctly in QuickBooks through to tracking mileage and running payroll. This comprehensive QuickBooks 2020 course starts at the very beginning and assumes no prior knowledge.Empower yourself to take control of your financial management by learning QuickBooks.In this course you will learn:How to navigate the QuickBooks 2020 interfaceTo create a company file and set up your chart of accountsSetting up your preferences in QuickBooks to suit your companyAll about processing payroll and payroll taxesCreate invoices, enter and pay bills and purchase ordersAll about estimates and working with customers and jobsHow to work with sales taxAbout receiving items, inventory, creating purchase orders and paying for itemsHow to reconcile bank statementsHow to deal with checks and credit card accountsAll about Quick Reports and customizing reportsTo back up your company dataCreate stunning reports that visualise your company financial dataWorking with automated payment reminders (new in 2020)How to deal with vehicle mileageWhat people are saying about QuickBooks courses from Simon Sez IT:""Great explanation and easy to follow. Great instruction from Cindy"" - MELISSA SUPERNOR""So far, I am enjoying this course. It has reached and exceeded my expectations, the speaker has a wonderful, clear voice that does not make me drowsy, and explains things fully. I would recommend to anyone wanting to learn ALL about Quickbooks. 10/10"" - YELTZIN ARISTID GOMEZ VENEGAS""The instructor was very professional and seemed well versed in the subject matter. She didn't speak too fast and explained everything I could have hoped to learn about QuickBooks!"" - BRENDEN VALLIERE"" I have had to restart my QuickBooks company file twice now, and finally just decided that it was time for some lessons. I am only a couple of videos in and have learned many tricks that I was unaware of before. I look forward to the video lectures to come and the useful information within."" - KATRINA BIGGS""I am so glad that it is for beginners like me because I want to fully understand the concept from the very start of Quickbooks. Thank You"" - JUDITH DELUCAThis course includes:8+ hours of video tutorials80+ individual video lecturesCertificate of completionCourse CompatibilityThis course was recorded using QuickBooks Pro Desktop 2020 edition. Much of what is shown is also available in older versions of QuickBooks as well as the other desktop editions (Premier, Enterprise).This course was designed for people new to QuickBooks Pro 2020 but may also be useful for students with some QuickBooks experience who are looking to improve their knowledge of this essential accounting software.Did you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende SolidWorks" |
"Al finalizar el curso los alumnos tendrn los conocimientos y habilidades prcticas necesarias en el manejo del software SolidWorks para el diseo mecnico CAD 3D, que en los ltimos aos se ha convertido en uno de los programas ms utilizados por los profesionales de la industria del diseo y la ingeniera. El curso se desarrollar desde la elaboracin de piezas iniciando por el croquizado y el uso de operaciones bsicas para su realizacin, luego la creacin de ensamblajes complicados a travs de la sinergia de las piezas elaboradas con anterioridad y al finalizar se desarrollar el dibujo de ingeniera de las piezas y ensamblajes desarrollados. Objetivos:Adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades prcticas necesarias para el manejo del software SolidWorks, como herramienta de trabajo para diseo mecnico en 3D. Interpretar los datos y definir los criterios a seguir a la hora modelar una estructura. Conocer los conceptos bsicos sobre el entorno 3D y el uso del rea de trabajo Instruir en la elaboracin de piezas con las operaciones bsicas del programa"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Uptrennd Course: Earn Cryptocurrency For Free" |
"Would you like to develop your business from home and get started earning cryptocurrency for free ?Uptrennd is the hot, new platform that is growing like crazy and it's time for you to take action in order to build your business and get paid for posting content , sharing , commenting.So, you do what you already do on Facebook, on Instagram, or on LinkedIn, etc. and earn Cryptocurrency for free.The best part, you do not need any prior business experience to get started!No centralized authority is needed to run Uptrennd which is why censorship is NOT existent!Freedom of Speech, Data Security, Equality of Opportunity and Distribution of Wealth - those are the four pillars keeping and building the project.In my course, you will start from the beginning by understanding the theory and practical part of the platform, you know, all that technical knowledge which is a must in order to be efficient. After that we I you step by step how to build your business from scratch and starting earning cryptocurrency for free by providing value to the community!Starting a career as a professional entrepreneur won't be hard, I have included dozens of minutes related to ideas,strategies and ways you can build your business and so much more!Now, if you ever have any questions, all you have to do is post in our course discussion to receive help! Not only will you learn with more of HD video, but you will also learn by doing and creating your very own content!By the time you are finished with our complete course, you will understand the entire logic of a successful business on Uptrennd by having enough skills to produce free Cryptocurrencies via all the ways I present.But thats not all...The benefits to our course an absolutely unlimited!You will learn useful skills about topics below:Social Media MarketingSocial Media ManagementEntrepreneurshipBusiness ScalingResearchBusiness Structure and Rule of SuccessConversionsAffiliate Marketing StrategiesPassive Income RevenueBrandingAnd SO MUCH MORE!In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course.This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""add to cart"" button, top right, now...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Scrembo"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Calendar Template! Social Media Management 2020" |
"Learn to choose correct social media marketing strategies, plan them in a monthly calendar, and then outsource and automate them.If you are having trouble getting started with social media, or it is too distracting or confusing, this course will help you organize your social media marketing process in a way that makes it fast and effective.THE MOST PRODUCTIVE WAY TO DO SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGDoing things randomly seldom works out. For productivity, quality of execution, and ultimate success, one must get organized, plan, and create a systematic social media management strategy.Creating a social media marketing calendar will give you an editorial calendar. You will know exactly which content to create and post every day of the month, and what the theme of each day will be so you don't have to think about it or guess. That will immediately save you time.SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TEMPLATE IN THE COURSEIn the course, I give you a fresh social media marketing calendar template that you can fill out on your own while I walk you step-by-step on how I fill out every day of my own social media marketing calendar. You can follow how I create mine. I do it all by sharing my screen and showing you how to do it.AFTER YOU GET ORGANIZED, GO FASTER BY OUTSOURCING AND AUTOMATINGMost people want to outsource and automate social media marketing right away. But first, you must become good at posting and gain a level of proficiency. Having a social media calendar will help you do that. Once you have things running smoothly, you can outsource and automate parts of content creation and posting.LEARN SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT TO BOOST YOUR BUSINESS OR CAREERSocial media management can be a few things:1) Social media management can be a job you can get working for a company. 2) Social media management can be a freelancing service you can offer on a site like Fiverr or UpWork.3) Social media management is something your company needs if you run a small business and need to regularly post on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, and others.DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SOCIAL MEDIA CALENDAR AND A CONTENT CALENDARYour social media management is broad. It includes content beyond just your social media. Content that is outside your social media can be your blog posts or publicity you get for your business.Invest in yourself! Enroll today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master RPA in Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client v11" |
"Have you always wanted to learn RPA?RPA is taking over the World!According to Forrester research 200+ Million jobs will be displaced by RPA in the next 5 years.That's 9% of the Global Workforce.Becoming an RPA expert is an amazing way to secure your future.This course will help you understand Robotic Process Automation in a quick and engaging manner. The special segmented style helps you learn Robotic Process Automation in a very easy-to-follow approach building on theory from previous lectures, it also lets you to quickly refresh your knowledge by accessing the materials on any specific topic. Start learning RPA today!Any new material learnt in this course is backed up by extensive practice to allow you to achieve a higher level of understanding Robotic Process Automation and Automation Anywhere. Frequent case studies allow you to model complex business processes and check yourself with the instructor. I can't wait to see you in class!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Investindo em Binrios com IQ Option" |
"Neste treinamento vamos te ensinar a investir na IQ Option, e como dar as entradas e sadas certas para gerar lucros de at 350% ao m.A IQ Option uma das plataformas de negociao on-line que mais cresce, IQ Option ou iqoption uma corretora de opes binrias e Forex, que permite operar em Opes Binrias, Forex, Criptomoedas, etc.Descubra milhares de oportunidades de negociao e de investimento."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Video Shooting Tips and Techniques" |
"I would like to welcome you to this course where we'll take a look at useful video shooting tips and techniquesWe'll see what the fundamentals of video shooting are and take a look at practical examples, and then we'll dive into specific techniques such as angle shots, tight shots, cutaways, pans & zooms and so much more! By the end of this course you'll know how to shoot video in a cinematic way, and you'll be familiar with varius video recording techniques, so I look forward to see you on the inside"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Working With the Adobe Character Animator" |
"I would like to welcome you to this course where we will be taking a look at how to use the Character Animator from AdobeThis course has 3 parts and we'll start with an overview of the software and how to make a character move, how to record narrations with facial animations, then we'll move on to creating custom characters, adding lip-sync and additional movement and we'll end with basic physics, particle physics, triggers and so much more!By the end of this course you'll know how to use the Adobe Character Animation to animate characters and create your own custom characters, you'll know how to add movement and work with behaviours"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop - The Basics You Need To Know" |
"I would like to welcome you to this course where we will take a look at the basics of Adobe Photoshop and go over the most important and useful techniques you need to knowIn this 4 part course, we'll start by going over the tool panel and how to use various tools, how to fix old or damaged photos, how to remove backgrounds and add new ones and then we'll move on to selection tools and how to use them properly, we'll see how to make difficult selections such as hair selecting, warp tools, how to use smart objects and smart filters, how to create lens flares or add lens blurs, and so much more!By the end of this course you'll be familiar with the most important editing techniques for Adobe Photoshop and you'll know how to make difficult selections, add effects and fix colors in bad shots so I look forward to seeing you on the inside"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D Lite for After Effects" |
"I would like to welcome you to this course where we will be taking a look at Cinema 4D Lite for After Effects and the proper workflow between themThis course has 4 parts, and we will start with the basics of Cinema 4D lite, such as what are parametric objects, how to create new objects and extruded texts, various custom splines, the pen tool and the sketch tool, NURBS, materials, textures, how to animate an object using keyframes, and so much moreBy the end of this course you'll know how to create custom your own objects in Cinema 4D Lite and how to import and use them inside After EffectsI look forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"7 courses in 1 - Diploma in Business Management" |
"A comprehensive course including Business Fundamentals, Leadership, Marketing, HRM, Communication, operations Management, Finance and Accounting. It provides in detail knowledge about all the aspects of all the topicslisted above. It discusses all the topics using audio and visual aids to support all types of students. After going through these topics students will equip themselves with all the topics related to any business management program like BBA, BCom, MBA and MCom."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Formao Developer - Telemetria Android alm do Log e LogCat" |
"My commitment to foreign students.To English: The classes are taught in Brazilian Portuguese. If you speak another language I will do my best to help.To Spanish: Las clases se imparten en portugus brasileo. Si habla otro idioma, har todo lo posible para ayudarlo.To Italian: Le lezioni sono tenute in portoghese brasiliano. Se parli un'altra lingua far del mio meglio per aiutartiVoc vai aprender nesse curso tcnicas para implementar o controle em tempo real dos eventos que ocorrem durante a execuo de aplicativos Android.O curso vai alm da conhecida Classe Log para registrar no LogCat eventos passveis de gerenciamento. Nesse curso voc vai aprender acoplar aos seus projetos atuais e novos, uma estrutura de controle capaz de gerar dados para Telemetria de eventos em tempo de execuo, tais como:Nome da Rede WiFI ativa,Endereo MacAddress do dispositivo,Velocidade do Link de dados WiFi em Mbps.Quais dispositivos USB conectados.Informaes completas sobre a CPU do device Android.Criar arquivo no padro TXT, parametrizado com dados de Telemetria.Efetuar backup do arquivo de LOG para posterior analise.etc.Ao aplicar os conceitos estudados nesse curso, os desenvolvedores Android podem oferecer um melhor suporte tcnico para os seus clientes, implementando recursos pr-ativos que podem minimizar o tempo gasto para resolver e identificar no conformidades e funcionamento nos aplicativos.Exemplo de Aplicao no mundo real.No curso o aluno ter acesso a um exemplo onde ocorre a captura de dados de TELEMETRIA, como por exemplo, quantidade de memria RAM total e disponvel, nome de rede SSDI WiFI, etc. e enviar os dados para a internet via Web Service em PHP que receber os dados da aplicao Android desenvolvida no curso, e salvar no banco de dados MySQL. Permitindo assim, a consulta posterior aos dados para analise das informaes de TELEMETRIA.Com base em boas prticas de programao, o curso faz uso da API Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) para gerar os dados em arquivo TXT, coletados em tempo de execuo a partir de pontos de monitoramento no cdigo Java de aplicativos Android.Com base nos dados gerados e salvos em TXT, podem ser transformadas em dados de Telemetria para gesto, controle, monitoramento e suporte pr-ativo.Embora, quando um aplicativo Android publicado na Play Store, e coleta erros e dados de telemetria, nem sempre todo desenvolvedor tem acesso a gesto do aplicativo. Com as tcnica ensinadas nesse treinamento, o desenvolvedor criar recursos para obter dados importantes para um melhor desenvolvimento dos seus projetos Android. Independente de ter ou no acesso com perfil de gesto na Play Store onde um ou outro projeto Android produzido pelo desenvolvedor estar armazenado.Esse curso foi idealizado a partir de uma experincia de consultoria real prestada pelo instrutor, onde foi necessrio criar e desenvolver mecanismos para coletar dados dos aplicativos Android e gerar informaes para Telemetria. Logo, o contedo das aulas so de aplicao no mundo real do mercado de trabalho, e podem ser uma alternativa para as API e solues para Telemetria pagas.Srie FORMAO DEVELOPER.O curso tambm parte integrando da srie de cursos FORMAO DEVELOPER e um mdulo da formao que pode ser estudada isoladamente pelo aluno. O objetivo da srie prover opes para que os alunos possam estudar apenas o que esto necessitando para melhorar o seu perfil profissional. Atualmente a srie FORMAO DEVELOPER contm publicados os seguintes cursos:Formao Developer - Telemetria Android alm do Log e LogCatFormao Developer - Android Service e BroadcastReceiver"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"My CV v2 - Starter" |
"Welcome to version two of the project My CV. This is the starter version and it's aimed for people that are starting their 1st website or are at the very beginning of their web developer career.This is your first PROfessional website where you'll master how to:use Visual Studio Code as your editoruse simple icons by creating custom fontsread a design and create pixel perfect interfaceread instructions, understand and follow requirementscreate a SPA (single page application)build multiple sections like: about me, let's connect and skillsimplement a responsive layoutmeet the user with a light or dark themecreate lists, buttons, containers and more"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Acorden con Canciones y Lenguaje Musical" |
"Este curso es ideal para aquellas personas ilusionadas en aprender a tocar el Acorden y hacerlo a travs del Lenguaje Musical (Solfeo) adquiriendo los conocimientos necesarios ""imprescindibles"" para interpretar las canciones elegidas por el profesor de una manera metodolgica, siempre partiendo de lo ms fcil o elemental hasta ir progresando a canciones un poquito ms complejas, de forma que aprendern ""al mismo tiempo"" la base tcnica del Acorden y el Lenguaje Musical necesario para abordar cada una de estas canciones. Dichos temas son susceptibles de ser interpretados en el NIVEL 1 y conllevan unos objetivos en base a la lectura musical de las partituras ""facilitadas"" correspondientes a cada una de las canciones. De esta forma, el alumnado, aparte de aprender a leer partituras, podr interpretar los siguientes temas a partir de la SECCIN III: Oda a la Alegra, Cumpleaos feliz, Noche de Paz, Mademoiselle de Paris, Vals de las velas, Qu ser... ser, Cielito lindo, Las maanitas, Oh, Danny Boy, El Rey, Soledo, Jingle Bells, Something Stupid, La media vuelta y Vereda Tropical.En la Clase 62, se exponen todas las partituras del curso para que el alumnado, a travs de ""impresiones de pantalla"", pueda extraer las partituras e imprimirlas en una impresora o fotocopiarlas para que no sea indispensable estudiar siempre a travs del ordenador o iPad."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Teora Para Guitarra" |
"42 Videos divididos por Secciones, que te ayudarn a tocar mejor y conocer la guitarra. As cuando ests compartiendo con otras amigas y amigos aficionados que tambin toquen algn instrumento, probablemente t seas la persona que ms sabe de msica entre los presentes. O si te encuentras en compaa de msicos profesionales, no te quedars atrs cuando hablen de materia musical. El Curso est estructurado de manera que cada Seccin se complementa paso a paso hasta el final. CONTENIDOS DEL CURSO TEORA PARA GUITARRACaptulo 1: Teora de las notas musicales8 Videos en los cuales aprenders a reconocer o encontrar RPIDO cualquier nota, en cualquier cuerda, en cualquier traste (sin memorizar).Captulo 2: Teora de los Acordes de Guitarra5 Videos en los que aprenders porqu los acordes tienen nombres extraos o nmeros y smbolos. Qu significan y cmo aplicar tu conocimiento para construir o buscar cualquier acorde que necesites.Captulo 3: Intervalos8 Videos en los que aprenders cules son las distancias entre las distintas notas musicales y cmo eso afecta el nombre y el tono. Quienes saben de Intervalos, tienen MUCHA MAS CAPACIDAD de sacar canciones (en msica el trmino sacar se refiere a adivinar o encontrar la escala o acordes de una cancin, usando tu odo musical y tu conocimiento terico).Captulo 4: Rtmica6 Videos para descubrir este interesante tema.Resulta que la MAYORA de msicos aficionados y PROFESIONALES, tienen grandes fallas al llevar el ritmo con precisin.En este captulo mediars qu tan impreciso es tu ritmo y cmo corregirlo.Captulo 5: Partituras10 Videos en los que aprenders todo lo bsico para leer Partituras de Guitarra. Simbologa y significados, como aplicarlos o traducirlos e interpretarlos. Un resumen especial para ahorrarte meses de estudio innecesario, de excesiva cantidad de material que te ensearan en una Academia y que NO vas a necesitar para tocar guitarra.Captulo 6: Cmo Transportar5 Videos. Transportar es una de las habilidades que MS necesitan los guitarristas. Pero no la usan porque probablemente NO SABEN QUE EXISTE. O no saben cmo aplicarla.Transportar es la habilidad de cambiar el Tono a las canciones, melodas o escalas para que se ajusten a TU TONO de voz o se ajusten mejor a tu instrumento.Quienes no saben transportar, cantan la cancin en su tonalidad original, forzndose un poco o demasiado pues talvez la tonalidad original tiene un rango muy alto o muy bajo para ti.Aprender cmo transportar, ser tu ventana hacia adaptar cualquiera de tus canciones favoritas, a tu tono de voz."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Entrena Tu Mente: Aumenta tus Capacidades Cerebrales." |
"Bienvenidos al ms completo entrenamiento cerebral. Bienvenidos al curso Entrena tu Mente.El Cerebro es el centro del sistema nervioso humano. Gobierna los pensamientos, los sentimientos y los movimientos, filtra y prioriza la informacin que el entorno bombardea a nuestros sentidos, an cuando dormimos. Controla las funciones anatmicas del cuerpo, como tragar, respirar, sudar e incluso el ritmo cardaco. Modifica todo el tiempo nuestros recuerdos para mejorar nuestra capacidad de tomar decisiones y, ya desde la infancia ms temprana, nos permite desarrollar la auto-conciencia, que nos hace seres humanos nicos.La vida moldea nuestro cerebro. Desde que nacemos comenzamos a desarrollar y ajustar la red de conexiones, el patrn de asociaciones que une la herencia gentica con la experiencia de vida que nos trajo a este momento, a este preciso instante.El cerebro es muy flexible: tiene la capacidad de seguir desarrollndose a lo largo de toda nuestra vida. La re-estructuracin funcional de las clulas cerebrales implica que nunca es tarde para aprender informacin nueva, cambiar los procesos de pensamiento y mejorar el poder del cerebro.Este Curso es un sistema de gimnasia mental, un entrenamiento cerebral, compuesto de una amplia variedad de acertijos rompecabezas preguntas y desafos diseados para realizar diferentes tareas mentales con el cerebro y proporcionar un entrenamiento especfico. Las reas objetivo son la comprensin, la resolucin de problemas, el lenguaje, la percepcin visual y la creatividad.Est comprobado que realizar un entrenamiento cerebral durante la infancia y la madurez reduce el declive cognitivo durante la vejez.Puedes realizar este curso de principio a fin o adentrarte en la seccin que ms te interese. La mayora de los temas son independientes, si bien algunos remiten a conceptos de secciones anteriores. Lo importante es que efectes este entrenamiento cerebral.Realiza todas las clases con sus correspondientes ejercicios y aumenta tu productividad desde Hoy mismo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Recomendaciones para mejorar tus ingresos" |
"En este curso conocers conceptos bsicos de libertad financiera, que podrs poner en prctica de inmediato.Es conocido por todos que no se nos ensea los conceptos bsicos para incrementar nuestros ingresos, este curso te proporciona ideas clave para entenderlos.Con ejemplos simples y conceptos breves, podrs conocer lo bsico de la libertad financiera."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"A Course In Miracles" |
"A Course In Miracles will help you find the miracles that you are expecting but have never actually enjoyed personally. New Scientific evidence shows that In this universe miracles happen all the time at a dizzying pace. The only problem is that we're not trained to see them nor how to take advantage of them. This course shows you how to reach out into a new dimension and take what is rightfully yours. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Servicio Tcnico y Soporte de Computadoras" |
"Cada vez ms la informtica y los Sistemas operativos son ms tilizados en el mundo y cada vez son ms las personas que como t desean aprender de el y ms si es en muy corto tiempo.Seamos honestos; Los libros tcnicos son aburridos, y muchas veces puedes tardar horas buscando en internet lo que verdaderamente te interesa. Claro, podras aprender como trabajar de alguna enciclopedia de larga duracin, pero por qu perder todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo? El sistema de entrega de contenido de videos de Udemy te permitir operar t propia computadora en solo horas!Si deseas aumentar tus habilidades de TI o aprender ms de este sistema, este curso es un gran lugar para empezar. Cada vez ms empresas alrededor del mundo estn utilizando computadores en sus operaciones cotidianas. Por lo tanto, no te puedes dar el lujo de quedarte atrs!Todas las actualizaciones del curso son 100% GRATIS. Inscribete en este curso una vez y lo poseeras para toda la vida. No slo eso, sino que tambin obtendr acceso de por vida para m como t instructor personal. Tienes alguna pregunta? Solo pregunta! T, como mi estudiante, siempre seras mi prioridad # 1.Espera, sigues leyendo esto ? Entonces este curso es para ti que deseas comenzar hoy mismo.Te espero!Beny"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Agile Certified Practitioner PMI-ACP - Exam Simulator-II" |
"Are you ready to pass the PMI-ACP certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this practice exam course. Each of the 6 full practice tests (120Q / 3hrs each ) in this set provide an entire exams worth of 720 Different questions, Divided By Domains , enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to pass your PMI-ACP exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam. Are you ready to prep for your future?The course cover the 7 PMI-ACP domains :Domain 1: Agile Principles and MindsetDomain 2: Value-Driven DeliveryDomain 3: Stakeholder EngagementDomain 4: Team PerformanceDomain 5: Adaptive PlanningDomain 6: Problem Detection and ResolutionDomain 7: Continuous ImprovementIncluding the following values and methodologies :Agile values,principles and MindsetScrumExtreme Programming XPLean/kanbanBeside Risk Management , Interpersonal Skills , PM ethics , ... etcInstructions:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.NB. Copying the course contents is permitted for any educational or commercial purpose. We look forward to receiving your suggestions and remarks for exam simulator's improvement and development.Mohamed Gouda, SFC, PMI-ACP , PMP edu.Projects Management"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Basic to Advance Level" |
" In this Excel, A 2 Z - An In-depth video course, Nurture Tech Academy introduces you to the simplest and logical way to understand Excel environment in detail. In this Excel training course, you will learn by watching the author actually perform the operation he is instructing on, as he explains step by step how to perform these functions. The training starts with Excel Introduction and its interface, how to write a Formula in Excel and starts with basic formulas like Sum and Count then gradually move to the complex one like IF, IF with And, IF with OR, Nested IF. Then it will cover the whole Lookup Functionality. Financial Functions will be covered thereafter with Date & Time Functions. It will also cover the basics of Excel Charts, types of charts in Excel (e.g. Column, Bar, Line, Pie, Pie of Pie, Bar of Pie, Area, bubble chart etc.) Data Validation, What-if Analysis, Solver Add-in covers afterwards. Then we will see step by step how to record a Macro. Then it will show you how to use show developer tab, ways to record a Macro, record a Macro, use Relative Reference, Create a Monthly Report Macro, assign a Macro to a shape, how to edit or delete a Macro and finally what are the security settings of a Macro. By the completion of this online training course, you will be fully versed, and capable of using most of the Formulas & Functions in Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/Office 365 in a Commercial Environment. "
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learn 11 tunes on harmonica in 1 hour without reading music!" |
"Yes this 'new' system teaches you how to play tunes on harmonica without reading music or tab - without reading anything.It's very simple to understand and you will learn a huge amount of tunes in a short space of time without seeing anything written.No tab, no written music, no symbols - just Ben's hands giving instructions.You will see from Ben's fingers which hole to play and whether to breathe in or out.It's a system Ben has tried and tested over many years in schools but will be new to you. He uses this system to teach people who don't read or speak English. Please watch the first ten minutes free to see if you like the idea."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"VSD - Functional Verification Using Embedded-UVM - Part 2" |
"Another course, ""hand-crafted"" for anyone and everyone, who want to move from back-end to front-end OR for people just curious to know and learn, what exactly happens in field of VLSI verification. The reason its ""hand-crafted"" is because it starts from very basics and in coming parts of this course, things will slowly move towards advanced level UVM.Another reason for this course to be ""hand-crafted"" is due to the open-source tool used to cover labs introduced in this course. This is Part - 2 in the ""Verification Series"" and focused on Object-Oriented ProgrammingAbout Embedded-UVM:Embedded UVM is an opensource implementation of IEEE 1800.2 standard of Universal Verification Methodology. In this webinar, we take a dive into Embedded UVM and its use cases as a platform for Functional Verification and SoC-FPGA based Emulation.About Speaker:Puneet Goel is a 1994 graduate in Electronics from Punjab Engineering College. He has 24 years of experience in the VLSI industry where he worked for STMicro, Motorola, Texas Instruments and TranSwitch. For the past 8 years, he has been working for Coverify Systems Technology, where he provides verification services and works on creating viable opensource solutions for chip verification. Puneet is the main developer of Embedded UVM."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Make Best-Selling Fan Art" |
"For the first time, artists can sell fan art legally through a variety of partnership programs. Let's make some fan art that fans will love!What is in this course?In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of these programs, how to make art that people want to buy, and I will also show you 5 different techniques in Photoshop and Illustrator you can use to make high-quality fan art quickly and easily.I'll even show you how to get the elements you need to make the fan art, including creating your own vector of a character from a screenshot.Why fan art?Fan art has an established audience and market, meaning you have a very high chance to make sales. Over the two weeks we spent filming and editing this course, I had a single fan art design make over $100 USD on Redbubble. While that number is not typical, it's not farfetched, and the design (below) I made in this course (""Easy Fan Art Ideas 5"" lesson) has already gotten sales in the first week.If you aren't in it for the money, fan art gives you a chance to combine your creativity with your favorite characters.It's a lot of fun, and the results are pretty cool. Press that play button and I'll see you inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Meteorology 101 Part 2" |
"Did you know that weather affects us all everyday of the year? Would you like to become more aware of the weather terms and systems that real meteorologists use on television? This course will help give you the tools you need to understand weather and its general effects on our lives. We will learn about the basics of hurricane and tornado formation, explore broadcast meteorology RADAR, and learn about various weather terminology and systems that affect our daily lives. You will use real tools that broadcast weather presenters use such as the RADARSCOPE application and storm track applications.You will experience the process behind hurricane formation and learn what makes them so special yet dangerous. You will grow in your knowledge of weather terminology by discovering fronts, weather systems, and learning about special features and scales you might see used on programs like the Weather Channel. Have you always wondered how weather works in the real world? Do you wish for a practical meteorology guide lesson to help you with the basis for success in any class? Take this course as we learn together the basics of forecasting and some weather terminology you will need to succeed in weather forecasting."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel (Office 365) Tudo o que um iniciante precisa saber" |
"Neste curso de Excel (Office 365) voc vai aprender na prtica de uma maneira simples e descomplicada tudo o que um iniciante precisa saber para utilizar os principais recursos do Excel (aqueles que voc realmente precisa no dia a dia).O Professor Denilson Bonatti utiliza uma didtica simples, passo a passo, com exemplos reais (sem modelos complicados, com funes que dificilmente voc ir utilizar).Voc aprender ferramentas para realizar clculos simples aos mais complexos, realizar somas automaticamente, calcular datas e horas, fazer grficos, imprimir planilhas, classificar, fazer subtotais, utilizar o OneDrive e muito mais.Este curso ideal para quem nunca teve contato com o Excel e para aqueles que tm pouco pouca experincia com o software e deseja melhorar os seus conhecimentos."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
embedded-software-concepts |
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Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Learn Vedic Astrology Part 5" |
"This course dives deep into the psychology of grahas that reveal our ""Samskaras"" (engrained perceptions) and deep belief systems relative to how we perceive ""Love Matters"". This course is NOT going to tell you when you will be married because that involves a study of Gochara (Transits) and the D-9 Navamsha (the 9th Harmonic Subdivisional chart). If you would like to be in a better position to analyze your clients, family, or friends when they are already in, or struggling in an existing relationship (or single and just want to get to know yourself better), then this course if for you. You will gain incredible insights into the 'workings of the mind' all relative to relationship matters."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Interrupt: Step by Step Guide with Practical Example" |
"Interrupts is a mechanism by which an I/O or instruction can suspend the conventional execution of the processor and gets itself serviced by assigning the interrupt a higher priority.You will Learn differing types of Arduino Interrupts, and the way to use software and hardware interrupts. As you already Arduino is a Professional device that's easy-to-use in both hardware and software. it has numerous potentials in it, that it's really wired how people are just using it for basic stuff using traditional and basics techniques.Welcome to this new course.This course is devoted to moving you to succeeding level, teaching you professional and advanced Interrupt techniques which will assist you to build complex systems with less code and even less effort.Be professional, be creative, and be innovative using Arduino Interrupt.This course is meant to introduce Arduino Interrupt hardware and Advance programming techniques to urge you to start on complex multi-functional projects as soon as possible.Interrupts make it possible to make applications that will answer an external stimulus in real-time. An interrupt is essentially an occasion that needs the microcontroller to prevent normal program execution then to leap to execute a program code associated with the event causing the interruptContents and Overview This course is meant for anyone curious about learning advanced Arduino Programming Techniques. No experience is required, and everything you need is Arduino."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Analysis Competencies: Professional Effectiveness" |
"The Business Analysis Competencies: Professional Effectiveness (IIBA - ECBA) is the 13th course of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes a total of 14 courses. This course is the second of the series on business analysis competencies. This course covers behavioral characteristics such as personal accountability, trustworthiness, adaptability, and organization and time management. We'll also look at various areas of business knowledge that are important to business analysis. Finally, we'll talk about some of the tools and technology that business analysts use on the job.Behavioral Characteristics1. Ethical Behavior2. Personal Accountability3. Trustworthiness4. Adaptability5. Organization and Time Management6. Exercise: Behavioral Core CompetenciesBusiness Knowledge1. Business Acumen2. Industry Knowledge3. Organization, Methodology, and Solution Knowledge 4. Exercise: Business Knowledge CompetenciesTools and Technology Competencies1. Office Productivity Tools and Technology2. Business Analysis Tools and Technology3. Communication Tools and Technology4. Exercise: Using BA Tools and TechnologiesYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |